Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1987 CHAPTER 255-H.F.No. 813 An act relating to bicycles; requiring bicycles using a shoulder of a roadway to ride in the same direction as adjacent vehicular traffic; redefining the term roadway; defining the term shoulder; allowing designation of bikeways by resolution or ordinance; adopting additional definitions of bicycle terms; amending Minnesota Statutes 1986, sections 85.016; 160.02, by adding a subdivision; 160.263, subdivisions 2 and 3; 160.264; 160.265; 169.01, subdivisions 31 and 62, and by adding subdivisions; and 169.222, subdivision 4; repealing Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 160.263, subdivision 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 85.016, is amended to read: 85.016 [BICYCLE TRAIL PROGRAM.] The commissioner of natural resources shall establish a program for the development of bicycle trails utilizing the state trails authorized by section 85.015, other state parks and recreation land, and state forests. "Bicycletrailstrail", as used in this section,includes bicycle lanes and bicycle ways asthose terms are used in sections 160.263 and 160.264has the meaning given in section 169.01. The program shall be coordinated with the local park trail grant program established by the commissioner of energy and economic development pursuant to section 116J.406, with thebicycle trailbikeway program established by the commissioner of transportation pursuant to section 160.265, and with existing and proposed localbicycletrailsbikeways. In the metropolitan area as defined in section 473.121, the program shall be developed in accordance with plans and priorities established by the metropolitan council. The commissioner shall provide technical assistance to local units of government in planning and developing bicycle trails in local parks. The bicycle trail program shall, as a minimum, describe the location, design, construction, maintenance and land acquisition needs of each component trail and shall give due consideration to the model standards for the establishment of recreational vehicle lanes promulgated by the commissioner of transportation pursuant to section 160.262. The program shall be developed after consultation with the state trail council and regional and local units of government andbicyclistsbicyclist organizations. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 160.02, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 15. [ROADWAY; BICYCLE LANE; BICYCLE ROUTE; BICYCLE PATH; BIKEWAYS.] The terms "roadway," "bicycle lane," "bicycle route," "bicycle path," and "bikeway" have the meanings given in section 169.01. Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 160.263, subdivision 2, is amended to read: Subd. 2. [POWERS OF POLITICAL SUBDIVISIONS.] The governing body of any political subdivision may by ordinance or resolution: (a) Designate any roadway or shoulder or portion thereof under its jurisdiction as a bicycle lane or bicycle route. (b) Designate any sidewalk or portion thereof under its jurisdiction as a bicyclewaypath provided that the designation does not destroy a pedestrian way or pedestrian access. (c) Develop and designate bicycle paths. (d) Designate as bikeways all bicycle lanes, bicycle routes, and bicycle paths. Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 160.263, subdivision 3, is amended to read: Subd. 3. [DESIGNATIONOF LANE.] A governing body designating asidewalk or portion thereof as a bicycle way, or ahighway or portion thereof as a bicycle lanebikeway under this section may:(a)(1) Designate the type and character of vehicles or other modes of travel which may be operated on abicycle lane orbicycle waybikeway, provided that the operation of such vehicle or other mode of travel is not inconsistent with the safe use and enjoyment of thebicycle lane or bicycle waybikeway by bicycle traffic.;(b)(2) Establish priority of right-of-way on the bicycle lane or bicyclewaypath and otherwise regulate the use ofthebicycle lane or bicycle waybikeways as it deems necessary.; and(c)(3) Paint lines or construct curbs or establish other physical separations to exclude the use of thebicycle lane orbicycle waybikeways by vehicles other than those specifically permitted to operate thereon. The designating governing body may, after public hearing, prohibit through traffic on any highway or portion thereof designated as a bicycle lane or bicycle route, except that through traffic may not be prohibited on a trunk highway. The designating governing body shall erect and maintain official signs giving notice of the regulations and priorities established under this subdivision, and shall mark allbicyclelanes and bicycle waysbikeways with appropriate signs. Marking and signing of bikeways by the designating governing body shall be in conformance with the Minnesota Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 160.264, is amended to read: 160.264 [REPLACEMENT OFBICYCLEBIKEWAYS AND PEDESTRIAN WAYS.] Whenever an existingbicycle lane, bicycle waybikeway, pedestrian way, or roadway used by bicycles or pedestrians or the sole access to such is destroyed by any new, reconstructed or relocated federal, state or local highway, the road authority responsible shall replace the destroyed facility or access with a comparable facility or access. Replacement is not required where it would be contrary to public safety or when sparsity of population, other available ways or other factors indicate an absence of need for such facility or access. Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 160.265, is amended to read: 160.265 [BICYCLE TRAILBIKEWAY PROGRAM.] Subdivision 1. [STATEBICYCLE TRAILSBIKEWAYS.] The commissioner of transportation shall establish a program for the development ofbicycle trailsbikeways primarily on existing road rights-of-way."Bicycle trails," as used in this section,includes bicycle lanes and bicycle ways as those terms are usedin sections 160.263 and 160.264.The program shall include a system ofbicycle trailsbikeways to be established, developed, maintained, and operated by the commissioner of transportation and a system of state grants for the development of localbicycle trailsbikeways primarily on existing road rights of way. The program shall be coordinated with the local park trail grant program established by the commissioner of energy and economic development pursuant to section 116J.406, with the bicycle trail program established by the commissioner of natural resources pursuant to section 85.016, with the development of the statewide transportation plan pursuant to section 174.03, and with existing and proposed localbicycle trailsbikeways. In the metropolitan area as defined in section 473.121, the program shall be developed in accordance with plans and priorities established by the metropolitan council. The program shall be developed after consultation with the state trail council, local units of government, and bicyclist organizations. The program shall be administered in accordance with the provisions of sections 160.262 to 160.264 and standards promulgated pursuant thereto. The commissioner shall compile and maintain a current registry ofbicycle trailsbikeways in the state and shall publish and distribute the information contained in the registry in a form and manner suitable to assist persons wishing to use thetrailsbikeways. The metropolitan council, the commissioner of natural resources, the commissioner of energy and economic development, the Minnesota historical society, and local units of government shall cooperate with and assist the commissioner of transportation in preparing the registry. The commissioner shall have all powers necessary and convenient to establish the program pursuant to this section including but not limited to the authority to adopt rules pursuant to chapter 14. Subd. 2. [LOCALBICYCLE TRAILBIKEWAY GRANTS.] The commissioner shall provide technical assistance to local units of government in planning and developingbicycle trailsbikeways. The commissioner shall make grants to units of government as defined in section 116J.406, subdivision 1, for the betterment of public land and improvements needed for localbicycle trailsbikeways. In making grants the commissioner shall consider, among other factors, the number of bicycles in the localities. A grant shall not exceed 75 percent of the costs of the betterment of thebicycle trailbikeway. To be eligible for a grant, a unit of government must provide at least 25 percent of the costs of the betterment of thetrailbikeway. The commissioner may adopt emergency rules pursuant to sections 14.05 to 14.36 to commence the grant program immediately. Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 169.01, subdivision 31, is amended to read: Subd. 31. [ROADWAY.] "Roadway" means that portion of a highway improved, designed, or ordinarily used for vehicular travel, exclusive of the sidewalk or shouldereven though suchsidewalk or shoulder is used by persons riding bicycles or otherhuman powered vehicles. In the event a highway includes two or more separate roadways the term "roadway" as used herein shall refer to any such roadway separately but not to all such roadways collectively. Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 169.01, subdivision 62, is amended to read: Subd. 62. [BICYCLELANES AND WAYSROUTE.] Thetermsterm "bicyclelaneroute"and "bicycle way" shall have the meaningsascribed to them in section 160.263means a roadway or shoulder signed to encourage bicycle use. Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 169.01, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 69. [BICYCLE PATH.] "Bicycle path" means a bicycle facility designed for exclusive or preferential use by persons using bicycles and constructed or developed separately from the roadway or shoulder. Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 169.01, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 70. [BICYCLE LANE.] "Bicycle lane" means a portion of a roadway or shoulder designed for exclusive or preferential use by persons using bicycles. Bicycle lanes are to be distinguished from the portion of the roadway or shoulder used for motor vehicle traffic by physical barrier, striping, marking, or other similar device. Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 169.01, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 71. [BICYCLE TRAIL.] "Bicycle trail" means a bicycle route or bicycle path developed by the commissioner of natural resources under section 85.016. Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 169.01, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 72. [BIKEWAY.] "Bikeway" means a bicycle lane, bicycle path, or bicycle route, regardless of whether it is designed for the exclusive use of bicycles or is to be shared with other transportation modes. Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 169.01, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 73. [SHOULDER.] "Shoulder" means that part of a highway which is contiguous to the regularly traveled portion of the highway and is on the same level as the highway. The shoulder may be pavement, gravel, or earth. Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 169.222, subdivision 4, is amended to read: Subd. 4. [RIDING ON ROADWAYS OR SHOULDERS.] (a) Every person operating a bicycle upon a roadway shall ride as close as practicable to the right-hand curb or edge of the roadway except under any of the following situations: (i) When overtaking and passing another vehicle proceeding in the same direction. (ii) When preparing for a left turn at an intersection or into a private road or driveway. (iii) When reasonably necessary to avoid conditions, including fixed or moving objects, vehicles, pedestrians, animals, surface hazards, or narrow width lanes, that make it unsafe to continue along the right-hand curb or edge. (b) If a bicycle is traveling on a shoulder of a roadway, the bicycle shall travel in the same direction as adjacent vehicular traffic. (c) Persons riding bicycles upon a roadway or shoulder shall not ride more than two abreast and shall not impede the normal and reasonable movement of traffic and, on a laned roadway, shall ride within a single lane.(c)(d) A person operating a bicycle upon a sidewalk, or across a roadway or shoulder on a crosswalk, shall yield the right-of-way to any pedestrian and shall give an audible signal when necessary before overtaking and passing any pedestrian. No person shall ride a bicycle upon a sidewalk within a business district unless permitted by local authorities. Local authorities may prohibit the operation of bicycles on any sidewalk or crosswalk under their jurisdiction. A person lawfully operating a bicycle on a sidewalk, or across a roadway or shoulder on a crosswalk, shall have all the rights and duties applicable to a pedestrian under the same circumstances. Sec. 15. [REPEALER.] Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 160.263, subdivision 1, is repealed. Approved May 27, 1987
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes