Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1987 CHAPTER 229-H.F.No. 1197 An act relating to statutes; revising the text of certain laws to remove redundant and obsolete language, to simplify grammar and syntax, and to improve the style of language without causing changes in the meaning of the laws; amending Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapters 84A; 105; 112; 274; 276; 352; 352B; 365; 430; and 447. REVISOR'S BILL BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: ARTICLE 1 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 84A, is amended to read:RED LAKE GAME PRESERVE 84A.01 [RED LAKE GAME PRESERVE.] There is created a state wildlife preserve and hunting ground to be known as the Red Lake game preserve. It is created for the purpose of vesting and revesting the state with title to lands in the area hereinafter described whichthat are suitable primarily for state use and development for the purpose of preserving, protecting, propagating, and breeding wildlife of all suitable kinds, including all species of game and fish and fur-bearing animals and birds of rare and useful species, and for the development of forests and prevention of forest fires, and the preservation and development of rare and distinctive plant speciesof floranative insuchthe area, there ishereby located, established, and created a state wild lifepreserve and hunting ground comprising. It includes all lands and waters in Lake of the Woods county lying south of Rainy river, and south of Lake of the Woods, and all full and fractional townships in Beltrami county lying north of the north line of township 151, excludingall ofthe lands and waterslyingwithin Red Lake Indian reservation, and including. It alsoall thatincludes the part of Koochiching county lying west and northwesterly of the followingdescribedline: Beginning at a point where the range line between ranges 26 and 27 west of the fifth principal meridian intersects the southerly bank of Rainy River; thence south on this range line to the point formed by the intersection of this range line with the easterly boundary line of the original Red Lake Indian reservation; thence southwesterly along the easterly boundary line of the original Red Lake Indian reservation to a point formed by the intersection ofsuchthe boundary line with the range line between ranges 29 and 30 west of the fifth principal meridian; to be known as the Red Lake game preserve, sometimescalled "preserve and hunting ground."84A.02 [MANAGEMENTDEPARTMENT TO MANAGE PRESERVE.] The department of natural resources shall manage and control the Red Lake game preserveshall be under the managementand control of the department, which shall have, and it ishereby given, full power and authority to make, establish,promulgate, and enforce all necessary. The department may adopt and enforce rules, not inconsistent with the laws of the state,for the care, preservation, protection, breeding, propagation, and disposition ofany andall species of wildlifetherein andin the preserve. The department may adopt and enforce rules for the regulation, issuance, sale, and revocation of special licenses or special permits for hunting, fishing, camping, and other uses of this area,not inconsistentconsistent withtheterms ofsections 84A.01 to 84A.11or other laws of the statenow or hereafter applicable thereto. The departmentshall havepower and authority,may bymeans of rules, to declarerule, set the termsand, conditionsof, and charges for these licenses and permitsand the charges to be made therefor.TheseThe rules may specify and control the terms underandbywhich wildlife may be taken, captured, or killedthereinin the preserve, and underand bywhich fur-bearing animals, or animals and fish otherwise having commercial value, may be taken, captured, trapped, killed, sold, and removedtherefromfrom it. These rules may also provide for (1) the afforestation and reforestation of state landsnow or hereafter owned by thestateinthis gamethe preserveand hunting grounds,and for(2) the sale of merchantable timber from these lands whenandwhere, in the opinion of the department,the sameit can be sold and removed without damage or injury to the further use and development of the land fora habitat ofwildlife and game inthis gamethe preserveand hunting ground, andfor(3) the purposes for whichthisthe preserveand hunting groundis established by sections 84A.01 to 84A.11. The department may provide for the policing ofthisthe preserveand hunting ground in such mannerasmay be needfulnecessary fortheits proper development and useof the preserveand hunting groundfor the purposes specified, and all. Supervisors, guards, custodians, and caretakers assigned to duty inthisthe preserveand hunting ground shallhaveand possesstheauthority andpowers of peace officers while in their employment. The department shall alsomake and enforce suchadopt and enforce rules, not inconsistent with the laws of the state,concerning the burning of grass, timber slashings, and otherinflammableflammable matter, and the clearing, development, and use of lands inthisthe preserveand huntinggroundasmay benecessaryand advisableto preventdestructiveforest fires and grass fireswhichthat would injure the use and development of this area forthewildlife preservation and propagationof wild life therein,andfor the proper protectionof theto protect its forest and wooded areasthereof.AllLands withinthe boundaries of thisthe preserveandhunting ground shall beare subject tosuchthe rules, whether owned by the state or privately, consistent with the rights of the private owners and withthe laws of thisapplicable statenow or hereafter applicable theretolaw.By suchThe rulestheremaybe establishedestablish areas and zones withinthisthe preserveand hunting groundwhere hunting, fishing, trapping, or campingmay beis prohibited or specially regulated,for the purpose of protectionto protect andpropagation ofpropagate particular wildlifethereinin the preserve.AllRules adoptedand promulgatedunderthe provisions ofsections 84A.01 to 84A.11shallmust be publishedin the mannernowas required bylaw under the provisions ofsection 97A.051,andshall be, in addition thereto,posted on the boundaries ofthisthe preserveand hunting ground. 84A.03 [RED LAKE GAME PRESERVE FUND.] The Red Lake game preserve fund is created. The following funds must be paid into the state treasury and credited to the fund and are annually appropriated for the purposes of sections 84A.01 to 84A.11: (1) the proceeds ofallcertificates of indebtedness issued underthe provisions ofsections 84A.01 to 84A.11, all moneys; (2) money received from redemption, asthereinprovided in those sections,all moneys; (3) money received as gifts to the state for thepurpose ofcare, preservation, improvement, and maintenance ofthisthe preserveand hunting ground, and all; (4) incomewhich may be receivedfrom the operation, development, management, and use ofthisthe preserveandhunting ground, includingsuchfeesas may be receivedforsuchlicenses and permits, all; (5) incomewhich may be receivedfrom the sale of birds, animals, fish, andflora therefromplants from the preserve, and from the sale of lands and timberthereonowned by the state withinsuchthe area, other than university, school, and swamp lands, state forest lands set apartpursuant tounder the Minnesota Constitutionof the state of Minnesota, article XI, section 11, and state lands acquired under the system of rural credit,; andall(6) state moneyof the state which may hereafter betransferredtheretoto the preserve underanystate lawof thestate, shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to theRed Lake game preserve fund, which is hereby created, and thesame are hereby annually appropriated for the purposes ofsections 84A.01 to 84A.11. 84A.04 [COUNTY AUDITOR TO MAKE LIST OF LANDS.] Subdivision 1. [1929 REPORT.] The auditor of each countyin whichcontaining a portion ofthisthe preserveand huntingground is situatedshall certify to the commissioner of natural resources a list ofallthe lands within the boundaries of the preserveand hunting ground, except landslyingwithin the boundaries ofanyan incorporated city,whichthat have been bid in for the state at the delinquent tax sale held inthe year1928 for the nonpayment of taxes or special drainage assessments and not redeemed or assigned to an actual purchaser, which. The certificateshallmust containthe following information: (1) the legal description of each parcel ofsuchlands; (2) the amount of principal and interest of delinquent drainage assessments, if any, or assessment installmentsthereof,for all yearsprior tobefore the date ofsuchthe report, against eachsuchparcel of land; and (3) the amount of drainage assessmentsthereofassessed against eachsuchparcel of landwhichthat have been or are to be extendeduponon the county tax rollsof such countyfor collection with the taxes forthe year1927 andsubsequentlater years. Subd. 2. [ANNUAL REPORTS.] On or before Junefifteenth,15 of each yearthereafter, suchafter the report, the county auditor shall certify to the commissioner of natural resources a supplemental report giving the information contained in the original report coveringsuchthe lands withinthisthe preserveand hunting groundbid in for the state at the annual tax sale of that year and not included in the previous report. Subd. 3. [REPORTS OF LAND REDEMPTIONS.] When redemption is made of any parcel ofsuchland within the preserveand huntingground whichthat has been bid in for the state at any tax sale for taxesheretoforelevied before April 19, 1929, or when the tax liens onsuchthe land are assigned to an actual purchaser, the county auditor shall reportthe same forthwiththe fact to the commissioner of natural resources, and the county treasurer shalltransmit forthwithsend the proceeds ofsuchredemption to the state treasurer. Subd. 4. [DRAINAGE DITCH BONDS; REPORTS.] (a) After each distributionhas been madeof the tax collections on the June and November tax settlements,suchthe county auditor shall certify to the commissioner of natural resources the following information relating to bonds issued to finance or refinance public drainage ditcheslyingwholly or partly withinthisthe preserveand hunting groundand the collection of assessments levied on account ofsuchthe ditches: (1) the amount of principal and interest to become due onsuchthe bondsprior tobefore the nextensuingtax settlement and distribution; (2) the amount of money collected fromsuchthe drainage assessments and credited to the funds of these ditches; and (3) the amount of the deficit in the ditch fund of the county chargeable tosuchthe ditches. (b)Upon the approval ofOn approving this certificateby, the commissioner of natural resources, the commissionershall draw a warrant or warrants on the state treasurer, payable out of the Red Lake game preserve fund, for the amount of the deficit in favor ofsuchthe county. (c) As toallpublic drainage ditcheswhich liewholly withinthisthe preserveand hunting ground, themaximumamountof money which shall bepaid to or for the benefit ofsuchthe county, in the manner above provided, shallunder paragraph (b) must never exceed the principal and interest of the bonds issued to finance and refinancesuchthe ditches outstandingat thetime of the passage and approval of sections 84A.01 to84A.11after April 19, 1929, less money on hand in the county ditch fund to the credit ofsuchthe ditches, and such. The liability shall be reduced, from time to time, by the amount ofany andall payments of assessmentshereafterextended after April 19, 1929, made by the owners of landsheretoforeassessed before that date for benefits on account ofsuchthe ditches. (d) As toallpublic drainage ditcheswhich liepartly within and partlywithout the boundaries of thisoutside the preserveand hunting ground, themaximumamountwhich shall bepaid to or for the benefit ofsuchthe countyshallmust never exceedthea certain percentage of bonds issued to finance and refinancesuchthe ditches so outstanding, less money on hand in the county ditch fund to the credit ofsuchthe ditchesat thetime of the passage and approval of sections 84A.01 to 84A.11,which bearsafter April 19, 1929. This percentage must bear the same proportion to the whole amount ofsuchthe bonds as the original benefits assessed against lands within thegamepreserve bear to the original total benefits assessed to the entire system ofsuchditches, and such. The liability shall be reduced, from time to time, by the payments of all assessmentshereafterextended after April 19, 1929, made by the owners of lands inthisthe preserveand hunting ground, of assessments for benefitsheretoforeassessed before April 19, 1929, on account ofany suchthe ditch. (e) The commissioner of natural resourcesshall haveauthority tomay provide and prescribe the forms foranyreports required by sections 84A.01 to 84A.11,andtorequire anyfurther andadditional information fromanycounty officialsofthese counties whichthat the commissioner of financedeemsfinds necessary for the proper administration of sections 84A.01 to 84A.11. 84A.07 [TITLE TO LAND INPRESERVE LANDS TO BE HELD BY STATE.] The title toallparcels of landlyingwithinthisthe preserveand hunting ground, except landslyingwithin the boundaries of any incorporated city,which shall bethat are acquired by the state underthe provisions of section 280.13Laws 1927, chapter 119, as amended,shall beis held by the state, free from the trust in favor of the taxing districts specifiedtherein, and shallin that chapter. Title must be held and used, or disposed of, in accordance withthe provisionsof Laws 1929, chapter 258sections 84A.01 to 84A.11. 84A.08 [PRESERVE LANDS CLASSIFIED.]Upon receipt by the commissioner of finance ofOn receiving the reports of county auditor specified in section 84A.04, the commissioner of finance shall certify a copythereofof the report to the department, which. The department shall classifyall suchthe lands as to their suitability for agricultureor for, afforestation or reforestation, orforownership and use by the state for preserving, propagating, breeding, and hunting of wildlife of the kinds specified in section 84A.01, and. After the state acquires title toany suchthe landshas been acquired by the state, in the mannerprovided, such landsthey may be reclassified, from time totime.All suchLandswhich shallthat become the absolute property of the state underthe provisions ofsections 84A.01 to 84A.11, whichand have been classified as suitable for agriculture, and timber,from any lands so acquired,shall besubject to salemay be sold by the state, as provided by law. 84A.09 [GIFTS RECEIVED.] The departmentis hereby authorized and empowered tomay receive,forand in behalf ofthe state,andto make suitableacknowledgments of,acknowledge any gifts, bequests, devises, or grants of land or interests in lands inthisthe preserveandhunting ground, or of money or personal property of any kind,whichthat itmay deemconsiders suitable for use in connection with the operation, control, development, or use of the preserveand hunting ground. 84A.10 [EMINENT DOMAIN.] The department has the right of eminent domain in chapter 117. The departmentis hereby authorized and empowered tomay acquire, byexercise of the right ofeminent domain, which rightis hereby given it, to be exercised in the manner provided inchapter 117,or by purchase,anylands or interests in lands inthisthe preserveand hunting ground whichthat the departmentshall deemconsiders necessary for state ownership, use, or development for the purposes of sections 84A.01 to 84A.11. Nomoneysmoney shall be usedfor the purposes specified in thissectionto acquire the lands or interests untiland unlessthe departmentshall have determineddetermines thatsuch moneysthe money will not be required to meet the requisitions of the counties authorized under section 84A.04, or for payment of certificates of indebtedness and their interestthereon. [84A.101] [RULE VIOLATION; MISDEMEANOR.] Any person who, within the limits of the preserve, willfully violates a rule of the department, is guilty of a misdemeanor. 84A.11 [WHEN BONDS PAID IN PART BY COUNTIES.]AnyA countywhereincontaining a portion ofthisthe preserveand hunting ground is locatedmay voluntarily assume, in the manner specified in this section, the obligation to paythata portion of the principal and interest of the bonds,heretoforeissued before April 19, 1929, andwhich may remainremaining unpaid at maturity, of any school district or townsituatedin the county and wholly or partlylyingwithin the preserveand hunting ground, which. The portionbearsmust bear the same proportion to the whole ofsuchthe unpaid principal and interest as the 1928 assessed valuation of lands then acquired by the statepursuant tounder sections 84A.01 to 84A.11 insuchthat school district or town bears to the total 1928 assessed valuation ofsuchthe school district or town. This assumptionshallmust be evidenced by a resolution of the county boardof the county,. A copy ofwhich shallthe resolution must be certified to the commissioner of finance within one year after the passage of sections 84A.01 to 84A.11,and thereafter. After that time, if anyof thesebondsshallremain unpaid at maturity, the county board shall, upon demand of the governing body of the school district or town or ofthe holderof any such bondsa bondholder, provide for the payment of the portionthereof soassumed, and. The county board shall levy general taxes on all the taxable property of the countythereforfor that purpose, or shall issue its bonds to raisesuchthe sumas may beneeded conforming tothe provisions oflaw respecting the issuance of county refunding bonds. The proceeds of these taxes or bondsshallmust be paidoverby the county treasurer to the treasurers of the respective school districts or towns.In the event any suchIf a countyshall fail or neglect sofails to adopt and certify this resolution, the commissioner of finance shall withhold from the payments to be made to the county, underthe provisions ofsection 84A.04, a sum equal to that portion of the principal and interest of these outstanding bondswhichthat bears the same proportion to the wholethereofprincipal and interest as the 1928 assessed valuation of lands acquired by the state within the preserveand hunting groundbears to the total 1928 assessed valuation of the school district or town.Moneys soThe money withheldfrom the countyshallmust be set aside in the state treasury and not paid to the county until the full principal and interest of these school district and town bondsshall have beenis paid.In the event thatIf anysuchbonds remain unpaid at maturity, upon the demand of the governing body of the school district or town, orthe holder of any such bondsa bondholder, the commissioner of finance shall issue to the treasurer of the school district or town a warrant on the state treasurer for that portion of the past due principal and interest computed as in the case of the county liability authorized to be voluntarily assumed.AllMoney received byanya school district or townpursuant tounder this sectionshallmust be applied to the payment of these past due bonds and interest.Any person who, within the limits of this preserve andhunting ground, shall willfully violate or fail to comply withany rule of the department of natural resources adopted andpromulgated in accordance with the provisions of sections 84A.01to 84A.11 shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.REFORESTATION AREAS AND PROJECTS, 1931 84A.20 [ REFORESTATION AREAS TO BE SET OFFCOUNTY ACTION TO SET OFF AREAS.] Subdivision 1. [PURPOSES.] The powers in this section are granted for the purpose of: (1) vesting and revesting the state with title to lands suitable primarily for the development of forests and the prevention of forest fires, and for experimenting in and practically advancing afforestation and reforestation,or forthe purpose of; (2) impounding, controlling, and regulating the waters of meandered lakes and the flow of natural streams in the state, orfor either or any of such purposes,; orfor(3) otherpublicstate purposes,. Subd. 2. [COUNTY PROPOSAL TO STATE.] Under certain conditions, the board of county commissioners of any countywithin which such lands are located and in which onJanuary 1, 1931, the taxes on more than 35 percent of thetaxable land are delinquent and of which on January 1, 1931, thebonded ditch indebtedness, including accrued interest, equals orexceeds nine percent of the assessed valuation of the county,exclusive of money and credits,may by resolutionduly adoptedpropose to the stateof Minnesotathat one or more areas in the countycontaining this landbe taken over by the state for afforestation, reforestation, flood control projects, or otherpublicstate purposes,. The projects are to be managed, controlled, and used forthe development of forests and theprevention of forest fires, and for the purpose of experimentingin and practically advancing afforestation, reforestation, orfor the purpose of impounding, controlling, and regulating thewaters of meandered lakes and the flow of natural streams, orfor other public state purposes,the purposes in subdivision 1 on lands to be acquired by the state withinsuchthe projects, ashereinafterset forth in sections 84A.20 to 84A.30. The county board may propose this if (1) the county contains lands suitable for the purposes in subdivision 1, (2) on January 1, 1931, the taxes on more than 35 percent of the taxable land in the county are delinquent, (3) on January 1, 1931, the county's bonded ditch indebtedness, including accrued interest, equals or exceeds nine percent of the assessed valuation of the county, exclusive of money and credits.Each suchThe areashalltaken over must include landswhichthat have been assessed for all or part of the cost of the establishment and construction of public drainage ditches underthe laws of thisstate law, and on whichsuchthe assessments or installmentsthereofareoverdue,delinquent, andunpaid. Adulycertified copy ofeach such resolution ofthe countyboard shallboard's resolution must besubmitted to andfiled with the department and considered and acted upon by the department;. If approved by the department, itshallmust then be submitted to, considered, and acted upon by the executive counciland. If approved by the executive council, the propositionshallmust be formally accepted by the governor. Acceptanceshallmust be communicated in writing to and filed with the county auditorof the county. Subd. 3. [DEFINITIONS.] State landswhichthat have been sold as provided by law and for which certificates of sale have been issuedshall be consideredare taxable lands within the meaning of this sectionand,. If the taxes againstsuchthe lands or the interest of the purchaserthereinin them are delinquent,shall be considered lands on which the taxesthey are delinquent within the meaning ofthis sectionsubdivision 2 untilsuch time asthe title of the certificate holdershallhavehas been terminated by the commissioner in accordance withthe provisions ofsection 92.16. 84A.21 [DEPARTMENT TO MANAGEAREASPROJECTS.] The department shall manage and control eachof suchprojects soproject approved and acceptedshall be under themanagement and control of the department, which shall have andis hereby given full power and authority to make, establish,promulgate,under section 84A.20. The department may adopt and enforceall necessaryrulesnot inconsistent with the laws ofthe statefor thecare, preservation, protection, anddevelopment of forests and for experimenting in and practicallyadvancing afforestation and reforestation therein, andimpounding, controlling, and regulating the waters of meanderedlakes and the flow of natural streams, or for other public statepurposes, andpurposes in section 84A.20, subdivision 1, for the prevention of forest firesthereinin the projects, and for the sale of merchantable timber from lands so acquired by the statethereinwhenand where, in the opinion of the department, thesametimber may be sold and removed without damageor injuryto thepurposes of suchproject. These rules may relate to the care, preservation, protection, breeding, propagation, and disposition of anyandallspecies of wildlifethereinin the project and the regulation, issuance, sale, and revocation of special licenses or special permits for hunting, fishing, camping, and other uses of the areasnot inconsistent with the terms of any laws of thestate now or hereafter applicable theretoconsistent with applicable state law. The department may provide for the policing of each projectin such mannerasmay be needfulneeded for the proper development, use, and protectionthereof,of the project andofits purposes, and all. Supervisors, guards, custodians, and caretakers assigned to duty in any projectshallhaveandpossesstheauthority andpowers of peace officers whilein itsemployemployed by the department.AllLands withinthe boundaries of anya projectshall beare subject to these rules, whether owned by the state or privately, consistent with the rights of the private owners or withthe laws of this state now or hereafterapplicabletheretostate law.All theseThe rulesshallmust be published once in one qualified newspaper in each county affected andshalltake effect aftersuchpublicationand shall be, in additionthereto,. They must also be posted on the boundaries of each project affected. 84A.22 [DISPOSAL OF PROCEEDS.] The following funds must be paid to the state treasury, credited to the project to which they pertain and are annually appropriated to its purposes: (1) the proceeds of all certificates of indebtedness issued underthe provisions ofsections 84A.20 to 84A.30, all; (2) money received from redemption, as provided in sections 84A.22 to 84A.30, all; (3)allmoney received as gifts to the state for the purposes of anysuchproject, and all; (4) incomewhich may be receivedfrom the operation, development, management, and use of these projects, including feesreceivedfrom licenses and permits,all; (5) incomewhich may bereceived from the sale of all birds, animals, fish, andflora therefromplants from the projects and from the sale of lands and timberthereonowned by the state withinsuchthe area, other than university, school, and swamp lands, state forest lands set apartpursuant tounder the Minnesota Constitutionof the state of Minnesota, article XI, section 11, and state lands acquired under the system of rural credit,; andall(6) state moneyof the state which may hereafter betransferredtheretoto the project underanystate lawof thisstate shall be paid into the state treasury and credited to theproject to which the same pertain and the same are herebyannually appropriated for the purposes thereof; provided, that,. Underthe provisions ofsections 84A.20 to 84A.30, the aggregateor totalof all certificates of indebtedness issuedshallmust not exceed $2,250,000. 84A.23 [COUNTY AUDITOR TOMAKE LIST OFCERTIFY TAX-DELINQUENT LANDS.] Subdivision 1. [FIRST REPORT.] As soon as practicable after the approval and acceptance ofany sucha project, the auditor of each countyin whichwhere thesameproject is situated shall certify to the commissioner of finance a list ofall thelands withinthe boundaries ofthe project, except landslyingwithin the boundaries ofanya city,whichthat have been bid in for the state at the delinquent tax sale held intheyear1928 for the nonpayment of taxes or special drainage assessments and not redeemed or assigned to an actual purchaser,which. The certificateshallmust containthe followinginformation: (1) the legal description of each parcel ofsuchthe lands; (2) the amount of the principal and interest of delinquent drainage assessments, if any, or installmentsthereofof assessments for all yearsprior tobefore the date ofsuchthe report against eachsuchparcel of land; and (3) the amount of drainage assessmentsthereofassessed against eachsuchparcel of land,whichthat have been or are to be extendeduponon the county tax rollsof such countyfor collection with the taxes forthe year1927 andsubsequentlater years. Subd. 2. [SUPPLEMENTAL REPORTS.] On or before June 15 of each yearthereafter suchafter the report, the county auditor shall certify to the commissioner of finance a supplemental report giving the information contained in the original report coveringsuchthe lands within eachsuchproject bid in for the state at the annual tax sale of that year and not included in the previous reports. Subd. 3. [REDEMPTION OR LIEN ASSIGNMENT; PROCEEDS.] When redemption is made of any parcel ofsuchthe land withinanysucha projectwhichthat has been bid in for the state atanya tax sale for taxesheretoforelevied before April 25, 1931, or when tax liens on these lands are assigned to an actual purchaser, the county auditor shall report thesame forthwithfact to the commissioner of finance, and the county treasurer shalltransmit forthwithsend the proceeds of the redemption or assignment to the state treasurer.Forthwith upon the approval and acceptance of any suchSubd. 4. [DRAINAGE DITCH BONDS; REPORTS.] (a) Immediately after a project is approved and accepted andthereafter,then after each distributionhas been madeof the tax collections on the June and November tax settlements,suchthe county auditor shall certify to the commissioner of finance the following information relating to bonds issued to finance or refinance public drainage ditcheslying,wholly or partly,withinsuchthe projects, and the collection of assessments levied on account ofsuchthe ditches: (1) the amount of principal and interest to become due onsuchthe bondsprior tobefore the nextensuingtax settlement and distribution; (2) the amount ofmoneysmoney collected fromsuchthe drainage assessments and credited to the funds of the ditches; and (3) the amount of the deficit in the ditch fund of the county chargeable tosuchthe ditches.Upon the approval of(b) On approving the certificateby, the commissioner of finance, the commissionershall draw a warrantor warrantson the state treasurer, payable out of the fund pertaining tosuchthe project, for the amount of the deficit in favor ofsuchthe county. (c) As toallpublic drainage ditcheswhich liewholly withinany sucha project, themaximumamount of moneywhichshall bepaid to or for the benefit of the countyin the mannerabove provided shallunder paragraph (b) must never exceed the principal and interest of the bonds issued to finance or refinancesuchthe ditches outstanding at the time of the passage and approval of sections 84A.20 to 84A.30, lessmoneysmoney on hand in the county ditch fund to the credit ofsuchthe ditches, and such. The liabilitiesshallmust be reduced from time to time by the amount ofany andall payments of assessmentshereafter extendedafter April 25, 1931, made by the owners of landsheretoforeassessed before that date for benefits on account ofsuchthe ditches. (d) As toallpublic drainage ditcheswhich liepartly within and partlywithout the boundaries of any suchoutside a project, themaximumamountwhich shall bepaid from the fund pertaining tosuchthe project to or for the benefit ofsuchthe countyshallmust never exceedthea certain percentage of bonds issued to finance and refinancesuchthe ditches so outstanding, lessmoneysmoney on hand in the county ditch fund to the credit ofsuchthe ditchesat the time of the passage and approval ofsections 84A.20 to 84A.30, which bearson April 25, 1931. The percentage must bear the same proportion to the whole amount of these bonds as the original benefits assessed against lands within the project bear to the original total benefits assessed to the entire system ofsuchthe ditches, and. This liability shall be reduced from time to time by the payments of all assessmentshereafterextended after April 25, 1931, made by the owners of lands withinsuchthe project of assessments for benefitsheretoforeassessed before that date on account ofanysucha ditch. (e) The commissioner of financeshall have authority tomay provide and prescribetheforms foranyreports required by sections 84A.20 to 84A.30,andtorequire anyfurther andadditional information fromanycounty officialsof any suchcounty whichthat the commissioner of financedeemsconsiders necessary for the proper administration of sections 84A.20 to 84A.30. 84A.26 [PROJECT LANDS TO BE HELD BY STATE.] The title toallparcels of landlyingwithinany sucha project, except landslyingwithin the boundaries ofanya city,which shall bethat are acquired by the state undertheprovisions of section 280.13 shallLaws 1927, chapter 119, as amended, must be held by the state free from the trust in favor of the taxing districts specified inthose sections andthat chapter. Title must be held and used or disposed of in accordance withthe provisions ofsections 84A.20 to 84A.30. 84A.27 [REPORTS, CERTIFICATIONPROJECT LANDS CLASSIFIED.]Upon receipt of the commissioner of finance ofOn receiving the reports of the county auditor specified in section 84A.23, the commissioner of finance shall certify a copythereofof the report to the department, which. The department shall classifyall suchthe lands as to their suitability for agriculture or for afforestation, reforestation, or for the purpose of impounding, controlling, and regulating the waters of meandered lakes and the flow of natural streams, or for otherpublicstate purposes; and. After the state acquires title toany suchthe landshas been acquired by the state in the manneras provided in sections 84A.20 to 84A.30such lands, they may be reclassifiedfrom time to time.All suchLandswhichthat become the absolute property of the state underthe provisionsofsections 84A.20 to 84A.30whichand have been classified as suitable for agriculture, and timber from any lands so acquired,shall be subject to salemay be sold by the stateas provided bylaw. 84A.28 [DEPARTMENT TO ACCEPT GIFTS.] The departmentis hereby authorized and empowered tomay receive forand in behalf ofthe state,andto make suitableacknowledgments of,acknowledge any gift, bequest, devise, or grant of land or interests in lands inany sucha project, or of money or personal property of any kind,whichthat itmay deemconsiders suitable for use in connection with the operation, control, development, or use ofany or all of suchprojects. 84A.29 [DEPARTMENT TO HAVE RIGHT OFEMINENT DOMAIN.] The department has the right of eminent domain in chapter 117. The departmentis hereby authorized and empowered tomay acquire byexercise of the right ofeminent domain, which rightis hereby given it, to be exercised in the manner provided inchapter 117,or by purchase,anylands or interests in lands in anysuchproject, whichthat the departmentshall deemconsiders necessary for state ownership, use, or development for the purposes of sections 84A.20 to 84A.30. Nomoneysmoney shall be usedfor the purposes specified in this sectionto acquire land or interest in it untiland unlessthe department and the commissioner of financeshall have determineddetermine thatsuch moneysthe money will not be required to meet the requisitions of the counties authorized under section 84A.23 orfor the payment ofto pay certificates of indebtedness and their interestthereon thereinprovided for in section 84A.23. 84A.30 [RULES VIOLATION A MISDEMEANOR.]Any person who,Within the limits ofany sucha project,shall willfully violate or fail to comply with anya willful violation of a rule of the department adoptedand promulgated inaccordance with the provisions ofunder sections 84A.20 to 84A.30shall be guilty ofis a misdemeanor.REFORESTATION AREAS AND PROJECTS, 1933 84A.31 [STATE REFORESTATION PROJECTS.] For the purpose ofSubdivision 1. [PURPOSES.] The powers in this section are granted for the purpose of: (1) vesting and revesting the state with title to lands suitable primarily for the development of forests and prevention of forest fires, and for experimenting in and practically advancing afforestation and reforestation,and for the purposeof; (2) impounding, controlling, and regulating the water of meandered lakes and the flow of natural streams of the state,and for the purpose of; (3) creating and establishing wild game and fishing reserves,or for either or any of these purposes,; orfor(4) any other public state purpose,. Subd. 2. [COUNTY PROPOSAL TO STATE.] Under certain conditions, the board of county commissioners of any countywithin which such lands are located, and in which, onJanuary 1, 1933, the taxes on more than 25 percent of theacreage of the lands in any town in the county, as shown by thetax books thereof, are delinquent, and in which, on January 1,1933, the taxes or ditch assessments on more than 50 percent ofthe acreage of the lands included in the area or project hereinprovided for, as shown by the tax books of the county, aredelinquent, and of which, on January 1, 1933, the bonded ditchindebtedness of any county wherein any of the lands are locatedequals or exceeds 15 percent of the assessed value of the countyfor the year 1932, as fixed and determined by the Minnesota taxcommission, exclusive of money and credits,may by resolutionduly adoptedproposetothat the stateof Minnesotatake over part of the tax-delinquent lands in the county. The board may propose this if: (1) the county contains land suitable for the purposes in subdivision 1; (2) on January 1, 1933, the taxes on more than 25 percent of the acreage of the lands in a town in the county are delinquent, as shown by its tax books; (3) on January 1, 1933, the taxes or ditch assessments on more than 50 percent of the acreage of the lands to be taken over are delinquent, as shown by the county's tax books; and (4) on January 1, 1933, the bonded ditch indebtedness of the county equals or exceeds 15 percent of the assessed value of the county for 1932 as fixed by the Minnesota tax commission, exclusive of money and credits. Subd. 3. [FORM.] Specifically, the board may propose that any "area in the county consisting of one or more townships, or part of any township, containing such lands be taken over by the state for afforestation, reforestation, flood control projects, wild game and fishing reserves, or other public state purpose, to be managed, controlled, and used for the development of forests and prevention of forest fires, and for the purpose of experimenting in and practically advancing afforestation, reforestation, or for the purpose of impounding, controlling, and regulating the waters of meandered lakes and the flow of natural streams, or for the purpose of creating and establishing wild game and fishing reserves, or for either or any such purposes," or for any other public state purpose, on lands to be acquired by the state within such projects, ashereinset forth in this section. Eachsuchareashallmust include landswhich have beenassessed for all or part of the cost of the establishment, construction, or repair of public drainage ditches underthe laws of thisstate law, and on which the assessments or installmentsthereonon them areoverdue,delinquent, and unpaid. Subd. 4. [ACTION ON RESOLUTIONS.] Aduly certifiedcopy of the resolutionsof the county board shallmust besubmitted toandfiled with the department, or such department as shall beestablished in lieu thereof,and considered and acted upon by the department;. If approved by the department, itshallmust then be submitted to, considered, and acted upon by the executive council; or such department as shall be established inlieu thereof, and,. If approved by the executive council, the propositionshallmust be formally accepted by the governor. Acceptanceshallmust be communicated in writing to and filed with the auditor of the county. Subd. 5. [DEFINITIONS.] State school, swamp, indemnity, and institutional landswhich have heretofore been, or shallhereafter be,that are sold as provided by law and for which certificates of sale have been issued at the time of the passage of the resolution by the county board, andalllands owned by the conservator of rural creditshall be consideredare taxable lands,within the meaning of this section; and,. If the taxes or ditch lien installments onsuchthe lands or the interest of the purchaserthereinin them are delinquent,shall beconsideredthey are lands on which the taxes are delinquent within the meaning ofthis sectionsubdivision 2. 84A.32 [MANAGEMENTDEPARTMENT TO MANAGE PROJECTS.] Subdivision 1. [RULES.] (a) The department shall manage and control eachof such projects soproject approved and acceptedshall be under the management and control of thedepartment, which shall have full power and authority to make,establish, promulgate,under section 84A.31. The department may adopt and enforceall necessaryrulesnot inconsistent with thelaws of this statefor thecare, preservation, protection, anddevelopment of forests and for experimenting in and practicallyadvancing afforestation and reforestation therein, andimpounding, controlling, and regulating the waters of meanderedlakes and the flow of natural streams, or for other public statepurposes, andpurposes in section 84A.31, subdivision 1, for the prevention of forest firesthereinin the projects, and for the sale of merchantable timber from lands acquired by the statethereinin the projects whenand where, in the opinion of the department, thesametimber may be sold and removed without damageor injuryto the purposes ofsuchthe projects.No suchRulesshall in any mannermust not interfere with, destroy, or damage any privately owned property without just compensation being made to the owner of the private property by purchase or in lawful condemnation proceedingsduly instituted pursuant tothe laws of this state. The rules may relate to the care, preservation, protection, breeding, propagation, and disposition of anyand allspecies of wildlifethereinin the projects and the regulation, issuance, sale, and revocation of special licenses or special permits for hunting, fishing, camping, or other uses of these areasnot inconsistent with the terms of anylaws of the state now or hereafterconsistent with applicabletheretostate law. (b) The department may provide for the policing of eachofthe projects in such mannerproject asmay be needfulnecessary for the proper development, use, and protectionthereofof the project, and of its purpose, and all. Supervisors, guards, custodians, and caretakers assigned to duty inany sucha projectshallhaveand possesstheauthority andpowers of peace officers whilein its employemployed by the department.All(c) Lands withinthe boundaries of suchthe projectshall beare subject to these rules, whether owned by the state, or privately, consistent with the constitutional rights of the private owners or withthe laws of this state now or hereafterapplicabletheretostate law. The department may exclude from the operation ofany suchthe rules any lands owned by private individuals upon which taxes are delinquent for three years or less.All theseRulesshallmust be published once in the official newspaper of each county affected andshalltake effect 30 days afterthepublication, and shall be, in additionthereto,. They must also be posted on each of the four corners of each township of each project affected. (d) In the management, operation, and control ofsuchareasas may betaken for afforestation, reforestation, flood control projects, and wild game and fishing reserves, nothing shall be donewhichthat will in any manner, directly or indirectly,obstruct or interfere with the operation ofanyditches or drainage systems existing withinsuchthe areas,nor shallanything be done which will in any manner, directly orindirectly,or damage or destroyany of theexisting roads or highways within these areas or projects, unless the ditches, drainage systems, roads, or highwaysbeare first taken under the right of eminent domain and compensation made to the property owners and municipalities affected and damaged. Eachsucharea or project shall contribute from the fundsand moneyof the project, in proportion of the state land within the project, for the construction and maintenance ofsuchroads and highwaysas may benecessary withinsuchthe areas and projectsin orderto give the settlersthereinand private ownersofprivately-owned landswithinsuch areasthem access to their land. The department may construct and maintainsuchroads and highways withinsuchthe areas and projects as itmay deemconsiders necessary. Subd. 2. [PROCEEDS PAID INTO STATE TREASURY.] The following funds must be paid to the state treasury and credited to the projects to which they pertain and are annually appropriated for its purposes: (1) the proceeds ofallcertificates of indebtedness issued under sections 84A.31 to 84A.42, all; (2) money received from redemption as provided in sections 84A.33 to 84A.42, all; (3) money received as gifts to the state for the purpose ofany suchprojects, and all; (4) incomewhich may be receivedfrom the operation, development, management, and use ofsuchprojects, including fees received from the sale ofallbirds, animals, fish, andflora therefromplants from the projects, and the sale of all lands and timberthereonon them owned by the state withinsuchthe area, other than university, school, swamp, indemnity, or institutional lands, and state forests set apartpursuanttounder the Minnesota Constitutionof the state of Minnesota, article XI, section 11, and state lands acquired under the system of rural credit,; andall(5) state moneyof the state which may hereafter betransferredtheretoto the projects underanystate lawofthis state, shall be paid into the state treasury and creditedto the project to which the same pertains, and the same arehereby annually appropriated for the purposes thereof; provided,that,. Underthe provisions ofsections 84A.31 to 84A.42, theaggregate ortotal of all certificates of indebtedness issuedshallmust not exceedthe sum of$750,000. 84A.33 [COUNTY AUDITORS TO CERTIFY TAX-DELINQUENT LANDS.] Subdivision 1. [FIRST REPORT.] As soon as practicable after the approval and acceptance ofany sucha project, the auditor of each countyin whichwhere thesameproject is situated shall certify to the commissioner of finance a list ofalllands withinthe boundaries of any suchthe project, except landslyingwithin the boundaries ofanyan incorporated city, upon which taxes are delinquent for three years or more, which have been bid in for the state at any delinquent tax saleheretofore or hereafter held in the nonpayment of taxes, andwhich havenotbeenredeemed or assigned to any actual purchaser, and which. The certificatesshallmust containthefollowing information: (1) the legal description of each parcel ofsuchthe land; and (2) the name and number of the ditch and the amount of the principal and interest of each delinquent drainage assessment as it appears on the county tax booksof the countyfor all yearsprior tobefore the date ofsuchthe certificate against eachsuchparcel of land, together with interestthereonon the amount at six percentper annumannually since the due date of the installment. Subd. 2. [FURTHER ANNUAL REPORTS.] On or beforethefifteenth day ofJune 15 in each yearthereafterafter the report, the county auditor shall certify to the commissioner of finance a list ofalllands within the boundaries ofany sucha project, except landslyingwithin the boundaries ofanya city, and except landswhich have beendescribed in any previous certificate, and upon which taxes are delinquent for three years or more and which have been bid in for the state at any delinquent tax saleheretofore or hereafter held for thenonpayment of taxes,andwhich havenotbeenredeemed or assigned to an actual purchaser, and which. The certificateshallmust containthe following information: (1) The legal description of each parcel ofsuchthe land, contained inany prioran earlier certificate upon which all taxes have been redeemed;. (2) The legal description of each parcel ofsuchthe lands which, on Mayfourteenth14 of the yearin whichwhen the certificate is furnished, is delinquent for three years or more;. (3) The name and number of the ditch and the amount of the principal and interest of each delinquent ditch assessment installment as it appears on the county tax booksof the countyfor all yearsprior tobefore the date ofsuchthe certificate against eachsuchparcel of land, together with interestthereonon the amount atthean annual rate of six percentper annumsince the due date of each installment; provided, that. The certificateshallmust not contain the delinquent drainage assessment installments included in any certificatetheretoforefurnished earlier. Subd. 3. [DRAINAGE ASSESSMENTS; REPORT WHEN PAID OR ASSIGNED.] When the delinquent drainage assessment installment on anysuchparcel of land included inany sucha certificate of the county auditor is redeemed, paid, or assigned to any person, the county auditor shallforthwithreport thesamefact to the commissioner of financeand. The county treasurer shallforthwith remit topay the state treasurer the amountsopaid in the county treasury on account ofany suchthe delinquent drainage assessmentinstallment orinstallments.ForthwithSubd. 4. [DITCH BONDS; FUNDS; PAYMENTS TO COUNTIES.] (a) Upon the approval and acceptance ofany sucha project andthereafter,after each distributionhas been madeof the tax collections for the June and November tax settlements,suchthe county auditor shall certify to the commissioner of finance the following informationrelating toabout bonds issued to finance or refinance public drainage ditcheslyingwholly or partly withinsuchthe projects, and the collection of assessments leviedon account of suchfor the ditches: (1) the amount of principal and interest to become due onsuchthe bondsprior tobefore the nextensuingtax settlement and distribution; (2) the amount ofmoneysmoney collected fromsuchthe drainage assessments and credited to the funds ofsuchthe ditches, not alreadytransmittedsent to the state treasurer as provided in sections 84A.31 to 84A.42.; and (3) the amount of the deficit in the ditch fund of the county chargeable tosuchthe ditches.Forthwith upon the approval of(b) On approving this certificate of the county auditorby, the commissioner of finance, the commissionershall draw a warrantor warrantson the state treasurer, payable out of the fundhereinprovided for in sections 84A.31 to 84A.42, andtransmit the samesend it to the county treasurer of the county, and. Thesemoneys shallfunds must be credited to the proper ditch of the county and placed in the ditch bond fund of the county, which isherebycreated, and used only to pay the ditch bonded indebtedness of the county assumed by the state under sections 84A.31 to 84A.42,and for no other purpose. The total amount ofsuchwarrantssoto bedrawnby the commissioner of finance shallmust not exceed in any one year the total amount of the deficithereinafterprovided for under this section. (c) The stateshall beis subrogated to all title, right, interest, or lien of the county in or on the lands so certified within these projects. (d) As toallpublic drainage ditcheswhich liewholly withinany sucha project, themaximumamountof money whichshall bepaid to, or for the benefit of, the county, in themanner above provided, shallunder this subdivision must never exceed the principal and interest of the bonds issued to finance or refinanceany sucha ditch outstandingat the time of thepassage and approval of sections 84A.31 to 84A.42on April 22, 1933, lessmoneysmoney on hand in the county ditch fund to the credit ofany sucha ditch, and. These liabilitiesshallmust be reduced from time to time by the amount of anyand allpayments of assessmentshereafterextended after April 22, 1933, made by the owners of landsheretoforeassessed before that date for benefits on account ofsuchthe ditches. As toallpublic drainage ditcheswhich liepartly within and partlywithout the boundaries of any suchoutside a project themaximumamountwhich shall bepaid from the fund pertaining tosuchthe project to or for the benefit of the countyshallmust never exceedthea certain percentage of bonds issued to finance and refinanceany sucha ditch so outstanding, lessmoneysmoney on hand in the county ditch fund to the credit ofany sucha ditchat the time of the passage and approval ofsections 84A.31 to 84A.42, which bearson April 22, 1932. The percentage must bear the same proportion to the whole amount ofsuchthe bonds as the original benefits assessed against these lands within the project bear to the original total benefits assessed to the entire system forany sucha ditch,and. This liabilityshallmust be reduced from time to time by the payments of all assessmentshereafterextended after April 22, 1933, made by the owners of lands within the project of assessments for benefitsheretoforeassessed before that date on account ofany sucha ditch. Subd. 5. [FORMS AND INFORMATION.] The commissioner of financeshall have authority tomay provide and prescribetheforms foranyrequired reports andtorequire any furtherandadditionalinformation fromanycounty officialsof any suchcountywhich the commissioner of financedeemsfinds necessary for theproperadministrationthereofof sections 84A.31 to 84A.42. 84A.36 [LANDS TO BE HELD BY STATEIN FEE.] The title toallparcels of landlyingwithinany sucha project, except landslyingwithin the boundaries ofanya city,which shall bethat are acquired by the state undertheprovisions of section 280.13, shallLaws 1927, chapter 119, as amended, must be held by the state free from any trust in favor of the taxing districts specifiedtherein and shallin that chapter. Title must be held and used or disposed of in accordance withthe provisions of any law of thisstate law. 84A.37 [COMMISSIONER OF FINANCE TO CERTIFY LIST TO DEPARTMENT.]Upon receipt by the commissioner of finance ofOn receiving the reports of the county auditor specified in section 84A.33, the commissioner of finance shall certify a copythereofof the report to the department, which. The department shall classifyall suchthe lands as to their suitability for agriculture or for afforestation, reforestation, or for the purpose of impounding, controlling, and regulating the waters of meandered lakes and flow of natural streams, or for otherpublicstate purposes; and,. After the state acquires title toany suchthe landhas been acquired by the state in the manner hereinas provided in sections 84A.31 to 84A.42,suchthe lands may be reclassifiedfrom time to time.All suchLandswhichthat become the absolute property of the state underthe provisionsofsections 84A.31 to 84A.42whichand have been classified as suitable for agriculture, and timber from any lands so acquired,shall be subject to sale or rentalmay be sold or rented by the state, as provided by law. 84A.38 [DEPARTMENT TORECEIVEACCEPT GIFTS.] The departmentis hereby authorized and empowered tomay receive forand in behalf ofthe state andto make suitableacknowledgment thereofacknowledge any gift, bequest, devise, or grant of land, or interests in lands, inany sucha project, or of money or personal property of any kind,whichthat itmaydeemfinds suitable for use in connection with the operation, control, development, or use ofany or all suchprojects. 84A.39 [DEPARTMENT SHALL HAVE RIGHT OFEMINENT DOMAIN.] The department has the right of eminent domain in chapter 117. The departmentis hereby authorized and empowered tomay acquire byexercise of the right ofeminent domain, which rightis hereby given it, to be exercised in the manner provided inchapter 117,or by purchase,any privately owned lands or interests in lands withinthe boundaries of any sucha projectwhichthat itshall deemconsiders necessary for state ownership, use, or development for the purposes of sections 84A.31 to 84A.42; provided, that. No money shall be usedforthe purposes specified in this sectionto acquire land or interest in it untiland unlessthe department and the commissioner of financeshall have determineddetermine thatsuchthe money will not be required to meet the requisitions of the counties authorized under section 84A.33 orfor the paymentofto pay certificates of indebtedness and their interestthereon herein provided for. 84A.40 [COUNTY MAY ASSUME BONDS.] Any countywherein any suchwhere a project or portionthereofof it is located may voluntarily assume, in the mannerhereinafterspecified in this section, the obligation to paythata portion of the principal and interest of the bonds issued before the approval and acceptance of the project and remaining unpaid at maturity, of any school district or townsituatedin the county and wholly or partlylyingwithin the project, which. The portionbearsmust bear the same proportion to the whole of the unpaid principal and interest as the last assessed valuation,prior tobefore the acceptance of the project, of lands then acquired by the statepursuant tounder sections 84A.31 to 84A.42 insuchthe school districts or towns bears to the total assessed valuation for the same year of the school district or town. This assumptionshallmust be evidenced by a resolution of the county board of the county,. A copy ofwhich shallthe resolution must be certified to the commissioner of finance within one year after the acceptance of the project; and thereafter. Later, if anysuchof the bondsshall remainremains unpaid at maturity, the county board shall, upon demand of the governing body of the school district or town or ofthe holderof any such bonda bondholder, provide for the payment of the portionthereof soassumed, and. The county shall levy general taxes on all the taxable property of the countythereforfor that purpose, or issue its bonds to raisesuchthe sumas may beneeded, conforming tothe provisions oflaw respecting the issuance of county refunding bonds. The proceeds ofsuchtaxes or bondsshallmust be paidoverby the county treasurer to the treasurer of the school district or town; provided, that. Nosuchpayments shall be made by the county to the school district or town untilsuch time asthe money in the treasury of the school district or town, together with the moneysoto be paid by the county,shall beis sufficient to pay in full each of the bonds as itmay becomebecomes due.In the event that any suchIf a countyshall fail orneglect sofails to adopt and certifysuchthe resolution, the commissioner of finance shall withhold from the payments to be made to the county underthe provisions ofsection 84A.32 a sum equal to that portion of the principal and interest ofsuchthe outstanding bondswhichthat bears the same proportion to the wholethereofof the bonds as the above determined assessed valuation of lands acquired by the state within the project bears to the total assessed valuation for the same year of the school district or town. Moneysowithheld from the countyshallmust be set aside in the state treasury and not paid to the county until the full principal and interest of the school district and town bondsshallhave been paid.In the event thatIf anysuchbonds remain unpaid at maturity, upon the demand of the governing body of the school district or town, orthe holder of any such bondsa bondholder, the commissioner of finance shall issue to the treasurer of the school district or town a warrant on the state treasurer for that portion of the past due principal and interest computed as in the case of the county's liabilityhereinbeforeauthorized in this section to be voluntarily assumed.AllMoney received byanya school district or townpursuant tounder this sectionshallmust be applied to the payment ofsuchpast-due bonds and interest. 84A.41 [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [TAXES.]The word"Taxes," as used in sections 84A.31 to 84A.42, shall be held to includeincludes taxes of every kind, includingand special assessments of every kind. Subd. 2. [BONDSORAND BONDED INDEBTEDNESS.]Thewords"Bonds"orand "bonded indebtedness," as used in sections 84A.31 to 84A.42, include bonds and accumulated interestthereonon bonds of every nature issued to finance or refinance the construction, maintenance, or repair of public drainage ditches. 84A.42 [VIOLATIONSRULES VIOLATION A MISDEMEANOR.]AnyA person who within the limits of any project established in accordance withthe provisions ofsection 84A.31shall willfully violate or fail to comply with anywillfully violates a rule of the department of natural resources adoptedand promulgated in accordance with the provisionsofunder sections 84A.31 to 84A.42shall be deemedis guilty of a misdemeanor.FINANCES 84A.50 [CERTAIN CERTIFICATES ACCEPTED AS CORRECTAND VALIDATED.]AllCertificates relating to bonds issued to finance or refinance public drainage ditches, the principal and interestthereofof the bonds, the amount ofmoneysmoney collected from drainage assessments and credited to ditches, and the amount of the deficit in the ditch fund made by a county auditorpursuantto Minnesota Statutes 1945,under section 84A.04, 84A.23 or 84A.33, or any predecessor statute thereofto the commissioner of finance on which payment has been made by the state are accepted as correct and are validated. 84A.51 [CONSOLIDATED CONSERVATION AREAS FUND.] Subdivision 1. [FUND CREATED.] There is created in the state treasury the consolidated conservation areas fund,hereinafter referred to asalso called the consolidated fund. Subd. 2. [FUNDS TRANSFERRED; APPROPRIATED.]AllMoney in any fund establishedpursuant tounder section 84A.03, 84A.22 or 84A.32, subdivision 2,areis transferred to the consolidated fund, except as provided in subdivision 3. The money in the consolidated fund, orsoas muchthereofof it asmay benecessary,are herebyis appropriated for the purposes of sections 84A.52 and 84A.53. Subd. 3. [PAYMENTS TO COUNTY.] Within 30 days after the end of each fiscal year the commissioner of finance shall pay one-half of the income received in the consolidated fund in that fiscal year to the countywherein is locatedcontaining the land from whichsuchthe income is derived, and. That amount isherebyso appropriated. Subd. 4. [COUNTY'S USE OF FUNDS.] The funds received by each countyshallmust be apportioned by the county auditor as follows: (1) 30 percent to a county development fund, which isherebycreated, to beexpendedspent under the direction of the county board for the rehabilitation and development of the portion of the countylyingwithin the conservation area; (2) 40 percent to the capital outlay fund of the school district from which derived; (3) 20 percent to the county revenue fund; and (4) ten percent to the township road and bridge fund of the township from which derived,provided however, that in the event. If the proceeds are derived from an unorganized townshipwherein there iswith no levy for road and bridge purposes, the township portionshallmust be credited to the county revenue fund. 84A.52 [ACCOUNTS; EXAMINATION, APPROPRIATION, PAYMENT.] As a part of the examination provided for by section 6.48, of the accounts of the several counties within a game preserve, area, or project establishedpursuant to Minnesota Statutes1945,under section 84A.01, 84A.20, or 84A.31, the state auditor shall segregate the audit of the accounts reflecting the receipt and disbursement ofallmoney collected or disbursedpursuant toMinnesota Statutes 1945,under chapter 84A or from the sale ofanytax-forfeited landswhich areheld by the statepursuantto Minnesota Statutes 1945,under section 84A.07, 84A.26 or 84A.36, and. The auditor shall also include in the reports required by section 6.48 summary statements as of December 31precedingbefore the examinationwhich shallthat set forth the proportionate amount of principal and interest due from the state to the individual county and any money due the state from the county remainingunremittedunpaid under this chapter, or from the sale of any tax-forfeited lands referred toabovein this section, andsuchother informationasrequired by the commissioner of financemay require.Upon the receipt ofOn receiving a report, the commissioner of finance shall determine the net amount due to the county for the period coveredtherebyby the report and shall draw a warrant upon the statetreasurertreasury payable out of the consolidated fund forsuchthat amountwhich shall. It must be paid to and received by the county as payment in full of all amounts due for the period statedthereonon the warrants from the state under any provision ofMinnesota Statutes 1945, chapter 84Athis chapter.ThereMoney to pay the warrants isherebyappropriated to the counties entitled tosuchpayment,from the consolidated fund in the state treasury, such sums as may be necessary to paythe warrants specified herein. 84A.53 [CERTAINRECEIPTS NOT CREDITED TO CONSOLIDATED FUND.] Subdivision 1. [TAX LEVIES.]All moneys heretofore orhereafterMoney collected from tax leviesheretoforemadepursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1945,before April 19, 1949, under chapter 84A,shallmust be deposited in the state treasury to the credit of the general fund. Upon completion of the payment provided for in section 84A.52, the commissioner of finance shall make the appropriate entries.None of themoneysMoney referred to in this sectionshallmust not be used for the paymentsprovided for inunder section 84A.52 until all othermoneysmoney in the consolidated fundhavehas beenexpendedspent. Subd. 2. [LAND SALES.] The portion of the money received from the sale of tax-forfeited lands that are held by the statepursuant tounder section 84A.07, 84A.26, or 84A.36, that would not be paid to the counties if allofthe sale proceeds were deposited in the consolidated conservation fund,shallmust be deposited in the land acquisition account. The remaining amountshallmust be paid to the counties under section 84A.51 as if allofthe sale proceeds were deposited in the consolidated conservation fund. 84A.54 [CERTAINCOLLECTIONS DEPOSITED IN CONSOLIDATED FUND.] Except as provided in section 84A.53,allmoneyhereafterreceivedfrom any source pursuant to Minnesota Statutes1945,after April 18, 1949, under chapter 84Ashallmust be deposited in the consolidated fund.ADMINISTRATION 84A.55 [ CERTAIN GAME PRESERVES, AREAS, PROJECTS; CONTROLCOMMISSIONER'S CONTROL OF CONSERVATION LANDS.] Subdivision 1. [GENERAL CONTROL.]AllGame preserves, areas, and projects establishedpursuant to Minnesota Statutes1945,under section 84A.01, 84A.20, or 84A.31, are under the management, operation, and control of the commissioner of natural resources, herein called. The commissioner, who shallhavehas the powers and dutiesrelating thereto granted andprescribedprovided in this section. Subd. 2. [FOREST PROTECTION.] The commissioner shall care for, preserve, protect, and develop the foreststherein,in preserves, areas, and projects; shall prevent forest firesthereinin them so far as means are available,; and may experiment in and practically advance afforestation and reforestationthereinthere. Subd. 3. [TIMBER SALES.] The commissioner may sellin likemanner to the sale of timber on other state lands themerchantable timber on landswhich areheld by the statepursuant to Minnesota Statutes 1945,under section 84A.07, 84A.26, or 84A.36. It must be sold in the same way as timber on other state lands. Subd. 4. [WATERS.] The commissioner may impound, control, and regulate the waters of meandered and other public lakesthereinin preserves, areas, and projects and the flow of natural streamstherein. Subd. 5. [WILDLIFE.] The commissioner shall care for, protect, and preserve anyor allspecies of wildlifethereinthere, so far as means are available. Subd. 6. [REGULATION; LICENSING.] The commissioner may regulate and license, subject to revocation for violation of any state lawof this staterelating to wild animals or ofLaws1949, chapter 498this section, the breeding, propagation, and disposition of wildlifethereinin preserves, areas, or projects by any person asmay benecessary to execute subdivision 5. Subd. 7. [HUNTING AND OTHER LICENSES.] The commissioner may issue, subject to revocation for violation ofanystate lawof this staterelating to wild animals or of sections 84A.50 to 84A.55, special licenses or permits for hunting, fishing, camping, or other usesnot inconsistent therewithconsistent with those sections or any other applicable state lawof thisstate. Subd. 8. [POLICING.] The commissioner may police the game preserves, areas, and projects asmay benecessary toexecutethe provisions ofcarry out this section.AllPersons assigned to the policingshallhave theauthority andpowers of police officers while so engaged. Subd. 9. [DRAINAGE.] The commissioner may make necessary investigations and surveys for and may undertake projects for the drainage ofanystate-owned lands withinanya game preserve, conservation area, or other area subject totheprovisions hereofthis section so far as the commissionershalldeterminedetermines thatsuchthe lands willbe benefitedthereby in furtherance ofbenefit from the project for the purposes for which the area was established, and. The commissioner may pay the costthereofof drainage projects out ofanyfunds appropriated and availablethereforfor them. If the commissionershall determinefinds after investigation thatanya project for the construction, repair, or improvement ofanya public ditch or ditch system undertaken byanya county or other public agency as otherwise provided by law will benefitsuchthe landsin furtherance of saidfor those purposes, the commissioner may cooperate insuchthe project by joining in the petitionthereforfor the project or consentingtheretoto or approvingthe same upon suchit on any conditionsasthe commissionershall determine, anddetermines. The commissioner shall authorize the imposition of assessmentstherefor upon suchfor the projects on the lands insuchany amountsasthe commissionershall determinedetermines, or may make lump sum contributions to the county or other public funds established for the payment of the cost of the project; provided, such. The assessments or contributionsshallmust notin any caseexceed the value ofsuchbenefits tosuchthe state-owned lands as determined by the commissioner and specified by written certificates or other statement filed in the proceedings, and shall be. Assessments or contributions are payable only out of funds appropriated and availablethereforfor them insuchamountsasthe commissionermay determinedetermines. The commissioner of natural resources shall establish by rule before January 1, 1986, the criteria for determining benefits to state-owned lands held or usedfor thepurpose of protectingto protect orpropagatingpropagate wildlife,providingprovide hunting or fishing for the public, or serve other purposes relating to conservation, development, or use of soil, water, forests, wild animals, or related natural resources. Subd. 10. [ROADS; LANDING STRIPS.] The commissioner may construct and maintain and contribute funds for construction and maintenance of roads and airplane landing fields or strips withinanya game preserve, conservation area, or other area subject tothe provisions hereofthis section. Payments for highway purposes under this subdivision may be made to any governmental subdivision or to the United States insuchamountsasset by the commissionershall determinefrom the fund created by section 84A.51. Subd. 11. [RULES.] The commissioner may promulgate rules necessary for the execution of this section, includingbut notlimited tothe conditions of licenses and permits under subdivision 7 and the amount of license feesto be paidtherefor, giving. In addition to notice required by otherprovisions oflaw, the commissioner must give 30daysdays' notice posted in each township affectedtherebyby the rules.Every such rule shallThe rules have the forceandeffectof law, and any violationthereof shall beof rules is a misdemeanor.AllLands withinthe boundaries of anya game preserve, area, or project referred to in subdivision 1, whether owned privately or by the state or any governmental subdivisionthereof,shall beare subject tosuchthe rulesto thefullest extentconsistent with the constitutional rights of private owners orwith anyother applicableprovision of thelaws of thisstate law. Subd. 12. [COMPENSATION.] Nothing shall be done under this sectionwhichthat willin any manner, directly or indirectly,obstruct orinterfere with the operation ofanyditches or drainage systems existing in any game preserve, area, or project referred to in subdivision 1, or damage or destroy any existing road or highwaythereinin it, so far as constructed, improved, or maintained by any governmental subdivision or public agency or person other than the commissioner, unless the righttheretoshallto them is firstbeacquired by the commissioner by purchase or condemnation, upon payment of just compensation to thegovernmentalpolitical subdivision, public agency, or person affected and damagedthereby. Subd. 13. [BUYING LAND.] The commissioner may acquire by purchase or condemnation any land or interestthereinin land or any public work or project or righttherein which may bein it necessary for any purposehereinauthorized in this section. Subd. 14. [SOURCE OF FUNDS.]AllSalaries and expenses incurredin the execution ofto carry out this sectionshallmust be paid from money appropriated from the consolidated fund orsuchother fundas may bedesignated in the applicable appropriationact. 84A.56 [CONSOLIDATED CONSERVATION LAND ACQUISITION AND DISPOSITION.] Subdivision 1. [CONSOLIDATED CONSERVATION LAND ACQUISITION AND DISPOSITION PLAN.] Before the commissioner may acquire or dispose of land in the game preserves, areas, and projects established underMinnesota Statutes 1945,section 84A.01, 84A.20, or 84A.31, in any county, the commissioner must prepare a county land acquisition and disposition plan. The plan must identify the general areas where the commissioner intends to acquire or dispose of land and their accompanying reasons. The plan must emphasize a balance of uplands and wetlands. Subd. 2. [REVIEW BY COUNTY BOARD.] The plan must be submitted to the county board for review and comment. The board must notify the commissioner of natural resources of any concerns or disagreements with the plan within 90 days after receiving the plan or proposal. Subd. 3. [DEPARTMENT REVIEW OF APPRAISALS.] The county board must submit appraisals for land offered for sale under this section to the commissioner for review at least 30 days before the date of the sale. 84A.57 [CERTAIN TAX-FORFEITED LAND HELD IN TRUST FOR COUNTY.] Notwithstanding any law to the contrary, land that forfeits to the state for nonpayment of taxes and is in a game preserve,areasarea, orprojectsproject established underMinnesotaStatutes 1945,section 84A.01, 84A.20, or 84A.31shallmust be held in trust for the taxing district as land outside a game preserve, area, or project. The landsshallmust be disposed of and managed, and have income from the land allocated, in the same manner as land that is outside a game preserve, area, or project. ARTICLE 2 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 105, is amended to read: 105.37 [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [SCOPE.]Unless the language or contextclearly indicates that a different meaning is intended,Thefollowing words andterms, for the purposes ofin sections 105.37 to 105.55, shallhave the meaningssubjoined togiven them in this section. Subd. 2. [COMMISSIONER.] "Commissioner" meanstheMinnesota's commissioner of natural resourcesof the state ofMinnesota. Subd. 3. [DIVISION.] "Division" means the division of waters, soils and minerals of the state department of natural resourcesof the state of Minnesota. Subd. 4. [DIRECTOR.] "Director" means the director of the division of waters, soils and minerals of the state department of natural resourcesof the state of Minnesota. Subd. 5. [APPROPRIATING.] "Appropriating" includes but is not limited to "taking," regardless ofthe use to which thewater is puthow the water is used. Subd. 7. [WATERS OF THE STATE.] "Waters of the state" means any waters, surface or underground, exceptthosesurface waterswhichthat are not confined but are spread and diffused over the land. "Waters of the state" includesallboundary and inland waters. Subd. 8. [ABANDON.] "Abandon" means to give up the use and maintenance of the described structures or improvements to realty and to surrenderthe samethem to deterioration, withoutreference. It does not refer toanyintent to surrender or relinquish title to or possessory interest in the real property constituting the site of the structures or improvements. "Abandoned" and "abandonment" have meanings consistent withthisthe definition of"abandon."Subd. 9. [WATERBASIN.] "Waterbasin" means an enclosed natural depression with definable banks capable of containing waterwhichthat may be partly filled with waters of the state andwhichthat is discernible on aerial photographs. Subd. 10. [NATURAL WATERCOURSE.] "Natural watercourse" meansanya natural channelwhichthat has definable beds and banks capable of conducting confined runoff from adjacent lands. Subd. 11. [ALTERED NATURAL WATERCOURSE.] "Altered natural watercourse" means a former natural watercoursewhichthat has been affected by artificial changesin straightening, deepening,narrowing, or widening ofto straighten, deepen, narrow, or widen the original channel. Subd. 12. [ARTIFICIAL WATERCOURSE.] "Artificial watercourse" means a watercoursewhich has beenartificially constructed by human beings where there was no previous natural watercourse. Subd. 13. [MEANDERED LAKES.] "Meandered lakes" means all bodies of water except streams lying within the meander lines shown on plats made by the United States General Land Office. Subd. 14. [PUBLIC WATERS.] "Public waters" includes and shall be limited to the following waters of the state:(a)(1) All waterbasins assigned a shoreland management classification by the commissioner pursuant to section 105.485, except wetlands less than 80 acres in size which are classified as natural environment lakes;(b)(2) All waters of the state which have been finally determined to be public waters or navigable waters by a court of competent jurisdiction;(c)(3) All meandered lakes, except for those which have been legally drained;(d)(4) All waterbasins previously designated by the commissioner for management for a specific purpose such as trout lakes and game lakes pursuant to applicable laws;(e)(5) All waterbasins designated as scientific and natural areas pursuant to section 84.033;(f)(6) All waterbasins located within and totally surrounded by publicly owned lands;(g)(7) All waterbasins where the state of Minnesota or the federal government holds title to any of the beds or shores, unless the owner declares that the water is not necessary for the purposes of the public ownership;(h)(8) All waterbasins where there is a publicly owned and controlled access which is intended to provide for public access to the waterbasin; and(i)(9) All natural and altered natural watercourses with a total drainage area greater than two square miles, except that trout streams officially designated by the commissioner shall be public waters regardless of the size of their drainage area. The public character of water shall not be determined exclusively by the proprietorship of the underlying, overlying, or surrounding land or by whether it is a body or stream of water which was navigable in fact or susceptible of being used as a highway for commerce at the time this state was admitted to the union. For the purposes of statutes other than sections 105.37, 105.38 and 105.391, the term "public waters" shall include "wetlands" unless the statute expressly states otherwise. Subd. 15. [WETLANDS.] "Wetlands" includes, and shall be limited to, all types 3, 4, and 5 wetlands, as defined in United States Fish and Wildlife Service Circular No. 39 (1971 edition), not included within the definition of public waters, which are ten or more acres in size in unincorporated areas or 2-1/2 or more acres in incorporated areas. Subd. 16. [ORDINARY HIGH WATER LEVEL.] "Ordinary high water level" means the boundary of public waters and wetlands, and shall be an elevation delineating the highest water level which has been maintained for a sufficient period of time to leave evidence upon the landscape, commonly that point where the natural vegetation changes from predominantly aquatic to predominantly terrestrial. For watercourses, the ordinary high water level shall be the elevation of the top of the bank of the channel. For reservoirs and flowages the ordinary high water level shall be the operating elevation of the normal summer pool. 105.38 [DECLARATION OF POLICY.]In orderTo conserve andutilizeuse the state's water resourcesof the statein the best interests oftheits peopleof the state, andfor the purpose of promotingto promote the public health, safety, and welfare,it is hereby declared to bethe policy of the state is as follows:(1)(a) Subject to existing rightsall, public waters and wetlands are subject to the control of the state.(2)(b) The state, to the extent provided by lawfrom timeto time, shall control the appropriation and use of surface and underground waters of the state.(3)(c) The state shall control and supervise, so far as practicable, any activitywhichthat changes orwhichwill change the course, current, or cross-section of public waters or wetlands, including but not limited to the construction, reconstruction, repair, removal, abandonment, the making of any other change, or the transfer of ownership of dams, reservoirs, control structures, and waterway obstructions inany of thepublic waters or wetlands of the state. 105.39 [AUTHORITY AND POWERS OF COMMISSIONER.] Subdivision 1. [WATER CONSERVATION PROGRAM.] The commissioner shalldevise anddevelop a general water resources conservation program for the state. The programshallmust contemplate the conservation, allocation, and development of all the waters of the state, surface and underground, for the best interests of the people. The commissionershallmust be guided bysuchthe program inthe issuance ofissuing permits for the use and appropriation of the waters of the state and the construction, reconstruction, repair, removal, or abandonment of dams, reservoirs and other control structures, as provided by sections 105.37 to 105.55. Subd. 2. [SURVEYS AND INVESTIGATIONS.] The commissionerisauthorized to cause to be made all suchmay have surveys, maps, investigations, and studies made of the water resources and topography of the state as the commissionerdeemsfinds necessary to provide the information toformulateset up a program and carry outthe provisions ofsections 105.37 to 105.55. Subd. 3. [ALLOCATION AND CONTROL OF WETLANDS AND WATERS.] The commissioner shallhave administration overadminister: (1) the use, allocation, and control of public waters and wetlands,; (2) the establishment, maintenance, and control of lake levels and water storage reservoirs,; and (3) the determination of the ordinary high water level ofanypublic waters and wetlands. Subd. 4. [POWER TO ACQUIRE PROPERTY; EMINENT DOMAIN.] The commissionershall have the power tomay acquire title toanyprivate property for any authorized purpose by purchase or bythe exercise of the right ofeminent domain; and. The use ofsuchthis propertyin the furtherance offor lawful projects under sections 105.37 to 105.55 ishereby declared to bea public purpose. On request by the commissioner, the attorney general shallproceed toacquire the necessary title to private property forsuchthat use underthe provisions of MinnesotaStatutes 1945,chapter 117. Subd. 5. [CONTRACTS.] The commissioneris authorizedtomay approve contracts forallworks under sections 105.37 to 105.55,tochange the plansthereofof the works when necessary, andtosupervise, control, and acceptthe samethem when complete. The commissioneris further authorized to causemay have thesameworks,together withand expenses incurred in connectiontherewithwith them,to bepaid for out ofanyfundsmadeavailable tothe use ofthe commissioner. Subd. 6. [STATEWIDE WATER INFORMATION SYSTEM.] The commissioner, in cooperation with other state agencies,including the Minnesota geologic survey, shall establish and maintain a statewide system to gather, process, anddisseminatedistribute information on the availability, distribution, quality, and use of waters of the state. Each local, regional, and state governmental unit, its officers and employees shall cooperate with the commissioner inaccomplishing the purpose ofcarrying out this subdivision. 105.391 [WATERS INVENTORY AND CLASSIFICATION.] Subdivision 1. [INVENTORY, COUNTY BOARD REVIEW, HEARINGS.] On the basis ofallinformation available to the commissioner and the criteriaset forthin section 105.37, subdivisions 14 and 15, the commissioner shall inventory the waters of each county and make a preliminary designation as to whichconstituteare public waters and wetlands. The commissioner shall send a list and map of the waters preliminarily designated as public waters and wetlands in each county to the county board of that county for its review and comment. The county board shall conduct at least one public informational meeting within the county regarding the commissioner's preliminary designation. After conducting the meetings and within 90 days after receipt of the list or maps, the county board shall present its recommendation to the commissioner, listing any waters regarding which the board disagrees with the commissioner's preliminary designation and stating with particularity the waters involved and the reasons for disagreement. The commissioner shall review the county board's response and, if in agreement with any of the board's recommendations, shall revise the list and map to reflect the recommendations. Within 30 days after receiving the county board's recommendations, the commissioner shall also notify the county boardas towhich recommendations are accepted and rejected and the reasons for the decision. After the revision of the map and list, if any, or if no response is received from the county board within the 90 days review period, the commissioner shall file the revised list and map with the recorder of each county and shallcausehave the list and mapto bepublished in the official newspaper of the county. The published noticeshallmust also state that any person or any county may challenge the designation of specific waters as public waters or wetlands or may request the designation of additional waters as public waters or wetlands, by filing a petition for a hearing with the commissioner within 90 days following the date of publication. The petitionshallmust state with particularity the waters for which the commissioner's designation is disputed andshall set forththe reasons for disputing the designation. If any designations are disputed by petition, the commissioner shall order a public hearing to be held within the county within 60 days following the 90-day period,. Notice ofwhich shallthe hearing must be published in the state register and the official newspaper of the county. The hearingsshallmust be conducted by a hearings unit. The unit is composed of: one person appointed by the affected county board,; one person appointed by the commissioner,; and one board member of the local soil and water conservation district or districts within the county whoshallmust be selected by the other two members at least 20 daysprior tobefore the hearing date. The expensesofand per diempayments toof any member of the hearings unit who is not a state employeeshallmust be paid as provided for in section 15.059, subdivision 3, within the limits of funds available from grants to the countypursuant tounder Laws 1979, chapter 199, section 16.In the eventIf there is a watershed district whose boundaries include the waters involved, the district mayprovidegive the hearings unitwithits recommendations. Within 60 daysfollowingafter completion of the hearing, the hearings unit shall issue its findings of fact, conclusions and an order, whichshallmust be considered the decision of an agency in a contested case for purposes of judicial reviewpursuant tounder sections 14.63 to 14.69. The commissioner, the county, or any person aggrieved by the decision of the hearings unit may appeal from the hearings unit's order.Uponreceipt ofOn receiving the order of the hearings unit and after the appeal period has expired, orupon receipt ofon receiving the final order of the court in the case of an appeal, the commissioner shall publish a list of the waters determined to be public waters and wetlands. The commissioner shall complete the public waters and wetlands inventory by December 31, 1982. Subd. 3. [PERMISSION TO DRAIN WATERS AND WETLANDS.] Except as provided below, no public waters or wetlands shall be drained, and no permit authorizing drainage of public waters or wetlands shall be issued, unless the public waters or wetlands being drained are replaced by public waters or wetlandswhichthat will have equal or greater public value. However, after a state waterbank program has been established, wetlandswhichthat are eligible for inclusion in that program may be drained without a permit and without replacement of wetlands of equal or greater public value if the commissioner does notelectchoose, within 60 days ofthe receipt ofreceiving an application for a permit to drain the wetlands, toeither(1) place the wetlands in the state waterbank program, or (2) acquire itpursuant tounder section 97A.145, or (3) indemnify the landowner throughanyother appropriate means, including but not limited to conservation restrictions, easements, leases, or any applicable federal program. The applicant, if not offered a choice of the above alternatives, is entitled to drain the wetlands involved. In addition, the owneror ownersof lands underlying wetlands situated on privately owned lands may apply to the commissioner for a permit to drain the wetlands at any timeafter the expiration ofmore than ten yearsfollowing theafter their original designationthereof.Upon receipt ofOn receiving an application, the commissioner shall review thecurrentstatus and conditions of the wetlands. If the commissioner finds that the current status or conditionsaresuch thatmake itappearslikely that the economic or other benefits to the owneror owners which would resultfrom drainage would exceed the public benefits of maintaining the wetlands, the commissioner shall grant the application and issue a drainage permit. If the application is denied,no additionalapplication shall be made until the expiration of anadditionalthe owner may not apply again for another ten years. Subd. 9. [RESTRICTIONS ON ACCESS TO WETLANDS.]In orderTo protect the public health or safety, local units of government mayestablishby ordinancerestrictions uponrestrict public access toanywetlands from city, county, or township roadswhichthat abut wetlands. Subd. 10. [LANDOWNER'S USE OF WETLANDS.]Nothing inThis chaptershalldoes not prevent a landowner fromutilizingusing the bed of wetlands or public waters for pasture or cropland during periods of drought,providedif there is no construction of dikes, ditches, tile lines or buildings, and the agricultural use does not result in the drainage of the wetlands or public waters. This chaptershalldoes not prevent a landowner from fillinganya wetland to accommodate wheeled booms on irrigation devices so long as the fill does not impede normal drainage. Subd. 11. [STATE WETLANDS AND PUBLIC DRAINAGE SYSTEMS.] When the state owns wetlands on or adjacent to existing public drainage systems, the state shallgive consideration toconsider theutilizationuse of the wetlands as part of the drainage system. If the wetlands interfere with or prevent the authorized functioning of the public drainage system, the state shall provide foranynecessary work to allowtheproper use and maintenance of the drainage system while still preserving the wetlands. Subd. 12. [COMMISSIONER'S DESIGNATION DOES NOT CHANGE RIGHTS OR TRESPASS LAW.] The designation of waters as"public waters"or"wetlands" pursuant tounder this sectionshalldoes not grantanythe public additional or greater right of accessto the publicto those waters, nor is. The commissioner is not required to acquire access to those waters under section 97A.141,nor is any. The right of ownership or usage of the beds underlying those waters is not diminished. Notwithstanding the designation of waters or lands as public waters or wetlands,all provisions ofany Minnesota law forbidding trespass upon private landsshall remainremains infullforceand effect. 105.392 [WATER BANK PROGRAM.] Subdivision 1. [POLICY.] The legislature finds that it is in the public interest to preserve the wetlands of the state andthereby toso conserve surface waters,topreserve wildlife habitat,toreduce runoff,toprovide for floodwater retention,toreduce stream sedimentation,tocontribute to improved subsurface moisture,toenhance the natural beauty of the landscape, andtopromote comprehensive and total water management planning. Therefore, the commissioner of natural resourcesis authorized tomay promulgate rules, whichshallthat include the procedures and payment rates designed toeffectuate the terms ofcarry out this section. This program is intended to supplement and complement the federal water bank programand. The payment rates establishedshall bemust at least equaltothe federal rates existingat the time anywhen the agreements are entered into. Subd. 2. [TEN-YEAR WATERBANK AGREEMENTS.] The commissionershall have authority tomay enter into agreements with landowners for the conservation of wetlands. These agreementsshallmust beentered intofor a period of ten years, with provision for renewal for additional ten-year periods. The commissioner may reexamine the payment rates at the beginning ofanya ten-year renewal period and adjust them in the light ofthe thencurrent land and crop valuesand make neededadjustments in rates for any renewal period. Subd. 2a. [WATERBANK PROGRAM CHARACTERISTICS.]WetlandsA wetland is eligible for inclusion in the waterbank programshallhave all the following characteristics as determined byif the commissioner determines that:(a)(1) it is type 3, 4, or 5 as defined in United States Fish and Wildlife Service Circular No. 39 (1971 edition);(b)(2) its drainage is lawful, feasible, and practical; and(c)(3) its drainage would provide high quality cropland and that is the projected land use. Waterswhichthat havethe foregoingthose characteristics but are less than ten acres in size in unincorporated areas or less than 2-1/2 acres in size in incorporated areasshallmay also beeligible for inclusionincluded in the waterbank program, at the discretion of the commissioner. Subd. 3. [CONTENTS OF WATERBANK AGREEMENT.] In the agreement between the commissioner and an owner, the owner shall agree: (1) to place in the program for the period of the agreement eligible wetland areas the owner designates, whichareasmay include wetlands covered by a federal or state government easementwhichthat permits agricultural use, together withsuchadjacent areas as determined desirable by the commissioner; (2) not to drain, burn, fill, or otherwise destroy the wetland character ofsuchthe areas, nor to usesuch areasthem for agricultural purposes, as determined by the commissioner; (3) toeffectuatecarry out the wetland conservation and development plan for the land in accordance withthe terms ofthe agreement, unless any requirementthereofof the agreement or plan is waived ormodifiedchanged by the commissioner; (4) to forfeitallrights to further payments or grants under the agreement and to refund to the stateallpayments or grants receivedthereunderunder it upon violating the agreement at any stage during the time the owner has control of the land subject to the agreement if the commissioner determines that the violationis of such a nature as to warrantwarrants termination of the agreement, or to make refunds or acceptsuchpayment adjustmentsasthe commissionermay deemfinds appropriate if the commissioner determines that the violation by the owner does not warrant termination of the agreement; (5) upon transfer of right and interest in the lands subject to the agreement during the agreement period, to forfeitallrights to further payments or grants under the agreement and refund to the stateallpayments or grants receivedthereunderunder it during the year of the transfer unless the transferee of anysuchland agrees with the commissioner to assumeallthe obligations of the agreement; (6) not to adopt any practice specified by the commissioner in the agreement as a practicewhichthat would tend to defeat the purposes of the agreement; and (7) to additional provisionswhichthat the commissioner determines are desirable and includes in the agreement toeffectuatecarry out the purposes of the program or to facilitate its administration. Subd. 4. [PAYMENT AND HELP TO OWNER.] In return for the agreement of the owner, the commissioner shall: (1) make an annual payment to the owner for the period of the agreement at the rate as the commissioner determines to be fair and reasonable in consideration of the obligations undertaken by the owner; and (2) provide advice on conservation and development practices on the wetlands and adjacent areas for the purposes of this section as the commissioner determines to be appropriate. In making the determination, the commissioner shall consider, among other things, the rate of compensation necessary to encourage owners of wetlands to participate in the waterbank program. Subd. 5. [CHANGES IN OWNERSHIP.]AnyAn agreement may be renewed or extended at the end of the agreement period for an additionalperiod often years by mutual agreement of the commissioner and the owner, subject to any rate redetermination by the commissioner. If, during the agreement period, the owner sells or otherwise disposes of the ownership or right of occupancy of the land, the new owner may: (1) continuesuchthe agreement under the same terms or conditions, or; (2) enter into a new agreement in accordance withtheprovisions ofthis section, including the provisions for renewal and adjustment of payment rates,; or (3) may choose not to participate in the program, except. However, if the owner or occupant chooses not to participate, any water designated as wetlandsshallmust not be drained. Subd. 6. [ENDING OR CHANGING AGREEMENT.] The commissioner may terminate any agreement by mutual agreement with the owner if the commissioner determines that the termination would be in the public interest, and may agree to any modification of agreements the commissionermay determine to bedetermines desirable to carry out the purposes of the program or facilitate its administration. 105.40 [DIRECTOR; QUALIFICATIONS, DUTIES.] Subdivision 1. [REGISTERED ENGINEER.] The director of the division of waters, soils and minerals of the department of natural resourcesshallmust be a registered professional engineer, skilled in hydraulics. Under the direction of the commissioner, the director shall make the surveys and engineering investigations required by sections 105.37 to 105.55 and perform the following duties. Subd. 2. [DITCH INFORMATION; DIRECTOR'S REPORT.] A complete copy of all preliminary and final engineers' maps, plans and reports on all public ditches hereafterinitiated inthe state shallmust be filed in the office of the director by the respective county auditors or court administrators of district court, and. The director shall reportthereonon them to the county boards of commissioners or judges of the district court, as required by the county and judicial ditch laws of this state. Subd. 3. [ADVICE ABOUT DITCHES.] Upon request by any county board or judge of the district court or engineer onanya public ditch, the director shall advise themrelative to anyon engineering questions or problemsarisingin connection withanya public ditch. Subd. 4. [FIELD SURVEYS, INVESTIGATIONS.] Whenanya field survey or investigation of any public ditch isdeemedfound necessary by the director or is requested in writing by the county board or district judge, the director may makethe sameit. If the field survey or investigationbeis made at the request of the board or judge,the expense thereof shallits cost must be reported to the board or court and paid by the county as are other ditch expenses. Subd. 5. [INFORMATION, PUBLISHING.] The directorisauthorized tomay prepare and publish run-off data and informationas toabout the capacity of tile drains and open ditcheswithinin the state together with forms of specifications for drain tile, open ditches, and ditch construction and standard procedural forms for public ditch proceedings, and to furnish the same. The director may furnish the information to engineers and public officials for their advice and information. Subd. 6. [DRAIN TILE MANUFACTURING, STUDIES.] The directoris authorized tomay investigate the methodsemployedused in the manufacture of drain tile and the causes ofanyits failuresthereof, andtomay conduct research and experimentationfor thepurpose of improvingto improve the quality of drain tile. The director may make inspections and tests of manufacturing processes and materials used and the resultant product in any manufacturing plant in the state where drain tile is made and sold to the general public. The director, or an authorized representative of the director, shall have free access toallsuchthe manufacturing plants forthe purpose of suchinspections and tests, and. The resultsthereof shallof inspections and tests must be made public for the information of officials concerned in public ditch proceedings, tile manufacturers, and others interested in the use of drain tile. Subd. 7. [WATER BOARD REQUESTS;HEARINGSAPPEARANCES AT HEARINGS.] The director shall performsuchengineering workasmay berequested by the state water policy board, and shall appear in all hearings and proceedings before the state water policy board affecting waters within the state. Subd. 8. [COOPERATION, RECOMMENDATIONS TO AGENCIES.] The director shall cooperate withallagencies and departments of the state and federal government relating to projectsor worksof improvementaffecting waters within the state and shall make recommendations to the agencies involved and to the governorastoabout the desirability, feasibility, and practicability ofsuchthe proposed projectsand works of improvement. Subd. 9. [PURCHASING.] The directoris authorized tomay purchasesuchtechnical and scientific equipmentas may benecessary to performneeded for the functions anddischarge theduties of the director's office. Subd. 10. [CONTRACT APPROVALS.] No contract or agreement shall be made by any department or agency of the state or any municipality with the United States or any agency or departmentthereofof it, for the collection of basic data pertaining to surface or ground waters of the state without first securing the written approval of the director. Subd. 11. [STANDARDS.] The directoris authorized toformulatemay make rulesso asto standardize the forms and sizes of maps, plats, drawings and specifications in public drainage proceedings and proceedings and undertakings pertaining to public waters of the state. Subd. 12. [APPROPRIATIONS AVAILABLE.]All moneysMoney appropriated to the commissioner of natural resourcesof thedepartment of natural resourcesforthe use ofthe division of waters, soils, and minerals ortheits directorthereof, to conduct hydrologic studies,shall remainremains available untilexpendedspent. Subd. 13. [APPEARANCES.] The director may appear for the state in any matter or proceeding affecting waters within the state, including boundary waters,for the purpose of furnishingto give hydrologic and hydraulic engineering advice and information in connectiontherewithwith the proceeding. Subd. 14. [AGREEMENTS.] The director, with the approval of the commissioner, may make cooperative agreements with and cooperate with any person, corporation, or governmental authorityfor the purpose of effectuating the provisions ofto carry out this section. 105.403 [WATER AND RELATED LAND RESOURCES PLANS.] The commissioner of natural resources, in cooperation with other state and federal agencies, regional development commissions, the metropolitan council, local governmental units, and citizens, shall prepare a statewide framework and assessment water and related land resources plan for presentation to the legislature by November 15, 1975, for its review and approval or disapproval. This planshallmust relate each of the programs of the department of natural resources for specific aspects of water management to the others. The statewide planshallmust include but is notbelimited to provisions for the following:(a)(1) regulation of improvements and land development by abutting landowners of the beds, banks, and shores of lakes, streams, watercourses, and marshes by permit or otherwiseinorderto preserve them for beneficial use;(b)(2) regulation of construction of improvements on and prevention of encroachments in the flood plains of the rivers, streams, lakes, and marshes of the state;(c)(3) reclamation or filling of wet and overflowed lands;(d)(4) repair, improvement, relocation, modification or consolidation in whole or in part of previously established public drainage systems within the state;(e)(5) preservation of wetland areas;(f)(6) management of game and fish resources as related to water resources;(g)(7) control of water weeds;(h)(8) control or alleviation of damages by flood waters;(i)(9) alteration of stream channels for conveyance of surface waters, navigation, and any other public purposes;(j)(10) diversion or changing of watercourses in whole or in part;(k)(11) regulation of the flow of streams and conservation ofthetheir watersthereof;(l)(12) regulation of lake water levels;(m)(13) maintenance of water supply for municipal, domestic, industrial, recreational, agricultural, aesthetic, wildlife, fishery, or other public use;(n)(14) sanitation and public health and regulation of uses of streams, ditches, or watercoursesfor the purpose ofdisposingto dispose of waste andmaintainingmaintain water quality;(o)(15) preventive or remedial measures to control or alleviate land and soil erosion and siltation of watercourses or bodies of wateraffected thereby; and(p)(16) regulation of uses of water surfaces. 105.405 [WATER SUPPLY MANAGEMENT.] Subdivision 1. [ASSURANCE OF SUPPLY.] The commissioner shall develop and manage water resources to assure a supply adequate to meet long-range seasonal requirements for domestic, municipal, industrial, agricultural, fish and wildlife, recreational, power, navigation, and quality control purposes from surface or ground water sources, or from a combination of these. Subd. 2. [STATE NEEDS.] No permit authorized by sections 105.37 to 105.55 nor any plan for which the commissioner's approval is required or permitted, involving a diversion of any waters of the state, surface or underground, to a place outside of this state shall be granted or approved until afteradetermination bythe commissioner has determined that the water remaining in this state will be adequate to meet the state's water resources needs during the specified life of the diversion project and after approval by the legislature. 105.41 [APPROPRIATION AND USE OF WATERS.] Subdivision 1. [COMMISSIONER'S PERMISSION.] Itshall beis unlawful for the state, any person, partnership, or association, private or public corporation, county, municipality, or other political subdivision of the state to appropriate or use any waters of the state, surface or underground, without the written permit of the commissioner.Nothing inThis sectionshall beconstrued todoes not apply to the use of water for domestic purposes serving less than 25 persons. The commissioner shallestablishset up a statewide training program to provide training in the conduct of pumping tests and data acquisition programs. Subd. 1a. [WATER ALLOCATION RULES, PRIORITIES.] The commissioner shall submit to the legislature by January 1, 1975, for its approval, proposed rules governing the allocation of waters among potential water users. These rulesshallmust be based on the following priorities for appropriation and use of water: Firstpriority.: domestic water supply, excluding industrial and commercial uses of municipal water supply. Secondpriority.: any use of water that involves consumption of less than 10,000 gallons of waterpera day.Forpurposes ofIn this section "consumption"shall meanmeans water withdrawn from a supplywhichthat is lost for immediate further use in the area. Thirdpriority.: agricultural irrigation, involving consumption in excess of 10,000 gallonspera day, and processing of agricultural products. Fourthpriority.: power production, involving consumption in excess of 10,000 gallonspera day. Fifthpriority.: other uses, involving consumption in excess of 10,000 gallonspera day. Appropriation and use of surface water from streams during periods of flood flows and high water levelsshallmust be encouraged subject to consideration of the purposes for use, quantities to be used, and the number of persons appropriating water. Appropriation and use of surface water from lakes of less than 500 acres in surface areashallmust be discouraged. Diversions of water from the state for use in other states or regions of the United States or Canadashallmust be discouraged, subject to the jurisdiction of the United Statesgovernment. No permitshallmay be issued under this section unless it is consistent with state, regional, and local water and related land resources management plans,provided thatif regional and local plans are consistent with statewide plans. The commissionershallmust not modify or restrict the amount of appropriation from a groundwater source authorized in a permit issuedpursuant tounder section 105.44, subdivision 8, between May 1 and October 1 of any year, unless the commissioner determines the authorized amount of appropriation endangers any domestic water supply. Subd. 1b. [USE LESS THAN MINIMUM.] No permitshall beis required for the appropriation and use of less than a minimum amount to be established by the commissioner by rule. Permits for more than the minimum amount but less than an intermediate amount to be specified by the commissioner by ruleshallmust be processed and approved at the municipal, county, or regional level based on rules to be established by the commissioner by January 1, 1977. The rulesshallmust include provisions for reporting to the commissioner the amounts of water appropriatedpursuant tounder local permits. Subd. 2. [INSTALLATIONS FOR WATER USE, PERMITS AND REPORTS.] Itshall beis unlawful for the owner of any installation for appropriating or using surface or underground water to increase the pumping capacity or make any majormodificationchange insuchthe installation without first applying in writing for, and obtaining, the written permit of the commissionerpreviously obtained upon written applicationtherefor to the commissioner. The owner or person in charge ofeveryan installation for appropriating or using surface or underground water, whether or not under permit, shall file a statement with the commissioner. The statement shall be filed atsuchthe timeasthe commissioner determines necessarytofor the statewide water information system, a. The statementofmust identify the installation's locationthereof, its capacity, thepurpose orpurposes for which it is used, andsuchadditional information that the commissioner may require,. The statement shall be provided on forms provided by the commissioner. Subd. 3. [COMMISSIONER'S EXAMINATIONS.] The commissioner may examine any installationwhichthat appropriates or uses surface or underground water, and. The owner ofsuchthe installation shall supplysuchinformation concerningsuchinstallationit as the commissionermay requirerequires. Subd. 4. [MEASURING AND RECORDING QUANTITIES USED.] Itshall beis unlawful for the state,anya person, partnership, or association, private or public corporation, county, municipality, or other political subdivision of the state to appropriate or useanywaters of the state, surface or underground, without measuring and keeping a record of the quantity of water used or appropriated ashereinprovided in this section. Each installation for appropriating or using watershallmust be equipped with a device or employ a method to measure the quantity of water appropriated with reasonable accuracy. The commissioner's determination of the method to be used for measuring water quantityshallmust be baseduponon the quantity of water appropriated or used, the source of water, the method of appropriating or using water, and any other facts supplied to the commissioner. Subd. 5. [RECORDS REQUIRED.] Records of the amount of water appropriated or usedshallmust berecordedkept for eachsuchinstallationand such. The readings and the total amount of water appropriatedshallmust be reported annually to the commissioner of natural resources on or before February 15 of the following year upon forms to be supplied by the commissioner. The recordsshallmust be submitted with an annual water appropriation processing fee in the amount established in accordance with the following schedule of fees for each water appropriation permit in force at any time during the year:(a)(1) irrigation permits, $15 for the first permitted 160 acres orportion thereofpart of 160 acres, and $25 for each additional permitted 160 acres orportion thereofpart of 160 acres;(b)(2) for nonirrigation permits, $5 for each ten million gallons or portionthereofof that amount permitted each year. However,in no case shallthe fee must not exceed a total of $500 per permit. The fee is payable regardless of the amount of water appropriated during the year. Failure to pay the fee is sufficient cause for revoking a permit. No fee may be imposed on any state agency, as defined in section 16B.01, or federal governmental agency holding a water appropriation permit. Subd. 6. [TRANSFER OF PERMIT.] Any appropriation or use permit may be transferred if the permittee conveys the real property where the source of water is located to thesubsequentnext owner of the real property. Thesubsequentnew owner shall notify the commissioner of natural resources immediately after an appropriation or use permit is transferredpursuant tounder this section. 105.415 [RULES GOVERNING PERMITS.] Notwithstanding the provision in section 105.41, subdivision 1a,stating that the commissioner of naturalresources shall submit to the legislature by January 1, 1975,for its approval proposed rules governing the allocation ofwaters among potential water users,and notwithstanding the provision in section 105.42, subdivision 1a,stating that thecommissioner shall recommend by January 15, 1975, to thelegislature a comprehensive law containing standards andcriteria governing the issuance and denial of permits under thesection,the commissioner shallprior to, before January 30, 1978, adopt rules containing standards and criteria for the issuance and denial of the permits required by sections 105.41 and 105.42. 105.416 [IRRIGATION FROM GROUNDWATER.] Subdivision 1. [PERMIT.] Permit applications required by section 105.41, for appropriation of groundwater forpurposes ofagricultural irrigationshall, must be processed as either class A or class B applications. Class A applications are for wells located in areas for which the commissioner of natural resources has adequate groundwater availability data. Class B are those forallother areas. The commissioner shall evaluate available groundwater data, determine its adequacy, and designate areas A and B, statewide. The commissioner shall solicit, receive, and evaluate groundwater data from soil and water conservation districts, and where appropriate revise the area A and B designations. The commissioner of natural resources shall file with the secretary of state a commissioner's order defining these areas by county and township. Additional areas may be added by asubsequentlater order of the commissioner. Class A and B applicationsshallmust be processed in the order received. Subd. 2. [CLASS B PERMITS; INFORMATION REQUIREMENTS.] Class B applications are not complete until the applicant has supplied the following data:(a)(1) A summary of the anticipated well depth and subsurface geologic formation expected to be penetrated by the well. For glacial drift aquifers, this datashallmust include the logs of test holes drilledfor the purpose of locatingto locate the site of the proposed production well;.(b)(2) The formation and aquifer expected to serve as the groundwater source;.(c)(3) The maximum daily, seasonal and annual pumpage expected;.(d)(4) The anticipated groundwater quality in terms of the measures of quality commonly specified for the proposed water use;.(e)(5) The results of a pumping test supervised by the commissioner or a designee of the commissioner, conducted at a rate not to exceed the proposed pumping rate fora periodnottoexceedmore than 72 continuous hours for wells under water table conditions and notto exceedmore than 24 continuous hours for wells under artesian conditions. Before, during, and after the pumping test the commissioner shall require monitoring of water levels in one observation well located atsucha distance from the pumping wellwhichthat the commissioner has reason to believe may be affected by the new appropriation. The permit applicantshall beis responsible forallcosts of the pumping tests and monitoring in the one observation well. The applicantshall beis responsible for the construction of this one observation well if suitable existing wells cannot be located for this purpose. If the commissioner believes that more than one observation well is needed the commissioner shall instruct the applicant to install and monitoradditionalmore observation wells. The commissioner shall reimburse the applicant for these added costs; and.(f) Upon determination of(6) When the area of influence of the proposed well is determined, the location of existing wells within the area of influencewhichthat were reportedpursuantaccording to section 156A.07, together with readily available facts on depths, geologic formations, pumping and nonpumping water levels and details of well construction as related to thecommissioner of health "water well construction code". The commissioner may in any specific application waive anyof therequirements of clauses(d)(4) to(f)(6) when the necessary data is already available. Subd. 3. [ISSUANCE OF NEW PERMITS; CONDITIONS.] The commissioner shall issue permits for irrigation appropriation from groundwater only where the commissioner determines that: (1) proposed soil and water conservation measures are adequate based on recommendations of the soil and water conservation districts; andthat(2) water supply is available for the proposed use without reducing water levels beyond the reach of vicinity wells constructed in accordance with the water well construction code,containedinthe rules of theMinnesotastate commissioner ofhealthRules, parts 4725.1900 to 4725.6500. 105.417 [WATER APPROPRIATIONS FROM SURFACE SOURCES.] Subdivision 1. [WAIVER.] The commissioner may waive any limitation or requirement in subdivisions 2 to 5 for just cause. Subd. 2. [NATURAL AND ALTERED NATURAL WATERCOURSES.] Where dataareis available, permits to appropriate water from natural and altered natural watercoursesshallmust be limited so that consumptive appropriations are not made from the watercourses during periods of specified low flowsin order. The purpose of the limits is to safeguard water availability for instream uses and for downstream higher priority users locatedin reasonableproximity toreasonably near the site of appropriation. Subd. 3. [WATERBASINS.] (a) Permits to appropriate waterfor any purposefrom waterbasinsshallmust be limited so that the collective annual withdrawals do not exceed a total volume of water amounting to one-half acre-foot per acre of waterbasin based on Minnesota department of conservation bulletin No. 25, "An Inventory of Minnesota Lakes." (b) As a condition toanya surface water appropriation permit, the commissioner of natural resources shallestablishset an elevation for the subject waterbasin, below which no appropriationshall beis allowed. During the determination of the elevation, which for the purposes of this section shall beknown ascalled the "protection elevation," the commissioner shall take into account the elevation of important aquatic vegetation characteristics related to fish and wildlife habitat, existing uses of the waterbasin by the public and riparian land owners, the total volume within the waterbasin and the slope of the littoral zone. (c) As part ofanyan application for appropriation of waterfor any purposefrom a waterbasinofless than 500 acres in surface area, the applicant shallobtainget asignedstatementfromcontaining as many signatures as the applicant can obtain of landowners with land riparian to the subject waterbasinstating. It must state their support to the proposed appropriationas the applicant is able to obtain, and itshallindicatemust show the number of landowners whosesignaturesignatures the applicantis unable tocould not obtain. Subd. 4. [TROUT STREAMS.] Permits issued after June 3, 1977, to appropriate waterfor any purposefrom streams designated trout streams by the commissioner's orderspursuanttounder section 97C.021,shallmust be limited to temporary appropriations. Subd. 5. [CONTINGENCY PLANNING.] No application for use of surface waters of the statefor any purposeis complete until the applicant submits, as part of the application, a contingency planwhichthat describes the alternatives the applicant willutilizeuse if further appropriation is restricted due to the flow of the stream or the level of a waterbasin. No surface water appropriationfor any purposeshall be allowed unless the contingency plan is feasible or the permittee agrees to withstand the results of no appropriation. 105.418 [CONSERVATION OF PUBLIC WATER SUPPLIES.] During periods of critical water deficiency as determined by the governor and declared by order of the governor, public water supply authorities appropriating water shall adopt and enforce restrictions consistent with rules adopted by the commissioner of natural resources within their areas of jurisdictionto restrict. The restrictions must limit lawn sprinkling, car washing, golf course and park irrigation, and other nonessential uses, together withand have appropriate penalties for failure to comply with the restrictions. The commissioner may adopt emergency rulespursuantaccording tosection 15.0412, subdivision 5sections 14.29 to 14.36 relating to matters covered by this section during the year 1977. Disregard of critical water deficiency orders, even though total appropriation remains less than that permitted,shall beadequateis grounds for immediate modification of any public water supply authority's appropriator's permit. 105.42 [PERMITS; WORK IN PUBLIC WATERS.] Subdivision 1. [CONSTRUCTION.] Itshall beis unlawful for the state,anya person, partnership, association, private or public corporation, county, municipality or other political subdivision of the state, to construct, reconstruct, remove, abandon, transfer ownership of, or make any change in any reservoir, dam or waterway obstruction on any public water; or in any manner, to change or diminish the course, current, or cross-section of any public waters, wholly or partly within the state, by any means, including but not limited to, filling, excavating, or placing ofanymaterials in or on the beds of public waters, without first getting a written permit from the commissionerpreviously obtained. Application forsucha permitshallmust be in writing to the commissioner on forms prescribed by the commissioner. No permit shall be required for work in altered natural watercourseswhichthat are part of drainage systems establishedpursuant tounder sections 106A.005 to 106A.811 and chapter 112 when the work in the waters is undertakenpursuant tounder those chapters. This section does not apply to any public drainage systemlawfullyestablished underthe provisions ofsections 106A.005 to 106A.811whichthat does not substantially affectanypublic waters. The commissioner, subject to the approval of the county board,shall have power tomay grant, andtoprescribe terms and conditions for granting, permits to establish, construct, maintain, and control wharfs, docks, piers, levees, breakwaters, basins, canals and hangars in or adjacent to public waters of the state except within the corporate limits of cities. Subd. 1a. [STANDARDS AND CRITERIA.] By January 15, 1975, the commissioner shall recommendby January 15, 1975,to the legislature a comprehensive law containing standards and criteriagoverningfor the issuance and denial of permits under this section. These standards and criteriashallmust relate to the diversion of water from other uses and changes in the level of public waters toinsureensure that projects will be satisfactorily completed and maintainedin a satisfactorymanner. The commissioner may, by rule, identify classes of activities in waterbasins and classes of watercourses on which the commissioner may delegate permit authority to the appropriate county or city undersuchguidelinesasthe commissioner may provide based on agreement with the involved county or city and in compliance withthe requirements ofsection 105.45. After November 15, 1975, a permit shall be granted under this section only when the project conforms to state, regional, and local water and related land resources management plans, and only when it will involve a minimum of encroachment, change, or damage to the environment, particularly the ecology of the waterway.In those instances whereWhen a major change in the resource is justified, permitsshallmust include provisions to compensate for the detrimental aspects of the change. In unincorporated areas and, after January 1, 1976, in incorporated areas, permits that will involve excavation in the beds of public waters shall be granted only where the area in which the excavation will take place is covered by a shoreland conservation ordinance approved by the commissioner and only where the work to be authorized is consistent with the shoreland conservation ordinance. Each permit that will involve excavation in the public watersshallmust include provisions governing the deposition of spoil materials.NoA permit affecting flood waters shall be grantedexceptwhereonly if: (1) the area covered by the permit is governed by a flood plain management ordinance approved by the commissioner; and (2) the conduct authorized by the permit is consistent with the flood plain management ordinance,provided thatif the commissioner has determined thatsufficientenough information is available for the adoption of a flood plain ordinance.NoA permit involving the control of flood waters by structural means, such as dams, dikes, levees, and channel improvements, shall be granteduntilonly after the commissioner hasgiven due consideration toconsidered all other flood damage reduction alternatives. In developing a policywith regard toon placing emergency levees along the banks of public waters under flood emergency conditions, the commissioner shall consult and cooperate with the office of emergency services. No permit that willinvolve achangeinthe level of public waters shall be granted unless the shoreland adjacent to the waters to be changed is governed by a shoreland conservation ordinance approved by the commissioner and the change in water level is consistent with that shoreland conservation ordinance. Standards and procedures for use in deciding the level of a particular lake mustinsureensure that the rights of all persons are protected when lake levels are changed andshallinclude provisionsmust provide forproviding: (1) technical advice toallpersons involved, for; (2) establishing alternatives toassisthelp local agenciesin resolvingresolve water level conflicts,; and (3) mechanics necessaryto providefor local resolution of water problems within the state guidelines. Subd. 2. [EMERGENCY REPAIRS.]Nothing inThis sectionshalldoes not prevent the owner ofanya dam, reservoir, control structure, or waterway obstruction frominstitutingmaking repairswhichthat are immediately necessary in case of emergency. However, the owner shall notify the commissioner at once of the emergency and of the emergency repairs beinginstitutedmade and, as soon as practicable, shall apply for a permit for the emergency repairs and any necessary permanent repairs.Nothing inThis sectionshalldoes not apply to routine maintenance,not affecting the safety of the structures. Incase ofan emergency where the commissioner declares that repairs or remedial action is immediately necessary to safeguard life and property, the repairs, remedial action, or both,shallmust be started immediately by the owner. Subd. 3. [OPERATION.] The owner ofanya dam, reservoir, control structure, or waterway obstruction constructed before a permit was required by law shall maintain and operateallsuchthe dams, reservoirs, control structures, and waterway obstructions in a manner approved by the commissioner and in accordance withanyrulespromulgatedadopted by the commissionerin the manner prescribed byunder chapter 14. Subd. 4. [LANDLOCKED LAKES; PREVENTION OF FLOODING.] Where prescribed in an approved storm water management plan under section 473.879, the commissioner shall issue permits to establish control elevations for landlocked lakes up to three feet below the ordinary high water level for the lake, if the commissioner finds thatthecontrol is necessary to prevent flooding of homesteads and that no other reasonable or cost-effective alternative is available. 105.43 [APPLICATION FOR ESTABLISHMENT OF LAKE LEVELS.] Application for authority to establish and maintain levels on any public water and applications to establish the natural ordinary high water level of any body of public water may be made to the commissioner by any public body or authority or by a majority of the riparian owners thereon; or, for the purpose of conserving or utilizing the water resources of the state, the commissioner may initiate proceedings therefor. 105.44 [PROCEDURE UPON APPLICATION.] Subdivision 1. [PERMIT.] Each application for a permit required by sections 105.37 to 105.55shallmust be accompanied by maps, plans, and specifications describing the proposed appropriation and use of waters, or the changes, additions, repairs or abandonment proposed to be made, or the public water affected, andsuchother dataasthe commissioner may require. This data may include but not be limited to a statement of the effect the actions proposed in the permit application will have on the environment, such as:(a)(1) anticipated changes in water and related land resourceswhich are anticipated;(b)(2) unavoidable but anticipated detrimental effects; and(c)(3) alternatives to the actions proposed in the permit. If the proposed activity, for which the permit is requested, is within a city, or is within or affects a watershed district or a soil and water conservation district, a copy of the application together with maps, plans, and specificationsshallmust be served on the secretary of the board of managers of the district and the secretary of the board of supervisors of the soil and water conservation district and on the mayor of the city. Proof ofsuchserviceshallmust be included with the application and filed with the commissioner. Subd. 1a. [EXCAVATION CHARGES.] The commissioner shall impose charges for the excavation of minerals from the beds of public waters, as provided in chapter 93. Subd. 2. [AUTHORITY.] The commissioneris authorized tomay receive applications for permits andtograntthe samethem, with or without conditions, or refusethe same as hereinafterset forththem.Provided, thatIf the proposed activity for which the permit is requested is within a city, or is within or affects a watershed district or a soil and water conservation district, the commissioner maysecureget the written recommendation of the managers ofsaidthe district and the board of supervisors of the soil and water conservation district or the mayor of the city before granting or refusing the permit. The managers or supervisors or mayors shall file their recommendation within 30 days after receipt of a copy of the application for permit. Subd. 3. [WAIVER OF HEARING.] The commissioner may waive hearing on any application and order thegranting or refusal ofsuchapplication granted or refused. Insuchthat case, if any application is granted, with or without conditions, or is refused, the applicant, the managers of the watershed district, the board of supervisors of the soil and water conservation district, or the mayor of the city may within 30 days after mailed noticethereofof the order file with the commissioner a demand for hearing on the application together with the bond required by subdivision 6. The applicationshall thereuponmust then be fully heard, on noticeas hereinafter providedunder subdivision 5, and determinedthe sameas though no previous order had been made. Any hearingpursuant tounder this sectionshallmust be conducted as a contested case in accordance with chapter 14. If the commissionerelects to waivewaives a hearing, and if no demand for hearingbeis made, or if a hearing is demanded but no bond is filed as required by subdivision 6, the ordershall becomebecomes final at theexpirationend of 30 days after mailed noticethereofof the order to the applicant, the managers of the watershed district, the board of supervisors of the soil and water conservation district, or the mayor of the city and no appeal of the order may be takento the district court. Subd. 4. [TIME.] The commissioner shall actuponon all applications, except for appropriations for irrigation, pursuantaccording to subdivision 8, within 30 days after the application and all required dataisare filed in the commissioner's office;. The commissioner shall eitherwaivingwaive the hearing andmakingmake an orderthereonon the application ordirectingdirect the hearingthereonon it. Subd. 5. [NOTICE.] The notice of hearing onanyan applicationshall recitemust state the date, place, and time fixed by the commissioner for the public hearingthereon andshall. It must also show the waters affected, the levels sought to be established oranycontrol structures proposed. The noticeshallmust be published by the commissioner at the expense of the applicant or, if the proceeding is initiated by the commissioner in the absence of an applicant, at the expense of the commissioner,. It must be published onceeacha week for two successive weeksprior tobefore the day of hearing in a legal newspaper published in the county in whichaany partorallof the affected watersareis located. Noticeshallmust also be mailed by the commissioner to the county auditor and the mayor of any municipality or the watershed district and the soil and water conservation district affected. The commissioner shall also fulfill any notice requirements prescribed by sections 14.57 to 14.59 and rules of the chief administrative law judge. Subd. 6. [HEARING COSTS.] (a) Exceptwhere a publichearing is demanded by a public authority which is not theapplicantas stated in paragraph (b), the applicant shall pay the following, if after the hearing the commissioner's action, takenpursuant tounder subdivision 2, is affirmed without material modification: (1) costs of the stenographic record and transcript, (2) rentalexpensescosts, if any, of the place of hearing, (3) costs of publication of orders made by the commissioner;. However,in no event shallthe applicant shall not pay more than $750. (b) Where the public hearing is demanded by a public authoritywhichthat is not the applicant, the public authority making the demand shall pay the costsand expenseslistedabovein paragraph (a) if the commissioner's action is affirmed without material modification. (c) An applicant filing a demand for a public hearing shall execute and file a corporate surety bond or equivalent security to the state of Minnesota, to be approved by the commissioner, and in an amount and form fixed by the commissioner. The bond or securityshallmust be conditioned for the payment ofallcostsand expensesof the public hearing if the commissioner's action takenpursuant tounder subdivision 2 is affirmed without material modification. No bond or security is required of a public authoritywhichthat demands a public hearing. The commissioner may waive the requirement for a bond or other security. Inallother instances, costs of the hearingshallmust be bornein the manneras prescribed by chapter 14 and the chief administrative law judge. Subd. 7. [WITNESSES; CONTEMPT.] The commissioner may subpoena and compel the attendance of witnesses and the production ofallbooks and documents that are material to the purposes of the hearing. Disobedience ofevery sucha subpoenashall beis punishableas a contempt in like mannerin the same way as a contempt of the district court on complaint of the commissioner before the district court of the county wheresuchthe disobedienceor refusaloccurred. Subd. 8. [PERMIT TO IRRIGATE AGRICULTURAL LAND.] Whenanapplicationa person applies for permit to irrigate agricultural land from public watersis made, the soil and water conservation district may make recommendations to the commissioner regarding the disposition of the application and its compatibility to a comprehensive soil and water conservation plan approvedpursuanttounder section 40.07, subdivision 9,. The recommendations must be made within 30 days of the receipt of the application. Within 30 days of receipt of the application the commissioner may require additional specific information from the applicant.Upon receipt of all additional specific information required ofthe applicantOn receiving all requested information, the commissionershall havehas an additional 60 days to reviewthatinformationit, consider the soil and water conservation recommendations, and decide whether to grant or deny the permit;provided that. If the commissioner orders a hearing, then thetime within which the commissioner must grant or deny theapplicationshallmust be granted or denied within ten days after receipt of the report of the hearing officer. In the case of an application for permit to irrigate agricultural land, failure of the commissioner to actthereonon it within the specified timeperiod, shall be deemedis an order granting the application. This ordershall be deemedis considered granted ten days after the applicant has given written notice to the commissioner stating an intention to proceed with the appropriation. Subd. 9. [LIMITATIONS ON PERMITS.] Except as otherwise expressly provided by law,everya permit issued by the commissioner of natural resources underthe provisions ofMinnesota Statutes 1949,sections 105.37 to 105.55, or anyamendment thereof, shall beis subject to the following: (1) cancellation by the commissioner at any time ifdeemednecessaryfor any cause for the protection ofto protect the public interests; (2)suchfurther conditionsrespectingon the term of the permit ortheits cancellationthereofas the commissioner may prescribe and insert in the permit; (3)Allapplicableprovisions oflaw existingat the timeofbefore or after the issuance of the permitor thereafterenacted by the legislature;(4) AnyApplications granted under subdivision 8, ordeemedconsidered granted underthe provisions thereof, shall likewisebeit are also subject tothe foregoing provisions ofthis subdivision, andshall beare subject also to cancellation by the commissioner upon the recommendation of the supervisors of the soil and water conservation districtwhereinwhere the land to be irrigated is located. Subd. 10. [PERMIT FEES.] Each application for a permit authorized by sections 105.37 to 105.64, and each request to amend or transfer an existing permit,shallmust be accompanied by a permit application feein the amountof $30 to defray the costs of receiving, recording, and processing the application or request to amend or transfer. The commissioner may charge an additional permit application fee in excess of the $30 feespecified above,but notto exceedover $250 for each application, in accordance with a schedule of feesadopted byrules promulgated in the manner provided byunder section 16A.128. The commissioner may charge an additional field inspection fee for: (1) projects requiring a mandatory environmental assessmentpursuant tounder chapter 116D,; (2) projects undertaken without a permit or application as required by sections 105.37 to 105.64,; and (3) projects undertaken in excess of limitations established in an issued permit, the commissioner may charge anadditional field inspection fee of. The fee must not be less than $25 nor more than $750. The purpose of the fee is to cover actual costs for each permit applied for under sections 105.37 to 105.64 and for each project undertaken without proper authorization. The commissioner shall establishpursuant to rules adoptedin the manner provided bya schedule of field inspection fees under section 16A.128, a schedule for field inspection feeswhich shall. The schedule must include actual costs related to field inspection such as investigations of the area affected by the proposed activity, analysis of the proposed activity, consultant services, and subsequent monitoring, if any, of the activity authorized by the permit. Except as provided below, the commissioner may not issue a permit until all fees required by this section relating to the issuance of a permit have been paid. The time limits prescribed by subdivision 4,do not apply to an application for which the appropriate fee has not been paid. Field inspection fees relating to monitoring of an activity authorized by a permit may be charged and collected as necessary at any time after the issuance of the permit. No permit application or field inspection fee may be refunded for any reason, even if the application is denied or withdrawn. No permit application or field inspection fee may be imposed on any state agency, as defined in section 16B.01, or federal governmental agency applying for a permit. 105.45 [PERMITS AND ORDERS OF COMMISSIONER; NOTICE.] The commissioner shall make findings of factupon allon issues necessary for determination of the applications considered.AllOrders made by the commissionershallmust be based upon findings of fact made on substantial evidence. The commissioner maycausehave investigationsto bemade, and insuch event. The facts disclosedthereby shallby investigation must be put in evidence at the hearingor any adjournmentthereof. If the commissioner concludes that the plans of the applicant are reasonable, practical, and will adequately protect public safety and promote the public welfare, the commissioner shall grant the permitand,. Ifthat bethey are in issue, the commissioner shall also fix the control levels of public waters accordingly.In all other casesOtherwise the commissioner shall reject the application or may requiresuchmodification of the plan as the commissionerdeemsfinds proper to protect the public interest. Inallpermit applications the applicant has the burden of proving that the proposed project is reasonable, practical, and will adequately protect public safety and promote the public welfare. In granting a permit the commissioner may includethereinsuchin it terms and reservationswith respect toabout the amount and manner ofsuchthe use or appropriation or method of construction or operation of controls asappearsappear reasonably necessary for the safety and welfare of the people of the state. Notice ofallorders made after hearingshallmust be given by publication of the order onceeacha week for two successive weeks in a legal newspaper in the county where the hearing was held, and by mailing copies of the order toallparties who entered an appearance atsuchthe hearing. The commissioner shall make an orderpursuant to hearingwithin 60 days after the completion of the hearing. 105.46 [TIME LIMIT.] The commissioner shallfixset the time within whichallconstruction authorized in the permit must be completed, or within which the appropriation or use of water must be made,which. The timeshallmust not exceed five years from the date of the permit.SuchThe time may bethereafterlater extended by the commissioner for good cause shown. Permits granted in connection with the mining, transporting, concentration or shipment of taconite as defined inMinnesota Statutes 1945,section 93.20, subdivision 18, and permits granted in connection with the mining, production, or beneficiation of copper, copper-nickel, or nickel,shall beare irrevocable for the termthereofof the permits without the consent of the permittee, except for breach or nonperformance of any condition of the permit by the permitteeand. The commissioner may allow and prescribetherein suchin the permit any timeasthe commissionerdeemsconsiders reasonable, regardless of the limitations of time contained in this section, forthecommencementbeginning orcompletion of anycompleting construction or operations undersuchthe permit, ortheexercisingofthe rights grantedthereunder, orunder it. The commissioner may extendsuchthe time, for cause shown, upon the application of the permittee. 105.461 [ORDERS TO RESTORE.] As a part ofanyan order granting or denying a permit, whether or not a hearing has been held, the commissioner may order the applicant to take any action necessary to restore the public waters or their bedsthereofto the condition existing before unlawful activities, if any, were undertaken by the applicant. This restoration may include, but not be limited to, filling beds unlawfully dredged, removing fill unlawfully placed, or restoring water unlawfully appropriated. If a hearing on the application was not held, the applicant may,contest the order within 30 days ofthe receipt of an orderto restore public waters or beds, contest the orderreceiving it andshall be affordedmust be given a contested case hearinginthe manneras prescribed by chapter 14. 105.462 [INVESTIGATIONS; ORDERS WITHOUT A PERMIT APPLICATION.] On determining that the public interest requires it, the commissioner may investigateanyactivities being conducted in relation to public waters without a permit as required by sections 105.37 to 105.55. With or without a public hearing, the commissioner may make findings and issue orders as otherwise may be issuedpursuant tounder sections 105.37 to 105.55. A copy of the findings and ordershallmust be served upon the person to whom the order is issued. If the commissioner issues the findings and order without a hearing, the person to whom the order is issued may file with the commissioner a demand for a hearing, together with the bond required by section 105.44, subdivision 6, within 30 days after being served with a copy of the commissioner's order. The mattershallmust be heard in the samemannerway andpursuant tounder the same laws as an applicationis heardfollowing a demand made under section 105.44, subdivision 3,insofar as applicable. Ifnothe person does not demandfora hearingis made by the person to whom theorder is issued under this section, or if that person demands a hearing but fails to file the required bond, the commissioner's order becomes final at theexpirationend of 30 days after the person is served with the order and no appeal of the order may be taken. 105.463 [CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY.]It is unlawful for anyExcept under certain conditions, an agent, servant, or employee of anothertomay not construct, reconstruct, remove, make any change in any reservoir, dam, or waterway obstruction on any public water,or in any mannertochange or diminish the course, current, or cross-section of any public watersunless. These actions are lawful only if the agent, servant, or employee has:(a)(1) obtained a signed statement from the landowner that all permits required for the work have been obtained or that no permit is required,; and(b)(2) mailed a copy of the statement to the office of the department for the region in which the proposed work is located. Violation of this section constitutes a separate and independent offense from any other provided by sections 105.37 to 105.55. The commissioner of natural resources shall develop a suitable form to be distributed to contractors' associations and county auditors for the purposes of this section, which shall. The form must include: (1) a listing of the activities for which a permit is required,; (2) a description of the penalties for violating this chapter,; (3) the mailing addresses and telephone numbers of the various regional offices of the department of natural resources,; (4) a statement that water inventory maps completedpursuant toaccording to section 105.391, subdivision 1, are on file with the auditors of the various counties,; and (5) spaces for a description of the work and the names, mailing addresses, and phone numbers of the person authorizing the work and the agent, servant, or employee proposing to undertake it. 105.471 [VENUE OF ACTIONSAGAINST COMMISSIONER; DRAINAGEAND CLASSIFICATION OF PUBLIC WATERSON COMMISSIONER'S DECISIONS.] Notwithstanding any other law to the contrary,anyan action for declaratory judgment that iscommencedbrought under chapter 555 by or against the commissioner to determine the validity of the commissioner's final decision regarding the classification ofanywaters of the state as public waterspursuant tounder sections 105.38 to 105.391, or the drainage of waterbasins or watercourses as provided in sections 106A.011 and 106A.015, subdivision 1,shallmust be venued in the county where the water, watercourse, or waterbasin is located, if the water, watercourse, or waterbasin is located in one county, orin the judicial district where the majority of the water,watercourse or waterbasin is located,. If the water, watercourse, or waterbasin is located in more than one county, then the venue is the judicial district where the majority of the water, watercourse, or waterbasin is located. 105.475 [STREAM MAINTENANCE PROGRAM.] Subdivision 1. [FINDINGS.] In recognition of recurrent problems created by debris and rubble accumulation in streams in Minnesota, the legislature finds that the removal of debris and rubblefor the purpose of cleaning upto clean up stream beds and flood plains of streamsis of benefit tobenefits the public health, safety, and welfare. Subd. 2. [ESTABLISHMENT; COMMISSIONER'S DUTIES.]Infurtherance of the finding set forth in subdivision 1,The commissioner of natural resources shall establish and supervise a stream maintenance programwhich shall. The program must include grants-in-aid to participating counties. Money granted by the commissionershallmust be apportioned according to the relative severity of the maintenance problem, the date of application for the grant, and the availability of funds.In nocase may the amount granted to a county by the commissionerThe grant must not exceed 75 percent of the total cost of a stream maintenance project. The stream maintenance workshallmust be performed by the county or under county supervision. The commissioner may grant money for the following work: (1) cutting and removal of brush and dead or down trees,; and (2) removal of large rocks and other debris such as concrete, asphalt, or scrap material. No money may be granted for excavation or filling or for work performed before an application is filed. Subd. 3. [APPLICATION.] A county desiring to participate in the stream maintenance program shall complete and submit to the commissioner an application for the proposed work on forms provided by the commissioner. Unless waived by the commissioner, the county shall submit the following information with its application:(a)(1) a map of the county showing the streamfor whichmaintenance is desired, and the specific reaches of the stream to be maintained;(b)(2) photographs showing the nature and extent of the maintenance problem; and(c)(3) a resolution by the county board of commissionersrequesting participationasking to participate in the program and agreeing to provide at least 25 percent of the cost of the maintenance project. Subd. 4. [CONTRACT.] Upon approving a stream maintenance project, the commissioner shall contract with the county for performance of work necessary to thestream maintenanceproject. The contract may provide that the county share of the cost of the project may be paid in the form of services provided by the county. Subd. 5. [COUNTY MATCHING FUNDS.] Any county may appropriate from its general revenue fund sufficient funds to match the grants in aid authorized in this section. 105.48 [DAM CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE BY STATE.]The commissioner, in orderTo improve navigation, protect and improve domestic water supply, protect and preserve fish and otherwild lifewildlife, protect the public interest in the shore and shore lines of public waters, and promote public health, shall have power to, the commissioner may construct, maintain, and operateall necessarydikes, dams, and other structures necessary to maintainsuchuniform water levelsasmay beestablished under sections 105.37 to 105.55. For the purposes of sections 105.37 to 105.55 the commissioneris authorized tomay acquire lands or any necessary interestthereinin lands by purchase, gift, or condemnation.AllDams owned by the state orerected uponbuilt on lands owned or controlled by the stateshallmust be maintained under the direction of the commissioner andthe same shall beoperated under the commissioner's direction and control. The commissioneris authorized tomay accept funds from local governmental and civic agencies or personsfunds for thepurpose of constructing, maintaining, or operatingto construct, maintain, or operate dams and control structures oracquiringacquire the lands requiredthereforfor those purposes. 105.482 [DAMS; REPAIR, RECONSTRUCTION; GRANTS.] Subdivision 1. [PURPOSE.] The public health, safety, and welfare is promoted by the orderly repair and restoration of dams serving the public interest and by the use of existing dams and potential dam sites for hydroelectric or hydromechanical power generation wherever that use is economically justified and environmentally sound.In furtherance of this objectiveTherefore, it is the purpose of this section to facilitate the repair and restoration of dams owned by the state and local governmental units and to investigate and analyze hydroelectric or hydromechanical generating capability of publicly owned dams and potential dam sites. Subd. 2. [DEFINITION.]For the purposes ofIn this section,the term"local governmental unit" means any political subdivision of the state, or any two or more of these subdivisions acting jointly. Subd. 3. [COMMISSIONER'S DUTIES.] From money appropriated for the following purposesfrom time to time, the commissioner of natural resources may repair or reconstruct state-owned dams and may grant aid to local governmental units to repair or reconstruct dams owned by local governmental units and to make necessary engineering evaluations related to the repair or reconstruction. The engineering evaluations may include, but are not limited to, studies of the feasibility, practicality, and environmental effects ofutilizingusing dams for hydroelectric power generation. Except as providedbelowin this section, no grant to a local governmental unitshallmay exceed the amount contributed to the project by the local governmental unit from funds raised locally. A grant to study the feasibility, practicality, and environmental effects ofutilizingusing a dam for hydroelectric power generation may be for an amount notto exceedover 90 percent of the costs of the study. Federal general revenue sharing money may be counted as funds raised locally, but other federal grants or loansshallmust be used to reduce equally the state share and the local share of project costs. Subd. 4. [PROCEDURES.] The commissioner shall repair or reconstruct a state-owned dam or make a grant to a local governmental unit only after making an investigation of the dam. A local governmental unit desiring a grant for the repair or reconstruction of a dam shall apply for the grant on forms supplied by the commissioner. The commissioner shall consider all relevant factors, including but not limited to the following in determining whether to repair or reconstruct a state-owned dam or to make a grant to a local governmental unit:(a)(1) the age and type of construction of the dam;(b)(2) the use of the dam for water supply, flood control, navigation, hydroelectric power generation, recreation, wildlife management, scenic, or other purpose related to public health, safety, and welfare;(c)(3) the consequences of abandonment, removal, or alteration of the dam;(d)(4) prospective future uses of the dam; and(e)(5) the relative importance of the dam to the statewide water resource program. Upon the commissioner's own initiative or at the request of a governmental unit applying for a grant, the commissioner may hold a public hearing under section 105.44 on the proposed repair or reconstructionin the manner provided in section105.44,after givingthe samenoticeas required for such ahearing. If the hearing is held at the request of a governmental unit, the costs of publishing notice and of taking and preparing the stenographic recordshallmust be paid by the governmental unit. To receive a grant the local governmental unitshallmust enter into an agreement with the commissioner giving assurance that the governmental unit will operate and maintain the dam in a safe condition for the benefit of the public andshallmust agree tosuchother conditionsasthe commissionerdeemsconsiders reasonable. Subd. 5. [LIMITATIONS.] If the cost of repair or reconstruction of a state-owned dam or a grant to a local governmental unit is less than $75,000, the commissioner may direct that the state-owned dam be repaired or reconstructed or that a grant be made to repair or reconstruct a dam owned by a local governmental unit without the approval of the state executive council. If the costof repair or reconstruction of astate-owned dam,oragrantto a local governmental unitamount is $75,000 or more but less than $150,000, the expenditure shall be made only with the approval of the state executive council. If the costof repair or reconstruction of a state-owned damoragrantto a local governmental unitamount is $150,000 or more, the commissioner may recommend the project to the legislature for its consideration and action, except in the followingemergency situationsemergencies. With the approval of the executive council, the commissioner may direct that a state-owned dam be repaired or reconstructed or a grant be made to a local governmental unitwhereif the commissioner determines that an emergencyconditionexists and that there is danger that life will be lost or that substantial property losses will be suffered ifsuchaction is not promptly taken. Subd. 5a. [LOANS.] When the commissioner of natural resources decides to recommend to the legislature a dam repair or reconstruction granttofor a local governmental unit, the commissioner shall notify the local governmental unit and the commissioner of finance of the decision. The local government unit may then apply to the commissioner of finance on forms supplied by the commissioner of finance for a loan to cover up to 90 percent of the local share of project costs. The loan is repayable over a period notto exceedlonger than 20 years, with interest at a rate sufficient to cover the cost to the state of borrowing the money. Each local unit of government receiving a dam safety loan shall levy for the loan payment in that year and each later yearthereafter, until its loan is paid,:(a)(1) the amount of its annual loan payment, or(b)(2) the amount of the required loan payment levy less the amount the local unit certifies is available from other sources for the loan payment. Upon approval of the project grant by the legislature, the commissioner of finance shall make the loan in an amount and on terms that are appropriate. Loans madepursuant tounder this subdivisionshalldo not require approval by the electors of the local governmental unit as provided in section 475.58.AllPrincipal and interest payments received by the commissioner of finance in repayment of these loans are appropriated to the Minnesota state building bond account. Subd. 6. [COMMISSIONER'S ORDER TO REPAIR OR RECONSTRUCT A DAM.] If for any reason a local governmental unit fails to repair or remove a dam when ordered to do so by the commissionerpursuant tounder section 105.52, the commissioner may repair or remove the dam. In so doing the commissioner shall proceedby proceeding as follows. After a hearing as provided in section 105.44, on the failure of the local governmental unit to repair or remove the dam, the commissioner shall make findings relating to the matter, specifying the failure of the local governmental unit to act, and shall by order assumeand possessthe powers of the legislative authority of the local governmental unit in regard to the repair or removal of dams.ThereafterAfter issuing the order, the commissioner has the same powers, insofar as applicable to the repair or removal of dams, as the commissioner of administration and pollution control agency have in the construction, installation, maintenance, or operation of a municipal disposal system, or partthereofof a system, or issuing bonds and levying taxestherefor, pursuant tounder section 115.48. Subd. 7. [PRIORITY LIST OF DAMS NEEDING REPAIR.] On the basis of examinations of dams owned by the state or local governmental units, the commissioner shall report annually to the legislature those state or local governmental dams in need of repair or reconstruction in the order of priority the commissioner determines necessary considering danger to life, damage to property and those factors listed in subdivision 4. Subd. 8. [HYDROPOWER GENERATION POLICY; LEASING OF DAMS AND DAM SITES.] Consistent with laws relating to dam construction, reconstruction, repair, and maintenance, the legislature finds that the public health, safety, and welfare of the state is also promoted by the use of state waters to produce hydroelectric or hydromechanical power. Further, the legislature finds that the leasing of existing dams and potential dam sites primarily forsuchpower generation is a valid public purpose. A local governmental unit, or the commissioner of natural resources with the approval of the state executive council, may providepursuant toby a lease or development agreement for the development and operation of dams, dam sites, and hydroelectric or hydromechanical power generation plants owned by the respective government by an individual, a corporation, an organization, or other legal entity upon terms and conditionsas containedin subdivision 9. For installations of 15,000 kilowatts or less at a dam site and reservoir that isnot being usedunused on January 1, 1984, in connection with the production of hydroelectric or hydromechanical power, the lease or development agreement negotiated by the local governmental unit and the developershall constituteconstitutes full payment by the lessee and may be in lieu of all real or personal property taxes that might otherwise be due to a local governmental unit. If the dam, dam site, or power generation plant is located in or contiguous to a city or town, other than the lessor governmental unit, the lease or agreementshallis notbeeffective unless it is approved by the governing body of the city or town.For purposes ofIn this subdivision, "city" means a statutory or home rule charter city. Subd. 9. [CONTENTS OF DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT.] An agreement for the development or redevelopment of a hydropower site may contain, but need not be limited to, the following provisions:(a)(1) length of the development agreement, subject to negotiations between the parties but not more than 99 years, and conditions for extension, modification, or termination;(b)(2) provisions for a performance bond on the developer, or, certification that the equipment and its installation have a design life at least as long as the lease; and(c)(3) provisions to assure adequate maintenance and safety in the impoundment structures, if any, and to assure access to recreational sites, if any;. An agreementshallmust contain provisions to assure the maximum financial return to the local governmental unit or the commissioner of natural resources. 105.484 [LAKE IMPROVEMENTS; GRANTS-IN-AID; PRIORITIES.] The commissioner of natural resources, with theassistancehelp of the pollution control agency and the commissioner of energy and economic development, shallmake an assessment ofassess the need for particular kinds of lake improvements including improvements related to high or low water levels and any other resource management considerations, except pollution problems, and develop criteria for allocating state aid funds among proposed projects. The assessment must include provisionsshall be includedtoinsureensure that any federal program of aid to local lake improvement projectsserves to reducereduces the local share of project costsrather than reducingand not only the state's share. 105.485 [REGULATION OF SHORELAND DEVELOPMENT.] Subdivision 1. [PURPOSE.]In furtherance ofTo promote the policiesdeclaredin section 105.38,and chapter 116, it is in the interest of the public health, safety, and welfare to: (1) provide guidance for the wise development of shorelands of public waters and thus preserve and enhance the quality of surface waters,; (2) preserve the economic and natural environmental values of shorelands,; and (3) provide for the wiseutilizationuse of water and related land resources of the state. Subd. 2. [DEFINITIONS.]For the purposes of this section(a) The termsdefinedused in this section have the meanings given them:in this subdivision.(a)(b) "Shoreland" means land located within the following distances from the ordinary high water elevation of public waters: (1) land within 1,000 feet from the normal high watermark of a lake, pond, or flowage; and (2) land within 300 feet of a river or stream or the landward side of flood plain delineated by ordinance on such a river or stream, whichever is greater.(b)(c) "Unincorporated area" means the area outside a city.(c)(d) "Municipality" means a city. Subd. 3. [COMMISSIONER'S DUTIES.] The commissioner of natural resources shall adopt,in the manner provided inunder chapter 14, model standards and criteria, other than a model ordinance, for the subdivision, use, and development of shoreland in municipalities, which. The standards and criteriashallmust include but not be limited to those listedbelow inregard to unincorporated areasin clauses (1) to (7). The commissioner of natural resources shall adopt,in the mannerprovided inunder chapter 14, model standards and criteria for the subdivision, use, and development of shoreland in unincorporated areas, including but not limited to the following:(a)(1) the area of a lot and length of water frontage suitable for a building site;(b)(2) the placement of structures in relation to shorelines and roads;(c)(3) the placement and construction of sanitary and waste disposal facilities;(d)(4) designation of types of land uses;(e)(5) changes in bottom contours of adjacent public waters;(f)(6) preservation of natural shorelands through the restriction of land uses;(g)(7) variances from the minimum standards and criteria; and(h)(8) a model ordinance. The following agencies shall provide information and advice necessary tothe preparation ofprepare or amend the rules, oramendments thereto: the state departments of agriculture, health, and energy, planningand economic development; the state planning and pollution controlagencyagencies; the state soil and water conservation board; and the Minnesota historical society. In addition to other requirements of chapter 14, the model standards and ordinance adoptedpursuant tounder this section, or amendmentsthereto, shallto them must not befiledwith the secretary of statefinally adopted unless approved by the state commissioner of health and the director of the pollution control agency. Subd. 4. [FAILURE OF COUNTY TO ACT; COMMISSIONER'S DUTIES; ENFORCEMENT.] The commissioner shall adapt the model ordinance to the county if a county: (1) fails to adopt a shoreland conservation ordinance by July 1, 1972,; or (2) if the commissioner of natural resources, at any time after July 1, 1972, after notice and hearing as provided in section 105.44, finds that a county has adopted a shoreland conservation ordinancewhichthat fails to meet the minimum standards establishedpursuant tounder this section, thecommissioner shall adapt the model ordinance to the county. The commissioner shall hold at least one public hearing on the proposed ordinance in the manner provided in section 394.26, after giving notice as provided in section 394.26. This ordinance is effective for the county on the date and in accordance withsuchany rules the commissioner prescribes relating to complianceas the commissioner shall prescribe. The ordinanceshallmust be enforced as provided in section 394.37. The penalties provided in section 394.37, apply to violations of the ordinance so adapted by the commissioner. Subd. 5. [COSTS.] The cost incurred by the commissioner in adapting the model ordinance to the countypursuant tounder subdivision 4 shall be paid by the county upon the submission to the county of an itemized statement of these costs by the commissioner. If the county fails to pay these costs within 90 days after the commissioner's statement is received, the commissioner may file a copy of the statement of these costs with the county auditor of the county for collection by special tax levy. The county auditor, upon receiving a statement from the commissioner, shall include the amount of the state's claim in the tax levy for general revenue purposes of the county. This additional taxshallmust be levied in excess of any limitation as to rate or amount, butshallmust notcausereduce the amount of other taxeswhichthat are subject to any limitationto be reduced in any amount whatsoever.UponOn completion of the tax settlement following this levy, the county treasurer shallremitpay the amount due to the state to the commissioner for deposit in the state treasury. Subd. 6. [MUNICIPAL SHORELAND MANAGEMENT.] Before April 1, 1974, each municipality having shoreland within its corporate limits shall submit to the commissioner, for review, any ordinances or rules affecting the use and development of its shorelands. The commissioner shall review the ordinances or rules and determine whether they are in substantial compliance with municipal shoreland management standards and criteriapromulgated pursuant tounder subdivision 3. In making the review, the commissioner also shall consider any feature unique to the municipal shoreland in question, including but not limited to the characteristics of the waterswhichthat may be affected by development, storm sewer facilities, and sanitary and waste disposal facilities in existence at the time of the commissioner's review. If the commissioner determines that the ordinances or rules of a municipality do not substantially comply with the state standards and criteria for municipal shoreland management, then the commissioner shallsonotify the municipalityand. The noticeshall indicate tomust tell the municipalitythewhat changeswhichare necessary to bring the ordinances or rules into substantial compliance with state standards and criteria. Within one year after receiving this notice from the commissioner, the municipality shall makethechanges necessary to bring the ordinances or rules into substantial compliance with state standards and criteria. If a municipality has no ordinance or rule affecting the use and development of shoreland on April 1, 1974, it shall adopt such an ordinance or rule complying with state standards and criteria for municipal shoreland management, before July 1, 1975. The commissioner may adopt an ordinance or rules for the municipality if:(a)(1) a municipality has no ordinance or rule affecting the use and development of shoreland on April 1, 1974, and fails to adoptsuch an ordinanceone by July 1, 1975, or if;(b)(2) the corporate boundaries of the municipality are expanded to include shorelands not previously included within the municipal boundaries and the municipality fails to adoptsuchan ordinance within one year after including the shorelands within its municipal boundaries,; orif(c)(3) the commissioner determines that a municipal shoreland management ordinance does not substantially comply with the state standards and criteria for municipal shoreland management and that the municipality has failed to make the necessary changes within one year after receiving notice of noncompliance, the commissioner may adopt an. The ordinance or rules for the municipality must be adopted in the following manner. The commissioner shall hold at least one public hearing on the proposed ordinance or rules in the manner provided in section 462.357, after giving noticeas provided inunder section 462.357. The ordinance or rules are effective for the municipality on the date and in accordance withsuchany rules prescribed by the commissioner relating to complianceas thecommissioner shall prescribe. The ordinanceshallmust be enforced as provided in section 462.362. The penaltiesprovidedin section 462.362 apply to violations of the ordinances or rules adopted for the municipality by the commissioner. The costs incurred by the commissioner in adopting the ordinances or rules for the municipalityshallmust be paid by the municipality and collected from the municipalityin the samemanner as suchjust as costs are paid by a county and collected from a countypursuant tounder subdivision 5; and.AnyTax levied to pay the costsshallmust be levied in excess of any limitation as to rate or amount, butshallmust notcausereduce the amount of other taxeswhichthat are subject to any limitationto be reduced in any amount whatsoever. Subd. 7. [MUNICIPAL USE OF LAND OTHER THAN SHORELAND.] Municipal planning and land use controls for land other than shoreland in the vicinity of shorelandshallmust be, to the maximum extent practical, compatible with planning and land use controls for shoreland adoptedpursuant tounder subdivision 6. Subd. 8. [EXTENT OF AUTHORITY OF MUNICIPALITY.]Nothing inLaws 1973, chapter 379 shall be construed toThis section does not prohibit a municipality from adopting and enforcing ordinances or rules affecting the use and development of shorelandwhichthat are more restrictive than the state standards and criteria. 105.49 [COOPERATION WITH OTHER AGENCIES.] The commissioner may cooperate and enter into agreements with the United States government,anya state departmentof thestate of Minnesota, or any state or country adjacent to the state of Minnesotafor the purpose of effecting any of theprovisions ofto carry out sections 105.37 to 105.55. The commissioner may cooperate with any department of the government of the United States in the execution of surveys within the state. Personnel of the pollution control agency, the health department, and county and municipal governments shall cooperate with the commissioner in monitoring and enforcing water permits.It shall be the duty of allCounty attorneys, sheriffs, and other peace officers and other officers having authoritytoshall take all action to the extent of their authority, respectively, that may be necessary or proper for the enforcement ofany ofthe provisions, rules, standards, orders, or permits specified in sections 105.37 to 105.55. 105.50 [COMMISSIONER TO APPEAR FOR STATE.] The commissioner may appear, represent, and act for the state in any matter relating to any application to be made to the federal government relating to waters within the state orthetheir usethereofand may doand perform such acts inconnection therewith aswhatever the commissionerdeemsfinds proper to protect the interests of the people of the state consistent withthe provisions ofsections 105.37 to 105.55. 105.51 [WELLS; CONTROL, REPORTS BY DRILLERS.] Subdivision 1. [WASTE PREVENTION REQUIRED.] For the conservation of the underground water supplies of the state, the commissioneris authorized tomay require the owners of wells, especially flowing artesian wells, to prevent waste. Subd. 2. [DRILLING RECORDS.]EveryA person, firm, or corporationwho shall providethat provides the means of appropriating ground water by drilling, boring, or otherwise shall file a verified statement with the director of the division of waters containing the log of the materials and water encounteredin connection therewith, together with alland related water pumping testsrelating thereto.SuchThe statementsshall beare confidential and can be used only by the division for scientific study,. The study's resultof whichmay be public information. The commissioner may exclude from the requirement to filesuchstatements those whose operations are of a typewhichthat would not yield significant scientific information. Subd. 3. [WELL ABANDONMENT.]It shall be unlawful forThe owner ofanya wellhavingwith a casing six inches or more in inside diametertomust not abandonsuchthe well,or tocover or otherwise renderthe sameit inaccessible for inspection, ortopermanently remove the pumpstherefromfrom it without notifying the commissioner of natural resources and complying with the commissioner's recommendationsrelating thereto. The commissioner may makesuchrecommendations and imposesuchconditions as the commissionermay findfinds advisable in the public interest. The commissioner, or an authorized agent of the commissioner, shall be granted access at any reasonable time to inspect the site of anysuchwell that has been abandoned, or for which notice of abandonment has been given under this subdivision. 105.52 [EXAMINATION AND REPAIR OF DAMS AND RESERVOIRS.] Upon complaint or acting personally, the commissionerisauthorized tomay examineanya reservoir, dam, control structure, or waterway obstruction. In so doing the commissioner, or an authorized agent, shall be granted access at any reasonable time to examine the reservoir, dam, control structure, or waterway obstruction. If the commissioner determines that additional engineering investigations are necessaryin orderto determine the safety of the dam, reservoir, control structure, or waterway obstruction and the nature and extent of the necessary repairs or alterations, the commissioner shall notify the ownerthereoftocause suchhave investigationsto bemade at the owner's expense and filed with the commissioner for use in determining the condition of the structures and the need forthetheir repair, alteration, or removalthereof. If the commissioner determines thatsuchthe reservoir, dam, control structure, or waterway obstruction is unsafe or needs repair or alteration, the commissioner shall notifytheits ownerthereofto repair, alter, or removethe sameit asthe exigencies of the case may requirenecessary, and shall issue an order to that effectin the same manner and subject tothe same conditionsas if the owner hadmade applicationapplied for permit for thesaidrepairs, alterations, or removal. The engineering investigations or the work of repair, alteration, or removalshall be commencedmust begin and be completed withinsucha reasonable timeas may beprescribed by the commissioner. 105.521 [DAM EXAMINATION REPORTS;LIMITATIONS ON TRANSFERS OF DAMS.] No state department or agency and no county, city, town, or other governmental entity may purchase or accept as a gift any privately owned dam subject to permit requirements until after: (1) the commissioner has examined the dam,; (2) the commissioner has prepared a report of the examination and filed it with the legislature,; and (3) the legislature has had an opportunity to consider the report and has not prohibited the purchase or gift during the legislative session in which the report is filed, or, if the report is filed when the legislature is not in session, the legislature has not prohibited the gift or purchase at the nextsucceedingsession. 105.53 [APPLICATION.] Sections 105.37 to 105.55shalldo notin any waysupersede or amendthe provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1945,sections 92.45 and 110.13.Nothing inSections 105.37 to 105.55shalldo not authorize the commissioner to require a permit for the original construction of dams, reservoirs, or control works in existence on andprior tobefore July 1, 1937. 105.535 [RULES.] The commissioner of natural resources shallpromulgateadopt rulespursuant tounder Laws 1978, chapter 779 by April 1, 1979. These rulesshallmust include provisionswhichthat exclude from permit requirements,minor dams such as those less than six feet in height orwhichthat impound less than 50 acre-feet of storage at maximum storage elevations. This does not apply to anysuchbarrierwhichthat is not in excess of six feet in height, regardless of storage capacity, orwhichthat has a storage capacity at maximum water storage elevation not in excess of 15 acre-feet, regardless of height. Rulesshallmust include a fee schedule to cover the cost of dam inspection andshallmust classify structures to adequately define risks and hazards involved in relation to public health, safety, and welfare. The rulesshallmay not impose a field inspection fee on any state agency, political subdivision of the state, or federal governmental agency. 105.541 [PENALTIES.] Whoever does any of the following is guilty of a misdemeanor: (1) undertakes or procures another to undertake an alteration in the course, current, or cross section of public waters or appropriates waters of the state without a permit from the commissioner previously obtained regardless of whether the commissioner would have granted a permit had an application been filed; (2) undertakes or procures another to undertake an alteration in the course, current, or cross section of public waters or appropriates waters of the state in violation or in excess of authority grantedpursuant tounder a permitdulyissued by the commissioner, regardless of whether an application had been filed for permission to perform the act involved, or whether the act involved would have been permitted had a proper application been filed; (3) undertakes or procures another to undertake an alteration in the course, current, or cross section of public waters or appropriates waters of the state after a permit to undertakesuchthe project has been denied by the commissioner; or (4) violates any other provision of this chapter. 105.55 [COMMISSIONER'S ORDERS, ENFORCEMENT.] Upon application of the commissioner, the district court ofanya county in which the project is wholly or partially located, may by injunction,enforcethecompliance with, or restrain the violation of, any order of the commissioner madepursuant tounder sections 105.37 to 105.55, or restrain the violation of those sections. 105.63 [TRANSFER OF CUSTODY OF CERTAIN DAM AND WATER CONTROLS FROM STATE AGENCY.] Subdivision 1. [APPLICATION FOR TRANSFER.] Upon application by resolution of the governing body of any governmental subdivision of the statehaving authorityauthorized to maintain and operate dams or other control works affecting public waters, the commissioner of natural resources,hereinafter called the commissioner,with the approval of the executive council, may transfer tosuchthe subdivision the custody ofany sucha dam or other water control works belonging to the state and under the supervision or control of the commissionerin any case whereif the commissionershalldeterminedetermines that the transfer willbe in furtherance ofpromote the best interests of the public.SuchThe transfershallmust be made by order of the commissioner uponsuchthe terms and conditionsasthe commissionershall prescriberespectingsets for maintenance and operation of the project. In connection withsuchthe transfer the commissioner may convey to the transferee by deed or other appropriate instrument in the name of the state any lands, easements, or other state propertyof the statepertaining to the project, subject tosuchconditions and reservationsasthe commissionermay deemfinds proper. A duplicate of every order, conveyance, or other instrument executed by the commissioner in connection with a transfershallmust be filed with the commissioner of finance. Subd. 2. [ACTUAL TRANSFER.] A transfer may be madehereunderwith or without payment of moneyconsiderationto the state, asmay beagreed upon between the commissioner and the transferee.Any amountsPayment receivedon account of suchconsideration shallmust be paid into the general fund. 105.64 [DRAINAGE OR DIVERSION OF WATERTO FACILITATEFOR MINING.] Subdivision 1. [MINING PERMITS.] The commissioner of natural resources may grant permits for the drainage, diversion, control, or use ofanywaters under the commissioner's jurisdiction when necessary for the mining of iron ore, taconite, copper, copper-nickel, or nickel, wherever situated,ashereinprovided in this section. Subd. 2. [APPLICATION.] Application forsucha permitshallmust be made to the commissioner insuchthe formasthe commissionershall prescribeprescribes by the owner of the iron ore, taconite, copper, copper-nickel, or nickel deposits affected or by the owner of the right to minethe samethem. Except as otherwisehereinprovided, all matters pertaining tosuchthe application, to the proceedingsthereonon it, and to any permit issuedthereon shall beon it are governed by the applicable provisions of sections 105.37 to 105.55relating toapplications and permits affecting waters, so far as applicable. Subd. 3. [GRANT.] A permit shall be grantedhereunderonlyupon determination bywhen the commissionerof the followingconditionsdetermines: (1) that the proposed drainage, diversion, control, or use of waters will be necessary for the mining of substantial deposits of iron ore, taconite, copper, copper-nickel or nickel, and that no other feasible and economical methodthereforof mining is reasonably available; (2) that the proposed drainage, diversion, control, or use of waters will not substantially impair the interests of the public in lands or waters or the substantial beneficial public usethereofof lands or waters except as expressly authorized in the permit, and will not endanger public health or safety; and (3) that the proposed mining operations will be in the public interest, and that the resulting public benefitsresulting therefrom will be sufficient towarrant the proposed drainage, diversion, or control of waters. Subd. 4. [OPERATION.]In any case whereIf the operations authorized by a permithereundermay affectanypublic or private property not owned by the permittee, before proceeding withsuchthe operations, the permittee shall acquire all rights or easements necessarythereforfor them, shall pay orfurnishgive security for the payment ofalldamages tosuchthe property that may resulttherefromfrom the operations, and shallfurnishgivesuchevidence of compliance withtheprovisions hereofthis subdivision as the commissioner may require.NeitherThe statenor any ofand its officers, agents, or employeesshalldo not incuranyliability on account of the issuance of a permithereunderor on account of any act or omission of the permittee, or the permittee's agents or servants, under or in connection withany suchthe permit. Subd. 5. [DURATION OF MINING.] Notwithstandinganyother limitations prescribed by law,everya permithereundershall be granted forsucha termasthe commissionershall findfinds necessary for the completion of the proposed mining operations, and the commissioner mayallow andprescribe in the permitsucha timeasthe commissioner deems reasonable for the commencement or completion ofanyoperations or construction under the permit or the exercise of the rights grantedtherebyby it. The commissioner may extend the original term of the permit or the time allowed for the performance ofany condition thereof may beextended by the commissionerits conditions for good cause shown upon application of the permittee. Inanya permitissuedhereunder, the commissioner may prescribesuchconditionsasthe commissionerdeemsfinds necessary and practicable forrestoration ofrestoring the watersaffectedto their former condition after completion of the mining operations or after expiration or cancellation of the permit, and. The commissioner may also prescribesuchother conditionsas the commissionerdeemsnecessaryfor protection ofto protect the public health, safety, and welfare, and may require the permittee to furnish a bond to the state, insuchan appropriate form and amountas thecommissioner deems appropriate,as security for compliance with the conditions of the permit andallapplicableprovisions oflaw. Subd. 6. [IRREVOCABILITY.]EveryA permit issuedhereunderunder this sectionshall beis irrevocable for the termthereofof the permit and for any extension ofsuchthe term except as follows: (1) A permit may be modified or canceled by the commissioner at the request or with the consent of the permittee uponsuchconditionsasthe commissionerdeemsfinds necessaryfor protection ofto protect the public interests;. (2) Subject to appealin the manner provided byaccording to sections 105.37 to 105.55, the commissioner may modify or cancel a permitmay be modified or canceled by the commissionerin case of any breach of the terms or conditions thereof or incase of any violation of law pertaining thereto by thepermittee, or the permittee's agents or servants, or incaseif: (i) the permittee or its servants or agents breach the permit's terms or conditions or violate pertinent law; or (ii) the commissioner findssuchthe modification or cancellation necessary to protect the public health or safety, or to protect the public interests in lands or waters against substantial injury resulting in any manner or to any extent not expressly authorized by the permit, or to prevent substantial injury to persons or property resulting in any manner or to any extent not so authorized,. The commissioner may modify or cancel the permit upon at least 30 days' written notice to the permittee, stating the grounds of the proposed modification or cancellation and giving the permittee an opportunity to be heardthereon;. (3) By written order to the permittee the commissioner mayforthwithimmediately suspend operations under a permit if necessary in an emergency to protect the public health or safety or to protect public interests in lands or waters against imminent danger of substantial injury in any manner or to any extent not expressly authorized by the permit, or to protect persons or property againstsuchthe danger, and may require the permittee to take any measures necessary to prevent or remedysuchthe injury; provided, that. Nosuchordershallbemay remain in effect for more than 30 days from the datethereofof the order without giving the permittee at least ten days' written notice ofsuchthe order and an opportunity to be heardthereonon it. Subd. 7. [EFFECT ON OTHER LAW.] This sectionshalldoes not amend, supersede, or repeal any existing law, butshall beis supplementarytheretoto it. 105.71 [WATER RESOURCES BOARD.] Subdivision 1. [CREATION.]There is hereby established toserve as an agency of the state a board to be known asThe Minnesota Water Resources Board is established as a state agency to performsuchfunctions and dutiesas shall beprescribed by law. The boardshallmust be composed of three members who are conversant with water problems and conditions within the watersheds of this state and who are not officers or employees of the state, the federal government or any political subdivisionsthereof, to. The members must be appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate. The membership ofsaidthe board may be increased by the governor to five members. The additional membersshallmust have the same qualifications and be appointed in the samemannerway as the members of the original board. The board shall keep a record of its official actions, and may performsuchacts, holdsuchpublic hearings, and promulgatesuchrules asmay benecessary forthe discharge ofits duties andthe exercise of itsfunctions. Subd. 1a. [MEMBERSHIP.] The membership terms, compensation, removal of members, and filling of vacancies on the board shall be as provided in section 15.0575. Subd. 2. [POWERS.] Thestateboard may employsuchtechnical and professional personnel andsuchother agents and employees, permanent or temporary, as itmay requirerequires, and shall determine their qualifications and duties. Compensation of employeesshallmust be determinedpursuant tounder chapter 43A.It shall have authority toThe board may prescribe the powers and duties of its officers and employees.UponOn request of the board for thepurpose ofcarrying outanyof its functions, the supervising officer of any state agency, or any state institution of learning, shall, insofar asit may bepossible under available appropriations, and having due regard to the agency's or institution's needsof the agencyto which the request is directed, assign or detail to thestateboard from the staffor personnelof the agency or institutionof learning, and makesuchany special reports, surveys, or studiesasthestateboardmay requestrequests. Subd. 3. [BUSINESS.] The board shall designate its chair, and may annually from time to time changesuchthe designation. A majority of the boardshall constituteis a quorum, and. The concurrence of a majority in any matter within their dutiesshall beis required for a determination.In connection with their duties as members of the board,The board shallprovide for the keeping ofhave a full and accurate record kept of all proceedings and of all resolutions, rules, and orders issued or adopted. The commissioner of administration shall provideand makeavailablewithin the department of natural resourcessuitableandadequate office facilities and space for the board. The legislative auditor shall annually audit the books of the board if funds and personnel permit. 105.72 [DECLARATION OF POLICY.] The code of water law of Minnesota is contained in numerous statutesenacted from time to time, whichthat must be considered as a whole toeffect a systematic administration ofsystematically administer water policy for the public welfare. Seeming contradictions in these laws when applied in a specific proceeding create a need for a forum where theconflictingaspects ofpublic interest conflicts involved can be presented and by consideration of the whole body of water law the controlling policy can be determined and apparent inconsistencies resolved. 105.73 [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [SCOPE.] Unless the context clearly indicates a different meaning is intended, thefollowingtermsfor the purposes of this chapter shall be givenused in sections 105.72 to 105.78 have the meaningsascribed togiven them in this section. Subd. 2. [BOARD.] "Board"--means the Minnesota water resources board. Subd. 3. [PROCEEDING.] "Proceeding"-- Anymeans a procedure under any of the lawsenumeratedlisted in section 105.74 however administrative discretion or dutythereunderunder them may be invoked in any instance. Subd. 4. [AGENCY.] "Agency"-- Anymeans a state officer, board, commission, bureau, division, or agency, other than a court, exercising duty or authority underany of thelawsenumeratedlisted in section 105.74. Subd. 5. [COURT.] "Court"-- The courtmeans the district court or a judgethereofof the district court before whom theproceedings areproceeding is pending. Subd. 6. [QUESTION OF WATER POLICY.] "Question of water policy"--means the question or questions of state water law and policy involved where use, disposal, pollution, or conservation of water is a purpose, incident, or factor in a proceeding,the question or questions of state water law andpolicy involved,includingeither:(a)(1) determination of the governing policy of state law in the proceeding, resolving apparent inconsistencies between different statutes,;(b)(2) the proper application of that policy to facts in the proceeding when application is a matter of administrative discretion,; or (3) both(a)(1) and(b)(2). 105.74 [ADDITIONAL DUTIES OFBOARD DUTIES; WATER POLICY QUESTIONS.] In addition to other dutieselsewhere prescribed, the board has the function defined in sections 105.72 to 105.79 when the decision of the agency in a proceeding involves a question of water policy in one or more of the areas of water conservation, water pollution, preservation and management of wildlife, drainage, soil conservation, public recreation, forest management, and municipal planning under any of the following: sections 84.57, 97A.135, 105.41, 105.42, 105.43, 105.44, 105.64, 106A.011, 106A.015, 115.04, 115.05, and chapter 110. 105.75 [PETITION FOR INTERVENTION.] Subdivision 1. [INTERVENTION INVOKED.] The board's intervention is invoked by a petition addressed to it for referral of a question of water policy involved in the proceeding. The petition must identify the proceeding in which it is made and state the grounds for referral generally but in sufficient detail to inform interested parties of the nature of the questions proposed to be presented to the board and the public importancethereofof the questions. Subd. 2. [CONTENTS.] This petition can be made by the applicant in the proceeding, by any partytheretoto the proceeding, the governor, the agency, the commissioner or director ofanya division in the department of natural resources, the head ofany otheranother state departmentofstate,anya bureau or division of the federal governmentafunction of which includeswith a concern in the proceeding, andanyan organization or group of persons of appropriate purpose, or person, the boarddeemsconsiders representative of any substantial segment of the state or peculiarly able to present evidence bearing on the public interest. The petition must be signed by the petitioner's attorney or verified by the petitioner, or on behalf of the petitioner by any of its officers, shall. It must be filed in duplicate, onecounterpartcopy with the board, the other with the agency. Subd. 3. [TIMING.] The intervention of the board can be invoked by this petition in any proceeding at any time after the proceeding is initiated and before the agency's order is made. 105.751 [COURT REFERRALS.] The court may referanya procedure before it under anyofthelawsenumeratedlisted in section 105.74, to the board. This referral may be used in both original and appellate matters; it may be invoked by a petition of the court directed to the board.AnyA party to the procedure mayrequestask the court to refer the matter to the board.Upon receipt ofOn receiving a petition for referral the board shall proceed underthe provisions ofsections 105.72 to 105.79. 105.76 [PETITION ABATES PROCEEDING UNTIL BOARD ACTS.] A filed petition abates the proceeding until there is a recommendation by the board or until 60 days haveelapsedpassed after conclusion of hearing before the board, whichever is earlier, unless the agency makes a written findingin writingwith a statement ofstating reasons that the public interest requiresimmediate action by itthe board to act immediately. In all cases the board or its staff according to its rules decides whether the petition and the record made before the agency show an important question of water policy. If the decision on that question is negative it refuses to intervene, and the proceeding continues in the agency as though the petition had not been made;. If the decision is affirmative and the board believes its intervention in the public interest is justified, it consents to intervene. Consent is shown by a brief statement in general terms of the questions of public policy it will consider. 105.77 [HEARING, DETERMINATION.] As a petition is filed the board proceeds withallreasonable dispatch to hear, determine, and make its recommendations on the questions it has consented to consider. The hearings are so conducted that the board may be fully informed about all aspects of the public interest in those questions, to the end that its recommendation will statein order to make an impartial, scientific, and fully considered judgment. The recommendation of the board is its decision on the question of water policy considered by it;. The ultimate question to which the board's recommendation is directed in all cases is the proper course of action to be followed by the agency in the proceeding in relation to questions of water policy considered by the board. The decision of the board is in the form of a written recommendation to the agency;. It must recite controlling facts insufficientenough detail toapprisetell the parties, the agency, and a reviewing courtofthe basis and reasonthereforfor the decision. In the proceeding and upon any judicial review the recommendation is evidence. A copy, certified, is competent evidence of the recommendation. 105.78 [CONSENT, NOTICE AND PROCEDURE.] When a consent, notice, or recommendation is made by the board a copy is filed with the agency, and such. The filing is noticethereofof the board's action. The board's rules may provide for a notice, in addition tosuchfiling by mail, posting, publication, or otherwise, which itdeemsbelieves will practicallygive information toinform parties and interested persons of its actions.For the purposes of carrying out theprovisions ofTo carry out sections 105.72 to 105.79, the chair of the board, or any board memberthereof, has the power tomay subpoena witnesses,toadminister oaths, andtocompel the production of books, records, and other evidence. Disobedience ofany sucha subpoena, or refusal to be sworn, or to answer as a witness,shall beis punishable as a contempt of the district court on complaint of the board, or any board memberthereof, before the district court of the county wheresuch disobedienceor refusalit occurred. Witnesses receive the same fees and mileage as in civil actions.AllPersons are sworn before testifying and the right to examine or cross-examine is the same as in civil actions.AllHearings are public, conducted by the board oranyan authorized board memberthereof, andallaffected persons have the opportunity to be heard. The board provides a stenographer to take the testimony, andallproceedings at the hearings are recorded and preserved.AllHearings are conducted insofar as practicable in the samemannerway as civil actions.It is proper for the divisions ofStategovernment and theagenciesthereof tomay adopt opposite positionsin respect toon the matter before the board when full advocacy will assist to disclose the public interest. 105.79 [FINDINGS BY BOARD.] Within 60 days of the close ofanya hearing the board makes its findings and recommendations based solely on the evidence adduced at the public hearing. 105.81 [PETITION; BOND; INVESTIGATION; REPORT; HEARING; ORDER.]For the purpose of conserving and makingTo conserve and make more adequate use of our water resources, any person, public or municipal corporation, governmental subdivision, the state or any of its departments or agencies, the commissioner of natural resources, and the United States or any of its agencies, may petitionthe county board in the case of a system lyingwholly within one county or the district court in the case of adrainage system affecting two or more countiesfor the installation of dams or other control works insaid ditchesdrainage ditch systems to impound or divert waters foranybeneficial use. The petition must be directed to the county board when a drainage system is wholly within one county and to the joint county board when the system affects two or more counties.SaidThe petitionshallmust contain the location of the installation, plans, and specifications for the proposed structure,and a map of the areas likely to be affected by the impoundment or diversion. The petitioner shall agree to be responsible for the cost of installation and construction of the structure. Upon filingofthe petition, the petitioners shall file a bond as provided in sections 106A.205 and 106A.211. No bondshall beis required if the petition is filed by the state, any of its departments or agencies, the commissioner of natural resources, the United States or any of its agencies, and cities.SaidThe petitionshallmust also be accompanied by a permit from the commissioner of natural resources as required in sections 105.41 and 105.42. On receipt of the petition, bond, and permit, if required, the board or court shall appoint an engineer to investigate the effect of the proposed installation and file a report of findings. Upon filing of the engineer's report, noticeshallmust be given and a public hearing held as provided in section 106A.261. If at this hearing it appears from the engineer's report and other evidence presented thatsuchthe installation will be of a public or private benefit and that it will not impair the utility of the ditch or deprive affected land owners oftheits benefitthereof, the board or court shall issue a permit authorizing its installation. Before installing or constructinganyan impoundment or diversion, the petitioner shall obtainsuchrights-of-way and flowage easements fromallowners of land to be affectedtherebyby it. The order of the court modifying the ditch systemshallmust provide thatallconstruction andsubsequentlater maintenance and repairs of the ditch modificationshallmust be doneand performedby the petitioner withoutanycost to the owners of lands and properties previously within the drainage system. ARTICLE 3 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 112, is amended to read: 112.34 [WATERSHED ACT; DECLARATION OF POLICY, CITATION.] Subdivision 1. [POLICY.]In order to carry outconservation ofTo conserve the natural resources of the state through landutilizationuse, flood control and other needsuponon sound scientific principles fortheprotection ofthepublic health and welfare andtheprovident use ofthenatural resources,the establishment ofa public corporation,as an agency of the statefor the aforesaid purposes, is provided in, may be established under this chapterof Minnesota Statutes. This chaptershallmust be construed and administeredso asto makeeffectivethese purposes effective. Subd. 2. [CITATION.] This chaptershall be known andmay be cited as the "Minnesota watershed act." 112.35 [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [APPLICABILITY.]For the purposes of thischapterThe termsdefinedin thissectionchapter have the meaningsascribed togiven them in this section. Subd. 2. [PERSON.] "Person" includes firm, copartnership, association, or corporation but does not include public or political subdivision. Subd. 3. [PUBLIC CORPORATION.] "Public corporation" means a county, town, school district, or a political division or subdivision of the state. Public corporation, except where the context clearly indicates otherwise, does not mean a watershed district. Subd. 4. [BOARD.] "Board" means the Minnesota water resources board established by section 105.71. Subd. 5. [MANAGERS.] "Managers" means the board of managers of a watershed district. Subd. 6. [PUBLICATION.] "Publication" means publication once a week for two successive weeks in accordance with section 645.11. Subd. 7. [PUBLIC HEALTH.] "Public health"includesmeans any act or thing tending to improve the general sanitary conditions of the district. Subd. 8. [PUBLIC WELFARE.] "Public welfare," "general welfare," and "public benefit"includemean any act or thing tending to improve or benefit or contribute to the safety or well-being of the general public or benefit the inhabitants of the district. Subd. 9. [COUNTY AUDITOR.] "County auditor" means the county auditor of any county affected by a watershed district. Subd. 10. [COURT ADMINISTRATOR.] "Court administrator" means the court administrator of the district court of the county in whichanya judicial proceeding concerning a district is pending. Subd. 11. [ENGINEER.] "Engineer" means the engineer designated by the managers to act as engineer. Subd. 12. [APPRAISERS.] "Appraisers" means the persons appointed by the managers of the district to ascertain and report benefits and damages arising from proposed work. Subd. 13. [DIRECTOR.] "Director" means the director of the division of waters, soils and mineralsof the department of natural resources. Subd. 14. [COMMISSIONER.] "Commissioner" means the commissioner of natural resources. Subd. 15. [PETITION.] "Petition" means an initiating petition for "work", and may consist of one or more petitionstherefor. Subd. 16. [NOMINATING PETITION.] "Nominating petition" means an initiating petition for the creation of a watershed district, and may consist of one or more petitionstherefor. Subd. 17. [HEARING.] "Hearing" means a hearing conducted by either the managers or the board, which, if conducted by the boardpursuant tounder its rulespromulgated by it, may be formal, provided, however, that. All interested partiesshallmust be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard. Subd. 18. [INTERESTED PARTY.] "Interested party" means any public corporation or any personhavingwith an interest in the subjectmatterpending or involved, and shall include. "Interested party" includes the director or any agency of government. Subd. 19. [PROJECT.] "Project" or "projects" means any construction, maintenance, repairs, or improvements of a watershed district including planning and development to accomplishany of the purposesa purpose for which a district is organized. Subd. 20. [NOTICE BY MAIL; MAILED NOTICE.] "Notice by mail" or "mailed notice" means a notice mailed and addressed to each person entitled to receive notice if the addressbeis known to the auditor or court administrator, or can beascertained by inquiryobtained at the office of the county treasurer of the countywhereinwhere the affected land or property is located. Subd. 21. [RESIDENT OWNER; RESIDENT FREEHOLDER.] "Resident owner" or "resident freeholder" means the owner of land or the contract purchaser, and who resides in the state. Subd. 22. [METROPOLITAN AREA.] "Metropolitan area" has the meaning given in section 473.121, subdivision 2. 112.36 [ESTABLISHMENT OF DISTRICTS.] Subdivision 1. [GENERAL POWER.] The boardis hereby vestedwithhas jurisdiction, power, and authority, upon filingofa nominating petition, to establish a watershed district and defineand fix theits boundariesthereof,. All areasofwhich shallincluded in the district must be contiguousandwhich. The district may be entirely within or partly within and partlywithoutoutside any county, and. The district may include the whole oranypart of any watershedor watershedswithin the discretion of the boardand. The district may include the whole oranypart of one or more counties, and toappoint. The board appoints the firstboard ofmanagersthereofof the watershed district, ashereinprovided in this chapter. Subd. 2. [PURPOSES OF DISTRICT.] A watershed district may be established for anyor allof the following conservation purposes: (1) control oralleviation oflessen damage by flood waters; (2)improvement ofimprove stream channels for drainage, navigation, and any other public purpose; (3)reclaimingreclaim orfillingfill wet and overflowed lands; (4)providingprovide water supply for irrigation; (5)regulatingregulate the flow of streams andconservingtheconserve their watersthereof; (6)divertingdivert orchangingchange watercourses in whole orinpart; (7)providingprovide andconservingconserve water supply for domestic, industrial, recreational, agricultural, or other public use; (8)providingprovide for sanitation and public health andregulatingregulate the use of streams, ditches, or watercourses forthe purpose of disposingdisposal of waste; (9) repair, improve, relocate, modify, consolidate, and abandon, in whole orinpart, drainage systems within a watershed district; (10)imposition ofimpose preventive or remedial measuresfor theto control oralleviation ofreduce land and soil erosion and siltation of watercourses or bodies of water affectedtherebyby erosion; (11)regulatingregulate improvements by riparian landowners of the beds, banks, and shores of lakes, streams, and marshes by permit or otherwisein orderto preservethe samethem for beneficial use; (12)providingprovide for the generation of hydroelectric power; (13)protectingprotect orenhancingenhance the quality of water in watercourses or bodies of water; and (14)providing for the protection ofprotect groundwater andregulating groundwaterregulate its use to preservegroundwaterit for beneficial use. 112.37 [PROCEDURE FOR ESTABLISHMENT.] Subdivision 1. [SIGNERS OF PETITION.] To begin proceedingsfor the establishment ofto establish a watershed districtshallbe initiated by the filing of, a nominating petition must be filed with the secretary of the board. The nominating petitionshallmust be signed by any one of the following groups: (1) at least one-half of the counties within the proposed district; or (2)bya county or counties having at least 50 percent of the area within the proposed district; or (3)bya majority of the cities within the proposed district; or (4)byat least 50 resident freeholders of the proposed district,exclusive of theexcept resident freeholders within the corporate limits ofanya city on whose behalf the authorized official has signed the petition. Subd. 1a. [CONTENTS OF PETITION.] The nominating petitionshall set forth the followingmust include: (1) the name of the proposed district and a statement in general terms setting forththeits territoryto be included inthe district; (2) the necessity for the district, the contemplated improvementswithin the districtin it, and the reasons why the district and the contemplated improvements would be conducive to public health and public welfare, or accomplish anyof thepurposespurpose of this chapter; (3) the number ofmanagersmanager positions proposed for the districtshall be not less than three nor more than nine,and shall be selected from a list of nominees containing atleast twice the number of managers to be selected. No managershall be a public officer of the county, state, or federalgovernment, provided that a soil and water conservationsupervisor may be a managerand a list of nominees; (4) a map of the proposed district; and,(5) a request for the establishment of the district as proposed. At least three but not more than nine manager positions must be proposed. Managers must be chosen from a list of nominees containing at least twice the number to be chosen. A manager must not be a public officer of the county, state, or federal government, except that a soil and water conservation supervisor may be a manager. Subd. 1b. [PERSONS SERVED WITH PETITION.] The petitioners shallcause to behave a copy of the petition serveduponon the countyauditor orauditors of the counties affected by the proposed district, the commissioner, and the director, a copy ofthe nominating petition, and. Proof of serviceshallmust be attached to the original petition, to beand filed with the secretary of the board. Subd. 2. [COUNTY AUDITOR'S SEARCH OF TAX RECORDS.]Uponreceipt ofOn receiving a copy ofsuchthe nominating petition the countyauditor orauditors, as the case may be,shall determine whetheror notthe petitioners are freeholders,which. The determinationshallmust be madeuponfrom the tax records, whichshall beare prima facie evidence of ownership, and from which. The auditor shall certifyathe determination to the board. Subd. 3. [DIRECTOR'S MAP AND REPORT.]Upon receipt ofOn receiving a copy of the nominating petition, the director shall: (1) acknowledge its receiptthereofto the board; (2) prepare a preliminary watershed map of the proposed district showingtheits natural boundaries and subdivisionsthereof; (3) prepare a preliminary report baseduponon the nominating petition and other available data, stating an opinionas toabout the desirability of organizing the district, and submit the report to the board withsuchany recommendationasthe directormay deemconsiders proper, which. The reportshallmust be submitted to the board within 30 days from the date of the service of the petition upon the director, unlesssuchthe board extends the timeis extended by the board. Subd. 5. [PETITION CORRECTIONS; CONSOLIDATION.] No petition containing the requisite number of signatures or petitioners or signed by the requisite number of counties or cities shall be void or dismissed on account ofanydefectstherein, but the board shall, at any time prior to. Before the close of hearing, the board shall permit the petition to be amended in form and substance toconform to the facts bycorrectingcorrect any errors in the description of the territory orby supplying anyother defectstherein. Several similar petitions, or duplicate copies of the same petition, for the establishment of the same district may be filed together andaltogether beregarded as one petition. All petitions filedprior tobefore the hearinghereinafterprovided in section 112.38 shall be considered by the board as part of the original petition. After a petition has been filed, no petitioner may withdrawtherefrom except withfrom it without the written consent of all other petitioners filed with thewater resourcesboard. Subd. 7. [METRO AREA DISTRICT; MANAGERS.]The managers ofIn a district wholly within the metropolitan areashall numbernot less thanthere must be at least fivenorand not more than nine managers.The managers shallThey must beselectedchosen to fairly represent by residence the various hydrologic areas within the district. Theyshallmust beselectedchosen from a list of persons nominated jointly or severally by statutory and home rule charter cities and towns having territory within the district. The listshallmust contain at least three nominees for each position to be filled. If the cities and towns fail to nominate in accordance with this subdivision, the managersshallmust beselectedchosen as provided in subdivision 1a. 112.38 [HEARING,; NOTICE.] When ithas been made to appearappears to the board that a sufficient nominating petition has been filed, the board shall, within 35 days thereafter,by itsorder, fixa time and place,within the limits of the proposed district,for a hearingthereon; provided thaton it. The place of hearing must be within the district limits. If there isnot ano suitable place within the proposed district, the board may select a place within the limits of thecounty orcounties in which publication of the notice of the hearing is required. The board must publish notice ofsuchthe hearingshall be given by the boardby publication publishedonce each week for two successive weeksprior tobefore the date of hearing. The notice must be published in a legal newspaper,publishedin thecounty orcounties in which a part or all of the affected waters and lands are located,. The last publicationshallmust occur at least ten days before the hearing. Noticeshallmust also be mailed by the board to the county auditor and to the chief executive official of any municipality affected, which. The mailed noticeshallmust contain the following: (1) a statement that a nominating petition has been filed with the board, and a copythereoffiled with the countyauditorauditors of thecounty orcounties affected; (2) a general description of the purpose of the contemplated improvement, and the territory to be included in the proposed district; (3) the date, time, and place of hearing,; and (4) a statement that all persons affectedtherebyor interestedthereinmay appear and be heard. 112.39 [ACTION OF BOARD UPON PETITION.] Subdivision 1. [HEARING.] At thetime and place fixed forthehearing on the nominating petition, all persons interested in or affected by the proposed watershed districtshallmust be given an opportunity to be heard. The board may continue the hearing from time to time as itmay deemfinds necessary. Subd. 2. [WITNESSES; PROCEEDINGS.]For the purpose ofcarrying outTo carry out the provisions of this chapter and to hold hearings, the chair of the board,or any board memberthereof, shall have the power tomay subpoena witnesses,toadminister oaths, andtocompel the production of books, records, and other evidence. Witnesses shall receive the same fees and mileage as in civil actions. All personsshallmust be sworn before testifying, and. The right to examine and cross-examine witnessesshall beis the same as in civil actions. The board shallcausemake a record of all proceedings before itto be madeandfiledfile it with the secretary of the board. Copiesthereofof the record may be obtained uponsuchterms and conditionsasthe boardshall prescribeprescribes. Subd. 3. [FINDINGS AND ORDER.] Upon the hearing if it appears to the board that the establishment of a district asprayedasked for in the nominating petition would be for the public welfare and public interest, andthatwould serve the purpose of this chapterwould be subserved by the establishmentof a watershed district, the board shall, by its findings and order, establish a watershed district and give it a corporate nameby which, in all proceedings, it shall thereafter be known,and upon filing. When a certified copy ofsaidthe findings and order is filed with the secretary of statesuch, the watershed districtshall becomebecomes a political subdivision of the state and a public corporation, with the authority, power, and dutiesasprescribed in this chapter. Subd. 4. [FINDINGS AND ORDER; LATER CHANGES.] The findings and order of the boardshallmust name the first board of managers of the districtwhose. Their term of office shall be for one year, and until their successors are appointed and qualified, and shall. The finding and order must designate the place within the district where the principal place of business of the districtshall beis located, and define the boundaries of the district, which. The boundaries may be changedupon aby petitiontherefor,. The petition must be signedandas provided in section 112.37, subdivision 1 orsignedby theboard ofmanagers of a watershed districtuponafter passage of a resolutiondulypassedauthorizing thesamepetition, and a notice and hearingthereonon it, in the samemannerway as in the original proceeding.WheneverWhen a petition for a boundary change involves a common boundary of two or more watershed districts the board may determine in which district the hearingshallmust be held. The managers may change the principal place of businessmaybe changedwithin the districtby the managers uponby passing a resolutionduly passedauthorizing thesame, with a noticechange and conducting a hearingto be conducted by themanagers. The managers must publish notice ofsuchthe hearingshall be given by the managers of publication publishedonce each week for two successive weeksprior tobefore the date of hearing in a legal newspaper, published in thecounty orcounties in which a part or all of the affected waters and lands are located,. The last publicationshall occurmust be at least ten days before the hearing. Notice of hearingshallmust be mailed to the county auditor of each county affected ten days before the hearing. After the hearing the managers may order the change in place of businesswhich shall be. The change is effectiveupon the filing ofwhen a certified copythereofof the order is filed with the secretary of state and the secretary of the board. Subd. 5. [COPIES MAILED.]A copy of the findings and ordershall, at the time of filing aWhen the certified copythereofof the board's findings and order is filed with the secretary of state, a copy must be mailed to the county auditor of each county affected, the commissioner, and director. Subd. 6. [ORDER TO DISMISS.] If the boardshould determinefinds that the establishment ofathe districtas prayed for inthe nominating petitionwould not be for the public welfare and public interest, and would not serve the purpose of this chapter, the board shall, by its decision, dismiss the proceedings. A copy ofsuchthe dismissal ordershallmust beforthwithmailed immediately to the county auditor of each county affected,and tothe commissioner, and director. 112.40 [RULES OF PRACTICE.] The board shall adopt rules of practice for its proceedings and hearings, not inconsistent with the provisions of thischapter and other provisions of law,as itdeemsfinds necessary and expedient. The rules must be consistent with this chapter and other law. 112.401 [BOARD HEARINGS.] Subdivision 1. [PROCEDURE.] (a) A rulemaking hearingshallmust be conducted under chapter 14. (b) A hearing must be conducted as a contested case underthe provisions ofchapter 14 if the hearing is: (1) in a proceeding to establish or terminate a watershed district; or (2) of an appeal under section 112.801. (c) Notwithstanding chapter 14, other hearings under this chapter, except hearings under paragraphs (a) and (b),shallmust be conducted by the board under this section. The board may refer the hearing to one or more members of the board, or an administrative law judge to hear evidence and make findings of fact and report them to the board. Subd. 2. [PROCEDURE FOR NONCONTROVERSIAL PLANS OR PETITIONS.] (a) If the board finds that a watershed plan or petition that would be given a hearing under subdivision 1, paragraph (c), is noncontroversial, the board may proceed under this subdivision. (b) The board must give notice that the plan or petition has been filed. The notice must be made: (1) by publication once each week for two successive weeks in a legal newspaper in each county affected; (2) by mail to the county auditor of each county affected; and (3) by mail to the chief official of each home rule charter and statutory city affected. (c) The notice: (1) must describe the actions proposed by the plan or petition; (2) invite written comments on the plan or petition for consideration by the board; (3) state that a person who objects to the actions proposed in the plan or petition may submit a written request for hearing to the board within 30 days of the last publication of the notice of filing of the plan or petition; and (4) state that if a timely request for hearing is not received, the board may make a decision on the plan or petition at a future meeting of the board. (d) If one or more timely requests for hearing are received, the board must hold a hearing on the plan or petition. Subd. 3. [APPEAL.] A party that is aggrieved by the decision made by the order of the board may appeal the order to the district court. 112.41 [PERPETUAL EXISTENCE.] A district created underthe provisions ofthis chaptershall havehas perpetual existencewith power, but only. To the extent necessary for lawful conservation purposes,toit may: (1) sue and be sued, to; (2) incur debts, liabilities, and obligations, to; (3) exercise the power of eminent domain, to; (4) provide for assessments, and to; (5) issue certificates, warrants, and bondsand; (6) doand perform all acts hereinanything expressly authorized,in this chapter; andall other acts(7) do anything else necessary and properfor carrying outand exercising theto exercise its express powersexpresslyvested in it. 112.411 [PROCEDURE FOR TERMINATION.] Subdivision 1. [PETITION CONTENTS.] Proceedingsfor thetermination ofto terminate a watershed district shall be initiated only bythefilingofa petition with the secretary of the board, which. The petitionshallmust be signed bynotless thanat least 25 percent of the resident freeholders of the district.SuchThe petitionshallmust state that the existence of the district is no longer in the public welfare and public interest and that it is not needed to accomplish the purposes of the Minnesota watershed act. The petitioners shallcause to behave a copy of the petition serveduponon the countyauditor orauditors of the counties affecteda copy of said petition and. Proof of servicethereof shallmust be attached to the original petition, to be filed with the secretary of the board. Subd. 2. [DETERMINING STATUS OF SIGNERS.]Upon receipt ofOn receiving a copy ofsuchthe petition the countyauditor orauditors shall determine whetheror notthe petitioners are resident freeholders within the district, which. The determinationshallmust be made, uponfrom the tax records, whichshall beare prima facie evidence of ownership, and. Fromwhichthem the auditor shall certify the determination to the board. Subd. 3. [BOND.]At the time of filingWhen the petition is filed or before notice of a hearingthereonon it is given, the petitioners shall file a bondshall be filed by thepetitionerswith the board, to be approved by itandinsuch sumas the board may determine, conditioned that the petitioners,an amount it determines. The bond must state that in case the petition is dismissed or denied, the petitioners will pay all costs and expensestherefrom. Subd. 4. [HEARING; ORDER TO TERMINATE.] When it appears to the board that a sufficient petition has been filed, the board shall, within 35 days thereafter,by itsorderfixa time and place, within the district, for a hearingthereonon the petition. The provisions of thissectionchapter relating to notice and conduct of a hearing upon a nominating petition shall govern. If the boardshould determinefinds that the existence of the district is no longer in the public welfare and public interest and that it is not needed to accomplish the purpose of the Minnesota watershed act, the board shall by its findings and order terminate the district.Upon filingWhen a certified copy ofsaidthe findings and order is filed with the secretary of statesuch, the districtshall ceaseceases to be a political subdivision of the state. Subd. 5. [WHEN PETITIONS MAY BE CONSIDERED.] The board shall not entertain a petition for termination of a district within five years from the date of its formationnor shall it. The board shall not make determinationspursuant toon petitions in accordance withprovisions ofthis section,more often than once in five years. 112.42 [MANAGERS; ORGANIZATION, APPOINTMENT OF SUCCESSORS.] Subdivision 1. [OATH.]At the time of filingWhen a certified copy of the findings and order establishing a district is filed with the secretary of state, the board shallcausepersonal service ofhave a copythereof to be made uponof them personally served on the managers namedtherein. Within ten days aftersuchthe personal servicehas been made, the managers shall meet at thedesignatednamed principal place of business of the districtand. They shall then take andsubscribesign the oath defined in Minnesota Constitution, article V, section 6, which. The signed oathas subscribed shallmust beforthwithimmediately filed with the secretary of the board. Subd. 1a. [BOND.] Each manager shallthereuponthen file with the board a bond in the sum of $1,000, the premium to be paid by the district for the faithful performance of the manager's duties. The board may increase the amount ofsuchthe bondmay be increased by the boardifin the judgment of theboarditbecomesjudges the increase necessary. The managers shallthereuponthen organize by electing one of their number as president,anotherone as secretary, andanotherone as treasurer, and provide thenecessarybooks, records, furniture, and equipment needed forthe conduct and the transaction oftheir official duties. In lieu oftheindividual bondsrequired to be furnished bymanagers in a watershed district,the managers may give a schedule or position bond or undertakingmay be given by themanagers of the watershed district or. Alternatively, a single corporate surety fidelity, schedule or position bond or undertaking may be given covering all managers and employees of the watershed district, including officers and employees required by law to furnish an individual bond or undertaking,may be furnishedin therespectiveamounts fixed by law or by the person or board authorized to fix the amounts,. The bond or undertaking must be conditioned substantially as provided in section 574.13. Subd. 2. [SEAL; RECORD.] Theboard ofmanagers shall adopt a seal andshall efficientlykeep a record of all proceedings, minutes, certificates, contracts, bonds of its employees, andallother business transacted or action taken by the board,which. The recordshallmust be, at all reasonable times, open to inspection by the property owners within the district, andallother interested parties. Subd. 3. [SUCCESSORS TO MANAGERSTERMS; SUCCESSOR APPOINTMENTS; VACANCIES.] (a) At least 30 daysprior tobefore the expiration of the term of office of the first managers named by the board, the county commissioners of each county affected shall meet andproceed toappoint successors to the first managers. If the nominating petitionthat initiatedfor the district originated from a majority of the citieswithinin the district, or if the district is wholly within the metropolitan area, the county commissioners shall appoint the managers from a list of persons nominated jointly or severally by thetownshipstowns and municipalities within the district. The listshallmust contain at least three nominees for each position to be filled. Managers for a district wholly within the metropolitan areashallmust be appointed to fairly represent by residence the various hydrologic areas within the district.It shall(b) The list of nominees must be submitted to the affected county board at least 60 daysprior tobefore the expiration of the term of office. If the list is not submitted within 60 days prior to the expiration of the term of office, the county commissioners shall select the managers from eligible individuals within the district. The county commissioners shallat least 30 days before the expiration of the term of office, ofany managersmeet and appoint the successors at least 30 days before any manager's term expires. If the district affects more than one county, distribution of the managers among the counties affected shall be as directed by the board. (c) Ten years after the order of establishment,uponpetition of the county board of commissioners of any countyaffected by the district,the boardafter public hearingthereon,may redistribute the managers among the counties if redistribution is in accordance with thepolicy andpurposes of this chapter.NoThe board may take this action upon petition of the county board of commissioners of any county affected by the district and after public hearing on the petition. A petition for the redistribution of managersshallmust not be filed with the board moreoftenthan once in ten years. (d)The term of office of each manager,If the numberdoesnot exceedof manager positions in the board's findings and order establishing the district is three, the terms of office of the first county-appointed managers shall be one for a term of one year, one for a term of two years, and one for a term of three years. If the number of managersconsist ofis fivemembers, one manager's term shall befor a term ofone year, twofor a term ofmanagers' terms shall be two years, and twofor aterm ofmanagers' terms shall be three years. If the board of managers consists of more than five members, the managers shall be appointed so that as nearly as possible one-third serve terms of one year, one-third serve terms of two years, and one-third serve terms of three years. If the district affects more than one county, the board shall direct the distribution of the one, two and three year terms among the affected counties. Thereafter, the term of office for each managershallmust befor a term ofthree years, and until a successor is appointed and qualified. If the district affects more than five counties, in order to provide for the orderly distribution of the managers, the board may determine and identify the manager areas within the territory of the district and select the appointing county board of commissioners for each manager's area. Any vacancyoccurringin an office of a managershallmust be filled by the appointing county board of commissioners. (e) A record of all appointments made under this subdivisionshallmust be filed with the county auditor of each county affected, with the secretary of the board of managers, and with the secretary of thewater resourcesboard.NoA personshall beappointed as a managerwho is notmust be a voting resident of the district andnone shallmust not be a public officer of the county, state, or federal government,provided thatexcept that a soil and water conservation supervisor may be a manager. Subd. 3a. [RESTRUCTURING BOARDS OF OLD DISTRICTS.] The board shall restructure the boards of managers of districts established beforethe effective date of LawsAugust 2, 1982,chapter 509and located wholly within the metropolitan area to ensure compliance withthe requirements of sectionssubdivision 3 and section 112.37, subdivision 7and 112.42, subdivision 3. The board shall request recommendations from the district and the affected local government units. Additional managers, if any,shallmust be appointed by the county designated by the board, to terms designated by the board, at the time of and in the manner provided for the next regular appointment of successors to managers of the district. Subd. 4. [VACANCIES.]The provisions ofSection 351.02,shall applyapplies tomembers oftheboard ofmanagers. Subd. 5. [PER DIEM.] The compensation of managers for meetings andfor performance ofother necessary dutiesshallmust not exceed $50 per day. Managersshall beare entitled to reimbursement foralltraveling and other expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of official duties. Subd. 6. [BUSINESS RULES.] The managers shall adopt bylaws and rulesnot inconsistentconsistent with this chapterfor theadministration of theto conduct district businessand affairsof the district. Rules adopted under this subdivision are not subject tothe provisions ofsection 112.43, subdivision 1c. Subd. 7. [MEETINGS.] The managers shall meet annually and atsuchother timesas may benecessaryfor the transaction ofto do the business of the district. If public facilities are not available for a district's principal place of business within the district, the board shalldetermine and designatename the nearest suitable public facility as the district's principal place of business. A meeting may be called at any time upon the request of any manager, and. When so requested the secretary of the district shall mail a notice ofsuchthe meeting to each member at least eight daysprior theretobefore the meeting. 112.421 [PROCEDURE FOR INCREASING NUMBER OF MANAGERS.] Subdivision 1. [PETITION AND NOTICE.] A petition must be filed with the secretary of the board to initiate proceedings to increase the number of managers of a watershed district. The petition must be signed as provided in section 112.37, subdivision 1, or signed by theboard ofmanagers of the watershed district. When the petition is filed, the board shall order a hearing to be held on the petition. Notice of hearing must be given in the same manner as a nominating petition. Subd. 2. [HEARING.] If the board determines at the hearing that an increase in the number of managers would serve the public welfare, public interest, and the purpose of this chapter, the board shall increase the number of managers. If the district affects more than one county, the board, by order, shall direct the distribution of the managers among the affected counties. 112.43 [MANAGERS; POWERS, DUTIES.] Subdivision 1. The managers,in ordertogive effect tothe purposes ofcarry out this chapter, may: (1) Make necessary surveys orutilizeuse other reliable surveys and data and develop projects to accomplish the purposes for which the district is organized and may initiate, undertake, and construct projects not required to be instituted by a petition under section 112.47. (2) Cooperate or contract with any state or subdivisionthereofof a state or federal agency or private or public corporation or cooperative association. (3) Construct, clean, repair, alter, abandon, consolidate, reclaim, or change the course or terminus of any public ditch, drain, sewer, river, watercourse, natural or artificial, within the district. (4) Acquire, operate, construct, and maintain dams, dikes, reservoirs, water supply systems, and appurtenant works. (5) Regulate, conserve, and control the use of water within the district. (6) Acquire by gift, purchase, or the right of eminent domain necessary real and personal property. The district may acquiresuchpropertywithoutoutside the district where necessary for a water supply system. (7) Contract for or purchasesuchinsuranceasthe managersdeemfind necessary for the protection of the district. (8) Establish and maintain devices for acquiring and recording hydrological data. (9) Enter intoallcontracts of construction authorized by this chapter. (10) Enteruponlandswithininside orwithoutoutside the district to make surveys and investigations to accomplish the purposes of the district. The districtshall beis liable for actual damages resultingtherefromfrom entry. (11)ToTake over when directed by thedistrict courtjoint county ditch authority or county board alljudicial andjoint county or county drainage systems within the district, together with the right to repair, maintain, and improvethe samethem.Whenever such judicialWhen a joint county or county drainage system is taken over in whole or in part,the same,it becomes part of the works of the district to the extentsotaken over, shall become a part of the works of the district. (12) Provide for sanitation and public health and regulate the use of streams, ditches, or watercoursesfor the purpose ofdisposingto dispose of waste andpreventingprevent pollution. (13) Borrow funds fromthe following: (a) any agency of the federal government; (b) any state agency; (c) any county in which the district is located in whole or in part; or (d) a financial institution authorized under chapter 47 to do business in this state. A county board may lend the amount requested by a district. No district may have more than a total of $50,000 in loans from counties and financial institutions under this clause outstanding at any time. (14) Prepare a flood plain map of the lands of the districtwhichthat are in the flood plain of lakes and watercourses,which. The mapshallmust be made available to the counties and local municipalities for inclusion in flood plain ordinancesandshall be in conformity with. It must conform to state rules setting standardsand criteriafor designation of flood plain areas. (15) Prepare an open space and greenbelt map of the lands of the districtwhichthat should be preserved and included in the open space and greenbelt land areas of the district, which. The mapshallmust be made available to the counties and local municipalities for inclusion in flood plain and shoreland ordinances. (16) Appropriate necessary funds to provide for membership in a state association of watershed districtswhich has as itswhose purposethe betterment and improvement ofis to improve watershed governmental operations. (17)ToControl the use and development of land in the flood plain and the greenbelt and open space areas of the district,. To do this, the managers may adopt, amend, or repeal rules to control encroachments, the changing of land contours, the placement of fill and structures, the placement of encumbrances or obstructions andtorequire the landowner to remove fill, structures, encumbrances, or other obstructions andtorestore the previously existing land contours and vegetation. The managers may by rule provide a procedurewherebyby which the district can do the work required and assesstheits costthereofagainst the affected property as a special assessment. The rulesshall be applicableapply only in the absence of county or municipal ordinancesfor the regulationof thoseregulating the items set forth in this clause. The rulesshallmust be adopted in accordance with subdivision 1c. Subd. 1a. [NOTICE TO CITY.]NoA resolution or rule approved by the managers after August 1, 1978,whichthat affects land or water within the boundaries of a home rule charter or statutory cityshall beis not effective within the city's boundariesprior to notifyinguntil the governing body of the city is notified. Subd. 1b. [METROPOLITAN WATERSHED DISTRICTS.] A watershed district located wholly within the metropolitan areashall havehas the duties andauthorities providedpowers in sections 473.875 to 473.883. Notwithstanding any contrary provision of subdivision 1, a watershed district located wholly within the metropolitan areashall have authority tomay regulate the use and development of land only under the conditions specified in section 473.877, subdivision 1, clause (c). Subd. 1c. [DISTRICT RULES.] Each district shall adopt rules to accomplish the purposes of this chapter and to implement the powers of the managers. Rules of the districtshallmust be adopted or amended by a majority vote of theboard ofmanagers, after public notice and hearing. Theyshallmust be signed by the secretary of the board of managers andshall berecorded in theboard'sdistrict's official minute book. For each county of the district theboardmanagers shall publish a notice of any hearing or adopted rules in one or more legal newspapers published in the county and generally circulated in the district, andshallfileanyadopted rules with the county recorder of each county affected. A copy of the rulesshallmust be mailed by theboardmanagers to the governing body of each municipality affected. Any ordinance of a district in effect on March 23, 1982shall remain, remains infull force andeffect until the district adopts rulespursuant tounder this subdivision. Subd. 2. [ENFORCEMENT POWERS.] The district court may enforce by injunction or other appropriate orderthe provisionsofsections112.37112.34 to112.801112.89 and any ruleorregulationadopted or order issued by the managersthereunderunder them. Subd. 3. [BUSINESS REPORT.] The managers shall annually make and file a report of the financial conditions of the district, the status of all projectsthereinin the district, the business transacted by the district, other matters affecting the interests of the district, and a discussion of the managers' intentions for the succeeding year. Copies of the reportshallmust betransmittedsent to the secretary ofstate waterresourcesthe board, the commissioner, and the director within a reasonable time. Subd. 4. [BOARD REVIEW OF MANAGERS.] The exercise ofsaidthe managers' powersby the managers shall at all times beis subject to review by the board ashereinprovided in this chapter. 112.431 [DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS.] Subdivision 1. [FINDINGS.] The legislature finds that because of urban growth and development in the metropolitan area problems arise for the improvement and repair of drainage systems which were originally established for the benefit of land used foragricultural purposes and thatagriculture. The procedure fortheimprovement and repair of drainage systems now in the metropolitan area should be simplified to more adequately and economically improve and repair drainage systems. Subd. 2. [DEFINITIONS.] (a)For the purpose of thissectionThe termsdefinedin thissubdivisionsection have the meaningsascribed togiven them in this subdivision. (b) "Drainage system" means a ditch as defined by section 106A.005, subdivision 11. (c) "Watershed district" means any watershed district establishedpursuant to the provisions ofunder this chapter, wholly or partially in a metropolitan county. (d) "Metropolitan county" means any one of the following counties: Anoka, Carver, Dakota, Hennepin, Ramsey, Scott, or Washington. (e) "Metropolitan area" means the combined area of the metropolitan counties. Subd. 3. [DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS.] With the concurrence of the governing bodies of the home rule charter or statutory cities and the townboardboards of the towns where the drainage system is located, theboard ofmanagers of a watershed districtin whichwhere thereexistsis a drainage systemshall havethe power tomay improve and repair any drainage system transferred to thewatersheddistrictpursuant tounder section 112.65, by conforming to sections 429.031; 429.041, subdivisions 1 and 2; 429.051; 429.061 and 429.071. Subd. 4. [ALTERNATIVE POWER.] With the concurrence of the governing bodies of the home rule charter or statutory cities and the town boards of the towns where the drainage system is located, the managersin their discretionmay improve and repair a drainage system under the power granted to themelsewherein this chapter. Subd. 5. [APPEAL.]AnyA person aggrieved by an order for improvement or repair by the managers or by an assessment may appeal as provided in sections 112.801 and 112.82. 112.44 [ADVISORY COMMITTEE.] The managers, upon qualifying, shall appoint an advisory committeeconsistingof at least five members, who shall. They must be selected if practicable as follows:one shall bea supervisor of a soil and water conservation district;one shallbea member of a county board;one shall bea member of a sporting organization,; andone shall bea member of a farm organizationand. Others may be appointed at the discretion of the managers, which. The appointeesshallmust be residents of the district, andshallserveduringat the pleasure of the managers. The committee shall advise and assist the managers upon all matters affecting the interests of the district, andshallmake recommendations to the managers upon all contemplated projects and works of improvementwithinin the district.InadditionThe managers may also appoint other interested and technical persons who may or may not residewithinin the districtwho shallto serveduringat the pleasure of the managers. Each member of the advisory committee, in the discretion of the managers,shall beis entitled to reimbursement for actual traveling and other expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of duties as provided for state employees. 112.45 [EMPLOYEES,; DUTIES.] The managers may employ a chief engineer, professional assistants, andsuchother employees asmay benecessary, and provide for their qualifications, duties, and compensation. The chief engineer shall be superintendent of all the works and improvements;. The chief engineer shall make a full report to the managers each year, or more often if necessary. A copy ofsuchthe report and all recommendations by the chief engineershallmust betransmittedsent to the managers and the director. The managers may require any officer or employee of the district to give a bond for the faithful performance of duties, in an amount prescribed by them,. The costthereof toof the bond must be paid from the funds of the district. 112.46 [OVERALL PLAN.] Subdivision 1. [PLAN CONTENTS.]The managers shall,Within a reasonable time after qualifying, the managers shall adopt an overall plan forany or all ofthe purposes for which a district may be established. The overall planshall be composed ofmust contain narrative statements of existing water and water-related problemswithinin the district, possible solutionsthereto, and the general objectives of the district. Theoverallplan may also include as a separate section any proposed projects. The separate statement of proposed projects or petitions for projects to be undertakenpursuantaccording to the overall plan shall be considered as a comprehensive plan of the district for all purposes of review by the metropolitan council under section 473.165, if the district is within the metropolitan area. Subd. 2. [ADOPTION PROCEDURES.] A copy of the plan shallforthwithbetransmittedsent immediately to the county auditor of each county affected, the secretary of the board, the commissioner, the director, the governing bodies of all municipalities, any soil and water conservation district having territory within the district, and the metropolitan council if the district is within the metropolitan area.Upon receipt ofOn receiving the copy the director and the council shall examine it and within 60 daysthereafter, unless the time is extended by the board, the director and the council shall transmit recommendations about the plan to the boardrecommendations inconnection therewith,. A copy ofwhich shallthe recommendations must betransmittedsent to the managers, the county auditor of each county affected, the governing bodies of all affected municipalities, and any affected soil and water conservation districts. Within 45 days from receipt of the director's and the council's recommendations the board shall have a public hearing on the proposed overall plan. The provisions of this chapter relating to notice, time, and place of hearinguponon a nominating petitionshallgovern the hearing. After the public hearing the board shall, byitsorder, prescribe an overall plan for the district. A copy of the ordershallmust betransmittedsent to the managers, the county board of each county affected, the commissioner, the director, the governing bodies of all municipalities affected, any affected soil and water conservation districts, and the council.Upon transmittalWhen sent, the planshall becomebecomes the overall plan for the district. The plan may be amended upon a petition submitted by the managers, and. The board shall have a hearing on the amendment in the samemannerway as in the original overall plan proceeding. Subd. 3. [PLAN REVISION.] The managers and the board shall revise the overall plan for the district at least once every ten yearsafter the board originally prescribes the overall planandshallmake amendments as itdeemsfinds advisable. The managers shall consider including the following items in the revised overall plan, and any other informationdeemedthey find appropriate: (1) updates of and supplementsofto the existing hydrological and other statistical data of the district; (2) specific projects completed; (3) a statement setting forth the extent to which the purposes for which the district had been established have been accomplished; (4) a description of problems requiring future action by the district; (5) a summary of completed studies on active or planned projects, including financial data; (6) an analysis of the effectiveness of the district's rules and permits in achieving its water management objectives in the district. Subd. 4. [BOARD REVIEW OF REVISED OUTLINE.] After ten years and six months have elapsed from the date that the board prescribed an overall plan or the last revised plan, the managers shall adopt a revised overall plan outline and shall transmit a copy of the outline to the board.Upon receipt ofOn receiving a copy the board shall examine it and within 60 daysthereafteradopt recommendations regarding the outline and report them to the managers. Subd. 5. [FURTHER REVIEW.] Within 120 days after receiving the board's recommendations regarding the revised overall plan outline, the managers shall complete the revised overall plan. A copy of the planshallmust betransmittedsent to the board, the county board and county auditor of each county affected, the director, the governing bodies of all municipalities affected, any soil and water conservation district having territory within the district, and the metropolitan council if the district is within the metropolitan area.Upon receipt ofOn receiving the copy, the director and the council shall examine it and within 60 daysthereafter, unless the time is extended by the board, the director and the council shall transmit recommendations on the revised plan to the board,. A copy ofwhich shallthe recommendations must betransmittedsent to the managers, the county auditor of each county affected, the governing bodies of all affected municipalities, and any affected soil and water conservation districts. Within 45 days from transmittal of the revised overall plan to the board, the board shall have a public hearing on the proposed revised overall plan. The provisions of this chapter relating to notice, time, and place of hearinguponon a nominating petitionshallgovern this proceeding. After public hearing the board shall, byitsorder, prescribe a revised plan for the district. A copy of the revised planshallmust betransmittedsent to the managers, the county board of each county affected, the commissioner, the director, the governing bodies of all municipalities affected, any affected soil and water conservation districts, and the council. Upon transmittal the planshall becomebecomes the overall plan for the district. 112.47 [PROJECTS INSTITUTED.]AllProjects of the districtwhichthat are to be paid by assessmentuponon the benefited properties, shallmust be instituted: (1) by a petition filed with the managers; (2) by unanimous resolution of the managers; or (3) as otherwise prescribed by this chapter. 112.48 [APPROVAL OF PROJECT; FILING OF PETITION; CONTENTS; HEARING; BONDS.] Subdivision 1. [SIGNATURES.] After the overall plan of the district has been prescribed by the board, as provided inunder section 112.46, a petition may be filed with the managers for any project within the district conforming in general with the plan. The petition must be signed: (1) by not less than 25 percent of the resident freeholders, or by the owners of more than 25 percent of the land within the limits of the area proposed to be improved unless the project consists of the establishment of a drainage system as defined in sections 106A.005 to 106A.811 or the improvement of an existing drainage system; (2) by a majority of the resident owners of the land over which the proposed project passes or is located, or by the owners of at least 60 percent of the area of the land, if the project consists of the establishment of a drainage system as defined in sections 106A.005 to 106A.811; (3) by not less than 26 percent of the resident owners of the property affected by the proposed project or over which the proposed project passes or by the owners of not less than 26 percent of the area affected or over which the proposed project passes if the project consists of the improvement of an existing drainage system as defined in sections 106A.005 to 106A.811; (4) by a county board of any county affected; or (5) by the governing body of any city lying wholly or partly within the area proposed to be improved; provided that. If the proposed project affects lands exclusively within a city, the petitionshallmust originate from the governing body of the city. For the purpose of this subdivision, holders of easements for electric or telephone transmission or distribution lines are not considered freeholders or owners. Subd. 1a. [CONTENTS.] The petition shall contain the following:(a)(1) a description of the proposed project, and the purpose to be accomplished;(b)(2) a description of the lands over which the proposed project passes or is located;(c)(3) a general description of the part of the districtwhichthat will be affected, if less than the entire district;(d)(4) a statement of the need and necessity for the proposed improvement;(e)(5) a statement that the proposed project will be conducive to public health, convenience, and welfare;(f)(6) a statement that the petitioners will pay all costs and expenseswhichthat may be incurred in case the proceedings are dismissed or for any reason no construction contract is let for the project. Subd. 2. [BOND.]Upon the filing ofWhen a petition is filed and before any action is taken on it, one or more of the petitioners shall depositnot less thanat least $2,000 with theboard ofmanagers, conditioned to pay all costs and expenses incurred if the projectpetitioned foris not constructed. Alternatively, with the approval of theboard ofmanagers, one or more of the petitioners may make and file a bond payable to the watershed district named in the petition in the sum ofnotless thanat least $2,000 withgood andsufficient sureties, to be approved by theboard ofmanagers of the district with which the bond is filed, conditioned to pay all costs and expenses which may be incurredin caseif the proceedings are dismissed or for any reason no contract is entered into for the construction of the projectpetitioned for. If it appears at any timeprior tobefore the making of the order establishing a project that the deposit or bond of petitioners isinsufficient in amounttoo small to protect the watershed district from loss on account of any costs or expenses incurred or to be incurred, the watershed district shall require an additional deposit or bond.In that eventAll further proceedingsshallmust then be stayed until the deposit or bond is furnishedand. If the additional deposit or bond is not furnished within the time the watershed district fixes, the proceedings may be dismissed. In all project proceedings, the expenses incurredprior tobefore establishmentshallmust not exceed the required deposit or the penalty named in the bondor bondsgiven by the parties. No claim in excess of the amount of the deposit or bondor bondsshall be audited or paid by direction of the watershed district unless one or more parties in the proceeding, within the time the watershed district directs, files an additional deposit or bond in an amount as directed by the watershed district. If the petition is signed by the proper officials of a county or city, no bondshall beis required. Subd. 3. [AGREEMENTS WITH STATE OR FEDERAL AGENCIES.]WhereThe procedure in this section must be followed when an improvement is to be constructed within the district under an agreement between the managers and the stateof Minnesota, oranya state department or agencythereof, or the United States of America, oranya federal department or agencythereof,whereinwhere the cost of the improvement is to be paid for in whole or in part by the governmental agency but the rights of way, and the expenses of the improvement are assumed by the district or where the managers are undertaking all or a portion of the basic water management project as identified in the overall plan, the following procedure shall be followed. A copy of the project planshallmust be forwarded to the board and director for their reportsafter which. The managers shall then hold a public hearing on the proposed improvementfollowingpublication. Notice of the hearing must be published once each week for two successive weeksprior tobefore the date of the hearing in a legal newspaper, published in thecounty orcounties in which a part or all of the affected waters and lands are located. The last publicationshallmust occur not more than 30 days and at least ten days before the hearing. The noticeshallmust state the time and place of hearing, the general nature of the proposed improvement,theits estimated costthereofandthe method by whichhow the cost of the improvement is to be paid, including the cost to be allocated to each affected municipal corporation or the stateof Minnesotaoranystate departmentthereof.Not less thanAt least ten days before the hearing, notice by mailshallmust be given to the director and to the municipal corporations wholly or partly within the improvement project area, but. Failure to give mailed notice or defects in the noticeshalldo not invalidate the proceedings. At the time and place specified in the notice the managers shall hear all parties interested in the proposed project or improvement. If upon full hearing the managers find that the improvement will be conducive to public health and promote the general welfare, andis in compliancecomplies with the overall plan and the provisions of this chapter, they shall make findings accordingly and authorize the project. Subd. 4. [RESOLUTION; HEARING.] Theboard ofmanagers may institute projects upon a resolution ofnot less thanat least a majority of theboardmanagers if:(a)(1) each project is financed by one or more grants totaling at least 50 percent of the estimated cost; and(b)(2) the engineer's estimate of local costs to the district, includinganyassessments against benefited properties but excludinganystate, federal, or othergrantgrants, is not over $750,000 for any single project. No resolution under this subdivision shall be usedfor the establishment ofto establish a project, the essential nature and purpose of which is for drainage. The managers shall hold a public hearing on the proposed resolution for the project following publicationpublishedonce each week for two successive weeks. The publicationshallmust be in a legal newspaper published in thecounty orcounties in which the watershed district is situated. The last publicationshallmust occur at least ten days before the meeting at which the resolution will be heard. The noticeshallmust contain the date, time, and place of hearing, the substance of the proposed resolution, the means of financing the project, and a statement that all persons who might be affected by the project or who may be interested in it may appear and be heard. Defects in the noticeshalldo not invalidate the proceedings. The managers shall secure from the district engineer or other competent personof their selectionthey select a report advising them in a preliminary way whether the proposed project is feasible and estimating the cost of the project.NoAn error or omission in the reportshalldoes not invalidate the proceeding. The managers may also take other stepsprior tobefore the hearingwhichthat will in their judgmentprovidehelpful information in determininghelp determine the desirability and feasibility of the improvement. If after the hearing it appears to the managers that the proposed project promotes the public interest and welfare, and is practicable andin conformityconforms with the overall plan of the district, they shall adopt a final resolution for the project, andproperly. They shall identify the proceeding by name and number. If the report of the engineer is unfavorable the managers shall fix a time and place for a hearing in the manner provided for the hearing on the resolution.ThereafterThe matter may then be referred back to the engineer for further study and report or the managers may dismiss the proceeding. When a final resolution is adopted, the matter shall proceedas in the case oflike a project instituted by petitionas is prescribed byunder this chapter. Uponthefiling by the managers with the auditor of a county of a statement listing the property and corporations benefited or damaged or otherwise affected by any project under this subdivision as found by the appraisers and approved by the managers, proceedings shallbecommenced pursuant tobegin under section 112.60. 112.49 [SURVEYS,; PLANS.] Subdivision 1. [CONTENTS OF PLAN.] If it appears to the managers that the petition is sufficient, that the proposed project promotes the public interest and welfare and is practicable and in conformity with the overall plan of the district, they shall properly identify the proceeding by name and numberand shall cause to be made, at the earliest time. As soon as possible,allthey shall have necessary surveys and maps made for the proposed project as provided in this subdivision. The engineer designated by the managers shallmake areport to the managersoffindings and recommendationsrelative toabout the proposed project. If the engineer finds the improvement feasible the engineer shall include in the report a plan of the proposed project including: (1) a map of the area to be improved, drawn to scale, showing the location of the proposed improvements; the location and adequacy of the outlet; the watershed of the project area; the location of existing highways, bridges, and culverts; all lands, highways, and utilities affected,together withand the names of the known owners, so far as known; the outlines ofanypublic lands and public bodies of water affected; andanyother physical characteristics of the watershed necessary for the understanding of the area; (2) the estimated total cost ofthe completion ofcompleting the project, including costs of constructionand all, supervision, andadministrative costs of theprojectadministration; (3) the acreage which will be required and taken as right-of-way listed by each lot and 40-acre tract, or fractionthereofof a lot or tract, under separate ownership; and (4) other details and information to inform the managers of the practicability and necessity of the proposed project together with the engineer's recommendations on these matters. Subd. 2. [STATE AND FEDERAL PROJECT PLANS.] The engineer may adopt and approve and include as a part of the report, any project of the stateof Minnesotaor the United States which is pertinent to the projectand. The engineer may accept any data, plats, plans, details, or information pertaining tosuchthe state or federal project furnished to the engineer by the state or federal agencyand. The engineer shall omit from the reportthosethe items called for in subdivision 1 if the data furnished by the state or federal agencyis sufficient to meetmeets the requirements of subdivision 1. Subd. 3. [HEARING.] If the engineer's report is unfavorable the managers shall, within 35 days thereafterby, orderfixa time and place within the district for a hearing at which the petitioners shall show cause why the managers shall not refer the petition back to the petitioners forsuchfurther proceedingsthereon asthat the managers may determine, or the managers may dismiss the petition. The noticeshallmust state that the engineer's report is unfavorable, that it is on file with the managers and is subject to inspection, and the time and place for hearingthereonon it. The managers shall mail a copy of the notice to each of the petitioners at least 14 days before the hearing. Subd. 4. [PETITION DISMISSAL.] The petitioners may dismiss the petition, upon payment of costs and expenses. Subd. 6. [DIRECTOR AND BOARD REPORTS.]Upon the filing ofWhen the engineer's report,is filed, the managers must send a complete copythereof shall be transmittedto the director andtothe boardby the managers. The director and the board shall examine thesamereport and within 30 daysmake their reports thereonreport on it to the managers. If they find the report incomplete and not in accordance withthe provisions ofthis chapter, they shall so report. If they approvethe sameit as being a practical plan they shall so state. If they do not approve the plan they shall file their recommendations for changesastheydeemfind advisable, or. If in their opinion the proposed project or improvement is not practical they shall so report. If a soil survey appears advisable they shall so adviseand in suchevent. In that case the engineer shall make the soil survey and reportthereonon the survey before the final hearing. Their reports shall be directed to and filed with the managers.SuchThe reportsshall be deemedare advisory only. No notice shall issue for the hearing until the board's and the director's reports are filed or the time for filingthereofthem has expired. Subd. 7. [ENGINEERING REPORTS.] The findings, recommendations, and content of engineering reports for projects under this chaptershallmust conform as nearly as practicable to the requirements of this sectionand. The managers must send a copy of each reportshall be transmittedto the boardby themanagers. 112.50 [APPRAISALS.] Subdivision 1. [APPOINTMENT; DUTIES.]Upon the filing ofWhen the engineer's report is filed the managers shall, with the least possible delay, appoint three disinterested resident freeholders of the state to act as appraisers.TheseThe appraisers shallsubscribesign an oath to faithfully and impartially perform their duties, and. With or without the engineer, they shall determine the benefits or damages to all lands and properties affected by the proposed project or improvement, including lands owned by the stateof Minnesotaoranya state departmentthereof, highways, and other property likely to be affected by the proposed improvement or that may be used or taken fortheits construction or maintenancethereof. Benefits and damages to lands owned by the stateof Minnesotaoranya state departmentthereofheld and used for the purposes described in sections 106A.025 and 106A.315, subdivision 1, shall be determined subject tothe provisions thereofthose sections, so far as applicable. Each appraiser may be paid on a per diem basis for every day necessarily engaged in the performance of duties and for actual and necessary expenses. The compensationshallmust be fixed by the managers, to be paid by the district and included in the cost of improvement. The managers of the watershed districts mayin their discretionuse the following procedurefor the purpose of determiningto determine benefits and damages.Upon the filing ofWhen the engineer's report is filed, the managers with theassistancehelp of the engineer shall determine the benefits or damages to all lands and properties affected by the proposed project or improvement, including. The lands and properties include lands owned by the stateof Minnesotaoranya state departmentthereof, highways, and other property likely to be affected by the proposed improvement or that may be used or taken fromtheits construction or maintenancethereof. Benefits and damages to lands owned by the stateof Minnesotaoranya state departmentthereofheld and used for the purposes described in sections 106A.025 and 106A.315, subdivision 1shallmust be determined subject tothe provisions thereofthose sections, so far as applicable. The managers shall also determine the amount to be paid and generally assessed by the watershed district for the basic water management portion oftheimprovement projects. 112.501 [BENEFITED PROPERTY,; DETERMINATION.] Subdivision 1. [APPRAISERS' STANDARDS.]WhereIf the proposed improvement,includesor prays for theconstruction or improvement ofanya ditch, stream, river, or watercourse, orany structuresa structure for the control or alleviation of damages from flood waters, the appraisers shall be governed by sections 106A.311 to 106A.321. Subd. 2. [DETERMINATION OF BENEFITS.] Inallproceedings under thisactchapter assessments for benefits against landsshallmust be made upon benefits tosuchthe lands by reason of the project or improvement affectingthe samethem. Benefits and benefited propertiesshallinclude: (1)AllLands, including lands owned by the stateofMinnesotaoranya subdivisionthereofof the state receiving direct benefits. Direct benefits include,but are not limited to assessments for drainage, recreation, commercial navigation, disposal of sewage or waste material, bank stabilization, flood control, land reclamation, prevention of siltation, control of erosion, and maintenance of lake levels;. (2)AllLands that are contributing water or are furnished an improved drainage outlet andalllands that contribute waters that are stored, handled, or controlled by the proposed improvement;. (3)AllLands that are not receiving but need drainage and that are furnishing waters that are handled or controlled by the proposed improvement. (4) Benefits to the state by reason of the improvement of lakes, streams, or other bodies of water as a place for propagation, protection, and preservation of fish and other forms of wildlife, which. These benefitsshall beare assessable against the stateof Minnesotato the extent and in the manner provided for assessments against the state in section 84A.55, subdivision 9, and within the available appropriation. (5) Benefits to municipal corporationswhichthat occur to the lands in the municipality generally and which may be in addition to special benefits to specific lands within the municipality. (6) Benefits that will result to all lands used for railway or other utility purposes. 112.51 [APPRAISERS' REPORT,; EXAMINATION.]Upon filing ofWhen the appraisers' report is filed the managers shall examine it to determine if itwas made inconformity withconforms to the requirements of this chapter, and if the total benefitsthusfound are greater than the total estimated costs and damages. If the appraisers' report is lacking in any particulars the managers mayrecommitreturn it to the appraisers for further study and report. 112.52 [HEARING UPON PETITION AND REPORTS.] Upon the filing of the report of the engineer and the appraisers appointedhereinby the managers,theythe managers shall, within 35 days thereafter,byorder, fixa time and place within the district for a hearinguponon the petition or resolution and reports. Due noticethereof shallof the hearing must be given by the managers ashereinprovided in this chapter. 112.53 [NOTICE OF HEARING, CONTENTS.] Subdivision 1. [CONTENTS OF NOTICE.] The managers shall by publication give notice of the pendency of the petition or resolution; the time and place for hearingthereonon it; and that the engineer's and appraisers' reports, including the plans, have been filed with the managers and are subject to inspection. The notice shall contain a brief description of the proposed project, together with a description of the properties benefited or damaged, the names of the owners of the properties, and the public and other corporations affected by the project as shown by the engineer's and appraisers' reports. A map of the affected area may be included in the noticein lieuinstead of the names of the owners or of the descriptions of the properties affected by the project or both. The notice shall require all parties interested in the proposed project to appear before the managers at the time and place designated in the notice to present any objections they may have, and to show cause why an order should not be made by the managers granting the petition, confirming the reports of the engineer and appraisers, and ordering the establishment and construction of the project. Subd. 2. [MAILING.] The managers shall give notice by mail, within one week after the beginning of publication, to the director and to each person, corporation, and public body that owns property benefited or damaged by the proposed improvement as shown by the engineers and appraisers report. The noticeshallmust contain a brief description of the proposed improvement and state: (1) that the engineer's and appraisers' report are on file with the managers and available for public inspection; (2) the time and place of hearing; and (3) that the addressee's name appears as an affected party. Subd. 3. [SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS; ACQUIRING LAND.] When it is required that the managers acquire land in fee simple estate, they shall,prior tobefore the filing of the appraiser's report, record in the office of county recorder of the county in which the lands are situated, a notice of the pendency of a proceeding initiated by the managers to acquire the lands,which. The noticeshallmust state the purpose for which the lands are to be taken. At least 20 days before the hearing, notice of the hearing in addition to that required in subdivisions 1 and 2hereof shallmust be served upon owners of the property, in the same manner as the summons in a civil action, which. The noticeshallmust describe the land, state by whom and for what purpose it is to be taken, and give the names of all persons appearing of record or known to the managers to be the owners. The noticeshallmust also state that benefits and damages have been determined, and that a hearing will be held by the managers at the time and place specified in the notice. Subd. 4. [SPECIAL NOTICE; LAND IN TWO OR MORE COUNTIES.]WhereIf the improvement affects the lands and properties in more than one county, separate noticesshallmust be prepared and published in each county affectedshowing only the. The notices must include a general description of the proposed improvement and the names and descriptions of the properties affected in the county or,in lieuinstead of the names or descriptions or both, a map of the area affected in the county. Notice by mail as provided in subdivision 2shallmust be given. 112.54 [HEARING BEFORE MANAGERS.] At the time and place specified in the notice, the managers shall hear all parties interested for and against the establishment of the proposed improvement and confirming the reports.AllQuestionsrelative toabout the proposed improvement including jurisdiction, sufficiency of the petition or resolution, practicability, and necessityshallmust be determined upon evidence presented at the hearing.AnyFindings made by the managersprior tobefore the hearingshallare notbeconclusive butshall beare subject to further investigation, consideration, and determination at the hearing.TheyThe managers may orderand directthe modification of the engineer's report within the scope of the overall improvement plan for the district, and the assessment of benefits and damages and amendor changethe list of property reported as assessable for the construction and maintenancethereofof the improvement. If the amended reports include property not included in the original reports, the managers shall adjourn andcause to bepublishedpublish andmailedmail, as in the original notice, the proper notice with reference to all lands and properties not included in the previous notice. If upon full hearing the managers find that the improvement will be conducive to public health and promote the general welfare, and is in compliance withthe provisions and purposes ofthis chapter, and thattheits benefitsresulting therefromwill be greater than the cost of the construction and damages, they shall make findings accordingly and order and direct the construction of the improvement and confirm the report of the engineer and the findings and report of the appraisersand. The managers may bythisthe order authorize the construction of the proposed improvement as a whole orfordifferent partsthereofseparately. The managers shall order the engineer to proceedwith makingto make the necessary surveys andpreparing suchprepare the plans and specificationsas areneeded to construct the proposed improvements and reportthe samethem to the managers with reasonable dispatch. The hearing then shall be recessed to await the engineer's report and receipt of bids, when it may again be recessed to allow compliance with section 112.541 ifsaid section 112.541 becomes applicableit applies. 112.541 [PROCEDURE WHEN CONTRACT IS NOT LET.] Ifafter the receipt of the bids,no bids are received except for a price more than 30 percent in excess of theengineersestimateas containedin the engineer's report, or for a price in excess of the benefits, less damages and other costs, the managers shall follow the procedure described in section 106A.511. 112.55 [ORDER OF MANAGERS ESTABLISHING IMPROVEMENT,; FILING.]AnyAn order of the managers establishing the improvement and authorizingtheits constructionthereof shall forthwithmust immediately be filed with the secretary of the district,and. A certified copythereof shallof the order must be filed with the auditor of each county affected, the board, the commissioner, the director, the Minnesota pollution control agency, and the state department of health. 112.57 [BIDS.] Afteran order has been made bythe managersdirectinghave ordered the establishment of each improvement,the managersthey shall call for bids for the construction of the workand. They shall give noticethereofof the call for bids bypublicationspecifying thereinpublishing the time and place when the bids will be opened forthelettingofa contract for the construction of the work. The contract may be let in sections or as a whole, as the managers may direct. Noticethereof shallmust be published in at least one of the newspapers in the state where such notices are usually published. At a time and place specified in the notice, the managers may accept or reject anyor allbids and may let the contract to the lowest responsible bidder, who shall give a bond, with ample security,conditionsconditioned for the carrying out of the contract. Bidsshallmust not beentertainedconsidered which in the aggregate exceed by more than 30 percent the total estimated cost of construction.SuchThe contractshallmust be in writing andshallbe accompanied by orshallrefer to the plans and specifications for the work to be done, and prepared by the engineer for the district. The plans and specificationsshallbecome a part of the contract. The contractshallmust be approved by the managers, signed by the president and secretarythereof, and by the contractor. 112.58 [EMERGENCY PROCEDURES.] If the managers find thatconditions exist which presentthere is a clear and imminent danger to the health or welfare of the people of the district, and that to delay action would prejudice the interests of the peopleof the districtor would be likely to cause irreparable harm, the managers may declarethe existence ofan emergency and designatetheits location, nature and extentof the emergency. When an emergency has been declared, and to the extent necessary to protect the interests of the district, the managers may order that work be done under the direction of the managers and the engineer, without a contract. The cost of work undertaken without a contract may be assessed against benefited properties or, if the cost is not more than 25 percent of the latest administrative ad valorem levy of the district and the work is found to be of common benefit to the district, may be raised by an ad valorem tax levy upon all taxable property within the district, or both. 112.59 [CONTROL OF CONTRACTS.]In all cases whereWhen contracts are let by the managers, theyshallhave full control of all matters pertainingtheretoto the contracts. If a contractor fails to complete the improvement within the time or in the manner specified in the contract, the managers may extend the time for completion ormayrefuse an extension of time ormaycancel the contract and readvertise and relet the contract. They may require the surety for the contractor to complete the improvement orproceed tohave the contract otherwise completed at the expense of the contractor and the surety. They may takesuchother action with referencethereto thatto the contract as the occasionmayrequirerequires in the interest of the district.Theprovisions ofSections 106A.005 to 106A.811, so far as pertinent,apply to andgovern the relations between the engineer and the contractor, including the examination and report of the engineer and the amount and time of payment. The managers shall keep an accurate account of all expenses incurred, which shall. The account must include the compensation of the engineer and the assistants,thecompensation and expenses ofthe appraisers as provided in section 112.50, and thecompensation ofpetitioners' attorney,; the cost of petitioners' bond,; the fees of all county officials necessitated by the improvement, which shall be in addition to all fees otherwise allowed by law,; and the time and expenses of all employees of the district, including the expenses of the managers while engaged in any improvement. The fees and expenses provided forhereinin this section shall be audited, allowed and paid upon the order of the managers andshallmust be charged to and be treated as a part of the cost of the improvement. 112.60 [ASSESSMENTS,; LEVIES.] Subdivision 1. [AUDITOR'S DUTIES.]Upon the filing byWhen the managers file with the auditor of any countyofa statement listing the property and corporations benefited or damaged or otherwise affected by any improvement as found by the appraisers and approved by the managers, the auditor shall assess the amount specified insuchthe list against the lands and municipalities or other corporations asthereinspecified in the list in accordance with the pertinent provisions of sections 106A.005 to 106A.811. Subd. 2. [COUNTY BOARD DUTIES.]Upon filing of theWhen a statement is filed as provided in subdivision 1, the county board of each county affected shall provide funds to meet its proportionate share of the total cost of the improvements, as shown by the report and order of the managers of the district,and. Forsuch purposes is authorized tothat purpose it may issue bonds of the county insuchthe necessary amount asmay benecessary in the mannerprovided by section 106A.635.In theeventIf an improvement is to be constructed undertheprovisions ofsection 112.69,the provisions ofsection 106A.635 requiring the county board to let a contract for construction before issuing bondsshalldoes notbe applicableapply to bonds issued to provide the funds requiredto be furnishedby this section. Subd. 3. [LEVY AND COLLECTION.] The respective county auditors and county treasurers shall levy and collect the amount shown in the tabular statement and lien as provided in sections 106A.601 to 106A.631. All money received by the treasurer of any county from the sale of bonds, assessments, or otherwise, for the benefit of the districtshallmust be accounted for by the auditor and paid over to the treasurer of the district. Subd. 4. [EXCEPTIONS.] No assessment shall be levied against any property or corporations benefited undertheprovisions ofthis chapter in excess of the amount of benefits received as fixed by the order of the managers authorizing the construction of the improvement or subsequently determined on appeal. 112.61 [FUNDS OF DISTRICT.] Subdivision 1. [ENUMERATION OF FUNDS.] The money ofanya district organized underthe provisions ofthis chapterconsistconsists of:the funds described in subdivisions 2 to 8. Subd. 2. [ORGANIZATIONAL EXPENSE FUND.]AnThe organizational expense fund, whichconsists of an ad valorem tax levy, not to exceed two-thirds of one mill on each dollar of assessed valuation of all taxable property within the district or $60,000 whichever isthe lesserless.SuchThe funds shall be used for organizational expenses, and preparation of an overall plan for projects and improvements. The managers of the districtshall be authorized tomay borrow from the affected counties up to 75 percent of the anticipated funds to be collected from the organizational expense fund levy and the counties affectedare hereby authorized tomay makesuchthe advancements. The advancement of anticipated funds shall be apportioned among affected counties in the same ratio as the assessed valuation of the area of the counties within the district bears to the assessed valuation of the entire district.In the eventIf an established district is enlarged, an organizational expense fund may be levied against the area added to the district in thesame manner as aboveway provided in this subdivision. Unexpended funds collected for the organizational expense may be transferred to the administrative fund and used for the purposes authorizedtherein;for it. Subd. 3. [ADMINISTRATIVE FUND.]AnThe administrative fund, whichconsists of an ad valorem tax levy not to exceed one mill on each dollar of assessed valuation of all taxable property within the district, or $125,000, whichever isthelesserless.SuchThe funds shall be used for general administrative expenses andfor the construction and maintenanceofto construct and maintain projects of common benefit to the district. The managers may make an annual levy for this fund as provided in section 112.611. In addition to the annual administrative levy, the managers may annually levy a tax of not to exceed one-third of one mill for a period of not to exceed 15 consecutive years to pay the cost attributable to the basic water management features of projects initiated by petition of a municipality of the district. Subd. 4. [BOND FUND.]AThe bond fund, whichconsists of the proceeds of bonds issued bysuchthe district under this chapter,as herein providedsecured upon the property of the district which is producing or is likely to produce a regular incomeand. The bond fund is to be usedfor the payment ofto pay the purchase price of the property ortheits valuethereofas fixed by the court in proper proceedings, and fortheits improvement and developmentof such property;. Subd. 5. [CONSTRUCTION FUND.]AThe construction fund,whichisto besupplied by:the sale of county bonds; construction loans from any agency of the federal government; and by special assessmentsto beleviedas herein providedunder this chapter to supply fundsfor the construction ofto construct the improvements of the district, including reservoirs, ditches, dikes, canals, channels, and other works, together with the expensesincident thereto andconnectedtherewithwith it. Construction loans from any agency of the federal government may be repaid frommoneysmoney collected by special assessments upon properties benefited by the improvementas herein provided;under this chapter. Subd. 6. [PRELIMINARY FUND.]AThe preliminary fund, whichconsists of funds providedas herein specifiedunder this chapter, and isto beused for preliminary work on proposed works of the district. Subd. 7. [REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE FUNDS.] The repair and maintenance fundsto beare establishedpursuant to theprovisions ofunder section 112.64as amended or hereafteramended. Subd. 8. [SURVEY AND DATA ACQUISITION FUND.]AThe survey and data acquisition fundwhich shall beis established or used only when no other funds are available to the district to payfor makingto make necessary surveys andacquiringacquire data. The fund consists of an ad valorem levy, which can be levied not more than once every five years, not to exceed one mill on each dollar of assessed valuation of all taxable property within the district.At no time shallThe balance of the survey and data acquisition fund must never exceed $50,000. In a subsequent proceeding for a work where a survey has been made, the attributable cost of the survey as determined by the managers shall be included as a part of the cost of the work andthat sum shall berepaid to the survey and data acquisition fund. 112.611 [BUDGET; TAX LEVY.] Subdivision 1. [BUDGET PROCEDURES.] On or before October 1 of each year the managers shall adopt a budget for the ensuing year andshalldecideuponthe total amount necessary to be raised from ad valorem tax levies to meet its budget. Before adopting a budget the managers shall hold a public hearing on the proposed budget. The managers shall publish a notice of the hearing together with a summary of the proposed budget in one or more newspapers of general circulation in each county into which the watershed district extends. The notice and summaryshallmust be published once each week for two successive weeks before the hearing. The last publicationshallmust be at least two days before the hearing. After adoption of the budget and no later than October 1, the secretary of the district shall certify to the auditor of each county within the district the county's share ofsuchthe tax, which shall. The share must be an amount bearing the same proportion to the total levy as the assessed valuation of the area of the county within the watershed bears to the assessed valuation of the entire watershed district. The maximum amount of any levyshallmust not exceed that provided for inMinnesotaStatutes 1961,section 112.61and acts amendatory thereof. Subd. 2. [TAX LEVY AND COLLECTION.] The auditor of each county in the district shall add the amount of any levy made by the managers to the other tax levies on the property of the county within the district for collection by the county treasurer with other taxes. When collected, the county treasurer shall make settlement ofsuchthe taxes with the treasurer of the district in the samemannerway as other taxes are distributed to the other political subdivisions. The levy authorized by this sectionshall beis in addition to any other county taxes authorized by law. 112.62 [DISTRICT COURT TO CREATEPRELIMINARY FUND.] Subdivision 1. [PETITION.] When a proper petition has been filed with the managers for the construction of a project within the district, the managers may file a petition with the district court in the county where the district has its principal place of business asking that a preliminary expense fund be created for the district, and. The managers maysubsequentlylater amend or supplement the petition if necessary. At least ten days' notice of a petition or amended or supplementary petitionshallmust be given to the auditor of each county affected by the proposed project. The fund applied forshallmust be of a size proportionate to meet the needs of the district for preliminary work on the proposed project. Subd. 2. [DISTRICT COURT; ESTABLISHMENT OF FUND.] The district court upon hearing may designate the amount of the fund and fix the proportionate amount that each county affected by the improvement shall pay, in proportion to the area in the county affected by the proposed improvement. The court shall order the auditor of each county to draw a warrantuponon the treasurer of the countyfor the payment ofto pay the amount specified in the order, payableto the treasurer of the district. The sum so advanced by the countyshallmust be charged to the district, andshall berepaid with interest as soon as the district has funds for that purpose. The fundssoprovidedshallmust be used by the managers for preliminary work. When the managers incur expenses for surveys or other preliminary work onanya proposed improvement, all expenses connected withsuchthe workshallmust be included in the cost of its constructionof the proposed improvement. When the construction of the improvement is authorized by the managers the funds advanced from the preliminary fundshallmust be repaid out of receipts from assessments. Subd. 4. [APPROPRIATIONS.] The stateof Minnesota and any, a state department, or political subdivisionthereofmay appropriatesuchsumsas arenecessary to pay its proportionate share ofsuchpreliminary expenses,. The proportionate share must be determined by the managers according to the benefits that will probably accrue to the corporation from the contemplated improvements. Subd. 5. [DISTRICT COURT POWERS.] The district court may order a preliminary fund for all works of the districtinstituted pursuant tobegun under section 112.47. 112.63 [WARRANTS.] The managers ofanya district may issue warrants of the districtin payment of anyto pay contracts for the construction ofanyimprovements, forallordinary general expenses, and forallexpenses incurred in making repairs, which have been approved by the managers only when there are sufficient funds available for payment in the district treasury. 112.64 [LEVY FORREPAIR OFIMPROVEMENTIMPROVEMENTS.] Subdivision 1. [MANAGERS' DUTIES.] Theboard ofmanagersshall beare responsible for maintaining the projects of the districtin such conditionso that they will accomplish the purposes for which they were constructed. The cost of normal or routine maintenance of the projects of the district, and the cost of removing obstructions and accumulations of foreign substances from a drainage system,shallmust be paid from the maintenance fund upon the order of theboard ofmanagers. Subd. 2. [CREATION OF MAINTENANCE FUND.]For the purposeof creatingTo create a maintenance fund fornormal androutine maintenance of a project, theboard ofmanagersis authorized tomay apportion and assess the amount of the fund against all the parcels of land and municipal corporations previously assessed for benefits in proceedings for the construction of the project. The assessmentshallmust be made pro rata according to benefits determined. No assessment for the benefit of the maintenance fund shall be made when the fund exceeds 20 percent of the original cost of construction of the project. Upon receiving the assessment order from theboard ofmanagers, the auditors of the counties affected shall file for record in theofficeoffices of the countyrecorderrecorders for thecountycounties a tabular lien statement covering the assessment. The assessmentshallmust be collected as provided in the order in the samemannerway as provided in section 106A.731. Before ordering the levy of an assessment for the benefit of the maintenance fund, theboard ofmanagers, in its discretion,may give notice of a hearing on the matter. Subd. 3. [REPAIRS OTHER THAN NORMAL MAINTENANCE.] The managers may order repairs other than routine maintenance if the engineer certifies tothe board of managers,them in the annual report or otherwise,: (1) that an improvement of the district is in such a state of disrepair that it cannot be restored bynormal androutine maintenance tothe sameits conditionaswhen originally constructed orsubsequentlylater improved, or; (2) that a ditch or channel must be widened or deepened,; or (3) thatanyan improvement of the district must be altered or improved, in orderto attain the level of operating efficiency contemplated at the time of the original construction, the board of managers,. Before ordering any repairs other thannormal androutine maintenance, the managers shall order the engineer to prepare and submitto the board of managerstechnical and cost specifications on the work necessary to restore,or improve the improvement to the desired level of operating efficiency. Upon receiving the engineer's report, theboard ofmanagers shall set a date for hearing on the report and give notice of the hearing in the same manner as in the original proceeding on the construction of the improvement. If upon hearing theboard ofmanagersfindsfind that the repair or improvement is in compliance with the provisions, isand necessary to accomplish the purposes of this chapter, and that the cost of the repair or improvement will not exceed its benefits, they may order the repair or improvement and assess the cost against the benefited properties. The cost shall be apportioned and assessed pro rata upon all lands and property that were assessed for the construction of the improvement. No single levy for repair shall exceed the amount of benefits originally determined. Theboard ofmanagers shall file a copy of the order for levy with the auditor of each countywhichthat contains affected properties. The auditor shall extend the levy against affected properties as in proceedings for the levy, assessment, and collection of taxes levied in drainage proceedings conducted under sections 106A.005 to 106A.811. Subd. 4. [BIDDING REQUIREMENTS.] If the managers find that the estimated cost of repair, including all fees and costs incurred for related proceedingsrelating to it, is less than $20,000, it may have the work done by contract without advertising for bids. 112.65 [DRAINAGE SYSTEMS WITHIN DISTRICT.] Subdivision 1. [MANAGERS' CONTROL.] The managers of a district shall take over when directed bythe district courta joint county ditch authority or county board anyjudicialjoint county or county drainage system within the district, together with the right to repair and maintainthe sameit.SuchThe transfer may be initiated by thedistrict courtjoint county ditch authority or county board, or such transfer. It may also be initiated by a petition from any personhaving an interestinterested in the drainage system or by the managers.No suchThe transfershallmust not be made until thedistrict courtjoint county ditch authority or county board has held a hearingthereonon it.DueNotice of the proposed transfer together with the time and place of hearingshallmust be given by two weeks published notice in a legal newspaper of general circulation in the area involved. All interested persons may appear and be heard. Following the hearing, thedistrict courtjoint county ditch authority or county board shallmake itsorderdirectingthat the managers of a district take over the affectedjudicial or countydrainage system, unless it appears that thetake overtakeover would not beinfor the public welfare or be in the public interest and would not serve the purpose of this chapter. When the transfer is directed all proceedings for repair and maintenanceshall thereaftermust conform tothe provisions ofsections 106A.005 to 106A.811. Subd. 2. [CONSTRUCTION OR IMPROVEMENT.] Construction ofallnew drainage systems or improvements of existing drainage systemswithinin the districtshallmust be initiated by filing a petition with the managersof the district. In all proceedings for the improvement of existing drainage systemswithinin the district, the managers shall conform tothe provisions ofsection 112.49. 112.66 [DAMAGE TO HIGHWAY OR BRIDGE BY PASSAGE OF EQUIPMENT.]In caseIf it is necessary to passanya dredge or other equipment through a bridge or grade ofanya highway or railroad owned byanya corporation, county, town, or municipality, the managers shall give 20daysdays' notice to the owner of the bridge or grade so thatthe sameit may be removed temporarily to allow the passage ofsuchthe equipment, or an agreement may be immediately entered into forsuch purposesthe purpose. The owner of the bridge or grade shall keep an itemized account of the cost of removal and if necessary, ofthereplacing of the bridge or gradeand. The actual costshallmust be paid by the district.In caseIf the owner of the bridge or grade refuses to provide for the passage of the equipment, the managers may removesuchthe bridge or grade at the expense of the district, interrupting traffic in the least degree consistent with good work and without delay or unnecessary damage.In caseIf the managers are prevented from doing so, the owner of the bridge or gradeshall beis liable for the damages resulting from the delay. 112.67 [CONTRACTS OF COOPERATION AND ASSISTANCE.] The managers mayenter intomake contracts or other arrangements with the United States government, or any federal departmentthereof, with persons, railroads, or other corporations, with public corporations, and the state government of this state or other states, or any state departmentthereof, with drainage, flood control, soil conservation, or other improvement districts, in this state or other states, for cooperation or assistance in constructing, maintaining, and operating the works of the district, or for the control oftheits watersthereof, or for making surveys and investigations or reportsthereon; andon them. The managers may purchase, lease, or acquire land or other property in adjoining statesinorderto secure outlets;, to construct and maintain dikes or dams or other structures forthe accomplishment ofthe purposes of this chapter. 112.68 [OTHER STATUTES APPLICABLE.]The provisions ofSections 471.59 and 471.64, are herebymade applicableapply to districts organized under this chapter. 112.69 [CONSTRUCTION BY GOVERNMENTAL AGENCIES; PROCEDURE; CONVEYANCES TO FEDERAL GOVERNMENT.] Subdivision 1. [HEARING; APPRAISAL.]WhereIf an improvement is to be constructed within the district under a contract between the managers ofsaidthe district and the stateof Minnesota, or any state departmentthereof, or by the United Statesof America, or any federal departmentthereof, wherein, and if the cost oftheconstruction is to be paidforby the governmental agency but the rights-of-way, legal, and general expenses of the improvement are to be paid by the district, the managers shall forward a copy of the improvement plan to the board and director for their reportsthereon; thereupon,on it. They shall then hold a public hearing on the proposed contract authorized by section 112.67 following publication of notice. Notice must be published once each week for two successive weeksprior tobefore the date of the hearing in a legal newspaper, published in thecounty orcounties in which a part or all of the affected waters and lands are located. The last publicationshallmust occur at least ten days before the hearing. The noticeshallmust state the time and place of hearing, the general nature of the proposed improvement,theits estimated costthereof, and the area proposed to be assessed.Not less thanAt least ten days before the hearing, noticebymail shallmust begivenmailed to each resident owner, as shown on the county auditor's most recent records maintained for taxation purposes, within the area proposed to be assessed, and to the director and to each public body within the area to be assessed likely to be affected, but. Failure to give mailed notice or defects in the noticeshalldo not invalidate the proceedings. At the time and place specified in the notice the managers shall hear all interested partiesinterestedfor and against the proposed project or improvementand. All questions relativethereto shallto it must be determined upon evidence presented at the hearing. Ifupon full hearingthe managers find that the improvement will be conducive to public health and promote the general welfare, andis in compliancecomplies withtheprovisions and purposes ofthis chapter, they shall make findings accordinglyand, authorize the project, andenter intomake the proposed contract or other arrangement.ThereuponThe managers shall then appoint three disinterested freeholders of the state to act as appraisers. After the appraiserssoselected subscribe tosign an oath to faithfully and impartially perform their duties, they shall, with or without the engineer, determine the benefits or damages toall lands andpropertiesproperty affected by the proposed improvement. They shall make and file with the managers a detailed statement showing the actual damages that have resulted or will result to individuals, property, or corporations from the construction of the improvementand. They shall make and file with the managers a detailed statement and list oflands and otherproperty, including highways and corporations, receiving actual benefits by way of drainage, control of flood waters, orbyother meanshereinauthorized in this chapter. Subd. 2. [HEARING ON APPRAISERS' REPORT.] Upon the filing of the appraisers' report and the plans and engineering data prepared by the governmental agency the managers shall prepare a detailed statement of all costs including damages to be incurred by the district intheconstruction of the improvement. They shall, within 35 days thereafterby, orderfixa time and place within the district for a hearing upon the appraiser's report. The managers shallcausegive noticeto be givenby publication and mailing asaboveprovided in subdivision 1 for a hearing on a petition. At the time and place specified in the notice, the managers shall hear all parties interested for and against the confirming of the report; and. They may order and direct the modification of the assessment of benefits and damages, and amend or change the list of properties reported as benefited or damaged. If the amended reports include property not included in the original report, the managers shall adjourn andcause tobe publishedpublish andmailedmail as in the original notice the proper noticewith reference toconcerning all lands and properties not included in the previous notice. If upon full hearing the managers find that the benefits resulting from the construction will be greater than the assessments including damages they shall confirm the report.AllPersons or public corporations affected by the order may appealtherefrom asherein providedit under this chapter. Uponthefiling by the managers with the auditor ofanya countyofa statement listing the property and corporations benefited or damaged or otherwise affected byanyan improvement as found by the appraisers and approved by the managers, proceedingsshall be had as provided inmay be brought under section 112.60. Section 112.47is not applicabledoes not apply to works of the district constructed under contract as provided in this section. Subd. 3. [TAKING LAND; PROCEEDING.] Whenit is requiredthattheboard ofmanagers are required to acquire the fee simple estate or a lesser interest in real propertypursuantaccording to this section or convey to the United States government the fee simple estate or a lesser interest in real property, the managers shall,prior tobefore the filing of the appraiser's report, record in the office of the county recorder of the county in which the lands are situated, a notice of the pendency of a proceeding initiated by the managers to acquire the lands to be conveyed to the United States governmentwhich. The noticeshallmust state the purpose for which the lands are to be taken. At least 20 days before the hearing upon the appraiser's report, notice of the hearing in addition to that required by subdivision 2hereof shallmust be served upon the owners of the property to be acquired, in the same manner as the summons in a civil action, which. The noticeshallmust describe the land, state by whom and for what purpose it is to be taken, and give the names of all persons appearing of record or known to the managers to be the owners. The noticeshallmust also state that appraisers have been appointedin themanneras provided by subdivision 1hereof, to determine the benefits and damages, and that a hearing will be held by the managersuponon the appraiser's report at the time and place specified in the notice. When the managers have confirmed the appraiser's report listing the property benefited or damaged as provided in subdivision 2, the managersshallhave all rights of possession and entry conferred in other cases of condemnation by chapter 117.ThereafterAfter confirmation, the attorney for the managers shall make a certificate describing the land taken,and the purpose forwhich takenthe taking, and reciting the fact of payment of all awardsasdetermined by the appraisers appointed by the managers or judgments in relationthereto,which certificate, upon approval thereofto the land. When approved by the managers,shall establishthe certificate establishes the right of the watershed district in the lands takenand shall. It must be filed for record with the county recorder of the countyin whichcontaining the landsaresituated, which record shall be. It constitutes notice to all parties of the title of the watershed district to the landsthereindescribed in it.ThereafterThe managersareauthorized tomay then conveysuchthe lands and interests acquired to the United States government, if necessary. 112.71 [USE OF WATER, CONTRACTS; NOTICE, HEARING.] The rightsenjoyed byof private or corporate landowners,whether private or corporate,totheuseofthe waters of the district for any purpose shall continue as they existed at the time of the organization of the districtand. Allsuchrights then existingshallmust be recognizedand observedby the managers, but when improvements made by the district make possible a greater, better, or more convenient use of or benefit from the waters of the district for any purpose, the right tosuchthe greater, better or more convenientuseofor benefitfrom such waters shall beis the property of the district, andsuch. The district may lease or assign the rightsmay be leasedor assigned by the districtin return for reasonable compensation, as providedhereinin this section.AllLeases, assignments, permits, or contracts for the use of water shall be entered into only aftera report has been madebythe managers ofsuchthe district have reported to the boardsetting forththe terms and conditions of the lease, permit, or contract relative to the use of any district propertyof thedistrict. The secretary of the board shall give due noticethereofof the contract to all parties interested, by mail, and shallcause to be publishedhave notice of the application, stating thereinpublished. The notice must state the purpose of the application and the time and place of hearingthereonon it. At the time of hearing the board shall hear all interested persons for or againstsuchthe proposed contract and make its order accordinglyupon suchon conditions and restrictionsas may benecessary to protect the interest of the district and of the public. 112.72 [OTHER DRAINAGE LAWS, EFFECT OF REFERENCE.]Whenever reference is made herein toWhen this chapter refers to particular sections ofanydrainage laws of this stateand sections thereof are referred to, the sections and provisions shall, ifnot inconsistentconsistent with this chapter, be treated and construed as having the sameforce andeffect, so far as the provisions of this chapter are concerned, as thoughhereinset forth in this chapter.AnyAmendments ofsuch act or actsthose laws passed after the effective date of this chaptershallbecome applicable to this chapter. 112.73 [ANNUAL AUDIT.] The managers shall makesuchthe reportsas aredemanded by the state auditor. The managers shallcause to be made anannual audit ofhave the books and accounts of the district audited annually.SuchThe audit may be made by either a public accountant or by the state auditor. If the audit is to be made by the state auditor itshallmust be initiated by a petition of the resident freeholders of the district or resolution of the managers of the watershed district requestingsuchthe auditpursuant tounder the authority granted municipalities undertheprovisions ofsections 6.54 and 6.55. If the audit is made by the state auditor the district receivingsuchthe examination shall pay to the state the total cost and expenses ofsuchthe examination, including the salaries paid to the examiners while actually engaged in makingsuchthe examination. The revolving fund of the state auditorshallmust be credited with all collections made forany suchthe examinations. 112.74 [EXISTING DISTRICTS MAY COME UNDER CHAPTER.] Any districtheretoforeorganized before April 23, 1955, underthe provisions ofMinnesota Statutes 1953, sections 111.01 to 111.42, or 112.01 to 112.33, may acquire the right to operate under and exercise all the rights and authority of this chapter, instead of the act under which it was organized, upon the filingby. To do so, the governing board ofsuchthe district, inthe office of the court administrator of district court of thecounty in which its principal place of business is situate,must file a petition to the court asking that the district be grantedsuchthe authority. The petition must be filed in the office of the court administrator of the district court of the county where the governing body's principal place of business is located. The court administrator of district court, as directed by the judge, shallthereupon fixthen set a time and place for hearinguponon the petition. Notice of the hearingshall begiven by publicationmust be published for two successive weeks in a newspaper published in each county having territory withinsuchthe district. The court administratorof districtcourtshall give written notice of the hearing to the secretary of thewater resourcesboard. If at the hearing the court finds that it is for the best interests of the district to be grantedsuchthe authority, it may by order grantsuchthe petition.ThereafterThe district may then exercise the authority provided for in this chapter. Thereafter, upon petition by the managers, the name of the district, and the number and distribution ofthe board ofits managersof the sameshall be as thewater resourcesboardshall prescribeprescribes after notice and hearing. The distribution shall take effect upon the expiration of term of office of the director of the conservancy district as the term of office of each director expires. The appointments shall be made by the county commissioners as provided inMinnesota Statutes 1961,section 112.42, subdivision 3. 112.76 [CORPORATE EXISTENCE OF CERTAIN DISTRICTS,; TERMINATION.] The corporate existence of any district organized undertheprovisions ofMinnesota Statutes 1953, sections 112.01 to 112.33, wherein no work has been performed during the five-year period immediatelyprior tobefore April 23, 1955, shall be terminated unless within one year thereaftersuchthe district makes application for authority to continue its corporate existence under the provisions of this chapter. The procedure to provide a record of the termination of a districtshallmust beinitiatedstarted by a petition from theMinnesota waterresourcesboard to the district court of the countyin whichwhere its principal place of business issituated.SaidThe petitionshallmust contain a statement to the effect that no work was performed during the five-year period immediately prior to April 23, 1955 and that no application was made to continue the district's operation under this chapter. The court administrator of the district court, as directed by the judge, shall fix a time and place for hearing upon the petition. Notice of the hearing shall be given by publication for two successive weeks in a newspaper published in each county having territory within such district. If the court finds that the facts in the petition exist it shall issue an order finding the fact of the termination of the district. A copy ofsuchthe order shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state. After April 23, 1955, no new district shall be organized underthe provisions ofMinnesota Statutes 1953, chapter 112. Theaboveprocedure for terminationshall apply with likeforce and effectin this section also applies toanya district organized underthe provisions ofMinnesota Statutes 1961, sections 111.01 to 111.42,whereinwhere no work has been performed during the 20-year period immediatelyprior tobefore May 21, 1965. After May 21, 1965, no new district shall be organized underthe provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1961,sections 111.01 to 111.42. 112.761 [PROCEEDINGSFOR ENLARGEMENT OFTO ENLARGE A DISTRICT.] Subdivision 1. [PETITION.] Proceedingsfor the enlargementofto enlarge an existing districtshallmust be initiated by a petition filed with the secretary of the board. The required signatures on a petition to enlargeshall beare the same as prescribed for a nominating petition, provided, however, but the percentagesshallmust be calculated only with reference to the territorywhichthat is proposed to be added to the district.SuchThe petitionshallmust state: (1) that the area to be added is contiguous to the existing district; (2) thatitthe area can be feasibly administered by the managers of the existing district; (3)thereasons whyitadding the area to the existing district would be conducive to the public health and welfaretoadd the area to the existing district; (4) a map of the affected area; (5) the name of the enlarged district, if other than that of the existing district; and (6) a request for the addition of the proposed territory. The petitionshallmust be served and the boardshallmust proceedin a manneras prescribed for a nominating petition. The requirement of notice,and public hearingsshall beis as prescribed for the nominating petition.Service ofThe petitionshall be made uponmust be served on any affected watershed district. Subd. 2. [BOARD ORDER.] Upon the hearing, if it appears to the board that the enlargement of the district asprayedasked for in the petition would be for the public welfare and public interest and the purpose of this chapter,would be served, it shall, by its findings and order, enlarge the district and file a certified copy ofsaidthe findings and order with the secretary of state. The name of the district may be changed by order of the board if requested in the petition to enlarge the district. Subd. 3. [DISTRIBUTION OF MANAGERS IN ENLARGED DISTRICT.] If the enlarged district, as enlarged,affects more than one county, distribution of the managers among the counties affected shall be as directed by the board in the order enlarging the district. 112.78 [FAULTY NOTICES,; EFFECT.]In any case whereWhen a notice isprovided for in thischapterrequired foranya hearing or proceeding before the board, managers, or district court, if the board or managers or court finds that due notice was not given, it does nottherebylose jurisdiction, and the proceedings are nottherebyinvalid,but. The board, managers, or court, insuchthat case, shall order notice to be givenand. They shall continue the hearing untilsuch time as suchnoticeshall beis properly given, andthereupon shallthen proceed as though notice had been properly given in the first instance.In caseIf the original notice was faulty only with reference to publication as to certain tracts, only the persons interested in those particular tracts need be notified by asubsequentlater notice. If the publication ofanya notice inanya county was defective or not made in time, notice need be given only within the county in which notice was defective. 112.79 [HEARINGS,; CONTINUANCES.] Whenever an order has been made and notice given for a hearing in any proceeding under this chapter, and the board or managers or courtfailfails to appear at the time and place specified, the secretary of the board or managers or the court administrator of the district court shall continue the hearing tosuch otheranother date asis deemednecessary and notify the board or managers or the court of the continuance and the date of hearing. The matter shall be continued tothethat datefixed by the secretary of the board or any manager, or thecourt administrator,without affecting the jurisdiction of the boardor, the managers, or the court. 112.801 [APPELLATE PROCEDURES AND REVIEW.] Subdivision 1. [WHAT CAN BE APPEALED.] An appeal may be had to the district court or to theMinnesota water resourcesboard by any party, or jointly by more than one, aggrieved by an order of the managers made in any proceeding and entered upon its record determining any of the following matters: (1) the amount of benefits determined; (2) the amount of damages allowed; (3)Relative tothe allowance of fees or expenses in any proceedings,; (4)Whicha matter that affects a substantial right,; or (5) an order of theboard ofmanagers authorizing or refusing to establish a project and improvement in whole or in part. Subd. 2. [AMOUNTS AWARDED ON APPEAL ARE SUBSTITUTED.] In all cases of appeal, the amount awarded by the jury or the board as finally determined shall stand for and in the place of the amount from which the appeal was taken. Subd. 3. [APPEALS FROM BOARD ORDERS.] If an appeal is taken from an order authorizing an improvement, the trial of any appeals from benefits or damages insuchthe proceedingsshallmust be stayedpending the determination of suchuntil the appeal is decided. If the order authorizingbeis affirmed,anysuchthe appeal from benefits or damagesshallmust then stand for trial as provided by this section. Ifsuchthe appealbeis from an order refusing to authorize an improvement,andifthe court or the boardthereafterlater orders the improvement, the secretary of the district shall give notice by publication of the filing of the order.SuchThe noticeshall beis sufficient if it refers to the proposed improvement by general description and recites the substance of the order and the date of filing in the court. Subd. 4. [APPEALS CAN INVOLVE PROPERTY OTHER THAN APPELLANT'S OWN.] Any person or public corporation appealingonthefirst or second grounds named in subdivision 1,amount of benefits or damages may include and have considered and determined benefits or damages affecting property other than that person's own. Notice ofsuchthe appealshallmust be served upon the owner or occupant ofsuchthe other property or upon the attorney who representedsuchthe owner in the proceedings.SuchThe notice of appealshallmust be serveduponon the auditor of the countywhereinwhere the property issituatedlocated anduponon the court administrator of the district court of the countywhereinwhere the principal place of business of the district is located, or upon the secretary of the board. Subd. 5. [NOTICE OF APPEAL.] Torendermake the appealeffectualeffective, the appellant shall file a notice of appeal withsuchthe court administrator of the district court or the secretary of the board. It must be filed within 30 days of the date ofsuchthe final ordera notice of appeal which shall. It must state the grounds upon which the appeal is taken.Thenotice of appeal shallIt must be accompanied by an appeal bond to the district where the property issituatelocated ofnotless thanat least $250to. The bond must be approved by the court administrator of the district court or the secretary of the board, as the case may be,. The bond must be conditioned that the appellant willdulyprosecute the appealand, pay all costs and disbursementswhichthat may be adjudged against the appellant, andabidecomply with the order of the court or of the board, as the case may be. Subd. 6. [TIME AND PLACE OF TRIAL.] Theissues raised bytheappealshall stand for trialmust be tried by a jury, or by the board at a time and place fixed by itor by a jury, and. If it is tried by a jury,shallit must be tried and determined at the next term of the district court held within the county in which the notice of appeal was filed, or insuchother countiesin whichwhere the appealshall beis heard, beginning after the filing of the appeal; and shall. Appeals take precedence over all othercourtcivil mattersof a civil nature. If there is more than one appeal to the board involving the same project for improvement, or if there is more than one appeal triable in one county, the court or the board may, on itsown motion or upon the motion of a party in interest,consolidatetwo or more appealsthem and try them together, but the rights of the appellantsshallmust be separately determined. Consolidation may be on the court's or board's own motion or on the motion of a party in interest. In case of appeal as to damages or benefits to propertysituateinthea county other than the county where the principal place of business of the district is located, and if the appellantsorequests, the trialshallmust be held at the next term of the district court of the countywhereincontaining the landsare situated. Insuchthat case, the court administrator of the district court where the appeal is filed,shall make, certify and file in the office of the courtadministrator of district court of the county where the trial isto be had,a transcript of the papers and documents on file in the court administrator's office in the proceeding so far as they pertain to the matteron account offor which the appeal is taken. The court administrator shall certify the transcript and file it in the office of the court administrator of the district court in the county where the appeal will be tried. After the final determination ofsuchthe appeal, the court administrator of the district court where the action is tried shall certify and return the verdict to the district court of the county where the proceedings were instituted. If the appeal is to the board, the board shall file its decision with the board's secretarythereof. If the appeal is taken to the board from the order of the managers, the decision ofsuchthe board may be reviewed by certiorari proceedings in the district court of a county in which the proposed project lies in whole or in part. If the appeal from the order of the managers is to the district court, and it appears to the court that there are involved facts, circumstances, or matterspeculiarly orespecially within the knowledge, functions, or duties of theMinnesota water resourcesboard, the court may refer tosuchthe board as referee questions of fact within the scope ofsuchthe board's knowledge, functions, and duties.Thereupon suchThe board shall make its findings of fact upon the questionsof fact so submitted to itand reportthe samethem back to the court. Subd. 7. [TRIAL RECORD.] The board shall make a record of all matters tried by it on appeal or referred to it by the district court for findings of fact underthe provisions ofthis section.SuchThe recordshallmust meet the requirements of a record of the trial of a matter in district court. Subd. 8. [ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE.]AllProceedings before the boardshall be in conformity withmust conform to sections14.02, 14.04 to 14.36, 14.38, 14.44 to 14.45, and14.57 to 14.62. 112.82 [AGGRIEVED PARTIES,; RIGHTS.] Subdivision 1. [ESTABLISHMENT; APPEAL.]AnyA party may appeal as in other civil cases if aggrieved by a final order or judgmentrenderedgiven on appeal to the district court, or by the original order of the court made inanyproceedings heard and tried before the courtmay appeal as in other civil cases. Subd. 2. [REPAIR; APPEAL.] Inanya proceeding before the managers for the repair, improvement, maintenance, consolidation, or abandonment of any of the works of the district, thesameright of appealshall be hadis the same as in other civil cases. 112.84 [DUE PROCESS OF LAW.] No person shall, under this chapter, be deprived or divested of any previously established beneficial uses or rights without due process of law. 112.85 [WITHDRAWAL OF TERRITORY.] Subdivision 1. [PETITION.] Proceedings to withdrawanyterritory from an existing districtshallmust be initiated by a petition filed with the secretary of the board. The required signatures on a petition for withdrawalshall beare the same as prescribed for a nominating petition,provided, however,but the percentagesshallmust be calculated only with reference to the territorywhichthat is proposed to be withdrawn from the district.SuchThe petitionshallmust state that the territorysodescribed has not received or will not receive any benefits from the operation of the district, that the district can perform the functions for which it was established without the inclusion ofsaidthe territory, and thatsaidthe territory is not, in fact, a part of the watershed. The petitionshallmust request the release of the described territory from the district. The petitionshallmust be served and the board shall proceedin a manneras prescribed for a nominating petition. The requirements for notices and public hearingsshall beare as prescribed for the nominating petition.Service ofThe petitionshall be made uponmust be served on any affected watershed district. Subd. 2. [BOARD'S ORDER OF WITHDRAWAL.] Upon the hearing if it appears to the board that the territoryasdescribed in the petition has not and will not receive any benefit from the operation of the district and that the district can perform the functions for which it was established without the inclusion ofsaidthe territory, and thatsaidthe territory is not, in fact, a part of the watershed, the board may issue an order releasing the territory, or any part ofsaid territoryit, as described in the petition. No lands shall be released which have been determined subject to any benefits or damages for any improvement previously constructed.TheTerritory so releasedshall remainremains liable for its proportionate share of any indebtedness existing at the time of the order. Levies on the landsshallcontinue in force until fully paid. If the boardshall determinedetermines that the order prescribing the distribution of managers should be amended following the withdrawal of any territory it may so direct in the order authorizing the withdrawal. 112.86 [CONSOLIDATION OF DISTRICTS.] Subdivision 1. [PETITION.] Proceedings for the consolidation of two or more districtsshallmust be initiated by a petition filed with the board. The petitionshallmust be signed by each district affected andshallmust state: (1) the names of the districts to be consolidated.; (2) that the districts are adjoining.; (3) that the consolidated districts can be feasibly administered as one district.; (4) the proposed name of the consolidated district.; (5) the reasons why it would be conducive to the public health, convenience and welfare to consolidate the districts.; and (6) a request for the consolidation. The petitionshallmust be served and the board shall proceedin a manneras prescribed for a nominating petition. The requirement of notice,and public hearingsshall beare as prescribed for the nominating petition. Subd. 2. [BOARD'S ORDER AND FINDINGS.] Upon the hearing, if it appears to the board that consolidation of the districts asprayed forasked in the petition wouldbe forserve the public welfareand, public interest and the purpose of this chapter, would be served, it shall, by its findings and order, consolidate the districtsand. It shall file a certified copy ofsaidthe findings and order with the secretary of state. The name of the district may be changed by order of the board. Subd. 3. [NEW MANAGERS.] The term of office of all managers of the districts consolidated shall end upon the order of consolidation. Distribution of the managers of the consolidated district shall be as directed by the board in the order of consolidation.TheFive managers of the consolidated districtshallmust be appointed from the managers of the districts consolidated.They shall be five in number andTheir first term shall be for one year, thereafter. After that, theyshallmust be appointed as provided in this chapter. Subd. 4. [DISTRICT ASSETS, LIABILITIES.] Allof theassets, real and personal, of the districts involved and all legally valid and enforceable claims and contract obligations of the districts pass to the new district. Levies on the property of the districts consolidatedshallcontinue in force until fully paidand. All landshall remainremains liable for its proportionate share of any indebtedness existing at the time of the order. Subd. 5. [NEW PLAN.] The overall plans of the existing districtsshallbecome the overall plan of the consolidated district. 112.87 [DAMAGES; PAYMENT.] Section 117.155shalldoes not apply toanya projecttobefinanced by special assessment. When the damages for a projectto befinanced by special assessment are awarded anddulyconfirmed, the managers shall determine that the project's benefits exceed the total costs, including any damages awarded,and. They shall amenditsthe project's statement filed with the county auditorpursuant tounder section 112.60, subdivision 1, to reflect the amount of damages awarded. Before entering uponanyproperty for which damages were awardedin ordertoinitiate thebegin construction of the project, the managers shall pay the amount of damages awarded less any assessment against the property from the funds provided by the county boardpursuant tounder section 112.60.In case of appeal ofIf the amount of damages is appealed, no damages shall be paid until the final determinationthereofof the appeal. 112.88 [FEE FOR PERMIT; BOND.] Subdivision 1. [APPLICATION FEE.] A person applying for anykind of apermit required by the managers of a watershed district in a rule madepursuant tounder section 112.43, subdivision 1, clause (17), shall accompany the application with a permit application feein an amount set by the managers not inexcess of $10to defray the cost of recording and processing the application. The managers may set the fee, but it must not exceed $10. Subd. 2. [FIELD INSPECTION FEE.] The managers of a watershed district may charge, in addition, a field inspection fee ofnot less thanat least $35, which shall. It must be used to cover actual costs related to a field inspection, including. These costs include investigation of the area affected by the proposed activity, analysis of the proposed activity, services of a consultant, and any required subsequent monitoring of the proposed activity. Costs of monitoring an activity authorized by permit may be charged and collected as necessary after issuance of the permit. Subd. 3. [GOVERNMENT AGENCIES EXEMPT.] The fees in subdivisions 1 and 2shallmust not be charged to an agency of the United States oranya governmental unit in this state. Subd. 4. [BOND.] The managers of a watershed district may require an applicant for a permit to file a bond with the managers in an amount set by the managers and conditioned on performance by the applicant of authorized activities in conformance with the terms of the permit. 112.89 [ENFORCEMENT.] Subdivision 1. [MISDEMEANOR.] A violation of a provision of this chapter or a rule, order, or stipulation agreement made or a permit issued by theboard ofmanagers of a watershed districtpursuant tounder this chapter is a misdemeanor. Subd. 2. [METHODS OF ENFORCEMENT.] A provision of this chapter or a rule, order, or stipulation agreement made or a permit issued by theboard ofmanagers of a watershed districtpursuant tounder this chapter may be enforced by criminal prosecution, injunctionpursuant tounder section 112.43, subdivision 2, action to compel performance, restoration, abatement, and other appropriate action. ARTICLE 4 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 274, is amended to read: 274.01 [BOARD OF REVIEW.] Subdivision 1. [ORDINARY BOARD; MEETINGS, DEADLINES, GRIEVANCES.] (a) The town board ofeacha town, or the council or other governing body ofeacha city, is the board of review except in cities whose charters provide for a board of equalization, shall be a board of review. The county assessor shall fix a day and time wheneach of such boards andthe board or the board of equalizationof any city whose charter providesfor a board of equalizationshall meet in theseveralassessment districts of the county, and shall. On or before April1st1 of each year the assessor shall give written noticethereofof the time to the city or town clerk.Such meetingsNotwithstanding the provisions of any charter to the contraryshall, the meetings must be held between April1st1 and June30th in30 each year, and. The clerk shall give published and posted notice ofsuchthe meeting at least ten daysprior tobefore the datefixedof the meeting.SuchThe board shall meet at the office of the clerk to review the assessment and classification of property insuchthe town ordistrict, and immediatelyproceed to examine and see that allcity. (b) The board shall determine whether the taxable property in the town ordistrictcity has been properly placeduponon the list, anddulyproperly valued by the assessor.In case anyproperty,If real or personalshall haveproperty has been omitted, the board shall place ituponon the list with its market value, and correct the assessment so that each tract or lot of real property, and each article, parcel, or class of personal property,shall beis entered on the assessment list at its market value; but. No assessment of the property of any personshallmay be raiseduntilunless the person has been duly notified of the intent of the board to do soto do. On application of any person feeling aggrieved, the board shall review the assessment or classification, or both, and correct it asshall appearappears just. (c) A majority of the members may act atsuchthe meeting, and adjourn from day to day until they finishthehearingof allthe cases presented. The assessor shall attend, with the assessment books and papers, and take part in the proceedings, butshallmust not vote. The county assessor, or an assistant delegated by the county assessor shall attendsuchthe meetings. The board shall list separately, on a form appended to the assessment book, all omitted property added to the list by the board and all items of property increased or decreased, with the market value of each item of property, added or changed by the board, placed oppositesuchthe item. The county assessor shall enter all changes made by the board in the assessment book.(b)(d) If a person fails to appear in person, by counsel, or by written communication before the board after being duly notified of the board's intent to raise the assessment of the property, or if a person feeling aggrieved by an assessment or classification fails to apply for a review of the assessment or classification, the person may not appear before the county board of equalization for a review of the assessment or classification, except when. This paragraph does not apply if an assessment was madesubsequent toafter the board meetingofthe board, as provided in section 273.01, orthatif the person can establish not having received notice of market value at least five days before the local board of review meeting. (e) The board of review, andor the board of equalizationof any city, unless a longer period is approved by thecommissioner of revenue, shallmust complete its work and adjourn within 20 days from the time of conveningspecifiedstated in the notice of the clerkand, unless a longer period is approved by the commissioner of revenue. No action takensubsequent to suchafter that dateshall beis valid. All complaintsin reference to anyabout an assessment or classification made after the meeting ofsuchthe board,shallmust be heard and determined by the county board of equalization.AnyA nonresident may, at any time, before the meeting of the board of review file written objections to an assessment or classification with the county assessorand if anysuch. The objectionsare filed they shallmust be presented to the board of review at its meeting by the county assessor for its consideration. Subd. 2. [SPECIAL BOARD; DUTIES DELEGATED.] Thecouncil orothergoverning body ofanya city, includingcitiesa city whosecharters providecharter provides for a board of equalization, may appoint a special board of reviewto whichit. The city may delegate to the special board of review all of the powers and dutiesspecifiedin subdivision 1. The special board of review shall serve at the direction and discretion of the appointing body, subject to the restrictions imposed by lawon the appointing body. The appointing body shall determine the number of membersto be appointed theretoof the board, the compensation and expenses to be paid, and the term of office of each member. At least one member of the special board of reviewshallmust be an appraiser, realtor, or other person familiar with property valuations in the assessment district. 274.03 [NOTICE OF MEETING.] The clerk shall give at least ten days' posted notice of the time and place of the meeting of the board of review; but.TheFailure to givesuchnotice or holdsuchthe meetingshalldoes not vitiate any assessment, except as to the excess over the market value of the property. 274.04 [ASSESSOR'S RETURN TO AUDITOR.] Subdivision 1. [ASSESSMENT BOOKS; AFFIDAVITS.] The assessor shall foot each column in the assessment books, and make in each book, under proper headings, a tabular statement showing the footings of the several columnsuponon each page. The assessor shall also foot the total amounts of theseveralcolumns under therespectiveheadings. On or before the first Monday of May, the assessor shall return the assessment books to the county auditorthe assessment books,and delivertherewiththe lists and statements ofallpersons assessed, all of whichshall be preserved in the office of the auditor.SuchThe returnshallmust be verified by affidavit, substantially in the following form: "State of Minnesota ) ) ss. County of ................... ) I, .........., assessor of ..........,dosolemnly swear that the book to which this is attached contains a correct and full list ofall thereal property (or personal property, as the case may be) subject to taxation in ..........,so far as I havebeen able to ascertain the same,and that the market value and the assessed valueset downin the proper column, opposite theseveral kinds anddescriptions of property, is in each case the market and the assessed value ofsuchthe property, to the best of my knowledge and belief (where the assessment has been corrected by the town board, "except as corrected by the town board"), and that the footings of the several columns insaidthe book, and the tabular statement returnedherewithwith it, are correct, as I verily believe. .......... Assessor.SubscribedSigned and sworn to before me this .......... day of .........., 19.... .......... Auditor of .......... County." The auditor shall preserve the records. Subd. 2. [SUMMARY; AFFIDAVIT.] In counties where the county auditor has elected tocomekeep records undertheprovisions ofsection 273.03, subdivision 2, the county assessor shall preparerecapitulations in such form as is prescribed bythe commissioner of revenue,summaries of the total amount of market and assessed valuations by subdivisions of government within the county as of January 2 of each year. The summary must be in the form required by the commissioner of revenue.Such recapitulation shallThe summary must be submitted on or before the fourth Monday of June andshallmust be verified by the assessor's affidavit, substantially in the following form: "State of Minnesota ) ) ss. County of ................... ) I, .........., assessor of ..........,dosolemnly swear that therecapitulationsummary attachedheretoto this affidavit contains a correct and full statement of market and assessed valuations of real estate for the year 19..... .......... AssessorSubscribedSigned and sworn to before me this .......... day of .........., 19.... ........................................ Auditor of .............................. County." Atruecopy ofthis recapitulation shallthe summary must be certified by the county assessor and promptly forwarded to the commissioner of revenue. 274.05 [AUDITOR'SCERTIFICATE; WHERE FILEDCERTIFICATES.] Subdivision 1. [AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF ASSESSMENT BOOKS.] Upon the return of the assessment books, as provided forinunder section 274.04, the county auditor shall examinesuchassessment booksthem; and, if found in proper form, shall issue a certificate to the assessor, setting forth the fact that such. The certificate must state that the booksare conformable to theprovisions ofcomply with section 274.04. The assessor shall filesuchthe certificate with the clerk of the town, and nocompensation shall be allowed such assessor, by. The town board,must not pay the assessor for services untilthe provisions ofthe assessor has complied with this sectionshall have beencomplied with. Subd. 2. [AUDITOR'S CERTIFICATE OF SUMMARIES.]Uponreceipt ofOn receiving therecapitulations of market andassessed valuations provided for insummaries under section 274.04, subdivision 2, the county auditor shall examinesuchrecapitulations;them and, if found in proper form, shall issue a certificate to the assessor, setting forth the fact that suchrecapitulations are conformable to the provisions of. The certificate must state that the summaries comply with section 274.04, subdivision 2. 274.07 [LIST BY PERSON SICK OR ABSENT.] If any person required to list property for taxation is prevented by sickness or absence fromgiving tolisting it with the assessorsuch statement,suchthe person, or the person's agenthavingin charge ofsuchthe property, may,give the auditor a statement of the property value as required by this chapter at any time before theextension oftaxesthereonare extended by the county auditor, make and deliver a statement ofthe same, as required by this chapter, to the auditor, who shallmake an entry thereof,. The auditor shall list the property and correct the corresponding items in the return made by the assessor, as the case may require; but. Nosuchstatementshallmay be received from any person who refused or neglected tomakeoathattest to the statement when required by the assessor;nor. No statement may be received from any person, unless the person makes and filestherewithwith it an affidavit of absence from the town or district without design to avoid the listing of the property, or was prevented by sickness from givingtothe assessor the required statement whencalled on for thatpurposeasked to do so. 274.08 [CORRECTION OF BOOKS.] The county auditor shall carefully examine the assessment booksreturned. If any property has been omitted, the auditor shall enterthe same uponit on theproperlist, andforthwith. The auditor shall notify the assessormaking suchof the omission, who. Upon notification, the assessor shall immediatelyascertaindetermine the valuethereofof the omitted property and correct the original return.In case of theinability or neglect of. If the assessortodoes not performthis duty, the auditor shallascertaindetermine the value ofsuchthe property and make the necessary corrections. 274.09 [CORRECTION OF FALSE LISTS AND RETURNS.] If the county auditorhas reason to believe or is informedbelieves that any person has giventothe assessor a false statement of personal property, or that the assessor has not returned the full amount of all property required to be listed in the assessor's town or district, or has omitted, or made an erroneous return of, any property subject to taxation, the auditor shallproceed,correct the return of the assessor. At any time before the final settlement with the county treasurer,to correct the return of the assessor, and tothe auditor shall charge the owners ofsuchthe property on the tax lists with the proper amount of taxes. Forsuch purposepurposes of this section thecountyauditor may issue compulsory process, require the attendance of any person supposed to have a knowledge of the property, or its value, andmayexaminesuchthe person, on oath,in relation tosuchabout the statement or return.In all such cases,Before making the entry on the tax list, the county auditor shall notify the person required to list the property of the right tohave an opportunity toshow that the person's statement or the return of the assessor is correct; and. The county auditor shall file in the auditor's office a statement of the facts or evidence upon which the auditor madesuchthe corrections.Inno case shallThe county auditor must not reduce the amount returned by the assessor without the written consent of the commissioner of revenue, on a statement of the case. A statement supporting the reduction must be submitted by the county auditor or the party aggrieved to the commissioner of revenue. 274.10 [PROPERTY OMITTED OR UNDERVALUED.] Subdivision 1. [EXAMINER; APPOINTMENT, DUTIES.] The governor shall appoint an examiner when itshall be made toappearappears to the governorbyon a verified complaint, or by the finding of a court or of the legislature, or any committeethereofof the legislature, thatanya considerable amount of property in any county has been improperly omitted from the tax lists and assessment roll ofsuchthe county foranya year; or, if assessed, that thesameproperty has been grossly undervalued by the assessor or other county officials, whether or notsuchthe assessment has been reviewed by the county board of equalization, the governor shall appoint,. The appointment must be in writing, some. The appointee must be a competent citizen of the state, but not a resident ofsuchthe county, asexaminer, to ascertain. The person appointed shall determine the character, location, value, and ownership of the real and personal property insuchthe countysoomitted or undervalued,who,.Before entering upon duties,The person shall take an oath to faithfullytoperformsuchthe duties.SuchThe person shallforthwithexamine the subject, and prepare a report,in duplicate, attaching thereto. A list must be attached to the report, showing the character, location, ownership, and valuation of allsuchproperty, with the year oryears for which the same, or any part thereof,that has been omitted or undervalued. The list must state the years or part of years that the property has been omitted or undervalued.SuchThe listshall alsomust show opposite each piece or parcel of land or item of personal property undervalued, the amount of the assessment,and theits actual and market valuethereofat the timethe sameit should have been assessed, and the difference betweentheits assessed andtheactual valuethereof as so found. On or before Januaryfirst1, in the assessment yearin which any suchassessment is to be made, the examiner shall fileone duplicatethe report and list with the county auditorof such county,andthe otherwith the commissioner of finance.SuchListsshallmust be verified substantially,as follows: "I, .............................,dosolemnly swear that I have personally examined the real and personal property in theforegoingattached listdescribed, and thatthe sameit is a correct and full list ofallthe real and personal property subject to taxation insaidthe county, and omitted from taxation for the yearsthereinstated in it, or, if assessed forsaidthose years, grossly undervalued,so far as I have beenable to ascertain the same,and that the character, location, ownership, and valuationthereofof the property as set down in the proper column, opposite theseveral kinds and pieces ofproperty, arejust and truecorrect, to the best of my knowledge and belief." Subd. 2. [DEPUTIES; APPOINTMENT, DUTIES.]Such examiner,When necessary to properly perform duties within the time prescribed by law, with the approval of the governor, the examiner may appoint one or more well-qualified citizens of the state as deputies to assist in the performance of examiner's duties.TheseThe deputies shall performsuchthe dutiesasshall beassigned them by the examiner, first taking. The deputies must take an oath to faithfullytoperformsuchthe duties. Subd. 3. [COMPENSATION OF EXAMINER AND DEPUTIES.]SuchThe examiner shallreceivebe paid $3 for services$3, and each deputy shall be paid $2, for every dayin whichthey are necessarily employed in the performance of their duties, and. The examiner and deputies shall be paid their necessary expenses. Upon the approval by the governor,suchthe compensation and expensesshallmust be paid out of the general fund in the state treasury. The respective counties shall reimburse the statetherefortwo years after thesame areincurredpayments are made. The state auditor shall notify the county auditorof such countyof the amountthereof,whereuponto be paid. The county auditor shall levy a tax on the taxable property in the county sufficient to paythe same,and,it. When collected, the proceedsthereof shall beforthwithof the tax must be paid into the state treasuryin thesame manner aslike other state taxes. 274.11 [TAXES A LIEN ON PROPERTY IN EXAMINER'S LIST.] The taxes uponallthe propertynamed inon the list of the examinerappointed as provided inunder section 274.10, and found to have been omitted from or undervalued in the tax list for any year,shall beis a lien upon all the real property owned insuchthe county by any person namedin such duplicatelistin it as the ownerthereof, from the time when such listshall be. The lien attaches at the time the list is filed with the county auditoruntil the same. The lien continues until the taxes are paid, and. The lien may be satisfiedoutfrom the proceeds of the sale of any property insuchthe county owned byanythe personso assessed. 274.12 [DUTIES OF AUDITOR AND ASSESSORS.] Upon the receipt ofany suchthe examiner's list, the county auditor shall enter the propertythereindescribed in it in the real and personal property assessment books; and,. Upon receivingsuchthe books from the auditor, the assessor shall assess the propertysoentered in it at its market value as shown bysuchthe list,. A copy ofwhich shallthe list must be furnished to the assessor with the assessment books of the district. The assessor shall also make the necessary corrections in any assessmenttheretofore made so as to make thesamemade before receipt of the list to correspond with the market value of the propertyas returnedshown insuchthe list, and correct the returns accordingly. The auditor shall proceedthereon as provided byunder sections 273.02 and 274.09. On finding fromany suchthe examiner's list that any property has been omitted from or undervalued in the lists of any prior year or years, the auditor shallforthwithenterthesameit on the assessment and tax books for the year or yearsinwhich the sameit was omitted or undervalued, and shall assesssuch. The omitted and undervalued property must be assessed at the valuation and amountssoshown, and extendon the list. The arrearages of taxes onsuchthe property accruing againstthesameit must be extended upon the tax list for the current year, andcollect the same ascollected like other taxes.AnyAn assessor or county auditor whoshall neglectneglects to performanya dutyrequired byunder this sectionshall beis guilty of a misdemeanor; and,. In addition to the usual penalty,shallbethe assessor or auditor is liable on official bond for all taxes onany and allthe propertynamed in suchon the examiner's list. 274.13 [COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION.] Subdivision 1. [MEMBERS; MEETINGS; RULES FOR EQUALIZING ASSESSMENTS.](a)The county commissioners, or a majority of them, with the county auditor, or, if the auditor cannot be present, the deputy county auditor, or, if therebeis nosuchdeputy, the court administrator of the district court, shall form a board for the equalization of the assessment of the property of the county, including the property of all cities whose charters provide for a board of equalization. The board shall meet annually, on the date specified in section 274.14, at the office of the auditorand,. Each memberhaving takenshall take an oath to fairly and impartiallytoperform duties assuch,a member. The board shall examine and compare the returns of the assessment of property of theseveraltowns or districts, and equalizethe samethem so that each tract or lot of real property and each article or class of personal propertyshall beis entered on the assessment list at its market value, subject to the following rules: (1) The board shall raise the valuation of each tract or lot of real property which in its opinion is returned below its market value tosuchthe sumas isbelieved to betheits market valuethereof;. The board must first, givinggive notice of intention todo soraise the valuation to the person in whose name it is assessed, if the person is a resident of the county,which. The noticeshallmust fix a time and placewhen andwherefor a hearingwill be had;. (2) The board shall reduce the valuation of each tract or lot which in its opinion is returned above its market value tosuchthe sumas isbelieved to betheits market valuethereof;. (3) The board shall raise the valuation of each class of personal property which in its opinion is returned below its market value tosuchthe sumas isbelieved to betheits market valuethereof; and. It shall raise the aggregate value of the personal property of individuals, firms, or corporations, when it believes thatsuchthe aggregate valuation, as returned, is less than the market value of the taxable personal property possessed bysuchthe individuals, firms, or corporations, tosuchthe sumasit believes to be the market valuethereof;. The board must firstgivinggive notice tosuchthe persons of intention to do so, which. The noticeshall fixmust set a time and placewhen and wherefor a hearingwill be had;. (4) The board shall reduce the valuation of each class of personal propertyenumeratedlisted in section 273.49whichthat is returned above its market value tosuchthe sumasit believes to betheits market valuethereof; and,. Upon complaint ofanya party aggrieved, the board shall reduce the aggregate valuation of the individual's personal propertyofsuch individual, or of any class of personal property for which the individual is assessed, which in its opinion has been assessed at too large a sum, tosuchthe sumasit believes was the market value of the individual's personal property ofsuchthat class;. (5) The boardshallmust not reduce the aggregate value of all the property of its county, as submitted to the county board of equalization, with the additions madetheretoby the auditoras inunder this chapterrequired, by more than one percent oftheits whole valuationthereof; but. The board may raise the aggregate valuation ofsuchreal property, and of each class of personal property, of the county, or of any town or districtthereofof the county, when it believesthe sameit is below the market value of the property, or class of property, tosuchthe aggregate amountasit believes to betheits market valuethereof;. (6) The board shall change the classification of any property which in its opinion is not properly classified;.(b)Subd. 1a. [FAILURE TO APPEAR OR APPEAL.] If a person, other than a public utility, mining company, or the metropolitan airport commission for which the original assessments are determined by the commissioner of revenue, fails to appear in person, by counsel, or by written communication before the county board after being duly notified of the board's intent to raise the assessment of the person's property, or if a person fails to appeal a decision of the board of review as described in section 274.01subsequent to appearanceafter appearing before the local board, the person may not appear before the commissioner of revenueas provided for inunder section 270.11, subdivisions 5 and 6, to contest the valuation. Subd. 2. [SPECIAL BOARD; DELEGATED DUTIES.] The board of equalization for any countyas it is duly constituted,may appoint a special board of equalizationto which itand may delegateall ofto it the powers and dutiesspecifiedin subdivision 1. The special board of equalization shall serve at the direction and discretion of the appointing county board, subject to the restrictions imposed by law on the appointing board. The appointing board may determine the number of members to be appointedtheretoto the special board, the compensation and expenses to be paid, and the term of office of each member. At least one member of the special board of equalizationshallmust be an appraiser, realtor, or other person familiar with property valuations in the county. The county auditorshall beis a nonvoting member andserveserves as the recorder for the special board. 274.14 [LENGTH OF SESSION; RECORD.] The county board of equalization or the special board of equalization appointed by it may continue in session and adjourn from time to timecommencingstarting on the first Mondayfollowing the fourth day ofafter July 4, or, if the first Mondayfollowing the fourth day ofafter July 4 is a legal holiday, the first Tuesdayfollowing the fourth day ofafter July 4, and ending on or before the tenth following working day, when it shall adjournand. No action takensubsequent toafter the day of adjournmentshall beis valid unless a longer session period is approved by the commissioner of revenue. The commissioner may extend the session period to August 10 but no action taken by the county board of review after the extended termination dateshall beis valid. The county auditor shall keep an accurate record of the proceedings and orders of the board, which. The recordshallmust be publishedin the samemanner aslike other proceedings of county commissioners. A copy ofsuchthe published recordshallmust betransmittedsent to the commissioner of revenue, with the abstract of assessment required by section 274.16. 274.16 [CORRECTED LISTS, ABSTRACTS.] The county assessor or, in Ramsey county, the official designated by the board of county commissioners shall calculate the changes of the assessment lists determined by the county board of equalization, and make corrections accordingly, in the real or personal lists, or both, and shall make duplicate abstracts ofthe same;them. Oneshallmust be filed in the assessor's office, and oneshallmust be forwarded to the commissioner of revenueon or beforeby August 1. 274.17 [RECORD; ABSTRACT TO COUNTY AUDITORS.] The secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of the county board of equalization, which shall. The record must be published in the annual report of the commissioner of financeand. Upon final adjournment the secretary shalltransmit tosend each county auditor an abstract ofsuchthe proceedings, specifying: (1) the percent added to or deducted from the valuation of the real property of each of theseveraltowns and cities, and of the real property not in towns or cities, in case an equal percent has not been added to or deducted from each;and specifying also(2) the percent added to or deducted from theseveralclasses of personal property in each of the towns and cities; andspecifying also(3) the amounts added to the assessments of individuals, firms, or corporations. The county auditor shall add to or deduct from each tract or lot of real property in the county the required percent on the valuationthereof, as it stoodof the property after equalization by the county board,adding in each case anyfractional sum of 50 cents or more, and deducting in each caseany fractional sum of less than 50 cents, so that no valuationof anyrounding the value of each separate tract or lotshallcontain a fraction of ato the nearest dollar; and. The county auditor shall also add to or deduct from theseveralclasses of personal property in the county the required percent on the valuationthereof, as it stoodof the property after equalization by the county board, adding or deducting in manneraforesaid any fractional sum, so that no valuation ofanyrounding the value of each separate class of personal propertyshall contain a fraction of ato the nearest dollar;and. The county auditor shall also add to the assessments of individuals, firms, and corporations, as they stoodafter equalization by the county board, the required amounts. 274.18 [ABSTRACT OF REALTY ASSESSMENT ROLL TO TOWN CLERKS.] On or before the first Tuesday of March, in each year, the county auditor shall make out andtransmitsend to each town clerk in the county a certified copy or abstract of the real estate assessment roll ofsuchthe town, as equalized by the county and state boards of equalization. 274.19 [ASSESSMENT OF MANUFACTURED HOMES.] Subdivision 1. [VALUATION; NOTICE.]The provisions ofSubdivisions 1 to 7 apply to manufactured homes that are assessed under subdivision 8,clauseparagraph (c). Each manufactured homeshallmust be valued each year by the assessor andbeassessed with reference to its value on January 2 of that year. Notice of the valueshallmust be mailed to the person to be assessed at least ten days before the meeting of the local board of review or equalization. The noticeshallmust contain the amount of valuation in terms of market value, the assessor's office address, and the date, place, and time set for the meeting of the local board of review or equalization and the county board of equalization. Subd. 2. [RETURN ASSESSMENT BOOKS; SET TAX.] On or before May 1, the assessor shall return to the county auditor the assessment books relating to the assessment of manufactured homes. After receiving the assessment books, the county auditor shall determine the tax to be due by applying the rate of levy of the preceding year and shalltransmitsend a list of the taxes to the county treasurer not later than May 30. Subd. 3. [TAX STATEMENTS; PENALTIES; COLLECTIONS.] Not later than July 15 in the year of assessment the county treasurer shall mail to the taxpayer a statement of tax due on a manufactured home. The taxesshall beare due on the last day of August. Taxes remaining unpaid after the due dateshall bedeemedare delinquent, and a penalty of eight percentshallmust be assessed and collected as part of the unpaid taxes. On September 30 the county treasurer shall make a list of taxes remaining unpaid and shall certify the list immediately to the court administrator of district court, who. The court administrator shall issue warrants to the sheriff for collection. Subd. 4. [PETITIONS OF GRIEVANCE.]AnyA person who claims that the person's manufactured home has been unfairly or unequally assessed, or thatsuchthe property has been assessed at a valuation greater than its real or actual value, or that the tax levied againstthe sameit is illegal, in whole or in part, or has been paid, or that the property is exempt from the tax so levied, may have the validity of the claim, defense, or objection determined in court. The determination must be made by the district court of the county in which the tax is levied or by the tax court. A person can request the determination by filing a petition forsuch determination,it in the office of the court administrator of the district court on or beforethefirst day ofSeptember 1 of the year in whichsuchthe tax becomes payable. A petition for determination under this section may be transferred by the district court to the tax court. Subd. 5. [CONTINUING WITH PETITION.] The right to continue prosecution of the petitionshall beis conditioned upon the payment of the tax when due unless the court permits the petitioner to continueprosecution of the petitionwithout payment, or with a reduced payment,pursuant tounder section 277.011, subdivision 3.The petitioner,Upon ten days notice to the county attorney and to the county auditor, given at least ten daysprior tobefore the last day of August, the petitioner may apply to the court for permission to continue prosecution of the petition without payment or with a reduced payment. Subd. 6. [CORRECTING TAX.] If the local board of review or equalization or the county board of equalizationchangechanges the assessor's valuation of a manufactured home, the changeshallmust betransmittedsent to the county auditor,who. The auditor shall immediately recompute the tax and advise the treasurer of the corrected tax. If the property is entitled to homestead classification, the auditor shallalso takeappropriate action to reflect the reduction inreduce the tax accordingly. Subd. 7. [PERSONAL PROPERTY.] The tax assessed on manufactured homesshall be deemed to beis a personal property taxand. Laws relating to assessment, review, and collection of personal property taxesshall be applicableapply to this tax, ifnot inconsistentconsistent withprovisions inthis section. Subd. 8. [MANUFACTURED HOMES; SECTIONAL STRUCTURES.] (a)For purposes ofIn this section,a"manufactured home" means a structure transportable in one or more sections, which is built on a permanent chassis, and designed to be used as a dwelling with or without a permanent foundation when connected to the required utilities, and contains the plumbing, heating, air-conditioning, and electrical systemstherein, includingin it. "Manufactured home" includes any accessory structurewhichthat is an addition or supplement to the manufactured home and, when installed, becomes a part of the manufactured home. (b) A manufactured homewhichthat meets each of the following criteria must be valued and assessed as an improvement to real property, the appropriate real property classificationshall applyapplies, and the valuation is subject to review and the taxes payable in the manner provided for real property:(i)(1) the owner of the unit holds title to the landuponon which it is situated;(ii)(2) the unit is affixed to the land by a permanent foundation or is installed at its location in accordance with the manufactured home building codecontainedin sections 327.31 to 327.34, andtherules adoptedtheretounder those sections, or is affixed to the landin a manner comparable tolike other real property in the taxing district; and(iii)(3) the unit is connected to public utilities, has a well and septic tank system, or is serviced by water and sewer facilities comparable to other real property in the taxing district. (c) A manufactured homewhichthat meets each of the following criteria must be assessed at the rate provided by the appropriate real property classification but must be treated as personal property, and the valuation is subject to review and the taxes payablethereonin the manner provided in this section:(i)(1) the owner of the unit is a lessee of the landpursuant tounder the terms of a lease;(ii)(2) the unit is affixed to the land by a permanent foundation or is installed at its location in accordance with the manufactured homes building code contained in sections 327.31 to 327.34, and the rules adoptedtheretounder those sections, or is affixed to the landin a manner comparable tolike other real property in the taxing district; and(iii)(3) the unit is connected to public utilities, has a well and septic tank system, or is serviced by water and sewer facilities comparable to other real property in the taxing district. (d) Sectional structures must be valued and assessed as an improvement to real property if the owner of the structure holds title to the landuponon which it is located or is a qualifying lessee of the land underthe provisions ofsection 273.19.Forpurposes ofIn this paragraph "sectional structure" means a building or structural unitwhichthat has been in whole or substantial part manufactured or constructed at an off-site location to be wholly or partially assembled on-site alone or with other units and attached to a permanent foundation. (e) The commissioner of revenue may adopt rulespursuant tounder the administrative procedure actfor the purpose ofestablishingto establish additional criteria for the classification of manufactured homes and sectional structures under this subdivision. ARTICLE 5 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 276, is amended to read: 276.01 [DELIVERY OF LISTS TO TREASURER.] On or before the first business day in January in each year, the county auditor shall deliver the lists of theseveraldistricts of the county to the county treasurer, taking thereforand get the treasurer's receipt, showingfor them. The lists must show the total amount of taxes dueupon the lists. Where the names of taxpayers appear in the property tax lists, the county auditor shall show the taxpayers' addressesof suchtaxpayers.SuchThe listsshall beare authority for the treasurer toreceive andcollect the taxestherein leviedshown on the list. In countiesin which an election has been madethat have elected to come underthe provisions ofsection 273.03, subdivision 2,the auditor shall, during the year in whichsuchwhen the county treasurer possesses the listsasprovided for in section 275.28, subdivision 3,are in the possession ofthe county treasurer,the county auditor shall have accessthereto for the purposes of changingto the lists to change the market valuations and the classifications of real estatecontained therein whichin the lists that the auditor would have been required to changeor otherwise amendin the assessment books provided for in section 273.03, subdivision 1, except for the election to discontinue the preparation ofsuchthe assessment books. The county auditorshall beis the official custodian ofsuchthe lists after the yearduring whichwhen they are in the county treasurer's possession. [276.015] [TREASURER TO PUBLISH TAX RATES.] On receiving the tax lists from the county auditor, the county treasurer shall give three weeks' published notice of the tax rates if directed by the county board. Notice must be given in a newspaper. It must specify the rates of taxation for all general purposes and the amounts raised for each specific purpose. 276.02 [TREASURER TO BE COLLECTOR.] The county treasurer shallbe the receiver and collector ofcollect allthetaxes extendeduponon the tax lists of the county, whether levied for state, county, city, town, school,poor, bridge, road, or other purposesandof allthe fines, forfeitures, or penalties received by any person or officer for the use of the county. The treasurer shallproceed tocollect thesametaxes according to law andplace the same whencollected to thecreditofthem to the proper funds. This sectionshalldoes not apply to fines and penalties accruing to municipal corporations for the violation of their ordinanceswhichthat are recoverable before a city justice. The county board may by resolution authorize the treasurer to impose a charge for any dishonored checks. 276.03 [TREASURER TO COLLECT LOCAL ASSESSMENTS.]AnyA county treasurerin this state now empoweredauthorized by law to collect local assessments made or levied byanya cityin this state is hereby required toshall collect all assessments for local improvements made or levied and certified to the treasurer byany suchthe city against any specific tract or parcel of landat. The assessment must be collected at the same timethat anyas taxesare collected which have been or maybelevied againstthe samethat tract or parcel of landunderthe general laws of this state. 276.04 [NOTICE OF RATES;PROPERTY TAX STATEMENTS.]On receiving the tax lists from the county auditor, thecounty treasurer shall, if directed by the county board, givethree weeks' published notice in a newspaper specifying therates of taxation for all general purposes and the amountsraised for each specific purpose.Subdivision 1. [REQUIREMENTS OF TAX STATEMENTS.] (a) The treasurer shall, whether or not directed by the county board,cause to behave printed on all tax statements, or on an attachment, a tabulated statement of the dollar amount due to each taxing authority from the parcel of real property for which a particular tax statement is prepared. The dollar amounts due the county, township, or municipality, and school districtshallmust be separately statedbut. The amounts due other taxing districts, if any, may be aggregated. The dollar amounts, including the dollar amount of any special assessments, may be rounded to the nearest even whole dollar. For purposes of this section, whole odd-numbered dollars may be adjusted to the next higher even-numbered dollar. The statementshallmust include the following sentence, printed in upper-case letters in boldface print: "THE STATE OF MINNESOTA DOES NOT RECEIVE ANY PROPERTY TAX REVENUES. THE STATE OF MINNESOTA REDUCES YOUR PROPERTY TAX BY PAYING CREDITS AND REIMBURSEMENTS TO LOCAL UNITS OF GOVERNMENT." (b) The property tax statements for manufactured homes and sectional structures taxed as personal propertyshallmust contain the same information that is required on the tax statements for real property. (c) Real and personal property tax statements must contain the market value, as defined in section 272.03, subdivision 8, used in determining the tax. The statement must show the amount attributable to section 124.2137 as "state paid agricultural credit" and the amount attributable to section 273.13, subdivisions 22 and 23 as "state paid homestead credit." (d) The treasurer of each county may have a statement printed on all current tax statements, or on an attachment, showing the number of mills of the current tax apportioned to the state, county, city, town, or school district. Subd. 2. [MAILING OF TAX STATEMENTS.] The county treasurer shall mail to taxpayers statements of their personal property taxes due, such. The statementstomust be mailednot laterthanby February 15 (except in the case of manufactured homes and sectional structures taxed as personal property),. Statements of the real property taxes due shall be mailed not later than January 31; provided, that. The validity of the taxshallis notbeaffected by failure of the treasurer to mailsuchthe statement. The taxpayer is defined as the owner who is responsible for the payment of the tax.Such real and personalproperty tax statements shall contain the market value, asdefined in section 272.03, subdivision 8, used in determiningthe tax. The statement shall show the amount attributable tosection 124.2137 as "state paid agricultural credit" and theamount attributable to section 273.13, subdivisions 22 and 23 as"state paid homestead credit."Failure to mail the tax statement is not a material defect affecting the validity of a judgment and sale for delinquent taxes. Subd. 3. [COLLECTION SITES.] Ifsodirected by the county board, the treasurer shall visit places in the countyas thetreasurer deems expedient for the purpose of receivingto collect taxesand. The county boardis authorized tomay pay the expenses ofsuchthe visits and of preparing duplicate tax lists.Failure to mail the tax statement shall not be deemed amaterial defect to affect the validity of any judgment and salefor delinquent taxes.276.041 [FILING TO RECEIVE NOTICE OF DELINQUENT TAXES.] Fee owners, vendees, mortgagees, lienholders, and lessees of real property may file their names and current mailing addresses with the county auditor in the countyin whichwhere the land is located for the purpose of receiving notices affectingsuchthe land that are issuedpursuant tounder sections 276.04, 281.23, and 279.091.EachA person filing shall pay a filing fee of $15 to the county auditor for each parcel. The filingshall expireexpires after three years.Persons may refile their names and addresses for additionalthree-year periods, and a fee of $15 shall be paid with eachrefiling.The county auditor shallfurnishgive a copy of the list of names and addresses to the county treasurer. Taxpayers of record with the county auditor and mortgagees who remit taxes on their behalf shall receive tax statements and other noticesas otherwise provided by lawandshallare notberequired to file and pay fees under this section. 276.05 [ADDRESSES OF PAYER GIVEN ON TAXRECEIPTS FOR TAX PAYMENTS.] The county treasurer may issue receipts showing payment of the taxexcept that upon the payment of any. If the tax is paid in currency or if the payer requests a receipt, the county treasurer shall giveto the person paying a receipt therefor,showinga receipt. The receipt must show the name and post office address of the person, the amount and date of payment, the land, lot, or other property on which the tax was levied, according to its description on the tax list or in some other sufficient manner, and the year or years for which the tax was levied. If for current taxes on real estate, the receiptshallmust have written or stamped across its face, "taxes for" (giving the year in figures), or "first half of taxes for" (giving the year in figures), or "last half of taxes for" (giving the year in figures), as the case may be. If land has been sold for taxes either to a purchaser, or to the state, and the time for redemption fromsuchthe sale has not expired, the receiptfor such taxes shallmust have written or stamped across the face, "sold for taxes." The treasurer shall make duplicates of all receipts and returnall suchthe duplicates at the end of each month to the county auditor, who. The auditor shall file and preserve them in the auditor's office, charging the treasurer with the amountthereofon the receipts. 276.06[TAX STATEMENTS TO STATE APPORTIONMENT OF TAXES.]The treasurer of each county may cause to be printed,stamped, or written on the back of all current tax statements,or on a separate sheet or card to be furnished with thestatements, a statement showing the number of mills of thecurrent tax apportioned to the state, county, city, town, orschool district.[Renumbered 276.04, subdivision 1, paragraph (d).] 276.07 [UNDIVIDED INTEREST; PAYMENT AND RECEIPT.]AnyA person holding an undivided interest inanytaxable real propertyin this state listed for taxation, including mortgagees, lessees, and others, who by law or contract are required or entitled to pay taxes to protect any right, title, interest, claim, or lien held by them in, to, or uponundividedinterests in landit, may pay the taxes onsuchthe undivided interests, and on such payment. The county treasurer may issue a receipt for the amountsopaid and specify the interestsopaidon, and. The treasurer shall enter on the tax list the name of the person who paidsuchthe taxes and the undivided interestpaid, and shall report the payment and nature of the interest to the county auditorthe payment of such taxes uponsuch undivided interests.Thereupon suchIf the taxes have been paid, the undivided interestsshall beare exempt from proceedings to enforce the collection of the same tax against other undivided interests upon whichsuchthe tax has not been paid, and. Thecollection of suchtax upon the undivided interests upon which the taxes have not been paidshallmust beproceeded with in the same mannercollected asto suchthough the undivided interestsas though itwere a separate description. 276.08 [ORDERS RECEIVED FOR TAXES.] The county treasurer shall receive in payment of taxes orders on the several funds for which taxes may be levied, to the amount of the tax forsuchthe fund, without regard to priority of the numbers ofsuchorders, except when otherwise provided by law, and shall write or stamp across the face ofallsuchthe orders the date of their receipt, and the name of the person from whom received. 276.09 [SETTLEMENT BETWEEN AUDITOR AND TREASURER.] Onthe fifth day ofMarch 5, andthe 20th day ofMay 20 of each year, the county treasurer shall make full settlement with the county auditor of all receipts collected for all purposes, from the date of the last settlement up to and including each day mentioned. The county auditor shall, within 30 days after each settlement, send an abstract ofsameit to the state auditor in the form prescribed by the state auditor. At each settlement the treasurer shall make complete returns of the receipts on the current tax list, showing the amount collected on account of the several funds included in the list. Settlement of receipts from May 20 to December 31 of each yearshallmust be made as provided in section 276.111. For purposes of this section, "receipts"shall includeincludes all tax payments received by the county treasurer on or before the settlement date. 276.10 [APPORTIONMENT AND DISTRIBUTION OF FUNDS.] On the settlement day in March and May of each year, the county auditor and county treasurer shall distribute all undistributed funds in the treasury, apportioning them,. The funds must be apportioned as provided by law, andplacing themto the credit ofcredited to the state, town, city, school district, special district and each county fund. Within 20 days after the distribution is completed, the county auditor shallmake areportof itto the state auditor in the form prescribed by the state auditor. The county auditor shall issue a warrant for the payment of money in the county treasury to the credit of the state, town, city, school district, or special districts on application of the persons entitled to receivethemthe payment. The county auditor may apply the mill rate from the yearprevious tobefore the year of distribution when apportioning and distributing delinquent tax proceeds,providedthatif the composition of the previous year's mill rate between taxing districts is not significantly different than the mill rate thatwhichexisted for the year of the delinquency. 276.11 [WHEN TREASURER SHALL PAY FUNDS FROM MARCH AND MAY SETTLEMENTS.] As soon as practical after the March and May settlements the county treasurer shall payoverto the state treasurer or the treasurer ofanya town, city, school district, or special district, on the warrant of the county auditor, all receiptsarising fromof taxes levied byand belonging to the state, orto such municipal corporation, or other body,the taxing district and deliver up all orders and other evidences of indebtedness ofsuch municipal corporation or other bodythe taxing district, taking triplicate receiptsthereforfor them. The treasurer shall file one of the receipts with the county auditor, and shall return one by mail on the day of itsreceptionreceipt to the clerk of the town, city, school district, or special district to which payment was made. The clerk shallpreservekeep the receipt in the clerk's office. Upon written request of thestate, a municipal corporation orother public bodytaxing district, to the extent practicable, the county treasurer shall, to the extent practicable,make partial payments of amounts collected periodically in advance of the next settlement and distribution.Accompanying each paymentshall beA statement prepared by the county treasurerdesignatingmust accompany each payment. It must state the years for which taxes included in the payment were collected and, for each year, the amount of the taxes and any penaltiesthereonon the tax. Upon written request of a taxing district, except school districts, the county treasurer shall pay, upon written request of the state, a municipal corporationor other public body except school districts,at least 70 percent of the estimated collection within 30 days after the March and May settlement dates. Within seven business days after the due date, the county treasurer shall pay to the treasurer of the school districts 50 percent of the estimated collections arising from taxes levied by and belonging to the school districtand. The remaining 50 percent of the estimated collectionsshallmust be paid to the treasurer of the school district within the next seven business days. The treasurer shall pay the balance of the amounts collected to the state or to a municipal corporation or other body within 60 days after the March and May settlement dates, provided, however, that. After 45 days interestshall accrueataan annual rate of eight percentper annum to the credit of and shallaccrues and must be paid to thestate, municipal corporation or other bodytaxing district. Interestshallmust bepayablepaid upon appropriation from the general revenue fund of the countyand,. If not paid, it may be recovered by thestate, municipalcorporation, or other bodytaxing district, in a civil action. 276.111 [DISTRIBUTIONS AND FINAL YEAR-END SETTLEMENT.] Within seven business days after October 15, the county treasurer shall pay to the school districts 50 percent of the estimated collections arising from taxes levied by and belonging to the school district from May 20 to October 20and. The remaining 50 percent of the estimated tax collections must be paid to the school district within the next seven business days. Within ten business days after November 15, the county treasurer shall pay to the school district 100 percent of the estimated collections arising from taxes levied by and belonging to the school districts from October 20 to November 20. Within ten business days after November 15, the county treasurer shall pay to each taxing district, except any school district, 100 percent of the estimated collections arising from taxes levied by and belonging to each taxing district from May 20 to November 20. On or beforethe fifth day ofJanuary 5, the county treasurer shall make full settlement with the county auditor of all receipts collected fromthe 20th day ofMay 20 to December 31. After subtracting any tax distributionswhichthat have been made to the taxing districts in October and November, the treasurer shall pay to each of the taxing districts on or before January 25, the balance of the tax amounts collected on behalf of each taxing district. Interestshall accrueaccrues ataan annual rate of eight percentper annum to the credit of andshalland must be paid to the taxing district if this final settlement amount is not paid by January 25. Interestshallmust bepayablepaid upon appropriation from the general revenue fund of the countyand,. If not paid, it may be recovered by thestate, municipal corporation, or other body,taxing district in a civil action. 276.12 [AUDITOR TO KEEP ACCOUNTS.] The county auditor shall keep accounts with the state, the county, and each of the county fundsof such county, and each town, city, and school district, and with the county treasurer,making. The auditor shall make daily entries of the charges and credits to the treasurer;and, immediately after each distribution of taxes, shall credit the collections to the proper funds. Upon application of the treasurer of a town, city, or school district, and upon the filing of a certificate of its clerk that the person applying is the duly elected or appointed treasurer, the auditor shall give a warrant on the county treasurer for the amount dueany town, city, or schooldistrict, upon application of its treasurer, and upon the filingof a certificate of its clerk that the person applying is suchtreasurer, duly elected or appointed,and chargesuchthe body with the amount of the warrant. 276.13 [DISTRIBUTION OF INTEREST, PENALTIES, AND COSTS.]AllPenalties accruing uponany tax levied bya special assessment against any particular tract, block, or lot in any city or organized townshipshallmust be apportioned to the general revenue fund of the city or town where the landliesis located.AllOther penalties, costs, and interest collected on real estate taxesshallmust be apportioned one-half to the county revenue fund and the other half to the school districts of the county in the manner provided for the distribution of other school funds. 276.14 [COLLECTED COSTS TO BE CREDITED TO COUNTY REVENUEFUNDINTEREST, PENALTIES; INCORPORATED CITIES.]AllPenalties and interest accruinguponon any tax levied by special assessment, or otherwise, for local purposes, on real estate in any incorporated cityshallmust be apportioned to the general revenue fund of the city where the real estate is situated; and all. Other penalties, and interest collected on real estate taxes,shallmust be apportioned one-half to the county revenue fund, and the other half to school districts of the county in the manner provided for the distribution of other school funds by section 124.10.AllThe costs collectedshallmust be apportioned to the county revenue fund. ARTICLE 6 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 352, is amended to read: 352.01 [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [TERMS.] Unless the language or context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended, thefollowingterms defined in this section, for the purposes of this chapter,shall be givenhave the meaningssubjoined togiven them. Subd. 2. [STATE EMPLOYEE.] "State employee" means any employee or officer in the classified and unclassified service of the state. The term also includes the special classes of persons listed in subdivision2A2a but excludes the special classes of persons listed in subdivision2B2b. Subd.2A2a. [INCLUDED EMPLOYEES.]The following personsare included in the meaning of"State employee" includes: (1) employees of the Minnesota historical society.; (2) employees of the state horticultural society.; (3) employees of the Disabled American Veterans, Department of Minnesota, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of Minnesota, if employedprior tobefore July 1, 1963.; (4) employees of the Minnesota crop improvement association.; (5) employees of the adjutant general who are paid from federal funds and who are not covered by any federal civilian employees retirement system.; (6) employees of the state universities employed under the university activities program.; (7) currently contributing employees covered by the system who are temporarily employed by the legislature during a legislative session or any currently contributing employee employed for any special service as defined in clause (8) of subdivision2B.2b; (8) employees of the armory building commission.; (9) permanent employees of the legislature and persons employed or designated by the legislature or by a legislative committee or commission or other competent authority tomake orconduct a special inquiry, investigation, examination, or installation.; (10) trainees who are employed on a full-time established training program performing the duties of the classified position for which they will be eligible to receive immediate appointment at the completion of the training period.; (11) employees of the Minnesota safety council.; (12) employees of the transit operating division of the metropolitan transit commission and any employees on authorized leave of absence from the transit operating division who are employed by the labor organization which is the exclusive bargaining agent representing employees of the transit operating division.; (13) employees of the metropolitan council, metropolitan parks and open space commission, regional transit board, metropolitan transit commission, metropolitan waste control commission, metropolitan sports facilities commission or the metropolitan mosquito control commission unless excluded or covered by another public pension fund or planpursuant tounder section 473.141, subdivision 12, or 473.415, subdivision 3.; and (14) judges of the tax court. Subd.2B2b. [EXCLUDED EMPLOYEES.]The following personsare excluded from the meaning of"State employee" does not include: (1) elective state officers; (2) students employed by the University of Minnesota, the state universities, and community colleges unless approved for coverage by the board of regents, the state university board, or the state board for community colleges, as the case may be; (3) employees who are eligibletofor membership in the state teachers retirement association except employees of the department of education who haveelectedchosen or mayelectchoose to be covered by the Minnesota state retirement system instead of the teachers retirement association; (4) employees of the University of Minnesota who are excluded from coverage by action of the board of regents; (5) officers and enlisted personnel in the national guard and the naval militiaand such aswho are assigned to permanent peacetime duty and whopursuant tounder federal law are or are required to be members of a federal retirement system; (6) election officers; (7) persons engaged in public work for the state but employed by contractors when the performance of the contract is authorized by the legislature or other competent authority; (8) officers and employees of the senate and house of representatives or a legislative committee or commission who are temporarily employed; (9)all courts andcourt employees, referees, receivers, jurors, and notaries public, except employees of the appellate courts and referees and adjusters employed by the department of labor and industry; (10) patient and inmate help in state charitable, penal, and correctional institutions including the Minnesota veterans home; (11) persons employed for professional services where the service is incidental to regular professional duties and whose compensation is paid on a per diem basis; (12) employees of the Sibley House Association; (13) employees of the Grand Army of the Republic and employees of the ladies of the G.A.R.; (14) operators and drivers employedpursuant tounder section 16.07, subdivision 4; (15) the members of any state board or commission who serve the state intermittently and are paid on a per diem basis; the secretary, secretary-treasurer, and treasurer of those boards if their compensation is $500 or less per year, or, if they are legally prohibited from serving more than two consecutive terms and their total servicethereforis required by law to be less than ten years; and the board of managers of the state agricultural society and its treasurer unless the treasurer is also itsfull timefull-time secretary; (16) state troopers; (17) temporary employees of the Minnesota state fair employed on or after July 1 for a period not to extend beyond October 15 ofthe samethat year; and persons employed at any timeor timesby the state fair administration for special events held on the fairgrounds; (18) emergency employees in the classified service; except that if an emergencyemployees whoemployee, within the same pay period,becomebecomes a provisional or probationaryemployeesemployee on other than a temporary basis, the employee shall bedeemedconsidered a "stateemployeesemployee" retroactively to the beginning of the pay period; (19) persons described in section 352B.01, subdivision 2, clauses (b) and (c) formerly defined as state police officers; (20)alltemporary employees in the classified service,alltemporary employees in the unclassified service appointed for a definite period of not more than six months and employed less than six months in any one-year period andallseasonal help in the classified service employed by the department of revenue; (21) trainees paid under budget classification number 41, and other trainee employees, except those listed in subdivision2A2a, clause (10); (22) persons whose compensation is paid on a fee basis; (23) state employees who in any year have credit for 12 months service as teachers in the public schools of the state and as teachers are members of the teachers retirement association or a retirement system in St. Paul, Minneapolis, or Duluth; (24) employees of the adjutant general employed on an unlimited intermittent or temporary basis in the classified and unclassified service for the support of army and air national guard training facilities; (25) chaplains and nuns who have taken a vow of poverty as members of a religious order; (26) labor service employees employed as a laborer 1 on an hourly basis; (27) examination monitors employed by departments, agencies, commissions, and boardsfor the purpose of conductingto conduct examinations required by law; (28) members of appeal tribunals, exclusive of the chair, to which reference is made in section 268.10, subdivision 4; (29) persons appointed to serve as members offact findingfact-finding commissions,or adjustment panels, arbitrators, or labor referees underthe provisions ofchapter 179; (30) temporary employees employed for limited periodsoftimeunder any state or federal program forthe purpose oftraining or rehabilitation including persons employed for limited periodsof timefrom areas of economic distress except skilled and supervisory personnel and persons having civil service status covered by the system; (31) full-time students employed by the Minnesota historical societywho are employedintermittently during part of the year andfull timefull-time during the summer months; (32) temporary employees, appointed for not more than six months, of the metropolitan council and of any of its statutory boards, if the board membersof which boardare appointed by the metropolitan council; (33) persons employed in positions designated by the department of employee relations as student workers; (34) any person who is 65 years of age or older when appointed and who does not have allowable service credit for previous employment, unless the employee gives notice to the director within 60 daysfollowingafter appointment that coverage is desired; (35) members of trades employed by the metropolitan waste control commission with trade union pension plan coveragepursuant tounder a collective bargaining agreement first employed after June 1, 1977; and (36) persons employed in subsidized on-the-job training, work experience, or public service employment as enrollees under the federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Actfrom andafter March 30, 1978, unless the person has as of the later of March 30, 1978 or the date of employment sufficient service credit in the retirement system to meet the minimum vesting requirements for a deferred annuity, or the employer agrees in writing on forms prescribed by the director to make the required employer contributions, including any employer additional contributions, on account of that person from revenue sources other than funds provided under the federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act, or the person agrees in writing on forms prescribed by the director to make the required employer contribution in addition to the required employee contribution. Subd. 3. [HEAD OF DEPARTMENT.] "Head of department" means the head of any department, institution, or branch of the state servicewhichthat directly pays salaries out of its income orwhichthat prepares, approves, and submits salary abstracts of its employees to the commissioner of finance and state treasurer. Subd. 4. [ACCUMULATED CONTRIBUTIONS.] "Accumulated contributions" means the total, exclusive of interest, of(a)(1) the sums deducted from the salary of an employee,(b)(2) the amount of payments, including assessments, paid by the employee in lieu ofsuchsalary deductions and all other payments made under Laws 1929, chapter 191,or anyamendment thereofas amended, and credited to the employee's individual account in the retirement fund. Subd. 5. [RETIREMENT FUND.] "The retirement fund" includes the aggregate ofall "accumulated contributions"of employees, and all othermoneysfunds paid into the state treasury or received by the directorpursuant to the provisions ofunder Laws 1929, chapter 191,or any amendment thereofas amended, together with all income and profitstherefromfrom the money and interestthereonon it, including contributions on the part of the federal government, the state, and state departmentsthereof. Subd. 7. [PRIOR SERVICE.] "Prior service" means the allowable service rendered beforethe first day ofJuly 1, 1929,and. It includes the service during the first world war of officers, soldiers, sailors, marines, and army nurses who were state employees at the time of enlisting or being drafted into the military service of the United States, and who returned directly tothestate serviceof the state uponon returning from the first world war. It also includes any temporary service or service of less than six months renderedpriortobefore July 1, 1929, upon payment forsuchservice credit as provided in the law in effect at the time ofsuchpayment or authorized agreement forsuchpayment. Subd. 11. [ALLOWABLE SERVICE.] "Allowable service" means: (1)AnyServicerenderedby an employee for which on or before July 1, 1957, the employee was entitled to allowable service credit on the records of the system by reason of employee contributions in the form of salary deductions, payments in lieu of salary deductions, or in any other manner authorized by Minnesota Statutes 1953, chapter 352, as amended by Laws 1955, chapter 239;. (2)AnyServicerenderedby an employee for which on or before July 1, 1961, the employeeelectedchose to obtain credit for service by making payments to the fundpursuant tounder Minnesota Statutes 1961, section 352.24;. (3) Except as provided in clauses (9) and (10),anyservicerenderedby an employee after July 1, 1957, for any calendar month in which the employee is paid salary from which deductions are made, deposited, and credited in the fund, including deductions made, deposited, and credited as provided in section 352.041;. (4) Except as provided in clauses (9) and (10),anyservicerenderedby an employee after July 1, 1957, for any calendar month for which payments in lieu of salary deductions are made, deposited, and credited in the fund, as provided in section 352.27 and Minnesota Statutes 1957, section 352.021, subdivision 4. For purposes of clauses (3) and (4), except as provided in clauses (9) and (10), any salary paid for a fractional part of any calendar month is deemed the compensation for the entire calendar month;. (5) The period of absence from their duties by employees whoby reason ofare temporarily disabled because of injuries incurred in the performancethereof are temporarily disabledof duties and for which disability the state is liable under the workers' compensation law until the date authorized by the director for the commencement of payments of a total and permanent disability benefit from the retirement fund;. (6) The unusedportionpart of an employee's annual leave allowance for which the employee is paid salary;. (7) Any service covered by a refund repaid as provided in section 352.23 or 352D.05, subdivision 4,but does not includeexcept service rendered as an employee of the adjutant general for which the person has credit with the federal civil service retirement system;. (8) Any serviceprior tobefore July 1, 1978, by an employee of the transit operating division of the metropolitan transit commission or by an employee on an authorized leave of absence from the transit operating division of the metropolitan transit commission who is employed by the labor organization which is the exclusive bargaining agent representing employees of the transit operating division, which was credited by the metropolitan transit commission-transit operating division employees retirement fund or any of its predecessor plans or funds as past, intermediate, future, continuous, or allowable service as defined in the metropolitan transit commission-transit operating division employees retirement fund plan document in effect on December 31, 1977;. (9)AnyServicerenderedafter July 1, 1983, by an employee who is employed on a part-time basis for less than 50 percent of full time, for which the employee is paid salary from which deductions are made, deposited, and credited in the fund, including deductions made, deposited, and credited as provided in section 352.041 or for which payments in lieu of salary deductions are made, deposited, and credited in the fund as provided in section 352.27 shall be credited on a fractional basis either by pay period, monthly, or annually baseduponon the relationship that the percentage of salary earned bears to a full-time salary, with any salary paid for the fractional service credited on the basis of the rate of salary applicable for a full-time pay period, month, or a full-time year. For periods of part-time servicewhichthat is duplicated service credit,the provisions ofsection 356.30, subdivision 1, clauses (i) and (j),shallgovern;. (10) Any service by an employee in the Minnesota demonstration job-sharing programpursuant tounder sections 43.56 to 43.62 which is less than 40 hours per week or 2,080 hours per year and for which the employee is paid salary from which deductions are made, deposited and credited in the fund, shall be credited on a fractional basis either weekly or annually baseduponon the relationship that the number of hours of service bears to either 40 hours per week or 2,080 hours per year, with any salary paid for the fractional service credited on the basis of the rate of salary applicable for a full-time week or a full-time year. The allowable service determined and credited on a fractional basispursuant tounder clauses (9) and (10) shall be used in calculating the amount of benefits payable, but service as determined on a fractional basisshallmust not be used in determining the length of service required for eligibility for benefits;. (11) Any period of authorized leave of absence without paywhichthat does not exceed one year and for which the employee obtained credit by payment to the fundmadein lieu of salary deductions. To obtain credit, the employee shall pay an amount equal to the employee and employer contribution rateprovidedin section 352.04, subdivisions 2 and 3, multiplied by the employee's hourly rate of salary on the date of return from leave of absence and by the days and months of the leave of absence without pay for which the employeedesiresto obtainwants allowable service credit. The employing department, at its option, may pay the employer amount on behalf of its employees. Payments made under this clause shall include interest at the rate of six percent perannumyear from the date of termination of the leave of absence to the date payment is made unless payment is completed within one year of the return from leave of absence. Subd. 12. [ACTUARIAL EQUIVALENT.] "Actuarial equivalent" means the annual amount determined by calculations based on mortality tables, purchasable with a given amount at a stated age. Subd. 13. [SALARY.] "Salary" means any compensation paid to any employee including wages, allowances, and fees, but excluding amounts of severance pay. Subd. 15. [APPROVED ACTUARY.] "Approved actuary" means any actuary who is either a fellow of the society of actuaries or who has at least 15 years of service to major public employee funds, or any firm retainingsuchan approved actuary on its staff. Subd. 16. [YEAR OF ALLOWABLE SERVICE.] "Year of allowable service" means any 12 calendar months not necessarily consecutive in which an employee is entitled to allowable service credit. It also means 12 months credit each calendar year for teachers in the state universities and state institutions who may or may not receive compensation in every month in the calendar year. Subd. 17. [TOTAL AND PERMANENT DISABILITY.] "Total and permanent disability" means the inability to engage in any substantial gainful activity by reason of any medically determinable physical or mental impairmentwhich can be expectedto be of long-continued and indefinite duration."Long-continued and indefinite duration" meansthatthedisabilityhasbeenexisted or is expected tobecontinue for a period of at least one year. Subd. 18. ["ANNUITY" AND "BENEFIT" SYNONYMOUS.] The words "annuity" and "benefit," wherever they appear in this chapter, are synonymous. Subd. 19. [RETIREMENT.] "Retirement" means the time after a state employee is entitled to an accrued annuity, as defined in subdivision 21, payablepursuant tounder an application for annuity filed in the office of the system as provided in section 352.115, subdivision 8 or, in the case of an employee who has received a disability benefit, when that employeeattainsreaches age 65. Subd. 20. [RETIRED EMPLOYEE.] "Retired employee" means an employee who has retirement status as defined in subdivision 19. Subd. 21. [ACCRUED ANNUITIES.]For the purposes ofIn this chapter and chapters 3A, 352B, 352C, and 490, "accrued annuity" means an annuitywhichthat had become payable to a retired employee in the lifetime of the employee. An annuity or benefit authorized as provided in this chapter and chapters 3A, 352B, 352C, and 490 becomes payable on the first day of each calendar month for that calendar month and is to be paid on the first day of each calendar month beginning with benefits payable on and after December 1, 1977. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary in this chapter and chapters 3A, 352B, 352C, and 490, benefit payment authorized as "payable for life"shall beis payable for the entire month in which death occurs, and the benefit payment for the month of deathshall beis payable to the surviving spouse or other beneficiary only if the annuitant dies before negotiating the check. Subd. 22. [DISABLED EMPLOYEE.]For the purposes of thischapter"Disabled employee" means an employee who is totally and permanently disabled as defined in subdivision 17, and who as a resultthereofof the disability is entitled to receive a disability benefit as provided in section 352.113. Subd. 23. [COVERAGE OR COVERED BY THE SYSTEM.] "Coverage" or "covered by the system"for the purposes of this chaptermeans that state employees who serve the state of Minnesota and make the required employee contributions to the retirement fund will by reasonthereofof these contributions become entitled to either (1) a retirement annuity, or (2) a disability benefit, or (3) a refund of accumulated contributions,allas provided in this chapter. Subd. 24. [SYSTEM.] "System" means the Minnesota state retirement system. 352.021 [MINNESOTA STATE RETIREMENT SYSTEM.] Subdivision 1. [ESTABLISHMENT.] There isherebyestablished the Minnesota state retirement system, hereinaftercalled the system,for state employees. TheMinnesota stateretirementsystem is a continuation of the state employees retirement association. Any person who was a member of the state employees retirement association on June 30, 1967,shallbeis covered by theMinnesota state retirementsystem andshallbeis entitled to all benefits provided bysuchthe system upon fulfilling the age, service, contribution, and other requirementsthereofof this chapter. Subd. 2. [STATE EMPLOYEES COVERED.] Every person who is a state employee, as defined in section 352.01, on July 1, 1967,and every person becomingor becomes a state employeethereafterafter that date is covered by the systemprovided bythis chapter. Acceptance of state employment or continuance in state service is deemed consent to have deductions made from salary for deposit to the credit of the account of the state employee in the retirement fund. Subd. 3. [OPTIONAL EXEMPTIONS.] Any person who is appointed by the governor or lieutenant governor may request exemption from coverage under this chapter if the appointee is not so covered at the date ofsuchappointment. To qualify for this exemption request must be made within 90 days from the date of entering upon the duties of the position to which appointed. After the request, a person requesting exemptionshallis notthereafter beentitled tosuchcoverageso long aswhile employed in the positionwhichthat entitled that person to exemptiontherefromfrom coverage. Subd. 4. [RE-ENTERING SERVICE AFTERREFUNDMENTREFUND.]WheneverWhen a former employee who has withdrawn accumulated contributions re-enters employment in a position entitled to coverage under thestate retirementsystemestablished by this chapter, the employee shall be coveredtherebyby the system on the same basis as a new employee andshallis notbeentitled to credit for any former service, nor shall. The annuity rights forfeitedat the time ofwhen taking arefundmentrefund can only be restored, exceptas provided in this chapter. Subd. 5. [CONTINUING COVERAGE.] Any state employee who has made contributions to the retirement fund for a period of one year and who,thereaftercontinuing in state service after that year, becomes eligibletofor membership in the state teachers retirement associationshall have the option of continuingmay continue coverage under the system by filing in its office written notice of electionthereforto continue. The election to be covered by the system under this subdivision or section 352.01, subdivision2B2b, clause (3)shallmust be made on a form approved by the director within 90 days after appointment to the position. If the option is exercised, the employeeshallis not thereafterbeentitled to membership in the teachers retirement association while employed by the state in a positionwhichthat entitled the employee to make this election. 352.028 [COVERAGE TERMINATION.] Coverage of any person under the systemshall terminateupon that person's ceasingends when the person ceases to be a state employee. 352.029 [COVERAGE FOR EMPLOYEES OF LABOR ORGANIZATIONS.] Subdivision 1. [QUALIFICATIONS.] A former state employee who is an employee of a labor organizationwhichthat is an exclusive bargaining agent representing state employees or a state employee on leave of absence without pay to provide service as an employee or officer of a labor organization that is an exclusive bargaining agent representing state employees, mayelect pursuant tochoose under subdivision 2 to be covered by thestate retirementsystemestablished by this chapter withrespect tofor service with the labor organization unless specifically excluded under section 352.01, subdivision2B2b. Subd. 2. [ELECTION.] A person described in subdivision 1 shall be covered by thestate retirementsystem if written election to be covered is delivered to the executive director before December 31, 1985, within 90 days of being employed by the labor organization, or within 90 days ofcommencing theirstarting the first leave of absence with an exclusive bargaining agent, whichever is later. Subd. 3. [CONTRIBUTIONS.] The employee, employer, and additional employer contributions requiredpursuant toby section 352.04shall beare the obligation of the employee whoelectschooses coverage under this section; provided,. However,thatthe employing labor organization may pay the employer and employer additional contributions. Contributions made by the employeeshallmust be made by salary deduction. The employing labor organization shallremitpay all contributions to thestate retirementsystempursuant toas required by section 352.04. Subd. 4. [PURCHASE OF PRIOR SERVICE CREDIT.] Any person who elects membershippursuant tounder this sectionshall beallowed tomay make payment for service renderedprior tobefore December 31, 1985, in a labor organization designated in subdivision 1; provided thatif the labor organizationmakessatisfactory certification ofsatisfactorily certifies the prior service of the former state employee. Payment shall include all employee, employer, and additional employer contributions at the rates in effect when the service was rendered plus interest at the rate of six percent perannumyear from the year of purchase to the date payment is made; provided, however, that. The employing labor organization may pay the employer and employer additional contributions plus interest at the specified rate. Paymentshallmust be made in one lump sumprior tobefore December 31, 1985, orprior tobefore retirement, whichever is earlier, and. No allowable service with respect tosuchthis payment shall be credited to the employee's account until payment is received by the executive director. Subd. 5. [BOARD MEMBERSHIP EXCLUDED.] Employees of a labor organization who become members of thestate retirementsystempursuant tounder this sectionshallare notbeeligible for election to the board oftrusteesdirectors. 352.03 [BOARD OF DIRECTORS, COMPOSITION,; EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR; DUTIES, POWERS.] Subdivision 1. [MEMBERSHIP OF BOARD; ELECTION; TERM.] Thepolicy makingpolicy-making function of the system isherebyvested in a board of 11 members, who shall be known as the board of directorshereinafter called the board. This board shall consist of three members appointed by the governor, one of whomshallmust be a constitutional officer or appointed state official and two of whomshallmust be public members knowledgeable in pension matters, four state employeeswho shallbeelected by state employees covered by the system excluding employees in categories specifically authorized to designate or elect a member by this subdivision, one employee of the transit operating division of the metropolitan transit commission designated by the executive committee of the labor organizationwhichthat is the exclusive bargaining agent representing employees of the transit division, one member of the state patrol retirement fund elected by members of that fund at a time and in a manner fixed by the board, one employee covered by the correctional employees plan elected by employees covered by that plan, and one retired employee elected by retired employees at a time and in a manner to be fixed by the board. Two state employee members, whose terms of officeshallbegin on the first Monday in Marchnext succeedingafter their election,shallmust be elected biennially. Elected members and the appointed transit operating division membershallhold office for a term of four years, except the retired member whose termshall beis two years, and until their successors are elected or appointed, and have qualified. A state employee on leave of absenceshallis notbeeligible for election or re-election to membership on the board of directors; and. The term of any board member who is on leave for more than six monthsshallautomaticallyterminate upon the expirationends on expiration of this period. Subd. 1a. [TERMS; COMPENSATION; REMOVAL; VACANCIES; PUBLIC MEMBERS.] The membership terms, compensation, removal of members, and filling of vacancies for the public members on the boardshall beare as provided in section 15.0575. Subd. 2. [VACANCY.] Any vacancy of a state employee or retired employee in the board caused by death, resignation, or removal of any member so electedshallmust be filled by the board for the unexpired portion of the term in which the vacancy occurs. Any vacancy of the employee of the transit operating division member of the board caused by death, resignation, or removalshallmust be filled by the governing board of the labor organizationwhichthat is the exclusive bargaining agent representing employees of the transit operating division. Subd. 4. [DUTIES AND POWERS OF BOARD OF DIRECTORS.]It isthe duty ofThe boardand it has power toshall: (1) elect a chair; (2) appoint an executive director; (3) establish rulesfor the administration of theprovisions ofto administer this chapter and chapters 3A, 352B, 352C, 352D, and 490 andtransaction oftransact the business of the system,allsubject to the limitations ofsaid chapter andthelaw; (4) consider and dispose of, or takesuchany other actionasthe board of directors deems appropriate concerning denials of applications for annuities or disability benefits under this chapter, and complaints of employees and others pertaining to the retirement of employees and the operation of the system; and (5) advise the director on any matters relating to the system andthecarrying outof thefunctions and purposes ofsaidthis chapter, which. The board's advice shallbecontrolling; andcontrol. The director and assistant directorshallmust be in the unclassified service but appointees may be selected from civil service lists ifit isdesiredto do so. The salary of the executive directorshallmust be as provided by section 15A.081, subdivision 1. The salary of the assistant directorshallmust be set in accordance with section 43A.18, subdivision 3. Subd. 4a. [ADDITIONAL DUTIES OF THE BOARD.] The board may consider, review, and make recommendations regarding the financial and other needs of retired employees and may disseminate appropriate retirement information to the retired employee. Subd. 5. [EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR.] The executive director,hereinafterin this chapter called the director, of the systemshallmust be appointed by the board on the basis of fitness, experience in the retirement field, and leadership ability. The directorshallmust have had at least five years' experience on the administrative staff of a major retirement system. Subd. 6. [DUTIES AND POWERS OF EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR.] The management of the system is vested in the director, whoshall beis the executive and administrative head of the system. The director shallact asbe advisor to the board onallmatters pertaining to the system, and shall also act as the secretary of the board. The director shall: (1) Attendallmeetings of the board; (2) Prepare and recommend to the board rulesfor thepurpose of carryingto carry outthe provisions ofthis chapter; (3) Establish and maintain an adequate system of records and accounts following recognized accounting principles and controls; (4) Designate an assistant director with the approval of the board; (5) Appointsuchany employees, both permanent and temporary,asthat are necessary to carry out the provisions ofsaidthis chapter; (6) Organize the work of the system as the director deems necessary to fulfill the functions of the system, and define the duties of its employees and delegate to them any powers or duties, subject to the control of the director and undersuchconditionsasthe director may prescribe. Appointments to exercise delegated powershallmust be by written order filed with the secretary of state; (7) With the advice and consent of the board, contract for actuarial services, professional management services, and consulting services asmay benecessary and fix the compensationthereforfor these services. The contractsshallare notbesubject tothecompetitive biddingprocedure prescribed byunder chapter 16. Professional management services may not be contracted for more often than once ineverysix years. Copies ofallprofessional management survey reportsshallmust be sent directly to the legislature and the legislative auditor at thesametime reports are furnished the board. Only management firms experienced in conducting management surveys of federal, state, or local public retirement systemsshall beare qualified to contract with the directorhereunder; (8) With the advice and consent of the board provideinservicein-service training forallemployees of the system; (9) Makerefundmentsrefunds of accumulated contributions to former state employees and to the designated beneficiary, surviving spouse, legal representative, or next of kin of deceased state employees or deceased former state employees,allas provided in this chapter; (10) Determine the amount of the annuities and disability benefits of employees covered by the system and authorize paymentthereofbeginning as of the dates the annuities and benefits begin to accrue,allin accordance with the provisions ofsaidthis chapter; (11) Pay annuities,refundmentsrefunds, survivor benefits, salaries, andallnecessary operating expenses of the system; (12) Certify funds available for investment to the state board of investment; (13) With the advice and approval of the board request the state board of investment to sell securities when the director determines that funds are needed forthe purposes ofthe system; (14)Prepare and submitReport annually to the board and the legislaturean annual report coveringon the operation of the system, as required by sections 356.215 to 356.23; (15) Prepare and submit biennial and quarterly budgets to the board and with the approval of the board submit the budgets to the department of administration; and (16) With the approval of the board, performsuchother dutiesas may be required for the administration ofrequired to administer the retirement and other provisions of this chapter andfor the transaction ofto do its business. Subd. 7. [DIRECTORS' FIDUCIARY OBLIGATION.]It is the dutyofThe board and the directortoshall administer the law faithfully without prejudice and consistent with the expressed intent of the legislature. They shall act in their respective capacities with a fiduciary obligation to the state of Minnesota which created the fund, the taxpayerswhichwho aid in financing it, and the state employees who are its beneficiaries. Subd. 8. [MEDICAL ADVISOR.] The state commissioner of health orsuchother licensed physician on the staff of the commissioner as the commissioner may designate shall be the medical advisor of the director. Subd. 9. [DUTIES OF THE MEDICAL ADVISOR.] The medical advisor shall designate licensed physicians to examine applicants for disability benefits. The medical advisor shall pass uponallmedical reports based uponsuchexaminations required to determine whether a state employee is totally and permanently disabled as defined in section 352.01, subdivision 17, shall investigateallhealth and medical statements and certificates by or on behalf of a state employee in connection with a disability benefit, and shall report in writing to the director conclusions and recommendations onallmatters referred for advice. Subd. 10. [POWER TO DETERMINE EMPLOYEE'S STATUS.] Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, the final power to determine the status of any individual in the employ of the state for the purposes of this chapter is vested in the board and its decision is final. Subd. 11. [LEGAL ADVISER, ATTORNEY GENERAL.] The attorney general shall be the legal adviser of the board and of the director. The board may sue or be sued in the name of the board of directors of theMinnesota state retirementsystemand. Inallactions brought by it or against it, the board shall be represented by the attorney generalprovided that. Venue ofallsuchactions shall be in the Ramsey county district court. Subd. 12. [DEPARTMENT OF EMPLOYEE RELATIONS, DUTIES.] Upon request of the director, the department of employee relations shall furnishsuchinformationrelative toabout the status of state employees asmay berequired by the director or the board in the performance of their duties. Subd. 13. [DEPARTMENT OF LABOR AND INDUSTRY, DUTIES.] The department of labor and industry shallfurnishgive the directorwitha copy of each abstract submitted to the commissioner of finance and to be charged to the state compensation revolving fundwhich shall be construed as. The copy is notice to the director that the employees listedthereonon it have sustained injury arising out of and in the course of employment by the stateof Minnesotaand are entitled to credit for service on the records of the systemduring the timewhile they receive compensationis receivedfor temporary disability resulting fromsuchthe injury, but shall. The copy must not be used for any other purpose. Subd. 14. [DEPARTMENTAL INFORMATION.] Under the direction of the director the head of each department shallfurnish suchgive information and keepsuchrecordsasthe director or the boardmay requireneeds forthe discharge oftheir duties. Subd. 15. [CALENDAR YEAR BASIS OPTIONAL.] For all purposes except quarterly and biennial budgets the system may operate on a calendar rather than a fiscal year basis. Subd. 16. [DATA PROCESSING SERVICES.] Notwithstanding chapter 16, or any law to the contrary, the executive director of theMinnesota state retirementsystem may use the services of the department of administration, information services division, for electronic data processing and related services or may contract for all or aportionpart ofsuchthe services. 352.04 [STATE EMPLOYEES RETIREMENT FUND, CONTRIBUTIONS BY EMPLOYEE AND EMPLOYER.] Subdivision 1. [FUND CREATED.](1)(a) There is created a special fund to be known as the state employees retirement fund. In that fund there shall be deposited employees contributions, employers contributions, and other amounts authorized by law.(2)(b) Effective July 1, 1969, the Minnesota state retirement system shall participate in the Minnesota postretirement investment fund. In that fund there shall be deposited the amounts provided in section 352.119. Subd. 2. [EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS.] The employee contribution to the fundshallmust bean amountequal to 3.73 percent of salary, beginning with the first full pay period after June 30, 1984. These contributionsshallmust be made by deduction from salaryin the manneras provided in subdivision 4. Subd. 3. [EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS.] The employer contribution to the fundshallmust bean amountequal to 3.90 percent of salary beginning with the first full pay period after June 30, 1984. Subd. 4. [PAYROLL DEDUCTIONS.] The head of each department shallcausehave employee contributionsto bededucted from the salary of each employee covered by the system on every payroll abstract and shall approve one voucher payable to the state treasurer for the aggregate amountsodeducted on the payroll abstract. Deductions from salaries of employees paid direct by any department, institution, or agency of the stateshallmust be made by the officer or employee authorized by law to paysuchthe salaries. The head of any department or agency having authority to appoint any employee who receives fees as compensation or who receives compensation on federal payrolls shall collect as the required employee contribution the applicable amounts required in subdivision 2.All suchDeductions from salary and amounts collectedshallmust be remitted to the director with a statement showing the amount of earnings or fees, and in the case of fees, the number of transactions, and the amount of each ofsuchthe deductions and collections and the names of the employees on whose accountthesamethey have been made. Subd. 5. [PAYMENT OF EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS.] The head of each department or agency shallcausehave employer contributionsto bemade to the fund oneacha payroll abstract at the timeeachan employee is paid salary in the amounts required by subdivision 3. These contributionsshallmust be charged as administrative costs. Each department shall pay these amounts fromsuchaccounts and funds from whicheachthe department or agency receives its revenue, including appropriations from the general fund and from any other fund,now or hereafter existing,for the payment of salaries and in the same proportion as it paystherefromthe amounts ofsuchsalaries. Subd. 6. [QUASISTATE AGENCIES; EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS.] For those of their employees who are covered by the system, the state horticultural society, the Disabled American Veterans, Department of Minnesota, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Department of Minnesota, the Minnesota crop improvement association, the Minnesota historical society, the armory building commission, the Minnesota safety council, the Metropolitan council and any of its statutory boards, and any other agency employing employees covered by this system, respectively, shall also pay into the retirement fund the amount required by subdivision 3. Subd. 8. [DEPARTMENT REQUIRED TO PAY OMITTED SALARY DEDUCTIONS.] (a) Ifanya department fails to take deductions past due for a period of 60 days or less from an employee's salary as provided in this section, those deductionsshallmust be taken onsubsequentlater payroll abstracts. (b) Ifanya department fails to take deductions past due for a period in excess of 60 days from an employee's salary as provided in this section, the department, and not the employee, shall pay the employee and employer contributions and an amount equivalent to six percent of the total amount due in lieu of interest. (c) Ifanya department fails to take deductions past due for a period of 60 days or less and the employee is no longer in state service so that the required deductions cannot be taken from the salary of the employee, the department shall nevertheless pay the required employer contributions. If any department fails to take deductions past due for a period in excess of 60 days and the employee is no longer in state service, the omitted contributions shall be recoveredpursuantto clauseunder paragraph (b). (d) If an employee from whose salary required deductions were past due for a period of 60 days or less leaves state serviceprior tobefore the payment of the omitted deductions and subsequently returns to state service, the unpaid amountthereof shall beis considered the equivalent of a refund, and. The employeeshall accrueaccrues no right by reasonthereofof the unpaid amount, except that the employee may pay the amountthereofof omitted deductions as provided in section 352.23. Subd. 9. [ERRONEOUS DEDUCTIONS, CANCELED WARRANTS.](1)Any(a) Deductions taken from the salary of an employee for the retirement fund in errorshallmust, upon discovery and verification by the department making the deduction, be refunded to the employee.(2) In the event a salary warrant or check from which(b) If a deduction for the retirement fundwasis takenhas beenfrom a salary warrant or check, and the check is canceled or the amount of the warrant or check returned to the funds of the department making the payment,a refundment ofthe sumsodeducted, orany portionthe part of itas isrequired to adjust the deductions,shall be mademust be refunded to the department or institutionprovided applicationif the department applies forit is madethe refund on a form furnished by the director,and. The department's paymentsshallmust likewise be refunded to the department. Subd. 11. [GIFTS AND BEQUESTS.] The directoris herebyauthorized and empowered tomay credit to the retirement fund anymoneysmoney received in the form of donations, gifts, appropriations, bequests, or otherwise, or derivedtherefromfrom it. Subd. 12. [FUND DISBURSEMENT RESTRICTED.] The state employees retirement fund and the participation in the Minnesota postretirement investment fundshallmust be disbursed only for the purposeshereinprovided by law. The expenses of the system and any benefitshereinprovided by law, other than benefits payable from the Minnesota postretirement investment fund,shallmust be paid from the state employees retirement fund. The retirement allowances, retirement annuities, and disability benefits, as well asrefundmentrefunds of any sum remaining to the credit of a deceased retired employee or a disabled employeeshallmust be paid only from the state employees retirement fund aftersuchthe needs have been certified and the amounts withdrawn from the participation in the Minnesota postretirement investment fund underthe provisions ofsection 11A.18. The amounts necessary to make the payments from the state employees retirement fund and the participation in the Minnesota postretirement investment fund areherebyannually appropriated fromsaidthese funds forsaidthose purposes. 352.041 [LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR EMPLOYMENT BY POLITICAL SUBDIVISION.] Subdivision 1. [ALLOWABLE SERVICE CREDIT.] Any employee covered by the system who is given a leave of absence for employment by a political subdivision of the state shall continue to pay into the state employees retirement fund for the period ofsuchleave, and. Uponsuchpaymentshallthe employee must be given allowable service credit as a state employee on the records of the systemthe sameas though the employee had received salary from the statethereforduring the leave.SuchPayments into the retirement fund shall be at the rate required in section 352.04, subdivision 2, andshallmust be based upon the salary received from the political subdivision subject to the maximum amount, if any. Subd. 2. [EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS, PROCEDURE.] The officer or employee authorized by law to pay salaries to employees of the political subdivision employingsucha state employee shallcausehave employee contributionsto bededucted from the salary of each employee who is on leave of absence from state serviceas aforesaidon each payroll abstract and shall paysuchthe sum to the director each pay period. Subd. 3. [EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS, PROCEDURE.] The officer or employee authorized by law to pay salaries to employees of the political subdivision employingsucha state employee covered by the system shall alsocausehave employer contributionsto bemade to the state employees retirement fund on each payroll abstract in the amount required by section 352.04, subdivision 3. These contributions are to be charged as an administrative cost. Subd. 5. [EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS, LEAVES OF ABSENCE; TAX LEVIES.] Every political subdivision employing a state employee covered by the system on leave of absence from state service for employment by a political subdivision of the state shall pay into the state employees retirement fund the amount of the employer contribution required by law for state employees covered by the system.SuchEmploying political subdivisions, except school districts, may levysuchtaxesas may benecessary for the payment of employer contributions without limitation as to rate or amount, and. The levy ofsuchthe taxesshall notcausedoes not reduce the amount of other taxes to be levied by political subdivisions, except school districts, which are subject to anysuchlimitation, to be reduced in any amountwhatsoever. 352.05 [STATE TREASURER TO BE TREASURER OF SYSTEM.] The state treasurershall beis ex officio treasurer of the retirement funds of the systemand. The general bond to the state shall cover all liability for actions as treasurer of these funds.All moneysFunds of the system received by the treasurershallmust be set aside in the state treasury to the credit of the proper fund. The treasurer shall deliver to the directoreach monthcopies of all payroll abstracts of the state together with the commissioner of finance's warrants covering the deductions made on these payroll abstracts for the retirement fund; whereupon. The director shallcause to behave a list made, in quadruplicate, a listof the commissioner of finance's warrantsand. These warrantsshallmust then be deposited with the state treasurer to be credited to the retirement fund. The treasurer shall pay out of this fund only on warrants issued by the commissioner of finance, upon abstracts signed by the director, or by the finance officer designated by the director during the disability or the absence of the director from the city of St. Paul, Minnesota. Abstracts for investments may be signed by thesecretaryexecutive director of the state board of investment. 352.061 [INVESTMENT BOARD TO INVEST FUNDS.] The director shall, from time to time, certify to the state board of investmentsuchany portions of the state employees retirement fundasthat in the judgment of the directormayare notberequired for immediate use. Assets from the state employees retirement fundshallmust be transferred to the Minnesota postretirement investment fund as provided in section 11A.18. The state board of investment shallthereuponinvest and reinvest sums so transferred, or certified, insuchsecuritiesasthat are duly authorized legal investmentsforsuch purposesunder section 11A.24. 352.113 [PERMANENT DISABILITY BENEFITS.] Subdivision 1. [AGE AND SERVICE REQUIREMENTS.] Any employee covered by the system who is less than 65 yearsof ageold who becomes totally and permanently disabled after ten or more years of allowable service and any employee who is at least 50 yearsof ageold but less than 65 yearsof ageold who becomes totally and permanently disabled after five or more years of allowable serviceshall beis entitled to a disability benefit in an amount provided in subdivision 3. Ifsuchthe disabled employee's state service has terminated at any time, the employee must have at least five years of allowable servicemust have been renderedafter last becoming a state employee covered by the system. Subd. 2. [APPLICATION; ACCRUAL OF BENEFITS.] An employee making claim for a total and permanent disability benefit shall file a written applicationthereforfor benefits in the office of the system. The application must be in a form and manner prescribed by the executive director. The benefit shall begin to accrue the day following thecommencementstart of disability or the day following the last day paid, whichever is later, butin no eventnot earlier than 60 daysprior tobefore the date the application is filed with the director. Subd. 3. [COMPUTATION OF BENEFITS.] The total and permanent disability benefitshallmust be computed in the manner provided in section 352.115. The disability benefit shall be the normal annuity without reduction for each month the employee is under age 65 at the time of becoming disabled. A disabled employee mayelectchoose to receive the normal disability benefit or an optional annuity as provided in section 352.116, subdivision 3.The election of an optional annuityshallThis choice must be madeprior tobefore thecommencementstart of payment of the disability benefit andshall beis effective the date on which the disability begins to accrue as provided in subdivision 2. Subd. 4. [MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS; AUTHORIZATION FOR PAYMENT OF BENEFIT.] An applicant shall provide medical evidence to support an application for total and permanent disability. The director shall have the employee examined by at least one additional licensed physician designated by the medical advisor. The physicians shall make written reports to the director concerning the employee's disability including medical opinions as to whether the employee is permanently and totally disabled within the meaning of section 352.01, subdivision 17. The director shall also obtain written certification from the employer stating whether the employee is on sick leave of absence because of a disabilitywhichthat will prevent further service to the employer and as a consequence the employee is not entitled to compensation from the employer.If upon theconsideration ofThe medical advisor shall consider the reports of the physicians andsuchany other evidenceas may have beensupplied by the employee orothers interested therein,other interested parties. If the medical advisor finds the employee totally and permanently disabled, the advisor shall make appropriate recommendation to the director in writing together with the date from which the employee has been totally disabled, and. The director shallthereuponthen determine the propriety of authorizing payment of a disability benefit as provided in this section. The employee must be on approved leave of absence from the employer to be eligible tomakeapplicationapply for a total and permanent disability benefit, but the fact that an employee is placed on leave of absence without compensation because of disabilityshalldoes not bar that employee from receiving a disability benefit. Unless payment of a disability benefit has terminated because the employee is no longer totally disabled, or because the employee has reached age 65 as provided in this section, the disability benefit shall cease with the last payment received by the disabled employee or which had accrued during the lifetime of the employee unless there is a spouse surviving; in that event the surviving spouseshall beis entitled to the disability benefit for the calendar month in which the disabled employee died. Subd. 6. [REGULAR MEDICAL EXAMINATIONS.] At least once each year during the first five years following the allowance of a disability benefit to any employee, and at least once in every three-year period thereafter, the director may require any disabled employee to undergo a medical examinationto be. The examination must be made at the place of residence ofsuchthe employee, or at any place mutually agreed upon, by a physician or physicians designated by the medical advisor and engaged by the director. If any examination indicates to the medical advisor that the employee is no longer permanently and totally disabled, or is engaged in oris able tocan engage in a gainful occupation, payments of the disability benefit by the fundshallmust be discontinued. The payments shall discontinue as soon as the employee is reinstated to the payroll following sick leave, but in no case shall payment be made for more than 60 days after the medical advisor finds thatsuchthe employee is no longer permanently and totally disabled. Subd. 7. [PARTIAL RE-EMPLOYMENT.]ShouldIf the disabled employeeresumeresumes a gainful occupation from which earnings are less than the employee's salary at the date of disability or the salary currently paid for similar positions, the director shall continue the disability benefit in an amount which when added tosuchearnings does not exceed the salary at the date of disability or the salary currently paid for similar positions, whichever is lower, provided the disability benefit insuchthis case does not exceed the disability benefit originally allowed.NoDeductions for the retirement fundshallmust not be taken from the salary of a disabled employee who is receiving a disability benefit as provided in this subdivision. Subd. 8. [REFUSAL OF EXAMINATION.]Should any suchIf a disabled employeerefuserefuses to submit to a medical examination asherein providedrequired, payments by the fundshallmust be discontinued and the director shall revoke all rights of the employee in any disability benefitshall berevoked by the director. Subd. 9. [RETURN TO STATE SERVICE.] Any employee receiving a disability benefit who is restored to active state service except employees receiving benefits as provided in subdivision 7, shall have deductions taken for the retirement fund and uponsubsequentretirement have the payable retirement annuity based upon all allowable service including that upon which the disability benefits were based. No employeeshall beis entitled to receive disability benefits and a retirement annuity at the same time. Subd. 10. [EMPLOYEE AGAIN DISABLED AFTER RESUMING EMPLOYMENT.] If a disabled employee resumes gainful employment with the state and is not entitled to continued payment of a disability benefit as provided in subdivision 7, the right to a disability benefitshall terminateends when the employee has been employed for one year thereafter.Should suchIf the employee againbecomebecomes totally and permanently disabled before reaching age 65, application for a disability benefit may again be made.In the eventIf the employee is entitled to a disability benefit itshallmust be computed as provided in subdivision 9. Subd. 11. [RECOMPUTATION OF BENEFIT.] If an employee who has resumed employment as provided in subdivision 10 is re-employed for more than three months, butis unable tocannot continuein such re-employmentfor one year, the disability benefitshallmust be recomputed allowing additional service credit for the period of re-employment; provided that. If the period of re-employment does not exceed three months, the deductions taken from salary after resuming employmentshallmust be returned to the employee, who shall not be. The employee is not entitled to service credit for the period covered by the returned deductions. Subd. 12. [RETIREMENT STATUS AT AGE 65.] The disability benefit paid to a disabled employeehereunder shall terminateunder this section ends when the employee reaches age 65. If the disabled employee is still totally and permanently disabled when the employee reaches age 65, the employee shall bedeemedconsidered to be a retired employeeand,. If the employee hadelectedchosen an optional annuitypursuant tounder subdivision 3, the employee shall receive an annuity in accordance with the terms of the optional annuity previouslyelected, or,chosen. If the employee had notelectedchosen an optional annuity pursuant to subdivision 3, the employee may thenelectchoose to receive either a normal retirement annuity equal in amount to the disability benefit paid before the employee reached age 65 or an optional annuity as provided in section 352.116, subdivision 3.ElectionThe choice of an optional annuityshallmust be madeprior tobefore reaching age 65. If an optional annuity iselectedchosen, theelectionshall bechoice is effective on the dateon whichthe employeeattains the age ofbecomes 65 years old and the optional annuity shall begin to accrue the first of the month following the month in which the employee attainsage65. 352.115 [RETIREMENT ANNUITY.] Subdivision 1. [AGE AND SERVICE REQUIREMENTS.] After separation from state service, any employee(a)(1) who has attained the age of at least 55 years and who is entitled to credit fornot less thanat least ten years allowable service, or(b)(2) who has received credit fornot less thanat least 30 years allowable service regardless of age, is entitled upon application to a retirement annuity. Subd. 2. [AVERAGE SALARY.] The retirement annuity hereunder payable at age 65 or thereaftershallmust be computed in accordance with the applicable provisions of the formula stated in subdivision 3hereof, on the basis of the employee's average salary for the period of allowable service.SuchThis retirement annuity is known as the "normal" retirement annuity. For each year of allowable service, "average salary" of an employeefor the purpose ofin determining a retirement annuity means the average of the highest five successive years of salary upon which the employee has made contributions to the retirement fund by payroll deductions. "Average salary"shalldoes not include the payment of accrued unused annual leave or overtime paid at time of final separation from state service if paid in a lump sum norshalldoes it include the reduced salary, if any, paid during the period the employee is entitled to workers' compensation benefit paymentsfrom the workers' compensation court of appealsfor temporary disability. Subd. 3. [RETIREMENT ANNUITY FORMULA.] The employee's average salary, as defined in subdivision 2, multiplied by1one percent per year of allowable service for the first ten years and 1.5 percent for eachsubsequentlater year of allowable service and pro rata for completed months less than a full year shall determine the amount of the retirement annuity to which the employeequalifying thereforis entitled. Subd. 7. [APPLICATION FOR ANNUITY.] Application for annuity may be made by the employee, or someone acting in behalf of the employee, upon proof of authority satisfactory to the director. Subd. 8. [ACCRUAL OF ANNUITY.] State employees shallmakeapplicationapply for an annuitybut such. The applicationshallmust not be made more than 60 daysprior tobefore the time the employee is eligible to retire by reason of both age and service requirements. If the director determines an applicant for annuity has fulfilledallthe legal requirementsof the law to entitle the applicant tofor an annuity, the director shall authorize the annuity paymentthereofin accordance withthe provisions ofthis chapter and paymentshallmust be madepursuant to this authorizationas authorized. An annuity shall begin to accrue no earlier than 60 daysprior tobefore the date the application is filed with the director, butin no event prior tonot before the day following the termination of state service orprior tobefore the day the employee is eligible to retire by reason of both age and service requirements. The retirement annuity shall cease with the last payment which had accrued during the lifetime of the retired employee unless an optional annuity provided in section 352.116, subdivision 3, had been selected and had become payable. The joint and last survivor annuity shall cease with the last payment received by the survivor during the lifetime of the survivor. If a retired employee had not selected an optional annuity, or a survivor annuity is not payable under the option, and a spouse survives,suchthe spouseshall beis entitled only to the annuity for the calendar month in which the retired employee died. If an optional annuity is payable after the death of the retired employee, the survivorshall beis entitled to the annuity for the calendar month in which the retired employee died. Subd. 9. [ANNUITIES PAYABLE MONTHLY.] All annuities, and disability benefits authorizedunder the provisions ofby this chaptershall, must be paid in equal monthly installments andshallmust not be increased, decreased, or revoked except as providedhereinin this chapter. Subd. 10. [RE-EMPLOYMENT OF ANNUITANT.]ShouldIf any retired employee againbecomebecomes entitled to receive salary or wages from the state, or any employer who employs state employees as that term is defined in section 352.01, subdivision 2, other than salary or wages received as a temporary employee of the legislature during a legislative session, the annuity or retirement allowance shall cease when the retired employee has earned an amount equal to the annual maximum earnings allowable for that age for the continued receipt of full benefit amounts monthly under the federal old age, survivors, and disability insurance program as set by the secretary of health and human servicespursuant to the provisions of 42 U.S.C., Section403under United States Code, title 42, section 403, in any calendar year.In the event thatIf the retired employee has not yet reached the minimum age for the receipt of social security benefits, the maximum earnings for the retired employee shall be equal to the annual maximum earnings allowable for the minimum age for the receipt of social security benefits. The annuityshallmust be resumed when state serviceterminatesends, or, if the retired employee is still employed at the beginning of the next calendar year, at the beginning ofsuchthat calendar year, and paymentshallmust againterminateend when the retired employee has earned the applicable re-employment earnings maximum specified in this subdivision. No payroll deductions for the retirement fund shall be made from the earnings of a re-employed retired employee. If the retired employee is granted a sick leave without pay, but not otherwise, the annuity or retirement allowanceshallmust be resumed during the period of sick leave. No change shall be made in the monthly amount of an annuity or retirement allowance because of the re-employment of an annuitant. Subd. 11. [ACCRUED ANNUITY AT DEATH.] Any annuitywhichhadaccruedprior tobefore the death of a retired employee, and any disability benefitwhich hadaccruedprior tobefore the death of a disabled employee shall be paid to the beneficiary whom the retired employee or the disabled employee had last designated. If(a)(1) no beneficiary has been so designated, or(b)(2) the designated beneficiaryshould diedies before making claim for payment ofsuchan annuity or benefit, paymentshallmust be made to the surviving spouse, or, if none, to the employee's surviving children in equal shares or, if none, to the employee's surviving parents in equal shares or, if none, to the legal representative ofsuchthe retired employee or disabled employee. Ifsuchthe designated beneficiary, surviving spouse, or legal representative entitledtheretoto the annuity does not apply for payment within five years from the date of death of the retired employee or disabled employee, the annuity or disability benefit which had accrued at the time of deathshallmust be credited to and become a part of the retirement fund. Subd. 12. [DEATH, RETURN OF WARRANTS.] If at the time of death a retired employee, a disabled employee, or a survivor has in possession commissioner of finance's warrants covering a retirement annuity, disability benefit or survivor benefit from the retirement fund, in the absence of probate proceedings, and upon the return ofsuchthe warrants for cancellation, payment ofsuchthe accrued annuity or benefit, shall bepaidmade as provided in subdivision 11, or 352.12, subdivision 4. Payments made underthe provisions ofthis subdivision shall be a bar to recovery by any other person or persons. 352.116 [ANNUITIES UPON RETIREMENT.] Subdivision 1. [REDUCED ANNUITY BEFORE AGE 65.] Any employee who retiresprior tobefore age 65 shall be paid the normal retirement annuity provided in section 352.115, subdivisions 2 and 3, reduced so that the reduced annuityshallbeis the actuarial equivalent of the annuitywhichthat would be payable to the employee if the employee deferred receipt of the annuity from the day the annuity begins to accrue to age 65,provided however that. If an employee is entitled to credit fornot less thanat least 30 years allowable service, the retirement annuityshallmust be reduced so that the reduced annuityshall beis the actuarial equivalent of the annuitywhichthat would be payable to the employee if the employee deferred receipt of the annuity from the day the annuity begins to accrue to age 62. Subd. 2. [NORMAL ANNUITY AT AGE 65.] Any employee who retires after age 65 shall be paid the annuity provided in section 352.115. Subd. 3. [OPTIONAL ANNUITIES.] The board shall establish an optional retirement annuitywhich shall takein the form of a joint and survivor annuity. The board may alsoin itsdiscretionestablish an optional annuitywhich shall takein the form of an annuity payable for a period certain and for life thereafter. The optional formsshallmust be actuarially equivalent to the normal forms provided in sections 352.115 and 352.116, whichever applies. In establishing these optional forms, the board shall obtain the written recommendation of an approved actuary as defined in section 352.01, subdivision 15,and. These recommendations shall be a part of the permanent records of the board. 352.119 [PARTICIPATION INMINNESOTAPOSTRETIREMENT INVESTMENT FUND.] Subdivision 1. [ADJUSTABLE FIXED BENEFIT ANNUITY.] Adjustable fixed benefit annuity means the payments made from the participation in the fund to an annuitant after retirement in accordance withthe provisions ofthis section. It also means that the payments made to the persons receiving benefitsshallmust never bean amountless than the amount originally determined on the date of retirement or on July 1, 1969, whichever is later, but not including the supplemental benefit provided for in section 352.73. Subd. 2. [VALUATION OF ASSETS; ADJUSTMENT OF BENEFITS.](1)(a) Effective July 1, 1969, for those employeescommencingbeginning to receive benefitspursuant tounder this chapter,and acts amendatory thereof,the required reserves as determined in accordance with the interest assumption then in effect and appropriate mortality table based on experience of the fund as recommended by the system's actuaryshallmust be transferred to the Minnesota postretirement investment fund as of thedateend of the month in which benefits begin to accrue.(2)(b) Annuity paymentsshallmust be adjusted in accordance withthe provisions ofsection 11A.18. Subd. 3. [INCREASES MADE AUTOMATICALLY.] Notwithstanding section 356.18, increases in benefit paymentspursuant tounder this section will be made automatically unless the intended recipient files written notice with theMinnesota stateretirementsystem requesting that the increaseshallnot be made. 352.12 [REFUND AFTER DEATHOF EMPLOYEE OR FORMER EMPLOYEE.] Subdivision 1. [DEATH BEFORE TERMINATION OF SERVICE.] If an employee dies before state service has terminated and neither a survivor annuity nor a reversionary annuity is payable, or if a former employee who has sufficient service credit to be entitled to an annuity dies before the benefit has become payable, the director shall make arefundmentrefund to the last designated beneficiary or, if therebeis none, to the surviving spouse or, if none, to the employee's surviving children in equal shares or, if none, to the employee's surviving parents in equal shares or, if none, to the representative of the estate in an amount equal to the accumulated employee contributions plus interest thereon to the date of death at the rate of five percent per annum compounded annually.In the eventUpon the death of an employeedieswho has received arefundment whichrefund that wassubsequentlylater repaid in full, interestshallmust be paid onsuchthe repaidrefundmentrefund only from the date of repayment. If the repayment was made in installments, interestshallmust be paid only from the date installment payments began. The designated beneficiary, surviving spouse, or representative of the estate of an employee who had received a disability benefitshallis notbeentitled to interest upon any balance remaining to the decedent's credit in the fund at the time of death. Subd. 2. [SURVIVING SPOUSE BENEFIT.] If an employee or former employee whohas attained the age ofis at least 50 years old and has credit fornot less thanat least ten years allowable service or who has credit fornot less thanat least 30 years of allowable service, regardless of ageattained, dies before an annuity or disability benefit has become payable, notwithstanding any designation of beneficiary to the contrary, the surviving spouse of the employee may elect to receive, in lieu of the refund with interest provided in subdivision 1, an annuity equal to the joint and 100 percent survivor annuity which the employee could have qualified for had the employee terminated service on the date of death. The surviving spouse may apply for the annuity at any time after the date on which the deceased employee would have attained the required age for retirement based on the employee's allowable service. The annuityshallmust be computed as provided in sections 352.115, subdivisions 1, 2, and 3, and 352.116, subdivisions 1 and 3. Sections 352.22, subdivision 3, and 352.72, subdivision 2, apply to a deferred annuity payable under this subdivision. The annuityshallmust cease with the last payment received by the surviving spouse in the lifetime of the surviving spouse. An amount equal to the excess, if any, of the accumulated contributionswhich werecredited to the account of the deceased employeeover and abovein excess of the total of the benefits paid and payable to the surviving spouseshallmust be paid to the deceased employee's last designated beneficiary or, if none, to the surviving children of the deceased spouse in equal shares or, if none, to the surviving parents of the deceased spouse or, if none, to the representative of the estate ofsuchthe deceased spouse. Any employee may request in writing that this subdivision not apply and that payment be made only to a designated beneficiary as otherwise provided by this chapter. Subd. 3. [REFUND OF $1,500 OR LESS.] If a state employee or former state employee dies without having designated a beneficiary, or if the beneficiary should die beforemakingapplicationapplying for refund of the sum to the credit ofsuchthe deceased employee or former employee, and there is no surviving spouse, and the amount of the refund does not exceed $1,500 exclusive of interest, the director may,refund the amount to the deceased or former employee's next of kin. The amount may be refunded 90 days after the date of death of the employee or former employee in the absence of probate proceedings, and upon proper applicationmake refund to the nextof kin of the deceased employee or former employee, as. The next of kin must be determined by the director with the concurrence of the board, to be entitledtheretoto the refund consistent with the laws of descentand such. A determination and payment without noticeshall beare conclusive and final andshall beare a bar against claims of all other persons. Subd. 4. [REFUND TO MINOR BENEFICIARY.] If an employee or former employee dies having named as a beneficiary a person who is a minor at the time of the application for refund, and the amount of the refund does not exceed $1,500, exclusive of interest, the director in the absence of guardianship or probate proceedings may make payment to the natural guardian having custody ofsuchthe minor beneficiary, for the benefit ofsuchthe child. Any annuity, retirement allowance, or disability benefitwhich hadaccrued at the time of death of a disabled or retired employee, payable to a minor beneficiary, may similarly be paid, and such. Paymentshall beis a bar to recovery by any other person or persons. Subd. 5. [MONTHLY INSTALLMENTS.] The beneficiary or surviving spouse of any deceased employee or former employee entitled to receive arefundment shall haverefund has the option of having the amount due paid in monthly installments insuchamountsas may beagreed upon with the director. Subd. 6. [DEATH AFTER SERVICE TERMINATION.] Except as provided in subdivision 1, if a former employee covered by the system dies and has not received an annuity, a retirement allowance, or a disability benefit, arefundment shallrefund must be made to the last designated beneficiary or, if therebeis none, to the surviving spouse or, if none, to the employee's surviving children in equal shares or, if none, to the employee's surviving parents in equal shares or, if none, to the representative of the estate in an amount equal to accumulated employee contributions. Subd. 7. [ABSENCE OF OPTIONAL OR REVERSIONARY ANNUITY.]IfUpon the death of a retired employeedieswho selected neither an optional annuity or a reversionary annuity,there shalla refund must be paidto the designated beneficiary or, if therebe none, to the surviving spouse or, if none, to the employee'ssurviving children in equal shares or, if none, to theemployee's surviving parents in equal shares or, if none, to therepresentative of the estate,in an amount equal to the excess, if any, of the accumulated contributions to the credit of the retired employee immediatelyprior tobefore retirementover andabovein excess of theaggregatesum of (1) all annuities, retirement allowances, and disability benefitswhichthat had been received andwhichhad accrued in the lifetime of the decedent, and (2) the annuity, retirement allowance, or disability benefit if applicable, payable to the surviving spouse under section 352.115, subdivision 8, or 352.113, subdivision 4, for the calendar month in which the retired employee died. The refund must be paid to the named beneficiary or, if there be none, to the surviving spouse or, if none, to the employee's surviving children in equal shares or, if none, to the employee's surviving parents in equal shares or, if none, to the representative of the estate. Subd. 8. [OPTIONAL OR REVERSIONARY ANNUITY.] If the last eligible recipient of an optional annuity dies and the total amounts paidthereunderunder it are less than the accumulated contributions to the credit of the retired employee immediatelyprior tobefore retirement, the balance ofsuchaccumulated contributionsshallmust be paid to the person designated by the retired employee in writing to receivethesame, butpayment. If nosuchdesignation has been made by the retired employee, the remaining balance ofsuchaccumulated contributionsshallmust be paid to the surviving children of the deceased recipient of the optional annuity in equal sharesor, if none,. If there are no surviving children, payment must be made to the deceased recipient's parents or, if none, to the representative of the deceased recipient's estate. Subd. 9. [BENEFICIARY DESIGNATION.] The designation of a beneficiary or person to receive any accumulated contributions remaining to the credit of an employee, a former employee, or a retired employee, at the time of death, as provided in this section, must be in writing and must be filed with the directorprior tobefore the death of the employee, former employee, or retired employee. Subd. 10. [DEATH OF BENEFICIARY BEFORE REFUND.] If the last designated beneficiary or beneficiaries and the surviving spouse of a(a)(1) deceased employee,(b)(2) former employee, or(c)(3) retired employee,should diedies before receiving a refund of the sum to the credit of the deceased employee, former employee, or retired employee at the time of death, the refundshallmust be made to the estate of the deceased employee or as provided in subdivision 3 if the amount of the refund does not exceed $1,500 exclusive of interest. Subd. 11. [DEATH OF DISABILITY ANNUITANT.] If an employee who has received a disability benefit dies,there shalla payment must bepaid to the last designated beneficiary or, ifthere be none, to the surviving spouse, or if none, to theemployee's surviving children in equal shares or, if none, tothe employee's surviving parents in equal shares or, if none, tothe representative of the estate,made of an amount equal to the excess, if any, of the accumulated contributions to the credit of the employee at the time the disability benefit began to accrue over and above the aggregate of (1) all disability benefits received and which had accrued during life, and (2) the benefit for the month in which the disabled employee died, payable, if applicable, to the surviving spouse under section 352.113, subdivision 4. The payment must be paid to the last designated beneficiary or, if there be none, to the surviving spouse, or if none, to the employee's surviving children in equal shares or, if none, to the employee's surviving parents in equal shares or, if none, to the representative of the estate. Subd. 12. [REFUNDMENTREFUND, FAILURE TO REQUEST.] If the last designated beneficiary, surviving spouse, legal representative, or next of kin, as determined by the director with the concurrence of the board, fails tomakeclaimforrefundmentthe refund as provided in this section(a)(1) within five years from the date of death of a retired employee or disabled employee, or(b)(2) within five years after the last deduction was taken from the salary of a deceased employee or deceased former employee, the accumulated contributions ofsuchthe deceased employee, former employee, retired employee, or disabled employeeshallmust be credited to the retirement fund;. However, if claim torefundmentrefund is made within ten years after the transfer of accumulated contributions to the fund or within ten years after the date of death, whichever is later, and the amount transferred to the fund is over $25, the sumshallmust be restored to the account ofsuchthe deceased employee, former employee, retired employee, or disabled employee andrefundment shall. The refund must then be made to the surviving spouse or, if none, to the legal representative of the estate irrespective of any designation of beneficiary made by the deceased employee, former employee, retired employee, or disabled employee. Subd. 13. [REFUNDMENTREFUND, BENEFICIARY.] Ifat the timeofupon death a former employee has in possession a commissioner of finance's warrant which does not exceed $500 covering arefundmentrefund of accumulated contributions in the retirement fund, in the absence of probate proceedingssuchthe commissioner of finance's warrant may be returned for cancellation, and then upon application made by the last designated beneficiary ofsuchthe deceased former employee,refundmentrefund of the accumulated contributionsshall be mademust be paid to the last designated beneficiary. Payments made underthe provisions ofthis subdivisionshall beare a bar to recovery by any other person or persons. 352.15 [EXEMPTION FROM PROCESS AND TAXATION.] Subdivision 1. [GENERAL EXEMPTION; EXCEPTION TO PAY BANKING INSTITUTION.] None of themoneysmoney, annuities, or other benefits mentionedherein shall bein this chapter is assignable either in law or in equity orbesubject toanystate estate tax, or to execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, or other legal process, except as provided in section 518.611.Provided, however,The executive director may pay an annuity, benefit, or refund to a banking institution, qualified under chapter 48, that is trustee for a person eligible to receivesuchthe annuity, benefit, or refund. Upon the request of a retired, disabled, or former employee, the executive director may mail the annuity, benefit, or refund check to a banking institution, savings association, or credit union for deposit tosuchthe employee's account or joint account with a spouse. The board of directors may prescribe the conditions under whichsuchpayments will be made. Subd. 2. [CORRECTING OVERPAYMENTS.] Upon certification to the director by the commissioner of finance or the regents of the University of Minnesota or the head of any other department or agency responsible for the processing of its payrolls, the director shall release part or all of anymoneysmoney held for an employee in a retirement fund to correct a salary overpayment to an employee who has been erroneously paid.Provided howeverthatThe director shall not releasesuch moneysthe money untilsuch time asthe former employee or person otherwise entitledtheretoto it would be eligible to apply for a refund and has been given proper notice. Amounts paid undertheprovisions ofthis subdivision shall be the equivalent of a refund. If an employee or survivor is entitled to an immediate or deferred annuity or survivor benefit, no funds shall be paid from a retirement account under this provision. The director shall prescribe the form and manner of certification. 352.16 [INSURANCE LAWS NOT TO APPLY.] None of the laws of this state regulating insurance or insurance companiesshallapply to the Minnesota state retirement system or any of its funds. 352.22 [REFUND OR DEFERRED ANNUITIES.] Subdivision 1. [SERVICE TERMINATION.] Any employee who ceases to be a state employee by reason of termination of state service, shall beis entitled to a refund provided in subdivision 2 or a deferred retirement annuity as provided in subdivision 3. Application for a refund may be made 30 or more days after the termination of state service if the applicant has not again become a state employee required to be covered by the system. Subd. 2. [AMOUNT OFREFUNDMENTREFUND.] Except as provided in subdivision 3, any person who ceased to be a state employee after June 30, 1973, by reason of termination of state service shall receive arefundmentrefund in an amount equal to employee accumulated contributions plus interest at the rate of five percent perannumyear compounded annually.SuchInterestshallmust be computed to the first day of the month in which the refund is processed andshallmust be based on fiscal year balances. Subd. 2a. [AMOUNT OF CERTAIN REFUND.] For any employee who is entitled toreceivea refundpursuant tounder subdivision 1 and who,prior tobefore July 1, 1978, was a member of the metropolitan transit commission-transit operating division employees retirement fund, the refund for contributions madeprior tobefore July 1, 1978shall bemust equaltothe following amounts: (a) For any employee contributions madeprior tobefore January 1, 1950, the amount equal to one-half of the employee contributions without interest; (b) For any employee contributions madesubsequent toafter December 31, 1949, butprior tobefore January 1, 1975, the amount of the employee contributions plus simple interest at the rate of two percent perannumyear; and (c) For any employee contributions madesubsequent toafter December 31, 1974, butprior tobefore July 1, 1978, the amount of the employee contributions plus simple interest at the rate of 3-1/2 percent perannumyear. The refund of contributions made on or after July 1, 1978shall, must be determinedpursuanttounder subdivision 2. Interestshallmust be computed to the first day of the month in which the refund is processed andshallmust be based on fiscal year balances. No refunds of contributions made to the metropolitan transit commission-transit operating division employees retirement fund receivedprior tobefore July 1, 1978, or for service renderedprior tobefore July 1, 1978, may be repaid. Subd. 3. [DEFERRED ANNUITY.](1)(a) Any employee with at least ten years of allowable service whensuchtermination occurs may elect to leave the accumulated contributions in the fund and thereby be entitled to a deferred retirement annuity. This annuityshallmust be computedin the manneras provided by the law in effectat the timewhen state service terminated, on the basis of allowable serviceprior tobefore termination of service.(2)(b) An employee on layoff or on leave of absence without pay, except a leave of absence for health reasons, who does not return to state service shall have any annuity, deferred annuity, or other benefit to which the employee may become entitled computed under the law in effect on the last working day.(3)(c) No application for a deferred annuity shall be made more than 60 daysprior tobefore the time the former employee reaches the required age for entitlement to the payment of the annuity. The deferred annuity shall begin to accrue no earlier than 60 daysprior tobefore the date the application is filed in the office of the system, butin no event prior tonot (1) before the date the employee reaches the required age for entitlement to the annuity norprior to(2) before the day following the termination of state service in a position not covered by the retirement system norprior to(3) before the day following the termination of employment in a positionwhichthat requires the employee to be a member of either the public employees retirement association or the teachers retirement association.(4)(d) Application for the accumulated contributions left on deposit with the fund may be made at any time after 30 days following the date of termination of service. Subd. 5. [REFUNDMENTREFUND GENERALLY UNLIMITED.] The right ofrefundmentrefund provided in this section is not restricted as to time unless specifically provided and the statute of limitation does not applytheretoto it. Subd. 8. [REFUND SPECIFICALLY LIMITED.] If a former employee covered by the system does not apply for refund within five years after the last deduction was taken from salary for the retirement fund, and does not havesufficientenough service to qualify for a deferred annuitysuch, accumulated contributionsshallmust be credited to and become a part of the retirement fund.In the eventIf the former employee returns to state service and becomes a state employee covered by the system, the amountsocredited to the retirement fund, if more than $2, shall be restored to the individual account. If the amountsocredited to the fund is over $2 and the former employee applies for refund or an annuitypursuant to theprovisions ofunder section 352.72, the amountshallmust be restored to the former employee's individual account and refund made or annuity paid whichever applies. Subd. 9. [REFUNDMENTREFUND FOR PERSONS COMMITTED TO STATE HOSPITALS.] While a former employee is under commitment as an inmate of a state hospital under the jurisdiction of the commissioner of human services, or of a similar public authority if the former employee is an inmate of a state hospital of another state, and if the inmate is entitled to arefundmentrefund of accumulated employee contributions in the retirement fund in an amount not to exceed $300,refundmentrefund ofsuchaccumulated contributions may be made, upon appropriate applicationtherefor,to the superintendent ofsuchthe state hospital of this state, or similar public authority of another state if authorizedsoto do so by the laws of that state, andsuch refundment shall be. The refund is a bar to recovery by any other person or persons. Subd. 10. [OTHER REFUNDS.] Former employees covered by the systemwhoare entitled to apply for refunds if they are orwhobecome members of the state patrol retirement fund, the state teacher's retirement association, or employees of the University of Minnesota excluded from coverage under the system by action of the board of regents; or labor service employees, excluded from coverage under section 352.01, subdivision 2B, clause (26); or employees of the adjutant general who under federal law effectually elect membership in a federal retirement system; or officers or employees of the senate or house of representatives, excluded from coverage under section 352.01, subdivision 2B, clause (8), shall be entitled to make application for a refundof their. The refunds must include accumulated contributions plus interest as provided in subdivision 2, upon the expirationof. These employees may apply 30 days or more after their coverage ceases,notwithstanding their continuanceeven if they continue in state service but in positions not covered by this chapter. 352.23 [TERMINATION OF RIGHTS.] When any employee accepts a refund as provided in section 352.22, all existing service credits and all rights and benefits to which the employee was entitledprior to the acceptance ofsuchbefore accepting the refundshallterminateand shall. They must not again be restored until the former employee acquiresnot less thanat least one year's allowable service creditsubsequent toafter taking the last refund. In that event, the employee may repay all refunds previously taken from the retirement fund. Repayment of refundswill entitleentitles the employee only to credit for service covered by(a)(1) salary deductions,(b)(2) payments made in lieu of salary deductions, and(c)(3) payments made to obtain credit for service as permitted by laws in effectat the timewhen payment was made. If an employee before taking one or more refunds had credit for prior service or for military service without payment in either case, the employee may obtain credit forsuchany forfeited serviceprior tobefore July 1, 1929, and forsuchany forfeited military service by making payments at a contribution rate of three percent of the average salary upon which deductions for the retirement fund were based, for the three year period immediately preceding repayment of refund for service creditprior tobefore July 1, 1929, and on the salary received at the time of entering military service to restore military service credit.All suchPayments and repayment of refunds are to be paid with interest at six percent perannumyear compounded annuallyand. They may be paid in a lump sum or by payroll deduction in the manner provided in section 352.04. 352.27 [CREDIT FOR MILITARY SERVICE.] Any employee given a leave of absence to enter military service who returns to state service upon discharge from military service as provided in section 192.262, may obtain credit for the period of military servicebut shall. The employee is notbeentitled to credit for any voluntary extension of military service at the instance of the employee beyond the initial period of enlistment, induction, or call to active duty, nor to credit for any period of service following a voluntary return to military service.SuchAn employee may obtainsuchcredit by paying into the fund an employee contribution based upon the salary received at the date of return from military service. The amount of this contributionshallmust be the applicable amounts required in section 352.04, subdivision 2, plus interest at six percent perannumyear compounded annually.In such casesThe matching employer contribution and additional contribution provided in section 352.04shallmust be paid by the department employingsuchthe employee upon return to state service from funds available tosuchthe department at the time and in the manner provided in section 352.04. 352.271 [METROPOLITAN TRANSIT COMMISSION-TRANSIT OPERATING DIVISION EMPLOYEES; CREDIT FOR MILITARY SERVICE.] Any employee of the metropolitan transit commission operating division who was on a leave of absence to enter military service on July 1, 1978, who has not taken a refund of employee contributions as authorized by article 12 of the metropolitan transit commission-transit operating division employees retirement fund document or section 352.22, subdivision 2a, and who returns to service as an employee of the metropolitan transit commission-transit operating division upon discharge from military service as provided in section 192.262shall beis entitled toreceiveallowable service credit for the period of military service. If an employee has taken a refund of employee contributionsas authorized, and would otherwise be entitled toreceiveallowable service creditpursuant tounder this section, the employeeshall beis entitled toreceiveallowable service credit for the period of military service upon repayment to the executive director of theMinnesota state retirementsystem of the amount refunded plus interest at the rate of six percent perannumyear compounded annually from the date on which the refund was taken to the date of repayment. No employeeshall beis entitled toreceiveallowable service credit for any voluntary extensions of military service at the instance of the employee beyond any initial period of enlistment, induction, or call to active duty. 352.72 [COVERAGE BY MORE THAN ONE RETIREMENT SYSTEMORASSOCIATION.] Subdivision 1. [ENTITLEMENT TO ANNUITY.] (a) Any person who has been an employee covered bythe Minnesota statea retirement system, or a member of the public employeesretirement association including the public employees retirementassociation police and firefighters' fund, or the teachersretirement association, or the state patrol retirementassociation, or any other public employee retirement system inthe state of Minnesota having a like provision but excluding allother funds providing benefits for police officers orfirefighters shall belisted in paragraph (b) is entitled when qualified to an annuity from each fund if total allowable service in all funds or in any two of these funds totals ten or more years, provided. (b) This section applies to the Minnesota state retirement system, the public employees retirement association including the public employees retirement association police and firefighters fund, the teachers retirement association, the state patrol retirement association, or any other public employee retirement system in the state with a similar provision, except as noted in paragraph (c). (c) This section does not apply to other funds providing benefits for police officers or firefighters. (d) No portion of the allowable service upon which the retirement annuity from one fund is basedisshall be again used in the computation for benefits from another fundand providedfurther that a. No refundhas notmay have been taken from any one of these funds since service entitling the employee to coverage under the system or the employee's membership in any of the associations last terminated. The annuity from each fundshallmust be determined by the appropriate provisions of the law except that the requirement that a person must have at least ten years allowable service in the respective system or associationshalldoes not apply for the purposes of this sectionprovidedif the combined service in two or more of these funds equals ten or more years. Subd. 2. [COMPUTATION OF DEFERRED ANNUITY.] The deferred annuity, if any, accruing under subdivision 1, or section 352.22, subdivision 3,shallmust be computedin the manneras provided in section 352.22, subdivision 3, on the basis of allowable serviceprior tobefore termination of state service and augmented as provided herein. The required reserves applicable to a deferred annuity or to an annuity for which a former employee was eligible but had not applied or to any deferred segment of an annuityshallmust be determined as of the date the benefit begins to accrue and augmented by interest compounded annually from the first day of the month following the month in which the employee ceased to be a state employee, or July 1, 1971, whichever is later, to the first day of the month in which the annuity begins to accrue. The rates of interest used for this purposeshallmust be five percent compounded annually until January 1, 1981, andthereafterafter that date three percent compounded annually. If a person has more than one period of uninterrupted service, the required reserves related to each periodshallmust be augmented by interestpursuant tounder this subdivision. The sum of the augmented required reserves so determinedshall beis the present value of the annuity. "Uninterrupted service" for the purpose of this subdivisionshall meanmeans periods of covered employment during which the employee has not been separated from state service for more than two years. If a person repays arefundmentrefund, the service restored by the repaymentshallmust be consideredascontinuous with the next period of service for which the employee has credit with this system. The formula percentages used for each period of uninterrupted serviceshallmust be thoseas would beapplicable to a new employee. The mortality table and interest assumption used to compute the annuityshallmust be those in effectat the timewhen the employee files application for annuity. This section shall not reduce the annuity otherwise payable under this chapter. Subd. 4. [REFUNDMENTREFUND REPAYMENT.] Any person who has received arefundmentrefund from the state employees retirement fund, and who is a member of a public retirement system included in subdivision 1, may repaysuch refundmentthe refund with interest to the state employees retirement fund. If arefundmentrefund is repaid to the fund and more than onerefundmentrefund has been received from the fund, allrefundmentsrefunds must be repaid.SuchRepaymentshallmust be made as provided in section 352.23, and undersuchterms and conditions consistenttherewithwith that section asmay beagreed upon with the director. Subd. 5. [EARLY RETIREMENT.] The requirements and provisions for retirementprior tobefore age 65 in sections 352.115, subdivision 1, and 352.116shallalso apply to an employee fulfillingsuchthe requirements with a combination of service as provided in subdivision 1. 352.73 [SUPPLEMENTAL BENEFIT FOR FORMER STATE EMPLOYEES.] Subdivision 1. [ELIGIBILITY; AMOUNT.] Any person whoaton June 30, 1963, was receiving from the state employees retirement fund an annuity or retirement allowance based uponnot less thanat least 20 years allowable service, who is receivingsuchthe annuity or retirement allowance on June 30, 1967, and(a)(1) who did not have social security coverage as a state employee shall receive on and after July 1, 1967, the following supplemental benefit: $18 a month, or(b)(2) who had social security coverage as a state employee and who was eligible to receive either an immediate social security benefit or who would become eligible to receive a social security benefit based in whole or in part upon social security coverage as a state employee shall receive on and after July 1, 1967, a supplemental benefit of $10 a month. Subd. 2. [PURPOSE; ADMINISTRATION.] The supplemental benefit payable under subdivision 1hereof shallmust not be paid to any person receiving, or who may become eligible to receive, a survivor benefit pursuant to the employee's election of anemployee to take anoptional annuity or a reversionary annuity; nor shall such. A supplemental benefit must not be paid to any person receiving a survivor benefit under Minnesota Statutes 1957, section 352.117, subdivisions 1 and 2, as amended, or to any employee receiving a disability benefit.SuchA supplemental paymentshallmust be paid to a surviving spouse receiving payment as provided in section 352.115, subdivision 8. Subd. 3. The supplemental benefithereinprovided in this section is forthe purpose ofrelief in the present inflationary period and is not an increase in the amount of the annuity or retirement allowancesuchthe retired state employee receives from the state employees retirement fund. This supplemental benefit is not a vested right and the legislature reserves the power to withdraw, abolish, or modify it in any way. The benefitshereinprovidedfor shallin this section must be administered by the director of the Minnesota state employees retirement system. These supplemental benefitsshallmust be paid in the same manner and at the same time annuities and retirement allowances are paidand,. For the purpose of economy,suchbenefits may be included in the warrants on which the annuities are paid. Money certified by the director to the commissioner of finance as needed to meet the state's obligations to the state employees retirement fundshallmust be transferred to the fund at least once a month. 352.75 [TRANSFER OF PENSION COVERAGE SAVINGS CLAUSE; INCREASE IN EXISTING ANNUITIES AND BENEFITS.] Subdivision 1. [EXISTING EMPLOYEES.] Notwithstanding anyprovisions oflaw to the contrary, as of July 1, 1978, all active employees of the transit operating division of the metropolitan transit commission and all employees on authorized leaves of absence from the transit operating division who are employed on July 1, 1978, by a labor organization which is the exclusive bargaining agent representing employees of the transit operating division shall cease to be members of the metropolitan transit commission-transit operating employees retirement fund and shall cease to have any accrual of service credit, rights, or benefits under that retirement fund.From andAfter July 1, 1978,all active employees of the transit operating division ofthe metropolitan transit commission and all employees onauthorized leaves of absence from the transit operating divisionwho are employed on July 1, 1978, by the labor organizationwhich is the exclusive bargaining agent representing employeesof the transit operating division shall bethose employees become members of the Minnesota state retirement system,shallbeare considered state employees for purposes of this chapter, unless specifically excludedpursuant toby section 352.01, subdivision 2B, and shall have past service with the transit operating division of the metropolitan transit commission credited by the Minnesota state retirement system in accordance with section 352.01, subdivision 11, clause (10). Any employees on authorized leaves of absence from the transit operating division of the metropolitan transit commission who become employed by the labor organization which is the exclusive bargaining agent representing employees of the transit operating division after July 1, 1978, shall be entitled to be members of the Minnesota state retirement systempursuant tounder section 352.029. Subd. 2. [NEW EMPLOYEES.] All persons first employed by the metropolitan transit commission as employees of the transit operating division on or after July 1, 1978,shall beare members of the Minnesota state retirement system andshall beare considered state employees for purposes of this chapter unless specifically excludedpursuant tounder section 352.01, subdivision 2B. Subd. 3. [EXISTING RETIRED MEMBERS AND BENEFIT RECIPIENTS.] As of July 1, 1978, the liability for all retirement annuities, disability benefits, survivorship annuities, and survivor of deceased active employee benefits paid or payable by the metropolitan transit commission-transit operating division employees retirement fundshall beis transferred to the Minnesota state retirement system, andshallis no longerbethe liability of the metropolitan transit commission-transit operating division employees retirement fund. The required reserves for retirement annuities, disability benefits, and optional joint and survivor annuities in effect onthe day prior to July 1June 30, 1978, and the required reserves for the increase in annuities and benefits providedpursuant tounder subdivision 6shallmust be determined using a five percent interest assumption and the applicable Minnesota state retirement system mortality table and shall be transferred by the Minnesota state retirement system to the Minnesota postretirement investment fund on July 1, 1978, but shall be considered transferred as of June 30, 1978. The annuity or benefit amount in effect on July 1, 1978, including the increase grantedpursuant tounder subdivision 6,shall beutilizedmust be used forpurposes of anyadjustments madepursuant tounder section 11A.18. For persons receiving benefits as survivors of deceased former retirement annuitants, the benefitsshallmust be considered as having commenced on the date on which the retirement annuitant began receiving the retirement annuity. Subd. 4. [EXISTING DEFERRED RETIREES.] Any former member of the metropolitan transit commission-transit operating division employees retirement fundwhois entitled to a retirement annuity from the Minnesota state retirement system if the employee: (1) is not an active employee of the transit operating division of the metropolitan transit commission on July 1, 1978,who; (2) has at least ten years of active continuous service with the transit operating division of the metropolitan transit commission as defined by the metropolitan transit commission-transit operating division employees retirement plan document in effect on December 31, 1977, who; (3) has not received a refund of contributionsand who; (4) has not retired or begun receiving an annuity or benefit from the metropolitan transit commission-transit operating division employees retirement fundshall be entitled to a retirement annuity fromthe Minnesota state retirement system upon attaining the age of; (5) is at least 55 yearsand submittingold; and (6) submits a valid application for a retirement annuity to the executive director of the Minnesota state retirement system. The personshall beis entitled to a retirement annuity in an amount equal to the normal old age retirement allowance calculated under the metropolitan transit commission-transit operating division employees retirement fund plan document in effect on December 31, 1977, subject to an early retirement reduction or adjustment in amount on account of retirementpriortobefore the normal retirement age specified in that metropolitan transit commission-transit operating division employees retirement fund plan document. The deferred retirement annuity of any person to whom this subdivision appliesshallmust be augmented. The required reserves applicable to the deferred retirement annuity, determined as of the date the allowance begins to accrue using an appropriate mortality table and an interest assumption of five percent,shallmust be augmented by interest at the rate of five percent perannumyear compounded annually from January 1, 1978, to January 1, 1981, and three percent perannumyear compounded annually from January 1, 1981 to the first day of the month in which the annuity begins to accrue. Upon the commencement of the retirement annuity, the required reserves for the annuityshallmust be transferred to the Minnesota postretirement investment fund in accordance with subdivision 2 and section 352.119.Upon applicationOn applying for a retirement annuity under this subdivision, the personshall beis entitled to elect a joint and survivor optional annuitypursuant tounder section 352.116, subdivision 3. Subd. 5. [SAVINGS CLAUSE FOR CERTAIN EXISTING EMPLOYEES.] Any person who is a member of the metropolitan transit commission-transit operating division employees retirement fund on July 1, 1978shall be, is entitled to retain past and prospective rights under the retirement benefit formula, normal retirement age, and early reduced retirement age provisions of the metropolitan transit commission-transit operating division employees retirement fund plan document in effect on July 1, 1978, in lieu of the provisionscontainedin sections 352.115; 352.116; 352.22, subdivisions 3 to 11; and 356.30. Subd. 6. [INCREASE IN EXISTING ANNUITIES AND BENEFITS.] All persons receiving retirement allowances or annuities, disability benefits, survivorship annuities and survivor of deceased active employee benefits from the metropolitan transit commission-transit operating division employees retirement fund on December 31, 1977, and on July 1, 1978,shall beare entitled to havethat retirement allowance or annuity, disabilitybenefit, survivorship annuity or survivor of deceased activeemployee benefitthe allowances, annuities, or benefits increased by an amount equal to $20 per month. Notwithstanding section 356.18, increases in paymentspursuant tounder this subdivisionshallmust be made automatically unless the intended recipient files written notice with the executive director of the Minnesota state retirement system requesting that the increaseshallnot be made. If any actuarial reduction or adjustment was applied to the retirement allowance or annuity, disability benefit, survivorship annuity, or survivor of deceased active employee benefit, the increase specified in this subdivisionshallmust be similarly reduced or adjusted. Upon the death of any person receiving an annuity or benefitwhereif the personmadeelected a joint and survivor optional annuityelection,the survivorshall beis entitled to the continued receipt of the increase provided for under this subdivision; provided, however, that, but the increaseshallmust be reduced or adjusted in accordance with the optional annuity election. 352.76 [GENERAL ADMINISTRATION.]The provisions ofThis chaptershall govern in allinstancesgoverns where not inconsistent withthe provisions ofLaws 1978, chapter 538. SPECIAL COVERAGE 352.85 [SPECIAL RETIREMENT COVERAGE FORMILITARY AFFAIRSDEPARTMENTPERSONNEL.] Subdivision 1. [ELIGIBILITY; RETIREMENT ANNUITY.] Any person who is employed by the department of military affairs who is covered by the general employee retirement plan of theMinnesota state retirementsystem as provided in section 352.01, subdivision 23, who is ordered to active dutypursuant tounder section 190.08, subdivision 3, who elects this special retirement coveragepursuant tounder subdivision 4, who is required to retire from federal military status at the age of 60 years by applicable federal laws or regulations and who terminates employment as a state employee upon attaining that ageshall beis entitled, upon application, to a retirement annuity computed in accordance with section 352.115, subdivisions 2 and 3, without any reduction for early retirementpursuant tounder section 352.116, subdivision 1. Subd. 2. [DISABILITY BENEFIT.] An employee described in subdivision 1, who is less than 60 years of age and whoshallbecomebecomes disabled and physically or mentally unfit to perform occupational duties due to injury, sickness, or other disability, and whoshall beis found disqualified for retention on active duty as a result of a physical examination required by applicable federal laws or regulations,shall beis entitled upon application to disability benefits computed in thesamemannerasspecified in section 352.113. Disability benefitsshall beare otherwise governed by section 352.113, except that the age for the termination of the disability benefitshall beis 60 years. Subd. 3. [ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS.] The special retirement annuities and disability benefits authorized by this section shall be financed by an employee contribution from the covered department of military affairs employee of 1.6 percent and an employer contribution from the department of military affairs of 1.6 percent, which. These contributionsshall beare in addition to the contributions required by section 352.04, subdivisions 2 and 3, and shall. They must be madein themanneras providedforin section 352.04, subdivisions 4, 5, and 6. Subd. 4. [ELECTION OF COVERAGE.] To be covered bytheprovisions ofLaws 1980, chapter 607, any employee of the department of military affairs, described in subdivision 1, who is employed on July 1, 1980, or is first employedin suchpositionafter July 1, 1980,shall by August 1, 1980, or within30 days of their employment, whichever is later,must file a notice with the executive director of theMinnesota stateretirementsystem on a form prescribed by the executive director stating whether or not the employee elects to be covered. Notice must be filed by August 1, 1980, or within 30 days of employment, whichever is later. Electionsshall beare irrevocable during any period of covered employment. Subd. 5. [RESTRICTION ON COVERAGE.] Nothing in this sectionshall be construed to applyapplies to the adjutant general. Subd. 6. [ACTUARIAL VALUATION EXHIBIT.] In each valuation of theMinnesota state retirementsystem preparedpursuant tounder section 356.215, an exhibit pertaining to this special retirement program shall be included which shall contain for the special program those actuarial valuation contents items specified in section 356.215, subdivisions 4 to 4k, which the executive director deems are necessary to adequately disclose the actuarial condition of the special program. 352.86 [SPECIAL COVERAGE FORTRANSPORTATION DEPARTMENT PILOTS.] Subdivision 1. [ELIGIBILITY; RETIREMENT ANNUITY.]AnyA person who is employed by the department of transportation in the civil service employment classification of aircraft pilot or chief pilot who is covered by the general employee retirement plan of theMinnesota state retirementsystempursuant tounder section 352.01, subdivision 23, who elects this special retirement coveragepursuant tounder subdivision 3, who is prohibited from performing the duties of aircraft pilot or chief pilot afterattaining the age ofreaching age 62yearsby a rule adopted by the commissioner of transportation and who terminates employment as a state employeeupon attainingon reaching that ageshall beis entitled, upon application, to a retirement annuity computed in accordance with section 352.115, subdivisions 2 and 3, without any reduction for early retirementpursuant tounder section 352.116, subdivision 1. Subd. 1a. [DISABILITY BENEFITS.] An employee described in subdivision 1, who is less than 62 years of age and who becomes disabled and physically or mentally unfit to perform occupational duties due to injury, sickness, or other disability, and who is found disqualified for retention as chief pilot or pilot as a result of a physical examination required by applicable federal laws or regulations,shall beis entitled upon application to disability benefits for a maximum of five years in the amount of 75 percent of current monthly salary, to be paid by the appointing authority from the state airports fund.In no case shallDisability benefits must not continuebeyond theafter the employee reaches ageof62years. These benefits are in lieu of all other state benefits for the disability, including, but not limited to, workers' compensation benefits. Subd. 2. [ADDITIONAL CONTRIBUTIONS.] The special retirement annuity authorized by subdivision 1 shall be financed by an employee contribution from the covered aircraft pilot or chief pilot of 1.6 percent and an employer contribution from the department of transportation of 1.6 percent, which. These contributionsshall beare in addition to the contributions required by section 352.04, subdivisions 2 and 3, and shall. They must be made in the manner provided for in section 352.04, subdivisions 4, 5, and 6. Subd. 3. [ELECTION OF COVERAGE.] To be covered bytheprovisions ofthis section, an employee of the department of transportation described in subdivision 1 who is employed in the described position on July 1, 1982, orthereafter shall, byAugust 1, 1982, or within 90 days of their employment, whicheveris later,after must file a notice with the executive director of the Minnesota state retirement system on a form prescribed by the executive director stating whether or not the employee elects to be covered by this special plan. Notice must be filed by August 1, 1982, or within 90 days of employment, whichever is later. Electionsshall beare irrevocable during any period of covered employment. Subd. 4. [ACTUARIAL VALUATION EXHIBIT.] In each valuation of theMinnesota state retirementsystem preparedpursuant tounder section 356.215, an exhibit pertaining to this special retirement programshallmust be includedwhich shalland must contain for the special program those actuarial valuation content items specified in section 356.215, subdivisions 4 to 4k, which the executive director deemsarenecessary to adequately disclose the actuarial condition of the special program. CORRECTIONAL EMPLOYEES 352.90 [CORRECTIONAL EMPLOYEESPOLICY.] It is the policy of the legislature to provide special retirement benefits and contributions for certain correctional employees who may be required to retire at an early age because theyare unable to retainlose the mental or physical capacity required to maintain the safety, security, discipline, and custody of inmates at state adult correctional facilities. 352.91 [COVERED CORRECTIONAL SERVICE.] Subdivision 1. [QUALIFYING JOBS.] "Covered correctional service" means:(a)(1) services performed on, before, or after July 1, 1973, by a state employee, as defined in section 352.01, as an attendant guard, attendant guard supervisor, correctional captain, correctional counselor I, correctional counselor II, correctional counselor III, correctional counselor IV, correctional lieutenant, correctional officer, correctional sergeant, director of attendant guards, and guard farmer garden, provided the employee was employed insuchthe position on July 1, 1973, orthereafterafter;(b)(2) services performed before July 1, 1973, by an employee covered under clause(a)(1) in a position classified as a houseparent, special schools counselor, shop instructor, or guard instructor; and(c)(3) services performed before July 1, 1973, in a position listed in clause(a)(1) and positions classified as houseparent, guard instructor, and guard farmer dairy, by a person employed on July 1, 1973, in a position classified as a license plant manager, prison industry lead supervisor (general, metal fabricating and foundry), prison industry supervisor, food service manager, prison farmer supervisor, prison farmer assistant supervisor, or rehabilitation therapist employed at the Minnesota security hospital. However, an employeeshallis notbecoveredhereunderunder sections 352.91 to 352.951 if first employed after July 1, 1973, andwhobecause of age could not acquire sufficient service to qualify for an annuity as a correctional employee. Subd. 2. [TEACHING, MAINTENANCE, AND TRADES.] "Covered correctional service"shallalsomeanmeans service rendered at any time by state employees as special teachers, maintenance personnel, and members of trades certified by the commissioner of employee relations as being regularly engaged in rehabilitation, treatment, custody, or supervision of inmates employed at the Minnesota correctional facility-St. Cloud, the Minnesota correctional facility-Stillwater and the Minnesota correctional facility-Shakopee on or after July 1, 1974, other than any employees who are age 62years of ageor older as of July 1, 1974, and,. Effective the first payroll period after June 1, 1980, or the date of initial employment in covered correctional service, whichever is later,shall"covered correctional service" alsoincludeincludes those employees of the Minnesota correctional facility-Lino Lakes and the employees of any other adult state correctional facility which may be established, who perform covered correctional service after June 1, 1980.The term"Special teacher"shallalsoincludeincludes the classifications of facility educational administrator and supervisor. Subd. 3. "Covered correctional service" includes service renderedprior tobefore July 1, 1973, in a classification of farmer or farm manager by an employee employed in a covered correctional position on July 1, 1973. Services performed before July 1, 1974, in a classification defined in subdivisions 1,clause (a)clauses (1) and(b)(2), and 2 by an employee in a covered correctional position on or after July 1, 1974,shall beare covered correctional service andshall be applicableapply to employees retiring after July 1, 1974. The portion of the retirement benefit payable to any special teacher who was covered by the correctional plan under subdivision 2 and who retires after July 1, 1974, which is based on service renderedprior tobefore July 1, 1974, ifsuchthat service was covered by the state teachers retirement basic formula,shallmust benot less thanat least the benefit determined usingsuchthe basic formula andshallmust never be less than the benefitwhichthat would have been payable onsuchthe service under the basic formula adjusted for the number of months the employee is under age 65 at date of retirement. Subd. 3a. [SECURITY GUARDS.] "Covered correctional service "shallalsomeanmeans service renderedprior tobefore January 1, 1981, in the classification of security guard by any employee employed in a covered correctional position on January 1, 1981. Subd. 3b. [OLDER EMPLOYEES FORMERLY EXCLUDED.] "Covered correctional service" also means service performed by certain state employees in positions usually covered by this section who: (1) were excluded by law from coverage between July 1973 and July 1980if they; (2) were age 45years of ageor over when hired, provided they; (3) are state employees on March 26, 1986; andprovided they(4) elect coverage. Eligible employees who elect coverage must file written notice of their election with the directorprior tobefore July 1, 1986. Subd. 4.Upon the recommendation of the commissioner ofcorrections or the commissioner of human services, whichever isthe appropriate employing authority, with the approval of thelegislative advisory committee and with notification to andreceipt of comments from the legislative commission on pensionsand retirement,Under certain conditions, the commissioner of employee relations may certify additional civil service classifications at state adult correctional or security hospital facilities to the executive director of the Minnesota state retirement system as positions rendering covered correctional service. To certify a classification, the commission must: (1) have the recommendation of the commissioner of corrections or the commissioner of human services, whichever is the appropriate employing authority; (2) have the approval of the legislative advisory committee; and (3) have notified and received comments from the legislative commission on pensions and retirement. 352.92 [CORRECTIONAL EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS.] Subdivision 1. [EMPLOYEE CONTRIBUTIONS.] Beginning with the first full pay period after July 1, 1984, in lieu of employee contributions payable under section 352.04, subdivision 2, contributions by covered correctional employeesshallmust be in an amount equal to 4.90 percent of salary. Subd. 2. [EMPLOYER CONTRIBUTIONS.] Beginning with the first full pay period after July 1, 1984, in lieu of employer contributions payable under section 352.04, subdivision 3, the employer shall contribute for covered correctional employees an amount equal to 8.70 percent of salary. 352.93 [RETIREMENT ANNUITY.] Subdivision 1. [BASIS OF ANNUITY; WHEN TO APPLY.] After separation from state service an employee covered under section 352.91 who hasattained thereached ageof at least55 years and has credit fornot less than a total ofat least ten years of covered correctional service and regular Minnesota state retirement system serviceshall beis entitled upon application to a retirement annuity under this section based only on covered correctional employees' service. Application may be made no earlier than 60 daysprior tobefore the date the employee is eligible to retire by reason of both age and service requirements.For the purposeIn of this section, "average salary" means the average of the monthly salary during the employees' highest five successive years of salary as an employee covered by the Minnesota state retirement system. Subd. 2. [CALCULATING MONTHLY ANNUITY.] The monthly annuity under this sectionshallmust be determined by multiplying the average monthly salary by the number of years, or completed months, of covered correctional service by 2.5 percent for the first 25 years of correctional service and two percent for each yearthereafter; providedafter that. However, the monthly annuityshallmust not exceed 75 percent of the average monthly salary. Subd. 3. [PAYMENTS:; DURATION AND AMOUNT.] The annuity under this section shall begin to accrue as provided in section 352.115, subdivision 8, andshallmust be paid for an additional 84 full calendar months or to the first of the month following the month in which the employee becomes age 65, whichever occurs first, except thatin no event shallpayment must not ceaseprior tobefore the first of the month following the month in which the employee becomes 62, and. It must then be reduced to the amount as calculated under section 352.115, except that if this amount, when added to the social security benefit based on state service the employee is eligible to receive atsuchthe time, is less than the benefit payable under subdivision 2, the retired employee shall receive an amount that when added tosuchthe social security benefit will equal the amount payable under subdivision 2. When an annuity is reduced under this subdivision, the percentage adjustments, if any, that have been applied to the original annuity under section 11A.18,prior tobefore the reduction,shallmust be compounded and applied to the reduced annuity. A former correctional employee employed by the state in a position covered by the regular plan between the ages of 58 and 65 shall receive a partial return of correctional contributions at retirement with five percent interest based on the following formula: Employee contributions Years and complete contributed as a months of regular correctional employee service between in excess of the ages 58 and 65 contributionssuchthe X .................... employee would have 7 contributed as a regular employee Subd. 4. [EMPLOYEE WITH REGULAR AND CORRECTIONAL SERVICE.] A former employee who has both regular and correctional service shall, if qualified, receive an annuity based on both periods of service under applicable sections of law but no period of service shall be used more than once in calculating the annuity. 352.94 [AUGMENTATION FOR EMPLOYEES WITH REGULAR AND CORRECTIONAL SERVICE.] Subdivision 1. [CHANGE FROM REGULAR TO CORRECTIONAL SERVICE.] An employee who becomes a correctional employee after serving as a regular employeeshall beis covered under section 352.72, subdivision 2, with respect to the regular service. Subd. 2. [CHANGE FROM CORRECTIONAL TO REGULAR SERVICE.] An employee who becomes a regular employee after serving as a correctional employeeshallis notbecovered under section 352.72, subdivision 2, with respect to correctional service. 352.95 [DISABILITY BENEFITS.] Subdivision 1. [JOB-RELATED DISABILITY.]AnyA covered correctional employee less than 55 yearsof ageold whoshallbecomebecomes disabled and physically unfit to perform the duties of the position as a direct result of an injury, sickness, or other disability incurred in or arising out of any act of dutywhich shall renderthat makes the employee physically or mentally unable to perform the duties,shall beis entitled to a disability benefit based on covered correctional service only, in an. The benefit amount must equalto50 percent of the average salary defined in section 352.93, plus an additional 2-1/2 percent for each year of covered correctional service in excess of 20 years but not in excess of 25 years, and two percent for each year of covered correctional service in excess of 25 years, prorated for completed months, to a maximum monthly benefit of 75 percent of the average monthly salary. Subd. 1a. [OPTIONAL ANNUITY ELECTION.] A disabled correctional employee may elect the normal disability benefit or an optional annuity as provided in section 352.116, subdivision 3. The election of an optional annuityshallmust be madepriortobefore commencement of payment of the disability benefit andshall bebecomes effective the date on which the disability benefit begins to accrue as provided in subdivision 3. Upon becoming effective, the optional annuity shall begin to accrue on the same date as provided for the disability benefit. Subd. 2. [NON-JOB-RELATED DISABILITY.] Any covered correctional employee who, afternot less thanat least five years of covered correctional service, before reaching the age of 55shall becomebecomes disabled and physically unfit to perform the duties of the position because of sickness or injury occurring while not engaged in covered employment,shall beis entitled to a disability benefit based on covered correctional service only. The disability benefitshallmust be computed as provided in section 352.93, subdivisions 1 and 2, and computed as though the employee had at least ten years of covered correctional service. Subd. 3. [APPLYING FOR BENEFITS; ACCRUAL.] No application for disability benefits shall be made until after the last day physically on the job. The disability benefit shall begin to accrue the day following the last day for which the employee is paid sick leave or annual leave, butin no eventnot earlier than 60 daysprior tobefore the date the application is filed. Subd. 4. [MEDICAL EVIDENCE.] An applicant shall provide medical evidence to support an application for disability benefits. The director shall have the employee examined by at least one additional licensed physician designated by the medical advisor. The physicians shall make written reports to the director concerning the employee's disability, including medical opinions as to whether the employee is disabled within the meaning of this section. The director shall also obtain written certification from the employer stating whether the employee is on sick leave of absence because of a disabilitywhichthat will prevent further service to the employer, and as a consequence the employee is not entitled to compensation from the employer. Ifupon the consideration ofon considering the physicians' reportsof the physiciansandsuchany other evidenceas mayhave beensupplied by the employee or others, the medical advisor finds the employee disabled within the meaning of this section, the advisor shall make appropriate recommendation to the director in writing, together with the date from which the employee has been disabled, and. The director shallthereuponthen determine the propriety of authorizing payment of a disability benefit as provided in this section. Unless payment of a disability benefit has terminated because the employee is no longer disabled, or because the employee has reached age 62, the disability benefit shall cease with the last payment received by the disabled employee or which had accrued during the employee's lifetime.During the timethatWhile disability benefits are paid, the directorshall havehas the right at reasonable times to require the disabled employee to submit proof of the continuance of the disability claimed. If any examination indicates to the medical advisor that the employee is no longer disabled, the disability paymentshallmust be discontinued upon reinstatement to state service or within 60 days ofsuchthe finding, whichever is sooner. Subd. 5. [RETIREMENT STATUS AT AGE 65.] The disability benefit paid to a disabled correctional employeehereunderunder this section shall terminate at the end of the month in which the employee reaches age 62. If the disabled correctional employee is still disabled when the employee reaches age 62, the employee shall be deemed to be a retired employeeand,. If the employee had elected an optional annuitypursuant tounder subdivision 1a, the employee shall receive an annuity in accordance with the terms of the optional annuity previously elected, or,. If the employee had not elected an optional annuitypursuant tounder subdivision 1a, the employee may then either elect to receive a normal retirement annuity computed in the manner provided in section 352.115 or elect to receive an optional annuity as provided in section 352.116, subdivision 3, based on the same length of service as used in the calculation of the disability benefit. Election of an optional annuityshallmust be madeprior to attaining thebefore reaching ageof62years. The reduction for retirementprior tobefore age 65 as provided in section 352.116, subdivision 1,shalldoes notbe applicableapply. The savings clause provision of section 352.93, subdivision 3,shall beapplicableapplies. If an optional annuity is elected, the optional annuity shall begin to accrue on the first of the month following the month in which the employeeattains thereaches ageof62years. Subd. 6. If the employee is entitled to receive a disability benefit as provided in subdivision 1 or 2 and has credit for less covered correctional service than the length of service upon which the correctional disability benefit is based, and also has credit for regular plan service, the employeeshallbeis entitled to a disability benefit or deferred retirement annuity based on the regular plan service only for that service which when combined with the correctional service exceeds number of years on which the correctional disability benefit is based. The disabled employee who also has credit for regular plan service must in all respects qualify underthe provisions ofsection 352.113to be entitled to receivefor a disability benefit based on the regular plan service, except that the service may be combined to satisfy length of service requirements. Any deferred annuity to which the employeemay beis entitled based on regular plan serviceshallmust be augmented as provided in section 352.72 while the employee is receiving a disability benefit under this section. Subd. 7. [RESUMPTION OF EMPLOYMENT.]ShouldIf the disabled employeeresumeresumes a gainful occupation from which earnings are less than the salary received at the date of disability or the salary currently paid for similar positions, orshouldif the employeebeis entitled to receive workers' compensation benefits, the disability benefitshallmust be continued in an amount which when added tosuchearnings and workers' compensation benefits does not exceed the salary received at the date of disability or the salary currently paid for similar positions, whichever is higher,providedif the disability benefit insuchthat case does not exceed the disability benefit originally authorized and in effect. 352.951 [APPLICABILITY OF GENERAL LAW.] Except as otherwise provided,the provisions ofthis chaptershall applyapplies to covered correctional employees. 352.96 [DEFERRED COMPENSATION.] Subdivision 1. [WRITTEN AGREEMENT FOR DEFERMENT.] At the request of an officer or employee of the stateof Minnesotaoranya political subdivisionthereof, or an employee covered by any of the retirement fundsenumeratedin section 356.20, subdivision 2, the appointing authority shall by payroll deduction defer the payment of part of the compensation of the officer or employee as provided in a written agreement between the officer or employee and the stateof Minnesota,thepolitical subdivision, or other employing unitwhose employeesare covered by any of the public retirement funds enumerated insection 356.20, subdivision 2, in such a manner as will. The payment must be deferred so as to qualify the deferred amount for benefitsaffordedunder federal and state tax laws, rules, and rulings. Subd. 2. [PURCHASE OF SHARES.] The amount of compensation so deferred may be used to purchase:(a)(1) shares in the Minnesota supplemental investment fund established in section 11A.17;(b)(2) saving accounts in federally insured financial institutions;(c)(3) life insurance contracts, fixed annuity and variable annuity contracts from companieswhichthat are subject to regulation by the commissioner of commerce; or(d)(4)anya combination of(a)(1),(b)(2), or(c) above(3), as specified by the participant. The shares accounts or contractssopurchased shall stand in the name of the stateof Minnesotaor other employing unit, for the officer or employee whose deferred compensation purchasedsaidthe shares, until distributed tosaidthe officer or employee in a manner agreed upon by the employee and the executive director of the Minnesota state retirement system, acting for the employer.Nothing inThis subdivisionshall beconstrued as todoes not authorize an employer contribution, norshall. The state,thepolitical subdivision, or other employing unitbeis not responsible for any losswhichthat may result from investment of the deferred compensation. Subd. 3. [EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ADMINISTER SECTION.]Theprovisions ofThis section shall be administered by the executive director of theMinnesota state retirementsystempursuant to the provisions ofunder subdivision 4. If the state board of investment so elects, it may solicit bids for options under subdivision 2, clauses(b)(2) and(c)(3). All contracts must be approvedprior tobefore execution by the state board of investment.AllContractsshallmust provide that all options in subdivision 2shallmust: be presented in an unbiased manner,shallbe presented in a mannerso as toconformconforming to applicable rulespromulgatedadopted by the executive director,shallbe reported on a periodic basis to all employees participating in the deferred compensation program, andshallnot be the subject of unreasonable solicitation of state employees to participate in the program. The contract may not call for any person to jeopardize the tax-deferred status ofmoneysmoney invested by state employeespursuant tounder this section. All costs or fees in relation to the options provided under subdivision 2, clause(c)(3),shallmust be paid by the underwriting companies ultimately selected by the state board of investment. Subd. 4. [EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR TO ESTABLISH RULES.] The executive director of theMinnesota state retirementsystem shall establish rules and procedures to carry outthe provisionsofthis section including allocation of administrative costs against the assets accumulated under this section. Funds to paysuchthese costs areherebyappropriated from the fund or account in which the assets accumulated under this section are placed. The rules established by the executive directorshallmust conform to federal and state tax laws, regulations, and rulings, and are not subject to the administrative procedure act. Rules adopted after July 1, 1977, relating to the options provided under subdivision 2, clauses(b)(2) and(c)(3), must be approved by the state board of investment. A state employeeshallmust notbe permitted tomake payments under a plan until the plan or applicable componentthereofof the plan has been approvedas to itsfor tax-deferred status by the internal revenue service. Subd. 5. [OTHER LAWS NOT APPLICABLE.] No provision of this chapter or other law specifically referring to this chapterisapplicableapplies to this section unless this section is specifically mentionedtherein. 352.97 [PRIOR DEFERRED COMPENSATION PLANS; CONSTRUCTION.] Sections 352.96 and 352.97shall not be construed todo not preempt, prohibit, ratify, or approve any other deferred compensation planwhich isestablishedprior tobefore orwhichmay be established subsequent toafter June 3, 1975. ARTICLE 7 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 352B, is amended to read: 352B.01 [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [SCOPE.]For the purposes ofIn this chapter, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them. Subd. 2. [MEMBER.] "Member" means: (a)all of thepersons referred to and employedon andafterJuly 1June 30, 1943pursuant to the provisions ofunder Laws 1929, chapter 355,and all acts amendatory thereof andsupplementary theretoas amended or supplemented, currently employed by the state, whose salaries or compensation is paid out of state fundsof the state of Minnesota; (b)anya conservation officer employed undertheprovisions ofsection 97A.201, currently employed by the state, whose salary or compensation is paid out of state fundsof thestate; and (c)anya crime bureau officer who was employed by the crime bureau and was a member of the highway patrolmen's retirement fund on July 1, 1978, whether or not that person has the power of arrest by warrant after that date, or who is employed as police personnel, with powers of arrest by warrant,pursuant to the provisions ofunder section 299C.04, and who is currently employed by the state, and whose salary or compensation is paid out of state fundsof the state. Subd. 2a. [CETA MEMBERS.]The term"Member"shalldoes not include any person employed in subsidized on-the-job training, work experience, or public service employment as an enrollee under the federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Actfromandafter March 30, 1978, unless: (a) the person has as of the later of March 30, 1978, or the date of employment sufficient service credit in the retirement fund to meet the minimum vesting requirements for a deferred retirement annuity, or; (b) the employer agrees in writing on forms prescribed by the executive director to make the required employer contributions, including any employer additional contributions, on account of that person from revenue sources other than funds provided under the federal Comprehensive Employment and Training Act,; or (c) the person agrees in writing on forms prescribed by the executive director to make the required employer contribution in addition to the required employee contribution. Subd. 3. [ALLOWABLE SERVICES.] "Allowable service" means: (a) forthosemembers defined in subdivision 2, clause (a), service for which payments have been made to the state patrol retirement fund, and (b) forthosemembers defined in subdivision 2, clauses (b) and (c), service for which payments have been made to the state patrol retirement fund, service for which payments were made to the state police officers retirement fund after June 30, 1961, and all prior service which was credited tosucha member for service on or before June 30, 1961; provided that,. After a member identified in clause (b) of this subdivision reaches the age of 60, allowable servicethereafter shallafter that date must not be computed in determining the normal annuity unless the member was employed as a state police officer before July 1, 1961. Ifsuchthe member was so employed before July 1, 1961, and reaches 60 years of age and has more than 30 years' allowable service atsuchthat time, each year and completed month of allowable service acquired bysuchthe membershallmust be computed in determining the normal annuity untilsuchthe member reaches the age of 60. Ifsuchthe member wassoemployed before July 1, 1961, and has less than 30 years of allowable service when the member reaches age 60, each year and completed month of allowable service acquired bysuchthe membershallmust be computed in determining the normal annuity not to exceed 30 years ofsuchallowable service. The completed year members reach age 60 may be counted in full in determining allowable service. Allowable service also includes any period of absence from duty by a member who, by reason of injury incurred in the performance of duty, is temporarily disabled and for which disability the state is liable under the workers' compensation law, until the date authorized by the executive director for commencement of payment of a disability benefit or return to employment. Subd. 4. [DEPARTMENT HEAD.] "Department head" means the head of any department, institution, or branch of the state servicewhichthat directly pays salaries from state funds to a memberandwho prepares, approves, and submits salary abstracts of employees to the commissioner of finance and state treasurer. Subd. 6. [ACCUMULATED DEDUCTIONS.] "Accumulated deductions" means the total sums deducted from the salary of a member and the total amount of assessments paid by a member inlieuplace ofsuchdeductions, and credited to the member's individual account, without interest. Subd. 7. [FUND.] "Fund" means the state patrol retirement fund. Subd. 9. [SURVIVING SPOUSE.] "Surviving spouse" means a member's or former member's legally married spouseresidingwho resided with the member or former member at the time of death andwhowas married to the member or former member, for a period of at least one year, during orprior tobefore the time of membership. Subd. 10. [DEPENDENT CHILD.] "Dependent child" meansanya natural or adopted unmarried child of a deceased member under the age of 18 years, including any child of the member conceived during the lifetime of the member and born after the death of the member. 352B.02 [STATE PATROL RETIREMENT FUND.] Subdivision 1. [CONTRIBUTIONS; PAYMENTS.]There is herebyestablishedA state patrol retirement fund, theis established. Its membershipof which shall consistconsists of all persons defined in section 352B.01, subdivision 2. Each member shall pay a sum equal to 8.5 percent of the member's salary. Member contribution amountsshallmust be deducted each pay period by the department head, who shallcausehave the total amount of the deductionsto bepaid to the state treasurer, andshallcausehave a detailed report of all deductionsto bemade each pay period to the executive director of the Minnesota state retirement system. In additionthereto, there shall be paid outof money appropriated to the departments for this purpose, bytheto member contributions, department heads,shall pay a sum equal to 18.9 percent of the salary upon which deductions were made. Department contributions must be paid out of money appropriated to departments for this purpose. These amountsshallmust be credited to the state patrol retirement fund. All money receivedshallmust be deposited by the state treasurer in the state patrol retirement fund.Out ofThe fundshall be paidmust be used to pay the administrative expenses of the retirement fund, and the benefits and annuitiesas hereinafterprovided in this chapter. The legislative auditor shall audit the fund and the executive director shall procure an actuarial study of the fund in accordance with chapter 356,. The cost ofwhich shallthe study must be borne by the fund. 352B.03 [OFFICERS, DUTIES.] Subdivision 1. [OFFICERS.] The policymaking, management, and administrative functions governing the operation of the state patrol retirement fundshall beare vested in the board of directors and executive director of the Minnesota state retirement system withsuchduties, authority and responsibility asisprovided in chapter 352. Subd. 2. [DUTIES OF TREASURER.] The state treasurershallbeis ex officio treasurer of the state patrol retirement fundand. The treasurer's general bond to the stateshall covercovers all liability for actions as treasurer of the fund. Allmoneysmoney of the fund received by the treasurerpursuant tounder this chapter, shallmust be set aside in the state treasury and credited to the state patrol retirement fund. The treasurer shall transmit, monthly, to the director, a detailed statement showing all credits to and disbursements fromsaidthe fund. The treasurer shall disbursemoneysmoney fromsuchthe fund only on warrants issued by the commissioner of finance upon vouchers signed by the director. 352B.05 [INVESTMENTS.] The state board of investmentis hereby authorized tomay invest and reinvestsuchany portions of the state patrol retirement fundas in the judgment of the executive director ofthe Minnesota state retirement system arenot needed for immediate purposes,. The executive director shall determine what funds may be invested. Money may be invested insuchsecuritiesas are dulyauthorizedoras legal investments for the Minnesota state retirement system, and shall have authorityto. The state board may sell, convey, and exchangesuchsecurities and invest and reinvest the funds when it deems it desirable to do so, and. The state board shall sell securities upon request from the executive director when the executive director determines funds are needed for its purposes.All oftheProvisions regarding accounting procedures and restrictions and conditions for the purchase and sale of securities for the Minnesota state retirement systemshallapply to the accounting, purchase, and sale of securities for the state patrol retirement fund. 352B.07 [ACTIONS BY OR AGAINST.] The board may sue or be sued in the name of the board of directors of the state retirement system, and. In all actions brought by or against it, the board shall be represented by the attorney generalwho. The attorney general shall also be the legal adviser for the board. Venue of all actionsshall beis in the Ramsey county district court. 352B.071 [EXEMPTION FROM PROCESS.] None of the money, annuities, or other benefits provided for in this chaptershall beis assignable either in law or in equity orbesubject to execution, levy, attachment, garnishment, or other legal process, except as provided in section 518.611. 352B.08 [BENEFITS.] Subdivision 1. [WHO IS ELIGIBLE; WHEN TO APPLY; ACCRUAL.] Every member who is credited with ten or more years of allowable serviceshall beis entitled to separate fromsuchstate service and uponattaining the age ofbecoming 55 years old,shallbeis entitled to receive a life annuity, upon separation from state service. Members shallmake applicationapply for an annuity in a form and manner prescribed by the executive director. No application may be made more than 60 daysprior tobefore the date the member is eligible to retire by reason of both age and service requirements. An annuityshall beginbegins to accrue no earlier than 90 daysprior tobefore the date the application is filed with the executive director. Subd. 2. [AMOUNT OF PAYMENTS.] The annuityshallmust be paid in monthly installments equal tothat portion ofthe average monthly salary of the member multiplied by 2-1/2 percent for each year and pro rata for completed months of service not exceeding 25 years and two percent for each year and pro rata for completed months of service in excess of 25 years. "Average monthly salary"shall meanmeans the average of the monthly salaries for the five high years of service as a member. The monthly salary for the periodprior tobefore July 2, 1969 shall be deemed to be $600.The term"Average monthly salary"shalldoes not include anyamounts ofseverance pay or any reduced salary paid during the period the person is entitled to workers' compensation benefit paymentsfrom the workers' compensationcourt of appealsfor temporary disability. In lieu of the single life annuityherein provided, the member or former member with ten years or moreofservice may elect a joint and survivor annuity, payable to a designated beneficiary for life, adjusted to the actuarial equivalent value of the single life annuity. The joint and survivor annuity elected by a member may also provide that the elected annuity be reinstated to the single life annuityherein provided,if after drawing the elected joint and survivor annuity, the designated beneficiary diesprior tothe death ofbefore the member. This reinstatementshallis notberetroactive butshall be intakes effect for the first full monthsubsequent toafter the death of the designated beneficiary. This additional joint and survivor option with reinstatement clauseshallmust be adjusted to the actuarial equivalent value of a regular single life annuity. 352B.10 [DISABILITY BENEFITS.](1)Subdivision 1. [INJURIES, PAYMENT AMOUNTS.] Any member less than 55 yearsof ageold, whoshall becomebecomes disabled and physically or mentally unfit to perform duties as a direct result of an injury, sickness, or other disability incurred in or arising out of any act of duty,which shall render the memberphysically or mentally unable to perform duties,shall receive disability benefitsduring the period of such disabilitywhile disabled. The benefitsshallmust be paid in monthly installments equal tothat portion ofthe member's average monthly salaryof the membermultiplied(a)(1) by 50 percent and,(b)(2) by an additional 2-1/2 percent for each year and pro rata for completed months of service in excess of 20 years, but not exceeding 25 years and two percent for each year and pro rata for completed months of service in excess of 25 years.(2)Subd. 2. [UNDER 55; DISABLED WHILE NOT ON DUTY.]AnyIf a memberwhoterminates employment afternot less thanat least five years of service, before reaching the age of 55,terminates employmentbecause of sickness or injury occurring while not on duty and not engaged in state work entitling the member to membership, and the termination is necessary because the memberis unable tocannot perform dutiesshall be, the member is entitled to receive a disability benefit. The benefitshallmust be in the same amount and computed in the samemannerway as if the member were 55 yearsof ageold at the date of disability and the annuity were paidpursuant tounder section 352B.08.ShouldIf disability under this clauseoccuroccurs after five butin lessthanbefore ten years service, the disability benefitshallmust be computed as though the member had ten years service.(3)Subd. 3. [ANNUAL AND SICK LEAVE; WORK AT LOWER PAY.] No member shall receive any disability benefit payment when the member has unused annual leave or sick leave or under any other circumstances, when during the period of disability there has been no impairment of salary. Shouldsuchthe member or former member resumeagainfuloccupationwork andhave earningsearn less than the salary received at the date of disability or the salary currently paid for similar positions, the disability benefitshallmust be continued in an amount which when added to earnings does not exceed the salary received at the date of disability or the salary currently paid for similar positions, whichever is higher, provided. The disability benefitin suchcase doesmust not exceed the disability benefit originally allowed.(4)Subd. 4. [PROOF OF DISABILITY.] No disability benefit payment shall be made except upon adequate proof furnished to the director of the existence ofsuchthe disability, and duringthe time when any such. While disability benefits are being paid, the directorshall havehas the right, at reasonable times, to require the disabled former member to submit proof of the continuance of the disability claimed.(5)Subd. 5. [OPTIONAL ANNUITY.] A disabled member not eligible for survivorship coveragepursuant tounder section 352B.11, subdivision 2, mayelectchoose the normal disability benefit or an optional annuity as provided in section 352B.08, subdivision 2. Theelectionchoice of an optional annuityshallmust be madeprior tobefore commencement of payment of the disability benefitand shall be. It is effective 30 days after receipt of thiselectionchoice or the date on which the disability benefit begins to accrue, whicheveroccursis later. Upon becoming effective, the optional annuityshall beginbegins to accrue on thesamedateasprovided for the disability benefit. 352B.101 [APPLICATION FOR DISABILITY BENEFIT.] A membermaking claim forclaiming a disability benefitshallmust file a written applicationthereforfor benefits in the office of the system in a form and manner prescribed by the executive director. The member shall provide medical evidence to support the application. The benefitshall beginbegins to accrue the day following thecommencementstart of disability or the day following the last day for which the member was paid, whichever is later, butin no eventnot earlier than 90 daysprior tobefore the date the application is filed with the executive director. 352B.105 [TERMINATION OF DISABILITY BENEFITS.]AllDisability benefits payable under section 352B.10 shall terminate at the end of the month the beneficiary becomes 55 yearsof ageold. If the beneficiary is still disabled when the beneficiaryattains the age ofbecomes 55 years old, the beneficiary shall be deemed to be a retired member and, if the beneficiary hadelectedchosen an optional annuitypursuant tounder section 352B.10,clause (6)subdivision 5, shall receive an annuity in accordance with the terms of the optional annuity previouslyelected, or,chosen. If the beneficiary had notelectedchosen an optional annuitypursuant tounder section 352B.10,clause (6)subdivision 5, the beneficiary maythenelectchoose to receive either a normal retirement annuity computedpursuant tounder section 352B.08, subdivision 1, or an optional annuity as provided in section 352B.08, subdivision 2.Election ofAn optional annuityshallmust bemade prior toattaining the age ofchosen before the beneficiary becomes 55 years old. If an optional annuity iselectedchosen, the optional annuity shall begin to accrue the first of the month following the month in which the beneficiaryattains the ageofbecomes 55 years old. 352B.11 [RETIREES.] Subdivision 1. [REFUND OF PAYMENTS.]Should anyA member who has not received other benefits under this chapterbecomeis entitled to a refund of payments made by salary deduction, plus interest, if the member is separated, either voluntarily or involuntarily, from state service that entitled the member to membership, the member, or. In the event of the member's death, the member's estate, shall beis entitled toreceive athe refundof all payments which have been made by salary deductionsplus interest at. Interest must be computed at the rate of five percentper annuma year, compounded annuallyupon application. To receive a refund, the member must apply on a form prescribed by the executive director. Subd. 2. [DEATH; PAYMENT TO SPOUSE AND CHILDREN.]In theevent anyIf a member serving actively as a member, a member receiving the disability benefit provided by section 352B.10,clause (1)subdivision 1, or a former member receiving a disability benefit as provided by section 352B.10,clause(3)subdivision 3, dies from any cause, the surviving spouse and dependentchild or dependentchildrenshall beare entitled to benefit payments as follows: (a) A member with at least ten years of allowable service or a former member with at least 20 years of allowable service is deemed to have elected a 100 percent joint and survivor annuity payable to a surviving spouse only on or after the date the member or former memberattainedbecame or would haveattained the age ofbecome 55. (b) The surviving spouse of a member who had credit for less than ten years of service shall receive, for life, a monthly annuity equal to 20 percent of thatportionpart of the average monthly salary of the member from which deductions were made for retirement. If the surviving spouse remarries, the annuity shall cease as of the date of the remarriage. (c) The surviving spouse of a member who had credit for at least ten yearsofservice and whodiesdied after attaining 55 years of age, may elect to receive a 100 percent joint and survivor annuity, for life, notwithstanding a subsequent remarriage, in lieu of the annuity prescribed inclauseparagraph (b). (d) The surviving spouse of any member who had credit for ten years or more and who was not 55 years of age at death, shall receive the benefit equal to 20 percent of the average monthly salary as described in clause (b) until the deceased member would have reached the age of 55 years, and beginning the first of the month following that date, may elect to receive the 100 percent joint and survivor annuity. If the surviving spouse remarriesprior tobefore the deceased member's 55th birthdate,allbenefits or annuities shall cease as of the date of remarriage. Remarriagesubsequent toafter the deceased member's 55th birthday shall not affect the payment of the benefit. (e) Each dependent child shall receive a monthly annuity equal to ten percent of thatportionpart of the average monthly salary of the former member from which deductions were made for retirement. A dependent child overthe age of18yearsand underthe age of22 years of age also may receive the monthly benefit providedhereinin this section, if the child is continuously attending an accredited school as a full time student during the normal school year as determined by the director. If the child does not continuously attend school but separates from full-time attendance during anyportionpart of a school year, the annuity shall cease at the end of the month of separation. In addition, a payment of $20 per month shall be prorated equally to surviving dependent children when the former member is survived by one or more dependent children. Payments for the benefit of any qualified dependent childshallmust be made to the surviving spouse, or if therebeis none, to the legal guardian of the child. The maximum monthly benefitshallmust not exceed 40 percent of the average monthly salary for any number of children. (f) If the membershall diedies under circumstanceswhichthat entitle the surviving spouse and dependent children to receive benefits under the workers' compensation law,amountsequal tothe workers' compensation benefits received by themshallmust not be deducted from the benefits payablepursuant tounder this section. (g) The surviving spouse of a deceased former member who had credit for ten or more years of allowable service, butexcludingnot the spouse of a former member receiving a disability benefit underthe provisions ofsection 352B.10,clause (3)subdivision 3,shall beis entitled to receive the 100 percent joint and survivor annuity atsuchthe timeasthe deceased member would have reached the age of 55 years,providedif the surviving spouse has not remarriedprior tobefore that date.In the event of the death ofIf a former member dies who does not qualify for other benefits under this chapter, the surviving spouse or, if none, the children or heirsshall beare entitled toreceivea refund of the accumulated deductions left in the fund plus interest at the rate of five percent perannumyear compounded annually. Subd. 2a. [APPLICATIONS FOR SURVIVOR BENEFITS.] An application for benefits under this sectionshallmust be filed in the office of the system in a form and manner prescribed by the executive director. The benefit shall begin to accrue the day following the date of death but shallin no eventnot be retroactive for more than six monthsprior tobefore the date the application is filed. Subd. 3. [REFUNDMENTREFUND; EFFECT.] When any member or former member accepts arefundmentrefund, all existing service credits and all rights and benefits to which the member or former member was entitledprior to thebefore acceptance ofsuch refundment shallthe refund terminate. Subd. 4. [RE-ENTRY INTO STATE SERVICE.]Should anyWhen a former member, who has become separated from state service that entitled the member to membership and has received a refund of retirement payments,re-enterre-enters the state service in a position that entitles the member to membership, that member shall receive credit for the period of prior allowable state serviceprovidedif the member repays into the fund the amount of the refund, plus interestthereonon it at the rate of five percent perannumyear, at any timeprior tobefore subsequent retirement. Repayment may be made in installments or in a lump sum. 352B.131 [PRIOR OPTIONS EXERCISED.]AnyA state police officer, as defined in Minnesota Statutes 1969, section 352A.01, subdivision 2, who exercised the options providedforin Minnesota Statutes 1969, sections 352A.11 and 352A.12, and, whodid not revokesuchthe electionpursuant tounder Minnesota Statutes 1969, section 352A.11,shallis notbeentitled to any annuities or other benefits under this chapter. Ifsuchthe state police officer remains in state service as a state police officer, payments to the state patrol retirement fund shall be madein the manneras provided in section 352B.02, and the department head shall make the payments to the state patrol retirement fund astherein providedrequired. 352B.14 [LAW GOVERNING BENEFITS.] Subdivision 1. [RETIREMENT.] Except as provided in subdivision 4,everya member who retires and is entitled toanyan annuity shall receive the retirement annuity computed on the basis of the law in effect at the date of retirement. Subd. 2. [LEAVING STATE SERVICE.] Except as provided in subdivision 4,everya member who terminates state service and is entitled to a retirement annuity shall receivesuchan annuity computed on the basis of the law in effect on the date state service terminated. Subd. 3. [DEATH.] Except as provided in subdivision 4, every surviving spouse or dependent child of a deceased former member entitled to an annuity or benefit shall receivesuchan annuity or benefit computed on the basis of the law in effect on the datesaidthe member or former member died. Subd. 4. [RETIREES UNDER OLD LAW.]AnyA member defined in section 352B.01, subdivision 2, clause (a) who has retired and began collecting a retirement annuityprior to the effectivedate of Laws 1961, chapter 493before April 21, 1961, or any surviving spouse or child who began collecting an annuity or benefitprior to the effective date of Laws 1961, chapter493before April 21, 1961, shall continue to receivesuchan annuity or benefit in the amount and subject to the conditions specified in the lawprior to the effective date of Laws 1961,chapter 493before April 21, 1961. Subd. 5. [RETROACTIVE CHANGE.] Notwithstandingtheprovisions ofsubdivisions 1 to 4hereof, the retirement annuities or benefits provided for highway patrol officers under Minnesota Statutes 1961, sections 172.01 to 172.11,andas in effect on April 21, 1961,shallalso apply to annuitants who retired and to those entitled to survivors benefits, undersaidthose sections, on orprior tobefore April 21, 1961. Any additional annuities or benefits provided for by this subdivision shall be available only after July 1, 1965. 352B.25 [CONTINUING APPROPRIATION; PAYMENT OF PENSION FUNDS BY INDIVIDUALS.] The state patrol retirement fund and the participation in the Minnesota postretirement investment fundshallmust be disbursed only for the purposeshereinprovided in this chapter. The expenses of the system and any benefits or annuitieshereinprovided in this chapter, other than benefits payable from the Minnesota postretirement investment fund,shallmust be paid from the state patrol retirement fund. The amounts necessary to make the payments from the state patrol retirement fund and the participation in the Minnesota postretirement investment fund are annually appropriated from those funds for those purposes. 352B.26 [PARTICIPATION IN MINNESOTA POSTRETIREMENT INVESTMENT FUND.] Subdivision 1. [AUTHORIZATION.] The state patrol retirement fund shall participate in the Minnesota postretirement investment fund.In that fund there shall bedepositedAssetsasrequired by this sectionand from which fundmust be deposited in the fund. Amounts shall be withdrawn from the fund onlyfor the purpose of payingto pay annuities ashereinprovidedand. The money is annuallyand from time totimeappropriated for this purpose. Subd. 2. [ADJUSTABLE FIXED BENEFIT ANNUITY.] "Adjustable fixed benefit annuity" means the payments made from the participation in the fund to an annuitant, including a joint and survivor annuitant and qualified recipients of surviving spouse benefits, after retirement in accordance withthe provisions ofthis section. It also means that the payments made tosuchthese persons shall never be an amount less than the amount determined on or before June 30, 1969, or on retirement, whichever is later. Subd. 3. [VALUATION OF ASSETS; ADJUSTMENT OF BENEFITS.](1)(a) Forthoseformer memberscommencingbeginning to receive annuities and qualified recipients of joint and survivor annuities and surviving spouse benefits, the required reservesshallmust be determined in accordance with the appropriate mortality table, calculated with an interest assumption set at the interest rate specified in section 356.215, subdivision 4d, and. Assets representing the required reserves for these annuitiesshallmust be transferred to the Minnesota postretirement investment fundin accordance withproceduresas specified in section 11A.18.(2)(b) Annuity paymentsshallmust be adjusted in accordance withthe provisions ofsection 11A.18.(3)(c) Notwithstanding section 356.18, increases in annuity paymentspursuant tounder this sectionshallmust be made automatically unless written notice is filed by the annuitant with the executive director of the Minnesota state retirement system requesting that the increase not be made. 352B.261 [RETIREMENT BENEFIT INCREASE.] The benefits payable from the Minnesota postretirement investment fund authorized and in effect on May 31, 1973, shall be increased in the same ratio that the actuarially computed reserve forsuchbenefits determined by using an interest assumption of 3-1/2 percent bears to the actuarially computed reserve forsuchbenefits determined by using an interest assumption of five percent. The reserves upon whichsuchthe increaseshall beis based shall be the actuarially determined reserve for benefits in effect on June 30, 1972, in accordance with the mortality assumptions then in effect and at interest assumptions of 3-1/2 percent and five percent.SuchThe ratio of increase computed to the last full one 1/100 of one percentshallmust be applied to benefits in effect on May 31, 1973 and shall begin to accrue July 1, 1973. Notwithstanding section 356.18, increases in benefit paymentspursuant tounder this section will be made automatically unless the intended recipient files written notice with the state patrol retirement association requesting that the increaseshallnot be made. 352B.262 [DISABILITY BENEFIT INCREASE.]TheDisability benefits authorized and in effect on May 31, 1973,shall beare increased by 25 percent. The increaseshallapplyapplies to the accrual ofsuchbenefits commencing January 1, 1974. 352B.265 [PRE-1973 INCREASE.] Total benefits payable to a retiree or surviving spouse whose benefits were computed under the law in effectprior tobefore June 1, 1973,shall beare increased by six percent on July 1, 1982 and on July 1 of each year thereafter. Funds sufficient to pay the increases provided by this section areherebyappropriated annually to the executive director from the state patrol retirement fund. 352B.27 [SAVINGS CLAUSE.] Subdivision 1. [EARLIER RETIREMENT LAWS.] The rights, privileges, annuities, and benefits, whether presently accrued or to accrue in the future, extended to those persons designated or described in Laws 1967, chapter 244, section 4; Laws 1969, chapter 693, sections 15 and 17; Laws 1971, chapter 278, section 3; and Laws 1971, chapter 543, section 1shallcontinue infullforce andeffect as providedtherein, notwithstanding anyprovisions oflaw to the contrary. Subd. 2. [BENEFITS TO CONTINUE.] Except as otherwise specifically provided in this chapter, all persons who on May 8, 1973 are receiving any benefit, annuity or payment from the highway patrol officers' retirement fund shall, after May 8, 1973, receive the same benefit, annuity or payment fromsaidthe fund. 352B.28 [SURVIVING SPOUSE BENEFITS.] Subdivision 1. [BASIC ANNUITY.] Upon the death of any highway patrol officer who retired or separated from state serviceprior tobefore July 1, 1965, the surviving spouse, if legally married to the patrol officer during service as a patrol officer and residing with the officer at the time of death, shall receive for life an annuity of $125 per month. Subd. 2. [INCREASE; HIGHWAY PATROL.] The annuity of a surviving spouse of a member of the highway patrol who retired or separated from active serviceprior tobefore July 1, 1965, and the surviving spouse of a highway patrol officer who dies in serviceprior tobefore the effective date of Laws 1969, chapter 693, and who on May 25, 1973 is receiving an annuity of less than $125 per month, shall thereafter be increased to $125 per month. Subd. 3. [INCREASE; POLICE OFFICERS FUND.] The annuity of a surviving spouse currently receiving an annuity by way of the state police officers retirement fund where there was no option of eligibility, shall on May 25, 1973 be increased to $125 per month. Subd. 4. [REMARRIAGE.] The annuity of any surviving spouse granted or supplemented by this section shall ceasein the eventof remarriage ofif the recipient remarries. 352B.29 [HIGHWAY PATROLMEN'S RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION; TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONS.] Notwithstanding other provisions of chapters 352 and 352Bas amended, effective July 1, 1973, all powers, duties, responsibilities, books, papers and records of the highway patrolmen's retirement association and of the officers of the highway patrolmen's retirement association areherebytransferred to the Minnesota state retirement system. The officers of the highway patrolmen's retirement association as constituted under this chapter as amended areherebyabolished. 352B.30 [COVERAGE BY MORE THAN ONE RETIREMENT SYSTEM OR ASSOCIATION.] Subdivision 1. [ENTITLEMENT TO ANNUITY.] Any person who has been an employee covered by the Minnesota state retirement system, or a member of the public employees retirement association including the public employees retirement association police and firefighters' fund, or the teachers retirement association, or the state patrol retirement fund, or any other public employee retirement system inthe state ofMinnesota having a like provision but excluding all other funds providing benefits for police or firefightersshall beis entitled when qualified to an annuity from each fund if total allowable service in all funds or in any two of these funds totals ten or more years, provided. Noportionpart of the allowable service upon which the retirement annuity from one fund is basedismay again used in the computation for benefits from another fundand provided further that. The memberhasmust not have taken a refund from any one of these funds since service entitling the member to coverage under the system or membership in any of the associations last terminated. The annuity from each fundshallmust be determined by the appropriateprovisions of thelaw except that the requirement that a person must have at least ten years allowable service in the respective system or associationshalldoes not apply for the purposes of this sectionprovidedif the combined service in two or more of these funds equals ten or more years. Subd. 2. [COMPUTATION OF DEFERRED ANNUITY.] Deferred annuitiesshallmust be computedin the manner provided byaccording to this chapterand acts amendatory thereof, on the basis of allowable serviceprior tobefore termination of service and augmented as providedhereinin this chapter. The required reserves applicable to a deferred annuityshallmust be augmented by interest compounded annually from the first day of the month following the month in which the member terminated service, or July 1, 1971, whichever is later, to the first day of the month in which the annuity begins to accrue. The rates of interest used for this purpose shall be five percent perannumyear compounded annually until January 1, 1981, andthereafterafter that date three percent perannumyear compounded annually. The mortality table and interest assumption used to computesuchthe annuity shall be those in effectat the timewhen the member files application for annuity. Subd. 3. [REFUND REPAYMENT.]AnyA person who has received a refund from the state patrol retirement fund who is a member of a public retirement system included in subdivision 1, may repaysuchthe refund with interest to the state patrol retirement fund as provided in section 352B.11, subdivision 4. ARTICLE 8 BOUNDARIES, POWERS, CONTRACTS, PROPERTY Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 365, is amended to read: 365.01 [1906 BOUNDARIES REMAIN UNLESS CHANGED BY COUNTY.]TheA town's boundariesof towns shall remain as nowestablished until otherwise provided byon March 1, 1906 remain its boundaries unless the county boardpursuant to lawchanges them according to law. 365.02 [CORPORATE POWERSTOWN MAY SUE, OWN PROPERTY, MAKE CONTRACTS.]EachA town isand shall beabody corporate, and empoweredpublic corporation. A town may: (1)Tosue and be suedbyin its corporate name; (2)To purchasebuy, take, and hold real and personal property for a publicusespurpose, and convey and dispose of thesameproperty; (3)To make all contractsenter into any contract that is necessary for theexercise of its corporatetown to use any of its powers; and (4)To make such orders for the disposition, regulationdispose of, control, and useof its corporatetown propertyasthe inhabitants thereof may deem expedientas its residents consider expedient. 365.025 [CONTRACTS; TIME PAYMENTS; PETITION ON BIG BUYS.] Subdivision 1. [BOARD MAKES CONTRACTS.] Notwithstandinganyother lawto the contrary,thea town boardshall have power to make such contracts as may be deemednecessary or desirable to make effectivemay enter into any contract it considers necessary or desirable to use any town powerpossessed by the town. Subd. 2. [MAY BUY OVER FIVE YEARS.] The town maypurchasebuy personal propertythroughon a conditional sales contract and real propertythroughon a contract for deedunder whichcontracts the seller is confined to the remedy of recovery ofthe property in case of nonpayment of all or part of thepurchase price, which shall be payable over a period of not toexceed five years. When the contract price of property to bepurchased by contract for deed or conditional sales contractexceeds. The town must pay for the property within five years. Subd. 3. [SELLER'S REMEDY: RECOVER PROPERTY.] The seller's only remedy for nonpayment on a contract entered into under subdivision 2 is recovery of the property. Subd. 4. [BIGDEALSBUYS: NOTICE, PETITION, ELECTION.] Before buying anything under subdivision 2 that costs more than one percent of the assessed valuation of the town, the townmay not enter into such a contract for at least ten daysafter publicationmust follow this subdivision. The town must publish intheits official newspaperof aboardthe board's resolutiondeterminingtopurchasepay for the propertyby such a contract; and, if before the end of thatover time. Then a petitionaskingfor an election on theproposition signed by voters equal to ten percent of the numberof voters at the last regular town election iscontract may be filed with the clerk, the town may not enter into such acontract until the proposition has been. The petition must be filed within ten days after the resolution is published. To require the election the petition must be signed by a number of voters equal to ten percent of the voters at the last regular town election. The contract then must be approved by a majority ofthe votes castthose voting on the question. The question may be voted on at a regular or special election. 365.03 [LIMITATION OFONLY POWERS: EXPRESS OR NECESSARILY IMPLIED.]No towns shall possess or exercise any corporateA town may use only the powersexcept such as are expresslygiven it by law, orarenecessary for the town tothe exercise of the powerssouse a given power. 365.04 [CONVEYANCES TO TOWNSPROPERTY TO OR FOR USE OF TOWN IS TOWN PROPERTY.]AllRealandor personal property conveyed toanya town,or tothe inhabitants thereof,its residents ortoany person for the use of the town,or itsinhabitants, shall be deemed theresidents is town propertyof such town and all such conveyancesshall have the same force and. The conveyance has the same effect as if made directly to the town by name. 365.05 [SALE OF REALTYDEED OF TOWN LAND; FORMALITIES; INTEREST GIVEN.]When anyA deed conveying real estatebelonging to theowned by a townis sold the conveyance thereof shall be executedmust be signed by the chair of the town board in an official capacity, and attested by the clerk; and such conveyance, duly. The deed, witnessed and acknowledged,shall convey tomust give the granteetherein namedall of theright, title, and estatewhich the town then hastown's interest in the real estateconveyed. ROAD SIGNS 365.06 [TOWN MUST PUT UP GUIDEPOSTS FOR TRAVELERS.]EveryA town shallerectput up and maintain suitable guideposts and boards atsuchthe places on the public roadstherein as shall bein the town that are convenient for the direction of travelers. TOWN CHARGES 365.07 [TOWN CHARGESTO PAY OFFICERS AND EXPENSES; TO RAISE MONEY.]The following shall beIt is a townchargescharge: (1)The compensation ofto pay town officers for servicesrendered their townsperformed for the town; (2) to pay contingent expenses necessarily incurred for the use and benefit of the town; (3)Theto raise money authorized to be raised by the vote of the town meeting for general purposes; and (4)Every sumto raise money directed by law to be raised for any town purpose.No tax for town purposes shall exceed the amount voted tobe raised at the annual town meeting.365.08 [TOWNCHARGES; DAMAGES CAUSED BY WORK ON SUPPOSEDHIGHWAYDAMAGE TO PRIVATE ROAD IS A CHARGE IF VOTED.]In all towns in this state where any road work has beenperformed, or may hereafter be performed, upon a supposedhighway thereof, by order of the proper officers of such town,on the belief that the same is a lawful public highway, andwhere an action at law has been or may hereafter be commenced,in any court of competent jurisdiction, in which it is or may bedetermined that such supposed highway was not a legal highway atthe time the work was performed, all necessary costs andexpenses incurred by any defendant therein, and any damages thatmay have been allowed or shall be allowed in any such actionbecause of such road work shall be a charge against such town infavor of the defendant and allowed and paid by such town thesame as other claimsIf a court finds that a town's officers ordered work done on a private road believing that the road was public, the damage caused and necessary expenses and costs incurred in the suit are a claim against the town. Beforesuchcosts, expenses, and damages shall bethe claim becomes a charge, andto be paid by the town,the same shall bepayment must be authorized by vote of a majority ofall legal voterselectors presentand voting in favor thereofatan annual oraspecialtown meetingof such town, after. First, there must be due notice that the question will besubmittedconsidered and voteduponon at the meeting. 365.09 [TOWN TAXESCHARGES PAID BY TAXES LEVIED UNDER CHAPTER 275.] Taxes toraise money for defrayingpay for town chargesshallmust be levied under chapter 275 on the town's taxable propertyin the town in the manner prescribed in chapter 275. TOWN MEETING POWERS 365.10 [TOWN MEETINGS, POWERSWHAT ELECTORS MAY DO AT ANNUAL TOWN MEETING.] Subdivision 1. [POWERS LISTED HERE.] The electors ofeacha townhave power, at their annual town meeting:, may do what is in this section. Subd. 1a. [POUNDS, POUNDMASTERS.](1) to determineThe electors may (1) decide the locations of pounds,and(2) set the number of poundmasters, andto(3) discontinueany suchpounds;a pound. Subd. 2. [ELECT TOWN OFFICERS.](2) to select suchThe electors may elect town officersas are to be chosen;. Subd. 3. [ANIMALS AT LARGE.](3) to make lawful orders andbylaws as they deem proper forThe electors may make orders and bylaws on restraining horses, cattle, sheep, swine, and other domestic animals from going at large onthe highways, provideforroads. They may also make orders and bylaws on the impoundingthoseof domestic animalssogoing at large,andtofix penalties for violations of the ordersorand bylaws;. Subd. 4. [ROADS, BRIDGES, OTHER EXPENSES.](4) toThe electors may vote moneyfor theto repair andconstructionofbuild roads and bridges, and to. They may also votesuchsumsas much money as theydeemconsider expedient for the good of the town for other town expenses, including theconstructionbuilding and maintenance of docks and breakwaters;. Subd. 5. [ADJOINING TOWN'S ROADS.](5)The electors may,when they deem it for the interest of the town todirect that aspecifiedcertain amount of the road tax beexpended, underthe direction of their town board,spent on the roads of an adjoining town;. The spending must be for the good of the town and under the control of the town board. Subd. 6. [BUILD TOWN BUILDING.](6) to authorizeThe electors may let the town boardto purchasebuy or build a town hall or other building for the use of the town, and to determine. The electors must decide the amount of money to be raised for that purpose; but, if. Once the town gets a site for a town hallis once obtained, it shallthe site must not be changed for another site, except by a votetherefor designatingchoosing a new siteby. To get a new site two-thirds ofthe votes cast atsuch election of the legal voters of the town;those voting on the question must vote for it. Subd. 7. [BUY TOWN CEMETERY.](7) to authorizeThe electors may let the town board, byvote,topurchasebuy grounds for a town cemetery, and. The electors may limit the price to be paid,for the cemetery andtomay vote a taxforthe payment thereof;to pay for it. Subd. 8. [BUY, BEAUTIFY PARK.](8) to authorizeThe electors may let the town board,eitherby itself orinconjunctionwithone or moreother towns,to purchasebuy grounds for a public park andtomay limit the price to be paidtherefor, to authorizefor the grounds. The electors may let the town, alone orin conjunctionwithsuchthe othertown ortowns,tocare for, improve, and beautifysuchthe parks, and todetermine. The electors may decide, by ballot, the amount of money to be raised forthat purpose, and tothose purposes. The electors may vote a taxfor the payment thereof;to pay for what they allow under this subdivision. Subd. 9. [COMMUNITY HALLS.](9) toThe electors may vote money toaid in the construction ofhelp build community halls,to be erected. The community halls may be built by farm bureaus, farmers clubs, or other like organizations;. Subd. 10. [TAX FOR DUMP.](10) toThe electors may vote a tax topurchasebuy and maintain a publicdumping ground;dump. Subd. 11. [ABANDONED TOWN ROADS.](11) to authorizeThe electors may let the town board, by resolution,todetermine whether to open or maintain town roads or town cartways under the jurisdiction of the town board upon which no maintenance or construction has been conducted for 25 years or more. For purposes of thisclause the provisions ofsubdivision, section 163.16shalldoes not apply to town roads described in thisclausesubdivision.Nothing inThisclause shall beconstrued to abridgesubdivision does not limit the right of town voters or land owners to petitionfor the establishmentofto establish a cartwayas provided inunder section 164.08;. Subd. 12. [FUND TOWN CELEBRATION.](12) to authorizeThe electors may set an amount of money and let the town boardtospendmoney in an amount as determined by the electors for thepurpose of commemoratingit to commemorate an event of historical significance to the town;. Subd. 13. [CONTROL DOGS, CATS.](13) to authorizeThe electors may let the town boardto provide, bypass an ordinance,for licensing dogs and cats and regulatingthetheir presenceor, keepingof dogs and cats and their, and running at largewithinin the town;. Subd. 14. [HEALTH, SOCIAL, RECREATIONAL SERVICES.](14) toauthorizeThe electors may let the town boardtocontract with nonprofit organizations for not more than $5,000 per year of health, social,orand recreational servicesin an amount not toexceed a total of $5,000 in any year when deemed. To do so, the town board must consider the services to be in the public interest andof benefit togood for the town;. Subd. 15. [REFUSE, HOUSEHOLD WASTE.](15) to authorizeThe electors may let the town boardto provide for the collectionand disposalfind a way to collect and get rid of household waste and other refuse,. The way must be consistent with other law; and. Subd. 16. [CEMETERY PERPETUAL CARE.](16) to authorizeThe electors may let the town boardto establishset up a perpetual care programfor the administration and maintenance of anyto administer and maintain a cemeterylocatedin the town.Beforeestablishing a perpetual care program,The town board mustmakethe determination that sufficient funds arefirst decide that it has enough money available from burial plot sales, gifts, and private assistance to administer and maintain the cemetery. Cemetery administration may include the sale of burial plots and the supervision of burials. The town may accept gifts of money and otherassistancehelp from individuals toestablishset up the perpetual care program. ORDINANCES, BYLAWS 365.11 [BYLAWS TO BE POSTEDNOTICE OF BYLAW REQUIRED; BINDS ALL IN TOWN.]No bylaw shall take effectA town bylaw is not effective until posted noticethereof has beenof it is given.Thereafterit shall beThe bylaw is then bindinguponon alltheinhabitants of thetown,residents anduponon allpersonscoming within its limitsothers while in the town. 365.125 [ENACTMENT OF ORDINANCESORDINANCE FORMALITIES; PUBLISH, POST, RECORD.] Subdivision 1. [FORMALITIES; TITLE, STYLE.]EveryAn ordinanceshallmust be enacted by a majority vote of all the members of the town board unless a larger number is required by law.It shallAn ordinance must be signed by the chair of the town board,and attested by the clerk, and. An ordinance must have a title and must begin with words like "The board of supervisors of the town of ......... ordains:". Subd. 2. [PUBLICATION.] An ordinance must be published once in a qualified newspaper having general circulationwithinin the town.IfThe whole ordinance must be published unless the town boarddeterminesdecides thatpublication of thepublishing its title and a summary ofan ordinance wouldit clearlyinformtells the public oftheits intent and effectof the ordinance, the town board may by a. The text of the ordinance, if published, must be in body type no smaller than brevier or 8-point type as specified in section 331.07. Subd. 3. [IF SUMMARY PUBLISHED.] The town board must approve the words in the summary. The decision to publish only the title and a summary must be made by a two-thirds vote ofitsmembers, ora three-member board and a four-fifths votein atown havingof a five-member boarddirect that only the title ofthe ordinance and a summary be published with. A notice must be published with the summary. The notice must say that a printed copy of the whole ordinance is available for inspection by any person during the clerk's regular office hoursof the town clerkandany other location which the town board designatesat another named place. The publishing of the title and summary is legally the same as publishing the whole ordinance. Subd. 4. [POSTING.] A copy of theentire text shallwhole ordinance must be posted in the community library, if there is one, or if not,. If there is no library, the whole ordinance must be posted inany otheranother publiclocation whichplace that the town boarddesignates. Before the publication ofthe title and summary, the town board shall approve the text ofthe summary and determine that it clearly informs the public ofthe intent and effect of the ordinance. The publishing of thetitle and summary shall be deemed to fulfill all legalpublication requirements as completely as if the entireordinance had been published. The text of the ordinance shallbe published in body type no smaller than brevier or eight-pointtype, as defined in section 331.07. Proof of the publicationshall be attached to and filed with the ordinance. Everynames. Subd. 5. [RECORDING.] An ordinanceshallmust be recorded in the town's ordinance book within 20 days afterpublication ofthe ordinance, or its title and summary, is published.Allordinances shall be suitably entitled and shall be substantiallyin the style: "The Town Board of Supervisors of .....ordains:."Proof of publication must be attached to the recorded ordinance. ANIMAL POUNDS 365.13 [POUNDSPOUNDMASTER NEEDED IF ELECTORS WANT POUND.]When theA poundmaster must be chosen to run the pound if electorsof any town determineatthean annual town meetingtomaintain one or more pounds the same shall be under the controlof such poundmasters as are chosen for that purposedecide to have a pound. TOWN BUILDINGS 365.14 [BOARD TO TAX FOR, CONTRACT FOR, MANAGE TOWNBUILDINGSHALL.]When any town shall have authorized the purchase orbuilding of a town hall or other building for its use anddetermined the amount of money to be raised for that purpose theA town board may levy a tax for the amountso authorized andmake all necessaryallowed by the town's electors to buy or build a building for the town's use. The town board may enter into the contractsfor purchasing or building the same and shallhave the control and management thereofthat are necessary to buy or build the building. The town board shall manage the building. POLICE, FIRE, WATER SERVICE 365.15 [FIRE ANDELECTORS TELL BOARD HOW MUCH FOR POLICEPROTECTION; ACQUISITION OF APPARATUS, FIRE.] The electorsof each town shall have the poweratanyannual or speciala town meetingto authorizemay direct the town board to provide for police or fire protectionor forpolice protection, or both, and for the purchase or acquisitionof apparatus therefor, either by itself or jointly with anyother town, city, or any number thereof, and for the maintenanceand operation of such apparatus, and to determine the maximumamount of money to be raised in that year and each yearthereafter for any or all of such purposes until changed in thesame manner by the electorsand get, operate, and keep up police and fire apparatus. The board may act jointly with home rule charter or statutory cities and other towns in getting the apparatus. The electors can also set the amount of money to be raised in one or more years for these purposes. The amount can be changed at asubsequentlater meeting. 365.16 [TAX LEVY; CONTRACTS; CONTROL OF APPARATUSBOARD TO TAX FOR, GET, MANAGE POLICE, FIRE GEAR.]When the electors of any town have authorized the providingof apparatus for fire protection or for police protection, orboth, or the maintenance and operation of such apparatus orboth, and determined the amount of money to be raised therefor,theA town board may annually levyathe taxfor the amount soauthorized or for such lesser amount as the board may determineto beit decides is necessaryand make allfor police and fire apparatus and to operate and keep up the apparatus. The tax must not be more than the amount that the electors allowed for the purpose. The board may enter into any contracts necessaryfor providing the sameto get, operate, and keep up the apparatus and shallhave thecontroland management ofthe apparatusso provided, subject to control and management jointlywith other towns or cities as herein provided. If the apparatus is shared under section 365.17 with home rule charter or statutory cities or other towns, the control must be shared with them. 365.17 [ADJACENT TOWNS, JOINT APPARATUSJOINT FIRE EQUIPMENT WITH ADJACENT TOWNS.]When the electors of two or more adjacent towns haveauthorized the providing of apparatus for fire protection anddetermined the amount of money to be raised in the respectivetowns for that purposeThe town boards ofsuch two or moreadjacent towns mayarrange for poolingpool the amounts raised bysuchthe townsand for providing such apparatusand jointly get andfor the maintaining of suchkeep up fire protection apparatus for the use ofsuchthe towns in commonupon such. The town boards shall jointly agree on the termsand, conditions andsubject to suchrulesand regulations as may be mutuallyagreed upon and, in such case,for their joint action. The immediate controland managementof the apparatus may beentrustedgiven to a committeecomposedmade up of thechairchairs ofeach ofthe town boards. Theterm of any suchjoint agreementmay be any reasonable periodmust notexceedingrun for more than ten years. 365.18 [NEARBY CITY, CONTRACTSBOARD LEVY FOR POLICE, FIRE GEAR AND PROTECTION.]Subdivision 1. When the electors of any town haveauthorized the providing of fire protection or policeprotection, or both, or apparatus therefor, and the maintenanceand operation of such apparatus, determined the amount of moneyto be raised therefor, theA town board may annually levyathe taxfor the amount so authorized or for such lesser amount asthe board may determine to be necessary, andit decides is necessary for police and fire protection and apparatus, and to operate and keep up the apparatus. The tax must not be more than the amount that the electors allowed for the purpose. 365.181 [CONTRACTED FIRE SERVICE; COST DATA; ASSESSMENTS.] Subdivision 1. [FROM COUNTY, CITY, OR VOLUNTEERS.] A town board may enter into a contract for fire protection and operation and upkeep of fire apparatus with the town's countyinwhich the town is located or with anyor a nearby home rule charter or statutory city, or with any. The town board may also enter into the same kind of contract with a volunteer fire department or association if the volunteer fire department or association is notestablished, by charter or ordinanceas, an official part of a city governmentfor the furnishing of suchfire protection within the limits of the town and for the care,maintenance and operation of such apparatus, on such. The parties shall mutually agree on the terms and conditionsasmutually may be agreed upon. The term of any such contract maybe any reasonable period not exceedingof the contract but the contract must not run for more than ten years. Subd. 2. [PROVIDER COST DATA.]In the event that no tax islevied or in the event that the proceeds of the tax leviedpursuant to subdivision 1 for fire protection are insufficientto reimburse the town for the amount expended for fireprotection service pursuant to a contract during any year, thetown board may levy annually upon each parcel of real estate inthe town which required fire services during the year anassessment for fire protection, not to exceed the actual cost ofsuch service, but no such assessment shall be made except uponten days mailed notice by the town board to the owners of theparcels proposed to be assessed, which notice shall indicate thetime and place the town board will meet to consider theassessment. Determination of ownership shall be made on thebasis of the records of the county auditor. Such assessmentshall be a lien upon such parcel of real estate and shall be dueand payable to the town treasurer 30 days after said levy. Anyassessment which is not paid when due, shall be certified by thetreasurer of the town, together with a description of the realestate affected, to the county auditor, who shall add the amountof the assessment plus a penalty of ten percent to the tax rollsof such parcel of such real estate and extend and collect suchtotal amount of the assessment with other real estate taxes forthe next subsequent year.Subd. 3. Where a municipalityA town that hascontractedwithentered into a contract orenters into contractnegotiationsis negotiating with atown to furnishmunicipality for fire servicespursuant tounder this section,it shallprovide the town with suchmay ask the municipality for cost data relating to fire protectionas requested. The town may also ask for a copy of each existing fire protection contract the municipality has with other political subdivisionsshall be provided upon request. The municipality shall provide the requested data and contracts. Subd. 3. [USER ASSESSMENTS; NOTICE; PROCEDURE.] If a tax is not levied under section 365.18 or if the tax does not raise enough to pay for a year's contracted fire service the town board may levy an assessment for fire service. The assessment must be levied on each real estate parcel that required fire service during the year. The assessment must not be more than the cost of service. The parcel owners must be given ten days' mailed notice of the time and place of the town board meeting that is called to consider the assessments. The county auditor's records must be used to determine ownership of the parcels. Subd. 4. [LIEN, PENALTY.] The assessment is a lien on the assessed parcel and is due and payable to the town treasurer 30 days after the assessment levy. A parcel's assessment that is not paid when due must be certified by the town treasurer to the county auditor. The auditor shall add the assessment plus a ten percent penalty to the real estate taxes on the parcel for the next year. 365.19 [TAX LEVY, LIMITRELATION OF LEVIES HERE TO FORESTRY ACT, LEVY.] Subdivision 1. [NOT LIMITED BY FORESTRY LEVY.]Nothing insections 365.15 to 365.18 shall be construed so as to modify,abridge, or repeal Laws 1925, Chapter 407. AnyA levyhereundershall be separate and distinct from, andunder sections 365.15 to 365.18 is in addition to,the levy and the amount of tax authorized in any one yearpursuant tounder section 88.04. Subd. 2. [FORESTRY ACT NOT AFFECTED.] Sections 365.15 to 365.18 do not affect Laws 1925, chapter 407, known in part as the forestry act and coded in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 88 and 89. 365.20 [MAY PROVIDE FIRE PROTECTION,POLICE, FIRE,PROTECTION, AND USE OF ROADS, STREETS, AND GROUNDS FORWATERMAINSIN CERTAIN PLATTED TOWNS.] Subdivision 1. [OPT AT ELECTION OR ANNUAL MEETING.]Theelectors of any town in which the assessed valuation of theplatted lands thereon equals or exceedsIf 50 percent or more of the total assessed valuationof all the lands of such towns,exclusive of mineral valuations, shall have power, at a specialelection called for that purpose or at the regular annualmeeting, to authorizein a town is platted land, the electors may let the town board:do what is described in this section. Mineral valuation must be excluded in figuring the percentage. The electors must act at a special election called for the purpose or at the annual meeting. Subd. 2. [FIRE PROTECTION AND EQUIPMENT.](1) ToThe electors may let the town board provide for fire protection and apparatustherefor;for the town. Subd. 3. [POLICE PROTECTION.](2) ToThe electors may let the town board provide for police protection;. Subd. 4. [PUBLIC LAYOUT FOR WATERWORKS.](3) To allow,permit, prohibit, and limitThe electors may let the town board regulate the use ofitsthe town's roads, streets, and public grounds for water mains,with alland necessary pipe, hydrants, and other appliances and means; and. Subd. 5. [BUILD WATERWORKS; CONTROL SERVICE, FAIR RATES.](4) To empowerThe electors may let the town boardtobuildand constructwater mains,with all theand necessary pipe, hydrants, and other appliancesfor the purpose ofprovidingto provide waterforto theinhabitants thereof,upon suchresidents of the town. The town board may set the terms and conditionsas may be imposed by such town board, andupon the condition thatof the water service. The water rates charged to theinhabitants of such townresidents and the publicshall bemust be just and reasonableand. The rates must notexceedingexceed a fair returnuponon the fair value of the property used forsuchthe purpose,for a period of not more than 20 years. 365.21 [SPECIAL ELECTION FOR POLICE, FIRE, WATER.] Subdivision 1. [BY BOARD OR PETITION.] A special electionof the electors of such townmay be called, for thepurpose of voting upon any of the propositions set forth into vote on a question under section 365.20, by the town board, upon. The town board calls the election. It may call one on its ownmotion, or shall be called by the town board upon a petitionofbut it must call an election if 20 percent of thequalifiedelectors ofsuchthe town, based uponpetition for it. The percentage is of the number ofsuchelectorsas shown byon the poll listof votersat thenext precedinglast electionprior tothe making of the petition. Subd. 2. [NOTICE.] The clerk shall post notice of the electionshall be given by posting notice thereofin three of the most public places in the town, specifying the propositionsupon which. The notice shall list the questions the electors are to vote, as follows:on. Subd. 3. [QUESTIONS.] A special election under this section may answer one or more of the questions in this subdivision.(1)(a) Shall the town board beauthorizedallowed to provide for fire protection and apparatustherefor?;(2)(b) Shall the town board beauthorizedallowed to provide for police protection?;(3)(c) Shall the town board beauthorizedallowed to grant a franchise for waterworksfor the purpose of supplying theinhabitantsto supply the residents of the town and the public with water?;Or as many of such propositions as are to be voted upon atsuch election.365.22 [CONDUCT OF ELECTION; BALLOTS, VOTING, HOURS.] Subdivision 1. [LIKE REGULAR TOWN ELECTION.]Every suchA special electionshallunder section 365.21 must beconductedrun in the samemanner asway that elections by ballot at the regular town election are run. Subd. 2. [QUESTIONS, BALLOT DETAILS.] Thepropositionsquestions to be votedupon shallon must be separately stateduponon the ballots, asspecifiedworded in section 365.21and opposite. Two squares, one above the other, must be put just below eachproposition shall be placed twosquares,question with thewordsword "yes" beside the upper square and the word "no"set opposite eachbeside the lower square, as follows:"Yes ..........No ............"and each. Subd. 3. [VOTING.] An electorshallmust vote separately on eachproposition by making a cross in the square indicatingwhether the elector desires to vote "yes" or "no" on thepropositionquestion for the elector's vote to be counted on that question. To vote "yes" on a question, the elector shall mark an "X" in the square beside the word "yes" just below the question. To vote "no" on a question, the elector shall mark an "X" in the square beside the word "no" just below the question. Subd. 4. [HOURS.] The pollsshallmust be open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., andSubd. 5. [MUNICIPAL ELECTION LAW APPLIES.] In all otherrespectsmatters the electionshallmust beconductedrun and the votes canvassedasthe way elections by ballot, asprovided inare run under sections 205.01 to 205.17. 365.23 [POWERS TO BE EXERCISED ONLY AT TOWNMEETING FOR SECTION 365.20 SPENDING, PACTS, TAX.]In case any of the powers set forth inAfter getting general authority to do something under section 365.20shall begranted to any such town board by the electors in the manneraforesaid, the town, a town boardshall not have any authoritytomust not spend moneytherefor or to, enter intoanya contract, or levyanya tax forany such purposes unless thesame be authorized at the annualthat purpose without specific authority from a town meeting, except that whenever the electorsvote to authorize any town board to exercise any of such powersin any year after. The specific authority is to be given at the annual town meeting, a special town meeting may be called uponten days notice, and such special town meeting shall have thesame authority in respect to voting for these purposes as theelectors at an annual town meetingif still possible in the year the general authority is voted in. Otherwise, a special meeting to decide whether to give the town board the specific authority may be called on ten days' notice. 365.24 [ELECTION TO REVOKE POWERS GRANTEDELECTION MAY REVOKE EARLIER GRANT OF POWER.] The electors ofany sucha town may, by an election calledand held, as hereinbefore provided,revoke any authorityof suchtown theretofore grantedunder section 365.20 given byvote ofsuch electors, as aforesaid; and, in any such case, if suchelection results in a revocation of any of such powers, the townboard shall no longer exercise the samethem to the town board. The revocation must be made in an election held under section 365.21. 365.243 [COUNTY FIREPROTECTION FORSERVICE TO UNORGANIZEDTOWNSHIPSTERRITORY.] Subdivision 1. [PERMISSIVE.]In anyA countyof this statecontaining one or more unorganized townships the county boardmay provide fire protectionfor suchto its unorganizedtownshipor townshipsterritory and may levy taxesuponon the property insuchthe unorganizedtownship or townshipsterritory forsuchthat purpose. Subd. 2. [NO ELECTION NEEDED.] Under sections 365.15 to 365.18, and 365.20, a county board acts for its unorganized territorywithin its county and no. The county board does not need to get authority from the electors ofsuchthe territory tothe county board is required; anyact. An act of a county board in providing fire protectioninand levying taxesthereforfor that protection in unorganized territory is as validto the sameextentas a similar act of a town boardof an organized townshipduly authorized by theacting on authority granted by its electorsof the town. TOWN CEMETERIES 365.26 [CEMETERIESLAND; BOARD CONTROL; SALE OR LEASE; CITY AID.] Subdivision 1. [VOTE FOR LAND.]When authorized by a voteof itsA town's electorsany townmayacquire by purchase,vote to let the town buy, condemn or receive a giftorcondemnationof landor additional landswithinits limitsthe town to be used as a cemetery. Subd. 2. [BOARD MAY RUN, SPEND FOR.] The town board shall control, and may establish rules for, the cemetery and mayexpendspend townfunds for the care, maintenance and operationof itsmoney to run and keep up the cemetery. The town boardmay determine those eligible for burial in the cemetery andestablish other policies for the cemetery. The town board shallhave control and management of every such cemetery, andmay laythe sameout the cemetery into lots, streets, and walks, andcauseorder that plats and mapsthereof toof the cemetery be made and filed in theoffice of thetownclerkclerk's office. Subd. 3. [WHOM TO BURY.] The town board may decide who may be buried in the cemetery. Subd. 4. [SALE TO CITY, IF PART OF.] Ifany sucha town cemetery becomesseparated from the town by being included inpart of the territory of a statutory citythereafter organizedfrom its territory, it, the cemetery may be sold and conveyed by the town board tosuch statutorythe city. Subd. 5. [SALE OR LEASE TO CORPORATION.]When authorizedby a vote of itsA town's electorsat a town meetingmay vote to let the townmaysell or leaseanypart ofsuchits cemetery to a charitable, religious, or cemetery corporationupon theterms and conditions expressed in such authorization, but. The vote must be taken at a town meeting. The terms and conditions of the sale or lease must be included in the voted authorization. The partsosold or leasedshallmust continue to be used forburial purposesburials. Subd. 6. [AID, BURIALS FROM CITY.]Upon receipt of aresolution of theA town boardrequesting financialmay adopt a resolution asking for aidfor maintenance of afrom a statutory city within the town's boundaries to maintain the town cemetery,. The board shall send the resolution to the city. Thestatutorycity councilof any statutory city located withinthe boundaries of such townmay,in its discretion, appropriatefrom moneys not required for other purposes andthen paytothe townfor maintenance of such town cemetery a sumfrom money not otherwise needed notto exceedmore than $500per annum,provided that burial of the dead of the statutory city ispermitted in such cemetery, anda year to maintain the cemetery. The town boardis authorized to grant such permissionon such terms and with such limitations as it shall from time totime prescribemust then allow burials of the city's dead. The board may set terms for, and limits on, the burials. 365.27 [SALE OF LOTS LIMITED;PROCEEDSWHERE MONEY GOES.] Subdivision 1. [FOR ALLOWED BURIALS ONLY.]Lots of suchcemetery may be sold by the townA town's board may sell a lot in its cemetery for burial of onlyfor the burial ofthose permitted by the boardand, upon sale, shallto be buried there. The lots must be conveyedin like mannerasitsother real estate is conveyed. Subd. 2. [MONEY TO CEMETERY FUND.]Proceeds of all salesshallMoney from the sale of town cemetery lots must be paid into the town treasury, and shall constitute. The money makes up a fund to be used onlyin maintaining, improving, andornamenting suchto keep up, improve, and ornament the cemetery. 365.28 [PUBLIC BURIALGROUNDSGROUND IS TOWN'S AFTER TEN YEARS.]When anyA tract of land in a town, title to which is notvested in some cemetery association,becomes town property after it has been used as a public burial ground for ten yearsthetitle thereto shall be deemed vested in such town and the sameshall be subject to theif the tract is not owned by a cemetery association. The town board shall controland management of thetown board of such town in like mannerthe burial ground as it controls other town cemeteries. 365.29 [PERMANENT FUND FORPART OF LOT PRICE GOES TO CEMETERYPURPOSESFUND.]TheA town's boardof supervisors of any town in the statewhich has heretofore purchased land for, and which is now used,or may be hereafter purchased and used, as a cemetery therein,may requireand providethatanypartor portionof the price paid forlots therein shall constitutea lot in its cemetery goes into a permanent fund, which shall. The money in the fund must be deposited, as provided inunder section 365.32, and thatthe. Interestaccruing thereon shallfrom the fund must be paid annually to the cemetery's directorsof the cemetery to be bythem expended in caring for and beautifying such. The directors shall spend the money to care for and beautify the lot. The amount spent on a lot must be in the same proportionwhich theamount set aside from the lot bears tothat the part of the price put in the fund from the sale of that lot is of the totalamount in thefund. 365.30 [SUPERVISORS TO FIX PRICEBOARD SETS LOT CARE SHARE, HOW INTEREST USED.]TheA town's boardof supervisors is hereby given power andauthority to fix and determine the amount of suchmay decide the share of its cemetery lot priceof each such lot sold that shallbe taken, held, and deposited, for the purpose ofthat is for caring for and beautifying the lot and the cemeteryand todirect and require. The board may also require the cemetery directorsof the cemeterytoexpendspend the interest on thesameshare asprovided inset out in sections 365.29 to 365.36. 365.31 [GIFTSGIFT FOR CEMETERY OR LOT; USE INTEREST FOR CARE.]The townA town's boardof supervisorsand the directors of its cemetery,and each thereof, are hereby authorized andempowered to receive,may accept, and deposit, as provided insections 365.29 to 365.36, any donation ora gift of moneymadetosuchthe cemetery fundso created and to provide andrequire. They may require that the interesttherefrom shallfrom the deposit of the gift be used by the directorsin theto care for andbeautifying of such lot orbeautify the cemetery or its lotsin such cemetery, or in the care and beautifying ofsuch cemetery, and may receive and accept gifts and donationsfor the care and beautifying of any particular lot or lots insuch cemetery, and shall use the same and the interest thereonfor the purpose specified by the donor. If a donor gives a gift for use of a specific lot, the board or the directors may accept the gift and then shall use it and interest on it on that lot. 365.32 [TO DEPOSIT MONEY WITH COUNTY TREASURERBOARD MAY HAVE LOT MONEY GO TO COUNTY TREASURER.]TheA town's boardof supervisors is hereby authorized andempowered tomay requirethe directors of any such cemeteryits cemetery's directors to immediately depositall such moneyin the county treasuryof the county in which such town is locatedimmediately after the sale and receipt by them of payment forany lot sold in such cemetery, or the receipt of any suchmoney from the sale of a cemetery lot or from a giftor donation, andfor the cemetery fund. The county treasurerof any such countyis hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to receive thesame and all such andshall immediately depositit as providedin sections 365.29 to 365.36. These funds, and all thereof, assoon as received by such county treasurer, shall be deposited ina bank designated as a depository of county funds by the countyboard of such countythe money in the county's depository as directed in section 365.33. 365.33 [INTEREST; USEHOW COUNTY TO TREAT TOWN CEMETERY MONEY.] Subdivision 1. [LIKE OTHER FUNDS.]For the purpose of suchdeposit,Deposits into the fundso created shallset up under section 365.29 must be treatedasthe way other funds in the county treasury, except as herein otherwise provided, and drawno lessare treated. The deposit must not earn a lower rate of interest than is paid onthecounty fundsof the countydepositedin the depository; provided that. Subd. 2. [TIME CERTIFICATES.] Theboard ofdirectors ofthea cemetery association may requireall or part of thefundsmoney to be depositedonin time certificates in the depository. The certificates must be in the name of the county treasurer,and must be payable to the county treasurer or successors in office, and. The county treasurer shallsecure onsuch time depositget the highest rate of interestwhichthat the depository will paythereon andon the time certificates. The interest rate must not be less than the current rate paid on time certificates bysuchthe depository; and for such principaland interest so deposited on time certificates,. The county treasurershall be liable in the same way and manner and to thesame extent that the treasurer is liable upon official bond formoneys deposited on behalf of the countyis just as liable on the county treasurer's bond for the principal and interest on the time certificates as for deposits of county money. Subd. 3. [SEPARATE SECURED ACCOUNT.] The town's cemetery fundshallmoney must be deposited insuchthe depository in the name ofsuchthe countyand. The bond or security given to the county bysuchthe depositoryshall be taken and held to be asis security forsuchthe fund, butmoney. The county treasurerof such countyshall keep an accurate and separate accountthereof and draw from such depositoryof the fund money. Subd. 4. [WITHDRAWAL, USE OF INTEREST.] Annually the county treasurer shall withdraw the interestaccruingearned onsuchthe fund money and paythe sameit to theboard ofdirectors of the cemeteryand. Theboard ofdirectorsshallmay use the interest only forthepurposes of sections 365.29 to 365.36and none other. 365.34 [TRANSFER OF FUNDIF DEPOSITORY CHANGED, FUND TO BE CHANGED.]It is hereby made the duty of the treasurer of any suchWhen a county, when any change is made in thechanges its depositoryof the funds of any such county, to change andtransfer to such new depository the fund provided for insections 365.29 to 365.36 and, the county's treasurer shall depositsuch fundits towns' cemetery funds insuchthe new depository. 365.35 [DISPOSAL OF EXCESSFUND PRINCIPAL, EXTRA INTEREST NEVER TO BE USED.]Any excess ofThe principal of a town's cemetery fund must never be used. Interestover the sum necessary for the care andbeautifying of theearned by the fund that is not needed to care for or beautify the cemetery or its lotsor cemeteryin anyoneyearshall be by the directors deposited in such treasury to bemust be added toand become a part ofthe principalsum and nopart of the principal sum shall ever be usedby the cemetery's directors. 365.36 [INVESTMENT OF CEMETERY FUND.] Subdivision 1. [LIKE SCHOOL FUND.]The board ofsupervisors, by and through the board ofA cemetery's directorsof the cemetery association, if there shall be a board ofdirectors thereof, and if there shall not be a board ofdirectors thereof, then acting as aor, if none, the town boardof supervisors,shall invest thefund so createdprincipal of the cemetery fund in thesamekind ofbonds andsecuritiesasthat the permanent school fundof the statemay be invested inand for such purpose and none other. Thislaw, as it shallexist at the time any money is received into this fund, shallcontrolsection controls the investmentthereof and suchof the principal of the fundshall be invested only as the law providesat the time of the receipt of the money into the fund, and nosubsequent amendment or change in this law shall authorize theinvestment of any fund differently or in any other class ofsecurities save as provided in this law when the money isreceived into the fund. Subd. 2. [COUNTY TREASURER'S DUTIES.] The town boardofsupervisorsand the cemetery directors may require the county treasurerof any such countyto withdrawall or any part of suchfundmoney fromsuchthe depository for investment, ashereinbefore provided, and if the fund, or any part thereof, beso invested,under this section. Thebonds or othersecuritiesshall be andinvested in must remain with the county treasurerand. The bond of the county treasurershall at alltimes beis security for the proper carethereof andof the securities. The bond is also security for the payment to the cemetery directors of interest earned by the securities and received by the treasurerthereon to the directors of thecemetery, and upon payment of any such bonds or other. On receiving payments on the securities the county treasurerofsuch county, upon such payment,shall deposit thesamepayments in the county depositoryin which county funds are deposited,. The county treasurer also shall collect the interestupon thefunds soon money loanedandfrom the fund. The county treasurer shall then paythe samethe money received and collected to the directors of the cemeterywhenever requested soto do andwhen they ask for it. Annually the county treasurer shall payover to the directors ofthe cemetery directors all interest on moneycollected orreceivedby the treasureror collected onfunds somoney deposited or investedas provided inunder sections 365.29 to 365.36. Subd. 3. [TREASURER'S REPORT AND STATEMENTS.]On orBeforethe first day ofMarch 2 each year,the county treasurer shall make a report to the town boardof supervisors of the town,setting forth. The report must have a statement of allmoneysmoney received by the treasurer underthe terms ofsections 365.29 to 365.36 during theprecedinglast calendar yearand set forth in detail a. The statementofmust include: (1) the amount of money and the amount of securities in the permanent fund on the first day of the calendar yearand theamount of securities in the fund on the first day of thecalendar year,; (2) the amount of money paid into the fund during the year,; (3) the amount of money invested in securities in the year,a statement; (4) the amount ofthemoney and the amount of securitiesheldin the fund at the end of the calendar yearand the amountof money in the fund at the end of the calendar year, astatement of; (5) the amount of interest collected on the fund and turned over to the directors,; anda statement of the excess, if any,of(6) the amount of excess interestover the sum necessaryfor the care and beautifying of the lots which thereturned by the directors,shall havedeposited in the treasuryto be, and added toand made a part ofthe permanent fund. BID REQUIREMENTS, CONFLICTS OF INTEREST 365.37 [CONTRACTS; LET ONCONFLICTS, BIDS,OFFICERS NOT TOBE INTERESTEDEMERGENCIES, PENALTY, REMOVAL.] Subdivision 1. [NO CONFLICTS; EXCEPTIONS.] Except as provided in sections 471.87 to 471.89,no supervisors, townclerk, or town board shall becomea supervisor, town clerk, or town board must not be a party to, or be directly or indirectly interested in,anya contract made or payment voted by the town boardand all contracts. Subd. 2. [TO LOWEST RESPONSIBLE BIDDER.] A contract let on bidshallmust be let to the lowest responsible bidderafter tendays public notice, posted in the three most public places inthe town or published for two weeks in a newspaper generallycirculated in the town,. Subd. 3. [NOTICE.] Before a contract is let on bid, ten days' public notice of the time and place of receiving bids must be given. The notice must be posted in the three most public places in the town or published for two weeks in a newspaper generally circulated in the town. Subd. 4. [SPECIAL EMERGENCY EXCEPTION.]In cases ofIf a special emergency comes up, a contract may be let withoutthenoticebeing givenorsealed bids solicitedcompetitive bidding. A special emergency, for the purposes of this section,is a situationwhererequiring immediate actionmust be taken,essential to the health, safety, or welfare of thecommunitytown. Subd. 5. [VIOLATION; MISDEMEANOR AND REMOVAL.]EveryA contract madeandor payment voted or made contrary totheprovisions ofthis sectionshall beis voidand any such. A town officerviolating the provisions ofwho violates this sectionshall beis guilty of a misdemeanorand, in addition tothe provisions prescribed by law, removed fromand must leave office. CLAIMS, LAWSUITS, JUDGMENTS 365.38 [FILING CLAIMS; DEMANDNOTIFY CLERK BEFORE SUIT; WAIT 30 DAYS ON ORDER.] Subdivision 1. [ON MOST MONEY CLAIMS; EXCEPTIONS.]NoIf an actionupon anyon a claimor cause of action for which acan demand only a money judgmentonly is demandable, except upontown orders, bonds, coupons, or written promises to pay money,shall be maintainedthe action cannot be brought againstanya townunlessuntil a statement ofsuchthe claimshall havebeenis filed with the town clerk. Filing is not required for actions on a town order, bond, coupon, or written promise to pay money. Subd. 2. [TOWN ORDERS.]NoAn actionshallcannot be broughtupon anyon a town order until theexpiration of 30 days31st day after paymentthereof has beenof the order is demanded. 365.39 [ACTIONSLAWSUIT WITH TOWN AS PARTY IS LIKE ANY LAWSUIT.]Actions and proceedings between towns, or between a townand an individual or a corporation, shall be begun, tried, andconducted in the same manner, and a judgment therein shall havea like effect, as in similar actions and proceedingsAn action or proceeding with a town as a party must be handled as other actions and proceedings are handled. A judgment has the same effect as a judgment in a similar action or proceeding between individuals. 365.40 [ACTIONS, IN WHAT NAMETOWN NAME IN SUIT; EXCEPTION; SERVICE; DEFENSE.] Subdivision 1. [TOWN OR OFFICERS NAMED.] In all actions or proceedings the town shall sue and be sued in its name, exceptwherethat town officersare authorized tomay sue in their official names foritsthe town's benefit. Subd. 2. [SERVE CHAIR OR CLERK.] Ineveryan action against a town, process and papersshallmust be served on the chair of the town board or on the town clerk; and such. Subd. 3. [CHAIR DEFENDS, TELLS BOARD.] The chair shallattend to the defense ofsee that the action, and lay beforeis defended. The chair shall also give the town boardofsupervisors at the first meetinga full statement of the factsrelating thereto for its direction in defendingabout the action or proceeding so that the board can decide how to defend it. The statement must be given at the first board meeting after the town is served. 365.41 [JUDGMENTSJUDGMENT AGAINSTTOWNSTOWN; PAYMENT; EXECUTION.] Subdivision 1. [PAID BY TOWN TREASURER.]WhenA judgmentis recoveredagainst a town, oragainst anya town officerin anaction against the officerin an official capacity,no executionshall be issued thereon; but, unless reversed or stayed, itshallmust be paid by the town treasureruponon demandandthe delivery ofif there is enough unappropriated money on hand. The demand is made by giving the town treasurer a certified copy of the docketthereof, if the treasurer has onhand sufficient town money not otherwise appropriatedof the judgment. An execution of the judgment must not be issued at this time. Subd. 2. [UNPAID IF STAYED, APPEALED.] If the judgment is reversed or stayed the town treasurer must not pay it. Subd. 3. [PERSONALLY LIABLE.]A treasurer failing to do soshall be personally liableIf a town has enough money but its treasurer does not pay the judgment, the treasurer is liable for the amount, unless the collection thereof is afterwardsof the judgment. The personal liability is removed if the collection of the judgment is later stayeduponon appeal. Subd. 4. [TAX LEVY; EXECUTION, IF NOT PAID.] Ifpayment isnot madethe town does not have enough money on hand to pay the judgment the town shall levy to pay it. The town treasurer then must pay the judgment within 30 days afterthe time fixed by lawforthe county treasurertohas to payover to the towntreasurerthe levy moneyon hand belongingto the townleviedfor the purpose of paying such judgment,treasurer. If the payment is not made by then, execution on the judgment mayissue, butbe made. Only town propertyshall beis liablethereonon the execution. 365.42 [TAX TO PAYAMOUNT OF UNPAID JUDGMENT ADDED TO TAX LEVY.]If a judgment for the recovery of money is rendered againsta town, and is not satisfied or proceedings thereon stayedbefore the next annual town meeting, upon presentation ofA certified copy of the docket ofsuchan unsatisfied money judgmentto suchmay be presented to the first annual town meeting after the judgment is rendered. If proceedings on the judgment are not stopped the town board shall then add the amount of the judgment to the tax levy for that yearthe amountof such judgment. YEARLY TAX, SPENDING, DEBT LIMITS 365.43 [YEARLY ASSESSED TAXES TO LIMIT DEBTS ANDEXPENDITURES; EXCEPTIONNO DEBT, SPENDING BEYOND TAX LIMIT WITHOUT VOTE.] Subdivision 1. [LEVIED AMOUNT IS SPENDING LIMIT.]NoA townshallmust not contract debts ormake expenditures for anyonespend more money in a yearexceeding in amountthan the taxesassessedlevied forsuchthe year, unless such debt orexpenditure is authorized by thewithout a favorable vote of a majority of the town's electorsof such town, and no taxes inexcess of the amounts authorized by law shall be levied by anytown in any one year. Subd. 2. [LAW LIMITS LEVIED AMOUNT.] A town must not levy more taxes in a year than are authorized by law. 365.431 [AMOUNT VOTED AT MEETING IS TAX LIMIT.] The tax for town purposes must not be more than the amount voted to be raised at the annual town meeting. SEPARATION FROM STATUTORY CITY 365.44 [SEPARATION FROM A STATUTORY CITYFIFTY VOTER PETITION; BALLOT AT TOWN MEETING.]Upon filing with the clerk of any town of a notice, signedby not less than 50 town voters residing either within orwithout the statutory city to be separated stating thatThe question ofthe separation of thewhether a town is to be separated for all purposes fromanya statutory citylocatedwithin the townwillmay be voteduponon at thenexttown's annualtownmeeting,. This section must be followed for the separation to take place. At least 50 of the town's electors must sign a notice stating that the question will be voted on at the next annual meeting. The signers may reside within or outside the city. The notice must be filed with the town clerk. The clerk shallinsertinclude thestatementquestion in the notice of the meeting, and. The questionshallmust then be voteduponon byaballot. If a majority of the votescastupon the proposition beon the question are in favor of the separation, the townshall beis separated from the statutory city for all purposes. Only voters residingwithoutoutside the statutory city may voteuponon the questionat the town meeting. DISSOLUTION OF TOWNS 365.45 [DISSOLUTION OF TOWNSBY COUNTY IF ASKED, OR ON ITS OWN IF TAXES LATE.] Subdivision 1. [RESOLUTION; NOTICE.] A town is dissolved when its county board adopts a resolution to dissolve it. The county auditor shall give ten days' notice of the meeting that will consider the resolution. The notice must be given by publishing it in the newspaper that publishes the county board's proceedings. Subd. 2. [TWO WAYS.] There are two ways for the matter of town dissolution to come before the county board: by town vote or by county board initiative. Subd. 3. [FIRST: TOWN VOTE.]When theA town's electorsof any town, at the annual meeting, or at a special meetingcalled for that purpose, shall have voted,may vote by ballot,to dissolve the townorganization hereunder,. Thetowntown's boardthereof shall adopt a resolution setting forth such factsand asking for the dissolution of the town; andthen shall ask the county board to dissolve the town. When the town board asks, it shall tell the county board how many electors voted for and how many voted against the dissolution. The vote must be taken at an annual meeting or at a special meeting called for the purpose. A copy of the resolution asking for the dissolution,dulycertified by the town clerk,shallmust be presented to the town's county boardof county commissioners ofthe county in which such town is located, such board of countycommissioners may, or whenever. Subd. 4. [SECOND: BY COUNTY INITIATIVE.] A county board may take up a town's dissolution on its own. To do so, the tax delinquency inanythe townexceedsmust be more than 70 percentin any one year, the board of county commissioners of the countywherein such town is situated, on its own initiative, may, byresolution, dissolve such. Subd. 5. [HOW TERRITORY TO BE GOVERNED.] In dissolving a townandthe county board may attach the town's territoryformerly embraced thereinto an adjoining townortowns, orprovide for the government of such territorygovern it as unorganized territory of the county. Subd. 6. [APPROVAL OF JOINED TOWN.] Ifsuch dissolvedterritory of the dissolved town is added to an adjoining town theproposal therefor shalladdition must firsthave theapproval ofbe approved by a five-eighths majority ofthethose votingelectors of such town to which the dissolved territory isadded. Upon the adoption of the resolution by the county boardsuch town shall be dissolved and no longer entitled to exerciseany of the powers or functions of an organized town. The countyauditor shall give ten days notice, by one publication in thepaper in which the proceedings of the county board arepublished, of the meeting of the county board at which suchpetition will be consideredon the question in the adjoining town. 365.46 [COPY OF RESOLUTION FILED WITHNOTICE TO SECRETARY OF STATE, OTHERS; RECORDING.] Subdivision 1. [BY COUNTY AUDITOR.] The county auditor shall immediately send a certified copy ofthe resolution ofthe countyboardboard'sdeclaring such town to be dissolved shallforthwith be forwarded by the county auditorresolution dissolving a town to the secretary of state, who shall, onreceipt thereof, make an appropriate. The secretary of state shall then recordofthe dissolutionof such town. Subd. 2. [COPIES.] The county auditor shall alsoprovidesend a copy of the notice of the dissolution to: (1) the state demographer, (2) the land management information center, (3) the Minnesota municipal board, and (4) the commissioner of transportation. 365.47 [COUNTY'S DISPOSAL OF TOWN'S FUNDS; DEBT LEVY.] Subdivision 1. [THIS SECTION CONTROLS.]Any fundsbelonging to the town remainingA dissolved town's money that remains in orthereafter comingcomes into the county treasuryof the county in which such town was located shallmust be disposed ofin the following manner:under this section. Subd. 2. [ROAD AND BRIDGE.]AnyMoney in the roadorand bridge fundshallmust beexpendedspent by the county boardof such countyfor road and bridge improvements wholly within thelimits of suchtown; any other funds of such. Subd. 3. [REMAINDER FOR DEBT.] The county auditor shall use all other townshall, by the auditor of such county, be usedmoney to pay all outstanding bonds, warrants,orand judgments against the town. Subd. 4. [IF SHORT, LEVY, BOND.] Ifthe funds so remainingare not sufficientthe county does not have enough town money to paysuchthe holders for the outstanding bonds, warrants,orand judgments, then, uponthe holders may petitionof the holdersthereof,the county auditor for a levy. The county auditor shall spread enough of a tax levy against the taxable property of the townin an amount sufficientto paythe same, whichthe holders off. The levyshallmust notexceedbe more than the maximum amountwhichthat the townwould have been authorized tocould levyfor the purpose of paying such indebtednessto pay those debts if ithad not beenwere not dissolved. Iftheone levyshalldoes notbe sufficientraise enough money to pay offsuchthe bonds, warrants,orand judgments, the county auditor shall spreadsuccessiveannual leviesinto pay them off. The levies must be for the maximum amountwhichthat the townwouldhave been able tocould levy forsuchthe purpose if ithadnot beenwere not dissolved. The levy must be made untilsuchthe warrants, bonds,orand judgments are paid in full, unless bonds are issuedtherefor as provided infor them under section 365.48. 365.48 [PAYMENT OF INDEBTEDNESSCOUNTY MAY BOND TO PAY DEBT OF DISSOLVED TOWN.] Subdivision 1. [IF YEAR'S LEVY NOT ENOUGH.]In the eventthe outstanding bonds, warrants, and judgments shall exceed themaximum amount which may be raised by one year's levy, asprovided for in sections 365.45 to 365.49, theA county board may issue funding or refunding bonds, in the mannerto pay off the outstanding bonds, warrants, and judgments of a dissolved town if they amount to more than one year's maximum levy under section 365.48. The bonds must be issued as provided by law for theissuanceissuing of county funding or refunding bonds, totake up such warrants, judgments, or bonds. Subd. 2. [NO ELECTION.] The bonds may be issued without first submitting the question ofsuchthe issue to the electors residing in the town's territory or in the county. Subd. 3. [OBLIGATION OF TOWN TERRITORY ONLY.]AnyThe bondsso issued shallare notbean obligation of the county butshall beare an obligation of the territoryformerly includedthat used to be insuchthe townand shall be. The bonds are payable out of levies made against the property insuchthat territory, as provided inunder section 365.47, and suchrestriction shall. The restrictions in this subdivision must be printeduponon the face of the bonds. Subd. 4. [CHAPTER 475 APPLIES.]Except as provided insections 365.45 to 365.49, suchThe bondsshallmust be issuedpursuantaccording tothe provisions ofsections 475.51, 475.53, 475.54, 475.58, 475.62, 475.63, 475.66, and 475.72, andunless this section has a different procedure. The tax levy required by section 475.61shallmust be made against the property of the territoryformerly included in such town at the time of theissuance of suchobligated on the bonds. 365.49 [PROPERTYTO REVERTOF DISSOLVED TOWN BELONGS TO COUNTY.] Subdivision 1. [IF NEEDED BY COUNTY: CREDIT.]Anyproperty,A dissolved town's real or personal, of such townwhichproperty that is needed for county purposesshall becomebecomes the property of the countybut. The reasonable valuethereofof the property, as determined by the county board,shallmust be credited tosuchthe town and usedfor thepurpose of payingto pay off outstanding bonds, warrants, or judgments. Subd. 2. [IF UNNEEDED: NO CREDIT.]AnyOther property ofsuchthe townshall becomebecomes the property of the county withoutany allowancebeingmade thereforcredited to the town. Subd. 3. [SURPLUS TOWN MONEY.]AnySurplusfundsmoney of the town,after all obligationshave beenare paid, shallmust be credited to the county's general fundof the county. TOWN MEETING 365.50 [FIRST TOWN MEETING; NOTICE, OFFICERS, POWERS.] Subdivision 1. [WHEN, WHERE.] The first town meeting ineacha new townshallmust be held within 20 days afteritthe town is organized, at a time and place to be designated by. The county board, andshall name the time and place of the meeting. The county auditor shallcausesee that ten days' posted noticethereof to beof the meeting is given ineach suchthe town. Subd. 2. [MEETING OFFICERS.] The voters present atsuchthe meeting, between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. or such othertime as shall be set by the town board,shall choose one of their number as moderator, two others as judges of election, and one as clerkwho. Each of these meeting officers shallseverallytake andsubscribesign the oath required ofjudgesa judge of a general election, which. The oath may be administered to the judges by the moderator,and to the moderator by one of the judges.TheyThe meeting officers shallthereupon conductthen run theproceedings of suchmeeting, andthe voters shall possess the same. Subd. 3. [ELECTORS' POWERS.] During the meeting, the electors have the powersasthey have at other town meetings. 365.51 [ANNUALTOWNMEETING;PRECINCTS; POLLINGPLACESNOTICE, BUSINESS, ELECTIONS.] Subdivision 1. [WHEN; BAD WEATHER.]There shall be anA town's annual town meeting must be heldin each townon the second Tuesday of March at the placedesignatednamed by the last annual town meeting, and. If nodesignation is so madeplace was named then, the meeting must be held at the placedesignatednamed by the town board. The placedesignatedmay belocatedoutside the town if the place is within five miles ofonea town boundaryof the town. In the event of inclementweather. If there is bad weather on meeting day, themeetingshall be held on another March day designated by thetown board shall set the meeting for another day in March. Subd. 2. [NOTICE.] The clerk shall give ten days' published noticespecifyingof the time and place of the meeting in a qualified newspaper having general circulationwithinin the town, or by. An alternative to published notice is posted notice, as directed by the town boardshall directunless thevoterselectors atthean earlier annual town meeting direct otherwise. Subd. 3. [OFFICERS; OTHER BUSINESS.] All town officers required by law to be electedshallmust bechosen thereat, andelected at the town meeting. The meeting must also take up other businessdone as is by lawrequiredor permittedby law and may take up other business allowed by law. Subd. 4. [PRECINCTS; POLLING PLACES.] The town board may,with respect to an election by ballot at the annual town meetingfor the purposechoose to use precincts and polling places to electof selectingtown officers orof determiningto decide any matter of town business, provide for the casting of ballots inprecincts and at polling placesrequiring a ballot election. Precincts and polling placesshall, if used, must bedesignatedset up by the town boardin the manner prescribed byunder sections 204B.14 and 204B.16. 365.52 [SPECIALTOWN MEETINGS; PRECINCT; POLLING PLACES;MEETING; VACANCY, OTHER WORK, ELECTION.] Subdivision 1. [HOW, WHY CALLED.] A special town meeting may be held forthe purpose ofan election to fill a vacancy when the town board has failed to fill the vacancy by appointment, or for transacting any. A special meeting may also be held to do other lawful businesswhenever. To call a special meeting, the supervisors and town clerk, or any two of them, together with at least 12 other town freeholdersof thetown, shall file a statement in the town clerk's officeof thetown clerk a written statement setting forth the reasons andnecessity for. The statement must tell why the meetingandis called, the particular business to be transactedat it, and that the interests of the town requirethatthe meetingbe held. A special town meeting may also be calledupon aon petition of 20 percent of theeligible voterselectors of the town, basedupon. The percentage is of the number of voters at the last general election. Subd. 2. [PRECINCTS; POLLING PLACES.] The town board may,with respect to an election by ballot at the annual town meetingfor the purposechoose to use precincts and polling places to electof selectingtown officers orof determiningto decide any matter of town business, provide for the casting of ballots inprecincts and at polling placesrequiring a ballot election. Precincts and polling placesshall, if used, must bedesignatedset up by the town boardin the manner prescribed byunder sections 204B.14 and 204B.16. 365.53 [NOTICES; PUBLICATIONCLERK TO RECORD NEED TO MEET; GIVE NOTICE.] Subdivision 1. [CLERK'S DUTIES.]When the statement is sofiled,The clerk shall recordit, andthe statement of need for a special town meeting after it is filed. The clerk shall also give ten days' published noticespecifyingof the timeand, place, andthepurposefor whichof the meetingis to beheld. Subd. 2. [PUBLISHED OR POSTED NOTICE.] The notice must be published in a qualified newspaper having general circulationwithinin the town, or by. An alternative to published notice is posted notice,as directed by the town boardshall directunless thevoterselectors atthean annual town meeting direct otherwise. Subd. 3. [VACANCY DETAILS IN NOTICE.] If a vacancy in an office is to be filled, the noticeshall specify in whatmust name the officeit exists,and tell howitthe vacancy occurred, who was the last incumbent, and when thelegalterm of the office expires. 365.54 [ORGANIZATION OF MEETINGANNUAL MEETING TIME; CONVENER; MODERATOR; PAY.] Subdivision 1. [CONVENING.]TheAn annual town meetingshallmust convene at 9:00 a.m.provided thatunless the electors at the last annual meetingmayset a later timeforconvening the next subsequent annual meeting. Subd. 2. [CLERK'S CALL TO ORDER.] Thevoters presentbetween 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. or such otherclerk shall call the meeting to order at a timeas may beset by the town boardon the day of the annual or any special town meeting,or by the electors at thepreviouslast annual meeting, shall be called toorder by the town clerk, if present;. If the town board sets the time, it must do so on the day of the annual, or a special, town meeting. If no time is set, the clerk shall call the meeting to order between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 a.m. Subd. 3. [CHAIR, IF CLERK ABSENT.] Ifnotthe clerk is not there, the voters present may elect a chair by acclamation. Subd. 4. [MODERATOR; PAY.]TheyThe voters shall theninthe same mannerchoose a moderatorof such townfor the meeting in the same way.The moderator may be paid $2.50 for such work,or such amount as may be allowed byThe town board shall decide how much to pay the moderator. 365.55 [TOWN CLERKOFIS MEETING CLERK; MINUTES TO BE FILED.] The town clerkshall beis clerk of the town meeting, and shall keep full minutes of its proceedings, in which shall beentered at length. The minutes must contain the full text of every orderor, direction, andall rules and regulationsrule made by the meeting. If the town clerk is absent, the voters present shall elect a clerk of the meeting. The minutes ofsuchthe meetingshallmust besubscribedsigned by the clerk of the meeting and by the judges, and. The minutes must be filed in the office of the town clerk within two days after the meeting. 365.56 [ORDER OF BUSINESS; PARLIAMENTARY PROCEDURE.] Subdivision 1. [MODERATOR STATES ORDER FIRST.] At theopeningbeginning ofeverya town meeting, the moderator shall state the order of businessto be transacted, which in case of. Subd. 2. [SPECIAL MEETING: ONLY NOTICED BUSINESS.] At a special town meetingshall be, business is limited to the businessspecifiedlisted in the meeting noticeof such meeting,and the order in which it will be entertained, and no. Subd. 3. [TAX VOTED ON IN ORDER.] A proposition to vote a taxshallmust not be acted on out of the order of business stated by the moderator; and no proposition. Subd. 4. [MOTION TO RECONSIDER.] A motion to reconsideranya voteshall be entertained at any town meeting unlessmust be made within one-half hourfrom the time suchof the votewaspassed, or the. To pass, a motionfor such reconsideration issustained by a number of voters equalto reconsider must be favored by a majority ofall the namesthe electors entereduponon the election registerat such election up to the timesuchwhen the motion is made; and. Subd. 5. [VOTING MAJORITY WINS.] All questionsuponon motionsmade at town meetings shall be determinedexcept a motion to reconsider are decided by a majority of the electors voting, andon the question. Subd. 6. [MODERATOR DECIDES, DECLARES VOTE.] The moderator shallascertaindecide and declare theresultvote on eachsuchquestion. 365.57 [WHO MAY VOTE; CHALLENGES; OATH.]Every personA town resident who is qualified to vote at a general election may vote atany town meeting in the town wherethe person residesthe town's meetings. If a voter is challenged, the judges shallproceed thereuponact as in the case ofchallengesa challenge at a general election, adoptingthe oath to. The oath must be changed to fit the circumstances of the case. 365.58 [MEETINGS MAY BE ADJOURNEDMAY ADJOURN MEETING EXCEPT TO ELECT OFFICERS.]AnyA town meeting may be adjourned to any other day,andfrom time to time, for the purpose of transactingor later the same day, to transact any business of the town except the election of officers. 365.59 [FAILURE TO ELECTCOUNTY TO APPOINT OFFICERS IF NONE ELECTED.] Subdivision 1. [SECOND MEETING TRY.]When anyIf a town fails to organize or fails to electtownofficers at thetimefixed by lawannual town meeting, 12 freeholdersthereofof the town may call a town meeting forsuch purposethese purposes. The meeting is called by giving ten days' posted noticethereof,setting forth itsof it. The notice must include the time, place, andobjectpurpose of the meeting. Subd. 2. [30-DAY WAIT; AFFIDAVIT.] Ifno suchthe notice under subdivision 1 isgiven in such casenot posted within 30 days after thetimedate forholdingthe annual townmeetingsmeeting, the county board, on the affidavit of anyfreeholder of such town, filed with the county auditor, settingforth the facts,shall appoint officers forsuchthe town, whoshall have all the powers of officers duly elected, and. The officers shall hold their offices until their successors qualify. The county board shall act only after an affidavit of a freeholder of the town is filed with the county auditor. The affidavit must state the facts that require the county board to act. ARTICLE 9 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 430, is amended to read: 430.01 [DESIGNATION OF LAND FORSYSTEM OF STREETS, PARKSAND PARKWAYSVARIOUS USES.] Subdivision 1. [STREETS; PARKS; AND PARKWAYS.] The council and the board of park commissioners ofanya city of the first class may, by concurrent resolution adopted by a majority voteof each body,designatelandsland to be acquired for a system of streets, parks, and parkways, and determine that this landshall be acquired by proceedings. They may take this action only by concurrent resolution adopted by a majority vote of each body. The land must be acquired under this chapter,to bein proceedings conducted either by the city council or the board of park commissioners, asthisstated in the resolutionshallspecify. Subd. 2. [PARKING LOTS; PEDESTRIAN MALLS AND USES.] The council ofany sucha city, acting separately,of the first class may by resolutionso adopted,designatelandsland to be acquired, improved, and operated for motor vehicle parking lots.The council of any such city, acting separately, mayBy resolutionso adopted, the council may designate lands to be acquired, improved, and operated for pedestrian mallsor may. By ordinance adoptedas provided inunder section 430.011, the council may designate streets in central business districts to be improved primarily for pedestrian uses. Subd. 3. [PERFORMANCE OF DUTIES.] Ifproceedings are takenbythe board of park commissioners acts, the dutieshereinspecifiedto be performed under this chapter by the city clerk, the city engineer, and the city attorney, respectively,shallmust be performed by the secretary, the engineer, and the attorney elected and employed by the board of park commissioners, and the powershereinafter specifiedto be exercised under this chapter by the city council mayfor thepurposes of this chapterbe exercised by the board of park commissioners. Subd. 4. [DEFINITION.] As used in this chapter, the term "system of streets, parks, and parkways", as used herein, shallembrace anymeans a body of contiguous landof whatever shape orarea,designedultimatelyto be used in part for streets and in part for parks or parkways, and. The concurrent resolutionshallmust designatewhatwhich part is for streets,whatwhich part is for parks, andwhatwhich part is for parkways. Subd. 5. [INDEPENDENT ACTION.]WhenIf the city councildesireswants to takeor, improve, or take and improve,land for street purposesalone,orto take land for motor vehicle parking lots,orto take land for pedestrian malls, or to improve streets for pedestrian uses, it mayproceedact under this chapter for that purpose without the concurrence of the board of park commissioners, and when. If the board of park commissionersdesireswants to takeor, improve, ortotake and improve,land for parksandor parkwaysalone, or either, it mayproceedact under this chapter without the concurrence of the city council. 430.011 [ORDINANCES LIMITING USE OF STREETS; PEDESTRIAN MALLS AND DISTRICTS.] Subdivision 1. [LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS.] The legislatureofthe state of Minnesotafinds that:(a)(1) increases in population and automobile usage have createdconditions oftraffic congestion in central business districts of cities of the first class;(b) such(2) those conditionsconstitute ahazard to the safety ofendanger pedestrians and impede the movement of police and fire equipment, ambulances, andlikeother emergency vehicles;(c)(3) streets insuchthose central business districts improved to their maximum width for sidewalk and roadway purposes cannot be further widened without taking valuable buildings and improvements, substantially impairing the primary function ofsuchthose city streetsofsuch citiesas pedestrian facilities, and impairingtheirthe cities' sources of tax revenue; and(d)(4) limitation on the use ofsuchthose streets by private vehicles may be found by the council of anysuchcity of the first class to be in the interest of the city and state, to be of benefit to adjoining properties, and to be essential to the effective use ofsuchthe streets for street purposes. Subd. 2. [STATEMENT OF POLICY.] It is thepublicstate's policyof the state of Minnesotato permit the city council of any city of the first class to protect the public welfare and the interests of the public in the safe and effective movement of persons and to preserve and enhance the function and appearance of the central business districts ofsuchcities of the first class by adopting pedestrian mall ordinancesas hereinprovidedunder this section. Subd. 3. [PEDESTRIAN MALL ORDINANCES AUTHORIZED.] A pedestrian mall ordinance may be adopted if the city council finds that: (1) a street or a partthereof (a)of a street (i) is not a part of any state highway,(b)(ii) is located primarily in a central business district,(c)(iii) is improved to its maximum width for roadway and sidewalk purposes, and(d)(iv) is congested during all orsomea substantial part of normal business hours;that (e)(2) reasonably convenient alternate routes exist for private vehicles to other parts of the city and state, that (f); (3) continued unlimited use of the street or partthereofof the street by private vehicles mayconstitute a hazard to thesafety ofendanger pedestrians, that (g); (4) abutting properties can reasonably and adequately receive and deliver merchandise and materials from other streets and alleys orby reason of provision madethrough arrangements for limited use of the streets by carriers ofsuchmerchandise and materials,; andthat (h)(5) it would betoin the best interests of the city and the public and of benefit to adjacent properties to usesuchthe street primarily for pedestrian purposes and pedestrian use is the highest and best use ofsuchthe street or partthereofof it. Subd. 4. [ORDINANCE PROVISIONS.]TheAn ordinanceshallunder subdivision 3 must(a)(1) set forthsuchthe findings required in subdivision 3,(b)(2) designatesucha street or partthereofof a street as a pedestrian mall,(c)(3) limit the use of the surface ofsuchthe street or partthereofof the street atalltimes or duringsuchhours or daysasset by the councilshall determineto pedestrians and tosuchclasses of emergency, public works, maintenance, service, and utility transportation vehiclesas aredefined in the ordinanceandprohibit the use of such street or part thereof by othervehicles, and(d)(4) includesuch furtherother provisionsas are hereinrequired in this chapter. Subd. 5. [INTERSECTING STREETS.]NoAn ordinance under subdivision 3 must state that a limitation of useshalldoes not apply to vehicles on an intersecting street crossingsuchthe street or partthereofof a street designated as a pedestrian mall,unlesssuchthe intersecting street is similarly designated, and the ordinance shall so provide. Subd. 6. [USE OF PEDESTRIAN MALL BY PUBLIC CARRIERS.] If the councilshall further findfinds thatsucha street or partthereofof a street limited under this section is served by a transit utility engaged in mass transportation of persons within the city by bus or street railway, and that continued use ofsuchthe street or partthereofof the street bysuchthe transit utility willbe abenefittothe city and the public and to adjacent property,itthe council shall permitsuchthe transit utility to usesuchthe street or partthereofof the street forsuchtransit purposes to thesameextent and subject to thesameobligations and restrictionsas areapplicable tosuchthe transit utility in the use of other streets of the city. Uponlikesimilar findings,itthe council may permit use ofsuchthe street or partthereofof the street by utilities engaged in carrying persons by taxicabs. Subd. 7. [SPECIAL ACCESS PERMITS.] If any property abuttingupon suchon a street or partthereofof a street limited under this section does not,at the time suchwhen an ordinance is adopted, have access to some other street or alley for delivery of or receiving merchandise and materials, the council shall provide for deliveries in the ordinancefor theissuance of. It may do so by issuing a permitor permitsto the owners or occupants ofsuchthe property for the use ofsuchthe street or partthereofof the street for deliveries, or otherwisein the ordinance. The council shall provide for deliveries,duringsuchhours and days, which need not be ordinary business hours or days,asthe councilshall findfinds to be reasonably adequate forsuchthe purpose and not to interfere with the use of the street or partthereofof the street by pedestrians and other authorized vehicles. Subd. 8. [HOW ADOPTEDADOPTION WITH IMPROVEMENT PROCEEDINGS.] Ifsuchan ordinance is to be adopted in connection with an improvement of the street under this chapter, itshallmust so stateand shall, must be introduced as a proposed ordinance and given its first reading concurrently with the introduction and adoption of the resolution of the councilinstitutingbeginning the improvement proceedings. Insuch cases, it shall, and must not be given its final readingnoror be finally adopted until the councilshall takehas taken action on the proposed improvementpursuant tounder section 430.02, subdivision 12. Subd. 9. [HOW ADOPTEDADOPTION IN OTHER CASES.]If suchAn ordinance that is not being adopted in connection with an improvement of the street under this chapter, it shall somust state that fact andshallbe considered and adoptedas in thecase oflike other ordinances, subject to the right of appealprovided inunder section 430.031, but. The council shall not meet to givesuchthe ordinance its final reading or to finally adoptsuchthe ordinance unless a copy of the proposed ordinance and a notice stating the time and place at which the council will meet to consider its adoptionshall havehas been published in the official newspaper of the city at least once,andshallhavehas been mailed to the owners of theseverallots or parcels of land abutting on the proposed pedestrian mall,at least three weeksprior tobefore thedate of suchmeeting. Subd. 10. [DESCRIPTION OF ASSESSABLE PROPERTIES.]IfsuchAn ordinanceis to beadopted in connection with an improvement of the street under this chapter, it shallmust describe the property to be assessed forsuchthe improvement,and. No propertyshall beis subject to assessment forsuchthe improvementwhichunless it isnotdescribed in the ordinance. Subd. 11. [ANNUAL COSTS; DISTRICTS.] Ifsuchan ordinance is to be adopted in connection with an improvement of the street underthe provisions ofthis chapter,andifthe ordinance includes a councilshall determinedetermination that(a)(1) the improvement will involve annual costs in addition to the initial cost of constructing and making the improvement, andthat (b) such(2) the annual costs will provide benefits primarily to adjacent property,rather than to the city as a whole, the ordinance mayproviderequire that the improvement and its facilitiesthereof shallbe operated and maintainedpursuant to the provisions ofunder section 430.101 and the coststhereofassessed or taxed to benefited propertiespursuant to the provisions ofunder section 430.102.In lieu thereof and at any timeAlternatively, after a pedestrian mall ordinance has been adopted or lands have been acquired or improved for a pedestrian mall, the council mayuponsuch determination provide,require by separate ordinance or by amendment to a pedestrian mall ordinance,that the improvement and its facilitiesthereof shallbesooperated and maintained and the costssotaxed and assessed to benefited properties under sections 430.101 and 430.102, subject to appealasprovided inunder section 430.031. Inany suchthat case,suchthe ordinanceshallmust describe the properties to be assessed or taxed forsuchannual costs, which. The area may be given the name "(name of street) Pedestrian Mall Improvement District." Subd. 12. [PROTESTS.]IfThe owners of lands abutting on a street or partthereofof a street proposed as a pedestrian mall representing a majority of the frontage on the proposed pedestrian mallhave mademay make written objection to the establishment of the proposed pedestrian mall at any time before the ordinanceshall havehas been given its final reading and adopted,. If they do the council shallso find and shallterminateend the proceedings forsuchestablishment of the mall. Insuchthat event, no ordinancefor the establishmentofestablishing the same or substantially the same pedestrian mallshallmay be introduced or adopted within one year aftersuchthe termination. Subd. 13. [INTERPRETATION; REPEAL AND AMENDMENTS.] Notwithstanding the improvement ofanya street as a pedestrian mall or the adoption of a pedestrian mall ordinance, the city and its councilshall retain itskeep their police powers and other rights and powers relating to the city street or street partthereofconstituting the pedestrian mall, andno suchthe pedestrian mall actionshallmay not beinterpreted orconstrued to be a vacation, in whole or in part, of any city street or street parttherein, it being intended thatin the mall area. The establishment of a pedestrian mallpursuant tounder this chapterbeis a matter of regulation only.Nothing inThis chaptershall be interpreted or construed todoes not prevent the city and its council, at any timesubsequent toafter the adoption of a pedestrian mall ordinance, from abandoning the operation of the pedestrian mall, from changing the extent of the pedestrian mall, from supplying or amending the description of the district to be specially assessed or taxed for annual costs of the pedestrian mall, or from changing or repealing any limitations on the use of the pedestrian mall by private vehicles or any plan, rules, or regulations adopted for the operation of a pedestrian mall. Subd. 14. [WHEN EFFECTIVE.]AnyAn ordinance or amendmenttheretoadoptedpursuant tounder this sectionshalldoes not become effectiveor be in forceuntil 20 days aftertheits final adoption and publicationthereof. 430.02 [PROCEEDINGS FOR ACQUISITION OF LANDS.] Subdivision 1. [PLAT AND SURVEY.] Aftertheadoption of the resolutionit shall be the duty of, the city engineertoshall make and present to the council a plat and survey of the proposed improvement, showing. The plat or survey must show character, course, and extent of thesameimprovement and the property necessary to be taken or interfered withthereby,withthe name of the owner of each parcel oftheproperty,so far asto the extent the engineer can readilyascertainfind thesamename, andsucha statementas may in the opinion of the engineerbe properto explain the plat and survey and the character and extent of the proposed improvement. For constructing pedestrian malls or improving streets primarily for pedestrian uses, the council may employ a competent engineer or landscape architect or bothto assist, and may purchase plans or designs prepared by a competent engineer or landscape architect, to aid,the city engineer inthe performance ofduties under this chapter.When theA plat and surveyshall befinally adopted by the city council, it shallmust be filed with the city clerk,anditshallmust be held to show correctly the character and extent of the improvement actually agreed upon and ordered by the city council. The platshallmust also show the amount of land taken from each owner,so far asto the extent the ownersmay beare known, and the lands contiguous tothesethe improvements. Subd. 2. [COMMISSIONERS OR APPRAISERS.] The city council shallthen or afterwardsappoint five freeholders of the city, no two of whomshallreside in the same ward, as commissioners,. Their duties are to view the premises and toascertaindetermine and award the amount of damages and compensation to be paid to the owners of propertywhich isto be taken or injured by the improvement, and to assess the amount of the damages and compensation and the expenses of the improvement upon the lands and property to be benefited by the improvement,andin proportion to the benefits to be received by each parcel and without regard to a cash valuation. Three or more commissionersshallconstitute a quorum andbe competent tomay perform any duty required ofthesethe commissioners; and they shall. Commissioners must be notified of their appointment, and vacancies in their number shall befilled by the city council, and they shall. Commissioners must be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duties. A vacancy must be filled by the city council. Subd. 3. [NOTICE OF HEARING; HEARING; AWARD AND APPRAISEMENT.] (a) The commissioners shall give notice, in a manner appropriate to inform the public,: (1) that the survey and plat and the pedestrian mall ordinance, if any,isare on file and available for examination in the office of the city clerkfor the examination of allpersons interested and; (2) thattheythe commissioners will,meet on a day and at a place designated inthisthe notice, meet at a placedesignated in the noticeon or near the proposed improvement,and view the property proposed to be taken or interfered with for the purposes ofthese improvementsthe improvement,andascertain and awardthereforcompensation and damages,andview the premises to be benefited bythisthe improvement,andassessthereonon the benefited premises, in proportion to the benefits, the amount necessary to pay the compensation and damage, and the cost of making the improvement, andthat theywill then and therehearsuchallegations andproofs asproof offered by interested personsmay offer.These(b) The commissioners shall meet and view the premisespursuantaccording to the notice, and may adjourn, from time totime, and,. After having viewed the premises, they may, for the hearing of evidence and preparation of their award and assessment, adjourn or go to any other convenient place in the city, and may have the aid and advice of the city engineer and of any other city officerof the city, and adjourn from time totime. If a pedestrian mall ordinance is proposed by the council under section 430.011,in connection with an improvement, the commissioners may consider the business uses of abutting property affected bysuchthe ordinance and by the related improvementto which it relatesand the probable effectwhichthe ordinance and improvement will have on the value ofsuchthe property andsuchits uses, and the commissioners shall consider whethersuchthe property has access tosome otheranother street or alley for delivering and receiving merchandise and materials and the extent to which the use and value of the property withoutsuchthe access under consideration will suffer as a result of the adoption ofsuchthe ordinance and the making ofsuchthe improvement. (c) After viewing the premises and hearing the evidence offered,thesethe commissioners shall prepare and make a true and impartialappraisementappraisal and award of the compensation and damages to be paid to each person whose property is to be taken or injuredby thein makingofthe improvement; but. If theremainderrest of thesameproperty, only a part of whichonlyis to be taken or damaged by the improvement,shallwill be benefited by the improvement,thenthe commissioners, in considering and awarding compensation and damages, shall also consider, estimate, and offset the benefitswhichthat will accrue to thesameowner, in respect tobecause of theremainderrest of thesameproperty, and award that owner only the excess of the compensation or damages overand above thesethe benefits. Subd. 4. [ASSESSMENT OF COMPENSATION AND DAMAGES; REPORT; LIST.] The commissioners shallthenassess the amount of the compensation and damagessoawarded under subdivision 3 upon the land and property benefited by the proposed improvements in proportion to the benefits,togetheralong with the expense and cost of making the improvements,as fixed by the city council,and in proportion to the benefits, but in. Nocase shall theamount of theassessment may exceed the actual benefit to the assessed lot or parcel of landso assessed,deducting therefromanyless damages or injuries to thesame parcels whichparcel that are less than the benefits, and assessing only the excess,and. The commissioners shall prepare and report to the city council theirappraisementappraisal and awardand,. If, inthetheir judgmentof the commissioners, thewholetotal amount of the compensation and damages, together withand the cost of making the improvement, shall exceedexceeds the actual benefits to the specific property subject to assessment, they shallso indicatealso state that fact and the amount of the excess in their reportand shall state the amount of the excess. The commissioners shall alsoreport toprepare for the city council an assessment list containing their assessment of the compensation, damages, and costs, or so much thereof as shallnot exceedin excess of theactualbenefits to the propertysoassessed, which. The listshallmust contain a brief description of each tract or parcel of property assessed, the name or names oftheknown ownersthereofof the tract,ifknown, andthe amount assessed against each parcel of property, and the amount of the excess of the compensation, damages, and costswhichthat theyshallmust return unassessed. If the city council has proposed a pedestrian mall ordinancepursuant tounder section 430.011 in connection with an improvement, the commissioners shall include in the assessment list only those properties proposed to be assessed for the improvement under the proposed ordinance. Subd. 5. [ASSISTANCE AND EXPENSE.] The commissioners may employ clerical assistance, and. The costthereof, as well asof the clerical help, the commissioners' compensation, and the expenses of printing the notices required, including the notice of consideration by the city council,estimated at the same rate per line as the cost of printing the prior notices,shallmust be added to the other amounts to be assessed andshallmust be assessedtherewithwith them. The city attorney shall represent the city before the commissioners and producesuchrequired evidenceas the case may require. Subd. 6. [PERCENTAGE PAYMENT BY CITY.] Except in the case of motor vehicle parking lots, the city council may provide, inall cases, except motor vehicle parking lots,by the resolution appointingsuchcommissioners,that acertainspecified percentage, not exceeding 75 percent, of the total damages and costsshall in any casemust be payable out of the city's general funds, and in that case. The city's share must then eithershallbe added to the amount of the certificates to be issued and sold under section 430.12,orshall beprovided by the issue of general obligation permanent improvement bondsand. The city council shallfrom year to yearannually levy asufficienttax upon the taxable property of the city to paythe sameany issued bonds with interest.In such casetheAny amountprovidedrequired to be paid out of the generalfunds shallfund must not be assessed. Subd. 7. [PUBLICATION OFNOTICE OF HEARING.] The commissioners shall, upon the completion of their report,filethe sametheir completed report with the city clerkandthereupon it shall be the duty of. The city clerktoshall then prepare a list of descriptions of the several lots and parcels of land taken forthesethe proposed improvements, the amount awarded for the taking of each lot or parcel, the names of the owner or owners ofthe sameeach lot or parcel, descriptions of the several lots or parcels of land upon which benefits have been assessed, the amount assessed against each lot or parcel, and the names of the owner or owners ofthe sameeach lot or parcel. The names ofallownersreferred to herein tomust be obtained from the commissioners, and, so far as may beor, if necessary, from the records in the office of the county treasurer. The clerk shall give notice of the proceedings appropriate to inform the owners of the proposed action. The noticeshallmust designateand fixa place and time,at which a committeetherein designatedappointed by the board of park commissioners or of the council will meet to hear and consider,from or on the part of the owner or owners of the several lotsor parcels of land taken for the proposed improvement and of theseveral lots or parcels of land upon which benefits have beenassessed, any and allobjections tothemakingofthe improvement, to the amount of damages awarded forthetakingoforinterferenceinterfering with the property involved, and to the amount of the assessment for benefits to any property affected by the proceedings, andany and allclaims of irregularities in the proceedings of the city council, the board of park commissioners, or the commissionerssoappointed byeither thereofthe council or the board. Objections or claims may be made by or on behalf of an owner of a lot or parcel taken or interfered with or assessed for benefits because of the improvements. Subd. 8. [SERVICE OFPUBLISHEDNOTICE.] Immediately after thepublication of thisnotice is given under subdivision 7 and at least two weeksprior tobefore the timedesignated forof the meeting of the committeespecificallydesignated in the notice, the city clerk shall serve a copy of the notice upon eachof the ownersowner ofthe several lots or parcels ofland taken forthisthe proposed improvementand of the several lotsor parcels ofor land upon which benefits have been assessedacopy of the published notice,. The notice must be served by depositingthe sameit in thepost office of the cityUnited States mail, postage prepaid, in an envelope plainly bearing on its front in at least ten point typeno smaller than ten pointthe words "Notice of Tax Assessments for Improvements Affecting Your Property,"directed to each of the persons at theand the owner's last knownplace of residence, if known toaddress, as obtained from the records of the city clerk, otherwise asobtained from the records in the office ofor the county treasurer, provided, that. The failure ofanyan ownerorownersto receivethenoticeshalldoes notin any wiseoperate toinvalidateany of theproceedingscovered byunder this chapter. If a pedestrian mall ordinance is proposed to be adopted in connection withthean improvement under section 430.011, a copy of the proposed ordinanceshallmust be mailed witheach suchthe notice. Subd. 9. [WRITTEN OBJECTIONS.]Any(a) A personwhosemay protest the proposed improvement if the person's property is proposed to be taken, interfered with, or assessed for benefits underany of the provisions ofthis chapter, whoand if the person: (1) objects to the making of the improvement,; orwhodeems(2) thinks that thereis anyhas been an irregularity in the proceedings of the city council,oron the part ofthe commissionerssoappointed by it, by reason of whichso that the award of the commissioners ought not to be confirmed,; orwho(3) is dissatisfied with the amount of damages awarded for the taking of or interference with the person's property,or with the amount of the assessment for benefits to any property affected by the proceedings,. (b) To protest, the person shall appear at the hearing or file with the city clerk,designated inthisthe published notice, at any time before the hearing or before the report and recommendation of the committee is filed, the person's (1) written objection to the making of the improvement,or(2) objection to the damages awarded or benefits assessed, or (3) claim ofthe irregularities, specifically designating the same,and a description of thea specific irregularity affecting specific propertyaffected by the proceedings.Any such personand anyAn affected property owner or citizen or taxpayer of the city may appear at the hearing in support of or to object to the adoption ofanya pedestrian mall ordinance proposed under section 430.011 or may file written statements in support of or objecting to the adoption ofsuchthe ordinance. Subd. 10. [HEARINGS BY COUNCIL COMMITTEE.] At the time and place designatedby thisin the published hearing noticefor thehearing, the city clerk shall present to the committee the report of the appointed commissionersso appointed together withalland written objections or statementssofiled with the city clerkand. The committee shall then considerthe same andthose items, hear the objectors,and persons appearing in favor of or against the adoption ofanya proposed pedestrian mall ordinance,or their representatives,in person,andshalladjourn the hearingfrom time to timeasmay benecessary. Subd. 11. [COMMITTEE REPORT.] Within ten daysfromafter the conclusion of the hearingor hearingsthe committee shall file with the city clerk its report and recommendation on the mattersosubmitted to it, and upon such filing. At that time the city clerk shall give notice thatthisthe report and recommendationhashave been filed and thatthe same, togetherwiththey and the report of the commissioners,will be considered by the city council at a meetingthereof to bedesignated in the notice, which. The noticeshallmust be givenin a manner appropriateso as to inform the persons affected and the public. Subd. 12. [ACTION BY COUNCIL.]The city council, uponOn the dayfixedset in the notice for the consideration of the reports and recommendation, or atany subsequenta later meeting to which thesamereports and recommendation may stand over or be referred, the city council may, by resolution, annulandabandonthe proceedings,or mayconfirm or annul any or all of the awards and assessmentsor any or either thereof, or annulthe same, or sendthe samethem back to the commissioners for further consideration; and. If further consideration is required, the commissioners may, in such case, againmeet again at a time and placeto bedesignated in a noticewhich shall bemailed by the city clerk toallinterested persons,at least two weeksprior tobefore the meeting,andhear any further evidencethat may be adducedgiven by interested persons,and mayadjournfrom time to timethe meeting as necessary,and maycorrect, alter, or revise any mistakes in the award and assessmentandalter and revise the same as they may deem just, and again reportthe sameto the city council, who may thereupon. The council may confirm or annul thesamenew report.Ifit shall desire to confirmIn confirming the awards and assessments, the city council shallthengive its final reading to and vote on the adoption of any pedestrian mall ordinance proposed in connection with the improvementpursuant tounder section 430.011, and. Ifit shall bethe ordinance is amended orshall fail of adoption for lack of a sufficient majority ofvotes or otherwise,fails to be adopted any improvementinstitutedbegun in connection withsuchthe proposed ordinanceshallmust either be abandoned or the awards and assessmentsshallmust be returned to the commissioners for further consideration. Subd. 13. [LEVY OF ASSESSMENT; ASSESSMENT ROLL.]When thecity council shall confirm any award and assessment theConfirmationshall makeof an award and assessment by the city council makes the award and assessment finaland conclusiveupon all parties interested, except as hereinafter provided, and. The city council shallproceed, at the same or at any subsequentmeeting, tothen levy an assessment,orsuch fractional partthereof as, if the city councilmay deemconsiders it necessary, a partial assessment to pay the costs of the proceedings andmakingthe improvementsthereinupon theseveralparcels of land described in the assessment list reported by the commissioners, in accordance with the confirmed assessmentssoconfirmedor in proportion to the assessmentsherein providedlevied. The city council may, in its discretion,delaythelevyingof theseassessmentsin any proceedingunder this chapter untilthecompletion or substantial completion of the improvements proposed to be madetherein, andwhen the actualcostscost ofthesethe improvements and proceedingshavehas been determined, which. The cost may include interest at five percent perannumyear onmoneys actuallymoney advanced by the city, andthereupon. The city council shallproceed tothen levy assessments in the proceeding, aggregating the amount of the cost,orthat portionthe part ofthese costs asthe cost the city councilshall havehas determined, in conformity withtheprovisions ofthis chapter, uponthe several parcels ofland described in the assessment list reported to the city council by the commissionersin the proceeding, and the. Assessmentssolevied shall be in amountsmust be proportionate to and not greater than theseveralamountstheretoforeconfirmed uponsuchthe parcels of land, respectively,by the council or by the court upon appeal in the proceeding. The city council shallcause to be made, and shalladopt,an assessment roll of the assessments, which. The roll may be substantially in the following form, or any other form the council may adopt: "The city councildoth hereby assessassesses andlevy uponlevies on and against theseveral lots and parcels oflandbelowdescribed below therespectivesums of money set against each lot or parcel. This assessment is made to defray the compensation and damages awarded for the taking ofanor injury to private property,and the estimated cost ofimprovement, andimprovements in and about the .... as shown on the plat and surveyof the sameon file in the office of the city clerkofthe city. This levyis made conformablyconforms to the report and assessment of commissionersdulyappointed to make the assessment and in proportion to benefits from the improvements to accrue to the parcels and not exceeding the benefits to the assessed parcelsso assessed. Name of Owner, Description Amount if known of land Lot Block Dollars Cents Done at a meeting of the council this ............ day of ............, A.D.19..... Attest .................. ............................ City ClerkPres't of theCouncil President." 430.023 [CLERK TO MAIL NOTICES IN CONDEMNATION PROCEEDINGS IN CERTAIN CASES.]In anyIf a city of the first classwhich, under itscharter,is authorized in its charter to condemn property for public use and to appoint commissioners to assess damages or benefitsuponon condemned propertyto be taken for such use,which charter provides for noticesand is required by its charter to give notice of the filing of the commissioners' reportin such proceedings, the city clerkof such cityshallsuchthe city is located as the person who last paid the taxes on the property proposed to be taken, within 48 hours after the filing of the commissioners' reportin such proceedings, a notice of such filing. 430.03 [OBJECTIONSTO CONFIRMATION; APPEALTO DISTRICTCOURT; REAPPRAISAL; COURT OF APPEALS.] Subdivision 1. [APPEAL PROCEDURE; BOND.]AnyA person whose property is proposed to be taken, interfered with, or assessed for benefits underany of the provisions ofthis chapter, whodeems that(1) thinks there isanyan irregularity in the council proceedingsof the councilor action of the commissioners, by reason of whichso that the award of the commissioners ought not to be confirmed, orwho(2) is dissatisfied with the amount of damages awarded forthetakingoforinterferenceinterfering with the person's property or with the amount of the assessment for benefits to any property affected by the proceedings,has the right tomay appeal from the city council's order of confirmationof the citycouncil,to the district court of the countyat any timewithin 20 days after the order. This appealshallmust be made by serving a written notice of the appeal upon the city clerkofthe city. The appealshallmust specify the property of the appellant affected by the award and assessment,and refer to the objection filed. The appellant shall also deliver to the city clerk a bond to the city, executed by the appellant,orbysomeone on the appellant's behalf, with two sureties,who shalljustifyin thepenal sumamount of $50 conditioned to payallcosts that may be awarded against the appellant. The city clerk shall then make out andtransmitsend to the court administrator of the district court a copy of the commissioners' awardof thecommissioners,as confirmed by the council,and ofthe order of the council confirming it, andofthe objection filed by the appellant, all certified by the clerk to be true copies, within ten days after the taking of the appeal. Subd. 2. [MULTIPLE APPEALS.] If more than one appeal is taken fromanyan award,it shall not be necessary thatthe city clerk need not, in subsequent appeals, sendupanything to the court administrator except a certified copy of the appellant's objections. Subd. 3. [PLEADING; ISSUES.]There shall beAn appeal requires no pleadingon the appeal, but. The court shall determine, in the first instance,(1) whether there wasin theproceedingsany irregularity in the proceedings or omission of duty prejudicial to the appellant and specified in the appellant's written objections, so that, as totheappellant,theappellant's award or assessmentof the commissionersought not to stand, and (2) whether the commissioners had jurisdiction to take actionin the premisesaffecting the appellant. Subd. 4. [CONSOLIDATION.] Ifanya person claims thatanya pedestrian mall ordinance proposed in connection withthean improvementpursuant tounder section 430.011,and adopted by the city council,is invalid, the person shallperfect anappealpursuant to the provisions ofunder section 430.031, subject to the right of the court to consolidate for hearing any appeal takenpursuant tounder that section with an appeal takenpursuant tounder this section. Subd. 5. [HEARING; AFFECTED PARTIES.] The case may bebrought on for hearingheard on eight days' notice,at any general or special term of the court. Itshall havehas precedenceofover other civil cases, and. The judgment of the courtshallmust be either to confirm or annul the proceedings only as they affect the property of the appellant proposed to be taken, damaged, or assessed for benefits and described in the written objection. No appeal or writ of error may be taken from this determinationno appeal or writ of error shall lie. Subd. 6. [REAPPRAISAL.]In caseIf the amount of damages awarded or assessment made for benefits is complained of by the appellant, the court shall, if the proceedings are confirmed in other respects,upon confirmation,appoint as commissioners three disinterested freeholders,who are residents of the city,commissionersto reappraise the damages or benefits. The parties to the appealshallmust be heard by the court upon the appointment of these commissioners. The court shall fix the time and place of the meeting of the commissioners. They shall be sworn to the faithful discharge of their duties as commissioners,proceed toview the premises, and heartheparties interested, with theirfrom interested parties allegations and proofs pertinent to the question of the amount of the damages or assessments. These commissionersshall beare governed by thesameprovisions inrespect tothis chapter governing commissioners appointed by the city council, including the method of arriving at the amount of damages and the offsettheretoof benefits to other property of the same owners, and inall other material respects, as are provided in this chapter forthe government of commissioners appointed by the city council. They shall, after the hearing and after they viewofthe premises, report to the courtoftheir appraisal of damages or assessments of benefits in respect to the appellant. The award or assessment of these commissionersshall beis final unless it is set aside by the court for good causeshown. If the report is set aside, the court may, in its discretion,recommit it to the same commissioners or appointanewboard as it deems bestcommissioners. Subd. 7. [COSTS.] The court shall allow a reasonable compensation tothesecommissioners for their services,andmakesuchawardofcostsonof the appeal,including the compensation of commissioners, as itdeemsthinks justin thepremises. If the courtis of the opiniondecides that the appeal was frivolous or vexatious, it mayadjudgecharge double costs against the appellant. Subd. 8. [APPEAL TO COURT OF APPEALS.]AnThe city or any party may appealmay be takenfrom the court's final order to the court of appealsby the city or any party. Subd. 9. [FILING REPORTS AND PAPERS; SERVING NOTICES.]Incase of proceedings conducted by the city council, allReports and other papersshallfrom city council proceedings under this chapter must be filed in the office of the city clerk.; notices of appeal and other notices to the cityshallmust be served upon the city clerk.In case of proceedings conducted by theboard of park commissioners, allReports and other papersshallfrom park board proceedings under this chapter must be filed in the office of the secretary or other recording officer of the board. All; notices of appeal and other notices to the cityshallmust be served upon the secretary or other recording officer of the board. 430.031 [APPEALS FROMADOPTION OFPEDESTRIAN MALL ORDINANCES; LIMITATION OF ACTIONS.] Subdivision 1. [LIMITATION OF ACTIONS.] No actionshallmay be commenced or maintained, and no defense interposed, questioning the validity, regularity, or legality ofanyall or part of a pedestrian mall ordinance, orany part thereof oran amendmentthereto, to it adopted byanya city of the first class underthe authority ofsection 430.011, subdivision 3 or 13of section 430.011except by an appealtakento the district court of the county in whichsuchthe city is located within 20 days after the final adoption and publication ofany suchthe ordinance or amendment. Subd. 2. [APPEALS AUTHORIZED.]SuchAn appeal under this section may be commenced and maintained on the grounds thatsuchthe ordinance is unreasonable or arbitrary or unlawfully obstructs the public use and interest inthea street or partthereofof a street named insuchthe ordinance or takes or interferes with the appellant's property without due process of law, or on any other lawful grounds, and any. An appeal under this section may be taken by a citizen or taxpayer of the cityshall have standing to commence and maintain such appeal, aswell as anyor a person whose property is or may be taken or interfered with without due process of law,by reason of the enactment or enforcement ofsuchthe ordinance. Subd. 3. [PROCEEDINGS ON APPEAL.]Any suchAn appeal under this section may betakenmade by serving a written noticeuponon the city clerkof the citysetting forth the grounds for the appeal andshall specifyany propertywhichthe appellantshallclaimclaims to be taken or interfered with. The city clerk shall make out andtransmitsend to the court administrator of the district court (1) a certified copy of the ordinanceand, (2) if not previously filed, a certified copy of the award of the commissioners as confirmed by the council, and (3) the order of the council confirming thesame renderedaward in any improvement proceeding connected with the ordinance, and. No other pleadingsshall beare required. No surety bondshallbeis required except upon motion of the citypursuant to theprovisions ofunder chapter 562. Subd. 4. [EFFECT OF APPEAL.] An appealtaken pursuanttounder this sectionshall suspend the effectiveness ofsuspends the ordinance untilthe determination ofthe action is determined by a final order of the court. The court shall advance the case on its calendar for trial at the earliest feasible date. An appeal fromany judgment entered in thea district court judgment in the actionshallmust be taken within 30 days after notice of entry of the judgment. A party may apply to the court of appeals for an order fixing the time and manner ofthehearingofthe appeal, whereupon; the court may provide for a speedy hearing. 430.04 [AWARDS; HOW PAIDON APPEAL; ASSESSMENTS.]When anySubdivision 1. [DIRECT PAYMENT OR ASSESSMENT.] If an award of damagesmadeto appellantsupon anyafter an appeal to the district courtshall exceedexceeds the amount of the award appealed from,and when anyor if an assessment of benefits made in respect toanyan appellant upon appealshallbeis less than the amount of the assessment of benefits appealed from, the city may pay the amount of this increaseinthe amount of the award of damages and the amount of thisor decreasein the assessment of benefits may be paid by the cityfrom the permanent improvement fund or any available city fundof the city available therefor, or. Alternatively, the city council maycausehave thesame to beamount assessed uponandagainstany property benefited by the proposed improvements in addition and without prejudice to prior assessments madethereonin the proceedings,and may referreferring the matter to the commissionerstheretoforeappointed by the council in the proceeding or to new commissioners to be appointed by thecitycouncil.TheseThe commissioners, whether new or old,shallmust have thesamequalificationsasrequired of commissioners appointedbyunder section 430.02 andshallmust take an oath to faithfully discharge their duties as commissionersand. Subd. 2. [NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT HEARING.] The commissioners shall give notice of the time when and the placewhen andwhere they will meet to hear persons interested and assess the amounts of the increase of awards of damagesandor decrease of assessments of benefitsupon theon landand property,theretoforepreviously assessedfor these benefits,or to assess benefits onlots or parcels ofland nottheretoforepreviously assessed for benefits in the proceeding. The notice, asmust be sent totheowners ofthe lots or parcels ofland entitled to increase of their awards upon any appeal,andastotheowners ofany lots or parcels ofland to bethenassessed for benefits that were notsoassessed in the original proceeding by the commissioners, shall. It must begiven by these commissionersby depositing the samedeposited in the post office of the city, postagepostpaidpaid,directedaddressed toeach ofthepersons at theowners' last known place of residence,ifeither known to the commissioners, otherwise asor obtained from the office of the county treasurer; provided that. The failure of any owner to receivethisnoticeshalldoes notin any wiseoperate toinvalidate anyof theproceedingscovered byunder this chapter. Subd. 3. [ASSESSMENT LIST.] The commissioners shall meet,at the time and placesodesignated in their notice, hearallinterested personsinterested, and assess the amount of the increased awards of damagesand, decreased assessments of benefits, or new and original assessments of benefits, upontheon property benefited by the proposed improvements,in proportion to the benefits, but in no case shall. The amount ofthisan assessment may not exceed the actual benefit to thelotor parcel ofassessed landso assessed, and. The commissioners shallprepare andfile with the city clerk an assessment listofthe assessment so made by them,containing a brief description of each piece of property assessed, thenamenames of the ownersthereof, if known, and the amount assessedagainst the same,and; the city clerk shall present this list to the city council for consideration.A brief minuteMinutes of the presentation of this assessment list to the city councilshall be, included in the record of the proceedings of the city council,whichshall be held to beare sufficient notice toallconcerned personsconcerned. This assessment listshallmust lie over without actionthereonby the city council untilthe nexta regular meeting of the councilwhich will occurat least one weekthereafter,later. Atwhich time,that orat anya later meetingthereafter,the city council may confirm the assessments and assessment roll,or sendthe samethem back to the commissioners for further considerationand report thereon. Subd. 4. [APPEAL.]AnyAn interested personinterestedwho is dissatisfied with the amount of an assessment may appeal from the confirmation of the assessment by the city council to the district court, in like manner and with like proceedings asprovided inunder section 430.03in respect to filing objectionsand taking appeals from original appeals made in suchproceedings from such order of confirmation.AnyA decreasemadeinany assessments upon anyan assessment on appeal may be paid by the city from the permanent improvement fund or from any available city fundof the city availabletherefor, or the city council maycausehave thesame to beamount reassessedas hereinabove providedunder this chapter. 430.05 [RIGHT OFCOUNCILTOMAY ABANDON; EFFECTOF AWARD;PAYMENTON AWARDS.]The city council shall have the right at any timeDuringthe pendency of anyproceedings fortheimprovementsauthorized inunder this chapter orat any timewithin 90 days after the final order of the court,on the lastof all appealsappeal fromsuchthose proceedings,tothe city council may set asideany or allawards and abandonall suchproceedingsasto any or allconcerning parcelswhenif itshall deem it forthinks that is in the city's interestof the city to do so. The city councilshallmay alsohave the right torescind and annulanya pedestrian mall ordinance adopted after being proposedpursuant tounder section 430.011 within 90 days after the final order of the court on the lastof all appealsappeal fromsuchthose proceedings, taken pursuant tounder section 430.03 or section 430.031, and in case it shall do so,. If it does, any improvementinstitutedbegun in connection withsuchthe ordinanceshall be deemedis abandoned and any awards and assessmentsshall be deemed to have beenare set aside.SuchAwards, if not set aside,as aforesaid, shall beare a charge upon the city, for the payment of which the city pledges its faith and creditof the city shall be pledged, andshall entitlethe city is entitled to immediate possession. The city council mayin its discretionordersuchawards that are not set aside to be paid into the district court of the county for the use and benefit ofthe persons who shall be foundthose who are entitledthereto, in which case the moneys soto them. The money paid into courtshallmust be paid out under order of the court upon application of interested partiesinterested and upon suchafter noticeasrequired by the courtmay prescribe. 430.06 [SPREADING OF ASSESSMENT INSTALLMENTS.] Subdivision 1. [NUMBER OF INSTALLMENTS; COLLECTED WITH TAX.] The city clerk shalltransmitsend a certified copy of the assessment roll to the auditor of the county in whichtheassessed land lies, and. The auditor shall include five percent of the principal amount of the assessmentwith andas part of the taxes upon each parcelfor each yearannually for 20 years,together withincluding annual interest at the rate ascertained,as hereinafter provided. The city council and board of park commissioners may, by concurrent resolution, determine that the amount of the assessmentshallmust be collected in five or ten equal annual installments instead of 20, and. Insuchthat case the county auditor shall include a correspondingpercentpercentage of the principal amount of the assessmentwith andas part of the annual taxesof each year,together withincluding annual interest, until thewholeprincipal amount is collected. The auditor shall include in the annual taxesfor each yearone of the installments, together withand one year's interest upon that installment, and all subsequent installments at the same rate,. Eachof whichinstallment, together with interest,shallmust be collected with the annual taxes upon the land, together withlikepenalties and interestin case ofon default,. All ofwhich shallthese must be collected with and enforced as the annual taxes and credited to the proper city fund. Subd. 2. [DISCHARGING ASSESSMENTS.] Any parcel assessed may be discharged from the assessment at any time after thereceipt ofauditor receives the assessmentby the auditorby paying all installments that have gone into the hands of the county treasurer, with accrued interest, penalties, and costs, and by paying all subsequent installments; or any parcel assessed may be discharged from the assessment by presenting certificates or bonds sold against the assessments, as hereinprovidedunder this chapter, sufficient in amount to cover all installments due onsuchthat parcel and accrued interest, penalties, and costs, and all installments yet to accrue, by surrendering the certificates or bonds to the county treasurer for cancellation or having endorsedthereonon them the installments, interest, penalties, and costs. Subd. 3. [ASSESSMENTS ARE LIENS; DEFENSE.]TheAn assessmentshall beis a lien on the landfrom the time of themaking thereof asagainst the owner and every person in any way interested in the land. The ownerofand any person interested in the landand any person interested thereinmay defend against an assessment at the time of application for judgment in the regular proceedings for the enforcement of delinquent taxes, but. The assessmentshallis notbe deemedinvalid because of any irregularity, providedif the notices have been published substantially as required, and. No defenseshall beis allowed except upon the ground that the cost of the improvement is substantially less than the amount of the assessment, and then only to the extent of the difference between the assessment and the actual cost. Subd. 4. [NAMING AND NUMBERING OF ASSESSMENTS.] Assessments made under this chaptershallmust be called special street, motor vehicle parking lot, and parkway assessments of the city of ..... and numbered consecutively. When an assessment is certified by the city clerk to the county auditor, a duplicatethereof shallmust be sent to the city comptroller,and; alltheseassessmentsshallmust be sufficiently identified by name and number. 430.07 [METHOD OF IMPROVEMENTS; ASSESSMENTS.] Subdivision 1. [RESOLUTIONS.] The city council and park commissioners may, by concurrent resolution, or by separate resolution when acting separately, specify the method of improving anysuchstreet, pedestrian mall, park, or parkway under this chapter, including grading, drainage, planting, street lighting, paving,curbcurbing,gutter,building gutters andsidewalksidewalks,as well asinstalling sewer and water mains where necessary in the case of parks,theand installing necessary structures and apparatus for playgrounds and general park uses. Subd. 2. [DEFINITION; PEDESTRIAN MALL IMPROVEMENT.]A" Pedestrian mall improvementshall mean and include any" means an improvement designed and to be used primarily for the movement, safety, convenience, and enjoyment of pedestrians, whether or not a part of a street is set apart for roadway for emergency vehicles, transit vehiclesand, or private vehiclesor any ofthem, and. A "pedestrian mall improvement" may providefor,and include space for,seating, cafe tables, shelters, trees, flower plantings, sculptures, newsstands, telephone booths, traffic signs, kiosks, fire hydrants, street lighting, ornamental signs, ornamental lights, trash receptacles, display cases, marquees, awnings, canopies, overhead radiant heating fixtures, underground radiant heating pipes and devices, walls, bollards and chains, andall such othersimilar fixtures, equipment, facilities, and appurtenances which, in the judgment of the council, will enhance the movement, safety, convenience, and enjoyment of pedestrians and benefit the city and adjoining properties;. Sidewalks on pedestrian malls may be constructed of concrete, bricks, asphalt tiles, blocks, granite sets orsuchother materials andsuchcombinations of materialsasthe councilshall approveapproves. Subd. 3. [COUNCIL'S POWERS.] The council mayin itsdiscretionnarrowanya roadway to bekept andmaintained in connection withanya pedestrian mall, maycause anyhave street vaultsto bereconstructed or removed, may construct crosswalks at any point within a blockas well asand at the ends of blocks, and maycausedesign the roadway to curve and meander within the limits of the street regardless of the uniformity of width of the street or curve or absence of curve in the center line ofsuchthe street to enhance the usefulness and appearance of a pedestrian mall. Subd. 4. [ESTIMATED COST; ASSESSMENT.] The city engineer shall estimate the cost of each item inthean improvement separately,or by reasonable classifications detailed to the satisfaction of the city council or the park commissioners, and shall submit the estimate with the plat. In the case of property used for residential purposes onlyandfornot toexceedno more than a four-family dwelling, these estimatesshall be formay nottoexceed six-inch water mains andnot to exceed24-inch sewers. The city council shall examine the estimatesand, after modifying, change them if necessary,findand adopt an estimate of the cost. The city council, in appointing commissioners, shallreciteprovide the estimate, and the commissioners shall assess the amountthereof,or so much thereofof the estimate or a part of it asshall bedirected by the city council, uponsuch lots and parcels ofland in the cityastheyshall deemconsider specifically benefited, in proportion tosuchthe benefits,and not exceeding the actual benefit toanya parcel, and. The commissioners shall addthesamethese assessments to the benefits assessed under section 430.02 and report the net result of damages or benefits as required by section 430.02, and with like proceedingsthereafter. The procedure following the report must be the same as that following a report under section 430.02. Subd. 5. [MISTAKEN ESTIMATES.] If, inanyproceedings under this chapter, the actual cost of the improvement ofanya street, park, or parkwayin the manner herein designatedis less than the estimated costthereof, as found andadopted byit,the city council, except as otherwise provided by thissubdivision, the council shallimmediatelycancel and annul the assessments made in the proceedings toana total amountwhich,in the aggregate, shallthat does not exceedsuchthe fractional part of the total amount of the excess of estimated cost over the actual costas shall beequivalent to the fraction obtained by dividing the total amount of the assessments by the total amount of the estimated cost.In caseIf the assessments inanya proceeding have not been entirely collected, orin caseif the city councildeemsconsiders thatany suchassessments cannot be fully collected, thecitycouncil may direct the city comptroller toretainkeep in the fund in the proceedinga sum sufficient, in the judgmentofan amount the city council, tothinks will cover the deficiencies in the collection of the assessments, and. The city council shall direct that thebalancerest of the excess of estimated costshallmust be disposed of in the following manner. The city council shall direct the city comptroller to certify the amount of this balance to the county auditor. The auditor shallthereupondeduct the amount from the first installment of the assessment to be collected after the receipt ofthisthe certificate. This deductionshallmust be made from the assessment against each piece or parcel of property in the proportion that the excess, as certified by the city comptroller, bears to the total of the installment of the assessment. If the balance as certified,exceeds one installment, itshall alsomust be deductedin like mannerfrom succeeding installments untilthe sameit is fully deducted. If the assessment against a piece or parcel of property has been paid in full, and the amount to be refunded does not exceed $1, the city council may deposit the amount of the potential refund in the city's permanent improvement fund or bond redemption fund. If the amount to be refunded exceeds $1, but does not exceed $20, the city comptroller shall mail to the current owner of the property a notice stating that the refund is available. The noticeshallmust be mailed within 60 days after the city council determines the actual cost of the improvement. If the amount to be refunded exceeds $20 the following notice procedureshallmust be followed. The city comptroller shall mail to the person who owned the property when the assessment was paid, at the person's last known address, a notice stating that the refund is1;available. The noticeshallmust be mailed within 60 days after the city council determines the actual cost of the improvement. If a response is not received from the owner within ten days of the date of mailing, a second noticeshallmust be mailed. If the refund is not claimed by the person who owned the property when the assessment was paid,within 30 days of the date of mailingofthe last required notice, the city council may deposit the amount of the potential refund in the city's permanent improvement fund or bond redemption fund. Subd. 6. [PAYMENTS BY CITY.] Ifany portionsome of the damages and cost of the improvement has been paid by the city, the city council shall direct the city comptroller to certify to the county auditor only thatpercentagepart of thebalance orexcess of estimated costas shall beequal to thepercentagepart of the total estimated cost of the improvement and damageswhichthat has been or is assessed against benefited property.No such certificate shall be directed byThe councilorshall not direct that a certificate be issued to the county auditor untilafter a report fromthe city engineer reports that the improvement workunder any such proceedinghas been completed and each item of damage or cost in the proceeding has been paid, and. This report by the city engineershallmust be made to the city council immediately uponthecompletion of the work in the proceeding. Inanya proceeding where there is or may be an excess of estimated cost and there is orshallwill be a balance in the fund in the proceeding over and above the actual cost, the city councilshall be entitled tomay withdraw fromthisthe fund a percentage of the fund equal to the percentage of the cost of the improvement paid by the city,andcausehave thispercentage to bemoney deposited in the fund from which it was originally drawn or taken by the city council. Subd. 7. [PERMISSIBLE IMPROVEMENTS.]Any existingA street, parkor, parkway, or pedestrian mall may be improved and theexpense thereofcost assessed and raisedin the mannerprovided byunder this chapterfor acquiring and openingstreets, parks, parkways and pedestrian malls and improving thesame, includingany or all ofthe following improvements: widening, grading, drainage, planting, pavement, sidewalks, curb and gutter, sewers and water mains, and in the case of parks, the necessary structures and apparatus for playgrounds and general park uses.In case ofFor streets or parkwaysexceedingover 80 feetin widthwide, the resolution may,for the purposeof facilitatingto facilitate connections with private property andobviating the necessity ofavoid cutting or breaking into the improvements, order a double water main or a double sewer, one on either side of the street or parkway, or adoptsuch otheranother feasible arrangement or deviceas may seem most feasible. 430.08 [ASSESSMENTS IN FIVELIMIT ON ASSESSMENT INSTALLMENTS.]Where lands areIf land is acquiredhereunderunder this chapter for streets, parks, and parkwaysand the total costthereof shall befor less than $3,000, the amount of the assessmenttherefor shallfor the cost must be collected innotmoreless thanfivesix equal annual installments. 430.09 [TITLE ACQUIRED.]TheTitle obtained to land designated for park purposes and motor vehicle parking lots under this chaptershallmust be an absolute estate in fee simple, unqualified in any way, and must vest in the city.In other landsThe city shall take only an easementonly shall be takenin other land. 430.10 [CONTROL OF STREETS, PARKS, AND PARKWAYS, HOWGOVERNED.] Whentheproceedings under this chapter are completed, the streets, parks, and parkwaysshallmust be governed as other streets, parks, and parkways are governed by the city council and board of park commissioners respectively; but such. Streets , however, may be taken by the board of park commissioners for parkways with the consent of the city council, and parkways may be taken by the city council for streets with the consent of the board of park commissioners. When proceedings for the acquisition of motor vehicle parking lots are completed, the parking lotssoacquiredshallmust be controlled and operated by the city council. The city council shallfixset parking ratesfor parking, which rates shall be sufficient to defrayso as to pay the cost of operation ofsuch parkingthe lots.Allmoneys soMoney receivedshallmust be deposited in a fund designated by the city council andshall bekept separateanddistinctfromallother city funds. Fundswhich may beavailable inany otheranother permanent or current fund may be advanced tosuchthe designated fund for temporary use,andshallmust be returned to the fund, or funds,from which advanced when receipts from operation permit. 430.101 [PEDESTRIAN MALLS, HOW USED; PLAN, REGULATION ANDPERMITS; ADVISORY BOARDS.] Subdivision 1. [USE OF PEDESTRIAN MALLS, HOW USED.]AnyA pedestrian mall acquiredpursuant tounder section 430.01 or improvedpursuant tounder section 430.07 may be used,under the direction of the city council,for any purpose or activitywhichthat will enhance the movement, safety, convenience, or enjoyment of pedestrians, including seating, sidewalk cafes, displays of merchandise, exhibits, advertising, telephone, transit, newsstands, bus shelters, plantings, adornment, protection against the elements,and any other use or activitywhich in the judgment of the council will enhance the movement,safety, convenience or enjoyment of pedestriansand any other use or activity permitted byanyan applicable pedestrian mall ordinance adoptedpursuant tounder section 430.011 or other applicable law, ordinance, or power. Subd. 2. [REGULATION AND PERMITS.] After a pedestrian mall ordinanceshall havehas been adopted orlands shall haveland has been acquired for a pedestrian mall, the city engineer,shall prepare a plan and submit it to the city council. The plan must be prepared with the assistance of the city attorney andofany consulting engineer or landscape architect or other consultant employed by the councilfor the purpose and theassistance of anyto assist an advisory board appointedpursuanttounder subdivision 3, shall prepare and submit to the citycouncil a plan encompassing. The plan must include:(a)(1) the initial distribution and location of movable furniture, sculpture, or pedestrian traffic control devices, flowers, and other facilities belonging to the pedestrian mall and not otherwise located or fixed by the plans and specifications;(b)(2) the initial uses to be permitted on the mall to occupants of abutting property,anya transit or telephone utility, vendors, and others to serve the convenience and enjoyment of pedestrians, and the location ofsuchthose uses;(c)(3) proposed regulations governingthe modification ofsuchcharges in the distribution of movables andsuchpermitted uses, the issuance of permits forsuchuses, and fees and rentals to be charged forsuchpermits and uses; and(d)(4) the operation of any lighting, heating, or other facilities in the mall, replacing flowers, and maintaining the furniture and facilities in the mall.SuchThe planshallmust be filed with the city clerk and be open to inspectionand. The city council shall by ordinanceor ordinancesapprove and adoptsuchthe plan andsuchregulations,withsuchadditions or modificationsasitshalldeemconsiders properandaftersuchnotice andsuchhearings before it or its appropriate committeeasthat the councilshalldeemconsiders necessary or desirable. The councilshall havelike authority tomay amend the plan and regulationsat any timeand from time to time. Any furniture, structure, facility, or use located or permittedpursuant tounder the plan or a pedestrian mall improvement in the streetor part thereofcovered by the plan or improvementshallis not,byreasonbecause ofsuchthat location or use,be deemeda nuisance or unlawful obstruction or condition, and. Neither the city nor any user acting under permitshall beis liable for any injury to person or property unlesssuchthe furniture, structure, facility, or useshall beis negligently constructed, maintained, or operated. Subd. 3. [ADVISORY BOARD.] In its discretion, the city council may create and appoint an advisory boardor boards, ofwhich. A majority of the membersof each board shallmust be owners or occupants of properties adjoining a pedestrian mallormallsor their representatives, to. The board shall advise the city council and the city engineerin connection withon the acquisition, construction, and improvement of a pedestrian mallor malls, the making of a planthereforfor the mall, and the operation and maintenancethereofof the mall, andtomeet andfurnishmake recommendations on complaints and requests of members of the public andofowners and occupants of adjoining property.EachAn advisory board may elect an executive secretary, who need not be a member of the board, to keep its minutes, records, and correspondence and to communicate with the city council, the city engineerand, other officialsand with, owners and occupants of adjoining properties, and users of the pedestrian mallor malls. 430.102 [PEDESTRIAN MALL ANNUAL COSTS; ANNUAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENTSAND SPECIAL TAXES; APPEALS; COSTS DEFINED.] Subdivision 1. [COSTS; ESTIMATES; CATEGORIES.]Concurrently with(a) When thesubmission of theplan,is submitted and then annuallythereafteron or before June 15ofeach year, the city comptroller and city engineer shall, with the assistance of the advisory board, if any, report to the city council: (1) an estimate of the cost of operating and maintaining and annual improvement costs to each pedestrian mall improvement district in the city for the city's next fiscal yearof the cityto be incurred under the plan then in effect,; and (2) an estimate of changes in the amounts ofsuchthose costswhichthat wouldfollow upon the adoption of any addition oramendment toresult from any change in the plan recommended to or under consideration by the city council.Such(b) The estimateshallmust be reasonably itemized andshallinclude a summary of the categories of cost properly chargeable as follows:(a)(1) the amountof such coststo be charged against the general funds of the city, whichshall be thatthe amountwhichthe city would pay from its general funds for street maintenance and operations on a street of similar size and location but not improved as a pedestrian mall.;(b)(2) the amountof coststo be charged against benefited properties in the district in proportion to benefits, whichshall beis theaggregatetotal of costs of annual improvements to be made in the district during the ensuing year, not exceeding theaggregate oftotal benefits to the assessable tracts and parcels of land in the district received fromsuchthe annual improvements.; and(c)(3) the amountof costs,if any, to be specially taxed against properties in the district in proportion to the cash valuation ofsuchthose properties, whichshall beis the net amount of estimated costs remaining after deducting theamountsamount to be charged to the general funds of the citypursuantto paragraph (a)under clause (1), the amount to be specially assessedpursuant to paragraph (b)under clause (2), and rentals to be receivedon account offor use of the mall by vendors. Subd. 2. [COUNCIL APPROVAL; EFFECT; SPECIAL TAX LEVY LIMITATION.] The council shall receive and considersuchthe estimate required in subdivision 1 and the items of cost aftersuchnotice and hearing before it or its appropriate committee as itshall deemconsiders necessary or expedient, and shall approve thesameestimate, withsuchnecessary amendmentsthereto as it shall find necessary, and. The amounts of each item of cost estimatedshall be deemedare then appropriatedand expendable for andto operate, maintain, and improve the pedestrian mall during theensuingnext fiscal year. The amount of the special tax to be chargedpursuant toparagraph (c) ofunder subdivision 1shall, clause (3), must not, however, exceed 50 cents per $100 of assessed valuation of taxable property in the district, and. The council shall makesuchany necessary adjustment in costs of operating and maintaining the districtas may be necessaryto keep the amount ofsuchthe tax withinsuchthis limitation. Subd. 3. [ANNUAL IMPROVEMENT ASSESSMENT PROCEDURE; APPEALS.] When the councilshall havehas acted on the estimate of costs, the city engineer, with the assistance of the city assessor, shall prepare an assessment rollsetting forth. The roll must list separately the amounts to be specially assessed againstthebenefited and assessablepropertiesproperty in the district in proportion to the benefits, descriptions ofsuchpropertiesthe property, and the names of the owners ofsuchproperties, so far as such namesthe property to the extent they are available to the engineer. The assessment roll, when soprepared, shallmust be filed in the office of the city clerk and bethereavailable there for inspection. The city council shall meet to consider objections to the amounts ofsuchspecial assessments at least ten days after a notice of hearing has been mailed to the named owners ofallthe tracts, parcels, and lots of property proposed to be assessed. The noticeshall set forthmust give the timeand, place, and purpose of the meeting,and set forth the purpose of suchmeeting,but may refer to the assessment roll for further particulars. When the city councilshall havehas approved the amounts of the special assessmentsset forth therein,in the assessment roll oras may behas changedby itthem, the city clerk shallforthwithcertify a copy of the assessment roll, withsuchany changes,if any,to the county auditor to be extended on the tax lists of the countyand to. The special assessments must be collected with and in the same manner as other taxes on property for the current year. Within 20 days after the adoption of the assessment,anyan aggrieved personaggrievedmay appeal to the district court as provided in section 430.03 except that no commissionersshallnotwill be appointed to consider the amount of benefits;. If the courtshall findfinds that the assessment is not arbitrary, unreasonable, or made under a demonstrable mistake of fact or erroneous theory of law, it shall confirm the proceedings, but; otherwise the court shall remand thesamematter to the city council for reconsideration and reassessment of the benefitsupon likeafter notice and hearingas in the case oflike those for the original assessments under this subdivision.AllObjections to the assessmentshall be deemedare waived unlesspresented on such appealappealed under this paragraph. Subd. 4. [COSTS AND ANNUAL IMPROVEMENTS DEFINED.] For the purposes of this chapter"annual improvements" shall, with respect to pedestrian malls,mean and include"annual improvements" means any reconstruction, replacement, or repair of trees and plantings, furniture, shelters, and other facilities of a pedestrian mall, furnishing overhead or underground heating for snow removal or for enjoyment of pedestrians, and any other local improvementwhichbenefitsbenefiting properties within the district. For the purposes of this chapter,"costs" shall, with respect to annual improvements to and operation and maintenance of pedestrian malls,mean and include"costs" means costs of annual improvements;, fees of consultants employed by the city council to assist in the planning of annual improvements;, premiumsuponon public liability insurance insuring the city and users of the pedestrian mall anduponon property damage insurance for pedestrian mall facilities;, reasonable and necessary costs to the city for the time of city officials and employees spent in connection with annual improvements to and operating and maintaining a pedestrian mall and levying and collecting special assessments and special taxestherefor;for the mall, publication costs;, andallother costs incurred or to be incurred in connection with annual improvements to and operation and maintenance of pedestrian malls. Subd. 5. [SPECIAL ACCOUNT; EXCESS COSTS; BALANCES.]MoneysMoney appropriated and collectedon account offor annual improvement costs and costs of operating and maintaining a pedestrian mallshallmust be credited to a special account. The councilshall have authority tomay incur costs for annual improvements to or for operating and maintaining a pedestrian mall during any fiscal year, though not provided for in an approved estimate forsuchthat fiscal year, ifin itsdiscretion it shall deemthe council considers it necessary to provide forsuchannual improvements or operation or maintenanceprior tobefore the succeeding fiscal year. Insuchthat case, the costs incurredshallmust be included in the next estimate of costs to be approved. Any balances to the credit of the account established for a pedestrian mall and remainingunexpendedunspent at the end ofthea fiscal yearshallmust be charged against the proper category of the next estimate of costs to be approved. 430.11 [IMPROVEMENTS, WHEN AND HOWTO BE MADE PROMPTLY.] The improvementsso ordered shallunder this chapter must be made as soon aspossessionpossible after the land is secured, and shall be madeby the bodywhich conductsconducting the proceedings for acquisition. 430.12 [BONDS FOR IMPROVEMENTS.] The city council, for the purpose of realizing the fundsfor making an improvement and paying damagesmay, from time totime as may be needed,issue and sell special certificates of indebtedness,or special street or parkway improvement bonds, asthey may decide, which shall entitleas necessary to pay for making improvements and paying damages. Theholder thereofholders of the certificates or bonds are entitled to allsumsamounts realizeduponon any assessment, or, if deemedadvisable, in the council's discretion, the holders of a series of two or more certificates or bonds have those rights againstanyone assessment,or against the assessments in two or more different proceedings,. The principal and interestbeingwill be payable at fixed dates out of the funds collected from the assessments, including interest and penalties, andthe whole ofthe fund orthose fundsis herebyare pledged for the pro rata payment of the certificates or bonds andtherelated interestthereon,as theyseverallybecome due. These certificates or bonds may be made payable to the bearer, with interest coupons attached, and the city council may bind the city to make good deficiencies in the collection up to, but not exceeding, the principal and interest at the rate fixed, as hereinafterprovided,under this section and for the time specified in section 430.06. If the city, because of this guaranty,shallredeem anyredeems a certificate or bond, itshall thereupon beis subrogated to the holder's rights. For the purpose of this guaranty, penalties collectedshallmust be credited upon deficiencies of principal and interest before the cityshall beis liable. These certificates or bondsshallmust be sold at public sale or by sealed proposals at a meetingof whichafter at least two weeks' published noticeshall be given, to the purchaser who will pay the par valuethereofat the lowest interest rate, and. The certificates or bondsshallmust be drawn accordingly, but. The rate of interestshall in no casemay not exceed seven percent perannumyear, payable annually or semiannually. The city clerk shall certify to the county auditor the rate of interestsodetermined at the first bond sale held for anysuchimprovement under this chapter, and interestshallmust be computeduponon the assessments at this annual rate, in accordance withthe terms ofsection 430.06.In caseIf the rate of interestsodetermined at any subsequent bond sale for the same improvement is greater than the ratesodetermined at the first bond saletherefor, the difference between these rates of interestshallmust be a general city charge.In caseIf the proceeds ofanyspecial certificates of indebtedness or special street or parkway improvement bonds are in excess of the amount actually necessary to make the improvements for whichthe samethey were issued, orin caseif the proceeds are not immediately required for the prosecution or completion of the improvement,thesethe proceeds may meanwhile be used by the city council forthe making ofother improvements authorized underthe provisions ofthis chapter, and theamountof theproceedssousedshallmust be replaced and made goodso farasmay benecessary from the proceeds of special certificates of indebtedness or special bonds issued forthepurpose of making suchother improvements. Sections 474A.01 to 474A.21 apply to anyissuance ofobligations issued under this sectionwhichthat are subject to limitation under a federal volume limitation act as defined in section 474A.02, subdivision 9, or existing federal tax law as defined in section 474A.02, subdivision 8. 430.13 [SCOPE OF CHAPTER.]The provisions ofThis chaptershall applyapplies toallcities of the first class. The term "city council"shall be held to refer tomeans the governing body ofsuch cities, whether so-called or calledcommon council or otherwisea city.AnyCertificates or bonds that may be issued to finance an improvementshall be accounted aunder this chapter are part of the bonded debt of the city. In calculating the net indebtedness of the city due to the issue ofany suchcertificates or bonds, there may be deducted from the gross debt of the city the amount ofany suchcertificates or bonds that are payable wholly or partly from collections of special assessments levied on property benefitedtherebyby the improvements, includingthose which are thegeneral obligations of the issuing cityissuing the same, if the city is entitled to reimbursement, in whole or in part, from the proceeds of special assessments levied upon property especially benefited bysuchthe improvements. 430.14 [POWERSADDITIONAL POWERS.] The powersherewithgrantedshall be deemed anin this chapter are in addition toallother powersunder existingin laws and city charters and do notarepeal ormodificationthereofmodify any law or city charter. 430.15 [PAYMENT BY CITY; GIFTS.]TheA city mayalso, if ithavehas funds available from other sources, payany portionpart of thetotalcost ofanyan improvementas it deems bestand raise theremainderrest by the methods provided in this chapter.ItThe city may also accept gifts to be usedfor any such purposeto pay for an improvement. ARTICLE 10 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, chapter 447, is amended to read: 447.04 [CHARITY BUREAU.] The council ofanya statutory citynow or hereafter havingwith a populationof more thanover 8,000,may establish and maintain a public charity bureaufor the purpose of providingto give public charitable relief to the city's poortherein,andtoassisthelp ex-service personsin securingget hospitalization, sick relief, federal aid or benefits, and for the reliefgenerally of such persons, and todefray the expense thereofpay for the relief. 447.045 [LIQUOR DISPENSARY FUND, COMMUNITY HOSPITAL.] Subdivision 1. [HOME RULE CHARTER CITY, FOURTH CLASS.]Thecouncil of anyIf a home rule charter city of the fourth classoperating under a home rule charter and operatingoperates an off-sale municipal liquor dispensary, its council may appropriate notto exceedmore than $125,000 from the liquor dispensary fund toany dulyan incorporated nonprofit hospital associationfor the construction ofto build a community hospital insuchthe city. The hospital must be governed by a board including two or more members of the city council and be open to all residents of the city on equal terms.No suchappropriation shall be made in any city whereThe council must not appropriate the money unless the average net earnings of the off-sale municipal liquor dispensaryhad nothave exceeded $18,000 for the last five completed fiscal yearsprecedingbefore the date ofsuchthe appropriation. Subd. 2. [STATUTORY CITY; ON-SALE AND OFF-SALE STORE.] If the voters ofanya statutory city operating an on-sale and off-sale municipal liquor store, at a general or special election, vote in favor of contributing from its liquor dispensary fund toward the construction of a community hospital, the city councilthereofmay appropriate notto exceedmore than $60,000 fromits liquor dispensarythe fund to anydulyincorporated nonprofit hospital associationfor the constructionofto build a community hospital in the statutory city. The hospital must be governed by a board including two or more members of the statutory city council and be open to all residents of the statutory city on equal terms. This appropriationshallmust not exceed one-half the total cost of construction of the hospital.No such appropriation shall bemade in any statutory city whereThe council must not appropriate the money unless the average net earnings of the on-sale and off-sale municipal liquor store have beenless thanat least $10,000 for the last five completed fiscal yearsprecedingbefore the date ofsuchthe appropriation. Subd. 3. [STATUTORY CITY; OFF-SALE OR ON- AND OFF-SALE STORE.] (a) Ifthe voters of anya statutory cityoperatingoperates an off-sale, or an on- and off-sale municipal liquor storeatit may provide for a vote at a general or special electionvote in favoron the question of contributing from thevillagecity liquor dispensary fundtoward theconstruction, maintenance and operation ofto build, maintain, and operate a community hospital,. If the vote is in favor, the city councilthereofmay appropriate money from the fund to an incorporated hospital association for a period of four yearsthereafter appropriate from its liquor dispensary fund to anyduly incorporated nonprofit hospital association not to exceed$4,000 of. The appropriation must be from the net profits or proceeds of the municipal liquor storein any one. It must not exceed $4,000 a year for hospital construction and maintenanceof any such hospital in such statutory city; and not toexceedor $1,000in any onea year fortheoperationthereof; and. The hospitalshallmust be open to all residents of the community on equal terms. (b)No such appropriation shall be made in any statutorycity whereThe council must not appropriate the money unless the average net earnings of the off-sale, or on- and off-sale municipal liquor store have beenless thanat least $8,000 for the last two completed yearsprecedingbefore the date ofsuchthe appropriation. Subd. 4. [FOURTH-CLASS CITY OPERATING STORE.] Ifthevoters of anya city of the fourth class,operating one ormoreoperates a municipal liquorstoresstore, it may provide for a vote at a general or special electionvote in favoron the question of contributing from the profit in the city liquor dispensary fundtoward the construction, equipping andmaintenance ofto build, equip, and maintain a community hospital within the city limitsof the city. If the vote is in favor, the city councilthereofmay appropriate notto exceedmore than $200,000 from profits inits liquor dispensarythe fund forthe construction, equipping and maintenance of acommunity hospital in such city andthe purpose. The hospital must be open to all residents of the city on equal terms. The city may issue certificates of indebtedness in anticipation ofsuch profits may be issued by any such cityand payable only from profits from the operation ofsuch storeormunicipal liquor stores. Subd. 5. [STATUTORY CITY; APPROPRIATION TO HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION.] (a) The council ofanya statutory city operatingeither an on-sale or an off-salea municipal liquor store, orboth,may appropriate funds from the store's net earningsthereof,annually,not exceeding 50 percent thereofto anydulyincorporated nonprofit hospital association toaid in themaintenance and cost of operation of suchhelp maintain and operate the hospital, provided such. The appropriation must not exceed 50 percent of the store's net earnings. Money may be appropriated if: (1) the hospital is governed by a board of directors including two or more members of the statutory city council, and; (2) the hospital grounds and buildings are owned by the municipality and leased tosuchthe hospital association,; andprovided(3) the hospital is open to all residents of the statutory city on equal terms. (b)No such appropriation shall be made in any statutorycity whereThe council must not appropriate the money unless the average net earnings of theon-sale, the off-sale, or theon-sale and off-salemunicipal liquor storehavehas beenlessthanat least $8,000 for the last five completed fiscal yearsprecedingbefore the date ofsuchthe appropriation. Subd. 6. [STATUTORY CITY; FOURTH CLASS.] Ifthe electorsat any general or special election held in anya fourth class statutory cityof the fourth class, which cityoperates a municipal liquor store,vote in favorit may provide for a vote at a general or special election on the question of contributing from the city liquor dispensary fundan amountnotto exceedmore than $15,000pera year foreach offive yearstoward theconstruction and maintenance ofto build and maintain a community hospital,. If the vote is in favor the council may appropriatenot to exceed said amount each year for not toexceed five years out of said fund and may pay the same toanythe money from the fund to an incorporated community hospital association in the city. Subd. 7. [STATUTORY CITY; ANY STORE.] Ifthe voters of anya statutory cityoperating an on-sale, or an off-sale, or anon-sale and off-saleoperates a municipal liquor storeat, it may provide for a vote at a general or special electionvote infavoron the question of contributing from the statutory city liquor dispensary fund toward the acquisition, construction, improvement, maintenance, and operation of a community hospital. If the vote is in favor, the council may appropriatesuch sums ofmoneyas said council mayfrom time to timedetermineout of the net profits or proceeds of the municipal liquor store toanyan incorporated nonprofit hospital association in the statutory city,. The hospital association must be governed by a board of directors elected by donors of $50 or more, whoshalleach have one vote; and. The hospitalshallmust be open to all residents of the community on equal terms. 447.05 [HOSPITALS; HOME RULE CHARTER CITIES OF THE THIRD OR FOURTH CLASS.]AnyA home rule charter city of the third or fourth class mayby resolution or ordinance approved by two-thirds of themembers of the council,acquire, establish, and operate hospitals. The city may take those actions by resolution or ordinance approved by two-thirds of the city council. 447.06 [ACQUISITION OF SITES AND PROPERTY.]AnyA city mentioned in section 447.05 may acquire property bygrant,gift,devise,purchase, or condemnation,or otherwise,any property necessary, convenient, or desirable for the purposeof establishing, maintaining, equipping, improving, owning, andoperating anyto establish, maintain, equip, improve, own, and operate a hospital, hospital site, or hospital grounds within the city limitsof the city and such. The cityis herebyempowered tomay hold, own, and operateanya hospital, hospital grounds and sites, and other real and personal property,heretoforepreviously transferred or conveyed tothe city, bygift, devise, bequest, or otherwiseit for hospital purposes. 447.07 [RULES.] The city councilof the city is hereby empowered to makesuchmay adopt rulesand regulationsfor the operation ofsuchthe hospitals andtoappointsucha board to manage its hospital affairs and property, as itmay deemfinds necessary, proper, orexpedient. 447.10 [TAX LEVY FOR OPERATING AND MAINTAINING HOSPITAL.] The governing body ofanya city of the first classin thisstateowning a hospital, is hereby authorized tomay annually levyand collecta taxnot to exceed one-third of one mill oneach dollar of the taxable property of the city for the purposeof operating and maintaining suchto operate and maintain the hospital. The tax must not exceed one-third of one mill on each dollar of the city's taxable property. 447.11 [SPECIAL FUND.] The proceeds ofthisthe tax under section 447.10shallmust be placed in a separate fund in the city treasuryof thecity levying the same and shall constitute a special fund, keptdistinct from all other funds of the city, andused onlyfor thepurpose of operating and maintainingto operate and maintain the hospital. 447.12 [APPLICATION.] Sections 447.10 to 447.13 apply only tothosecities of the first classin the state as are or may hereafter bethat are governed by a charter adoptedpursuant tounder the Minnesota Constitutionof the state of Minnesota, article IV, section 36. 447.13 [POWER GRANTED ADDITIONAL TO EXISTING POWERS.] The powerof levyingto levy the taxprovided forin sections 447.10 to 447.13shall be andis in addition to all existing powers and taxes thatmay now be levied by suchthe cities may now levy. 447.14 [GIFTS AND DEVISES IN TRUST FOR FREE MEDICAL DISPENSARIES AND FREE PUBLIC LIBRARIES.]AnyA city of the first classin the state, shall, inaddition to all other powers now possessed by it, have, and itis hereby given, power and authority tomay accept, in trust, gifts, devises, and bequests of money or property, whether thesame be donated, devised, or bequeathed prior or subsequent tothe passage of Laws 1913, chapter 232, for the purpose offounding, establishing, and maintainingto set up and run free medical dispensaries for thebenefit of thepoor ofany suchthe city orofthe county in which the city is situated, andfor thepurpose of founding, establishing, and maintainingfree public libraries forthe use and benefit of the inhabitants of any suchcity orof thecountyin which the city is situatedresidents. 447.15 [ADMINISTRATION OF TRUST; DESIGNATION OF TRUSTEES.]Any suchA cityis hereby authorized and empowered toof the first class may administeranya gift, devise, or bequest to it in trust for the purposesaforesaidin sections 447.14 to 447.16,by such officials, officers, or trusteesas the donor or testator may designatefor that purposein the will orinstrument creating thetrust instrument and in accordance with the terms ofsuchthe will or instrument,and any. Officersor officialsofany suchthe city orof anythe countyinwhich any suchwhere the city is situatedas may bewho are designatedto administer any such trust by anyin the will or other instrument creating the trustin any such municipality foreither of the purposes aforesaid, are hereby empowered toadminister, and are hereby charged with the duty ofadministering, such trustshall administer it in accordance with the instrument's termsof the will or instrument creating thesame. 447.16 [APPLICATION.] Sections 447.14 to 447.16 apply to cities of the first classin this state now or hereafteroperating under a home rule charter adoptedpursuant tounder the Minnesota Constitutionofthe state of Minnesota, article IV, section 36. 447.31 [CREATION AND REORGANIZATION OF HOSPITAL DISTRICTS.] Subdivision 1. [RESOLUTIONS.] Any four or more cities and towns, however organized, except cities of the first class, may create a hospital district. They must do so by resolutions adopted by their respective governing bodies or electorscreatea hospital district, and any. A hospital districtnow orhereafter formedmayby resolutions adopted by its hospitalboard and by the governing body or electors of each city andtown included thereinbe reorganized,in accordance with theprovisions ofaccording to sections 447.31 to 447.37. Reorganization must be by resolutions adopted by the district's hospital board and the governing body or voters of each city and town in the district. Subd. 2. [TERRITORY.] No city or town shall be included in a hospital district created or reorganizedhereunderunder this section unless its entire territory is includedthereinin the district andunless suchthe territory is contiguous at one or more points to the territory of one or more of the other cities or towns included. Subd. 3. [CONTENTS OF RESOLUTION.]Each suchA resolutionshallunder subdivision 1 must state that a hospital district is authorized to be createdpursuant tounder sections 447.31 to 447.37,comprising the territory of four or more designatedcities or towns,or that an existing hospital district, withreference to the cities and towns comprising the same,is authorized to be reorganizedpursuant tounder sections 447.31 to 447.37,for the purpose of the acquisition, betterment,operation, maintenance, and administration of suchin order to acquire, improve, and run hospital and nursing home facilitiesasthat the hospital boardshall determinedecides are necessary and expedient in accordance with sections 447.31 to 447.37to be necessary and expedient; and each such. The resolution must name the four or more cities or towns included in the district. The resolutionshallmust be adopted bytheapproving vote of not less thana two-thirds majority of the members-elect of the governing body or board actingthereonon it, or by theelectorsvoters of the city or townin the mannerhereinas provided in this section. Each resolution adopted by the governing body of a city or townshallmust be published in its official newspaper andshallbecome effectivetakes effect 40 days aftersuchpublication, unlesswithin said perioda petitionshall befor referendum on the resolution is filed with the governing body,within 40 days. A petition for referendum must be signed byqualifiedelectors of the city or town, equal in number toat least five percent of the number ofsuch electorsvoters voting at the lastprecedingelection of officersthereof, requesting a referendumon the resolution; in which case the same shall not becomeeffective. If a petition is filed, the resolution does not take effect until approved by a majority ofsuch qualifiedelectorsvoters votingthereonon it at a regular municipal election or a special election which the governing body may call forsaidthat purpose.Alternatively, any suchThe resolution may also be initiated by petition filed with the governing body of the city or town, signed by at least ten percent of the number ofqualified electorsvoters voting at the last general election,setting forth. A petition must present the text of the proposed resolutionproposed to be approved,andrequestingrequest an electionthereon; in which caseon it. If the petition is filed, the governing body shall call a special election forsuchthe purpose, to be held within 30 days after the filing ofsuchthe petition, or may submit the resolution to a vote atanya regular municipal electionwhichthat is to be held withinsaidthe 30-day period, and. The resolutionshall becomeeffectivetakes effect ifand whenapproved by a majority ofsaid qualified electorsvoters votingthereonon it atsuchthe election. Only one election shall be held within any given 12-month period,upon resolutions initiated by petitionof atleast ten percent of the qualified voters voting at the lastgeneral election. The notice ofany suchthe election and the ballot usedthereat shallmust contain the text of the resolution, followed by the question: "Shall the above resolution be approved?" Subd. 4. [FILING RESOLUTIONS.] The hospital districtshallbe deemed dulyis created or reorganized on the effective date of the last resolution required to authorizethe sameit. However, certified copies of each resolutionshallmust betransmittedsent by the clerk or other recording officer of the governing body or board adopting it to the county auditor of each countyin whichcontaining territoryofin the hospital districtis situated, and upon receipt of all. On receiving the required resolutions, each county auditor shall file certified copiesthereofof them as a public record with the county recorder of the auditor's county, and. The county auditor of the countyin which the majoritycontaining most of the population of the districtis situatedshalltransmitsend a certified copy of each resolution to the secretary of state to be filed as a public record. Subd. 5. [SPECIAL ELECTION FOR NEW BOARD.] As soon as may be after the reorganization or creation ofanya hospital district, a special election for a new board must be called. The hospital board or, in the case of a new district, the governing body of the most populous city or townincludedthereinin the district, shall calla specialthe election,to. The election must be noticed, held, and canvassedin themanner herein provided forlike other hospital district elections, to elect a new hospital board,. The members ofwhichshall thereupon forthwiththe board qualify immediately on election and assume the powers and dutieshereinafter setforthin this section. Subd. 6. [CORPORATE POWERS OF DISTRICT.]EveryA hospital district created or reorganizedpursuant tounder sections 447.31 to 447.37shall beis a municipal corporation and political subdivision of the state andshall havehas perpetual succession,. It may contract and be contracted with, mayand sue and be sued,. It maybut shall not be required touse a corporate seal,. It may acquiresuchreal and personal property asit may require, by purchase, gift, devise, lease, orotherwise, andneeded. It may hold, manage, control, sell, convey, or otherwise dispose ofsuchthe property as its interests require. Upon reorganization ofanya districtall of the, real and personal assets, real and personal,of the preexisting district,including all property the legal title to which may have beenheld by any county for the use and benefit of the preexistingdistrict, shallpass to the new reorganized district, and. "Assets" includes all property in which the county has held legal title for the use and benefit of the preexisting district. All legally valid and enforceable claims and contract obligations of the preexisting districtshallmust be assumed by the new reorganized district; and all the. Taxable property insuchthe districtshall beis taxablefor the payment ofto pay any bonded debttheretoforeincurred by or on behalf of the preexisting district.AnyReal, personal, or mixed properties,real, personal, or mixed, whichthat are acquired, owned, leased, controlled, used, or occupied by a district for the purposes of sections 447.31 to 447.37, shall beare exempt from taxation by the state orany ofits political subdivisions. 447.32 [OFFICERS AND ELECTIONS.] Subdivision 1. [TERMS OF OFFICE.] Each hospital district shall be governed by a hospital board composed of one member elected from each city and towncomprising saidin the district and one member elected at large.TheA member's term of officeof each member of the hospital board shall beis four years and until a successor qualifies, except that. At the first election , however, membersshallmust be elected for termsto bedesignatedset by the governing body calling the election,insuch mannerso thatone-half ofhalf the terms, as nearly as may be,shallexpire on December 31 of thethennextfollowingeven-numbered year and the remaining termswillexpire two years fromsaidthat date; and thereafter, prior to the expiration ofthe term of each member. After that, before a member's term expires, a new member shall be elected for a term of four years fromsaidthe expiration date.Upon the death, resignation, orremoval of anyIf a member dies, resigns, fails to qualify, or moves from the hospital district,or upon the member's failure to qualify,a successor may be appointed by a majority of the remaining members of the board, to. The successor shall hold office until December 31followingafter the next regular hospital district election,. Atwhichthe election a successorshallmust be elected to fill the unexpired term.Upon annexation of anyWhen an additional city or town is annexed to the district, in accordance with section 447.36, its governing body shall by resolution appoint a member to the board, to. The member shall hold office until December 31followingafter the next regular hospital district election,. Atwhichthe election a successorshallmust be elected for a term of either two or four years, to bedesignatedset by the hospital boardin such manner as to assureso that the number of members of the board whose terms expire in anysubsequentlater year will not exceed one-half of the members plus one. Subd. 2. [ELECTIONS.] Regular electionsshallmust be held in each hospital district at the same timeand, in the same election precincts, and at the same polling places as general elections of state and county officers, except that. Alternatively, the hospital board may by resolution fix a date for an election, not later than December 7immediatelyprecedingjust before the expiration of board members' terms,and. It may establish the whole district as a single election precinct ormayestablish two or more different election precincts and polling places forsuchthe elections; in whichevent. If there is more than one precinct, the boundaries of the election precincts and the locations of the polling placesshallmust be defined in the notice of election, either in full or by reference to a description or map on file in the office of the clerk. Special elections may be called by the hospital board at any time to vote on any matter required by law to be submitted to theelectors, and suchvoters. Special electionsshallmust be held within the election precinct or precincts and at the polling place or places designated by the boardor,. In the case of the first election of officers of a new district, precincts and polling places must be set by the governing body of the most populous city or town included in the district. Advisory ballots may be submitted by the hospital board on any questionwhich it may desire, relating toit wishes, concerning the affairs of the district, but only at a regular election or at a special election requiredto be heldfor another purpose. Subd. 3. [ELECTION NOTICES.] The notice of each electionshallmust be posted in at least one public and conspicuous place within each city and town included in the district, andshall. It must be published in the official newspaper of the district or, ifsucha paper has not been designated, in a legal newspaper having general circulation within the district, at least one week before the election. Failure to givesuchnoticeshalldoes not invalidate the election of an officer of the district.AnyA voter may contest a hospital district election in accordance with chapter 209, and any laws amending orsupplementing the same, and said sections are hereby madeapplicable. Chapter 209 applies to hospital district elections. Subd. 4. [CANDIDATES; BALLOTS; CERTIFYING ELECTION.]AnyA persondesiringwho wants to be a candidate formember ofthe hospital board shall filewith the clerk of the city or town inwhich the candidate resides, not more than 60 nor less than 45days before the election,an application to be placed on the ballot as a candidate for election either as member at large or as a member representingsuchthe city or town, and allsuchwhere the candidate resides. The application must be filed with the city or town clerk not more than 60 or less than 45 days before the election. Applicationsshallmust be forwardedforthwithimmediately to the clerk of the hospital district or, for the first election, the clerk of the most populous city or town. Votingshallmust be by secret ballot. The clerk shall prepare, at the expense of the district, necessary ballots for the election of officers, placing thereon. Ballots must contain the names of the proposed candidates for each office,andthe length of the term of,each office,withand an additional blank space for the insertion of another name by the voter. The ballotsshallmust be marked and initialed by at least two judges as official ballots andshall beused exclusively at the election. Any proposition to be voteduponon may be printed on thesameballotas thatprovided for the election of officers or on a different ballot. The hospital board may also authorize the use of voting machines subject tothe applicable provisionsofchapter 206, and any laws amending or supplementing thesame. Enough election judges may be appointedin such number asdeemed necessaryto receive the votes at each polling place,and. They may be paid by the district at a rateto bedeterminedset by the board. The election judges shall act as clerks of election, count the ballots cast, and submit them to the board for canvass. After canvassing the election, the board shall issue a certificate of election to the candidatefor each officewho received the largest number of votes cast forthateach office. The clerk shall deliversuchthe certificate to the person entitledtheretoto it in person or by certified mail, and. Each personsocertified shall file an acceptance and oath of office in writing with the clerk within 30 days after the date of delivery or mailing of the certificate. The board may fill any officein the manneras provided in subdivision 1 if the person electedtheretofails to qualify withinsaid period30 days, butsuchqualificationshall beis effective if madeatany timebeforeactionthe board acts to fill the vacancyhasbeen taken. Subd. 5. [BOARD MEETINGS.] Regular meetings of the hospital boardshallmust be held at least once a month, atsucha time and placeasthe boardshallsets by resolutiondetermine, and. Special meetings may be held: (1) at any time upon the call of the chair or of any two other members,; (2) upon written notice mailed to each member three daysprior tobefore the meeting, or; (3) uponsuchother notice as the board by resolution may provide,; or (4) without notice if each member is present or files with the clerk a written consent totheholdingofthe meeting,which. The consent may be filed before or after the meeting. Any action within the authority of the board may be taken by the vote of a majority of the members present at a regular or adjourned regular meeting or at a duly called special meeting, if a quorum is present. A majority of all the members of the boardshall constituteconstitutes a quorum, but a lesser number may meet and adjourn from time to time and compel the attendance of absent members. Subd. 6. [OFFICERS' ELECTION.] At its first regular meeting after each regular election, the board shall elect one of their number as chair, and. They shall also select a clerk and treasurer who may be members of the board or others, as theboard shall determine. The chair, clerk, and treasurer shall hold office, as such,at the pleasure of the board, subject to the terms of any contract of employmentwhichthat the board may enter into with the clerk or treasurer. Subd. 7. [OFFICERS' DUTIES.] The chair shall preside at all meetings of the board, shall sign orders upon the treasurer for claims allowed by the board, and shall perform all duties usually incumbent uponsuch ana presiding officer. The clerk shall record the minutes of all meetings of the board, shall countersign all orders upon the treasurer, and shall be the custodian ofalldistrict books and recordsof the district. The treasurer shall be the custodian of allmoneysmoney received by the district, and shall pay out money only on orders signed by the chair and clerk. Each ordershallmust state the nature of the claim for which it is issued, the name of the payee, and the fund on which it is drawn, and. It may besodrawn so that when signed by the treasurer in an appropriate place it becomes a check on the depository of funds of the hospital district. In case of absence, inability, or refusal of the chair, clerk, or treasurer to execute and disburse orders in payment ofanya claim duly allowed by the hospital board, the board may declare any ofsaidtheir offices vacant and fillthesamethem by appointment. The board may also appoint a deputy to performany and allthe functionsand dutiesofany of saidthe officers, subject to the officers' supervision and controlof such officer. Subd. 8. [COMPENSATION.] The members of the hospital board shall receivesuchthe compensationas may befixed by the board.In additionEach board member may also be reimbursed forallactual and necessary expenses incurred in the performance of official dutiesin the same manner and amountas provided for state employees, exceptforthat mileagewhich shallmust be compensatedas provided inunder section 471.665, subdivision 1. 447.33 [POWERS.] Subdivision 1. [BROAD POWERS OF DISTRICT.] Each hospital district created or reorganized under sections 447.31 to 447.37shall have all ofhas the powers necessary and convenientso that it may provide for the acquisition, betterment,operation, maintenance, and administration of suchto acquire, improve, and run the hospital and nursing home facilities as the hospital boardshall determine to be necessary andfinds expedient. Theenumerationlist ofspecificpowersherein isin this section does notintended torestrict the power of the boardto. It may take any actionwhich, in the reasonableexercise of its discretion, isreasonably necessary or convenientfor the furtherance ofto further the purpose for which the district exists, andwhich is not otherwise prohibited by law, whether or not the power to take such action isnecessarily implied from any of the powers herein expresslygranted. Subd. 2. [SPECIFIC POWERS.] Specifically, every district, acting through its hospital board, may: (1) employ nursing, administrative, and other personnel, legal counsel, engineers, architects, accountants, and other qualified persons, who may be paid for their services by monthly salaries, hourly wages, and pension benefits, or bysuchany feesas may beagreed on; (2)Causehave reports, plans, studies, and recommendationsto beprepared; (3) lease, purchase, and contract for the purchase of real and personal property by option, contract for deed, conditional sales contract, or otherwise, and acquire real or personal property by gift; (4) lease or construct, equip,andfurnish, and maintain necessary buildings and groundsand maintain the same; (5) adopt, by resolution, rulesand regulationsfor the operation and administration ofany and allthe hospital and nursing home facilities under its control, and for the admission ofpersons theretopatients; (6) impose by resolution, and collect, charges forallservices and facilities provided and made available by it; (7) levy taxes ashereinafterprescribed in section 447.34; (8) borrow money and issue bonds ashereinafterprescribed in sections 447.345 and 447.35; (9)Procurebuy liability insuranceagainst liability offor the district or its officers and employees or both, for torts committed within the scope of their official duties, whether governmental or proprietary, and against damage to or destruction of any of its facilities, equipment, or other property; (10) sell or leaseany ofits facilities or equipment asmay be deemedit finds expedient; and (11)Cause audits to be made ofhave its accounts, books, vouchers, and funds audited by competent public accountants. 447.331 [LOANS TO STUDENTS IN MEDICAL SCHOOL OR HEALTH-RELATED EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS.] Subdivision 1. [ELIGIBILITY; LOAN AMOUNTS.] A hospital district may provide loans for the cost of education and living expenses to students who: (1) meet eligibility criteria established by resolution of the hospital boardfor the cost of education and living expensesduring the time the recipient is; (2) are enrolled in an accredited medical school or health-related educational program, if the recipient agrees; and (3) agree in writing to practice medicine in, or accept employment with, the hospital districtwhichthat has provided the loans for a specified period of time. No loan may exceed $28,000 to any one applicant, to. It must be paid in annual installments not to exceed $7,000 per year. No loan may be made toanya student who is receiving a similar loan underany otheranother program authorized by law. Each recipient shall execute a note to the hospital district payable on demand for the principal amount of the loan, and for any interest agreed to by the parties. All other terms for fulfilling the obligation and of breach of the obligationshallmust be determined by the parties andshallmust be fully and clearly stated in the loan contract. If the recipient fails to fulfill the obligation to practice or accept employment, the principal and interest, if any, shall be payable according to the terms of the noteexecuted by the recipient. Subd. 2. [SPECIAL LAW HOSPITAL DISTRICTS.]The provisionsofSubdivision 1shall applyapplies toanya hospital district organizedpursuant tounder special lawand any. A hospital district so organized mayexpendspend funds for the purposes authorized by subdivision 1. 447.34 [PAYMENT OF EXPENSES; TAXATION.] Subdivision 1. [EXPENSES PAID FROM REVENUE, TAXES, AND APPROPRIATIONS; TAX LIMITS.] Expenses ofacquisition,betterment, administration, operation, and maintenance ofallacquiring, improving, and running hospital and nursing home facilities operated byanya hospital district, expenses incurredpursuant tounder section 447.331, subdivision 1, andtheexpenses of organization and administration ofsuchthe district and of planning and financingsuchthe facilities,shallmust be paid from the revenues derived fromsuchfacilitiesthem, and to the extent necessary, from ad valorem taxes levied by the hospital boarduponon all taxable propertysituatedwithin the district, and, to the extent determined from time to time by the board of county commissioners of any countyin whichcontaining territory of the districtissituated, from appropriations made bysaidthe county board in accordance withthe provisions ofsection 376.08, and any futurelaws amending or supplementing the same.Any moneysMoney appropriated bysuchthe board of county commissionersfor theacquisition or betterment ofto acquire or improve facilities of the hospital district may be transferred in the discretion of the hospital board to a sinking fund for bonds issued for that purpose. The hospital board may agree to repay to the county any sums appropriated by the board of county commissioners for this purpose, out of the net revenues to be derived from operation of its facilities, and subject tosuchthe termsasmay beagreeduponon.NoTaxes levied by a hospital district in any year, other than taxes levied for payment of bonded indebtedness,shallmust not exceedin amount$1.50 per capita of the population of the district according to the last federal census, if the amount proposed to be levied in excess ofsuchthat amount, when added to the levy subject to the limitations of section 275.11, of any of the municipalities within the district, would causesuchthe municipal levy to exceed the limitations of that section. Subd. 2. [DECIDING AND CERTIFYING TAX AMOUNT.] On or before October 10 of each year the hospital board shall decideuponthetotalamount necessary to be raised from ad valorem tax levies to meet its expenses, and. No later than October 10 the secretary of the hospital board shall certifysuchthat amount to the county auditor of each county containing territorysituated withinin the hospital district. Eachofsaid county auditorscounty auditor shall assess and extend upon the tax rolls forsuchthe year that portion ofsaidthe certified amountwhichthat bears the same ratio to the whole amount as the assessed value of taxable property in that part of the hospital district located in the auditor's county bears to the assessed value of all taxable property in the hospital district. Subd. 3. [TAX COLLECTION AND SETTLEMENT.] Eachof saidcounty auditorscounty auditor shall add the amount of any levy so determined to the other tax levies on property locatedwithinin the auditor's county andwithinthe hospital district, for collection by the county treasurer with other taxes. When collected, the county treasurer shallmake settlement ofsuchsettle the taxes with the treasurer of the hospital district in the samemannerway as other taxes are distributed to other political subdivisions. The levies authorized by this sectionshall beare in addition toanyother county taxes authorized by law. 447.345 [TEMPORARY BORROWING AUTHORITY.] Subdivision 1. [CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS.]AnyA hospital district located wholly outside the seven county metropolitan area and created or reorganized under sections 447.31 to 447.37 may borrow moneynot exceeding a total of$50,000 indebtednessby issuing certificates of indebtedness in anticipation of taxestheretoforepreviously levied, revenues, and federal aids,. Total indebtedness for the certificates must not exceed $50,000. The proceedstomust be used for expenses of administration, operation and maintenance ofitsthe district's hospital and nursing home facilities. Subd. 2. [RESOLUTION.] The district may authorize andeffect such borrowing,borrow and issuesuchthe certificates of indebtedness on passage of a resolution specifying the amount andpurposesreasons forwhich it deems suchborrowingisnecessary which. The resolutionshallmust be adopted by a vote of at least two-thirds of its board members. The board shall fix the amount, date, maturity, form, denomination, and other detailsthereofof the certificates andshall fixthe date and place for receipt of bids forthetheir purchasethereof and. The board shall direct the clerk to give noticethereofof the date and place fixed. Subd. 3. [TERMS OF CERTIFICATES.]No certificate shall beissued toCertificates must become due and payable no later than two years from the date of issuance. Certificatesshallmust be negotiable andshall bepayable to the order of the payee andshallhave a definite due date but may be payable on or beforethatthe due date. Certificatesshallmust be sold fornot less thanat least par and accrued interest andshallmust bear interest ata rate not to exceednot more than eight percentper annuma year. Interest must be payable at maturity orat suchearliertimeas the boardmay determinedetermines. The proceeds of the current tax levies and revenues derived from the facilities of the district and future federal aids and any other district fundswhich maythat become availableshallmust be applied to the extent necessary to repaysuchthe certificatesand. The full faith and credit of the hospital districtshallmust be pledged for their payment. 447.35 [BONDS.]EachA hospital district may borrow money by the issuance of its general obligation bondsfor the acquisition andbetterment of: (1) to acquire and better hospital and nursing home facilities(including, but without limitation,the provision of an adequate working capital for a new hospital or nursing home),; (2) for ambulances and related equipment,; (3) for refunding its outstanding bonds,; and (4) for funding valid outstanding orders,. Bonds must be issued by the procedure and subject toall ofthe limitations and conditionsset forthin chapter 475, and anyfuture laws amending or supplementing the same,for the issuance of bonds by municipalities. Except for revenue bonds issuedpursuant tounder sections 447.45throughto 447.50, no bonds of a hospital districtshall be deemed to beare excluded from its net debt by virtue ofthe provisions ofsection 475.51, subdivision 4, clause (5). Except asmay beauthorized by special law, the taxes initially levied by any district in accordance with section 475.61, for the payment of its bonds, upon property within each municipality included in the hospital district,shallmust be included in computing the limitations upon the levy ofsuchthe municipality under section 275.11, as the case may be; but nothingherein shall limithere limits the taxes required by section 475.74, to be levied by the district for payment of any deficiency in its bond sinking funds. If the tax required by section 475.61 to be levied for any year of the term of a bond issue upon property within any municipality included in the district would, when added to the taxes levied bysuchthe municipality for all purposes in the yearprecedingsuchbefore the issue, exceed the limitations prescribed in section 275.11, the bondsshallmust not be issued without the consent by resolution of the governing bodyof suchmunicipality. An electionshall beis requiredprior tobefore the issuance ofany butall bonds except funding or refunding bonds. The proposition submitted atany suchthe electionshallmust be whether the hospital board shall be authorized to issue bonds of the district in a specified maximum amount, for the purpose of financing the acquisition and betterment of hospital and nursing home facilities, or of facilities ofone of saidother stated types if it is not proposed to use the bond proceeds for hospital and nursing home facilitiesof the other type. Bonds issued by a hospital districtshalldo not constitute indebtedness for any purpose of any county, city, or town whose territory is includedthereinin the district. 447.36 [ANNEXATION OF TERRITORY.] After the creation or reorganization of a hospital districtany, a city or town whose territory is contiguoustheretoto the district at any point mayrequestask to be annexed to the district.SuchThe resolutionshall beis subject to referendumin the manner provided inaccording to section 447.31, subdivision 3.AllAnnexed territoryannexed shall beis subject to taxation like other property in the district for the support of its facilities and for the payment of principal and interest becoming due after the annexation on bonds of the district, whether authorized or issued before or after the annexation. If the hospital district has outstanding bonds or has voted bondswhichthat are not yet issued, the annexationshallmust not be requested unless approved by a majority of the electors of the city or town votingthereonon the question at a regular or special election. The hospital board mayin itsdiscretioncondition its approval of the annexation upon the contribution, by or on behalf of the city or town to be annexed, to the capital improvement fund or the bond sinking fund of the hospital district, ofsuchan amountas may beagreed upon as a reasonable estimate of the proportionate share, properly applicable to the annexed territory, of capital costs previously paid by the district, having regard to contributions previously made by cities and towns in the district and their inhabitants, and principal and interest already paid on bonds of the district.AnyA city or townrequestingasking to besoannexed may appropriate money or may authorize, issue, and sell its bonds or may accept andexpendspend contributions from private partiesfor the purpose of payingto pay the proportionate sharesoagreed upon. Each annexationshall becomebecomes effective upon the date of adoption of the hospital board's resolution approving thesameannexation, or onsuch subsequenta later date assaidthe resolutionmay prescribeprescribes. A certified copy ofeach suchthe resolutionshallmust be filed as provided in section 447.31, subdivision 4, fortheresolutions creating the district. 447.37 [POWERS SUPPLEMENTARY.] The powers grantedhereinhere are supplementary to and not in substitution foranyother powerspossessed byof counties, cities, and towns in connection with the acquisition, betterment, administration, operation, and maintenance of hospitals and nursing homes and the creation of hospital districts. 447.38 [DISSOLUTION: DETACHMENT OF TERRITORY.] Subdivision 1. [DISSOLUTION; PETITION TO BOARD; BOARD'S ORDER.]AnyA hospital district created or reorganized pursuant tothe provisions ofsections 447.31 to 447.37,may be dissolved upon a petition to the hospital district boardstating. The petition must state the grounds for dissolution, as hereinafterprovided, be signed by an authorized officer or officers of the governing body of any city or town included in the hospital district pursuant to a resolution of the governing body, andcontainingcontain a proposal for distribution of the remaining funds of the district, if any, among the related governmental subdivisions. Except as otherwise provided, a proceeding for dissolutionshall beis governed by the provisionsnow orhereafter in forcerelating to proceedings for the organization of districts, so far as applicable. If the board determines that the conditionsrequisitefor the creation of the district no longer existtherein, that all indebtedness of the district has been paid, and that all property of the district except funds has been disposed of, it may make an order dissolving the district and directing the distribution of its remaining funds, if any, among the related governmental subdivisions onsucha basisasthe board determines to be just and equitable, to be specified in the order. Certified copies of the order for dissolutionshallmust be transmitted and filed as provided for an order creating a district. The clerk of the board shall also transmit a certified copy of the order to the treasurer of the district, who. The treasurer shallthereuponthen distribute the remaining funds of the district as directed by the order, andshall beis responsible forsuchthe funds untilsodistributed. Subd. 2. [DETACHMENT OF CITY OR TOWN; SAME PROCEDURE.]AnyA city or town included insuchthe hospital district may be detachedtherefromfrom it by the same procedureasprovided for dissolution of the district. On detachment, all taxable property within the detached areashall remainremains subject to taxation for any existing bonded indebtedness of the district tosuchthe same extent as it would have beensubject theretoif not detached, and shall also remain. The property remains subject to taxation for any other existing indebtedness of the district incurred for any purpose beneficial tosuchthe area tosuchthe extentasthe boardmay determine to befinds just and equitable, to be specified in the order for detachment. The proper officers shall levy further taxes onsuchthe property accordingly. 447.41 [ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION; WITHDRAWAL.] Except cities of the first class,anya city or town or any combinationthereofof them acting jointly may, by resolution or ordinance, establish and operate a nursing home or home for the aged, and may acquire by lease not to exceed 15 years, gift, devise, purchase, condemnation, or otherwise any property necessary or desirable and suitable forsuchthat purpose. The governing body of the city or town may by ordinance makesuchrulesor regulationsand provide forsucha managing board as it deems necessaryfor the operation of suchto operate the nursing home or home for the aged.AnyA city or town may withdraw its interest inanya nursing home or home for the aged with the consent of each city and town having an interestthereinin the home, and shall be paidsuchwhatever sumsasmay be agreed upon, having due regard for its investment insuchthe home. 447.42 [ESTABLISHMENT AND OPERATION OFCOMMUNITY RESIDENTIAL FACILITIES FOR PERSONS WITH MENTAL RETARDATION OR RELATED CONDITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [ESTABLISHMENT.] Notwithstanding any provision of Minnesota Statutes to the contrary, any city, county, town, oranynonprofit corporation approved by the commissioner of human services, or any combinationthereofof them may establish and operate a community residential facility for persons with mental retardation or related conditions, as defined in section 252.27, subdivision 1. Subd. 2. [ADMINISTRATION.] Community residential facilities established under this section may be administered by a nonprofit corporation, by the political subdivision establishingsamethem or by a community mental health-mental retardation board organized under sections 245.66 and 245.67. Subd. 3. [FACILITIES.] The premises and facilities for any community residential facility may be acquired by purchase, lease, or gift and may be established and operated in connection with existing public and private facilities and institutions. Subd. 4. [FINANCING.] Any political subdivision, asdescribed in subdivision 1,may useunexpendedunspent funds, accept gifts, grants, and subsidies from any lawful source, ormake applicationapply for federal funds and may usesuchmoneys orthe money for a community residential facility. It may also grant or loansuch moneysthe money to any nonprofit corporation approved by the commissioner of human services for the establishment and operation of a community residential facility. Subd. 5. [LICENSING.]AnyA community residential facility established and operatedpursuant tounder this sectionshallmust meet all applicable licensure standards established by the commissioners of health and human services. 447.45 [HOSPITALS AND NURSING HOMES, FACILITIES FOR PERSONS WITH MENTAL RETARDATION OR RELATED CONDITIONS; FINANCING AND LEASING.] Subdivision 1. [FINANCING.]AnyA county, city, or hospital district, except cities of the first class and countiesin which are located anycontaining cities of the first class,is authorized, in addition to and not in substitution for anyother power granted to it by law, tomay issue revenue bonds by resolutionor resolutionsof its governing body to finance the acquisition and betterment of hospital, nursing home and related medical facilities, or any of them, including but withoutlimitation. This power is in addition to other powers granted by law and includes, but is not limited to, the payment of interest during construction and for a reasonable periodthereafterafter construction and the establishment of reserves for bond payment and for working capital, and,. In connection with the acquisition of any existing hospital or nursing home facilities,tothe city, county, or district may retire outstanding indebtedness incurred to finance the construction of the existing facilities. Subd. 2. [POWERS OVER SPECIAL FACILITIES.]AnyWith respect to facilities for the care, treatment, and training of persons with mental retardation or related conditions, a county or city, including cities of the first class and counties inwhich are located any cities of the first class, is authorizedtomay exercisewith respect to facilities, including healthcare facilities, for the care, treatment and training of personswith mental retardation or related conditions, as defined insection 252.27, subdivision 1, all ofthe powersconferred byin sections 447.45 to 447.50with the same force and effectas if these facilities were hospital or nursing home facilities within the meaning of sections 447.45 to 447.50. "County or city" includes cities of the first class and counties containing them. "Related conditions" is defined in section 252.27, subdivision 1. 447.46 [REVENUE PLEDGED.] The county, city, or hospital district may pledge and appropriate the revenues to be derived from its operation of the facilities, except related medical facilities, to pay the principal and interest on the bonds when due and to create and maintain reserves for that purpose, as a first and prior lien onall suchthe revenues or, if so provided in the bond resolution, as a lienthereonon the revenues subordinate to the current payment of a fixed amount or percentage or all of the costs ofthe operation, administration, and maintenance ofrunning the facilities. 447.47 [LEASE OF FACILITIES TO NONPROFIT OR PUBLIC CORPORATION.] The county, city, or hospital district may lease hospital or nursing home facilitiesfor operation, administration, andmaintenanceto be run by a nonprofit or public corporation as a community hospital or nursing home,. The facilities must be open to all residents of the communityuponon equal terms,and. The city, county, or district may lease related medical facilities to any person, firm, association, or corporation,upon such rentals and for such term,at rent and on conditions agreed. The term of the lease must notexceedingexceed 30 years, and subject to such other conditions as may be agreed. The lessee may be granted an option to renew the lease,for an additional termor terms upon such conditions and rentals,or to purchase the facilitiesat such price, as may be provided. The terms of renewal or purchase must be provided for in the lease. The county, city, or hospital district may by resolutionorresolutionsof its governing bodyundertake andagree to pay to the lesseeof hospital or nursing home facilitiesannually, and to include in each annual budget and tax levy for hospital and nursing home purposes, a fixed compensationdetermined by thegoverning body to be just and proper compensationfor services agreed to be performed by the lessee inthe operation,administration, and maintenance ofrunning the hospital or nursing home as a community facility; for any investment by the lessee of its own funds or funds granted or contributed to it in the construction or equipment of the hospital or nursing home; and for any auxiliary services to be provided or made available by the lessee through other facilities owned or operated by it;and. Services other than those provided for in the lease agreement may be compensated atsuchratesas may beagreedsubsequentlyupon later.AnyThe lease agreemententered intohereunder shallmust, however, require the lessee to pay a net rental not less than the amount required to pay the principal and interest when due on all revenue bonds issued by the county, city, or hospital districtfor the acquisition and bettermentand refinancing ofto acquire, improve, and refinance the leased facilities, and to maintain the agreed revenue bond reserve.NosuchThe lease agreementshallmust not grant the lessee an optionto the lesseeto purchase the facilities at a price less than the amount of the bondssoissued and interest accruedthereonon them, except bonds and accrued interest paid fromsuchthe net rentals before the option is exercised. To the extent thatany suchthe facilities are leasedinaccordance withunder this section for use by persons in private medical or dental or similar practice orin anyother private business, a tax onthe privilege of suchthat useshallmust be imposedin the same amount and to the same extentjust as though the user were the owner ofsuchthe spaceand shall. It must be collectedin the manneras provided in section 272.01, subdivision 2. 447.48 [SECURITY FOR BONDS; PLEDGE OF CREDIT FOR BONDS.] In the issuance of bondshereunderthe revenues or rentalsshallmust be pledged and appropriated by resolution for the use and benefit of bondholders generally, or may be pledged by the execution of an indenture or other appropriate instrument to a trustee for the bondholders, and. The site and facilities, or any partthereofof them, may be mortgaged tosuchthe trustee. The governing bodyshall have power to make andmay enter into anyand allcovenants with the bondholders or trusteewhich aredetermined by it to bethat it finds necessary and proper to assure the marketability of the bonds, the completion of the facilities, the segregation of the revenues or rentals andanyother funds pledged, and the sufficiencythereofof funds fortheprompt and full payment ofallbonds and interest. The bonds shall be deemed to be payable wholly from the income of a revenue-producing convenience within the meaning of section 475.58,except thatunless the governing bodymayalsopledgepledges tothetheir paymentof the bonds and interestthe full faith and credit of the county, city, or hospital district. In this event, unless otherwise provided by law, the bondsshallmay not be issued unless approved by a majority of the electors voting on the question atana legal electionduly called andheld. 447.49 [MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS.]AllBonds issuedpursuant tounder sections 447.45 to 447.50shallmust be issued and sold as provided in chapter 475,but. If the bonds do not pledge the credit of the county, city, or hospital district as provided in section 447.48, the governing body may negotiate their sale without advertisement for bids. They shall not be included in the net debt of any municipalityincluded therein, andshallare notbesubject to interest rate limitations, as defined or referred to in sections 475.51 and 475.55. 447.50 [REFUNDING BONDS.]AnyA county, city, or hospital districtis authorized tomay issue bondshereunderunder this chapter by resolutionorresolutionsof its governing body to refundanybonds issued for the purposeshereinstated in this chapter. ARTICLE 11 Section 1. [EFFECT OF CHANGES.] The legislature intends the changes in the language of the laws amended by articles 1 to 10 of this act to be exclusively changes in style. No change is intended to alter or shall be construed by a court or other authority to alter the meaning of a law. If a section is amended by articles 1 to 10 of this act and also by another act adopted in 1987 and the amendments cannot be edited together in the next publication of Minnesota Statutes, the amendment by articles 1 to 10 of this act shall be without effect. Approved May 26, 1987
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes