Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1987 CHAPTER 208-S.F.No. 853 An act relating to public safety; establishing the "McGruff" symbol as the sign for a safe house for children; creating a safe house program; providing penalties; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 299A. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. [299A.28] [MCGRUFF SAFE HOUSE PROGRAM.] Subdivision 1. [SYMBOL.] The symbol of "McGruff" with the phrase "McGruff House" is the symbol to designate a house in this state where a child may seek help when threatened. Subd. 2. [DUTIES OF COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC SAFETY.] The commissioner of public safety shall: (1) design or adopt a standard symbol to designate a safe house that is the "McGruff" symbol used in other states; (2) make available written information about the safe house program and "McGruff" symbols to school districts and law enforcement agencies; (3) publicize the safe house program in as many ways as is reasonably practical; (4) require the appropriate local law enforcement agency to maintain a register of safe houses; (5) either directly or through cooperation with the appropriate law enforcement agencies conduct background checks on persons who apply to have their house be a safe house. Subd. 3. [DISPLAY OF SYMBOL.] A person displaying the "McGruff" symbol so that it is visible from the outside of their house must be approved as a safe house by the appropriate local law enforcement agency. The appropriate law enforcement agency must supply the symbol to the person. The symbol is the property of the law enforcement agency, and a person must return the symbol to the law enforcement agency if the agency determines that the house no longer qualifies as a "McGruff" house. Violation of this subdivision is a misdemeanor. Subd. 4. [SAFE HOUSES; REQUIREMENTS.] The appropriate law enforcement agency must provide "McGruff" symbols to persons who apply for symbols if they agree in writing to follow the terms of the safe house program and pass a background check by the appropriate local law enforcement agency. Subd. 5. [EXCLUSIVE SYMBOL.] The safe house symbol provided by this section is the exclusive symbol for safe houses in this state. Subd. 6. [RULES.] The commissioner of public safety may adopt rules necessary to implement this section. Approved May 26, 1987
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes