Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1987 CHAPTER 137-H.F.No. 836 An act relating to natural resources; revising the boundary of Lost River State Forest; amending Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 89.021, subdivision 59. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1986, section 89.021, subdivision 59, is amended to read: Subd. 59. [LOST RIVER STATE FOREST.]That part of township162, range 37 lying north and west of the old Red Lake IndianReservation boundary; townships 163 and 164 inclusive, range 37;sections 1, 2, 11 through 14, township 162, range 38; sections 1through 18, 22 through 27, and 34 through 36, township 163,range 38; township 164, range 38; sections 1 through 18 oftownship 163, range 39; township 164, range 39; sections 1through 6 and 10 through 15, township 163, range 40; township164, range 40; and sections 1 and 2 of township 163, range 41;sections 25, 26, 35, and 36, township 164, range 41; all west ofthe 5th principal meridan.Sections 25 and 26, the east three-fourths of section 35, section 36 of township 164 north, range 41 west; sections 25 to 28 inclusive, the east three-fourths and government lot 6 of section 29, section 30, the east one-half of the southwest quarter and government lot 4 of section 31, the northeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter of section 32, sections 33 to 36 inclusive of township 164 north, range 40 west; section 25, government lots 1, 2, 3, 4, the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 26, government lots 1, 2, 3, 4, the south one-half of the southwest quarter of section 27, sections 28 to 33 inclusive, the northwest quarter, the north one-half of the southwest quarter, the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, the east one-half of the southeast quarter, the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 34, the south three-fourths, the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section 35, section 36 of township 164 north, range 39 west; sections 25 to 29 inclusive, government lots 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, the southeast quarter, the northeast quarter of the southwest quarter of section 30, government lot 1, the north one-half of the northeast quarter and the south three-fourths of section 31, sections 32 to 36 inclusive of township 164 north, range 38 west; government lot 5 and the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 25, sections 26 to 34 inclusive of township 164 north, range 37 west; section 1, the east three-fourths of section 2 of township 163 north, range 41 west; sections 1 to 3 inclusive, government lots 1, 2 and 4, the southeast quarter of section 4, the west three-fourths of section 6, sections 10 to 12 inclusive, the northeast quarter, the east one-half of the northwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter of section 13, the northwest quarter of section 14, section 15 of township 163 north, range 40 west; sections 1 and 2 inclusive, the east one-half, the southeast quarter of the northwest quarter, the southwest quarter of section 3, government lots 3 and 4, the southwest quarter of the northwest quarter, the southeast quarter, the south one-half of the southwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the southwest quarter of section 4, sections 5 to 7 inclusive, the north three-fourths, the south one-half of the southeast quarter of section 8, sections 9 to 17 inclusive, the north one-half of the northwest quarter of section 18 of township 163 north, range 39 west; sections 1 to 12 inclusive, the west one-half of section 13, sections 14 to 18 inclusive, the north three-fourths, the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section 22, the west one-half, the north one-half of the northeast quarter, the southwest quarter of the northeast quarter of section 23 of township 163 north, range 38 west; government lots 1 and 2 of the northeast quarter, the northwest quarter of section 5, section 6 of township 163 north, range 37 west; all west of the 5th principal meridian. Sec. 2. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] This act is effective the day following final enactment. Approved May 14, 1987
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes