Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1986 CHAPTER 443-H.F.No. 1782 An act relating to natural resources; enacting the lake improvement district act; providing for the creation, powers, and termination of lake improvement districts; amending Minnesota Statutes 1984, sections 378.41; 378.42; 378.43; 378.44; 378.46; 378.47; 378.51; 378.52; 378.54 378.55; 378.56; 378.57; and 459.20; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 378. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. [378.401] [CITATION.] Sections 2, 7, and 378.41 to 378.57 may be cited as the lake improvement district act. Sec. 2. [378.405] [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [APPLICABILITY.] The definitions in this section apply to sections 2, 7, and 378.41 to 378.57. Subd. 2. [BOARD.] "Board" means county board. Subd. 3. [COMMISSIONER.] "Commissioner" means the commissioner of natural resources. Subd. 4. [DISTRICT.] "District" means a lake improvement district. Subd. 5. [JOINT COUNTY AUTHORITY.] "Joint county authority" means a joint county authority formed by county boards under section 378.44. Subd. 6. [PROPERTY OWNER.] "Property owner" means the owner of real property within the district or the buyer under contract for deed of property in the district. Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 378.41, is amended to read: 378.41 [ESTABLISHMENT OF LAKE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTSADMINISTRATION BY COMMISSIONER.] Subdivision 1. [PURPOSE.] (a) In furtherance of the policy declared in section 378.31, the commissionerof naturalresourcesshall coordinate and supervise a local-state program for the establishment of lake improvement districts by countiesand citiesfor lakes located within their boundaries based on state guidelines and regulations and compatible with all state, regional, and local plans wheresuchthe plans exist. (b) In administration of this program the commissioner of natural resources shall consult with and obtain advice from other state agencies on those aspects of the program for which the agencies have specific legislative authority including but not limited to the department of health and the pollution control agency. Subd. 2. [RULES.] The commissionerof natural resources,before April 1, 1979,shallpromulgateadopt permanent and emergency rulespursuant to chapter 15 whichto provide guidelines, criteria and standards for establishment of lake improvement districts by countiesand cities.Subd. 3. In order to finance the development andimplementation of programs for water and related land resourcesmanagement pursuant to sections 378.31 to 378.32, the countyboard of any county may designate areas within the county,including bodies of water and related land areas, as lakeimprovement districts.Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 378.42, is amended to read: 378.42 [CREATIONINITIATION AND ESTABLISHMENT BY COUNTY BOARD.] Subdivision 1. [RESOLUTION OF INTENT.] The county board mayestablishinitiate the establishment of a lake improvement district in a portion of the countyby adoption of anappropriate resolutionunder this section. The board must adopt a resolution declaring the intent of the board to establish a lake improvement district. The resolutionshallmust: (1) specify theterritorialboundaries of theareadistrict, which shall be encouraged to be as consistent aspossiblepractical with natural hydrologic boundaries,; (2) prescribe thetype or types ofwater and related land resource management programs to be undertaken in thearea, astatement of the means by whichdistrict; (3) state how the programs will be financed, and adesignation of; (4) designate the county officer or agencywhothat will be responsible for supervising the programs; and (5) set a date for a hearing on the resolution. Subd. 1a. [NOTICE TO TOWN BOARD.] The county board shall, at least 30 days before making an order establishing a lake improvement district, send the town board of a town wholly or partially within the boundaries of the proposed district a copy of the resolution to the town board and encourage the town board to respond to the proposed creation of the district. Subd. 2. [HEARING.]Before the adoption of such aresolution,The county boardshallmust hold a public hearing onthe question ofwhetheror nota lake improvement districtshallshould be established. Before the date set for the hearing, any interested person may filehisobjections to the formation ofsuchthe district with the county auditor. At the hearing, any interested person may offer objections, criticisms, or suggestionsas toabout the necessity of the proposed districtas outlinedandto the question of whether hishow the person's property will be benefited or affected by the establishment of the district. Subd. 3. [ESTABLISHMENT.]Following the hearing,(a) The county board may establish a lake improvement district, by order, after making findings, ifit appears tothe board, afterconsideration of all testimony,determines that the: (1) proposed district is necessary or that the public welfare will be promoted by the establishment of the district,that the; (2) property to be included in the district will be benefited bythe establishment thereof, and that theestablishing the district; and (3) formation of theproposeddistrict will not cause or contribute to long range environmental pollution, the countyboard, by formal order, shall declare its findings, shallestablish the boundaries of the district and shall declare thedistrict organized and give it a corporate name by which itshall be known. (b) The order establishing the district must state the board's findings and specify or prescribe those matters contained in subdivision 1, paragraphs (1) to (4). Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 378.43, is amended to read: 378.43 [INITIATION BY PETITIONFOR CREATIONAND ESTABLISHMENT BY COUNTY BOARD.] Subdivision 1. [PETITION.]A petition signed by 51 percentof the resident owners as defined in section 112.35, subdivision21, within the proposed lake improvement district as specifiedin the petition shall be filed with the county clerk andaddressed to the board requesting the establishment of a lakeimprovement district to develop and provide a program of waterand related land resources management. Governmentalsubdivisions, other than the state or federal governments,owning lands within the proposed district are eligible to signthe petition.The petition shall set forth the following:(1) The name of the proposed district;(2) The necessity for the proposed district so that thepublic health or public welfare will be promoted by theestablishment of the district and that the lands to be includedtherein will be benefited by the establishment or accomplish anyof the purposes of a lake improvement district;(3) The boundaries of the territory, which shall be asconsistent as possible with natural hydrologic boundaries, to beincluded in the proposed district;(4) A map of the proposed district;(5) The number of managers proposed for the district. Themanagers shall not be less than three nor more than five and beselected from a list of ten nominees; and(6) A request for the organization of the district asproposed.(a) A lake improvement district may be initiated by a petition to the county board. The petition must state: (1) the name of the proposed lake improvement district; (2) the necessity of the proposed district to promote public health or public welfare; (3) the benefits to property from the establishment of the lake improvement district; (4) the boundaries of the proposed district which shall be encouraged to be as consistent as possible with natural hydrologic boundaries; (5) a map of the proposed district; (6) the number, from five to nine, of directors proposed for the district; and (7) a request for establishing the district as proposed. (b) A petition must be signed by 26 percent of the property owners within the proposed lake improvement district described in the petition. Governmental subdivisions, other than the state or federal governments, owning lands within the proposed district are eligible to sign the petition. (c) The petition must be filed with the county auditor and addressed to the board requesting the board to establish of a lake improvement district to develop and provide a program of water and related land resources management. (d) The county board shall, at least 30 days before it acts on a petition, send the town board of a town wholly or partially within the boundaries of a proposed district a copy of the petition submitted under subdivision 1 and encourage the town board to respond to the proposed creation of the district. Subd. 2. [HEARING.]Upon receipt of the petition, andverification of the signatures thereon by the county auditor,the county board shall, within 30 days following verification,hold a public hearing on the question of whether or not therequested lake improvement district shall be established.After receiving the petition, the county auditor must verify the signatures and notify the county board. Within 30 days after being notified of the petition, the county board must hold a public hearing on whether the requested lake improvement district should be established. Subd. 3. [ESTABLISHMENT.]Within 30 days following theholding of a public hearing the county board by resolution shallapprove or disapprove the establishment of the requested lakeimprovement district and give it a corporate name by which itshall be known. A resolution approving the creation of the lakeimprovement district may contain modifications of the area'sboundaries, functions, financing, or organization from what wasset forth in the petition.Within 30 days after holding the public hearing, the county board shall, by order, establish or deny the establishment of the petitioned lake improvement district. An order establishing a district must conform to section 7 and may modify the petition relating to the district's boundaries, functions, financing, or organization. Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 378.44, is amended to read: 378.44 [JOINT ACTIONESTABLISHMENT OF A DISTRICT IN MORE THAN ONE COUNTY.] Where the natural hydrologic boundaries ofanareaa proposed district extend into more than one county, the county boards of the counties affected may form a joint county authority and establish and maintain a lake improvement district jointly or cooperatively as provided in section 471.59, eitheron their own motion or pursuant to petition. The district may be initiated by the joint county authority in the same manner as a county board under section 378.42 or by petition to the affected county boards. Sec. 7. [378.455] [ORDER ESTABLISHING DISTRICT.] An order by the county board or joint county authority establishing a district must state the: (1) name of the district; (2) boundaries of the district, which are encouraged to be as consistent as practical with natural hydrologic boundaries; (3) water and related land resources management programs and services to be undertaken; (4) manner of financing programs and services; and (5) number, qualifications, terms of office, removal, and filling of vacancies of the board of directors. Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 378.46, is amended to read: 378.46 [PUBLICATION AND EFFECTIVE DATE.]Upon passage of a county board resolution authorizing thecreation of a lake improvement district, the county board orboards shall cause the resolution to be published once in theofficial newspapers and filed with the secretary of state, thepollution control agency and the commissioner of naturalresources. The lake improvement district shall be deemedestablished 30 days after publication or at such later date asmay be specified in the resolution.Subdivision 1. [PUBLICATION OF ESTABLISHMENT ORDER.] If a lake improvement district is established, the county board, or joint county authority issuing the order establishing the district, shall publish the order once in the official newspapers of counties where the district is located and file the order with the secretary of state, the pollution control agency, and the commissioner of natural resources. Subd. 2. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] Establishment of the lake improvement district is effective 30 days after publication or at a later date, if specified in the establishment order. Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 378.47, is amended to read: 378.47 [REFERENDUM ON ESTABLISHMENT.] Subdivision 1. [PETITION.]Upon receipt of a petitionsigned by twenty-five percent of the resident owners within theterritory of the lake improvement district specified in theresolution adopted pursuant to section 378.42 prior to theeffective date of its creation as specified in section 378.46,the county board or boards shall hold the creation in abeyancepending referendum vote of all qualified voters and residentowners residing within the boundaries of the proposed lakeimprovement district.Twenty-six percent of the property owners within the lake improvement district established by the board or a joint county authority on its own initiative under section 378.42 may petition for a referendum on establishing the district before the effective date of its establishment. After receiving the petition, the county board or joint county authority must issue an order staying the establishment until a referendum vote is taken of all qualified voters and property owners within the proposed lake improvement district. Subd. 2. [ELECTION.] The county board orboardsjoint county authority shallmake arrangements for the holdingofconduct a special electionnot less than 30 nor more than 90daysin July or August afterreceipt of suchreceiving the referendum petition. The special election must be held withinthe boundaries ofthe proposed lake improvement districtspecified in the resolution adopted pursuant to section 378.42.If a general election will be held within the time specified,the vote on creation may be held as part of the general election.The county auditor shall administer the special election. Subd. 3. [QUESTION SUBMITTED TO VOTERS.] The question to be submitted and voted upon by the qualified voters andresidentproperty owners withinthe territory ofthe proposed lake improvement districtshallmust bephrasedstated substantially as follows: "ShallShould a lake improvement district be establishedinorderto provide (description of intended water and related land resources improvements) and financed by (description of revenue sources)?" Subd. 4. [CERTIFICATION OF VOTE AND ESTABLISHMENT.]Uponcertification of the vote byThe county auditor,must certify the vote on the question submitted. If a majority of those voting on the question favorcreation ofestablishing the proposed lake improvement district, thelake improvementstay on establishing the districtshall be deemed createdis lifted. If a majority of those voting on the question do not favor establishing the proposed lake improvement district, the establishment is denied. Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 378.51, is amended to read: 378.51 [BOARD OF DIRECTORS.] Subdivision 1. [MEMBERSHIP.] Aftercreation ofa lake improvement district is established, the county board orboardsjoint county authority shall appoint persons to serve asaan initial board of directors for thelake improvementdistrict. The number, qualifications, terms of office, removal, and filling of vacancies of directors shall be as provided in theresolutionorder creating the board of directors. The initialboardand all subsequent boards of directorsshallmust include persons owning property within the district,at leastone of whom is a residentand a majority of the directors must be residents of the district. Subd. 2. [COMPENSATION.] The directors shall servewithoutwith compensationbutas determined by the property owners at the annual meeting and may be reimbursed for their actual expenses necessarily incurred in the performance of their duties in the manner provided for county employees. Subd. 3. [POWERS.]When directed by resolution of thecounty board or boards creating it, the board of directors shallhave, exercise, and perform the powers and duties of the countyboard under section 378.31, except the power to acquire propertyby eminent domainCounty boards, joint county authorities, statutory and home rule cities, and towns may, by order, delegate the powers in this section to the board of directors of a district to be exercised within the district. Programs and services undertaken must be consistent with the statewide water and related land resources plan prepared by the commissioner of natural resources, and with regional water and related resources plans. A body of water may not be improved by using authority granted under this section unless the public has access to some portion of the shoreline. County boards, joint county authorities, statutory and home rule cities, and towns may delegate their authority to a district board of directors to: (1) acquire by gift or purchase an existing dam or control works that affects the level of waters in the district; (2) construct and operate water control structures that are approved by the commissioner of natural resources under section 105.42; (3) undertake projects to change the course current or cross section of public waters that are approved by the commissioner of natural resources under section 105.42; (4) acquire property, equipment, or other facilities, by gift or purchase to improve navigation; (5) contract with a board of managers of a watershed district within the lake improvement district or the board of supervisors of a soil and water conservation district within the district for improvements under chapters 40 and 112; (6) undertake research to determine the condition and development of the body of water and the water entering it and to transmit the studies to the pollution control agency and other interested authorities; (7) develop and implement a comprehensive plan to eliminate water pollution; (8) conduct a program of water improvement and conservation; (9) construct a water, sewer, or water and sewer system in the manner provided by section 444.075 or other applicable laws; (10) receive financial assistance from and participate in projects or enter into contracts with federal and state agencies for the study and treatment of pollution problems and related demonstration programs; (11) make cooperative agreements with the United States or state government or other county or city to effectuate water and related land resource programs; (12) maintain public beaches, public docks, and other public facilities for access to the body of water; (13) provide and finance a government service of the county or statutory or home rule city that is not provided throughout the county or, if the government service is provided, the service is at an increased level within the district; and (14) regulate water surface use as provided in section 378.32. Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 378.52, is amended to read: 378.52 [FINANCING.] Subdivision 1. [REVENUE.] The county board orboards inorder to accomplish the purposes specified in the resolutioncreating a lake improvement districtjoint county authority may undertake projects of improvement consistent withthesepurposesandof the district. To finance projects and services of the district, the county board or joint county authority may: (1) assess the costs of the projects upon benefited property within the district in the manner providedinunder chapter 429, may; (2) impose service charges on the users of lake improvement district services within thearea, and maydistrict; (3) issue obligations as provided in section 429.091; (4) levy an ad valorem tax solely on propertysituatedwithin the lake improvement district, to be appropriated and expended solely on projects of special benefit to thearea,district; or (5) may impose or issue any combination of service charges, special assessments, obligations, and taxes. Subd. 2. [TAX EXCLUDED FROM OTHER LIMITATIONS.] The taxprovided for byunder subdivision 1shall not be subject toanyis excluded from statutorylimitation as tolimitations on the amount of taxes levied andshalldoes not affect the amount or rate of taxes that may be levied for other county purposes.SuchA tax under subdivision 1 may be in addition toanyamounts levieduponon all taxable property in the county for the same or similar purposes. Subd. 3. [BUDGETING FOR OPERATIONS.]Upon adoption of itsannual budget,The county board or county boards forming the joint county authority shall include appropriate provisions in its budget for the operation ofthea lake improvement district. Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 378.54, is amended to read: 378.54 [ENFORCEMENT OF ORDINANCES.] Where a lake improvement district has been established by joint county action under section 378.44 or order of the commissioner of natural resources under section 378.45, ordinances and regulations adopted by joint action of the affected county boards may be enforced in any part of the lake improvement district by personnel of any of the affected counties. Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 378.55, is amended to read: 378.55 [EXPANSION OF THE BOUNDARIES OF A LAKE IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT.]A county board, on its own motion or pursuant to petition,may enlarge any existing lake improvement district pursuant tothe procedures specified inThe boundary of a district may be enlarged by complying with the procedures to establish a district under sections 378.41 to 378.46. Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 378.56, is amended to read: 378.56 [TERMINATION.] Subdivision 1. [PETITION.]Upon receipt of aTermination of a district may be initiated by petition requesting the termination of the district. The petition must be signed by5126 percent of theresidentproperty ownerswithin the territoryof the lake improvement district requesting the termination ofthe lake improvement district,in a district within 30 days after receiving a petition. The county board orboards shallwithin 30 days after receipt of such a petition, by its orderfixjoint county authority must set a time and place,for a hearingthereonon terminating the district. Subd. 1a. [FINDINGS AND ORDER.] If the board orboardsjoint county authority determine that the existence of the district is no longer in the public welfare or public interest and it is not needed to accomplish the purpose of sections 378.31 to 378.57 the board orboardsjoint county authority shallby itsmake the findings andorderterminate the district by order. Upon filing a certified copy of the findings and order with the secretary of state, pollution control agency, and commissioner of natural resources the districtshall ceaseis terminated and ceases to be a political subdivision of the state. Subd. 2. [TERMINATION OF FINANCING.] If alake improvementdistrict is terminatedpursuant tounder subdivision 1,noadditional water and related land resource management programsshallmay not be undertaken with money raised by a special tax within the district, andnoadditional special water and related land resource management taxesshallmay not be levied within the district.WhenIf money raised by past special tax levies within the district has been exhausted, further operation and maintenance of existing programs may be financed by appropriations from the general revenue fund ofthean affected county. Sec. 15. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 378.57, is amended to read: 378.57 [ANNUAL MEETING OF DISTRICT.] Subdivision 1. [TIME.]Every lake improvementA districtshallmust have an annual meeting. The first annual meeting shall be scheduled during the months of July or August, andshallbe held annuallythereafterin that period unless changed by vote of the previous annual meeting.(1)Subd. 2. [NOTICE.] The annual meeting shall be preceded by written notice mailed at least ten days in advance of the meeting to allresidentproperty owners within the district and to the pollution control agency and commissioner of natural resources.(2)Subd. 3. [AGENDA.] At the annual meeting the district property owners present shall:(a)(1) elect one or more directors to fill vacancies in thedistrictboard.of directors;(b)(2) approve a budget for thecomingfiscal year.;(c)(3) approve or disapproveallproposed projects by the district having a cost to the district in excess of $5,000, byvote of the resident owners within the district.; and(d)(4) take up and considersuchother business as comes before it. Sec. 16. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 459.20, is amended to read: 459.20 [AUTHORITY OVER PUBLIC WATERS.] The governing body of any home rule charter or statutory city or town in the state has, with respect to any body of water situated wholly within its boundaries, all the powers to improve and regulate the use of such body of water as are conferred on county boards by sections 378.31 and 378.32, and to establish and administer lake improvement districts under sections378.41378.401 to 378.57. With respect to any body of water situated wholly within the contiguous boundaries of two or more home rule charter or statutory cities or towns or any combination thereof, the city councils and town boards may, under the provisions of section 471.59, jointly exercise such powers to improve and regulate the use of the body of water as are conferred on county boards by sections 378.31 and 378.32, and to establish and administer lake improvement districts as provided under sections378.41378.401 to 378.57, provided that, no home rule charter or statutory city or town may establish and administer a lake improvement district or exercise any of the powers granted in this section if a lake improvement district covering the same territory has been created by a county board under sections378.41378.401 to 378.57. References in sections 378.31 to 378.35 and378.41378.401 to 378.57 to the county board shall be construed to refer to the governing body of a home rule charter or statutory city or the board of supervisors of a town. Sec. 17. [INSTRUCTION TO REVISOR.] The revisor of statutes shall renumber section 378.57 as 378.545. Sec. 18. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] Sections 1 to 17 are effective the day after final enactment. Approved March 25, 1986
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes