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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Office of the Revisor of Statutes

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                         Laws of Minnesota 1986 

                        CHAPTER 386-S.F.No. 1526 
           An act relating to natural resources; recodifying laws 
          governing wild animals in general, the taking and 
          possession of game and fish, and the management of 
          natural resources; barring game and fish citation 
          quotas; providing penalties; amending Minnesota 
          Statutes 1984, sections 9.071; 14.02, subdivision 4; 
          14.38, subdivision 6; 18.021, subdivision 3; 84.0274, 
          subdivision 6; 84.88, subdivision 2; 84.89; 84A.02; 
          85.018, subdivision 8; 86A.06; 105.391, subdivisions 3 
          and 12; 105.417, subdivision 4; 111.81, subdivision 1; 
          343.21, subdivision 8; 343.30; 352B.01, subdivision 2; 
          361.25; 383C.13; 477A.12; 477A.13; Minnesota Statutes 
          1985 Supplement, section 105.74; proposing coding for 
          new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 84; 97A; 97B; 
          97C; 609; and 624; repealing Minnesota Statutes 1984, 
          and 1985 Supplement, chapters 97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 
          and 102. 

                                ARTICLE 1 

                              CHAPTER 97A 

                           GAME AND FISH LAWS

                           GENERAL PROVISIONS
    Section 1.  [97A.011] [CITATION.] 
    Chapters 97A, 97B, and 97C may be cited as the "game and 
fish laws."  
    Sec. 2.  [97A.015] [DEFINITIONS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [APPLICABILITY.] The terms defined in this 
section apply to chapters 97A, 97B, and 97C.  [97.40 s. 1] 
    Subd. 2.  [ANGLING.] "Angling" means taking fish with a 
hook and line.  An "angler" is a person who takes fish by 
angling.  [97.40 s. 32] 
    Subd. 3.  [BIG GAME.] "Big game" means deer, moose, elk, 
bear, antelope, and caribou.  [97.40 s. 8] 
    Subd. 4.  [BUY.] "Buy" includes barter, exchange for 
consideration, offer to buy, or attempt to buy.  [97.40 s. 19] 
    Subd. 5.  [CAMP.] "Camp" means the temporary abode of a 
person fishing, hunting, trapping, vacationing, or touring, 
while on a trip or tour including resorts, tourist camps, and 
other establishments providing temporary lodging.  [97.40 s. 30] 
    Subd. 6.  [CHUB.] "Chub" means shortnose cisco, shortjaw 
cisco, longjaw cisco, bloater, kiyi, blackfin cisco, and 
deepwater cisco. 
    Subd. 7.  [CISCO.] "Cisco" means Coregonus artedii and 
includes lake herring and tullibee. 
    Subd. 8.  [CLOSED SEASON.] "Closed season" means the period 
when a specified protected wild animal may not be taken.  [97.40 
s. 14] 
    Subd. 9.  [COMMERCIAL FISHING.] "Commercial fishing" means 
taking fish, except minnows, for sale.  [97.40 s. 33] 
    Subd. 10.  [COMMISSIONER.] "Commissioner" means the 
commissioner of natural resources.  [97.40 s. 2] 
    Subd. 11.  [CONDEMNATION.] "Condemnation" means the 
exercise of the right of eminent domain in the manner provided 
under chapter 117. 
    Subd. 12.  [CONTRABAND.] "Contraband" means a wild animal 
taken, bought, sold, transported, or possessed in violation of 
the game and fish laws, and all instrumentalities and devices 
used in taking wild animals in violation of the game and fish 
laws that are subject to confiscation.  [97.40 s. 24] 
    Subd. 13.  [CONVICTION.] "Conviction" means:  (1) a final 
conviction after a trial or a plea of guilty; (2) a forfeiture 
of cash or collateral deposited to guarantee an appearance of a 
defendant in court, if the forfeiture has not been vacated or 
the court has not reinstated the trial within 15 days after the 
forfeiture; or (3) a breach of a condition of release without 
bail. [97.40 s. 35] 
    Subd. 14.  [DARK HOUSE.] "Dark house" means a structure set 
on the ice of state waters that is darkened to view fish in the 
water beneath the structure.  [97.40 s. 23] 
STREAM.] "Designated trout lake or designated trout stream" 
means a lake or stream designated by the commissioner as a trout 
lake or a trout stream under section 97C.001. 
    Subd. 16.  [DIRECTOR.] "Director" means the director of the 
division of fish and wildlife.  [97.40 s. 4] 
    Subd. 17.  [DIVISION.] "Division" means the division of 
fish and wildlife of the department of natural resources.  
[97.40 s. 3] 
    Subd. 18.  [ENFORCEMENT OFFICER.] "Enforcement officer" 
means the commissioner, the director, a conservation officer, or 
a game refuge manager.  [97.48] 
    Subd. 19.  [FIREARM.] "Firearm" means a gun that discharges 
shot or a projectile by means of an explosive, a gas, or 
compressed air.  [97.40 s. 34] 
    Subd. 20.  [FIREARMS SAFETY CERTIFICATE.] "Firearms safety 
certificate" means the certificate issued under article 2, 
section 4. 
    Subd. 21.  [FISH HOUSE.] "Fish house" means a structure set 
on the ice of state waters to provide shelter while taking fish 
by angling. 
    Subd. 22.  [FUR-BEARING ANIMALS.] "Fur-bearing animals" 
means mammals that are protected wild animals, except big game.  
[97.40 s. 7] 
    Subd. 23.  [GAME.] "Game" means big game and small game. 
    Subd. 24.  [GAME BIRDS.] "Game birds" means migratory 
waterfowl, pheasant, ruffed grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, Canada 
spruce grouse, prairie chickens, chukar partridge, gray 
partridge, quail, turkeys, coots, gallinules, sora and Virginia 
rails, American woodcock, and common snipe. 
    Subd. 25.  [GAME FISH.] "Game fish" means walleye, sauger, 
yellow perch, channel catfish, flathead catfish; members of the 
pike family, Esocidae, including muskellunge and northern pike; 
members of the sunfish family, Centrarchidae, including 
largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, sunfish, rock bass, white 
crappie, black crappie, members of the temperate bass family, 
Percichthyidae, including white bass and yellow bass; members of 
the salmon and trout subfamily, Salmoninae, including atlantic 
salmon, chinook salmon, coho salmon, pink salmon, kokanee 
salmon, lake trout, brook trout, rainbow (steelhead) trout, and 
splake; members of the paddlefish family, Polyodontidae; members 
of the sturgeon family, Acipenseridae, including lake sturgeon, 
and shovelnose sturgeon.  "Game fish" includes hybrids of game 
    Subd. 26.  [HUNTING.] "Hunting" means taking birds or 
mammals.  [97.40 s. 31] 
    Subd. 27.  [LICENSE.] "License" means a license or stamp 
issued under the game and fish laws. 
    Subd. 28.  [MIGRATORY WATERFOWL.] "Migratory waterfowl" 
means brant, ducks, geese, and swans.  [97.4841 s.1] 
    Subd. 29.  [MINNOWS.] "Minnows" means:  (1) members of the 
minnow family, Cyprinidae, except carp and goldfish; (2) members 
of the mudminnow family, Umbridae; (3) members of the sucker 
family, Catostomidae, not over 12 inches in length; (4) 
bullheads, ciscoes, lake whitefish, goldeyes, and mooneyes, not 
over seven inches long; and (5) leeches.  [97.40 s. 12] 
    Subd. 30.  [MINNOW DEALER.] "Minnow dealer" means a person 
taking minnows for sale, buying minnows for resale, selling 
minnows at wholesale, or transporting minnows for sale.  [97.40 
s. 27] 
    Subd. 31.  [MINNOW RETAILER.] "Minnow retailer" means a 
person selling minnows at retail from an established place of 
business.  [97.40 s. 27] 
    Subd. 32.  [MOTOR VEHICLE.] "Motor vehicle" means a 
self-propelled vehicle or a vehicle propelled or drawn by a 
self-propelled vehicle that is operated on a highway, on a 
railroad track, on the ground, in the water, or in the air. 
[97.40 s. 29] 
    Subd. 33.  [NONRESIDENT.] "Nonresident" means a person who 
is not a resident.  
    Subd. 34.  [OPEN SEASON.] "Open season" means the period 
when a specified protected wild animal may be taken.  [97.40 s. 
    Subd. 35.  [PERSON.] "Person" means only an individual if 
used in reference to issuing licenses to take wild animals, but 
otherwise means an individual, firm, partnership, joint stock 
company, association, or public or private corporation.  [97.40 
s. 20] 
    Subd. 36.  [POSSESSION.] "Possession" means both actual and 
constructive possession and control of the things referred to.  
[97.40 s. 16] 
    Subd. 37.  [PREDATOR.] "Predator" means a timber wolf, 
coyote, fox, lynx, or bobcat.  [97.487 s. 2] 
    Subd. 38.  [PROTECTED BIRDS.] "Protected birds" means all 
birds except unprotected birds. 
    Subd. 39.  [PROTECTED WILD ANIMALS.] "Protected wild 
animals" are the following wild animals:  big game, small game, 
game fish, rough fish, minnows, leeches, alewives, ciscoes, 
chubs, and lake whitefish, and the subfamily Coregoninae, 
rainbow smelt, frogs, turtles, clams, mussels, timber wolf, 
mourning doves, and wild animals that are protected by a 
restriction in the time or manner of taking, other than a 
restriction in the use of artificial lights, poison, or motor 
vehicles.  [97.40 s. 6] 
    Subd. 40.  [PUBLIC ACCESS.] "Public access" means an access 
that is owned by the state or a political subdivision and 
accessible to the public without charge.  
    Subd. 41.  [PUBLIC WATERS.] "Public waters" means waters 
defined in section 105.37, subdivision 14. 
    Subd. 42.  [RESIDENT.] "Resident" means:  (1) an individual 
who is a citizen of the United States or a resident alien, and 
has maintained a legal residence in the state at least the 
immediately preceding 60 days; (2) a nonresident under the age 
of 21 who is the child of a resident; (3) a domestic 
corporation; or (4) a foreign corporation authorized to do 
business in the state that has conducted a licensed business at 
a location within the state for at least ten years.  [97.40 s. 
21; 98.45 s. 6] 
    Subd. 43.  [ROUGH FISH.] "Rough fish" means carp, buffalo, 
sucker, sheepshead, bowfin, burbot, ciscoe, gar, goldeye, and 
bullhead.  [97.40 s. 11] 
    Subd. 44.  [SALE.] "Sale" means an exchange for 
consideration, and includes barter, offer to sell, and 
possession with intent to sell.  [97.40 s. 18] 
    Subd. 45.  [SMALL GAME.] "Small game" means game birds, 
gray squirrel, fox squirrel, cottontail rabbit, snowshoe hare, 
jack rabbit, raccoon, lynx, bobcat, fox, fisher, pine marten, 
oppossum, badger, cougar, wolverine, muskrat, mink, otter, and 
    Subd. 46.  [SUNFISH.] "Sunfish" means bluegill, 
pumpkinseed, green sunfish, orange spotted sunfish, longear 
sunfish, and warmouth.  "Sunfish" includes hybrids of sunfish.  
    Subd. 47.  [TAKING.] "Taking" means pursuing, shooting, 
killing, capturing, trapping, snaring, angling, spearing, or 
netting wild animals, or placing, setting, drawing, or using a 
net, trap, or other device to take wild animals.  Taking 
includes attempting to take wild animals, and assisting another 
person in taking wild animals.  [97.40 s. 15] 
    Subd. 48.  [TRANSPORT, TRANSPORTATION.] "Transport, 
transportation" means causing or attempting to cause wild 
animals to be carried or moved by a device and includes 
accepting or receiving wild animals for transportation or 
shipment.  [97.40 s. 17] 
    Subd. 49.  [UNDRESSED BIRD.] "Undressed bird" means:  
    (1) a bird, excluding migratory waterfowl, with feet and 
feathered head intact; or 
    (2) a migratory waterfowl with a fully feathered wing 
attached.  [97.40 s. 25] 
    Subd. 50.  [UNDRESSED FISH.] "Undressed fish" means fish 
with heads, tails, fins and skins intact, whether entrails, 
gills, or scales are removed or not.  [97.40 s. 26] 
    Subd. 51.  [UNLOADED.] "Unloaded" means, with reference to 
a firearm, without ammunition in the barrels and magazine.  A 
muzzle loading firearm with a flintlock ignition is unloaded if 
it does not have priming powder in a pan.  A muzzle loading 
firearm with percussion ignition is unloaded if it does not have 
a percussion cap on a nipple.  [100.29 s. 5] 
    Subd. 52.  [UNPROTECTED BIRDS.] "Unprotected birds" means 
English sparrow, blackbird, crow, starling, magpie, cormorant, 
common pigeon, and great horned owl.  [100.26 s. 2] 
    Subd. 53.  [UNPROTECTED WILD ANIMALS.] "Unprotected wild 
animals" means wild animals that are not protected wild animals 
including weasel, coyote (brush wolf), gopher, porcupine, skunk, 
and civet cat, and unprotected birds.  [100.26 s. 1, 2] 
    Subd. 54.  [WATERS OF THIS STATE, STATE WATERS.] "Waters of 
this state, state waters" includes all boundary and inland 
waters.  [97.40 s. 22] 
    Subd. 55.  [WILD ANIMALS.] "Wild animals" means all living 
creatures, not human, wild by nature, endowed with sensation and 
power of voluntary motion, and includes mammals, birds, fish, 
amphibians, reptiles, crustaceans, and mollusks.  [97.40 s. 5] 
    Sec. 3.  [97A.021] [CONSTRUCTION.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE.] A provision 
of the game and fish laws that is inconsistent with the code of 
criminal procedure or of penal law is only effective under the 
game and fish laws.  [97.41 s. 1] 
    Subd. 2.  [AUTHORITY OF COMMISSIONER.] A provision of the 
game and fish laws is subject to, and does not change or modify 
the authority of the commissioner to delegate powers, duties, 
and functions under sections 84.083 and 84.088.  [97.41 s. 2] 
    Subd. 3.  [PARTS OF WILD ANIMALS.] A provision relating to 
a wild animal applies in the same manner to a part of the wild 
animal.  [97.40 s. 10] 
    Subd. 4.  [DATES AND OPEN SEASONS.] The dates specified in 
the game and fish laws and time periods prescribed for certain 
activities or as open season are inclusive, unless otherwise 
specified.  [97.40 s. 28] 
    Sec. 4.  [97A.025] [OWNERSHIP OF WILD ANIMALS.] 
    The ownership of wild animals of the state, is in the 
state, in its sovereign capacity for the benefit of all the 
people of the state.  A person may not acquire a property right 
in wild animals, or destroy them, unless authorized under the 
game and fish laws or sections 84.09 to 84.15.  [97.42] 
    Sec. 5.  [97A.031] [WANTON WASTE.] 
    Unless expressly allowed, a person may not wantonly waste 
or destroy a usable part of a protected wild animal.  [97.47] 
    Sec. 6.  [97A.035] [REMOVAL OF SIGNS PROHIBITED.] 
    A person may not remove or deface a department of natural 
resources sign, without approval of the commissioner.  [99.26 s. 
    Sec. 7.  [97A.041] [EXHIBITION OF WILDLIFE.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [DEFINITION.] For the purposes of this 
section, "wildlife" means any wild mammal, wild bird, reptile, 
or amphibian.  [97.611 s. 1] 
    Subd. 2.  [POSSESSION.] A person connected with a 
commercial enterprise may not possess wildlife in captivity for 
public exhibition purposes, except under permit as provided in 
this section.  [97.611 s. 2] 
    Subd. 3.  [PERMIT.] The commissioner may issue a permit to 
possess wildlife for public exhibition to an applicant qualified 
by education or experience in the care and treatment of 
wildlife.  The permit fee is $10.  The commissioner may 
prescribe terms and conditions of the permit.  A permit issued 
under this section shall include a condition that allows an 
enforcement officer to enter and inspect the facilities where 
the wildlife covered by the permit are held in captivity.  
[97.611 s. 2, 3] 
    Subd. 4.  [PERMIT APPLICATION.] An application for a permit 
must include: 
    (1) a statement regarding the education or experience in 
the care and treatment of wildlife of the applicant and each 
individual employed by the applicant for that purpose; 
     (2) a description of the facilities used to keep the 
wildlife in captivity; 
    (3) a statement of the number of species or subspecies of 
wildlife to be covered by the permit and a statement describing 
where and from whom the wildlife was acquired; 
    (4) a signed agreement that the standards prescribed by the 
commissioner will be followed; and 
    (5) other information requested by the commissioner.  
[97.611 s. 2] 
    Subd. 5.  [CARE AND TREATMENT.] The commissioner shall 
adopt, under chapter 14, reasonable standards for the care and 
treatment of captive wildlife for public display purposes, 
including standards of sanitation.  [97.611 s. 2] 
violation is found during an inspection, the commissioner shall 
give the permittee notice to abate the violation within an 
adequate time determined by the commissioner.  If the violation 
has not been abated when the time expires, the commissioner may 
request the attorney general to bring an action to abate the 
violation.  [97.611 s. 4] 
section does not apply to a publicly owned zoo or wildlife 
exhibit, privately owned traveling zoo or circus, or a pet 
shop.  [97.611 s. 5] 
    Subdivision 1.  [DUTIES; GENERALLY.] The commissioner shall 
do all things the commissioner determines are necessary to 
preserve, protect, and propagate desirable species of wild 
animals.  The commissioner shall make special provisions for the 
management of fish and wildlife to insure recreational 
opportunities for anglers and hunters.  The commissioner shall 
acquire wild animals for breeding or stocking and may dispose of 
or destroy undesirable or predatory wild animals.  [97.48 s. 8, 
9, 10] 
LIMITS.] The commissioner may protect a species of wild animal 
in addition to the protection provided by the game and fish 
laws, by further limiting or closing seasons or areas of the 
state, or by reducing limits in areas of the state, if the 
commissioner determines the action is necessary to prevent 
unnecessary depletion or extinction, or to promote the 
propagation and reproduction of the animal.  [97.48 s. 1] 
statutory opening date of a season for taking protected wild 
animals, except a season prescribed under federal regulations, 
is not on a Saturday, the commissioner may designate the nearest 
Saturday to the statutory date as the opening day of the 
season.  If the statutory closing date falls on a Saturday, the 
commissioner may extend it through the following day.  [97.48 s. 
    Subd. 4.  [BOUNDARY WATERS.] The commissioner may regulate 
the taking, possession, and transportation of wild animals from 
state and international boundary waters.  The regulations may 
include restrictions on the limits of fish that may be taken, 
possessed, or transported from international boundary waters by 
a person possessing both a Minnesota angling license and an 
angling license from an adjacent Canadian province.  [97.48 s. 
LICENSES.] The commissioner may prescribe the form of permits, 
licenses, and tags issued under the game and fish laws.  
[97.4841 s. 2;  97.4842 s. 1; 97.4843 s. 2; 98.48 s. 14] 
commissioner shall collect, compile, publish, and disseminate 
statistics, bulletins, and information related to conservation.  
[97.48 s. 19] 
commissioner shall encourage the purchase of: 
    (1) Minnesota migratory waterfowl stamps by nonhunters 
interested in the migratory waterfowl preservation and habitat 
development;  [97.4841 s. 2] 
    (2) pheasant stamps by persons interested in pheasant 
habitat improvement; and [97.4843 s. 2] 
    (3) trout and salmon stamps by persons interested in trout 
and salmon stream and lake improvement.  [97.4842 s. 1] 
WISCONSIN.] The commissioner may enter into an agreement with 
game and fish licensing authorities in the state of Wisconsin 
under which Wisconsin residents owning real property in 
Minnesota are allowed to purchase annual nonresident game and 
fish licenses at fees required of Minnesota residents, provided 
Minnesota residents owning real property in Wisconsin are 
allowed to purchase identical nonresident licenses in Wisconsin 
upon payment of the Wisconsin resident license fee.  The 
commissioners of natural resources in Minnesota and Wisconsin 
must agree on joint standards for defining real property 
ownership.  The commissioner shall present the joint standards 
to the senate agriculture and natural resources and house 
environment and natural resources committees.  [98.465] 
    Sec. 9.  [97A.051] [PUBLICATION OF ORDERS AND LAWS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [COMPILATION OF LAWS.] As soon as 
practicable after each legislative session, the commissioner, 
under the direction of the attorney general, shall assemble the 
current laws relating to wild animals and index the laws 
properly.  This compilation shall be printed in pamphlet form of 
pocket size, and 50 copies distributed to each senator, 25 
copies to each representative, and ten copies to each county 
auditor.  Up to 10,000 additional copies may be printed for 
general distribution.  [97.53 s. 1] 
    Subd. 2.  [SUMMARY OF FISH AND GAME LAWS.] The commissioner 
shall prepare a summary of the hunting and fishing laws and 
deliver a sufficient supply to county auditors to furnish one 
copy to each person obtaining a hunting, fishing, or trapping 
license.  At the beginning of the summary, under the heading 
"Trespass," the commissioner shall summarize the trespass 
provisions under article 2, state that conservation officers and 
peace officers must enforce the trespass laws, and state the 
penalties for trespassing.  [97.53 s. 1] 
    Subd. 3.  [PUBLICATION OF ORDERS AND RULES.] All orders and 
rules promulgated by the commissioner or the director that 
affect matters in more than three counties must be published 
once in a legal newspaper in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Duluth.  
The orders and rules that do not affect more than three counties 
must be published once in a legal newspaper in each county 
affected.  An order or rule is not effective until seven days 
after the publication.  [97.53 s. 2] 
LAW.] When the order or rule is executed and published, it has 
the force and effect of law.  Violation of an order or rule has 
the same penalty as a violation of the law.  [97.53 s. 2] 
    Sec. 10.  [97A.055] [GAME AND FISH FUND.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [ESTABLISHMENT; PURPOSES.] The game and 
fish fund is established as a fund in the state treasury.  The 
money in the fund is annually appropriated to the commissioner 
for the activities of the division.  [97.49 s. 1] 
    Subd. 2.  [RECEIPTS.] The state treasurer shall credit to 
the game and fish fund all money received under the game and 
fish laws including receipts from:  
    (1) licenses issued; 
    (2) fines and forfeited bail; 
    (3) sales of contraband, wild animals, and other property 
under the control of the division; 
    (4) fees from advanced education courses for hunters and 
    (5) reimbursements of expenditures by the division; and 
    (6) contributions to the division.  [97.49 s. 1] 
    Sec. 11.  [97A.061] [PAYMENT IN LIEU OF TAXES.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [APPLICABILITY; AMOUNT.] (a) The 
commissioner shall annually make a payment from the game and 
fish fund to each county having public hunting areas and game 
refuges.  This section does not apply to state trust fund land 
and other state land not purchased for game refuge or public 
hunting purposes.  The payment shall be the greatest of: 
     (1) 35 percent of the gross receipts from all special use 
permits and leases of land acquired for public hunting and game 
     (2) 50 cents per acre on land purchased actually used for 
public hunting or game refuges; or 
    (3) three-fourths of one percent of the appraised value of 
purchased land actually used for public hunting and game refuges.
     (b) the payment must be reduced by the amount paid under 
subdivision 3 for croplands managed for wild geese.  [97.49 s. 
    (c) The appraised value is the purchase price for five 
years after acquisition.  The appraised value shall be 
determined by the county assessor every five years after 
acquisition.  [97.49 s. 3] 
    Subd. 2.  [ALLOCATION.] (a) Except as provided in 
subdivision 3, the county treasurer shall allocate the payment 
among the county, towns, and school districts on the same basis 
as if the payments were taxes on the land received in the 
current year.  The county's share of the payment shall be 
deposited in the county general revenue fund.  [97.49 s. 3] 
   (b) The county treasurer of a county with a population over 
39,000 but less than 42,000 in the 1950 federal census, shall 
allocate the payment only among the towns and school districts 
on the same basis as if the payments were taxes on the lands 
received in the current year.  [97.49 s. 6] 
    Subd. 3.  [GOOSE MANAGEMENT CROPLANDS.] (a) The 
commissioner shall make a payment on July 1 of each year from 
the game and fish fund, to each county where the state owns more 
than 1,000 acres of crop land, for wild goose management 
purposes.  The payment shall be equal to the taxes assessed on 
comparable, privately owned, adjacent land.  The county 
treasurer shall allocate the payment as provided in subdivision 
    (b) The land used for goose management under this 
subdivision is exempt from taxation as provided in sections 
272.01 and 273.19.  [97.49 s. 7] 
    Sec. 12.  [97A.065] [DEDICATION OF CERTAIN RECEIPTS.] 
Money received from the sale of fish and turtles taken under 
rough fish removal operations is continuously available for 
rough fish removal.  [97.49 s. 4] 
    Subd. 2.  [FINES AND FORFEITED BAIL.] (a) Fines and 
forfeited bail collected from prosecutions of violations of the 
game and fish laws, sections 84.09 to 84.15, and 84.81 to 84.88, 
chapter 34B, and any other law relating to wild animals, and 
aquatic vegetation must be paid to the treasurer of the county 
where the violation is prosecuted.  The county treasurer shall 
submit one-half of the receipts to the commissioner and credit 
the balance to the county general revenue fund except as 
provided in paragraph (b).  [97.49 s. 5] 
    (b) The commissioner must reimburse a county, from the game 
and fish fund, for the cost of keeping prisoners prosecuted for 
violations under this section if the county board, by 
resolution, directs:  (1) the county treasurer to submit all 
fines and forfeited bail to the commissioner; and (2) the county 
auditor to certify and submit monthly itemized statements to the 
commissioner.  [97.49 s. 5] 
    Subd. 3.  [FISHING LICENSE SURCHARGE.] (a) The commissioner 
may use the revenue from the fishing license surcharge for:  
    (1) rehabilitation and improvement of marginal fish 
producing waters, administered on a cost-sharing basis, under 
agreements between the commissioner and other parties interested 
in sport fishing;  
    (2) expansion of fishing programs including aeration, 
stocking of marginal fishing waters in urban areas, shore 
fishing areas, and fishing piers, with preference given to local 
units of government and other parties sharing costs;  
    (3) upgrading of fish propagation capabilities to improve 
the efficiency of fish production, expansion of walleye 
production by removal from waters subject to winter kill for 
stocking in more suitable waters, introduction of new 
biologically appropriate species, and purchase of fish from 
private hatcheries for stocking;  
    (4) financing the preservation and improvement of fish 
habitat, with priority given to expansion of habitat improvement 
programs implemented with other interested parties;  
    (5) increasing enforcement with covert operations, 
workteams, and added surveillance, communication, and 
navigational equipment; and 
    (6) purchase of the walleye quota of commercial fishing 
operators under article 3, section 65, subdivision 9. 
    (b) Not more than ten percent of the money available under 
this subdivision may be used for administrative and permanent 
personnel costs.  [97.86 s. 1] 
    (c) The commissioner shall prepare an annual work plan for 
the use of the revenue and provide copies of the plan, and 
amendments, to the house environment and natural resources 
committee, senate agriculture and natural resources committee, 
and other interested parties.  The committees must review issues 
and trends in the management and improvement of fishing 
resources using information obtained by and presented to the 
committees by public and private agencies and organizations and 
other parties interested in management and improvement of 
fishing resources.  [97.86 s. 2] 
    Sec. 13.  [97A.071] [WILDLIFE ACQUISITION ACCOUNT.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [ACCOUNT ESTABLISHED.] The wildlife 
acquisition account is established as an account in the game and 
fish fund.  [97.483] 
Revenue from the small game surcharge shall be credited to the 
wildlife acquisition account and the money in the account shall 
be used by the commissioner for the purposes of this section, 
and acquisition of wildlife lands under section 28, in 
accordance with appropriations made by the legislature.  
wildlife acquisition account may be used for developing, 
preserving, restoring, and maintaining waterfowl breeding 
grounds in Canada under agreement or contract with any nonprofit 
organization dedicated to the construction, maintenance, and 
repair of projects that are acceptable to the governmental 
agency having jurisdiction over the land and water affected by 
the projects.  The commissioner may execute agreements and 
contracts if the commissioner determines that the use of the 
funds will benefit the migration of waterfowl into the state.  
[97.482 s. 2] 
    Subd. 4.  [ASSESSMENTS TO BE PAID FROM FUND.] An assessment 
against the state under sections 106A.015, subdivision 2, 
106A.025, or 106A.615 on lands acquired for wildlife habitat 
shall be paid from the wildlife acquisition account.  [97.484] 
    Sec. 14.  [97A.075] [USE OF LICENSE REVENUES.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [DEER AND BEAR LICENSES.] (a) For purposes 
of this subdivision, "deer license" means a license issued under 
section 68, subdivision 2, clauses (4) and (5) and subdivision 
3, clauses (2) and (3).  
    (b) At least $2 from each deer license shall be used for 
deer habitat improvement.  At least $1 from each resident deer 
license and each resident bear license shall be used for deer 
and bear management programs, including a computerized licensing 
system.  [97.49 s. 1a, 1b] 
commissioner may use the revenue from the Minnesota migratory 
waterfowl stamps for: 
    (1) development of wetlands in the state and designated 
waterfowl management lakes for maximum migratory waterfowl 
production including the construction of dikes, water control 
structures and impoundments, nest cover, rough fish barriers, 
acquisition of sites and facilities necessary for development 
and management of existing migratory waterfowl habitat and the 
creation of migratory waterfowl management lakes; 
    (2) protection and propagation of migratory waterfowl; 
    (3) development, restoration, maintenance, or preservation 
of migratory waterfowl habitat; 
    (4) acquisition of and access to structure sites; and 
    (5) necessary related administrative costs not to exceed 
ten percent of the annual revenue.  [97.4841 s. 1, 4] 
    Subd. 3.  [TROUT AND SALMON STAMP.] The commissioner may 
use the revenue from trout and salmon stamps for: 
    (1) the development, restoration, maintenance, and 
preservation of trout streams and lakes;  
    (2) rearing and stocking of trout and salmon in trout 
streams and lakes and Lake Superior; and 
    (3) necessary related administrative costs not to exceed 
ten percent of the annual revenue.  [97.4842 s. 3] 
    Subd. 4.  [PHEASANT STAMP.] The commissioner may use the 
revenue from pheasant stamps for:  
    (1) the development, restoration, maintenance, and 
preservation of suitable habitat for ringnecked pheasants on 
public and private land including the establishment of nesting 
cover, winter cover, and reliable food sources; 
    (2) reimbursement of landowners for setting aside lands for 
pheasant habitat; 
    (3) reimbursement of expenditures to provide pheasant 
habitat on public and private land; 
    (4) the promotion of pheasant habitat development, 
maintenance, and preservation; and 
    (5) necessary related administrative and personnel costs 
not to exceed ten percent of the annual revenue.  [97.4843 s. 
1(c), 4] 
    Sec. 15.  [97A.081] [POSTING LAND.] 
    The commissioner may post land acquired for public hunting 
grounds, food and cover planting areas, game refuges, wildlife 
lands, and conservation area lands so as to identify and 
indicate the management purpose.  [97.48 s. 25] 
    Sec. 16.  [97A.085] [GAME REFUGES.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [STATE PARKS.] All state parks are 
designated as game refuges.  [99.25 s. 1] 
commissioner may designate, by order, a contiguous area of at 
least 640 acres as a game refuge if more than 50 percent of the 
area is in public ownership.  [99.25 s. 2, 5] 
commissioner may designate by order land area described in a 
petition as a game refuge.  The petition must be signed by the 
owner, the lessee, or the person in possession of each tract in 
the area.  A certificate of the auditor of the county where the 
lands are located must accompany the petition stating that the 
persons named in the petition are the owners, lessees, or 
persons in possession of all of the land described according to 
the county records.  The game refuge must be a contiguous area 
of at least 640 acres unless it borders or includes a marsh, or 
other body of water or watercourse suitable for wildlife 
habitat.  [99.25 s. 3, 5] 
The commissioner may, by order, designate as a game refuge a 
contiguous area of at least 640 acres, described in a petition, 
signed by 50 or more residents of the county where the area is 
located.  Before designation, the commissioner must hold a 
public hearing on the petition.  The notices of the time and 
place of the hearing must be posted in five of the most 
conspicuous places within the proposed game refuge at least 15 
days before the hearing.  A notice of the hearing must be 
published in a legal newspaper in each county where the area is 
located at least seven days before the hearing.  The game refuge 
may be designated only if the commissioner finds that protected 
wild animals are depleted and are in danger of extermination, or 
that it will best serve the public interest.  [99.25 s. 4, 5, 6] 
commissioner may, by order, designate a species refuge for only 
specified species.  The game refuge must be posted accordingly.  
[99.25 s. 6a, 7] 
    Subd. 6.  [AREA INCLUDED IN GAME REFUGE.] A state game 
refuge includes all public lands, waters, highways, and railroad 
right-of-way within the refuge boundary and, in the discretion 
of the commissioner, may include adjacent public lands and 
waters.  [99.25 s. 6] 
    Subd. 7.  [GAME REFUGE BOUNDARY POSTING.] (a) The 
designation of a state game refuge is not effective until the 
boundary has been posted with notices that measure at least 12 
inches.  The notices posted on state park boundaries must have 
black letters on a yellow background stating that the area is a 
state park.  The notices on other game refuges must have black 
letters on a white background stating that the area is a state 
game refuge.  
    (b) The notices must be posted at intervals of not more 
than 500 feet or less along the boundary.  The notices must also 
be posted at all public road entrances to the refuges, except 
where the boundary is also an international or state boundary in 
public waters.  Where the boundary of a refuge extends more than 
500 feet continuously through a body of water, instead of 
placing notices in the water, notices with the words, "Adjacent 
Waters Included," may be placed on the shoreline at the 
intersection of the boundary and the water 20 feet or less above 
the high water mark and at intervals of 500 feet or less along 
the shoreline.  
     (c) A certification by the commissioner or the director, or 
a certification filed with the commissioner or director by a 
conservation officer, refuge supervisor, or other authorized 
officer or employee, stating that the required notices have been 
posted is prima facie evidence of the posting.  [99.25 s. 7] 
    Subd. 8.  [MODIFICATION OR ABANDONMENT.] A state game 
refuge may be vacated or modified by order of the commissioner.  
The commissioner may not vacate or modify boundaries of a state 
game refuge established under subdivision 4 until the 
requirements of a petition, notice, and hearing have been 
complied with to vacate or modify the boundaries.  [99.25 s. 8] 
    Sec. 17.  [97A.091] [HUNTING ON GAME REFUGES.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [HUNTING AND POSSESSION OF 
FIREARMS.] Except as provided in subdivision 2, a person may not 
take a wild animal, except fish, within a state game refuge.  A 
person may not carry a firearm within a refuge unless the 
firearm is unloaded and contained in a case, or unloaded and 
broken down.  [99.26 s. 1] 
    Subd. 2.  [WHEN HUNTING ALLOWED.] (a) The commissioner may 
allow hunting of a protected wild animal species within any 
portion of a state game refuge, including a state park, during 
the next regular open season.  Hunting in a refuge may only be 
allowed if the commissioner finds: 
    (1) the population of the species exceeds the refuge's 
carrying capacity; 
    (2) the species is causing substantial damage to 
agricultural or forest crops in the vicinity; 
    (3) the species or other protected wild animals are 
threatened by the species population; or 
    (4) a harvestable surplus of the species exists.  
    (b) The commissioner may prescribe rules for any hunting 
allowed within a refuge.  [99.26 s. 2] 
    Subd. 3.  [TRAP OR TARGET SHOOTING.] The commissioner may 
issue special permits, without fee, to the owner or lessee of 
privately owned land within the boundaries of a state game 
refuge for trap or target shooting.  [98.48 s. 8] 
    Sec. 18.  [97A.095] [WATERFOWL PROTECTED AREAS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [MIGRATORY WATERFOWL REFUGES.] The 
commissioner shall designate by order any part of a state game 
refuge as a migratory waterfowl refuge if there is presented to 
the commissioner a petition signed by ten resident licensed 
hunters describing an area that is primarily a migratory 
waterfowl refuge.  The commissioner shall post the area as a 
migratory waterfowl refuge.  A person may not enter a posted 
migratory waterfowl refuge during the open migratory waterfowl 
season unless accompanied by a conservation officer or game 
refuge manager. [99.26 s. 4] 
commissioner may, by order designate any part of up to 13 lakes 
as a migratory feeding and resting area.  Before designation, 
the commissioner must receive a petition signed by at least ten 
resident licensed hunters describing the area of the lake that 
is a substantial feeding and resting ground for migratory 
waterfowl, and find that the statements in the petition are 
correct, and that adequate, free public access to the lake 
exists near the designated area.  The commissioner shall post 
the area as a migratory waterfowl feeding and resting area.  A 
person may not enter a posted migratory waterfowl feeding and 
resting area during the open migratory waterfowl season with 
watercraft or aircraft propelled by a motor.  [99.26 s. 5] 
    Subd. 3.  [HUNTING ON MUSKRAT LAKE.] The commissioner may 
prohibit migratory waterfowl hunting on Muskrat Lake in Beltrami 
county by posting accordingly.  [99.26 s. 5] 
    Subdivision 1.  [RESERVES.] The commissioner may designate 
and reserve public waters of the state to propagate and protect 
wild animals.  [97.48 s. 11] 
    Subd. 2.  [MANAGEMENT DESIGNATION.] (a) The commissioner 
may designate, reserve, and manage public waters for wildlife 
after giving notice and holding a public hearing.  The hearing 
must be held in the county where the major portion of the waters 
are located. Notice of the hearing must be published in a legal 
newspaper within each county where the waters are located at 
least seven days before the hearing. 
    (b) The commissioner may contract with riparian owners for 
water projects under section 105.39, subdivision 5, and may 
acquire land, accept local funding, and construct, maintain, and 
operate structures to control water levels under section 105.48 
to manage designated waters.  [97.48 s. 11] 
    Subd. 3.  [FISHING MAY NOT BE RESTRICTED.] Seasons or 
methods of taking fish may not be restricted under this 
section.  [97.48 s. 11] 
    Sec. 20.  [97A.105] [GAME AND FUR FARMS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [LICENSE REQUIREMENTS.] A person may breed 
and propagate fur-bearing animals, game birds, bear, or deer 
only on privately owned or leased land and after obtaining a 
license.  "Privately owned or leased land" includes waters that 
are shallow or marshy, are not actually navigable, and are not 
of substantial beneficial public use.  Before an application for 
a license is considered, the applicant must enclose the area to 
sufficiently confine the animals to be raised in a manner 
approved by the commissioner.  A license may be granted only if 
the commissioner finds the application is made in good faith 
with intention to actually carry on the business described in 
the application and the commissioner determines that the 
facilities are adequate for the business.  [99.27 s. 1, 4] 
    Subd. 2.  [TRANSFER OF LICENSE.] (a) A game or fur farm 
license is transferable with the transfer of all or a portion of 
the title or leasehold of the land if: 
    (1) the land transferred complies with the license 
    (2) the land is used for the purposes of the license; and 
    (3) a verified written report of the existing and intended 
land use is made to the commissioner, accompanied by a copy of 
deed, assignment, lease, or other instrument transferring the 
corresponding title or leasehold in the enclosed land.  
     (b) A transfer of less than the whole interest in the 
license is not valid.  Each bona fide partner or associate in 
the ownership or operation of a game or fur farm must obtain a 
separate license.  [99.27 s. 3, 4] 
    Subd. 3.  [OWNERSHIP OF WILD ANIMALS.] All wild animals and 
their offspring, of the species identified in the license, that 
are within the enclosure are the property of the game and fur 
farm licensee.  [99.27 s. 2] 
    Subd. 4.  [SALE OF LIVE ANIMALS.] A sale of live animals 
from a licensed fur or game farm is not valid unless the animals 
are delivered to the purchaser or they are identified and kept 
separately.  The sale agreement or contract must be in writing. 
The licensee must notify a purchaser of the death of an animal 
within 30 days and of the number of increase before July 20 of 
each year.  [99.27 s. 6] 
    Subd. 5.  [SALE OF PELTS.] The commissioner shall prescribe:
    (1) the manner that pelts and products of wild animals 
raised on fur or game farms may be sold or transported; and 
    (2) the tags or seals to be affixed to the pelts and 
products.  [99.27 s. 7] 
    Subd. 6.  [FOX AND MINK.] Fox and mink may not be bought or 
sold for breeding or propagating unless they have been pen-bred 
for at least two generations.  [99.27 s. 5] 
    Subd. 7.  [TRANSPORTATION OF LIVE BEAVER.] Live beaver may 
not be transported without a permit from the commissioner. 
[99.27 s. 5] 
    Subd. 8.  [PENALTY.] A licensee that does not comply with a 
provision of this section subjects all wild animals on the game 
or fur farm to confiscation.  [99.27 s. 7] 
    Sec. 21.  [97A.111] [MUSKRAT FARMS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [APPLICATION FOR A LICENSE.] An owner of 
suitable land may operate a muskrat farm for breeding, raising, 
trapping, and dealing in muskrats in accordance with this 
section.  A person may apply for a muskrat farm license by 
filing with the commissioner a signed statement describing the 
land, title, and number of acres where the farm is to be 
located.  [99.28 s. 1, 2] 
    Subd. 2.  [ISSUANCE OF LICENSE.] (a) The commissioner shall 
investigate the application filed and may require the applicant 
to produce evidence of the facts stated.  The commissioner shall 
issue a muskrat farm license to an applicant if the commissioner 
determines that: 
    (1) the applicant is the owner of the land; 
    (2) the applicant intends to establish and operate a 
muskrat farm; and 
    (3) the establishment of a muskrat farm in the proposed 
area will conserve the natural resources. 
    (b) The license must describe the land and certify that the 
licensee is entitled to use the land to breed, raise, trap, and 
trade muskrats.  The license expires on December 31 each year 
but may be renewed annually at the discretion of the 
commissioner upon payment of the license fee.  [99.28 s. 3, 7] 
licensee is the owner of all muskrats on the licensed muskrat 
farm.  The licensee may take and trap the muskrats at any time 
and in any manner, except by firearm or spear.  Muskrats taken 
for pelting purposes may only be trapped under a permit issued 
by the commissioner.  The licensee may sell and transport the 
muskrats or their pelts from the muskrat farm at any time.  The 
pelts must be be tagged as prescribed by the commissioner.  The 
commissioner shall furnish tags to the licensee at cost.  The 
tags must be numbered to identify the muskrat farm license.  
[99.28 s. 4, 11] 
    Subd. 4.  [POSTING NOTICE.] Within 30 days after a muskrat 
farm license is issued, the licensee must post and maintain 
notices on posts, stakes, or enclosures on the boundary of the 
farm at intervals of not more than 70 feet.  The notices stating 
the existence of a muskrat farm must be furnished by the 
commissioner to the licensee for 12 cents each.  [99.28 s. 6] 
    Subd. 5.  [ALTERATION OF BOUNDARIES.] The licensee may not 
alter the boundaries of the muskrat farm without consent of the 
commissioner.  [99.28 s. 12] 
    Subd. 6.  [ILLEGAL TAKING.] An unauthorized person who 
takes muskrats from a muskrat farm is liable to the licensee for 
$25 and all damages.  An action for the trespass and taking must 
be brought by the licensee.  [99.28 s. 8] 
    Subd. 7.  [ANNUAL REPORT.] By March 1 of each year, the 
licensee must submit a signed report to the commissioner 
covering the preceding calendar year.  The report must be 
completed on a form furnished by the commissioner stating the 
license number, the number and value of muskrats killed, 
transported, and sold from the muskrat farm, and other 
information required by the commissioner.  [99.28 s. 9] 
    Subdivision 1.  [LICENSES; RULES.] A person must be 
licensed to operate a private shooting preserve.  The 
commissioner may issue a license for a privately owned and 
operated shooting preserve if the commissioner determines that 
it is in the public interest.  The commissioner may make rules 
to implement this section and section 23.  [100.32] 
    Subd. 2.  [GAME AVAILABLE.] Game that may be released and 
hunted in a licensed shooting preserve must be specified in the 
license and is limited to pheasant, quail, chukar partridge, 
turkey, mallard duck, black duck, and other species designated 
by the commissioner.  These game birds must be pen hatched and 
raised.  [100.33, 100.35 s. 2] 
    Subd. 3.  [SIZE OF PRESERVE.] A private shooting preserve 
must be at least 100 but not more than 1,000 contiguous acres, 
including any water area.  A preserve limited to duck hunting 
may be a minimum of 50 contiguous acres including water area.  
[100.34 s. 3] 
    Subd. 4.  [POSTING OF BOUNDARIES.] The boundaries of a 
private shooting preserve must be clearly posted in a manner 
prescribed by the commissioner.  [100.34 s. 4] 
    Subd. 5.  [REVOCATION OF LICENSE.] The commissioner may 
revoke a private shooting preserve license if the licensee or 
persons authorized to hunt in the preserve have been convicted 
of a violation under this section or section 23.  After 
revocation, a new license may be issued in the discretion of the 
commissioner.  [100.37] 
    Sec. 23.  [97A.121] [HUNTING IN PRIVATE SHOOTING 
    Subdivision 1.  [HUNTER'S LICENSE.] A person hunting in a 
private shooting preserve must have the licenses required by law 
for the hunting of game birds.  A nonresident may obtain a 
special private shooting preserve license that is valid for the 
entire preserve season for the same fee as a resident small game 
hunting license.  [100.35 s. 3] 
    Subd. 2.  [SEASON.] The season for hunting in private 
shooting preserves is from September 1 through March 31.  The 
commissioner may restrict the season after receiving a 
complaint, holding a public hearing, and finding that the 
population of wild game birds is in danger by hunting in the 
preserve.  [100.36] 
shooting preserve licensee may determine who is allowed to hunt 
in the preserve.  In each preserve the licensee may establish 
the charge for taking game, the shooting hours, the season, 
limitations, and restrictions on the age, sex, and number of 
each species that may be taken by a hunter.  These provisions 
may not conflict with this section or section 22 and may not be 
less restrictive than any rule or order.  [100.35 s. 4] 
commissioner shall prescribe the minimum number of each 
authorized species that may be released and the percentage of 
each species that may be taken.  The commissioner shall 
prescribe methods for identifying birds to be released.  [100.35 
s. 7] 
    Subd. 5.  [MARKING HARVESTED GAME.] Harvested game, except 
ducks that are marked in accordance with regulations of the 
United States fish and wildlife service, must be tagged with a 
self-sealing tag, identifying the private shooting preserve.  
The commissioner shall issue the tags at a cost of 15 cents 
each.  The tag must remain attached on the bird until the bird 
is actually prepared for consumption.  [100.35 s. 5] 
    Subd. 6.  [RECORDKEEPING.] A private shooting preserve 
licensee must maintain a registration book listing the names, 
addresses, and hunting license numbers of all hunters, the date 
when they hunted, the amount and species of game taken, and the 
tag numbers affixed to each bird.  A record must be kept of the 
number of each species raised and purchased and the date and 
number of each species released.  The records must be open to 
inspection by the commissioner at all reasonable times.  [100.35 
s. 6] 
    Sec. 24.  [97A.125] [WILDLIFE HABITAT ON PRIVATE LAND.] 
    The commissioner may enter into agreements with landowners 
to develop or improve wildlife habitat on private land and 
provide financial, technical, and professional assistance and 
material.  [97.48 s. 27] 
    Sec. 25.  [97A.131] [GAME FARMS AND HATCHERIES.] 
    The commissioner may acquire property by gift, lease, 
purchase, or condemnation and may construct, maintain, operate, 
and alter facilities for game farms and hatcheries.  [97.48 s. 
    Sec. 26.  [97A.135] [ACQUISITION OF WILDLIFE LANDS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [PUBLIC HUNTING AND WILDLIFE AREAS.] (a) 
The commissioner or the commissioner of administration shall 
acquire and improve land for public hunting, game refuges, and 
food and cover planting.  The land may be acquired by a gift, 
lease, easement, or condemnation.  At least two-thirds of the 
total area acquired in a county must be open to public hunting.  
The commissioner may designate land acquired under this 
subdivision a wildlife management area for the purposes of the 
outdoor recreation system.  [97.48 s. 13] 
    (b) The commissioner of administration may transfer money 
to the commissioner for acquiring wetlands to qualify for 
Pittman-Robertson funds.  The transferred money is 
reappropriated to the commissioner for the wetland acquisition.  
[97.48 s. 28] 
commissioner shall sell or exchange land acquired for public 
hunting that is unnecessary or unsuitable.  The land may not be 
sold for less than its purchase price.  The land may be 
exchanged for land of equal value that adds to existing public 
hunting areas.  The sales and exchanges must be approved by the 
executive council.  [97.48 s. 14] 
    Sec. 27.  [97A.141] [PUBLIC WATER ACCESS SITES.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [ACQUISITION; GENERALLY.] The commissioner 
shall acquire access sites adjacent to public waters and 
easements and rights-of-way necessary to connect the access 
sites with public highways.  The land may be acquired by gift, 
lease, or purchase, or by condemnation with approval of the 
executive council.  An access site may not exceed seven acres 
and may only be acquired where access is inadequate.  [97.48 s. 
    Subd. 2.  [ACQUISITION; LIMITATIONS.] Access sites may not 
be acquired under this section adjacent to public waters that 
are unmeandered or completely surrounded by land owned and 
maintained for the purpose of an educational or religious 
institution.  Access sites adjacent to public waters that 
contain less than 200 acres within the meander lines may not be 
acquired by condemnation and may only be acquired if: 
    (1) the public water contains at least 150 acres within the 
meander lines; or 
    (2) the public waters are to be managed intensively for 
fishing.  [97.48 s. 15] 
    Subd. 3.  [MAINTENANCE.] The commissioner shall maintain 
the sites, easements, and rights-of-way acquired under this 
section.  The commissioner may make an agreement for the 
maintenance of the site easements and rights-of-way with a 
county board if the connecting public highway is a county 
state-aid highway or county highway, or the town board if the 
connecting highway is a town road.  The county board and town 
board may spend money from its road and bridge funds for 
maintenance under the agreement.  [97.48 s. 15] 
    Sec. 28.  [97A.145] [WETLANDS FOR WILDLIFE.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [ACQUISITION; GENERALLY.] (a) The 
commissioner or the commissioner of administration may acquire 
wetlands and bordering areas, including marshes, ponds, small 
lakes, and stream bottoms for water conservation relating to 
wildlife development.  The lands that are acquired may be 
developed for wildlife, recreation, and public hunting.  The 
wetlands may be acquired by gift, lease, purchase, or exchange 
of state lands. 
    (b) The commissioner may also acquire land owned by the 
state and tax-forfeited land that is suitable for wildlife 
development.  The wetlands may not be acquired unless public 
access by right-of-way or easement from a public road is also 
acquired or available.  In acquiring wetlands under this section 
the commissioner shall assign highest priority to type 3 and 4 
wetlands, as defined in United States Fish and Wildlife Service 
Circular No. 39 (1971 edition), that are public waters.  Lands 
purchased or leased under this section may not be used to 
produce crops unless needed for wildlife.  The commissioner may 
designate land acquired under this section as a wildlife 
management area for purposes of the outdoor recreation system.  
[97.48 s. 28; 97.481 s. 1] 
    Subd. 2.  [ACQUISITION PROCEDURE.] (a) Lands purchased or 
leased under this section must be acquired in accordance with 
this subdivision.  
    (b) The commissioner must notify the county board and the 
town officers where the land is located and furnish them a 
description of the land to be acquired.  The county board must 
approve or disapprove the proposed acquisition within 90 days 
after being notified.  The commissioner may extend the time up 
to 30 days.  The soil and water conservation district 
supervisors shall counsel the county board on drainage and flood 
control and the best utilization and capability of the land.  
    (c) If the county board approves the acquisition within the 
prescribed time, the commissioner may acquire the land.  
    (d) If the county board disapproves the acquisition, it 
must state valid reasons.  The commissioner may not purchase or 
lease the land if the county board disapproves the acquisition 
and states its reasons within the prescribed time period.  The 
landowner or the commissioner may appeal the disapproval to the 
district court having jurisdiction where the land is located.  
    (e) The commissioner or the owner of the land may submit 
the proposed acquisition to the land exchange board if:  (1) the 
county board does not give reason for disapproval, or does not 
approve or disapprove the acquisition within the prescribed time 
period; or (2) the court finds that the disapproval is arbitrary 
and capricious, or that the reasons stated for disapproval are 
    (f) The land exchange board must conduct a hearing and make 
a decision on the acquisition within 60 days after receiving the 
proposal.  The land exchange board must give notice of the 
hearing to the county board, the commissioner, the landowner, 
and other interested parties.  The land exchange board must 
consider the interests of the county, the state, and the 
landowner in determining whether the acquisition is in the 
public interest.  If a majority of the land exchange board 
members approves the acquisition, the commissioner may acquire 
the land.  If a majority disapproves, the commissioner may not 
purchase or lease the land.  [97.481 s. 2] 
    Subd. 3.  [MANAGEMENT.] If a drainage outlet is petitioned 
and drainage proceedings are conducted under the drainage code, 
chapter 106A, the commissioner should not interfere with or 
unnecessarily delay the proceedings.  [97.481 s. 1] 
    Subdivision 1.  [PURPOSE.] The purpose of this section is 
to give recognition and effect to the rights of the Leech Lake 
Band of Chippewa Indians that are preserved by federal treaty 
relating to hunting, fishing, and trapping, and to the gathering 
of wild rice on the Leech Lake Indian reservation.  These rights 
have been recognized and given effect by the decision of the 
United States District Court in the following entitled actions:  
Leech Lake Band of Chippewa Indians, et al v. Robert L. Herbst, 
No. 3-69 Civ. 65; and United States of America v. State of 
Minnesota, No. 3-70 Civ. 228.  The state of Minnesota desires to 
settle all outstanding issues and claims relating to the above 
rights.  [97.431 s. 1] 
    Subd. 2.  [DEFINITIONS.] The definitions in this 
subdivision apply to this section.  
    (a) "Band" means the Leech Lake Band of Chippewa Indians.  
    (b) "Committee" means the reservation business committee of 
the Leech Lake Band of Chippewa Indians.  
    (c) "Reservation" means the Leech Lake Indian reservation 
described in the settlement agreement.  
    (d) "Settlement agreement" means the document entitled 
"Agreement and Settlement" on file and of record in the United 
States District Court for the District of Minnesota, Third 
Division, in the following entitled actions:  Leech Lake Band of 
Chippewa Indians, et al v. Robert L. Herbst, No. 3-69 Civ. 65; 
and United States of America v. State of Minnesota, No. 3-70 
Civ. 228.  [97.431 s. 2] 
Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary, 
the state of Minnesota by this section ratifies and affirms the 
agreement set forth in the settlement agreement.  [97.431 s. 3] 
Notwithstanding the provisions of any other law to the contrary, 
the commissioner, on behalf of the state of Minnesota, shall 
take all actions, by order or otherwise, necessary to carry out 
the duties and obligations of the state of Minnesota arising 
from the agreement entered into by the parties to the settlement 
    (b) These actions include but are not limited to the 
    (1) the implementation of the exemption of members of the 
band and other members of the Minnesota Chippewa tribe from 
state laws relating to hunting, fishing, trapping, the taking of 
minnows and other bait, and the gathering of wild rice within 
the reservation, together with exemption from related possession 
and transportation laws, to the extent necessary to effectuate 
the terms of the settlement agreement; 
    (2) the establishment of a system of special licenses and 
related license fees for persons who are not members of the 
Minnesota Chippewa tribe for the privilege of hunting, fishing, 
trapping, or taking minnows and other bait within the 
reservation.  All money collected by the commissioner for 
special licenses shall be deposited in the state treasury and 
credited to the Leech Lake Band and White Earth Band special 
license account, which is hereby created.  All money in the 
state treasury credited to the Leech Lake Band and White Earth 
Band special license account, less any deductions for 
administrative costs authorized by the terms of the settlement 
agreement, is appropriated to the commissioner who shall remit 
the money to the committee pursuant to the terms of the 
settlement agreement; 
    (3) to the extent necessary to effectuate the terms of the 
settlement agreement, the promulgation of rules for the 
harvesting of wild rice within the reservation by non-Indians; 
    (4) to the extent necessary to effectuate the terms of the 
settlement agreement, the establishment of policies and 
procedures for the enforcement by conservation officers of the 
conservation code adopted by the band; and 
    (5) the arbitration of disputes arising under the terms of 
the settlement agreement.  [97.431 s. 4] 
commissioner may enter into an agreement with authorized 
representatives of the Leech Lake Band of Chippewa Indians to 
amend the settlement agreement adopted by section 29 by 
providing that in lieu of the system of special licenses and 
license fees for persons who are not members of the Minnesota 
Chippewa tribe for the privilege of hunting, fishing, trapping, 
or taking minnows and other bait within the reservation, five 
percent of the proceeds from all licenses sold in the state for 
hunting, fishing, trapping, and taking minnows and other bait 
shall be credited to the special license account established by 
section 29.  The funds shall be remitted to the Leech Lake Band 
in the manner and subject to the terms and conditions that may 
be mutually agreed upon.  [97.433 s. 2] 
FEE.] The commissioner may enter into an agreement with the 
reservation business committee of the Leech Lake Indian 
Reservation to amend the settlement agreement adopted in section 
29 by providing that in lieu of collecting an additional fee in 
connection with the state migratory waterfowl stamp for the 
privilege of hunting waterfowl on the Leech Lake Indian 
Reservation five percent of the proceeds from the sale of state 
migratory waterfowl stamps shall be credited to the special 
license account established by section 29.  The funds shall be 
remitted to the Leech Lake reservation business committee in the 
manner and subject to the terms and conditions provided in 
section 29.  [97.432] 
    The commissioner may enter into an agreement with 
authorized representatives of the White Earth Band of Chippewa 
Indians on substantially the same terms as the agreement adopted 
by section 29 and amended under section 30; except that the 
agreement shall provide that 2-1/2 percent of the proceeds from 
all licenses sold in the state for hunting, fishing, trapping, 
and taking of minnows and other bait shall be credited to the 
special license account established by section 29.  The funds 
shall be remitted to the White Earth Band in the manner and 
subject to the terms and conditions that may be mutually agreed 
upon.  An agreement negotiated under this section shall be for a 
term of at least four years following the date of its 
execution.  [97.433 s. 1] 
    Sec. 32.  [97A.165] [SOURCE OF PAYMENTS FOR INDIAN 
    Money to make payments to the Leech Lake Band and White 
Earth Band special license account under sections 94.16 and 
section 29, subdivision 4, is annually appropriated for that 
purpose in a ratio of 60 percent from the game and fish fund and 
40 percent from the general fund.  [97.433 s. 3] 

    Sec. 33.  [97A.201] [ENFORCEMENT.] 
commissioner shall execute and enforce the laws relating to wild 
animals.  The commissioner may delegate execution and 
enforcement of the wild animal laws to the director, game refuge 
managers, and conservation officers.  [84.083, 97.48 s. 7] 
OFFICERS.] County attorneys and all peace officers must enforce 
the game and fish laws.  [97.52 s. 1] 
    Sec. 34.  [97A.205] [ENFORCEMENT OFFICER POWERS.] 
    An enforcement officer is authorized to:  
    (1) execute and serve court issued warrants and processes 
relating to wild animals, wild rice, public waters, water 
pollution, conservation, and use of water, in the same manner as 
a constable or sheriff;  [97.50 s. 1] 
    (2) enter any land to carry out the duties and functions of 
the division;  [97.50 s. 2] 
    (3) make investigations of violations of the game and fish 
laws;  [97.50 s. 2] 
    (4) take an affidavit, if it aids an investigation;  [97.50 
s. 2] 
    (5) arrest, without a warrant, a person that is detected in 
the actual violation of the game and fish laws, a provision of 
chapters 84A, 85, 86A, 88 to 106A, 361, and sections 18.341 to 
18.436; 609.66, subdivision 1, clauses (1), (2), (5), and (7); 
and 609.68; and [97.50 s. 1] 
    (6) take an arrested person before a court in the county 
where the offense was committed and make a complaint.  [97.50 s. 
    Sec. 35.  [97A.211] [ARREST PROCEDURES.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [NOTICE TO APPEAR IN COURT.] (a) A person 
must be given notice to appear in court for a misdemeanor 
violation of the game and fish laws, chapters 84, 105, or 106, 
or section 609.68 if: 
    (1) the person is arrested and is released from custody 
prior to appearing before a court; or 
    (2) the person is subject to a lawful arrest and is not 
arrested because it reasonably appears to the enforcement 
officer that arrest is unnecessary to prevent further criminal 
conduct and that there is a substantial likelihood that the 
person will respond to a notice.  
    (b) The enforcement officer shall prepare, in 
quadruplicate, a written notice to appear in court.  The notice 
must be in the form and has the effect of a summons and 
complaint.  The notice must contain the name and address of the 
person charged, the offense, and the time and the place to 
appear in court.  The court must have jurisdiction within the 
county where the offense is alleged to have been committed.  
[97.50 s. 1] 
    Subd. 2.  [RELEASE AFTER ARREST.] A person arrested for a 
misdemeanor violation of the game and fish laws, chapters 84, 
105, or 106 or section 609.68 may obtain release by signing the 
written notice prepared by the arresting officer promising to 
appear in court.  The officer shall deliver a copy marked 
"SUMMONS" to the person arrested.  The officer must then release 
the person from custody.  [97.50 s. 1] 
    Subd. 3.  [COURT APPEARANCE.] On or before the court 
appearance date, the enforcement officer must deliver the 
summons and complaint to the court.  If the person summoned 
fails to appear in court on the day specified, the court shall 
issue a warrant for the person's arrest.  [97.50 s. 1] 
    Sec. 36.  [97A.215] [INSPECTIONS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [STORAGE OF WILD ANIMALS.] (a) An 
enforcement officer may enter and inspect any commercial cold 
storage warehouse, hotel, restaurant, ice house, locker plant, 
butcher shop, and other building used to store dressed meat, 
game, or fish, to determine whether wild animals are kept and 
stored in compliance with the game and fish laws.  
    (b) When an enforcement officer has probable cause to 
believe that wild animals taken or possessed in violation of the 
game and fish laws are present, the officer may: 
    (1) enter and inspect any place or vehicle; and 
    (2) open and inspect any package or container.  [97.45 s. 
14; 97.50 s. 3] 
    Subd. 2.  [RECORDS.] An enforcement officer may inspect the 
relevant records of any person that the officer has probable 
cause to believe has violated the game and fish laws.  [97.50 s. 
    Subd. 3.  [LICENSED ACTIVITY.] An enforcement officer may, 
at reasonable times: 
    (1) enter and inspect the premises of an activity requiring 
a license under the game and fish laws; and [97.50 s. 4] 
    (2) stop and inspect a motor vehicle requiring a license 
under the game and fish laws.  [97.50 s. 9] 
    Sec. 37.  [97A.221] [CONFISCATION OF PROPERTY.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [PROPERTY SUBJECT TO CONFISCATION.] (a) An 
enforcement officer may confiscate: 
    (1) wild animals, wild rice, and other aquatic vegetation 
taken, bought, sold, transported, or possessed in violation of 
the game and fish laws or chapter 84; and 
    (2) firearms, bows and arrows, nets, boats, lines, poles, 
fishing rods and tackle, lights, lanterns, snares, traps, 
spears, dark houses, fish houses, and wild rice harvesting 
equipment used, with the owner's knowledge to unlawfully take or 
transport wild animals, wild rice, or other aquatic vegetation.  
    (b) An enforcement officer must confiscate nets and 
equipment unlawfully possessed within 10 miles of Lake of the 
Woods or Rainy Lake.  
    (c) Confiscated property may be disposed of, retained for 
use by the division, or sold at the highest price obtainable as 
prescribed by the commissioner.  [97.50 s. 5, 102.26 s. 5] 
shipment or parcel is contraband if two or more wild animals are 
shipped or possessed in the same container, vehicle, or room, or 
in any way commingled, and any of the animals are contraband.  
Confiscation of any part of a shipment includes the entire 
shipment.  [97.46] 
    Subdivision 1.  [SEIZURE.] (a) An enforcement officer must 
seize all motor vehicles used to:  
    (1) shine wild animals in violation of article 2, section 
17, subdivision 1;  
    (2) transport big game animals illegally taken or 
fur-bearing animals illegally purchased;  or 
    (3) transport minnows in violation of article 3, sections 
46, 49, or 51.  
    (b) An enforcement officer must seize all boats and motors 
used in netting fish on Lake of the Woods, Rainy Lake, Lake 
Superior, Namakan Lake, and Sand Point Lake in violation of 
licensing or operating requirements of section 68, subdivisions 
31, 32, 33, or 37, or article 3, sections 65, 66, or 67, or an 
order or rule of the commissioner relating to these provisions.  
[97.50 s. 6] 
The enforcement officer must hold the seized property, subject 
to the order of the court having jurisdiction where the offense 
was committed.  The property held is confiscated when the 
commissioner complies with this section and the person from whom 
it was seized is convicted of the offense.  [97.50 s. 6] 
    Subd. 3.  [COMPLAINT AGAINST PROPERTY.] The commissioner 
shall file with the court a separate complaint against the 
property held.  The complaint must identify the property, 
describe its use in the violation, and specify the time and 
place of the violation.  A copy of the complaint must be served 
upon the defendant or the owner of the property.  [97.50 s. 6] 
time after seizure of the property specified in this section, 
the property must be returned to the owner or person having the 
legal right to possession upon execution of a valid bond to the 
state with a corporate surety.  The bond must be approved by a 
judge of the court of jurisdiction, conditioned to abide by an 
order and judgment of the court and to pay the full value of the 
property at the time of seizure.  The bond must be for $100 or 
for a greater amount not more than twice the value of the 
property seized.  [97.50 s. 6] 
    Subd. 5.  [COURT ORDER.] (a) If the person arrested is 
acquitted, the court shall dismiss the complaint against the 
property and order it returned to the person legally entitled to 
    (b) Upon conviction of the person, the court shall issue an 
order directed to any person that may have any right, title, or 
interest in, or lien upon, the seized property.  The order must 
describe the property and state that it was seized and that a 
complaint against it has been filed.  The order shall require a 
person claiming right, title, or interest in, or lien upon, the 
property to file with the clerk of court an answer to the 
complaint, stating the claim, within ten days after the service 
of the order.  The order shall contain a notice that if the 
person fails to file an answer within the time limit, the 
property may be ordered sold by the commissioner.  
    (c) The court order must be served upon any person known or 
believed to have any right, title, interest, or lien in the same 
manner as provided for service of a summons in a civil action, 
and upon unknown persons by publication, in the same manner as 
provided for publication of a summons in a civil action.  [97.50 
s. 6] 
answer is not filed within the time provided in subdivision 5, 
the court administrator shall notify the court and the court 
shall order the commissioner to sell the property.  The net 
proceeds of the sale shall be deposited in the state treasury 
and credited to the game and fish fund.  [97.50 s. 6] 
    Subd. 7.  [HEARING AFTER ANSWER.] If an answer is filed 
within the time provided in subdivision 5, the court shall 
schedule a hearing within ten to 30 days after the time expired 
for filing the answer.  The court, without a jury, shall 
determine whether any of the property was used in a violation 
specified in the complaint and whether the owner had knowledge 
or reason to believe that the property was being used, or 
intended to be used, in the violation.  The court shall order 
the commissioner to sell the property that was unlawfully used 
with knowledge of the owner and to return to the owner property 
that was not unlawfully used with the knowledge of the owner.  
If the property is to be sold, the court shall determine the 
priority of liens against the property and whether the 
lienholders had knowledge that the property was being used or 
was intended to be used.  Lienholders that had knowledge of the 
property's use in the violation are not to be paid.  The court 
order must state the priority of the liens to be paid.  [97.50 s.
    Subd. 8.  [PROCEEDS OF SALE.] After determining the expense 
of seizing, keeping, and selling the property, the commissioner 
must pay the liens from the proceeds according to the court 
order.  The remaining proceeds shall be deposited in the state 
treasury and credited to the game and fish fund.  [97.50 s. 6] 
this section cancels all liens on and security interests in the 
property sold.  [97.50 s. 6] 
    Sec. 39.  [97A.231] [SEARCH WARRANTS.] 
    Upon complaint establishing that the complainant has 
probable cause to believe that a wild animal taken, bought, 
sold, transported, or possessed in violation of the game and 
fish laws, or contraband is concealed or illegally kept in a 
place, a judge, authorized to issue warrants in criminal cases, 
may issue a search warrant.  The judge may direct that the place 
be entered, broken open, and examined.  Property seized under 
the warrant shall be safely kept under the direction of the 
court so long as necessary for the purpose of being used as 
evidence in a trial and subsequently disposed of as otherwise 
provided.  [97.50 s.7] 
    Courts in counties having jurisdiction adjacent to boundary 
waters and enforcement officers have jurisdiction over the 
entire boundary waters.  The courts and enforcement officers of 
North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, Wisconsin, and Michigan have 
concurrent jurisdiction over boundary waters.  [97.50 s. 8] 
CONSERVATION OFFICERS.] With approval of the proper authority of 
another state or the United States, the commissioner may appoint 
any salaried and bonded officer of that jurisdiction authorized 
to enforce its wild animal laws a special conservation officer 
of this state.  A special conservation officer is subject to the 
supervision and control of and serves at the pleasure of the 
commissioner, but may not be compensated by this state.  A 
special conservation officer has powers of and is subject to the 
liabilities of conservation officers of this state, except as 
otherwise directed by the commissioner.  [97.501 s. 2] 
JURISDICTIONS.] An enforcement officer or peace officer of this 
state may enforce wild animal laws of another state, or the 
United States, under conditions prescribed by the commissioner.  
The officer may serve under the laws of another jurisdiction to 
the extent they are compatible with the duties of an officer of 
this state.  [97.501 s. 3] 
    Subd. 3.  [RECIPROCAL EFFECT.] This section is effective 
with respect to another state or the United States to the extent 
that there is a similar provision in effect in that jurisdiction 
with respect to this state.  [97.501 s. 1] 
    Sec. 42.  [97A.245] [REWARDS.] 
    The commissioner may pay rewards for information leading to 
the conviction of a person that has violated a provision of laws 
relating to wild animals or threatened or endangered species of 
wildlife.  A reward may not exceed $500, except a reward for 
information relating to big game or threatened or endangered 
species of wildlife, may be up to $1,000.  The rewards may only 
be paid from funds donated to the commissioner for these 
purposes and may not be paid to salaried conservation officers 
or peace officers.  [97.51] 
    Sec. 43.  [97A.251] [OBSTRUCTION OF OFFICERS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [UNLAWFUL CONDUCT.] A person may not: 
    (1) intentionally hinder, resist, or obstruct an 
enforcement officer, agent, or employee of the division in the 
performance of official duties; 
    (2) refuse to submit to inspection of firearms while in the 
field, licenses, or wild animals; or 
    (3) refuse to allow inspection of a motor vehicle, boat, or 
other conveyance used while taking or transporting wild 
animals.  [97.52 s. 2] 
    Subd. 2.  [CIVIL ACTIONS.] In addition to criminal 
prosecution, the state may bring a civil action to recover 
damages resulting from and enjoin the continuance of a violation 
of this section.  The civil actions may be brought by the 
attorney general on the request of the commissioner.  [97.52 s. 
    Sec. 44.  [97A.255] [PROSECUTIONS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [STATUTE OF LIMITATIONS.] A prosecution 
under the game and fish laws may not be brought more than three 
years after commission of the offense.  [97.54 s. 1] 
    Subd. 2.  [BURDEN OF PROOF.] In a prosecution that alleges 
animals have been taken, bought, sold, transported, or possessed 
in violation of the game and fish laws, the burden of 
establishing that the animals were domesticated, reared in a 
private preserve, raised in a private fish hatchery, taken for 
scientific purposes, or lawfully taken outside of this state, is 
on the defendant.  [97.54 s. 2] 
    Subd. 3.  [PRESUMPTION OF ILLEGAL TAKING.] Possession of 
protected wild animals more than five days after the close of 
the season, or in excess of the prescribed limits is presumptive 
evidence that the animals were unlawfully taken, except as to 
those tagged, sealed, or identified under the game and fish 
laws.  [97.54 s. 3] 
animal unlawfully taken, bought, sold, transported, or possessed 
is a separate offense.  If acquitted, a person may not be 
prosecuted for a similar offense involving another animal in the 
same incident.  [97.55 s. 1] 

    Sec. 45.  [97A.301] [GENERAL PENALTY PROVISIONS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [MISDEMEANOR.] Unless a different penalty 
is prescribed, a person is guilty of a misdemeanor if that 
    (1) takes, buys, sells, transports or possesses a wild 
animal in violation of the game and fish laws; 
    (2) aids or assists in committing the violation; 
    (3) knowingly shares in the proceeds of the violation; 
    (4) fails to perform a duty or comply with a requirement of 
the game and fish laws; 
    (5) knowingly makes a false statement related to an 
affidavit regarding a violation of the game and fish laws; or 
    (6) violates or attempts to violate an order or rule under 
the game and fish laws.  [97.55 s. 1, 2, 3, 4, 11] 
    Subd. 2.  [GROSS MISDEMEANOR.] Unless a different penalty 
is prescribed, a person convicted of violating a provision of 
the game and fish laws that is defined as a gross misdemeanor is 
subject to a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $3,000 and 
imprisonment in the county jail for not less than 90 days or 
more than one year.  [97.55 s. 5] 
    A person that purports to be acting in an official capacity 
and causes another to be injured or defrauded while falsely 
impersonating an enforcement officer or other officer acting 
under authority of the game and fish laws, or falsely claiming 
to have special authority under those laws, is guilty of a gross 
misdemeanor.  [97.55 s. 6] 
    Sec. 47.  [97A.311] [LICENSES.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [ALTERATION OF A LICENSE.] A person that 
alters a license in a material manner is guilty of a 
misdemeanor.  [97.55 s. 12] 
    Subd. 2.  [FALSE STATEMENT.] A person that knowingly makes 
a false statement related to an application for a license, a 
license, or certificate, required by or issued under the game 
and fish laws, is guilty of a misdemeanor.  [97.48 s. 22; 97.55 
s. 11] 
    Subd. 3.  [LICENSE AGENT VIOLATIONS.] A license agent that 
knowingly issues a license to an ineligible person or predates a 
license is guilty of a misdemeanor.  [97.55 s. 11] 
    Subd. 4.  [SUSPENSION OF LICENSE.] In addition to other 
penalties, a license agent that violates a law, rule, or order 
of the commissioner relating to license sales, handling, or 
accounting forfeits the right to sell and handle licenses for a 
period of one year.  [98.50 s. 7] 
    Sec. 48.  [97A.315] [TRESPASS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [CRIMINAL PENALTIES.] (a) A person that 
violates a provision of article 2, section 1, relating to 
trespass is guilty of a misdemeanor except as provided in 
paragraph (b). 
     (b) A person is guilty of a gross misdemeanor if the person:
    (1) knowingly disregards signs prohibiting trespass; 
    (2) trespasses after personally being notified by the 
landowner or lessee not to trespass; or 
    (3) is convicted of violating this section more than once 
in a three-year period.  [100.273 s. 9] 
    Subd. 2.  [LICENSE REVOCATIONS.] (a) If a person convicted 
under subdivision 1 of trespassing while exercising or 
attempting to exercise an activity licensed under the game and 
fish laws or requiring snowmobile registration under section 
84.82, the applicable license and registration are null and 
void.  [100.273 s. 9] 
    (b) A person convicted of a gross misdemeanor under 
subdivision 1, paragraph (b), may not be issued a license to 
take game for two years after the conviction.  [100.273 s. 9] 
    Sec. 49.  [97A.321] [DOGS PURSUING OR KILLING BIG GAME.] 
    The owner of a dog that kills or pursues a big game animal 
is guilty of a petty misdemeanor and is subject to a civil 
penalty of up to $500 for each violation.  [100.29 s. 19] 
    Subdivision 1.  [GROSS MISDEMEANOR FOR SALES OF $300 OR 
MORE.] (a) A person that buys or sells protected wild animals in 
violation of the game and fish laws where the sales total $300 
or more is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.  The person is subject 
to the penalty in section 45, subdivision 2, except that the 
fine is not less than $3,000 or more than $10,000. 
    (b) Licenses possessed by a person convicted under this 
subdivision are null and void and the person may not take wild 
animals for three years after the conviction.  [97.55 s. 16] 
    Subd. 2.  [DEER; MOOSE; ELK; CARIBOU.] Except as provided 
in subdivision 1, a person that violates a provision of the game 
and fish laws relating to buying or selling deer, moose, elk, or 
caribou is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.  [97.55 s. 8, 9; 
100.29 s. 11] 
    Subd. 3.  [SMALL GAME AND GAME FISH.] Except as provided in 
subdivision 1, a person that buys or sells small game or game 
fish in violation of the game and fish laws where the sales 
total $50 or more is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.  [97.55 s. 
     Subd. 4.  [FUR-BEARING ANIMALS.] Except as provided in 
subdivision 1, a person that buys fur-bearing animals in 
violation of the game and fish laws is guilty of a gross 
misdemeanor.  [100.29 s. 11; 97.55 s. 9] 
    Sec. 51.  [97A.331] [PENALTIES RELATED TO HUNTING.] 
NARCOTIC DRUGS.] A person that violates a provision relating to 
hunting while visibly intoxicated or under the influence of a 
narcotic drug under article 2, section 14, is guilty of a gross 
misdemeanor.  [97.55 s. 10] 
    Subd. 2.  [SHINING.] A person that violates article 2, 
section 17, relating to the use of an artificial light to locate 
wild animals while in possession of a firearm, bow, or other 
implement capable of killing big game is guilty of a gross 
misdemeanor.  [97.55 s. 9] 
    Subd. 3.  [TRANSPORTING ILLEGAL BIG GAME.] A person that 
knowingly transports big game taken in violation of the game and 
fish laws is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.  [97.55 s. 9] 
person that takes or illegally possesses big game during the 
closed season is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.  [97.55 s. 9] 
    Subd. 5.  [MOOSE; ELK; CARIBOU.] A person that unlawfully 
takes, transports, or possesses moose, elk, or caribou in 
violation of the game and fish laws is guilty of a gross 
misdemeanor.  [97.55 s. 8] 
    Subd. 6.  [PINE MARTEN; OTTER; FISHER; WOLVERINE.] A person 
that takes, transports, or possesses pine marten, otter, fisher, 
or wolverine in violation of the game and fish laws is guilty of 
a gross misdemeanor.  [97.55 s. 8] 
    Sec. 52.  [97A.335] [PENALTIES RELATED TO FISHING.] 
SUBSTANCES.] A person that takes fish with devices, chemicals or 
substances in violation of article 3, section 27, is guilty of a 
gross misdemeanor.  [97.55 s. 14] 
person who takes or possesses a muskellunge in violation of the 
game and fish laws is guilty of a misdemeanor and subject to a 
fine of up to $1,000.  [97.55 s. 17] 

                          LICENSES AND PERMITS
    Sec. 53.  [97A.401] [SPECIAL PERMITS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [COMMISSIONER'S AUTHORITY.] The 
commissioner may issue special permits for the activities in 
this section.  [98.48] 
    Subd. 2.  [ZOOLOGICAL SPECIMEN COLLECTING.] Special permits 
may be issued without a fee to municipalities, incorporated 
natural history societies, high schools, colleges, and 
universities that maintain a zoological collection, to collect 
specimens of eggs, nests, and wild animals for scientific or 
exhibition purposes.  [98.48 s. 1] 
ANIMALS FOR CERTAIN PURPOSES.] (a) Except as provided in 
paragraph (b), special permits may be issued without a fee to 
take, possess, and transport wild animals as pets and for 
scientific, educational, and exhibition purposes.  The 
commissioner shall prescribe the conditions for taking, 
possessing, transporting, and disposing of the wild animals.  
    (b) A special permit may not be issued to take or possess 
wild or native deer for exhibition or propagation.  
    (c) The commissioner shall establish criteria for issuing 
special permits for persons to possess wild and native deer as 
pets.  [98.48 s. 3] 
WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREAS.] Special permits may be issued, with 
or without a fee, to take a wild animal from game refuges, 
wildlife management areas, and state parks.  [98.48 s. 4] 
    Subd. 5.  [WILD ANIMALS DAMAGING PROPERTY.] Special permits 
may be issued with or without a fee to take protected wild 
animals that are damaging property.  A special permit issued 
under this subdivision to take beaver must state the number to 
be taken.  [98.48 s. 5] 
    Subd. 6.  [ENDANGERED MUSKRATS.] Special permits may be 
issued with or without a fee to take muskrats in danger of 
freezing out or starving in the winter.  [98.48 s. 6] 
    Sec. 54.  [97A.405] [LICENSE REQUIREMENTS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [PROTECTED WILD ANIMALS.] Unless allowed 
under the game and fish laws, a person may not take, buy, sell, 
transport, or possess protected wild animals of this state 
without a license.  [98.45 s. 1; 98.46 s. 24] 
    Subd. 2.  [PERSONAL POSSESSION.] A person to whom a license 
is issued must have the license in personal possession while 
acting under the license and while traveling to and from the 
area where the licensed activity is performed.  If possession of 
a license is required, a person must exhibit the proper license 
when requested by a conservation officer or peace officer.  A 
receipt for license fees, a copy of a license, or evidence 
showing the issuance of a license does not entitle a licensee to 
exercise the rights or privileges conferred by a license.  
[98.45 s. 2] 
    Subd. 3.  [DUPLICATE LICENSES.] The commissioner shall 
prescribe rules for issuing duplicate licenses to persons whose 
licenses are lost or destroyed.  A duplicate license may not be 
issued unless the applicant takes an oath covering the facts of 
loss or destruction of the license.  [98.50 s. 6] 
    Sec. 55.  [97A.411] [VALIDITY OF LICENSES.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [LICENSE PERIOD.] A license is valid during 
the lawful time within the license year that the licensed 
activity may be performed.  A license year begins on the first 
day of March and ends on the last day of February.  [97.4841 s. 
3;  97.4842 s. 2; 97.4843 s. 2; 98.45 s. 1] 
    Subd. 2.  [SIGNATURE ON STAMPS.] A stamp issued under the 
game and fish laws must be signed by the licensee across the 
front of the stamp to be valid.  [97.4841 s. 2; 97.4842 s. 1; 
97.4843 s. 2] 
    Subd. 3.  [ARCHERY DEER LICENSE.] A license to take deer by 
archery issued after the opening of the archery deer season is 
not valid until the fifth day after it is issued.  [98.45 s. 1] 
    Sec. 56.  [97A.415] [LICENSE RESTRICTIONS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [ONE LICENSE PER PERSON.] Only one license 
of each kind may be issued to a person in a license year, except 
the nonresident short term angling license, unless authorized by 
commissioner's order.  [98.45 s. 1] 
    Subd. 2.  [TRANSFER PROHIBITED.] A person may not lend, 
transfer, borrow, or solicit a license, application for a 
license, coupon, tag, or seal, or use a license, coupon, tag, or 
seal not issued to the person unless otherwise expressly 
authorized.  [98.45 s. 1, 3, 100.271 s. 5] 
    Subd. 3.  [NONRESIDENTS.] Nonresidents may not obtain a 
license for an activity unless the activity is expressly 
authorized for nonresidents.  [98.45 s. 4, 5] 
    Subdivision 1.  [GENERAL.] (a) The license of a person 
convicted of a violation of the game and fish laws relating to 
the license or wild animals covered by the license is void when: 
[98.52 s. 1] 
    (1) a second conviction occurs within three years under a 
license to take small game or to take fish by angling or 
    (2) a third conviction occurs within one year under a 
minnow dealer's license; or 
    (3) the conviction occurs under a license not described in 
clauses (1) or (2).  [98.52 s. 1, 2] 
    (b) Except as provided in this section, and for one year 
after the conviction, the person may not obtain that kind of 
AND SELLING WILD ANIMALS.] A person may not obtain a license to 
take any wild animal for a period of three years after being 
convicted of buying or selling game fish, big game, or small 
game, and the total amount of the sale is $300 or more.  [98.52 
s. 6] 
CONVICTION.] A person may not obtain any big game license for 
three years after the person is convicted of: 
    (1) a gross misdemeanor violation under the game and fish 
laws relating to big game; 
    (2) doing an act without a required big game license; or 
    (3) the second violation within three years under the game 
and fish laws relating to big game.  [98.52 s. 1] 
CONVICTION.] A person convicted of a violation under article 2, 
section 14, relating to hunting while intoxicated or using 
narcotics, may not obtain a license to hunt with a firearm or by 
archery for five years after conviction.  [98.52 s. 4] 
AFTER CONVICTION.] If the commissioner determines that the 
public welfare will not be injured, the commissioner may 
reinstate licenses voided under subdivision 1 and issue licenses 
to persons ineligible under subdivision 2.  The commissioner's 
authority applies only to licenses to:  
    (1) maintain and operate fur or game farms or private fish 
    (2) take fish commercially in Lake of the Woods, Rainy 
Lake, Namakan Lake, or Lake Superior; 
    (3) buy fish from Lake of the Woods, Rainy Lake, Namakan 
Lake, or Lake Superior commercial fishing licensees; and 
    (4) sell live minnows.  [98.52 s. 3] 
section the term "license" includes an application for a license 
to take moose.  [98.50 s. 9] 
    Subdivision 1.  [REQUIREMENT.] A person required to have a 
license under the game and fish laws to buy or sell wild 
animals, to tan or dress raw furs, or to mount specimens of wild 
animals, must keep complete records in a book of all 
transactions and activities covered by the license and submit 
reports to the commissioner.  [98.51 s. 2] 
    Subd. 2.  [RECORDS.] (a) The records must show: 
    (1) the names and addresses of persons from whom wild 
animals were obtained and to whom they were transferred; 
    (2) the dates of receipt, shipment, and sale of wild 
    (3) detailed descriptions of the number and type of wild 
animals purchased, sold, and shipped; 
    (4) serial numbers of seals, tags, or permits required to 
be attached to the wild animals; and 
    (5) trapping license numbers for protected fur-bearing 
animals, unless the trapper is exempt from the license 
requirement, which must be noted. 
    (b) A licensed fur dealer, buying for one employer at the 
employer's place of business is not required to keep separate 
records if the employer notifies the commissioner in writing 
that the employer will account for the fur dealer. 
    (c) The records required under this section must be 
available for inspection by the commissioner, the director, or 
their agents at all reasonable times.  The records must be 
preserved and available for two years after the expiration of a 
license that required them.  [98.51 s. 2] 
    Subd. 3.  [REPORTS.] An annual notarized report covering 
the preceding calendar year must be submitted to the 
commissioner by January 15.  The commissioner may require other 
reports for statistical purposes.  The reports must be on forms 
supplied by the commissioner.  [98.51 s. 3] 
    Sec. 59.  [97A.431] [MOOSE LICENSES.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [NUMBER OF LICENSES.] The commissioner 
shall include in an order setting the dates for a moose season 
the number of licenses to be issued.  [100.271 s. 1] 
    Subd. 2.  [ELIGIBILITY.] Persons eligible for a moose 
license shall be determined under this section and 
commissioner's order.  A person is eligible for a moose license 
only if the person: 
    (1) is a resident; 
    (2) is at least age 16 before the season opens; and 
    (3) has not been issued a moose license for any of the last 
five seasons. [100.271 s. 3, 3a] 
    Subd. 3.  [APPLICATION FOR LICENSE.] An application for a 
moose license must be on a form provided by the commissioner and 
accompanied by a $1 application fee.  A person may not make more 
than one application for each season.  If a person makes more 
than one application, the person is ineligible for a license for 
that season after determination by the commissioner, without a 
hearing. [100.271 s. 2, 4] 
commissioner may conduct a separate selection for up to 20 
percent of the moose licenses to be issued for an area.  Only 
owners of, and tenants living on, at least 160 acres of 
agricultural or grazing land in the area are eligible for the 
separate selection.  Persons that are unsuccessful in a separate 
selection must be included in the selection for the remaining 
licenses. [100.271 s. 1] 
    Subdivision 1.  [NUMBER OF LICENSES TO BE ISSUED.] The 
commissioner shall include in an order setting the dates for a 
turkey season the number of licenses to be issued.  [100.271 s. 
    Subd. 2.  [ELIGIBILITY.] Persons eligible for a turkey 
license shall be determined by this section and commissioner's 
order.  A person is eligible for a turkey license only if the 
person is a resident and at least age 16 before the season 
opens.  [100.271 s. 3] 
    Subd. 3.  [APPLICATION FOR LICENSE.] An application for a 
turkey license must be on a form provided by the commissioner 
and accompanied by a $3 application fee.  A person may not make 
more than one application for each season.  If a person makes 
more than one application the person is ineligible for a license 
for that season after determination by the commissioner, without 
a hearing.  [100.271 s. 2, 4] 
commissioner may conduct a separate selection for up to 20 
percent of the turkey licenses to be issued for any area.  Only 
persons that are owners or tenants of and that live on at least 
40 acres of agricultural or grazing land in the area are 
eligible applicants for turkey licenses for the separate 
selection.  Persons that are unsuccessful in a separate 
selection must be included in the selection for the remaining 
licenses.  Persons that obtain a license in a separate selection 
must allow public turkey hunting on their land during that 
turkey season. [100.271 s. 1] 
    Sec. 61.  [97A.441] [LICENSES TO BE ISSUED WITHOUT A FEE.] 
Licenses to take fish by angling or spearing shall be issued 
without a fee to a resident that is: 
     (1) blind; 
    (2) a recipient of supplemental security income for the 
aged, blind, and disabled; 
     (3) a recipient of social security aid to the disabled 
under United States Code, title 42, section 416, paragraph 
(i)(l) or section 423(d); or 
     (4) is a recipient of workers' compensation based on a 
finding of total and permanent disability.  [98.47 s. 8] 
to take fish by angling shall be issued without a fee to a 
citizen of a foreign country that is attending school in this 
state as an exchange student.  [98.47 s. 11] 
commissioner may issue a license, without a fee, to take fish by 
angling to a person that is a ward of the commissioner of human 
services and a resident of a state institution upon application 
by the commissioner of human services.  [98.47 s. 13] 
authorized to issue licenses must issue, without a fee, a 
permanent license to take fish by angling to a resident at least 
16 years old that is mentally retarded upon being furnished 
satisfactory evidence of the disability.  [98.47 s. 15] 
    Subd. 5.  [ANGLING; DISABLED VETERANS.] A person authorized 
to issue licenses must issue, without a fee, a permanent license 
to take fish by angling to a resident that is a veteran, as 
defined in section 197.447, and that has a 100 percent service 
connected disability as defined by the United States Veterans 
Administration upon being furnished satisfactory evidence. 
[98.47 s. 16] 
    Subd. 6.  [TAKING DEER; DISABLED VETERANS.] A person 
authorized to issue licenses must issue, without a fee, a 
license to take deer with firearms or by archery to a resident 
that is a veteran, as defined in section 197.447, and that has a 
100 percent service connected disability as defined by the 
United States Veterans Administration upon being furnished 
satisfactory evidence. [98.47 s.18] 
resident over age 18 may take fish by angling without a license 
during the second Saturday and Sunday of the angling season if 
accompanied by a child who is under age 16.  The commissioner 
shall publicize the Saturday and Sunday as "Take a Kid Fishing 
Weekend."  [98.45 s. 9] 
    Subd. 2.  [ANGLING; INSTITUTIONAL RESIDENTS.] A license is 
not required to take fish by angling with the written consent of 
the superintendent or chief executive of the institution for the 
following persons: 
     (1) a resident of a state hospital; 
    (2) a patient of a United States Veteran's Administration 
hospital; and 
    (3) an inmate of a state correctional facility.  [98.47 s. 
POSTAL RETIREES.] A license is not required to take fish by 
angling or spearing for a resident that is: 
    (1) receiving aid under the federal Railroad Retirement Act 
of 1937, 45 United States Code Annotated, section 228b(a)5; or 
    (2) a former employee of the United States Postal Service 
receiving disability pay under United States Code Annotated, 
title 5, section 8337.  [98.47 s. 17] 
    Subdivision 1.  [RESIDENTS OVER AGE 65; FISHING.] A 
resident age 65 or over may take fish by angling or spearing 
without a license if the resident has a valid driver's license, 
Minnesota identification card, or other document showing age and 
residency in possession while taking fish and while traveling to 
and from the location where fish are taken.  The person must 
exhibit the proof of age at the request of a conservation 
officer or peace officer.  [97.4842 s. 1, 98.45 s. 2, 98.47 s. 
    Subd. 2.  [RESIDENTS UNDER AGE 16; FISHING.] A resident 
under the age of 16 years may take fish without a license.  
[97.4842 s. 1; 98.47 s. 1] 
    Subd. 3.  [PERSONS UNDER AGE 16; SMALL GAME.] (a) A person 
under age 16 may not obtain a small game license but may take 
small game by firearms or bow and arrow without a license if the 
person is a resident: 
    (1) age 14 or 15 and possesses a firearms safety 
    (2) age 13, possesses a firearms safety certificate, and is 
accompanied by a parent or guardian; or 
    (3) age 12 or under and is accompanied by a parent or 
guardian.  [98.47 s. 1] 
    (b) A resident under age 16 may take small game by trapping 
without a small game license, but a resident over age 13 must 
have a trapping license.  A resident under age 14 may trap 
without a trapping license.  
    Subd. 4.  [PERSONS UNDER AGE 16; BIG GAME.] A person under 
the age of 16 may not obtain a license to take big game unless 
the person possesses a firearms safety certificate.  A person 
under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian 
to hunt big game.  [98.47 s. 1] 
PARENTS.] A nonresident under the age of 16 may take fish by 
angling without a license if a parent or guardian has a 
nonresident fishing license.  Fish taken by a nonresident under 
the age of 16 without a license must be included in the limit of 
the parent or guardian.  [97.45 s. 6, 98.47 s. 1] 
FISHING.] A nonresident under the age of 16 that is attending a 
camp conducted by a nonprofit organization may take fish by 
angling in adjacent and connected public waters without a 
license.  The organization must have a certificate from the 
commissioner that describes the public waters where the fishing 
is allowed.  The nonresident must possess a document, prescribed 
by the commissioner, for identification of the nonresident and 
the authorized fishing waters.  The document must be signed and 
dated within the current calendar year by the person in charge 
of the camp.  [98.47 s. 1] 
    A nonresident that is a full-time student at an educational 
institution in the state and resides in the state during the 
school year may obtain a resident license to take fish or small 
game by providing proof of student status as prescribed by the 
commissioner. [98.45 s. 7] 
    Licenses to take fish or small game in or on boundary 
waters may be granted to nonresidents upon the same terms and 
conditions as licenses granted by the adjacent state or province 
to nonresidents of the adjacent state or province for those 
boundary waters.  The fees for a license granted by this state 
may not be less than the fees for a corresponding resident 
license.  [98.47 s. 5] 
    Subdivision 1.  [RESIDENTS ON LEAVE.] A resident that is in 
the armed forces of the United States, stationed outside of the 
state, and in the state on leave, may hunt and fish without a 
license if the resident possesses official military leave papers.
The resident must obtain the seals, tags, and coupons required 
of a licensee, which must be furnished without charge.  This 
subdivision does not apply to the taking of moose.  [98.47 s. 2] 
    Subd. 2.  [CAMP RIPLEY PERSONNEL.] A nonresident who is in 
the military and in training at Camp Ripley may obtain a 
resident license to take fish.  [98.47 s. 3a] 
commissioner may issue a resident license to take fish or game 
to a person in the armed forces of the United States that is 
stationed in the state.  This subdivision does not apply to the 
taking of moose.  [98.47 s. 3] 
DURING SEASON.] Notwithstanding section 69, subdivision 9, a 
resident that is discharged from the United States armed forces 
during, or within ten days before, the firearms deer season may, 
upon showing the official discharge paper, obtain a firearm deer 
license during the season.  [98.45 s. 1] 
JURISDICTIONS.] The commissioner may issue a courtesy 
nonresident license to take game or fish without charge to a 
game and fish or conservation employee of another state or of 
the United States that is in the state to assist or cooperate 
with the commissioner.  [98.47 s. 4] 
commissioner may issue a nonresident courtesy license to take 
game or fish without charge to an official of another state, the 
United States, or foreign country and to a representative of a 
conservation organization or publication that is in the state as 
a guest of the governor or commissioner.  [98.47 s. 4] 
    Subd. 3.  [NONAPPLICABILITY TO MOOSE HUNTING.] This section 
does not apply to taking moose.  [98.47 s. 4] 
    Sec. 68.  [97A.475] [LICENSE FEES.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [REQUIREMENTS FOR ISSUANCE.] A license 
shall be issued when the requirements of the law are met and the 
license fee specified in this section is paid.  [98.46 s. 1] 
    Subd. 2.  [RESIDENT HUNTING.] Fees for the following 
licenses, to be issued to residents only, are: 
    (1) for persons under age 65 to take small game, $7; 
    (2) for persons age 65 or over, $3.50; 
    (3) to take turkey, $10; 
    (4) to take deer with firearms, $15; 
    (5) to take deer by archery, $15;  
    (6) to take moose, for a party of not more than four 
persons, $200; and 
    (7) to take bear, $25.  [98.45 s. 8, 98.46 s. 2] 
    Subd. 3.  [NONRESIDENT HUNTING.] Fees for the following 
licenses, to be issued to nonresidents, are: 
    (1) to take small game, $46; 
    (2) to take deer with firearms, $100; 
    (3) to take deer by archery, $100;  
    (4) to take bear, $150; 
    (5) to take turkey, $30; and 
    (6) to take raccoon, bobcat, fox, coyote, or lynx, $100.  
[98.46 s. 14] 
    Subd. 4.  [SMALL GAME SURCHARGE.] Fees for licenses to take 
small game must be increased by a surcharge of $4.  An 
additional commission may not be assessed on the surcharge and 
this must be stated on the back of the license with the 
following statement:  "This $4 surcharge is being paid by 
hunters for the acquisition and development of wildlife lands."  
[97.482 s. 1] 
    Subd. 5.  [HUNTING STAMPS.] Fees for the following stamps 
    (1) migratory waterfowl stamp, $5; and 
    (2) pheasant stamp, $5.  [97.4841 s. 3, 98.4843 s. 3] 
    Subd. 6.  [RESIDENT FISHING.] Fees for the following 
licenses to be issued to residents only are: 
    (1) to take fish by angling, $6.50; 
    (2) to take fish by angling, for a combined license for a 
married couple, $10.50; and 
    (3) to take fish by spearing from a dark house, $7.50. 
[98.46 s. 2, 5] 
    Subd. 7.  [NONRESIDENT FISHING.] Fees for the following 
licenses, to be issued to nonresidents, shall be 
    (1) to take fish by angling, $16; 
    (2) to take fish by angling limited to seven consecutive 
days, $13 
    (3) to take fish by angling for three days, $10; and 
    (4) to take fish by angling for a combined license for a 
family, $27.50.  [98.46 s. 15] 
    Subd. 8.  [MINNESOTA SPORTING.] The commissioner shall 
issue Minnesota sporting licenses to residents only.  The 
licensee may take fish by angling and small game.  The fee for 
the license is:  
    (1) for an individual, $12; and 
    (2) for a combined license for a married couple to take 
fish and for one spouse to take small game, $16.  [98.46 s. 2a] 
    Subd. 9.  [FISHING SURCHARGE.] The fees for the following 
licenses must be increased by a surcharge of $2.50: 
    (1) resident angling, under subdivision 6, clauses (1) and 
    (2) nonresident angling, under subdivision 7; 
    (3) Minnesota sporting, under subdivision 8;  
    (4) nonresident fish houses, under subdivision 12; and 
    (5) to net fish for domestic use, under subdivision 13. 
[97.86 s. 1] 
    Subd. 10.  [TROUT AND SALMON STAMP.] The fee for a trout 
and salmon stamp is $5.  [97.4842 s. 2] 
for the following licenses are: 
    (1) for a fish house or dark house that is not rented, $5; 
    (2) for a fish house or dark house that is rented, $15. 
[98.46 s. 5] 
    Subd. 12.  [FISH HOUSES; NONRESIDENT.] The fee for a fish 
house license for a nonresident is $15.  [98.46 s. 15] 
CONSUMPTION.] The fee for a license to net whitefish and ciscoes 
in inland lakes and international waters for personal 
consumption is, for each net, $3.  [98.46 s. 5] 
The fee for a license to take rough fish for domestic use with a 
set line, in the Minnesota and Mississippi rivers is $13.  
[98.46 s. 9] 
    Subd. 15.  [LAKE SUPERIOR FISHING GUIDES.] The fee for a 
license to operate a charter boat and guide anglers on Lake 
Superior is: 
    (1) for a resident, $25; 
    (2) for a nonresident, $100; or 
    (3) if another state charges a Minnesota resident a fee 
greater than $100 for a Lake Superior fishing guide license in 
that state, the nonresident fee for a resident of that state is 
that greater fee.  [98.457] 
    Subd. 16.  [RESIDENT HUNTING GUIDES.] The fees for the 
following resident guide licenses are: 
    (1) to guide bear hunters, $75; and 
    (2) to guide turkey hunters, $20. [98.46 s. 4] 
    Subd. 17.  [NONRESIDENT BEAR GUIDES.] The fee for a license 
to guide bear hunters for a nonresident is $400.  [98.46 s. 16] 
    Subd. 18.  [SHOOTING PRESERVES.] The fee for a shooting 
preserve license is $75.  [100.35 s. 1] 
    Subd. 19.  [TAXIDERMISTS.] The fee for a taxidermist 
license, to be issued for a three-year period to residents only 
    (1) for persons age 18 and older, $40; and 
    (2) for persons under age 18, $25.  [98.46 s. 5] 
    Subd. 20.  [TRAPPING LICENSE.] The fee for a license to 
trap fur-bearing animals is: 
    (1) for persons over age 13 and under age 18, $3.50; and 
    (2) for persons age 18 and older, $13.  [98.46 s. 4] 
    Subd. 21.  [FUR BUYING AND SELLING; RESIDENTS.] (a) The fee 
for a license for a resident to buy and sell raw furs is $100.  
    (b) The fee for a supplemental license to buy and sell furs 
is $50.  [98.46 s. 4] 
for a license for a nonresident to buy and sell raw furs is 
$500.  [98.46 s. 16] 
    Subd. 23.  [RAW FUR TANNING.] The fee for a license to tan 
and dress raw furs to be issued to residents and nonresidents is 
$15.  [98.46 s. 19(3)] 
    Subd. 24.  [GAME AND FUR FARMS.] The fee for a game and fur 
farm license is $15.  [98.46 s. 5] 
    Subd. 25.  [MUSKRAT FARMS.] The fee for a muskrat farm 
license is $10.  [99.28 s. 5] 
    Subd. 26.  [MINNOW DEALERS.] The fees for the following 
licenses are:  
    (1) minnow dealer, $70; 
    (2) minnow dealer's helper, $5; 
    (3) minnow dealer's vehicle, $10; 
    (4) exporting minnow dealer, $250; and 
    (5) exporting minnow dealer's vehicle, $10.  [98.46 s. 5] 
    Subd. 27.  [MINNOW RETAILERS.] The fees for the following 
licenses, to be issued to residents and nonresidents, are: 
    (1) minnow retailer, $10; and 
    (2) minnow retailer's vehicle, $10.  [98.46 s. 17] 
    Subd. 28.  [NONRESIDENT MINNOW HAULERS.] The fees for the 
following licenses, to be issued to nonresidents, are: 
    (1) exporting minnow hauler, $525; and 
    (2) exporting minnow hauler's vehicle, $10.  [98.46 s. 5] 
    Subd. 29.  [PRIVATE FISH HATCHERIES.] The fees for the 
following licenses to be issued to residents and nonresidents 
    (1) for a private fish hatchery, with annual sales under 
$200, $25;  
    (2) for a private fish hatchery, with annual sales of $200 
or more, $50; and 
    (3) To take sucker eggs from public waters for a private 
fish hatchery, $150, plus $3 for each quart in excess of 100 
quarts.  [98.46 s. 17] 
The fee for a license to net commercial fish in inland waters, 
to be issued to residents and nonresidents is $70, plus: 
    (1) for each hoop net pocket, 75 cents; 
    (2) for each 1,000 feet of seine, $15; and 
    (3) for each helper's license, $5.  [98.46 s. 9a, 102.285 s.
WOODS.] The fee for a license to commercially net fish in Lake 
of the Woods is: 
    (1) for each pound net or staked trap net, $45; 
    (2) for each fyke net, $10, plus $5 for each two-foot 
segment, or fraction, of the wings or lead in excess of four 
feet in height; 
    (3) for each 100 feet of gill net, $2.50; 
    (4) for each submerged trap net, $15; and 
    (5) for each helper's license, $15.  [98.46 s. 10] 
fee for a license to commercially net fish in Rainy Lake is: 
    (1) for each pound net, $45; 
    (2) for each 100 feet of gill net, $2.50; and 
    (3) for each helper's license, $15.  [98.46 s.11] 
POINT LAKES.] The fee for a license to commercially net fish in 
Namakan Lake and Sand Point Lake is: 
    (1) for each 100 feet of gill net, $1.50; 
    (2) for each pound, fyke, and submerged trap net, $15; and 
    (3) for each helper's license, $5.  [98.46 s. 13] 
THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER.] (a) The fee for a license to 
commercially seine rough fish in the Mississippi river from St. 
Anthony Falls to the St. Croix river junction is: 
    (1) for a seine not exceeding 500 feet, $25; or 
    (2) for a seine over 500 feet, $40, plus $2 for each 100 
foot segment or fraction over 1,000 feet.  
    (b) The fee for each helper's license issued under 
paragraph (a) is $5.  [98.46 s. 8] 
BOUNDARY WATERS.] The fee for a license to commercially seine 
fish in the boundary waters between Wisconsin and Minnesota from 
Taylors Falls to the Iowa border is: 
    (1) for a seine not exceeding 500 feet, $25; or 
    (2) for a seine over 500 feet, $40, plus $2.50 for each 100 
feet over 1,000 feet; and 
    (3) for each helper's license to be issued to residents and 
nonresidents, $5.  [98.46 s. 6] 
WATERS.] The fee for a license to commercially net in the 
boundary waters between Wisconsin and Minnesota from Lake St. 
Croix to the Iowa border is: 
    (1) for each gill net not exceeding 500 feet, $13; 
    (2) for each gill net over 500 feet, $25; 
    (3) for each fyke net and hoop net, $10; 
    (4) for each bait net, $1.50; 
    (5) for each turtle net, $1.50; 
    (6) for each set line identification tag, $13; and 
    (7) for each helper's license to be issued to residents and 
nonresidents, $5.  [98.46 s. 7] 
The fee for a license to commercially net fish in Lake Superior 
    (1) for each gill net, $70 plus $2 for each 1,000 feet over 
1,000 feet; 
    (2) for a pound or trap net, $70 plus $2 for each 
additional pound or trap net; and 
    (3) for each helper's license, $5.  [98.46 s. 12a] 
    Subd. 38.  [FISH BUYERS.] The fees for licenses to buy fish 
from commercial fishing licensees to be issued residents and 
nonresidents are: 
    (1) for Lake Superior fish bought for sale to retailers, 
    (2) for Lake Superior fish bought for sale to consumers, 
    (3) for Lake of the Woods, Namakan, Sand Point, and Rainy 
Lake fish bought for sale to retailers, $100; and 
    (4) for Lake of the Woods, Namakan, Sand Point, and Rainy 
Lake fish bought for shipment only on international boundary 
waters, $10.  [98.46 s. 19] 
    Subd. 39.  [FISH PACKER.] The fee for a license to prepare 
dressed game fish for transportation or shipment is $13.  [98.46 
s. 5] 
    Subd. 40.  [FISH VENDORS.] The fee for a license to use a 
motor vehicle to sell fish is $25.  [98.46 s. 19] 
    Subd. 41.  [TURTLE SELLERS.] The fee for a license to take, 
transport, purchase, and possess unprocessed turtles for sale is 
$50.  [98.46 s. 5] 
    Subd. 42.  [FROG DEALERS.] The fee for the licenses to deal 
in frogs that are to be used for purposes other than bait are: 
    (1) for a resident to purchase, possess, and transport 
frogs, $70; 
    (2) for a nonresident to purchase, possess, and transport 
frogs, $200; and 
    (3) for a resident to take, possess, transport, and sell 
frogs, $10.  [101.44] 
    All information required on a license application form must 
be furnished.  The application must be made in writing and under 
oath.  A person authorized to issue licenses has the authority 
to administer oaths to applicants, and a license may not be 
issued without actually administering the oath.  [98.49 s. 2] 
    Sec. 70.  [97A.485] [ISSUANCE OF LICENSES.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [COMMISSIONER.] The commissioner shall 
issue and sell licenses.  The commissioner shall furnish 
licenses and applications to agents authorized to issue 
licenses.  [97.4841 s. 2;  97.4842 s. 1; 97.4843 s. 2; 98.49 s. 
1; 98.50] 
auditors are agents of the commissioner for the issuance and 
sale of licenses. The commissioner may require a county auditor 
to provide a corporate surety bond in addition to the auditor's 
official bond.  [98.50 s. 1, 2] 
    Subd. 3.  [APPOINTMENT OF SUBAGENTS.] A county auditor may 
appoint residents to be subagents of the auditor within the 
county or adjacent counties to issue and sell licenses.  The 
auditor shall notify the commissioner of the name and address of 
a subagent when appointed.  The appointment may be revoked by 
the auditor at any time, and when directed by the commissioner, 
the auditor must revoke the appointment.  [98.50 s. 1, 5] 
a subagent, a person must apply in writing to an appropriate 
county auditor in a manner approved by the commissioner.  The 
auditor may require a subagent to provide a bond or pay for 
licenses before furnishing the licenses.  License application 
forms may only be furnished to subagents in groups of ten or 
more for resident licenses and five or more for nonresident 
licenses.  [98.50 s. 1, 5, 10] 
FEES.] (a) The county auditor is responsible for licenses and 
fees received by the subagents, except in a county that has a 
population over 150,000 and an area greater than 5,000 square 
miles and in a county where the county auditor does not retain 
fees paid for licenses.  In these counties the responsibility 
imposed on the county auditor is imposed on the county.  [98.50 
s. 1] 
    (b) The county auditor must promptly deposit all money 
received from the sale of licenses with the county treasurer.  
The auditor must promptly submit payments and required reports 
as required by the commissioner.  [98.50 s. 5] 
Persons authorized to sell licenses under this section must sell 
the following licenses for the license fee and the following 
issuing fees: 
    (1) to take deer with firearms and by archery, the issuing 
fee is $1; 
    (2) Minnesota sporting, the issuing fee is $1; and 
    (3) to take bear and small game, to take fish by angling or 
spearing, and to trap furbearing animals, the issuing fee is 75 
    (b) An issuing fee for a stamp may not be collected when a 
stamp is issued simultaneously with the related small game, 
fishing, or sporting license.  Only one issuing fee may be 
collected when selling more than one stamp in the same 
transaction after the end of the season for which the stamp was 
    (c) The auditor or subagent shall keep the issuing fee as a 
commission for selling the licenses.  [98.501] 
    (d) The commissioner shall collect the issuing fee on 
licenses sold by the commissioner. 
    (e) A license, except stamps, must state the amount of the 
issuing fee and that the issuing fee is kept by the seller as a 
commission for selling the licenses.  [98.50 s. 5] 
    Subd. 7.  [COUNTY AUDITOR'S COMMISSION.] The county auditor 
shall retain for the county treasury a commission of four 
percent of all license fees collected by the auditor and the 
auditor's subagents, excluding the small game surcharge and 
issuing fees.  In addition, the auditor shall collect the 
issuing fees on licenses sold by the auditor to a licensee.  
[98.50 s. 5] 
    Subd. 8.  [REDEMPTION OF UNSOLD LICENSES.] The commissioner 
must redeem unsold licenses submitted within the redemption time 
prescribed by the commissioner.  Licenses that are not submitted 
for redemption within the prescribed time are considered to have 
been sold and the auditor or county to whom the licenses were 
furnished are accountable for them.  A county auditor must 
refund the license fees prepaid by the auditor's subagent for 
unsold licenses submitted within a time period established by 
the commissioner.  [98.50 s. 5] 
OPENS.] (a) The following licenses may not be issued after the 
day before the opening of the related firearms season: 
    (1) to take deer with firearms or by archery;  [98.45 s. 1] 
    (2) to guide bear hunters; and [98.455] 
    (3) to guide turkey hunters.  [98.456] 
    (b) Paragraph (a) does not apply to deer licenses for 
discharged military personnel under section 66, subdivision 4.  
[98.45 s. 1] 
    (c) A nonresident license or tag to take and possess 
raccoon, bobcat, Canada lynx, or fox may not be issued after the 
fifth day of the open season.  [98.46 s. 26] 
Subagents must return stubs and unsold licenses for the taking 
of deer to the county auditor on the first business day after 
the first day of the firearms deer season.  Subagents must 
return stubs and unsold licenses for guiding bear hunters to the 
county auditor as prescribed by the commissioner.  [98.45 s.1, 
commissioner shall prescribe rules for the accounting and 
procedural requirements necessary to assure the efficient 
handling of licenses and license fees.  The commissioner may, by 
order, establish standards for the appointment and revocation of 
subagents to assure the efficient distribution of licenses 
throughout the state.  [98.50 s. 2] 

    Subdivision 1.  [GENERAL RESTRICTIONS.] A person may not 
take, buy, sell, transport, or possess a protected wild animal 
unless allowed by the game and fish laws.  The ownership of all 
wild animals is in the state, unless the wild animal has been 
lawfully acquired under the game and fish laws.  The ownership 
of a wild animal that is lawfully acquired reverts to the state 
if a law relating to sale, transportation, or possession of the 
wild animal is violated.  [97.43] 
    Subd. 2.  [ENDANGERED SPECIES.] A person may not take, 
import, transport, or sell an endangered species of wild animal, 
or sell, or possess with intent to sell an article made from the 
parts of a wild animal, except as provided in article 4, section 
8.  [97.488 s. 1] 
    Sec. 72.  [97A.505] [POSSESSION OF WILD ANIMALS.] 
PROHIBITED.] A person may only possess a protected wild animal 
during the open season and the following five days as prescribed 
by law, unless otherwise allowed by law or authorized by the 
commissioner.  [97.44 s. 2] 
STATE PROHIBITED.] A person may not possess a wild animal that 
has been unlawfully taken, bought, sold, or possessed outside 
the state, or unlawfully shipped into the state.  [97.44 s. 1] 
animals lawfully taken, bought, sold, or possessed outside the 
state may be brought or shipped into the state: 
    (1) during the open season and the following five days; or 
    (2) after obtaining a permit from the commissioner.  [97.44 
s. 3] 
that stores protected wild animals must plainly mark the 
package, in ink, with the name and address of the owner, the 
license number of the person taking the animal, and the number 
and species in the package.  A person may not use a commercial 
cold storage warehouse for protected wild animals, except 
lawfully taken fish and furs.  [97.44 s. 4] 
GIFT.] Protected wild animals may be transferred by gift.  A 
person is not required to have a license to possess and 
transport protected wild animals acquired by gift.  If wild 
animals are transported out of the county where the recipient 
resides, the recipient must: 
    (1) attach a tag marked in ink, with the name and address 
of the owner and the license number of the person taking the 
animals; or 
    (2) furnish an affidavit showing the name and address of 
the donor.  [97.44 s. 5] 
licensed tanner must attach a tag or seal prescribed by the 
commissioner to each beaver or muskrat pelt or hide in 
possession.  [97.44 s. 7] 
    Subd. 7.  [EXCEPTIONS TO THIS SECTION.] This section does 
not apply to mounted specimens of wild animals, antlers, tanned 
hides, and dressed furs lawfully taken.  [97.44 s. 6] 
    Sec. 73.  [97A.511] [FUR-BEARING ANIMALS.] 
    The skins of fur-bearing animals and the flesh of beaver, 
muskrat, raccoon, rabbits and hares, legally taken and bearing 
the required seals or tags required by the game and fish laws, 
may be bought, sold, and transported at any time.  The flesh of 
beaver, raccoon, rabbits, and hare may not be transported out of 
the state.  [100.30] 
    Sec. 74.  [97A.515] [PELTS, SKINS, AND HIDES TAKEN ON 
    The pelts, skins, and hides of protected wild animals taken 
on an Indian reservation in this state, except the Fond du Lac 
reservation, may be transported, sold, and disposed of as 
prescribed by the commissioner.  [100.303] 
    Subdivision 1.  [GENERAL AUTHORITY; RESIDENTS.] A resident 
may transport wild animals to any place in the state if the 
resident and the animals are in the same vehicle.  [97.45 s. 3] 
    Subd. 2.  [GENERAL AUTHORITY; NONRESIDENTS.] A nonresident 
may transport wild animals taken in the state if the nonresident 
and the animals are in the same vehicle.  [97.45 s. 6, 7] 
    Subd. 3.  [WILD ANIMALS IN CONTAINERS.] A person that 
transports wild animals in a container must mark or identify the 
container as prescribed under the game and fish laws or by 
commissioner's order.  [97.45 s. 1] 
    Subd. 4.  [ANIMALS THAT MAY BE LAWFULLY SOLD.] During the 
open season a person may transport a protected wild animal 
within the state, and to a destination outside the state, if the 
animal may be lawfully sold and the transportation is not 
otherwise prohibited.  [97.45 s. 2] 
    Subd. 5.  [UNLAWFUL WILD ANIMALS PROHIBITED.] A person may 
not transport wild animals taken, bought, sold, or possessed in 
violation of the game and fish laws.  [97.45 s. 1] 
    Subdivision 1.  [RESIDENTS.] A resident may transport wild 
animals within the state by common carrier without being in the 
vehicle if the resident has the license required to take the 
animals and they are shipped to the resident.  The wild animals 
that may be transported by common carrier are: 
    (1) deer, bear, and moose; 
    (2) undressed game birds; and 
    (3) fish.  [97.45 s. 4] 
    Subd. 2.  [NONRESIDENTS.] A nonresident may transport wild 
animals by common carrier without being in the vehicle if the 
nonresident has the license required to take the animals and 
they are shipped to the nonresident.  [97.45 s. 6, 7] 
    Subd. 3.  [EMPLOYEE OF CARRIER.] An employee of a carrier 
may not transport wild animals as baggage while performing 
duties for the carrier.  [97.45 s. 3] 
A person that transports protected wild animals by common 
carrier, including animals carried in baggage, must attach a 
statement to each shipment.  The statement must include the 
name, address, and license number of the person shipping the 
animals, the number and species of the animals in the shipment, 
and the signature of the licensee.  [97.45 s. 3, 12] 
common carrier may not accept a shipment of big or small game 
unless the carrier is shown the license of the shipper to take 
the game.  [97.45 s. 11] 
    Subd. 6.  [WAYBILL MUST SPECIFY ANIMALS.] The waybill or 
receipt issued by a common carrier to a shipper must specify the 
number and species of wild animals being shipped.  [97.45 s. 14] 
    Subd. 7.  [ANIMALS IN POSSESSION OF SHIPPER.] Wild animals 
that are transported by common carrier are considered to be in 
the possession of the shipper.  [97.45 s. 7(a), 10] 
    A person may ship, within or out of the state, wild animals 
lawfully taken and possessed in Canada and that have lawfully 
entered the state.  The shipment must have the shipping coupons 
required for a shipment originating in the province where the 
animals were taken.  Fish that are lawfully taken and possessed 
in Canada may be brought into the state for filleting and 
packing and may be transported within the state or out of the 
state.  [97.45 s. 8] 
    Subdivision 1.  [TAGS REQUIRED.] A person may not possess 
or transport deer, bear, or moose taken in the state unless a 
tag is attached to the carcass in a manner prescribed by the 
commissioner.  The commissioner must prescribe the type of tag 
that has the license number of the owner, the year of its issue, 
and other information prescribed by the commissioner.  The tag 
must be attached to the deer, bear, or moose when:  
    (1) the animal is in a camp, or a place occupied overnight 
or the yard surrounding the place; or 
    (2) the animal is on a motor vehicle.  [98.46 s. 22] 
ADDITIONAL TAG.] Deer taken by archery and moose must be tagged 
as prescribed by the commissioner, in addition to the tag 
required in subdivision 1. [98.46 s. 22] 
transport one deer, one bear, or one moose during the open 
season and the two days following the season, and afterwards as 
prescribed by the commissioner.  [97.45 s. 1, 7] 
person other than the licensee may transport deer, bear, or 
moose that the licensee has registered as prescribed by the 
commissioner.  The person must transport the animal by the most 
direct route.  A tag must be attached to the animal and marked 
in ink with the address, license number, signature of the 
licensee, and the locations from which and to which the animal 
is being transported.  [97.45 s. 4a] 
    Subd. 5.  [HEADS, HIDES, AND CLAWS.] A resident that has a 
license to take deer, bear, or moose may transport the head or 
hide of the animal within or out of the state for mounting or 
tanning.  The hides of deer, bear, and moose, and the claws of 
bear legally taken and with the tags that are required by this 
section, may be bought, sold, and transported at any time.  
[97.45 s. 3, 4, 100.30] 
    Sec. 79.  [97A.541] [NONRESIDENT:  SMALL GAME TAGS.] 
    A nonresident may not possess or transport a raccoon, 
bobcat, Canada lynx, or fox taken in this state without a tag 
attached to the animal.  The commissioner shall prescribe, by 
order, the type of tag and the number of tags to be issued with 
each nonresident raccoon, bobcat, Canada lynx, or fox license 
and shall furnish the tags with the licenses to be issued.  
[98.46 s. 26] 
    Sec. 80.  [97A.545] [TRANSPORTATION OF GAME BIRDS.] 
resident that ships undressed game birds to the resident by 
common carrier without being in the vehicle may not make more 
than three shipments during a license year.  A shipment may not 
contain more than the resident's daily limit.  [97.45 s. 4] 
nonresident that ships undressed game birds to the nonresident 
by common carrier without being in the vehicle must obtain a 
shipping permit from the commissioner.  The commissioner shall 
issue the permit upon request, without a fee.  The carrier 
receiving the shipment must cancel the permit as prescribed by 
the commissioner.  [97.45 s. 7b] 
    Subd. 3.  [SHIPPING TO OTHER PERSONS.] A person must obtain 
a permit from the commissioner to ship game birds to another 
person within or out of the state.  The person must have the 
licenses required to take the game birds.  [97.45 s. 9] 
A person may transport into the state dressed game birds that 
are lawfully taken and possessed in adjacent states.  A resident 
may ship the undressed game birds by common carrier within the 
state.  A nonresident may ship the undressed game birds out of 
the state by common carrier.  Each shipment must be tagged or 
sealed by a conservation officer as prescribed by the 
commissioner.  [97.45 s. 9] 
    Sec. 81.  [97A.551] [TRANSPORTATION OF FISH.] 
(a) A nonresident that ships fish to the nonresident by common 
carrier without being in the vehicle may only make one shipment 
of fish during a license year.  The shipment may contain one of 
the following: 
     (1) one undressed fish of any size; 
    (2) 25 pounds or less of undressed fish; or 
    (3) 15 pounds or less of filleted or dressed game fish.  
[97.45 s. 6(1)] 
    (b) The nonresident must obtain a shipping permit from the 
commissioner.  The commissioner shall issue a shipping permit 
upon request, without a fee. The carrier receiving the shipment 
must cancel the permit as prescribed by the commissioner.  
[97.45 s. 6(1)] 
    (c) For shipments of filleted or dressed game fish under 
this subdivision, the statement required under section 76, 
subdivision 4, must include the net weight of the fish.  [97.45 
s. 6] 
    Subd. 2.  [FISH TRANSPORTED THROUGH STATE.] A person may 
not transport game fish taken in another state or country 
through the state during the closed season or in excess of the 
possession limit unless the fish are: 
    (1) transported by common carrier; or 
    (2) tagged, sealed, or marked as prescribed by the 
commissioner.  [97.45 s. 13] 
    Subd. 3.  [SHIPPING ONE FISH TO ANY PERSON.] A person that 
has a license to take fish may ship one fish to any person 
within or out of the state after obtaining a permit from the 
commissioner.  [97.45 s. 9] 

                                ARTICLE 2

                               CHAPTER 97B


    Section 1.  [97B.001] [TRESPASS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [AGRICULTURAL LAND DEFINITION.] For 
purposes of this section, "agricultural land" means land: 
    (1) that is plowed or tilled; 
    (2) that has standing crops or crop residues; or 
    (3) within a maintained fence for enclosing domestic 
livestock.  [100.273 s. 1] 
TO HUNT OR OPERATE VEHICLES.] Except as provided in subdivisions 
5 and 6, a person may not enter agricultural land to hunt or 
operate a motor vehicle for pleasure purposes, unless the person 
obtains permission of the owner, occupant, or lessee.  [100.273 
s. 2] 
as provided in subdivisions 5 and 6, a person may not enter any 
land to take a wild animal after being notified not to do so 
orally by the owner, occupant, or lessee.  [100.273 s. 3] 
Except as provided in subdivision 6, a person may not enter any 
land that is posted under this subdivision to take a wild animal 
unless the person has obtained the permission of the owner, 
occupant, or lessee.  [100.273 s. 3] 
    (b) The owner, occupant, or lessee of private land, or an 
authorized manager of public land may prohibit unauthorized 
hunting, trapping, fishing, or trespassing on the land by 
posting signs that: 
    (1) display letters at least two inches high; 
    (2) are signed by the owner, occupant, lessee, or 
authorized manager; and 
    (3) are at intervals of 1,000 feet or less along the 
boundary of the area, or in a wooded area where boundary lines 
are not clear, at intervals of 500 feet or less. 
    (c) A person may not erect a sign that states "no hunting," 
"no trapping," "no fishing," "no trespassing," or another sign 
that prohibits trespass on land or water where the person does 
not have a property right, title, or interest to use the land. 
[100.273 s. 6] 
A hunter, on foot, may retrieve wounded game, during the open 
season for the game, from agricultural land that is not posted 
under subdivision 4, without permission of the landowner.  The 
hunter must leave the land immediately after retrieving the 
wounded game.  [100.273 s. 7] 
may, without permission of the landowner, enter private land on 
foot to retrieve a dog that has treed or is at bay with a 
raccoon, bobcat, coyote, or fox.  After retrieving the dog, the 
person must immediately leave the premises.  [100.273 s. 7] 
person may not take a wild animal with a firearm within 500 feet 
of a building occupied by a human or livestock without the 
written permission of the owner or occupant:  
    (1) on another person's private agricultural land;  or 
    (2) on a public right-of-way.  
    (b) A person may not take a wild animal with a firearm 
without the written permission of the owner within 500 feet of a 
stockade or corral containing livestock.  
    (c) A person may not take a wild animal with a firearm: 
    (1) on land other than agricultural land within 200 feet of 
a building occupied by a human without the oral permission of 
the owner or occupant of the building; or [100.273 s. 5] 
    (2) within 500 feet of a burning area. 
may not: 
     (1) wound or kill another person's domestic animal; 
     (2) destroy, cut, or tear down another person's fence, 
building, grain, crops, live tree, or sign erected under 
subdivision 4; or 
    (3) pass through another person's closed gate without 
returning the gate to its original position.  [100.273 s. 4] 
    Sec. 2.  [97B.005] [TRAINING DOGS.] 
CERTAIN PERIOD.] A person may not train hunting dogs afield from 
April 16 to July 14 except by special permit.  The commissioner 
may issue a special permit, without a fee, to train hunting dogs 
afield on land owned by the trainer or on land that the owner 
provides written permission.  The written permission must be 
carried in personal possession of the trainer while training the 
dogs.  [98.48 s. 13, 100.29 s. 20] 
person that is training a dog afield and carrying a firearm may 
only have blank cartridges and shells in personal possession 
when the season is not open for any game bird.  [100.29 s. 20] 
FIREARMS.] The commissioner may issue special permits, without a 
fee, to organizations to use firearms and live ammunition on 
domesticated birds or banded game birds from game farms for 
holding field trials and training retrieving dogs.  [98.48 s. 2] 
    Subd. 4.  [USE OF RACCOONS.] The commissioner may issue 
special permits, without a fee, to possess one raccoon to train 
dogs for raccoon hunting.  [98.48 s. 7] 
    Sec. 3.  [97B.011] [DOGS PURSUING BIG GAME.] 
    A dog that is known to have killed or is observed wounding, 
killing, or pursuing in a manner that endangers big game may be 
killed by a peace officer or conservation officer, or, between 
January 1 and July 14, by any person.  The officer or person is 
not liable for damages for killing the dog.  [100.29 s. 19] 
    Sec. 4.  [97B.015] [FIREARM SAFETY COURSE.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [ESTABLISHMENT.] The commissioner shall 
make rules establishing a statewide course in the safe use of 
firearms.  At least one course must be held within the boundary 
of each school district.  The courses must be conducted by the 
commissioner in cooperation with other organizations.  The 
courses must instruct youths in commonly accepted principles of 
safety in hunting and handling common hunting firearms.  [97.81 
s. 1] 
(a) The commissioner shall appoint a qualified person from the 
enforcement division under civil service rules as supervisor of 
hunting safety and prescribe the duties and responsibilities of 
the position.  The commissioner shall determine and provide the 
enforcement division with the necessary personnel for this 
     (b) The commissioner may appoint one or more county 
directors of hunting safety in each county.  An appointed county 
director is responsible to the enforcement division.  The 
enforcement division may appoint instructors necessary for this 
section.  County directors and instructors shall serve on a 
voluntary basis without compensation.  The enforcement division 
must supply the materials necessary for the course.  [97.82, 
97.85 s. 1] 
    Subd. 3.  [LIABILITY INSURANCE.] The commissioner shall 
obtain insurance to cover all liability incurred by the county 
directors and instructors for bodily injury, death, and property 
damage in the performance of their duties under this section.  
[97.85 s. 2] 
    Subd. 4.  [STUDENT FEE.] To defray the expense of the 
course, the enforcement division shall collect a fee not to 
exceed $5 from each person that takes the firearm safety course. 
[97.85 s. 1] 
    Subd. 5.  [FIREARMS SAFETY CERTIFICATE.] The commissioner 
shall issue a firearms safety certificate to a person that 
satisfactorily completes the required course of instruction.  A 
certificate may not be issued to a person under age 12.  A 
person that is age 11 may take the firearms safety course and 
may receive a firearms safety certificate at age 12.  The form 
and content of the firearms safety certificate shall be 
prescribed by the commissioner.  [97.81 s. 2, 97.83 s. 1] 
AGE 16.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [RESTRICTIONS.] (a) Except as provided in 
this subdivision, a person under the age of 16 may not possess a 
firearm, unless accompanied by a parent or guardian.  [97.83 s. 
    (b) A person under age 16 may possess a firearm without 
being accompanied by a parent or guardian: 
    (1) on land owned by, or occupied as the principal 
residence of, the person or the person's parent or guardian; 
    (2) while participating in an organized target shooting 
program with adult supervision; 
    (3) while the person is participating in a firearms safety 
program or traveling to and from class; or 
    (4) if the person is age 14 or 15 and has a firearms safety 
    (c) For purposes of this section a guardian is a legal 
guardian or a person age 18 or older that has been authorized by 
the parent or legal guardian to supervise the person under age 
16.  [97.83 s. 1] 
enforcement officer shall seize a firearm used in violation of 
this section.  The officer must tag the seized firearm with the 
name and address of the person from whom it was taken and give 
the person a receipt.  The firearm shall be placed in the 
custody of the conservation officer in charge of the area where 
the seizure was made.  [97.83 s. 2] 
firearm seized under this section must be returned to the person 
from whom it was seized when the person presents a firearms 
safety certificate to the conservation officer.  The person must 
present the certificate within 90 days after the beginning of 
the first firearms training course in the county after the 
firearm was seized.  If the person does not present a 
certificate, the firearm is contraband and forfeited to the 
state, and shall be disposed of as prescribed by the 
commissioner.  [97.83 s. 3] 
    Sec. 6.  [97B.025] [ADVANCED HUNTER EDUCATION.] 
    The commissioner may establish advanced education courses 
for hunters and trappers.  The commissioner, with the approval 
of the commissioner of finance, may impose a fee not to exceed 
$10 for each person attending an advanced education course.  The 
commissioner shall establish the fee under section 16A.128.  
    Sec. 7.  [97B.031] [USE AND POSSESSION OF FIREARMS.] 
TO TAKE BIG GAME.] (a) A person may take big game with a firearm 
only if:  
    (1) the rifle, shotgun, and handgun used is a caliber of at 
least .23 inches;  
    (2) the firearm is loaded only with single projectile 
    (3) a projectile used is a caliber of at least .23 inches 
and has a soft point or is an expanding bullet type;  
    (4) the ammunition has a case length of at least 1.285 
    (5) the muzzle-loader used is incapable of being loaded at 
the breech; 
    (6) the smooth-bore muzzle-loader used is a caliber of at 
least .45 inches; and 
    (7) the rifled muzzle-loader used is a caliber of at least 
.40 inches. 
    (b) A person may not take big game with a .30 caliber M-1 
carbine cartridge.  [100.29 s. 9] 
    Subd. 2.  [HANDGUNS FOR SMALL GAME.] A person may take 
small game with a handgun of any caliber in a manner prescribed 
by the commissioner.  [100.29 s. 2] 
person may not use a firearm with a bore larger than a ten gauge 
to take a protected wild animal.  [100.29 s. 2] 
    Subd. 4.  [SILENCERS PROHIBITED.] A person may not own or 
possess a silencer for a firearm or a firearm equipped to have a 
silencer attached.  [100.29 s. 4] 
DEVICES.] A person may not hunt with a bow drawn, held, or 
released by a mechanical device, except with a disabled hunter 
permit issued under section 29. [100.29 s. 7, 26] 
    Subd. 2.  [POSSESSION OF CROSSBOWS.] A person may not 
possess a crossbow outdoors or in a motor vehicle during the 
open season for any game, unless the crossbow is unstrung, and 
in a case or in a closed trunk of a motor vehicle. [100.29 s. 
    Subd. 3.  [POISONED AND EXPLOSIVE ARROWS.] A person may not 
hunt with an arrow that is poisoned or has an explosive tip.  
[100.29 s. 7] 
     A person may not possess a firearm or ammunition outdoors 
during the period beginning the tenth day before the open 
firearms season and ending the second day after the close of the 
season within an area where deer may be taken by a firearm, 
    (1) during the open season and in an area where big game 
may be taken, a firearm and ammunition authorized for taking big 
game in that area may be used to take big game in that area if 
the person has a valid big game license in possession; 
    (2) a firearm that is unloaded and in a case or in a closed 
trunk of a motor vehicle; 
    (3) a shotgun and only shells containing shot;  
    (4) a handgun or rifle and only short, long, and long rifle 
cartridges that are caliber of .22 inches;  
    (5) handguns possessed by a person authorized to carry a 
handgun under sections 624.714 and 624.715 for the purpose 
authorized; and 
    (6) on a target range operated under a permit from the 
commissioner.  [100.29 s.3] 
    Sec. 10.  [97B.045] [TRANSPORTATION OF FIREARMS.] 
    A person may not transport a firearm in a motor vehicle 
unless the firearm is: 
    (1) unloaded and in a gun case expressly made to contain a 
firearm, and the case fully encloses the firearm by being 
zipped, snapped, buckled, tied, or otherwise fastened, and 
without any portion of the firearm exposed; 
    (2) unloaded and in the closed trunk of a motor vehicle; or 
    (3) a handgun carried in compliance with sections 624.714 
and 624.715.  [100.29 s. 5] 
    Sec. 11.  [97B.051] [TRANSPORTATION OF ARCHERY BOWS.] 
    A person may not transport an archery bow in a motor 
vehicle unless the bow is:  
    (1) unstrung; 
    (2) completely contained in a case; or 
    (3) in the closed trunk of a motor vehicle.  [100.29 s. 5] 
person may not discharge a firearm or an arrow from a bow on, 
over, or across an improved public highway at a big game 
animal.  A person may not discharge a firearm or bow and arrow 
within the the right-of-way of an improved public highway at a 
big game animal.  The commissioner may by order extend the 
application of this subdivision to the taking of migratory 
waterfowl in designated locations.  [100.31] 
may not take a wild animal with a firearm or by archery from a 
motor vehicle except as permitted in this section.  [100.29 s. 
commissioner may issue a special permit, without a fee, to 
discharge a firearm or bow and arrow from a stationary motor 
vehicle to a licensed hunter that is physically unable to walk 
with or without crutches, braces, or other mechanical support.  
A person with a temporary disability may be issued an annual 
permit and a person with a permanent disability may be issued a 
permanent permit.  [98.48 s. 12] 
SNOWMOBILES.] The commissioner may issue a special permit, 
without fee, to take animals that the state pays a bounty for, 
from an airplane or a snowmobile.  [98.48 s. 10] 
    Sec. 13.  [97B.061] [REPORTS AND RECORDS.] 
    If requested by the commissioner, a person who has taken 
game must submit a report to the commissioner on a furnished 
form before February 1, stating the number and kind of each game 
animal taken during the preceding calendar year.  [98.51 s. 1] 
    A person may not take protected wild animals with a firearm 
or by archery while visibly intoxicated or under the influence 
of narcotics.  [100.29 s. 6] 
    Sec. 15.  [97B.071] [RED OR BLAZE ORANGE REQUIREMENTS.] 
    A person may not hunt or trap during the open season in a 
zone or area where deer may be taken by firearms, unless the 
visible portion of the person's cap and outer clothing above the 
waist, excluding sleeves and gloves, is bright red or blaze 
orange.  Blaze orange includes a camouflage pattern of at least 
50 percent blaze orange within each foot square.  [100.29 s. 8] 
    A person may not take protected wild animals, except 
raccoon and fox, with a firearm or by archery between the 
evening and morning times established by commissioner's order.  
[100.29 s. 1] 
    Subdivision 1.  [WITH FIREARMS AND BOWS.] (a) A person may 
not cast the rays of a spotlight, headlight, or other artificial 
light on a highway, or in a field, woodland, or forest, to spot, 
locate, or take a wild animal, while having in possession, 
either individually or as one of a group of persons, a firearm, 
bow, or other implement that could be used to kill big game.  
     (b) This subdivision does not apply to a firearm that is: 
    (1) unloaded; 
     (2) in a gun case expressly made to contain a firearm that 
fully encloses the firearm by being zipped, snapped, buckled, 
tied, or otherwise fastened without any portion of the firearm 
exposed; and 
    (3) in the closed trunk of a motor vehicle.  
    (c) This subdivision does not apply to a bow that is: 
    (1) completely encased or unstrung; and 
    (2) in the closed trunk of a motor vehicle.  
    (d) If the motor vehicle under paragraph (b) or (c) does 
not have a trunk, the firearm or bow must be placed in the 
rearmost location of the vehicle.  [100.29 s. 10] 
    Subd. 2.  [WITHOUT FIREARMS.] Between the hours of 10:00 
p.m. and 6:00 a.m. from September 1 to December 31, a person may 
not cast the rays of a spotlight, headlight, or other artificial 
light in a field, woodland, or forest to spot, locate, or take a 
wild animal except to take raccoons under section 46, 
subdivision 3.  It is not a violation of this subdivision for a 
person to carry out any agricultural, occupational, or 
recreational practice, including snowmobiling that is not 
related to spotting, locating or taking a wild animal.  [100.29 
s. 9a] 
    Sec. 18.  [97B.085] [USE OF RADIOS TO TAKE ANIMALS.] 
person may not use radio equipment to take a protected wild 
animal.  [100.29 s. 27] 
REQUIRED.] A person may not use radio equipment to take 
unprotected wild animals without a permit.  The commissioner may 
issue a permit to take unprotected animals with radio 
equipment.  The commissioner shall cancel the permit upon 
receiving a valid complaint of misconduct regarding the 
permittee's hunting activities.  [100.29 s. 27] 
    A person may not use a motor vehicle to intentionally 
drive, chase, run over, kill, or take a wild animal. [100.26 s. 
1, 100.29 s. 28, 29] 
    Sec. 20.  [97B.095] [DISTURBING BURROWS AND DENS.] 
    A person may not disturb the burrow or den of a wild animal 
between November 1 and April 1 without a permit.  [100.29 s. 24] 
    A person may not take a protected wild animal with the aid 
of a ferret.  [100.29 s. 23] 
    Sec. 22.  [97B.105] [HUNTING BY FALCONRY.] 
    A person may take a protected wild animal by falconry under 
rules prescribed by the commissioner.  [100.27 s. 8] 

                                BIG GAME 
    Sec. 23.  [97B.201] [NO OPEN SEASON FOR ELK, CARIBOU, AND 
    There may not be an open season on elk, caribou, or 
antelope.  [100.27 s. 1] 
    Sec. 24.  [97B.205] [USE OF DOGS AND HORSES TO TAKE BIG 
    A person may not use a dog or horse to take big game. 
[100.29 s. 14] 
    Sec. 25.  [97B.211] [HUNTING BIG GAME BY ARCHERY.] 
person may not take big game by archery while in possession of a 
firearm.  [100.29 s. 7] 
    Subd. 2.  [ARROWHEAD REQUIREMENTS.] Arrowheads used for 
taking big game must be sharp and barbless and have a single 
two-edged blade at least one inch wide, or three or more blades 
at least three inches in circumference.  The arrowhead must be 
made of: 
    (1) hicarbon steel and weigh at least 110 grains; or 
    (2) mill-tempered spring steel with a plastic core or 
ferrule and weigh at least 90 grains.  [100.29 s. 7] 

    Sec. 26.  [97B.301] [DEER LICENSES AND LIMITS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [LICENSES REQUIRED.] A person may not take 
deer without a license.  A person must have a firearms deer 
license to take deer with firearms and an archery deer license 
to take deer by archery except as provided in this section.  
[98.45 s. 1, 100.272] 
    Subd. 2.  [LIMIT OF ONE DEER.] Except as provided in 
subdivisions 3 and 4, a person may obtain one firearms deer 
license and one archery deer license in the same license year, 
but may take only one deer.  [100.272] 
    Subd. 3.  [PARTY HUNTING.] If two or more persons with 
licenses to take deer by firearms, or two or more persons with 
licenses to take deer by archery, are hunting as a party, a 
member of the party may take more than one deer, but the total 
number of deer taken by the party may not exceed the number of 
persons licensed to take deer in the party.  [100.272] 
    Subd. 4.  [EXPERIMENTAL TWO DEER.] The commissioner may, by 
order, allow a person to take two deer during each of the 1986 
and 1987 calendar years.  The commissioner shall prescribe the 
conditions for taking the second deer including:  
    (1) taking by firearm or archery; 
    (2) obtaining an additional license; and 
    (3) payment of a fee not more than the fee for a firearms 
deer license.  [100.281] 
    The commissioner may limit the number of persons that may 
hunt deer in an area if it is necessary to prevent an 
overharvest or improve the distribution of hunters.  The 
commissioner may, by order, establish a method, including a 
drawing, to impartially select the hunters for an area.  The 
commissioner shall give preference to hunters that have 
previously applied and have not been selected.  [97.48 s. 24] 
    Sec. 28.  [97B.311] [DEER SEASONS AND RESTRICTIONS.] 
    The commissioner may, by order, prescribe restrictions and 
designate areas where deer may be taken.  The commissioner may, 
by order, prescribe the open seasons for deer within the 
following periods: 
    (1) taking with firearms, other than muzzle-loading 
firearms, between November 1 and December 15; 
    (2) taking with muzzle-loading firearms between September 1 
and December 31; and 
    (3) taking by archery between September 1 and December 31. 
[100.27 s. 2] 
    Sec. 29.  [97B.315] [CROSSBOW PERMITS.] 
     The commissioner may issue a special permit, without a fee, 
to take deer with a crossbow to a person that is unable to hunt 
in another manner because of a permanent physical disability.  
The disability, established by medical evidence, and the 
inability to hunt in another manner must be verified in writing 
by a licensed physician.  The person must obtain an archery deer 
license.  The crossbow must:  
    (1) be fired from the shoulder;  
    (2) deliver at least 42 foot-pounds of energy at a distance 
of ten feet;  
    (3) have a stock at least 30 inches long;  
    (4) have a working safety; and 
    (5) be used with arrows or bolts of at least ten inches 
long with a broadhead.  [98.48 s. 16] 
    Sec. 30.  [97B.321] [SNARES, TRAPS, SET GUNS, AND SWIVEL 
    A person may not take deer with the aid of a snare, trap, 
set gun, or swivel gun.  [100.29 s. 12] 
    Sec. 31.  [97B.325] [DEER STAND RESTRICTIONS.] 
    A person may not take deer from a man-made platform or 
other structure higher than nine feet above the ground.  The 
restriction does not apply to a portable stand that is chained, 
belted, clamped, or tied with rope.  [100.29 s. 14] 

    Sec. 32.  [97B.401] [BEAR LICENSE REQUIRED.] 
    A person may not take bear without a bear license except as 
provided in section 35 to protect property.  [98.45 s. 1] 
     The commissioner may limit the number of persons that may 
hunt bear in an area, if it is necessary to prevent an 
overharvest or improve the distribution of hunters.  The 
commissioner may establish, by order, a method, including a 
drawing, to impartially select the hunters for an area.  The 
commissioner shall give preference to hunters that have 
previously applied and have not been selected.  [97.48 s. 24, 
100.27 s. 2, 9] 
    Sec. 34.  [97B.411] [BEAR SEASON AND RESTRICTIONS.] 
    The commissioner may, by order, prescribe the open season 
and the areas and restrictions for the taking of bear.  [100.27 
s. 2, 9] 
    Sec. 35.  [97B.415] [TAKING BEAR TO PROTECT PROPERTY.] 
    A person may take a bear at any time to protect the 
person's property.  The person must report the bear taken to a 
conservation officer within 48 hours.  The bear may be disposed 
of as prescribed by the commissioner.  [100.27 s. 9] 
    Sec. 36.  [97B.421] [PERMIT REQUIRED TO SNARE BEARS.] 
    A person may not use a snare to take a bear except under a 
permit from the commissioner.  [100.29 s. 13] 
    Sec. 37.  [97B.425] [BAITING BEARS.] 
     A person placing bait to take bear must display a tag at 
each site where bait is placed and register the sites.  The 
commissioner shall prescribe the method of tagging and 
registering the sites.  A person may not use solid waste 
containing bottles, cans, plastic, paper, metal, or other 
materials that are not readily biodegradable as a bait to 
attract bear. [100.29 s. 31] 
    Sec. 38.  [97B.431] [BEAR HUNTING GUIDES.] 
    A person may not place bait for bear, or guide hunters to 
take bear, for compensation without a bear hunting guide 
license.  A bear hunting guide is not required to have a license 
to take bear unless the guide is attempting to shoot a bear.  
The commissioner shall adopt rules for qualifications for 
issuance and administration of the licenses.  [98.455] 

    Sec. 39.  [97B.501] [MOOSE LICENSE REQUIRED.] 
    A person may not take moose without a moose license.  
[98.45 s. 1] 
    Sec. 40.  [97B.505] [MOOSE SEASON AND RESTRICTIONS.] 
    The commissioner may, by order, prescribe the open season 
and the areas and conditions for the taking of moose.  [100.27 s.
    Sec. 41.  [97B.511] [MOOSE STAND RESTRICTIONS.] 
    A person may not take moose from a man-made platform or 
other structure higher than nine feet above the ground.  The 
restriction does not apply to a portable stand that is chained, 
belted, clamped, or tied with rope.  [100.29 s. 14] 

                               SMALL GAME
    Sec. 42.  [97B.601] [SMALL GAME LICENSES.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [REQUIREMENT.] A person may not take small 
game without a small game license except as provided in 
subdivision 4.  [98.47 s. 6] 
    Subd. 2.  [TRAPPING SMALL GAME.] A person may not take 
small game with traps without a trapping license and a small 
game license except as provided in subdivision 4.  [98.47 s. 6] 
CANADA LYNX.] A nonresident may not take raccoon, bobcat, fox, 
coyote, or Canada lynx without a separate license to take that 
animal in addition to a small game license.  [98.46 s. 14] 
resident under age 16 may take small game without a small game 
license, and a resident under age 13 may trap without a trapping 
license, as provided in article 1, section 63, subdivision 3. 
    (b) A person may take small game without a small game 
license on land occupied by the person as a principal residence. 
    (c) An owner or occupant may take certain small game 
causing damage without a small game or trapping license as 
provided in section 53.  [98.47 s. 1, 10, 100.27 s. 7] 
    The commissioner may prescribe restrictions on and 
designate areas where gray and fox squirrels; cottontail and 
jack rabbits; snowshoe hare; raccoon; lynx; bobcat; fox;  
fishers; and badger may be taken and possessed.  [100.27 s. 3] 
    Sec. 44.  [97B.611] [SQUIRRELS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [SEASONS FOR GRAY AND FOX SQUIRRELS.] The 
statewide open season for gray and fox squirrels may be 
prescribed by the commissioner between October 15 and December 
31.  The commissioner may prescribe areas with additional open 
seasons.  [100.27 s. 3] 
    Subd. 2.  [FIRE AND SMOKE PROHIBITED.] A person may not set 
fire to a tree or use smoke to take squirrels. [100.29 s. 15] 
    Sec. 45.  [97B.615] [RABBIT AND HARE SEASON.] 
    The statewide open season for cottontail, jack rabbits, and 
snowshoe hare may be prescribed by the commissioner between 
September 16 and March 1.  [100.27 s. 3] 
    Sec. 46.  [97B.621] [RACCOONS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [SEASON.] The statewide open season for 
raccoon may be prescribed by the commissioner between October 15 
and December 31.  [100.27 s. 3] 
    Subd. 2.  [PERIOD FOR TREEING RACCOONS.] Notwithstanding 
subdivision 1, a person may use dogs to pursue and tree raccoons 
without killing or capturing the raccoons from January 1 to 
April 15 and July 15 to October 14.  [100.27 s. 3] 
raccoons between sunset and sunrise, a person:  
    (1) must be on foot; 
    (2) may use an artificial light only if hunting with dogs; 
    (3) may not use a rifle other than one of a .22 inch 
caliber with .22 short, long, or long rifle, rimfire ammunition; 
    (4) may not use shotgun shells with larger than No. 4 shot. 
[100.29 s. 10] 
    Subd. 4.  [PROHIBITED METHODS OF TAKING.] A person may not 
take a raccoon: 
    (1) in a den or hollow tree; 
    (2) by cutting down a tree occupied by raccoon; or 
    (3) by setting fire to a tree or using smoke.  [100.29 s. 
    Sec. 47.  [97B.625] [LYNX AND BOBCAT.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [SEASON.] Based upon population estimates, 
the commissioner may set the open season for lynx or bobcat.  
[100.27 s. 3] 
    Subd. 2.  [PERMIT REQUIRED TO SNARE.] A person may not use 
a snare to take lynx or bobcat except under a permit from the 
commissioner.  [100.29 s. 13] 
    Sec. 48.  [97B.631] [FOX.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [RESTRICTIONS ON TAKING.] A person may not 
remove a fox from a den or trap fox within 300 feet of a fox den 
from April 1 to August 31.  [100.27 s. 3] 
    Subd. 2.  [PERMIT REQUIRED TO SNARE.] A person may not use 
a snare to take fox except under a permit from the commissioner. 
[100.29 s. 13] 
    Sec. 49.  [97B.635] [FISHER; BADGER; OPPOSSUM; AND PINE 
    Based upon population estimates, the commissioner may set 
the open season for fisher, badger, oppossum, and pine marten.  
[100.27 s. 3] 
    Sec. 50.  [97B.641] [COUGAR AND WOLVERINE.] 
    There is no open season for cougar or wolverine.  [100.27 
s. 1] 
    Sec. 51.  [97B.645] [WOLVES.] 
person may not use a dog or horse to take a timber wolf.  
[100.29 s. 14] 
    Subd. 2.  [PERMIT REQUIRED TO SNARE.] A person may not use 
a snare to take a wolf except under a permit from the 
commissioner.  [100.29 s. 13] 
    Sec. 52.  [97B.651] [UNPROTECTED MAMMALS.] 
    Mammals that are unprotected wild animals may be taken at 
any time and in any manner, except with artificial lights, or by 
using a motor vehicle in violation of section 19.  Poison may 
not be used to take unprotected mammals unless the safety of 
humans and domestic livestock is ensured.  Unprotected mammals 
may be possessed, bought, sold, or transported in any quantity.  
[100.26 s. 1, 3] 
    Sec. 53.  [97B.655] [TAKING ANIMALS CAUSING DAMAGE.] 
ANIMALS.] A person may take mink, squirrel, rabbit, hare, 
raccoon, lynx, bobcat, fox, or beaver on land owned or occupied 
by the person where the animal is causing damage.  The person 
may take the animal without a license and in any manner except 
by poison, or artificial lights in the closed season.  Raccoons 
may be taken under this subdivision with artificial lights 
during open season.  A person that kills mink, raccoon, lynx, 
bobcat, fox, or beaver under this subdivision must bring the 
entire animal to a conservation officer or employee of the 
division within 24 hours after the animal is killed.  [100.27 s. 
ANIMALS.] The commissioner may issue special permits under 
article 1, section 53, subdivision 5, to take protected wild 
animals that are damaging property.  A person must have the 
required license and seals to take beaver under the permit.  
[98.48 s. 5] 
    Sec. 54.  [97B.661] [REMOVAL OF BEAVER FROM STATE LANDS.] 
    The commissioner may remove beaver at state expense from 
state land if the county board where the land is located adopts 
a resolution requesting the removal.  [97.56] 
COMMISSIONER.] (a) When a drainage watercourse is impaired by a 
beaver dam, the commissioner shall take action to remove the 
impairment, if: 
    (1) the county board unanimously consents; 
    (2) the landowner approves; 
    (3) the commissioner agrees; and 
    (4) the action is financially feasible. 
    (b) In a county with unanimous consent of the county board 
of commissioners and approval of the landowner, the department 
shall take action agreed to by unanimous consent of the county 
board, the commissioner, and the landowner.  The action may 
include destruction or alteration of beaver dams and removal of 
beaver.  This subdivision does not apply to state parks, state 
game refuges, and federal game refuges.  [97.57 s. 1] 
    Subd. 2.  [PETITION TO DISTRICT COURT.] If a beaver dam 
causes a threat to personal safety or a serious threat to damage 
property, and a person cannot obtain consent under subdivision 
1, a person may petition the district court for relief.  The 
court may order the commissioner to take action to reduce the 
threat.  [97.57 s. 2] 
    Sec. 56.  [97B.671] [PREDATOR CONTROL PROGRAM.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [AUTHORIZATION TO TAKE PREDATORS.] If the 
commissioner determines that predators are damaging domestic or 
wild animals and further damage can be prevented, the 
commissioner shall authorize the taking of the predators by 
predator controllers.  The commissioner shall define the area 
where the predators may be taken, the objectives to be achieved, 
payments to be made, the methods to be used, and when the 
predator control shall cease.  [97.487 s. 3] 
commissioner shall certify a person as a predator controller if 
the person has not violated a provision of this section and 
meets qualifications of experience, ability, and reliability.  
The commissioner shall establish application procedures, 
prescribe forms, and maintain a list of predator controllers.  
The application procedures must include reports from 
conservation officers and other department field personnel as to 
the ability and reliability of the applicants.  [97.487 s. 4, 6] 
    Subd. 3.  [PREDATOR CONTROL PAYMENTS.] The commissioner 
shall pay a predator controller the amount the commissioner 
prescribes for each predator taken.  The commissioner shall pay 
at least $25 but not more than $60 for each wolf or coyote 
taken.  The commissioner may require the predator controller to 
submit proof of the taking and a signed statement concerning the 
predators taken.  [97.487 s. 5] 

    Sec. 57.  [97B.701] [PROTECTED BIRDS.] 
AUTHORIZED.] Protected birds, their nests, and their eggs may be 
taken only as authorized under the game and fish laws.  [100.26 
s. 2] 
    Subd. 2.  [PROHIBITED METHODS OF TAKING.] A person may not 
take protected birds: 
    (1) with a trap, net, or snare; 
    (2) using bird lime; 
    (3) with a swivel or set gun; or 
     (4) by dragging a rope, wire, or other device across a 
field.  [100.29 s. 16] 
    Sec. 58.  [97B.705] [RESTRICTIONS ON TRAPPING BIRDS.] 
    (a) Except as provided in this section, a person may not 
take a bird with a steel jaw leg-hold trap mounted on a pole, 
post, tree stump, or other perch more than three feet above the 
    (b) A person that has a game farm license and a permit to 
take great horned owls issued under United States Code, title 
16, section 704, may trap great horned owls from April 1 to 
October 15.  The trap must be a padded jaw trap as prescribed by 
the commissioner and mounted at a height so that the trapped owl 
may rest on the ground.  Uninjured birds shall be released alive 
and injured birds receive appropriate veterinary treatment. 
[100.29 s. 32] 
    Sec. 59.  [97B.711] [GAME BIRDS.] 
BIRDS.] (a) The commissioner may, by order, prescribe an open 
season in designated areas between September 16 and December 31 
    (1) pheasant; 
    (2) ruffed grouse; 
    (3) sharp tailed grouse; 
    (4) Canada spruce grouse; 
    (5) prairie chicken; 
    (6) gray partridge; 
    (7) chukar partridge; 
    (8) quail; and 
    (9) turkey. 
    (b) The commissioner may by order prescribe an open season 
for turkey in the spring.  [100.27 s. 5] 
GAME BIRDS.] (a) A person may not take more than five in one day 
or possess more than ten of each of the following: 
    (1) pheasant; 
    (2) ruffed grouse; 
    (3) sharp tailed grouse; 
    (4) prairie chicken; 
    (5) gray partridge; and 
    (6) chukar partridge. 
    (b) A person may not take more than ten quail in one day or 
possess more than 15 bob-white quail. 
    (c) The commissioner may, by order, reduce the daily and 
possession limits established in this subdivision.  [100.28 s.2] 
    Sec. 60.  [97B.715] [PHEASANTS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [STAMP REQUIRED.] (a) Except as provided in 
paragraph (b), a person required to possess a small game license 
may not hunt pheasants without a pheasant stamp in possession.  
    (b) The following persons are exempt from this subdivision: 
    (1) residents under age 18 or over age 65; and 
    (2) persons hunting on licensed private shooting preserves 
in Norman, Becker, Wadena, Cass, Crow Wing, Aitkin, or Carlton 
county, and locations north of the northern boundaries of these 
counties.  [97.4843 s. 2] 
person may not take more than one hen pheasant in one day or 
possess more than two hen pheasants. [100.28 s. 2] 
    Subd. 3.  [HUNTING HOURS.] A person may not take pheasants 
between the evening time that the commissioner establishes by 
order and 9 a.m.  [100.29 s. 1] 
    Sec. 61.  [97B.721] [LICENSE REQUIRED TO TAKE TURKEY.] 
    A person may not take turkey without a small game license 
and a turkey license.  [98.46 s. 2, 14] 
    A person may not guide turkey hunters for compensation 
without a turkey hunter guide license.  The license must be 
obtained before the day of the opening of the turkey season.  
The commissioner shall prescribe qualifications for the issuance 
of turkey hunter guide licenses.  [98.456] 
    Sec. 63.  [97B.731] [MIGRATORY BIRDS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [MIGRATORY GAME BIRDS.] Migratory game 
birds may be taken and possessed.  A person may not take 
migratory game birds in violation of federal law.  [100.27 s. 6] 
doves may not be taken in the state.  [100.27 s. 6] 

                           MIGRATORY WATERFOWL
    Except as provided in this section, a person required to 
possess a small game license may not take migratory waterfowl 
without a Minnesota migratory waterfowl stamp in possession.  
Residents under age 18 or over age 65 and persons hunting on 
their own property are not required to possess the stamp.  
[97.4841 s. 2] 
    Subdivision 1.  [HUNTER MUST BE CONCEALED.] (a) A person 
may not take migratory waterfowl, coots, or rails in open water 
unless the person is:  
    (1) within a natural growth of vegetation sufficient to 
partially conceal the person or boat; or 
    (2) pursuing or shooting wounded birds.  
    (b) A person may not take migratory waterfowl, coots, or 
rails in public waters from a permanent artificial blind or sink 
box.  [100.29 s. 17] 
    (a) A person using watercraft to take migratory waterfowl 
must comply with subdivision 1.  
    (b) Migratory waterfowl may be taken from a watercraft 
propelled by motor or sails only if the watercraft has stopped 
and the motor is shut off and the sails are furled.  [100.29 s. 
    (c) Migratory waterfowl may be taken from a floating 
watercraft if the craft is drifting, beached, moored, resting at 
anchor, or is being propelled by paddle, oars, or pole.  [100.29 
s. 5] 
    Subd. 3.  [UNATTENDED BOATS.] During the open season for 
waterfowl, a person may not leave an unattended boat used for 
hunting waterfowl in public waters between sunset and one hour 
before sunrise, unless the boat is adjacent to private land 
under the control of the person and the water does not contain a 
natural growth of vegetation sufficient to partially conceal a 
hunter or a boat.  [100.29 s. 18] 
SEASON.] A person may not erect a blind or place decoys in 
public waters or on public land more than one hour before the 
open season for waterfowl.  [100.29 s. 18] 
    Subd. 2.  [HOURS FOR PLACING DECOYS.] Except as provided in 
subdivisions 3 and 4, a person may not place decoys in public 
waters or on public lands more than one hour before sunrise 
during the open season for waterfowl.  [100.29 s. 18] 
During the open season for waterfowl, a person may not leave 
decoys in public waters between sunset and one hour before 
sunrise unless:  
    (1) the decoys are in waters adjacent to private land under 
the control of the hunter; and 
    (2) there is not natural vegetation growing in water 
sufficient to partially conceal a hunter.  [100.29 s. 18] 
A person may not leave decoys in public waters between sunset 
and one hour before sunrise if the decoys constitute a 
navigational hazard.  [100.29 s. 18] 

                      FUR-BEARING ANIMALS, TRAPPING
    The commissioner may, by order, require persons taking 
fur-bearing animals to tag the animals where they are taken.  
The commissioner shall prescribe the manner of issuance and the 
type of tag, which must show the year of issuance.  The 
commissioner shall issue the tag, without a fee, upon request. 
[98.46 s. 21] 
    Sec. 68.  [97B.905] [FUR BUYING AND SELLING LICENSES.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [RESIDENT LICENSE.] 
    (a) A resident that has a license to buy and sell raw furs 
may buy and sell raw furs in the state including: 
    (1) selling raw furs to a manufacturer, representing 
    (2) selling raw furs to a broker or agent, representing a 
nonresident; and 
    (3) conducting a fur auction that makes sales to resident 
manufacturers and nonresidents.  
    (b) An employee, partner, or officer buying or selling only 
for a raw fur dealer licensee at an established place of 
business licensed under article 1, section 68, subdivision 21, 
clause (a), may obtain a supplemental license under article 1, 
section 68, subdivision 21, clause (b).  [98.46 s. 4] 
    Subd. 2.  [NONRESIDENT LICENSE.] A nonresident must obtain 
a license under article 1, section 68, subdivision 22, to buy or 
sell raw furs within the state, except a license is not required 
to buy from a person licensed under article 1, section 68, 
subdivision 21.  [98.46 s. 16] 
Applicants for a raw fur dealer's license must, at the time of 
application for the license, furnish a corporate surety bond in 
favor of the state for $1,000 payable upon violation of the game 
and fish laws.  [98.46 s. 23] 
    Sec. 69.  [97B.911] [MUSKRAT SEASONS.] 
    The commissioner may establish open seasons for muskrat 
between October 25 and April 30.  The open season in an area may 
not exceed 90 days.  The commissioner may prescribe restrictions 
for the taking of muskrat. [100.27 s. 4] 
    Sec. 70.  [97B.915] [MINK SEASONS.] 
    The commissioner may establish open seasons for mink 
between October 25 and April 30.  The open season in an area may 
not exceed 90 days.  The commissioner may prescribe restrictions 
for the taking of mink.  [100.27 s. 4) 
    Sec. 71.  [97B.921] [OTTER SEASONS.] 
    The commissioner may establish open seasons for otter 
between October 25 and April 30.  The open season in an area may 
not exceed 30 days.  Otter may be taken only by trapping and is 
subject to restrictions prescribed by the commissioner.  [100.27 
s. 4] 
    Sec. 72.  [97B.925] [BEAVER SEASONS.] 
    The commissioner may establish open seasons for beaver 
between October 25 and April 30.  Beaver may be taken only by 
trapping and is subject to restrictions prescribed by the 
commissioner.  [100.27 s. 4] 
    A person may not tend a trap set for wild animals between 
7:00 p.m. and 5:00 a.m.  [100.29 s. 25] 
    Subdivision 1.  [GENERAL PROHIBITION.] Except as provided 
in this section, a person may not use a snowmobile or an 
all-terrain vehicle during the open season for beaver or otter, 
and for two days after the open seasons end, to transport or 
check beaver or otter traps or to transport beaver or otter 
carcasses or pelts.  [100.29 s. 30] 
commissioner may, by order, designate counties where snowmobiles 
and all-terrain vehicles may be used to transport and check 
beaver and otter traps and to transport beaver or otter 
carcasses or pelts.  [100.29 s. 30] 
    Subd. 3.  [SPECIAL PERMIT FOR DISABLED.] The commissioner 
may issue a special permit to use a snowmobile or all-terrain 
vehicle to transport or check beaver or otter traps or to 
transport beaver or otter carcasses or pelts to a licensed 
trapper physically unable to walk as specified in section 12, 
subdivision 3.  [100.29 s. 30] 
    Sec. 75.  [97B.941] [TAMPERING WITH TRAPS.] 
    A person may not remove or tamper with a trap legally set 
to take fur-bearing animals or unprotected wild animals without 
authorization.  Authorized persons include the commissioner and 
the owner or lessee of the land where the trap is located.  
[100.29 s. 33] 
    Sec. 76.  [97B.945] [SETTING OF TRAPS NEAR WATER 
    A person may not set a trap within 150 feet of a stream, 
lake, or navigable water within 30 days before the open season 
for mink and muskrat without a special permit by the 
commissioner.  [100.295] 

                               ARTICLE 3 

                              CHAPTER 97C 


                            FISHING HABITAT 
    Section 1.  [97C.001] [EXPERIMENTAL WATERS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [DESIGNATION.] The commissioner may 
designate all or part of a lake or stream as experimental 
waters.  The designated experimental waters may not exceed 100 
lakes and 25 streams at one time.  Only lakes and streams that 
have a public access may be designated.  The commissioner shall 
establish methods and criteria for public initiation of 
experimental waters designation and for public participation in 
the evaluation of the waters designated.  [97.48 s. 26] 
    Subd. 2.  [PUBLIC MEETING.] Before the commissioner 
designates experimental waters, a public meeting must be held in 
the county where the largest portion of the lake or stream is 
located.  At least seven days before the public meeting, notice 
of the meeting must be published in a legal newspaper within the 
counties where the lake or stream is located.  If a lake to be 
designated has a water area of more than 1,500 acres, a public 
meeting must also be held in the seven-county metropolitan area. 
[97.48 s. 26] 
commissioner may, by order, establish open seasons, limits, 
methods, and other regulations to take fish on experimental 
waters.  [97.48 s. 26] 
    Sec. 2.  [97C.005] [SPECIAL MANAGEMENT LAKES.] 
    The commissioner may classify waters for their primary use 
as trophy lakes, family fishing lakes, special species 
management lakes, and other designated uses.  [97.48 s. 26a] 
    Sec. 3.  [97C.011] [MUSKELLUNGE LAKES.] 
    (a) The commissioner may, after holding a public meeting, 
designate waters with muskellunge as muskellunge waters. 
    (b) The commissioner may prescribe rules for each 
designated muskellunge waters that: 
    (1) restrict spearing from a darkhouse; 
    (2) restrict angling from a darkhouse; 
    (3) limit the open season to take fish; 
    (4) limit the size of fish that may be kept; and 
    (5) limit the number of each species of fish that may be 
    (c) The commissioner must give notice and hold a hearing 
before adopting rules under this subdivision.  The rules must 
have a termination date and may only be extended upon a showing 
by the commissioner, at a hearing, that the muskellunge 
population in the designated waters has been enhanced.  
    (d) The provisions of section 39, subdivision 1, requiring 
the angling season on a lake to be closed in proportion to the 
spearing season do not apply to designated muskellunge lakes. 
[101.475 s. 1, 2] 
    Sec. 4.  [97C.015] [MISSISSIPPI RIVER FISH REFUGE.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [ESTABLISHMENT.] The portion of the 
Mississippi river described in subdivision 3 is a fish refuge 
when the commissioner concludes a fish refuge agreement with the 
appropriate state authority in Wisconsin.  The agreement must 
require that a similar fish refuge is established in the 
Wisconsin waters of the Mississippi river described in 
subdivision 3. [99.29 s. 1, 3] 
    Subd. 2.  [FISHING RESTRICTION.] A person may not take fish 
from a fish refuge after it is established under this section. 
[99.29 s. 2] 
    Subd. 3.  [LOCATION.] The location of the fish refuge is 
the portion of the Mississippi river downstream from lock and 
dam No. 3 located at milepost 796.9 above the mouth of the Ohio 
river, to the downstream end of Diamond island located at 
milepost 794.8.  [99.29 s. 1] 
    A person may only take fish from a designated trout stream 
during the open season for trout in the stream. [97.4842 s. 1, 
101.42 s. 9] 
    A person may not take fish from or drive motorboats over 
waters designated as spawning beds or fish preserves. [101.42 s. 
    Sec. 7.  [97C.031] [LAKES WITH UNBALANCED FISH 
    The commissioner may establish and amend a list of lakes 
and rivers that have been found by the director, to contain an 
unbalanced fish population, or to contain species of fish that 
have become stunted from overpopulation.  The list may not 
include more than 100 lakes and rivers, or more than six in a 
county.  The commissioner may, by order, establish open seasons, 
limits, and methods of taking fish from lakes and rivers on the 
list.  The order must be published in each county containing the 
lake or river.  [101.47 s. 1] 
    Sec. 8.  [97C.035] [ENDANGERED FISH POPULATIONS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [CONDITIONS.] If the commissioner 
determines that fish in shallow waters are endangered by lack of 
oxygen in the winter, or if waters will be restored with the use 
of piscicides, the commissioner shall rescue the fish under 
subdivision 2 or allow taking of the fish under subdivision 3.  
[97.48 s. 16] 
    Subd. 2.  [RESCUE OF FISH.] If the commissioner rescues 
fish endangered by lack of oxygen in the winter, the fish may be 
transferred to other waters, sold, or otherwise disposed of.  
[97.48 s. 16] 
    Subd. 3.  [TAKING OF FISH.] (a) The commissioner may, by 
order, authorize residents to take fish:  
    (1) in any quantity; 
    (2) in any manner, except by use of seines, hoop nets, fyke 
nets, and explosives; and 
    (3) for personal use only, except rough fish may be sold.  
    (b) In an emergency the commissioner may authorize the 
taking of fish without publishing the order if notice is posted 
conspicuously along the shore of the waters.  [97.48 s. 16] 
    The commissioner may take rough fish, lake whitefish, and 
rainbow smelt with seines, nets, and other devices.  The 
commissioner may hire or contract persons, or issue permits, to 
take the fish.  The commissioner shall prescribe the manner of 
taking and disposal.  The commissioner may award a contract 
under this section without competitive bidding.  Before 
establishing the contractor's compensation, the commissioner 
must consider the qualifications of the contractor, including 
the contractor's equipment, knowledge of the waters, and ability 
to perform the work. [97.48 s. 2, 4] 
    The commissioner may enter into agreements with North 
Dakota, South Dakota, Wisconsin, and Iowa, relating to the 
removal of rough fish in boundary waters.  The agreements may 
    (1) contracting to remove rough fish; 
    (2) inspection of the work; 
    (3) the division of proceeds; and 
    (4) regulating the taking of rough fish. [97.48 s. 2] 
    Subdivision 1.  [PERMIT.] The commissioner may issue a 
special permit, without a fee, to apply piscicides to restore 
waters at the permittee's expense.  The permit may be issued to 
an individual, a group of riparian owners, or a lake improvement 
association.  The permit may only be issued if all riparian 
owners have consented in writing. [98.48 s. 15] 
    Subd. 2.  [TAKING OF FISH.] The commissioner may set 
special open seasons, limits, and methods to take fish before 
the piscicides are applied.  The commissioner must post the 
special provisions at or near the waters.  [98.48 s. 15] 
    Sec. 12.  [97C.055] [DEAD FISH REMOVAL.] 
    The commissioner shall remove and dispose of dead fish that 
accumulate in or upon the shores of public waters in quantities 
that are a public nuisance or are detrimental to game fish.  
    A person may not use a motorboat to drag an anchor or other 
weight through aquatic vegetation, except by commissioner's 
order.  [101.42 s. 19] 
    Sec. 14.  [97C.065] [POLLUTANTS IN WATERS.] 
    A person may not dispose of any substance in state waters, 
or allow any substance to enter state waters, in quantities that 
injure or are detrimental to the propagation of wild animals or 
taint the flesh of wild animals.  Each day of violation is a 
separate offense.  An occurring or continuous violation is a 
public nuisance.  An action may be brought by the attorney 
general to enjoin and abate nuisance upon request of the 
commissioner.  This section does not apply to chemicals used for 
pest control for the general welfare of the public. [101.42 s. 
    A person may not construct or maintain a dam or other 
obstruction, except a boat pier, in or over public waters 
without a permit from the commissioner.  The commissioner may 
establish permit conditions for the construction or modification 
of a fishway around or over a dam or obstruction. [101.42 s. 13] 
    Sec. 16.  [97C.075] [FISH SCREENS IN FLOWING WATERS.] 
    A person may not obstruct a creek, stream, or river to 
prevent the passage of fish with a rack or screen without the 
permission of the commissioner.  The person that erected the 
obstruction, or the owner of the land where the obstruction is 
located, must immediately remove the obstruction upon order of 
the commissioner.  [101.43] 
    Sec. 17.  [97C.081] [FISHING CONTESTS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [RESTRICTIONS.] A person may not conduct a 
fishing contest on waters except as provided in this section. 
[101.42 s. 21] 
    Subd. 2.  [CONTESTS WITHOUT A PERMIT.] A person may conduct 
a fishing contest with entry fees of $10, or less, per person 
and total prizes valued at $2,000, or less, without a permit 
from the commissioner.  The commissioner may, by order, 
establish restrictions on the fishing contest to protect fish 
and fish habitat and for the safety of contest participants. 
[101.42 s. 21] 
commissioner may, by order or permit, allow fishing contests 
with entry fees over $10 per person and total prizes valued at 
more than $2,000.  Permits must be issued without a fee and if 
the commissioner does not deny the permit within 14 days, 
excluding holidays, after receipt of an application, the permit 
is granted. [101.42 s. 21] 

    The commissioner and state agencies may only stock fish in 
waters where there is public access. [97.485] 
    The commissioner shall prescribe rules designed to 
encourage local sporting organizations to propagate game fish by 
using rearing ponds.  The rules must:  
    (1) prescribe methods to acquire brood stock for the ponds 
by seining public waters; 
    (2) allow the sporting organizations to own and use seines 
and other necessary equipment; and 
    (3) prescribe methods for stocking the fish in public 
waters that give priority to the needs of the community where 
the fish are reared and the desires of the organization 
operating the rearing pond.  [97.48 s. 20] 
    Sec. 20.  [97C.211] [PRIVATE FISH HATCHERIES.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [LICENSE REQUIRED.] A person may not 
operate a private fish hatchery without a private fish hatchery 
license. [98.46 s. 17] 
    Subd. 2.  [RULES FOR OPERATION.] The commissioner shall 
prescribe rules that allow a person to maintain and operate a 
private fish hatchery to raise and dispose of fish indigenous to 
state waters. [97.48 s. 22] 
FISH.] A person may take fish by angling without a fishing 
license at a licensed private fish hatchery or an artificial 
pool containing only fish purchased from a private fish 
hatchery, if the operator of the hatchery or pool furnishes each 
person catching fish a certificate prescribed by the 
commissioner.  The certificate must state the number and species 
of the fish caught and other information as prescribed by the 
commissioner.  A person without a fishing license may possess, 
ship, and transport within the state the fish caught in the same 
manner as fish taken by a resident with a fishing license.  
[97.48 s. 22] 
may not take sucker eggs from public waters for a private fish 
hatchery without a license to do so.  [98.46 s. 17] 
    The commissioner may issue a special permit, without a fee, 
to an authorized agent of the United States to conduct fish 
culture operations, rescue work, and related fishery 
operations.  [98.48 s. 11] 

                             FISHING METHODS
    Sec. 22.  [97C.301] [LICENSE REQUIRED TO TAKE FISH.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [REQUIREMENT.] Unless exempted under 
article 1, section 62, 63, or 66, subdivision 1, a person must 
have a license to take fish as provided in this section.  [98.45 
s. 1] 
    Subd. 2.  [ANGLING.] A person may not take fish without an 
angling license.  [98.47 s. 6] 
    Subd. 3.  [SPEARING.] A person may not take fish by 
spearing from a dark house without a dark house spearing license 
and an angling license.  [98.47 s. 6] 
    Subd. 4.  [NETTING.] A person may not take fish by netting 
without the required license to net fish and an angling license. 
[98.47 s. 6] 
    Sec. 23.  [97C.305] [TROUT AND SALMON STAMP.] 
    A person over age 16 and under age 65 required to possess 
an angling license must have a trout and salmon stamp in 
possession to take fish by angling in: 
    (1) a stream designated by the commissioner as a trout 
    (2) a lake designated by the commissioner as a trout lake; 
    (3) Lake Superior. [97.4842 s. 1] 
    A person may not operate a charter boat and guide anglers 
on Lake Superior for compensation without a Lake Superior 
fishing guide license.  The commissioner shall prescribe rules 
for qualification and issuance of the licenses. [98.457] 
    Sec. 25.  [97C.315] [ANGLING LINES AND HOOKS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [LINES.] An angler may not use more than 
one line except: 
    (1) two lines may be used to take fish through the ice; and 
    (2) the commissioner may, by order, authorize the use of 
two lines in areas designated by the commissioner in Lake 
Superior. [97.40 s. 32, 101.41 s. 2, 2a] 
    Subd. 2.  [HOOKS.] An angler may not have more than one 
hook on a line, except: 
    (1) three artificial flies may be on a line used to take 
largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, trout, crappies, sunfish, and 
rock bass; and 
    (2) a single artificial bait may contain more than one 
hook.  [97.40 s. 32, 101.42 s. 2] 
    Subdivision 1.  [GENERAL PROHIBITION.] A person may not 
take fish by angling with a set line or an unattended line 
except as provided in this section and section 60. [101.42 s. 
    Subd. 2.  [ICE FISHING.] A person may use an unattended 
line to take fish through the ice if:  
     (1) the person is within sight of the line; or 
     (2) a tip-up is attached to the line and the person is 
within 80 feet of the tip-up.  [101.42 s. 20] 
     (a) Except as specifically authorized, a person may not 
take fish with: 
    (1) explosives, chemicals, drugs, poisons, lime, medicated 
bait, fish berries, or other similar substances; 
    (2) substances or devices that kill, stun, or affect the 
nervous system of fish;  
    (3) nets, traps, trot lines, or snares; or 
    (4) spring devices that impale, hook, or capture fish. 
    (b) If a person that possesses a substance or device listed 
in paragraph (a) on waters, shores, or islands, it is 
presumptive evidence that the person is in violation of this 
section. [101.42 s. 11] 
    Sec. 28.  [97C.331] [SNAGGING FISH PROHIBITED.] 
    A person may not take fish with a snagline, snagpole, 
snaghook, or cluster of fish hooks, designed to be placed in or 
drawn through the water to hook the body of a fish. [101.42 s. 
    A person may not use artificial lights to lure or attract 
fish, or to see fish in the water while spearing. [101.42 s. 3] 
    Sec. 30.  [97C.341] [CERTAIN FISH PROHIBITED FOR BAIT.] 
    A person may not use live minnows imported from outside of 
the state, game fish, gold fish, or carp for bait.  [101.42 s. 
    Subdivision 1.  [PERIOD WHEN USE PROHIBITED.] Except as 
specifically authorized, a person may not take fish from 
February 16 to April 30 with a spear, fish trap, net, dip net, 
seine, or other device capable of taking fish.  [101.42 s. 18] 
    Subd. 2.  [POSSESSION.] (a) Except as specifically 
authorized, a person may not possess a spear, fish trap, net, 
dip net, seine, or other device capable of taking fish on or 
near any waters.  Possession includes personal possession and in 
a vehicle.  
    (b) A person may possess spears, dip nets, bows and arrows, 
and spear guns allowed under section 38 on or near waters 
between sunrise and sunset after April 30.  [101.42 s. 18] 
    Subd. 3.  [DIP NETS.] A person may possess and use a dip 
net between one hour before sunrise and one hour after sunset 
after April 30. [101.42 s. 18a] 
    Subd. 4.  [EXCEPTIONS.] This section does not apply to: 
    (1) nets used to take rainbow smelt during the open season; 
    (2) nets used to land game fish taken by angling; 
    (3) seines or traps used for the taking of minnows for bait;
    (4) angling equipment. [101.42 s. 18, 18a] 
    Sec. 32.  [97C.351] [FISH NETS MUST HAVE TAG ATTACHED.] 
    A person may not possess a fish net unless specifically 
authorized or a metal tag is attached bearing the name and 
address of the owner when the net is not in use and the name and 
address of the operator when the net is in use, as prescribed by 
the commissioner.  This section does not apply to minnow nets, 
landing nets, dip nets, and nets in stock for sale by dealers. 
[101.42 s. 12] 
    Sec. 33.  [97C.355] [DARK HOUSES AND FISH HOUSES.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [IDENTIFICATION REQUIRED.] All shelters on 
the ice of state waters, including dark houses and fish houses, 
must have the name and address of an owner legibly painted on 
the exterior in letters with characters at least three inches 
high.  [101.42 s. 16] 
    Subd. 2.  [LICENSE REQUIRED.] A person may not take fish 
from a dark house or fish house unless the house is licensed and 
has a metal license tag attached to the exterior as prescribed 
by the commissioner.  The commissioner must issue a metal tag 
that is at least two inches in diameter with a 3/16 inch hole in 
the center with a dark house or fish house license.  The metal 
tag must be stamped with a number to correspond with the license 
and the year of issue.  [98.46 s. 5] [101.42 s. 16] 
    Subd. 3.  [DOOR MUST OPEN FROM OUTSIDE.] A person may not 
use a dark house or fish house unless the door is constructed so 
that it can be opened from the outside when it is in use. 
[101.42 s. 16] 
    Subd. 4.  [DISTANCE BETWEEN HOUSES.] A person may not erect 
a dark house or fish house within ten feet of an existing dark 
house or fish house.  [101.42 s. 16] 
    Subd. 5.  [BURNING OF STRUCTURES.] A person may not burn a 
structure on the ice of state waters without permission of the 
commissioner.  The commissioner may allow burning only after 
determining that the structure cannot be removed from the ice by 
another reasonable manner.  The owner must remove the remains of 
the burned structure from the ice.  [101.42 s. 16] 
    Subd. 6.  [RESTRICTIONS FOR NONRESIDENTS.] A nonresident 
may only obtain a license for a fish house that is collapsible 
and portable, and the house may not be unattended. [98.46 s. 15] 
After February 28, a fish house or dark house may not be on the 
ice between 12:00 a.m. and 7:00 a.m.  A fish house or dark house 
on the ice in violation of this subdivision is subject to the 
enforcement provisions of paragraph (b).  The commissioner may, 
by order, extend the date beyond February 28 for any part of 
international boundary waters.  Copies of the order must be 
conspicuously posted on the shores of the waters as prescribed 
by the commissioner.  [101.42 s. 16] 
    (b) A conservation officer must confiscate a fish house or 
dark house in violation of paragraph (a).  The officer may 
remove, burn, or destroy the house.  The officer shall seize the 
contents of the house and hold them for 60 days.  If the seized 
articles have not been claimed by the owner, they may be 
retained for the use of the division or sold at the highest 
price obtainable in a manner prescribed by the commissioner.  
[101.42 s. 16] 
on the ice in violation of this section may be confiscated and 
disposed of, retained by the division, or sold at the highest 
price obtainable, in a manner prescribed by the commissioner. 
[101.42 s. 16] 
    A person may only use a portable fish house or dark house 
within the boundary waters canoe area.  The house must be 
removed from the waters and collapsed or disassembled each 
night.  The house may not remain in the boundary waters canoe 
area if the person leaves the boundary waters canoe area.  
    A person may not have a spear within a dark house or fish 
house while angling. [101.42 s. 16] 
    Sec. 36.  [97C.371] [SPEARING FISH.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [SPECIES ALLOWED.] Only rough fish, 
catfish, lake whitefish, and northern pike may be taken by 
spearing.  [101.41 s. 4] 
Catfish, lake whitefish, and northern pike may be speared only 
from dark houses.  [101.41 s. 4] 
person may not take fish by angling or the use of tip-ups while 
spearing fish in a dark house.  [101.42 s. 20] 
    Subd. 4.  [OPEN SEASON.] The open season for spearing 
through the ice is December 1 to February 15. [101.41 s. 4] 
    Sec. 37.  [97C.375] [TAKING ROUGH FISH BY SPEARING OR 
    A resident may take rough fish by spearing or archery 
during the times, in waters, and in the manner prescribed by the 
commissioner.  [101.411] 
    Sec. 38.  [97C.381] [HARPOONING ROUGH FISH.] 
    A resident may use a rubber powered gun, spring gun, or 
compressed air gun to take rough fish by harpooning.  The 
harpoon must be fastened to a line not more than 20 feet long.  
The commissioner may prescribe the times, the waters, and the 
manner for harpooning rough fish. [101.51] 
PROPORTION.] If the commissioner closes the statutory open 
season for the spearing of a game fish species in any waters, 
the commissioner must, in the same order, close the following 
statutory open season for angling for the same species in the 
waters in the same proportion.  [97.48 s. 1] 
If the commissioner reduces the limit of a species of game fish 
taken by spearing in any waters under article 1, section 8, 
subdivision 2, the commissioner must reduce the limit for taking 
of the species by angling in the waters during the following 
open season for angling.  [97.48 s. 1] 
commissioner may not close the open season for taking game fish 
through the ice on more than 50 percent of the named lakes or 
streams of a county under article 1, section 8, subdivision 2.  
[97.48 s. 1] 
    Sec. 40.  [97C.391] [BUYING AND SELLING FISH.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [GENERAL RESTRICTIONS.] A person may not 
buy or sell fish taken from the waters of this state, except: 
    (1) minnows; 
    (2) rough fish excluding ciscoes; 
    (3) fish taken under licensed commercial fishing operations;
    (4) fish raised in a private hatchery that are tagged or 
labeled as prescribed by the commissioner; and 
    (5) fish lawfully taken and subject to sale from other 
states and countries.  [101.41 s. 4; 101.42 s. 3] 
    Subd. 2.  [RESTRICTIONS ON CERTAIN GAME FISH.] Largemouth 
bass, smallmouth bass, rock bass, muskellunge, and sunfish may 
not be bought or sold unless bought or sold by a private 
hatchery to stock waters for recreational fishing as prescribed 
by the commissioner.  [101.42 s. 7] 
    Sec. 41.  [97C.395] [OPEN SEASONS FOR ANGLING.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [DATES FOR CERTAIN SPECIES.] The open 
seasons to take fish by angling are as follows: 
    (1) for walleye, sauger, northern pike, muskellunge, 
largemouth bass, and smallmouth bass, from May 15 to the third 
Monday in February; 
    (2) for lake trout, from January 1 to October 31; 
    (3) for brown trout, brook trout, rainbow trout, and 
splake, between January 1 to October 31 as prescribed by the 
commissioner by order except as provided in section 45, 
subdivision 2; and 
    (4) for salmon, as prescribed by the commissioner by order. 
[101.41 s. 2; 101.50] 
sunfish, white crappie, black crappie, yellow perch, catfish, 
rock bass, white bass, lake whitefish, and rough fish, the open 
season is continuous.  [101.41 s. 2] 
    Unless otherwise provided in this chapter, the commissioner 
shall, by order, prescribe the limits on the number of each 
species of fish that may be taken in one day and the number that 
may be possessed. [101.41 s. 6] 
    Sec. 43.  [97C.405] [MUSKELLUNGE SIZE LIMITS.] 
    (a) Except as allowed under paragraph (b), if a person 
catches a muskellunge less than 36 inches long in waters north 
of trunk highway No. 210, the person must immediately release 
the fish into the waters.  
    (b) The commissioner may designate lakes north of trunk 
highway No. 210 where muskellunge less than 36 inches, but not 
less than 30 inches long, may be retained.  [101.42 s. 1a] 
    Sec. 44.  [97C.411] [STURGEON AND PADDLEFISH.] 
    Lake sturgeon, shovelnose sturgeon, and paddlefish may not 
be taken, bought, sold, transported or possessed except as 
provided by order of the commissioner.  The commissioner may 
only allow the taking of these fish in waters that the state 
boundary passes through except that an order that applies to the 
St. Croix river must also apply to its tributaries. [101.41 s. 
    Sec. 45.  [97C.415] [TROUT AND SALMON.] 
person may not take trout, except lake trout between 11:00 p.m. 
and one hour before sunrise. [101.42 s. 8] 
    Subd. 2.  [LAKE SUPERIOR STREAMS.] The commissioner may 
prescribe the open season and conditions for taking brook trout, 
brown trout, rainbow trout, steelhead trout, and salmon in any 
portion of a stream that flows into Lake Superior. [101.48] 
    Subd. 3.  [SALMON.] The commissioner may prescribe, by 
order, the method of taking and possessing salmon.  [101.50] 

    Sec. 46.  [97C.501] [MINNOW LICENSES REQUIRED.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [MINNOW RETAILERS.] (a) A person may not be 
a minnow retailer without a minnow retailer license except as 
provided in subdivision 3.  [98.46 s. 17] 
    (b) A minnow retailer must obtain a minnow retailer's 
vehicle license for each motor vehicle used by the minnow 
retailer to transport more than 12 dozen minnows to the minnow 
retailer's place of business, except as provided in subdivision 
3.  [97.40 s. 27; 98.46 s. 17(1)] 
    Subd. 2.  [MINNOW DEALERS.] (a) A person may not be a 
minnow dealer without a minnow dealer license except as provided 
in subdivision 3. 
    (b) A minnow dealer must obtain a minnow dealer's helper 
license for each person employed to take, buy, sell, or 
transport minnows by the minnow dealer.  The minnow dealer may 
transfer a helper's license from a former helper to a new helper.
    (c) A minnow dealer must obtain a minnow dealer's vehicle 
license for each motor vehicle used to transport minnows.  The 
serial number, motor vehicle license number, make, and model 
must be on the license.  The license must be conspicuously 
displayed in the vehicle.  
    (d) A minnow dealer may not transport minnows out of the 
state without an exporting minnow dealer license.  A minnow 
dealer must obtain an exporting minnow dealer's vehicle license 
for each motor vehicle used to transport minnows out of the 
state.  The serial number, motor vehicle license number, make, 
and model must be on the license.  The license must be 
conspicuously displayed in the vehicle.  [98.46 s. 5] 
resident under age 18 may take leeches, sell leeches at retail, 
and transport leeches without a minnow retailer or dealer 
license.  [97.40 s. 12] 
    Subd. 4.  [NONRESIDENT MINNOW HAULERS.] (a) A nonresident 
may not transport minnows in a motor vehicle without an 
exporting minnow hauler license.  [97.45 s. 15, 98.46 s. 5a] 
    (b) A nonresident must obtain an exporting minnow hauler's 
vehicle license for the motor vehicle used to transport 
minnows.  The serial number, motor vehicle license number, make, 
and model must be on the license.  The license must be 
conspicuously displayed in the vehicle.  [98.46 s. 5a] 
    (c) Only one nonresident motor vehicle license may be 
issued to an exporting minnow hauler.  [98.46 s. 5a] 
    Sec. 47.  [97C.505] [MINNOWS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [AUTHORITY TO TAKE, POSSESS, BUY, AND 
SELL.] Minnows may be taken, possessed, bought, and sold, 
subject to the restrictions in this chapter. [101.41 s. 4] 
    Subd. 2.  [CONTINUOUS OPEN SEASON.] The open season for 
taking minnows is continuous, except as provided in subdivisions 
3 and 4.  [101.41 s. 4] 
    Subd. 3.  [CLOSING WATERS.] The commissioner may close any 
state waters for commercially taking minnows if a survey is 
conducted and the commissioner determines it is necessary to 
close the waters to prevent depletion or extinction of the 
minnows.  [97.48 s. 6] 
    Subd. 4.  [HOURS OF TAKING.] A person may not take minnows 
from one hour after sunset to one hour before sunrise.  [101.42 
s. 5] 
person may not take minnows from designated trout lakes or trout 
streams without a special permit issued by the commissioner.  
[101.42 s. 5] 
    Subd. 6.  [APPROVED EQUIPMENT REQUIRED.] A person must use 
equipment approved by the commissioner to possess or transport 
minnows for sale. [101.42 s. 5] 
    Sec. 48.  [97C.511] [MINNOW SEINES.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [SIZE RESTRICTIONS.] Except as provided in 
subdivision 2, a person may not take minnows with a seine longer 
than 25 feet, and deeper than: 
    (1) 148 meshes of 1/4 inch bar measure; 
    (2) 197 meshes of 3/16 inch bar measure; or 
    (3) four feet of material of less than 3/16 inch bar 
measure.  [101.42 s. 5] 
    Subd. 2.  [LICENSED MINNOW DEALERS.] A minnow dealer may 
take minnows with a seine that is not longer than 50 feet, and 
not deeper than: 
    (1) 222 meshes of 1/4 inch bar measure;  
    (2) 296 meshes of 3/16 inch bar measure; or 
    (3) six feet of material of less than 3/16 inch bar measure.
[101.42 s. 5] 
    Sec. 49.  [97C.515] [IMPORTED MINNOWS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [GENERAL PROHIBITION.] A person may not 
bring live minnows into the state except as provided in this 
section. [101.42 s. 6] 
    Subd. 2.  [PERMIT FOR TRANSPORTATION.] A person may 
transport minnows through the state with a permit from the 
commissioner.  The permit must state the name and address of the 
person, the number and species of minnows, the point of entry 
into the state, the destination, and the route through the 
state.  The permit is not valid for more than 12 hours after it 
is issued.  [101.42 s. 6] 
    Subd. 3.  [USE IN HOME AQUARIUMS ALLOWED.] A person may 
bring live minnows into the state for home aquariums.  [101.42 
s. 6] 
    A person may not transport live carp fingerlings.  [101.42 
s. 6] 
    Subdivision 1.  [APPLICABILITY.] This section does not 
apply to the transportation of 24 dozen minnows, or less, or to 
transportation with a permit issued under section 49, 
subdivision 2.  [97.45 s. 15] 
    Subd. 2.  [TRANSPORTING OUT OF THE STATE.] A person may not 
transport minnows out of the state, except as provided in this 
section.  [97.45 s. 15] 
    Subd. 3.  [MINNOW DEALERS AND HAULERS.] A resident minnow 
dealer or a nonresident exporting minnow hauler may transport 
leeches, suckers, and fathead minnows out of the state.  A 
nonresident exporting minnow hauler must possess a bill of 
lading issued by a minnow dealer with an exporting minnow 
dealer's license.  The bill of lading must be on a form 
furnished by the commissioner and must state the exporting 
minnow hauler's name and address, the route through the state, 
number and species of minnows, and the time it was issued.  
[97.45 s. 15] 
    Subd. 4.  [MINNOW RETAILERS.] A minnow retailer 
transporting minnows from a place of wholesale purchase to the 
retailer's place of business must use the most reasonably direct 
route. [97.45 s. 15] 
    Subd. 5.  [OUT OF STATE VEHICLES.] The exporting minnow 
hauler must transport the minnows out of the state within 24 
hours of the time of issuance stated on the bill of lading.  A 
person may not transport minnows in a motor vehicle licensed in 
another state without an exporting minnow hauler's vehicle 
license. [97.45 s. 15, 98.46 s. 5] 

    Sec. 52.  [97C.601] [FROGS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [SEASON.] The open season for frogs is May 
16 to March 31.  The commissioner may, by order, establish 
closed seasons in specified areas.  [101.44] 
    Subd. 2.  [LICENSE REQUIRED.] (a) A person may not take or 
possess frogs without an angling license if the person is 
required to have an angling license to take fish. 
    (b) A person may not purchase, possess, and transport frogs 
for purposes other than bait without a license to purchase, 
possess, and transport frogs. 
    (c) A person may not take, possess, transport, and sell 
frogs for purposes other than bait without a license to take, 
possess, transport, and sell frogs.  [101.44] 
may not use cloth screens or similar devices to take frogs.  
    Subd. 4.  [TAKING WITH ARTIFICIAL LIGHTS.] The commissioner 
may issue permits to take frogs with the use of artificial 
lights in waters designated in the permit.  [97.48 s. 21] 
    Subd. 5.  [LIMITS.] (a) A person may possess frogs, up to 
six inches long, without limit if the frogs are possessed, 
bought, sold, and transported for bait. 
    (b) Unless the commissioner prescribes otherwise, a person 
may possess frogs over six inches long and: 
    (1) transport the frogs, except by common carrier; and 
    (2) sell the frogs in any quantity during the open season.  
    (c) The length of a frog is measured from the tip of the 
nose to the tip of the hind toes, with the legs fully extended. 
BAIT.] The commissioner shall prescribe rules for buying, 
selling, possessing, and transporting frogs for purposes other 
than bait.  [101.44] 
    Subd. 7.  [FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION.] The commissioner may 
issue permits for importing, raising, and selling frogs for 
human consumption. [101.441] 
    Sec. 53.  [97C.605] [TURTLES.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [LICENSE REQUIRED.] A person may not take, 
possess, buy, sell, or transport turtles without an angling 
license.  [101.45] 
    Subd. 2.  [SALES LICENSE.] A person may not take, 
transport, or purchase unprocessed turtles for sale without a 
turtle seller's license.  A person with a turtle seller's 
license may take turtles for sale as prescribed by the 
commissioner.  [101.45] 
    Subd. 3.  [TAKING; METHODS PROHIBITED.] A person may take 
turtles in any manner, except by use of explosives, drugs, 
poisons, lime, and other harmful substances, or by the use of 
traps or nets other than landing nets. [101.45] 
    Subd. 4.  [ARTIFICIAL LIGHTS.] The commissioner may issue 
permits to take turtles with the use of artificial lights in 
designated waters. [97.48 s. 21] 
    Sec. 54.  [97C.611] [SNAPPING TURTLES; LIMITS.] 
    A person may not possess more than ten snapping turtles of 
the species Chelydra serpentina.  The size of the turtles must 
have a dorsal surface of the shell that measures at least ten 
inches long.  [101.45] 
    The commissioner may take turtles with seines, nets, and 
other devices.  The commissioner may hire or contract persons, 
or issue permits, to take the turtles.  The commissioner shall 
prescribe the manner of taking and disposal.  The commissioner 
may award a contract under this section without competitive 
bidding.  Before establishing the contractor's compensation, the 
commissioner must consider the qualifications of the contractor, 
including the contractor's equipment, knowledge of the waters, 
and ability to perform the work.  [97.48 s. 4] 
    Sec. 56.  [97C.621] [AREAS MAY BE CLOSED TO TAKING 
    The commissioner may prohibit the taking of turtles from 
state waters where operations are being conducted to aid fish 
propagation.  [97.48 s. 17] 

                           MUSSELS AND CLAMS 
    Sec. 57.  [97C.701] [TAKING MUSSELS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [COMMISSIONER'S AUTHORITY.] The 
commissioner may prescribe conditions for taking mussels.  
[97.48 s. 5] 
    Subd. 2.  [USE OF BOATS TO TAKE MUSSELS.] A person may not 
use more than one boat or rig to take mussels except a boat for 
towing without a mussel-taking apparatus attached. [102.24 s. 2] 
taking mussels a person may not:  
    (1) possess more than four crow-foot bars or bars having 
hooks attached; 
    (2) have more than two bars in the water; or 
    (3) use bars longer than 20 feet in length.  [102.24 s. 2] 
    Subd. 4.  [DREDGES; RESTRICTIONS.] A person may only use 
one dredging apparatus to take mussels.  The dredge openings may 
not be greater than three feet or have prongs longer than four 
inches.  [102.24 s. 2] 
may use a pitchfork to gather clam shells.  [102.24 s. 2] 
and clams may be possessed, bought, sold, and transported in any 
quantity during the open season and seven days after the season 
closes.  [102.23] 
    Sec. 58.  [97C.705] [MUSSEL SEASONS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [OPEN SEASON.] The open season for taking 
mussels is from May 16 to the last day of February.  [102.24 s. 
    Subd. 2. [CLOSED AREAS.] The commissioner may close up to 
50 percent of the mussel producing waters of the state to the 
taking of mussels.  [97.48 s. 5] 
    Sec. 59.  [97C.711] [MUSSEL SIZE LIMITS.] 
    A person may not take mussels less than one and 
three-fourths inches in the greatest dimension, except pigtoes.  
A person must return undersized mussels to the water without 
injury.  [102.24 s. 1, 2] 

RIVERS.] (a) A license is required to take rough fish by set 
line in the Minnesota river from Mankato to its junction with 
the Mississippi river, and in the Mississippi river from St. 
Anthony Falls to the St. Croix junction.  [98.46 s. 9] 
    (b) A person may use only one set line to take rough fish 
in the Minnesota river from Mankato to its junction with the 
Mississippi river, and in the Mississippi river from St. Anthony 
Falls to the St. Croix river junction, and the set line must: 
    (1) have not more than ten hooks; 
    (2) be set only in the flowing waters of the river; 
    (3) staked only at one end; and 
    (4) remain at the location designated in the application 
for license unless approval of the commissioner has been given 
to change the location.  [102.25 s. 2] 
    (c) Notwithstanding section 40, subdivision 1, rough fish 
taken under this subdivision may not be bought or sold.  [98.46 
s. 9] 
MISSISSIPPI RIVER.] (a) A license is required to commercially 
take rough fish with seines and set lines in the Mississippi 
river from the St. Croix river junction to St. Anthony Falls.  
[98.46 s. 7, 8] 
    (b) A person may take rough fish in the Mississippi river, 
from the St. Croix river junction to St. Anthony Falls, only 
with the following equipment and methods: 
    (1) operations shall be conducted only in the flowing 
waters of the river and in tributary backwaters prescribed by 
the commissioner;  
    (2) only one set line may be used that has an 
identification tag and not more than 100 hooks; 
    (3) seines may be used only as prescribed by the 
    (4) seines must be hauled to a landing immediately after 
being placed; 
    (5) two seines may not be joined together in the water;  
    (6) a net may not be raised, laid out, or landed, between 
sunset and sunrise; and 
    (7) the location of a net or seine may not be changed from 
the place specified in the license application without notifying 
the commissioner of the proposed change.  [102.25 s. 1] 
    Sec. 61.  [97C.805] [NETTING OF LAKE WHITEFISH AND 
    Subdivision 1.  [OPEN SEASON.] The commissioner shall, by 
order, prescribe the open season and open state waters for 
netting lake whitefish and ciscoes.  The commissioner may 
prescribe that the date for the open season to begin is prior to 
the effective date of the order under article 1, section 9, if 
the commissioner posts notice of the date and time in 
appropriate public places at least 48 hours before the open 
season begins. [97.53 s. 3, 101.41 s. 5] 
    Subd.  2.  [RESTRICTIONS.] (a) The netting of lake 
whitefish and ciscoes is subject to the restrictions in this 
    (b) A person may not use: 
    (1) more than two nets; 
    (2) a net more than 100 feet long; or 
    (3) a net more than three feet wide. 
    (c) The mesh size of the nets may not be less than: 
    (1) one and three-fourths inches, extension measure, for 
nets used to take ciscoes in Lake Superior; and 
    (2) three and one-half inches, extension measure, for all 
other nets. 
    (d) A net may not be set in water, including ice thickness, 
deeper than six feet. 
    (e) The commissioner may designate waters where nets may be 
set so that portions of the net extend into water deeper than 
six feet under conditions prescribed by the commissioner to 
protect game fish.  A pole or stake must project at least two 
feet above the surface of the water or ice at one end of each 
    (f) A net may not be set within 50 feet of another net. 
[101.41 s. 5] 
    Subd. 3.  [FISH MAY NOT BE SOLD.] Notwithstanding section 
40, subdivision 1, lake whitefish and ciscoes taken under this 
section may not be bought or sold.  [101.41, s. 5] 
    Subd. 4. [NO LIMIT ON ROUGH FISH NETTED.] Lake whitefish 
and ciscoes taken under this section may be taken and possessed 
without limit.  Rough fish caught while netting may be retained. 
[101.41 s. 5] 
    Subdivision 1.  [INLAND WATERS DEFINED.] For the purposes 
of this section and article 1, section 68, subdivision 30, 
"inland waters" means all waters entirely located within the 
boundaries of the state and the border waters between Minnesota 
and North Dakota, South Dakota and Iowa, excluding those waters 
described in section 60.  [102.285 s. 1] 
    Subd. 2.  [COMMERCIAL FISH DEFINED.] For purposes of this 
section and article 1, section 68, subdivision 30, "commercial 
fish" are carp; bowfin; burbot; ciscoe; goldeye; rainbow smelt; 
black bullhead, brown bullhead, and yellow bullhead; lake 
whitefish; members of the sucker family, Catostomidae, including 
white sucker, redhorse, bigmouth buffalo, and smallmouth 
buffalo; members of the drum family, Sciaenidae, including 
sheepshead; and members of the gar family, Lepisosteidae. 
[102.285 s. 1] 
    Subd. 3.  [REGULATION.] The commissioner shall, by order, 
regulate the taking, possession, transportation, and sale of 
commercial fish, and the licensing of commercial fishing 
operators in inland waters.  [102.285 s. 1] 
    Subd. 4.  [LICENSES REQUIRED.] A person may not 
commercially fish inland waters without a commercial fishing 
license.  Nonresidents may only be licensed to fish waters not 
previously assigned to residents.  In the license application 
the applicant must list the number of feet of seine of each 
depth to be licensed.  [98.46 s. 9a, 100.285 s. 1] 
    Subd. 5.  [SEASON.] Licenses to net commercial fish in 
inland waters are issued to residents and nonresidents annually 
subject to this section and shall be valid for commercial 
fishing during the open season for commercial fishing in inland 
waters from the day after Labor Day to the day before the open 
season for walleye.  [98.46 s. 9a] 
    Subd. 6.  [LICENSE INVALIDATION.] (a) A license to take 
commercial fish is void upon:  
    (1) the licensee's death; 
    (2) sale of the commercial fishing business; 
    (3) removal of the commercial fishing business from the 
    (4) conviction of two or more violations of inland 
commercial fishing laws within a license period; or 
    (5) failure to apply for a new or renewal license prior to 
June 15 of any year.  
    (b) A commercial inland fishing license is not subject to 
the license revocation provisions of article 1, section 57.  
Commercial fishing rights and area assignments covered by a 
license that becomes void reverts to the commissioner for 
reassignment.  [102.285 s. 6] 
    Subd. 7.  [MONTHLY REPORTS.] A licensed inland commercial 
fishing operator shall submit a report on the licensed 
activities the operator was engaged in to the commissioner each 
month.  The report must be on a form provided by the 
commissioner and submitted prior to the 15th day of the 
following month.  The report shall be submitted whether fishing 
activity took place unless the operator has a written release 
from this obligation signed by the commissioner.  [102.285 s. 5] 
    Sec. 63.  [97C.815] [COMMERCIAL FISHING AREAS.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [DESIGNATION.] The commissioner shall 
specify inland commercial fishing areas, taking into account the 
amount, size, and proximity of waters specified, the species to 
be removed, and the type and quantity of fishing gear and 
equipment necessary to provide an adequate removal effort.  The 
commissioner may change inland commercial fishing area 
boundaries by order prior to a new licensing period.  [102.285 
s. 2] 
    Subd. 2.  [ASSIGNMENT.] The commissioner shall assign 
licensed inland commercial fishing operators to commercial 
fishing areas and each operator shall be obligated to fish in 
the area that the commissioner has assigned to them.  The 
commissioner's assignment shall be valid as long as the assigned 
operator continues to purchase a license, continues to provide 
an adequate removal effort in a good and professional manner, 
and is not convicted of two or more violations of laws or rules 
governing inland commercial fishing operations during any one 
license period.  In the operator assignment, the commissioner 
shall consider the proximity of the operator to the area, the 
type and quantity of fish gear and equipment possessed, 
knowledge of the affected waters, and general ability to perform 
the work well.  [102.285 s. 3] 
    Subd. 3.  [UNUSED AREAS.] If an area is not assigned, or 
the operator licensed for the area is not fishing that area, the 
commissioner may issue a special inland commercial fishing 
permit for the area.  The permit may be issued to an individual 
holding a valid inland commercial fishing license.  The permit 
must describe the specific waters involved, the county, the 
species to be removed, the equipment to be used, and the time 
period of the total operation.  [102.285 s. 4] 
LICENSE PROBLEMS.] The commissioner shall consult with 
representatives of the inland commercial fishing trade 
association when disagreements arise in the areas of license 
issuance, problems with performance pursuant to the license, 
area assignments, and the entry of new commercial fishing 
operators into the inland commercial fishery.  [102.285 s. 7] 
    Subject to the applicable provisions of the game and fish 
laws, fish taken under commercial fishing licenses may be 
possessed in any quantity, bought, sold, and transported during 
the open seasons provided for the fish, and for seven days after 
the season closes.  Fish frozen or cured during the open season 
may be transported, bought, and sold at any time.  [102.23] 
    Sec. 65.  [97C.825] [LAKE OF THE WOODS AND RAINY LAKE 
PROHIBITED.] The commissioner may not issue a new commercial 
fishing license that allows netting of game fish on Lake of the 
Woods and Rainy Lake.  [102.235] 
    Subd. 2.  [RESTRICTIONS ON FISH AND NETS.] The following 
regulations and restrictions shall apply to all commercial 
fishing operations conducted in Lake of the Woods and Rainy Lake 
unless otherwise changed by order of the commissioner under 
authority of article 1, section 8, subdivision 4: 
    (a) Any fish, except largemouth bass, smallmouth bass, rock 
bass, muskellunge, crappies, sturgeon, and sunfish, may be taken 
subject to all other restrictions contained in the game and fish 
    (b) Pound net mesh and staked trap net mesh may not be less 
than two and one-half inches nor more than four inches stretch 
measure in the pound or crib.  
    (c) Gill net mesh may not be less than four inches stretch 
measure, and may not be more than 30 meshes in width.  
    (d) Fyke net mesh may not be less than two and one-half 
inches nor more than four inches stretch measure in the pot or 
crib.  Fyke nets may not have a hoop or opening more than six 
feet in height, wings more than 100 feet in length, nor a lead 
more than 400 feet in length.  
    (e) Submerged trap net mesh may not be less than two and 
one-half inches nor more than three inches stretch measure in 
the heart, pot, or crib.  A submerged trap net may not have a 
pot or crib exceeding 150 square feet in area, a lead exceeding 
300 feet in length, nor a pot or lead exceeding 12 feet in depth.
[102.26 s. 1] 
may not operate more than six pound nets, 4,000 feet of gill 
nets, eight submerged trap nets, ten fyke or staked trap nets, 
or one pound net station.  [102.26 s. 2] 
    Subd. 4.  [NET LOCATION.] Nets may only be set at a place 
consented to by the commissioner.  [102.26 s. 2] 
LAKE.] The maximum amount of nets permitted to be licensed shall 
    (a) In Lake of the Woods, 50-pound nets, 80,000 feet of 
gill nets or 160 submerged trap nets, and 80 fyke or staked trap 
nets.  Licenses for submerged trap nets may be issued instead of 
licenses for gill nets in the ratio of not more than one 
submerged trap net per 500 feet of gill net, and the maximum 
permissible amount of gill nets shall be reduced by 500 feet for 
each submerged trap net licensed.  
    (b) In Rainy Lake, 20-pound nets and 20,000 feet of gill 
    (c) When a licensee has had a license revoked or 
surrendered, the commissioner shall not be required to issue 
licenses for the amount of netting previously authorized under 
the revoked or surrendered license. 
    (d) Commercial fishing may be prohibited in the Minnesota 
portions of international waters when it is prohibited in the 
international waters by Canadian authorities. 
    (e) The commissioner may adopt rules to limit the total 
amount of game fish taken by commercial fishing operators in 
Lake of the Woods in any one season and shall apportion the 
amount to each licensee in accordance with the number and length 
of nets licensed. [102.26 s. 3] 
commissioner shall limit the maximum poundage of walleye that 
may be taken by commercial fishing operators in Lake of the 
Woods in any one season on the following schedule:  
                             SEASONAL COMMERCIAL
        YEAR                WALLEYE TAKE IN POUNDS
        1984                       164,000
        1985                       150,000
        1986                       135,000
        1987                       120,000
        1988                       100,000
        1989                        80,000
        1990                        60,000
        1991                        30,000
        1992                             0
    The allocation of walleye poundage among the licensees 
shall be determined by order of the commissioner.  [102.26 s. 
    Subd. 7.  [WALLEYE LIMITS; RAINY LAKE.] The commissioner 
shall limit the maximum poundage of walleye that may be taken by 
commercial fishing operators in Rainy Lake in any one season on 
the following schedule:  
                             SEASONAL COMMERCIAL
        YEAR                WALLEYE TAKE IN POUNDS
        1984                        14,500
        1985                        12,500
        1986                        10,500
        1987                         8,500
        1988                         6,500
        1989                         4,500
        1990                         2,500
        1991                         1,000
        1992                             0
    The seasonal commercial walleye take in pounds in Rainy 
Lake shall be allocated among the licensees by order of the 
commissioner.  [102.26 s. 3b] 
Gill net licenses on Lake of the Woods and Rainy Lake shall be 
canceled after the 1987 license year.  A gill net licensee whose 
license is canceled as provided in this subdivision retains the 
walleye quota held at the time of cancellation, subject to the 
quota phase-out schedule in subdivision 6 or 7.  Notwithstanding 
subdivision 1, the licensee may be issued a pound or trap net 
license for the netting of game fish in accordance with the 
quota of the licensee.  [102.26 s. 3c] 
    Subd. 9.  [WALLEYE QUOTAS; SALE, TRANSFER.] An existing 
licensee may transfer the walleye quota allocated to the 
licensee under subdivision 6 or 7 to any other existing licensee 
or, after July 1, 1985, the licensee may sell the quota to the 
state.  If a licensee sells the quota to the state, the licensee 
must sell the quota for all years remaining in the quota 
schedule as provided in subdivision 6 or 7.  A sale to the state 
shall be at the present wholesale value of the quota as 
determined assuming the following:  
    (1) an allocation to the licensee of the same proportion of 
the total remaining walleye quota as allocated in the year of 
sale; and 
    (2) a walleye wholesale price in the round of $1.15 per 
pound.  A licensee may elect to receive payment for a sale to 
the state in a lump sum or in up to four annual installments.  A 
quota sold to the state cancels and is not available for 
reallocation to another licensee.  When a walleye quota is sold 
to the state and canceled, the gill net license of the licensee 
is canceled. [102.26 s. 3d] 
RULE.] The commissioner may require a person licensed to take 
fish for commercial purposes in the waters covered by this 
section to take eggs for propagation purposes when it can be 
done in connection with the licensed commercial fishing.  The 
eggs must be taken under rules prescribed by the commissioner.  
[102.26 s. 4] 
    Sec. 66.  [97C.831] [NAMAKAN AND SAND POINT LAKES; 
    Subdivision 1.  [LAKE WHITEFISH AND ROUGH FISH.] Lake 
whitefish and rough fish may be taken by licensed commercial 
fishing operators unless otherwise changed by order of the 
commissioner, under section 61, subdivision 1, from Namakan Lake 
and Sand Point Lake. [102.27 s. 1] 
nets may not be used in Sand Point Lake.  [102.27 s. 1] 
maximum amount of nets permitted to be licensed in Sand Point 
Lake shall be 12 pound, fyke, or submerged trap nets.  [102.27 
s. 3] 
maximum amount of nets that may be licensed in Namakan Lake 
shall be (1) 7,000 feet of gill net, with a mesh not less than 
four inches stretch measure, and (2) 12 pound, fyke, or 
submerged trap nets.  [102.27 s. 2] 
SUPERIOR.] (a) A license to fish commercially in Lake Superior 
shall be issued only to a resident who possesses 5,000 feet of 
gill net of mesh sizes permitted in subdivisions 4 and 5 or two 
pound nets, has landed fish in the previous year with a value of 
at least $1,500, except for those state waters from Duluth to 
Silver Bay upon the discretion of the commissioner, and has 
engaged in commercial fishing for at least 50 days of the 
previous year.  An applicant shall be issued a license without 
meeting these requirements if the applicant is 65 or more years 
of age and has held a license continuously since 1947.  An 
applicant may be issued a license, at the discretion of the 
commissioner, if failure to meet these requirements resulted 
from illness or other mitigating circumstances, or the applicant 
has reached the age of 65 and has been licensed at least ten of 
the previous 15 years.  Persons receiving licenses under these 
provisions for applicants 65 years of age or more must be in 
attendance at the setting and lifting of nets.  The commissioner 
may issue multiple licenses to individuals who meet these 
requirements and have held multiple licenses prior to 1978.  
[98.46 s. 12] 
    (b) A license may be issued to a resident who has not 
previously fished commercially on Lake Superior and has not been 
convicted of a game and fish law violation in the preceding 
three years, if the applicant: 
    (1) shows a bill of sale indicating the purchase of gear 
and facilities connected with an existing license;  
    (2) shows proof of inheritance of all the gear and 
facilities connected with an existing license; or 
    (3) has served at least two years as a helper in a 
Minnesota Lake Superior licensed commercial fishing operation. 
[98.46 s.12] 
    Subd. 2.  [TYPES OF FISH PERMITTED.] Lake trout, ciscoes, 
chubs, alewives, lake whitefish, round whitefish, pygmy 
whitefish, rainbow smelt, and rough fish may be taken by 
licensed commercial fishing operators from Lake Superior, in 
accordance with this section. [102.28 s. 1] 
    Subd. 3.  [POUND NETS AND TRAP NETS.] Pound or trap nets 
may be used to take round whitefish, pygmy whitefish, ciscoes, 
chubs, alewives, rainbow smelt, and rough fish in Lake Superior, 
including St. Louis Bay, under the rules prescribed by the 
commissioner. [102.28 s. 2] 
nets for taking lake trout and lake whitefish may not be less 
than 4-1/2 inch extension measure mesh.  The commissioner may 
prescribe rules to limit the total amount of gill net to be 
licensed for the taking of lake trout and lake whitefish and may 
limit the amount of net to be operated by each licensee. [102.28 
s. 3] 
    Subd. 5.  [GILL NETS; CISCOES.] Gill nets for taking 
ciscoes and chubs may not be less than 2-1/4 inch extension 
measure mesh and may not exceed 2-3/4 inch extension measure 
mesh.  [102.28 s. 4] 
The amount of gill net licensed in Minnesota waters of Lake 
Superior may not exceed 300,000 feet of net weighted to fish in 
a floating or suspended position off the bottom and 300,000 feet 
of net weighted to fish on the bottom. [102.28 s. 4] 
SUPERIOR LICENSEE.] A licensee may not operate more than 6,000 
feet of gill net weighted to fish in a floating or suspended 
position off the bottom or 25,000 feet of gill net weighted to 
fish on the bottom.  The commissioner may authorize gill net 
footage in excess of the individual limits when the commissioner 
determines that all of the gill net footage permitted for 
Minnesota waters of Lake Superior would not otherwise be 
allocated in a license year.  The commissioner must allocate 
this excess gill net footage equitably among the licensees who 
have applied for it. [102.28 s. 4] 
    Subd. 8.  [SPECIAL PERMITS.] The commissioner may issue 
special permits to duly licensed commercial fishing operators 
not exceeding 20 in number, for the purpose of taking trout and 
lake whitefish spawn during the closed season for the 
propagation of trout in Lake Superior and adjacent waters under 
rules prescribed by the commissioner. [102.28 s. 5] 
    Sec. 68.  [97C.841] [HELPER'S LICENSE.] 
    A person assisting the holder of a master's license, in 
going to and from fishing locations, or in setting or lifting 
nets, or removing fish from nets, must have a helper's license, 
unless the person is the holder of a master's license.  
    (b) A helper's license is transferable from one helper to 
another by the holder of a master's license applying to the 
commissioner.  [98.47 s.9] 
    A person may not:  
    (1) knowingly place or maintain an obstruction that will 
hinder, prevent, or interfere with a licensed commercial fishing 
    (2) remove fish from nets licensed under the game and fish 
laws; or 
    (3) knowingly damage, disturb, or interfere with commercial 
fishing nets.  [102.29] 
    A license to buy or sell fish or to take fish commercially 
in international waters extending from Pigeon Point West to the 
North Dakota boundary line may not be issued to a person engaged 
in the business of conducting a summer resort, or to a member of 
the person's household or to an employee of the person.  [98.47 
s. 7] 
    The commissioner may, by order, allow the transportation, 
sale, and disposal of fish taken within the Red Lake Indian 
Reservation on Upper Red Lake and Lower Red Lake and from waters 
within the Nett Lake Indian Reservation also known as Bois Forte 
Indian Reservation. [102.30] 
    Sec. 72.  [97C.861] [FISH VENDOR REQUIREMENTS.] 
    Subdivision 1. [LICENSE REQUIRED.] A person may not sell 
fish with the use of a motor vehicle without a fish vendor's 
license.  [98.46 s. 19] 
    Subd. 2.  [MISREPRESENTATION OF FISH.] (a) A licensed fish 
vendor or the vendor's employee may not misrepresent a species 
of fish to be sold.  If a licensed fish vendor or employee of 
the fish vendor is convicted of misrepresenting a species of 
fish that is sold, the license shall be revoked, and the 
licensee is not eligible to obtain a fish vendor's license for 
one year after revocation.  
    (b) Misrepresentation includes the designation of fish by a 
name other than its common name in: 
    (1) the state; and 
    (2) in the locality where it was taken if it is not 
generally known by any common name in the state. [98.46 s. 
    Sec. 73.  [97C.865] [FISH PACKERS.] 
    (a) A person may not prepare dressed game fish for shipment 
without a fish packer's license.  The fish packer must maintain 
a permanent record of: 
    (1) the name, address, and license number of the shipper; 
    (2) the name and address of the cosignee; and 
    (3) the number of each species and net weight of fish in 
the shipment. 
    (b) The records of the fish packer must be made available 
to an enforcement officer upon request.  [97.45 s. 6(4)] 

                               ARTICLE 4 

    Section 1.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 9.071, is 
amended to read: 
    The council has the powers with respect to the: 
    (1) Cancelation or compromise of claims due the state 
provided in sections 10.11 to 10.15; 
    (2) Timberlands provided in sections 90.031, 90.041, 90.151;
    (3) Lands acquired from the United States provided in 
section 94.50; 
    (4) Lands subject to delinquent drainage assessments 
provided in section 84A.20; 
    (5) Transfer of lands between departments of state 
government provided in section 15.16; 
    (6) Sale or exchange of lands within national forests 
provided in sections 92.30, 92.31; 
    (7) Approval of acquisition of land for camping or parking 
area provided in section 97.48 article 1, sections 26 and 27; 
    (8) Modification of iron leases provided in section 93.191; 
    (9) Awarding permits to prospect for iron ore provided in 
section 93.17; 
    (10) Approval of regulations for issuance of permits to 
prospect for minerals under state lands provided in section 
    (11) Construction of dams provided in section 110.13.  
    Sec. 2.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 14.02, 
subdivision 4, is amended to read: 
    Subd. 4.  [RULE.] "Rule" means every agency statement of 
general applicability and future effect, including amendments, 
suspensions, and repeals of rules, adopted to implement or make 
specific the law enforced or administered by it or to govern its 
organization or procedure.  It does not include (a) rules 
concerning only the internal management of the agency or other 
agencies, and which do not directly affect the rights of or 
procedure available to the public; (b) rules of the commissioner 
of corrections relating to the internal management of 
institutions under the commissioner's control and those rules 
governing the inmates thereof prescribed pursuant to section 
609.105; (c) rules of the division of game and fish published in 
accordance with article 1, section 97.53 9; (d) rules relating 
to weight limitations on the use of highways when the substance 
of the rules is indicated to the public by means of signs; (e) 
opinions of the attorney general; (f) the systems architecture 
plan and long range plan of the state education management 
information system provided by section 121.931; (g) the data 
element dictionary and the annual data acquisition calendar of 
the department of education to the extent provided by section 
121.932; (h) the comprehensive statewide plan of the crime 
control planning board provided in section 299A.03; (i) special 
terms and conditions for an interim certificate of confirmation 
of the Minnesota cable communications board provided in section 
238.09; (j) occupational safety and health standards provided in 
section 182.655; or (k) rules of the commissioner of public 
safety adopted pursuant to section 169.128.  
    Sec. 3.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 14.38, 
subdivision 6, is amended to read: 
    Subd. 6.  [EXEMPT RULES.] Rules adopted, amended, 
suspended, or repealed by any agency but excluded from the 
definition of "rule" in section 14.02, subdivision 4, shall have 
the force and effect of law upon compliance with subdivision 7. 
     However, subdivisions 5 to 9 do not apply to: 
     (1) rules concerning only the internal management of the 
agency or other agencies, and which do not directly affect the 
rights of or procedure available to the public; or, 
     (2) opinions of the attorney general; or, 
    (3) rules published in accordance with article 1, section 
97.53 9.  
    Sec. 4.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 18.021, 
subdivision 3, is amended to read: 
    Subd. 3.  [DESTRUCTIVE OR NUISANCE ANIMALS.] "Destructive 
or nuisance animals" includes such animals as rats, gophers, 
mice, and other unprotected wild animals as defined in Minnesota 
Statutes 1961, article 2, section 100.26 53, and acts 
amendatory thereof, which the commissioner may designate as 
dangerous to the welfare of the people.  
    Sec. 5.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 84.0274, 
subdivision 6, is amended to read: 
    Subd. 6.  [STATE'S RESPONSIBILITIES.] When the state 
proposes to purchase land for natural resources purposes, the 
commissioner of natural resources and, where applicable, the 
commissioner of administration shall have the following 
    (a) The responsibility to deal fairly and openly with the 
landowner in the purchase of property;  
    (b) The responsibility to refrain from discussing price 
with the landowner before an appraisal has been made.  In 
addition, the same person shall not both appraise and negotiate 
for purchase of a tract of land;  
    (c) The responsibility to use private fee appraisers to 
lower the state's acquisition costs to the greatest extent 
practicable; and 
    (d) The responsibility to acquire land in as expeditious a 
manner as possible.  No option shall be made for a period of 
greater than two months if no survey is required or for nine 
months if a survey is required, unless the landowner, in 
writing, expressly requests a longer period of time.  Provided 
that, if county board approval of the transaction is required 
pursuant to article 1, section 97.481 28, no time limits shall 
apply.  If the state elects not to purchase property upon which 
it has an option, it shall pay the landowner $500 after the 
expiration of the option period.  If the state elects to 
purchase the property, unless the landowner elects otherwise, 
payment to the landowner shall be made no later than 90 days 
following the state's election to purchase the property provided 
that the title is marketable and the owner acts expeditiously to 
complete the transaction.  
    Sec. 6.  [84.0285] [GAME AND FISH CITATION QUOTAS 
    The commissioner of natural resources, or the director of 
the division of enforcement and field service, may not order, 
mandate, require, or in any manner suggest, directly or 
indirectly, to a conservation officer that the conservation 
officer issue a certain number of game and fish law violations 
on a daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly quota basis, 
except that the commissioner or director may utilize a 
conservation officer's total enforcement activity, in comparison 
to the total enforcement activity of all conservation officers, 
in the evaluation of an officer's performance. 
    The commissioner shall maintain in a proper and decent 
manner and keep free of weeds any cemetery in the Whitewater 
state wildlife management area.  [99.251] 
    An enforcement officer shall enforce a violation of 
sections 9 to 13 in the same manner as a violation of the game 
and fish laws.  [97.50 s.1, 5] 
    Subdivision 1.  [PROHIBITION.] Notwithstanding any other 
law, a person may not take, import, transport, or sell any 
portion of an endangered species of wild animal or plant, or 
sell or possess with intent to sell an article made with any 
part of the skin, hide, or parts of an endangered species of 
wild animal or plant, except as provided in subdivisions 2 and 7.
[97.488 s.7] 
    Subd. 2.  [APPLICATION.] (a) Subdivision 1 does not apply 
    (1) plants on land classified for property tax purposes as 
class 2a or 2c agricultural land under section 273.13, or on 
ditches and roadways; and 
    (2) noxious weeds designated pursuant to sections 18.171 to 
18.315 or to weeds otherwise designated as troublesome by the 
department of agriculture. 
    (b) If control of noxious weeds is necessary, it takes 
priority over the protection of endangered plant species, as 
long as a reasonable effort is taken to preserve the endangered 
plant species first. 
    (c) The taking or killing of an endangered plant species on 
land adjacent to class 3 or 3b agricultural land as a result of 
the application of pesticides or other agricultural chemical on 
the class 3 or 3b land is not a violation of subdivision 1, if 
reasonable care is taken in the application of the pesticide or 
other chemical to avoid impact on adjacent lands.  For the 
purpose of this paragraph, class 3 or 3b agricultural land does 
not include timber land, waste land, or other land for which the 
owner receives a state paid wetlands or native prairie tax 
    (d) The accidental taking of an endangered plant, where the 
existence of the plant is not known at the time of the taking, 
is not a violation of subdivision 1.  [97.488 s.1a] 
    Subd. 3.  [DESIGNATION.] (a) The commissioner shall adopt 
rules under chapter 14, to designate species of wild animal or 
plant as: 
    (1) endangered, if the species is threatened with 
extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range; 
    (2) threatened, if the species is likely to become 
endangered within the foreseeable future throughout all or a 
significant portion of its range; or 
    (3) species of special concern, if although the species is 
not endangered or threatened, it is extremely uncommon in this 
state, or has unique or highly specific habitat requirements and 
deserves careful monitoring of its status.  Species on the 
periphery of their range that are not listed as threatened may 
be included in this category along with those species that were 
once threatened or endangered but now have increasing or 
protected, stable populations. 
    (b) The range of the species in this state is a factor in 
determining its status as endangered, threatened, or of special 
concern.  A designation by the secretary of the interior that a 
species is threatened or endangered is a prima facie showing 
under this section. 
    (c) The commissioner shall reevaluate the designated 
species list every three years after it is first adopted and 
make appropriate changes.  The review must consider the need for 
further protection of species on the species of special concern 
list.  Species may be withdrawn from designation in the same 
manner that species are designated.  [97.488 s.2] 
    Subd. 4.  [STUDIES.] The commissioner may conduct 
investigations to determine the status and requirements for 
survival of a resident species of wild animal or plant. [97.488 
    Subd. 5.  [MANAGEMENT.] (a) Notwithstanding any other law, 
the commissioner may undertake management programs, issue 
orders, and adopt rules necessary to bring a resident species of 
wild animal or plant that has been designated as threatened or 
endangered to a point at which it is no longer threatened or 
    (b) Subject to the provisions of subdivision 6, management 
programs for endangered or threatened species include research, 
census, law enforcement, habitat acquisition, habitat 
maintenance, propagation, live trapping, transplantation, and 
regulated taking. [97.488 s.4] 
    Subd. 6.  [ENFORCEMENT.] A peace officer or conservation 
officer, pursuant to chapter 626, may execute a warrant to 
search for and seize goods, merchandise, plant or animal taken, 
sold or offered for sale in violation of this section, or items 
used in connection with a violation of this section.  Seized 
property must be held pending judicial proceedings.  Upon 
conviction, seized property is forfeited to the state and must 
be offered to a scientific or educational institution or 
destroyed.  [97.488 s.5] 
    Subd. 7.  [GENERAL EXCEPTIONS.] (a) The commissioner may 
prescribe conditions for an act otherwise prohibited by 
subdivision 1 if: 
    (1) the act is for the purpose of zoological, educational, 
or scientific study; 
    (2) the act enhances the propagation or survival of the 
affected species; 
    (3) the act prevents injury to persons or property; or 
    (4) the social and economic benefits of the act outweigh 
the harm caused by it. 
    (b) A member of an endangered species may not be destroyed 
under clauses (3) or (4) until all alternatives, including live 
trapping and transplantation, have been evaluated and rejected.  
The commissioner may prescribe conditions to propagate a species 
or subspecies. 
    (c) A person may capture or destroy a member of an 
endangered species, without permit, to avoid an immediate and 
demonstrable threat to human life or property. 
    (d) The commissioner must give approval under this 
subdivision for forest management, including permit, sale, or 
lease of land for timber harvesting. [97.488 s.6] 
    Subd. 8.  [APPLICATION.] This section does not apply 
retroactively or prohibit importation into this state and 
subsequent possession, transport, and sale of wild animals, wild 
plants, or parts of wild animals or plants that are legally 
imported into the United States or legally acquired and exported 
from another territory, state, possession, or political 
subdivision of the United States.  [97.488 s.7] 
    Subd. 9.  [VIOLATIONS.] A violation of this section is a 
misdemeanor. [97.488 s.8] 
    Subdivision 1.  [OWNERSHIP.] The state is the owner of wild 
rice and other aquatic vegetation growing in public waters.  A 
person may not acquire a property interest in wild rice or other 
aquatic vegetation or destroy wild rice or aquatic vegetation, 
except as authorized under this chapter.  [97.42] 
    Subd. 2.  [LICENSE REQUIRED.] A person may not harvest, 
buy, sell, transport, or possess aquatic plants without a 
license required under this chapter.  A license shall be issued 
in the same manner as provided under the game and fish laws.  
[98.45 s.1; 98.50 s.1] 
    Subd. 3.  [LICENSE FEES.] (a) The fees for the following 
licenses, to be issued to residents only, are: 
    (1) for harvesting wild rice, $10;  [98.46 s.3] 
    (2) for buying and selling wild ginseng, $5;  [98.46 s.3] 
    (3) for a wild rice dealer's license to buy and sell 50,000 
pounds or less, $70; and [98.46 s.18] 
    (4) for a wild rice dealer's license to buy and sell more 
than 50,000 pounds, $250.  [98.46 s.18] 
    (b) The weight of the wild rice shall be determined in its 
raw state.  [98.46 s.18] 
    Subdivision 1.  [AUTHORIZATION.] The commissioner may issue 
permits, with or without a fee, to: 
    (1) gather or harvest aquatic plants, or plant parts, other 
than wild rice from public waters; 
    (2) transplant any aquatic plants into other public waters; 
    (3) destroy harmful or undesirable aquatic vegetation or 
organisms in public waters under prescribed conditions to 
protect the waters, desirable species of fish, vegetation, other 
forms of aquatic life, and the public.  An application for a 
permit must be accompanied by a permit fee, if required.  [98.48 
    Subd. 2.  [FEES.] (a) The commissioner shall establish a 
fee schedule for permits to harvest aquatic plants other than 
wild rice, by order, after holding a public hearing.  The fees 
may not exceed $100 per permit based upon the cost of receiving, 
processing, analyzing, and issuing the permit, and additional 
costs incurred after the application to inspect and monitor the 
activities authorized by the permit. 
    (b) A fee may not be charged to the state or a federal 
governmental agency applying for a permit. 
    (c) The money received for the permits under this 
subdivision shall be deposited in the treasury and credited to 
the game and fish fund.  [98.48 s.9] 
    Subd. 3.  [PERMIT STANDARDS.] The commissioner shall, by 
order, prescribe standards to issue and deny permits under 
subdivision 2.  The standards must insure that aquatic plant 
control is consistent with shoreland conservation ordinances, 
lake management plans and programs, and wild and scenic river 
plans.  [98.48 s.9] 
    Sec. 12.  [84.093] [WILD GINSENG.] 
    The commissioner may establish regulations including 
seasons for harvesting to conserve wild ginseng.  [97.48 s.18a] 
    Sec. 13.  [84.152] [WILD RICE.] 
    Subdivision 1.  [REGULATIONS.] The commissioner shall 
prescribe rules for harvesting and possessing wild rice.  [97.48 
    Subd. 2.  [LICENSE REQUIRED.] A person who buys wild rice 
within the state for resale to anyone except consumers, or sells 
wild rice imported from outside the state to anyone within the 
state except consumers must have a wild rice dealer's license.  
[97.48 s.18] 
    Subd. 3.  [APPLICATION.] (a) An application for a wild rice 
dealer's license must be made under a written oath.  The form of 
a wild rice dealer's license application must include:  
    (1) the amount of wild rice, whether raw or processed, 
bought or sold by the applicant during the preceding calendar 
    (2) the amount of wild rice the applicant estimates will be 
bought or sold under the license; and 
    (3) other pertinent information required by the 
    (b) The license fee must be paid in advance, based on the 
applicant's estimate.  A license may not be issued for a fee 
based on a lesser amount of wild rice than was bought or sold by 
the applicant during the preceding calendar year.  [98.46 s.18] 
    Subd. 4.  [SUPPLEMENTAL LICENSE.] A wild rice dealer may 
not buy or sell wild rice for which a license is required in 
excess of the amount covered by the license.  If a wild rice 
dealer desires to buy or sell wild rice in excess of the 
licensed amount, the dealer must apply for a supplemental 
license.  The supplemental license shall be issued for the 
additional amount of wild rice upon payment of the prescribed 
fee, less credit for the fees paid for the previous license or 
licenses issued for the same calendar year.  When the 
supplemental license is issued, the previous licenses held by 
the dealer shall be surrendered to the commissioner.  [98.46 
RICE.] Raw rice purchased by a dealer must be reported in 
accordance with this subdivision.  A wild rice dealer shall 
submit an annual report to the commissioner and keep a complete 
record in a book of all wild rice bought or sold during the 
period covered by the license.  The record book must show:  (1) 
the date of each transaction; (2) the names and addresses of all 
parties involved in the transaction other than the dealer; and 
(3) the amount of wild rice transferred, whether raw or 
processed.  The record book must be available for inspection by 
the commissioner, the coordinator of wild rice, conservation 
officer, or agent of the commissioner at all reasonable times.  
A wild rice dealer must transmit a written report to the 
commissioner within ten days after the end of each calendar 
month during the period covered by the license.  The 
commissioner shall prescribe the form of the report which must 
be signed by the licensee and state the total amount of wild 
rice bought or sold during the calendar month, whether raw or 
processed.  [98.46 s.18] 
    Subd. 6.  [PENALTIES.] (a) A person is guilty of a 
misdemeanor who:  
    (1) willfully makes a false statement in an application for 
a license or in a required report or record; or 
    (2) violates a provision relating to wild rice dealers. 
    (b) Each violation is a separate offense.  An acquittal 
prohibits later prosecution based on a similar charge involving 
other wild rice in the same transaction. 
    (c) If a wild rice dealer is convicted of two offenses 
under this subdivision within three years, the dealer's license 
is null and void and the dealer may not be issued a license for 
one year after the date of the conviction.  [98.46 s.18] 
    Sec. 14.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 84.88, 
subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
    Subd. 2.  A person registered as owner of a snowmobile may 
be fined not to exceed $300 if a snowmobile bearing his 
registration number is operated contrary to the provisions of 
sections 84.81 to 84.88, 100.26, subdivision 1, or 100.29, 
subdivisions 28 or 29 article 2, section 19.  The registered 
owner may not be so fined if (a) the snowmobile was reported as 
stolen to the commissioner or a law enforcement agency at the 
time of the alleged unlawful act, or if (b) the registered owner 
demonstrates that the snowmobile either was stolen or was not in 
use at the time of the alleged unlawful act, or if (c) the 
registered owner furnishes to law enforcement officers upon 
request the identity of the person in actual physical control of 
the snowmobile at the time of such violation. The provisions of 
this subdivision do not apply to any person who rents or leases 
a snowmobile if such person keeps a record of the name and 
address of the person or persons renting or leasing such 
snowmobile, the registration number thereof, the departure date 
and time, and expected time of return thereof.  Such record 
shall be preserved for at least six months and shall be prima 
facie evidence that the person named therein was the operator 
thereof at the time it was operated contrary to sections 84.81 
to 84.88, 100.26, subdivision 1, or 100.29, subdivisions 28 or 
29 article 2, section 19. The provisions of this subdivision do 
not prohibit or limit the prosecution of a snowmobile operator 
for violating any of the sections referred to in this 
    Sec. 15.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 84.89, is 
amended to read: 
    A law enforcement officer shall seize any snowmobile, as 
defined in section 84.81, used for the purpose of gaining access 
to property for the purpose of committing the crime of burglary, 
as defined in section 609.58.  Any snowmobile seized pursuant to 
this section shall be held, subject to the order of the district 
court of the county in which the burglary was committed, and 
shall be confiscated after conviction of the person from whom 
the snowmobile was seized and disposed of in accordance with the 
procedure provided for equipment used in committing game and 
fish violations by article 1, section 97.50, subdivision 6 38, 
except that the balance of the proceeds from the sale of a 
confiscated snowmobile which are paid into the state treasury 
shall be credited to the general fund.  
    Sec. 16.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 84A.02, is 
amended to read: 
    84A.02 [MANAGEMENT.] 
    Red Lake game preserve shall be under the management and 
control of the department, which shall have, and it is hereby 
given, full power and authority to make, establish, promulgate, 
and enforce all necessary rules and regulations, not 
inconsistent with the laws of the state, for the care, 
preservation, protection, breeding, propagation, and disposition 
of any and all species of wild life therein and the regulation, 
issuance, sale, and revocation of special licenses or special 
permits for hunting, fishing, camping, and other uses of this 
area, not inconsistent with the terms of sections 84A.01 to 
84A.11 or other laws of the state now or hereafter applicable 
thereto.  The department shall have power and authority, by 
means of rules and regulations, to declare the terms and 
conditions of these licenses and permits and the charges to be 
made therefor.  These regulations may specify and control the 
terms under and by which wild life may be taken, captured, or 
killed therein, and under and by which fur-bearing animals, or 
animals and fish otherwise having commercial value, may be 
taken, captured, trapped, killed, sold, and removed therefrom.  
These rules and regulations may also provide for the 
afforestation and reforestation of lands now or hereafter owned 
by the state in this game preserve and hunting grounds, and for 
the sale of merchantable timber from these lands when and where, 
in the opinion of the department, the same can be sold and 
removed without damage or injury to the further use and 
development of the land for a habitat of wild life and game in 
this game preserve and hunting ground, and for the purposes for 
which this preserve and hunting ground is established by 
sections 84A.01 to 84A.11.  The department may provide for the 
policing of this preserve and hunting ground in such manner as 
may be needful for the proper development and use of the 
preserve and hunting ground for the purposes specified, and all 
supervisors, guards, custodians, and caretakers assigned to duty 
in this preserve and hunting ground shall have and possess the 
authority and powers of peace officers while in their 
employment.  The department shall also make and enforce such 
rules and regulations, not inconsistent with the laws of the 
state, concerning the burning of grass, timber slashings, and 
other inflammable matter, and the clearing, development, and use 
of lands in this preserve and hunting ground as may be necessary 
and advisable to prevent destructive forest fires and grass 
fires which would injure the use and development of this area 
for the preservation and propagation of wild life therein, and 
for the proper protection of the forest and wooded areas 
thereof.  All lands within the boundaries of this preserve and 
hunting ground shall be subject to such rules and regulations, 
whether owned by the state or privately, consistent with the 
rights of the private owners and with the laws of this state now 
or hereafter applicable thereto.  By such rules and regulations 
there may be established areas and zones within this preserve 
and hunting ground where hunting, fishing, trapping, or camping 
may be prohibited or specially regulated, for the purpose of 
protection and propagation of particular wild life therein.  
    All rules and regulations adopted and promulgated under the 
provisions of sections 84A.01 to 84A.11 shall be published in 
the manner now required by law under the provisions of article 
1, section 97.53 9, and shall be, in addition thereto, posted on 
the boundaries of this preserve and hunting ground.  
    Sec. 17.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 85.018, 
subdivision 8, is amended to read: 
    Subd. 8.  [ENFORCEMENT.] The provisions of this section may 
be enforced by officers of the department of natural resources 
as provided in section 97.50 article 1, sections 33 to 40. 
    Sec. 18.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 86A.06, is 
amended to read: 
    86A.06 [RULES.] 
    Each managing agency, in consultation with the commissioner 
of energy, planning and development, shall promulgate rules 
relating to the units of the outdoor recreation system within 
its jurisdiction, which shall provide for administration of the 
units in the manner specified in section 86A.05 and the laws 
relating to each type of unit.  The authority provided by this 
subdivision does not amend or repeal authority possessed by the 
commissioner of natural resources pursuant to article 1, section 
97.53 9, subdivision 2 3, and in no way is intended to modify or 
diminish authority possessed by the commissioner in relation 
to article 1, section 97.53 9, subdivision 2 3. 
    Sec. 19.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 105.391, 
subdivision 3, is amended to read: 
    Subd. 3.  Except as provided below, no public waters or 
wetlands shall be drained, and no permit authorizing drainage of 
public waters or wetlands shall be issued, unless the public 
waters or wetlands being drained are replaced by public waters 
or wetlands which will have equal or greater public value.  
However, after a state waterbank program has been established, 
wetlands which are eligible for inclusion in that program may be 
drained without a permit and without replacement of wetlands of 
equal or greater public value if the commissioner does not 
elect, within 60 days of the receipt of an application for a 
permit to drain the wetlands, to either (1) place the wetlands 
in the state waterbank program, or (2) acquire it pursuant to 
article 1, section 97.481 28, or (3) indemnify the landowner 
through any other appropriate means, including but not limited 
to conservation restrictions, easements, leases, or any 
applicable federal program.  If the applicant is not offered his 
choice of the above alternatives, he is entitled to drain the 
wetlands involved. 
    In addition, the owner or owners of lands underlying 
wetlands situated on privately owned lands may apply to the 
commissioner for a permit to drain the wetlands at any time 
after the expiration of ten years following the original 
designation thereof.  Upon receipt of an application, the 
commissioner shall review the current status and conditions of 
the wetlands.  If he finds that the current status or conditions 
are such that it appears likely that the economic or other 
benefits to the owner or owners which would result from drainage 
would exceed the public benefits of maintaining the wetlands, he 
shall grant the application and issue a drainage permit.  If the 
application is denied, no additional application shall be made 
until the expiration of an additional ten years.  
    Sec. 20.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 105.391, 
subdivision 12, is amended to read: 
    Subd. 12.  The designation of waters as "public waters" or 
"wetlands" pursuant to this section shall not grant any 
additional or greater right of access to the public to those 
waters, nor is the commissioner required to acquire access to 
those waters under article 1, section 97.48, subdivision 15 27, 
nor is any right of ownership or usage of the beds underlying 
those waters diminished.  Notwithstanding the designation of 
waters or lands as public waters or wetlands, all provisions of 
Minnesota law forbidding trespass upon private lands shall 
remain in full force and effect.  
    Sec. 21.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 105.417, 
subdivision 4, is amended to read: 
    Subd. 4.  [TROUT STREAMS.] Permits issued after June 3, 
1977 to appropriate water for any purpose from streams 
designated trout streams by the commissioner's orders pursuant 
to article 3, section 101.42 5, shall be limited to temporary 
    Sec. 22.  Minnesota Statutes 1985 Supplement, section 
105.74, is amended to read: 
    In addition to duties elsewhere prescribed, the board has 
the function defined in sections 105.72 to 105.79 when the 
decision of the agency in a proceeding involves a question of 
water policy in one or more of the areas of water conservation, 
water pollution, preservation and management of wildlife, 
drainage, soil conservation, public recreation, forest 
management, and municipal planning under any of the following:  
Sections 84.57, 97.48, subdivision 13 article 1, section 26, 
105.41, 105.42, 105.43, 105.44, 105.64, 106A.011, 106A.015, 
115.04, 115.05, and chapter 110. 
    Sec. 23.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 111.81, 
subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
    Subdivision 1.  The governing body of any city or town may 
expend funds for the control or destruction of harmful or 
undesirable aquatic vegetation or organisms in public waters and 
may cooperate with other such governing bodies and any 
landowners in such control or destruction.  No such control or 
destruction shall be started unless a permit therefor has been 
issued by the commissioner of natural resources pursuant to 
section 98.48, subdivision 9, 11 and all work shall be done in 
accordance with the terms and conditions of such permit.  
    Sec. 24.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 343.21, 
subdivision 8, is amended to read: 
    Subd. 8.  [CAGING.] No person shall cage any animal for 
public display purposes unless the display cage is constructed 
of solid material on three sides to protect the caged animal 
from the elements and unless the horizontal dimension of each 
side of the cage is at least four times the length of the caged 
animal.  The provisions of this subdivision do not apply to the 
Minnesota state agricultural society, the Minnesota state fair, 
or to the county agricultural societies, county fairs, to any 
agricultural display of caged animals by any political 
subdivision of the state of Minnesota, or to district, regional 
or national educational livestock or poultry exhibitions. The 
provisions of this subdivision do not apply to captive wildlife, 
the exhibition of which is regulated by article 1, section 
97.611 7. 
    Sec. 25.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 343.30, is 
amended to read: 
    343.30 [INJURY TO BIRDS.] 
    A person who in any manner maliciously maims, kills, or 
destroys any bird designated as unprotected by article 1, 
section 100.26 2, subdivision 2 52, or who maliciously destroys 
the nests or eggs of any such bird shall be guilty of a petty 
    Sec. 26.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 352B.01, 
subdivision 2, is amended to read: 
    Subd. 2.  "Member" means (a) all of the persons referred to 
and employed on and after July 1, 1943 pursuant to the 
provisions of Laws 1929, Chapter 355, and all acts amendatory 
thereof and supplementary thereto, currently employed by the 
state, whose salaries or compensation is paid out of funds of 
the state of Minnesota; (b) any conservation officer employed 
under the provisions of article 1, section 97.50 33, currently 
employed by the state, whose salary or compensation is paid out 
of funds of the state; and (c) any crime bureau officer who was 
employed by the crime bureau and was a member of the highway 
patrolmen's retirement fund on July 1, 1978, whether or not that 
person has the power of arrest by warrant after that date, or 
who is employed as police personnel, with powers of arrest by 
warrant, pursuant to the provisions of section 299C.04, and who 
is currently employed by the state, and whose salary or 
compensation is paid out of funds of the state.  
    The term "member" shall not include any person employed in 
subsidized on-the-job training, work experience or public 
service employment as an enrollee under the federal 
comprehensive employment and training act from and after March 
30, 1978, unless the person has as of the later of March 30, 
1978 or the date of employment sufficient service credit in the 
retirement fund to meet the minimum vesting requirements for a 
deferred retirement annuity, or the employer agrees in writing 
on forms prescribed by the executive director to make the 
required employer contributions, including any employer 
additional contributions, on account of that person from revenue 
sources other than funds provided under the federal 
comprehensive employment and training act, or the person agrees 
in writing on forms prescribed by the executive director to make 
the required employer contribution in addition to the required 
employee contribution.  
    Sec. 27.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 361.25, is 
amended to read: 
    361.25 [REGULATIONS.] 
    The commissioner shall adopt, in the manner provided in 
sections 14.02, 14.04 to 14.36, 14.38, 14.44 to 14.45, and 14.57 
to 14.62, and shall publish in the manner prescribed in article 
1, section 97.53 9, subdivision 2 3, regulations relating to 
the application for, and form and numbering of watercraft 
licenses and the size, form, reflectorize material and display 
of watercraft license numbers which shall comply with the 
requirements of the federal watercraft numbering system, 
placement and regulation of docks, piers, buoys, mooring or 
marking devices and other structures in the waters of this 
state, rules of the road for watercraft navigation and standards 
for equipment used in the towing of persons on water skis, 
aquaplanes, surfboards, saucers, and other devices, standards 
for lights, signals, fire extinguishers, bilge ventilation, and 
lifesaving equipment, standards of safe load and power capacity, 
accounting, procedural and reporting requirements for county 
sheriff, designation of and swimming or bathing areas, standards 
of safety for watercraft offered for rent, lease, or hire; and 
in accordance with section 361.26, subdivision 2, clause (c), 
the commissioner shall by no later than January 1, 1975, adopt 
rules and regulations relating to the use of surface waters of 
this state by watercraft including but not limited to (1) 
standards and criteria for resolving conflicts in the use of 
water surfaces by watercraft, (2) procedures for dealing with 
problems involving more than one local governmental unit, (3) 
procedures for local enforcement and (4) procedures for carrying 
out the provisions of section 361.26, subdivision 2; and such 
other regulations as he deems necessary to carry out the 
provisions of this chapter. 
    Sec. 28.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 383C.13, is 
amended to read: 
    In each county in this state now or hereafter having a 
population of more than 150,000 and an area of over 5,000 square 
miles the county auditor shall receive an annual salary of 
$7,000 as full compensation for all services.  He shall, on the 
first day of each month, file in his office a complete statement 
of all the fees and commissions received by him of every name 
and nature whatsoever, including his commission as agent of the 
commissioner of game and fish pursuant to Minnesota Statutes 
1949, article 1, section 98.50 70, and turn the same into the 
county treasury. 
    Sec. 29.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 477A.12, is 
amended to read: 
    There is annually appropriated to the commissioner of 
natural resources from the general fund for payment to counties 
within the state an amount equal to $3 multiplied by the number 
of acres of acquired natural resources land, 75 cents multiplied 
by the number of acres of county-administered other natural 
resources land, and 37.5 cents multiplied by the number of acres 
of commissioner-administered other natural resources land 
located in each county as of July 1 of each year.  Lands for 
which payments in lieu are made pursuant to article 1, section 
97.49 11, subdivision 7 3, and Laws 1973, Chapter 567, shall not 
be eligible for payments under this section.  Each county 
auditor shall certify to the department of natural resources 
during July of each year the number of acres of 
county-administered other natural resources land within his 
county.  The department of natural resources may, in addition to 
the certification of acreage, require descriptive lists of land 
so certified.  The commissioner of natural resources shall 
determine and certify the number of acres of acquired natural 
resources land and commissioner-administered natural resources 
land within each county.  
    Sec. 30.  Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 477A.13, is 
amended to read: 
    Payments to the counties shall be made from the general 
fund during the month of July of the year next following 
certification.  There shall be deducted from amounts paid any 
amounts paid to a county or township during the preceding year 
pursuant to sections 89.036, 97.49, subdivision 3 article 1, 
section 11, subdivisions 1 and 2, and 272.68, subdivision 3 with 
respect to the lands certified pursuant to section 477A.12.  
    Payments under section 477A.12 must also be reduced by the 
following percentages of the amounts paid during the preceding 
year under section 84A.51:  
    (1) for the payment made July 15, 1984, 75 percent;  
    (2) for the payment made July 15, 1985, 50 percent;  
    (3) for the payment made July 15, 1986, 25 percent; and 
    (4) for the payment made thereafter, 0 percent. 
    Sec. 31.  [609.661] [PENALTY FOR SET GUNS; SWIVEL GUNS.] 
    A person who violates a provision relating to set guns or 
swivel guns is guilty of a gross misdemeanor.  [97.55 s.7] 
    A nonresident alien may not possess a firearm except to 
take game as a nonresident under the game and fish laws.  A 
firearm possessed in violation of this section is contraband and 
may be confiscated.  [98.45 s.4] 
    Sec. 33.  [REPEALER.] 
    Minnesota Statutes 1984, sections 97.40; 97.41; 97.42; 
97.43; 97.431; 97.432; 97.433; 97.44; 97.45; 97.46; 97.47; 97.48;
97.481; 97.482; 97.483; 97.4841, subdivisions 1, 2, and 4; 
97.4842, subdivisions 1 and 3; 97.4843, subdivisions 1, 3, and 
4; 97.485; 97.487; 97.488, subdivisions 1 and 2 to 8; 97.49; 
97.50, subdivisions 2 to 9; 97.501; 97.51; 97.52; 97.53; 97.54; 
97.55, subdivisions 1 to 15; 97.56; 97.57; 97.611; 97.81; 97.82; 
97.83; 97.85; 97.86; 98.45, subdivisions 1 to 8; 98.455; 98.456; 
98.457; 98.46, subdivisions 1, 2a, 2b, 3, 4, 5a, 6 to 13, 16 to 
26; 98.465; 98.47, subdivisions 1 to 3, 4 to 13, 15 to 18; 
98.48, subdivisions 1 to 4, 6 to 16; 98.49; 98.50; 98.501; 98.51;
98.52, subdivisions 1 to 4; 99.25; 99.251; 99.26; 99.27; 99.28; 
99.29; 100.26; 100.27, subdivisions 2 and 5 to 9; 100.271, 
subdivisions 1 and 3 to 5; 100.272; 100.273, subdivisions 1 to 
5, 7, and 8; 100.28; 100.29, subdivisions 1 to 14, 16, 17, 18, 
20, 23, 24, and 26 to 33; 100.295; 100.30; 100.303; 100.31; 
100.32; 100.33; 100.34; 100.35; 100.36; 100.37; 101.41; 101.411; 
101.42; 101.425; 101.43; 101.44; 101.441; 101.45; 101.46; 101.47;
101.48; 101.49; 101.50; 101.51; 102.23; 102.235; 102.24; 102.25; 
102.26; 102.27; 102.28; 102.285; 102.29; 102.30; Minnesota 
Statutes 1985 Supplement, sections 97.484; 97.4841, subdivision 
3; 97.4842, subdivision 2; 97.4843, subdivision 2; 97.488, 
subdivision 1a; 97.50, subdivision 1; 97.55, subdivisions 16 and 
17; 97.851; 98.45, subdivision 9; 98.46, subdivisions 2, 5, 14, 
and 15; 98.47, subdivision 3a; 98.48, subdivision 5; 98.52, 
subdivision 6; 100.27, subdivisions 1, 3, and 4; 100.271, 
subdivision 2; 100.273, subdivisions 6 and 9; 100.281; 100.29, 
subdivisions 15, 19 and 25; and 101.475 are repealed. 
    Approved March 20, 1986

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes