Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1986 CHAPTER 365-H.F.No. 2216 An act relating to land surveying; providing for the surveying of lands by a county board; providing for the establishment of an office of county surveyor or the assignment of its duties; increasing the amount the Olmsted county board may appropriate annually for use as a contingent fund; providing a penalty; amending Minnesota Statutes 1984, sections 381.01; 381.02; 381.03; 381.04; 381.05; 381.06; 381.07; 381.08; 381.09; 381.10; 381.12; 381.13; 389.011; 389.02; 389.03; 389.04; 389.08; Minnesota Statutes 1985 Supplement, section 389.09, subdivision 1; Laws 1965, chapter 433, section 1, as amended; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 381; repealing Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 389.06. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 381.01, is amended to read: 381.01 [PETITION.]UponOn petition ofanya town board in the case of a township, or of at least two taxpayers inanya section, in the case of a section, filed with the county auditor, prayingthereforrequesting it, the county board maycause any suchdirect that the township or sectiontobe surveyed or subdivided. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 381.02, is amended to read: 381.02 [MEETING; NOTICE.] At its next regular meeting aftersuchthe petition is filed, the county board shall fix a time and place of meeting to considerthe sameit, of which three weeks' published notice, containing the substance of the petition, a description of the lands to be affected, and the names of the owners thereof as they appear in the last tax duplicate,shallmust be given.SuchThe noticeshallmust also be personally served on each occupant of land to be affected by the survey. Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 381.03, is amended to read: 381.03 [HEARING; CONTRACT WITH SURVEYOR.]UponOn the hearing ofsuchthe petition, all parties interested may appear and be heard, and the county board may grant or reject the application. If granted, it shall appoint acompetentlicensed surveyor to make the survey, with whom a written contract for the performance of the workshallmust be made, secured by a sufficient bond executed bysuchthe surveyor and approved by the board. Two weeks' published notice of the appointment ofsuchthe surveyor, specifying the date when the survey willbe begunbegin,shallmust be given. At thetimesoappointed time, the work shallbe begunbegin, and shall continue without unnecessary delay until completed. Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 381.04, is amended to read: 381.04 [DUTIES OF SURVEYOR.]SuchThe surveyor shall keep complete and accurate records and field notes of all the work, giving dates, names of assistants, lengths and relative directions of all lines, a full description of the evidence and method by which corners are located or restored, andfullcomplete data by which the entire survey can be relocated. Distancesshallmust be given in feet and decimals thereof.Substantial iron or stoneDurable magnetic monumentsshallmust beplantedplaced ator nearall restored government cornersreestablished, and the names ofat least three resident witnesses must be given in such notesfor each monument. Heor as references to the government corners. The surveyor shall make a platupon a strong linenpaperon durable reproductible material, showingallthe above mentioned facts, so far as practicable, and also all tracts of land affected, with the name of the owner and acreage of each tract.SuchThe platshallmust have endorsed thereon the affidavit of the surveyor to the effect thatsuchthe survey and plat are correct and accurate. Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 381.05, is amended to read: 381.05 [PLAT AS EVIDENCE.] If the boardapproveapproves the plat, its certificate of approval, signed by the chairman,shallmust be endorsed thereon, and thereupon. The surveyor shall then file the plat, records and field notesshall be filedin the office of the county recorder, and shall be prima facie evidence that thesurvey is correct. If an office for the county surveyor is maintained in a building maintained by the county for county purposes on a full-time basis, the plat, records and field notes must be filed in the surveyor's office with a copy of the plat filed in the office of the county recorder. The plats, records and field notes filed under this provision are prima facie evidence that the survey is correct. The surveyor shall pay to the recorder$1the current fee for filing and recording the plat, records and field notes or plat, as the case may be. Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 381.06, is amended to read: 381.06 [EXPENSES; ASSESSMENT.] The surveyor shallthereuponthen make a certified report to the board, showing in detail the entire expense ofsuchthe survey, whichshallmust be equitably apportioned and assessed by the board to the several tracts affected. Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 381.07, is amended to read: 381.07 [ASSESSMENT; NOTICE; CONFIRMATION.]UponOn makingsuchthe assessment, the board shallforthwith causegive one week's published notice thereofto be given.SuchThe noticeshallmust contain a description of each tract of land affected, and specify the amount assessed againstthe sameeach tract, the name of the supposed owner, and the time and place of meeting of the board to correct and confirmsuchthe assessment. At the time and placeso fixedgiven in the notice, the board, after making all proper corrections and adjustments, shall make an order confirmingsuchthe assessment. Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 381.08, is amended to read: 381.08 [ASSESSMENT ENTERED ON TAX DUPLICATE.]UponOn the filing ofsuchthe order of confirmation, the county auditor shall enteruponon the tax duplicate for the current year, against each such tract of land, the amount so assessed againstthe sameit, which shall be collected as other taxes, andgo intobe deposited in the county revenue fund. Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 381.09, is amended to read: 381.09 [EXPENSES, HOW PAID.] After the filing of the order of confirmation, the expenses ofsuchthe survey, not exceeding the amount of the assessment,shallmust be paid out of the general revenue fund of the county in the same manner as other claims. Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 381.10, is amended to read: 381.10 [APPEALS.] Appeals from the order of confirmation may be taken to the district court by any person aggrieved, inlikethe same manner as from the determination of the board in laying out roads. Onsuchan appeal the court may inquire into and review all matters relating to the survey or assessment or expenses affecting the party appealing, which are specified in the notice of appeal. Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 381.12, is amended to read: 381.12 [SECTION CORNERS RELOCATED.] Subdivision 1. [SURVEYOR, EMPLOYMENT.] Whenit shall bemade to appear to the satisfaction ofthe county board determines that the monuments established by the United States inits surveys ofthe public lands survey to mark section, quarter section, and meander corners have been destroyed or are becoming obscure, it may employ acompetentlicensed surveyor torelocate and reestablishpreserve, restore and mark thesamecorners with a durable magnetic monument.Such surveyor shallmark each corner reestablished by a sufficient iron or stonelandmark, andThe surveyor shall make full and accurate notes anddatarecords from whichhisthe entire survey can be relocated, and shall file a certified copy of the same,and amap of the surveywith a plat, in the office of the county recorder or the office of the county surveyor if an office is maintained in a building maintained by the county for county purposes on a full-time basis.Such landmarks shall beThe monuments are prima facie evidencethat the points where theyare located are the section, quarter section, or meandercorners, as the case may be, established byof the original United States public land survey corners. Subd. 2. [EXPENSE, TAX LEVY.] For the purpose of defraying the expense incurred, or to be incurred in therelocation andreestablishmentpreservation and restoration of monumentspursuant to subdivision 1under this section, the county board of any county may levy a tax upon all the taxable property in the county. Subd. 3. [UNITED STATES PUBLIC LAND SURVEY MONUMENT RECORD.] (a) A United States public land survey monument record must be prepared as part of any land survey which includes or requires the perpetuation or restoration of a United States public land survey corner and one of the following conditions exists: (1) there is no United States public land survey monument record for the corner on file in the office of the county surveyor or the county recorder for the county in which the corner is located; or (2) the land surveyor who performs the survey accepts a position for the United States public land survey corner which differs from that shown on a United States public land survey monument record filed in the office of the county surveyor where the county maintains a full-time office, or in the office of the county recorder for the county in which the corner is located; or (3) the witness ties referred to in an existing United States public land survey monument record have been destroyed. (b) A United States public land survey monument record must be prepared on a certificate of location of government corner, as specified in section 160.15, subdivision 5. (c) A United States public land survey monument record must show the position of the corner and must include all the following elements: (1) the identity of the corner, as referenced to the United States public land survey system; (2) a description of any record evidence, monument evidence, occupational evidence, testimonial evidence, or any other material evidence considered by the surveyor, and whether the monument was found or placed; (3) if possible, reference ties to at least three witness monuments made of concrete, natural stone, iron, or other equally durable material, including trees; (4) a plan view drawing depicting the relevant monuments and reference ties which is in sufficient detail to enable accurate restoration of the corner position if the corner monument has been disturbed; (5) a description of any significant discrepancy between the position of the corner as restored and the position of that corner as previously restored; (6) whether the corner was restored through acceptance of an obliterated evidence position or a found perpetuated position; (7) whether the corner was restored through lost corner proportionate methods; (8) the directions and distances to other public land survey corners which were used as evidence or used for proportioning in determining the corner positions; and (9) the signature of the land surveyor under whose direction and control the corner position was determined and a statement certifying that the United States public land survey monument record is correct and complete to the best of the surveyor's knowledge and belief. (d) A reasonable fee for professional services may be paid to the surveyor filing the certificate with the respective county, on approval and determination of the fee by resolution of the county board. Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 381.13, is amended to read: 381.13 [TOWNSHIP LANDMARKS.] In every countycontaining a population exceeding 5,000, the county board shall cause to be placed by acompetentlicensed surveyor at the northeast corner of each congressional township apermanent landmark, which shall be either a stone notless than eight inches square and two feet long, or an iron postnot less than two inches square and 30 inches long, having ahead six inches squaredurable magnetic monument having a head not less than 3-1/2 inches in diameter and a length of 20 inches.Such landmark shallThe monument must be embedded its full length in the ground, and have plainly cut or engraved onthe top thereof letters and figures indicating the number of thesection, township, and range. The county board shall pay from the treasury the expense ofpreparing and placing such landmarksshall be paid out of the county treasuryinstalling the monuments, and the place where thesamemonument is locatedshall beis prima facie evidence of the northeast corner of such township.Any person who shall remove, destroy, or deface anysuch landmark shall be guilty of a misdemeanor.Sec. 13. [381.19] [VIOLATIONS; PENALTY.] Any person who willfully removes, destroys, or defaces a monument lawfully erected is guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 389.011, is amended to read: 389.011 [QUALIFICATIONS; APPOINTMENT; ELECTION; TERMINATION OF OFFICE; PERFORMANCE OF DUTIES; BONDS.] Subdivision 1. [QUALIFICATIONS.]AnyA county surveyor elected or appointed after July 1, 1961, oranya surveyor designated to perform the professional duties of a county surveyor after July 1, 1961,shallmust beregisteredlicensed in Minnesota as a land surveyor as provided in chapter 326.SuchThe professional dutiesshallof a county surveyor include any of the duties involved in the practice of land surveying as provided in chapter 326.AnyA county surveyor or other surveyor designated to perform the duties of a county surveyorat all timesmust be licensed in Minnesota as a land surveyor while holding such office or while such designation is in effectshall be duly registered in Minnesota as a landsurveyor. Failure on the part ofany sucha land surveyor to keep hisregistrationlicense currentshall be deemedadequateis grounds for the board of county commissioners to declaresaidthe office vacant and to appoint aproperlyqualified person to such office. As used in this section, the term land surveyorshall meanmeans a surveyorduly registeredlicensed in Minnesota as a land surveyor.AnyA county surveyor or other licensed surveyor designated to perform the duties of a county surveyor after July 1, 1961, before entering upon his duties, in addition to such bond and oath of office asmay beis required to be filed, shall fileacertifiedcopyevidence of hisregistrationlicense as a land surveyor for record with the county recorder and eachyearlicense period thereafter while holding such office or designation shall fileacertifiedcopyevidence of hiscertificate of registrationlicense renewal for the then currentyearperiod with the county recorder on or beforeJanuary 10 ofeach yearthe license expiration date.AnyA county surveyor holding that office on July 1, 1961, who was elected or appointed for a term beginning prior to July 1, 1959,shall be deemedis eligible for reelection or appointment to the office of county surveyor in the county in which he was last elected or appointed; andif he is subsequently elected or appointed to that office,and is not aregisteredlicensed land surveyor, in lieu of acertificate ofregistrationlicense as a land surveyor, he shall file with the county recorder a certified copy of his certificate of election or the resolution of appointment for the term beginning prior to July 1, 1959. Subd. 2. [ELECTION, TERM, APPOINTMENT, TERMINATION OFOFFICE.] (1)In any county having less than 200,000 inhabitantsand in which the office is vacant by reason of no person havingbeen elected and qualified for the position, the board of countycommissioners may by resolution duly adopted at least six monthsbefore the end of the term of office of the county surveyor,declare the office terminated. If such resolution is adopted noperson shall be elected or appointed to the office of countysurveyor so long as such resolution remains in effect. Thecounty board by resolution adopted at least six months beforethe date of any general election may rescind its actionterminating the office. Such resolution rescinding its actionterminating the office shall state whether the office shall befilled henceforth by election or by appointment.If the resolution does not state that the office shall befilled by appointment the county surveyor shall be elected atthe next general election according to law. If the office ofcounty surveyor is to be filled by appointment the board ofcounty commissioners shall within 30 days of said resolutionappoint a land surveyor to such office.In the resolution terminating the office the board ofcounty commissioners may designate a land surveyor who shallperform all professional duties of a county surveyor as providedby law. As to any duties of a county surveyor which are not ofa professional nature said duties shall be performed by thecounty engineer.(2)Inanya county in which the office of county surveyor has not been abolished by law the board of county commissioners may by resolutiondulyadopted at least six months before the end of the term of the office of county surveyor declare its intention to fill the office by appointment. Having adoptedsuch athe resolution the board of county commissioners shall fill the office of county surveyor by appointment of a land surveyor to the office not less than 30 days before the end of the term of office of the incumbent. When so appointed the county surveyorshall serveserves for such term as determined by the boardcommencing uponbeginning with the expiration of the term of the incumbent but notto exceedexceeding four years.(3)(2) Inanya countywhereinwhere the office of county surveyor has not beenterminated ormade appointive under the provisions of this section or abolished under other provisions of law,there shall be electeda county surveyor must be elected in the manner provided by law. The term of office of the county surveyorshall beis four years and until his successor is elected and qualified, andbeginbegins on the first day of January next succeeding his election.(4)(3) If the office of county surveyor is vacant by reason of no qualified person having been elected to the office or the board of county commissioners having failed to appoint a person to the office, or is otherwise vacantor if the officehas been terminated, and no land surveyor has been designated to perform the professional duties of the office and there are duties which prior to January 1, 1961, had been the responsibility of the county surveyor, the officer requiringsuchthese duties to be performed may retain a land surveyor to performsuchthe duties at the compensation set by the county board. Subd. 3. [BOND, OATH.]AnyA county surveyor appointed or elected after July 1, 1961, before enteringuponon his duties shall give bond to the state, approved by the county board, in the sum of $2,000 conditionedforon the faithful discharge of his duties, which. The bond, together withhisthe oath,together with aand certifiedcopyevidence of hisregistrationlicense as a land surveyor or his certificate of electionshallmust be filed for record with the county recorder. Subd. 4. [RESIDENCE OF SURVEYOR.] Notwithstanding any other provision of lawanya land surveyor appointed by a board of county commissioners as a county surveyor, oranya land surveyor designated by the board to perform the duties of county surveyor, need not be a resident of the county in which he is appointed as county surveyor or designated to perform the duties of county surveyor.Any county engineer may be elected orappointed county surveyor provided he is registered in Minnesotaas a land surveyor.Sec. 15. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 389.02, is amended to read: 389.02 [DEPUTIES; SURVEYS, RECORDS.] The county surveyor may appointsuchdeputies as hethinksproper,deems necessary, and is responsible for the faithful and correct performance ofwhosetheir dutieshe shall beresponsible. He shall make all surveys within his county ordered by any court, public board, or officer, or required byany person. He shall keep a fair and correct record of each survey made by himself or deputy, in abookfile to be provided by the county board, which he shall turn over to his successor in office. He shallnumber such surveys progressivelyassign each survey a unique number and preserve a copy of the field notes, which shall be complete and accurate, and calculations of eachsuchsurvey, withtheits numberthereofproperly endorsed thereon, a copy of which, with a fair and accurate plat,together with a certificate of survey, shall be furnished bysuch surveyor to any person requesting the same. The surveyor must furnish to any person requesting it a copy of the field notes, calculations and survey number. Sec. 16. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 389.03, is amended to read: 389.03 [COMPENSATION; RECORDS.] Except as otherwise provided by law, the county board shall fix the compensation of county surveyors or their deputies, including their necessary expenses, shall be fixed by the boardof county commissioners. All records of surveysshall beare public records andopenmust be made available by the county surveyor at all reasonable times to inspection by any person. The county board shall, at the expense of the county, provideforto the county surveyor all proper and necessarybooksfiles for keepingsuchthese records.SuchThe countyrecord book ofsurveyshallrecords must be kept in the office of the county surveyor or of the county recorder of the county,in eventif an office for the county surveyor is maintained inthe court housea building maintained by the county for county purposes on a full-time basis thensuchthe records shall be kept in the office of the county surveyor. Sec. 17. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 389.04, is amended to read: 389.04 [RULES FOR SURVEYS.] In all surveys the basis for the coursesshallmust beexpressed according to the true meridian, and the variationof the magnetic meridian from the true meridian shall beexpressed on the plat, with the year, month, and day of thesurveydefined. In subdividing townships, sections, or parts of sections, as established by the United States survey thereof, and inreestablishingrestoring lost or obliterated government corners, the county surveyor shall follow the rules established by or pursuant to acts of congress, and all such surveys shall be made in strict conformity to the original survey made by the United States. Sec. 18. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 389.08, is amended to read: 389.08 [FILING OF SURVEYS IN CERTAIN COUNTIES.] In any county in which there is a county surveyorand thesurveyorwho maintains an office on a full time basis in a building maintained by the county for county purposes, the county board may by ordinance adopted in accordance with section 375.51, require thatany registereda licensed land surveyor whoshall performperforms a survey of land for an individual or corporationshallmust file a true and correct copy of the survey in the office of the county surveyor within 30 days after completion of the survey. The county surveyor shall determine the manner of filing, and all incidents thereof, shall bedetermined by the county surveyor. All surveys so filedshallbeare public records andshallmust be made available by the county surveyor at all reasonable times for inspection by any person. Sec. 19. Minnesota Statutes 1985 Supplement, section 389.09, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [PLATS AND SURVEYS IN CERTAIN COUNTIES.] In any county in which there is a county surveyorand thesurveyorwho maintains an office on a full-time basis in a building maintained by the county for county purposes, the county board may, by ordinance adopted in accordance with section 375.51, require that each subdivision plat or registered land survey platshallor condominium plat must be approved by the county surveyor before recording. Theproprietor of theplat shall be charged a fee for the service in accordance with aschedule established by the board of commissioners of thecounty board shall establish a schedule of fees charged to proprietors of plats for this service. Sec. 20. Laws 1965, chapter 433, section 1, as amended by Laws 1967, chapter 645, section 1, is amended to read: Section 1. [OLMSTED COUNTY; INCIDENTAL COSTS AND EXPENSES.] In addition to the amount authorized by Minnesota Statutes1965, Section375.16375.161, the county board of Olmsted county may annually appropriate from the county revenue fund a sum not exceeding$1,000$3,500 as a contingent fund for use by thechairmanchair of the county board athisthe chair's discretion to pay for incidental costs and expenses incurred in expediting the business of the county of Olmsted. The fund shall be under the exclusive control of thechairmanchair of the county board, subject to post audit by the county board. Sec. 21. [REPEALER.] Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 389.06, is repealed. Sec. 22. [LOCAL APPROVAL.] This act is effective the day after compliance with Minnesota Statutes, section 645.021, subdivision 3, by the county board of Olmsted county. Approved March 19, 1986
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes