Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1985 CHAPTER 292-H.F.No. 140 An act relating to financial institutions; providing for deposits by minors and deposits in multi-party accounts; regulating multi-party accounts; providing for deposits of public funds in thrift institutions; amending Minnesota Statutes 1984, sections 48.30; 51A.28; 52.13; 118.005; 528.02, subdivisions 3, 6, 8, and 11; 528.04; 528.05; 528.06; 528.07; 528.08; 528.09; 528.10; 528.11; 528.13; and 528.15; proposing coding for new law in Minnesota Statutes, chapters 48, 51A, and 52; repealing Minnesota Statutes 1984, sections 51A.26; 528.02, subdivision 15; and 528.12. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 48.30, is amended to read: 48.30 [DEPOSITSBYIN NAME OF MINOROR IN TRUST; JOINTDEPOSITS.] Any deposit madein any bank or savings bank, by orin the name of a minor, shall be held for the exclusive right and benefit of the minor, free from the control or lien of all other persons, except creditors, and, together with the dividends or interest thereon, shall be paid tohimthe minor, andhisthe minor's receipt, check, or acquittance in any form shall be a sufficient release and dischargeto the bankof the depository for the deposit, or any part thereof, until a conservator or guardian appointedin this statefor the minor shall have deliveredto the banka certificate ofhisappointment to the depository.When any deposit shall be made by any person intrust for another, and no other written notice of the existenceand terms of any legal and valid trust shall have been given tothe bank, in case of the death of the trustee, the same, or anypart thereof, and the dividends or interest thereon, may be paidto the person for whom the deposit was made. When any depositshall be made by or in the names of two or more persons uponjoint and several account, the same, or any part thereof, andthe dividends or interest thereon, may be paid to either ofthese persons or to a survivor of them, or to a personalrepresentative of the survivor.Sec. 2. [48.301] [MULTI-PARTY ACCOUNTS.] When any deposit is made in the names of two or more persons jointly, or by any person payable on death (P.O.D.) to another, or by any person in trust for another, the rights of the parties and the financial institution are determined by Minnesota Statutes, chapter 528. Sec. 3. [51A.261] [DEPOSITS IN NAME OF MINOR.] A deposit made in the name of a minor, or shares issued in a minor's name, shall be held for the exclusive right and benefit of the minor, free from the control or lien of all other persons except creditors, and together with the dividends or interest thereon shall be paid the minor, and the minor's receipt, check, or acquittance in any form shall be a sufficient release and discharge of the depository for the deposits or shares, or any part thereof, until a conservator or guardian appointed for the minor has delivered a certificate of appointment to the depository. Sec. 4. [51A.262] [MULTI-PARTY ACCOUNTS.] When any deposit is made in the names of two or more persons jointly, or by any person payable on death (P.O.D.) to another, or by any person in trust for another, the rights of the parties and the financial institution are determined by Minnesota Statutes, chapter 528. Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 51A.28, is amended to read: 51A.28 [ACCOUNTS OF ADMINISTRATORS, EXECUTORS, GUARDIANS, CUSTODIANS, TRUSTEES, AND OTHER FIDUCIARIES.] Any association or federal association may accept savings accounts in the name of any administrator, executor, custodian, conservator, guardian, trustee, or other fiduciary for a named beneficiary or beneficiaries. Any such fiduciary shall have power to vote as a member as if the membership were held absolutely, to open and to make additions to, and to withdraw any such account in whole or in part. The withdrawal value of any such account, and earnings thereon, or other rights relating thereto may be paid or delivered, in whole or in part, to such fiduciary without regard to any notice to the contrary as long as such fiduciary is living. The payment or delivery to any such fiduciary or a receipt or acquittance signed by any such fiduciary to whom any such payment or any such delivery of rights is made shall be a valid and sufficient release and discharge of an association for the payment or delivery so made. Whenever a person holding an account in a fiduciary capacity dies and no written notice of the revocation or termination of the fiduciary relationship shall have been given to an association and the association has no written notice of any other disposition of the beneficial estate, the withdrawal value of such account, and earnings thereon, or other rights relating thereto may, at the option of an association, be paid or delivered, in whole or in part, to the beneficiary or beneficiaries.Whenever an account shall be opened by anyperson, describing himself in opening such account as trusteefor another and no other or further notice of the existence andterms of a legal and valid trust than such description shallhave been given in writing to such association, in the event ofthe death of the person so described as trustee, the withdrawalvalue of such account or any part thereof, together with theearnings thereon, may be paid to the person for whom the accountwas thus described to have been opened.The payment or delivery to any such beneficiary, beneficiaries, or designated person, or a receipt or acquittance signed by any such beneficiary, beneficiaries, or designated person for any such payment or delivery shall be a valid and sufficient release and discharge of an association for the payment or delivery so made. This section does not apply to a P.O.D. account under chapter 528. Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 52.13, is amended to read: 52.13 [SHARES ANDDEPOSITS IN NAME OF MINOR.] Any deposit madeby orin the name of a minor, or shares issued inhisa minor's name, shall be held for the exclusive right and benefit of the minor, free from the control or lien of all other persons except creditors, and together with the dividends or interest thereon shall be paidhimto the minor; andhisthe minor's receipt, check, or acquittance in any form shall be a sufficient release and dischargeto the credit unionof the depository for the deposits or shares, or any part thereof, until a conservator or guardian appointedin this statefor the minor shall have deliveredto the credit uniona certificate ofhisappointment to the depository.When anydeposits or shares shall be held by any person in trust foranother, and no other written notice of the existence and termsof any legal and valid trust shall have been given to the creditunion, in case of the death of the trustee, the same or any partthereof and the dividends or interest thereon may be paid to thebeneficiaries thereof. When any deposit shall be made or sharesheld by or in the names of two or more persons upon joint andseveral account, the same or any part thereof and the dividendsor interest thereon may be paid to either of these persons or toa survivor of them or to a personal representative of thesurvivor; and the receipt or acquittance of such person orpersons in any form shall be sufficient release and discharge tothe credit union for the payment so made.Sec. 7. [52.131] [MULTI-PARTY ACCOUNTS.] When any deposit is made in the names of two or more persons jointly, or by any person payable on death (P.O.D.) to another, or by any person in trust for another, the rights of the parties and the financial institution are determined by Minnesota Statutes, chapter 528. Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 118.005, is amended to read: 118.005 [DESIGNATION, PROTECTION OF DEPOSIT.] Subdivision 1. The governing body of every municipality, as defined in section 118.01, which has the power to receive and disburse funds, shall designate as a depository of the funds such national, insured state banks or thrift institutions as defined in section 51A.02, subdivision 23, as it may deem proper. For purposes of this chapter, a credit union is a thrift institution. Subd. 2. In the event the bank or insured thrift institution selected as a depository is a member of the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation or the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corporation, or is insured by the National Credit Union Administration, the custodian of the funds may deposit an amount not to exceed the maximum amount of insurance on the deposits. In the event it is desired to deposit a greater amount in any bank or thrift institution prior to the deposit the governing body or officer shall require the bank or thrift institution to furnish a bond, executed by a corporate surety company authorized to do business in the state in a sum at least equal to the estimated sum to be deposited in excess of the maximum amount of insurance. In lieu of the bond, the depository shall assign to the custodian of the funds collateral security in accordance with section 118.01. Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 528.02, subdivision 6, is amended to read: Subd. 6. A "multiple-party account"is any of thefollowing types of account: (a)means a joint account, (b)or a P.O.D. account, or (c) a trust account. It does not include accounts established for deposit of funds of a partnership, joint venture, or other association for business purposes, or accounts controlled by one or more persons as the duly authorized agent or trustee for a person, corporation, unincorporated association, charitable or civic organization or a regular fiduciary or trust account where the relationship is established other than by deposit agreement. Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 528.02, subdivision 8, is amended to read: Subd. 8. "Party" means a person who, by the terms of the account, has a present right, subject to request, to payment from a multiple-party account. A P.O.D. payeeor beneficiary ofa trust accountis a party only after the account becomes payableto himby reason ofhisthe payee surviving the originalpayee or trusteeparty. Unless the context otherwise requires, it includes a guardian, conservator, personal representative, or assignee, including an attaching creditor, of a party. It also includes a person identified as a trustee of an account for another whether or not a beneficiary is named, but it does not include any named beneficiary unlesshethe beneficiary has a present right of withdrawal. Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 528.02, subdivision 11, is amended to read: Subd. 11. "P.O.D. account" means an account payable on request to oneperson during lifetimeor more parties and onhisthe death of the parties to one or more P.O.D. payees, or to oneor more persons during their lifetimes and on the death of allof them to one or more P.O.D. payees. The term also means an account in the name of one or more parties as trustee for one or more beneficiaries where the relationship is established by the form of the account and the deposit agreement with the financial institution and there is no subject of the trust other than the sums on deposit in the account. A P.O.D. account does not include a trust account established under a testamentary trust or inter vivos trust, or a fiduciary account arising from a fiduciary relationship such as attorney-client. Sec. 12. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 528.04, is amended to read: 528.04 [OWNERSHIP DURING LIFETIME.] (a) A joint account belongs, during the lifetime of all parties, to the parties in proportion to the net contributions by each to the sums on deposit, unless there is clear and convincing evidence of a different intent. (b) A P.O.D. account belongs to the original purchasing or depositingpayeeparty duringhisthe party's lifetime and not to the P.O.D. payee or payees; if two or more parties are named as originalpayeesparties, during their lifetimes, rights as between them are governed by clause (a).(c) Unless a contrary intent is manifested by the terms ofthe account or the deposit agreement or there is other clear andconvincing evidence of an irrevocable trust, a trust accountbelongs beneficially to the trustee during his lifetime, and iftwo or more parties are named as trustee on the account, duringtheir lifetimes beneficial rights as between them are governedby clause (a). If there is an irrevocable trust, the accountbelongs beneficially to the beneficiary.Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 528.05, is amended to read: 528.05 [RIGHT OF SURVIVORSHIP.] (a) Sums remaining on deposit at the death of a party to a joint account belong to the surviving party or parties as against the estate of the decedent unless there is clear and convincing evidence of a different intention, or there is a different disposition made by a valid will as herein provided, specifically referring to such account. If there are two or more surviving parties, their respective ownerships during lifetime shall be in proportion to their previous ownership interests under section 528.04 augmented by an equal share for each survivor of any interest the decedent may have owned in the account immediately beforehisdeath; and the right of survivorship continues between the surviving parties. The interest so determined is also the interest disposable by will. (b) If the account is a P.O.D. account, on the death of the originalpayeeparty or of the survivor of two or more originalpayeesparties, any sums remaining on deposit belong to the P.O.D.payee orpayees if surviving, or to the survivor of them if one or more die before the surviving originalpayeeparty; if two or more P.O.D. payees survive, there is no right of survivorship in event of death of a P.O.D. payee thereafter unless the terms of the account or deposit agreement expressly provide for survivorship between them. (c)If the account is a trust account, on death of thetrustee or the survivor of two or more trustees, any sumsremaining on deposit belong to the person or persons named asbeneficiaries, if surviving, or to the survivor of them if oneor more die before the trustee, unless there is clear andconvincing evidence of a contrary intent; if two or morebeneficiaries survive, there is no right of survivorship inevent of death of any beneficiary thereafter unless the terms ofthe account or deposit agreement expressly provide forsurvivorship between them.(d)In other cases, the death of any party to a multiple-party account has no effect on beneficial ownership of the account other than to transfer the rights of the decedent as part ofhisthe estate.(e)(d) A right of survivorship arising from the express terms of the account, or under this section,a beneficiarydesignation in a trust account,or under a P.O.D. payee designation, may be changed by specific reference by will, but the terms of such will shall not be binding upon any financial institution unless it has been given a notice in writing of a claimof a beneficiarythereunder, in which event the deposit shall remain undisbursed until an order has been made by the probate court adjudicating the decedent's interest disposable by willwhich is limited to decedent's contribution and incrementsthereto as stated above in clause (a). Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 528.06, is amended to read: 528.06 [EFFECT OF A WRITTEN NOTICE TO FINANCIAL INSTITUTION.] The provisions of section 528.05 as to rights of survivorship are determined by the form of the account at the death of a party. This form may be altered by written order given by a party to the financial institution to change the form of the account or to stop or vary payment under the terms of the account. The order or request must be signed by a party,and received by the financial institution during the party's lifetime, and not countermanded by other written order of thesame party during his lifetime. Sec. 15. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 528.07, is amended to read: 528.07 [ACCOUNTS AND TRANSFERS NONTESTAMENTARY.] Any transfers resulting from the application of section 528.05 are effective by reason of the account contracts involved and this statute, and are not to be considered astestamentarysubject to probate except as to the transfers expressly changed by will, as provided for by section 528.05, clause(e)(d). Sec. 16. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 528.08, is amended to read: 528.08 [RIGHTS OF CREDITORS.] No multiple-party account will be effective against an estate of a deceased party to transfer to a survivor sums needed to pay debts, taxes, and expenses of administration, including statutory allowances to the surviving spouse, minor children and dependent children, if other assets of the estate are insufficient, to the extent the deceased party is the source of the funds or beneficial owner. A surviving party,or P.O.D. payee, or beneficiarywho receives payment from a multiple-party account after the death of a deceased party shall be liable to account tohisthe deceased party's personal representative for amounts the decedent owned beneficially immediately beforehisdeath to the extent necessary to dischargethe claimany such claims and chargesmentioned aboveremaining unpaid after the application of the assets of the decedent's estate. No proceeding to assert this liability shall be commenced unless the personal representative has received a written demand by a surviving spouse, a creditor or one acting for a minor dependent child of the decedent, and no proceeding shall be commenced later than two years following the death of the decedent. Sums recovered by the personal representative shall be administered as part of the decedent's estate. This section shall not affect the right of a financial institution to make payment on multiple-party accounts according to the terms thereof, or make it liable to the estate of a deceased party unless, before payment, the institution has been served with process in a proceeding by the personal representative. Sec. 17. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 528.09, is amended to read: 528.09 [FINANCIAL INSTITUTION PROTECTION; PAYMENT ON SIGNATURE OF ONE PARTY.] Financial institutions may enter into multiple-party accounts to the same extent that they may enter into single-party accounts. Any multiple-party account may be paid, on request, to any one or more of the parties. A financial institution shall not be required to inquire as to the source of funds received for deposit to a multiple-party account, or to inquire as to the proposed application of any sum withdrawn from an account, for purposes of establishing net contributions. A minor may be a party to a joint account. Sec. 18. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 528.10, is amended to read: 528.10 [FINANCIAL INSTITUTION PROTECTION; PAYMENT AFTER DEATH OR DISABILITY; JOINT ACCOUNT.] Any sums in a joint account may be paid, on request, to any party without regard to whether any other party is incapacitated or deceased at the time the payment is demanded; but payment may not be made to the personal representative or heirs of a deceased party unless proofs of death are presented to the financial institution showing that the decedent was the last surviving party or unless there is no right of survivorship under section 528.05, or unless a will provides other distribution; in which case the procedure set forth in section 528.05, clause(e)(d), shall be followed. A minor may be a party to a joint account. Sec. 19. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 528.11, is amended to read: 528.11 [FINANCIAL INSTITUTION PROTECTION; PAYMENT OF P.O.D. ACCOUNT.] Any P.O.D. account may be paid, on request, to any original party to the account. Payment of the interest of a P.O.D. payee may be made, on request, to the P.O.D. payee or to the personal representative or heirs of a deceased P.O.D. payee upon presentation to the financial institution of proof of death showing that the P.O.D. payee survived all persons named as originalpayeesparties. Payment may be made to the personal representative or heirs of a deceased originalpayeeparty if proof of death is presented to the financial institution showing thathis decedentthe original party was the survivor of all other persons named on the account either as an originalpayeeparty or as P.O.D. payee, unless otherwise provided by will; inwhich case disbursement shall be made as provided in section528.05, clause (e). Sec. 20. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 528.13, is amended to read: 528.13 [FINANCIAL INSTITUTION PROTECTION; DISCHARGE.] Payment made pursuant to sections 528.09 to528.12528.11 discharges the financial institution from all claims for amounts so paid whether or not the payment is consistent with the beneficial ownership of the account as between parties, P.O.D. payees, or beneficiaries by will or otherwise, or their successors. The protection here given does not extend to payments made after a financial institution has received written notice from anyparty ableperson entitled to requestpresentpayment to the effect that withdrawals in accordance with the terms of the account should not be permitted. Unless the notice is withdrawn by the person giving it, the successor of any deceased party and all other parties entitled to payment must concur in any demand for withdrawal if the financial institution is to be protected under this section. No other notice or any other information shown to have been available to a financial institution shall affect its right to the protection provided here. The protection here provided shallhave no bearing onnot affect the rights of parties in disputes between themselves or their successors concerning the beneficial ownership of funds in, or withdrawn from, multiple-party accounts. Sec. 21. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 528.15, is amended to read: 528.15 [PURPOSE;FORMS.] Subdivision 1. [SURVIVORSHIP ACCOUNT.]The declaredpurpose of sections 528.01 to 528.15 is to render certainty tothe nature of accounts of deposit in relation to the rights ofsurvivorship, and to distinguish accounts of survivorship fromaccounts established for the purpose of having an agent withpower to draw on the account for the convenience of the ownerwith no survivorship rights in the agent. To further accomplishthis purpose, the forms contained in this section arerecommended for use to be kept on file in the depositoryfinancial institution.Deposits made using a form of account containing the following language signed by the depositor shall be conclusive evidence of the intent ofdecedent to establish asurvivorship accountthe depositor, in the absence of fraud or misrepresentation, subject, nevertheless, to other disposition made by willspecifically referring to the accountasotherwiseprovided in section 528.05, clause(e), the form to read asfollows(d), to establish a survivorship account:"The undersigned signators of this account herebyacknowledge that the depositor or depositors, both as to theoriginal deposit and any subsequent deposits, intend that suchfunds as may constitute the account balance upon the death ofany party to this account, shall be the property of thesurviving party or parties who shall take as a surviving jointtenant.If two or more persons shall be the survivors, theirinterests shall continue to be held as joint tenants with rightof survivorship.....................................................(a) "I (we) direct that the balance remaining in this account shall be PAYABLE ON DEATH (of the survivor of us) to: ........................ ........................ ........................ ........................ Signed: ................................. ................................. Dated: .............." (b) "I (we) intend and agree that the balance in this account, upon the death of any party to this account, shall belong to the surviving party, or if there are two or more surviving parties, they shall take as JOINT TENANTS. Signed: ................................. ................................. Dated: .............." Subd. 2. [ACCOUNT SUBJECT TO POWER OF ATTORNEY WITH NO SURVIVORSHIP RIGHTS.] Where no rights of survivorship are intended and the account is one to be established for convenience only between a depositor andhisan agent, the following language is recommended for use, and when so used,anythe accountdeposited in the formshall be construed as a matter of law to be an account subject to a power of attorney with no survivorship rights, the form to read as follows: "I .................... (grantor of power), hereby constitute and appoint .................... (grantee of power), as my attorney in fact, to deposit or withdraw funds held in .................... (name of bank), in account No. ............ . Signed: ............................... Dated: Acknowledgment: In the presence of ....................... (an authorized person), ....................... (name of financial institution)." The power so granted is subject to the provisions of Laws 1984, chapter 603sections 3 to 27. Sec. 22. [REPEALER.] Minnesota Statutes 1984, sections 51A.26; 528.02, subdivisions 3 and 15; and 528.12 are repealed. Approved June 4, 1985
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes