Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1985 CHAPTER 109-H.F.No. 516 An act relating to counties; authorizing reimbursement to county commissioners and county officers for certain expenses; renaming the county executive secretary; fixing expenditure authority for certain county activities; removing provisions for county purchasing agents and demonstration and experiment farms; revising the language of the text of chapters concerning county powers and county boards; amending Minnesota Statutes 1984, sections 375.055, by adding a subdivision; 375.48, subdivisions 1 and 2; 375.49, subdivisions 1 and 2; 375.50; 375A.07, subdivision 1; 475.52, subdivision 3; chapters 370; 371; 372; 374; 376; 377; 392; and 395; proposing new law coded in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 382; repealing Minnesota Statutes 1984, sections 374.05; 377.02; 377.04; 392.01; 392.02; 392.03; 395.01; 395.02; and 395.03. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 370, is amended to read: 370.01 [CHANGE OF BOUNDARIES; CREATION OF NEW COUNTIES.] The boundaries of counties may be changed by taking territory from a county and attachingthe sameit to an adjoining county, and new counties may be established out of territory of one or more existing counties, as hereinafterprovided.No suchA new county shall containless thanat least 400 square miles,norhaveless thanat least 2,000 inhabitants,nor shall itand have an assessed valuation oflessthanat least $4,000,000.NoAn existing county shall not be reduced in area below 400 square miles,nor so as tohave less than 2,000 inhabitants,nor so as toor have an assessed valuation of less than $4,000,000. In existing counties having an area of more than 3,500 and less than 6,000 square miles, boundaries may be changed and new counties established having an assessed valuation ofnot lessthanat least $2,500,000. No change in the boundaries of any county having an area of more than 2,500 square miles, whether by the creation of a new county, or otherwise, shall detach fromsuchthe existing county any territory within 12 miles of the county-seatthereof. 370.02 [PETITION.] A separate petition for each affected countyto be affectedthereby,signed bythe voters therein equal in number toat least one-fourth of those voting insuchthe county at the last preceding election, giving the residence of each signer, may be filed with the secretary of state, and a copythereofwith the auditor of each county,not less thanat least 90 days before any general election,praying forrequesting a change of county boundaries, or that a new countybeis established out of territoryto betaken from one or more existing counties. If the petitionbeis for a change of boundaries, itshallmust contain a description of the territory to be taken, the name of the county from which thesameterritory is to be detached, and the county to which the territory is to be attached;. If the petition is for the establishment of a new county,the petitionshallit must state the name of the proposed new county, a description of the territory to be includedtherein, giving boundaries, the name and location of the proposed county-seat, and the names and places of residence of the persons who shall constitute the first county board. 370.03 [PROCLAMATION; ONLY ONE PROPOSITION.] Ifit appears thateach petition is signed by the requisite number of persons who are voters in each of the affected countiesaffected, of which latter fact the affidavits of thepersons procuring the signatures thereto shall be prima facieevidence, the secretary of state shall notify the governor of the filingthereof, who, not less than 60 days before suchelection,. The affidavits of the persons obtaining the signatures shall be prima facie evidence that each petition is signed by persons who are voters in each of the affected counties. The governor shall issuehisa proclamation,recitingat least 60 days before the election, stating thatsuchthe petitions have beensofiled, and the substancethereofof the petitions, and directing that the question ofsuchchange of boundaries, or the establishment ofsucha new county, as the case may be, be submitted to the voters of the affected countiesto be affected therebyatsuchthe election; but in no caseshall. No more than one proposition may be submitted at the same election, except for mutual exchange of territory between counties. 370.04 [RECORD PETITION; PUBLISH NOTICE.] Upon issuance of the proclamation, the secretary of state shall record the petitions, affidavits, and proclamation, and transmit a certified copy of the proclamation, by mail, to the auditor of each county. 370.05 [NOTICE OF ELECTION; FORM OF BALLOT.] The notice of the next general election of county officersshallmust specify that the question of forming the new county, or changing the boundaries of existing counties, as the case may be, will be voted upon atsuchthe election, andshallmust state substantially the factsset forthin the petition. If the propositionbeis for a change of boundaries, the ballots shallhave printed thereoninclude the words: "For changing county boundaries. Yes. No." If for the establishment of a new county, the words: "For a new county. Yes. No. ". Each of the last two words, "yes" and "no," shall be followed by a square in which the voter may make a cross to indicate his choice. 370.06 [CANVASS; JUDGES OF ELECTION; COUNTY CANVASSING BOARD.] Thejudges ofelection judges, in addition to the returns required in other cases, shall, within 24 hours after thecanvass is completed,transmit to the secretary of state, by certified mail, their certificate of the number of votes cast for and against any proposition submitted; andwithin 24 hours after the canvass is completed. The county canvassing board shall make return of the vote as in the case of votes for state officers, and. The returnshall alsomust show the result of the vote for and against any proposition submitted, insuchthe proposed new county, as well as in the entire county affected bysuchthe election. 370.07 [CANVASS; PROCLAMATION; SECRETARY OF STATE; AUDITOR; NOTICE TO COUNTY COMMISSIONERS.] The state canvassing board shall canvasssuchthe returns at the time of canvassing the votes cast for state officers, and in the same manner; and it. The board mayresort touse the returns received from the election judgesfor the correction ofto correct errors and supply omissions in the returns of the county canvassing board, and for supplying omissions therein. When the canvass is completed, the board shallmake andfilewith the secretary of state itsa certificate declaring the result of the vote; and,with the secretary of state. If the certificate shows that the proposition has received a majority of the votes castthereonin each affected countyto be affectedthereby, andalsohas received a majority of the votes castthereonin the territory forming the proposed new county, if the proposition was for the establishment of a new county, the governor, within ten days thereafter,shall issuehisa proclamation declaring that thesameproposition has been adopted within ten days after completion of the canvass. The secretary of state shall record the certificate and proclamationin his office, and transmit a certified copy of the proclamation to the auditor of each county whose territory is affectedthereby. The auditor shall, if the proposition was for the establishment of a new county, serve a certified copy on each of the persons elected as county commissioners of the new county. The proclamation shall also be published with the general laws enacted at the next session of the legislaturethereafter. 370.08 [EFFECT OF PROCLAMATION.] Upon the issuance of the proclamation, the proposed change of boundariesshall becomebecomes effective; and,. If the proposition was for the establishment of a new county, itshallthereupon becomebecomes duly organized; but. The territoryincluded thereinof the new county shall remain attached, for judicial purposes, to the county from which it was taken, until the officers of the new county have been appointed and have qualified, as provided in section 370.09. 370.09 [COMMISSIONERS TO QUALIFY, ELECT CLERK, APPOINT COUNTY OFFICERS.] Immediately after the service upon them of copies of the governor's proclamation, the persons chosen as commissioners shall meet at the place named as the county-seat and qualify. The county board shall elect one of its members to act as clerk until the auditorshall haveis qualified; and shall then appoint the county officers, beginning with the auditor, and the appointed personsso appointedshall qualify as required by law. 370.10 [FILLING VACANCY IN COMMISSIONER DISTRICT CAUSED BY CHANGE OF BOUNDARIES.]In all cases whenIf a change in the boundaries ofanya countyshall have heretofore resulted, or shall hereafterresult, in the abolishment of anyabolishes a commissioner district or districts in the county, by the removal of all the territory ofsuchthe district or districts from the original county, or otherwise, orincreates a vacancy or vacancies in the board of county commissioners of the original county,forthe filling of whichprovisionis nototherwise madeprovided for by law, andwhen in such casethe board of county commissionersshall beis left with less than five members or with an even number of members, the governor shallforthwithimmediately, upon the issuance ofhisthe proclamation declaringsuchthe change in the boundariesof any county, appoint a sufficient number of members to complete a board of five commissioners for the county; or, if the board, after the change of boundaries,shall have beenis left with more than five members, to complete a board consisting of an odd number of members, and shall designate, inhisthe appointment, the name of the retiring commissioner succeeded by each commissioner appointedby him. 370.11 [COMMISSIONER AT LARGE; QUALIFICATION.] Each commissionersoappointed by the governor shall be chosen from the county for whichhe isappointed, shall not be a resident of any town which already has a member on the board, and shall be known as a commissioner at large. The appointment shall at once be communicated to the auditor of the county, who shall immediately notify the appointee; and the. Thelatterappointee shall qualify assucha commissioner, in the same mannerrequiredastoother commissioners in the same county, at any time within five days after notice ofhisthe appointment.HisFailuresoto do so shall bedeemedconsidered a refusal of the office, and the governor shallthereuponappoint another commissioner at largein his stead, andsimilar proceedingsthe same procedure shall behad as beforefollowed until the vacancyshall beis filled. 370.12 [DUTIES OF AUDITOR; MEETING OF BOARD.] Immediately upon the appointment and qualification ofsuchthe commissioner or commissioners at large the county auditor shall give written notice,in writing,delivered personally or by mail, to each commissioner in the county, of a meeting of the board, which. The meeting shall be heldnot less thanat least five,norbut not more than ten, daysthereafter, and, togetherwith such other business as may then come up forattention,after notice is given. The meeting's business shall include any business which may have been required by law, or by previous proceedings, to be transacted by theboard of thecounty board at a meeting held aftersuchthe change of boundaries became effective and before the vacanciestherebycausedcreated were filled, and whichshallwas nothave beenthentransacted,shall be disposed of at the meeting so heldafter the qualification ofsuchthe commissioner or commissioners at large, and shall havelikethe effect and validity as if accomplished at the prior meeting; and. Further proceedings required to follow the commissioners' action onsuchthese matters shall be taken within the times or on the dates provided by law, or withinsucha reasonable timethereafter aswill permit of theafter giving notice as required by lawand ofthe earliest possible adjustment of affairs to the usual routine. 370.13 [REDISTRICTING OF COUNTY; SUBSEQUENT ELECTION.] At least six months before the next general election in the county heldnextafter the appointment and qualification of the commissioner or commissioners at large, unless there is less timeshall intervenebetweensuchthe appointment and qualification and the election, in which event the actionhereinprovided for shall be taken at the first meeting aftersuchthe commissionersshallhave qualified, the board shall proceed to re-divideitsthe county into five commissioner districts,fivein number, to benumbered from 1 to 5, unless otherwise provided by law; and,. At the next general election held in the county aftersuchthe redistricting, a commissioner shall be elected from each district, the member from each odd-numbered district to holdfor the term of two yearsa two-year term, and the member from each even-numbered district to holdfor the term offour yearsa four-year term, and thereafter all commissioners, except those elected or appointed to fill vacancies for unexpired terms, shall be elected forthe term of four yearsfour-year terms. If,upon suchthe redistricting,causes any new districtshallto cover the same territory as any one of the old districts, the commissioner elected fromsuchthe old district shall continue to act as commissioner from the new district for the remainder of the term for which he was elected. In case a contest, or other litigation,shall beis pending involving the legality of the change of boundaries of the county, the redistrictingherein provided forshall not be made until aftersuchthe contest, or other litigation, has been finally determined in favor ofsuchthe change of boundaries. Insuchthis event, if the term of any commissioner at largeshall expireexpires before the county is redistricted,hisa successor shall be elected by the voters of the entire county, whosefor a termshall beof four years, unless sooner ended,as inunder this chapterprovided for, or otherwise. 370.14 [BOUNDARIES RESTORED AFTER CONTEST.] If, as the result of a contest, or other litigation,involving the change of boundaries of any such county, it shallfollow, after the appointment or election of any commissioner orcommissioners at large, thatthe territory detached from the county by the change of boundariesshall, by final determinationof the courts, beis restored to it by the final determination of the courts as a result of a contest or other litigation concerning the change of boundaries of the county, after the appointment or election of the commissioner or commissioners at large, the term of office ofall such commissionerseach commissioner at large shallat onceterminateuponimmediately after the election or appointment and qualification of a commissioner for the district of the former commissioner whose place on the board is occupied byhim; and,the commissioner at large. If the term for which the former commissioner was electedshallhas nothaveexpired,hethe former commissioner shall, within 30 days after the final determination restoringhisthe district to the county, qualify as required by law and holdhisoffice for the remainder ofhisthe term;. Otherwise the vacancy shall be filled by appointment as in other cases. 370.15 [CENTER LINE OF HIGHWAY TO BE BOUNDARY OF COUNTY IN CERTAIN CASES.] Where a city of the fourth classis situatedin one countyand such cityadjoins a city of the first class in another county, andwherethe center line of a highwayrunsrunning along the boundary line between these cities andthe boundaryline between thecountiesand where the center line of thehighwaydeviates from the boundary line between these cities and counties, but the boundary linebetween the cities and countiesis within or on the lateral limits of the highway, then the center line of the highwaybetween the cities and the countiesshall be established as the boundary line between thecity ofthe fourth class and the city of the first class and as theboundary line between the counties in which the cities aresituatedcities and the counties. 370.17 [TOWNS, SCHOOL, AND ROAD DISTRICTS.] Theseveraltowns, school districts, and road districts whose boundaries are unaffected by the change of county lines shall continue to besuchthe same in the new county, or county to which transferred, under the same officers as before. Fractions ofsuchtowns or districtsas aredivided by the changed county lines shall be reorganized by the county board of the county in which they are placed, or be attached to adjoining towns or districts, as the boardshall deemconsiders best. 370.18 [RECORDS TRANSCRIBED.] All records in the office of the county recorder affecting real estate transferred under this chapter from one county to another shall be transcribed by the county recorder of the county to whichsuchthe transfer is made, and he shall receivesuch compensation therefor as the board of commissioners of thecounty to which the records are transmitted shall fix. Inlikethe same mannerand with like effect, the county auditor shall transcribe from the auditor's officesuchthe records and documentsasthat the county boardshall direct, for which heshall receive six cents per foliodirects. The board of commissioners of the county to which the records are transmitted shall pay the county recorder and the county auditor for transcribing the records. These transcribed records shall have the same effect, for all purposes, as the originals. 370.19 [TAXES; LEVY; COLLECTION.] No transfer of territory underthe provisions ofthis chapter shall affect the collection of taxes levied at the date of the filing of the petitiontherefor, but all such. The taxes shall be collected by the officers of the original county, and allmoneys thenmoney remaining in orafterwardcoming into the treasury of the original county, or into the possession of any county officerof the county, and belonging to any town, school, or road district in the territory transferred, shall be apportioned and paidovertosuchthe town or district in the same manner as ifsuchthe town or district had remained a part ofsuchthe original county. After the filing of the petition no county tax shall be extended, by or on behalf of the original county, upon any property within the territory proposed to be transferred, unless and until the proposed changeshall havehas been rejected. 370.20 [NEW COUNTIES; TAX LEVY.] When a new countyshall havehas been, or mayhereafterbe, created and organized out of territoryembracedwithin the boundaries of one or more organized counties in the state, the county board of thenewly creatednew county may, immediatelyupon theor within 90 days after its organizationthereof, or atany time within 90 days thereafter, levy a tax for county purposes for the current year, subject to the limitations now provided by law, and the county auditorof the countyshallforthwithextend thesametax upon the auditor's tax booksofhis office, and it shall be. The tax is dueand payable fromand after30 days from the date of the levythereof,and shall be paid and collected as other taxes for county purposes are now paid and collected; and any and. All tax levies made for county purposes by the county board of the county or counties out of which the new county is created and organized, during the year immediately preceding the organization of the new county,so faras the same shallwhich affect the territoryembracedwithin the boundary of the new county, are vacated and any extensionthereofishereby declaredvoid. 370.21 [TRANSFER OF PLATS.] The county recorder of the county from which a land transfer is made under this chapter shall deliver the records, or certified copies, of the original plats oflands embracedland in the territory transferredto another county under theprovisions of this chapter, on file or of record in the officeof the county recorder of the county from which the transfer ismade, or certified copies thereof, shall be delivered by suchcounty recorder, to the county recorder of the county to which the territory is transferred, and by him filed andrecorded. The county recorder of the county to which a land transfer is made shall then record and file the records. 370.22 [COUNTY INDEBTEDNESS; COUNTY BUILDINGS.] All transferred territoryso transferred shall continueis liable for its proportion of the excess, if any, of theindebtedness of the original county above the value of its county buildings and of the balance of funds in its treasury.SuchThe share shall be based upon the last assessment, and the value of the buildings, unless agreed upon by the respective county boards, shall be fixed by the sworn appraisal of three disinterested citizens, none of whom shall be a resident or taxpayer in either county, and who shall be appointed by the governor, upon the written application of the board of either county. The appraisal shall be in writing, subscribed and verified by at least twoof suchappraisers, and filed in the office of the secretary of state, and shall be final and conclusive. Within five days after the filing of the appraisal, the secretary of state shall transmit to the auditor of each ofsuchthe counties a certified copy of the appraisal, application, appointment and oath. 370.23 [COUNTY BONDS; PAYMENT AND ISSUE.] The county board of the county to whichsuchterritory is transferred shallmake provision for payment of suchpay for indebtedness by levying a taxthereforat the time fixed by law for so doing; and, for the purpose of meeting any portion of the indebtedness which may become due beforethe sameit can be raised by taxation, and providing for the necessary county expenses,suchthe board in anysuchnew county may issue bonds of its county, with coupons attached, for notexceeding inamount the sum ofmore than $10,000, to run for a period of not more than ten years,bearing interestat a ratenot exceedingsix percent per annumof interest as authorized under section 475.55. 370.24 [PENALTY FOR REFUSAL TO ACT.] The validity of the establishment of anysuchnew county shall not be affected by the failure or refusal of any county officer to do any of the acts or things required by this chapter, but any officer whoshall refuserefuses or wilfullyneglectneglects to perform any required dutyherein requiredshall beis guilty of malfeasance in office. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 371, is amended to read: 371.01 [COUNTIES MAY CONSOLIDATE.] Two or more counties may be consolidated into a single county in the manner provided in this chapter. 371.02 [PETITION.] A petition for each affected countyto be affected thereby, signed byvoters thereof equal in number toat least one-fourth of those voting insuchthe county at the last precedingbiennialgeneral election, giving the residence of each signer, shall be filed with the secretary of statenot less thanat least 90 days before any general election,praying forrequesting the consolidation of the countiesthereinnamed, specifying the name of the proposed new county and the name and location of the proposed county-seat. 371.03 [PROCLAMATION.] Ifit appears thateach petition is signed by the requisite number of persons who are voters in each of the affected countiesaffected, of which latter fact the affidavits ofpersons procuring the signatures thereto shall be prima facieevidence;and, if the petitionotherwiseconforms to the requirements of section 371.02, the secretary of state shall notify the governor of the filingthereof, who, not less than 60days before such general election,. The affidavits of persons obtaining the signatures shall be prima facie evidence that each petition is signed by persons who are voters in each of the affected counties. The governor shall issuehisa proclamationrecitingat least 60 days before the election, stating thatsuchthe petitions have beensofiled, the substancethereofof the petitions, and directing that the question ofsuchconsolidation shall be submitted to the voters of therespectiveaffected countiesto be affected therebyatsuchthe election. 371.04 [NOTICE OF PROCLAMATION.]Upon the issuing ofAfter the proclamation is issued, the secretary of state shall record the petitions, affidavits, and proclamation, and transmit a certified copy of the proclamation, by mail, to the auditor of each county. 371.05 [NOTICE OF ELECTION.] The notice ofsuchthe general electionshallmust specify that the question of consolidating the counties will be voted upon atsuchthe election, and shall state substantially the factsset forthin the petition. The ballotsupon suchfor the proposition shallhave printed thereoninclude the words: "Shall the following named counties (inserting the names) be consolidated into a single county? Yes .......... No .........." 371.06 [JUDGES; CANVASS OF VOTES.] The election judgesof election, in addition to the returns required in other cases, shall canvass, count, certify, and return, as insuchother cases, to the county auditor the votes cast upon the proposition, and. The county canvassing board shall canvass and make return ofsuchthe votes as in the case of votes for state officers, which. The returnshallmust show the result ofsuchthe vote for and against the propositionsosubmitted. 371.07 [STATE CANVASSING BOARD TO CANVASS RETURNS.] The state canvassing board shall canvasssuchthe returns at the time of canvassing the votes cast for state officers, and in the same manner. When the canvass is completed the board shallmake andfilewith the secretary of state itsa certificate declaring the result of the vote with the secretary of state, showing the number of votes cast in each county for and against consolidation. If 60 percent of the votes castthereonin each affected countyaffected by the proposedconsolidation be in favor thereofis for the consolidation, the secretary of state shall record the certificate and shall deliver a certified copythereofto the governor, who shall issue a proclamation declaring the result.Upon the issuance ofAfter the proclamation is issued by the governor, the consolidationshall becomeis effectiveand operative on thefirst day ofJanuary 1 followingsuchthe general election. 371.08 [GOVERNOR TO APPOINT FIRST COUNTY BOARD.] The governor shall, within 60 days after issuing suchproclamation,appoint five qualified electors residing within theterritory of suchconsolidated county to constitute the first board of county commissioners for the new county, within 60 days after issuing the proclamation, who shall qualify as provided by law. Theseveralofficers of each affected countyso affectedshall continue in office until the consolidation proceedings become effective,as provided in this chapter,with all the powers and duties of their respective offices, except as provided in this chapter. 371.09 [MEETING OF COUNTY BOARD.] The board of county commissioners for the new county shall meet at the county-seat at a time designated in the order of the governor appointing them and elect one of its number as chairman. The auditor of the county in which the county-seat is located shall actfor and beas the recording officer of the board until the consolidation proceedings become effective. Atsuchthe meeting, or at any adjournmentthereof, the board shall divide the new county into commissioner districts by an order defining the boundaries of each district, which. The order shall be filed with the auditor of each county affected. 371.10 [DUTIES OF COUNTY BOARD.] The board of county commissioners shall meetat a timein Julyto be fixed by it,and shall levy a tax forsuchthe new county in the mannernowprovided by law for levying taxes for county purposes; and. The chairmanthereofshall certify to the auditor of each county affectedtherebythe amountsolevied,and. The county boards of the respective countiessoto be consolidated shall notin such yearlevy any tax for county purposes in this year. 371.11 [COUNTY AUDITORS TO MEET.]At the time of levying suchWhen the tax is levied, the county board shallfixset a time for a meeting of the auditors of the counties affected and shall certifysuchthe date to the county auditorsat the time ofwhen certifying the levy.At thetime specifiedThe county auditors shall meet at the county-seat andshall, at that meeting, or any adjournment thereof,ascertain and determineset the tax rateof taxationforsuchthe new county, based upon the aggregate assessed valuation of the consolidated counties,andat that meeting or any adjournment. Each auditor shall extendsuchthe taxes withinhisthe countyin the manner provided by law,andshall, on thefirst Monday in January following,deliver the appropriate books to the treasurer of the new county for collection on the first Monday in the following January, as provided by law. Theseveralofficers of the new county shall have all the powers andbe subject to all thedutiesin reference tofor the collection of delinquent taxes levied by the consolidated countiesas would have beenpreviously possessed and performed by theseveralofficers of the respective countieshad nobefore the consolidationbeen effectedbecame effective. 371.12 [COUNTY BOARD TO APPOINT NEW OFFICERS.] The county board of the new county shall, prior to the dateon which the consolidation becomes effective,appoint electors residing withinsuchthe new county to theseveralcounty officesthereof, whobefore the consolidation becomes effective. The new officers shall qualify on the date thatsuchthe consolidation becomes effective,in the manner nowas provided by lawtherefor. All the books, records, and files of theseveraloffices of the consolidated counties shall be delivered to the appropriate officers of the new county. 371.13 [COUNTY BOARD TO PROVIDE COURTHOUSE.] The county board ofsuchthe new county shall, on or beforethe date such consolidation becomes effective,makeappropriatearrangements for suitable offices for theseveralcounty officers before the consolidation becomes effective. If the county is not going to succeed to any building or buildings appropriate forsuchthis purpose, the boardis authorized tomay lease suitable space or buildings. 371.14 [TITLE TO PROPERTIES OF ALL COUNTIES TO BECOME VESTED IN NEW COUNTY.]UponWhen the consolidationbecomingbecomes effective, the new county shall become vested with the title to all real and personal property, other thanmoneysmoney in cash or on deposit, of the consolidated counties. The territoryembracedwithin the consolidated counties shall remain liable for all indebtedness of the respective countiesoutstanding and unpaidat the timewhen the consolidation becomes effective. Anymoneysmoney on hand, in cash or on deposit,at the timeand the proceeds of any tax levied by the respective counties,whenand as collected,shall be applied on the indebtedness. The appropriate officers of the new county shall from time to time levysucha taxas may be necessary to provide funds for thepayment of suchto pay the indebtedness as it becomes due,which. The tax shall be spread against the liable taxable propertyliable therefor. The new county shall have authority to enforce any contract and to collect any claims of theseveralconsolidated counties by suit or otherwise. 371.15 [MAY ISSUE CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS.]AtAny time after the county board has made the original tax levy forsuchthe new county and certified thesametax levy to the respective auditors, it may issuethecertificates of indebtedness ofsuchthe new county in anticipation of the collection ofsuchthe levy, which. Each certificate shall be in writing, signed by the chairman, and attested by the recording officer of the board, maturenot later thanbefore Decemberfirst1 following the effective date of the consolidation, and bear interest at a ratenot greater than sixpercent per annumas authorized under section 475.55. Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 372, is amended to read: 372.01 [PETITION.] Whenthere shall bea petition is presented to the auditor of any countya petition substantiallyin the following form: "To the county board of the county of ............................., Minnesota: The undersigned legal voters of this countyprayrequest that the county-seatthereofbe changed to (here designate the place)," signed bylegalvoters of the county to a number equal to not less thanat least 60 percent of thewhole numberthose votingthereinin the county at the last preceding general election, accompanied by affidavits ofnot less thanat least two of the signersthereofstating that, to the knowledge of affiants,(a) the petition signaturesto the petitionare genuine, (b) they weresubscribed theretosigned within 60 daysprecedingbefore the date of the affidavits, andthat affiantsare informed and believe that at the time of(c) when signing the petition the petitioners were legal voters of the county, andit appearing thatthe notice of intention to circulate the petitionprovided for inunder section 372.02has beenwas given, the auditor shallforthwithimmediately file the petition and affidavits, and make, seal, and file inhisthe auditor's office an order for a special meeting of the county board to considersuchthe petition, specifying therein. The order shall specify the time of the meeting, which shall be between nine o'clock a.m. and five o'clock p.m., andnot less thanat least 15norbut not more than 20 days aftersuchthe filing. The auditor shall alsocauseserve aduplicatecopy of the orderto be servedupon each member of the board, personally or by mail,not less thanat least five days beforethe time specifiedtherein for suchthe meeting. 372.02 [FORM OF NOTICE.] When the order is filed the auditor shallforthwithmake, seal, subscribe, and file inhisthe auditor's office a noticesubstantiallyin the following form: "To the legal voters of the county of (here name the county), Minnesota: Notice isherebygiven that a petition is on file in my office, signed by legal voters of the county to the number of (here state number as shown by the petition and affidavits),prayingrequesting that the county-seat of the county be changed to (here designate the place), and that a special meeting of the county board will be held at (name the place of meeting), on the (state time), to consider the petition, at which time and place any legal voter of the county may appear, in person or by counsel, and be heard." The auditor shallcausehave ten days' posted notice of the meetingto begiven in each towntherein. Proof of posting may be by the affidavit of any person having personal knowledgethereof, whichof the posting. The affidavit shall be filed in the auditor's officeof the auditor,andthereafter beis prima facie evidenceof the truth of the factstherein set forththat the notice was posted. Two weeks' posted notice of the intention to circulatesuchthe petitionshallmust be given at the county-seat. Proof of the posting shall be made inlikethe same manner asin the case ofnotice of the special meeting of the board. 372.03 [DUTIES OF COUNTY BOARD.] At the time and place specified in the notice, proof of its service having been filed, the county board shall meet to act on the petition, and. The board shall inquire and determinewhich,if any,of thesignatures to thepetition signatures are not genuine;and which, if any, ofthe signersthereofwere not, at the time of signingthe same,legal voters of the county;andwhich, if any, ofthe signaturestheretowere not attached within 60 daysprecedingbefore the filingthereof; and, which,if any,of the signatures have been withdrawn. All such signatures shall be stricken from the petition and deducted from the count, and a listthereof, certified by the board, shall be filedforthwithwith the auditor. Any competent evidence offered bearing upon the matters committed to the determination of the board shall be received; andto that endany voter of the county may appear, in person or by counsel, and be heard in respect to these matters, undersuchreasonable rulesandregulationsas the board may prescribe. 372.04 [ORDERFIXINGSETTING TIME OF ELECTION.] If the names ofthe legal voters of the county remainingaffixed to the petition shall equal or exceedat least 60 percent of those votingthereinat the last preceding general election remain on the petition, the auditor,upon theafter filingofthe certificate, shall make, underhisofficial seal, and file inhisthe auditor's office, an orderfixingsetting the timeof holdingfor a special election upon the question of changing the county-seat to the place designated in the petition,which shall not be less thanat least 20norbut not more than 30 days after filing the certificate. 372.05 [NOTICE; MANNER OF SERVICE.]Upon the filing ofWhen the order is filed, the auditor shallcausehave two weeks' published notice of the electiontobegiven in all the newspapers in the county, and ten days' posted notice in each towntherein. The noticeshallmust be substantially in the following form: "To the legal voters of the county of (here name the county), Minnesota: Notice isherebygiven that a special election will be held in theseveralelection districts in the county on the (here insert the time),for the purpose of votingto vote upon the question of changing the county-seat of the county to (here designate the place)." The auditor shall serveuponthe clerk of each town and city in the county personally or by mail aduplicatecopy of the notice,not less thanat least 15 daysprevious to the timeso fixed for holdingbefore the election. 372.06 [PLACE OF ELECTION; NOTICE.]Upon receipt ofWhen the notice is received, everysuchclerk shallcausehave ten days' posted notice of the electionto begiven in each election district inhisthe town, substantially in the following form: "To the legal voters of the (here insert specifically the election district), in the county of (here name county), Minnesota: Notice isherebygiven that a special election will be held at (here specify the place), in the election district, on the (here insert the time),for the purpose of votingto vote upon the question of changing the county-seat of the county to (here designate the place)." The clerk shall file one copy of the notice, with proof of the posting,shall be filed by the clerkinhisthe clerk's office. 372.07 [CONDUCT OF ELECTION.] As far as practicablesuchthe election shall be conducted, and the votes cast, counted, returned, and canvassed, by the same officials and under the same provisions of law as in the case of general elections. The polls shall be opened at eight o'clock a.m. and closed at five o'clock p.m. The ballots shallhave printed thereoninclude the words: "For changing the county-seat to (here name the place). Yes. No," with a square opposite each of the words "yes" and "no," inone ofwhicheachthe votershallmay make a cross toexpressindicatehisthe voter's choice. 372.08 [CANVASS; CERTIFICATE OF CANVASSING BOARD.] When the canvass is completed the canvassing board shallforthwithimmediately make, subscribe, and file with the auditor a certificatesetting forthstating the total number of votes cast at the election,; the number cast in each election district in favor of and against the change, and; the majority in each district for or against thesame,change; the number cast in favor of and against the change in the county,; and the majoritythereinin the county for or against thesamechange. If 55 percent of all the votes cast at the electionshall beare in favor of the change, the board shall set a datenot less thanat least 60norbut not more than 90 days after the electionafterwhich the place so chosen shall beto change the county-seat. 372.09 [ELECTIONS HELD ONLY ONCE IN FIVE YEARS.] When an election for a change of county-seatshall havehas been held in any countyno, a subsequent election for the removal of the county-seat shall not be heldtherein,nor shallanynotice of intention to circulate a petition forsucha change shall not be published or posted,nor any suchand a petition shall not be circulated,until afterfor theexpirationofnext five years; and no such. A subsequent election shall not be ordered unless the petition for the change is signed bylegal voters to the number of60 percent of those voting in the county at the last preceding general election. 372.10 [DUPLICATE PETITIONS CONSOLIDATED.] When two or moresuchpetitionsshall beare presented to the county auditor substantially at the same time they shall be attached together andthereafterconstitute one petition. 372.11 [ONE PLACE ONLY VOTED FOR.]NoAn election shall not be called or held undertheprovisions ofthis chapterfor votingto vote upon the question of changing any county-seat to more than one place at the same time and allsuchelections shall be held as far as practicable at the same placeof holdingas the last preceding general election. 372.12 [FAILURE TO GIVE NOTICE.] Wilful failure or refusal byanyan owner or manager ofanya newspaper to publishanynotice required by this chapter shall not affect the sufficiency of the notice, nor invalidate any of the proceedingsthereunder. Failure to postanynotice shall be disregarded unless it affirmatively appears that a sufficient number of voters weretherebyprevented from voting to change the result. 372.13 [NEGLECT OF DUTY A MISDEMEANOR.] Any county auditor or other official whoshallwilfullyneglectneglects orrefuserefuses to perform the duties requiredof himby this chaptershall beis guilty of a misdemeanor. Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 374, is amended to read: 374.01 [COUNTY AND CITY OF FIRST CLASS MAY BUILD COURTHOUSE.] Any countyin this state now or hereafterhaving within its limits a city of the first class may, together withsuchthe city, jointly acquire land for,erectconstruct, equip, furnish, maintain, and operate a jointcourt-housecourthouse and city hall buildingto be used jointly by such county and city. 374.02 [EXPENSE DIVIDED.] The county and city shall share equally in the costandexpenseof acquiring land for, erectingconstructing, equipping, and furnishingsuchthe buildingshall be borne equally by suchcounty and such city. The building shall not beerectedconstructed or contracted to beerected andconstructed, no land shall be acquiredtherefor, and no bonds shall be issued or sold by the county, as provided in section 374.03, until the city has been authorized to issue bonds todefraypay itsproportionshare of the costof such land and buildingand the ordinances providing for theissuance of such bondsbond issue have been ratified by the vote of the electors ofsuchthe city in the manner provided in the city charterof such cityor bythe lawsof the state of Minnesotalaw. 374.03 [ISSUANCE OF BONDS.]At any time after suchWhen the cityshall havehas beensoauthorized to issue bonds todefraypay itspartshare of the costof acquiring a site and of erecting the city hall andcourthouse building, the county boardof county commissioners ofany such countymay issue and sell certificates of indebtedness or bondsof such countytodefraypay the county'sportionshare of the cost of acquiring land for,erectingconstructing, equipping, and furnishingsuchthe buildingin an amount, equal to the amount of bonds authorized to be issued bysuchthe city, without submission to the vote of the electors ofsuchthe county, and. The full faith and credit of the countyshallmust be pledged to the payment of the principal and interest ofsuchthe certificates of indebtedness or bonds.In no event shallany suchThe county may not issueitscertificates of indebtedness or bonds forsuchthis purposein an amountexceedingfor more than $2,000,000.SuchThe certificates of indebtedness or bonds may be issued in one or moreinstalmentsinstallments, but the certificates of indebtedness or bonds of eachinstalment shallinstallment must be serial bonds or certificates of indebtedness, a portion of which shall be payable each year after issue, but. None of these certificates of indebtedness or bonds shall run for a longer term than 30 years from their date, and. The county boardof countycommissionersshall fix the denominationsthereofandshall fixthe dates of maturity of eachinstalmentinstallment so that the amounts necessary each year to pay the principal and interest maturing insuchthe year shall be approximately the same in each of the years during which the certificates of indebtedness or bonds of theinstalmentinstallment shall run.SuchThe certificates of indebtedness or bonds shall be soldinaccordance with the provisions ofas provided under section 475.60. Theat a rate of interestshall, in no case, exceed sixpercent per annumauthorized under section 475.55. 374.04 [BONDS; EXECUTION AND DELIVERY.]Such bonds or certificates of indebtedness shall beexecuted in such manner asThe county boardof countycommissionersshall, by resolution, determine the manner of executing the bonds and certificates. The delivery of the bonds or certificates of indebtednesssoexecutedat any timethereaftershall be valid, notwithstanding any change insuchofficers or in the seal of the county occurring aftersuchthe execution. 374.06 [TAX LEVY.] The county boardof county commissionersshall levy a tax, at the time and in the manner prescribed by section 475.61, to pay the principal and interest ofsuchthe bonds or certificates of indebtedness. This section shall not be construedaslimitingto limit the power of a municipality to levy taxes to pay its obligations issued hereunder, but the governing body of every municipality shall have the authority andit shall be itsduty to levy any taxes necessary to provide revenue to paysuchthe obligations. 374.07 [LIMITATIONS.] The amount of indebtedness authorized to be incurred byanysuchthe county shall be in addition toand over and aboveany limits now fixed by law. 374.08 [JUDGES TO APPOINT BUILDING COMMISSION.] As soon as practicable after the city councilof any suchcityand the county boardof commissioners of any such countyshall determinedecide to proceed with theerectionconstruction of a jointcourt-housecourthouse and city hall building,therean advisory courthouse and city hall building commission of nine members shall be appointed by, and serve at the pleasure of,those persons who shall bethe judges of the district court of the judicial district of whichsuchthe county may be a part, not acting in their judicial capacities,an advisory court-houseand city hall building commission of nine members,to be selected as follows: two members from the membership of the city councilof such city; two members from the membership of the county boardof county commissioners of such county; and five members at large who shall befreeholderslandowners and residents ofsuchthe county, one of whom shall reside outside the limits ofsuchthe city. 374.09 [PROCEDURE IF JUDGES FAIL TO APPOINT.] If thepersons who shall bejudges of the district courtfor any reason shallfail to make appointments to the advisorycourt-housecourthouse and city hall building commission within 30 days after the city councilof any such cityand the board of county commissionersof any such county have determineddecide to proceed with theerectionconstruction ofany suchthecourt-housecourthouse and city hall building, thensuchthe advisorycourt-housecourthouse and city hall building commission, consisting of nine members, shall be appointed as follows: four members to be appointed by the city councilofsuch city, two of whom shall be members ofsuchthe city council; four members to be appointed by the county boardofcounty commissioners of such county, two of whom shall be members of the county boardof county commissioners; the ninth member of the commission shall be appointed by a majority vote of the members of the city council and the county boardofcounty commissionerssitting in joint session. 374.10 [WHO MAY BE MEMBERS OF COMMISSION.] No more than two members of the advisorycourt-housecourthouse and city hall building commission shall be at any one time members of the county boardof county commissioners, and no more than two ofsuchthe members shall be at any one time members of the city council; and, in the event any personappointed. If a member of the commission who was not at the time ofhisappointment a member of either the city council or the county boardof county commissioners and shallsubsequentlybecomebecomes a member of either body,hethe person shallthereuponcease to be a member of the advisorycourt-housecourthouse and city hall building commission. Immediately after the appointment of the commission, the persons appointed as membersthereofshall indicate their acceptance of their appointment, in writing, filed with the auditor of the county.In case anyIf a person appointed as a member of the commissionshall fail sofails to filehiswritten acceptance ofsuchthe appointment within 20 days aftersuchthe appointment,or in case any member shall diedies,resignresigns, orbeis removed from office, orin case any of the membersa member of the commission,who wereappointed from the membership of the city council or the county boardof county commissioners,shallceaseceases to bemembersa member of the council or board,their successorsa successor shall be appointed in the manner and by the same personsasthat originally appointedsuchthe member. Immediatelyuponafter the expiration of the 20 days following the appointmentof the membersof the commission members, orprior thereto uponafter the filing ofsuchacceptance by all those appointed as membersthereof, the chairman of the county boardof county commissionersshall call a meeting ofsuchthe commission and shall preside at the first meeting.At such meetingThe commission shall select from its own members a chairman andsuchother officersasitmay deemconsiders necessary. 374.11 [DUTY OF COMMISSION.] As soon as practicable after the appointment of the members ofsuchthe commission, it shallproceed toselect a site or sites forsuchthe building and may contract with the ownersthereof for the acquisition of suchto acquire the site or sites by gift or purchase, which. The contract or contracts shall be subject to ratification by the city council and board of county commissioners; provided, that if the site selectedbeis not the site ofany thenan existingcourt-housecourthouse and city hall building, then the site selectedshallmust be a site located within one city block of the site ofanyan existingcourt-housecourthouse and city hall building. The commission shall not recommenderection ofconstructing thecourt-housecourthouse and city hall on a new site, unless two-thirds of thepersonnel of thecommission members are in favorthereof and areof the opinion, and. The commission's report shallsostateinthe report of the commission,that the proposed new site is more advantageous to the city and county than the site of the existingcourt-housecourthouse and city hallcannot be used forsuch court-house and city hall in a manner as advantageous tothe city and county as the proposed new site and shall embody inits report a statement ofand the facts upon whichit bases itsconclusions in this regard, and suchthis conclusion is based. The new siteshallmust not be finally selected until the reportshall havehas been published in the daily newspapers of the city and an opportunity given for the public to present its objectionsthereto, at a hearingon a date not earlier thanheld at least 30 days aftersuchthe publication. As soon as practicable after the selection of a site or sites, the commission shall report to the city council and the board of county commissioners, describing the property selected as a site for the building, and the price at which the properties can be acquired.Upon the filing ofWhen the report is filed, the county boardof county commissionersand the city council shall consider the report and may either rejectthe sameor ratify the action taken by thecommissioners; and, in the eventthatcommission. If either or both of these bodiesshall rejectrejects the commission's reportof the commission, the mattershallmust be resubmitted to the commission for further action.In the event thatIf the city council and the county boardof county commissioners shall approveapproves the site selected by the commission, butshalldoes not approve the price at which the site or sites can be acquired, the city council and the county boardof county commissionersshallthereupon proceedtoacquire the property by eminent domain. The proceedings in eminent domainfor the acquisition ofto acquire the property may be instituted and carried to completion in the name of either the city or the county, as may be determined by the city council and county boardof county commissioners, and. The proceedings may be instituted and completed either under the laws governing the condemnation of land by counties or under the provisions of the city charterof such cityrelating to the acquisition of land by eminent domain, or underthe laws of thestate law relating to the acquisition by cities of land by eminent domain. The cost of acquiring this land, whether acquired by purchase or eminent domain, shall be paid one-half bysuchthe county and one-half bysuchthe city; and, in case. If the property is acquired by eminent domain in proceedings instituted and completed bysuchthe city, the county shall reimburse it for one-half of the cost and expense of acquiringsuchthe landand one-half of the expense incident thereto; and,. If the proceedings are instituted and completed bysuchthe county, the city shalllikewisereimburse the county in the same manner. All land acquired as a site forsuch court-housethe courthouse and city hall building shall be owned jointly bysuchthe county andsuchthe city; and, in case. If the entire tract is acquired by eithersuchthe city orsuchthe county,it shallconveyan undivided one-half interestthereofshall be conveyed to the other upon reimbursement for one-half of the cost of acquiring thesameland. 374.12 [PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS DRAWN.] Either before or after the selection of the building siteof such building, the commission shallcause to be preparedhave plans and specifications forsuchthe building prepared and may employ architects, engineers, draftsmen, andsuchclerical helpas may be deemed necessary for the purpose of preparingsuchto prepare the plans and specifications.The compensationof such employees shall be fixed byThe commissionand shall bepaid in equal parts byshall set the compensation of the employees. The city and the countyupon presentation ofshall pay the compensation in equal parts when presented with statementsthereforcertified to be correct by a majority ofsuchthe commission. Allsuchcontracts andemploymentsemployment shall be subject to approval by the city council and county boardof county commissioners.UponWhen thecompletion of theplans and specifications forsuchthe building are completed, the commission shall submitthe samethem to the city council and the county boardof county commissionersfor approval. The council and board shallthereuponapprove the proposed plans and specifications, or reject them and resubmit them to the commission for further consideration; and,. When the plans and specifications are satisfactory to both the city council and the county boardof county commissioners, each of those bodies shallthereuponpass a resolution authorizing and instructing the commission to proceed with the work. 374.13 [TO ADVERTISE FOR BIDS.]Upon the completion of suchWhen the plans and specifications are completed andtheir approval oradoptionapproved by the city council and the county boardofcounty commissioners, the commission shall, after notice appropriate to inform possible bidders, obtain bids or proposals for all or any portion of the work or materials, or both, to be done, performed, or furnished in the construction of the building. All bids or proposals shall be sealed by the bidders or proposers andshall befiled with the commission at or before the time specified for the opening of bids or proposals. At the time and place specified for the opening of bids or proposals, the commission shall meet, open the bids or proposals,andtabulatethe samethem, andshall thereuponaward the contract or contracts to the responsible bidder whose bid or proposal is the most favorable to the city or county, or reject all bids and proposals.In the eventIf all bids or proposals are rejected, the commission may, after similar notice, obtain more bids or proposals or may modify or change the plans and specifications and submitsuchthe modified plans and specifications to the city council and the county boardof county commissionersfor approval, and. Whensuchthe modified or changed plans and specifications are satisfactory to both the city council and the county boardof county commissioners, the plans and specifications shall be returned to the commission and the commission shall proceedtoagain, after similar notice, to obtain bids or proposals. Anysuchcontract awarded by the commission shall be subject to approval by the city council and the county boardof county commissioners. 374.14 [CERTIFIED CHECKS WITH ALL BIDS.] Each person submitting bids or proposals underthe terms ofsection 374.13 shall file withhisthe bid or proposal a certified check in an amount prescribed in the specifications of the commission for the building, to be retained as liquidated damages and divided equally between the city and county in case of failure to enter into a contract ifheit is awardedthe same. All contracts shall be in writing andshall bemade in the name of the county and cityproposing to erect such building,and shall be executed in their behalfof such county and cityby the officers empowered by law or charter to execute the contractsin behalf of such county and such city. All personswho may beawarded building contractsin connection withthe erection of such buildingshallbe required tofurnish bondsin the amount and in the form prescribedas required bythe lawsof thestate law relating to contracts for public improvements,and such. The bonds shall run to the county and cityerectingsuch building. 374.15 [WAGES.] Work specificationsfor all such workshall contain a provision that skilled and unskilled laborers employed insuchthe work shall be paida wage equal tothe wage required to be paid by contractors doing work forsuchthe city, ifsuchthe city hasin forcean ordinance providingsucha scale of wages. 374.16 [COST OF REMOVING AND REMODELING.]In the eventIf the selected sitebe thenis occupied by an existing city hall andcourt-housecourthouse,such thatand temporary quarters must be provided for officers and officialslocated therein pendingbefore completion of the new building, the cost ofanyremodelingof suchtemporary quarters,and moving expensesincident to their occupancyshall be consideredapart of the cost of the new building. 374.17 [COMMISSION MAY APPOINT ARCHITECTS.] The work oferectingconstructing, equipping, and furnishing the building shall be conducted and completed under the direction and supervision of the commissionand. The commission membersthereofare charged with the duty of requiring that the workto beis done in accordance with the plans and specifications. The commissionis hereby authorizedtomay employsucharchitects, engineers, supervisors, inspectors, clerks, and other employeesas it may deem necessaryor advisableto supervise and inspect the work and assist in the performance of the duties of the commission, and. The county and city shall pay the fees and salaries ofsuchthe employees in the amounts fixed by the commission, one-half by the county and one-half by the city,upon the presentation ofwhen presented with statementsthereforcertified to be correct by a majority of the commission.Such employments shall beThe employment is subject to the approval of the city council and county boardof county commissionersin the manner provided in this chapter. 374.18 [MANAGEMENT OF BUILDING.] If, at the time of the erection of such building,the county and cityso erecting a court-house and city hall shallthen bejointlyowningown andoperatingoperate a city hall andcourt-housecourthouse buildingunder authority and powergranted by law, the management of the new building shall bevested inwhen a new building is constructed, the same persons or committeesasthat managed the old buildingthen jointlyowned and operated by such city and countyshall manage the new building. In all other casesthe management of the buildingshall be vested in, a joint committee consisting of two members of the county boardof county commissionersselected by the board, and two members of the city council selected by the council shall manage the building. The committee shall have full charge and management of the building andshall havethe power to appointsuchemployeesasthe committeeshall deemconsiders necessary for the proper care, management, and operation of the building,. The committee shall set the salary and compensationto be fixed by the committeeof the employees, and the county boardof county commissionersand the city councilof the cityshall eachprovide an amount sufficient topay one-half of the expense of operating the building. 374.19 [TO SERVE WITHOUT COMPENSATION.] The members of the advisorycourt-housecourthouse and city hall building commission and the members of the joint building management committee of the city council and county boardtomanage the buildingshall not receive any compensation for their services upon the committee or commission, and. None of the members of the advisorycourt-housecourthouse and city hall building commission shall have any financial interest in any of the contracts awarded by the commission. 374.20 [SALE OR LEASE OF LANDS NOT USED.]In caseIf any land or buildings owned and used by either the county or the city, or jointly owned and used by them,shallis notberequired fortheuseofby the county or city, or both of them, after thecompletion ofthe new building is completed, the land and buildings shall be sold as soon as practicableand. The proceeds shall be placed in separate funds of the county and cityto beand used for the payment of bonds or certificates of indebtedness authorizedhereunderby the county and courthouse and city hall bonds issued byany suchthe city. The proceeds ofsuchthe sales shall be paidintoto the county and citytreasuriesin the proportion of ownership of each in the real propertysosold. So far as practicable the proceeds ofsuchthe sales shall be used to pay a portion of the bonds or certificates of indebtedness maturing in each year after salesin such manner as to makeso that the annual payments from the proceeds ofsuchthe sales as nearly equal as may be in each of the years in which bonds or certificates of indebtedness mature. No part of the proceeds ofsuchthe sales shall be used to pay interest charges on any bondssoissued,and. No partthereofshall be used for any purpose other than the payment of maturing bond or certificates of indebtedness, unless there is a surplus after the payment of all bonds or certificates of indebtedness, in which case such. The surplus shall then be paid into the general sinking fund ofsuchthe city and county. The city and countyare each authorized tomay sell or lease to the other for a nominal or other consideration, all or part of its interest in theaforesaidlandor any part thereof;provided that, in the event of such sale,. If the purchasing city or county, as the case may be, shall resell suchresells the land to a purchaser other than the city or county as soon as practicable, the proceeds ofsuchthe resaletoshall be equally divided between the city and county; provided further that. Ifsaidthe land or any partthereofis leased by either the city or county, as providedaboveunder this section,saidthe leaseshall be only for such term and under such conditions aswillmust permit the salethereofof the land to a purchaser other than the city or county as soon as practicable.In the event thatIf either the city or countyshallacquireacquires full title tosaidthe property,saidthe city orsaidcountyis authorizedmay, in the sale ofsuchthe propertyto, consider their combined economic, financial and industrial interests, as well as the price offered, with relation to a proposed projectthereon, andmayincludesuchthese factors in the specifications or proposals forsuchthe sale. This section shall be liberally construed toeffectuatecarry out its purpose, and in the event. If any portion or clause ofsuchthe sectionor clause thereof shall beis heldineffectualinvalid, the validity of the balance shall not be affected. 374.21 [AUDITORIUM;MILITARYVETERAN ORGANIZATIONS, MEETING PLACES.] Subdivision 1. [MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM.] Ifany suchthe city desires to construct an auditorium,suchthe building may be included in thecourt housecourthouse and city hall building if the county boardof county commissioners shall agree theretoandagrees, an agreement is reached betweensuchthe board and the city councilof such city as toon the cost ofsuchthe addition to thecourt housecourthouse and city hall building, and the entire amount ofsuchthe additional costarising fromthe inclusion of such auditorium building in the court house andcity hall building shall be borneis paid bysuchthe city. Nothinghereincontained in this section shall require thatinthe event such auditorium is made a part of the city hall andcourt house buildingthe cityshallmust sell any existing auditorium building if an auditorium is constructed in the city hall and courthouse building.In the eventIf the auditorium is included in the city hall andcourt housecourthouse building, themanagement and control of suchauditorium shall not bevested inmanaged by the joint building management committeehereinbefore provided for to manageof the cityhallcouncil andcourt house building, but the management and control of theauditorium shall be vested in such citycounty board. The city shall manage the auditorium and shall pay for any additional expense in the care, upkeep, and maintenance of thecourt housecourthouse and city hall building arising from the inclusion ofsuch anthe auditoriumshall be borne by such city.The city council of any such city issuing and selling bondsas herein authorized for the purpose of defraying the expense ofacquiring land for erecting, equipping, and furnishing any suchjoint court house and city hall building is hereby authorizedand empowered without reference to any such advisory court houseand city hall building commission or other public body or bodiesto reconstruct, remodel, and improve the theater section of anymunicipal auditorium building located in any such city and todefray the expense, not in excess of the sum of $25,000, ofreconstructing, remodeling, and improving the theater section ofany such building from the balance of the proceeds of theissuance and sale by such city of any such bonds, remainingafter the expense of acquiring land for erecting, equipping, andfurnishing any such joint court house and city hall building hasbeen defrayed, as herein provided.Subd. 2. [MUNICIPAL AUDITORIUM BUILDING; COUNTY EQUIPPING.]TheA county boardof any such countyissuing and selling bondsas herein authorized for the purpose of defrayingthe expense ofto pay for acquiring land forerectingconstructing, equipping, and furnishingany sucha jointcourthousecourthouse and city hall buildingis hereby authorized andempowered, without reference to any such advisory court-houseand city hall building commission, tomay appropriate andexpendspend not more than $10,000 from thefunds provided by the saleof such bonds for the purpose ofbond proceeds for equippinganya municipal auditorium buildingsituatedlocated inanya city of the first class located withinany suchthe county, without reference to the courthouse and city hall building commission or other public body or bodies. Subd. 3. [VETERAN ORGANIZATIONS, MEETING PLACES.] If, in the opinion of the city council and county board, it is inadvisable to provide meeting halls or quarters in the city hall andcourt housecourthouse, for veteran organizationsthemembership whereof is composed of persons who served the UnitedStates in the army, navy, or marine corps in the civil war,Spanish-American war, Philippine Insurrection, Boxer Uprising,Chinese Relief Expedition, World War I and World War II, and forthe auxiliaries to or of those organizationsand their auxiliaries, and in the opinion of those bodiessuchhalls or quarters should be provided, the county board and city council may provide notto exceed the sum total of $20,000 to beexpended in 1947 or any year subsequent thereto out of thebalances remaining in the funds referred to in MinnesotaStatutes 1945, section 374.23,more than $20,000 fortheimprovingof suchhalls or quarters in a municipally-owned auditorium building forsuchthe organizations and their auxiliaries out of the balances remaining in the funds referred to in section 374.23.InIf theeventhalls or quarters in a municipal auditorium are improved for the use ofsuchthe organizations and their auxiliaries,suchthe halls and quarters shall be under the sole control and management of the same persons or committeesasthat manage the city hall andcourthousecourthouse building; and. All costs of heating, lighting, andoperation of suchoperating the halls or quarters shall bethe expense of suchpaid by the persons or committees;provided, that. Thelast namedpersons or committees may, ifthey so elect,directsuchthe organizations and their auxiliaries to form a joint housing or other proper committee to represent and act forsuchthe organizations and their auxiliaries in all matters relating tosuchthe halls and quarters and to prepare and adopt rules and regulationsprescribingsetting the timewhen, mannerin which, and conditions under whichsuchthe halls or quartersorportions thereofshall be used by theseveralorganizations and auxiliaries; and provided further, that in the event such. If the joint housing or other committeebeis formed, any rules or regulationsbyitadopted shall, before becoming effective,adopts must be approved by the persons or committees having control and management ofsuchthe halls or quarters before becoming effective. 374.22 [MAY RECONSTRUCT AUDITORIUM.] The city councilof any such cityissuing and selling bondsas herein authorized for the purpose of defraying the expense ofto pay for acquiring land forerectingconstructing, equipping, and furnishingany sucha jointcourt-housecourthouse and city hall buildingis hereby authorized and empowered, withoutreference to any such advisory court-house and city hallbuilding commission or other public body,may use not more than $25,000 from the balance of the bond proceeds remaining after paying the expense of acquiring land for constructing, equipping, and furnishing the joint courthouse and city hall building, to reconstruct, remodel, and improve the theater section of any municipal auditorium building located inany suchthe cityand to defray the expense, not in excess of the sum of$25,000, of reconstructing, remodeling, and improving thetheater section of any such building from the balance of theproceeds of the issuance and sale by any such city of any suchbonds, remaining after the expense of acquiring land forerecting, equipping, and furnishing any such joint court-houseand city hall building has been defrayed, as hereinprovidedwithout reference to the advisory courthouse and city hall building commission. 374.23 [COMMISSION; REPORT, FILING.]UponWhen thecompletion of the erection and equipping ofthecity hall andcourt housecourthouse building is completed, the commissionherein provided to be appointedshallmake andfile a report with the district court of the county, theofficeof thecounty auditorof any such county, and the city clerkof any city of the first class located in such county a reportof its proceedings, setting forth. The report shall state, in general terms, the acts performed bysuchthe commissionpursuant tounder this chapter,as well asthe contracts which were let in theerectionconstruction and equipping ofsuchthe building, and the balances remaining in the funds provided by the sale of bonds, as herein provided.Upon theAfter filingofsuchthe report the commissionshall thereupon beis discharged. The city councilof any such cityand the county boardof commissioners of any such countymay,not later thanwithin ten years from the date of the filing ofsuchthe report,expendspend the balances remaining in the funds provided by sale of bonds for enlarging the court facilities insuchthe building, and for inscribing the names of deceased military personnel of World War II, or who had active serviceon andafter June2726, 1950, and prior to the final cessation of hostilities as proclaimed by proper federal authority, on the columns in the concourse ofsaidthe building, to be done, however, only upon the request of the judges of the district court in the county in which the building is located. The remainder of the bond proceedsof the bondsshall be usedforthe purpose of retiringto retire the bonds issuedhereunder,and upon the expiration of the ten-year term, in the event theabove mentionedunder this chapter. If the improvements to the building mentioned in this section have not been contracted for within ten years, the funds providedthereforshallthereuponbe used to retire the bonds. 374.25 [JOINT COUNTY AND MUNICIPAL BUILDING AUTHORIZED.] Any countyin this statewhich does not have within its limits a city of the first class, may, together with the cityinsuch countywhich is the county seatthereof, jointly acquire land for,erectconstruct, equip, furnish, maintain and operate a jointcourt housecourthouse and city hall buildingto be usedjointly by such county and such city. 374.26 [PROPORTIONAL DIVISION OF COST.] The cost and expense of acquiring land for,erectingconstructing, equipping, and furnishingsuchthe building shall bebornepaid by the county and the city in proportion to the amount of spaceto beused by each governmental unit in the building, and. The architect preparing the plans and specifications forsuchthe building shall certifyas tothe amount of space withinsuchthe building which is designed for use by each governmental unit. The building shall not beerectedconstructed or contracted to beerectedconstructed and no land shall be acquiredthereforand no bonds shall be issued or sold by the county, until the city has been authorized to issue bonds todefraypay itsproportionshare of the cost ofsuchthe land and building and the ordinances providing for the bond issueof such bondshave been ratified by the vote of the electors ofsuchthe city in the manner provided in the city charterof such cityor bythe laws of thestate law. 374.27 [BOND ISSUE.]At any time after suchWhen the city has been authorized to issue bonds todefraypay itspartshare of the costofacquiring a site and erecting the city hall and court housebuilding, the county boardof county commissioners of any suchcountymay submit to the votersthereof, in the manner providedby Minnesota Statutes 1945, under section 375.20, the question as to whether or not to issue and sell bonds ofsuchthe county todefraypay the county'sportionshare of the cost of acquiring land for,and erectingconstructing, equipping and furnishingsuchthe building. The full faith and credit of the countyshallmust be pledged to the payment of the principal and interest ofany suchthe bondssoissued.SuchThe bonds may be issued in one or more instalments, but the bonds of each instalmentshallmust be serial bonds, a portion of which shall be payable each year after issue, but. None ofsuchthe bonds shall runfor alongertimethan 20 years from their date, and. The board of county commissioners shall fix the denominationsthereofandshall fixthe dates of maturity of each instalment so that the amounts necessary each year to pay the principal and interest maturing any year shall be approximately the same in each of the years during which the bonds of the instalment shall run.SuchThe bonds shall be soldin accordance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes 1945,as provided under section 475.60. The, at a rate of interestshall,in no case, exceed six percent per annumas authorized under section 475.55. 374.28 [EXECUTION AND DELIVERY OF BONDS.]Such bonds shall be executed in such manner asThe county boardof county commissionersshall, by resolution, determine the manner of executing the bonds. The delivery of the bondssoexecutedat any time thereaftershall be valid, notwithstanding any change in officers or in the seal of the county occurring after their execution. 374.29 [COUNTY TAX LEVY.] The county boardof county commissionersshall levy a tax, at the time and in the manner prescribed byMinnesota Statutes1945,section 475.61, to pay the principal and interest ofsuchthe bonds. This section shall not be construedas limitingto limit the power of a municipality to levy taxes to pay its obligations issuedhereunder, but the governing body of every municipality shall have the authority and it shall be its duty to levy any taxes necessary to provide revenue to paysuchthe obligations. 374.30 [BOND LIMITATION NOT APPLICABLE.] The amount of indebtedness authorized to be incurred byanysuchthe county shall be in addition toand over and aboveany limits now fixed by law. 374.31 [BUILDING COMMISSION.] As soon assuchthe city andsuchcounty have both authorized the issuance of bonds for theerectionconstruction of a jointcourt housecourthouse and city hall building, the county boardof county commissionersand the city councilorother governing body of such cityshall constitute thecourthousecourthouse and city hall building commission ofsuchthe county, and the chairman of the county boardof countycommissionersshall act as chairman ofsaidthe commission. The commission shall select from its own memberssuchother officersasitmay deemconsiders necessary. 374.32 [JOINT OWNERSHIP OF SITE.] The commission shall select a site forsuchthe building and may contract with the ownerthereof for the acquisition ofsuchto acquire the site by gift or purchase, orsuchthe site may be acquired by proceedings in eminent domain, to beinstituted and carried to completionin the name of either the city or the county, as the commission may determine. All land acquired as a site forsuch court housethe courthouse or city hall shall be owned jointly bysuchthe county andsuchthe city, in the same proportion as each contributes to the acquisition of land and the construction ofsuchthe building;and, in case. If the entire tract is acquired by eithersuchthe city or county, it shall convey the proper undivided interestthereinto the other. 374.33 [PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS.] Either before or after the selection of the building siteof such building, the commission shallcause to be preparedhave plans and specifications for the building prepared and may employ architects, engineers, draftsmen, andsuchclerical helpas may be deemed necessary for the purpose of preparing suchto prepare the plans and specifications.The compensation of suchemployees shall be fixed byThe commission shall set the compensation of the employees. 374.34 [ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS.]Upon the completion of suchWhen the plans and specifications are completed andtheir approval oradoptionapproved by the commission, the commission shall, after notice appropriate to inform possible bidders, obtain bids or proposals for all or any portion of the work or materials, or both, to be done, performed or furnished in the construction of the building. All bids or proposals shall be sealed by the bidders or proposers andshall befiled with the commission at or before the time specified for the opening of bids or proposals, at which time the commission shall meet, open the bids or proposals and tabulatethe samethem, andshallthereuponaward the contract or contracts to the responsible bidder whose bid or proposal is the most favorable, or reject all bids and proposals.In the eventIf all bids or proposals are rejected, the commission may, after similar notice, obtain more bids or proposals or may modify or change the specifications, and shall again, after similar notice,otainobtain more bids or proposals in the mannerhereinbeforeprovided. 374.35 [CERTIFIED CHECK; CONTRACTS.] Each person submittingbidsa bid orproposalsproposal shall file withhisthe bid or proposal a certified check in an amount prescribed in the specifications of the commission for the building, to be retained as liquidated damages in case of failure to enter into a contract if the bidder is awarded thesamecontract. All contracts shall be in writing andshall bemade in the name of the county and the cityproposing to erect suchbuilding,and shall be executed in their behalfof such countyor cityby the officers empowered by law or charter to execute the contractsin behalf of such county and such city. All personswho may beawarded building contractsin connectionwith the erection of such buildingshallbe required tofurnish bondsin the amount and in the form prescribedas required bythe laws of thestate law relating to contracts for public improvementsand such. The bonds shall run to the county and the cityerecting such building. 374.36 [SUPERVISION.] The work oferectingconstructing, equipping and furnishing the building shall be conducted and completed under the direction and supervision of the commissionand. The commission membersthereofare charged with the duty of requiring the work to be done in accordance with the plans and specifications. The commissionis authorized tomay employsucharchitects, engineers, supervisors, inspectors, clerks and other employeesas it may deem necessary or advisableto supervise and inspect the work and assist in the performance of the duties of the commission. 374.37 [MANAGEMENT.] The management of the building whenerectedconstructed shall be vested in the commissionwhich shall havewith the power to appointsuchemployeesas it may deem necessaryfor theproper care andmanagement and operation of the building, and. The commission shall fixtheirthe employees' compensation and determine the proportionthereofwhich is to be paid by the county and by the city. 374.38 [COMPENSATION OF COMMISSIONERS; ADVERTISEMENT FORBIDS.] The members of the commission shall receive no compensation for their services upon the commission other than their compensation which they receive as members of the county boardof county commissionersor of the city councilor othergoverning body of such city, and. No member of this commission shall have any financial interest in any of the contracts awarded by the commission. Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 375.055, is amended by adding a subdivision to read: Subd. 8. [TRAINING EXPENSES.] The county board may reimburse a newly elected county commissioner for expenses incurred prior to assuming office for attendance at a training or education program which will familiarize the commissioner with official duties. Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 375.48, is amended to read: 375.48 [EXECUTIVE SECRETARY; APPOINTMENT; QUALIFICATIONSCOUNTY COORDINATOR.] Subdivision 1. [APPOINTMENT; QUALIFICATIONS.] Notwithstanding sections 375A.01 and 375A.12, a county board may employan executive secretarya county coordinator upontheterms itdeemsconsiders advisable. It may appropriate funds and provide suitable office space for the office. The county board shall set the salary of thesecretarycounty coordinator. Thesecretarycoordinator shall be chosen solely on the basis of training, experience and administrative qualifications and need not be a resident of the county at the time of appointment. Theexecutive secretarycounty coordinator serves at the pleasure of the board and employment may be terminated by the board without notice. The board may provide for a termination allowance. Subd. 2. [COUNTY OFFICER OR EMPLOYEE MAY BE APPOINTED.] The county board may appoint asexecutive secretarycounty coordinator any county officer or employee except a county commissioner during the term for whichhethe commissioner was elected. If a county officer or employee is appointedexecutivesecretarycounty coordinator, the board may provide that the duties ofexecutive secretarycounty coordinator are in addition to the duties as an officer or employee. Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 375.49, is amended to read: 375.49 [DUTIES OFEXECUTIVE SECRETARYCOUNTY COORDINATOR.] Subdivision 1. [COUNTY BOARD TO PRESCRIBE.] The county board shall prescribe the duties of theexecutive secretarycounty coordinator. Insofar as required by the county board,hethe county coordinator is responsible to the board for the proper administration and management of any assigned dutyassigned to himand for these purposes isdeemedconsidered the head of a department. Subd. 2. [DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES.] Theexecutivesecretarycounty coordinator may be assigned any of the following duties and responsibilities: (a) To manage any or all of the affairs of the county which the county board has authority to control; (b) To examine regularly the books, papers and accounts of each department, office, and agency of the county under the control of the county board and to report to the board the condition in whichhethe county coordinator finds them and other information as the board directs; (c) To submit to the board recommendations concerning the affairs of the county, its future financial needs, and its offices, departments and agencies ashe deemsthe county coordinator considers proper; (d) To see that all orders, resolutions and regulations of the county board are faithfully executed; (e) To initiate and present a proposed annual budget to the county board for its review and consideration; and (f) To serve as clerk of the county board.Upon theadoption ofWhen a resolution is adopted directing theexecutivesecretarycounty coordinator to assume the responsibilities of clerk of the board, the county auditor shall no longer be held responsible for the duties as clerk to the board imposed by section 384.09. Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 375.50, is amended to read: 375.50 [RESCISSION OF RESOLUTION ESTABLISHINGEXECUTIVESECRETARY'SCOUNTY COORDINATOR'S OFFICE.] The board at any time may rescind the resolution establishing the office ofexecutive secretarycounty coordinator. Any duties and responsibilities previously assigned to theexecutive secretarycounty coordinator, upon adoption of the rescinding resolution, shall be vested in the officer or department which had responsibility for the function before the transfer of the function to theexecutivesecretarycounty coordinator. Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 375A.07, subdivision 1, is amended to read: 375A.07 [EXECUTIVE SECRETARY TO THE COUNTY BOARDCOUNTY COORDINATOR.] Subdivision 1. [CHANGE IN NAME.] Except as otherwise provided in this section, on January 1, 1974, the office of county administrator established pursuant to sections 375.48 to 375.50, shall terminate and the person holding that office aftersaidthis date shall be known as theexecutive secretary to thecountyboardcoordinator. This subdivision shall not apply to any person who on January 1, 1973, held the office of county administrator pursuant to sections 375.48 to 375.50 and did not on that date concurrently hold an elective county office. Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 376, is amended to read: CHAPTER 376HOSPITALS , SANATORIUMS,AND NURSING HOMES 376.009 [COUNTY HOSPITAL.] For the purposes of sections 376.01 to 376.06, "county hospital" means any hospital owned or operated by a countyandthis hospitalwhich may consist of any number of buildings at one location or any number of buildings at different locations within the county. 376.01 [ACQUISITION OF LAND.]TheA county boardof any countymay acquirelandsland in the county for hospital purposes for patients, other thaninsanethe mentally ill. 376.02 [BUILDINGS.]TheA county boardof any countymay purchase, erect,or construct suitable buildings for hospital purposes for patients, other thaninsanethe mentally ill, on any land acquiredpursuant tounder section 376.01, and may improve, equip, and maintain these buildings forsuchhospital purposes. The county board may pay for these buildings out of anymoneysfund in the county treasury not otherwise appropriated or issuetherefor thewarrants or bonds of the countyinfor paymenttherefor. The county board may fix the time and terms of payment of these warrants or bonds and the amount of interest to be paid. 376.03 [QUESTION SUBMITTED TO VOTERS.] If a majority of the electors of any county voting upon the proposition at any election at which the question of purchasing,erecting,and constructing hospital buildings, as provided inunder section 376.02 is submitted,vote in favor of the proposition, the county board shallthereupon proceed topurchase,erect,and construct these buildings and make the improvements necessary to fit the buildings for hospital purposes. 376.04 [ELECTION, SEPARATE BALLOT.] The question of purchasing, erectingand constructing hospital buildings shall be submitted to thequalifiedvoters of any county at a general election and placed upon a separate ballot. This electionshallmust be called by a resolution of the county boardwhich states. The resolution must state the time of the election, that a county hospital is proposed to be established, the proposed locationthereof, and thesame tocost, including equipment, for notto exceedmore than thesumset forthamount stated in the resolution.Upon passage ofWhen the resolutions are passed, the county auditorforthwithnotifiesshall immediately notify each town or city clerk in the county that the question oferectingconstructing hospital buildings will be voted upon at the time stated in the resolution,the election to be controlled by the existingin the manner provided under the state election laws. The ballotshallmust be in the following form: "For the purchase, erectionand construction of hospital buildings, including equipment, to be located at ............... (state location), at a cost notto exceedmore than .............. (state amount), pursuant to the resolution of the board of county commissioners passed .................. (state date). Yes .......... No ............"Electors desiring to vote in favor thereof shall make theircross-mark, thus (X), opposite the word "yes," and electorsdesiring to vote against the proposition shall make theircross-mark, thus (X), opposite the word "no".Each of the last two words, "yes" and "no", shall be followed by a square in which the voter may indicate by a mark (X) either a negative or affirmative vote. These votes shall be cast in the same manner as votes cast at the general election and counted by the same officers, and. Returns must be made to the county auditor, and canvassed inlikethe same manner as the returns on county officers. 376.05 [HOSPITAL AUTHORIZED,ERECTIONCONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS.] If a majority of the electors voting upon the proposition vote in favor of purchasing, erecting,and constructingsuchthe hospital buildings, the county board shallforthwith proceed toimmediately purchase,erect, andconstructsuch, and equip the buildingsas are deemed proper, suitable, and convenient andequip the same to effectuate the purpose. 376.06 [SUPERINTENDENT, HOSPITAL BOARD; DUTIES.] Subdivision 1.TheA county boardof any county having sowhich has purchased, erectedand constructed buildings for hospital purposes may operate these buildings assucha hospital,and may appoint a superintendenttherefor for a term to befixed by it, fix his. The board shall set the superintendent's salary,and at pleasure remove him, prescribe histerm of employment, and powers and duties,; provide for the management and operation of the hospital,; andshalloperate, control, and manage the hospital. The superintendent shall serve at the pleasure of the board. If the board determines that it is inthe interest ofthe publicso to dointerest, it may appoint a hospital board ofnot less thanat least three,norbut not more than nine members, whoshallmust beresident freeholdersof thecounty residents and landowners,and who shallto serve without compensation unless the county board authorizes the payment of compensation and reimbursement of expenses for service on the hospital board, which. Notwithstanding section 375.44, if compensation and reimbursementif soare authorizednotwithstanding the provisions of section 375.44, they shall be the same as authorized for service on the county welfare board. Subject to its supervision, the county board may commit the care, management, and operation of the hospital tosuchthe hospital boardand. The county board may provide for the organization and regulation ofsuchthe hospital board, its duties and the duties of the membersthereof, andsuch furtherregulation in reference thereto and toregulations for the management, operation, and control of the hospitalas areproper, necessary, or desirable. The county board may leaseandlet untothe hospital grounds and buildings to aresponsiblehospital associationsuch hospital grounds and buildings uponsuchfor termsasitdeemsconsiders advisable. Sections 376.01 to 376.06 do not permit any county board to purchase,erectand construct anysuchhospital buildings or to paythereforfor them without first submitting the question to the vote of the people. Nosuchpurchase, erectionor construction of buildings or paymentthereformay be made unless a majority of the electors voting upon the proposition vote in favorthereof. Subd. 2. A county commissioner may be appointed by the county boardof which he is a memberto any hospital boardasprovided in Minnesota Statutes 1961,under sections 376.009 to 376.09, except that this subdivision shall not apply toexcept for any hospital board operating a county hospitalas defined inMinnesota Statutes 1961, Section 376.009located in a city of the first class. 376.07 [ADDITION TO COUNTY HOSPITAL.] When, pursuant to the provisions of sections 376.01 to376.06,the county board ofanya county has beenheretofore, orshall have been hereafter,authorized by the voters to construct an addition to the county hospital ofsuchthe county under sections 376.01 to 376.06, whether or not also authorized to equipsuchthe addition, and the boardshall have ascertainedandhas determined thatsuchthe addition, whether with or without equipment, cannot be completed within the cost authorized, orshall havehas determined that, to complete the improvement, certain alterations should be made, or fixtures or equipment added, either in the original building, or in the addition, or both, the board may be authorized toexpendspend a specified additional amount foreach,any, or allof the purposeshereinmentioned in this chapter, either by vote of the people of the county at a general or special election, atwhichor by petition. If an election is held, the propositionso to doshall be submitted and disposed ofsubstantiallyin the same manner as provided by sections 376.01 to 376.06; or, inlieu of a vote at such an election,. If by petitionof a numberof voters of the county equal to, the petition must be signed by a majority ofthe votes cast thereinthose voting at the last preceding general election.SuchThe petition may be in the form of one document or of several documentsof substantiallylike tenor and effectin the same form, and shall be filed with the county auditor.AnyA special electionthereundermay be called inanythe mannerby lawprovided forthecallingofspecial county elections.UponWhen authoritybeingis granted by the voters, in either mannerhereinprovided, the board maythereuponproceed accordinglyand,. Ifit shall havetheretoforethe board made or attempted to make a contract or contractsin excess offor more than the authority first granted, it may ratify and carry outsuchthe contracts, or anythereof. 376.08 [COUNTIES, APPROPRIATIONS FOR HOSPITALS AND NURSING HOMES.] The board of county commissioners in any countyin thisstate having 50,000 inhabitants, or less, is hereby authorizedtowith a population of 50,000 or less may appropriate up to $65,000 annually from the general revenue fund ofsuchthe countya sum not exceeding $65,000 in any one year to aid infor the acquisition of lands for hospital purposes, and theerection,construction, improvement, alterations, equipment and maintenance of hospitals withinsuchthe countyand. The board may also appropriate up to $25,000 from the general revenue fund ofsuchthe countya sum not exceeding $25,000for the acquisition of land and construction of municipally owned nursing homes withinsuchthe county. 376.09 [AID TO HOSPITALS IN COUNTIES HAVING NO COUNTY HOSPITAL.] In any countyin this statein which there is no county hospital, the county boardis hereby authorized and empowered tomay appropriate and pay money from the general fund of the county,as aid infor theerection,construction,and maintenancein such countyof a hospital in the county for the treatment of sick, diseased, and injured persons, a sum notexceeding $5,000, and. Admission preference shall always be givenin the admission to such hospital of suchto patientsaswho are, in whole or in part, public charges, and are senttheretoto the hospital by the county board. 376.55 [COUNTY NURSING HOME.] Subdivision 1. [AUTHORITY.] (a) Any countysingly, or any group of counties acting jointlyare hereby authorized tomay establish a county nursing home, in sections 376.55 to376.57and 376.58 to376.60 also termed "nursing home," for the care and treatment of chronically ill or convalescent personswiththe consent of a majority of the county board;(b) In addition to its usual meaning, the phrase"chronically ill or convalescent persons" as used in sections376.55 to 376.57 and 376.58 to 376.60 includesor persons who need nursing home care because old age or infirmityrendersmakes them unable to properly care for themselves;, with the consent of a majority of the county board.(c)(b) Any county, or group of counties, which owns a nursing home, may establish and operate an attached or related facility for the purpose of providing supportive services to elderly persons who are not yet in need of nursing home care. Supportive services may include congregate housing, adult day care, and respite care services. Subd. 2. [ESTABLISHMENT.]TheA countyboard of anycounty, oranya group of counties acting jointly, may establish a nursing home and a facility for supportive servicesasprovided inunder sections 376.55 to376.57 and 376.58 to376.60, by converting suitable existing county owned buildings, by leasing suitable premises, or by acquiring a suitable site by gift, purchase, or condemnation proceedings instituted in the name of the county or counties anderectingconstructing suitable buildings which are equipped, maintained, enlarged or otherwise modified to be the same as a nursing home. Subd. 3. [FINANCING.] The county boardof any county inthis statemay transfer surplus funds from any fund except the road and bridge, sinking or drainage ditch funds for the purpose of establishing, maintaining, enlarging, or adding to a county nursing home. When surplus funds are not available for transfer, a county board may issue bonds todefraypay the cost of establishing, equipping, furnishing, enlarging, or adding to a county nursing home, subject tothe provisions ofsection 376.56. Subd. 4. [PURCHASE OF INTEREST IN EXISTING HOME.]AnyA county, or a group of counties, not maintaining a nursing home,either alone or in connection with another or other counties,may purchase an interest in an existing county nursing home if the county board or boards owningsuchthe nursing home decide by majority vote of each county board to admitsuchthe county.The sum to be paid for admission to ownership shall be fixed byThe county board or boards owningsuchthe homewith due regardforshall set the cost for admission to ownership, taking into consideration their investment insuchthe home. Any county admitted under this provision shall have all the rights and privileges provided for in sections 376.55 to376.57 and 376.58to 376.60. Subd. 5. [COUNTY DEFINED.]WheneverWhere in sections 376.55 to 376.57 and 376.58 to 376.60 the word "county" is used, it refers to a county acting singly, or as one of a group of counties acting jointly, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. Subd. 6. [WITHDRAWAL OF INTEREST.] Any county board may withdraw its interest inanya county nursing home if the county board or boards owningsuchthe nursing home decide by majority vote of each county board to allowsuchthe withdrawal.The sumto be paid to the county withdrawing shall be fixed byThe county board or boards owningsuchthe homewith due regardforshall set the amount to be paid to the withdrawing county, taking into consideration their investment insuchthe home. 376.56 [TAX LEVIES AND BONDS.] Subdivision 1. The county boardof any countyestablishing or participating in establishing a nursing home,under section 376.55 may annually levy a taxin the amount necessarytodefraypay all or its proportion of the net costs of maintenance and operation of the nursing home after taking into consideration payments received for care of residents, and a. The board may levy an additional tax to repay the cost of acquiring, establishing, equipping, furnishing, enlarging, or adding to a county nursing home, and to pay the principal of and interest on general obligation bonds issuedby itfor that purpose. Subd. 2. The proceeds of taxes for costs of maintenance and operation shall be paidby the county by which they arecollectedinto a county nursing home fund, which, in the case of counties operating jointly, shall be kept in the treasury of the county in which the nursing home is located andshall beexpendedspent as provided in sections 376.55 to 376.66. Subd. 3. Bonds issued under section 376.55, subdivision 3, may be general obligations of the county and may be issued and sold, and taxes levied for their paymentin accordance withas provided under chapter 475. No election shall be required to authorize theissuance of such bondsbond issue forthe purposeofimproving, remodeling, or replacing an existing nursing home withoutincrease ofincreasing the number of accommodations for residents. The revenues of the nursing home shall also be pledged for the payment of the bonds and for any interest and premium, if any, thereon.A portionPart of the proceeds may be deposited in the debt service fund for the issue, to capitalize interest and create a reservefor the purpose of reducing oreliminatingto reduce or eliminate the tax otherwise required by section 475.61 to be levied before issuing the bonds. The remaining proceeds from the sale of the bonds and any surplus funds transferredpursuant tounder section 376.55, subdivision 3shallmust be credited to and deposited in the county nursing home building fund of the county in which the nursing home is located. Subd. 4. The county treasurer of the county in which the nursing home is located shall make payments out of the county nursing home fund and county nursing home building fund on properly authenticated vouchers of the county nursing home administrative board, as provided in sections 376.58 and 376.59. The county treasurer of each county issuing general obligation bondspursuant tounder subdivision 3 shall paysuchthe bonds and interestthereonfrom the county's debt service fund andshallbe the custodian of net revenues transmitted by the administrative board for the payment ofsuchthe bonds. 376.57 [DETERMINATION TO ESTABLISH.] In establishing a jointly owned and operated county nursing home or facility for supportive services, each of the cooperating counties shall determine by a majority vote of the county boardof that countythat it is in favor of the establishment of the home or of the facility, the place of its location, and the approximate amount to beexpendedspent for the establishment of the proposed nursing home or facilityunderthe authority provided in section 376.55 and. Each county shall authorize the payment by that county of its proportionate share ofthatthe cost of the establishment. The proportion of costs ofthatthe establishment, and of costs of maintenance and operation of the nursing home or facility to be paid by each county shall be set by terms agreed upon by each of the participating counties. 376.58 [SUPERVISION.] Subdivision 1. [DESIGNATION OF COUNTY NURSING HOME ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD.] The county board of any county establishing a county nursing home and facility for supportive services may designate any board under the jurisdiction and control of the county board to supervisethatthe nursing home and facility, and that board shall constitute the nursing home's administrative board for that county. Subd. 2. [NURSING HOME ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD; CREATION; COMPENSATION.] Whenever two or more counties, through their county boardsof county commissioners, have agreed to maintain a county nursing home and facility for supportive services underthe authority provided insection 376.55, the county commissioners of each county shall designate a board from each of the cooperating counties as the county nursing home administrative board. Immediately after their designation as the county nursing home administrative board, the boards of the cooperating counties shall hold a joint meeting and elect a chairman, vice chairman and secretary who shall be the executive committee; provided, however, that. Each county shall havenotless thanat least one representative on the executive committee,provided also thatand where more than three counties participate in establishing a nursing home, the executive committee shall be expanded by one member for each additional county above threeto the endso that no county will have less than one member on the executive committee. The first joint meeting of the county boards that have been designated as the county nursing home administrative board shall, in the firstinstance,be called by the chairman of the county board of the county in which the county commissioners have agreed to locate the proposed home and facility, and thereafter they. The board shall meet annually, and atsuchother timesas are deemedconsidered necessary. Members of the county nursing home administrative board, and its executive committee, other than members of the county boardof county commissioners, shall be paid for each day spent in transacting the business of the board or the committeeshall be compensated and. Each member, including members of the county boardof county commissioners, may be reimbursed for necessary expenses incurred by them in connection with their official duties; such. Compensation and reimbursement for expenses shall be paid from the county nursing home fund in a manner and amounts agreed upon by the county boards.Nothing inThis subdivisionshall be construed todoes not prohibit the payment of a per diem to county commissionerspursuant tounder section 375.055, subdivision 1. Subd. 3. [NURSING HOME ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD; POWERS, DUTIES.] The county nursing home administrative boardshall havethe power tomay establish, operate and maintain a county nursing home and facility for supportive serviceswithin thelimits prescribed inunder sections 376.55 to376.57 and 376.58to376.60. The county nursing home administrative board may delegate to the executive committee defined in subdivision 2 the authority to supervise the establishment, management and operation of the county nursing home and facility for supportive services, including the approval of expenditures andsuchother businessas isnecessary for the efficient operation of the home withinsuchthe general policiesas have beenestablished by the county nursing home administrative board. The county nursing home administrative board may authorizea sum to paypayment of incidental expenses of the nursing homein accordance with theprovisions ofunder section 375.16. Subd. 4. [EXPENDITURES, APPROVAL.] The county nursing home administrative board, or its executive committee, ifsodesignated as provided in subdivision 2delegated to do so, shall approve by a majority vote all expenditure vouchers, and the chairman of the board or committeeapproving themshallthereafterthen transmit them to the county auditor of the county in which the home and facility are located for payment. Subd. 5. [ESTIMATES OF COST.] Preparation of estimates of costs for the operation of the nursing home and the facility for supportive services shall be submitted as required by the administrative board of the nursing home or as called for by the county board. The fiscal year for the nursing home, and the facility for supportive services if it is appropriate, may be the reporting year designated by the commissioner of human services. Subd. 6. [ACCEPTANCE OF GIFTS.] The county's nursing home administrative boardis empowered tomay accept as a trust any gift, donation, or endowment from any source, whether subject to special provisions of the donor or not,and such. The gifts, donations, or endowments shall beplaced to the credit ofcredited to the county nursing home fund in the treasury of the county in which the home and facility are located and,disbursed, as tothe county nursing home administrative board shall disburse the principal or income as the donors may have indicated, by the county nursing home administrative board. Subd. 7. [RESIDENT FUNDS; UNCLAIMED MONEY.] The administrator of a county nursing home shall have the care and custody of allmoneysmoney belonging to residentswhich maylawfully come into his handsas allowed by law and shall keep accurate accounting records of all transactions concerningsuchmoneysthe money asprescribedrequired by the commissioner of health and the commissioner of human services. 376.59 [COUNTY BUILDING FUNDS.] Whenathe county nursing home administrative board is satisfied that each county in a cooperating group of counties has available its share of the cost of establishing the nursing home and facility for supportive services, it shallsocertify this information to the county board of each cooperating county,which. The county board shall order the county treasurer of that county to payover tothe treasurer of the county in which the nursing home is to be located,the county nursing home building funds in the possession of the county treasurer. The county nursinghome'shome administrative board shall thenproceed tocarry out the purposes of sections 376.55 to376.57 and 376.58 to376.60. 376.60 [ADMINISTRATIVE BOARD OR EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE; POWERS, DUTIES.] The county nursing home administrative board or its executive committeeis authorizedmay: (1)To securehire an administrator and all necessary employees for the management and control of the nursing home,and to prescribe their compensation and duties; (2)Toarrange for physicians' services and other medical care for the residents in the home; (3)Topurchase equipment, supplies and services necessary in the care and maintenance of the nursing home and the residents; (4) exercise the county powers authorized under section 376.55, subdivision 2; (5) institute condemnation proceedings in the name of the county or counties involved, conducted in the manner provided under chapter 117, in the case of other condemnation proceedings by counties; and (6)Toperform all other acts necessary to carry out the provisions of sections 376.55 to376.57 and 376.58 to376.60, except those with which the county board or boards are specifically charged,including all the powers granted thecounty by section 376.55, subdivision 2, and specifically theauthority to institute condemnation proceedings in the name ofthe county or counties involved, which shall be conducted in themanner provided by Minnesota Statutes 1949, chapter 117, in thecase of other condemnation proceedings by countiesunless otherwise provided by law. Sec. 11. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 377, is amended to read: 377.01 [HOSPITALSAND ALMSHOUSESIN COUNTIES HAVING A BOARD OF CONTROL.] In every countyof this state in which there exists, orshall hereafter exist,where a board of controlwhichis maintained by funds supplied in proportionate parts by a city within the county and by the county, all receipts received by the board of control from the city and county hospitalandcounty almshouseshall be deposited in the county treasuryand. The county treasurer shall be accountable to the city for one-thirdthereof, the same toof the funds, which shall be credited to the board of control fundand. The balance ofsuchthe receipts shall be credited to the poor fund of the county. 377.03 [BONDS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF COUNTY AND CITY HOSPITAL;MAXIMUM AMOUNT.] Subdivision 1. [AUTHORITY TO BOND.] Any county and any city withinsuchthe county, which maintains a board of controlby funds supplied in proportionate parts by any such county andany such city within such county,under section 377.01 may issue and sellin proportionate partscertificates of indebtedness or bonds ofsuchthe county andsuchcitywithin such county, in anamount not to exceed $210,000, for the purpose of defrayingfor not more than $210,000 to pay the cost of remodeling, altering, and equipping the buildings at the hospitaland almshouse in anysuch city and in any such county for the purpose ofincreasingto increase the efficiency of the hospitalandalmshouse, to provide for the treatment and care of poor persons insuchthe cities and counties, and to provide additional facilities for the purpose of treating persons afflicted with tuberculosis; that is to say, that any such. The county may issuenot to exceedup to $140,000worth of suchin bonds or certificates of indebtedness andthat any suchthe city withinsuchthe county may issuenot to exceedup to $70,000worth ofsuchin bonds and certificates of indebtedness for this purpose. Subd. 2. [SALE, INTEREST, MATURITY.] The bonds or certificates may be issued without submission to the vote of the people. The full faith and credit of the county and the full faith and credit of the city shall be pledged separately to the payment of the principal and interest of the certificates of indebtedness and bonds. The bonds shall be serial bonds, a portion of which shall be payable each year after issue, but none of the bonds shall run for a longer term than ten years. The county board and the city council shall fix the denominations and maturity dates of the bonds, so that the amounts necessary each year for the payment of principal and interest on these bonds shall be approximately the same in each of the years during which the bonds shall run. The certificates of indebtedness or bonds shall be sold in the manner provided by section 475.60. The county board and the city council shall determine whether the bonds shall be sold to the purchaser who will pay the par value, at the lowest interest rate, or to the purchaser who will pay the highest price for the bonds at an interest rate to be fixed by the county board and the city council as authorized under section 475.55. 377.05 [TAX LEVY FOR PAYMENT OF BONDS.]Of the total amount of bonds authorized by section 377.03The county shall issue, bear, and pay two-thirds of the bonds and the city shall issue, bear, and pay one-third of the bondsso issued by the board of county commissioners and thegoverning body of such city, respectivelyof the total amount authorized by section 377.03. The county boardof countycommissioners of such countyand thegoverning body of any suchcity council shall provide, annually, for the payment ofsuchthe bonds and interest and shall raise sufficient taxestherefor, andfor the payment. Ifany suchthe county boardof county commissionersor thegoverning body of any suchcityshall failcouncil fails to make provision in their annual tax levies for the payment and redemption of the bonds, with the interestthereon as the same becomeas it becomes due and payable, the county auditorof any such countyshalladdtoincrease the amount of taxesto be raised by any suchof the county and cityan amount sufficientto provide for the payment and redemption ofsuchthe bonds with the interest duethereon. Sec. 12. [382.37] [TRAINING EXPENSES.] The county board may reimburse a newly elected county officer for expenses incurred prior to assuming office for attendance at a training or educational program which will familiarize the officer with official duties. Sec. 13. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 392, is amended to read: 392.06 [CREATION OF COUNTY PURCHASING DEPARTMENT.] In order toeffectcreate economies through volume buying,and in orderto promote competitive bidding, and to provide more efficient public service, the county board of any county may establish a county purchasing department. The county board may direct an existing county office, department or agency to perform the duties of the county purchasing department or may create a new department or agency for that purpose. 392.07 [DUTIES OF PURCHASING DEPARTMENT.] Subdivision 1. The county purchasing department shall perform all acts necessary tothepurchase or contract for all supplies, materials, equipment, and contractual services required by any or all county offices, departments or agencies. The county board shall select the county offices, departments or agencies to be serviced by the county purchasing department. The board may authorize any county office, department or agency designated by the board to purchase directly, without the intervention of the director of purchasing, certain specified supplies, materials, equipment, or contractual services, and shall designate the manner in whichsuchthe purchases shall be made. Subd. 2. The county purchasing department also shall perform the following duties: (1) Prepare all specifications for supplies, materials and equipment; (2) Transfer to or between county offices, departments or agencies, or sell supplies, materials, and equipment which is surplus, obsolete, or unused. 392.08 [DIRECTOR OF PURCHASING; EMPLOYEES.] The county board shall appoint a director of purchasing to directand supervisethe operations of the county purchasing department. The director of purchasing shall be qualified by training and experience for the position. The board may appoint an existing county officer to serve as director of purchasing. The board shall fix the salary of the director andshallrequirehimthe director to postsucha bond as the board determines necessary. The board shall provide the director withsuchassistants, office space, equipment, and suppliesas may benecessary to carry out the duties of the office. Except for the director, who may be removed from that office by the board for reasons of misconduct or incompetency after due notice and hearing, all employees of the county purchasing department shall be employed in accordance with civil service regulations existing in the county, if anysuchregulations exist. 392.09 [RULES AND REGULATIONS.] The county board shallpromulgate suchadopt rules and regulations asarenecessary to carry outthe provisions ofsections 392.06 to 392.10 andshallfile them with the county auditor. The board may authorize any county office, department or agency designated by it to purchase supplies, materials, equipment or contractual services in the open market for immediate delivery in emergencies. It shall definesuchemergencies and designate the manner in which these purchases shall be made andafterwardsreported to the director of purchasing. 392.10 [VOIDABLE PURCHASES, CONTRACTS, AND SALES.] The purchase or contract for any supplies, material, equipment, or contractual service by any county office, department or agency, or the sale of surplus, obsolete, or unusable supplies, material, or equipment by any county office, department or agency contrary tothe provisions ofsections 392.06 to 392.10 is voidable. The head of the office, department or agency is personally liable for the cost of such an order or contract and for the reasonable value of supplies, material, or equipment sold. If an order or contract has been paid for out of county funds, the amount may be recovered in the name of the county in an action brought for that purpose. Property sold contrary tothe provisions ofsections 392.06 to 392.10, or the reasonable value of the property,likewisemay be recovered in the name of the county in a similar manner. 392.11 [LAWS NOT AFFECTED.] Sections 392.06 to 392.10 are not intended to modify, amend, or repeal any law relating to counties in regard to bidding or any law existing at the time of passage of sections 392.06 to 392.10 which authorize the establishment or creation of a county purchasing agent or department, or a combined city and county joint purchasing arrangement. Sec. 14. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 395, is amended to read: 395.035 [AID TO POULTRY ASSOCIATIONS.]TheA county boardof any county is hereby authorized toappropriate annually moneysmay make an annual appropriation of not more than $500 from the county treasury, not otherwiseappropriated, in a sum not exceeding $100to aid any poultry association organized and existing in the county; provided, the poultry association holds at least one annual poultry exhibit and pays premiumsthereatat the exhibit in at least the amount of the appropriation. 395.04 [EXHIBITS AT STATE FAIR.]TheA county boardof county commissioners of any county inthe state, for the purpose of assisting to maintain an exhibit of the products of the county at the Minnesota state fair,ishereby authorized and empowered tomay appropriate out of the general revenue fund of the countysuch a sum of money as theymay deem advisable not exceeding $500 annually,exclusive of andin addition to such sums ofnot more than $1,000, not including moneyas may bereceived by the county as premiums or prizes at the state fair for that year. Allmoneysmoney derived from premiums or prizes forsuchthe county exhibit at the state fair shall be paid into the treasury of the county. 395.05 [APPOINTMENT OF PERSON TO SUPERVISE.]TheA countycommissionersboardof any countyappropriating money as provided in section 395.04 shall, at the same meeting, or some subsequent meeting, appointa suitableperson who shall bea county residentof the countyto supervise and have full charge of the exhibit and of the disbursement of the appropriation.The compensation of the person shall befixed byThe countycommissionersboard shall set the compensation for the position at the same meeting at which the person is appointed, such. Compensationto beshall be paid out of the appropriation made for the exhibit. 395.06 [APPROPRIATION; BOND.] The appropriation shall be paidin [on]on the county auditor's warrant to the person in charge of the exhibituponhisafter filing agood and sufficientbond with the auditor in double the amount of the appropriation,conditioned that heshall properly disburse suchon the condition that the appropriation is properly disbursed for the purpose intended, andmakethat a true accountthereofis made to the county boardof county commissionersas provided in section 395.07. Thebond shall have two freehold sureties and be approved byauditor shall approve the bond. 395.07 [STATEMENT TO BOARD.] The person in charge of the exhibit shallrendergive a detailed statement to the county boardof county commissionersof all the person's expenditures madeby him in maintaining suchto maintain the exhibit, which. The statement shall berenderednot later thangiven before November1st2 of the year in which the exhibit is made. If the statementshall showshows that any part of the appropriation isunexpendednot spent,suchthe balance shall be paid into the treasury of the county.Upon theapproval of the report byWhen the county boardof countycommissioners, suchapproves the report, the person shall be relieved and discharged from all liability under the bond provided for in section 395.06. 395.08 [ECONOMIC AND AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT.]TheA county boardof county commissioners of any county inthis statemay appropriate not more than $25,000 annually out of the general revenue fund of the county, a sum of money not toexceed $25,000 for any one county. The sum appropriatedshallto be paid to any incorporated development society or organization of this state which, in theopinion of theboardboard's opinion, will use the money for the best interests of the county in promoting, advertising, improving, or developing the economic and agricultural resources of the county. Sec. 15. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 475.52, subdivision 3, is amended to read: Subd. 3. [COUNTIES.] Any county may issue bonds for the acquisition or betterment of courthouses, jails,poor farms,morgues, libraries, and hospitals, for roads and bridges within the county or bordering thereon and for road equipment and machinery and for ambulances and related equipment, except that the power of counties to issue bonds in connection with a library shall not exist in Hennepin county. Sec. 16. [INSTRUCTIONS TO REVISOR.] The revisor of statutes shall renumber each section specified in column A with the numbers in column B. The revisor shall also make necessary cross-reference changes consistent with the renumbering. Column A Column B 392.06 375.72 392.07 375.73 392.08 375.74 392.09 375.75 392.10 375.76 392.11 375.77 395.035 375.78 395.04 375.79 395.05 375.80 395.06 375.81 395.07 375.82 395.08 375.83 Sec. 17. [REPEALER.] Minnesota Statutes 1984, sections 374.05; 377.02; 377.04; 392.01; 392.02; 392.03; 395.01; 395.02; and 395.03 are repealed. Approved May 10, 1985
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes