Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1985 CHAPTER 265-S.F.No. 1362 An act relating to statutes; revising the text of certain laws to remove redundant and obsolete language, to simplify grammar and syntax, and to improve the style of language without causing changes in the meaning of the laws affected; expanding the mandatory free distribution of Minnesota Rules; amending Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 14.47, subdivision 8; chapters 35; 37; 92; 219; 315; 344; 390; 458; 589; 629; and 631; Laws 1959, chapter 699, section 4; Laws 1961, chapter 545, section 1; Laws 1963, chapters 254, section 1; and 827, section 1; Laws 1965, chapter 344, as amended; Laws 1967, chapter 541, section 1, as amended; Laws 1971, extra session, chapter 35, sections 7, 8, and 9; Laws 1974, chapter 218; Laws 1975, chapter 326, section 1; Laws 1976, chapter 234, section 3, as amended; Laws 1979, chapters 269, section 1; and 303, article 10, section 16; Laws 1980, chapter 453, section 1; and chapter 595, section 5; Laws 1982, chapter 523, article 24, section 2; Laws 1983, chapters 110, sections 1 and 2; and 257, section 1; Laws 1984, chapters 397, section 1; 498, section 1; and 548, section 9; repealing Minnesota Statutes 1984, sections 458.13; 458.16, subdivision 3; 458.192, subdivision 3a; 458.41; 458.50; 458.51; 458.52; 458.54; 458.55; 458.56; 458.57; 458.58; and 458.60. REVISOR'S BILL BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: ARTICLE 1 Section. 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 35, is amended to read: 35.01 [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [TERMSSCOPE.] Unless the language or context clearly indicates that a different meaning is intended, the words defined in this sectionshall for the purposes ofas used in this chapterbe givenhave the meaningsascribed togiven them. Subd. 2. [THEBOARDOR THE; STATE BOARD.] "Theboard" or "thestate board" means the board of animal health. Subd.83. [LIVESTOCK, DOMESTIC ANIMALS.] "Livestock" and "domestic animals"as used in chapter 35 includes "include poultry."Subd. 4. [PERSON.] "Person" means an individual, firm, or corporation. 35.02 [BOARD OF ANIMAL HEALTH.] Subdivision 1. [MEMBERS; OFFICERS.] The boardshallconsist ofhas five members appointed by the governor with the advice and consent of the senate., threeshall be personsengaged in the productionof whom are producers of livestock in the state;, andthe othertwo of whom are practicing veterinarians licensed in Minnesota. The dean of the college of veterinary medicine of the University of Minnesota may serve as consultant to the board without vote. Appointments to fill unexpired termsshallmust be made from the classes to which the retiring members belong. The board shall elect a president and a vice-president from amongthis number; alsoits members and a veterinarian licensed in Minnesota,who is not a member,to be its executive secretaryand executive officerfor a term of one year and untilhisa successor qualifies. The board shall set the duties of the secretaryshall be prescribed by the board. Subd. 2. [TERMS; COMPENSATION; REMOVAL; VACANCIES.] The membership terms, compensation, removal of members, and filling of vacancies on the boardshall be as provided inare governed by section 15.0575. 35.03 [POWERS, DUTIES, AND REPORTS.] The board shall protect the health oftheMinnesota domestic animalsof the state,and carry out the provisions of this chapter;, making rules itmay deemconsiders expedient tothat endthose ends. It shall holdquarterlymeetings at the seat of government on the first Friday after the second Tuesday in January, April, July, and October. Officersshallmust be elected at the April meeting. On or before October 1 of each year the board shallissuepublish an annual reportwhich shallbe published. 35.04 [DUTY OF LOCAL BOARDS OF HEALTH.]AllLocal boards of health shall assist the board in the prevention, suppression, control, and eradication of contagious and infectious dangerous diseases among domestic animals when directedsoto do so by the secretary or any memberthereofof the board. Two or more local boards may be required in emergencies to cooperate inrendering suchgiving assistance.WhenThe rulesof any local board conflict with thoseof the state board, the latter shallprevail over conflicting local board rules. 35.05 [AUTHORITY OF STATE BOARD.] The state board may quarantine or kill any domestic animal infected with, or which has been exposed to,anya contagious and infectious dangerous disease. The board may regulate or prohibit the arrival in,and departure from,the state of infected or exposed animalssoinfected or exposed,and, in case of violation of any rule or prohibition, may detain any animal at its owner'scostexpense. The board may regulate or prohibit thebringingimportation of domestic animalsinto the statewhich, in its opinion,for anyreason,may injure the health of Minnesota livestocktherein.AllRules adopted by the board under authority of this chaptershallmust be published in the state register. 35.06 [REPORTING DISEASE; COMPELLING TESTIMONY.]EveryA person who knows,orhas reason tosuspect,reasonably suspects that a contagious or infectious disease exists inanya domestic animal shall immediately notify the board. The board, or any member or authorized agentthereofof the board, may examine,under oath,all persons believed to have knowledge of the existence orthreateningthreat of disease among domestic animals and, for this purpose, may take depositions and compel witnesses to attend and testify. 35.063 [QUARANTINE MAINTAINED.] The boardis authorized and empowered tomay establish and maintain, at the owner's expense, a quarantine ofany or alldomestic animalsor poultry, or both,imported into the state when, in its judgment, a quarantine is necessary to protect the health oftheMinnesota domestic animalsor poultry of the state. The quarantineshallmust specifytheits terms, conditions, scope, and applicationthereof. 35.065 [MAY NOT BREAK QUARANTINE.]Upon the establishment of the quarantine,Itshall beis unlawful for the owner or the person having the custody or control ofthedomestic animalsor poultrysubject tothea quarantine to removethem, orany of them,fromthe premiseswhere theytheir firstcome to restlocation within the state after the interstate shipment or transportation is completed,until they are released by authority of the board. 35.069 [PENALTY.]AnyA personremoving anywho removes a domestic animalor any poultry whilesubject to quarantine, as providedin sections 35.063 and 35.065,in violation of theprovisionsthereof, shall bequarantine is guilty of a misdemeanor. 35.08 [KILLING OF DISEASED ANIMALS.]WhenIf the boardshall decidedecides upon the killing of an animal affected withthe disease oftuberculosis, paratuberculosis, or brucellosis, it shall notify the animal's owner or keeper of the decisionand when, in the judgment of. If the board, through its executive secretary, orders that an animal may beorderedtransported for immediate slaughterby theboard, through its executive officer,to any abattoir where the meat inspection division of the United States department of agriculture maintains inspection, or where the animaldiseaseeradication divisionand plant health inspection service of the United States department of agriculture or the boardmayestablishestablishes field post-mortem inspection, the ownershallmust receive the value of the net salvage of the carcass. Before the animal is removed from the premises of the owner , the representative or authorized agent of the boardshallmust agree, in writing,with the owner in writing as to the value of the animal;. In the absence of an agreement,there shall beappointedthree competent, disinterested persons, one appointed by the board, one by the owner, and a third by the first two,toshall appraise the animal at its full replacementcost-valuecost taking into consideration the purpose and use of the animal. The appraisement made under this sectionshallmust be in writing, signed by the appraisers, and certified by the board to the commissioner of finance, who shall draw a warrant on the state treasurer for the amount due the owner. 35.09 [INSPECTION BEFORE KILLING; OWNER'S INDEMNITY.] Subdivision 1. [GENERAL RULE.] Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter to the contrary,neithercattle affected with tuberculosis, paratuberculosis, or brucellosisshallmay not be killedas suchfor that reason until they have been inspected by a veterinarian appointed by the board,and arepronounceddetermined byhimthe veterinarian tobe so diseasedhave one of those diseases. For each animal slaughtered because of tuberculosis, paratuberculosis, or brucellosis, the value of the net salvage of the carcassshallmust be deducted from the appraised value of the living animal;. Two-thirds of the remaindershallmust be paid to the owner by the state, except that in all caseswhere. If the animaldisease eradication divisionand plant health inspection service of the United States department of agriculture compensates the owner for the animal, in whole or in part,thenthe amount of the compensationsoreceived from the federal governmentshallmust be deducted from the amount of indemnity payable by the state; provided, that in. Nocaseshall anypayment may be more than $37.50 for a gradefemalesfemale or more than $75 foranya registered purebred animal, andthatno paymentshallmay be made unless the owner has complied with alllawfulrules of the board. Subd. 2. [EXCEPTIONS.] The owner of an animalshall beis entitled to the indemnityas hereinprovided in subdivision 1, except in the following cases: (1)Indemnity shall not be paid forsteers; (2) animals which have not been kept in good faith for one year,or since their birth, in good faith,in the state; (3) animals brought into the state, contrary toanyprovision oflaw or rules of the board; (4) animals diseasedat the time ofon arrival inthisthe state; (5) animals belonging to the United States; (6) animals belonging to institutions maintained by the state, a county, or a municipality; (7) animals which the owner or claimant knewto beor should have known were diseasedor had notice thereofat the time theycame into his possession, or when the owner shall havebeen guilty of negligence by wilfully exposing his animalorwere acquired; (8) animals exposed to brucellosis, or if thethrough the owner's negligence; (9) animals which have been injected with brucellosis vaccine, bacterin, or other preparations made from or through the agency of Brucella Micro-organisms unless it was done in compliance with the rules of the board;(8) When the owner(10) animals belonging to a person who has received indemnity as a result of a former inspection or tests and hashereafterthen introduced intohisthe same herd any animals whichtheretofore hadhave not passed the tuberculin or brucellosis test;(9) Where(11) animals if the owner, agent, or person in possession ofthe animalthem has not complied with the rules of the board with respect toanimalscondemned animals;(10) When the(12) condemned animals which are not destroyed within 15 days after the date of appraisal, orwhenfor which the owner refuses to sign the appraisal or report of the members of the appraisal board, except that in extraordinary circumstances and in meritorious cases and at the discretion of the executive secretaryand executive officerof the board the time limit of 15 days may be extended an additional 15 days;provided, thatif the owner receives permissionto do sofrom the executive secretaryand executive officerwithin 15 days of the date of appraisal;(11) No indemnity or compensation shall be paid for thedestruction of any(13) livestock affected with tuberculosis, paratuberculosis, or brucellosis unless the entire herd of which the affected livestock is a part, or from which the affected livestock has originated,shall beis examined and tested under the supervision of the board, in order to determine if they are free from the disease;(12) No indemnity or compensation shall be paid for thedestruction of any(14) livestock affected with tuberculosis, paratuberculosis, or brucellosis unless the owner has carried out the instructions of the board relating tothecleaning, disinfection, and rendering the stables and premises in a sanitary condition within 15 daysfromof the time of removal ofthesethe animals from the premises, except when, because of inclement weather or other extenuating circumstances, the timemay beis extended by the executiveofficersecretary of the board;(13) No indemnity or compensation shall be paid for thedestruction of any(15) livestock affected with tuberculosis, paratuberculosis, or brucellosis, if the owner has fed milk or milk products derived from creameriesandwhichhavewas notbeenpasteurized,as required by state laws; and(14)(16) animals owned by a nonresident if neither the owner nor the owner's agent breed livestock in Minnesota. If, at any time, the annual appropriation for payment of indemnities becomes exhausted as a result of condemnation and slaughter of animals, the board shall discontinue making further official tests orto authorizeauthorizing tests, with theexception that, ifunless an owner signs a waiver,on blankstobefurnished by the board, forof payment of indemnity for any animals that may be condemned as the result of a test and inspection, and releasingwhich releases the state from any obligation to pay indemnity from any future appropriation;.(15) When the owner is a nonresident and neither he nor hisduly authorized agent or agents are engaged in breedinglivestock in this state.Subd. 2a. [NONREACTORS; CATTLE INELIGIBLE FOR TEST.] The board may condemn and appraise nonreactors to the brucellosis test and exposed cattle not eligiblefor testto be tested from herds affected with brucellosis and may pay the owner the difference between the appraisal value and the salvage valuenotto exceedup to $300 for grade animals or $600 for purebred registered animals, providedif the board through its executive secretaryand executive officerhas determined according to criteria adopted by the board that herd depopulation is essential to the goal of bovine brucellosis eradication. Indemnity payable by the stateshallmust be reduced by the amount paid by the United States department of agriculture. No indemnityshallmay be paid for steers. Subd. 3. [EMERGENCIES.] When it is determined by the board that it is necessary to eradicate any dangerous, infectious, communicable disease among domestic animals in the state, the presence of which constitutes an emergencysodeclared by resolution of the board or by the United States department of agriculture, the board may take reasonable and necessary steps to suppress and eradicate the disease. If the emergency is declared by the United States department of agriculture, the board may cooperate with the animaldisease eradication divisionand plant health inspection service of the United States department of agriculture in the suppression and eradication of the disease. When an emergency has been declared, the board may appraise and destroy animals affected with, or which have been exposed to the disease, and appraise and destroy property in order to remove the infection and complete the cleaning and disinfection of the premises, and do any act and incur any other expense reasonably necessary to suppress the disease. The board may accept, on behalf of the state, the rules adopted by the animaldisease eradication divisionand plant health inspection service of the United States department of agriculture pertaining to the disease, authorized under an act of Congress, or the portionthereofof the regulations deemed necessary, suitable, or applicable, andtocooperate with the animaldisease eradication divisionand plant health inspection service of the United States department of agriculture, in the enforcement ofthethose rulesso accepted; or it. Alternatively, the board may follow the procedure only as to quarantineor, inspectionor, condemnationor, appraisalor, destructionor, burial of animals, disinfection,andor other actsdeemed by itthe board considers reasonably necessaryinfor the suppression of the disease, asmay beagreed upon and adopted by the board and representatives or authorized agents of the animaldisease eradication divisionand plant health inspection service of the United States department of agriculture, provided when. If the procedures have been followed under an emergency declared by the United States department of agriculture, the total expenseshallmust be shared equally between the state and federal governments. Appraisals of animals affected with, or exposed to, the disease, or contact animals, or property destroyed in order to remove the infection and complete the cleaning and disinfection ofthepremises where the animals are found,shallmust be made by an appraisal board consisting of a representative of the board, a representative of the animaldisease eradicationdivisionand plant health inspection service of the United States department of agriculture, and the owner of the animals,orhis authorizedthe owner's representative. Appraisalsshallmust be in writing,andshall besigned by the appraisers, andshallmust be made at the true market value of all animals and property appraised. Upon destruction oftheanimals or property, or both, and burial or other disposition of the carcasses of the animals in accordance with the law and rules of the board and the animaldisease eradication divisionand plant health inspection service of the United States department of agriculture, and the completion of the cleaning and disinfection of the premises, the board shall certify the appraisal to the commissioner of finance, who shall draw a warrant on the state treasurer for the proper amountthereof,payable to the owner. If the appraisal is made in respect to animals or other propertyor bothdestroyed under an emergency declared by the United States department of agriculture, the commissioner of finance shall draw a warrant on the state treasurer for one-half of the amountthereofof the appraisal payable to the owner, and the remaining one-half of the appraisaltomust be paid by the federal government under the cooperative arrangement; provided that. If the disease is of a nature that any part of the carcasses of the diseased or exposed animals, or any part thereof,may be salvaged for human food or other purposes, the net amount of the salvage paid to the ownershallmust be deducted from the appraisal, and the remaindershallmust be paid to the owner by the state or by the state and federal governmentin the mannerheretofore providedpursuant to this section. 35.10 [INDEMNITY SUBJECT TO LIEN OR MORTGAGE ON ANIMALS.]When anyIf an animal is condemned and killed by the state pursuant to law,andindemnity is provided,andthe animal is subject to a mortgage or other lien, and written notice of the lien is given by the lienholder to the board or officer whose duty it is to order payment of the indemnity,before the indemnity is ordered paid, then the lienshall attachattaches to the indemnity to the same extent it attached to the animal and the indemnityshall beis payable to the owner and the lienholder. If the owner and lienholdershallexecute and deliver to the board or officer, on blanksto befurnished by the board or officer, a written agreement providing for the distribution and payment of an indemnity, paymentshallmust be made as specified and directed in the agreement, a copy of whichshallmust be transmitted by the board or officer to the officer by whom payment is to be made; otherwise the indemnityshallmust be placed in the custody of the district court of the county in which the animal was condemned, in the manner provided by the rules of civil procedure for the deposit ofmoneysmoney claimed adversely by two or more persons, and the stateshall beis relieved from further liabilityon account thereoffor the indemnity. 35.11 [EXPENSES OF AUTOPSIES AND APPRAISALS.] The expense of autopsies and appraisalsshallmust be defrayed by the state, except that,in cases of protest where the animal is found infected, the charges of the expert appointed by the owner shall be paid byhimthe owner. The compensation of experts and appraisersshallmust be fixed by the board, whichshallmust approve,before payment all claims made under this chapter. No employee of the boardshallmay receive any fee for acting as an expert or appraiser. 35.12 [EXPENSES OF KILLING, BURIAL, AND QUARANTINE; LIEN.] The expense of killing and burial or destruction of a diseased animal,whenif the killing was ordered by the board,shallmust be borne by the board. The expense of quarantine,whenif the animal is taken from the possession of its owner,shallmust be defrayed by the state.WhenIf a quarantined animal is left upon the premises of its owner or keeper,hethat person shall bear the expense.WhenIf an animal is quarantined while being shipped into the state, the expenseshallmust be borne by the owner or keeper.WhenIf the owner or keeper of any animal becomes liable for an expense incurred by the board under this chapter, the boardshall havehas a lien on the animal,and may also maintain an action for the amount. 35.13 [ENTRY TO PREMISES FORBIDDEN.] During the prevalence among domestic animals of any of the diseases referred to in this chapter, any owner or keeper of these animals may post upon the premises a notice forbidding all persons to enter any building or enclosure in which animals are kept; and thereafter. No personshall somay then enter, except a member or agent of the board. 35.14 [LIVESTOCK DETECTIVES FROM OTHER STATES.] Any persondulycommissioned by the governor, or the livestock commission, or any other proper authority of another statetomay act as a livestock detective, may exercise hispowers as suchin this state, consistentlyin accordance withthe laws thereof,Minnesota law upon paying a fee of $5 and filing with the department of agriculture: (1)Hisa commission or a certified copythereofof it; (2) a bond to the state in the penal sum of $2,000, approved by the commissioner of agriculture,and conditioned for the payment of all damages resulting to any person from any wrongful seizure of property or other unlawful act within the state, or other unlawful act done thereinbyhimthe person or by any ofhisthe person's deputies; and (3) a stipulation that service upon the commissioner of agriculture of any summons, order, notice, or process in a civil action uponsuchthe bondshall be ais sufficient service uponhimthe person orhisthe person's deputies.ThereuponThe commissioner of agriculture shall issue certificates tohim,the person andto not exceedingno more than three of the person's deputiesappointed by him, andfor whose actshe shall bethe person is responsible, authorizing the holder to perform the dutiesherein referred toin this section whilesuchthe commission is in force; and. Each certificate holder may seize and hold any animal whichhe mayknow,the person knows orhavehas reason to believe,has strayed or been stolen from the statewhenceby which the commission issued. 35.15 [TRANSPORTATION OF LIVESTOCK; COMPLIANCE WITH RULES.] Subdivision 1. [IMPORTATION OF ANIMALS AND POULTRY.]Itshall be unlawful for any transportation company, owner ordriver of any truck for hire, or a private truck, or person, tobring into the state, or drive or lead over the highways intothe state, anyAnimals or poultry may not be brought into the state for work, feeding, breeding, dairy purposes, or saleorresaleexcept in compliance with the rulesnow or hereafteradopted byof the board. Subd. 2. [ENFORCEMENT.]AnyA law compliance representative of the board who believes,uponwith reasonable cause, that the law is being violated,shall have the authoritytomay stop a truck on the public ways andto require the driverto permit the inspection ofinspect the health certificates or permits fortheany livestock being transported. When engaged in stopping a truck hauling livestock the compliance representative of the board shall be identified by a lighted red signal with "Stop" printed on its face mounted on the right front fender or hood ofhisthe representative's automobile, which signal shall have printed on its face theword: "Stop". The automobileshallmust also be equipped with a flashing amber light of the type used by the Minnesota state patroland the light shall bemounted on the inside rear deck of the automobileand shallwhich must be used when stopping a truck. The automobileshallmust have the words "Board of Animal Health" clearly printed on the right front door. A driver who fails or refuses to, or refuses to,stop forthisinspection whensodirected to stop by a compliance representativeshall beis guilty of a misdemeanor. 35.16 [TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES TO HOLD LIVESTOCK AND POULTRY.]In any case where theIf rules of the board have not been complied with, transportation companies shall notify the board and shall hold the animals or poultry at the first station within Minnesota where there are suitable facilities for holding animals or poultry for inspection by the board,. The inspectiontomust bemadeat the owner's expenseof the owner. 35.245 [CATTLE; SALE, LEASE, LOAN.] Subdivision 1. [LIMITATION ON SALE.] No personshallmay sell or offer for saleanycattle over six months of age, exceptsteers and spayed heifers and calves of beef type and breedunder eight months of age, not known to be affected withbrucellosis,at public auction, livestock auction markets, private stockyards or concentration points, mortgage foreclosuresalesales orsale by order of any courtcourt-ordered sales, or lease or loan cattle for breeding purposesexcept underin violation of the board's rulesas may be prescribed by theboard, and. This subdivision does not apply to steers, spayed heifers, or calves of beef type and breed which are under eight months of age and not known to have brucellosis. Subd. 1a. [UNTESTED; UNVACCINATED CATTLE.] No personshallmay sell or offer for saleexcept for immediate slaughter, orconsigned to a public stockyards under supervision of the UnitedStates department of agriculture,cattle which have not been tested and found free of brucellosisand unlessfor which a certificate of test is furnished or posted as provided in subdivision 2, unless the cattle have been vaccinated against brucellosis in accordance with the rules of the board and a certificate of vaccination is exhibited as provided in subdivision 2, excepting. This subdivision does not apply to cattle under 18 months of age of beef type sold for feeding purposes as provided in subdivision 3, or to cattle sold for immediate slaughter or consigned to a public stockyard under supervision of the United States department of agriculture. Subd. 2. [TESTS AND VACCINATION.]TheA test and vaccinationshallmust be made at the time and in the manner prescribed by the board and a certificate of the test and vaccination or both, approved by the board,shallmust be furnished to the purchaser by the vendor at the time of sale,excepting. When cattle are sold at public auctionand, a certificate of test or vaccination or bothismay be posted in a place plainly visible to the purchasers at the sale, and the auctioneer or other person conducting the sale shall publicly announce prior to conducting the sale, that the certificate of the test,or vaccination or both, approved by the board, has been posted and is available for inspection. No auctioneer or other person conducting a saleshallmay conduct any public sale in this state unless a certificate of the test or vaccination or both, approved by the boardshall be, is posted by the vendor of the cattle at the time of the sale. Subd. 3. [FEMALE CATTLE,; SALE WITHOUT TEST OR VACCINATION.] Female cattle under 18 months of age of beef type and breed may be sold in quarantine for feeding purposes without a test for,or vaccination against brucellosis,pursuant toin compliance with board rulesprescribed by the board provided, if the purchaser of the cattle furnishes the seller an affidavit certifying the cattle are purchased for feeding purposes,and will bemaintained separate andkept apart fromallother cattle except other quarantined feeding cattle until they are resold under affidavit, resold for immediate slaughteror until, delivered to a public stockyard under supervision of the United States department of agriculture, or tested in accordance withtheboard rulesof the board specificallyrelating tothisthe class of cattle.Any person who purchasesA purchaser of cattle underthe provisions ofthis sectionshallmust comply with the terms of the affidavit furnished the seller andshallalso complywith rules or quarantines prescribed by the boardpursuant tounder this section. Subd. 4. [BOARD MAY AUTHORIZE USE OFOTHER IDENTIFICATIONOTHER THAN VACCINATION CERTIFICATES.] The board may authorize the use of ear tattoos, brands, or other suitable identification instead of the vaccination certificate required by this section. Subd. 5. [PENALTY.]Any person violating the provisionsA violation of this section or rules or quarantines of the board adoptedpursuant hereto shall be guilty ofunder this section is a gross misdemeanor, and any auctioneer convicted of knowingly conducting a sale of cattle in violation of this section,shallupon conviction,forfeithisthe auctioneer's licenseas anauctioneeruntilthe timeits renewal is approved by the authority which issued the license. 35.251 [ANAPLASMOSIS TESTING.]AllBreeding cattle entering Minnesotashallmust have a health certificate evidencing a negative test for anaplasmosis conducted at a state or federal laboratory within 30 days of entry. Cattlenot so certified shallwithout a certificate must be immediately quarantined and tested for anaplasmosis at the expense of the cattle owner. Cattle having a positive reaction to the anaplasmosis testshallmust remain quarantined untiltestingthey test free of anaplasmosis or be slaughtered. An anaplasmosis testshallis notberequired of steers, cattle shipped directly to a slaughtering establishment, cattle sent to a quarantine feed lot, and other cattle excepted by board ruleof the board of animal health. The boardis authorized tomay adopt rules to implementthe provisions ofthis section. 35.255 [PSEUDORABIES PROGRAM;RULES.] The board of animal health shall adopt rules to implement a program to control pseudorabies in swine, including pseudorabies testing of breeding swine and restricted movement of feeder pigs. 35.67 [RABIES; BOARD, HEALTH OFFICERS; DUTIESINVESTIGATION.]It shall be the duty ofIf the executiveofficersecretary of the board, the chief health officer ofeacha city, the executive officer ofeacha town board of health,andor the board of health of a statutory city, whenreceives a written complaint, in writing, shall have been made to himthat rabies exists inanya town,or cityover which hisin the officer's or board's jurisdictionextends, and for the purposes ofsections 35.67 to 35.69 the jurisdiction of the state officerherein named shall extend to any town, or city in this state,to, the officer or board shall investigate, either personally or throughthe agency ofsubordinate officersunder hisjurisdiction,as tothe truth ofanythe complaint, anddetermine whether or not rabies does exist in any town or city.AnyAn officer may, on his own motion, and without a complaint,likewisealso make an investigation and determination independently, without having received a complaint. The fact that an executive officer of a town or city has investigated and determined that rabies does not exist inthe territory overwhich he hasa jurisdiction, shalldoes not deprive the executiveofficersecretary of the board of jurisdiction or authority to make an investigation and determination with reference to the territory. For the purposes of sections 35.67 to 35.69, the jurisdiction of the executive secretary of the board is the entire state. 35.68 [RABIES;PROCLAMATION; PUBLICATION.]If on investigation anyAn officer who investigates and findsand determinesthat rabies does exist inanya town or city, heshallforthwith and thereuponmake and file, ashereinbefore provided,a proclamation, setting forth the factof the investigation and determination, and also in and by theproclamation prohibitwhich prohibits the owner or custodian of any dog frompermitting orallowing the dog to be at large within the town or citydesignating it,unless the dogshall besois effectively muzzled so that it cannot bite any other animal oranyperson.WhenIf the executive secretaryand executive officerof the board, after investigation, has determined that rabies exists in any territory in the state, similar proclamationsshallmust be issued in all towns and cities within the territory or area in which it is necessary to control the outbreak and prevent the spread of the disease; and. The proclamation, when filed as hereinafter provided, shallmust prohibit the owner or custodian of any dog within the designated territory from permitting or allowing the dog to be at large within the territory unless the dogshall be sois effectively muzzled so that it cannot bite any other animal oranyperson.It shall be the duty ofAll local peace officers andallhealth officerstoshall enforcethe provisions ofsections 35.67 to 35.69and any person violating any. A violation oftheir provisions shall be guilty ofsections 35.67 to 35.69 is a misdemeanor. A proclamation, whenissued by the executive officer of a town board of health, shallmust be filed with the town clerk;when. One issued by the chief health officer of a city, itshallmust be filed with the city clerk; when. One issued by thestate official hereinbefore named, it shallexecutive secretary of the board must be filed with the clerk of each town and city within the territoryspecified thereinit covers.It shall be the duty ofEach officer with whom the proclamation is filed, toshall publish a copythereofof it in one issue, at the expense of his municipality, inof a legal newspaper published in the clerk's town or cityof which he isclerk,ifa newspaperone is publishedtherein, andthere. If no newspaper is publishedtherein, then tothere, the clerk must post a copy of the proclamation in three public places. Publication is at the expense of the municipality. Proof of publicationshallmust bemadeby affidavit of the publisher, in the one case,and proof of posting, in theother,must be by the person doing the postingthe same,which. The affidavitshallmust be filed with the proclamation. The proclamationshall be deemedis effectiveandin full forcefive days after the publication or postingofcopies thereofandshall remain in full force and effectremains effective forathe period of timetherein designated,not exceeding six months, as shall be determinedspecified in it by the officer making the proclamation. 35.69 [UNMUZZLED DOGS NOT PERMITTED AT LARGE.]It shall be unlawful forThe owner or custodian ofanya dogto suffer ormay not permit it to be at large, either on the premises of the owner or elsewhere, within any city or townwherein and as to which any suchcovered by a proclamationshall have beenmade under section 35.68, during the timesuchthe proclamation is in force, unlesssuchthe dogshall beis effectively muzzled so that it cannot bite any other animal oranyperson.It shall be lawful forAny persontomay killanya dog running at large on the public streets or roads in violation ofthe provisions ofsections 35.67 to 35.69, and. The ownerorownersofanythe dogso killed shall havehas no claim against the personso killing any suchwho kills the dog.It shall be the duty of allPeace officers andallhealth officersto make complaint ofshall file a complaint concerning any known violation ofthesesections 35.67 to 35.69. 35.70 [VIOLATIONS; PENALTIES.] Subdivision 1. [VIOLATION OF THIS CHAPTER.]Every personviolating any provisionA violation of this chapter, except as provided in subdivision 4, or any board rulemade hereunder bythe boardoranyorder made under the authority of this chapter,shall be guilty ofis a misdemeanor. Subd. 3. [INFLUENCING A SALE.]It shall be unlawful foranyA veterinarian,who is an agent or representative of the board,or any other public official, tomay not suggest, recommend, orin any manner endeavortry to influence orseek topersuade the owner of any animal affected with any diseasesetforthlisted in section 35.08, directly or indirectly, to sell, barter, exchange, ship, or otherwise dispose of the animal to any particular person, firm, association, or corporation, or anycombination thereof; and any person violating any of theprovisions. A violation ofsectionssection 35.08andor 35.09shall be guilty ofis a gross misdemeanor. Subd. 4. [TRANSPORTING LIVESTOCK.]AnyA transportation company,or corporation,or its agentthereof,orthe owner or driver of any truck for hire, anyor private truck, or any personor personsviolatingany of the provisions ofsectionssection 35.15andor 35.16shall beis guilty of a gross misdemeanor. A transportation company, corporation, oragent, or owner or driver of a truck for hire, a private truck,or a person or persons shall beand is liable in a civil action to any person injured for the full amount of damages that may result from the violation ofsectionssection 35.15andor 35.16. Action may be brought in any county in the state in which the cattle are sold, offered for sale, or delivered to a purchaser, or anywhere theymay beare detained in transit. Subd. 7. [RABIES.]Any person violating any of theprovisionsA violation of sections 35.67 to 35.69shall beguilty ofis a misdemeanor. 35.71 [UNCLAIMED AND UNREDEEMED ANIMALS IMPOUNDED; SCIENTIFIC USE OR OTHER DISPOSITION.] Subdivision 1. [INSTITUTION DEFINEDDEFINITIONS.] As used in this section, "establishment" means any public or private agency, person, society, or corporation having custody of animals which are seized under the authority of the state or any political subdivision of the state and "institution" meansanya school or college of agriculture, veterinary medicine, medicine, pharmacy, or dentistry, orotheran educational or scientific establishment properly concerned withtheinvestigationof,or instruction concerning the structure or functions of living organisms,or the cause, prevention, control, or cure of diseases or abnormal conditions of human beings or animals. Subd. 2. [APPLICATION FOR LICENSE.]Such institutionsAn institution may apply to the board for a license to obtain animals from establishmentsas defined in subdivision 3. If, after investigation, the board finds that the institutionmakingrequest forrequesting a license is a fit and proper agencywithin the meaning of this section,to receive a license, and that the public interest will be servedtherebyby granting it a license,itthe board may issue a license tosuchthe institution authorizing it to obtain animalshereunder, subjectto the restrictions and limitations herein providedunder this section. Subd. 3. [ESTABLISHMENT DEFINED, POWERS,STRAY ANIMALS,; SEIZURE, DISPOSITION.]"Establishment" shall include any publicor private agency, person, society or corporation having custodyof animals which are seized under the authority of the state orany political subdivision of the state.All animals seized by public authorityshallmust be held for redemption by the owner fora period not less thanat least five regular business days of the impounding agency,or for a longerperiod oftime specified by municipal ordinance. For the purpose of this subdivision,the term"regular business day" meansanya day during which the establishment having custody of an animal is open to the public not less than four consecutive hours between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M.TheseEstablishmentsshallmust maintain the following records of the animals in custody, and preserve the records fora minimum ofat least six months: (a) the description of the animal,by species, breed, sex, approximate age, and other distinguishing traits; (b) the location at which the animal was seized; (c) the date of seizure; (d) the name and address of the person from whom any animal three months of age or over was received; and (e) the name and address of the person to whom any animal three months of age or over was transferred. The recordsshallmust be maintained in a form permitting easy perusal by the public. A person may view the records andmay view any and allanimals in custody at any time during which the establishment is open to the public. At the end ofthisthe five-day period, all animals which remain unredeemedby their owners or any other person entitled to do so shallmust be made available to any licensed institutionlicensed hereunderwhich hassubmitted a prior request for the numbers which theinstitution requestsrequested that number of animals. However, if a tag affixed to the animal,or a statement by the animal's owner after the animal's seizure,specifies thatanthe animalshallmay not be used for research, the animalshallmust not be made available to any institutionbutand may, in the discretion of the establishment, be destroyed after the expiration of the five-day period. If a request is made by a licensed institution to an establishment fora larger number ofmore animals than are available at the time of the request, the establishmentshallmust withhold from destruction,all unclaimed and unredeemed animals until the request has been filled, provided that. The actual expense of holding animals beyond the time of notice to the institution of their availability, shallmust be borne by the institution receiving them.AnyAn establishment which fails or refuses to comply withthese provisions shall become immediatelythis section is ineligible for any further public funds from any county or municipality. Upon receipt of a sworn statement by an authorized officer or employee ofanya licensed institutionlicensed hereunderof noncompliance by any establishment withthese provisionsthis section,it shall beunlawful forthe treasurer of any municipality or other political subdivision of the statetomay not pay any public funds toanthe establishment until the complainant withdraws its statement of noncompliance or until the boardshalleitherdeterminedetermines that the complaint of noncompliance was without foundation or that the establishment has given adequate assurance of future compliance,and the treasurer of the municipality or other political subdivision has been notified of the determination in writing. If it appears uponthea person's complaintof any personthatanyan officer, agent, or employee of an establishment is violating or failing to carry out the provisions of this section, the attorney general or county attorney of the county in which the establishment is located, in addition to any other remedies, may bring an action in the name of the stateof Minnesotaagainstanythe establishment, officer, agent, or employeethereofto enjoin compliance with this section. Subd. 4. [TRANSPORTATION OF ANIMALS.]TheA licensed institutionshallmust provide, at its own expense, for the transportation ofsuchanimals from the establishment to the institution andshallmust use them only in the conduct of its scientific and educational activitiesand for no other purpose. Subd. 5. [ANNUAL LICENSE FEE.] Each licensed institutionlicensed under this section shallmust payan annualto the board a license fee of $50 for each calendar year,or partthereof, to the boardof a calendar year.All suchLicense feesshallmust be deposited in the general fund of the stateofMinnesotatreasury. Subd. 6. [REVOCATION OF LICENSE.]The board uponAfter 15daysdays' written notice and an opportunity to be heard, the board may revoke the license granted any institution(1)if the institution has (1) violatedany provisions ofthis section, or (2)hasfailed to comply with the conditionsrequired byof the board in respect to the issuance ofsuchits license. Subd. 7. [RULES.] The boardshall have the power tomay adopt rules, not inconsistentconsistent with this section,necessary to carry out the provisions of this section, andshallhave the right whenever it deemsmay, if the board considers it advisable,or in the public interest,toinspect or investigate any institution which has applied for a license or has been granted a licensehereunderunder this section. Subd. 8. [VIOLATIONS, PENALTIESPENALTY.] Itshall beis a misdemeanor for any person or corporation to violateany of theprovisions ofthis section. 35.72 [MILK OR CREAM; TESTING BY BOARD.] Subdivision 1. [ESTABLISHMENT DEFINED.] As used in this section "establishment" meansanya creamery, milk or cream collecting station, oranyplace of business where milk or cream is purchased or assembled for processing or sale. Subd. 2. [RIGHT OF ENTRY ON PREMISES.] The board or its authorized agentsshall have the right tomay enter the premises or buildings of any establishmentor buildings located thereonfor the purpose of collectingto collect samples of milk or cream delivered tosuchthe establishment. Subd. 3. [SAMPLES, PROCUREMENT.] Upon demand of the board or its authorized agents, the operator ofanyan establishment shall submitany or allcontainers of milk or cream delivered tosuchthe establishment to the board or agentsof said boardbefore any milk or cream is removedtherefrom,or any substance or thing is addedthereto, and shall allowsuchthe board or agent toprocuretake a sample of one ounce in weight or less ofsuchmilk or cream from each container, such sample not toexceed one ounce in weight,for the purpose of applying any recognized test to determine the existence of disease in the cattle which producedsuchthe milk or cream. Subd. 4. [NAMES, ADDRESSES.] The operator of the establishment shall furnish the board or agentsof the board,the name and address of the person delivering each container of milk or cream to the establishment, and the name and address of the owner or caretaker of the cattle which producedsuchthe milkandor cream. Subd. 5. [CONTAMINATION, PREVENTION.] The board or agentof the boardshall use due diligence to prevent contamination of the milk or cream while procuringsaidsamples,and to delay as little as possible,the normal operation of the establishment. Subd. 6. [VIOLATION, PENALTY.]Any person violating anyprovisionA violation of this sectionshall be guilty ofis a misdemeanor. 35.73 [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [TERMS.] For the purposes of sections 35.73 to 35.80 the terms defined in this section have the meaningsascribed to themgiven. Subd. 3. [PERSON.] "Person" means an individual, firm, partnership, company, or corporation, including the state of Minnesota, its public institutions and agencies, and all political subdivisions of the state. Subd. 4. [GARBAGE.] "Garbage" meansrefuse matter,animal or vegetable, and includesrefuse, including all waste material, by-products of a kitchen, restaurant, or slaughter house, and refuse accumulation of animal, fruit, or vegetable matter, liquid or solid, butshalldoes not meananyvegetable waste or by-products resulting from the manufacture or processing of canned or frozen vegetables. 35.74 [EXCEPTIONS.]Nothing inSections 35.73 to 35.80appliesdo not apply to a person who feeds hisownor her animals or poultry garbage obtained only from hisownor her private household. 35.75 [LICENSES.] Subdivision 1. [REQUIREMENT, RENEWAL.]Except as providedin section 35.74,No person shall feed garbage toanylivestock or poultry without first securing a licensethereforfrom the board, and no person shall transport garbage over the public highways of this state for the purpose of feedingthe sameit to livestock or poultry unlesssuchthe person hassecured sucha license.SuchA licenseshallmust be renewed on or before the first day of July each year. Subd. 2. [APPLICATION.]AnyA person desiringto obtaina license orathe renewalthereofof a license to feed garbage to livestock and poultry shall make written applicationthereforto the board,in accordance with its rules. Subd. 3. [REVOCATION; REFUSAL TO ISSUE.] Upon determination thatanya personhavingwho has or has applied for a license issued under sections 35.73 to 35.80, or who hasapplied for a license thereunder,has violated or failed to comply withany of the provisions of thesesections 35.73 to 35.80 or anyof therulespromulgated thereundermade under those sections, the board may revokesuchthe license or refuse to issue a license toanthe applicanttherefor. 35.76 [GARBAGE, TREATMENT.] No person may feed garbageshall be fedto livestock or poultry until it has been thoroughly heated to at least 212 degrees Fahrenheit for a continuous period of at least 30 minutes unless it is treated in some other manner whichshall beis approved in writing by the board as being equally effective for the protection of public health and the control of livestock diseases, and no personshallmay knowingly permit livestock or poultry owned or controlled by him orin his chargeher to have access to any garbage which has not beensoheated or otherwise treatedas above providedpursuant to this section. 35.77 [QUARANTINE, PERMIT FOR REMOVAL OF LIVESTOCK OR POULTRY.]Except as provided in section 35.74,All premises on which garbage is fed to livestock or poultryshall beare under quarantine, shalland must be maintained in a reasonably sanitary condition, and no. Livestock or poultry to which garbage has been fedshallmay not be removed fromsuchthe premises except under a permit from the board. 35.78 [INSPECTION AND INVESTIGATION OF PREMISES, RECORDS.]AnyAn authorized representative of the board may enteratreasonable times uponany property at reasonable times for the purpose of inspecting and investigating conditions relating to the feeding and treating of garbage to be fed to livestock and poultry.AnyAn authorized representative of the board may examineanyrecords or memoranda pertaining to the feeding of garbage to livestock and poultry, or pertaining to the acquisition and sale of garbage-fed livestock and poultry. The board may require the maintenance of records relating to the operation of equipment for a procedure of treating garbage to be fed to swine. Copies ofsuchthe recordsshallmust be submitted to the board on request. 35.79 [ENFORCEMENT.] The board shall administer and enforce sections 35.73 to 35.80 and may make and enforcesuchreasonable rulesasitdeemsconsiders necessary to carry outthetheir provisionsthereof. 35.80 [VIOLATIONS.]AnyA person who violatesany provision ofsections 35.73 to 35.80or, fails to perform any duties imposedtherebyby those sections, or violates any rulepromulgated thereundermade under those sections is guilty of a misdemeanor. Each day upon which violation occursconstitutesis a separate violation. 35.81 [TRANSPORTATION OF ANIMALS AND POULTRY, RULES.] The boardis authorized tomay make reasonable rules for the cleaning and disinfection of railroad cars,theautomobiles, trucks, and other vehicles used as public carriers for the transportation of live animals and poultry over the public highways and railroads within the state. 35.82 [RENDERING PLANT PERMITS; DISPOSITION OF CARCASSES.] Subdivision 1. [PERMIT REQUIRED.] No personshallmay engage in the business of rendering all or parts of animals, poultry, or fishor parts thereof, including scraps and grease, without first obtaining a permit from the board in accordance with the rules adopted by the board relative to transportation, rendering, andallother provisionsdeemed by thatthe boardtobeconsiders necessary to prevent the spread of disease. Subd. 1b. [CARCASSES FOR PET OR MINK FOOD.] (a) The board, through its executive secretaryand executive officer, may issue a permit to the owner or operator of a pet food processing establishmentor, a mink rancher, or a supplier of an establishment, located within the boundaries of Minnesota, to transport the carcasses of domestic animals that have died or have been killedotherwise, other than by being slaughtered for human consumption, over the public highways to the establishment for pet food or mink food purposes only. The owners and operators of pet food processing establishments or their suppliersof the establishmentsand mink ranch operators located in any adjacent state with which a reciprocal agreement is in effect, as provided inunder subdivision 3 are not required to possess a permit issuedpursuant tounder this subdivision. The permitshall beis valid for one year following the date of issue unless it is revoked. (b) The owner or operator of a pet food processing plant or mink ranch shall employ an official veterinarian.If theA veterinarian named in the permit application who is accepted by the board to act as the official veterinarian, he shall beis authorizedby the boardto act as its representative. (c) Carcasses collected by owners or operators under permit may beutilizedused for pet food or mink food purposesprovidedthatif the official veterinarian examinesthe carcassthem andin his opinion the carcass isfinds them suitable for pet food or mink food purposes. (d) Carcasses not passed by the official veterinarian for pet food or mink food purposesshallmust be disposed of by a rendering plant operating under permit from the board. (e)Provided however thatThe boardshallmust require pet food processing establishmentsand, owners and operators of mink ranches, and suppliers of these establishments to conform to rules of the board applicable to rendering plants within the stateof Minnesota. Subd. 2. [DISPOSITION OF CARCASSES.] (a) Except as provided in subdivision 1b, every person owning orhaving inchargecontrolling any domestic animal that has died or been killed otherwise than by being slaughtered for human or animal consumption, shall as soon as reasonably possible bury the carcass at least three feet deep in the ground,orcause thesame to be consumed by fire; provided, however, thatthoroughly burn it. The board, through its executive secretaryandexecutive officer, may issuea permitpermits to owners of rendering plants,locatedwithin the boundaries ofin Minnesota,provided the rendering plantswhich are operated and conducted as required by law, toremovetransport carcasses of domestic animals and fowl that have died, or have been killed otherwise than by being slaughtered for human or animal consumption, over the public highways to their plants for rendering purposes in accordance with the rules adopted by the board relative to transportation, rendering, andallother provisionsdeemed bythatthe boardto beconsiders necessary to prevent the spread of disease; and. The board may issue permits to owners of rendering plants located inanyan adjacent state with which a reciprocal agreement is in effect, as provided inunder subdivision 3. (b) Carcasses collected by rendering plants under permit may beutilizedused for pet food or mink foodpurposes providedthatif the owner or operator employs an official veterinarian. If the veterinarian named in the application is accepted by the board to act as the official veterinarian, the veterinarianshall be authorized byis theboard to act as itsboard's authorized representative. (c) Carcasses may beutilizedused for pet food or mink foodpurposes provided thatif the official veterinarian examines each carcass andin his opiniondetermines that the carcass is suitable for pet food or mink food purposes. Carcasses not passed by the official veterinarian for pet food or mink food purposesshallmust be disposed of by rendering. (d)AnyAn authorized employee or agent of the boardshallhave the authority tomay enterupon anyprivate or public property andtoinspect the carcass of any domestic animal that has died or has been killedotherwiseother than by being slaughtered for human or animal consumption. Failure to dispose of the carcass of any domestic animal within the period specified by this subdivision is a public nuisance. The board may petition the district court of the county in which a carcass is located for a writ requiring the abatement of the public nuisance. A civil actionsocommencedshallunder this paragraph does not preclude a criminal prosecution undertheprovisions ofthis section. No personshallmay sellor, offer to sell,orgive awaya, or convey along a public road or on land the person does not own, the carcass of a domestic animal when the animal died or was killedotherwiseother than by being slaughtered for human or animal consumption, nor conveythe same along any public road or upon any land not his own;unlessin accordanceit is done with a special permit, asprovided inpursuant to this sectionof Minnesota Statutes;provided, however, that. The carcass or parts of a domestic animal that has died or has been killedotherwiseother than by being slaughtered for human or animal consumption, or partsthereof,may,be transported alonganya public road for a medical or scientific purpose, provided thatif the carcassofany domestic animal so transported shall beis enclosed in a leak proof container to prevent spillage or the dripping of liquid waste. The board may adopt rules relative to the transportation of the carcass of any domestic animal for a medical or scientific purpose, and further provided that. A carcasssituatedon a public thoroughfare may be transported for burial or other disposition in accordance with this section. No person shall negligently or wilfully permit diseased animals owned or controlled by him or her to escape his or her control or to run at large.EveryA violation ofany provisionofthis sectionshall beis a misdemeanor. Subd. 3. [RECIPROCITY.] The executive secretaryandexecutive officerof the boardis authorized tomay enter into a reciprocalagreements inagreement on behalf of this state withany one or more of the statesan adjacentto thisstate,providingwhich provides for permits to be issued to rendering plants, pet food processing establishments or suppliers of establishments, and mink ranch operators located in either state to transport carcasses to their plants, establishments, or ranches over the public highways of this state and the reciprocating state.Subd. 3a. The provisions of Laws 1974, Chapter 159relating to reciprocal agreements with an adjacent state onlyapplyThis subdivision applies if the adjacent state has in effect standards and requirements which are the equivalent of the standards and requirements of this state as established by the board. Subd. 4. [DOMESTIC ANIMALS.] The term "domestic animal" as used in this section does not include any species of domestic animal which in common practice is maintained in the home of the owner whether or not the particular domestic animal was so housed at any time prior to its death. Nothingcontainedin this sectionshall be construed to limitlimits the authority of local governmental units to regulate the disposition of carcasses of domestic animals excluded from the provisions of this section by this subdivision. 35.821 [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [SCOPE.] Unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, for the purposes of sections 35.821 to 35.831 the terms defined in this section have the meanings given them. Subd. 3. [BRAND.] "Brand,"except as otherwise provided inthis section,means a permanent identification mark, of which the letters, numbers, and figures used are each four inches or more in length or diameter andareburned into the hide of a live animal with a hot iron,andwhich is to be considered in relation to its location onsuchthe animal; and such. The term relates to both the mark burned into the hide andtheits locationof this mark. In the case of sheep, the term includes, but is not limited to, a painted mark which is renewed after each shearing. Subd. 4. [MARK.] "Mark" means a permanent identification cut from the ear or ears of a live animal. Subd. 5. [ANIMAL.] The term "animal" means any cattle, horse, sheep, or mule. 35.822 [REGISTRATION OF MARKS OR BRANDS WITH BOARD.] The board shall approve marks or brands for registration, issue certificates of approval, and administerthe provisions ofsections 35.821 to 35.831. The board shall publish a state brand bookwhich shall containcontaining a facsimile of eachand everymark or brand that is registered with it, showing the owner's name and addresstogether withand the pertinent laws and rules pertaining to brand registrations and reregistrations. 35.824 [APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION; PENALTIES, DUPLICATE BRANDS.] The board shall prepare standard forms andshallsupplythesethe forms for distribution to those who desire to apply for a brand. The applicationshallmust show a left and right side view of the animals upon which a mark or brand will be eligible for registry. The mark or brand locationshallmust be designated to the following body regions: head, bregma,andright and left jaw, neck, shoulder, rib, hip, and breech. The applicantshallmust selectnot less thanat least three distinct marks or brandsand list themlisted in preferred order , andhe shall likewise selectthree locations on the animalandlist themlisted in preferred order. The applicationshallmust be properly signed and notarized and accompanied by a fee of $10. The mark or brand, if approved and accepted by the board,shall be of good standingis valid during the ten-year period in which it is recorded.AnyA person who knowingly placesupon anyon an animal a mark or brand which has not been registered with the board and which is in duplication of a mark or brand that is registered with the board is guilty of a felony. "Duplication"constitutesmeans the use of a similar mark or brand, used in any position on the animal designated for the use of a registered mark or brand, such as the head, bregma, jaw, neck, shoulder, rib, hip, or breech.AnyA person who alters or defaces a brand or mark on any animal to prevent its identification by its owner,is guilty of a felony. 35.825 [CHECKING OF APPLICATIONS; CONFLICTS.]After April 30, 1965, allMarks or brands received by the boardshallmust be held and listed by the board, which shall immediatelyproceed tocheck the mark or brand applications for conflicts; and should any be. If a conflict is found, the feeso advanced along withand the conflicting applicationshallmust be returned to the person making the application. 35.826 [STATE BRAND BOOKS; REREGISTRATION OF MARKS, BRANDS.] All approved mark or brand applicationsapproved shallmust be sorted in a systematic manner and published in the state brand book. Supplements and revised brand booksshallmust be published at the discretion of the board. At least six months before expiration, all registered mark or brand owners and assigneesshallmust be notified in writing that theirmarkmarks orbrandbrands will terminate in six months and thatthemark or brandthey must be renewed. A reregistration fee of $10shallmust be charged for the ensuing ten-year period orfraction thereofpart of ten years. Failure to renew a mark or brand on or before the time specified, in accordance withtheprovisions ofsections 35.821 to 35.831, isconsideredan absolute abandonment to the state of the mark or brand. The board may not reissue a mark or brandsoabandoned under this section except to the original owner or, after a period of two years, to another applicant upon proper application. 35.827 [SALE OF BRAND BOOKS.] The state brand book,and all supplementstheretofor the ten-year period, shallmust be sold to the public at a price whichshall includeincludes the costs of printing, handling, and mailing. The board shall distributeto the sheriff of eachcountyall brand books and supplementstheretoto the sheriff of each county without cost. 35.828 [EVIDENCE.] Marks or brandsappearingwhich appear inthe currentedition ofthe state brand book,or its supplementsthereto,or which are registered with the board,shall beare prima facie evidence of ownership and take precedence over similar marks or brandsof like kind, shouldif the question of ownershiparisearises. The owner whose mark or brand does not appear in the state brand book,or its supplementthereto, orand which is not registered with the board, shallmust produce evidence to establishhistitle to the property in the event of controversy. 35.829 [TRANSFER OF BRANDS.] Only brands registered with the board or appearing in thecurrent edition of thestate brand book oraits supplementthereto shall beare subject to sale, assignment, transfer, devise, or bequest, the same as other personal property. The board shall prescribe forms for the sale or assignment of a brand. A transferred brandshallmust be recorded with the boardand. The fee for recordingthe sameshall beit is $10. 35.830 [SALE OF BRANDED LIVESTOCK; WRITTEN BILL OF SALE; PENALTY.]AllPersons selling animals marked or branded with their mark or brand recorded in a current state brand book,or its supplementthereto,or registered with the board,shall execute to the purchaser a written bill of sale bearing the signature and residence of the seller, the name and address of the purchaser, the total number of animals sold, a description of each animal sold as to sex and kind, and all registered brands. The bill of saleshallmust be kept by the purchaser for two years and for as longthereafterafterwards ashethe purchaser owns any of the animals described in the bill of sale. A copy of the bill of saleshallmust be given to each hauler of the animals, other than railroads, andshallmust accompany the shipment of animals while in transit. The bill of sale or a copyshallmust be shown by the possessor on demand to any peace officer or compliance representative of the board. The bill of sale is prima facie evidence of the sale of the animals described by the bill of sale. Aperson who violatesviolation of this section isguilty ofa misdemeanor. 35.831 [RULES.] The board maypromulgatemake rules it considers necessary to carry out the purposes of sections 35.821 to 35.831. 35.84 [FEES FOR SERVICES TO STATE FAIR.] The boardof animal healthshall charge fees to cover all direct and indirect costs of services rendered to the state agricultural society in connection with the state fair.Feereceipts shallFees received must be deposited in the state treasury and credited to the general fund. ARTICLE 2 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 37, is amended to read: 37.01 [PUBLIC CORPORATION.] The state agricultural societyas it now existsisconfirmed and established asa public corporation. The conveyance to the state of the land in Ramsey County described as Southeast Quarter (SE 1/4) of Section Twenty-one (21) and East half (E 1/2) of East half (E 1/2) of Southwest Quarter (SW 1/4), Section Twenty-one (21), Township Twenty-nine (29), Range Twenty-three (23), is confirmed, and. Anything in that conveyance to the contrary notwithstanding, the state holds that land and any other property known and used as the "state fairgrounds"shall be held by the stateforever for the following public purposes:(a) for(1) exhibiting under the management and control of the society, at annual fairs and at other times determined by the society, the agricultural, stock-breeding, horticultural, mining, mechanical, industrial, and other products and resources of the state, including proper exhibits and expositions of the arts, human skills, and sciences; and(b) for(2) other uses and purposes determined by the state agricultural society, including the leasing of parts of the state fairgrounds, determined by the state agriculturalsociety from time to time. The society shall not lease any part of the state fairgrounds if the lessee is going to compete with an existing established business of auto racing within a radius of 40 miles, except during the operation of the state fair and all other public exhibitions pertinent to expositions of human art, industry, or skill. Neither the state nor the society shall ever charge or encumber this property. Any part of the state fairgrounds whichmay be embracedis within the boundaries of a city or other political subdivision of the state is detached from the city or political subdivision. Nothing in this section exempts otherwise taxable property on the fairgrounds or the fairgrounds itself, which are otherwisetaxable,frombeing subject toreal and personal property taxes pursuant to chapters 272 to 275 and chapter 471. 37.02 [BUDGET; BUILDING RESTRICTIONS; EXEMPTIONS.] The state agricultural societyshall continue to beis subject to andshall continue to have and possesshas all powers, rights, and privileges granted byany and all lawsapplicable thereto, now in force, subject tolaw, with the following exceptions:(1)(a) The societyshallneed not comply with the provisions of Laws 1939, chapter 431, relating to budgets, allotments, and encumbering of funds;.(2)(b) The societyshallis notbesubject to the supervision of the commissioner of administration in the erection and construction of any new building;.(3)(c) The books and accounts of the societyshall beare subject to examination by the legislative auditorat any time,as in case of other state agencies. 37.03 [MEMBERSHIP.]Its membership shall be confined toSubdivision 1. [MEMBERS.] Members of the state agricultural society must be citizens of this stateand shall be composed. The membership is as follows:(1)(a) Three delegatesto bechosen annually by each agricultural society or association in the state whichshallmaintainmaintains an active existence,holdholds annual fairs, andbeis entitled to share in the state appropriation under the provisions of section 38.02. Ifany such society or associationone of those societies or associations fails to choose delegates, thentheits president, secretary, and treasurerthereof shall, by virtue of their offices,be theare its delegatesfrom such society or association. If two fairs receiving state aid are operating in one county, each delegate fromsuch aeach society or associationshall beis entitled to one-half vote attheregular or special meetings, where twofairs now established and receiving state aid are in operationin one countyof the state society.(2)(b) One delegatefromappointed by the county board of each countyin the statein which no county or district agricultural society existsto be appointed by the county boardof the county.(3)(c) Individuals, who by reason ofelected by the society as honorary members for having performed eminent services in agriculture, horticulture, orin therelated arts and sciencesconnected therewith,oroflong and faithful service in or benefits to the society, or of benefits conferredupon it, may,. Honorary members must be elected by two-thirds vote at any annual meeting, be elected as honorary members. The number ofthesehonorary membersshallmay not, at any time,exceedits presentthe society's membership; provided, that notmore thanand only one honorary membershallmay be elected annually. Each honorary membershall beis entitled to one vote.(4)(d) Two elected delegateselected by,and the presidentex officio of,may represent each of the following societies and associations: the Minnesota State Horticultural Society, the State Dairyman's Association, theState Beekeepers'Minnesota Honey Producers Association, Inc., the Minnesota Livestock Breeders' Association, the Minnesota Crop Improvement Association, the MinnesotaSwine Breeders'Pork Producers Association, the MinnesotaSheep Breeders'Lamb and Wool Producers Association, the Minnesota Horse Breeders' Association, the Minnesota Veterinary Medical Association, the Minnesota Cattle Breeders' Association, the Central Livestock AssociationIncorporated of Minnesota, the Minnesota State Poultry Association, theMinnesota Implement Dealers'Farm Equipment Association, theMinnesota FloristsNorth Central Florist Association, the Minnesota Garden FlowerAssociationSociety, theMinnesota CountyState Fair Exhibitors'AssociationsOrganization, the Minnesota Federation of County Fairs, the State Forestry Association, the MinnesotaSaddleHorseOwners' and Breeders' AssociationCouncil, MinnesotaStateNurserymen's Association, MinnesotaFruitApple Growers' Association,MinnesotaState GrangeAssociationof Minnesota, Minnesota Farmers' Union,MinnesotaAmerican DairyIndustryCommitteeAssociation of Minnesota, and the Minnesota Farm Bureau Federation. (e) The following societies and associationsshall beare entitled to onevotedelegate each:Minneapolis MarketGardeners'Central Minnesota Vegetable Growers AssociationofMinnesota, theStateMinnesota Fruit and Vegetable Growers' Association, Minnesota Shorthorn Breeders' Association, the Minnesota Milking Shorthorn Association, Minnesota Guernsey Breeders' Association, Minnesota Jersey Cattle Club, MinnesotaHolstein-Friesian Breeders'Holstein Association, Minnesota HerefordBreeders'Association, Minnesota Aberdeen Angus Breeders'Association, Minnesota Red Polled Breeders'Association, Minnesota Ayreshire Breeders' Association, Minnesota Brown SwissBreeders'Association, Minnesota Poland China Breeders' Association, Minnesota DurocJerseyBreeders'Association, Minnesota Chester WhiteBreeders'Association, Minnesota Turkey Growers' Association, Minnesota Gladiolus Society, and the Minnesota BerkshireBreeders'Association;provided, that. All of these societies and associationsshallmust be active and statewide in their scope and operation, hold annual meetings, and be incorporated under the laws of the state,beforebeingthey are entitled toselect such delegatesa delegate. The societies and associationsnamed in this clauseshallmust file with the secretary of state, on or before December 20,each year,a report showing that the society or association has held a regular annual meeting for that year, a summary of its financial transactions for the current year, and an affidavit of the president and secretary that it has a paid-up membership of at least 25. On or before December 31,each year,the secretary of state shall certify to the secretary of the state agricultural society the names of the societies or associations that have complied with these provisions.(5)(f) The members of thegoverningboard of managers of the state agricultural societyshall, by virtue of their officesas such, beare members of the society and entitled to one vote each.(6)Subd. 2. [ELIGIBILITY TO VOTE.] On all questions arising for determination by the state agricultural society, including the election of members of thegoverningboard of managers, each delegate presentshall beis entitled to one vote, and no proxies. The society shallbe recognized by thesocietynot recognize proxies except that when less than three delegates ofanya county or district agricultural society shall attend the annual meeting, those present may cast the full vote ofthethat society. All delegatesshallmust be accredited, in writing, and their credentialsshallmust be signed by the president and secretary of the society or association represented. 37.04 [BOARD OF MANAGERS, MEETINGS, SELECTION, VACANCIES,QUORUM.] Subdivision 1. [MEMBERSHIP; QUORUM.]The management andcontrol of the affairs of the Minnesota state agriculturalsociety shall be vested inA board of managerswhichshallconsistmanage and control the state agricultural society. The board consists of a president and nine other members, two of whomshall beare vice-presidents,. Each membertorepresentrepresents one of nine regional districts, any. Sixof whom shallmembers constitute a quorum for the purposes of any board meetingof the board. Subd. 2. [REGIONAL DISTRICTS.]The regional districtsFor purposes of electing members of the board of managers of theMinnesotastate agricultural societyshall be, the regional districts are identical with the nine congressional districts as established by Laws 1933, chapter 185, andshall be accordinglyare numbered accordingly. Subd. 3. [ANNUAL MEETING.] The annual meeting of the societyshallmust be helduponat the state fairgrounds or at any other place in Minnesota selected by the board of managersmay select. The meetingshallmust be heldannuallyduring a three-day period selected by the board of managers, tocommencecommencing no earlier than January 2,and no later than January 31in each year. At least 30 days' written notice of the time and place of the annual meetingshallmust be given to all members of the societyat least 30 days prior to the time ofthe annual meeting. Subd. 4. [ELECTIONS.] At the annual meetingof, the members of the society shall elect,a president fromthe thencurrent membershipamong the members of the board of managers, apresidentfor a term of one year, who shall. The president may not be a resident of the fourth or the fifth regional districts.In addition,The members shall also elect seven managersshall be elected,as follows: (1) at the annual meetingin 1963, andon each third yearthereafterafter 1963, one manager from each of the first, third , and sixth regional districts,; (2) at the annual meetingin 1964, andon each third yearthereafterafter 1964, one manager from each of the seventh and ninth regional districts,; (3) at the annual meetingin 1965, andon each third yearthereafterafter 1965, one manager from each of the second and eighth regional districts.In addition,At the annual meeting in1964 and every otheryear thereafter,each even-numbered year a vice-presidentshallmust be elected from the fifth regional district, and in1965and in every other year thereafter,each odd-numbered year a vice-presidentshallmust be elected from the fourth regional district. Subd. 5. [REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES.]At no time shall morethanOnly one member of thegoverningboard of managers, exclusive of the president, may be a resident of any one regional district. On the dayprecedingbefore the last day of the annual meeting, thedulyaccredited delegates to the meeting from each regional district, thewhose manager's termof whosemember of the board of managersexpires in that year,shall meet together at the placefor holdingof the annual meeting and nominate and certify to the annual meeting the choice of that district for manager, and,. At the time fixedby lawfor the election of the president of the society and after the nominations have beensocertified, presented, and read to the annual meeting, the annual meeting shall proceed to electsuchmanagers to fill all expiring terms. Subd. 6. [VACANCIES.]AnyA vacancy, prior towhich occurs before the expiration of any term of office of a member of the board of managers,may be filled by the remaining members of the board. Any personsoappointed to fill a vacancyshall holdholds office only until the next annual meeting of the society, at whichshall electa successor must be elected in the manner provided,to serve the balance of the unexpired term. 37.05 [OFFICERS; COMPENSATION; EXPENSES.] The annual honorarium of the president of thegoverningboardshall beof managers is $1,400, and that of the other members is $1,000 each, which honorarium shall be in full forall their services commencing January 1, 1965. On the final day of each annual meeting of the society the board shall elect a secretary, who shallto hold office for one year and untilhisa successor is elected and qualified. The board shall set the compensation of the secretaryshall be fixedby the board. The board may also appoint a treasurer for the term of one year and fixhisthe treasurer's compensation. The treasurer shall keep all accounts and fiscal records of the society. The board may designate the secretary as the treasurer of the society.In addition,The board may allow the traveling expenses of its members and of the secretary and treasurer or other employees while in the performance of their official duties,the. Claims forwhich shall in all casestraveling expenses must be itemized in full and verified before allowance. 37.06 [SECRETARY; LEGISLATIVE AUDITOR; DUTIES; REPORT.] The secretary shall keep a complete record of the proceedings of the annual meetings of the state agricultural society and all meetings of thegoverningboard of managers and any committee of the board, keep all accounts of the society other than those kept by the treasurer of the society, and performsuchother duties as directed by thegoverningboardmaydirectof managers. On or before December 31 each year, the secretary shallmake areport to the governor for the fiscal year ending October 31each year showingall the proceedings of the society during the current year and its financial condition as appears fromtheits booksof the society. This reportshallmust contain a full, detailed statement of all receipts and expenditures during the year. The books and accounts of the society for the fiscal yearshallmust be examined and audited annually by the legislative auditor. The cost of the examinationshallmust be paid by the society to the state and credited to the legislative auditor's revolving fund. A summary of this examination,dulycertified by the legislative auditor,togethermust be appended to the secretary's report, along withhisthe legislative auditor's recommendations and the proceedings of the first annual meeting of the societyfirstheld following the secretary's report, including addresses made at the meeting as directed by thegoverningboard, shall be appended to the secretary's reportandof managers. The summary, recommendations, and proceedings must be printed in the same manner as the reports of state officers. Copies of the reportshallmust be printed annually and distributed as follows: to each society or association entitled to membership in the society, to each newspaper in the state, and the remaining copies as directed by thegoverningboard of managers. 37.07 [MONTHLY STATEMENTS BY SECRETARY; PURCHASES, EXPENDITURES.] The secretary of the state agricultural society shall preparemonthly statementsa signed statement each month summarizing receipts and expenditures for the preceding month, whichshallmust besigned by him andapproved by the president or a vice-president of thegoverningboard of managers. Thesecretary shall attach to this statement hissecretary's affidavit must be attached to this statement. The affidavit must state: (1) that all articles were purchased byhim,or underhisthe secretary's direction, and that tohisthe secretary's best information and belief, all articles purchased by thegoverningboard of managers were purchased at a fair cash market value and received by the society, and that all services charged for were actuallyrenderedprovided; (2) that neitherhethe secretary nor any person inhisthe secretary's behalf, or thegoverningboard of managers, tohisthe secretary's best information and belief, had any pecuniary or other interest in any purchase made or services rendered, or received any pecuniary or other benefittherefromfrom the purchases or services, directly or indirectly, by commission, percentage, deduction, or otherwise; and (3) that the articles specified conformed in every respect to the goods ordered, in both quality and quantity.ThisThe reportshallmust also show the amount of money in the hands of the treasurer of the society. Copies of the secretary's monthly reportshallmust be furnished to the commissioner of finance,and the office of the legislative auditor and to each member of the board of managers,no later than the tenth of the month following themonths'month's activitiesencompassed within such reportreported. The board of managers shall, from time to time,designate one or more national or state banks, or trust companies authorized to do a banking business, as official depositories for the society's moneyof the society, andthereuponshall then require the treasurer to deposit all or part ofsuchthat money insuchthe designated bank or banks.SuchThe designationshallmust be in writing and must set forth all the terms and conditions upon which the deposits are made, andshallit must be signed by the president and secretary,and made a part of the minutes of the board. Any bank or trust companysodesignatedshallmust qualify as a depository by furnishing a corporate surety bond or collateral as required by section 118.01, andshall thereaftermust, as long as any of the society's moneyof the societyis on depositthereinwith it, maintainsuchthe bond or collateral in the amounts required bysaidthat section.However,No bond or collateralshall beis required to secure any deposit, insofar asif it is insured under federal law, as provided in section 118.10. 37.13 [TITLE TO PROPERTY VESTED IN STATE.] Thetitle tostate owns all money and other property of the societyshall vest in the statein the name of the society and thereshallmay be no division of its assets amongitssociety members.All moneysMoney received by the societyshallmust be usedin thefor holdingofits annual fair,and forsuchother exhibitions or expositionsheld from time to time as the societyshall determinethe society holds, for the improvement of the fairgrounds, for the payment of expenses, premiums, and purses, for the acquisition ofproperties, bothreal and personal property, for the use and benefit of the society, and forthefurnishingof suchattractions and amusementsasthegoverningboardshall deemof managers considers necessary for the success of its fairs,and other exhibitions and expositions. 37.14 [MANAGEMENT OF PROPERTY; GENERAL OFFICES.] The custody, management, and control of the fairgrounds and all fairgrounds structuresthereon shall beare vested in the society as a department of the state, and its general offices,containing its property and records, shallmust be maintained upon the fairgrounds. 37.15 [EXHIBITIONS.] The society shall hold upon the fairgrounds an annual fair and may invite the cooperation of any other states or countriesthereinin that fair.ItThe society shall provide for and pay premiums, andall moneys expendedmoney spent for premiums, exhibits, or other displaysshallmust be for the purpose of encouraging agriculture, horticulture, stock-breeding, manufactures, and the mining, mechanical, and industrial arts and sciences. 37.16 [RULESAND REGULATIONS; VIOLATION.] The society may make all bylaws, ordinances, and rules, notinconsistentconsistent with law,which itmay deemconsiders necessary or proper for the government of the fairgrounds and all fairs to be heldthereonon them, and for the protection, health, safety, and comfort of the publicthereon; the same tobe in effect from the time of filingon the fairgrounds. The bylaws, ordinances, and rules are effective when filed with the secretary of the society. The violation of a bylaw, rule, or ordinancepromulgated byof the society is a misdemeanor. 37.17 [SHOWS, EXHIBITIONS, PERFORMANCES, PRIVILEGES.] Subdivision 1. [LICENSE, REGULATION.] The society may license and regulateallshows, exhibitions, performances, and privileges on the fairgrounds, revokeanylicenses, and prohibit, remove, and summarily stopallexhibitions, performances, or privileges which violate society rules orwhichare otherwise contrary toother law. Subd. 2. [SERVICE OF PROCESS.] The acceptance of any license given pursuant to subdivision 1 by a nonresident of Minnesota is an appointment by the nonresident of the secretary of state to behisa lawful agent upon whom may be served all legal processes in any action or proceeding againsthimthe nonresident resulting from the operation of the licensed show, exhibition, performance, or privilege. The acceptance of a license by the nonresidentis a signification of hissignifies agreement that service of process upon the secretary of stateshall be ofhas the sameforce andeffect asif servedservice uponhimthe nonresident personally. Publication of summons need not be made upon the nonresident. In all cases under this subdivision, service of process or service of any writ or notice in an action or proceedingsshallmust be made upon the secretary of state in the manner provided by law for service upon residents of the state, and has the same effect as personal service within the state upon the nonresident.If theAfter a nonresident appears inthean action or proceeding by an attorney residing in Minnesota,the service ofpapersshallthereaftermust bemadeserved upon the attorney. Subd. 4. [SOLICITATION.] No person may solicit money or sell or distribute any merchandise or material of any kind without a license issued by the society authorizing the solicitation, sale, or distribution from a fixed location on the fairgrounds. 37.18 [UNLICENSED OR IMPROPER EXHIBITION.] A person who engages inanya play, game, concert, or theatrical or other performance, or who exhibits a show of any kind on the fairgrounds without a license from the society is guilty of a misdemeanor andshallmust be removed from the fairgrounds. A person who sells, distributes, or exhibits obscene materials or performances is guilty of a misdemeanor and thegoverningboard of managers of the society shall suspend that person's license andcauserequire the forfeiture of all money paid to the society in connection with the performance or exhibit. 37.19 [CONTRACTS.] The society may contract in its own name,and through itsduly appointedofficers and agents withoutthe necessity ofadvertising for,or publicly requesting bids, and the provisionsof. This chapter,and all ordinances, bylaws, and rules adopted byits governingthe society's board of managers are a part of every contract entered into with any exhibitor, privilege holder, lessee, licensee, or other person. The society may contract for the purchase of services from any business, municipality, county, state agency, or department. The society may purchase, sell, lease, or otherwise engage in transactions respecting real property in its own name, and with terms and conditions acceptable to its board of managers. The provisions of section 37.01shallapply to the specific properties describedthereinin it,exceptingexcept space rental contracts and ground leases for a term of one year or less. The society shall submit to the state executive councilof the state ofMinnesotafor its approval, as provided by chapter 9, all its transactions involving real propertiesfor the approval of theexecutive council, and no transaction involving real propertyshall beis final until it is approved by the executive council. All transactions involving real propertyheretoforepreviously made by the society are ratified, confirmed, and approved. 37.20 [SPECIAL PEACE OFFICERS.] The secretary or the president of the society may appoint, in a writing signed by either of them, as many peace officers, as defined in section 626.84, subdivision 1, clause (c), as are necessary, both duringthe time of holdingthe annual fair and throughout the year for the regulation of the Minnesota state fairgrounds. These peace officers, before entering upon their duties, shall take and subscribe the usual oath of office, endorsed upon their appointment, and shall. They haveandexerciseupon thegrounds of the society,fairgrounds all the power and authority of peace officers and may, within these limits, without warrant, arrest any person found violatinganystate lawof the state,or any rule, bylaw, or ordinance of the society, and. They may summarily remove the persons and property of the offenders from the grounds, and take them before any court of competent jurisdiction to be dealt with according to law. Each peace officer shall wear an appropriate badge of office while acting as a peace officer. The society may also contract with the state, any county, or any municipality for police service and protection on the fairgrounds. 37.21 [SALE OF LIQUORS.] No personshallmay sell, barter, give away, or otherwise dispose of or introduce, have, or keep for barter, gift, or sale, any intoxicating liquors of any kind upon or within one-half mile of the state fairgrounds, or aid and abetin sodoing, andany of those acts. The presence and possession of any kind of these liquors, in any quantity, upon the person or upon the premises leased or occupied by any person within these limits,isdeclareda public nuisance,andshall beis prima facie evidence of the purpose of the person to barter, give away, or sell the liquor. Any person who violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor. 37.22 [LOCKUP; SEIZURE OF LIQUORS.] The society may provide and maintain a watchhouse or lockup on the fairgrounds for the confinement of offenders and the temporary detention of suspected persons. The society's peace officers shall, without warrant, seize and destroy any intoxicating liquors found upon the fairgrounds. 37.24 [UNLAWFUL ADMISSIONS.] Any person whoshall stealsteals or unlawfullyobtainanyobtains a ticket, paper, or other writing entitling, or purporting to entitle, the holder to admission to any part of the state fairgrounds, or any part thereof,or whoshall sellsells ordisposedisposes ofany sucha ticket which upon its face appears to be nontransferable and to have been issued to anotherand not transferable, without informing the purchaser of its character,shall beis guilty of a misdemeanor. 37.25 [MISDEMEANORS.] In addition to other misdemeanors specifiedin and madepunishablebyastatute, duringthe period ofthe annual state fair or during any period whenfees as may be determined bythe board of managersare requiredrequires fees for admission to the fairgrounds, every person whoshall trespasstrespasses on,enterenters, orattemptattempts to enter the fairgrounds in any manner, except through the entrance gatesprovided therefor, without payment of the required feesprovided therefor,or whoshall likewise so trespasstrespasses on,enterenters, orattemptattempts to enter any reserved enclosurethereonon the fairgrounds, or whoshall obtainobtains permission to do so by impersonating another,or by any misrepresentation or false pretense, shall beis guilty of a misdemeanor.AnyA person whoshall beis found lurking, lying in wait, or loitering in the immediate vicinity of, or concealed in any building, yard, or premises upon the fairgrounds, or loitering about the immediatevicinity thereof,with intent to commit any offense or mischief,shall beis guilty of a misdemeanor. 37.26 [CIRCUSES PROHIBITED, STATE FAIR SEASON; EXCEPTIONS.] Subdivision 1. [PROHIBITION.] Itshall beis unlawful for any person, firm, or corporation to conduct any circus in any city or within a radius of six miles of any city,within a period of 18 days immediately preceding the dates of the annual Minnesota state fair,or during thetime of holding suchfair.Any suchA circus may be exhibited during thisperiod oftime, however, if and whenthe circusit is engaged or contracted by an accredited agricultural society to form a part of the entertainment program of the annual fair of the accredited agricultural society. Nothingherein contained shall exemptin this subdivision exempts a circus from obtaining a proper license or permitasprovided by law. Subd. 2. [PENALTY.]AnyA person, firm, or corporation violatingthe provisions ofsubdivision 1shall beis guilty of a gross misdemeanor; and upon conviction punished, punishable by a fine of not more than $3,000 or by imprisonment in the county jail fora period of not to exceednot more than one year orbybothsuch fine and imprisonment. ARTICLE 3 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 92, is amended to read: 92.01 [STATE PUBLIC LANDS OR STATE LANDS.]The term"State public lands" or "state lands" means school, swamp, university, internal improvement, and other lands granted to the state by acts of congress. 92.02 [AUTHORITY.]AllSalesmade pursuant tounder this chaptershallmust be conducted by the commissionerin person,hisa deputy of the commissioner, orbya competent person employed by the commissioner and bonded in a sum ofnot less thanat least $10,000. 92.03 [MINIMUM PRICE OF LANDS.] Subdivision 1. [SCHOOL LANDS.] Theminimumprice of school landsshallmust beincluding the value of timber reproductionnot less thanat least $5peran acre,andincluding the value of timber reproduction.AllSalesthereof shallof school lands must be within the countyin whichcontaining the landsare situated.NotNo more than 100,000 acres of school landsshallmay be sold in one year.WhereIf a patent has been issued by the federal government toanyschoolland, as abovedefined, previous toland before 1864,and the taxesthereonon it have been paid fora period ofat least 35 years,then and in such event,the commissioner of finance mayin hisdiscretion cause such amount of such taxes to be applieduponreduce the minimum price of $5peran acreas aboveprovided as he may deem proper in order that the minimum salesprice of the land may be so reduced asby the taxes paid to makeitthe land salable. Subd. 2. [UNIVERSITY LANDS.] Theminimumprice ofalllands donated to the state by the United States by act of congress entitled "An act donating to the states of Minnesota and Oregon certain lands reserved by congress for the territories of Minnesota and Oregon, for university purposes," approved March 2, 1861, and by an act of congress entitled "An act donating public lands to the several states and territories which may provide colleges for the benefit of agriculture and mechanic arts," approved July 2, 1862,shallmust be at least $5 an acre, including the value of timber reproductionnot lessthan $5 per acre. The director shallcauseappraise these lands or any part of themto be appraisedandsoldsell them in accordance withthe provisions ofthis chapter. Subd. 4. [INTERNAL IMPROVEMENT LANDS.]AllLands donated to the state under the eighth section of an act of congress entitled "An act to appropriate the proceeds of the sales of the public lands, and to grant preemption rights," approved September 4, 1841,shallmust be appraised and sold, and theminimum price shall be the same,and themoneysmoney derived fromtheits salethereof shall beinvested, as provided by the Minnesota Constitutionof the state of Minnesota, articleIIXI, section 8. 92.04 [MINIMUM PRICE OF CERTAIN STATE LANDS.]AllLands selected for state institutions under an act of the legislature entitled "An act to appropriate swamp lands to certain educational and charitable institutions and for the purpose of creating a state prison," approved February 13, 1865, andalllands known as state capitol lands,shallmust be appraised and sold as school lands are sold. Theminimumprice ofalllands belonging to the state by virtue of thevariouscongressional actsset forthin sections 92.03 and 92.04shallmust beincluding the value of timber reproduction not less thanat least $5peran acre,andincluding the value of timber reproduction. The terms of payment and conditions of saleshallmust be the same as now provided by law.WhereWhen state lands have been benefited by and assessments paid for drainage,suchthe drainage improvementsshallmust bedulyconsidered by the state land examiner in making appraisals. Whensuchthe drained lands are sold, the principal and interest paidthereon shallon it must be credited by the director to the proper fund to which the land belongs. 92.05 [SALT LANDS, BY WHOM SOLD.] The board of regents of the University of Minnesota shall have chargeand supervisionof the state salt lands donated by the United States to aid in the development of the brines in the state, and. The board of regents may sell these landsin suchmanner and amounts as it may deem expedient, and shall hold. The proceedsthereoffrom the sales must be held in trust,andshall only disburse the samemust be disbursed in accordance with the law providing for a geological and natural history survey. The university may execute, in its name, deeds of conveyance of these lands. The proceeds of the sale ofsuchthe lands when investedshallconstitute a permanent fund, called the university fund. 92.06 [PAYMENTS; INTEREST.] Subdivision 1. [TERMS.] The terms of payment on the sale ofallstate public landsshallmust be as follows: The purchaser shall pay in cash at the time of sale the appraised value of all timber. At least 15 percent of the purchase price of the land exclusive of timbershallmust be paid in cash at the time of saleand. The balance must be paid innot to exceedno more than 20 equal annual installments, payable on. Payments must be made by June 1 each year followingthatthe year in which the purchase was made, with interest ata rate equal tothe rate in effect at the time under section 549.09 on the unpaid balancesremaining unpaid, payable with theinstalments or principal. Any installment of principal or interest may be paid in advance, but part payment of an installmentshallwill not be accepted. For the purpose of computing interest, any installment of principal not paid on June 1 shall be creditedas ofon the following June 1. Subd. 2. [BUILDINGS OR IMPROVEMENTS.]In caseIf there areanybuildings or other improvements upon the landthetheir valuethereof shallmust be appraised separately and included in the purchase price.NoA personshallmust not remove, injure, or destroyany sucha building or other improvement until an amount equal tosuchits appraised value has been paid on the purchase price of the premises, in addition totheany payment required for timber, if any. Violation of this provisionshallbeis a gross misdemeanor. Subd. 3. [DEFAULT.]FailureA person who fails to makeanya payment required underanya certificate of sale within 60 days from the dateon which such paymentit becomes dueshallconstituteis in defaultand thereupon. On default, the certificate of sale shall be deemed canceled, and all right, title, and interest of the purchaser, his or her heirs, representatives, or assigns, in the premises shall terminate without the doing by the state of any act or thing. A record ofsuchthe defaultshallmust be made in the state land recordskept by or under the directionof the commissionerand acertificate of such default may be made by or under thedirection of the commissioner and filed. The commissioner may prepare a certificate of default and file it with the county treasurer orrecordedrecord it in the office of the county recorder of the countyin whichcontaining thepremises aresituatedproperty.Any suchThe record or certificateshallbeis prima facie evidence of the factsthereinstated in it, but themaking of such record or certificate shall not beessential to the taking effect of suchcancellation and termination are effective without it.The provisions ofThis subdivisionshalldoes not apply toanya sale made before May 1, 1941. Subd. 4. [IMPROVEMENTS, WHEN PAYMENT NOT NECESSARY.]Ifthere are any improvements upon the land made by one who in theopinion of the commissioner settled upon the land in good faithbelieving it to be land subject to homestead entry under thelaws of the United States, and such settlement was made beforethe land was certified to the state, or if the improvements weremade in good faith by a lessee of the state under a properpermit or other lawful authority,If a person has made improvements to the land and if the commissioner believes that person settled the land in good faith as homestead land under the laws of the United States before it was certified to the state, or if the improvements were lawfully made by that person as a lessee of the state, then the value ofsuchthe improvementsshallmust beappraisedseparately appraised and, ifat the sale of such land suchthe settler or lesseeshall bethe purchaserpurchases the land, heshallor she is notberequired to pay forsuchthe improvements. Ifaanother personother than such settler or lessee shallpurchasepurchases the land,such purchaser shallthat person must paytothe state at the time ofthesale, in addition to all other required payments, thefull amount for whichappraised amount for the improvementswere appraised, and. The amountsoreceived by the state forsuchthe improvementsshallmust be paidovertosuchthe settler or lessee, his or her heirs, representatives, or assigns,. Payment must be made by warrant drawn by the commissioner of finance upon the state treasurer.AllAmounts received forsuchthe improvements areherebyappropriated for makingsuchthe payments.The provisions ofThis subdivisionshalldoes not apply unless the person seekingtheits benefitthereof shall makemakes a verified application to the commissioner showing that he or she is entitledtheretoto it before the first state public sale at which the land is offered for saleand. The applicant must appear atsuchthe sale and offer to purchase the land for at leasttheits appraised valuethereof andincluding all timberthereonon it, and makesuchthe purchase if no higher bidbeis received, nor unless all. Actions or other proceedings involving the land in questioninstituted prior tobegun before the saleshallmust have beendeterminedcompleted. Subd. 5. [FURTHER SECURITY.] The directorwhen in hisopinion the interests of the state will not be secured by theterms of payment so provided for shallmay require of the purchasersuch furthersecurity for the payment of the deferred installmentsas he may deem necessary; and in all cases wheresecurity is taken. The director may recover the money and enforcesuchany security by action brought in his or her name. 92.07 [SALES BY SUBDIVISIONS.]AllSales of land by the commissionershallmust be made according to the subdivisionsthereofby the United States surveys, unless thesame haveland has been subdivided into smaller parcels or lots, as provided in this chapter; but no. The landshallmay not be sold in larger quantity than one quarter section. 92.08 [SURVEYS AND RESURVEYS.]When it appears to the commissioner necessary in order toascertain the boundaries of any tract of land in his charge orto enable him to describe or dispose of the same in convenientparcels heThe commissioner maycausehave surveysto bemade to determine the correct boundaries or description of the land or to dispose of it in convenient parcels. Whena tract of landhas been sold by the state of Minnesota according to the UnitedStates survey andthe commissioneris of the opinionbelieves that an injustice has been done the purchaser because of an incorrect United States survey, he or she maycausehave a resurveythereof to bemade by a competent surveyor, who shallthereafter. The surveyor shall prepare a plat showing the correct acreage of each subdivisionsoresurveyed, to be filedin the office ofand file it with the commissioner andin theoffice ofwith the county recorder of the proper countyand. The commissioneris hereby authorized tomay call insuchthe land certificatesas areaffected by the resurvey andtoissue new onesin lieu thereof showing. The certificates must show the correct acreage, givingand give full credit for all payments of principal and interestwhich had previously beenmade. 92.09 [LAND SUBDIVIDED, APPRAISED, REAPPRAISED.] Subdivision 1. [SUBDIVISION INTO LOTS.] When the interest of the state will be promoted in the opinion of the commissionerby subdividing any of the, he or she may subdivide land under his or her control into small parcels or city lots .HeThe commissioner shallcause the same to be done andhave the landto beappraised.When a petition signed byAt least ten legal voters of the countyin whichcontaining the landthereindescribedis situated is presented tomay petition the commissionerrequesting himtohave suchsubdivide the landsosubdivided he. The commissioner shall grant or refuse the petition. If the requestbeis granted, the commissioner shall subdivide the land accordingly andcause the same to behave it appraised. Subd. 2. [APPRAISEMENTAPPRAISAL OF LOTS.]For the purposeof making the appraisement required by subdivision 1,The commissioner shall designatethereforone or more of the regularly appointed and qualified state appraisers to make the appraisal required under subdivision 1. Each appraiserbeforeentering upon the duties of his officeshalltake and subscribesign an oaththat he willto faithfully and impartially dischargehisthe dutiesasof appraiser according to the best of his or her ability and that he or she is not interested directly or indirectly inany ofthe lands or improvementsthereonon them and has entered into no combination to purchase thesameland or any partthereof, whichof it. The oathshallmust be attached totheirthe appraisal report given the commissioner.They shall then appraise the lands andmake report thereof to the commissioner.Subd. 3. [REAPPRAISEMENTREAPPRAISAL.]AllParcels or lotssoappraisedshall be subject to sale in the same manner asmay be sold like other lands in charge of the commissioner, and. The lands must be soldat not less thanfor at least the prices at which they wereseverallyappraised, until a new appraisal is made, which. The commissioner in his or her discretion maycause to be made in the manner aforesaidhave lands appraised as under subdivision 2 and with like effect; but no. Parcels or lots so appraisedshallmust be sold forless thanat least the minimum price of the lands established by this chapter. 92.10 [MAPS AND PLATS.] Subdivision 1. [MAP RECORDED.] When the commissionershallsubdivide anysubdivides land into small parcels or city lots, he or she shallcauserecord a map of thesame to be filed forrecordsubdivision with the county recorder of the countyinwhichcontaining the landis situated. Subd. 2. [PREPARATION.]It shall be the duty ofThe commissionertoshall prepare suitable maps or platshavingdesignated thereon thosedesignating school or other state lands owned by the state which have beendulyappraised and are subject to sale, which. The maps or platsshallmust be printed and distributed with other printed matter in sufficient quantities to properly advertise the sales provided by this chapter. 92.11 [LANDS APPRAISED.]When in the opinion of the commissioner it shall be for theinterest of the state that any of the lands in his charge, orthe improvements thereon, be appraised he shall designatetherefor one or more of the regularly appointed and qualifiedstate appraisers who shall qualify and reportThe commissioner may have any real estate under his or her jurisdiction appraised. The appraisal must be made and reported as in the case of school or other state lands. The appraisersshallmust report the value of the lands and the improvementsthereonon them, if any, separately; and if any ofsuchthe lands, are valuable forthemerchantable timberthereonon them the value ofsuchthe merchantable timbershallmust also be separately stated. The appraised valueshall beis the minimum price forsuchthe lands until changed bya subsequentlater appraisal. 92.12 [APPRAISAL OF SCHOOL AND OTHER STATE LANDS.] Subdivision 1. [APPRAISERS.]When in the opinion of thecommissioner it will be for the public interest that anappraisal ofThe commissioner may have anyof theschool or other state landsshould be made he shall designate therefor oneor more of theappraised. The appraisals must be made by regularly appointed and qualified state appraisers. Each appraiser shallbefore entering upon the duties of his officetake andsubscribesign an oaththat he willto faithfully and impartially dischargehisthe dutiesasof appraiser according to the best of his or her ability and that he or she is not interested directly or indirectly inany ofthe state lands to be appraised, or the timber or improvementsthereonon them or inthetheir purchasethereof and has entered into nocombination to purchase the same or any part thereof, which. The oathshallmust be attached to thereport of suchappraisal report. Subd. 2. [VALUATION AND APPRAISAL.] The appraiseraftertaking oath of officeshallproceed toview and appraisesuchthe landsand, including the merchantable timber and improvementsthereonon them, and make a reportthereofto the commissioneras he may direct. The valuation ofsuchthe lands and the merchantable timber and improvementsthereon shallon them must each be made and stated separately in theappraisementandappraisal. The minimum price established bysuchthe appraisalshall beis the minimum price forsuchthe lands until changed bysubsequentlater appraisal. No school or other state landsshallmay be sold untilsoappraised, nor for a lessprice. The price may not be less than $5peran acre. In the appraisal thebasicvalue of the land before the addition of the value of merchantable timber and improvementsshallmust include the value of timber reproduction. Subd. 4. [SALES.] The commissioner shall hold frequent sales of school and other state lands,. The time and place ofsuchthe salestomust be publicly posted on the front door of the courthouse in the countyin whichwhere the sale is to take place at least 30 days in advanceof such sale, in addition to the regular notice of sale provided by law. At this sale the commissioner shall sellsuchlands as he or she considers best for the public interest. Subd. 5. [SALE OF LAND AND TIMBER.]WhereWhen the appraisal and other reports show that the land is mainly valuable for agricultural purposesas shown by the appraisementand other reports in the office of the commissionerand contains only small quantities of timber, the commissioner mayin hisdiscretioneither sell the timber separatelyin the manneras provided by law for state timber sales orhe maysell the land as agricultural land, requiring. If the land is sold as agricultural land the purchasertomust pay down as first payment an amount equal to the value of the timber, in addition to the first payment required on the land.Where suchappraisementIf the appraisal and other reports show land should be sold for continuous forest production or other conservation purpose,andthe commissionerso determines, thenmay require that the full appraised value of land and timbershallmust be paid by the purchaser at the time of purchase. Subd. 6. [DRAINAGE.]It shall be the duty ofThe appraiserstomust report to the commissionersuchlandsas intheir opinionthat they believe should be drained. After the state has constructed or has been assessed foranya public ditch or drain, the lands assessed or improvedshall thereaftermust be reappraised before being offered for sale. 92.13 [STATE LANDS, DATE OF SALE.]It shall be the duty ofThe commissionertoshall hold public sales of school and other state lands inthosecountieswhere school and other state lands are situate at such times aswill becontaining them when it is advantageous to the state and to intending buyers and settlers. 92.14 [SALE, NOTICE.] Subdivision 1. [TIME.] Before any sale is made, the commissioner shallcausegive four weeks' published notice of the time and place of saleto be givenat St. Paul and in each countyin whichcontaining land to be soldis situated. The noticeshall contain a description ofmust describe each parcel of land to be sold. If therebeis no newspaper published inany suchthe county, four weeks' posted noticeshallmust be giventherein. On or before the day of sale, the commissioner,on or before the day of sale,may withdraw any landswhich mayhave been so advertised. Subd. 2. [CONTENTS.]It shall be the duty ofThe commissionertoshall give public notice of each sale referred to in section 92.13 by four publications in a weekly newspaper printed and published at the county seatwhereinof the county containing the landsare situated, and by four weekly publications in a daily newspaper published and printed inthecapital city of the stateSt. Paul.This publishedThe noticeshallmust contain the following information: (1) the time and place for the holding of the sales; (2) the limitations and requirements provided by lawas tofor purchasers ofsuchthe lands; (3) the terms and conditions of paymentsasrequired by law; and (4) the place where lists of lands to be offered for sale may be obtained. 92.15 [APPLICATION.] All other requirements and provisions relating to the sale of school and other state landsshallapplywith full forceto sales made under sections 92.02, 92.10, 92.13, and 92.14. 92.16 [CERTIFICATE OF SALE.] Subdivision 1. [CONTENTS; DEFAULT, RESALE.] At the time of the sale the commissioner shall execute, acknowledge, and deliver to the purchaser a certificate of salein which he shallcertify, numbered and made assignable, certifying the description of the land sold,theits quantitythereof, the price per acre, the consideration paid and to be paid, and the time and terms of payment, and which shall be numbered and madeassignable.NoA certificateshallmust not be delivered until the sum required by law to be paid at the time of the sale is paid to the treasurer of the county wheresuchthe sale takes placeand in case. If the purchaser fails to paysuchthe sum , the commissioner may immediately reoffer the land for sale, but no bidshallmay be received from the person so failing. Subd. 2. [DEFAULT IN PAYMENT OF INTEREST; RESALE.] Upon cancellation of any certificate of sale the commissioner may without notice take possession of the landsthereindescribed in the certificate and resellthe samethem at public auction in the same manner and under the same rules as provided for the first sale. When the commissionershall havehas reappraisedand, advertised, and publicly offered the lands for salesuchlands,a reentry shall bethe state is deemed to havebeen madeon the part of the statereentered the lands without any other actor deed, but thisshallis notbeessential to cancellation of the certificate of salenorand does not extendthereafterany rights of any person claiming undersuchthe certificate. The purchaser atsuchthe saleshall beis entitled to immediate possession. If the land is notagainsold after cancellation of a certificate of sale, itshall be deemed to beis unsold land of the state, freeand clearofany and allrights claimed by any person undersuchthe certificate whether in actual or constructive possessionthereof. Subd. 3. [APPLICATION.]The provisions ofMason's Supplement 1940, section 6285, asthe sameit existed before the passage of Laws 1941, chapter 374,shall applyapplies to all state lands of any kindthereinreferred to in it sold after the passage of Extra Session Laws 1933-1934, chapter 39, January 5, 1934, andprior tobefore May 1, 1941.The provisions ofMason's Minnesota Statutes of 1927, section 6285, asthe sameit existedprior tobefore the passage of chapter 39,shallapplyapplies to allsuchstate lands soldprior tobefore the passage of chapter 39,with like effectas if chapter 39 and Laws 1941, chapter 374, had not been enacted. Section 6285, as amended by Laws 1941, chapter 374,shall applyapplies to all state lands soldon orafterMay 1April 30, 1941. Subd. 4. [LANDS REPOSSESSED OR REENTERED.]In any casewhere anyIf state lands soldprior tobefore the passage of Extra Session Laws 1933-1934, chapter 39, January 5, 1934, have been repossessed or reenteredprior tobefore the passage of Laws 1941, chapter 374, in accordance withthe provisions ofMason's Minnesota Statutes of 1927, section 6285, asthe sameit existedprior tobefore the passage of chapter 39,suchthe reentry or repossessionshall beis validand effectualfor all purposes, as provided by Section 6285. 92.163 [EXTENSION FOR PAYMENT ON STATE LAND CERTIFICATES.] Subdivision 1. [LIMITATION.] The time for payment of the principal of any certificate of sale of state public land soldprior tobefore May 1, 1941, which has expired or will expirehereafter,shall beis extended ashereinprovided in this section. Subd. 2. [CERTIFICATE HOLDER TO FILE APPLICATION.] Before the expiration of the time for the payment of principal specified in the original certificate of sale, or any lawful extensionthereof by law, the holder of the certificate shall file with the commissioner of natural resources an application for an extension of time of payment insuchthe formasprescribed by the commissionershall prescribe. The applicant shall submit to the commissioner the certificate of sale or an affidavit of the circumstances ifthe sameit has been lost or destroyed, or cannot be produced for any other reason, together withsuchother proof of the applicant's rightsasrequired by the commissionermay require. At least 15 percent of the unpaid principalshallmust be paid with the application, together with all unpaid interest and penalties accruedto date. The remaining unpaid principal, with interest,shall beis payablein like manneras provided by Mason's Minnesota Statutes 1927, section 6267, as amended by Laws 1941, chapter 374, and. The rights of the certificate holder,and all other proceedings in the mattershall beare subject tothe provisions of saidthat section and other applicable laws, as if the land has been soldthereunderunder them on the date of the filing of the application for extension. Subd. 3. [CERTIFICATE OF EXTENSION.] Thereupon the time for paymentshall beis extendedand. The commissioner shall issue a certificate of extension in form approved by the attorney general, and the original certificate shall be deemed modified in accordance withthe provisions of such extensioncertificateit. The duplicate of the certificateshallmust be attached to the duplicate original certificate of sale on record in the office of the commissioner of natural resources. Subd. 4. [APPLICATION OF SECTION 92.163.]The provisionsofThis sectionshalldoes not applyin any case whereif the certificate of sale hasheretoforebeen absolutely terminated and made void, without right of redemption,nor in any casewhereor if the land has become forfeited to the state for delinquent taxes. 92.165 [CERTIFICATE OF RELEASE.] Subdivision 1. [RELEASE BY COMMISSIONER.] Whenever itshall appearappears (1) that the terms of a certificate of sale of state public lands have been fully complied withso as tohave entitledentitling the owner to a patent under the terms of the certificate,; (2) thatsuchthe patent has not been issued ; and (3) that aftersuchcompliance,suchthe lands were forfeited to the state for nonpayment of taxes accruing aftersuchcompliance, the commissioner shall, upon resolution of the county boardof county commissionersof the county in whichsaidthe lands lie, issue a certificate reciting that there was compliance with the terms of the certificate of saleprior to suchbefore the forfeiture, and releasingsuchthe lands from the trust attachedthereto prior tobefore their sale as state public lands. Subd. 2. [DELIVERY OF CERTIFICATE.]SuchThe certificateshallmust be delivered to the county auditorand be by himplaced on. The county auditor must record it with the county recorder without payment of any recording fee. Subd. 3. [STATUS OFOTHERTAX FORFEITED LANDS.]ThereafterFrom the date of forfeiture, the title and status ofsuchthe landsfrom the date of forfeiture shall beis the same as that of other tax forfeited lands. 92.17 [EFFECT OF CERTIFICATE; RECORD.] A certificate of sale entitles the holder tothepossession of the landthereindescribed in it, but the feeshall remainremains in the state until a patent is issuedtherefor.TheseThe certificates, assignments, and patents may be filed for record with the county recorder. 92.18 [CERTIFICATES, DIVIDED.] When the holder ofanya certificateshall surrender thesamesurrenders it to the commissioner,with a request tohavedivide the landthereindescribeddividedin it,and two ormore certificates issued therefor, it shall be lawful forthe commissionerso to domay issue two or more certificates. No new certificateshall issuemay be issued while any interest is delinquent or if the commissionershall be of the opinionbelieves that the security of the state would be impaired or endangeredthereby.If theAn applicantshall desirewho requests a division by boundaries other than regular government or state subdivisions, he shallmust file withhisthe application a plat and survey showing the lines of, and the quantity of land in, each subdivision. 92.19 [ASSIGNMENT; EXTENSIONS OF PAYMENT.] Whenanya certificate is assigned, the assignmentshallmust be executedin the same manner aslike a deed of land and acknowledged by the assignor. Whenanyan extension ofthetime of payment is agreed uponsuch, the agreementshallmust be in writing, executedin like mannerlike a deed, anda recordthereof preservedrecorded in the office of the commissioner. 92.20 [VOID SALES; REFUND.]AnyA sale made by mistake, or not in accordance with law, or obtained by fraud,shall beis void, and the certificate issuedthereon shall be of no effect; andon it is void. The holder ofsucha void certificateshall be required tomust surrenderthe sameit to the commissioner who, except in cases of fraud on the part of the purchaser, shallcauserefund to the holder the money paid onsuchthe saleto be refunded to theholder. 92.21 [REDEMPTION OF FORFEITED STATE LANDS.] Subdivision 1. [CONDITIONS OF REDEMPTION.]In any casewhere the rights of theIf the holder of a certificate of sale ofanystatepublicland sold before January 6, 1934,havebecome forfeited by aforfeits rights for failure to pay theamount ofinterest due under the certificate,if thecertificate holderhe or she may redeem the rights as follows. Before resale at public auction of the lands described in the certificate, the holder shall paytothe state treasurer the amount of interest then due and payable onsuchthe certificate, with interestthereonat four percent from the time whenthesameit became dueat four percent, such. The paymentshalloperate asis a redemption of the rights of the certificate holder, andreinstatethe certificatein full force, provided,as followsis reinstated, if the following conditions are met: (1) If the default in payment occurred before July 1, 1941, the amount required for redemptionshallmust be paid not later than December 31, 1941;. (2) If the default in payment occurred on or after July 1, 1941, the amount required for redemptionshallmust be paid within six months after theoccurrence of thedefault;. (3) If the time for payment of the principal specified in the certificate has expired but an extension of time by law has not expired, thefullamount due on the principaltogetherwith interest, has herein provided,and all other sums due the state on the landshallmust be paid, and thereupon. After payment, a patent for the landshallmust be issued to the certificate holder as provided by law;. (4) Nosuchredemptionshall beis permittedin any casewhereif the time for payment of the principal as specified in the certificate andallits lawful extensionsthereof providedby lawhave expired,nor in any case whereor if the certificate of sale has been absolutely terminated and made void without right of redemption under any prior or existing law,nor in anycase whereor if the land has become absolutely forfeited to the state for delinquent taxes;. (5)The provisions ofThis sectionshalldoes notsuspendor otherwiseaffect any proceedings for the resale of state public land unless redemption is made before sale of the land to an actual purchaser. Subd. 2. [CERTIFICATE VOID WHEN LAND NOT REDEEMED.]Inevery case whereIf a certificate of sale of state public land sold before January 6, 1934,has been or shall beis canceled after default by reappraisal and reoffer of the land for sale, andwherethe defaultshallis notberedeemed and the certificate reinstated,as provided by this section, the certificateshall be deemedis absolutely canceled and void, and all right, title, and interest of the purchaser, his or her heirs, representatives, or assigns, in the landshall terminateterminate without further acton the partof the state;provided, that. Thisshallsubdivision does not preclude any other method of termination prescribed by law. 92.211 [TIME OF PAYMENT EXTENDED.] Subdivision 1. [EXTENSION ON CERTIFICATES EXPIRING BEFORE JULY 1, 1943.] The time for payment of the principal on every certificate of sale of state public land which has expiredorwill expirebefore July 1, 1943, isherebyextended to December 31, 1943, subject to payment of interest as provided by law and to all other conditions of the certificate, and. Upon payment ofsuchthe principal and interest and all other sums due the state upon the land within the extended time, a patent for the landshallmust be issued to the holder of the certificate as provided by law. Subd. 2. [EXTENSIONFOR SIX MONTHSON CERTIFICATES EXPIRING AFTER JUNE 30, 1943.] The time for payment of the principal on every certificate of sale of state public land sold before May 1, 1941, which expireson orafterJuly 1June 30, 1943, isherebyextended fora period ofsix months after the time specified in the certificate, subject tothepayment of interest as provided by law and to all other conditions of the certificate, and. Upon payment ofsuchthe principal and interest and all other sums due the state upon the land within the extended time, a patent for the landshallmust be issued to the holder of the certificate as provided by law. Subd. 3. [NO EXTENSIONS ON VOID CERTIFICATES.]Theprovisions ofThis sectionshalldoes not applyin any casewhereif the certificate of sale has been absolutely terminated and made void without right of redemption under any prior or existing law,nor in any case whereor if the land has become absolutely forfeited to the state for delinquent taxes. Subd. 4. [FAILURE TO PAY WHEN DUE.]In every case whereIf the full amount of principal with interest and all other sums requiredfor obtainingto obtain a patent under a certificate of sale of state public land sold before May 1, 1941,areis not paid before the expiration of the time allowed by law for payment of the principal, the certificateshall be deemedis absolutely canceled and void, and all right, title, and interest of the purchaser, his or her heirs, representatives, or assigns, in the landshallterminate without further acton the partof the state; provided, that. Thisshallsubdivision does not preclude any other method of termination provided by law. 92.212 [CERTAIN LANDS PRESUMED ABANDONED.]In any case whereIf full payment of the amount due the state for any state public land sold before May 1, 1941,shallis nothave beenmade before the expiration of the time prescribed in the certificate for full payment of the principal or any extension ofsuchtime provided by law, itshall beis presumed that the purchaser and all persons claiming underhimhave left andthe purchaser abandoned the land and all right, title,andinterestthereinin and claimtheretoto it, and have releasedthe sameit absolutely to the state and its assigns. 92.213 [LIMITATION OF ACTIONS.]In any case whereIf full payment of the amount due the state for any state public land sold before May 1, 1941,shallis nothave beenmade before the expiration of the time prescribed in the certificate for full payment of the principal or any lawful extension ofsuchtimeprovided by law, no action for the recovery or possession of the land or for the enforcement of any right, title,orinterestthereinin, or claimthereto shallto it may be maintained by the purchaser or any one claiming underhimthe purchaser unlesssuchthe action is commenced within one year after the expiration ofsuchprescribedthe time or extension. 92.214 [CERTIFICATES DEEMED CANCELED IN CERTAIN CASES.]In every case whereIf the interest of the purchaser of a tract of state public landas heretofore or shall hereafterbecomebecomes forfeited to the state for delinquent taxes, the certificatesshall be deemedare canceled and terminated, and the land shall be held by the state as unsold public land, free fromanyright, title, interest, or claim of the purchaser, his or her heirs, representatives, or assigns, and free from any trust in favor ofanya taxing district. 92.215 [TAXES CANCELED.]In every case whereIf the rights of a purchaser of state public land, his or her heirs, representatives, or assigns, have beenor shall hereafter beabsolutely terminatedin any manner, all unpaid taxes and assessments against the land at the date ofsuchthe terminationshall beare canceled and the county auditorshall make entry thereof upon his records of suchlandsmust record the termination. 92.22 [REFUNDMENTREFUNDS OF TAX CERTIFICATESUPON CERTAINON REFORM SCHOOL LANDS.]Any holder ofIf (1) a tax certificate of sale or state assignment certificate, who became the owner thereof prior tothe adoption of Laws 1902, Extra Session, Chapter 2, whichdescribes reform school lands, so-called, or any tract, lot, or subdivisionthereofof them, andwhich(2) the certificate was sold by the state upon contractprior tobefore 1902, to a purchaser who has since defaultedin the performance of theconditions thereof,on the contract so that the land is now owned in fee simple by the state, and (3) the holder of the certificate became holder before the adoption of Laws 1902, Extra Session, chapter 2, the holder may petition theboard ofcountycommissionersboard of the countywherein suchwhere the lands aresituated, setting forth fully and fairlyallthe facts pertainingthereto andto the certificate. The boardof countycommissionersshallthereuponinquire into the truth of the facts alleged in the petitionand,. If it is satisfied that the facts are fully and fairly statedtherein, it shall so certify to the director; and. Ifhethe director is satisfied that arefundmentrefund should be made to the holderof the certificate or certificates,or any of them,for the amountthereof,of the certificate without interest, he or she shall authorize therefundmentrefund of the amount paidtherefor, together withfor it, plus the amount of other subsequent taxesuponon the property paid by the holderthereof, but without. The refund must not include interestuponon any of these amountsand,. Upon the surrender of the proper assignment of these certificates, the county auditor shall draw an order upon the county treasurerof thecountyfor the sumso authorized to be refunded, the same toof the refund. The order must be countersigned and paid like other county orders. Theseveral funds,state, county, town, city, school, and other funds, shall be charged with theirseveralproportions of the amountthusrefunded. 92.23 [PAYMENTS; RECEIPTS; LIABILITY OF OFFICIALS.] The holder ofanya certificate of sale may paytothe treasurer of the countyin whichcontaining the landthereindescribed is situatedany amount due onsuchthe certificate.For the amount so paidThe treasurer shall issue quadruplicate receipts specifying the date, the name and address of the person making the paymentand the date and amount thereof, the amount paid, whether for principal or interest, the fund to which it is applicable, and the number of the certificate, which receiptshall. The receipt must be countersigned by the auditor of the county, andshall havehas the sameforce andeffect as if given by the state treasurer. The county treasurer shall deliver one copy to the holder of the certificate, one to the county auditor, one to the commissioner, and retain one copy. The liability under the official bonds of county treasurers and of their deputies and employeesshall includeincludes liability for the faithful performance ofthetheir dutiesofsuch treasurers, deputies, and employees,under this section. 92.24 [MONEYS PAID TO STATE TREASURER.]EachThe county treasurershallmust hold allmoneysmoney receivedby himon account ofsuchcertificates of sale subject to the order of the state treasurerand as of. On June 30 and December 31 each year and at other times when requested by the state treasurerhe, the county treasurer shall pay into the state treasuryall such moneysthe money received since the last paymentmade. 92.25 [FEES OF TREASURER; STANDING APPROPRIATION.] County treasurersshall beare entitled to fees of one percent on each dollar received by them in payment of principal or interest on account ofsuchcertificates of sale, which. The feesshallmust be paid by the state from the current fund of the class of lands on which the payment is madeand shall. They are notbepayable to the county under any provision requiring county treasurers to pay fees into the treasuries of their respective counties; and. The necessary sums for the payment of these fees areherebyannually appropriated from the several interest funds. There isherebyappropriatedout of any moneys in the statetreasury not otherwise appropriated, such sums as may befrom the general fund the amount necessary, from time to time,to paysuch amounts as are necessarythe fees under this section. 92.26 [STATEMENT OF SALES.]On orBefore May12 each year the director shall transmit to each county treasurer who has executed and returnedhisbond a statement showing the lands sold in that county, the classes to whichthe samethey belong, the numbers of the certificates of sale, thenamesname of the persons to whomthey were,respectively,each was issued, and the amount of principal and interest due on each certificate on June 1, together with such. The director shall provide instructions andblanks asshallforms to enable the treasurer to carry outthe provisionsofthis chapter. 92.27 [COUNTY AUDITORS; DUTIES AND POWERS.]Each county auditor,At the timehe isrequired by law to return abstracts of settlement to the commissioner or at any other time requested by the commissioner, the county auditor shall forward to the commissioner all duplicate receipts of principal, interest, or penalties delivered tohimthe auditor, with a certified statement ofsuchcollections by the county treasurer, specifying. The certified statement must specify the amount of each item, and make such return at any other time whenrequested by the commissioner. The county auditor shall act as clerk of land sales made by the commissioner and may makesuchsales when authorized byhimthe commissioner, in which casehisthe auditor's deputy shall act as clerk. Immediately after the close of all sales, the county auditor shall report to the commissioner the description of each tract sold, the amount for which it was sold, and the amount paid. For each day while so engaged the county auditor shall beallowed the sum ofpaid $3,to be paid. Payment must be made out of any appropriation for the appraisal and sale of these lands. 92.28 [PROCEEDS OF SALES; DISTRIBUTION.] The principal sums accruing from all sales by the commissioner of school, university, internal improvement, or other state lands, or of pine timber uponthe same, shall becomea part ofstate lands must be deposited in the several permanent funds to which they, respectively, belongand shall. The sums may not be reduced by any costs or charges of officers, by fees, or any other means.AllMoneys received as interest onsuchthe funds,oras penalties, or as rents ofsuchthe lands,shallbecome part ofmust be deposited in the current or general funds to which they, respectively,belong.AllInterest and penalties on the internal improvement land fund, and rents ofsuchthe land,shallmust be compounded with the permanent fund. 92.29 [LAND PATENTS.] The governor shall sign and issue, under the seal of the state, attested by the commissioner, a patent for the land described in any certificate of sale whenthe sameit is presentedto himendorsed with the certificate of the commissionerendorsed thereon(1) that the principal and interest specifiedthereinin it and all taxes due on this land have been paid and (2) that the patent should issue to the named patentee; and such. The patentee shall be the purchaser named insuchthe certificate of sale, orhisthe purchaser's successor in interest by execution, judicial, mortgage or tax sale, or his or her assignee, vendee, heir or devisee, as shown by a properly certified abstract of title or other evidence if the named patentee is any person other than the original purchaser. If the certificate of sale has become lost or destroyed, an affidavit stating that factshallmust be submitted by the applicant for a patent. 92.30 [STATE TO SELL CERTAIN LANDS.] The departmentis hereby authorized and directed to takethe proper and necessary proceedings, under laws relative to thesale of state swamp lands and state school lands, tomay sell anyand allstate-owned lands, includinganylands set apart as school forests or other state forests, lying within the general boundaries of the Superior national forest and the Chippewa national forest, in the state of Minnesota,assuchthe boundaries now exist or may hereafter be extended,whichto the United Statesmay desire to acquireto be included as a part of either of these forests, and which shall. The lands must be designated by the executive council, upon the recommendation of the commissioner, for disposal to the United States forsuchthat purpose, and at such sale these lands shall be purchasedfor the state by the commissioner at a price not exceeding. The purchase price paid at the sale by the commissioner for the state may not exceed a maximum fixed by the executive council. All laws relating to the sale of state swamp lands and state school lands apply to sales under this section. 92.31 [STATE MAY EXCHANGE LAND.] The executive councilis hereby authorized and empowered tomay exchangeany or all of thelandswhich may beacquired by the state by purchase, as set forth in section 92.30, for lands of the United States of the same general character and of substantially the same valueasthat in its judgment will promote the best interests of the stateupon such. The council may set the termsand conditions as it shall deem proper and tothat endof the sale. It may accept or pay out of any available fundssuchany cash differencesas will affectneeded to effect an equitable exchange of lands. The executive councilis herebyauthorized to causemay have any landssoacquiredto beunder this section appraised bysuchcompetent authorityas it shallappoint or direct. 92.32 [GOVERNOR TO EXECUTE CONVEYANCES.]For the purpose of carryingTo carry outthe objects ofsections 92.30 and 92.31 the governoris hereby authorized andempowered tomay execute proper instruments of conveyance in the name and under the seal of the state. 92.321 [SALE FOR FORESTRY PURPOSES.] Subdivision 1. [COMMISSIONER MAY SELL LANDS.]Any statepublic land, except as otherwise reserved, which in the opinionof the commissioner of natural resources is appropriate andsuitable for private forest management, to be used exclusivelyfor the growing of continuous forest crops in accordance withaccepted sustained yield practice, may be appraised and offeredat public sale, subject to the approval of the executivecouncil, in the same manner as other state land.The commissioner of natural resources may appraise and sell any unreserved state public land which in his or her opinion is suitable for private forest management. Subd. 2. [CONDITIONS OF SALE.] Sales under this section must be public in the same manner as other state land, after approval by the executive council. Land sold under this section must be used exclusively for growing continuous forest crops in accordance with accepted sustained yield practice. Not more than 1280 acres ofsuchlandwillmay be offered in one parcelnor sold on any other terms than. The sale must be for cash. 92.34 [COUNTY LAND CLASSIFICATION COMMITTEE.] There must be a land classification committee in each countyof the statehaving 25 percent or more of its land area delinquent for non-payment of taxes, or where 25 percent or more of its land area is owned by the state or the United States,there shall be a committee of land classification. The committee is composed of the county auditor, thechairmanchair of the board of county commissioners, the county treasurer, the county surveyor, and the county superintendent of schools. Thechairmanchair of the board of county commissionersshall bechairmanis chair of the county land classification committee. In anysuchcounty having a county agricultural agent,thisthe agent shall meet and advise with the committee. The committeeshallmust meet at the office of the county auditorasoften as may be necessaryupon call of the county auditor. 92.35 [DUTIES AND POWERS.]It shall be the duty ofThe commissioner of energy, planning and development, tomust classify all public and private lands in the statewith reference toby the use to which the lands are adapted, but principally as to adaptability to present known uses, such as agriculture and forestry. This classificationshallmust be basedupon aon consideration of the known physical and economic factors affectingtheuse of the land. The commissionerof energy, planning and developmentshallmust consultwithprivate, state, and federal agencies concerned with land use, and. The commissioner may appointsuchadvisory committeesas the commissioner may deem necessary andadvisable, made upof residents of the state concerned with and interested in land use,. The advisory committeestoshall serve without pay, at the pleasure of the commissionerof energy,planning and development, and to. The advisory committee must consider and reportuponon land use problems submitted by the commissionerof energy, planning and development. Thework ofthe commissioner of energy, planning and development shall firstclassification must be done first in the counties having land classification committees. In determining the land classification, the commissionerof energy, planning anddevelopment shallmust consult, advise with,and cooperate with the land classification committeein each county in obtainingand considering the facts upon which to determine thecommissioner's land classification; the land classificationcommittee in each county shall consult, advise with, andcooperate with the commissioner of energy, planning anddevelopment in like manner, but. The determination of the land classification committeeshall beis final. 92.36 [LANDS CLASSIFIED.] Upon the basis of all of the facts concerning land use now obtainable andin the manneras provided in sections 92.34 to 92.37 the commissioner of energy, planning and development,shallmake and determine a temporary land classificationoftemporarily classify land areas with reference to the known uses to which the areas are adapted or adaptable. A certified copy of the temporary classification, together with a brief statement of the reasonsthereforfor it,shallmust be recorded in the office of the county recorder in each countyin whichcontaining the lands classifiedare located. No feesshallneed be paid for this recording.WhenAfter the temporary classification has been adopted by the commissionerof energy,planning and development, none of the lands classified as nonagriculturalshall thereaftermay be sold or leased by the state for agricultural purposes. 92.37 [REPORT TO LEGISLATURE.] The commissionerof energy, planning and development,shall report the results ofitsthe land classification to the legislature withsuchany recommendationsas it may deemdeemed advisable. 92.45 [STATE LAND ON MEANDERED LAKES WITHDRAWN FROM SALE;EXCEPTION.] All state lands bordering on or adjacent to meandered lakes and other public waters and watercoursesand, with the live timber growingor being thereon herebyon them, are withdrawn from sale except ashereinafterprovided in this section. The commissioner of natural resources may sellany suchthe timber as otherwise provided by law for cutting and removal undersuchconditionsasheshall prescribeor she prescribes. The conditions must be in accordance with approved, sustained-yield forestry practices.He shallThe commissioner must reservesuchthe timber and imposesuchother conditionsashe or she deems necessaryfor the protection ofto protect watersheds, wildlife habitat, shorelines, and scenic features. Within the area in Cook, Lake, and St. Louis counties described in the Act of Congress approved July 10, 1930, (46 Stat. 1020), the timber on state landsshall beis subject tolikerestrictionsas arelike those now imposed bysaidthe act on federal lands. The following land is reserved for public travel: of allsuchland bordering on or adjacent to meandered lakes and other public waters and watercourses andsowithdrawn from sale, a strip two rodsin widthwide, the ordinary high-water mark beingtheits water side boundarythereof, andtheits land-side boundarythereof beinga line drawn parallel to the ordinary high-water mark and two rods distant landwardtherefrom, herebyis reserved for public travel thereon, andfrom it. Wherever the conformation of the shore line or conditions require, the commissionershallmust reserve a wider stripfor such purposes.Any suchThe commissioner may sell state lands bordering on or adjacent to the Mississippi River or anysuchlakes, waters, and watercourses intheits bottom landsthereof, desired or needed by the United States government for, or in connection with, any project heretofore authorized by congressfor theimprovement of, to improve navigation in the Mississippi River,may be sold by the commissionerat public sale according to law, as in other cases, upon application bya fullyan authorized United States official, setting forth a description of. The application must describe the land andtransmitted withinclude a map showing its location with reference to adjoining properties. 92.46 [LANDS AS CAMP GROUNDS.] Subdivision 1. [PUBLIC CAMP GROUNDS.] The director may designate suitable portions of the state landssowithdrawn from sale and not reserved, as provided in section 92.45, as permanent state public camp groundsand cause the same to be. The director may have the land surveyed and platted into lots of convenient size, andmayleaseand let such lotsthem for cottage and camp purposes undersuchterms and conditionsashemay prescribeor she prescribes. No leaseshallmay be made fora longer termmore than ten years, with the privilege of. The lease may allow renewal, from time to time, for additional terms ofnot to exceedno longer than ten years each. Allmoneysmoney received from these leasesof state lands so withdrawnfrom sale shallmust be credited to the fund to which the proceeds of the land belong. Subd. 1a. [TERMINATION OF LEASING.] Effective May 22, 1973, no new leasesshallmay be made pursuant to subdivision 1.In any case whereIf substantial improvements have been made to land leased pursuant to subdivision 1, the commissionershallmust require the lessee to comply with applicable county ordinances forthemanagement of shoreland areas andshallmust cancel any lease for noncompliance with these standardsexceptthoseunless the substandardusesuse is authorized by the county ordinance. 92.461 [PEAT LANDS.] Subdivision 1. [PEAT LANDS WITHDRAWN FROM SALE.] All lands now or hereafter owned by the state which are chiefly valuable by reason of deposits of peat in commercial quantities areherebywithdrawn from sale. Subd. 2. [EXAMINATION BY COMMISSIONER OF NATURAL RESOURCES.] Before any state land is offered for sale the commissioner of natural resourcesshall cause such land to beexaminedmust examine it to determine whether the land is chiefly valuable by reason of deposits of peat in commercial quantities. 92.50 [UNSOLD LANDS SUBJECT TO SALE MAY BE LEASED.] Subdivision 1. [LEASE TERMS.] The commissioner of natural resources may lease, at public or private vendue and at the prices and under the terms and conditionsashe or she may prescribe,may leaseany state-owned lands under his or her jurisdiction and control for the purpose of taking and removing sand, gravel, clay, rock, marl, peat, and black dirt, for storing ore, waste materials from mines, or rock and tailings from ore milling plants, for roads or railroads, or for any other usesnot inconsistentconsistent with the interests of the state. Except as otherwise provided in this subdivision, the term of the leaseshallmay not exceed ten years. Leases of lands for storage sites for ore, waste materials from mines, or rock and tailings from ore milling plants, for the removal of peat, or for the use of peat lands for agricultural purposes maybe made fornot exceed a termnot exceedingof 25 years. Leases for the removal of peatshallmust be approved by the executive council. All leasesshall be mademust be subject to sale and leasing of the land for mineral purposesunder legal provisionsand contain a provision fortheircancellation at any time by the commissioner upon three months' written notice. A longer notice period, not exceeding three years, may be provided in leases for storing ore, waste materials from mines or rock or tailings from ore milling plants. The commissioner may determine the terms and conditions, including the notice period, for cancellation of a lease for the removal of peat.AllMoney received from leases under this sectionshallmust be credited to the fund to which the land belongs. Subd. 2. [LEASES FOR TAILINGS DEPOSITS.] The commissioner may grant leases and licensesfor terms not exceeding 25 years,subject to cancelation at any time upon three years' notice,to deposit tailings from any iron ore beneficiation plant in any public lake not exceeding 160 acres in area, upon firstafter holding a public hearing in the manner and under the procedure provided in Laws 1937, chapter 468, as amended;anduponfinding in pursuance ofsuch publicthe hearing: (a) that such use of each lake is necessary and in the best interests of the public,; and (b) that the proposed use will not result in pollution or sedimentation of any outlet stream;.Provided, further, thatThe lease or license may not exceed a term of 25 years and must be subject to cancellation on three years' notice. The commissioner mayimposefurtherconditionsand restrictions with respect torestrict use ofsaidthe lake to safeguard the public interest,including the requirementand may require that the lessee or licensee acquire suitable permits or easements from the owners ofalllands riparian tosuchthe lake.AnyMoney receivedtherefrom shallfrom the leases or licenses must be deposited in the permanent school fund. 92.51 [LANDS SOLD ARE TAXABLETAXATION; REDEMPTION; SPECIAL CERTIFICATE.] State lands sold by the directorshall thereuponbecome taxableand. A description ofeachthe tractsosold, with the name of the purchaser,shallmust be transmitted to the proper county auditor, who shall. The auditor must extend thesameland for taxation like other land.The interest in theland to be sold for the enforcement of delinquent taxes shall besuchOnlyas isthe interest in the land vested by the land sale certificate intheits holderand owner thereofmay be sold for delinquent taxes. Upon production to the county treasurer of the tax certificate given upon tax sale, in case the lands have not been redeemed, the tax purchasershall havehas the right tomake any payment ofpay the principal and interest then in default uponsuchthe land sale certificate astheits assigneethereof.In orderTo redeem fromany sucha tax sale, the person redeeming must pay the county treasurer, for the holder and owner of the tax sale certificate, in addition to all sums required to be paid in other cases, all amounts paid bysuchthe holder and owner for interest and principal uponsuchthe land sale certificate, with interest at 12 percent perannumyear. When the director, upon receipt ofreceives the tax certificateto which is attachedwith the county auditor's certificateof the county auditorof the expiration of the time for redemption, and the county treasurer's receiptof the countytreasurerfor all delinquent interest and penalty on the land sale certificate, he or she shall issuetothe holder and owner of the tax certificate a special certificateembodyingwith the same terms andconditions and with like force andthe same effect,as the original land sale certificate, and in lieuthereof. ARTICLE 4 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 219, is amended to read: 219.01 [CONSTRUCTION OF RAILROADSTRACK SAFETY STANDARDS.] The track safety standards of the United States department of transportation and federal railroad administrationtracksafety standards shallapply toallrailroad trackage andshallbe standardare the standards for the determination of unsafe trackage within the state. 219.06 [SIGNS AT CROSSINGS.]EveryA railroad company shall maintain, whereverany ofits linescrossescross a public road, a proper and conspicuous sign indicatingsuch crossingsthe crossing.Any suchA railroad company failing to comply withany requirement ofthis section shall forfeit to the town or municipality having charge ofsuchthe road $10 for each daysuchthe failure continues. 219.071 [MAINTENANCE OF GRADE-CROSSING SURFACES.] Subdivision 1. [STANDARDS.] It is the primary responsibility of the owner or lessee of railroad trackinMinnesotatomaintainkeep grade-crossing surfaces over public highwaysin asafe and passableconditionfor vehicular traffic in a manner consistent with appropriate federal track safety standards. The surfacesshallmust extend the full width of the public highway within the railroad track structure. Subd. 2. [COSTPAYMENT OF COSTS.] If a grade-crossing surface, as defined in section 219.16,is in need ofneeds repair or maintenance, the cost for the repair or maintenance may be paid jointly by the owner or lessee of the track, the road authority having jurisdiction over the public highway involved and fundsthat may beavailable to the department for grade-crossing surfaces from the following sources: (1)Moneysmoney appropriated to the department in the future for the purposes of this section.; (2) available federal funds allocatedto this statefor the grade-crossing program established by this section.; and (3)Moneysmoney acquired by the departmentfrom anyby gift, grant, orcontributionscontribution from any source for purposes of this section. Subd. 3. [COST ALLOCATION AGREEMENT.] If the owner or lessee of the railroad track and the road authority having jurisdiction over the public highway involved agree upon the allocation of the cost of repair or maintenance of the grade-crossing surface, a copy of the agreementshallmust be filed with the commissioner. If the parties to the negotiations contemplatethe use in whole or in part of theusing funds described in subdivision 2, either party shall notify the commissioner before the conclusion of negotiations and the department may participate in the negotiations and may be a party to the agreement and participate in the costs incurred subsequent to agreement. Subd. 4. [COMMISSIONER DETERMINATION.] (a) If the owner or lessee of the railroad track and the road authority having jurisdiction over the public highway at the grade crossing cannot reach an agreement under subdivision 3 regarding repair or maintenance of a grade-crossing surface, either party may invoke the jurisdiction of the department by (1) filing with the commissioner a statement setting forth the status of negotiations and (2) requesting the commissioner to make a final determination of the dispute. (b) The commissioner, afterwritten notice tonotifying in writing the parties involved in the negotiations andafterproviding an opportunity for the parties to participate in a conference, may order the repair or maintenance of the grade-crossing surface within a reasonable time asisneeded to comply with the standards set forth in subdivision 1above. (c) The order of the commissioner, in addition to enforcing the responsibility of the owner or lessee of the railroad track in question, may provide for participation in the costs of the project (1) by the road authorityor, (2) from the funds available to the department in subdivision 2above, or (3) through other formulas as may be practical and reasonable under the circumstances. (d) A party failing to comply with an order of the commissionershall beis subject to a penalty of $50 for each day of noncomplianceand each day shall constitute a separateoffense, to be recovered for the state in a civil action instituted by the department. Each day of noncompliance constitutes a separate offense. Subd. 5. [APPEAL.] A party subject to an order issuedpursuant tounder subdivision 4 may appeal the order of the commissioner to the district court of the county in which the grade crossing is located; and,. In case of appeal, the same proceedingsshallmust be conducted as are now provided by law for an appeal from orders of the commissioner.AllOrders of the commissionershallmust be enforced by the attorney general. 219.072 [ESTABLISHMENT OF NEW GRADE CROSSINGS.] The establishment of all new grade crossingsshallmust be approved by the commissioner. Whenitestablishment of a new grade crossing is desired, either by the public officials having the necessary authority or by the railroad company,to establisha new grade crossingandan agreement cannot be reached betweenthe public officials and the railroad company, eithercannot agree as to need, location, or type of warning devices required, either party may file a petition with the commissioner setting forth the facts and submitting the matter for determination. The commissioner, after notice as she or heshall deemdeems reasonable, shall conduct a hearing and issuehisan order determining the matterssosubmitted. 219.08 [CROSSINGS; CHANGE OF GRADE.] Whenanya railroad company changes or raises the grade of its tracks atanya crossing, it shall also grade the approaches on each side so as to make the approach and crossing of the tracks safe for vehicles. 219.09 [WHERE MORE THAN ONE TRACK CROSSES HIGHWAYMULTIPLE TRACKS ACROSS ROAD; RAILROAD DUTYOF RAILROAD.] Whenany sucha railroadcompanies havecompany has more than one track crossingsuch highwaysa highway, itshall beis unlawful to raise or maintain onesuchtrack at a higher grade than the other tracks; anditthe company shallcause allraise or lower such tracksto be raised or loweredto about the same level so as not to endanger the safe passage of teams and other vehicles oversuchthe tracks atsuchthose crossings. 219.10 [PENALTY FOR VIOLATION.] Subdivision 1. [NONCOMPLIANCE, PENALTY.]EveryA railroad company whoshall refuserefuses orneglectneglects to comply withthe provisions ofsections 219.08 and 219.09for the spaceofwithin 30 days afterhaving beenbeing notifiedto complyin writing to comply byanya road authorityshall beis guilty of a violation of sections 219.08 and 219.09 andshall besubject to a fine of $50 for each daythereafterthatsuchthe crossing is leftin such dangerous andunsafecondition and. Eachsuchdayshall constituteof violation constitutes a separate offense. Subd. 2. [DUTY OF COUNTY ATTORNEY.]TheA county attorneyof any countymay institute court proceedingsfor the collectionof theto collect fines,together with allcosts and disbursements on the part of the road authority making the complaint,together withand $100 attorney's fees for each prosecution. 219.13 [FARM CROSSING.]AnyA railroad company constructing a railroad so as to leave parts ofanya farm on different sides ofsuchthe road shall construct a proper farm crossing at some place convenient forsuchthat farm. 219.14 [RAILROAD CROSSINGS PROTECTED.] Subdivision 1. [INVESTIGATION.] The board on its own motion may investigate and determine whetheranya railroad crossing overanya street or public highwaynow or hereafterestablished and traveled or to be traveled in this state, that is or will be opened to public travel, is or will bewhen openedto public traveldangerous to lifeandor property, or either,and. The board may order thesamecrossing protected in any manner itmay findfinds reasonable and proper, including requiring the company to separate the grades. Subd. 2. [HEARING.] The board shall give the interested railroad company and road authoritysuchnotice of the investigation as it deems reasonable, and an opportunity to be heard beforeanyan order is made. 219.16 [GRADE CROSSING DEFINED.]WhenThe term "grade crossing"isas used in this chapteritmeans the intersection of a public highway andofthe tracks ofanya railroad, however operated, on the same plane or level, except street railways within city limits. 219.17 [UNIFORM WARNING SIGNS.] The commissioner by rule shall require that uniform warning signs be placed at grade crossingsin this state. Thereshallmust be at least three distinct types ofsuchuniform warning signs: a home crossing sign, for use in the immediate vicinity of the crossing,; an approach crossing sign, to indicate the approach to a grade crossing,; and, when deemed necessary, a stop signwhen deemed necessary, which shall havewith the word "stop" plainly appearingthereonon it, to indicatethenecessity tothat persons on the highway approaching the crossing, whether in vehicles or otherwise,tomust come to a stop before proceeding over the grade crossing. 219.18 [RAILROAD TO ERECT SIGNS.] At each grade crossingin this state hereafterestablished after April 23, 1925 andat each grade crossingwhere and whenthe existingcrossing signs existing as of April 24, 1925 are replaced, the railway company operating the railroadthereatat that crossing shall erect and maintainon the highway on eachside of the railroad track or tracks and within a distance of 75feet from the nearest rail,one or moreof suchuniform home crossing signs. The signs must be on each side of the railroad tracks and within 75 feet from the nearest rail. 219.19 [ADDITIONAL WARNING SIGNS; ROAD AUTHORITY TO PROVIDEPROVIDED.] At each grade crossing where, because of the conditions surroundingthe sameit, the reasonable protection to life and propertymakes it necessary fornecessitates placing additional warning signsto be placedon the highwayat a greater distancefarther from the crossing than the home crossing signs, approach warning signsshallmust be installed. The commissioner may designateanygrade crossings requiring additional signs on either or both sides of the crossing. Whenanythe commissioner designates a crossingis designated by the commissioneras requiring additional protection, she or he shall notify the road authority having the care of the highway. The road authorityshall, within 30 days after notification, shall furnish and maintain uniform signs in the appropriate places on the highway on either or both sides of the grade crossings. 219.20 [STOP SIGNS.] Subdivision 1. [WHEN INSTALLATION REQUIRED; PROCEDURE.] At each grade crossing where, because of the dangers attendant upon its use, the reasonable protection of life and property makes it necessary forallpersons approaching thesamecrossing to stop before crossing the railroad tracksthereat,suchstop signsshallmust be installed. The commissioner may designateanysucha crossing requiringsuchthis additional protection as a stop crossing,and shall notify the railway company operating the railroadthereatat the crossing ofsuchthis designation. Within 30 days aftersuchnotificationit shall be, theduty ofsuchrailway companytoshall erectsuchthe uniform stop crossing signs in conspicuous places on each side of the crossing. Subd. 2. [STOPPING DISTANCES.] When a stop sign has been erected at a railroad crossing, the driver ofanya vehicle shall stop within 50 feet, but not less than ten feet, from the nearest track of the crossing and shall proceed only upon exercising due care. 219.22 [STOP, LOOK, AND LISTEN.] Before proceeding across the railroad track atanya crossing marked withsucha stop sign,it shall be the duty ofall persons controlling the movement of vehicles todrivers shall bringsuchtheir vehicles to a full stop andtoascertain whether or not trains are approachingsuchthe crossing. 219.23 [WATCHMENCROSSING GUARD; RAILROADS TO PROVIDE.] If the board finds inanyan investigation instituted by the commissioner or upon complaint and after opportunity for hearing,the board findsthat awatchmancrossing guard is necessaryfor the protection ofto protect life and property atanya grade crossing, it shall order the railway company operating the railroadthereatat the crossing to provide awatchmancrossing guard and shall specify in the order the hoursduring whichwhen the presence of thesameguard is required.It shall thereupon be the duty ofThe railway companytoshall then provide awatchmancrossing guard during that time. Thewatchmancrossing guard shall have full control over the traffic at this crossing. 219.24 [ADDITIONAL SAFEGUARDS.] If the board finds inanyan investigation instituted upon the commissioner's own motion or upon complaint and after notice and hearing,the board findsthat conditionsexistatanya grade crossingwhich in its opinionrequireanyadditional safeguardsfor the protection ofto protect life and property, such as crossing gates or other suitable devices, the board shall specify the nature of the devices required and may order the railway company operating the railroad atsuchthe crossing to installthe samethem. 219.26 [GRADE CROSSINGSPROTECTIVE CROSSING DEVICES; UNIFORMITYOF DEVICES FOR PROTECTION.]It shall be the duty ofThe commissioner, so far as practicable,toshall secure uniformity in the devices used to protect grade crossings. Nosuchdevicesshallmay be installed untilthe samethey have been approved by the commissioner. Allsuchdeviceswhich are now in use or which may be hereafterinstalled,which, in the opinion of the commissioner, conflict withthedevices approved by the commissioner, either intheirdesign or method of operation, so as to create ahazardousconditionhazard tothetravel atsuchthe crossing,shallmust be immediately modified by the railroad company controlling thesame so ascrossing to conform to those devices approved by the commissioner. 219.27 [VACATING OR RELOCATING CROSSINGS; HEARINGS.] Whenit is desired,eitherbythe public officials having the necessary authority orbythe railway company operating the railroad,desires to vacate or relocateanya crossing of a public highway and a railroad, and an agreement cannot be reached betweensuch public officials and the railway company,them either as tosuchthe vacation or relocation, or as to the place, manner of construction, or a reasonable division of expense in the case of a relocation, either party may file a petition with the board, setting forth the facts and submitting the matter to it for determination; whereupon. The board shall then conduct a hearing and shall issue its order determining the matterssosubmitted; and. Unless the board finds that the interests and safety of the public require the continued existence ofsuchthe crossing, it may order thesame tobecrossing vacated or relocated, as the case may be. 219.28 [OVERHEAD OR UNDERGROUNDAPPROVAL OF CROSSINGS;AND SEPARATE GRADES.] The board shall approve the establishment ofalloverhead or underground crossings or separation of grades. 219.29 [OBSTRUCTINGPROHIBITED SIGNS.] Subdivision 1. [OBSTRUCTING SIGNS.] No person, firm, or corporation shall place or maintain any advertising sign or other similar obstruction upon, over, or adjacent toanya highway betweenany suchan approach sign and the grade crossing which it marks, nor shall any. Subd. 2. [RESEMBLING SIGNS.] No person, firm, or corporation shall place or maintain,upon, over, or adjacent toanya public highwayin this stateany sign or symbolin anymannerresembling the signs provided for in sections 219.16 to 219.30. 219.30 [INJURING, DESTROYING SIGNS.] Itshall beis unlawful foranya person to maliciously injure, remove, displace, deface, or destroyany ofthe signs or signals provided for in sections 219.16 to 219.30. 219.31 [BUILDING FENCES AND CATTLE GUARDS.] Subdivision 1. [DUTY.] Every railroad company shall build and maintain good and substantial fences on each side of all lines of its railroadowned and operated by it, good andsubstantial fences, andbuild and maintaingood and sufficient cattle guards at all road and street crossings and other openings, except at station and depot grounds, and other places which the necessary business of the road or public convenience requires to be open. Whenthea person's landof any personlying alongthea railroad right-of-wayof any railroadis enclosed on three sides by a woven wire fence,suchthe railroad company shall erect and maintain a woven wire fence of like character and quality along the right-of-way enclosing the remaining side of the land.Inthe building and maintenance of these fences and cattle guards,every suchSubd. 2. [STANDARD OF CARE.] The railroad companyshall beis held to the exercise of ordinary diligence and careand tosuch ordinary diligence and carein building and maintaining fences and cattle guards and in keepingsuchcattle guards free from ice and snow. 219.32 [FAILURE TO FENCE; LIABILITY AND DAMAGES.]AnyA railroad company failing to comply withtherequirements ofsection 219.31shall beis liable for all resulting damages, including domestic animals killed or injured by its negligence. If it fails to pay the actual damages caused by the killing or injury within 30 days after the damage occurs, the plaintiff shall recover double costs. The company, before the commencement of an action, may make tender for the injury. If the amount recovered, exclusive of interest, does not exceed the tender, the plaintiff shall not recover costs or disbursements. 219.33 [FENCES;, CROSSINGS;, CATTLE GUARDS; LANDOWNER RECOURSE.] Subdivision 1. [LIABILITY.]AnyA railroad company operating a line of railroad in this state, which has failed or neglected to fence the road and to erect crossings and cattle guards,shall beis liable for all damages sustained byanya personinas a consequence ofsuchthat failure or neglect. Subd. 2. [MEASURE OF DAMAGES.] The measure of damages for failure to construct or maintainsucha fenceshall beis as follows: the owner ofanyland abutting on the line of railway ofsuchthe railroad company may serve notice on any of its station agents between April 1 and October 1 of any year, requiring the construction of a fence on the line betweenhisthe person's land anditsthe company's right-of-way. Ifsuchthe companyshalldoes not construct thesamefence within 40 days after service ofsuchthe notice, the landowner may recoveroffrom the company an amount not exceeding twice the cost ofsuchconstruction, with costs and reasonable attorney's fee, to be allowed by the court, orhethe landowner may constructsuchthe fence after the expiration ofsuchthat time and receive from the company double the cost of construction, with like costs and attorney's fee. Subd. 3. [DUTY TO MAINTAIN.]SuchThe fenceshallmust be kept in repair bysuchthe railroad company in like manner and under like penalties as if built bysuchthe company. Subd. 4. [FAILURE TO SERVE NOTICE.] Failure to servesuchnoticeshalldoes not relievesuchthe railroad company from liability for damages for injuries to persons or domestic animals or other property, resulting from failure to fence its road. 219.34 [FENCES BETWEEN RAILROAD AND PUBLIC ROAD.] Ifanya railroad companyshall failfails to fence its line wherethe sameit adjoins a public road or street, or lies so neartheretoas to render travelthereonon it dangerous, the governing body of the town or municipality having charge ofsuchthe road or street, by notice as in the case of an abutting landowner, may requiresuchthe fence to be built; and,. In case of failure to buildsuchthe fence within the time provided in section 219.33,suchthe town or municipalityshall havehas the rights and remedies given by section 219.33 tosuchan abutting owner. 219.35 [CROSSINGS AND DRAINS.] Persons owning lands abutting upon a railroad may construct , at their own expense, crossings under, over, or acrosssuchthe railroad and drains under and across thesamerailroad atsuchplaces and insuch manner asways that do nottoobstruct or impair the use ofsuchthe railroad, which. These crossings and drainsshallmust be maintained and kept in repair by the railroad company. Before constructingthe samethem, the owner of the land shall serve on the nearest station agent of the company a notice, stating in detail the work whichhethe landowner desires to perform, and the company may constructsuchthat work; but thesame shallcrossings and drains may not be opened for the use of the landowner until she or he pays the reasonable cost of construction. 219.36 [GATES AT FARM CROSSINGS.]AnyA railroad company, whichshall erecterects at a farm crossing a gate for the exclusive use of the owner and occupants ofsuchthat farm,provideprovides a lock for thesamegate, anddeliverdelivers the keythereoffor the lock tosuchthe owner or occupant,shallis notbeliable tosuchthe owner or occupant foranyan animal killed or injuredbyreason of suchbecause the gatebeingwas left open without fault ofsuchthe company, unlesssuchthe killing or injuryresultsresulted from the wanton or malicious act ofsuchthe company or its employees. 219.37 [DITCHES AND CULVERTS.]It shall be the duty of everyA railroad company,or receiver or lesseethereofof a railroad company, operating a line of railroad in the stateto, shall keep clean at all times between the first day of April and the first day of November of each year all ditches and culverts constructed by them for the drainage of their roadbed or right-of-way. This sectionshalldoes not apply to ditches and culverts not located upon the right-of-way ofanya railroad. 219.383 [SAFE OPERATION OF TRAINS OVERSTREETS AND HIGHWAYSROADS; PENALTY.] Subdivision 1. [RATE OFSPEEDFOR TRAINSFIXED BY BOARD.] The board, on petition ofanya city council oranya railway corporation, may fix and determine after a hearing a reasonablerate ofspeed for the operation of an engine or train on and overanya railroad crossing of a public highway or street insuchthat city. Subd. 2. [MAXIMUMRATE OFSPEED.] Where the board has fixed therate ofspeed of an engine or train over a public highway or street crossing in a city as provided in this section,such rate ofthe fixed speedso fixed shall beis the lawful maximumrate ofspeed at which an engine or traincanmay be operated on and oversuchthat public highway or street crossing, until changed by subsequent order of the board. Subd. 3. [NOT TO BLOCK PUBLIC ROADS OR STREETS.] No railway corporation shall permitanya public road or street crossing a railroad track to be closed for traffic by a standing car, train, engine, or other railroad equipment, or by a switching movement which continuously blocks a crossing foralongerperiodthan ten minutes, provided,. Thissection shallsubdivision does not apply to cities of the first class which regulate obstruction of streets by ordinance. Subd. 4. [PENALTY.]AnyA railway corporation violatingany provision ofthis sectionshall beis guilty of a misdemeanor and upon convictiontherefor shall beis liable for a fine of not less than $25 nor more than $100. 219.39 [DANGEROUS CROSSINGS; COMPLAINTS; HEARINGS.] Upon written complaint authorized by the governing body ofanya city or county,orby the board of supervisors ofanya town, or by authorized officers of a subject railroad, alleging thatanya railroad crossingwith anya street, road, or highway in the city, town, or county is dangerous to life and property, and giving the reasonsthereforfor the allegations, the commissioner shall investigate the matters contained in the complaint, and,wherewhen necessary, initiate a hearing before the board. 219.40 [DETERMINATION; ORDER;FLAGMENFLAGGER OR SAFETY DEVICE.] Subdivision 1. [BOARD DETERMINATION.] (a) If a complaint is made under section 219.39, the board shall determine, after investigation by the commissioner or after hearing, whether the crossing is hazardous and may require the railroad company to (1) provideflagmenflaggers at the crossing,or to(2) adopt safety devices as the boardmay deemdeems necessaryforthe proper protection ofto protect the crossing properly,ormay require the removal of(3) remove any structure, embankment, or other obstruction to the view,or may require(4) close the crossing complained of or other crossing in the vicinitythereofclosed, or it may require the railroad company to, or (5) construct an overhead or maintain an underground crossing and divide the costthereofbetween the railroad company, the town, county, municipal corporation, or state transportation department interested, on terms and conditions as may seem just and equitable. (b) The board may require the complaining city, town, or county to removeanyan embankment, structure, or other obstruction to the view as may be reasonable and necessary to properly protect the crossing. Subd. 2. [HEARING.] If the complainant road authority,or the railroad files exceptions to an order of the board made under this section without a hearing, the board shall convene a hearing on the original complaint. Subd. 3. [ORDER; COSTS ALLOCATED.] If the board or its designee after notice and hearing orders (1) the installation of a safety device,or(2) the construction, reconstruction, modernization, or replacement of major parts, as defined by rule of the board, ofsaidthe safetydevicedevices, gates, or othertypetypes of special protection,or(3) the removal of a structure, embankment, or other obstruction to the view, ororders(4) the construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of an underground or overhead crossing onanya public road, street, or highway, it may in the same order direct that the coststhereofbe divided between the railroad company and the public authority involvedon the basisas the parties may agree, or, if they fail to agree, thenthe costs thereof shall beas determined by the board on the basis of benefit to the users of each; or. However, the board may defer determination of the division of costs to a subsequent order to be made on the basis of evidence previously taken.WhereSubd. 4. [FUNDS TO PAY COSTS.] (a) If a state trunk highway is involved, the state's share of the costsshallmust be paid fromanyfunds available to the department of transportation. (b) In all other cases the public's share of the costsshallmust be paid from available funds or from the trunk highway fund, if ordered by the board, or from any combination ofthe abovethese funds or other available funds; provided thatanya highway, street, or road fundshallmust only be expended for the costs on a highway, street, or road within the political subdivision charged withtheits maintenance and carethereofand only upon the highways, streets, or roads for which the fund was allocated,orfor which the fund wascreated.Any crossing safety devices or improvements installedor maintained under provisions of this chapter as approved bythe board, whether by order or otherwise, shall be deemedadequate and appropriate protection for the crossing.[219.402] [ADEQUATE CROSSING PROTECTION.] Crossing safety devices or improvements installed or maintained under this chapter as approved by the board, whether by order or otherwise, are adequate and appropriate protection for the crossing. 219.403 [NOT TO AFFECT EXISTING LAWSRELATINGAS TO MUNICIPALITIES.] Nothing in section 161.20, 219.40, 219.403, or 219.071shall be construed to change anychanges existing law relating to the rights and liabilities ofanya city, town, or county in connection with the construction or maintenance ofanya railroad crossing, grade separation, or signal system, ortoimpairimpairs the terms or conditions ofanyan existing arrangement or agreement, or renewalsthereofof it, betweenanya railroad company andanya municipalitywith reference tofor the maintenance ofanya railroad crossing, grade separation, or signal system. 219.41 [APPEAL; ORDER, HOW ENFORCED.]AnyA railroad company,or the city, town, or county making the complaint,may appeal from an order of the board to the district court of the county in which the crossing is located;and, In case of such appeal,. The same appeal proceedingsshallbe hadmust be held asisnow provided by law for an appeal from orders of the board.AllOrders of the boardshallmust be enforced by the attorney general. 219.42 [FAILURE TO COMPLY; PENALTY.]AnyA railroad company oranycity, town, or county failing to comply withanyan order of the board that is not appealed from;or, if appealed from, affirmed in whole or in part,shallbeis liable to a penalty of $50 foreach andevery day ofsuchnoncompliance, to be collected in civil action brought by the attorney general. 219.44 [CHARTER POWERS NOT ABRIDGED.] Nothingcontainedin sections 219.39 to 219.44shall beconstrued as repealing, abridging, modifying, or in any manneraffectingrepeals, abridges, modifies, or affects the power contained in the charter ofanya cityin this stateto require railroads to maintain gates,flagmenflaggers, or safety devices at public highway crossingsthereinin that city, or any ordinancenow existing or hereafterenacted pursuant tosuchthat power. 219.45 [CLEARANCE BETWEEN STRUCTURE AND CARS.]The provisions ofSections 219.45 to 219.53shallapply toanya person, corporation, or anyone owning, operating, or maintaininganya structure or obstruction adjacent toanyrailway tracks and toanya corporationor, receiverthereofof the corporation, ortoanypersonsperson while engaged as a commoncarrierscarrier in the transportation by railroad of passengers or propertywithin this stateto which the regulative powers of this state extend, exceptrailwaysa railway operated by the electric trolley system. 219.46 [UNLAWFUL STRUCTURES; CLEARANCES.] Subdivision 1. [STRUCTURES.] (a) On and afterthe passageof Laws 1913, Chapter 307April 16, 1913, itshall beis unlawful foranya common carrier,or any other person,to erector reconstruct and thereafter maintainonanya standard gauge road on its line oron anya standard gauge sidetrackused inconnection therewith, for use in any traffic mentioned in section 219.45, any: (1) to erect or reconstruct and maintain an adjoining warehouse, coal chute, stock pen, pole, mail crane, standpipe, hog drencher, or any permanent or fixed structure or obstruction, orwithin eight feet of the centerline of the track or sidetrack; (2) in excavating, to allowanyan adjoining embankment of earth or natural rock to remainupon its line of railroad, or onany sidetrack used in connection therewith at a distance lessthanwithin eight feetmeasured fromof the center line of the track, which structure or obstruction adjoins on standard gaugeroads; nor shall anyor sidetrack; or (3) to erect or reconstruct overhead wires, bridges,viaductviaducts or otherobstructionobstructions passing over or above its tracksas aforesaid be erected or reconstructedat alessheight less than 21 feet, measured from the top of the track rail. (b) If after May 1, 1943, overhead structures or platforms oranystructures designed only to be used in the loading or unloading of cars are rebuilt or remodeled, thensuchthese overhead structuresshallmust be built with an overhead clearance of not less than 22 feet from the top of the railandsuch. These structures or platformsshallmust be built with a side clearance of not less thaneight8-1/2 feetsix inchesfrom the center line of the track unless by order the commissioner may provide otherwise.Laws 1913, Chapter 307, shall(c) Sections 219.45 to 219.53 do notbe construed toapply to yards and terminals of depot companies or railway companies used only for passenger service.In the event ofIf personal injury is sustained byanyan employee ofany sucha depot companyin this paragraph mentionedor railway company used only for passenger service, by reason of noncompliance withthe provisions of Laws 1913, Chapter 307sections 219.45 to 219.53,suchthat employee, or in case ofhisthe employee's death, his or her personal representative,shallhave allhas the rights, privileges, and immunities enumerated inLaws 1913, Chapter 307,section9219.53. (d) On and after May 1, 1943, itshall beis unlawful foranya common carrier,or any other person,to erect or constructonanya standard gauge road on its line oron anya standard gauge sidetrack or spurused in connection therewith, for use in any traffic mentioned in section 219.45, any: (1) to erect or construct and maintain an adjoining warehouse, coal chute, stock pen, pole, mail crane, standpipe, hog drencher, or any permanent or fixed structure or obstruction, orwithin 8-1/2 feet of the centerline of the track; (2) inhereafterexcavating, to allowanyan adjoining embankment of earth or natural rock to remainupon its line ofrailroad, or on any sidetrack used in connection therewith at adistance less than eightwithin 8-1/2 feetsix inches measuredfromof the center line of the track, which said structure orobstruction adjoins on standard gauge roads, nor shall anyor sidetrack; or (3) to erect or construct overhead wires, bridges,viaductviaducts, or otherobstructionobstructions passing over or above its tracksas aforesaid be erected or constructedat alessheight less than 22 feet, measured from the top of the track rail. Subd. 2. [CLEARANCES ON PARALLEL TRACKS.] (a) On and after May 1, 1943, itshall beis unlawful forany sucha common carrier to constructanytrack used forthe purpose ofmovinganycars engaged in the movement of trafficwhereif the center line ofsuchthe track isat a distance of less thanwithin 14 feet from the center line of any other parallel track which it adjoins, provided that. (b) In addition, no ladder tracksshallmay beincloserproximitytoanyan adjacent ladder track than 19 feet measured from the center line of each track, norincloserproximityto any other parallel track than 17 feet measured from the center line of each track. (c) The distance between tracks may be diminished or closed up a necessary distance for track intersections, gauntlet tracks, turnouts, or switch points. Subd. 3. [MAY MAINTAIN EXISTING STRUCTURE.]It shall notbe unlawful for anyA common carrier or any other persontomay maintainanyan overhead structure or structure alongside of a track referred to in sections 219.45 and 219.46provided thatsaidif the structure was not erected in violation of law. Subd. 4. [MAY MAINTAIN EXISTING TRACKS.]It shall not beunlawful for any(a) A common carrier or any other persontomay: (1) maintain or reconstructanypresently existing tracksnow in existence which wereconstructed after April 16, 1913, in accordance with the then existing clearance lawor to; (2) maintain or reconstruct tracks which, if constructedprior to said datebefore April 16, 1913, were constructed with clearances as provided in Laws 1913, chapter 307,; orto(3) maintain or reconstruct tracks built in accordance withthe provisions ofLaws 1913, chapter 448. (b) As to tracks that were constructed with alessclearance less than 13 feet between center linesprior tobefore April 16, 1913,it is hereby declared thatthe maintenance of a clearance of less than 13 feet between center lines in railroad switching yards may create a hazardand. The commissionerishereby authorizedmay require adequate and safe clearances as rapidly as possible in the yards on petition by an affected partyand, after hearing, and where a greater clearance can be reasonably provided, to require adequate and safe clearances asrapidly as possible in such yards. Subd. 5. [MAY EXTEND EXISTING YARD TRACKS.] Itshallis notbeunlawful to extend existing yard tracks or other tracks at the clearance which now exists betweensaid tracks providedthat saidthem if the tracks were constructed either before or after April 16, 1913, with clearances as provided in Laws 1913, chapter 307. Subd. 6. [MAY MAINTAIN ADDITIONAL TRACKS.] Itshallis notbeunlawful to construct or maintain additional tracks at less than the required clearance on or under existing bridges which were constructed after April 16, 1913, with clearances as provided in Laws 1913, chapter 307. Subd. 7. [ORDER FOR LESS CLEARANCE.] The board after a hearing may authorize, in the construction and reconstruction of bridges and tunnels, by general order (1) alessclearance less thaneight8-1/2 feetsix inchesfrom the center line of the track at a heightofnot to exceed six feet above the top of the rail, and (2) a clearanceofless thaneight8-1/2 feetsixinchesfrom the center line of the track at a pointwhich shallnotbeless than1414-1/2 feet6 inchesabove the top of the rail. 219.47 [CLEARANCE EXCEPTIONS.] Subdivision 1. [PERMANENT.] The boardmay, upon application made, after a thorough investigation and hearing in any particular case, may permitanya common carrieror any, person, or corporation to whichLaws 1913, Chapter 307, asamended, appliessections 219.45 to 219.53 apply, to erectanyan overhead or side obstructionat a less distance fromcloser to the track thanhereinprovided for in section 219.46,andto constructanytrackor tracksataless clearance thanhereinprovided for in section 219.46, and to reconstruct and maintainthe samethem when in the judgment of the commissioneracompliance with the clearance prescribedhereinwould bein section 219.46 is unreasonable or unnecessary or the erection or construction ofsuchthe overhead or side obstruction or tracks or the reconstruction and maintenance ofthe samethem ataless clearance thanhereinprovidedwouldin section 219.46 will not create a condition unduly hazardous to the employees ofthethat common carrieror any, person, or corporation. Subd. 2. [TEMPORARY.] The commissionermay, upon application made, may grant temporary clearance variances, with appropriate safeguards and without hearing, for statutory encroachmentswhich resultresulting from emergency or temporary construction situations. 219.50 [OBSTRUCTING SPACE BETWEEN TRACKS.] Itshall beis unlawful forany sucha common carrierorany, person, or corporation subject towhichsections 219.44 to 219.52applyto permit the space between or besidesuch ofitstracksas arethat is ordinarily used byyardmen and otheremployees in the discharge of their duties,and is withineight8-1/2 feetsix inchesof the center line ofany suchthe track, to become or remain obstructed byanya foreign obstacle that will interfere with the work of the employees or subject the employees to unnecessary hazard.TheThis space between or beside the tracks, as aforesaid,and between the rails of the tracks must be kept in a condition as to permit the employees to pass over or between the tracks or to use thesamespace day or night and under all weather conditions without unnecessary hazard. 219.51 [PENALTIES.] Subdivision 1. [VIOLATION.]AnyA common carrier, corporation, or person subject tothe provisions ofsections 219.45 to 219.53 violating any of the provisionsthereofof those sections,shall beis liable to a penalty of not more than $500 for each violation; and. Subd. 2. [FAILURE TO CORRECT.] Ifanya common carrier, person, or corporationshall thereafter fail(1) fails to correctanya violation of sections 219.45 to 219.53 when orderedto correct the sameby the commissioner or boardand hasfailed to do sowithin the time provided in the orderof theboard or commissioner, andno(2) does not appealhas been takenfromthe order, thenthefailureof such common carrier, person,or corporationto correct thecondition causing aviolationofsections 219.45 to 219.53asin the order ofordered by the commissioner or boardprovided shall constituteconstitutes a new and separate offense distinctand separatefrom the original violation of sections 219.45 to 219.53, such. Subd. 3. [DUTIES OF ATTORNEY GENERAL.] The penaltytomust be recovered in a suitto bebrought in the name of the stateof Minnesotaby the attorney generalor under hisdirectioninanya court having jurisdictionthereofin the locality wheresuchthe violationshall have beenwas committed, and it shall be the duty of the attorney general. Under the direction of the commissioner or boardto, the attorney general shall bringsuchsuit upon receipt of duly verified informationbeing lodged with him byfrom any person ofsucha violation being committed, and it shall also be the duty of. The commissioner or boardtoshall lodge with the attorney general information of anysuchviolation as may come to their knowledge. 219.52 [WARNING SIGNS; STRUCTURES IN CLEARANCES.]Where anyIf a structure isat a less distance fromnearer the track than as provided by sections 219.45 to 219.53, the board shall provide for warning signs to be placedthereonon it of a design and type as the boardshall deemconsiders proper unless the boardshall determinedetermines a sign is unnecessary.It shall be the duty of theRailroad inspectors of the department of labor and industrytoshall report to the commissioner andto theattorney general any violation oftheprovisions ofsections 219.45 to 219.53 of which they may obtain knowledge. 219.53 [CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE.]AnyAn employee of a common carrier who, whilein theperformance of his dutyperforming duties andwhileengaged in any commerce mentioned in section 219.45, subject to the regulative provisions of sections 219.45 to 219.53,may beis injured or killed by reason of (1) a violation of section 219.50,or by reason of any(2) a structure or obstruction erected or maintainedprior tobefore the passage of or in violation of sections 219.45 to 219.53, or in violation of theseprovisions, or (3) a structure or obstruction erected or maintained in closer proximity to the rails than provided in sections 219.45 to 219.53 shall not be deemed to have assumed the resultant riskthereby occasionedor to have been guilty of contributory negligence although theemployeesemployee continued in the employ ofsuchthe common carrier after becoming aware of the use ofsuchthe permanent overhead or side structure or obstructionof any kind or charactermentioned in sections 219.45 to 219.53shall have been brought to hisknowledge; and. An exercise of the permission provided for in section 219.47shall beis at the sole risk of the carrier. 219.54 [FREIGHT PLATFORMS.]Every railroad company shall provide at all stations instatutory cities containing 250 inhabitants or moreWithin 30 days after written notice, served in the same manner as a summons in district court, from thecity councilgoverning body ofsucha statutory cityrequiring such company so to do,containing 250 inhabitants or more, a railroad company shall provide platforms at stations as required by the city and at other stations and sidings when required by the board,. These platforms must: (1) be immediately alongside ofitsthe railroad company's tracks or sidetracks, platforms with; (2) have approaches at each end,; (3) be suitable and convenient for loadinguponand unloadingfrom its carsheavy machinery and other freight. Theplatforms shallupon and from the railroad company's cars; (4) be at least 12 feet wide, strongly built, and floored withplankplanking at least three inches thick. The platforms,exclusive of approaches, shall; (5) be at least 32 feet longand of, exclusive of approaches; (6) be the height of the floor of an ordinary boxcar,; andthe(7) have approaches of such grade that heavily loaded vehicles and equipment can be drivenup and down the sameon them. Any company failing to comply withthe provisions ofthis section shall forfeit to the state not less than $500 nor more than $1,000 for every 30 days that the failureshall continuecontinues. 219.55 [LOADING PLATFORMS.] When required by the board,everya railroad company shall construct and maintain at each station and siding a suitable platform forthe purpose ofloading grain, livestock, and other commodities into its cars for shipment. The board may require the enlargement ofanythe platformso constructedor the construction of additional platforms atany sucha station or siding, when it deems it necessary for that purpose.Every suchA companywhich shall failthat fails to constructany suchthe platform within 60 days aftertheserviceon itof the board's orderof the boardrequiringsuchconstruction, shall forfeit to the state $25 for each daythereafterthatsuchthe platform remains unconstructed. 219.551 [LOCOMOTIVES; WATER AND TOILET FACILITIES.] Subdivision 1. [SCOPE OF DEFINITIONS.] As used in this section, the following words and phrases, unless a different meaning is plainly required,shallhave the meanings given them. Subd. 2. [INITIAL TERMINAL DEFINED.] "Initial terminal" means the terminal within the state of Minnesota from which an operating unit is dispatched and at which regular maintenance forces are available to repair defective water coolers and toilet facilities. Subd. 3. [OPERATING UNIT DEFINED.] "Operating unit" means a locomotive or one of the locomotives in a consist, but does not include a switch engine. Subd. 4. [CONSIST DEFINED.] "Consist" means two or more locomotives coupled together and used to propel other railroad rolling stock. Subd. 5. [WATER.] Each operating unit or a switch engine used as a single unit when put into service from an initial terminalshallmust be provided with paper cups and at least one gallon of potable waterin an amount of not less than one gallonto besupplied by a water cooler, the same shallwhich must bein asanitary, clean, and operatingcondition. Subd. 6. [TOILET.] Each operating unit purchased new,andnot reconditioned, and put into service from an initial terminalshallmust be equipped with a dry hopper, gas or electric incinerator, or other suitable toilet facility, ifsuchthe operating unit is used for a road operation of 50 miles or more away from the initial terminal. After July 1, 1972, each consist used in road operations of 50 miles or more away from the initial terminalshallmust have at least one operating unit equipped with a dry hopper, gas or electric incinerator, or other suitable toilet facility; provided, however, in the case of transfer or switching service or emergency or emergency need for additional diesel power equipment, this requirementshalldoes not apply. When put into service from an initial terminal,alldiesel toilet facilitiesshallmust bein asanitary, clean , and operatingcondition. Unless otherwise actually required by operating conditions or emergency, the operating unit having the toilet facilitiesshallmust be positioned at the head end of a consist. Subd. 6a. [FAILURE OF TOILET OR WATER FACILITIES.] The diesel toilet facilities and water cooler facilities required by this sectionshallmust be keptin asanitary, clean, and operatingcondition.In the event ofWhen a failure of the required equipment and standards of maintenance occurs after a locomotive has commenced to move in service, the railroad operating that locomotiveshallis notbe deemedin violation of this section ifsaidthe failureof equipment or standards ofmaintenanceis corrected at the next initial terminal. Subd. 7. [PENALTY.]AnyA person, company, corporation, or its receiverthereof,operatinganya railroad inthe stateviolating any of the provisionsviolation of this sectionshallbeis guilty of a misdemeanor;and, upon convictionthereof,shall beis liable for a penalty of not less than $25 nor more than $100 for each offense; and,. The use ofany onean operating unit not equipped as provided in this sectionshallconstituteconstitutes a separate offense for every day or part of a day so used.SuchThe penaltyshallmust be recovered in a suit brought in the name of the stateof Minnesotain any court having jurisdictionthereofin the county in whichsaidthe initial terminal is situated, by the attorney generalor underhis directionor by the county attorney ofsaidthat county. 219.56 [CABOOSE CARS.] Itshall beis unlawful foranya person, corporation, or company operatinganya railroad in the state to require or permit the use ofanycaboose cars unless the caboose carsbe(1) are at least 24 feet in length, exclusive of platforms, andbe provided with; (2) have a door at each endthereof, and with; (3) have a dry hopper, gas or electric incinerator, or other suitable toilet facilities,; (4) have cupolas,orbay windows, platforms, guard rails, grab irons, and steps for the safety of personsin alighting orgetting on or off the caboose cars; andthe caboose cars shall be(5) are equipped with at least two four-wheeled trucks. Shatterproof glassshallmust be used in thedoor ordoors of the caboose when the present glassin thedoor or doorsis replaced. Each caboose, when placed in service,shallmust be provided with paper cups and at least one gallon of potable waterin an amount of not less than one gallonto besupplied by a water cooler,the same to bewhich is keptin asanitary, clean, and operatingcondition.In the event aWhen failure of the required equipment or standards of maintenance occurs after a caboose has commenced to move in service, the railroad operating that cabooseshallis notbedeemedin violation of this section ifsaidthe failureofequipment or standards of maintenanceis corrected at the next initial terminal as defined in section 219.551, subdivision 2.AllCaboose cars built or purchased after January 1, 1968,shallmust havetheunderframing and superstructurethereof,constructed of steel or a material of equivalent strength and, after January 1, 1972,shallmust also be equipped with a cushioned underframe or cushioned draft gears and shatterproof glass in all doors and windows, and. Whensaidcaboose cars are operated at the rear of a train,shallthey must be equipped with a marker or markers which may consist of flags, lamps, flashing lights, or reflectorized devices. 219.561 [TRACK MOTOR CARS; EQUIPMENT.] Subdivision 1. [LIGHTS.] From and after January 1, 1950,everya person, firm, or corporation operating or controllinganya railroadrunning through or within the stateshall equip each of its track motor cars used during the period from 30 minutes before sunset to 30 minutes after sunrise with: (1) an electric headlight of such construction and of sufficient candlepower to render plainly visible at a distance of not less than 300 feet in advance ofsuchthe track motor caranya track obstruction, landmark, warning sign, or grade crossing; and (2) a rear electric red light of such construction and of sufficient candlepower as to be plainly visible at a distance of 300 feet. Subd. 2. [WINDSHIELDS AND TOPS.] Upon request of the section foreman in any section operated by a railroad referred to in subdivision 1hereof,anya track motor carshallmust be equipped within 90 daysthereafterwith a windshield and topsufficient in width and heightwide and high enough to reasonably protect the employees from weatherconditions,provided,. However,that noa railroad companyshall beis not required in any one year to equip more than an additional 25suchmotor cars withthethat equipmentreferred to in thissubdivision. Subd. 3. [PENALTY.]AnyA person, firm, or corporation operating or controllinganya railroadrunning through orwithin this stateand using or permitting to be used on its line in this state a track motor car in violation ofthe provisionsofthis section is guilty of a misdemeanor. 219.562 [MOTOR VEHICLES DESIGNED FOR HIGHWAY USE; EQUIPMENT.] Subdivision 1. [REQUIREMENTS.]AnyA motor vehicle designed for highway use and used byanya railroad company operating in this state for transporting employees, tools, and suppliesshallmust be equippedso asto provide:(a)(1) adequate heating in all kinds of inclement weather;(b)(2) adequate, safe seating facilities so that each employeesotransported may be seated;(c)(3) a communication system between the cab and the rear compartment;(d)(4) suitable and adequate containers or boxes to hold tools, equipment, and supplies, so located and attached to the vehicle that the containers or boxes and the tools, equipment, or supplies will not shift, topple, or roll; and(e)(5) toilet facilities if the motor vehicle is used to transport more than nine employees to and from headquarters;.(f) In the event ofSubd. 1a. [EXCEPTION FOR EMERGENCY.] For an emergency arising from common disaster or adverse weather,such as flooding, washout, excessive snow or icing, or derailment or defect in track requiring prompt repair, motor vehicles which do not meet theabovestandards in subdivision 1 may be used onlyfor the duration ofduring the emergency. Subd. 3. [DISPUTE.] Shouldanya dispute arise as to the adequacy of the facilities provided for in subdivision 1, it may be submitted for final determination to the board after notice of the hearing to affected parties. Subd. 4. [PENALTY.]AnyA railroad company, or its officer or agentthereof, violatingthe provisions ofthis section is guilty of a misdemeanor. 219.565 [ENGINEERS WHO CANNOT READ.]Every person who, asAn officer of a corporationorotherwise, shallis guilty of a gross misdemeanor if that officer knowinglyemployemploys, as an engineer or engine driver to run locomotives or trains onanya railway, a person who cannot read the timetables and ordinary handwriting, andevery. Also, a personwho, beingis guilty of a gross misdemeanor if that person is unable to read the timetables of the road and ordinary handwriting, shall actand acts as an engineer orrunruns a locomotive or train onanya railway, shall be guilty ofa gross misdemeanor. 219.566 [INTOXICATION OF EMPLOYEES ON TRAINS OR BOATS.] Every personwho, being(1) employed uponanya railway as engineer, conductor, baggage master,brakemanbrake tender, switch tender,firemanfire tender, bridge tender,flagmanflagger, orsignal mansignaler;or person(2) having charge of stations, starting, regulating, or running trains upon a railway; orperson(3) employed as captain, engineer, or other officer of a vessel propelled by steam,shall bewho is intoxicated whileengaged in the discharge of any suchdischarging those duties,shall beis guilty of a gross misdemeanor. 219.567 [FAILURE TO RING BELL.]EveryAn engineer driving a locomotive onanya railway,whoshall failfails (1) to ring the bell or sound the whistleupon suchon the locomotive,or cause the same to beor have it rung or sounded, at leasteighty80 rods fromanya place wheresuchthe railway crosses a traveled road or street,on the same level, except in cities, or (2) to continuetheringingof suchthe bell or soundingof suchthe whistle at intervals untilsuchthe locomotive andtheattached trainthereto attached shallhave completely crossedsuchthe road or street,shall beis guilty of a misdemeanor. 219.568 [OTHER VIOLATIONS OF DUTY.]EveryAn engineer, conductor,brakemanbrake tender, switch tender, train dispatcher, oranyother officer, agent, or servant ofanya railway company, whoshall beis guilty ofanya willful violation or omission ofhisduty assuchan officer, agent, or servant, by which human life or safetyshallbeis endangered,and for which no punishment is specially prescribed,shall beis guilty of a misdemeanor. 219.57 [PREVENTION OF FIRE.] Subdivision 1. [SPARK ARRESTER.]EveryA company operating a railroad shall use upon each locomotive engine a good and efficient spark arrester, which the master mechanic shallcauseto behave examined each time before leaving the roundhouse,and. The master mechanic and the employee makingsuchthe examinationshall be heldare responsible for the good condition of thesame, but without relievingspark arrester. However, the company is not relieved from its responsibilityhereunderunder this section. Subd. 2. [CLEAR RIGHT-OF-WAY.]Every suchA company shall keep its right-of-way clear of combustible materials, except ties and other materials necessary for the maintenance and operation of the road, from April 15 to December 1, annually. Subd. 3. [FIRES TENDED, REPORTED.] No company shall permitany ofits employees to leave a deposit of fire, live coals, or ashes in the immediate vicinity of woodland orlandsland liable to be overrun by fire, and every. An engineer, conductor, ortrainmantrain crew member discovering fire adjacent to the track shall reportthe sameit promptly at the first telegraph or telephone station reachedby him. Subd. 4. [EXTINGUISHMENT AND PREVENTION INSTRUCTION.] In dry seasonsevery sucha railroad company shallgiveinstruct its employeesparticular instructions forin the prevention and extinguishment of fires,andcausehave warning placards furnished by the director of the division of lands and forestry of the department of natural resourcesto beconspicuously posted at every station in the vicinity of forest and grass lands, and,. When a fire occurs near the line of its road, the railroad company shall concentratesuchhelp and adoptsuchmeasuresas shall beavailable for its extinguishment. Subd. 5. [PATROLLER.] In dry seasonsevery suchthe railroad company shall employ at least onepatrolmanpatroller for each mile of its road through lands liable to be overrun by fire to discover and extinguish fires occurring near the line of the road, by which is meant a distance within which fire could usually be set by sparks from a passing locomotive. Subd. 6. [PENALTY.]AnyA railroad company violatinganyprovisions ofthis sectionshall be deemedis guilty of a misdemeanor; and on conviction thereof finedpunishable by a fine of not less than $50and not exceedingnor more than $100 and costs of prosecution for each offense, and any. A railroad employee violatingthe same shall bethis section is guilty of a misdemeanorand punishedpunishable by a fine of not less than $50 nor more than $100 and costs of prosecution or by imprisonment in the county jail not exceeding 90 days. 219.64 [ASSUMPTION OF RISK; CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE.]AnyAn employee ofanya common carrier whomay beis killed or injured due to improperly adjusted and filled frogs, switches, and guardrails or byanya locomotive, tender, car, similar vehicle, or train in use contrary to federal or state railroad safety laws and standards shall not bedeemedtherebyheld to have assumed the riskthereby occasioned,althoughof death or injury by continuing in the employment of the carrier after obtaining knowledge of the unlawful use of the locomotive, tender, car, similar vehicle, or trainhas beenbrought to his knowledge,; norshallmay the employee be held to have contributed tohisthe injuryin any case wherewhen the carriershall havehas violated federal or state railroad safety laws and standardswhenand the violation contributed to the death or injury of the employee. 219.661 [SPEEDOMETERSON LOCOMOTIVES; LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS.] The legislatureof the state of Minnesotafinds that the safe operation ofsteam, diesel, electric or otherwise propelledlocomotiveswithin the state, requires that all steam, diesel,electric or otherwise propelled locomotives operatedby common carriers by rail within the state requires that they be equipped with fully operable speedometers within view of the engineer or operator ofsuchthe locomotive. 219.662 [SPEEDOMETERSASREQUIREDEQUIPMENT; REPORTS.] Subdivision 1. [REQUIREMENT.] No railroad locomotiveshallmay be operated without a speedometer or speed recorder functioning correctly within three miles per hour and within the view of the engineer or operator ofsuchthe locomotive. Subd. 2. [COMPLIANCE.] A railroadshall be deemed to be incompliancecomplies withthe provisions ofsubdivision 1 if, (1) by the first day of October 1975, it has at least one-third of its locomotives equipped with speed indicators or speed recorders as required in subdivision 1,and if,(2) by the first day of October 1976, an additional one-third ofsaidthe locomotivesshall beare so equipped, andif,(3) by the first day of October 1977,the remainder ofits remaining locomotivesshall beare so equipped. Subd. 3. [YARD SWITCHING SERVICE.] Locomotives operated or used exclusively within designated yard limits in switching service need not be equipped in accordance withthe provisionsofthis section. Subd. 4. [FAILURE OF REQUIRED EQUIPMENT.]In the event ofthe failure ofIf the required equipmentwhich occursfails after a locomotive has commenced to move in service, the railroad operating that locomotiveshallis notbe deemedin violation of sections 219.661 and 219.662 ifsaidthe defect is corrected at the next initial terminal, as defined in section 219.551, subdivision 2,at which initial terminalwhere regular maintenance forces are available to repair or replacesuchthe equipment. Subd. 5. [NOTICE OF COMPLIANCE.]Each suchA railroad shall notify the commissioner of the date that eachsuchlocomotive comes into compliance withthe provisions ofthis section. The notification shall state the serial number or other identification of the locomotive. Subd. 6. [COMPLIANCE LIST OR SCHEDULE.]EachA railroad affected bythe provisions ofthis section shall maintain at a designated location a list or schedule of the locomotiveshereinabovereferred to in subdivision 5. It shall set forth, along with other information, the date that the speed indicator or speed recorderreferred to hereinwas calibrated and found to be functioning in accordance withthe provisions ofthis section. It shall advise the commissioner as tosuchthe designated location. Subd. 7. [ENFORCEMENT.] The commissioner shall enforcetheprovisions ofthis section and may issuesuch order orordersasmay beproper to require compliancetherewithwith it. 219.681 [REMOVAL OF RAILROAD TRACKS.]NoA company operating a line of railroad in this state shall not abandon, close for traffic, or removeanya spur, industrial, team, switching, or side track which has been used directly by the shipping publicor any member thereoffortheloading or unloadingoffreight without firsthaving obtainedobtaining the approval of the board. 219.69 [RAILROAD SHOPS OR TERMINALS MAY NOT BE ABANDONED.]NoA company operatinganya line of railway in the state shall not abandonanya shop or terminal located within this state or moveanya shop or change the location ofanya terminal except as provided in sections 219.70 and 219.71.AnyA company violatingany provision ofsections 219.69 to 219.71 shall forfeit to the state not less than $200 nor more than $1,000 for each daysuchthe violation continues. 219.691 [VIOLATION; FORFEITURE.]AnyA company violatingany of the provisions ofsections 219.681, 219.692, 219.741, 219.742, 219.743, 219.751, and 219.755 shall forfeit as a penalty to the state the sum of $1,000 which may be recovered in a civil action. 219.692 [TREBLE DAMAGES.]AnyA personwho has beeninjuredin any mannerby a company's violation of sections 219.681, 219.691, 219.741, 219.742, 219.743, 219.751, and 219.755by any company shall havehas a cause of action againstsuchthat company for treble the amount ofalldamages tohimthe person orhisthe person's property resulting fromsuchthe violation. 219.695 [TERMINAL, SHOP.]The wordSubdivision 1. [TERMINAL DEFINED.] "Terminal," as used in sections 219.69 to 219.71,is defined to be anymeans a city in which 12 or moremenpersons employed in railroad train and engine service have established a legal residence.The wordSubd. 2. [SHOP DEFINED.] "Shop," as used in sections 219.69 to 219.71,is defined asmeans a place (1) in which 12 or moremenpersons are employed by a railroad as mechanicsin the repairing ofto repair railroad equipment, andis(2) located in a city in whichsuch menthe mechanics have established a legal residence. 219.70 [APPLICATION TO ABANDON; POWER OF BOARD.]AnyA company desiring to abandonanya shop or terminal ormove any shop orto change the location ofanya shop or terminal in this state shall firstmake applicationapply to the board in writing. Before passing upon the application the board shall order a hearing. 219.71 [HEARING; ORDER.] In the hearing on the abandonment or removal of a shop or terminal, if the board determines that the abandonmentof anyshop or terminalorthe change of any shop or terminalremoval will result in efficiency in railroad operation and will not substantially injure the public or be detrimental to the public welfare,suchthe petition may be granted,; otherwisethe sameshallit must be denied. 219.741 [APPLICATION FOR REMOVAL.]AnyA railroad company desiring to abandon, close for traffic, or removeany of itstracks described in section 219.681 shall firstmake applicationapply to the board in writing. Before passing upon the application the board shall provide the opportunity for a hearing after public notice and, if it so determines, shall fix a time and place for hearing,andaserve notice of the hearingshall be serveduponallinterested personsso far asknown to the board. 219.743 [EXCEPTIONS.]The foregoing provisions shallSections 219.681, 219.741, and 219.742 do not apply to: (1) logging or ore roads constructed and used exclusively for logging or mining purposes, nor to; (2) tracks describedhereinin section 219.681 which are used exclusively for logging or mining purposes, nor shall itapply to any; or (3) a railroad which is not a common carrier. 219.751 [RESTORATION OF TRACKS FOR SERVICE.] Subdivision 1. [ORDER.] Whenthe commissioner isinformed of the abandonment, closing for traffic, or removal ofanytrack in violation of section 219.681,hethe commissioner, without delay, shallforthwithorder the company whichhascommittedsuchthe violation to restoresuchthe track for service and to resume servicethereonon it, and ifsuchthe track has been removed, torelay suchre-lay the track. Subd. 2. [FAILURE TO OBEY ORDER; DISTRICT COURT POWERS.]When any suchIf the companyshall failfails to obey an order of the commissioner made pursuant to subdivision 1, the commissioner, upon verified petition allegingsuchthe failure, may apply to the district court of the county in whichsuchthe company has a principal office, or into which a line of railroad ofsuchthe company extends, for the enforcement ofsuchthe order or other appropriate relief. The court, upon such notice as it may direct, shall hearsuchthe matter as in a case of an appeal from an order.On suchAt the hearing the findings of fact upon whichsuchthe order is basedshall beare prima facie evidence of the matters therein stated, and the court may grantanyprovisional or other relief, ordinary or extraordinary, legal or equitable, which the nature of the case may require, and may impose a fine of not more than $500 for each day's failure to obey any writ, process, or order of the court in addition toallother penaltieshereinprovided in sections 219.691 and 219.692. A temporary mandatory or restraining order may be made insuchthe proceeding,notwithstandingdespite any undetermined issue of fact, uponsuchterms as the court may direct. 219.753 [CRANESOPERATINGONRAILROADTRACKS;ELECTRICALLINEDETECTORS; PENALTY.] A crawler crane, a locomotive crane, or a truck crane, as defined in the definitions of occupational safety and health administration standards of the United States department of labor, which operates upon a railroad track, withand has a boom which extends 12 feet or more vertically above the ground or the rails, must be equipped with a warning device able to detectanyan electrical line which comes within 15 feet of the boom. When an electrical line is detected, no person is required to operate the crane unless the electricity is shut off or the electrical line is rerouted in a manner to prevent contact with the machine. Violation of this section byanya person or corporation is a misdemeanor. 219.755 [SECTION 645.35 NOT TO APPLY.]Minnesota Statutes 1941,Section 645.35, shalldoes notbeconstrued toapply to sections 219.681, 219.691, 219.692, 219.741, 219.742, 219.743, and 219.751. 219.76 [FIRE CAUSED BY ENGINE; INSURABLE INTEREST.]EachA railroad corporation owning or operating a railroad in this stateshall beis responsible in damages to every person and corporation whose propertymay beis injured or destroyed by fire communicated directly or indirectly by the locomotive engines in use upontheits railroadowned or operated by suchrailroad corporation, andline. Eachsuchrailroad corporation shall have an insurable interest in the property upon the route oftheits railroadowned or operated by itline and may procure insurancethereonin its own behalf for its protection againstsuchthe damages. 219.761 [EXTINGUISHING LOCOMOTIVE FIRES; REIMBURSEMENTFOREXTINGUISHMENT.] Subdivision 1. [REIMBURSEMENT.]AnyA railroad operating in Minnesotashall beis liable for all reasonable expenses of extinguishment when a fire or fire hazard emergency is proximately caused by a railroad locomotive, rolling stock, or employees on a railroad right-of-way or operating property. If the fire department of a local government or nonprofit firefighting corporation extinguishes a fireor firesarising from one occurrence and deems that it is entitled to reimbursement for its expenses, it shall, within 60 days after the first full day after extinguishment, give the railroad, by mail, written noticeby mail which shall statestating the circumstances of the fire as then known. The notice may be given to the railroad at any address at which the owner has an office, agent, or other place of business in this state. The date of the mailingshall beis the date or service of the notice. If after notice and claim for reimbursement, the railroad working the right-of-way refuses to reimburse the local government or nonprofit firefighting corporation for expenses incurred, the claimant may recover by civil action reasonable expenses, costs, disbursements, and attorney's fees. Subd. 2. [INFORMATION IN CLAIM.] All claimsshallmust set forth the basis of the claim including the time, date, place, and circumstances of the claim. A claimshallmust also include an itemization of costs incurredin the extinguishment ofto extinguish the fire. The state fire marshal, in consultation with fire department chiefs and representatives of the interested railroads, may recommend that additional informationtobe included in a claim. Subd. 3. [OTHER COSTS, REMEDIES.] (a) If the railroads are required to pay property taxes pursuant to chapter 272 or any other law, they shall also payanythe fees and assessmentswhich may berequired of property owners situated within the same political subdivision for firefighting and protection expenses. (b) Neither the enactment of this section,nor its subsequent repeal or termination, shall alteralters the statutory or common law rights, duties, or obligations of railroad companies with regard to fires caused directly or indirectly by a railroad locomotive, rolling stock, or employees on a railroad right-of-way or operating property. 219.77 [RAILROAD EMPLOYER LIABILITYOF CORPORATIONS FOREMPLOYEE'S INJURY OR DEATH.]EveryA company, person, or corporation, owning or operating,as a common carrier,or otherwise,a steam railroad or railway in the stateshall be, is liable in damages toanyan employee suffering injury while engaged insuchthat employment; or, in case of death ofsuchthe employee, to his or her personal representative for the benefit of the survivingwidowor husbandspouse and children ofsuchthe employee; and if none, then tosuchthe employee's parents; and if none, then to the next of kin dependent uponsuchthe employee, forsuchinjury or death resulting in whole or in part from the negligence ofany ofthe officers, agents, or employees ofsuchthe employer, or by reason ofanya defect or insufficiency in its cars, engines, appliances, machinery, track, roadbed, works, boats, wharves, or other equipment due to the employer's negligence. 219.79 [CONTRIBUTORY NEGLIGENCE NOT TO BAR.] Subdivision 1. [WHEN DAMAGES REDUCED.] Inall actionsan action brought againstany suchan employer under or by virtue ofany of the provisions ofsections 219.77 to 219.83, to recover damages for death or personal injurytoof the employee,or where such injuries have resulted in his death,the fact that the employee may have been guilty of contributory negligenceshalldoes not bar a recovery but the damagesshallmust be diminished by the jury in proportion to the amount of negligence attributable tosuchthat employee; provided, that nosuch. Subd. 2. [WHEN DAMAGES NOT REDUCED.] An employee whomaybeis injured or killedshallmay not beheld to have beenfound guilty of contributory negligencein any case wherewhen the employer's violationby such employerofanya statute enacted for the safety of employees contributed to the injury or death ofsuchthe employee. 219.80 [ASSUMPTION OF RISK NO DEFENSE.] Inanyan action brought againstanyan employer under or by virtue ofany of the provisions ofsections 219.77 to 219.83 to recover for injuries to or the death ofany of its employeesan employee,suchthe employeeshallmay not be held to have assumed the risk ofhisthe employment. 219.81 [CONTRARY CONTRACTS DECLARED VOID.] Any contract, rule, regulation, or devicewhatsoeverwhatever, the purpose or intent of whichshall beis to enableanyan employer toexempt such employer from anyescape liability created by sections 219.77 to 219.83,shallis to that extentbevoid; provided, that. Inanyan action brought againstany suchthe employer under or by virtue ofany of theprovisions ofsections 219.77 to 219.83,suchthe employer may set offthereinany sum she or he has contributed or paid to any insurance, relief, benefit, or indemnity that may have been paid to the injured employee, or to the persons entitledtheretoto it on account of the injury or death for which the action was brought. 219.815 [EMPLOYER INCLUDES RECEIVER.]The term"Employer," as used in sections 219.77 to 219.83, includesanya receiver or other person charged with the duty of management and operation ofanya business employing labor. 219.82 [SURVIVAL OF RIGHT OF ACTION.]AnyA right of action given by sections 219.77 to 219.83 to a person suffering injuryshall survivesurvives to his or her personal representative for the benefit of the survivingwidowor husbandspouse and children ofany suchthe employee; and if none, then ofsuchthe employee's parents; and if none, then of the next of kin dependent uponsuchthe employee, but in such cases there shall be only one recovery for the same injury. 219.83 [LIMITATION OF ACTION.] No actionshallmay be maintained under sections 219.77 to 219.83 unless commenced within two years from the day the cause of action accrues. 219.85 [RAILROAD STATIONS, AGENCY SERVICE.] Agency service at common carrier railroad stationsshallmust be that required by the public convenience and necessity. No stationshallmay be abandoned nor agency servicethereatreduced or discontinued without the consent of the board after public notice and opportunity for hearing is afforded. The boardmay, on its own motion or upon the petition ofanyan interested party, may order station agency service atanya station established, reestablished, or expanded after notice and an opportunity for hearing. 219.88 [STATIONS; NAME OF CITY; EXCEPTIONS.] Subdivision 1. [PUBLICATIONS TO USE.] Every railway company, telegraph company, express company, or other company or corporation doing business as a common carrier which has or maintainsanya station inanya city within the state shall publish in its printed matter published for the public, and use as the name ofsuchthat station only, the name of the city in whichsuchthe station is located or by whichsuchthe city is or may be incorporated. Subd. 2. [USE OF NAME DIFFERENT FROM CITY.]EveryA railway company, telegraph company, express company, or other common carrier isherebyprohibited from using or continuing to use within the state a different name for its station from that of the citywithin which suchwhere the station is located or from that which is in use by the local government post office, unlessthere is somea city or post office on the same division ofanya railroad in this statethehas a nameofwhich is so similar as to be confusing in the dispatch of train orders. 219.92 [NEW ROADS; NOTICE; FILING OF MAPS AND PROFILES.] Subdivision 1. [COMPLETION NOTICE; FILINGS.]Every railroad company having constructed any railroad byway of branch or extension or otherwise,Before openingthe sameto public use a railroad branch, extension, or other railroad constructed by a railroad company, the company (1) shall notify the commissioner thatthe sameit is finishedand in a, safeconditionfor operation,beingand in full compliance with federal track safety standards, and (2) shall file with the commissioner a map and profilethereofof the construction with a table of grades, curvatures, and mileage,anda statement of other characteristics of the road, and an itemized statement showing the actual costthereofof the construction; allof theforegoing to bein a formso as to be in compliancecomplying with the federal track safety standards andto beattested to bytheoath of the president or other managing officer,and the chief engineer of the company. Subd. 2. [INSPECTION.] Before the new line is operated as a public road, the commissioner shall inspectthe same,it orcausehave itto beinspected by the state federal track safety inspectors, and furnish the company with a certificate showing compliance withthe foregoing conditions,subdivision 1 and that the road has been inspected and foundto be insafeconditionfor operation. Subd. 3. [USE BEFORE COMPLETION.] Whenit isfound desirable to operateanybefore completion a portion ofany newa newly built railroadbuiltoranya new branchor, extension, or otherwise,before completion of the same,the commissionermay, on application, may authorize the operation of the new portionthereofpendingthecompletion of the entire road undersuchterms and conditionsasthe commissioner may impose in the interests of the public. 219.93 [STOPPING TRAINS AT CROSSINGS.]EveryA company operating a railroad shallcausehave all trains onsuchthe railroadtocome to a full stop not less than10,ten nor more than 60,rods,before reachinganya railroad junction or crossing at grade, unlesssuchstoppage is rendered unnecessary by an interlocking plant or other device approved by the written order of the commissioner,or by the court upon appeal. 219.97 [FORFEITURES; VIOLATIONS; PENALTIES.] Subd. 4. [VIOLATION OF SECTIONS 219.16 TO 219.30.]AnyA person, firm, or corporation violatingany of the provisions ofsections 219.16 to 219.30shall beis guilty of a misdemeanor. The violation of section 219.22shalldoes not of itself constitute contributory negligence as a matter of law. Subd. 5. [VIOLATION OF SECTION 219.37.]Any suchA railroad,or receiver or lesseethereofof the railroad failing or neglecting to comply withthe provisions ofsection 219.37 shall forfeit and pay to the stateof Minnesota the sum of$200 for every mile ofsucha ditch which it fails to keep clean during any season. This amountshallmust be collected in a civil action brought by the attorney general or by the county attorney ofanythe county through or into whichsaidthat railroad extends. Subd. 6. [VIOLATION OF SECTION 219.56.]AnyA person, corporation, or company operatinganya railroad in the state and violatingany of the provisions ofsection 219.56shall beis guilty of a misdemeanor;and, upon convictionthereof shall be, is liable for a penalty of not less than $10 nor more than $50 for each offense; and. The use ofany onea caboose car prohibited in section 219.56shall constituteconstitutes a separate offense for every day or part of a day so used; and such. The penaltyshallmust be recovered in a suit brought in the name of the stateof Minnesotainanya court having jurisdictionthereofinanya county in or through whichsuchthe line of railroad may run, by the attorney generalorunder his direction,or by the county attorney,ofanya county in or through whichsuchthe line of railroad may be operated.AllFines and penalties recovered by the state under thissection shallsubdivision must be paid into the state treasury. Subd. 7. [VIOLATION OF SECTION 219.85.]AnyA company failing to comply withany of the provisions ofsection 219.85 shall forfeit to the state for each violation not less than $500 nor more than $1,000; and. Each period of 30 days thatany suchthe failureshall continue shall be deemed toconstitutecontinues constitutes a separate offense. Subd. 10. [VIOLATION OF SECTION 219.88.]AnyA railway company, telegraph company, express company, or other common carrier failing to comply withthe provisions ofsection 219.88 shall forfeit to the city wheresuchthe station is located the sum of $100 for each day thatsuchthe failureshall continue;provided, thatcontinues. However, beforeany sucha companyshall beis deemedto bein default, the council of the citywithin which suchwhere the station is located shall notifysuchthe company to change the name ofsuchthe station to the same name as that ofsuchthe city within 60 days aftertheservice ofsuchthe noticeupon such company. Subd. 12. [VIOLATION OF SECTION 219.92.]AnyA carrier failing to comply withthe provisions ofsection 219.92 or withanyan order of the commissioner madethereunderunder section 219.92 shall forfeit $100 for each day's default$100, to be recovered in a civil action in the name of the stateofMinnesota. Subd. 13. [CIVIL PENALTYVIOLATION OF SECTION 219.93.] Upon the complaint of any person,anya company operating a railroad violatingany of the provisions ofsection 219.93 shall forfeit not less than $20 nor more than $100 to be recovered in a civil action beforeanya county or municipal judge of the county in which the violation occurs. One-half of the forfeitureshallmust go to the complainant and one-half to the school district where the violation occurs. ARTICLE 5 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 315, is amended to read: 315.01 [FORMATION; TRUSTEES; ELECTION, APPOINTMENT,DESIGNATION.] Subdivision 1. [WHO MAY ELECT.] Thestatedworshipers withanyan unincorporated church, congregation, or religious society, not already incorporated,who are of lawful age and have been considered as belongingtheretoto it, may elect trusteesthereofand incorporatethe same in the mannerhereinas provided in this section. Subd. 2. [ELECTION.] A written notice, signed by at least fiveof such statedworshipers, stating the time, place, and object of the meeting,shallmust be posted at least 15 daysprior to the time therein fixed, in some conspicuous spotbefore the meeting, at the place of worship ofsuch church,congregation, orthe society. At the time and placesofixed,suchif at least five worshipers, not less than five thereofbeingare present, they shall, by a plurality vote, elect achairmanchair and secretary, who. The chair and secretary shall together determine the qualifications of voters and receive and count the votes. The votersas so determined,shall, by a plurality vote, electnot less thanat least three,norand not more than 15 members of theirchurch, congregation,orsociety as trustees, to take charge of its property and temporal affairs; and such. The voters shallalsoadopt a corporate name, by whichfor the trustees and their successorsin office shall forever thereafter be known; and. They may also determine the qualifications of the trusteesthereafterto be chosen afterward and the religious denomination or sect to which the societyshallwill belong. Immediately aftersuchthe meeting thechairmanchair and secretarythereofshall sign, in the presence of two subscribing witnesses, andshallacknowledge,a certificate, which shall statestating the names of the trustees elected, the name adopted for the incorporated society, the qualifications, if any, of future trustees, if anyshall have been determined by the electors, and the name of the religious denomination to which the societyshall belongbelongs, if anyshall have been selected. Subd. 3. [APPOINTMENT.] When, bythe constitution, rules, or usages ofany particulara church, denomination, congregation, or religious society,require that trusteesarerequired tobeappointed, elected, orchosenin any way,byanya minister, presiding elder, or other officers, or byanyconference, assemblage,a body,or meeting of any kind, and areso appointed, elected, or chosen, such minister, presidingelder, officersthe person who chose the trustees, or the presiding officer and secretary ofany such conference,assemblage,the body, or meeting so appointing, electing, orchoosing trustees,shall execute, acknowledge, and deliver tosuchthe trustees a certificate, stating the names ofsuchthe trustees, the time when and thepersonsperson or body by which they wereappointed, elected, orchosen, andthetheir corporate nameby which such trustees and their successors inoffice shall forever thereafter be called and known.Upon thefiling and recording of suchWhen the certificate,is filed for record as required by law,suchthe trustees,and their successorsappointed or chosen in the same manner, shall bebecome a corporate bodycorporateunder the name specifiedthereinin the certificate, and haveallthe rights, powers, and privileges of other religious corporations organized under this chapter. Subd. 4. [DESIGNATION.] When, bythe constitution, rules, and usages ofany particulara church or religious denomination,declare that theminister orministers, elders,anddeacons, or other officers elected byanya church or congregation according tosuchthe constitution, rules, or usages, aretherebyconstitutedthe trustees ofsuchthe church or congregation,suchthose designated persons may assemble and execute and acknowledge a certificate,statingtherein thetheir corporate nameby which they and their successors in office shall foreverthereafter be called and known.Upon the filing and recordofWhen this certificate is filed with the county recorder of the proper county,such personsthey and their successorsshallbeare a corporate bodycorporate byunder the nameexpressed thereinin the certificate. 315.02 [CERTIFICATE OF ELECTION OF TRUSTEES.] When trustees have beenheretofore elected, appointed, orin any waychosen before February 1, 1877 bya conference oran assemblyof any kind,ofanya church or religious society, in accordance with itsownconstitution, rules, or usages, and a certificatethereofof the choice made by its presiding officer and secretary, or either of them, specifying the trustees' corporate nameby which such trustees are to be known,anddulyrecorded, with intent to makesuch trusteesthem abodycorporate body, theyshallmust in all legal proceedings bedeemedconsidered a religious corporation undertheprovisions ofthis chapter from the time of the recording ofsuchthe certificate, and all. Their later actsthereafteras a corporationshall be asare validand aseffectual as though originally formedunderthe provisions ofthis chapter; and all. Conveyances tosuch trusteesthem as a corporation areherebyconfirmedand declared valid. 315.03 [CERTIFICATE RECORDED, WHERE.]SuchThe certificate, together with the certificate of acknowledgment, and a copy of the notice of meeting and affidavit oftheits postingthereof,shallmust be recorded with the county recorder of the county where the society's place of worshipof such societyis located; and thereafter such. When it is filed, the trustees and their successorsshall beare abodycorporate bodybyunder the nameexpressedinsuchthe certificate. 315.04 [TRUSTEES, POWERS.]SuchThe trustees may have a common seal and alterthe sameit at pleasure. They may take possession ofalltemporalities ofsuchthe church, congregation, or society, real and personal, given, granted, or devised, directly or indirectly, tosuchthe body or to any other person for their use. They may sue and be sued in their corporate name, recover and holdalldebts, demands, rights, and privileges,allchurches, buildings, burial places, andallthe estate and appurtenances belonging tosuchthe church, congregation, or society, however acquired or bywhomsoever held,as fully as though originally vested in them. They may hold, purchase, and receive title to, by gift, grant, devise, or bequest,of and to any property,real or personal,without limitation as toproperty in any amount, forany of thepurposes authorized or approved by the congregation or society, as provided in section 315.05, with power to mortgage, sell, convey, demise, lease, and improvethe sameit.Sections 315.03 to 315.05 shall apply to all religiouscorporations formed under Revised Statutes of the Territory ofMinnesota 1851, Chapter 36, and acts amendatory thereof andsupplemental thereto.315.05 [TRUSTEES,ERECT AND REPAIR CHURCHES AND OTHERBUILDINGS, GENERALLY MANAGE TEMPORAL AFFAIRSMANAGEMENT POWERS.]SuchThe trustees may repair and alter churches, make rules, regulations,and orders for managing the temporal affairs of the church, congregation, or society, and dispose ofallmoneysmoney belongingtheretoto it. They may regulate the renting of pews or slips, and the breaking of ground in their cemeteries. Under the direction or approval of the congregation or society, they may erect, acquire, and operate churches, dwellings for their ministers, and other buildings for the use of the church, congregation, or society, hospitals, nurses' homes and training schools, missions, camps and recreational grounds, and other buildings or facilities forthe carrying onofother religious, moral, and charitable activities. They may appoint a clerk and treasurer of their board and a collector, regulate their compensation, and remove them at pleasure. The clerk shall enterallrules and orders made by the trustees, and payments ordered by them, in a book kept for that purpose.Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to giveThe trusteespower tomay not fix the salary ofanya minister,but the same shall; it must be fixed by a majority of the society entitled to vote at the election of trustees. Sections 315.03 to 315.05shallapply toallreligious corporations formed under Revised Statutes of the Territory of Minnesota 1851, Chapter 36,and acts amendatory thereof andsupplemental theretoas amended. 315.06 [TRUSTEES, TERMS, ELECTION; QUORUM.] The term of office of the trusteesshall beis three years orsuch lesser period of timeless asmay beprescribed in the constitution or articles, and until their successors have qualified. Unless otherwise provided in the constitution or articles, immediately after their first election they shall be divided by lot into three classes, the first class retiring at the end of the first year, the second class at the end of the second year, and the third class at the end of the third year;and,. After that, as near as may be, one-third of the whole numbershall thereaftermust be chosen annually. Two trustees may call a meeting of the board; and,. When assembled, a majority of the whole numbershall constituteis a quorum for the transaction ofanybusiness. Fifteen days before the expiration of the term of office ofanya trustee, the clerk shall give notice of the election ofhisthe trustee's successor, by postingthe same at the placeit where the society statedly meets for worship, therein stating. The notice must state the name of the trustee and the time and place of election; and, in addition to such notice,. The minister orsomeother officer ofsuchthe church or society shall give public notice ofsuchthe election to the congregation again at least one week before the election. These provisionsshallapply to filling vacancies by death, resignation, or removal. 315.07 [VOTERS, QUALIFICATIONS.] Noperson belonging to any suchmember of the church, congregation, or societyshall be entitled tomay vote atanyan election after its incorporation until he or she hasbeen anattendant onattended public worship insuchthe church, congregation, or society for at least six months before the election, and contributed to its support according to itsusagesandcustoms. The clerk of the trustees shall keep a register of all persons whodesire to become stated hearers in suchask to join the church, congregation, or society, and thereinnote the time ofsuchthe request, andhe shallattendallsubsequent electionsin orderto test the qualifications ofsuchvoters in case of question. 315.08 [DEFINITIONS.]Subdivision 1. [WORDS, TERMS, AND PHRASES.] Unless thelanguage or context clearly indicates that a different meaningis intended, the following words, terms, and phrases, for thepurposes of this chapter, shall be given the meanings subjoinedto them.Subd. 2. [SOCIETY.] The wordIn this chapter "society" means the religious body constituted in accordance with the principles of the ecclesiastical policy which forms the basis of the corporation designated in this chapter as the church, congregation, or society, as distinguished from the corporation itself. 315.09 [GENERAL POWERS OF RELIGIOUS CORPORATIONS.]EveryA corporation organized under this chapter may, in its corporate name, sue and be sued, hold, purchase, and receive title to, by gift, grant, or other conveyanceof and to any, property, real or personal, with power to mortgage, sell, or conveythe sameit. It may adoptallbylaws and makeallregulations necessary or expedientfor the management ofto manage its affairs in accordance with law. 315.10 [POWERS OF CERTAIN CORPORATIONS.]AnyA religious corporation, parish or diocese formed underthe laws of this state, allowing a bishop, vicar general, pastorof a parish with two laymen, or allowing a bishop, vicargeneral, and chancellor of a diocese with two other members ofthe same religious denomination, to form a corporation; suchcorporation shall have the power tosections 315.15 and 315.16 may sue or be sued,tohold, purchase, and receive title to, by devise, purchase, gift, grant, or otherwise,anyreal or personal property,real or personal, with power toand mortgage, sell, or conveythe sameit, oranypartthereofof it, without givingthenotice or being authorizedthereto,as required inthe manner provided insection 315.12. 315.11 [LIMITATION OF RIGHT TO HOLD PROPERTY.]Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to authorize thetaking or holding ofA religious corporation may not take or hold real or personal propertyby any religious corporationfor purposes other than those of its incorporation, and all of itsprovisions are. The amount of property it may hold is subject to any limitation or modificationwhich may hereafter beenacted by general lawsas to the amount of property which may be heldby the corporations provided for in this chapter. 315.12 [SALE OR ENCUMBRANCE OF REAL ESTATE.]AnyA religious corporation organized underthe provisionsofthis chapter, by and through its trustees, may sell and convey, encumber, or otherwise dispose ofany of itsreal estate;but no such conveyance or encumbrance shall be made by thetrustees except when. To do so, the trustees must first be authorized by resolution ofsuchthe society adopted by a two-thirds vote of the members present and voting at a meetingthereofcalled for that purpose,. Notice of the time, place, and object ofwhich shallthe meeting must be given for at least four successive Sabbaths immediately before it on which the society statedly meets for public worship, immediatelypreceding such time. Whenanya religious society ceases to have stated meetings for public worship, orfor any causeis unable to givesuchnotice of the time and place of the meetingof such society, the corporation may makesuchthe sale, conveyance, or encumbrance by its trustees, upon being authorized by resolution, as hereinbefore specified,adopted at a meeting of which at least 20daysdays' posted notice has been given. Ifsuchthe society has, for any reason, ceased to exist, for a period of one year, the corporation may sell and convey its property by its trustees upon giving at least 20daysdays' posted notice upon the premises of its intentionsoto do so. Proof ofsuchnonexistence, notice, meeting, and the adoption of resolution may be made by the affidavit of a trustee or member of the society cognizantthereofof them. The affidavitshallmust be recordedin the office ofwith the county recorder where the certificate of incorporation was recorded, and thesameaffidavit andtherecordthereof, or certified copies ofsuch record, shall beit, are presumptive evidence of thefact therein containedfacts they contain. No person shall vote atanya meeting called to authorize the trustees to sell, convey, encumber, or dispose ofanythe corporation's real estateof such corporation who is notunless the person is a member ofsuchthe religious body, and. Nosuchreligious corporation shall sell, transfer, or otherwise dispose ofany ofits real estatein any manner otherthanexcept as provided by the denominational rules and certificates of association ofsuchthe society asthe sameit appears of record in the office of the county recorder of the county.Nothing herein contained shall in any manner affect orinfringe any provision of Revised Laws 1905, Chapter 59This section does not limit sections 500.01 to 500.20. 315.13 [EXISTING SOCIETIES CONFIRMED; REORGANIZATION.] Every church, congregation, or religious societyheretoforeincorporated before the effective date of Revised Statutes of the Territory of Minnesota, 1851, under any general or special law, and not since dissolved, isherebyconfirmed.In case ofthe dissolution of any such corporation, or of anyA corporation formed underthe provisions ofthis chapter, the sameand dissolved maybe incorporated or reincorporatedreincorporate underthe provisions thereof at any timethis chapter within six years aftersuchdissolution; and thereupon all the estate,. When it does, its real and personal, at any time belongingthereto, and not lawfully disposed of, shall vestproperty vests in the corporationthe sameas though there had been no dissolution. 315.14 [LANDS HELD IN TRUST.] If lands, tenements, or hereditaments are conveyed by devise, grant, purchase, or otherwise, toanypersons as trustees in trust for the use ofanya religious societyheretofore or hereafter organized, for a meeting house, burial ground, or parsonage, with the improvementsthereonon them, they shall descend in perpetual succession, and be held bysuchthe trustees in trust forsuchthe society. 315.15 [PARISH CORPORATIONS, ORGANIZATION.] The bishop ofanya religious denomination mayassociatejoin withhimthe vicar general of thesamediocese and the pastorof such denominationof the parishwherein awhere the corporation is to be located,which shall bewithin the bishop's dioceseof such bishop, andfor the purpose of incorporating. The bishop, vicar general, and pastor, or a majority of them, shall designate andassociatejoin withthemtwo lay members ofany suchthe denomination; and, upon adopting, signing, andacknowledging. These five shall adopt, sign, and acknowledge a certificate of incorporation reciting the fact ofsuchassociation, andofthe selection ofsuch laymenlay members, and containing the name, general purpose, and place of location ofsuchthe corporation, and having. When they have recorded the certificaterecordedwith the county recorder of the countyof its location, the said five personswhere the corporation is located, they and their successorsshallbecome a corporation, subject toallthe requirements, andvestedwithallthe rights, powers, and privileges, of a religious corporation. The persons at any time holding the officeshereinbeforespecified in any dioceseshallare, by virtue of their respective offices,bemembers of the corporation and, with the twolaymen aforesaidlay members, constitutesuchcorporationit, butevery such person,on ceasing to holdsuchoffice,shallthey cease to bea member thereofmembers, andhis successortheir successors in officeshallbecomeamember in his placemembers. The twolaymenlay members designatedas aforesaid shallremain members forthe term oftwo years from the date of the certificate,and thereafterafter that their term of officeshall beis two years,andin either case until their successors are chosen. Theyshallmust always be designated and appointed by thethree first named corporatorsbishop, vicar general, and pastor, who shall also fillallvacancies in their number. Their appointmentshallmust be in writing and entered upon the records of the corporation.Shouldthere at any time beIf there is a vacancy in the office of bishop of any diocese, orshould any otherif another personbeis appointed inhisthe bishop's stead to administer the spiritual and temporal affairs ofsuchthe diocese, then, duringsuchthe vacancy or suspension oftheauthorityof suchbishop,suchthe administrator of the affairs of the diocese, or any other person appointed under the rules ofsuchthe denomination to preside over and administer its affairs,shallis, while acting assuchadministrator or appointee,bea member ofsuchthe corporation, withallthe rights and powersincidenttheretoof membership; buthisthe membershipshall at onceceaseends whensuchthe vacancyhas beenis filled or suspension of authority removed. Ifanya diocese in whichany suchthe corporation is locatedshall beis subdivided according to the rules and practice ofsuchthe denomination, and one or more new dioceses formedtherefrom,from it orfromits partsthereof, the bishop and vicar general ofany suchthe new diocese and their successors in office, as soon as appointed and instituted,shall,by virtue of their respective offices,forthwithimmediately become members ofany suchthe corporation withinsuchthe new diocese, withallthe rights, duties, privileges, powers, and obligations ofsuchmembers, and. The bishop and vicar general of the diocesein which suchwhere the corporation was locatedprior to suchbefore the subdivisionshallcease to be membersthereofof the corporation. 315.16 [DIOCESAN CORPORATIONS; FORMATION; POWERS.] Subdivision 1. [PROCEDURE FOR INCORPORATING.] The bishop ofany sucha diocese mayassociatejoin withhimthe vicar general and chancellor ofsuchthe diocese, and. They, or a majority of them, shall designate andassociatejoin withthemtwo other members ofsuchthe religious denomination, residents ofsuchthe diocese, and upon adopting, signing, andacknowledging. These five shall adopt, sign, and acknowledge, in duplicate, a certificate reciting the fact ofsuchassociation and selection ofsuchthe two persons, and containing the name, general purpose, and location ofsuchthe corporation, and filing and recording the same. When they file and record it, as provided in section 315.15,the said fivepersonsthey and their successorsshallbecome a corporation,with. The corporation has power to take, hold, receive, and dispose ofanyreal or personal property for the use and benefit ofsuchthe diocese, and for the use and benefit of the religious denominationthereincreatingsuchthe diocese, and to administer the temporalities ofsuchthe diocese, to establish and conduct schools, seminaries, colleges, oranybenevolent, charitable, religious, or missionary work or society ofsuchreligious denomination withinsuchthe diocese, withallthe rights, powers, and privileges enumerated in this section and in section 315.15. Subd. 2. [TERM OF MEMBERSHIP.] The persons whomayhold the offices, respectively, of bishop, vicar general, and chancellor ofsuchthe religious denominationwithin and forsuchin the diocese, and their successors in officeforever,shall, by virtue of their respective offices, always beare members ofsuchthe corporation, but. On ceasing to holdsuchoffice the corporate membership of eachshallat onceceaseends. The other two incorporators and their successors in officeshallmust always be selected and appointed by the bishop, vicar general, and chancellor ofsuchthe diocese, or a majority of them, for the same term and in the same manner as provided in section 315.15 for the selection and appointment of the twolaymenlay members by the bishop, vicar general, and pastor, and all. Vacanciesshallmust be filled by the three first namedcorporatorsincorporators.Every suchAn appointmentshallmust be in writing and entered of record in the minutes of the corporation, andsuchappointeesshallmust be members ofsuchthe religious denomination and residents of the diocese of its location. Anycorporator soincorporator selected may at any time resign, and such. The resignation and its acceptanceshall alwaysmust be entered on the minutes of the corporation. In case of a vacancy in the office of bishop ofsuchthe diocese or the temporary suspension of his or her authority to act, the relevant provisions of section 315.15inreference to such a case shall in all respectsapply. Subd. 3. [PROXIES.]AnyA member of either corporation specified in this section and in section 315.15 may, by a signed writingsigned by him, appoint a proxy to representand act forhim, and in his namethe member andsteadto vote in the member's place atanya corporation meetingof suchcorporation. Subd. 4. [CEMETERY CORPORATIONS.] A religious corporation may be formed in the manner set forthherein, for the purpose ofestablishing one or more cemeteriesin this section to establish cemeteries in accordance with section 307.01. 315.17 [PARISH OF PROTESTANT EPISCOPAL CHURCH.] Subdivision 1. [FORMATION OF CORPORATION.]AnyA parish of the Protestant Episcopal church organized under and in conformity with the constitution and canons of any diocesenowor hereafter existingin this state may form a corporation, as follows: Such. The parish shallcause to be preparedprepare a certificate containing: (1) the name and location of the parish; (2) the name of the rector, if any, and of the church wardens, and the names and number of thevestrymenvestry members, whichshall notmust beless thanat least three,norand not more than 12; and (3) the date of the organization of the parish. Subd. 2. [CERTIFICATE SIGNED.] The certificateshallmust be signed anddulyacknowledged by the rector, if any, and by a majority of the wardens andvestrymenvestry members. Subd. 3. [FILING CERTIFICATE; POWERS.] Upon signing, acknowledging, and filingsuchthe certificate for record with the county recorder of the county of its location,suchthe parishshall becomebecomes a corporation by the name specified in its certificate; and, by and. Through its officers, it may transactall theparish businessof the parish, including calling a rector and determininghisthe rector's salary; and,. In its corporate name, it may acquire or receive, by purchase, gift, grant, devise, or bequest, any property, real, personal, or mixed, and hold, sell, transfer, mortgage, convey, loan, let, or otherwise use thesameproperty for the use and benefit of the parish; provided, that suchif the useshalldoes not contravene the laws and usages of the Protestant Episcopal church of the state; but. Itshallmay nothave power todivertanya gift, grant, or bequest from the purpose specified in writing by the donor, or devisor, nor to. It may not sell, convey, or mortgage its church or church siteexcept whenunless first authorized so to do in a meeting of the parish called for that purpose, nor in contravention of the canons of the diocese or of the general convention of the Protestant Episcopal church of the United States. 315.18 [ANNUAL MEETING; VESTRY, ELECTION, MEETINGS.] The annual meeting ofsuchthe corporationshallmust be held at the parish church or parish house, if therebeis either, on Easter Monday,of each year, or atsuch othera timeasset by the parishmay designatein its articles of incorporation,. Atwhichthe annual meeting church wardens andvestrymen shallvestry members must be elected, insucha manneras shall bedetermineduponby the parish, by electorshavingwith the qualificationswhich are or may beprescribed by the canons of the Protestant Episcopal church for the diocese or missionary district in which the corporation is located, in the state of Minnesota; but any. A parish organized under this law may, at any annual meeting, adopt a bylaw providing for the election of one-third of thevestrymenvestry members of the parish for one year, one-third for two years, and one-third for three years, and at the meeting may electvestrymenvestry members in accordance withsuchthe bylaw; and. At each succeeding annual meeting one-third of thevestrymen shallvestry members must be elected for a term of three years, and. The bylaws may also provide that novestrymanshallvestry member, at the expiration ofhisthe member's term of office,beis eligible for reelectionas vestrymanto the vestry until the next annual meeting;. The church wardens andvestrymenvestry members shall holdtheir respective officesoffice untiltheirsuccessors are elected. The rector ofsuchthe parishshallis ex officiobea member, and, when present, the presiding officer of the vestry, and entitled to vote atallits meetings. Meetings may be called by the rector athisthe rector's discretion, or by either warden at the request of a majority of thevestrymenvestry members, on three days' notice, in writing, to each member of the vestry. 315.19 [ARTICLES AMENDED.]AnyA parish of the Protestant Episcopal church, incorporated under the laws of the state or territory of Minnesota, may amend its articles of incorporation andtherebychange and fix the time ofholdingits annual parish meeting, byadopting. To do so, it must adopt, at its annual parish meeting by majority vote of those present, a resolution fixing or changing the date ofholdingits annual parish meetingand bycausing such. It must put the resolutionto be embracedin a certificatedulyexecuted by its rector or other presiding officer and by its clerk andfiledfile the certificate for record with the county recorder of the county of its location. 315.20 [CATHEDRALS.] Subdivision 1. [FORMATION.]AnyA cathedral for which a constitution and statutes are adopted by the diocesan convention ofanya diocese in this state of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America may form a corporation, as follows:SuchThe cathedral shallcause to be preparedhave a certificate prepared containing: (1) the name and location of the cathedral; (2) the persons who constitute the chapter of the cathedral, and their names, of which chapter the bishop of the diocese and the wardens andvestrymenvestry members of the cathedral congregation shall be members; and (3) the date of the adoption by the diocesan convention of the constitution and statutes of the cathedral. Subd. 2. [CERTIFICATE, BY WHOM SIGNED.] The certificateshallmust be signed anddulyacknowledged by the bishop of the diocese and by a majority of the members of the chapter, and filed for recordin the office ofwith the county recorder of the countyin whichwhere the cathedral is located. Subd. 3. [CERTIFICATE FILED; POWERS.] Upon the signing, acknowledging, and filing ofsuchthe certificate for record with the county recorder of the county of its location,suchthe cathedralshall becomebecomes a corporationbyunder the namespecifiedin its certificate; and, by and. Through its chapter, it may transactallthe business ofsuchthe cathedral;and,. In its corporate name, it may acquire or receive, by purchase, gift, grant, devise, or bequest, any property, real, personal, or mixed, and hold, sell, transfer, mortgage, convey, loan, let, or otherwise use thesameproperty for the use and benefit of the cathedral; provided, that such use shallif the use does not contravene the laws and usages of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America of this state;but. Itshall not have power tomay not divert any gift, grant, or bequest from the purpose specified in writing by the donor or devisor, nor to. It may not sell, convey, or mortgage its church or church site, except with the consent of the bishop, in writing, and when first authorized to do so at a meeting of the chapter called for that purpose, nor in contravention of the canons of the diocese or of the general convention of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States of America. Subd. 4. [GOVERNMENT.] The chapter ofsuchthe cathedral shall be governed by the constitution and statutes which have been adopted for it by the diocesan convention and any amendmentsmade thereto,to them as providedthereinin them. 315.21 [INCORPORATION.] Subdivision 1. [METHOD.]The members of anyIf a church or religious society, not less than three in number,does notwishingwish to form a corporation underany of the precedingprovisions of this chaptersections 315.01 to 315.20, at least three members may become a corporation by adopting and signing a certificate containing: (1) its name, general purpose and plan of operation, and its location; and (2) the terms of admission, qualification for membership, selection of officers, filling vacancies, andthe manner inwhich the sameway it is to be managed. Subd. 2. [CERTIFICATE RECORDED.]SuchThe certificateshallmust be recorded with the county recorder of the county of its location. Subd. 3. [EXISTING CORPORATIONS.]AnyAn existing corporation created by special law, which does not desire to incorporate underany preceding provision of this chaptersections 315.01 to 315.20, may reincorporate undertheprovisions ofthis section, when authorized by a three-fourths vote of its members present and voting at a stated meeting calledfor the purpose of considering suchto consider reincorporation. 315.22 [EXISTING CHURCHES MAY INCORPORATE; REINCORPORATION; PROPERTY TO VEST.]EveryA church or society organized as such, and not incorporated, may become a corporation by executing, acknowledging, andcausing to behaving recorded with the proper officers a certificate of incorporation under this chapter.ThereuponWhen it does, andalsowhen any existing religious corporationshall reincorporatereincorporates under this chapter,allproperty and franchisesof every kindbelonging tosuchthe society, orsuchoriginal corporation, as the case maybe, shallvest in the corporation so organized; but. Rights in pews possessed byanymembers at the time ofany suchreorganizationshallare notbeimpaired.SuchThe board of trustees or other governing body ofany corporation soa reorganizing corporation, or their survivors, when requested by the governing board ofsuchthe new corporation, shall convey to the new corporation, by sufficient deed, all property owned by it.SuchThe conveyanceshallmust recite the fact ofsuchreorganization,shall be prima facie evidence of the factstherein stated,andshallpassalltitle to the propertythereindescribed in it possessed by the corporation in whose behalf it is executed. It is prima facie evidence of the facts stated in it. 315.23 [INCORPORATION OF DIOCESAN COUNCIL, SYNOD, PRESBYTERY, CONFERENCE, ASSOCIATION, CONSOCIATION, OR SIMILAR ORGANIZATIONS.] Subdivision 1. [METHOD.]AnyA diocesan council, synod, presbytery, conference, association, consociation, or other general organization for ecclesiastical or religious purposes, existing inanya church or religious denomination in this state, andwhich, according to the polity, constitution, canons,customs, discipline, or usages of such church or denomination,iscomposed of orrepresentsrepresenting several parishes, congregations, or particular churches under church law, may form a corporationby adopting. To do so, it must adopt a canon or resolution stating: (1) its purpose to formsucha corporation; (2) its name and its general purposes and powers,notinconsistentconsistent with law; (3) the name of the church or religious denomination to which the body organizing the corporation belongs, and the district or territorial limits of its jurisdiction; (4) the number and official titles of the officers through whom itshallwill act,andby whom andin what manner suchhow the officersshall beare elected or appointed,andthe length of their terms, and their general duties, powers, and authority; and (5) the names and addresses ofthose elected or appointedasthe first officers of the corporation. Subd. 2. [CANON OR RESOLUTION, APPROVAL, RECORDING.] A copy ofsuchthe resolution or canon, certified by the presiding officer of the body adopting itand, verified by the affidavit of its secretary or clerk, and endorsed with the certificate of the attorney general thatthe sameit conforms to lawendorsedthereon, shall, must be filed with the county recorder of the countyin whichwhere the body is located, who. The county recorder shall recordthe sameitat length, includingsuchthe endorsement, and issuehisa certificate that, theprovisions ofthe lawhavinghas been complied with, saidand the bodyhas become dulyis incorporated according to law. The county recorder shall keepin a book in his officean alphabetical index ofall suchthese corporations. Subd. 3. [AMENDMENT OF CANON OR RESOLUTION.] The body organizingsuchthe corporation or its successor, by resolutionor canon adopted by it at two regular successive sessionsthereof, and so certified, verified, and recorded with thesecretary of state,may amend or modify the resolution under which the corporation was formed, in respect to. It may change its jurisdictional limits,or tothe number, official titles, terms of office, or the manner of electing or appointing officers, or their duties, powers, and authority, ortothe purposes and powers of the corporation, not inconsistent. The change must be consistent with law, and notimpairing anyimpair trusts or vested rights of property. The amendment must be made by resolution or canon adopted at two successive sessions of the body, so certified, verified, and recorded with the secretary of state. 315.24 [SPECIAL POWERS.]Any suchA corporation may receive in trust foranya parish, mission, local church society, or congregation,whetherincorporated or not,anyproperty, real or personal, which maybegiven, granted, transferred, devised, or bequeathed to it for the use ofsuchthe parish, mission, local church society, or congregation, for religious, charitable, or educational purposes, and. The corporation may hold thesameproperty, andtheits rents, issues, and profitsthereof, untilsuchthe parish, mission, local church society, or congregationshalldemand ademands its conveyancethereof, accounting,. From time to time, when required, the corporation shall account for the rents, issues, and profits.AnyProperty now held in trust byanya person, corporation, or trustees for the use and benefit of the religious body forming a corporation underthe provisionsofsection 315.23, orany ofits parishes, missions, societies, congregations, or local churches, may, with the consent of the beneficiary, be conveyed and the titletheretoto it vested in the corporation as the successor insuchthe trust, but no suchcorporation shall have power, in any manner, to. The corporation may not createanya lienuponon or encumberanyproperty held by it in trust. 315.25 [ANNUAL MEETING, NOTICE OF, PLACE.]Any suchA corporation, thewhose membershipof whichin part resides in other states,may hold its annual meetings atsuchpoints outside the state as it may, from time to time, designate at a previous annual meeting, or it may authorize its president to designatesuchthe place. At least three months before the time ofsuchthe annual meeting, notice ofsuchthe time and placeshallmust be given by publication in the recognized organ ofsuchthe corporation, if it has one;otherwise, or by other notice appropriate to inform the membership. 315.26 [CONSOLIDATION OF PARISHES, CONGREGATIONS, OR CHURCHES.]AnyA diocesan council, synod, presbytery, conference, association, consociation, or other general organization for ecclesiastical or religious purposes composed of or representing several parishes, congregations, or particular churches, and incorporated underthe laws of this stateMinnesota law, may unite or consolidate with one or more other diocesan councils, synods, presbyteries, conferences, associations, consociations, or other general organizations for ecclesiastical or religious purposes, or may with one or more such other societies form one new society for ecclesiastical or religious purposes, and. Whenany suchthe united or consolidated society, orany suchnew society,shall have beenis incorporated, the former body may convey and transfer its property tosuchthe new corporation according to law. 315.27 [PROCEDURE FOR INCORPORATION.]AnyTwo or more societies of the classes named intheprecedingsection 315.26 may form a corporation by adopting a canon or resolution and having a copythereofcertified, verified, approved by the attorney general, and recorded as provided by section 315.23. The canon or resolution may be adopted (1) in joint session by representatives, delegates, and others entitled to vote at the regular meetings ofsuchthe societies, respectively, for the year in whichsuchthe canon or resolution is adopted ormay be adopted(2) in joint session by committeesof such societies,elected or appointed bythemthe societies, respectively, for that purpose. 315.28 [PRIVILEGES.]EveryA corporation formedas provided inunder sections 315.26 to 315.29shall havehas the samefranchises,powers,privileges,andimmunitiesrights as corporationsorganized andexistingformed under section 315.23. 315.29 [RIGHT TO HOLD PROPERTY.]EveryA corporation organized under sections 315.26 to 315.29 shall holdallproperty conveyed or transferred to it forsuchthe same use and subject tosuchthe same trusts and conditions assuch property is held bythe corporation conveying or transferring thesameproperty. 315.30 [AMENDMENT OF CERTIFICATE.]AnyA religious corporation,may change its certificate by a resolution adopted, certified, acknowledged, and recorded in the samemannerway asitsthe originalcertificate, mayalter, modify, or add to such original certificate in any mannernot inconsistent. The change must be consistent with law. When recorded,suchthe amended certificateshall take the place ofreplaces the original. 315.31 [AMENDMENT OF ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION.]AnyA religious society, religious association, or religious corporationheretofore formed or reorganized and nowexistingpursuant to the provisions ofunder section 315.21, upon compliance withthe provisions ofsections 315.31 to 315.33, mayalter or amendchange its articles of incorporation as to any matteror thing whichthat could have been included in the original articles of incorporation; provided, that nothingherein contained shall authorize or empower any such religiousorganization to amend or alter, in the manner provided bysections 315.31 to 315.33, its articles of incorporation inrespect to any matter. It may not change matters relating to the management or the conduct oftheaffairs ofanya cemetery owned or controlled bysuch religious organization where suchit if the cemetery is managed or conductedpursuant to theprovisions ofaccording to sections 306.69 to 306.72. 315.32 [TRUSTEES, POWERS; CERTIFICATE, RECORDING.] The board of trustees, the board of administration,or other governing body ofany sucha religious organization under section 315.21 may, by unanimous vote ofallits members,soalter or amendsuchthe articles of incorporation under section 315.31, when authorized by resolution so to do atanya special meeting ofsuchthe religious organization. The meeting must be called forsuchthat expressly stated purpose,at which suchspecial meetingand a majority of the members ofsuchthe religious organizationaremust be present, which authorityshall be, byThe resolution,must be passed by vote of a majority of the members present and votingat such meeting ofsuch religious organization. The board of trustees, the boardof administration,or other governing bodyof any such religiousorganizationshallcause suchrecord the resolutionto beembracedin a certificatedulyexecuted and acknowledged by its president and secretary, or by its other presiding and recording officers, under the corporate seal of the religious organization, and such. The certificateshall beis presumptive evidence of the factsthereinstated in it. The certificateshallmust berecorded in the office offiled for record with the county recorder of the countyin whichwhere the religious organization is located, and thereupon such alterationor. The amendmentshall becomeis effective on filing. 315.33 [METHOD PROVIDED IS ADDITIONAL.]The manner of amendment, authorized by sections 315.31 to315.33, of the articles of incorporation of any such religiousorganization shall be in addition to the manner in whichamendments to the articles of incorporation of any suchreligious organizations are now authorized by law; and nothinginSections 315.31 to 315.33contained shall abridge, or in anymanner or to any extent affect,do not change the right ofanyreligious organizations to alter or amend their articles of incorporation inthe mannerany way now authorized by law. 315.34 [CONSOLIDATION OF RELIGIOUS CORPORATIONS.]AnyTwo or more incorporated churches, congregations, parishes, or religious societies, or an incorporated parish and an incorporated cathedral, may consolidate and reorganize as a single church, congregation, parish, cathedral, or religious society by complying with the provisions oflawthis chapter for the formation ofsucha church, congregation, parish, cathedral, or societycontained in this chapter. 315.35 [RESOLUTION; NOTICE.] Beforeanyaction ishad for that purposetaken under section 315.34, a resolution authorizingsuchconsolidation and reorganizationshallmust be adopted by at least two-thirds of the members present and voting at a meeting of each ofsuchthe churches, congregations, parishes, parish and cathedral, or societies called for that purpose,. Notice of the time, place, and object ofwhich shallthe meeting must be given on four successive Sabbaths on whichsuchthe society statedly meets for public worship, immediatelyprecedingbefore the time specified forsuchthe meeting. Proof of thefact of suchnotice, meeting and resolution may be made by affidavit of one of the officers or members cognizant of the facts, which shalland must be recorded with the certificate of incorporation. 315.36 [MEETINGS; NOTICE; ORGANIZATION; POWERS.] Afterthe adoption of sucheach society has adopted the resolutionby the several churches, congregations, parishes,parish and cathedral, or societies, noticeshallmust be given stating the time and place of the meeting of the united congregation ofall such churches, congregations, parishes,parish and cathedral, or societies by posting the same at theplacethe societies. The notice must be posted where each society statedly meets for worship at least 15 daysprior tosuchbefore the meeting, and. The minister orsomeotheranother officer ofeach suchthe organization shall give public notice of the meeting at the usual Sabbath service at least one week before the meeting. The notice forsuchthe meetingshallmust be signed by the clerk of the board of trustees, vestry, or chapter of each church, or bysome othera person authorized bysuchthe board to signthe sameit. At the meeting of the united congregation, heldpursuant to suchaccording to the notice, a nameshallmust be adopted for the new corporationand. The meeting shall, by a majority vote, determine the form of organization of the new corporation,and fix the qualifications for trustees orvestrymenvestry members and the number, whichshall be not less than 3, normust be at least three and not more than 12, and. A new board of trustees, vestry and wardens or chapter and wardensshallmust be elected by a majority ofallthe members present. The board of trustees, vestry or chapter not including wardensshallmust be divided into three classes;. One classshallmust be elected and hold office until the next annual meeting of the congregation, one class untiltheits second annual meetingof the congregation, and one class untiltheits third annual meetingof the congregation.ThereafterAfter that, the terms of office of the trustees orvestrymen shallvestry members must be three years and until their successors are elected and have qualified.In caseIf a vacancyshalloccuroccurs in the board of trustees, vestry, or chapter, at the next meeting of the congregation, board of trustees, chapter or vestry a successorshallmust be elected to fill the unexpired termcaused by such vacancy. Aftersuchthe meeting the chairman and secretary shall make a certificatein the form and manneras prescribed by section 315.01, 315.17, or 315.20, as the case may be, andsuch. The certificate,together withproof by affidavit ofthegiving ofproper notice of the meeting, and the affidavits provided for in section 315.35, shallmust be recordedin theoffice ofwith the county recorder of the county where the place of worship of the consolidated society is located; and thereuponsuch churches, congregations, parishes, parish and cathedral, orsocieties shall be. When it is filed, the societies become merged into a new corporation under the name specified in the certificateand. The new corporationshall havehas the rights, powers, and privileges, andshall beis liable forallthe obligations of theseveralcorporationssoconsolidatedand allof. The property ofevery kind and nature ofthe original corporationshall vestvests in the new corporation; andwhenever, by any. If a will or other instrumentwhichtakes effect aftersuchthe consolidation,and names any of the original corporationsbe namedas a legateeor, devisee, orasbeneficiary ofanya trusttherein provided, the new corporation shall take undersuch will or otherthe instrument andshallreceive and becomeis entitled toallthe money, property, and benefits that the original corporation would have received undersuch will or otherthe instrument,save as thereinotherwiseunless the instrument expresslyprovidedprovides otherwise. 315.365 [MERGER OF RELIGIOUS CORPORATIONS.] Subdivision 1. [MERGER.]In the event thatIf two or more dioceses, synods, parishes, churches, congregations, or other religious bodies of the samereligiousdenominationshall haveheretofore been or shall hereafter be united, reunited, merged,or consolidated,unite, reunite, merge, or consolidate andinthe event thatif, before doing so, eachsaid religiousbodyshall havehas created, prior to the date of said union,reunion, merger, or consolidation,a corporationor two or morecorporations pursuant to the laws of this state for the holdingand administration ofunder Minnesota law to hold and administer its propertiesof said religious bodyorfor the holding andadministration ofproperties in trust for theuse andbenefit ofsaid religious bodiesthe body orof any subdivisions,congregations, parishes, churches, missions, or otherits component partsthereof,the saidthese property corporations may merge and consolidate one withor into any one of saidproperty corporationsanother orwith andinto a new property corporation organized forlikesimilar purposes bysaid united,reunited, merged, or consolidatedthe new religious body,providing. Authority forsaidthe property corporation merger and consolidationshall have beenmust first be given atanyan annual meeting ofsaid united, reunited, merged, or consolidatedreligiousthe new body or atanya special meetingthereofdulycalled forsuchthat purpose in accordance with the constitution, canon law, or other lawful provision for its governance. Subd. 2. [HOW MERGER EFFECTED.]Any saidTo accomplish the merger and consolidationshall be effected by the execution by, the property corporationswho are parties thereto ofmust execute an agreementof merger and consolidationcontaining:(a)(1) the names of the property corporations who are it;(b)(2) the name and location of the principal office of the surviving corporation withand intowhich the property corporationswho are parties to said mergerare to be merged and consolidated.;(c)(3) the persons whoshallconstitute the governing board of the surviving corporation until their successors aredulyelected andshall qualify.qualified;(d)(4) the general purposes ofsaidthe surviving corporation and the general description of the area to be served by it.;(e)(5) the date of adoption of the authorization forsaidthe merger and consolidation by the meeting of the united, reunited, merged, or consolidated religious body to whichsaidthe merging or consolidating property corporations pertain.; and(f) Any(6) other provisions appropriate for the certificate of incorporation of property corporations ofsaidthis characterwhich may beformedpursuant to the laws of thisstateunder Minnesota law.(g) SaidThe agreementof merger and consolidation shallmust be executed by the corporate officers of eachof thepropertycorporations which are parties theretocorporation that is party to it andshallmust be accompanied by the certificate of the secretary or other recording officer ofsaid united,reunited, merged, or consolidatedthe new religious bodycertifying to the adoption by said religious. The certificate must certify that the body has adopted in accordance with its constitution, canon law, or other general provisions for the governance of its affairs,ofa resolution authorizingsaidthe merger and consolidation, and shall. The agreement must also be accompanied by a certificate of the secretary or other recording officer of each of the property corporationswho are partiesthereto of the adoption by, certifying that the members andtheboard of trustees or othergoverning body of eachsaidproperty corporationofhave adopted resolutionsauthorizing anddirecting the execution ofsaidthe agreementof merger andconsolidation.(h) SaidThe agreementof merger and consolidation, when executedas aforesaidandwhencertifiedas aforesaid,shallmust be filed for recordin the office ofwith the county recorder of the countyin whichwhere the surviving corporation's principal place of businessof said survivingcorporationis to locate, and shall. It must also be filed for recordin the office ofwith the county recorder of each other county of this statein whichwhere the principal place of business of any of the property corporationswho are parties tosaid merger and consolidation shall theretofore, by theprovisions of itswas located according to the property corporation's certificate of incorporation, have been located.(i) SaidThe merger and consolidationshall be and becomeeffective for all purposes upon filing for recordtakes effect when thesaidagreementof merger and consolidationandthecertificatesas aforesaid in the office ofare filed for record with the county recorder. Subd. 3. [CONTINUATION OF CORPORATE IDENTITIES.]Upon anysaidWhen a merger and consolidationbecoming effectivetakes effect, the corporate identity of eachof the propertycorporations which are parties thereto shall continueparty to it continues in the surviving corporation, and. The legal title toallassets held or owned by any property corporationwhichthat is a party tosaidthe merger and consolidationshallthereupon be and become vestedvests in the surviving corporation, and. The surviving corporation, by continuance init of the corporate identity of each of the corporations whichare parties to said merger and consolidation, shall be thecorporationis entitled to receiveallgifts, devises, bequests, legacies, or other transfers or assignments of money or property, real, personal, or mixed,thereaftermade after the merger directly or in trust to or intended for any of thesaidconstituent property corporationswhich are parties to saidmerger and consolidation; provided that,. Except as provided inMinnesota Statutes 1941,section 501.12, no properties or assets and no income ofanyproperties or assets held or received byany said property corporation which isa party tosaidthe merger and consolidation orwhich shall be receivedby the surviving corporationafter the date thereofshall be diverted from the uses and purposes for whichthe samethey wereor arereceived and held by thesaidproperty corporationswho areparties to said merger and consolidationor from the uses and purposes for whichthe samethey were expressed and intended. Subd. 4. [EFFECTIVENESS OF ORIGINAL CERTIFICATES OF INCORPORATION.] Except as otherwise provided insaidthe agreementof merger and consolidation,all ofthe provisions of the certificate of incorporation of the surviving corporationshallcontinue infullforceand effectas to the surviving corporation andall othercorporationswhich shall be somerged and consolidatedtherewithwith it. 315.37 [WHEN SOCIETY CEASES TO EXIST; DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY.]Whenever anyWhen a religious society, which is in any wayunder the control or supervision of a superior body,ceases to exist or to maintain its organization,allitsremainingreal and personal propertyshall vestvests in andbeis transferred,in the manner hereinafteras provided in section 315.38, totheincorporated annual conference, presbytery, diocese, diocesancouncil, association, or other incorporated governing orsupervising body of the same religious denomination within whosejurisdiction such society was located, or with which it wasaffiliated, it being intended that the property shall vest inand be transferred tothe next higher governing or supervising corporate body of the same denomination. 315.38 [DISSOLUTION, APPLICATION, HEARING.] Upon application to the district court of the county wheresuchthe society was located byanya member of the body in which the property is to vest,as aforesaidunder section 315.37, the court shall appoint a time for hearing the application, and. Three weeks' published and posted noticethereof shallof hearing must be given, and any additional noticewhichthe court may direct. If,uponat the hearing, it appears that a proper case existsthereforunder section 315.37, the court shalladjudge anddirect a transferthereofto be made through a trustee appointed by it for that purpose. Affidavits of the notice may be filed in the proceedings, and theyshall beare evidence inallactions and proceedings in the courts of the state. 315.39 [TITLE TO REAL PROPERTY, TITLE VESTED IN SOCIETY,BODY, OR CORPORATION.] When itshall be made to appearappears toanya district court of this state that,prior to the yearbefore 1907, real property was conveyed to a bishop, or a right reverend bishop, or an archbishop, or a most reverend archbishop of any religious denomination or church inhisan official capacity as bishop and tohissuccessors in office, or as trustee under an oral or written trust foranyan incorporated or unincorporatedsociety,body,association, or congregationin this state, whether the grantee is designated as trustee in the conveyance or not, and the considerationthereforfor it was paid by thesociety,body,association, or congregation,and at the time of the conveyance the bishop's religious denomination or church had its central or supreme government in a foreign countryor nationand was the country's state churchof the foreign country or nation, andthereafterlater the country's form of governmentof theforeign country or nationwas changed and the religious denomination or church ceased to betheits state churchthereof, and the record title to the real property is in the name of the grantee orhisa successor in office, and thesociety,body,association, or congregation,whether incorporated or not,is in possession ofpossesses the real property and hasbeen in possession thereofpossessed it foraperiod often or more years under a claim of ownership, the district court shall, in an action brought by thesociety,body,association, or congregation,make a decree vesting the title, both legal and equitable, to the real property in thesociety,body, association, or congregation; provided, that any suchsociety,. An unincorporated body, or congregation which is nowunincorporated shall become incorporatedmust incorporate underthe laws of this state prior toMinnesota law before the commencement of the action. Actions under this sectionshallmust be brought in the samemannerway as actions to quiet title to real property in this state, as provided in chapters 557 to 561. 315.40 [RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES MAY PROVIDE FOREMPLOYEE BENEFITS; INSURANCE LAWS NOT TO APPLY.]AnyA religious society, religious association, or religious corporation may, whendulyauthorized by its members,provide for thesupport andpayment ofpay benefits to its ministers, teachers, and otherfunctionaries andemployeesofsuch society, association, or corporation, or those ofanya congregation,orof anyeducational, benevolent, charitable, or other body affiliated with it or undertheits jurisdictionofsuch society, association, or corporation;for the payment ofpay benefits to their widows, children, or other dependents or beneficiaries;for the collection ofcollect contributions and other payments; andfor the creation, maintenance, investment,management, and disbursement ofcreate, invest, manage, and disburse necessary endowment, reserve, and other funds forsuchthese purposes. The insurance laws of this stateshalldo not apply to the operations ofany sucha society, association or corporation underthe provisions ofthis section. 315.41 [CAMP MEETING ASSOCIATIONS; FORMATION; CAPITAL STOCK.] Camp or grove meetings, Sunday school assemblies, oranysocieties for religious instruction or worship, and for mutual improvement in moral, literary, or social culture, maybeincorporatedincorporate under this chapter. The amount of capital stockshall notmust beless thanat least $5,000, divided into shares of not less than $10 nor more than $50 and paid in as provided in its bylaws. 315.42 [TAX EXEMPT; NO STREETS THROUGH PROPERTY.]AllProperty necessarily used byanysuch a corporation, and not leased or used for profit,shall beis exempt from taxation. No roads or streets shall be laid throughany suchthe property without the consent of the corporation's governing boardof such corporation. 315.43 [PEACE OFFICERS, APPOINTMENT.] The governing board of any such corporation may appoint peace officersfor the purpose of keepingto keep order on its grounds, to be paid bysuchthe corporation.SuchThe officers while on dutyshallhave the same powerand authorityas constables. 315.44 [YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, ORGANIZATION;CERTIFICATE.]Any number ofThree or more persons, not less than three,may form a corporationto beknown as a Young Men's Christian Association, by adopting, signing, and acknowledging a certificate of incorporation containing: (1) the names and places of residence of the incorporators; (2) the name of the corporation, the location of its principal place of business, and the period of its duration; (3) the objects of its organization expressly stated; (4) the number of its directors, not less than five, who shall manage its affairs, how and when elected, and the time and place ofholdingannual meetings; and (5) the terms of admission to active membership.SuchThe certificateshallmust beexecutedin duplicate, and one filed with the secretary of state and the other with the county recorder of the county of its principal place of business. 315.45 [CLASSIFICATION OF MEMBERS.] The directors may in their bylaws divide the members into active, senior, junior, associate, andsuchother convenient classesas they may deem convenient, and determine the qualifications for associate membership and provide rules for the trial and expulsion of members. Only active membersshallbe entitled tomay vote or hold office insuchthe corporation. 315.46 [BOARD OF TRUSTEES MAY MANAGE REAL PROPERTY.]Any suchAn association may create a board of trustees to control its property. The board shall consist ofnot less thanat least five trustees, of whom the president of the associationshallis one ex officiobe one. Each trusteeshallmust be a member in good standing of some Protestant Evangelical church,but not. No more than three members, exclusive ofsuchthe president, and in no case a majority,shallmay be members of any onechurchdenomination. The first board of trusteesshallmust be elected atanya regular meeting of the association by a majority vote of the membersthereofentitled to votethereatpresent and voting, and. It shall hold office forsuchthe timeas may beprescribed by its bylaws. Vacanciesshallmust be filled by a majority vote of the remaining trustees from nominations made by the board of directors or managers. 315.47 [PROPERTY RIGHTS.]EachThe board shallhave thecontrolofthe real property of the association andsuchother propertyasits board of directors or trustees may designate.NoReal property belonging to the associationshallmust not be conveyed, disposed of, or mortgaged without the consent of the board,nor shall the samebeand it is not liable foranya debt or obligation of the association unless thesame shall have beendebt is contracted with its approval.AllPropertysoand its income under the control of the boardand the income thereof shallmust be devoted only to the purposes of the associationand. So long as the directors and managers of the associationshall so expendthe same suchspend it for these purposes, the incomeshallmust be paid over to the treasurer of the board of directors or managers. 315.48 [REINCORPORATION.]AnyA religious society now conducting its affairs as a Young Men's Christian Association may reincorporate undertheprovisions ofsections 315.44 to 315.47, but in such case. The new certificate of incorporationshallmust be executed by allofthe directors ofsuchthe association. Uponsuchreincorporationall ofthe property ofsuchthe societyshallpasspasses to andvestvests in the corporation so formedwithout further action. 315.49 [YOUNG WOMEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATIONS.]All the provisions ofSections 315.44 to 315.48shall beapplicableapply to Young Women's Christian Associations as well as to Young Men's Christian Associations. 315.50 [CONSOLIDATION OF CHURCH CONFERENCES; AFFIDAVIT.] Subdivision 1. [CHURCH NAMES.] Upon the consolidation or merger of two or more church conferences,anya subordinate or affiliate religious corporation formerly under the governance of one ofsuch consolidating or merging church conferences ishereby authorized tothem may use the name, or appropriate partthereofof it, of the consolidated or merged church conference as part of its name in place ofthe name, or part thereof,that ofsuchthe consolidating or merging church conferenceformerlya part of the name of such subordinate or affiliate religiouscorporation.AllDeeds, mortgages, contracts and other legal documents executed bysuchthe subordinate or affiliate corporation using the new nameof the consolidated or mergedchurch conference, or part thereof,arehereby declaredlegal and bindingupon suchon the subordinate or affiliate corporation to the same extent as ifsuch deeds, mortgages,contracts and other legal documentsthey had been executed in the old name ofsuchthe subordinate or affiliate religious corporationas it existed prior to such consolidation or merger. Subd. 2. [AFFIDAVIT.]AnyA member ofsuchthe subordinate or affiliate religious corporation may file with the county recorder of the countyin whichwhere it is located and also where itmay ownowns property an affidavitsetting outstating (1) its corporate name and book and page where recorded, (2) the names of the consolidating or merging church conferences, (3) the name of the consolidated or merged church conference, (4) its name as used followingsuchthe consolidation or merger, including the name of the consolidated or merged church conference, or partthereofof it, (5) thatsuchthe affidavit is made pursuant to this section, and (6) the text of subdivision 1. ARTICLE 6 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 344, is amended to read: 344.01 [FENCE VIEWERS.] Supervisors in their respective towns,aldermen of citiescity council members in their respective wards,the commissionercommissioners of public works in cities having a commission form of government, andstatutorycity trustees intheir respectivestatutory citiesshall beare fence viewers. 344.011 [EXEMPTION.] A town board may, by resolution, exempt adjoining owners or occupants from this chapter whenthetheir landof the adjoiningowners or occupantsconsidered together is less than 20 acres. 344.02 [LEGAL FENCE; REQUISITES; VIEWERS OFKINDS OF PARTITION FENCES.] Subdivision 1. [LEGAL AND SUFFICIENT FENCES.]AllThe following are legal and sufficient fences: (a) fences consisting ofnot less thanat least 32-inch woven wire and two barbed wires firmly fastened to well-set posts not more than one rod apart, the first barbed wire being above and not more than four inches from the woven wire and the second barbed wire being above and not more than eight inches from the first wire;all(b) fences consisting ofnot less thanat least 40-inch woven wire and one barbed wire firmly fastened to well-set posts not more than one rod apart, the barbed wire being above and not more than four inches from the woven wire;all(c) fences consisting of woven wirenot less thanat least 48 inches in height, and one barbed wire not more than four inches above the woven wire firmly fastened to well-set posts not more than one rod apart;all(d) fences consisting ofnot less thanat least four barbed wires with at least 40 barbs to the rod, the wiresto befirmly fastened to posts not more than one rod apart, the top wiretobenot more than 48 inches high and the bottom wirenot lessthan12, nor more thanto 16,inches from the ground; andall(e) fences consisting of rails, timbers, wires, boards, stone walls, or any combinationthereofof those materials, or streams, lakes, ditches, or hedges, whichshall beare considered by the fence viewers as equivalent to any of the fencesherein described, shall be deemed legal and sufficientfenceslisted in this subdivision.In all cases whereSubd. 2. [DETERMINATION OF KIND OF FENCE.] If adjoining land owners disagree as to the kind of fence to be built on any division line, the mattershallmust be referred to the fence viewers, who shall determine what kind of fenceshallshould be built onsuchthe line andshallorderthe fenceit builtaccording to law.WhenSubd. 3. [SPECIAL CASE.] If the lands of two persons adjoin,and the land of oneof such personsis enclosed by a woven wire fence on all sides,except the side forming a division line betweensuchthe lands,by a woven wire fence,then and in such case,eachof such personsperson shall erect and maintain a fenceof like character and qualityalongsuchdivision line for a distance ofone-halfofthe total lengththereof and thereafter maintain the same in equal sharesof the division line. The fences must be similar in character and quality. 344.03 [EXPENSE; EQUAL SHARES.] Subdivision 1. [ADJOINING OWNERS.]TheIf all or a part of adjoiningowners or occupants of lands in this state whentheMinnesota landof one or both of the ownersis, in whole orin part,improved and used, and one or both of the owners of the land desireshis or theirthe land to be, in wholepartly orin part,totally fenced, the land owners or occupants shall build and maintainthea partition fence between their lands in equal shares. Subd. 2. [APPLICATION TO STATE; APPROPRIATION.]Theprovisions of subdivision 1 shall applyThis section applies to the stateof Minnesotawith respect to all land adjoining the Memorial Hardwood State Forestasdefined in section 89.021, subdivision 33. There isherebyannually appropriated from the appropriation made to the commissioner of administration for the commissioner of natural resources from the Memorial Hardwood Forest account of the Natural Resources fund, anthe amountsufficient to assumenecessary for the state's share of partition fencesas provided in subdivision 1under this section. 344.04 [NEGLECTFAILURE TO BUILD OR REPAIR; RIGHTS OF COMPLAINANT.]In case anyIf a personneglectsfails to build, repair, or rebuildanya partition fence whichof right he oughtthe person is required to build or maintain, theaggrievedaffected party may complain to the fence viewerswho, after. The fence viewers shall give notice to the parties, shalland examinesuchthe fence or look into the needof suchfor a proposed fence;and,. If they determine thatthean existing fencethenexistingis insufficient or a new fence is necessary, they shall notify the delinquent owner or occupant,in writing,to that effect anddirect him or themorder the owner or occupant to build, repair, or rebuild the fence withinsuch time as theydeema reasonable, andtime. If the delinquent fails to comply withsuch directionsthe order, the complainant may build, repair, or rebuildsuchthe fenceat his own expense subject toand obtain reimbursementas hereinafter providedpursuant to section 344.05. 344.05 [REPAIR COSTS RECOVERABLE.]When any such new or deficient fence built, repaired, orrebuilt by the complainant under the provisions of section344.04 is adjudged sufficient by the fence viewersIf a complainant builds, repairs, or rebuilds a fence according to section 344.04 and the fence viewers consider it sufficient, they, after givingshall give the occupants reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard,shall ascertaindetermine theexpense thereofcost of the fence or repair, and give to the complainantbuilding, repairing, or rebuilding the samewho built, repaired, or rebuilt the fence a signed certificate of their decision, under their hands,and of theamountcost ofsuch expense, together with theirthe fence or repair and the viewers' fees; and thereupon such. The complainant may demand, either of the owner or the occupant of the adjoining land where the fence was wanting or deficient, the viewers' fees and doublesuchthe amount of the ascertained expense, together with suchfees; and, in case of failure to. If the owner or occupant does not paythe sum so duethat amount within one month after demand, the complainant may recover thesameamount, with interest, in a civil action. 344.06 [CONTROVERSY; DECISIONAND DIRECTIONBY FENCE VIEWERS.] If a controversy arisesin regard toconcerning the rights in partition fences of the respective occupants,or their obligation to maintain thesamefences, either party may apply to the fence viewers, who, after due notice to the parties, may assign to eachhisa share insuchthe fence and direct the time within which thesame shallfence must be erected or repaired. The assignment may be filed for record with the county recorder,and thereupon shall beafter which it is binding upon the parties and upon all succeeding occupants of the lands. 344.07 [FAILURE TO ERECT OR MAINTAIN; PRIVILEGE OFCOMPLAINANT.]In case anyIf a party fails to erect or maintain the part ofanya fencesoassignedto himunder section 344.06, the aggrieved party may erect and maintain thesamefence, andshallbe entitled to double thevalue thereof, to becost of the construction and maintenance as ascertained and recoveredasprovidedin section 344.05 in the case of repairs. 344.08 [RECORDED DIVISIONOF FENCES; RECORD; BINDING ON HEIRS AND ASSIGNS.] All divisions of fences which are made by fence viewers under this chapter, or whichshall beare made by owners of adjoining lands, in writing, witnessed by two witnesses, signed and acknowledged by the parties, and filed for record with the county recorder,shall beare valid against the partiestheretoto the divisions and their heirs and assigns. 344.09 [PARTY ERECTING MORE THAN SHARE.]When, in anyIf there is a controversy between occupants of adjoining lands as to their respective rights in any partition fence, it shall appear toand the fence viewers decide that eitherof the occupantsoccupant has voluntarily erected,or otherwise become the proprietor of more thanhisthat occupant's just share ofsuchthe fence,before a complaint was made, the other occupant shall pay forso much thereof as may bethe share of the fence assigned to him or her to repair and maintain,. The value ofwhich shallthe fence must be ascertained and recoveredin the manner in this chapter providedpursuant to section 344.05. 344.10 [LANDS BOUNDED BY STREAM.]WhenIf lands of different personswhich are requiredtomust be fenced and are bounded upon or divided by a stream or pond,which, in the judgment of the fence viewers, is not in itself a sufficient fence, and if the viewers determine that it isin their opinionimpracticable, without unreasonable expense, for a partition fence to be made onsuchthe watersin the placewhereat the true boundary lineis, and if the occupant on either siderefuses or neglectsfails to join with the occupant on the other side in making a partition fence on one side or the other,or if such occupants disagree respecting the same,then the fence viewers, on application of either party, shallforthwithviewsuchthe stream or pond, and, after giving due notice to the parties,shalldetermine, in writing, on which sidethereofof the stream or pond the fenceshallmust be erected and maintained, or whether partly on one side and partly on the other. If either party fails to build or maintainhisthe assigned part ofsuchthe fence according tosuchthe viewers' determination,it may be built and maintained bythe other party may build and maintain the fence, and the delinquent partyshall be subject to allmust pay the charges and costsasprovided for in other cases in this chapterprovided, to berecovered in like manner. 344.11 [LANDS OCCUPIED IN COMMON.]WhenIf one of the occupants of enclosed lands belonging to different persons in severalty, which have been occupied by them in common without a partition fence, desires to occupy his or her part in severalty, and the other partyrefuses or neglectsfails to divide the landwith himor to build a fence onhispart of the land when it has been divided, the party desiring it may have thesameland divided and assigned by the fence viewers in the manner provided in this chapter. 344.12 [VIEWERS TO FIX TIME FOR BUILDING.]Upon such division and assignment being made, theIf fence viewers have divided land and assigned fence responsibilities, they mayin writing under their hands assignset in writing a reasonable time for building the fence, having regard to the season of the year; and,. If either party fails to buildhispartthereofof the fence within the timesoassigned, the other party may, after completinghis ownpartthereofof the fence, build the other part, and recoverthereforthe viewers' fees and double theexpense thereof, together with the fees of the fenceviewers, to be ascertained as provided incost of building the other part, as determined pursuant to this chapter. 344.13 [RULE WHENLANDSAREFIRST ENCLOSED.] When unenclosed lands are afterwards enclosed, the owner or occupantthereofof the lands shall pay one-half of the value of each partition fence extending upon the line betweenhisthat person's land and the enclosure of any other owner or occupant.In caseIf the parties do not agree,suchthe valueshallmust be ascertained by the fence viewers and stated,in writingunder their hands; and,. Ifsuchan owner or occupant fails tomake such paymentpay within 60 days after the value issoascertained and a demand made, the owner ofsuchthe fence may recoversuchthe value and the cost of ascertainingthe sameit in a civil action. 344.14 [VIEWERS WHEN FENCE ON TOWN LINE.]WhereIf a partition fence is to be built on a line between towns, or partly in one town and partly in another,a supervisortakentwo supervisors, one from each town, shall be the fence viewersthereof. 344.16 [DIVISION OR RECORDED AGREEMENT RUNS WITH THE LAND.]WhereIf the line upon which a partition fence is to be built between unimproved lands has been divided by the fence viewers,or by the recorded agreement of the parties, the severalowners thereoflandowners, and their heirs and assigns forever, shall erect and maintainsuchfencesagreeably to suchin accordance with the divisions. 344.17 [NEGLECTFAILURE OF VIEWER TO PERFORM DUTY; PENALTY.]AnyA fence viewer whoshallunreasonablyneglectfails to performanya duty required by this chapter shall forfeit $5 to the town or city and be liable to the injured partyinjuredfor all resulting damagesconsequent upon such neglect. 344.18 [COMPENSATION OF VIEWERS.] Fence viewersshallmust be paid for their services by the person employing them at the rate of $15 each for each day's employmentand the sum of. $60shallmust be deposited with the town or city treasurer before the service is performed. Upon completion of the service, anyportionof the $60 notexpendedfor compensation ofspent to compensate the fence viewersshallmust be returned to the depositor. 344.19 [VIEWERS IN COUNTIES NOT ORGANIZED INTO TOWNS.] In counties not organized into towns, the county commissionersshall beare fence viewers andbeare governed bythe provisions ofthis chapter, except that county commissioners shall not receive the per diem provided in section 344.18 but may be paid a per diem pursuant to section 375.055, subdivision 1, andin addition theretotheir necessary expenses, including mileage in accordance with section 471.665. 344.20 [TOWN OPTION.] If eight or more freeholders in a town petition the town board for a vote on a partition fence policy, the town boardofa townmay adopt its own policy and procedures for dealing with partition fences, including enforcement procedures,. The policy must be approved by the electors of the town at an annual or special town meeting, in which case this chapter does not apply in that town.The town board may adopt a partition fence policy for atown only after eight or more freeholders in the town havepetitioned the town board for a vote on the adoption of a policyand the policy is approved by the electors of the town at anannual or special town meeting.This chapter applies to any partition fence lying on the boundary between a town which has adopted its own partition fence policy and any other political subdivision unless the other political subdivision is a town which has adopted a similar policy. ARTICLE 7 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 390, is amended to read: 390.005 [ELECTION OR APPOINTMENT, QUALIFICATIONS; VESTED RIGHTS; VACANCIES.] Subdivision 1. [COUNTY ELECTION.] A coroner shall be elected in each county as prescribed by section 382.01, except ashereinafterprovided in this section. Subd. 2. [APPOINTMENT BY RESOLUTION.] Inanya countyinwhichwhere the office of coroner has not been abolished, the board of county commissioners may by resolutionduly adopted atleast six months before the end of the term of the office ofcoroner declarestate its intention to fill the office by appointment. The resolution must be adopted at least six months before the end of the term of the incumbent coroner.Havingadopted such aAfter the resolution is adopted, the boardofcounty commissionersshall fill the officeof coronerby appointing a personto the officenot less than 30 days before the end of the incumbent's termof office of theincumbent.When so appointed,The appointed coroner shall serve forsucha term of officeas may bedetermined by the boardofcounty commissioners commencingbeginning upon the expiration of the term of the incumbentbut. The term must notto exceedbe longer than four years.Subd. 2a. [VACANCY; CORONER'S OFFICE.] Notwithstandingsubdivision 2, whenIf there is a vacancy in the officeofcoronerinanythe countyin which the office has not beenabolished, the boardof county commissionersmay by resolutiondeclare, state its intention to fill the office by appointment.Upon adoption ofWhen the resolution is adopted, the board shall fill the office by appointment immediately. The coroner shall serve for a termasdetermined by the boardbut not to exceed. The term must not be longer than four years. Subd. 3. [EDUCATIONAL REQUIREMENTS.] A coronershall be aperson who has, in the course of his education or professionaltrainingmust have successfully completed academic courses inthe subjects ofpharmacology, surgery, pathology, toxicology, and physiology; provided,. However,thatif a board of county commissioners determines that the office of coroner shall not beanelectiveoffice as hereinbefore provided that if the board ofcounty commissioners is unable to findand it cannot appoint any person meeting theforegoingeducational qualificationswho iswilling to accept appointmentas coroner, the boardof countycommissionersmay appointas coronerany qualified person, asdefined herein, whether a resident of the county or not. Subd. 4. [TERM OF OFFICECERTAIN INCUMBENTS.]The coronerof any county holding office on July 1, 1965, is confirmed andshall continue in office. Each such coroner shall serve for thebalance of his present term and until his successor is electedand qualified. EachAn incumbent coroner in office onsuch dateis deemed to meetJuly 1, 1965 meets the qualifications prescribed by this section for the purpose ofhiscontinuance in, reelection to, or appointment to office. Subd. 5. [VACANCIES.] Vacancies in the office of coroner shall be filledin conformity with the provisions ofaccording to sections 375.08 and 382.02. A coroner maycontinue tobe removed from office asnow or hereafterprovided by law. 390.006 [HENNEPIN COUNTY, APPLICATION.]None of the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, chapter 390,shallThis chapter does not apply to the office of county medical examiner of Hennepin county,asestablishedpursuant tounder Laws 1963, chapter 848. 390.01 [BOND.] Beforeentering upon the duties of histaking office, the coroner shallgivepost bond to the state insucha penal sum set by the county board, not less than $500 nor more than $10,000, as the county board directs and approves, with. The coroner's bond is subject to the same conditions in substance as in the bond required by law to be given by the sheriff, except as to the description of the office, which. The bond, withhisand oath of office,shall be filedfor recordwith the county recorder. 390.04 [TO ACT WHEN SHERIFF A PARTY TO AN ACTION.] When the sheriff is a party to an action,or whenanya party,hisor a party's agent or attorney,makes andfiles with the clerk of the district court an affidavit stating thathethe party believes the sheriff,by reason eitherbecause of partiality, prejudice, consanguinity, or interest, will not faithfully performhisthe sheriff's duties inanyan action commenced, or about to be commenced, the clerk shall directallprocess insuchthe action to the coroner, who. The coroner shallthereafterperformallthe duties of the sheriff relative tosuchthe action, andin the same mannerasprescribedrequired for a sheriffin the performance of similarduties. 390.05 [DEPUTIES.]EveryA coroner shall appoint one or more deputieswho, inthe absence or inability of. When the coroner is absent or unable to act,shalldeputies have the same powers andbeare subject to the same liabilities as coroners.EachA deputy shall be appointed in writing; and, if required to do so by thecoroner, before entering upon the duties of his office, shallgive. The coroner may require the deputy to post bondrequiredby law of the coroner, whichbefore taking office. The bond,with hisoath, and appointment,shall be filed for record with the county recorder.EachThe deputy shall act in his or her own name as deputy coroner and holdhisofficeduringat thepleasure ofsame time as the coroner. 390.06 [PUBLIC MORGUE.] In every countyhavingwith a population of 100,000 or over,not provided therewith,the board shall provide and equip a public morgue at the county seat, for the receipt and properdisposition. The morgue's purpose is to receive and dispose,without charge to any one,of all dead bodies which are by law subject to a post mortem or coroner's inquest, without charge to any one. The cost of building and equippingsuchthe morgueshallmust not exceedthe sum of$2,500,norand its maintenancethe sum ofmust not exceed $3,000in anya year. 390.07 [MORGUE MAINTENANCE.]SuchThe morgueshallmust be under the control of the county board,and be maintained in a suitable building separate from any other business, and. It must be equipped with the best modern approved appliancesfor the handling and dispositionto handle and dispose of dead bodies. Itshallmust not be connected in any manner with any undertaking establishment,and. No person shall be employed inor about the samethe morgue who is in any manner connected with or interested in the undertaking business. 390.11 [INVESTIGATIONS AND INQUESTS.] Subdivision 1. [DEATHS REQUIRING INQUESTS AND INVESTIGATIONS.] The coroner shall investigate and may conduct inquests in all human deaths of the following types: (1) violent deaths, whether apparently homicidal, suicidal, or accidental, including but not limited to deaths due to thermal, chemical, electrical, or radiational injury, and deaths due to criminal abortion, whether apparently self induced or not; (2) deaths under unusual or mysterious circumstances; (3) deaths of persons whose bodies are to be cremated, dissected, buried at sea, or otherwise disposed of soas to bethereafterthat the bodies will later be unavailable for examination; and (4) deaths of inmates of public institutions who are not hospitalizedthereinfor organic disease and whose deaths are not of any type referred to inclausesclause (1) or (2). Subd. 2. [VIOLENT OR MYSTERIOUS DEATHS; AUTOPSIES.] The coroner may conduct an autopsy in the case of any human deathofany typereferred to in subdivision 1,clausesclause (1) or (2), whenin the judgment ofthe coroner judges that the public interest requires an autopsy. Subd. 3. [OTHER DEATHS; AUTOPSIES; EXHUMATION; CONSENT.]In additionThe coroner may conduct an autopsy in the case of any human deathof any typereferred to in subdivision 1,clausesclause (3) or (4), or may exhume any human body and perform an autopsythereonon it in the case of any human deathof any typereferred to in subdivision 1 whenin the judgment ofthe coroner judges that the public interest requires an autopsy;provided that. Nosuchautopsy shall be conducted unless the surviving spouse, or next of kin if therebeis no surviving spouse, consentstheretoto it, orunlessthe district court of the countywhereinwhere the body is located or buriedshall, uponsuchnotice as the court directs,enter itsenters an order authorizing an autopsy or an exhumation and autopsy. Application forsuchan order may be made by the coroner or by the county attorney of the countywhereinwhere the body is located or buried, uponsucha showingasthat the court deems appropriate. Subd. 4. [ASSISTANCE OF MEDICAL SPECIALISTS.] If duringany suchan investigationand in the opinion ofthe coroner believes the assistance of pathologists, toxicologists, deputy coroners, laboratory technicians, or other medical expertsareis necessary to determine the cause of death, the coroner shallsecureobtain their assistance. Subd. 5. [INQUEST.] The record and report of the inquest proceedingsand the report thereofmay not be used in evidence in any civil action arising out of the death for whichsuchan inquest was ordered. Beforeanyan inquest is held, the coroner shall notify the county attorney to appear andconduct theexamination ofexamine witnesses atsuchthe inquest. Subd. 6. [RECORDS.] The coroner shall keep properly indexed records giving the name, if known, of every person whose death is investigated, the place where the body was found, the date, cause, and manner of death, and all other relevant information concerning the death. Subd. 7. [REPORTS.]AllDeaths of the types described in this sectionshallmust be promptly reported for investigation to the coroner by the law enforcement officer, attending physician, mortician, person in charge of the public institutions referred to in subdivision 1, or other personhavingwith knowledgethereofof the death. Subd. 8. [CORONER IN CHARGE OF BODY.] Upon notification ofsucha death subject to this section, the coroner orhisdeputy shall proceed to the body, take charge ofthe sameit, and, when necessary, order that there be no interference with the body or the scene of death. Subd. 9. [CRIMINAL ACT REPORT.]Whenever in hisopinionWhen the coroner or deputy believes that the death may have resulted from a criminal act, he or she shall deliver a signed copy ofhisthe report of investigation or inquest to the county attorney. Subd. 10. [SUDDEN INFANT DEATH.] If a child under the age of two years dies suddenly and unexpectedly under circumstances indicating that the death may have been caused by sudden infant death syndrome, the coroner, medical examiner, or personal physician shall notify the child's parents or guardian that an autopsy is essential to establish the cause of death as sudden infant death syndrome. If an autopsy reveals that sudden infant death syndrome is the cause of death, that fact must be stated in the autopsy report. The parents or guardian of the child shall be promptly notified of the cause of death and of the availability of counseling services. 390.111 [EXPENSES.] The county boardof the countymay allow the reasonable and necessary expenses of the coroner orhisdeputies,incurred for telephone tolls, telegrams,orpostage, the cost of transcribing the testimony taken at an inquest, and other expenses incurredpursuant to the provisions ofsolely for the officers' official business under this chapter, including without limiting thegenerality of the foregoing the cost of transcribing thetestimony taken at any inquest, solely for the official businessof such officers. 390.15 [WITNESSES; FEES.] The coroner may issue subpoenas for witnesses, returnable immediately or at a specified time and place. The persons served with the subpoenas shall be allowed the fees, the coroner shall enforce their attendanceshall be enforced in the mannerby the coroner, and they shall be subject to the penaltiesasprovided by statute or the rules of criminal procedure. 390.16 [OATH OF WITNESSES.] The following oath shall be administered to the witnesses by the coroner: "YouDo you solemnly swear that the evidence you shall give to this inquest concerning the death of the person lying before you dead shall be the whole truth and nothing but the truth:, so help you God.?" 390.17 [TESTIMONY; FILING.] The testimony ofall witnessesa witness examined at an inquestshallmust bereduced toput in writing by the coroner or underhisthe coroner's direction andbe subscribedsigned by thewitnesses respectivelywitness. The coroner shallforthwiththen filesuchthe testimony, together with a record of all proceedingshad before him, in the office of the clerk of the district court of the county. 390.19 [WITNESS BOUND OVER; RETURN.] If the coroner finds thatanymurder, manslaughter, or assault has been committed,hethe coroner shallbindhold over by recognizancesuchany witnessesas he shall thinkthe coroner thinks proper to appear and testify at the next term of the district court at which indictment forsuchthe offense can be found.HeThe coroner shall return to thesamecourt the inquisition, written evidence, and all recognizances and examinationsby himtaken, and may commit to the county jailofthe countyanywitnesseswitness whorefuserefuses to recognizein such manner,ashe shall directthe coroner directs. 390.20 [PERSON CHARGED ARRESTED.] If any person charged by the inquest with having committed the offense is not in custody, the coroner shall have the same power as a county or municipal judge to issue process forhisthe person's apprehension. The warrant shall bemadereturnable before any court having jurisdiction in the case and the court shall proceedin the same manneras in similar cases. 390.21 [BURIAL.] Whenanya coroner holds an inquest upon view of the dead body of any person unknown, or, being called for that purpose,shalldoes not think it necessary, on view ofsuchthe body, thatanyan inquest be held,hethe coroner shallcausehave the bodyto bedecently buried; and. All expenses of the inquisition and burial shall be paid by the countyin which suchwhere the dead body is found. 390.221 [BODIES; EFFECTS; CUSTODY.]It is unlawful for anyA person, in any manner, tomay not remove, interfere with, or handle the body or the effects of any person subject to an investigation by the county coroner or medical examiner except upon order of the coroner or medical examiner orhisdeputy. The coroner or medical examiner shallreceive,take charge of, and safely keepthe effects found on the body of a deceased person and dispose of them as the probate court directs by written order. If a crime in connection with the death of a deceased person is suspected, the coroner or medical examiner may prevent any person fromgoing into or onentering the premisesor, rooms, or buildings, and shall have the custody ofanyobjects that he or she deemsto be ofmaterial evidence in the case. A willful violation of this section is a misdemeanor. 390.23 [CERTIFICATES OF DEATH.]It shall be unlawful for anyNo person, other than the county coroner, medical examiner, or judge of probateto, shall issue a certificate of death inany of the followingcases:of violent or mysterious deaths, including suspected homicides, occurring inhisthe county, and any willful violation of any ofthe provisions of section 390.221 is a misdemeanor. 390.24 [EXPENSES.] The county boardof any such countymay allow the reasonable and necessary expenses ofany suchthe coroner orhisdeputies,incurred for telephone tolls, telegrams,orpostage, the cost of transcribing the testimony taken at an inquest, and other expenses incurred solely for the officers' official businessof such officersunder this chapter. 390.25 [FINGERPRINTING OF UNIDENTIFIED DECEASED PERSON.] Each coroner shallcause to behave fingerprinted all deceased persons inhisthe county whose identity is not immediately established. Within 24 hoursthereafterafter the body is found, the coroner shall forward to the bureau of criminal apprehensionsuchthe fingerprints, fingerprint records, and other identification data. The superintendent of the bureauof criminal apprehensionshall prescribe the form of these reports.TheseThe duties are in addition to those imposed on the coroner by section 525.393. 390.26 [REPEALER, EXTENT.] Allacts or parts of actslaws inconsistent withtheprovisions ofLaws 1965, chapter 761, sections 1 to 5, are repealed and superseded bythe provisions hereof but only to theextent of such inconsistenciesthis chapter. Allacts or partsof actslaws pertaining to the salaries, fees, and expenses of coroners and their deputies and other employees or to the establishment and maintenance of morgues andnot inconsistentconsistent withthe provisions ofLaws 1965, chapter 761, sections 1 to 5,shall continue toremain in forceand effect. 390.31 [SIMPLIFIED INVESTIGATIONS OF DEATH.] Subdivision 1. [PURPOSE.]It is the purpose ofSections 390.31 to 390.35toprovide a simplified system for the investigation of the death of any person when the county attorney determines thatsuchan investigation is necessary andtoprovide for professional assistance to those makingsuchthe investigation.To this endIt is declared to be in the public interest for medical doctors to conduct the medical investigations deemed necessary,under the supervision of the county attorney and, if a trialproceedingis deemed necessary, that it be held in a court of record. Subd. 2. [JURY FEES.] Each juror sworn inanyan action pending beforeanya sheriff on a writ of inquiry,shall receive $3,to be paid, in the first instance in all civil actions, by the party calling for the jurors. Subd. 3. [DISQUALIFICATION OF SHERIFF.] When the sheriff is a party to an action,or when any party,hisor the party's agent or attorney,makes andfiles with the clerk of the district court an affidavit stating thathethe party believes the sheriff,by reason eitherbecause of partiality, prejudice, consanguinity, or interest, will not faithfully performhisthe sheriff's duties inanyan action commenced, or about to be commenced, the clerk shall directallprocess insuchthe action to the county attorney, who. The attorney shallthereafterperformallthe duties of the sheriff relative tosuchthe action, andin thesamemanneras prescribedrequired for a sheriffin the performance of similar duties. 390.32 [AUTHORITY TO CONDUCT PROCEEDINGS.] Subdivision 1. [DEATHS REQUIRING INVESTIGATIONS AND INQUESTS.] The sheriff shall investigate and may recommend to the medical examiner and the county attorney the conduct of inquests and autopsies in all human deaths of the following types: (1) violent deaths, whether apparently homicidal, suicidal, or accidental, including but not limited to deaths due to thermal, chemical, electrical, or radiational injury, and deaths due to criminal abortion, whether apparently self induced or not; (2) deaths under unusual or mysterious circumstances; (3) deaths of persons whose bodies are to be cremated, dissected, buried at sea, or otherwise disposed of soas to bethereafterthat the bodies will later be unavailable for examination; and (4) deaths of inmates of public institutions who are not hospitalizedthereinfor organic disease and whose deaths are not of any type referred to inclausesclause (1) or (2). The sheriff shall report all such deaths to the medical examiner and the county attorney. Subd. 2. [VIOLENT OR MYSTERIOUS DEATHS; AUTOPSIES.] The medical examiner may conduct an autopsy in the case of any human death of any type referred to in subdivision 1,clausesclause (1) or (2), when in the judgment of the medical examiner the public interest requires an autopsy. Subd. 3. [OTHER DEATHS; AUTOPSIES; EXHUMATION CONSENT.]InadditionThe medical examiner may conduct an autopsy in the case of any human death of any type referred to in subdivision 1,clausesclause (3) or (4), or may exhume any human body and perform an autopsythereonin the case of any human death of any type referred to in subdivision 1 when in the judgment of the medical examiner the public interest requires an autopsy;provided that. No such autopsy shall be conducted unless the surviving spouse, or next of kin if therebeis no surviving spouse, consentsthereto, or unless the district court of the countywhereinwhere the body is located or buriedshall, uponsuchnotice as the court directs,enterenters its order authorizing an autopsy or an exhumation and autopsy. Application forsuchan order may be made by the medical examiner orbythe county attorney of the countywhereinwhere the body is located or buried, uponsucha showingasthat the court deems appropriate. Subd. 4. [ASSISTANCE OF MEDICAL SPECIALISTS.]ShouldIf the medical examinerdeemfinds it advisable to engage the services of medical specialists, includingbut not limited topathologists and toxicologists,hethe medical examiner shall apply to the probate judge, and uponfor authorization. If the medical examiner shows reasonable causebeing shown therefor, the probate judge shall authorize the medical examiner to engagesuchmedical specialists and provide forthepayment of their fees and expenses, such. The coststoof the services shall be paid by the county treasurer upon receipt of a certificatethereoffrom the probate judge. Subd. 5. [RECORDS OF INVESTIGATION.] The sheriff shall keep properly indexed records giving the name, if known, of every person whose death is investigated, the place where the body was found, the date, cause, and manner of death, and all other relevant information concerning the death. Subd. 6. [REPORT OF DEATHS.]AllDeaths of the types described in this sectionshallmust be promptly reported for investigation to the sheriff by the attending physician, mortician, person in charge of the public institutions referred to in subdivision 1, or other person having knowledgethereofof the death. Subd. 7. [CUSTODY OF BODY.] Upon notification ofsucha death subject to this section, the sheriff orhisdeputy shall proceed to the body, take charge ofthe sameit, and, when necessary, order that there be no interference with the body or the scene of death. Subd. 8. [REPORT OF INVESTIGATION.] The sheriff shall deliver a signed copy ofhisthe report of investigation to the county attorney and the medical examiner. Subd. 9. [INQUEST PROCEDURE.]ShouldIf the county attorneyelectelects to conduct an inquest,hethe county attorney shall promptly notify the probate judge of thenecessityneed for an inquest andtomake all arrangementsthereforfor it. Atsuchthe inquest, the probate judge shall preside and the county attorney shall conduct the inquest on behalf of the state. Upon conclusion of the inquest, the probate judge shall find the cause of death and sign and file a death certificate. The probate judge, upon application of the county attorney, may issue subpoenas for witnesses in the manner provided byMinnesota Statutes 1969,section 390.15,and the probate judge shall administer the oath to them in the manner provided byMinnesota Statutes 1969,section 390.16. Subd. 10. [NO INQUEST CONDUCTED.]ShouldIf the county attorneyelectelects not to conduct an inquest,hethe county attorney shallsoinform the medical examiner who shallthereuponfind the cause of death and sign and file a death certificate. 390.33 [APPOINTMENT OF MEDICAL EXAMINER; MANNER OF CONDUCTING PROCEEDINGS.] Subdivision 1. [MEDICAL EXAMINER APPOINTMENT.]TheA county boardof any countyshall appointaas permanent county medical examinerwho shall bea doctor of medicine or osteopathy licensed to practice pursuant to chapter 147, or similar laws in any other state.SuchA county medical examiner shall performallthe duties imposed upon medical examiners by sections 390.31 to 390.35 andshallserve at the pleasure of the county board. The county board shall paysuchthe medical examiner a salary to be determined by the board andshallprovide for the payment ofsuchthe medical examiner's expenses incurred in the performance ofhisduties. Subd. 2. [SUBPOENA POWER.] The probate judge may issue subpoenas for witnesses, returnableforthwithimmediately or at a time and placeasthe judge directs. The persons served with subpoenas shall be allowed the same fees, the sheriff shall enforce their attendanceshall be enforcedin the same mannerbythe sheriff, and they shall be subject to the same penalties as if they had been served with a subpoena in behalf of the state in a criminal case before a county or municipal judge. Subd. 3. [OATH.] The following oath shall be administered to the witnesses by the probate judge: "YouDo you solemnly swear that the evidence you shall give to this inquest concerning the death under investigation shall be the whole truth and nothing but the truth:, so help you God.?" Subd. 4. [PROCEEDING RECORDS.] The testimony of the inquest and all records of the proceedingshadbefore the probate judgeshallmust be keptand maintainedas a permanent record of the probate court. The record,or any portionthereof, shallof it must be transcribed upon order of the probate courtand shall be transcribedor upon the request of any witness who shalltender topay the county treasurer the cost ofsuchthe transcript or portionthereof asof it determined by the probate judge. The record of the inquest proceedings and the reportthereofmay not be used in evidence inanya civil action arising out of the death for whichsuchthe inquest was ordered. Subd. 5. [WITNESSES.] If the probate judge finds thatanymurder, manslaughter, or assault has been committed,hethe judge shallbindhold over by recognizancesuchany witnessesas he shall thinkthe judge thinks proper to appear and testify at the next term of the district court at which indictment forsuchthe offense can be found.HeThe judge shall return to thesamecourt the inquisition, written evidence, and all recognizances and examinationsby himtaken, and may commit to the county jailof the countyanywitnesseswitness whorefuserefuses to recognizein such manner,asheshall directthe judge directs. Subd. 6. [WARRANTS.] Ifanya person charged by the inquestwithas having committed the offense is not in custody, the judgehas the power tomay issue process forhisapprehension of the person. The warrantshallmust be made returnable before any court having jurisdiction in the case. The court shall proceed in the same manner as in similar cases. Subd. 8. [FINGERPRINTS; IDENTIFICATION DATA.] Each sheriff shallcause to behave fingerprinted all deceased persons inhisthe county whose identity is not immediately established. Within 24 hoursthereafter, the sheriff shall forwardto thebureau of criminal apprehension suchthe fingerprints, fingerprint records, and other identification data to the bureau of criminal apprehension. The superintendent of the bureauofcriminal apprehensionshall prescribe the form of these reports. Subd. 9. [CORONER DUTIES TRANSFER TO MEDICAL EXAMINER.] Any duty of the coroner imposed by law prior to May 18, 1971, and not transferred by sections 390.31 to 390.35 or some other provision of law,is transferred to the medical examiner of the county in whichsuchthe coroner was elected or appointed. 390.34 [QUALIFIED COUNTY CORONER; APPLICATION OF SECTIONS 390.31 TO 390.35.] Sections 390.31 to 390.35shalldo not apply inanya county in which there is a person whom the county board deems qualified who will agree to seek election to the office of coroner or, in a county where the coroner is appointed, a person who will accept appointmentto such office in counties where thecoroner is appointed.In no case shallSections 390.31 to 390.35beare not effectiveas toin any county until they have been approved bytheits county boardof such county. 390.35 [ELECTION TO FOLLOW SIMPLIFIED INVESTIGATION.] Sections 390.31 to 390.35 apply only tothosecounties in which the county board elects to be bound byits provisionsthem in lieu ofanyother law relating to coroners. Inanya county in which sections 390.31 to 390.35 apply, the county board may by resolution resume death investigations under sections 390.005 to 390.26. The board shall then fill the office of coroner as provided by section 390.005. ARTICLE 8 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 458, is amended to read:PORT AUTHORITIES; WATER TRANSPORTATION FACILITIES ;PORT AUTHORITIESTRANSPORTATION TERMINALSTRANSPORT FACILITIESIN CITIES OF 4,000 TO 50,000 458.02 [ FREIGHT AND PASSENGER TRANSPORTATION TERMINALSPOWER TO GET LAND FOR TRANSPORT FACILITIES; USE.] Subdivision 1. [MAY GET, HOLD.]AnyA cityin this statenow or hereafter havingwith a populationof not less thanfrom 4,000, and not more thanto 50,000, shall have the power tomay acquireand hold in fee simple,land on a navigable stream in the city by purchase or condemnation,land for the establishmentof docks, quays, levees, wharves, landing places, railroad andother land transportation loading and unloading places, land andwater freight and passenger stations, terminals and terminalbuildings for any and all kinds of carriers and necessaryequipment and appurtenances on any navigable stream within thelimits of such cityand may hold it. Subd. 2. [USE.] The city may set asidesuch portions ofthe landwhen acquired, asthemuch of the land as public needsmay require, for userequire for public traveland shalldevote. The remainderthereof to the uses herein provided, orif required by the United States governmentmust be used as required by the federal government or for docks, quays, levees, wharves, landing places, railroad and other land transportation loading and unloading places, land and water freight and passenger stations, terminals and terminal buildings for carriers, and necessary equipment and appurtenances. 458.03 [CONSTRUCTION OF DOCKS; CHARGESPOWER TO BUILD FACILITIES, CHARGE FEES FOR USE.] Subdivision 1. [CONSTRUCTION.]Such cities shall have thepower toA city described in section 458.02 may construct, erect, and maintain onany suchlandsoacquired under that section, docks, quays, levees, wharves, landing places, railroad,and other transportation loading and unloading places,andwater freight and passenger stations, terminals and terminal buildings forany and all kinds ofcarriers, and necessary equipment and appurtenances; and such city shall have the powerand is hereby authorized to charge a. Subd. 2. [FEES.] The city council may set reasonablepricefees for the use ofsuch docks, quays, levees, wharves, andlanding places, railroad and other land transportation loadingand unloading places, land and water freight and passengerstations, terminals and terminal buildings for any and all kindsof carriersthe facilities and necessary equipment and appurtenances, such reasonable price to be determined and fixedby the council or governing body of such city, and the making ofsuch charge shall in no way be held to impair, affect orinvalidate such bondsdescribed in section 458.02.PORT AUTHORITIES IN CITIES OF FIRST CLASS 458.09 [ PORT AUTHORITY COMMISSION, APPLICATION TOTRAITS OF SEAWAY AND OTHER PORT AUTHORITIES.] Subdivision 1. [HAS PORTSAINT PAUL, DULUTH.]A commissionto be known as "Port Authority of ................" is herebyestablished in and for every city of the first class situatedupon, or adjacent to, or embracing within its boundaries, inwhole or in part, a port or harbor located on a navigable lakeor stream. Sections 458.09 to 458.19 are expressly declared tobe applicable to all such cities. Those port authorities now orhereafter havingThe port authority of Saint Paul and the seaway port authority of Duluth are established. Subd. 2. [SEAWAY PORT AUTHORITY.] A seaway port authority is a port authority with jurisdiction overharbors locateda harbor on the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence seawaysystem shall beknown and are referred to in sections 458.09 to 458.19 as seawayport authorities. Subd. 3. [APPLICABLE STATUTES.] Sections 458.09 to 458.1991 apply to the Duluth and Saint Paul port authorities unless specifically restricted to one or the other. In those sections, "port authority" includes seaway port authority. Subd. 4. [PUBLIC BODY TRAITS.] A port authorityshall beis a body politic and corporate in the state of Minnesota with the right to sue and be sued inthe names above designatedits own name. A port authorityshall also be consideredis a governmental subdivisionwithin the meaning ofunder section 282.01.The exercise by any suchA port authorityor commission ofany of its powers shall be deemed and held to becarries out an essential governmentalfunctionsfunction of the stateofMinnesotawhen it exercises its power, butany suchthe authorityshallis notbeimmune from liabilityby reasonthereofbecause of this. Subd.25. [PORT DISTRICT.]AnyA port authority,created and existing pursuant to this section, the membership ofwhich has been appointed under section 458.10, subdivisions 1 or2, shall havehas jurisdiction andshall be empowered toexercise and apply any and all ofmay carry out its powers and duties, as defined inunder sections 458.09 to 458.1991,at any place or placeswithin the entire geographical area includedwithin the boundary limits ofin the cityof the first class inwhich said port authority is located, and said area ofoperations shall be known and described as the port district. The total area of its operations is called its port district. Subd. 6. [MAY LEASE PROPERTY.]The power toA port authority may lease propertywhich thein or out of its portauthority, in its discretion,district if it believes the property is suitable and properto be putto useby the portauthority in the execution ofto carry out its duties and responsibilitiesis not to be deemed limited to said portdistrict, but the port authority shall have the power to leasesuch property either within or without said port district forsuch purpose.Subd. 3. The term "port authority" when used in thosesections shall be deemed to include seaway port authorities.458.10 [MEMBERSHIPCOMMISSIONERS; TERMS, VACANCIES, PAY, CONTINUITY.] Subdivision 1. [NUMBER, FIRST TERM.]SuchExcept for the Saint Paul and Duluth port authorities, a port authorityfor anycity shall consistconsists of three commissionerswho shall beappointed by the city councilof each city in and for which suchport authority is hereby created. The first commissionersofany such port authority shall beare appointed for terms as follows: one for two years; one for four years; and one for six years. Subd. 1a. [SAINT PAUL.]Upon passage of a formalresolution of the governing body of any city having a portauthority created under the terms of this subdivision and nowexisting,The port authority ofsuch city shall be increasedtoSaint Paul consists of seven commissioners, two of whomshallmust be members of thegoverning body of suchcity council.Themembers of such port authority shall be chosen byThe mayor shall appoint the commissioners with the approval and consent of thegoverning body of suchcityand shall serve for aperiod of six years, provided that the members of any such portauthority now existing shall be appointed for the remainder oftheir unexpired terms to such port authoritycouncil.The members of the governing body of the city appointed tosuch port authority shall hold such office for a period of sixyears, provided that they are, at all times of such service onthe port authority, members of the governing body of such city.When such members are no longer members of the governing body ofsuch city, their terms on such port authority shall terminate,and the mayor of such city with the approval and consent of thegoverning body of such city shall then fill such vacancies. Avacancy in the office of any commissioner shall be filled by themayor with the approval and consent of the governing body forthe balance of the term in which vacancy occurs.Any authority expanded in accordance with the provisions ofthis subdivision shall be deemed to be a continuation of theformer commission.The provisions of this section shall not apply to any portauthority, now existing and qualified, under subdivisions 2 and3.Subd. 1b. [OTHER PORT AUTHORITIES.] A port authority established under law by a city council of a city other than a city of the first class may have three members as provided in subdivision 1 or seven members as provided in subdivision 1a, unless a different number or procedure is set out in the enabling law. A three-member authority under subdivision 1 may be increased to a seven-member authority under subdivision 1a by resolution of the city council. Subd. 2. [DULUTH.]Upon resolution unanimously adopted byany suchThe Seaway Port Authority, it shall consistof Duluth consists of seven commissioners.: threecommissioners shall beappointedin accordance with subdivision 1,by the city council; twoadditional commissioners shall be appointedby the Saint Louis county boardof commissioners of the county in which saidcity shall be located, one for a term to expire January 1, 1956,and one for a term to expire January 1, 1958; and twoshall beappointedby the governor, one for a term to expire January 1,1960, and one for a term to expire January 1, 1961. If a countycommissioner is appointed to be a commissioner of the authority,his service on the authority shall end if he ceases to be acounty commissioner before the regular end of his appointedterm. Any port authority expanded in accordance with theprovisions of this subdivision shall be deemed to be acontinuation of the former commission. A member of the Saint Louis county delegation of the state House of Representatives appointed by that delegation, and a member of the Saint Louis county delegation of the state Senate appointed by that delegation are advisory members of the authority. Subd. 3. [TERM, VACANCIES.]WhenThe term ofanya port authority commissionerexpires, a successor shall be appointedto serve for a term ofis six years. A vacancyin the office ofany commissioner shallis created in Saint Paul when a city council member of the authority ends council membership and in Duluth when a county board member of the authority ends county board membership. A vacancy on any port authority for this or another reason must be filled by the appointing authorityforsuch officefor the balance of the termin which such vacancyoccurssubject to the same approval and consent, if any, required for an appointment for a full term.In the event ofthe failure ofFor Duluth, if the governor or the county boardof commissionersfails toactmake a required appointment withinsixty60 daysfrom the timeafter a vacancy occurs, the city councilof any such city shall havehas sole power to appoint a successor. Subd. 4. [PAY.]All commissioners shall serveA commissioner shall serve withoutcompensation for theirservices, or any remuneration, savepay except for expenses incurredin the performance of their dutywhile performing duties. The advisory members of the Duluth authority from the legislature must not be paid for their service to the authority. Subd. 5. [CONTINUATION.]There shall also be appointed toserve in an advisory capacity only to such port authority onemember of the Minnesota State Senate who represents such countyin the Senate and one member of the Minnesota House ofRepresentatives who represents such county in the House ofRepresentatives. If such county is represented in the Minnesotalegislature by only one senator and one representative, thesemembers of the legislature shall serve on such commission. Ifthe county is represented by more than one senator and more thanone representative in the legislature, the members of thatcounty's Minnesota Senate delegation representing such countyshall choose and appoint such senator so to serve, and themembers of the House delegation representing such county shallchoose and appoint such representative so to serve. Suchappointed senator and representative, serving on suchcommission, shall serve only in a consultant and advisorycapacity, and shall receive no pay nor emoluments of any kindfor such serviceThe Saint Paul and Duluth authorities are continuations of earlier, smaller commissions. 458.11 [BYLAWS AND RULES;OFFICERS; DUTIES; ORGANIZATIONAL MATTERS.] Subdivision 1. [BYLAWS, RULES, SEAL.]The commissionersconstituting suchA port authority may adopt bylaws and rules of proceduregoverning their action, not inconsistent with this orother laws,and shall adopt an official seal. Subd. 2. [OFFICERS.]TheyA port authority shall electfrom among their numbera president, a vice-presidentand, a treasurer,and shall also electa secretary, and an assistant treasurerwho may or may not be a member of such commission; anyof said offices except those of. A commissioner may not serve as president and vice-president at the same time. The other offices may be held by one commissioner. The offices of secretary and assistant treasurer need not be held by a commissioner. Subd. 3. [DUTIES AND POWERS.] The officersshallhave the usual duties and powersusually attendant upon suchof their offices, and such. They may be given other duties and powersnot inconsistent herewith, as may be providedby the port authority. Subd. 4. [TREASURER'S DUTIES.] The treasurer: (1) shall receive andbeis responsible forall moneys oftheport authorityfrom whatever source derived, and the sameshall be deemed public funds; he shall also bemoney; (2) is responsible for the acts of the assistant treasurer. He; (3) shall disbursethe same only onport authority money by checksigned by himself and any other one officer of said portauthority who shall be designated by resolution of the portauthority, and each check shall state the name of the payee andthe nature of the claim for which the same is issued. Heonly; (4) shall keep an account ofall moneys coming into hishands, showingthe source of all receipts, and the nature, purpose and authority of all disbursements,; and (5)at least once each year, at times to be determined bythe port authority,shall filewith the secretary athe authority's detailed financial statementof the port authorityshowing all receipts and disbursements, the nature of the same,the moneys on hand, and the purposes for which the same areapplicable, the credits and assets of the port authority and itsoutstanding liabilities, which report together with thetreasurer's vouchers, shall be examined by the port authorityand if found correct approved by resolution entered on therecordswith its secretary at least once a year at times set by the authority. Subd. 5. [ASSISTANT TREASURER.] The assistant treasurershall havehas the powers andperform theduties of the treasurerin the event of the absence or disability ofif the treasurer is absent or disabled. Subd. 6. [TREASURER'S BOND.] The treasurerof every portauthorityshall give bond to the statein a sum equal to twicethe amount of money which will probably be in his hands at anytime during any one year of his term, that amount to bedetermined at least annually by the port authority, such bond tobeconditioned for the faithful discharge ofhisofficial duties, and to. The bond must be approved as tobothform andsuretiessurety by theportauthority and filed with its secretary; such bond, however, shall not exceed $300,000. The bond must be for twice the amount of money probably on hand at any one time, as determined at least annually by the authority. However, the bond must not exceed $300,000. Subd. 7. [PUBLIC MONEY.] Port authority money is public money. Subd. 8. [CHECKS.] A port authority check must be signed by the treasurer and by one other officer named by the authority in a resolution. The check must state the name of the payee and the nature of the claim that the check is issued for. Subd. 9. [FINANCIAL STATEMENT.] The port authority's detailed financial statement must show all receipts and disbursements, their nature, the money on hand, the purposes to which the money on hand is to be applied, the authority's credits and assets, and its outstanding liabilities. The authority shall examine the statement together with the treasurer's vouchers. If the authority finds the statement and vouchers correct, it shall approve them by resolution and enter the resolution in its records. 458.12 [DEPOSITORIESDESIGNATED; DEFAULT; COLLATERAL.] Subdivision 1. [NAMED; BOND.]TheEvery two years a port authority shallbiennially designate aname national or statebank orbanksas depositories of its money. Such depositoriesshall be designated onlywithin the stateand upon conditionthat bondsas depositories. Before acting as a depository, a named bank shall give the authority a bond approved as to form and surety by theportauthorityand at least equal in amount tothe maximum sum expected to be on deposit at any one time, shallbe first given by such depositories to the port authority, suchbonds to. The bond must be conditioned for the safe-keeping and prompt repayment ofsuchdeposits. The amount of the bond must be at least equal to the maximum sum expected to be on deposit at any one time. Subd. 2. [DEFAULT; COLLATERAL.] Whenany of the funds oftheport authorityshall befunds are deposited by the treasurer inany sucha bonded depository, the treasurer and thesuretiessurety onhisthe treasurer's official bondshall, to suchextent, beare exempt from liability for the loss ofany suchdeposited funds by reasonthe deposits because of the failure, bankruptcy, or any other act or default ofsuchthe depository;provided, that any such. However, a port authority may accept assignments of collateralby anyfrom its depositoryof itsfundsto securesuchdepositsto the same extent and conditionedin the same mannerjust as assignments of collateral are permitted by law to secure deposits of thefunds of any suchport authority's city. 458.14 [RIGHT TO LEVY TAXES OR ASSESSMENTS FORBIDDENPORT CAN'T TAX; OTHER FISCAL MATTERS.] Subdivision 1. [TAX LEVY BY CITYOBLIGATIONS.]TheA port authorityshall have no right or authority tomust not levyanya tax or special assessment,nor topledge the credit of the state, or any other subdivision or municipal corporationthereof; nor toor the state's municipal corporations or other subdivisions, or incuranyan obligation enforceableupon anyon property,either within or without the port district, otherthan propertynot owned by the port authority. Subd. 2. [BUDGET TO CITY.] Annually, atsucha timeas maybefixed by charter, resolution, or ordinance of the cityin andfor which any such port authority is created,thea port authority shalltransmit to thesend its budget to its city's councilof such city a detailed estimate, in writing,. The budget must include a detailed written estimate of the amount of moneywhich in its opinion will be required for the business andproper conduct of its affairsthat the authority expects to need from the city to do authority business during the nextensuingfiscal year,. The needed amount is what is needed in excess of any expected receipts fromthe conduct of its business, orother sources, and any such. Subd. 3. [CITY LEVY.] A city, in addition to all otherpowers now possessed thereby, and in addition to, and in excessof any limitation upon the amount it is otherwise permitted bylaw to levy as taxes,shall, at the request ofitsthe port authority, levytaxesa tax in any year for the benefit of, andfor expenditure by, suchthe port authority, not exceeding inany one year an amount equal to a. The taxofmust be for not more than .75 millupon the dollar oftimes the assessed valuationthereof, upon all theof taxable property insuchthe city, excluding money and credits, and any. The tax may be levied beyond levy limits in law. The amountsoleviedfor suchpurposes shallmust be paidoverby the city treasurer to the treasurer of the port authority,for expenditure by it, as aboveprovidedto be spent by the authority. Subd. 4. [FISCAL YEAR.] The fiscal year ofsucha port authorityshallmust beidentical withthe same as the fiscal year ofsuchits city; provided that any. However, the Seaway Port Authority of Duluth may, by resolution, adopt a fiscal year different from the city of Duluth's fiscal year based on the international shipping season through the St. Lawrence Seaway,independent of the fiscal year of the city in which the seawayport authority is located. Subd. 5. [COUNTY LEVY.] The county boardof countycommissionersofanya countyin which any such city is located,is also hereby authorized to appropriatehaving a port authority city may make an appropriation for the use ofsuchthe port authority, and to. The county board may includethereforwhat it considers a proper amount for the appropriation in itslevyforgeneral revenuepurposes, such amount as it may deem proper;provided, that the total amount permitted by law to be levied byany county forlevy. However, the county's general revenuepurposes shalllevy limit is notbe deemedincreasedbythis provision; the board of county commissioners in anybecause of this appropriation. Subd. 6. [ST. LOUIS COUNTY LEVY.] The St. Louis Countyentitled to appoint members of a seaway port authority,board may annually,upon receipt of aafter receiving the budgetasspecified abovefromsuchthe seaway port authority,in itsdiscretionlevy a taxsufficienttoproduce a sumraise notexceedingmore than $50,000 for thebenefit of and forexpenditure by suchport authorityto defray the costs offor its current operations in the nextensuingfiscal yearwhich. The levyshallneed not be includedin computing the amount oflevies subject to tax limitations under chapter 275 or any otherprovision of law. The appropriationunder county levy limit laws. Subd. 7. [OUTSIDE BUDGET LAWS.] Money appropriated to a port authorityof moneys derivedfromany of thecounty taxesherein authorized shallunder this section is notbesubject toany budgetary law applicablea budget law that applies tosaidthe county. Subd. 8. [COUNTY PAYMENT.]Any amounts soThe county treasurer shall pay money appropriated or levied bythea county under this sectionshall be paid over by the countytreasurerwhen and how the county board directs to the port authorityfor expenditure by it as herein provided, at suchtimes and in such manner as the county board may provideto be spent by the port authority. Subd. 9. [ST. LOUIS COUNTY BONDS.] When any city entitled to appoint members of a seaway port authority has secured the approval of two-thirds of the members of the city council of such city to issue its general obligation bonds, the proceeds of which are to be appropriated to such seaway port authority, the board of county commissioners of any county entitled to appoint members of such seaway port authority may by five-sevenths vote issue general obligation bonds of the county in an amount not to exceed $4,000,000, and appropriate the proceeds thereof to be used by such port authority for any or all of the purposes specified in section 458.15, if the county board by resolution determines that the conservation, development, reclamation, protection and improvement of lands under the jurisdiction of such port authority and the construction of port facilities thereon will promote the public welfare of the county at large and the economic well-being of its people, industries and commerce, and is an essential governmental function of the county, and can best be performed through the medium of such port authority. Any such bonds shall be issued, sold and secured as provided in sections 475.60 to 475.753; an election shall not be necessary to the validity of such bonds. Subd.210. [REVERSE REFERENDUM.]If a city proposes toincrease the levy of the city for port authority purposespursuant to subdivision 1, it shall pass a resolution statingthe amount by which the levy limit base is proposed to beincreased. Thereafter, the resolution shall be published fortwo successive weeks in the official newspaper of the city or ifthere is no official newspaper, in a newspaper of generalcirculation in the city, together with a notice fixing a datefor a public hearing on the proposed increase. The hearingshall be held not less than two weeks nor more than four weeksafter the first publication of the resolution. Following thepublic hearing, the city may determine to take no further actionor, in the alternative, adopt a resolution authorizing theincrease as originally proposed or approving an increase in thelesser amount it determines. The resolution authorizing anincrease shall be published in the official newspaper of thecity if there is no official newspaper, in a newspaper ofgeneral circulation in the city. If within 30 days thereafter apetition signed by voters equal in number to five percent of thevotes cast in the city in the last general election requesting areferendum on the proposed resolution is filed with the clerkthe resolution shall not be effective until it has beensubmitted to the voters at a general or special election and amajority of votes cast on the question of approving theresolution are in the affirmative. The commissioner of revenueshall prepare a suggested form of question to be presented atthe referendum. The referendum must be held at a special orgeneral election prior to October 1 of the year for which thelevy increase is proposed.A city may increase its levy for port authority purposes under this section, in the following way. Its city council must first pass a resolution stating the proposed amount of levy increase. The city must then publish the resolution together with a notice of public hearing on the resolution for two successive weeks in its official newspaper or if none exists in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. The hearing must be held two to four weeks after the first publication. After the hearing, the city council may decide to take no action or may adopt a resolution authorizing the proposed increase or a lesser increase. A resolution authorizing an increase must be published in the city's official newspaper or if none exists in a newspaper of general circulation in the city. The resolution is not effective if a petition requesting a referendum on the resolution is filed with the city clerk within 30 days of publication of the resolution. The petition must be signed by voters equaling five percent of the votes cast in the city in the last general election. Then the resolution is only effective if approved by a majority of those voting on the question. The commissioner of revenue shall prepare a suggested form of referendum question. The referendum must be held at a special or general election before October 1 of the year for which the levy increase is proposed. 458.15 [USE OF CITYTO TRANSFERPROPERTY, BONDS, SERVICES, BY AUTHORITY.] Subdivision 1. [PROPERTY TRANSFER.] The council ofanysucha port authority city may, in its discretion, by majorityvote, and with or without consideration,transfer or cause to be transferred tosuchits port authorityor may place in itspossession and control, by lease, or other contract oragreement, either for a limited period or in fee,any dock, waterfront, or riparian propertynow or hereafterowned or controlled bysuchthe city, and located within the port district, but. The action must be by majority vote and may be with or without consideration. The city may also put the same property in the possession or control of the authority by a lease or other agreement for a limited period or in fee. Nothing in sections 458.09 to 458.19contained shall beconstrued to impair or in any manner restrict any power ofsuchrestricts the city oranya municipalitytofrom itselfown, develop, use and improveowning, developing, using, and improving port or terminal facilities. Subd. 2. [BONDS, EXCEPT DULUTH.]Any suchA port authority city may issueitsbondsfor,and appropriatethebond proceedsthereof,tothepurchase,constructionconstruct,extensionextend,improvementimprove, andmaintenance ofmaintain docks, warehouses, or other port or terminal facilities owned or to be owned or operated bysuchits port authority,other thanif it is not a seaway port authority, under the same conditions,to the same extent and in the same manner as if suchproperties. This action may be taken in the same manner as if the facilities were public utility plants,needfulneeded public buildings and public conveniencesfrom whichcapable of producing revenuemay be derived, and were owned or to be owned or operated solely by the city. Subd. 3. [DULUTH BONDS.]AnyThe cityentitled to appointmembers of a seaway port authorityof Duluth may issueitsnot more than $1,000,000 of its general obligation bondsin a sumnot in excess of $1,000,000and may appropriate the bond proceedsthereoffor any of theforegoingpurposes in subdivision 2 andfor the conservation, development,reclamation, protection and improvement ofto conserve, develop, reclaim, protect, and improve lands under the jurisdiction ofsuchits seaway port authority.SuchThe bonds shall be issued only after approval of two-thirds of the members of the city councilof such city.Any suchThe bonds shall be issued, sold and securedas provided inunder sections 475.60 to 475.73;. The bonds are valid without an electionshall not be necessary tothe validity of such bonds. Subd. 4. [SPACE, SERVICES.]SuchA port authority city mayalso in its discretion and with or without compensation thereforfurnishto such port authorityoffices, warehouses, or other structures and space with or without heat, light, and other service, and suchto its port authority. The city council may also decide to furnish stenographic, clerical, engineering, or other assistanceas its council may determineto its port authority. Subd. 5. [COUNSEL.] The city attorneyor similar lawofficer of any such city shall be the attorney andis the legal adviserofto the port authority, but this provision shall notimpair the power of. The port authoritytomay employ additional counselwhen in the judgment of its members suchaction is for any reason advisable. 458.16 [POWERS ANDDUTIES TO ADVANCE PORT, CHECK ABUSES.] Subdivision 1. [GENERAL DUTIES.]It shall be the generalduty of any suchA port authoritytoshall: (1) promote the general welfare of the port district, and of the port as a whole;to endeavor(2) try to increase the volume of the port's commercethereof;to(3) promote the efficient, safe, and economical handling ofsuchthe commerce,; andto(4) provide or promote adequate docks, railroad and terminal facilities open to alluponon reasonable and equal terms for the handling, storage, care, and shipment of freight and passengers to, from, and through the port. Subd. 2. [SPECIFIC DUTIESMEET, PLAN, REGULATE, INVESTIGATE, REPORT.]It shall further be the special duty ofsuchA port authority shall: (1)To confermeet withany similar body created under lawsof any state embracing within its boundaries any part of anya neighboring state's port authority that shares a port or harborof which the port district forms a part, and in so far asagreement shall be possible to adopt in conjunction with saidsimilar bodywith it and try to agree with that authority on a comprehensive planfor the regulation and future developmentto regulate, develop, andimprovement ofimprove theentireharbor and port; (2)Toconsider and adopt detailedand comprehensiveplans forthe regulation, future development and improvement ofthe port district, which plans shall, so far as may be, beconsistent with thegeneralcomprehensive planabove referred toin clause (1); (3)To confermeet from time to time with anysuch similarbodyother state's port authorityand, so far as may be,to try to agreetherewith uponwith it on legislation andregulationsrules neededfor the regulationto regulate and controlofthe whole portas a whole, andtorecommend the adoption ofsuchthe legislation andregulationsrules to the appropriatecouncils, legislatures or otherlegislative and regulatory bodies; (4)To determine upondecide on and recommend legislation andregulationsrules neededfor the regulation and improvementof the conduct ofto regulate and improve navigation and commercewithinin the port districtand to similarly recommendthe same; (5)Eitherjointly with a similar body, or separately,torecommend to the proper departments of the federal, state, or local governmentof the United States, or any state orsubdivision of either, or toany otheranother body, the carrying out ofanypublicimprovement for theimprovements to benefitofthe port or port district; (6)Toinvestigate the practices, rates, and conduct of privately owned or operated dock, terminal and port facilitieswithinin the port district, and in the case of any Seaway Portauthority such investigative powers shall include stevedoringand car contractors, ship chandlers, and other organizationsupon which a port is dependent for its orderly development andoperation,and to institute suchstart proceedings, and takesuchsteps in the public interest to remedyanyabusesas mayseem in the public interest; in connection with any suchinvestigation, the port authority shall have power, by subpoenaissued out of the district court of the county where the portauthority is situated, to require the attendance of witnessesand the production of books and documents, and to examinewitnesses under oath and; (7) ifdeemednecessary,tobring suit for any irregularities beforethea propercourts of thestate ortheUnited Statesfederal court; and(7)(8) annually by April 1of each year to make writtenreport to the council of such city, givinggive a detailed written account to its city council of its activitiesand of, its receipts and expenditures during theprecedingpast calendar year,together with such furtherand other matters and recommendationsasitshall deemthinks advisablefor theadvancement ofto advance the commerce and welfare of the port district. Subd. 2a. [SUBPOENAS.] To conduct investigations under subdivision 2, clause (6), a port authority may examine witnesses under oath and to do so have subpoenas issued out of the district court where it is located. The subpoenas may require the attendance of witnesses and the production of books and documents. Subd. 2b. [BROADER SEAPORT INVESTIGATIONS.] A seaway port authority may also investigate stevedoring and car contractors, ship chandlers, and other organizations that a port depends on for its orderly development and operation. Subd. 4. [ONE BANK ACCOUNT.]AnyA port authority operating underthe provisions hereofthis section and also underthe provisions of Minnesota Statutes,sections 458.191 to 458.1991inclusive shall be authorized tomay deposit allfundsand income accruing to itits money from any sourcewhatsoever,whether it be the operation of the said port authority under theprovisions of this act or its operations under MinnesotaStatutes, Sections 458.19 to 458.1991,ina singleone bank accountin a banking depository authorized by law. Subd. 5. [PUBLIC RELATIONS.]In furtherance of any of itsTo further an authorizedpurposes anypurpose a port authorityor any seaway port authoritymayin its discretion provide formembership in any(1) join an official, industrial, commercial, or trade association, orany otheranother organization concerned withsuch purposesthe purpose,for receptions(2) have a reception of officials or othersaswho may contribute tothe advancement ofadvance the port district andanyits industrial developmenttherein, andfor such(3) carry out other public relation activitiesas willto promote thesame, and suchport district and its industrial development. Activitiesshallbe consideredunder this subdivision have a public purpose. 458.17 [ADDITIONAL POWERSPROPERTY CONTROL; TUNNEL, BRIDGE, SEAPORT BONDS.] Subdivision 1. [CONTROL OF PROPERTY.]TheA port authority, in its own name, shall have full power and authoritytomay acquire, purchase, construct, lease, or operateanybulkheads, jetties, piers, wharves, docks, landing places, warehouses, storehouses, elevators, cold storage plants, terminals, bridges,and suchor other terminal or transportation facilitiesas may be necessary. The authority may own, hold, lease, or operate real and personal property. The facilities and the property must be needed or convenient for storing, handling, or transporting freight,for the handling ofpassenger traffic, andfor the establishment ofestablishing rail and water transferwithinin the port district; to. The authority may make rules, regulations,andchargesfix fees for the usethereof,of the facilities and forany service rendered; forsuch purposes to own, hold, lease, or operate real and personalproperty, tothe services it renders. The authority may borrow money andtosecure thesame by bonds orloans by mortgagesuponanyon property held or to be held by it, and in the case of anyor by bonds. Subd. 2. [SALE OF REALTY.] The authority may sell, convey, and exchange any real or personal property owned or held by it in any manner and on any terms it wishes. Real property owned by the authority must not be sold, be exchanged, or have its title transferred without approval of two-thirds of authority members following notice to all of them. All commissioners must have ten days' written notice of a regular or special meeting at which a sale, conveyance, exchange, or transfer of property is to be voted on. The notice must contain a complete description of the affected real estate. The resolution authorizing the real estate transaction is not effective unless a quorum is present. Subd. 3. [SEAPORT BONDS.] A seaway port authorityonly tomay issue and sell its negotiable revenue bondsof the portauthorityforsuch purposes,a purpose in subdivision 1 or forany of the purposes outlineda purpose in this chapterforrelated to the development of a seaport, such. The bondstomust be issued, sold, and secured in the same manner asprovidedbelow for the construction of a vehicular toll bridge or tunnel,except thatthe bonds in subdivision 6 with one exception: a trust indenture may butis not required toneed not be executed,and in and by. The bond resolutions and indenture, if any,authorizing the bonds the port authority shall definemust list the facilities whose net revenues are to be pledgedthereto, andfor the bond and interest payments. The authority may in its discretion mortgagesuchsome or all of its facilities (other than a tunnel or bridge for vehicles) including additions and improvements to a trustee for the bondholders, which facilities may be all of those owned by theauthority (except any vehicular bridge or tunnel) and allsubsequent additions thereto and betterments thereof, or may berestricted to one or more described facilities, including or notincluding the facilities. The mortgaged facilities may include those financed by the bonds,and may be facilities which areeitherthose operated by the authority, orarethose leased to others, and. The authority mayestablish suchagree to covenants and restrictionsregarding the issuance ofadditionalabout: (1) issuing more bonds payable from net revenues of the same facilities,the subsequent amendment ofthe(2) changes to the bond resolutions or the indenture, (3) the remedies and priorities of the bondholders inthe eventcase of default and,without limitation, all such other matterspertinent to(4) anything else about the security of the bonds,asthat the authoritymay determine to be necessary for themarketing ofdecides is needed to best market the bondsto thebest advantage; to sell, convey, and exchange any real orpersonal property owned or held by it in such manner and on suchterms as it may see fit, save that no real property owned by theauthority shall be so sold, exchanged, or the title theretotransferred without the approval of two-thirds of the members ofthe port authority, provided that no such sale, conveyance,exchange or transfer of real property shall be considered at anymeeting unless all commissioners have been given at least tendays written notice that such a sale, conveyance, exchange ortransfer will be voted upon at a special or regular meeting,which notice shall contain a complete description of theaffected real estate, and provided further that suchauthorization shall not be given unless there is at least aquorum present. Subd. 4. [CONDEMNATION.]TheA port authorityis herebyempowered tomay acquireby condemnationunder eminent domainanyproperty, corporeal or incorporeal,of any kind within the port districtwhich may beneeded by it for public use; and thefact that the property so needed has beeneven if the property was acquired bytheits owner underthe power ofeminent domain oriseven if the property is already devoted to a public useshall not prevent its acquisition by the port authority by theexercise of the right of eminent domain hereby conferred.NoPropertynow or hereaftervested in or held by the stateofMinnesota,oranyby a city, county, school district, town, or other municipality, shall be somust not be takenor acquired bythe port authoritywithoutthethe holder's consentof thestate, municipality, or governmental subdivision.The necessityof the taking of any property byThe port authority shallbedetermined byadopt a resolutionduly adopted by thecommissioners, which shall describedescribing the propertyasnearly as may beandstate thestating its intended useandpurpose to which it is to be devoted. The acquisition of suchproperty shall be thereafter accomplished by proceedings by law,as in taking land for public use by right of eminent domainunder the laws of the stateand the necessity of the taking. Subd. 5. [TUNNEL AND BRIDGES.]In addition to the powerand authority heretofore conferred upon theA port authority,the port authority, in its own name, shall have full power andauthority tomay acquire andthereafterthen operate and maintainanyan existingvehiculartoll bridge for vehicles acrossany waters which form a commonboundary water betweenanya city of the first class in the state andany otheranother city eitherwithin or without thein or out of stateand toreconstruct, improve, and repair such existing bridge; and to. The authority may also construct, maintain, and operateanadditionalanother vehicular toll bridgeandwith its approaches acrossthese watersthe water at a point suitable totheinterests ofnavigation, andtomay reconstruct, repair, and improvethe same; and toboth bridges. The authority may construct, maintain, and operate a tunnel underthese watersthe water andtoreconstruct, repair, and improvethe same; andtoit. Subd. 6. [TUNNEL AND BRIDGE BONDS.] The authority may issue and selltheits negotiable revenue bondsof the portauthorityforsuchthe purposes of subdivision 5.SuchThe bondsshallmust be authorized byresolutions as theport authoritymay determine from time to time, suchresolutions. The resolutionstomust containsuchusual provisionswithrespect toabout the formthereofof the bonds and their maturity, interest rate, sinking fund, redemption, and refundingas are customary and usual; and such bonds shall. The bonds must be issued under a trust indenture from the port authority to a corporate trustee, which. The indentureshallmust contain the usualand customaryprovisionswith respectas to: (1) the issuance of bonds,; (2) the application of the revenues ofsuchthe bridge or tunnelfor the creation ofto create a sinking fundto provide for the payment of suchto pay the bonds and interestthereon, and foron them; (3) the holding of the proceeds of the bonds in a special trustfor the purpose ofacquiring or constructing suchto acquire or construct the bridge or tunnel,; andfor(4) the pledge and assignment by the port authority to the trusteeunder such trust indentureof the bridge or tunnel revenuesof such bridge or tunnel over andabovein excess of the cost of operation and maintenancethereofof it as security for the payment of the principal of and interest onsuchthe bonds. The port authority shall establish, maintain, and collect tolls for transit oversuchthe bridge or throughsuchthe tunnel acquired or constructedhereunderunder this section sufficient at all times to paythe cost of thefor its operation and maintenancethereofand to pay the principal of and interest on the bonds issuedhereunder; and suchunder this subdivision. The bonds and the couponsevidencingshowing interestthereon shall constituteon them are an irrevocable contract between theholders thereofbondholders and the port authority thatsuchthe tolls shall always be sufficientthereforfor those purposes.No bondsA bond issuedhereundershallunder this subdivision must not bear interest ata rateexceedingmore than eight percent perannum and all such bondssoyear. A bond issuedhereunder shallunder this subdivision must not be sold fornotless than parandplus accrued interest to the date of delivery and paymentand. Bonds may be sold at private sale without publishing priorpublication ofnoticethereofof the sale.All suchBonds issuedhereunder shallnever constitute an indebtedness of any such city of the firstclassunder this subdivision are not a debt of the port authority's city, and thus not chargeable toitsthe city's debt limitorand not payable fromad valoremcity property taxes,but such. The bondsshall beare payable solely and only from the toll revenues earned bysuchthe bridge or tunnel and pledged to the paymentthereofof the bonds.When the port authority determines to acquire any of theseexisting bridges, or to construct the additional bridge ortunnel, theA port authorityshall have all rights and powers tomay enter upon lands andtoacquire, condemn, occupy, possess, and usesuchreal estate and other propertyas may beneededforthe location, construction, operation, and maintenance ofsuchto locate, construct, operate, and maintain the bridge or tunnel and approachestheretoto it. In doing so, the authority shall act just asare possessed bya railroadcorporationscorporation may for railroad purposes, orbya bridgecorporationscorporation may for bridge purposes in the stateinwhich such real estate or otherwhere the property issituated,uponafter making just compensationtherefor to beascertainedfor the property as decided and paidaccording tounder the laws ofthethat statein which such property may belocated and. The proceedingstherefor shallmust be the same asinfor condemnationor expropriation of property for publicpurposesinsuchthat state. Subd. 7. [SURVEYS; PLANS.]TheA port authorityshall alsohave full right and power to cause to be made amay survey orinvestigation relating toinvestigate the proper uses, operations, improvement, and development of the port district, the resulting stimulation of employmentby reason thereof, and the benefit to the port district's cityand, countyin whichsuch district lies, andto thestateof Minnesota. The port authority may alsocause to be preparedsee that a planforfuture construction, development, and improvement ofis prepared to construct, develop, and improve the port, whichin the future. The plan may beintegrated into anymerged with existing or futurecityplans of any city in the port district.Uponcompletion ofWhen the plan is completed, and after public hearing,suchthe port authority may adoptthe sameit as its official plan for the port district.Thereafter suchThen the plan may be extended, modified, or amended only after a hearing.Upon the adoption of any suchWhen the plan is adopted, all improvements made bysuchthe port authorityshallconform theretomust agree with it. Subd. 8. [AGENT FOR SEAWAY PORT.]AnyA seaway port authority mayalsooperate its port terminal facilitiesconstructedontheirits premises as terminal operatorsand as such,. If it does so, the authority may contract with a warehouse operatoror operatorsperforming other terminal serviceson an agency basisto act as its agent.Theymay enter into such aThe contractwhichmay provide: (1) that the agent will be paida compensationon a monthly basis to operate the facilitiesand; (2) thatsaidthe agent may hire the necessary personnel to carryallout the functionsassumed insaidundertaken by the contract, and; (3) thatany and allemployees engaged bysaidthe agentshall be consideredare employees ofsuchthe agent and not of the port authority,; andhe shall be(4) that the agent is responsiblefor the payment oftheir compensationto pay the employees andin complianceto comply withalllocal ordinances,and stateorand federal lawsin regard toaffecting the employees.SuchThe seaway port authority may also contract withany other agent oragentsforthe performing of any and all functionsto perform any function that the port authorityhas power by law to execute in a likemannermay do.In contracting with so-called managing agent,but in remaining the terminal operator,The seaway port authority maycontract toretain powerover the setting of allto set rates forany servicesa service to be performed inanya terminal facility owned, leased, or operated bysaid seawayport authorityit. 458.18 [EMPLOYMENT OF PERSONNELEMPLOYEES; CONTRACTS; AUDITS.] Subdivision 1. [PERSONNEL; CONTRACTSEMPLOYEES, SOCIAL SECURITY.]TheA port authorityshall have power and authority,in its own behalf, tomay employsuchor contract for the engineering, legal, technical, clerical, stenographic, accounting, and other assistanceas it may deem advisable;anyit considers advisable. An employee ofanya port authoritycreated and existingunderand pursuant to the provisions ofthis chaptershall be considered asis an "employee"as the termis used and defined inunder section 355.01, subdivision 4, andshallby appropriate action of the port authoritybeis entitled tothebenefitsprovided for in this statute; to enterinto contracts for the erectionunder that section. Subd. 1a. [CONTRACTS.] A port authority may contract to erect, repair,maintenance or operation ofmaintain or operate docks, warehouses, terminals, elevators, or other structuresuponon or in connection with propertyowned orcontrolled byit; toowns or controls. The authority may contract ormake other arrangementsarrange with theUnitedStatesfederal government, or anydepartment thereofof its departments, with persons, public corporations, the stateofMinnesota, or any of its political subdivisions, commissions, or agencies, for separate or joint action,with reference toon any matter related tothe exercise ofusing the authority's powers orthe fulfillment of thedoing its dutiesof such portauthority; to. The authority may contractfor theto purchase andsale ofsell real and personal property; provided that no. However, an obligation or expenseshall bemust not be incurredsave upon those terms and at those timesexcept when existing appropriations,together with the reasonable expected revenue of the port authority from other sources, shall beare sufficient toenable the same to be dischargeddischarge the obligation or pay the expense when due; and neither. The statenor anyand its municipalsubdivision thereof shallbesubdivisions are not liable onany of thesethe obligations. Subd. 2. [C.P.A. AUDITS.]Notwithstanding the provisionsof any law to the contrary, anyA seaway port authority may employ a certified public accountant to annually examine and auditand examine theits booksof the authority. The report of theexamination orexam and auditby the certified publicaccountant shall be submittedmust be sent to the state auditorwho. The state auditor shall review theauditreport and may acceptthe auditit ormake additional examinations as he deemsto bein the public interest examine the books further. 458.19 [APPLICATIONPORT CONTROL BY OTHERS; PETITION; INTERVENTION.] Subdivision 1. [WHO MAY REGULATE WHAT; HOW.] Until and unless otherwise provided by law, all laws now or hereafter vesting jurisdiction or control in the department of public service of the state of Minnesota, the interstate commerce commission or department of defense of the United States, or similar regulatory bodies shall apply to any transportation, terminal, or other facility owned, operated, leased, or controlled by the port authority with the same force and effect as if the transportation, terminal, or other facility was so owned, operated, leased, or controlled by a private corporation;provided,. Subd. 1a. [STATE SEAPORT CONTROL LIMITED.]However, thatThe state department of public serviceof the state of Minnesotashall havehas nocontroljurisdiction overanya seaway port authorityoperating under this chapterfor the following matters to the extent they are connected with handling interstate commerce: (1) Charges for stevedoring of vessels; (2) Receiving and delivering cargo for vessels; (3) Car and truck unloading and loading cargo for vessels; (4) Watching cargo for vessels; (5) Chargesforto vessels for use of facilities; (6) Charges against railroad, trucking companiesand/oror shippers fortheiruse ofportfacilities; and (7) Delivery and warehouse charges fordeliveringcargo to and from and in warehouses on seaway port authority propertyandwarehouse charges on the same, provided all of these items arein connection with handling of interstate commerce. Subd. 2. [PETITIONS, INTERVENTION.]TheA port authorityshall have authority either alone or jointly with any similarbody having jurisdiction of any part of such port tomay petitionany interstate commerce commission, department ofpublic service, public utilities commission, or any like body orany other federal, municipal, state, or local authority,administrative, executive, judicial, or legislative,a public body of any kind or level having jurisdictionin the premisesof the matter, for any relief, rates,change, regulationrule, or actionwhich in the opinion ofthat the port authoritymay bedesigned tobelieves will improveor betterthe handling of commerce in and through the port or improve terminal and transportation facilitiestherein, andin the port. The port authority may join with another authority sharing its port in making the petition. A port authority also may intervene before anysuchpublic body inanya proceeding affecting the commerce of the portand. Inany such matters shall be considered alongwith other interested personsthe proceeding, the port authority is one of the official representatives of the port district along with other interested persons. 458.191 [INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS.] Subdivision 1. [CREATION; NOTICE; FINDINGS.] The port authority ofany port district created and existing undersection 458.10, subdivisions 1 or 2, may, after a public hearingthereon of which at least ten days notice shall be published ina daily newspaper of general circulation in the portdistrict,the city of Saint Paul and the Seaway Port Authority of Duluth may create and define the boundaries of industrial development districtswithin thein their portdistrict anddefine the boundaries thereof if it findsdistricts. First the authority must hold a public hearing on the matter. At least ten days before the hearing, the authority shall publish notice of the hearing in a daily newspaper of general circulation in the port district. Also, the authority shall find thatthecreation of sucha development districtor districtsis proper and desirablein establishing and developingto establish and develop a system of harbor and river improvements and industrial developments ineachits port district. Subd. 2. [POLICY.] It ishereby declared to be the publicstate policyof the legislature of the state of Minnesota thatit isin the public interest toempower thehave a port authorityto employ the power ofuse eminent domain, andforsuch port authority toadvance andexpendspend publicmoneysmoney for the purposescontainedinLaws 1957, Chapter812sections 458.09 to 458.1991, and to provideforthe meansby whichto develop marginalarea properties may be developed orredeveloped in accordance withproperty according to thelegislative policies hereinafter statedfindings in subdivision 2b. Subd. 2a. [BROAD MEANING.] In this section, development includes redevelopment, and developing includes redeveloping. Subd. 2b. [FINDINGS.] The legislature makes the findings in this subdivision about the purposes of this section. (1)ASound development of the economic security of thepeoples of the city of the first classpeople inwhich issituated suchport authorityis dependent uponcities depends on proper developmentand redevelopmentof marginalproperties, andproperty. The general welfare of theinhabitantsresidents oftheport districtsin which they exist require the remedying ofsuchrequires remedies for the injurious conditionsto whichof marginalproperties are now subject; andproperty. (2)The development and redevelopment of suchMarginalareapropertiesproperty cannot beaccomplished by private enterprisealonedeveloped without public participation and assistance inthe acquisition of: (a) acquiring landand, (b) planningand in the, (c) financing of land assembly in the work of clearance,and developmentand redevelopment, andin the(d) makingofnecessary improvementsnecessary thereforfor developing. (3)To protect and promoteThe protection and promotion of sound developmentand redevelopmentof marginallands ashereinafter definedproperty, and of the general welfare of theinhabitantsresidents of the port districtsin which theyexist, torequires remedyingsuchthe injurious conditionsthrough the employment of allby appropriate means. (4)That wheneverWhen the developmentor redevelopmentofsuchmarginallandsproperty cannot beaccomplisheddone by private enterprise alone,without public participation andassistance in the acquisition of land and planning and infinancing of land assembly in the work of clearance, developmentand redevelopment, and in the making of improvements necessarytherefor,it is in the public interest toemploy the power ofuse eminent domain, to advance andexpendspend publicmoneysfor those purposesmoney, and to provideforthe meansbywhich such marginal lands may be developed or redevelopedto develop marginal property for the purposes in paragraph (2). (5)ThatThe developmentor redevelopmentofsuchmarginallandsproperty andthe provision of appropriateits continuinglanduseconstituteare public usesand, public purposesforwhich, and government functions that justify spending or advancing publicmoneys may be advanced or expendedmoney and acquiring private propertyacquired, and are governmentalfunctions and are of. The development is a state concern in the interest of health, safety and welfare of thepeoplespeople of the stateof Minnesotaand of the people ofthecommunitiesinwhich such areas existhaving marginal property. (6)That theSections 458.09 to 458.1991 are a public necessityin the public interest for the provision of Laws 1957,Chapter 812, is declared to be a matter of legislativedetermination. Subd. 3. [MORE FINDINGS.]It is further found and declaredthatThe legislature also makes the findings in this subdivision: (1)The existence of suchMarginallands characterized byany or all of such conditions constitutes a serious and growingmenace which is condemned as injurious and inimical toproperty is a serious and growing menace for the public health, safety, and welfare of the people of the state and of the people of communitiesin which they exist and of the people of thestatehaving marginal property. (2)SuchMarginallands present difficulties and handicapswhich areproperty causes problems beyondremedy andcontrolsolely by regulatory processes in the exercise of theof police power alone. (3)They contribute substantially and increasingly toMarginal property worsens the problems of, and necessitateexcessive and disproportionate expenditures for, crimeprevention, correction, prosecution and punishment, thetreatment ofpreventing, prosecuting, and punishing crime, and treating juvenile delinquency,the preservation ofthecorrections, preserving public health and safety, andthemaintainingof adequateenough police, fire and accident protection and enough other public services and facilities. (4)ThisThe menace of marginal property is becomingincreasingly direct and substantial in its significance andeffectmore direct and serious. (5)The benefits which will result from the remedying ofsuch conditions and the redevelopment of suchAll residents and property owners in communities having marginal lands will benefit from remedying the conditions on marginallands willaccrue to all the inhabitants and property owners of thecommunities in which they existproperty by development. (6)Such conditions ofAn individual marginallands tend tofurther obsolescence, deterioration, and disuse because of thelack ofproperty owner has no incentiveto the individuallandowner and his inability to improve, modernize, orrehabilitate hisor means to fix the property whilethecondition of theneighboringproperties remainsproperty remains unchanged, so the marginal property declines further. (7)As a consequence the process of deterioration of suchThe decline of marginal landsfrequentlyoften cannot behaltedor correctedreversed except byredeveloping the entire area, orsubstantial portionsdeveloping all or most of it. (8)Such conditions ofMarginallands are chieflyproperty is mostly found in areassubdivided intoof small parcels, heldin divided and widelyhaving scatteredownerships, frequentlyunder defectiveownership, often with defective titles, and in. Manysuch instances thetimes, privateassembly of the landareas for redevelopment is so difficult and costly thatitdevelopment is uneconomic andas a practical matterpractically impossiblefor owners to undertakebecause of costs and lack ofthelegal powerand excessive costs. (9)The remedying of such conditions may requireThe publicacquisitionmay have to acquire sizable areas of marginal property at fair pricesof adequate areas, the redevelopment ofthe areas suffering from such conditionsto remedy the conditions on the marginal property, and to develop the areas under proper supervision, with appropriate planning and continuing land use. (10) The developmentor redevelopmentof land, or both,acquired underthe authority of Laws 1957, Chapter 812,constitutesections 458.09 to 458.1991 is a public use andarea governmentalfunctions, and thatfunction. The sale orleasingof suchlease of the land afterthe same has been developed orredeveloped is merelydevelopment is incidental to theaccomplishment of therealor fundamentalpurpose, that is,: to remove the conditionwhich caused saidmaking the propertyto bemarginalproperty as in Laws 1957, Chapter 812, defined. Subd. 4. [MARGINAL PROPERTY.] "Marginallandsproperty"isdefined and characterized by anymeans property that suffers from at least oneor moreof thefollowing describedconditions in this subdivision: (1)An economic dislocation,faulty planning causing deterioration,ordisuseresulting from faulty planning., or economic dislocation, (2) the subdividing and sale of lotsoftoo small and irregularform and shape and inadequate sizeforproperusefulnessgood use and development., (3)The laying out oflotsin disregard of the contours andotherlaid out ignoring their physical characteristicsof thegroundand surrounding conditions., (4)The existence ofinadequate streets, open spaces, andinadequateutilities., (5)The existence of lots or otherareaswhich are subjectto being submerged by water.that may flood, (6)By a prevalence of depreciatedlower values,impaireddamaged investments, and social and economicmaladjustment tosuch an extent that theupsets reducing taxpaying capacitytopay taxes is reduced andmaking tax receiptsare inadequatetoo low for thecost ofpublic services rendered., (7)In some parts of marginal lands, a growing or totallackof proper utilizationor improper use of areas, resulting inastagnantandor unproductivecondition oflandpotentially useful and valuable for contributingthat could contribute to the public health, safety and welfare., (8)In other parts of marginal lands, a loss oflower population andreduction of proper utilization of the area,resulting in its further deterioration and added costs to thetaxpayer for the creation ofsome improper use of areas causing more decline, and requiring more public money for new public facilities and public services elsewhere., (9) propertyof an assessedvaluationof insufficientamount to permit the establishment oftoo low to establish a local improvement districtfor the construction and installationofto construct and install streets, walks, sewers, water and other utilities., (10) lands within an industrial areawhich arenotdevotedto industrial usesused for industry butwhich are necessary toneeded for industrial developmentwithin the industrialof the area., and (11)Landsstate-acquiredby the state of Minnesota byforfeiture for non-payment of taxestax-forfeited land. 458.192 [ADDITIONAL POWERSMORE POWER TO SET UP DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS.] Subdivision 1. [IN GENERAL.]In addition to all powersconferred on the port authority under sections 458.09 to 458.19,theA port authority, or a city authorized by law to exercisethe powers ofas a port authority, to accomplish the purposesset forth inmay use the powers in this section for the purposes in section 458.191, subdivision 1, shall have the powersprovided in this section. A port authority in this section includes a city that has the powers of a port authority. Subd. 2. [ACQUIRE PROPERTY.]ItThe port authority may acquire by lease, purchase, gift, devise, or condemnation proceedingsall necessarythe needed right, title and interest inand to lands and buildings required for the purposescontemplated in the creation of suchproperty to create industrial development districtsand. It shall paythereforfor the property out offunds obtained bymoney itas hereinafterprovided, andgets under sections 458.192 to 458.1991. It may hold and dispose of thesameproperty subject to thelimitationslimits and conditionsherein prescribedin sections 458.09, 458.10, and 458.191 to 458.1991. The title toany suchproperty acquired by condemnation or purchaseshallmust be in fee simple, absolute, but any such real or personal. The port authority may accept an interest in propertyor interest thereinotherwiseacquiredmay be so acquired or acceptedin another way subject to any conditionwhich may be imposed thereon byof the grantor or donorand agreed to by the port authority notinconsistent. The condition must be consistent with the proper use ofsuchthe propertyfor the purposes herein providedunder sections 458.09, 458.10, and 458.191 to 458.1991.Anyproperties, real or personal,Property acquired, owned, leased, controlled, used, or occupied by the port authority for any of the purposes of this sectionare declared to be acquired, owned,leased, controlled, used and occupiedis for public governmental and municipal purposes andshall beis exempt from taxation by the state orany ofby its political subdivisions.SuchThe exemptionfrom taxationapplies onlywhenwhile the port authority holds property for its own purpose. When property is sold, this exemption from taxation shall not apply, and theproperty shall be returned for taxation to the tax rollsit begins to be taxed again.SuchSubd. 2a. [OPTIONS.] The port authorityshall have thepower to executemay sign optionsforto purchase,salesell, or leaseofproperty. Subd. 3. [EMINENT DOMAIN.]ItThe port authority mayexercise the right ofuse eminent domainin the manner providedby Minnesota Statutes,under chapter 117, or undertheprovisions of the home ruleits city's charterof the city inwhich said port authority is located for the purpose ofacquiring anyto acquire propertywhichit is authorized to acquire by condemnation. Thefact that theport authority may acquire in this way propertyso needed has beenacquired bytheits ownerunderby eminent domain orisproperty already devoted to a public useshall not prevent its acquisition bysuch port authority by the exercise of the right of eminentdomain, provided that the acquisition of such sites and propertyhas the approval and ratification of the governing body of thecity in which said port authority is locatedonly if its city's council approves. The port authority maytake possession of anysuchpossess propertysoto beacquired at any timecondemned afterthe filing of theit files a petitiondescribing the samein condemnation proceedings describing the property.It shallnot be precluded from abandoningThe authority may abandon the condemnationof any such property in any case wherebefore taking possessionthereof has not been taken. Subd. 4. [CONTRACTS.]ItThe port authority maycontractand be contracted with in any matter connected with the purposeofmake contracts for an industrial development purpose within the powersof the port authority hereingiven it in sections 458.09, 458.10, and 458.191 to 458.1991. Subd. 4a. [PARTNER.]ItThe port authority mayenter intoa partnership agreement with one or more other persons underwhich the port authority serves asbe a limited partneronly. Subd. 5. [RIGHTS; EASEMENTS.]ItThe port authority may acquire rights oreasementsan easement fortermsa term of years or perpetuallyto accomplish the purpose of suchindustrial districts'for development of an industrial district. Subd. 6. [SUPPLIES; MATERIALS.]ItThe port authority maypurchase allbuy the supplies and materialsnecessary incarryingit needs to carry outthe purposes ofthis section. Subd. 7. [RECEIVE PUBLIC PROPERTY.]ItThe port authority may acceptfrom the United States of America or state ofMinnesota or any of their agencies or any local subdivision ofgovernment under the state of Minnesota,land,moneysmoney, or other assistance, whether by gift, loan or otherwise,for thepurpose of carryingin any form from the federal or state government, or an agency of either, or a local subdivision of state government to carry outthe purposes of Laws 1957, Chapter812, and of acquiring and developingsection 458.09 to 458.1991 and to acquire and develop an industrial developmentdistrictsdistrict and its facilitiesas contemplated hereinunder this section. Subd. 8. [TAX FORFEIT LAND.]SuchThe port authority, inconnection with the acquisition of land for and the developmentof industrial development districts,mayexercise alluse thepowerspower of a governmentalsubdivisions within the meaningof Minnesota Statutes,subdivision under section 282.01, andpursuant thereto shall have all the powers similar to theto acquire land for and develop an industrial development district. The authority may act the way a city of the first classin which it is located to acquire, by any means providedby law, landsacts under that section to acquire land forfeited to the state for non-payment of taxesto the state of Minnesota. Subd. 9. [PROCEDURE.]It is hereby declared that thepurposes of Laws 1957, Chapter 812, in the program herein setout for the creation and development ofIndustrial developmentdistricts isdistrict programs are in the public interest, and. Toimplement the program, it is essential thatcarry them out, tax-forfeited lands, the title to which hasin the district vested in the stateof Minnesota,need to be conveyed tosuchthe developing port authority fora nominal consideration of $1one dollar per tractfor. The port authority may use andsubsequent resalelater resell the land asfoundit finds expedientby such port authority in furtherance of the purposeof Laws 1957, Chapter 812to carry out sections 458.09 to 458.1991.It is declared that any proposed resale of industrialdevelopment lands to private parties, or the use in any mannerthereof by such port authority in the way of industrialdevelopment, requires that such port authority acquire title toall lands within the area of the industrial development districtfree and clear of anyIn conveying tax forfeit land to a port authority the state may not retain a possibility of reverter to or right of re-entryby the state of Minnesota, for the reasonsor under the circumstances set forth in Minnesota Statutes,as it does under section 282.01, subdivision 1. Port authority use for industrial development and potential resale to private parties precludes assertion of these retained rights by the state. The commissioner of revenueof the state of Minnesota isauthorized andshall conveyto any such port authoritytax forfeit parcelsof tax-forfeited landsinsuchan industrial development district to the port authority,petition for theconveyance of which has been made to such commissioner under theprovisions of Laws 1957, Chapter 812, upon payment by such portauthority of the nominal consideration of $1 for eachif the authority petitions for conveyance under sections 458.09 to 458.1991 and when the authority pays one dollar per tractofland so acquired.Any such deed of conveyance shall be upon a form approvedbyThe attorney generaland shall convey to any suchshall approve the form of the deed of conveyance. The port authorityanshall receive absolute title tosuchthe tractortracts of land, subject only tothea reservation of minerals and mineral rights,pursuant to Minnesota Statutes,under section 282.12; such. The deed of conveyanceshallmust not containany condition or other provision with reference toa restriction on the useto whichof the premisesshall be put,and by such. The conveyance divests the state ofMinnesotashall be divested of any andall further right, title, claim or interest inand to suchthe tracts,subject, however, to themineralexcept for the reservationhereinabove referred toof minerals and mineral rights. Subd. 10. [DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT POWER.]SuchThe port authorityshall have the authority tomay sell or leasetheland held by it for river, harbor or industrial development in industrial development districts.ItThe authority may, if proper in the public interest,constructbuild suitable buildings or structuresupon anyon land owned by itand, ifdeemed necessary for the purposes to be served by such buildingsand structures, it may install or. The authority may furnish capital equipmentto be locatedpermanently or used exclusively onsuchthe lands or insuchthe buildingsall for the purposeof leasing or selling the sameif necessary to the purposes of the buildings or structures. The port authority must intend that the buildings, structures, and equipment be leased or sold to private personsin theto furtherindustrial development ofsuchdevelop the industrial district.It may exercise itsThe authority, herein given, to the acquisition,development, sale ormay acquire, develop, sell, or leaseofsingle or multiple tracts of landto be developed, irrespectiveregardless of size,having in mind that the purpose of Laws1957, Chapter 812, isto be developed as a part of the industrial development of the district under sections 458.09 to 458.1991. Subd. 11. [TAX INCREMENT.]Upon or after the creation ofan industrial development district under section 458.191 whichis not subject to the provisions of sections 273.71 to273.78,The port authority may request that the county auditor of the countyin which it is situated shall upon request of theport authorityof its industrial development district certify thethen most recently determinedlatest assessed valuation ofall or so much ofthe legally described taxable real propertywithinin the request or of all the taxable real property in the districtas is identified by legal description in the request,other than that portion of the. The request must be made when or after an industrial development district not subject to sections 273.71 to 273.78 is created. The auditor shall make the certification. Valuationwhichthat is contributed to an area-wide tax base under chapter 473F must be excluded from the certification.The auditor shall certify to the authority inEach yearthereafterthe auditor shall certify to the authority the amounts and percentages ofsubsequent increasesincrease ordecreasesdecrease insuchthe certified valuationother thanthat portion of such increases or decreases which. The part of the change that is contributed to an area-wide tax base under chapter 473F must be excluded. The auditor shall compute the mill rates of taxes againstsuchthe original certified valuationbut. The auditor shall also extendsuchthe ratesalsoagainst anyincremental value and remitincreased valuation. The auditor shall then send the resulting tax increment to the port authorityin the same manner as that provided for thecomputation and remittance of tax increments under. The procedure to be used for computing and sending the increments is in section 462.585, subdivisions 2 and 3. The port authority shallsegregatekeep tax increments receivedwith respect to any suchfor a property district in a special account on its official books and records.SuchThe auditor shall send the tax incrementsshall be remittedto the port authority until the cost including interest of redevelopment of the marginallandproperty within the district,including interest thereon,has been fully reimbursedfrom thetax increments.When such full reimbursement has been made, itshall be reported byThe port authority shall report to thecountyauditor, whowhen the cost is fully reimbursed. After that the auditor shallthereafter includecompute and extend the tax mill rates against the entire assessed valuation of the propertyin the assessed valuations upon which tax mill ratesare computed and extendedand send the taxesare remittedto all taxing districts.Any part or all of such tax, if so directedbyThe port authority's city council, shallmay direct that part or all of the tax collected from the property be pledged and appropriatedfor the payment of anyto pay general obligation bonds of theportauthority.Increases in the value of suchproperty, subsequent to certification of the base for computingthe tax increment therefrom, shall not be includedAfter the auditor has certified the base valuation used to compute tax increments and while the tax increment is kept in a separate account, the auditor must not include increases in the valuation of the property in the assessed valuation ofanya taxing districtfor the purpose of computing anyto compute its debt or levylimitationlimit or to compute the amount ofanyits state or federal aidto the taxing district, so long as the taxincrement therefrom is segregated under the provisions of thissection.The provisions ofThis subdivisionshalldoes not applywith respecttoanya project, unless the port authority requested a certificationof which is requested subsequent toon the project before August12, 1979. Subd. 13. [FOREIGN TRADE ZONE.]ItThe port authority may,by itself, or in association with another port authorityapply to the board defined in19 U.S.C.United States Code, title 19, section 81a, forauthorization to exercisethe right to use the powers providedforin19 U.S.C.United States Code, title 19, sections 81a to 81u, and may upon receiving authorizationexercise those powers. If the right is granted, the authority may use the powers. One authority may apply with another port authority. Subd. 14. [WINONA MEANING.]WhereverFor the Winona port authorityis authorized to use its powers for industrialdevelopment or the establishment of industrial developmentdistricts,and wherever the termwhen "industrial" is usedwithrelation to such purposes pursuant toin the context of industrial development district under this chapter,the term orterms shall be understood to include and encompass theterms"industrial" or "industrial development" includes "economic"andor "economic development." Subd. 15. [RELATION TO CHAPTER 474.]ItThe port authority may exerciseand apply any and all of thepowers and dutiesassigned toof a redevelopmentagencies pursuanttoagency under chapter 474,in order to further any of thepurposes and objectives offor a purpose in sections 458.09 to 458.1991andor sections 462.411 to 462.705, and. The port authority may alsoexercise and apply any and all ofuse the powers and dutiesset forthin sections 458.09 to 458.1991 and sections 462.411 to 462.705,in order to further the purposesand policies set forthfor a purpose in chapter 474. Subd. 16. [PARKING AND THE LIKE.]ItThe port authority may operate and maintain a public parking or other public facility to promote development in a development district. 458.193 [PORT'S CITY-BACKED BONDS, ISSUANCEFOR CASH FLOW.] Subdivision 1. [POWER; PROCEDURE.]In anticipation of thereceipt by the port authority of payments, appropriations, rentsand profits and of income from any other source and for thepurpose of securing funds as needed by such port authority forthe payment of the cost of property acquired and for otherpurposes as herein authorized, theA port authorityis herebyauthorized tomay issue bonds insuchthe principal amountasshall beauthorized bythe governing body of the city of thefirst class in which such port authority is situatedits city's council.SuchThe bonds may be issued in anticipation of income from any source. The bonds may be issued: (1) to secure funds needed by the authority to pay for acquired property or (2) for other purposes in sections 458.09, 458.10, and 458.191 to 458.1991. The bondsshallmust be insuchthe amount and form and bear interest atsuchthe rateas the said governing body ofsuchset by the cityof the first class shall prescribe andshall be sold by such portcouncil. The authority shall sell the bonds to the highest biddertherefor after. The authority shall publish notice of the time and the place forthereceivingof thebidshas been publishedonce at least two weeksprior tothe date of receiving bidsbefore the bid deadline.Except asotherwise provided in Laws 1957, Chapter 812, the issuance ofthe bonds herein authorized by such port authority shall begoverned by provisions of Minnesota StatutesSections 458.09 to 458.1991 govern issuance of the bonds. When those sections are silent, chapter 475, and suchgoverns. The port authority when issuingsuchthe bondsshall be deemed to be embraced within themeaning of the term "is a municipal corporation" as said term isused in Minnesota Statutes,under chapter 475. Notwithstanding any provision to the contrary included within the charter of any such city or any general or special law of the state of Minnesota, such bonds may be issued and sold without submission of the question thereof to the electors of such city of the first class, provided, however, that the ordinance of the governing body of such city authorizing issuance of such bonds by such port authority shall be subject to any provisions in the charter of such city pertaining to the procedure for referendum of ordinances enacted by such governing body. Subd. 1a. [OUTSIDE DEBT LIMIT.]Any suchBonds issued byany suchthe port authorityof any such city of the firstclass shallmust not be included incomputingthe netindebtednessdebt ofsuchits cityof the first class underany applicable law or charter provision.The receipt andexpenditure of any moneysMoney receivedhereunder shallunder this section must not be includedwithin the definition of anylimitation imposed onin a percapitaperson limit on taxing or spending in the port authority's city's charterof any such cityof the first class, and such exemption from such limitationshall apply to such port. The authority is also exempt from the limit.The taxing powers granted to cities of the first classin connection with Laws 1957, Chapter 812, in any manner shallbe in addition to all taxing powers now possessed by them. Subd. 2. [DETAIL; MATURITY.]Such bonds shall be of suchThe port authority with the consent of its city's council shall set the date, denominations, place of payment, form and detailsas may be determined by the port authority with the consent ofthe governing body of such cityof the bonds. The bondsshallmust mature serially,. The first installmentto fallis due in not more than three years and the last in not more than 30 years from the date of issuance. Subd. 3. [SIGNATURES; COUPONS; LIABILITY.] The bondsshallmust be signed by thechairmanpresident of the port authority, be attested bytheits secretary, and be countersigned bytheits treasurer, said officers to be elected annually by. The members of the port authority, andshall elect these officers annually. The interest couponsshallmust be attachedtheretoandto the bonds. The coupons must be executed and authenticated by the printed, engrossed or lithographed facsimile signature ofchairmanthe port authority's president and secretary.SuchThe bondsshalldo not impose any personal liabilityupon anyon a member of the port authority. Subd. 4. [PLEDGE.] The bondsshallmust be secured by the pledge of the full faith, credit and resources of the issuing port authority's cityof the first class in which said portauthority has been created.SaidThe port authorityis herebyauthorized tomay pledgesuchthe full faith, credit and resources ofsaidthe city onlyupon the specific authorizationof the governing body of saidif the citythat said portspecifically authorizes the authoritymay soto do so. Thepropriety of the issuance of bonds in any specificcity council must first decide whether the issuance of the bonds by the authority is proper in each case andthe amount thereofshall be a matter of decision for such governing body in thefirst instanceif so, what amount of bonds to issue. The city council shall give specific consent in an ordinance to the pledge ofsuchthe city's full faith, credit and resourcesofthe city of the first class shall be conclusively presumed fromformal action of the governing body of such city, taken byordinance.Such bonds shall be paid, both inThe port authority shall pay the principal amountthereofof the bonds and the interestthereon, by the port authorityon it fromtax levies ashereinafter provided for the purpose of repayment, the earningsand all income received by such porttaxes levied under this section to make the payment or from authority income fromwhateverany sourceit may be derived. Subd. 5. [TAX LEVY.]SuchA port authority, upon issuinganythat issues bonds underthe provisions ofthis section, shall, beforethe issuance thereofissuing them, levy a tax for each year, until the principal and interest are paid in full, adirect annual taxonallthe taxable property in the authority's cityin which such authority has been created in an amount notless than. The tax must be for at least five percentin excessof the summore than the amount required to pay the principal and interestthereof when andon the bonds assuchthe principal and interest mature. The tax must be levied annually until the principal and interest are paid in full. Afterany suchthe bonds have been delivered to the purchasers,suchthe taxshallbe irrepealablemay not be repealed untilall suchindebtednessthe debt is paid, and. After theissuance ofsuchbondsno furtherare issued, the port authority need not take any more actionby the port authority shall be necessaryto authorizethe extensions, assessments and collection ofsuchextending, assessing and collecting the tax. The authority's secretaryof the authorityshallforthwithfurnishimmediately send a certified copy ofsuchthe levy to the county auditorof the county in which the authority and cityare located, together. The secretary shall send with the copy full informationregardingon the bondsfor whichthe tax is leviedand suchfor. The county auditor shall extend and assess the levied taxso levied, and shall do soannually until the principal and interesthave beenare paid in full.AnyThe port authority shall transfer the surplusresultingfrom the excess levyherein provided for shall be transferredin this section to a sinking fund after the principal and interest for which the tax was levied and collectedhas beenis paid; provided that. The port authority may, on or before October 15 in any year, byappropriate action causedirect its secretary tocertifysend a certificate to the county auditorthe amount on hand andbefore October 15 in a year. The certificate must state how much availablein its own treasury from earnings or otherincome including the amount in the sinking fundwhich itthe authority will use to pay principal or interest or both on each specified issue ofitsthe authority's bondsand. Thecountyauditor shall then reduce the bond levy for that yearherein providedforby that amount.The amount of funds so certified shall beset aside byThe port authorityand be used for no othershall then set aside the certified amount and may not use it for any purposethan for the payment ofexcept to pay the principal and interest on the bonds.AllThe taxeshereunderin this section shall be collected andremittedsent to the port authority by the county treasurerin accordance with the provisions ofunder the lawgoverning theon collection of other taxesand shall. The taxes must be usedsolely for the payment ofonly to pay the bonds when due. Subd. 6. [AUTHORIZED SECURITIES.] Bonds legally issuedpursuant tounder this chapter458, shall be deemedare authorizedassecuritieswithin the provisions of MinnesotaStatutes,under section 50.14, and shall be proper for theinvestment therein by any. A savings bankor, trust company, or insurance company, or sinking funds held by anymay invest in them. A public or municipal corporation, andmay invest its sinking funds in them. The bonds may be pledged byanya bank or trust company as security for the deposit of publicmoneys thereinmoney inlieuplace of a suretybondsbond. The authority's bondsshall be deemed and treated asare instrumentalities of a public governmental agency. [458.1931] [CITY TAXES FOR PORT: BEYOND 1957 TAX POWER.] A port authority city's power to tax under sections 458.09 to 458.1991 is in addition to taxing powers the city had on April 28, 1957. 458.194 [REVENUE BONDS, ISSUANCE; PLEDGE; COVENANTS.] Subdivision 1. [POWER.]TheA port authorityis herebyauthorized and empowered to providemay decide by resolutionforthe issuance at one time, or in series from time to time, ofto issue its revenue bondsof the authority for the purpose ofproviding funds for paying the cost of the acquisition ofeither at one time or in series from time to time. The revenue bonds may be issued to provide money to pay to acquire landnecessaryfor the operations of the portneeded to operate the authority,for theto purchase,constructionconstruct,installationinstall, orfurnishing offurnish capital equipmentandoperation of anyto operate a port terminal, transportation, or industrialfacilities, including but not limited to docks,wharves, warehouses, piers, factories, plants, workshops, officebuildings and any other port terminal, transportation, orindustrial facility withinfacility of any kind in itsjurisdictionport district, orfor paying the cost of anyextensions, enlargements or improvements of anyto pay to extend, enlarge, or improve a project under its controlof theauthority.RevenueThe issued bondsissued by the authoritymay includesuchthe amountas deemedthe authority considers necessary to establish an initial reservefor payment ofto pay principal and interestofon the bonds.SuchThe port authority shall state in a resolution how the bonds,andanytheir attached interest couponsto be attached thereto, shallare to be executedin such manner as may be determined by resolution ofthe port authority. Subd. 2. [FORM.] The bonds of each series issued by the port authority underthe provisions ofthis section shall bear interest at a rate or rates, shall mature atsuchthe time or times within 30 years from the date of issuance and shall be in such form, whether payable to bearer, registrable as to principal, or fully registrable, as may be determined by the port authority.The provisions ofSection 458.193, subdivision 6 shall apply to all bonds issued under this section, and the bonds and their coupons, when payable to bearer, shall be negotiable instruments. Subd. 3. [SALE.] The sale of revenue bonds issued by the port authority shall be at public or private sale. The bonds may be sold in the manner and for the price that the port authority determines to be for the best interest of the port authority. The bonds may be made callable, and if so issued may be refunded. Subd. 4. [AGREEMENTS.] The port authorityshall have thepower and authoritymay by resolutionto enter into allcontracts, agreements and covenantsmake an agreement or covenant with theholders of its revenue bonds, or with anytrustee for suchbondholders, which are determined by it to benecessaryor their trustee. The port authority must first decide that the agreement or covenant is needed or desirableforthe purposes of carrying out the powers and authority given tothe port authorityto do what it may do under this section andassuring the prompt payment and marketability of itsto assure that the revenue bonds are marketable and promptly paid. Subd. 5. [REVENUE PLEDGE.] Inthe issuance of the revenueissuing bondsherein provided, theunder sections 458.09, 458.10, and 458.191 to 458.1991, the port authorityshall havethe power and the authority tomay secure the payment of the principal and the interest onsaid revenuethe bonds by a pledge of and lienupon the revenues of suchon port authorityderivedrevenue. The revenue must come from the facilityandto be acquired, constructed, or improvedby the use ofwith the bond proceedsof the bonds, andor fromanyother facilitiesdesignatednamed in the bond-authorizing resolutionsauthorizing such bonds, and the covenant of. Theportauthority also may secure the payment with its promise to impose, maintain, and collectsufficientenough rentals, rates and charges, forallthe use and occupancy ofsuchthe facilities and forallservices furnishedtherebyin connection with the use and occupancy,to produce adequate revenuesto payallits current expensesincurred by the port authority whichunder accepted accounting principles are normal, reasonable, andcurrent costs of the operation and maintenance of suchto operate and maintain the named facilities, and to produce andsegregateput enough net revenue in a special fundnetrevenues sufficientto meet the interest and principal requirements ofsuchthe bonds, and toaccumulatecollect andmaintain such additional reserves as may be established insaidkeep any more money required by the resolutions. The authority shall decide what is current expense under this subdivision based on what is normal and reasonable under accepted accounting principles.NoRevenuessopledgedshallby the port authority must not be used or pledged for any otherpurposes of theport authority purpose orfor the paymentofto pay any other bonds, whetherissued under this section or under section 458.193,except asunless the other use or pledge is specifically authorized insuchthe bond-authorizing resolutions. Subd. 6. [NOT CITY DEBT.] Revenue bonds issued undertheprovisions ofthis sectionshall not be deemed to constituteare not a debt of the port authority's cityof the first class inwhich such authority is located and for which it has beencreated,nor a pledge ofthethat city's full faith and creditof any such city of the first class, but such. The bondsshall beare payablesolelyonly fromthe funds hereinprovided therefor from revenues of the projectsproject revenue as described in this section.All suchA revenuebondsshallbond must contain ontheits facethereofa statement to the effect thatneitherthe port authoritynor theand its named cityof the first class in which the port authority has beencreated shall be obligateddo not have to pay thesamebond or the interestthereonon it except fromrevenues,revenue and thatneitherthe faithand, creditnor the, and taxing power ofsuchthe cityof the first class isare not pledged tothepayment ofpay the principal of or the interest onsuchbondsthe bond. Subd. 7. [NOT APPLICABLE.]If revenue bonds are to beissued under the provisions of this section and chapter 474, theprovisions ofSection 474.01, subdivisions 7a, 7b, and 8 and section 474.02, subdivision 1d,shalldo not apply to revenue bonds issued under this section and chapter 474 if the interest on the revenue bonds is subject to both state and federal incometaxationtax or if the revenue bond proceeds are not loaned by the port authority to a private personthrough a financinglease, loan agreement or otherwise. 458.1941 [SECTIONS THAT APPLY IF FEDERALLIMITATION ACTLIMIT APPLIES.] Sections 474.16 to 474.23 apply toany issuance ofobligationsunder chapter 458 which are subject to limitationunderissued under chapter 458 that are limited by a federal limitation actasdefined in section 474.16, subdivision 5. 458.195 [ADDITIONAL POWERSMAY STUDY, HIRE, PAY, BORROW, LEND, DEVELOP, BE AGENT.] Subdivision 1. [AS AGENT.] A port authorityshall have thefurther power and authority tomay cooperate with or act as agent for the federal or the state government,the stateoranya state public body, oranyan agency or instrumentality ofthe foregoing,a government or a public body to carry outthepurposes of Laws 1957, Chapter 812,sections 458.09 to 458.1991 orofany other related federal, state or locallegislationoperative withinlaw in the area of river, harbor and industrial development district improvement. Subd. 2. [STUDIES, ANALYSIS, RESEARCH.]SuchA port authorityshall have the authority to carry out studies andanalyses of themay study and analyze industrial development needswithin its area of operationin its port district, andofmeeting thoseways to meet the needs; to. A port authority may study the desirable patterns for industrial land use and community growth and other factors affectingthe development oflocal industrial developmentwithinin the district and make the result ofthesethe studies available to the public and to industry in general; to. A port authority may engage in research anddisseminategive out information on river, harbor and industrial developmentwithinin the port district. Subd. 3. [PAY.]EachA commissioner, including thechairmanpresident,shallmust be paidfor attending meetingsof the$35 for each regular or special port authority, regularand special, $35 permeeting attended. Subd. 4. [EMPLOYEES.]SuchA port authorityshall have thepower to hire andmay employall personnel necessaryor contract for the personnel needed to carry out its program and the responsibilitiesplaced upon it by Laws 1957, Chapter 812,includingunder sections 458.09 to 458.1991. Specifically, an authority may hire a chief engineer for its engineering needs and a general counselto serve the engineering and legal needsof such authority, the latter to befor its legal needs. The general counsel is the chief legal advisor tosuchthe authority. Subd. 5. [ACCEPT PUBLIC LAND.]SuchA port authorityshallhave the power tomay accept conveyances of land from all other public agencies, commissions or other units of government, including the Housing and Redevelopment Authority of the City of Saint Paul and the state Metropolitan Airports Commissionof theState of Minnesota, ifsuchthe land can be properlyutilizedused bysuchthe port authority inanya river, harbor and industrial development district, to carry out the purposes ofLaws 1957, Chapter 812sections 458.09 to 458.1991. Subd. 6. [INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT.]It shall have the powerin carryingA port authority may carry out theprovisions forwhich saidlaw on industrial developmentdistrict has beencreated,districts to develop and improve the landswithinsuchin an industrial development district to makethe sameit suitable and available for industrial uses and purposes; to. A port authority may dredge, bulkhead, fill, grade and protectsuchthe property; toand doany and all thingsanything necessary and expedient, afterthe acquisition of suchacquiring the propertyto put the said property in such condition as isnecessary and expedient, to make it suitable and attractive asan industriala tract for industrial developmentthereon; toexecute leases of such. A port authority may lease some or all of its lands or propertyor any part thereof; to establishand may set up local improvement districtswithin suchin all or part of an industrial development districtwhich may, but neednot be, coextensive with the boundaries thereof and generally toexercise,. In general, with respect toand within suchan industrial developmentdistrictsdistrict, a port authority may use all the powersnow or hereafter conferred by law upongiven a portauthorities of cities of the first classauthority by law. Subd. 7. [AS BORROWER.] A port authorityshall have thefurther power,afterthe authorization ofauthorizing bondspursuant tounder section 458.193 orsection458.194,may borrow to providefundsmoney immediately required for the bond purposeand. The loans may notexceedingexceed the amount ofsuchthe bonds, by effecting temporary loans upon such termsas it. The authority shall by resolutiondetermine,decide the terms of the loans. The loans must be evidenced by negotiable notes due innot exceedingnot more than 12 months from the datethereof,of the loan payable to the order of the lender or to bearer, to be repaid with interest from the proceeds ofsuchthe bonds when the bonds are issued and delivered to thepurchaserthereofbond purchasers.No suchThe loanshallmust not be obtained from any commissioner of the port authority or from any corporation, association, or other institution of which a port authority commissioner is a stockholder or officer. Subd. 8. [AS LENDER.] The proceeds of obligations issued by a port authority under section 458.194 and temporary loans obtained under this sectionin connection with themmay be used to make or purchase loans for port, industrial or economic facilitieswhichthat the authorityestimatesbelieves will require financing.For the purpose of making or purchasingTo make or purchase the loans, the port authority may enter into loanagreementsandotherrelated agreements, both before and afterthe issuance ofissuing the obligations, with persons, firms, public or private corporations, federal or state agencies, and governmental unitsandunder terms and conditionsasthe port authoritydeemsconsiders appropriate.AnyA governmental unit in the state may apply, contract for and receive the loans, and the provisions of. Chapter 475shalldoes not apply to the loans. 458.196 [SALE OF PROPERTY.] Subdivision 1. [POWER.]When a port authority deems it forthe best interests of the district and the people thereof and infurtherance of its general plan of port improvement, orindustrial development, or both, itA port authority may sell and conveyanypropertyor part thereofowned by it within a port or industrial district. First, the port authority must decide that the sale and conveyance are in the best interests of the district and its people, and that the transaction furthers its general plan of port improvement, or industrial development, or both. This sectionshallis notbelimited by otherlawspertaining tolaw on powers of port authorities. Subd. 2. [NOTICE; HEARING.]TheA port authority shallgivehold a hearing on the sale. At the hearing a taxpayer may testify for or against the sale. At least ten, but not more than 20, days before the hearing the authority shall publish notice of the hearing on the proposed saleby publicationin a newspaper. The newspaper must be published and of general circulation in the port authority's county and port districtatleast ten days before the date fixed for the hearing thereon. The noticeshallmust describe the property to be sold and statethat the terms and conditions of the sale are available forpublic inspection at the office of the port authority and thatatthe time and placespecified in the notice the authority willmeet to hear and determine the advisability of the sale. Thehearing shall be held not more than 20 days from the publicationof notice. At the hearing the authority shall hear the reasonsof any taxpayer in the port district for or against the saleof the hearing. The notice must also state that the public may see the terms and conditions of the sale at the authority's office and that at the hearing the authority will meet to decide if the sale is advisable. Subd. 3. [DECISION; APPEAL.]Within 30 days after thehearing,The port authority shall make its findings anddeterminationdecision onthe advisability of makingwhether the sale is advisable and enter itsdeterminationdecision on its records within 30 days of the hearing.AnyA taxpayer may appeal thedetermination of the authoritydecision. The appeal is made by filing a notice of appeal with the district courtofthein the port or industrial district's countyin which thedistrict is located,and serving thesame uponnotice on the secretary of the port authority, within 20 daysof the entry ofthe determination but no appeal shall be allowed except onafter the decision is entered. Thegroundsonly ground for appeal is that the action of the authority was arbitrary, capricious, or contrary to law. Subd. 4. [TERMS.] The terms and conditions of sale ofanythe propertyshallmust include the usewhichthat the bidder will bepermittedallowed to make of it. The authority may require the purchaser to file securityas assuranceto assure that the property will beused forgiven thatpurposeuse. Indeterminingdeciding the sale terms and conditions the port authority may consider the nature of the proposed use and the relationthereofof the use to the improvement of the harbor, the riverfront and the port authority's cityof the first classand the business and the facilities of the port authority in general.All sales shallThe sale must be madeupon suchon the port authority's terms and conditionsas the port authority mayprescribe.In any caseThe port authority mayplace property onthe market for sale uponpublish an advertisement for bidspublishedon the property at the same time and in the same manner asand simultaneously withthe notice of hearing required in this section, and. The authority may award the saleinaccordance withto the biddeemedconsidered by it to be most favorablehaving regard toconsidering the price and the specified intended usespecified, but. The port authorityshallhave the power toalso may sellsaid propertiesthe property at private sale at a negotiated price ifsuchafter its hearing the authority considers that saleis deemedto be in the public interestby the port authorityandin furtherance ofto further the aims and purposes of sections 458.09 to 458.1991, afterhearing as herein required. Subd. 5. [ONE-YEAR DEADLINE.] The purchaser shall, within one year from the date ofthepurchase, devote the property to its intended use, or shallcommencebegin work on the improvementsthereonto the property to devote it tosuchthat use, and. Ifhethe purchaser fails to do so, the port authority may cancel the sale and title to the property shallrevertreturn to it.Extension ofThe port authority may extend the time to comply withsucha conditionmay be grantedby the port authority onif the purchaser has good causeshownby the purchaser. The terms of sale may containanyotherprovision by the port authority which it deemsprovisions that the port authority considers necessary and proper to protect the public interest.NoA purchasershallmust not transfer title tosuchthe property within one year of purchase without the consent of the port authority. Subd. 6. [COVENANT RUNNING WITH THE LAND.]All salesA sale madein accordance with the provisions ofunder this sectionshall have incorporated in the instrument of conveyanceof titlemust incorporate in the deed as a covenant running with the land the conditions of sections 458.09 to 458.1991 relating to the use of the landas a covenant running with the lands.Any violation of suchIf the covenantshall result in a right byis violated the authoritytomay declare a breach of the covenantrunning with the landand seek a judicial decree from the district court declaring a forfeiture and a cancellation ofany deed so giventhe deed. Subd. 7. [PLANS; SPECIFICATIONS.]NoA conveyanceshallmust not be made until the purchasershall have submittedtogives the port authority plans and specificationsfor thedevelopment ofto develop the property sold, and said. The port authority must approve the plans and specificationsshall beapprovedin writing.However, nothing herein shall requireThe preparation of final plans and specifications before the hearing on the sale, unless so directed byis not required by this subdivision but the port authority may make that requirement. 458.197 [ADVANCESOF MONEYBY PORT AUTHORITY.]SuchA port authorityis hereby granted the power tomay advance its general fundmoneysmoney or its credit, or both, without interest,to accomplishfor the objects and purposes of sections 458.191 to 458.1991, which. The advancesshallmust be repaid from the sale or lease, or both, ofsuchdeveloped or redeveloped lands, provided,. If the money advanced forsuchthe development or redevelopment was obtained from the sale of the port authority's general obligation bondsof the portauthority, thensuchthe advancesshall bear a rate of interestmust have not less than the average annual interest rate that is on the port authority's general obligation bondsof the portauthority whichthat are outstanding at the timesuchthe advances are made.Nothing herein shall preventThe port authorityfrom advancing themay advance repaid moneyso repaidfor the accomplishment of furtherfor more objects and purposesauthorized by such laws,of sections 458.191 to 458.1991 subject to repayment in the same manner.Nothing herein shall affect orimpair the obligation ofThe port authoritytomust still use rentals of lands acquired with advanced moneyso advancedtoaccumulatecollect and maintain reservessecuringto secure the payment of principal and interest on revenue bonds issued to finance port or industrial facilities,when suchif the rentalsshallhave been pledged forthisthat purposein accordance withunder section 458.194.Nothing herein shall require thereimbursement ofAdvances madefor the acquisition ofto acquire lands andthe construction ofto construct facilities for recreation purposeswhenif authorized by law need not be reimbursed under this section.Nothing contained in theprovisions of Minnesota Statutes 1961,Sections 458.09 to 458.1991, as amended, shall be construed as exemptingdo not exempt lands leased from theportauthority toa tenant orlessee who isa private person,association,orcorporationentity fromresponsibility or liability for payment ofassessments or taxeslevied or assessedagainstsuchthe leased propertywhenever such lease expressly provides that the tenantorwhile the lesseeshall beis liable for the assessments or taxesor assessments levied or assessed against such propertyduring the term of suchunder the leaseor any extension thereof. 458.198 [DETERMINATION OF PROPERTY AS MARGINAL LANDSFINDING LAND IS MARGINAL IS PRIMA FACIE EVIDENCE.]The determinationA port authority decision that propertysought by eminent domain proceedingsit seeks is marginallandsas herein defined is a judicial question, provided that a dulyadopted resolution of the authority of the port district thatthe property sought is marginal lands as the term is hereindefined, setting forth the characteristics of the lands soughtto be acquired which constitute the marginal lands as hereindefined, shall beunder section 458.19 is prima facie evidencethat such land is marginal lands as defined in Laws1957, Chapter 812in eminent domain proceedings that the property is marginal. To be prima facie evidence: (1) the decision must be made in a resolution, and (2) the resolution must state the characteristics that the authority thinks make the property marginal. 458.199 [PORT CITYOF FIRST CLASSMAY LEVY TAXES FORBENEFIT OFPORT AUTHORITY.]To enable suchA portauthorityauthority's city may levy a tax to be spent by and for its port authority. If levied, the tax must enable the port authority to carry out efficiently and in the public interestto carry out the aims and purposes ofLaws 1957, Chapter 812, in the creation and developmentofsections 458.09 to 458.1991 to create and develop industrial development districtsas herein provided, any such city of thefirst class in which such port authority has been created and isexisting shall have the power, upon request of such portauthority and in addition to all other powers now possessedthereby, and in addition to and in excess of any limitation uponthe amount it is otherwise permitted by law to levy as taxes, tolevy taxes for the benefit of and for expenditure by such. The port authority, not exceedingmust request the tax levy. In anyoneyearan amount equal tothe levy must not be for more than 7/60 of one millupon theon each dollar oftheassessed valuationthereof, upon all theof taxable property insuchthe city, excluding money and credits; and any money levied for suchpurpose shall be paid over by. The county treasurerto thetreasurer ofshall pay the money levied to the port authorityfor expenditure by it as in its judgment best serves the publicinterest in the carrying on and the execution oftreasurer. The money may be spent by the authority to do its dutiesin thecreation and development of suchto create and develop industrial development districts. In spending the money the authority must judge what best serves the public interest. The levyherein provided shall bein this section is in addition tothat provided for in Minnesota Statutes,the levy in section 458.14. The city may disregard any levy limit in law to make the levy in this section. 458.1991 [POWERS AS TO WORK, LABOR AND SUPPLIESREPEALED BID LAW APPLIES; USE OF CITY PURCHASING.] Subdivision 1. [REPEALED LAW.]The provisions ofMinnesota Statutes 1957, section15 of Chapter 341, Laws of the State ofMinnesota for 1933, shall apply to all445.15, although repealed, applies to construction work andevery purchaseto purchases of equipment, supplies, or materialsnecessary incarryingneeded to carry outthe provisions of Laws 1957,Chapter 812sections 458.09 to 458.1991.The powers theregranted to, and the duties imposed upon the board of trustees ofthe corporation therein referred to are hereby granted to andimposed uponThe members ofany sucha port authority have the powers and duties of the board of trustees in repealed section 445.15. Subd. 2. [CITY PURCHASING.]TheA port authorityis herebygiven the power and authority tomay use the facilities oftheits city's purchasing departmentof any city of the first classin which such port authority is created and existingin connection with construction work andeveryto purchaseofequipment, supplies, or materials, as such port authority seesfit to use such facilities.PUBLIC WATER HIGHWAYS IN CITIES OF FIRST CLASS 458.20 [ LAND COVERED BY WATER CONDEMNEDCITY MAY CONDEMN WATER-COVERED LAND FOR SLIPS.]EachA city of the first class may acquire by eminent domainanylandwithincovered with water or an easement in the land in the citycovered with water, or an easement therein,connecting. The water-covered land must connect with oradjacent tobe near public navigablewaterswater other thanadjacentnearby riverswithinin oradjacent to suchnear the city, which shall be declared by. The city council must first declare by resolutionnecessary tothat the land must be taken, damaged, injured, or destroyed for the purpose of layingout, opening, making, deepening, widening, or otherwiseimprovingto open, to lay out, or to improve a slip or other waterway. The taking may include damage, injury, or destruction to the water-covered land. The slip or waterway must lead into orconnectingconnect withsuchthe public navigablewaterswater. 458.21 [TOCONDEMNED LAND MUST BEHELD FORPUBLIC WATER HIGHWAY.]When any land covered with water or an easement thereinshall be acquired by any city pursuant to the provisions ofsections 458.20 to 458.23 suchLandshall thereafteracquired under section 458.20 must be held for use asand fora public water highway for the travelby, and theaccommodationsaccommodation and passage ofboats, steamships,vessels, andwater craftof all kinds. 458.22 [PROCEEDINGSCITY TO ACT AS CITY GETTING BUILDING LINE EASEMENT.]The land covered with water or an easement thereinspecified inWhen a city council acts to acquire land or an easement in land under section 458.20may be acquired byproceedings to be conducted by the council in the mannerprovided by sections 463.01 to 463.07 enabling municipalities toestablish and acquire a building line easement along streets,highways, parks, and parkways, and the council in any such cityshall, under sections 458.20 to 458.23, exercise all the powersand perform all the duties imposed in, it must act the way a city council does under sections 463.01 to 463.07on thegoverning body mentioned therein. 458.23 [LAND OR EASEMENT TO VEST IN CITY.]Upon the conclusion of the proceedings and the payment ofthe awards the several tracts of land shall be deemed to betaken and appropriated for the purposes of sections 458.20 to458.23 and such. The city's taking and appropriation of the land for the purposes of sections 458.20 to 458.23 occurs when the proceedings are over and the awards are paid. At that time the land or the easementthereinin the land forthesethose purposesshall vestvests absolutely in the condemning cityinwhich the land is situate.HARBORS ,AND WHARVES IN CITIES OF THE FIRST CLASS 458.24 [LAND MAY BE CONDEMNED FOR HARBORS AND WHARVESCONDEMNED.] Subdivision 1. [POWER.]AnyA city of the first classinthis state shall have the right, power, and authority tomay condemn landsunder the right of eminent domainfor harbors, wharves, boat-landings, andsuchfor the required canals and approachesthereto as may be requiredto them andthe right,power, and authority tomay levy taxesfor the purpose ofraising moneys required for the payment ofto pay damages and other expensesarising in or out of suchof the condemnation proceedings; such power and authority to condemn land shall beexercised. The condemnation must be done underand pursuant tothe terms and provisions ofchapter 117. Subd. 2. [ENTRY.]Any suchThe cityshall have the right,upon theafter filingofand giving notice of the filing of the awardof the commissioners provided for in chapter 117 and upongiving the notice therein required of the filing of such awardtounder chapter 117, may enteruponon and appropriate the condemned landso condemnedwithoutthegivingof anya bond, but in case of such. If the entry and appropriation are made,suchthe cityshall be boundis absolutely bound to payalldamages awardedeitherby the commissioners or by the courtuponon appealtherefrom, together with alland the costs and expensesadjudgedassessed against ittherein, within thetime specified in chapter 117. The payment must be made within the time limit in chapter 117. Subd. 3. [NO APPEAL BOND.]In case any suchIf the cityshall appealappeals from the commissioner's awardof thecommissioners appointed pursuant to such condemnationproceedings such, the cityshall not be required toneed not give or fileanyan appeal bondtherein. 458.25 [PUBLIC LANDINGS,BUILDING AND OPERATING WHARVES,AND DOCKS;CONSTRUCTION, MAINTENANCE; RATES; CHARGESUSER FEES.] Subdivision 1. [POWERS.]Any home rule charterA city of the first class may: (1) establish, construct, maintain, and operate public landings, public wharves and docks, and transfer railroad tracks, and loading, unloading, transfer and storage facilities,either within or without suchin or out of the city; (2) acquire by condemnation or otherwise, allriparian or other lands, riparian or otherwiseand other rights and easementsnecessaryneeded forsuch purposesa purpose in clause (1) and construct, maintain, and operateall necessarythe buildings and warehouses needed for that purpose; (3) lay and collect reasonable duties or wharfage fees on vessels coming to or using the landings, wharves or docks; (4) regulate themanneruse ofusingother wharves and dockswithinin the city and the rates of wharfage to be paid by vessels usingthe samethem; (5) dredge or deepen the harbor or river oranya branch or portionthereofof it; (6)prescribemake and enforce reasonable rulesandregulationsfor the protection and use of its propertieswhetherwithin or withoutin or out of the city and impose and enforce adequate penalties for the violation ofsuchthe rulesandregulations. Subd. 2. [CHAPTER 117 APPLIES.]Proceedings in eminentdomain for the purposes ofCondemnation under this sectionshallmust beconducteddone underand pursuant to the provisions ofchapter 117.The powers granted in this section are in additionto all existing powers of such cities.LEVEES IN CITIES OF FIRST CLASS 458.32 [CITY MAY GET LEVEES ON NAVIGABLESTREAMWHENIF CHANNELCHANGEDMOVED.] Subdivision 1. [POWER.]AnyA city of the first classinthis state shall have the power tomay acquireand hold in feesimple,levees by purchase or condemnation,and may hold them. The levees must notexceedingbe more than 200 feetin widthwide and may be on either side or both sides ofanya navigable streamwithin the limits of suchin the city. The levees may be acquired when the stream's channelthereofisaltered orchanged byor under the authority oftheUnited Statesfederal governmentand. Subd. 2. [USE.] The city may set asidesuch portionspart ofthesethe leveeswhen acquiredas the public needsmayrequirefor useforpublictraveland. The city may devote theremainder thereof to suchrest of the levees to usesasthe city councilof the city shall deemconsiders for the best interests of the city,or asallowing for any required use by theUnited Statesfederal government. 458.33 [ISSUANCE OF BONDS TO GET AND IMPROVE LEVEES.]Any suchA city of the first class may by ordinance adopted by a two-thirds voteof all members electof its entire council issue and sellthebonds ofsuchthe city of the par value of notexceedingmore than $500,000 toaid in defrayinghelp paythe expense of acquiring and improvingto acquire and improve the leveesmentioneddescribed in section 458.32. 458.34 [LIMIT OFLEVY FOR BONDS; DEBT LIMIT WAIVED; TAX LEVY.] Subdivision 1. [BEYOND DEBT LIMIT.] The bonds authorized by sections 458.32 to 458.35, or any portion thereof,may be issued and sold byany suchthe citynotwithstanding anylimitation contained ineven if the sale results in the bonded debt of the city exceeding a limit in its charterof such cityorin anyin state lawof this state prescribing or fixing anylimit upon the bonded indebtedness of such city, and. Subd. 2. [PLEDGE, LEVY.] The full faith and credit ofanysuchthe cityshallmust at all times be pledgedfor thepayment of anyto pay the bonds issued under sections 458.32 to 458.35, andfor the payment ofto pay the current interestthereon, andon the bonds. The city councilof such cityshall each year include intheits tax levy a sufficient amount toprovide for the payment of suchpay the interest as it accrues andfor the accumulation ofto accumulate a sinking fundfor the redemption of suchto redeem the bonds at their maturity. 458.35 [TERM OF BONDS; SALE.]No suchBondsshall beissuedby any such cityfor the purposes mentioned in sections 458.32 to 458.34, tomust not run for a longer term than 30 years orbearingbear a higher rate of interest than four percent perannumyear, payable semiannually,but. The city council shall decide the place of payment of the principal and interestthereofon the bonds and the denominationsin which the same are issued shall be such as maybe determined by the council andof the bonds. The bonds may be in the form of coupon bonds or registered certificates,so-called.All of theseThe bondsshallmust be signed by the mayor, be attested by the city clerkand, be countersigned by the city comptrollerof the city issuing the same, andshallbe sealed with the city sealof such city; but. The signaturestoon the coupons, if any, attached tosuchthe bonds, if any,may be lithographedthereon.None ofThe bondsshallmust not be sold at less than their par valueandplus accrued interest,and then only. The bonds must be sold to the highest responsible biddertherefor.STONEROCK QUARRIES,AND DOCKS IN CITIESOF THE FIRST CLASS 458.36 [BONDS , ISSUANCEFOR QUARRIES AND DOCKS.] Subdivision 1. [POWER; DETAILS.] Thegoverning body of anycouncil of a city of the first classin this state, is herebyauthorized and empowered, forthe purposes herein designated, toa purpose in sections 458.36 to 458.40, may issue from time to time as neededthenegotiable bonds of the city toana total amountin the aggregateof notexceedingmore than $500,000,the bonds to be made in such denominations and payable at suchplaces and at such times, not exceeding ten years from the datethereof, as may be deemed. The council shall decide what denominations, place, and time of payment are best for the bonds. The bonds must be paid within ten years of their issue date.TheseThe bondstomust be serial in form,. One-tenthtomust be retired each year after issueand to. They must bear interestat a rateof notto exceedmore than six percent perannumyear payable semiannually, with interest coupons attached, payable atsuchthe placeor places as shallbe designated therein, and such governing body is furtherauthorized tonamed on them. The city council may also negotiate and sellsuchthe bonds from time to time to the highest bidderor bidders therefor and uponon the best terms that can be obtained forsaidthe bonds. Subd. 2. [PAR.]No suchThe bondsshallmust not be sold foralessamountthanthetheir par valuethereof andplus accrued interestthereonon them. Subd. 3. [CHARTER PREVAILS.] Sections 458.36 to458.41shall458.40 do not supersedethe provisions of the charter ofany city providing for thea city charter provision for a voter's referendumofon ordinances passed by thegoverning bodyto a vote of the electors of the city, nor with the provisionsof thecouncil. The sections also do not supersede a city charterof any cityprovision making the action of the council subject to approval of a board of estimate and taxation, norwith the provisions of any such charter prescribingor fixing a particular methodof authorization of suchto authorize bonds. 458.37 [TAX LEVYFOR PAYMENT OFTO PAY BONDS.] The full faith and credit ofany suchthe issuing cityshallmust at all times be pledgedfor the payment of anyto pay bonds issued under sections 458.36 to458.41458.40, andfor thepayment ofto pay the current interestthereon, and thegoverning body of such cityon them. The city's council shall each year include intheits tax levy a sufficient amountforthe payment of suchto pay the interest as it accrues.NoA tax levyshallneed not be made ifsufficient fundsexist in the special fund, called "the quarry and dock fund,"herein created anddescribed in section 458.39 contains enough money to make the payment. 458.38 [ISSUE AND SALE OF BONDS.]AllBonds issued underauthority ofsections 458.36 to458.41 shall458.40 must be sealed with the city sealof thecity issuing the same, signed by the mayor, attested by the city clerk, and countersigned by the city comptroller or city auditorof such city, except that. The signaturestoon the coupons, if any, attached tosuchthe bonds, if any,may be lithographedthereon. Thesale of such bonds shall be made insuch manner and in such proportions of the whole amountauthorized by sections 458.36 to 458.41 and at such times as maybe determined by the governing body of suchcity council shall decide the manner of the sale and how much to sell of the amount authorized in sections 458.36 to 458.40. 458.39 [USE OF BOND PROCEEDSOF SALE OF BONDS; QUARRY AND DOCK FUND.] Subdivision 1. [PROCEEDS.] The proceeds ofany and allbonds issued and sold underauthority ofsections 458.36 to458.41 shall458.40 must be usedfor the following purposes, andnone otheronly:For acquiringto acquire by gift, purchase, or condemnation, a siteor sitescontaining rockand; to remove and use thesamerock foranya municipal purpose; and especiallyfor the construction of, especially to construct public grounds, public docks, harbor terminals, and a breakwater fortheirprotection of the grounds, docks, and terminals;andtoprocureget and pay forthe necessaryequipmentofor machinery, tracks , and labor requiredin the making of suchto make the public improvements; and to clear rock obstructions from public highwaysadjacent to suchnear the public improvement sitesfromrock obstruction. Subd. 2. [QUANTITY OF ROCK.]Accurate account shall bekept byThe city departmentof such city havingin chargetheoperationofthe removal and disposalremoving and disposing of the rock, ofshall record the exactquantityamount ofsuchthe rock or crushed rockmanufactured therefrom,made from it that is removed and usedeitherby the cityuponon its highways, or sold to contractors forsuchthe same use, or used foruse inmakinganyother improvements,under city authority or franchise. Subd. 3. [QUARRY AND DOCK FUND.] If on its highways the city usesthisthe rock,or crushed rockmanufactured therefrom,upon its highwaysmade from it, thenthatthe city departmentof the city charged with maintenance ofthat maintains the streets shall pay intoa special fund of such city to be knownasthe city's quarry and dock fund,an amount ofmoneyequivalentequal to what it would fairlyexpendspend forsuchthe material if obtained elsewhereobtainedin the city. Ifsuchthe rock is sold to contractorsengaged inconstruction ofmaking public improvements in the city, or under franchise fromitthe city, then themoneys so derived shalllikewisemoney must also go into the quarry and dock fund. Themoneysmoney in the fundshallmust be usedfor payment ofonly to pay interest on the bonds andfor the retirement andpayment ofto retire and pay the principalthereof and for noother purposeof the bonds.Recourse to aA taxlevy shall inno case be hadmust not be levied unless there is a deficiency in thespecialquarry and dock fund to paysuchthe interest or principal. Ifanya taxlevy shall be necessaryis needed toprovidefor anymake up for a deficit inthisthe quarry and dock fund, the amountsoleviedshallmust berestoredpaid to the city's general fundof the cityout of proceeds ofsuchthe quarry and dock fund as soon asit is sufficient for suchpurposethere is enough money in the quarry and dock fund to make the payment. 458.40 [MUST VOTE TO ISSUE BONDS IF CHARTERPROVISIONS NOTAFFECTEDSAYS SO.]Nothing contained in sections 458.36 to 458.41 shall beconstrued to repeal or modify the provisions of anyIf a charter adoptedpursuant tounder the Minnesota constitutionof theState of Minnesota, article4IV, section 36,requiringhas a provision that requires the question of the issuance of bonds to be submitted toa vote ofthe electors, the provision prevails over sections 458.36 to 458.40.CITIES' PUBLIC DOCKS 458.46 [ CITIESMAYACQUIREGET AND FIX LAND FOR DOCKS; SET FEES; REGULATE.]TheA city councilof any city in this statemay by a two-thirds vote of all its members acquireby purchase or bycondemnation under chapter 117lands,or lands covered with water or buildings, for sites for public passenger docksforpassenger purposes.NoThe lands must be acquired by purchase or by condemnation under chapter 117. A site for a public dockshallmust not be acquired unlessa necessity therefor existsandthe councilso determinesdecides by two-thirds vote of all its members that the dock site is needed. The council may improve sites acquired for public docks bythe erection andmaintenance thereon ofbuilding and maintaining suitable buildings andby the construction and maintenance thereon ofsuitable piers, and iton the land. The city may by ordinance provide for the regulation, control, and operation ofsuchthe docks, buildings and piers, and fixchargesfees for their use. 458.59 [SUBMERGED AND TAX FORFEITED LANDRECLAIMING WASTED HARBOR LAND; SALE AND USE.] Subdivision 1. [POLICY.]It is hereby determined anddeclared thatThe use ofanysubmerged, eroded, or depleted tracts of land in harborsuponon navigable waters byanya political subdivisionof this stateor byanya port authorityfor the purpose of conserving, developing, reclaiming orprotecting such landsto conserve, develop, reclaim, or protect the land so as to restore them to economic usefulness is a public use conferring a public benefit. Subd. 1a. [IF TAX-FORFEIT LAND.] The commissioner of revenueis authorized tomay transferany of such tractssuch a tract forfeited to the state for taxes toanya political subdivisionof this stateor port authority forsuch usea purpose in subdivision 1 in accordance withthe provisions ofMinnesota Statutes,section 282.01.AnyA political subdivisionof this stateoranya port authority acquiringsuchthe lands may conserve, develop, reclaim or protect them in any mannerdeemedconsidered suitable bytheits governing body.Upon their being restoredAfter restoring the lands to a state of economic usefulness,any suchthe political subdivision or port authority mayput them to their own useuse the lands itself, or lease themupon suchon any terms and conditionsasthe governing bodymay seesees fit.No suchA leaseshallof the lands must not be madeandentered intowithout the approval of the governor and the state executive council. Subd. 2. [SEAWAY HARBOR LAND.] State-owned tax-forfeited riparian or submerged lands located in harborsuponon the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway and lying within 1500 feet of thedulyestablished harbor line may be offered for sale or sold as tax-forfeited landas allowed byunder law; provided however,. Ifsuchthe lands lie within a port districtwhich is subject tothe jurisdictionof a seaway port authorityexisting by virtueof Minnesota Statutes, Sections 458.09 to 458.19, suchthe offer for sale or saleshallmust not be made without the approval by resolution ofsuchthe seaway port authority and of the state executive councilof the state.The provisions ofThis subdivisionshall not amend, repeal or otherwisedoes not affect Laws 1963, Chapter 827.Provided further thatIfsuchthe lands have been developed, improved or used for business or development purposes by persons, firms, or corporations who are using and occupying, and who have used and occupied,saidthe property for business or development purposes for at least two years prior to sale,pursuant tounder a lease with the state or a governmental subdivision, thensuchthe person, firm, or corporationshallhavehas the right, on the first day set for sale by the county auditor, to purchasesaidthe property at 125 percent of the appraised value.In the event that any of the provisions of subdivision 2render this section unconstitutional, that portion ofsubdivision 2 shall be severable and of no effect.PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF BLOOMINGTON Sec. 2. Laws 1980, chapter 453, section 1, is amended to read: Section 1. [458.70] The city of Bloomington may establish a port authoritywhich shall havethat has the same powers as a port authority establishedpursuant to Minnesota Statutes,under Section 458.09. If the city establishes a port authority, the city shall exercise all the powers relating to the port authority granted to a city byMinnesota Statutes,Section 458.09 or other law. Sec. 3. Laws 1980, chapter 595, section 5, is amended to read: Sec. 5. [458.701] [CITYOF BLOOMINGTONHAS FULL PORT AUTHORITY POWERS.] The city of Bloomingtonis hereby grantedmay do allthosepowers ofthat a port authoritycontained in Minnesota Statutes,may do under chapter 458. Sec. 4. Laws 1983, chapter 257, section 1, is amended to read: Section 1. [458.702] [BLOOMINGTON PORT AUTHORITYACQUISITION AUTHORITYREALTY FROM PUBLIC AGENCIES; PAY WITH BONDS.] Subdivision 1. [GET REALTY.] The port authority of the city of Bloomington may lease or purchase and acceptconveyancesa conveyance of real property fromall otheranother publicagenciesagency,commissionscommission, orother unitsunit of government, including the metropolitan sports facilitiescommission, if the real property can be properly utilized by. To get the property, the port authorityto carry outmust be able to properly use it for the purposes ofLaws 1957, chapter 812sections 458.09 to 458.1991. Subd. 2. [ISSUE BONDS.] The port authority may, with the approval oftheits city council, issue bondsas provided inunder section 458.193for the purpose of paying the cost ofpurchasingto pay for the real property. Sec. 5. Laws 1984, chapter 548, section 9, is amended to read: Sec. 9. [458.703] [EXEMPTIONTAX EXEMPT.] Notwithstandingthe provisions of Minnesota Statutes,section 473.556, subdivision 6, or any other law, real property conveyed to the port authority of the city of Bloomington by the metropolitan sports facilities commissionshall beis exempt from taxationas provided in Minnesota Statutes,under sections 473.556, subdivision 4; and 459.192, subdivision 2. SEAWAY PORT AUTHORITY OF DULUTH Sec. 6. Laws 1975, chapter 326, section 1, is amended to read: Section 1. [458.711] [SEAWAY PORT AUTHORITY OF DULUTH;MAY OWN, OPERATE, OR CONTRACT FOR VESSELS.] The Seaway Port Authority of Duluth, in its own name, has authority tomay acquire, purchase, charter, lease, mortgage or otherwise own and operate vessels as may be necessary or convenient, including. The authoritytomay enter into joint vessel ownership contracts or joint ventures with others,tocontract with vessel owners and operators, andtoenter intosuchcontractual relationshipsas arenecessary or convenient tothe acquisitionacquire, purchase, charter, lease oroperation ofoperate vessels.Thepower granted by this section is supplementary to those grantedby Minnesota Statutes, Sections 458.09 to 458.19 and other lawsand shall be exercised coordinately with them.Sec. 7. Laws 1963, chapter 827, section 1, is amended to read: Section 1. [458.712] [DULUTH; TAX FORFEITED LANDOLD LAW DOES NOT APPLY TO MINNESOTA POINT.]The provisions of the last paragraph ofThe following quoted sentence from Minnesota Statutes 1961, section 458.59,shall:"No state owned tax forfeited land comprising riparian lands or submerged lands within the harbor line as duly established, and all such tax forfeited lands lying within a distance of 1500 feet thereof, located in harbors upon the Great Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway shall be offered for sale or sold to any private person, firm or corporation and all such tax forfeited lands are hereby withdrawn from sale to such private persons, firms or corporations." does not apply to any suchland located on Minnesota Point in the city of Duluthwhichthat is zoned residential under the zoning ordinance ofsaidthe city, provided that approval shallfirst be obtained from the Duluth city council, the St. Louiscounty board, and the commissioners of the port authority ofDuluth. Beforeany suchthe landshall beis offered for sale the city council, the county board, and the port authority must approve the offering.NoA sale or conveyance ofsuchthe landshallmust not includeanyriparian rights, andsuch. The riparian rightsshall be retainedare kept by the state. Sec. 8. Laws 1959, chapter 699, section 4, is amended to read: Sec. 4. [458.713] Theamendments herein contained relating to the affairs ofseaway portauthoritiesauthority provisions of sections 458.16, 458.17, and 458.19 apply to the seaway port authority of Duluth.As to said seaway port authority this law shall becomeeffective upon approval by resolution duly adopted by thefavorable vote of a majority of the commissioners of theauthority. As to any other seaway port authorities to whichthis law may apply in the future, it shall become effective uponlike approval by resolution of the commissioners of that portauthority. CITY OF GRANITE FALLS Sec. 9. [458.72] [CITY HAS MOST CHAPTER 458 POWERS.] The Granite Falls city council may use the powers of a governmental agency or subdivision under chapter 458 except that the council may not use the powers in section 458.193. The powers must be used according to and for the purposes of Laws 1981, chapter 225. CITY OF LAKE CITY HARBOR AND MARINA Sec. 10. Laws 1965, chapter 344, as amended by Laws 1967, chapter 10, section 1, is amended to read:Section 1.[458.73] [LAKE CITY, CITY OF; MUNICIPAL HARBORPOWER; FUND BY 40 YEAR CHAPTER 475 OBLIGATIONS.] Subdivision 1. [FACILITIES.] The city of Lake City, by its common councilactingat the request of its waterfront board,isauthorized tomay establish, acquire, construct, equip, lease, operate, maintain, extend, and improve a municipal harbor and marina at lake Pepin and on landadjacent thereto, and devote tothis purposenear the lake. Propertynowowned by the city;including without limitationon October 21, 1965, may be used for this purpose. The harbor and marina facilities may include a harbor, docks and slips for watercraft, automobile parking areas, bathing beaches, bath houses, trailer parks, picnic and recreation areas, a harbor and marina office building, concession facilities, other facilities, andall necessaryneeded appurtenances for any of the facilities.Sec.Subd. 2. [OBLIGATIONS.]To provide funds for capitalexpenditures contemplated in section 1, including all incidentalexpenses determined by the common council to be necessary orproper in connection therewith and interest accruing on moneyborrowed for this purpose during construction and for areasonable time thereafter,The city of Lake City, by its common councilactingat the request of its waterfront board, may sell and issue special obligations of the city in an amount not to exceed $600,000,. The obligations are to get money for capital spending under subdivision 1, and for needed or proper expenses incidental to the capital projects as determined by the council, and for interest on money borrowed for the capital spending during and for a reasonable time after construction. The obligations are payable solely from the revenues tobe derivedcome fromoperation of itsoperating the municipal harbor and marina.SuchThe obligations may mature at any timeor timeswithin 40 years of their date of issue.Prior to the deliveryofBefore the obligations are delivered thecommoncouncil may makesuchthe pledges and covenantswith respect theretoabout them as itmay deemconsiders necessary or desirable, and. The council may pledgeto the payment thereof any part or all of therevenuesto be derivedfromownership, lease, and operation ofany or allowning, leasing, and operating the facilitiesof themunicipal harbor and marinato pay the obligations.Sec.Subd. 3. [CHAPTER 475 APPLIES.]Except as otherwiseprovided herein,The obligationshereinauthorized in this section shall be sold and issuedin the manner prescribed byMinnesota Statutes,under chapter 475.Sec. 4. This act shall become effective upon its approvalby a majority of the members of the common council and by amajority of the members of the waterfront board of Lake City,and upon compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes,section 645.021.CITY OF MINNEAPOLIS Sec. 11. [458.74] [MAY USE CHAPTER 458 POWERS GRANTED BY 1980 LAW.] The city of Minneapolis may exercise those powers of a governmental agency or subdivision in chapter 458 granted to it by Laws 1980, chapter 595. Sec. 12. Laws 1979, chapter 303, article 10, section 16, is amended to read: Sec. 16. [458.741] [MINNEAPOLIS; CONTRACTSPORT OPERATOR EXEMPT FROM BID LAW.]Subdivision 1.If the city of Minneapolis contracts with a corporation to operate a port facility, the corporation may sell, purchase, or rent supplies, materials, or equipment, or construct, alter, expand, repair, or maintain real or personal property atsuchthe facility without regard tothe provisionsof Minnesota Statutes,section 471.345. Thissubdivision shallapplysection applies regardless of the source of funds dispersed by the corporation. CITY OF PLYMOUTH AS PORT AUTHORITY Sec. 13. Laws 1984, chapter 397, section 1, is amended to read: Section 1. [458.75] [PLYMOUTH,FULL PORT AUTHORITY POWERS.] Thegoverning body of the city ofPlymouth city council mayexercisedo allthe powers ofthat a port authorityprovidedby Minnesota Statutes,may do under chapter 458 or other law. CITY OF SAINT CLOUD AS PORT AUTHORITY Sec. 14. Laws 1984, chapter 498, section 1, is amended to read: Section 1. [458.76] [ST. CLOUD;CITY HAS ALL POWERS OF PORT AUTHORITY.] Thegoverning body of the city ofSt. Cloud city council mayexercise all the powers ofdo what a port authorityprovidedby Minnesota Statutes,may do under chapter 458. PORT AUTHORITY OF THE CITY OF SAINT PAUL Sec. 15. Laws 1971, Extra Session, chapter 35, section 7, is amended to read: Sec. 7. [458.77] [ST. PAUL PORT AUTHORITYMAY RUN; BOND FOR RECREATION FACILITIES; APPROVAL.] Subdivision 1. [GET, RUN, AND CONTROL.] Notwithstanding anyprovision oflaw to the contrary, the port authority of the city of St. Paul may plan for, acquire by condemnation, purchase, or otherwise, construct, improve, operate, directly, by lease or otherwise, and maintain parks and other recreation facilities along navigable rivers and lakes within its port district, and on lands abuttingthereon,the rivers and lakes and shall establishregulations controllingrules on the use ofsuchthe rivers, lakes, parks and recreation facilities either aloneas such port authorityor in cooperation with theUnited Statesfederal government or its agencies, the city of St. Paul, the stateof Minnesota and any, or an agency or political subdivisionthereofof the state. Subd. 2. [NO POLICE POWER.]SuchThe port authorityshalldoes not have police power except as provided by sections7458.77 to9 of this act, nor shall it458.772. Subd. 3. [CONSENT FOR CITY LAND.] The port authority must not take lands owned, controlled, or used by the city of St. Paul without consent of thegoverning body thereof; butcity council. Subd. 4. [PORT JURISDICTION.] For all other recreation purposes the port authorityshall havehas jurisdiction over the use of allsuchthe navigable rivers or lakes and allsuchthe parks and recreation facilities. Subd. 5. [SPEND FOR; BONDS.]SaidThe port authorityishereby authorized to expendmay spend port authoritymoneys inordermoney to carry outthe powers and purposes set forth insections7458.77 to9 of this act458.772 andtoissue bondstherefor in accordance with the provisions of MinnesotaStatutes,for the purposes in sections 458.77 to 458.772 according to either section 458.193 or 458.194, as the case maybe. Subd. 6. [CITY, COUNTY PLAN APPROVAL.]SaidThe port authorityshall, prior to taking action under sections7458.77 to9 of this act458.772, shall submit for approval plansforthe acquisition, improvement and operation ofto acquire, improve, and operate parks and recreation facilities along navigable rivers and lakes within its port district to the city of St. Paul and, further, shall submitsuchthe plans for all areas located within the county of Ramsey, whether located within or without the port district, tosaidthe county for approval. Sec. 16. Laws 1971, Extra Session, chapter 35, section 8, is amended to read: Sec. 8. [458.771] [REVENUE BONDS; SALE; RATE OF INTEREST.] Notwithstanding anyprovision oflaw to the contrary, the sale ofsuchrevenue bonds issued bysaidthe port authoritypursuant to Minnesota Statutes,under section 458.194, shall be at public salepursuant tounder section 475.60, or in accordance with the procedures set forth in sections 474.01 to 474.13.SuchThe bonds may be sold in the manner and for the price that the port authority determines to be for the best interest of the port authority, but no such. A saleshallmust not be made at a price so low as to cause the average annual rate of interest on the money receivedthereforfrom the sale to exceed eight percent perannum,year computed by adding the amount of the discount to the total amount of interest payable on all obligations of the series to their stated maturity dates.SuchThe bonds may be made callable, and. Ifsoissued as callable, the bonds may be refunded. Sec. 17. Laws 1971, Extra Session, chapter 35, section 9, is amended to read: Sec. 9. [458.772] [RELATION TOMUNICIPALINDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT ACT.] Subdivision 1. [RECIPROCAL POWERS.] Notwithstanding anyprovision oflaw to the contrary, the port authority of the city of St. Paul, underthe provisions of Minnesota Statutes,sections 458.09 to 458.1991 and sections7458.77 to9 of thisact shall be empowered to exercise and apply any and all of thepowers and duties assigned to458.772, may do what a redevelopmentagencies pursuant to Minnesota Statutes,agency may do or must do under chapter 474, in orderto further any of the purposesand objectsof sections 458.09 to 458.1991 and sections7458.77 to9 of this act458.772.SaidThe port authorityshall also be empowered to exercise and apply any andall ofmay use its powers and dutiesset forth in MinnesotaStatutes,under sections 458.09 to 458.1991 and sections7458.77 to9 of this act in order458.772 to further the purposesand policies set forth in Minnesota Statutes,of chapter 474. Subd. 2. [POWERS ARE ADDITIONAL.] The powers and dutiesprovided forin sections7458.77 to9 of this act458.772 shall be in additionand supplementaltoallthe powers and dutiesprovided saidof the port authority underthe provisionsof Minnesota Statutes,sections 458.09 to 458.1991, and under chapter 474. Subd. 3. [INCLUDES ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT.]Wherever suchThe port authorityis authorized tomay use its powers for industrial development orthe establishment ofto establish industrial development districts, and wherever. If the term"industrial"is usedwithin relation tosuchindustrial development purposespursuant to Minnesota Statutes,under chapter 458,suchthe termor terms shall be understood toinclude and encompass the termincludes"economic"and"economic development". Sec. 18. Laws 1983, chapter 110, section 1, is amended to read: Section 1. [458.773] [PORT AUTHORITY;REVENUE BONDS;FOR PARKING AND CIVIC CENTER.] Notwithstanding any contraryprovision oflaw or charter, the port authority of the city of St. Paul, underMinnesotaStatutes,sections 458.09 to 458.1991 andExtra Session Laws1971, chapter 35,sections7458.77 to9458.772, may issue revenue bonds to finance parking facilities and facilities for the civic center complex, or any part of it, to be operated by oron behalf offor the city of St. Paul. For that purpose the port authority of the city of St. Paul may enter into a lease or other financing agreement with the city, including the civic center authority, underMinnesota Statutes,sections 458.09 to 458.1991 andExtra Session Laws 1971, chapter 35sections 458.77 to 458.772. The interest rate on the revenue bonds is not subject to statutory limit. An economic development district need not be created underMinnesota Statutes,section 458.191. The lease or other financing agreement may, butis not requiredto,need not meet the requirements ofMinnesota Statutes,section 474.03, clause (4). The city may, without an election and without regard toMinnesota Statutes,chapter 475, acquire and operate the facilities under the lease or other financing arrangement with the port authority. The city may pledge forthethese purposesof this actall or part of the revenuesderivedfrom the facilities and from proceeds ofany specialthe tax imposed under Laws 1982, chapter 523, article 25, section 1. This section supersedes any inconsistent provision ofMinnesota Statutes,chapters 458, 474, and 475. Sec. 19. Laws 1983, chapter 110, section 2, is amended to read: Sec. 2. [458.774] [MAY JOIN IN SUPPLYING SMALL BUSINESSFACILITIESCAPITAL.] Notwithstanding any contraryprovision oflaw, the port authority of the city of St. Paul may participate withanypublic or private corporations, profit or nonprofit,or other entities, whose purpose is to provide venture capital to small businesseswiththat have facilities located or to be located in the port district. For that purpose the port authority may use not more than ten percent of available annual net income or $400,000 annually, whichever is less, to acquire or invest in securities of, and enter into financing arrangements and related agreements with the corporations or entities. The participation by the port authorityshallmust not exceed in any year 25 percent of the total amount of funds provided for venture capital purposes by all of the participants, and provided. The corporation or entity shall report in writing each month to the commissioners of the port authority all investmentactionand otheractionsaction taken by it since the last report.AllFunds contributed to the corporation or entityshallmust be invested pro-rata with each contributor of capital taking proportional risks on each investment. As used in this section, the term "small business"has the meaning givenmeans what it means inMinnesota Statutes,section 645.445, subdivision 2. Sec. 20. Laws 1963, chapter 254, section 1, is amended to read: Section 1. [458.775] [ST. PAUL PORT AUTHORITY;MAY GET, RUN, CONTROL RECREATION FACILITIES.] The port authority of the city of Saint Paulshall havehas jurisdiction over the use of the Mississippi River for recreation purposes within its port district and may acquire and mayexpendspend port authoritymoneysmoney for lands abuttingupon saidthe river withinsaidthe port districtforthe purpose of constructing, operatingto construct, operate directly, by lease or otherwise, andmaintainingmaintain recreation facilitiesand. The authority shall establishregulations controllingrules on the use ofsaidthe river and abutting lands, either individuallyas such port authority, or in cooperation with theUnited Statesfederal government or its agencies, the city of Saint Paul, the stateof Minnesota and anyof said state's agencies, or a state agency, or politicalsubdivisionssubdivision. The port authorityshalldoes not have any police powerby virtuebecause of thisact, nor shallitsection. The port authority must not take lands owned, controlled, or used by the city of Saint Paul without consent ofthe council of the city of Saint Paulthe city council. Sec. 21. Laws 1976, chapter 234, section 3, as amended by Laws 1983, chapter 110, section 3, is amended to read: Sec. 3. [458.776] [CITYBOND, FINANCING APPROVAL, WORKERCONTROLMUST APPROVE BONDS; MAY CONTROL WORKERS.] Subdivision 1. [CITY APPROVALREVENUE BONDS.] Notwithstanding anyprovision oflaw or the charter of the city of St. Paul to the contrary,anyan issue of revenue bonds authorized by the port authority of the city of St. Paul shall be issued only with the consent of thecity council of the cityofSt. Paulbycity council in a resolutionadopted inaccordance with law. Notwithstanding anyprovision oflaw or the charter of the city of St. Paul to the contrary,anya project to be financed by the port authority of the city of St. Paul by proceeds of revenue bonds shall be financed only with the consent of thecity council of the city ofSt. Paulbycity council in a resolutionadopted in accordance with law. Subd. 2. [IMPAIRMENTOF EXISTING OBLIGATIONS.]NoAn existing obligation, contract,agreement,collective bargaining or other agreement, fringe benefit plan, or covenant made or entered into by the St. Paul port authorityshall be in anymanneris not impaired bythe adoption of this actsubdivision 1. Subd. 3. [CITY SUPERVISION.] Notwithstanding anyotherlaw or charter provision to the contrary the council may, by resolution adopted by a majority of the council, place anyemployeesemployee of the port authority under the direction, supervision, or control of the mayor oranothera department of the cityof St. Paul. Sec. 22. Laws 1979, chapter 269, section 1, is amended to read: Section 1. [458.777] [MAY INVEST IN COMMERCIAL PAPER.] Notwithstandingthe provisions of Minnesota Statutes,section 471.56, or other law and the statutes referred totherein, or other lawin section 471.56, the port authority of the city of St. Paul may invest its funds in commercial paper of prime quality in the same manner as the state board of investment may invest money not currently needed, subject to theconditions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 11.10, Subdivision 1,Clause (c). Sec. 23. Laws 1961, chapter 545, section 1, is amended to read: Section 1. [458.778] [ST. PAUL PORT AUTHORITY;BOND FOR TREASURER AND ASSISTANT TREASURER; BOND.]Notwithstanding inconsistent provisions of any otherstatute,The treasurer and assistant treasurer of the port authority of the city of Saint Paul shall give bond to the state in sums not to exceed $25,000 and $10,000 respectively, such. The bondstomust be conditioned for the faithful discharge of their dutiesand to. The bonds must be approved as to both form and surety bysaidthe port authority and must be filed with its secretary. The amount ofsuchthe bondsshallmust bedeterminedset at least annually by the port authority. CITY OF SOUTH SAINT PAUL AS PORT AUTHORITY Sec. 24. Laws 1982, chapter 523, article 24, section 2, is amended to read: Sec. 2. [458.79] [SOUTH ST. PAUL;CITYMAY ACT LIKEHAS SAME POWER AS SAINT PAUL PORT AUTHORITY.] Thegoverning body of the city ofSouth Saint Paul city council mayexercise all the powers ofdo what a port authorityprovided by Minnesota Statutes,including the port authority of the city of Saint Paul may do under chapter 458, including thepowers given to the port authority of the city of St. Paul underthat chapter. PORT AUTHORITY OF WINONA Sec. 25. Laws 1967, chapter 541, section 1, as amended by Laws 1969, chapter 98, section 1, and Laws 1973, chapter 114, section 1, is amended to read: [458.80] [CITY MAY CREATE; APPLICABLE LAW; EXCEPTIONS.]Section 1.Subdivision 1. [WINONA, CITY OF; PORT AUTHORITYBY RESOLUTION.] The Winona city councilof the city ofWinonamay by resolutionmayestablisha port authority and acommission thereof to be known asthe"port authority of Winona".The provisions of Minnesota Statutes,Subd. 2. [PORT AUTHORITY LAW APPLIES.] Sections 458.09 to 458.1991,with all the powers and duties therein granted, shallapply tosuchthe Winona port authority and to the city of Winonain the same manner and to the same extent that. The sections apply just as they apply toanya port authority establishedinby section 458.09, except a seaway port authority, and tothe city in which any suchthe portauthorityis established; provided that:authority's city.(1)Subd. 3. [THIS SECTION PREVAILS.] Between this section and sections 458.09 to 458.1991, this section prevails. Subd. 4. [NOT SEAWAY PORT.] The parts of sections 458.09 to 458.1991 that apply only to seaway port authorities do not apply to the Winona port authority. Subd. 5. [DO NOT APPLY.] Section 458.195, subdivisions 3 and 4, and sections 458.198 and 458.199shalldo not apply;to the Winona Port Authority. Subd. 6. [CITY APPROVAL.](2) AnyAction taken by the Winona port authority underthe provisions ofsection 458.191,section458.192, subdivision 3, orsection458.194,shallmust be approved by city council resolutionof the city councilbefore it shall become effective;to take effect. Subd. 7. [STAFF BUDGET.](3)The city of Winona, by resolution oftheits city council, may provide the port authority withsuchpersonnel and staff,eithertemporarily, provisionally, or permanentlyassigned,onsuchterms and conditionsasitmay deemconsiders appropriate, and. In the same way, the city may appropriate and budgetsuchthe fundsforthe administration ofto administer the port authority asitshall deemthe city considers necessary and appropriate, which. Budgeted moneyshallmust be budgeted, used, and accounted forin accordance withaccording to the charter and ordinances of the cityof Winona;.(4) The determination that property sought by eminentdomain proceedings is marginal land shall be a judicialquestion, provided that a duly adopted resolution of the portauthority, approved by resolution of the city council, that theproperty sought is marginal land as defined in MinnesotaStatutes, Sections 458.09 to 458.1991, setting forth thecharacteristics of the land sought to be acquired, shall beprima facie evidence that such land is marginal as so defined;Subd. 8. [MARGINAL PROPERTY.] A port authority's decision that property it seeks is marginal under section 458.19 is prima facie evidence in eminent domain proceedings that the property is marginal. The decision must be made in a resolution. The resolution must state the characteristics that the authority thinks makes the property marginal. The port authority resolution must then be approved by city council resolution. Subd. 9. [CHAPTER 474 POWERS; APPROVAL.](5)The port authorityshall have all ofhas the powers granted to port authorities byMinnesota Statutes,chapter 474, to be. The powers may be exercised within and outside its corporate limitsbut only. The exercise of the powers is subject to approval by resolution of the city council;. Subd. 10. [BOND INTEREST.](6) Notwithstanding any otherprovision of law,Revenue bonds issued by the port authority may be negotiated and sold at a price resulting in an average annual net interest rate on the bondsexceeding six percent but notexceedingof not more than seven percent perannumyear computed to the stated maturities;. Subd. 11. [NO ASSESSMENTS; IMPROVEMENT DISTRICTS.](7)The port authorityshall have no power tomust not levy special assessments or establish local improvement districts;.(8)The city of Winona, ortheits port authority with the approval by resolution of the city council, may exerciseany andall ofthe powersreferred toinMinnesota Statutes,section 471.191for the acquisition and betterment ofto acquire and to better recreational land, buildings, and facilities within or outside their corporate limits;. Subd. 12. [ANNUAL REPORT.](9)On or before October 15 in each year the port authority shall report to the city council the amount ofearnings, income, or othersurplus fundswhichthat are in its judgment available for transfer to the sinking fund for any general obligation bonds of the authority,for thereduction ofto reduce tax leviesfor the payment of suchto pay the bonds, and. The council shalldeterminethen decide by resolution what amountshall be so transferred; andto transfer. Subd. 13. [WISCONSIN REALTY.](10)The port authorityshall have the power tomay purchase or lease real property inthe state ofWisconsin for barge fleetingpurposesor for recreation activities or for both. Sec. 26. Laws 1974, chapter 218, is amended to read: Section 1. [458.801] [WINONA, CITY OF; TRANSFER OFPROPERTYTRANSFER OF CITY PROPERTY TO PORT.] Subdivision 1. [BY ORDINANCE.]Notwithstanding theprovisions of any other law or of the city charter,The city of Winona may transfer, with or without consideration andupon suchon other termsasthe city councildeemsconsiders desirable, its interest in any real property, including fee title, to the port authority of Winona.SuchThe transfershallmust be authorized by ordinance, and. Subd. 2. [ORDINANCE CONTENTS.] The ordinanceshallmust containamong its provisionsthe following: (1)a general description ofthe general locationof theproperty, together withand the specific legal descriptionthereofof the property; (2) a finding by the city council that the real propertyinvolvedis"marginalland" as defined in Minnesota Statutes,under section 458.191, subdivision 4,which finding shall besupported byspecificreference to one or more of the conditions listed insaidsubdivision 4; (3) a statement as to the consideration, or absencethereofof it, to be received by the city at the time of transfer; and (4)anyother informationdeemedconsidered appropriate by the city council.Sec. 2Subd. 3. [BY QUITCLAIM DEED.]AnyA conveyance of fee titlepursuant tounder thisact shallsection must be by quitclaim deed.Sec. 3. This act shall become effective upon approval ofthe governing body of the city of Winona, and upon compliancewith Minnesota Statutes, Section 645.021.OTHER SEAWAY PORT AUTHORITIES Sec. 27. [458.81] [WHEN DULUTH SEAWAY PORT AUTHORITY LAW APPLIES.] The seaway port authority provisions of sections 458.16, 458.17, and 458.19 apply to a seaway port authority other than Duluth when a majority of the other authority's commissioners adopt a resolution that approves applying the provisions to their authority. Sec. 28. [REPEALER.] Minnesota Statutes 1984, sections 458.13; 458.16, subdivision 3; 458.192, subdivision 3a; 458.41; 458.50; 458.51; 458.52; 458.54; 458.55; 458.56; 458.57; 458.58; and 458.60 are repealed. ARTICLE 9 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 589, is amended to read: 589.01 [WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS; WHO MAYPROSECUTEAPPLY.]EveryA person imprisoned or otherwise restrained ofhisliberty, except persons committed or detained by virtue of the final judgment ofanya competent tribunal of civil or criminal jurisdiction, or by virtue of an execution issued uponsuchthe judgment, mayprosecuteapply for a writ of habeas corpus to obtain relief fromsuchimprisonment or restraint, if it provesto be unlawful; but no order of commitment for any allegedcontempt, or upon proceedings as for contempt to enforce therights or remedies of any party, shall be deemed a judgment, norshall any attachment or other process issued upon any such orderbe deemed an execution, within the meaning of this section. For purposes of this section, an order of commitment for an alleged contempt or an order upon proceedings as for contempt to enforce the rights or remedies of a party is not a judgment, nor does attachment or other process issued upon these types of orders constitute an execution. [589.011] [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [IN THIS CHAPTER.] In this chapter, the words listed in this section have the meanings or inclusions given them here. Subd. 2. [DETAINING AUTHORITY.] "Detaining authority" includes a state or local correctional agency or officer or employee of that agency or any other public or private agency or person that is alleged in the writ of habeas corpus to have restrained or imprisoned the petitioner. Subd. 3. [PETITIONER.] "Petitioner" means a person who is imprisoned or otherwise restrained of liberty and who applies for a writ of habeas corpus to obtain release. 589.02 [PETITION; TO WHOM AND HOW MADE.]Application for the writ shall be by petition, signed andverified by the petitioner, or by some person in his behalf, tothe supreme court, court of appeals, or to the district court ofthe county within which the petitioner is detained. AnyA person may apply for a writ of habeas corpus by petition addressed to the supreme court, court of appeals, or to the district court of the county where the petitioner is detained. The petition must be signed and verified by the petitioner or some person applying on the petitioner's behalf. If there is within the county a judge of the court to which the petition is addressed, being within the county, that judge may grant the writ. If there is no judge within the county capable of acting and willing to grant the writ, it may be granted by a judge inanyan adjoining county. 589.03 [APPLICATION FOR A WRIT IN ANOTHER COUNTY; PROOFINCERTAIN CASESREQUIRED.] When application forsucha writ of habeas corpus is made toan officera judge whose chambers are not located within the county where the prisoner is detained,hethat judge shall require proof, by the oath of the applicant or other evidence,: (1) that there is noofficerjudge insuchthe detaining county authorized to grant the writ, or; (2) thatall sojudges authorized to grant the writ are absent, orfrom the detaining county; (3) that judges in the detaining county for reasons specified are incapable of acting,; or (4) that judges in the detaining county have refused to grantsuchthe writ; and,. Ifsuchthe proof required by this section is not produced, the applicationshallmust be denied. 589.04 [STATEMENTS IN PETITION.]TheA petitionshall state, in substancefor a writ of habeas corpus must contain information set forth in paragraphs (a) to (e):(1)(a) It must state that the personinon whose behalf the writ is applied for is imprisoned or restrained ofhisliberty, the name of the officer or person by whomhethe person issoimprisoned or restrained, and the place where that person is imprisoned or restrained; naming both parties. (b) It must name the restrained and the restraining person if their names are known, ordescribingdescribe them if they are not;.(2)(c) It must state thatsuchthe restrained person is not committed or detainedby virtue of anyunder process, judgment, decree, or execution, ashereinbeforespecified;in section 589.01.(3)(d) It must state thecause or pretensebasis ofsuchthe confinement or restraint, according to the knowledge or belief of the party verifying the petition;.(4)(e) If the confinement or restraintbe by virtue of anyis under warrant, order, or process, the petitioner shall attach a copythereof shall be annexedof the document authorizing the confinement or restraint tosuchthe petitionand there. The petitioner shall alsobe attached to such petitionattach copies of all papers which are attached to or accompanysuchthe warrant, order, or process, including in those cases wheresuchto the petition. If the confinement results from conviction of a crime and sentencetherefor, the petitioner shall include a transcript of the proceedings takenand hadat the time of arraignment and sentence in the court which imposed the sentence, or it shall be averred that, by reason of suchprisoner being removed or concealed before application, a demandof such copy could not be made, or that such demand was made andthat such copy was refused;. If the petitioner is unable to attach the documents required by this paragraph, the petitioner shall state the reasons for not doing so. Documentation is not required when: (1) the petitioner is removed or concealed before application for a writ was made; or (2) a demand for documentation was made but the person to whom the demand was made refused to supply the document requested.(5)(f) If the imprisonment is alleged to be illegal, the petition shall state in what the illegality consists;.(6)If the imprisonment which is claimed to be illegal ispursuant tounder a district court judgment or sentence, the judge before whomsuchthe petition is pending mayin hisdiscretionexamine the official files and records of the court issuing the warrant of commitment, including any official transcript of the proceedings takenand hadat the time of the arraignment and sentence, and any such. A judge before whom a petition is pending may take judicial notice of official records ortranscript shall be deemed properly before the court whendeterminingtranscripts to determine the sufficiency of the petition or the propriety of issuingsuchthe writ of habeas corpus. 589.05 [FORM OF WRIT;SEAL ESSENTIALREQUIREMENTS.]EveryA writ of habeas corpusshallmust be under the seal of the court, and substantially in the following form: "The State of Minnesota, to the Sheriff of, etc. (or to A.B.): You areherebycommanded tohave the body ofbring C.D.,byyouwho is imprisoned and detained, as it is said, together withthe time and cause of such imprisonment and detentionby you, bywhatsoeverwhatever namethe saidC.D.shall beis called or charged, before E.F., judge of the ..................... court, at ......................., on ........... (or immediately after the receipt of this writ), todo andreceivewhat shallthen and there be considered concerning the said C.Dthe court's judgment on the legality of the detention.And have you thenand thereBring this writ to the hearing and be prepared to tell the court the time and cause of imprisonment and detention. Witness, etc." 589.06 [CONTENTS OF WRIT; WHEN SUFFICIENT.]SuchThe writshallmay not be disobeyedforbecause of any defect of form.It shall beA writ is sufficient if the petitioner,and the personhaving him in custody, beto whom the writ is directed are designatedthereinin it with reasonable certainty, by name, description, or otherwise. Either the petitioner or the person to whom the writ is directed may be designated by an assumed name if his or her true namebeis unknown or uncertain, and any. The person served with the writshall be deemedis considered to be the person to whom it is directed, although the name or descriptionbeis wrong, orbeis that of another person. 589.07 [REFUSAL TO GRANT; PENALTY.] Ifany officera judge authorized to grant writs of habeas corpuswilfullywillfully refuses to grantsuchthe writ when legally applied for,hethe judge shall forfeit to the party aggrieved $1,000 forevery sucheach offense. 589.08 [RETURN TO WRIT; CONTENT REQUIREMENTS.] Thepersondetaining authority upon whomany sucha writ of habeas corpus is duly served shall state inhisthe return, plainly and unequivocally, the information specified in paragraphs (a) to (c):(1) Whether he has or has not the party in his custody orunder his control or restraint and, if he has not, whether hehas had him in his custody or under his control or restraint atany and what time prior or subsequent to the date of the writ;(2) If he has the party in his custody or under his controlor restraint, the authority and true cause of such imprisonmentor restraint, setting forth the same at large;(3) If the party is detained by virtue of any writ,warrant, or other written authority, a copy thereof shall beannexed to the return, and the original shall be produced andexhibited, on the return of the writ, to the officer before whomthe same is returnable;(4)(a) The return shall state whether the detaining authority is detaining or has at any time in the past detained the petitioner. If the petitioner was detained before or after the writ was issued, the detaining authority shall indicate the date and time of detention. (b) If the petitioner is being detained, the detaining authority shall state the reason for detention and authority under which the person is being detained. (c) If theperson upon whom such writ is serveddetaining authority hashad the party in his custody or under his controlor restraintdetained the petitioner at any timeprior orsubsequent tobefore or after the date of the writ, but has transferredsuchcustodyor restraintto another, the returnshallmust state particularly to whom, at what time, for what cause, and by what authority,suchthe transfer took place. If the petitioner is detained under writ, warrant, or other written authority, a copy of the document authorizing detention must be attached to the return. On the return of the writ to the judge before whom the writ is returnable, a copy of the original document authorizing detention must be produced and exhibited.The return shall be signed byThe person making thesamereturn must sign it and,except wheresuchthe person is a sworn public officer, and makes his or her return inhisan official capacity,it shall be verifiedverify it by oath. 589.09 [BODY PRODUCED; EXCEPTIONPRODUCING PERSON REQUIRED EXCEPT WHEN SICK.] The personor officeron whom the writ is served shall bring thebody of thepersonin his custodybeing detained, according to the command ofsuchthe writ, to the judge named on the writ exceptin the case of the sickness of suchwhen the detained person is sick, ashereinafterprovided in section 589.20. 589.10 [COMPELLING OBEDIENCEENFORCING THE WRIT.] If the person upon whomsuchthe writ is served refuses or neglects to produce the person namedthereinin it and make a full returntheretoof the writ at the time and place required,andnodoes not give sufficient excuseis shown, theofficerjudge before whomsuchthe writ is returnable, upon proof of servicethereofof it, shallforthwithimmediately issue an attachment againstsuchthe person, directed to the sheriff or coroner of any county, and commanding him forthwith. The attachment must direct the sheriff or coroner to apprehendsuchthe person upon whom the writ is served as soon as possible and bringhimthat person beforesuch officer; and, on such personbeing so brought, he shall be committed to the county jail untilhe shall make return to such writ and comply with all ordersmade by such officer in the premisesthe judge before whom the writ is returnable. The judge before whom the writ is returnable shall commit the person apprehended under the attachment to the county jail until that person makes the return and complies with all other orders made by the judge. 589.11 [PRISONERPETITIONER HELD IN CUSTODY BY SHERIFF.] Theofficer by whom any suchjudge who issues an attachmentis issuedunder section 589.10 may also, at the same time or afterward, issuea preceptan order to the sheriff or other person to whom the attachment was directed, commanding him or her to bringforthwiththe petitioner beforesuch officer theparty for whose benefit such writ was allowed, who shallthereafterthat judge immediately. After that, the petitioner must remain in the custody ofsuchthe sheriff or other person untilhe isdischarged, bailed, or remanded, assuch officershallthe judge may direct. 589.12 [PROCEEDINGS ON RETURN OF WRIT.] Immediately after the return of the writ, theofficerjudge before whom thepersonpetitioner is broughton such writ,immediately after the return thereof,shall examineintothe facts set forth insuchthe return,and intothe cause of the imprisonment or restraint, and whether thesamecause was upon commitment for a criminal charge or not. 589.13 [PRISONER DISCHARGED, WHENDISCHARGING PETITIONER.] If the judge, under section 589.12, finds no legal causeisshown for suchto support imprisonment or restraint of the petitioner,or for the continuation thereof, such officerthe judge shall discharge the petitionertherefrom. 589.14 [PRISONER REMANDED, WHENSENDING PETITIONER BACK TO CUSTODY.] Theofficerjudge shallforthwith remand such person,immediately send the petitioner back to the detaining authority if it appears thathethe petitioner is detained in custody: (1)By virtue ofunder process issued byanya court or judge of the United States, in a case wheresuchthe court or judge has exclusive jurisdiction; (2)By virtue of theunder final judgment of a competent court of civil or criminal jurisdiction, orofunder an execution issued uponsucha judgment of either of those courts; or (3) foranycontempt of court, specially and plainly charged in the commitment, bysomea court, officer, or bodyhaving authority to commit for the contempt so charged; or.(4)The judge shall also immediately send the petitioner back to the detaining authority if it appears that the time during whichsuchthe person may be legally detained has not expired. 589.15 [DISCHARGING PETITIONER HELD UNDER CIVIL PROCESS,WHEN DISCHARGED.] If it appears on the return that theprisonerpetitioner is in custodyby virtue ofunder a valid civil process ofanya courtlegally constituted, or issued by an officer in the courseof judicial proceedings before him, authorized by law, suchprisoner, the petitioner can be discharged only in the following cases: (1)whenif the jurisdiction ofsuchthe courtor officerhas been exceeded, either as to matter, place, sum, or person; (2)Whereif, though the original imprisonment was lawful, yet, by some act, omission, or event which has taken place afterward, the person is entitled to be discharged; (3)Whereif the process is defective in some matter of substance required by law, rendering it void; (4)Whereif the process, though in proper form, has been issued in a case not allowed by law; (5)Whereif the person having the custody of theprisonerpetitioner undersuchthe process is not the person empowered by law to detainhimthe petitioner; or (6)Whereif the process is not authorized byanya judgment or order ofanya court, or byanya provision of law. 589.16 [WHEN BAIL OR REMAND OR DISCHARGE ALLOWED.] Ifit appear thatthe petitioner has been legally committed for a criminal offense, or if upon hearing it appears by the testimony offered with the return thathethe petitioner is guilty ofsuchthe offense, although the commitment is irregular, theofficerjudge before whomhethe petitioner is brought shalladmit him to bailallow release on bail, ifthecase is bailable andgood bailbeis offered, or, if not,hethe judge shallforthwith remand himimmediately send that petitioner back to the detaining authority. In other casesheshallthe petitioner must be placed in the custody of the person legally entitledtheretoto custody, or, if no one is so entitled,he shallthe petitioner must be discharged. 589.17 [REQUIRING PETITIONER TO BE HELD IN CUSTODY UNTIL JUDGMENT.] Until judgment is given upon the return, theofficerjudge before whomsuch personthe petitioner is brought may either commithimthe petitioner to the custody of the sheriff of the county, or placehimthe petitioner insuchother custody as his or her age and other circumstances require. 589.18 [NOTICE MUST BE GIVEN TO COUNTY ATTORNEY OR ATTORNEY GENERAL.] In criminal cases, if theprisonerpetitioner is confined in atown, city, orcounty jail or other local correctional facility, notice of the time and place at which the writ is returnableshallmust be given to the county attorney of the county from which theprisonerpetitioner was committed, ifsuchthe county attorney is withinhisthe petitioner's county;. If theprisonerpetitioner is confined in a state correctional facility, the noticeshallof the time and place at which the writ is returnable must be given to the attorney general,whoseduty it shall be toand the attorney general shall appear for the person named as respondent in the writ;. In other cases,likenoticeshallof the time and place at which the writ is returnable must be given to any person interested in continuing the custody or restraint of theparty seeking the aid of suchwritpetitioner. 589.19 [TRAVERSEDENIAL OF RETURN; NEW MATTER.] At the hearing on the return of the writ, the petitioner,on the return of any writ,may, on oath, deny any of the material factsset forthalleged in the return, or allege any fact to show either that his or her imprisonment or detention is unlawful, or that he or she is entitled tohisdischarge; andthereupon such officer. The judge shall proceed, in a summary way, to hearsuchallegations andproofs as are legally producedadmit relevant evidence in supportof suchor against imprisonment or detention, or against the same,andso, at the conclusion of the hearing, dispose ofsuch person as justicerequiresthe petitioner in accordance with law. 589.20 [PROCEEDINGS IN CASE OF SICKNESS OFPRISONERPETITIONER.] When, by reason of sickness or infirmity,the petitionercannot, without danger, beis so sick or infirm that he or she would be endangered if brought before theofficerjudge before whom the writ is returnable, the personin whose custody he ishaving the petitioner in custody may state that fact inhisthe return; and,. If theofficer is satisfied of the truth of suchstatementjudge finds that the statement is true, and the return is otherwise sufficient,hethe judge shall decide uponsuchthe return and dispose of the matter in accordance with law. The petitionerin such caseunder this section may appear by attorney and plead to the return as ifhe werepresentand,. Ifit appear thatthe petitioner is illegally imprisoned or restrained ofhisliberty, theofficerjudge shall order those havinghimthe petitioner in custody to immediately discharge himforthwith; butor her. Ifit appear that hethe petitioner is legally imprisoned or restrained,and is not entitled to beadmitted toreleased on bail, theofficerjudge shall dismiss the proceedings. 589.21 [ENFORCING ORDER OF DISCHARGE, HOW ENFORCED.]Obedience to any order for the discharge of a prisoner maybe enforced by the officer issuing the writ or granting theorder, by attachment, in the same manner as provided for neglectto make return to a writ of habeas corpus; and the person guiltyof such disobedience shall forfeit to the person aggrieved$1,000 in addition to any special damages sustained by himThe judge may enforce obedience to an order for the discharge of the petitioner by attachment, as provided in section 589.10, directed to the person disobeying the order. If a person disobeys an order, that person shall forfeit to the petitioner $1,000 in addition to any special damages sustained by the petitioner. 589.22 [RE-ARREST OF PERSONCONDITIONS UNDER WHICH DISCHARGED PETITIONER MAY BE INCARCERATED.]No personA petitioner who has been discharged upon a writ of habeas corpusshall bemayagain imprisoned or restrained forthe same cause, unless indicted therefor, convicted thereof, orcommitted, for want of bail, by some court of record havingjurisdiction of the cause, or unless, after a discharge fordefect of proof, or for some material defect in the commitmentin a criminal case, he shall be again arrested on sufficientproof, and committed by legal processbe incarcerated again for the same conduct only under the following circumstances: (1) if, after discharge for defect of proof or for a material defect in the commitment in a criminal case, the petitioner is arrested again on probable cause and detained in accordance with law; (2) if the petitioner fails to post bond; (3) if the petitioner is indicted for the conduct and detained pending criminal proceedings; or (4) if the petitioner is convicted and sentenced for the conduct. 589.23 [TRANSFER OR CONCEALMENT OFTRANSFERRING OR CONCEALING PERSON; FORFEITURE.]If any one who has in hisA person who has custodyor underhis controlof apersonpetitioner entitled to a writ of habeas corpus, whether a writ has been issued or not,and who, with intent to elude the service of the writ or to avoid its effect, (1) transferssuch prisonerthe petitioner to the custody,or places him or her under the power or control of another person, (2) concealshimthe petitioner, or (3) changeshisthe place of confinement,with intent to elude the service of suchwrit or to avoid the effect thereof, heshall forfeit $400 to theparty aggrieved therebypetitioner,to be recoveredrecoverable in a civil action. 589.24 [REFUSALREFUSING TO FURNISH COPY OF DOCUMENT AUTHORIZING DETENTION.]AnyAn officer or other personrefusingwho refuses to deliver a copy ofanyan order, warrant, process, or other authority by which he or she detainsanya person,to any one whoshall demand the samerequests the copy andtender the feesthereforwho offers to pay the reproduction costs, shall forfeit $200 to the personsodetained. 589.25 [SERVICE OFPERSON SERVING WRIT; BOND.] The writ can be served only by a legal voter of the state. Theofficerjudge granting it may require a bond to the state in a sum notexceedingmore than $1,000, conditioned for the payment of all costs and expenses of the proceeding, and the reasonable charges of restoring theprisonerpetitioner to the person from whose custody he or she was taken, if heshall beremandedor she is sent back to custody. The bondshallmust be approved by theofficerjudge issuing the writ, and be filed with the clerk. 589.26 [MANNER OF SERVICE OF WRIT.] The writ of habeas corpus may be served by deliveringthesameit to the person to whom it is directed, or, ifhethat person cannot be found, by leaving it at the jail or other place in which theprisonerpetitioner is confined, with anyunderofficercorrectional officer or other person of proper age having chargefor the time of such prisonerof the petitioner. If the person upon whom the writought toshould be served conceals himself or herself, or refuses admittance to the party attempting to serve the writ, it may be served by affixing thesamewrit in some conspicuous place on the outside either of his or her dwelling house, or of the place where the party is confined. 589.27 [WHEN RETURN TO WRIT MUST BE MADE, WHEN.] If the writ is returnable on a certain day,returnthe person to whom the writ is directed shallbe made and theprisoner producedmake the return and produce the petitioner at the time and place specifiedthereinin the writ. Ifitthe writ is returnableforthwithimmediately, and the place of return is within 20 miles of the place of service, the returnshallmust be made and theprisonerpetitioner produced within 24 hours, and the like time shall be. Twenty-four additional hours are allowed for return foreveryeach additional 20 miles of distance between the place of return and the place of service. 589.28 [POWER OF COURT NOT RESTRAINED.] Nothingherein shall prevent anyin sections 589.01 to 589.30 is to be construed to prevent a court from issuing a writ of habeas corpus necessary or proper to bring an inmate before it oranyan inferior courtany prisonerfor trial,preliminaryan omnibus hearing, arraignment, appearance, or to be examined as a witness inanya civil or criminal action or proceeding,civil or criminal. 589.29 [APPEALS.]AnyA party aggrieved by the final order in proceedings upon a writ of habeas corpus may appeal to the court of appeals as in other civil cases, except that no bondshall beis required of the appellant. Upon filing notice of appeal with the clerk of the district court, and paymentor tenderofhisfiling fees, the clerk shall make, certify, and return to the clerk of the appellate courts copies of the petition, writ, return of respondent, answer, if any, of the relator, and the order appealed from. 589.30 [HEARING ON APPEAL; COSTS; PAPERS.]The appeal may be heard before the court of appeals uponapplication of either party to the court or a judge of itEither party in a proceeding upon a writ of habeas corpus may appeal a final order by applying to the court of appeals. The clerk of appellate courts shall serve the order fixing the time of hearing, which shall not be less than six nor more than 15 daysfrom the date of application, shall be servedon the adverse party at least five days before the date fixed for the hearing. The hearing must be held not less than six nor more than 15 days from the date of application. No costs or disbursementsshallmay be allowed any party to the appeal, norshallmay any of the papers used on the hearing be required to be printed. 589.35 [RELEASE OF INSTITUTIONALIZED PERSONS FOR JUDICIAL PURPOSES.] Subdivision 1. [ORDER.] Except as provided in chapters 589 and 590,anya court requiring the appearance of a person confined in a state correctional facility, mental hospital, or other institution after criminal conviction, civil commitment, orpursuant tounder court order, may order the confining institution to release the person into the temporary custody of the court. The ordershallmust specify:(a)(1) the reason for the person's appearance;(b)(2) to whom the confined person may be released; and(c)(3) the date and time of the release. Subd. 2. [COSTS.] The court shall, without any cost to the releasing institution, determine and implement a cost effective and convenient method for obtaining the person's appearance, including requiring the parties to the proceedings to pay all or a part of the costs as otherwise provided by law. Subd. 3. [COMPLIANCE.] Upon receipt of a court order for release under this section, the chief executive officer of the confining institution shall take appropriate steps to comply with the order in a manner which is consistent with public safety. ARTICLE 10 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 629, is amended to read: 629.01 [DEFINITIONS.] Where appearing in sections 629.01 to 629.29, the term "governor" includes any person performing the functions of governor by authority of the law of this state. The term "executive authority" includes the governor, and any person performing the functions of governor in a state other than this state. The term "state," referring to a state other than this state, includes any other state or territory, organized or unorganized, of the United States. 629.02 [DUTIES OF GOVERNOR IN EXTRADITION MATTERS.] Subject to the provisions of sections 629.01 to 629.29, the provisions of the Constitution of the United States controlling, and any and all acts of congress enacted in pursuance thereof, it is the duty of the governor of this state to have arrested and delivered up to the executive authority of any other state of the United States any person charged in that state with treason, felony, or other crime, who has fled from justice and if found in this state. 629.03 [DEMAND IN WRITING.] No demand for the extradition of a person charged with crime in another state shall be recognized by the governor unless it alleges in writing, except in cases arising under section 629.06, that the accused was present in the demanding state at the time of the commission of the alleged crime, and that he subsequently fled from the state. The demand shall be accompanied by a copy of an indictment found or by information supported by affidavit in the state having jurisdiction of the crime, or by a copy of an affidavit made before a court there, together with a copy of any warrant which was issued on it; or by a copy of a judgment of conviction or of a sentence imposed in execution of it, together with a statement by the executive authority of the demanding state that the person claimed has escaped from confinement or has broken the terms of his bail, probation, or parole. The indictment, information, or affidavit made before the court must substantially charge the person demanded with having committed a crime under the law of that state. The copy of the indictment, information, affidavit, judgment of conviction or sentence must be authenticated by the executive authority making the demand. 629.04 [ATTORNEY GENERAL TO INVESTIGATE.] When a demand shall be made upon the governor of this state by the executive authority of another state for the surrender of a person so charged with crime, the governor may call upon the attorney general or any prosecuting officer in this state to investigate or assist in investigating the demand, and to report to him the situation and circumstances of the person so demanded, and whether he ought to be surrendered. 629.05 [EXTRADITION BY AGREEMENT.] When it is desired to have returned to this state a person charged in this state with a crime, and such person is imprisoned or is held under criminal proceedings then pending against him in another state, the governor of this state may agree with the executive authority of such other state for the extradition of such person before the conclusion of such proceedings or his term of sentence in such other state, upon condition that such person be returned to such other state at the expense of this state as soon as the prosecution in this state is terminated. The governor of this state may also surrender, on demand of the executive authority of any other state, any person in this state who is charged in the manner provided in section 629.23 with having violated the laws of the state whose executive authority is making the demand, even though such person left the demanding state involuntarily. 629.06 [EXTRADITION OF PERSONS COMMITTING CRIME.] The governor of this state may also surrender, on demand of the executive authority of any other state, any person in this state charged in such other state in the manner provided in section 629.03 with committing an act in this state, or in a third state, intentionally resulting in a crime in the state, whose executive authority is making the demand, and the provisions of sections 629.01 to 629.29 not otherwise inconsistent, shall apply to such cases, even though the accused was not in that state at the time of the commission of the crime, and has not fled therefrom. 629.07 [WARRANT OF ARREST.] If the governor decides that the demand should be complied with, he shall sign a warrant of arrest, which shall be sealed with the state seal, and be directed to any peace officer or other person whom he may think fit to entrust with the execution thereof. The warrant must substantially recite the facts necessary to the validity of its issuance. 629.08 [ACCUSED TURNED OVER TO DEMANDING STATE.] Such warrant shall authorize the peace officer or other person to whom directed to arrest the accused at any time and any place where he may be found within the state and to command the aid of all peace officers or other persons in the execution of the warrant, and to deliver the accused, subject to the provisions of sections 629.01 to 629.29, to the duly authorized agent of the demanding state. 629.09 [POWERS OF OFFICER.] Every such peace officer or other person empowered to make the arrest shall have the same authority, in arresting the accused, to command assistance therein, as peace officers have by law in the execution of any criminal process directed to them, with like penalties against those who refuse their assistance. 629.10 [ACCUSED TAKEN BEFORE COURT.] No person arrested upon such warrant shall be delivered over to the agent whom the executive authority demanding him shall have appointed to receive him unless he shall first be taken forthwith before a judge of a court of record in this state, who shall inform him of the demand made for his surrender and of the crime with which he is charged, and that he has the right to demand and procure legal counsel; and, if the prisoner or his counsel shall state that he or they desire to test the legality of his arrest, the judge of such court of record shall fix a reasonable time to be allowed him within which to apply for a writ of habeas corpus. When such writ is applied for, notice thereof, and of the time and place of hearing thereon, shall be given to the prosecuting officer of the county in which the arrest is made and in which the accused is in custody, and to the agent of the demanding state. 629.11 [VIOLATION A GROSS MISDEMEANOR.] Any officer who shall deliver to the agent for extradition of the demanding state a person in his custody under the governor's warrant in wilful disobedience to section 629.10 shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanor; and upon conviction shall be fined not more than $3,000 or be imprisoned for not more than six months. 629.12 [ACCUSED MAY BE CONFINED IN JAIL.] The officer or persons executing the governor's warrant of arrest, or the agent of the demanding state to whom the prisoner may have been delivered, may, when necessary, confine the prisoner in the jail of any county or city through which he may pass; and the keeper of such jail must receive and safely keep the prisoner until the officer or person having charge of him is ready to proceed on his route, such officer or person being chargeable with the expense of keeping. The officer or agent of a demanding state to whom a prisoner may have been delivered following extradition proceedings in another state, or to whom a prisoner may have been delivered after waiving extradition in such other state, and who is passing through this state with such a prisoner for the purpose of immediately returning such prisoner to the demanding state, may, when necessary, confine the prisoner in the jail of any county or city through which he may pass; and the keeper of such jail must receive and safely keep the prisoner until the officer or agent having charge of him is ready to proceed on his route, such officer or agent being chargeable with the expense of keeping; provided, that such officer or agent shall produce and show to the keeper of such jail satisfactory written evidence of the fact that he is actually transporting such prisoner to the demanding state after a requisition by the executive authority of such demanding state. Such prisoner shall not be entitled to demand a new requisition while in this state. 629.13 [WHO MAY BE APPREHENDED.] When any person within this state is charged on the oath of any credible person before any judge of this state with the commission of any crime in any other state and, except in cases arising under section 629.06, with having fled from justice, with having been convicted of a crime in that state and having escaped from confinement, or having broken the terms of his bail, probation, or parole, or when complaint has been made before any judge in this state setting forth on the affidavit of any credible person in another state that a crime has been committed in the other state and that the accused has been charged in that state with the commission of the crime and, except in cases arising under section 629.06, has fled from justice, or with having been convicted of a crime in that state and having escaped from confinement, or having broken the terms of his bail, probation, or parole, and is believed to be in this state, the judge shall issue a warrant directed to any peace officer commanding him to apprehend the person named in it, wherever he may be found in this state, and to bring him before the same or any other judge or court who or which may be available in or convenient of access to the place where the arrest may be made, to answer the charge or complaint and affidavit. A certified copy of the sworn charge or complaint and affidavit upon which the warrant is issued shall be attached to the warrant. 629.14 [ARREST WITHOUT WARRANT.] The arrest of a person may be lawfully made also by any peace officer or a private person, without a warrant upon reasonable information that the accused stands charged in the courts of a state with a crime punishable by death or imprisonment for a term exceeding one year. When arrested the accused must be taken before a judge with all practicable speed and complaint must be made against him under oath setting forth the ground for the arrest as in section 629.13. Thereafter his answer shall be heard as if he had been arrested on a warrant. 629.15 [COURT MAY COMMIT TO JAIL.] If from the examination before the judge it appears that the person held is the person charged with having committed the crime alleged and, except in cases arising under section 629.06, that he has fled from justice, the judge must, by a warrant reciting the accusation, commit him to the county jail for a time, not exceeding 30 days and specified in the warrant, as will enable the arrest of the accused to be made under a warrant of the governor on a requisition of the executive authority of the state having jurisdiction of the offense, unless the accused gives bail as provided in section 629.16, or until he is legally discharged. 629.16 [ADMIT TO BAIL.] Unless the offense with which the prisoner is charged is shown to be an offense punishable by death or life imprisonment under the laws of the state in which it was committed, a judge in this state may admit the person arrested to bail by bond, with sufficient sureties, and in such sum as he deems proper, conditioned for his appearance before him at a time specified in the bond, and for his surrender, to be arrested upon the warrant of the governor of this state. 629.17 [DISCHARGE.] If the accused is not arrested under warrant of the governor by the expiration of the time specified in the warrant or bond, a judge may discharge him or may recommit him for a further period not to exceed 60 days. A judge may again take bail for his appearance and surrender, as provided in section 629.16, but within a period not to exceed 60 days after the date of the new bond. 629.18 [BOND FORFEITED.] If the prisoner is admitted to bail, and fails to appear and surrender himself according to the conditions of his bond, the judge by proper order shall declare the bond forfeited and order his immediate arrest without warrant if he is within this state. Recovery may be had on the bond in the name of the state as in the case of other bonds given by the accused in criminal proceedings within this state. 629.19 [PRISONER HELD OR SURRENDERED.] If a criminal prosecution has been instituted against such person under the laws of this state and is still pending, the governor, in his discretion, either may surrender him on demand of the executive authority of another state or hold him until he has been tried and discharged or convicted and punished in this state. 629.20 [GUILT OR INNOCENCE NOT INQUIRED INTO.] The guilt or innocence of the accused as to the crime of which he is charged may not be inquired into by the governor or in any proceeding after the demand for extradition accompanied by a charge of crime in legal form, as provided, shall have been presented to the governor, except as it may be involved in identifying the person held as the person charged with the crime. 629.21 [RECALL OF WARRANT.] The governor may recall his warrant of arrest or may issue another warrant when he deems proper. 629.22 [WARRANT FOR PAROLEES OR PROBATIONERS.] When the governor of this state shall demand a person charged with crime or with escaping from confinement or breaking the terms of his bail, probation, or parole in this state, from the executive authority of any other state, or from the chief justice or an associate justice of the supreme court of the District of Columbia authorized to receive such demand under the laws of the United States, he shall issue a warrant under the seal of this state, to some agent, commanding him to receive the person so charged if delivered to him and convey him to the proper officer of the county in this state in which the offense was committed. 629.23 [PROSECUTING ATTORNEY, WRITTEN APPLICATION.] Subdivision 1. [CONTENTS.] When the return to this state of a person charged with crime in this state is required, the prosecuting attorney shall present to the governor his written application for a requisition for the return of the person charged, in which application shall be stated the name of the person so charged, the crime charged against him, the approximate time, place, and circumstances of its commission, the state in which he is believed to be, including the location of the accused therein at the time the application is made, and certifying that, in the opinion of the prosecuting attorney, the ends of justice require the arrest and return of the accused to this state for trial and that the proceeding is not instituted to enforce a private claim. Subd. 2. [RETURN OF FUGITIVE.] When the return to this state is required of a person who has been convicted of a crime in this state and has escaped from confinement or broken the terms of his bail, probation, or parole, the prosecuting attorney of the county in which the offense was committed, the parole board, or the chief executive officer of the facility or sheriff of the county, from which the escape was made, shall present to the governor a written application for a requisition for the return of such person, in which application shall be stated the name of the person, the crime of which he was convicted, the circumstances of his escape from confinement or of the breach of the terms of his bail, probation, or parole, the state in which he is believed to be, including the location of the person therein at the time application is made. Subd. 3. [PROCEDURAL REQUIREMENTS.] The application shall be verified by affidavit, shall be executed in duplicate, and shall be accompanied by two certified copies of the indictment returned, or information and affidavit filed, or of the complaint made to the judge, stating the offense with which the accused is charged, or of the judgment of conviction or of the sentence. The prosecuting officer, parole board, chief executive officer, or sheriff may also attach any further affidavits and other documents in duplicate as deemed proper to be submitted with the application. One copy of the application, with the action of the governor indicated by endorsement on it, and one of the certified copies of the indictment, complaint, information, and affidavits, or of the judgment of conviction or of the sentence shall be filed in the office of the secretary of state to remain of record in that office. The other copies of all papers shall be forwarded with the governor's requisition. 629.24 [CIVIL PROCESS NOT TO BE SERVED.] A person brought into this state by, or after waiver of, extradition based on a criminal charge, shall not be subject to service of personal process in civil actions arising out of the same facts as the criminal proceedings to answer which he is being or has been returned, until he has been convicted in the criminal proceeding, or, if acquitted, until he has had reasonable opportunity to return to the state from which he was extradited. Any person arrested in this state charged with having committed any crime in another state or alleged to have escaped from confinement, or broken the terms of his bail, probation, or parole, may waive the issuance and service of the warrant provided for in sections 629.07 and 629.08 and all other procedure incidental to extradition proceedings, by executing or subscribing, in the presence of a judge of any court of record within this state, a writing which states that he consents to return to the demanding state; provided, that before such waiver shall be executed or subscribed by such person it shall be the duty of such judge to inform such person of his rights to the issuance and service of a warrant of extradition and to obtain a writ of habeas corpus, as provided for in section 629.10. If and when such consent has been duly executed, it shall forthwith be forwarded to the office of the governor of this state and filed therein. The judge shall direct the officer having such person in custody to deliver forthwith such person to the duly accredited agent or agents of the demanding state, and shall deliver or cause to be delivered to such agent or agents a copy of such consent; provided, that nothing in this section shall be deemed to limit the rights of the accused person to return voluntarily and without formality to the demanding state, nor shall this waiver procedure be deemed to be an exclusive procedure or to limit the powers, rights, or duties of the officers of the demanding state or of this state. Nothing in sections 629.01 to 629.29 shall be deemed to constitute a waiver by this state of its right, power, or privilege to try such demanded person for crime committed within this state, or of its right, power, or privilege to regain custody of such person by extradition proceedings or otherwise for the purpose of trial, sentence, or punishment for any crime committed within this state, nor shall any proceedings had under sections 629.01 to 629.29 which result in, or fail to result in, extradition be deemed a waiver by this state of any of its rights, privileges, or jurisdiction in any way. 629.25 [TRIAL FOR OTHER CRIMES.] After a person has been brought back to this state by or after waiver of extradition proceedings, he may be tried in this state for other crimes which he may be charged with having committed here, as well as that specified in the requisition for his extradition. 629.26 [UNIFORMITY.] The provisions of sections 629.01 to 629.29 shall be so interpreted and construed as to effectuate their general purposes to make uniform the laws of those states which enact them. 629.27 [GOVERNOR MAY APPOINT AGENT.] In every case authorized by the constitution and laws of the United States, the governor may appoint an agent, who shall be the sheriff of the county from which the application for extradition shall come, when he can act, to demand of the executive authority of any state or territory any fugitive from justice or any person charged with a felony or other crime in this state; and when an application shall be made to the governor for that purpose, the attorney general, when so required by him, shall forthwith investigate or cause to be investigated by any county attorney the grounds of such application, and report to the governor all material circumstances which shall come to his knowledge, with an abstract of the evidence, and his opinion as to the expediency of the demand. The accounts of agents so appointed shall in each case be audited by the county board of the county wherein the crime upon which extradition proceedings are based shall be alleged to have been committed, and every such agent shall receive from the treasury of such county $4 for each calendar day, and the necessary expenses incurred by him in the performance of such duties. 629.28 [POWERS OF OFFICERS.] Any person who has been or shall be convicted of or charged with a crime in any other state, and who shall be lawfully in the custody of any officer of the state where such offense is claimed to have been committed, may be by such officer conveyed through or from this state, for which purpose such officer shall have all the powers in regard to his control or custody that an officer of this state has over a prisoner in his charge. 629.29 [CITATION, UNIFORM CRIMINAL EXTRADITION ACT.] Sections 629.01 to 629.29 may be cited as the uniform criminal extradition act. 629.291 [TRANSFER OF INMATES OF CORRECTIONAL FACILITIES TO FEDERAL DISTRICT COURT FOR TRIAL FOR VIOLATIONS OF FEDERAL CRIMINAL LAWS.]When the attorney general of the United States, or any ofhis assistants, or the United States attorney for the districtof Minnesota, or any of his assistants, shall present and filewith the governor of Minnesota a written verified petitionstating that at the date of the petition there was imprisoned inone of the Minnesota correctional facilities, naming thefacility, a certain person, naming the person, then serving asentence of imprisonment imposed by one of the courts of recordof Minnesota, which person was at the time of the petition underindictment in the United States district court for the districtof Minnesota for a violation of a federal criminal law, whichpetition shall have attached to it a certified copy of theindictment, and petitioning the state of Minnesota to consent tothe transfer of such person from such Minnesota correctionalfacility to the United States district court for the district ofMinnesota having jurisdiction thereof, for trial under suchindictment, and agreeing to pay all expenses incurred by thestate by reason thereof, the governor shall forthwith hear andconsider the petition and, when satisfied as to the identity ofthe person sought to be transferred, the governor may consent tothe transfer of the prisoner by and on behalf of the state ofMinnesota, and may issue his order directing the chief executiveofficer of the facility in which the person shall be imprisonedto transfer the person from the facility to the United Statesdistrict court for the district of Minnesota, upon receipt andservice of a proper process issued out of the United Statesdistrict court naming the time and place where the prisonershall be wanted for trial, and directing the chief executiveofficer of the facility to retain custody of the prisoner duringthe trial and, at the conclusion of the trial after judgmentshall have been pronounced by the United States district court,to return the prisoner to the facility from which he was taken,to be there kept until released pursuant to the laws of thestate of Minnesota and, prior to the time for the release of anysuch prisoner who shall be under sentence in the United Statesdistrict court, the chief executive officer of the facility inwhich the prisoner is in custody shall notify the United Statesmarshal in and for the district of Minnesota and shall at thetime of such release surrender such prisoner to him to be dealtwith in accordance with the laws of the United States.Subdivision 1. [PETITION FOR TRANSFER.] The attorney general of the United States, or any of his or her assistants, or the United States attorney for the district of Minnesota, or any of his or her assistants, may file a petition with the governor requesting the state of Minnesota to consent to transfer an inmate, serving a term of imprisonment in a Minnesota correctional facility for violation of a Minnesota criminal law, to the United States district court for the purpose of being tried for violation of a federal criminal law. In order for a petition to be filed under this section, the inmate must at the time of the filing of the petition be under indictment in the United States district court for Minnesota for violation of a federal criminal law. The petition must name the inmate for whom transfer is requested and the Minnesota correctional facility in which the inmate is imprisoned. The petition must be verified and have a certified copy of the federal indictment attached to it. The petitioner must agree in the petition to pay all expenses incurred by the state in transferring the inmate to the United States court for trial. Subd. 2. [GOVERNOR'S CONSENT AND ORDER.] Upon hearing a petition, the governor may consent to transfer of the inmate on behalf of the state of Minnesota if satisfied as to the identity of the inmate sought to be transferred. Upon receiving proper process issued by the United States district court stating the time and place where the inmate will be tried, the governor may issue an order directing the chief executive officer of the correctional facility in which the inmate is imprisoned to transfer the inmate to the United States district court for the district of Minnesota. The order must direct the chief executive officer of the facility to retain custody of the inmate during the trial in federal court and, at conclusion of the trial after judgment is pronounced by the United States district court, direct the federal court to return the inmate to the correctional facility from which the inmate was taken. The order must require that an inmate sentenced for a violation of a federal criminal law after transfer under this section and trial serve the remainder of the sentence imposed for violation of a Minnesota criminal law before being released to the federal authorities. Subd. 3. [NOTIFYING UNITED STATES MARSHAL.] Before release of an inmate who has been sentenced for a violation of a federal criminal law in United States district court, the chief executive officer of the correctional facility in which the inmate is serving a sentence for violation of a Minnesota criminal law shall notify the United States marshal for the district of Minnesota. Upon release of the inmate, the chief executive officer shall surrender the inmate to the federal authorities to be dealt with in accordance with the laws of the United States. 629.292 [UNIFORM MANDATORY DISPOSITION OF DETAINERS ACT.] Subdivision 1. [REQUEST FOR DISPOSITION; NOTIFICATION OF PRISONER.] (a) Any person who is imprisoned in a penal or correctional institution or other facility in the department of corrections of this state may request final disposition of any untried indictment or information pending against him in this state. The request shall be in writing addressed to the court in which the indictment or information is pending and to the prosecuting attorney charged with the duty of prosecuting it, and shall set forth the place of imprisonment. (b) The commissioner of corrections or other official designated by him having custody of prisoners shall promptly inform each prisoner in writing of the source and nature of any untried indictment or information against him of which the commissioner of corrections or such official had knowledge or notice and of his right to make a request for final disposition thereof. (c) Failure of the commissioner of corrections or other such official to inform a prisoner, as required by this section, within one year after a detainer has been filed at the institution shall entitle him to a final dismissal of the indictment or information with prejudice. Subd. 2. [PROCEDURE ON RECEIPT OF REQUEST.] The request shall be delivered to the commissioner of corrections or other official designated by him having custody of the prisoner, who shall forthwith (a) certify the term of commitment under which the prisoner is being held, the time already served on the sentence, the time remaining to be served, the good time earned, the time of parole eligibility of the prisoner, and any decisions of the commissioner of corrections relating to the prisoner; and (b) send by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, one copy of the request and certificate to the court and one copy to the prosecuting attorney to whom it is addressed. Subd. 3. [TIME OF TRIAL.] Within six months after the receipt of the request and certificate by the court and prosecuting attorney, or within such additional time as the court for good cause shown in open court may grant, the prisoner or his counsel being present, the indictment or information shall be brought to trial; but the parties may stipulate for a continuance or a continuance may be granted on notice to the attorney of record and opportunity for him to be heard. If, after such a request, the indictment or information is not brought to trial within that period, no court of this state shall any longer have jurisdiction thereof, nor shall the untried indictment or information be of any further force or effect, and the court shall dismiss it with prejudice. Subd. 4. [EFFECT OF ESCAPE.] Escape from custody by any prisoner subsequent to his execution of a request for final disposition of an untried indictment or information voids the request. Subd. 5. [NOTIFICATION OF EXISTENCE OF PROCEDURE.] The commissioner of corrections or other official designated by him having custody of prisoners shall arrange for all prisoners to be informed in writing of the provisions of this section, and for a record thereof to be placed in the prisoner's file. Subd. 6. [UNIFORMITY.] This section shall be so construed as to effectuate its general purpose to make uniform the law of those states which enact it. Subd. 7. [CITATION.] This section may be cited as the uniform mandatory disposition of detainers act. 629.294 [INTERSTATE AGREEMENT ON DETAINERS.] Subdivision 1. [AGREEMENT.] The agreement on detainers isherebyenacted into law and entered into by this state with all other jurisdictions legally joiningthereinin it in the form substantially as follows: The contracting states solemnly agree that: ARTICLE I The party states find that charges outstanding against a prisoner, detainers based on untried indictments, informations or complaints, and difficulties in securing speedy trial of persons already incarcerated in other jurisdictions, produce uncertainties which obstruct programs of prisoner treatment and rehabilitation. Accordingly, it is the policy of the party states and the purpose of this agreement to encourage the expeditious and orderly disposition of such charges and determination of the proper status of any and all detainers based on untried indictments, informations, or complaints. The party states also find that proceedings with reference to such charges and detainers, when emanating from another jurisdiction, cannot properly be had in the absence of cooperative procedures. It is the further purpose of this agreement to provide such cooperative procedures. ARTICLE II As used in this agreement: (a) "State" shall mean a state of the United States; the United States of America; a territory or possession of the United States; the District of Columbia; the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico. (b) "Sending state" shall mean a state in which a prisoner is incarcerated at the time that he initiates a request for final disposition pursuant to Article III hereof or at the time that a request for custody or availability is initiated pursuant to Article IV hereof. (c) "Receiving state" shall mean the state in which trial is to be had on an indictment, information, or complaint pursuant to Article III or Article IV hereof. ARTICLE III (a) Whenever a person has entered upon a term of imprisonment in a penal or correctional institution of a party state, and whenever during the continuance of the term of imprisonment there is pending in any other party state any untried indictment, information, or complaint on the basis of which a detainer has been lodged against the prisoner, he shall be brought to trial within 180 days after he shall have caused to be delivered to the prosecuting officer and the appropriate court of the prosecuting officer's jurisdiction written notice of the place of his imprisonment and his request for a final disposition to be made of the indictment, information, or complaint; provided that for good cause shown in open court, the prisoner or his counsel being present, the court having jurisdiction of the matter may grant any necessary or reasonable continuance. The request of the prisoner shall be accompanied by a certificate of the appropriate official having custody of the prisoner, stating the term of commitment under which the prisoner is being held, the time already served, the time remaining to be served on the sentence, the amount of good time earned, the time of parole eligibility of the prisoner, and any decisions of the state parole agency relating to the prisoner. (b) The written notice and request for final disposition referred to in paragraph (a) hereof shall be given or sent by the prisoner to the warden, commissioner of corrections, or other official having custody of him, who shall promptly forward it together with the certificate to the appropriate prosecuting official and court by registered or certified mail, return receipt requested. (c) The warden, commissioner of corrections, or other official having custody of the prisoner shall promptly inform him of the source and contents of any detainer lodged against him and shall also inform him of his right to make a request for final disposition of the indictment, information, or complaint on which the detainer is based. (d) Any request for final disposition made by a prisoner pursuant to paragraph (a) hereof shall operate as a request for final disposition of all untried indictments, informations, or complaints on the basis of which detainers have been lodged against the prisoner from the state to whose prosecuting official the request for final disposition is specifically directed. The warden, commissioner of corrections, or other official having custody of the prisoner shall forthwith notify all appropriate prosecuting officers and courts in the several jurisdictions within the state to which the prisoner's request for final disposition is being sent of the proceeding being initiated by the prisoner. Any notification sent pursuant to this paragraph shall be accompanied by copies of the prisoner's written notice, request, and the certificate. If trial is not had on any indictment, information, or complaint contemplated hereby prior to the return of the prisoner to the original place of imprisonment, such indictment, information, or complaint shall not be of any further force or effect, and the court shall enter an order dismissing the same with prejudice. (e) Any request for final disposition made by a prisoner pursuant to paragraph (a) hereof shall also be deemed to be a waiver of extradition with respect to any charge or proceeding contemplated thereby or included therein by reason of paragraph (d) hereof, and a waiver of extradition to the receiving state to serve any sentence there imposed upon him, after completion of his term of imprisonment in the sending state. The request for final disposition shall also constitute a consent by the prisoner to the production of his body in any court where his presence may be required in order to effectuate the purposes of this agreement and a further consent voluntarily to be returned to the original place of imprisonment in accordance with the provisions of this agreement. Nothing in this paragraph shall prevent the imposition of a concurrent sentence if otherwise permitted by law. (f) Escape from custody by the prisoner subsequent to his execution of the request for final disposition referred to in paragraph (a) hereof shall void the request. ARTICLE IV (a) The appropriate officer of the jurisdiction in which an untried indictment, information, or complaint is pending shall be entitled to have a prisoner against whom he has lodged a detainer and who is serving a term of imprisonment in any party state made available in accordance with Article V(a) hereof upon presentation of a written request for temporary custody or availability to the appropriate authorities of the state in which the prisoner is incarcerated; provided that the court having jurisdiction of such indictment, information, or complaint shall have duly approved, recorded, and transmitted the request; and provided further that there shall be a period of 30 days after receipt by the appropriate authorities before the request be honored, within which period the governor of the sending state may disapprove the request for temporary custody or availability, either upon his own motion or upon motion of the prisoner. (b) Upon receipt of the officer's written request as provided in paragraph (a) hereof, the appropriate authorities having the prisoner in custody shall furnish the officer with a certificate stating the term of commitment under which the prisoner is being held, the time already served, the time remaining to be served on the sentence, the amount of good time earned, the time of parole eligibility of the prisoner, and any decisions of the state parole agency relating to the prisoner. Said authorities simultaneously shall furnish all other officers and appropriate courts in the receiving state who have lodged detainers against the prisoner with similar certificates and with notices informing them of the request for custody or availability and of the reasons therefor. (c) In respect of any proceeding made possible by this article, trial shall be commenced within 120 days of the arrival of the prisoner in the receiving state, but for good cause shown in open court, the prisoner or his counsel being present, the court having jurisdiction of the matter may grant any necessary or reasonable continuance. (d) Nothing contained in this article shall be construed to deprive any prisoner of any right which he may have to contest the legality of his delivery as provided in paragraph (a) hereof, but such delivery may not be opposed or denied on the grounds that the executive authority of the sending state has not affirmatively consented to or ordered such delivery. (e) If trial is not had on any indictment, information, or complaint contemplated hereby prior to the prisoner's being returned to the original place of imprisonment pursuant to Article V(e) hereof, such indictment, information, or complaint shall not be of any further force or effect, and the court shall enter an order dismissing the same with prejudice. ARTICLE V (a) In response to a request made under Article III or Article IV hereof, the appropriate authority in a sending state shall offer to deliver temporary custody of such prisoner to the appropriate authority in the state where such indictment, information, or complaint is pending against such person in order that speedy and efficient prosecution may be had. If the request for final disposition is made by the prisoner, the offer of temporary custody shall accompany the written notice provided for in Article III of this agreement. In the case of a federal prisoner, the appropriate authority in the receiving state shall be entitled to temporary custody as provided by this agreement or to the prisoner's presence in federal custody at the place for trial, whichever custodial arrangement may be approved by the custodian. (b) The officer or other representative of a state accepting an offer of temporary custody shall present the following upon demand: (1) Proper identification and evidence of his authority to act for the state into whose temporary custody the prisoner is to be given. (2) A duly certified copy of the indictment, information, or complaint on the basis of which the detainer has been lodged and on the basis of which the request for temporary custody of the prisoner has been made. (c) If the appropriate authority shall refuse or fail to accept temporary custody of said person, or in the event that an action on the indictment, information, or complaint on the basis of which the detainer has been lodged is not brought to trial within the period provided in Article III or Article IV hereof, the appropriate court of the jurisdiction where the indictment, information, or complaint has been pending shall enter an order dismissing the same with prejudice, and any detainer based thereon shall cease to be of any force or effect. (d) The temporary custody referred to in this agreement shall be only for the purpose of permitting prosecution on the charge or charges contained in one or more untried indictments, informations, or complaints which form the basis of the detainer or detainers or for prosecution on any other charge or charges arising out of the same transaction. Except for his attendance at court and while being transported to or from any place at which his presence may be required, the prisoner shall be held in a suitable jail or other facility regularly used for persons awaiting prosecution. (e) At the earliest practicable time consonant with the purposes of this agreement, the prisoner shall be returned to the sending state. (f) During the continuance of temporary custody or while the prisoner is otherwise being made available for trial as required by this agreement, time being served on the sentence shall continue to run but good time shall be earned by the prisoner only if, and to the extent that, the law and practice of the jurisdiction which imposed the sentence may allow. (g) For all purposes other than that for which temporary custody as provided in this agreement is exercised, the prisoner shall be deemed to remain in the custody of and subject to the jurisdiction of the sending state and any escape from temporary custody may be dealt with in the same manner as an escape from the original place of imprisonment or in any other manner permitted by law. (h) From the time that a party state receives custody of a prisoner pursuant to this agreement until such prisoner is returned to the territory and custody of the sending state, the state in which the one or more untried indictments, informations, or complaints are pending, or in which trial is being had, shall be responsible for the prisoner and shall also pay all costs of transporting, caring for, keeping, and returning the prisoner. The provisions of this paragraph shall govern unless the states concerned shall have entered into a supplementary agreement providing for a different allocation of costs and responsibilities as between or among themselves. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to alter or affect any internal relationship among the departments, agencies, and officers of and in the government of a party state, or between a party state and its subdivisions, as to the payment of costs, or responsibilities therefor. ARTICLE VI (a) In determining the duration and expiration dates of the time periods provided in Articles III and IV of this agreement, the running of said time periods shall be tolled whenever and for as long as the prisoner is unable to stand trial, as determined by the court having jurisdiction of the matter. (b) No provision of this agreement, and no remedy made available by this agreement, shall apply to any person who is adjudged to be mentally ill. ARTICLE VII Each state party to this agreement shall designate an officer who, acting jointly with like officers of other party states, shall promulgate rules and regulations to carry out more effectively the terms and provisions of this agreement, and who shall provide, within and without the state, information necessary to the effective operation of this agreement. ARTICLE VIII This agreement shall enter into full force and effect as to a party state when such state has enacted the same into law. A state party to this agreement may withdraw herefrom by enacting a statute repealing the same. However, the withdrawal of any state shall not affect the status of any proceedings already initiated by inmates or by state officers at the time such withdrawal takes effect, nor shall it affect their rights in respect thereof. ARTICLE IX This agreement shall be liberally construed so as to effectuate its purposes. The provisions of this agreement shall be severable and if any phrase, clause, sentence, or provision of this agreement is declared to be contrary to the constitution of any party state or of the United States or the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or circumstance is held invalid, the validity of the remainder of this agreement and the applicability thereof to any government, agency, person, or circumstance shall not be affected thereby. If this agreement shall be held contrary to the constitution of any state party hereto, the agreement shall remain in full force and effect as to the remaining states and in full force and effect as to the state affected as to all severable matters. Subd. 2. [APPROPRIATE COURT.]The phrase"Appropriate court" as used in the agreement on detainersshall, withreference to the courts of this state, meanmeans the district court. Subd. 3. [ENFORCEMENT.]AllCourts,departments,agencies,officers,and employees of this state and its political subdivisionsare hereby directed toshall enforce the agreement on detainers andtocooperate with one another and with other party states in enforcing the agreement andeffectuatingcarrying out its purpose. Subd. 4. [HABITUAL OFFENDERS.]Nothing inNeither this sectionor innor the agreement on detainersshall be construedto requirerequires the application ofthea habitual offenders law toanya person on account ofanya conviction had in a proceeding brought to final disposition by reason of theuse ofsaidagreement. Subd. 5. [ESCAPES.] Whoever departs without lawful authority from custody while in another statepursuant tounder the agreement on detainersshall be deemedis considered to have escaped and may be punished as provided in section 609.485, subdivision 4. Subd. 6. [DELIVERY OF INMATE.]It shall be lawful andmandatory uponThewarden or other official in charge of a penalorchief executive officer of a correctional institution in this statetoshall give overthe person of anyan inmatethereofwheneversorequired to do so bythe operation ofthe agreement on detainers. Subd. 7. [ADMINISTRATION.] The commissioner of corrections or his designeeshall beis the central administrator and information agent for the agreement on detainers. Subd. 8. [DISTRIBUTION OF COPIES OF ACT.] Copies of this actshallmust, upon its approval, be transmitted to the governor of each state, the attorney general and the administrator of general services of the United States, and the council of state governments. 629.30 [ARRESTS; BY WHOM MADE; AIDING OFFICER.] Subdivision 1. [DEFINITION.] Arrestis themeans takingofa person into custody thathethe person may be held to answer for a public offense, and. "Arrest" includes actually restraining a person or taking into custody a person who submits. Subd. 2. [WHO MAY ARREST.] An arrest may be made: (1) By a peace officer under a warrant; (2) By a peace officer without a warrant; (3) By an officer in the United States customs service or the immigration and naturalization service without a warrant; (4) By a private person.EveryA private person shall aidana peace officer inthe execution ofexecuting a warrant when requestedsoto do so bysuchthe officer, who is himself present and acting in itsexecution. 629.31 [TIMEOFWHEN ARREST MAY BE MADE.]If the offense charged isAn arrest for a felony or gross misdemeanor, arrestmay be made on any day and at any time of the day or night; if it is. An arrest for a misdemeanor, arrestshallmay not be made on Sunday or betweenthe hours of10:00 p.m. and 8:00 a.m. on any other dayunless upon the direction ofexcept: (1) when the judgeendorsed uponorders in the warrant,that the arrest may be made between those hours; orunless(2) when the person named in the warrant is found on a public highway or street. 629.32 [MINIMUM RESTRAINT,ALLOWED FOR ARREST; WARRANTTOMUST BE SHOWN UPON REQUEST.]An arrest is made by the actual restraint of the person ofthe defendant or by his submission to the custody of theofficer; but he shall not be subjectedA peace officer making an arrest may not subject the person arrested to any more restraint thanshall beis necessary forhisthe arrest and detention,and. The peace officer shall inform the defendant thathethe officer is acting underthe authority ofa warrant, and shall showhimthe defendant the warrant if requested to do sorequired. An arrest by a peace officer acting under a warrant is lawful even though the officer does not have the warrant inhis possessionhand at the time of the arrest, but if the arrested person so requests the warrantshallmust be shown tohimthat person as soon as possible and practicable.An arrestA peace officer may lawfullybe made by a peace officerarrest a person when advised by any other peace officer in the state that a warrant has been issued for that person. 629.33 [MEANSWHEN FORCE MAY BE USED TO MAKE ARREST.]If, after notice of intention to arrest defendant, he shallflee or forcibly resistIf a peace officer has informed a defendant that the officer intends to arrest the defendant, and if the defendant then flees or forcibly resists arrest, the officer may use all necessary and lawful means toeffect hismake the arrest, provided the officerbut may not use deadly force unless authorized to do so under section 609.066.HeAfter giving notice of the authority and purpose of entry, a peace officer may break open an inner or outer door or window of a dwelling house to execute a warrant if, after notice of hisauthority and purpose, he is refused admittance, or whennecessary for his own liberation, or for the purpose ofliberating another person who, having entered to make an arrest,is detained therein: (1) the officer is refused admittance; (2) entry is neccessary for the officer's own liberation; or (3) entry is necessary for liberating another person who is being detained in the dwelling house after entering to make an arrest. 629.34 [WHEN ARREST MAY BE MADE WITHOUT A WARRANT.] Subdivision 1. [PEACE OFFICER.] A peace officer may, without warrant, arrest a person: (1) For a public offense committed or attempted inhisthe officer's presence; (2) When the person arrested has committed a felony, although not in his presence; (3) When a felony has in fact been committed, andhethe officer has reasonable cause for believing the person arrested to have committed it; or (4) Upon a chargemadebased upon reasonable cause of the commission of a felony by the person arrested.To make such arrestAfter a peace officer has told the person to be arrested that he or she is a peace officer and intends to arrest that person, the officer may break open an outer or inner door or window of a dwelling house if, afternotice of his office and purpose, he shall bethe officer is refused admittance. Subd. 2. [CUSTOMS SERVICE, IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION SERVICE OFFICER.] An officer in the United States customs service or the immigration and naturalization service, without awarrant,may arrest a personif the followingwithout a warrant under the circumstancesexistspecified in clauses (a) and (b): (a) when the officer is on duty within the scope of assignment and one or more of the following situations exist:(i)(1) the person commits an assault in the fifth degree, as defined in section 609.224, against the officer.;(ii)(2) the person commits an assault in the fifth degree, as defined in section 609.224, on any other person in the presence of the officer, or commits any felony.;(iii)(3) the officer has reasonable cause to believe that a felony has been committed and reasonable cause to believe that the person committed it.; or(iv)(4) the officer has received positive information by written, teletypic, telephonic, radio, or other authoritative source that a peace officer holds a warrant for the person's arrest; or (b) when the assistance of the officer has been requested by another Minnesota law enforcement agency. 629.341 [ALLOWING PROBABLE CAUSE ARRESTS;FOR DOMESTIC VIOLENCE; IMMUNITY FROM LIABILITY.] Subdivision 1. [ARREST.] Notwithstandingthe provisions ofsection 629.34 or any other law or ruleto the contrary, a peace officer may arrestwithout a warranta person anywhere without a warrant, including athis place ofthe person's residence if the peace officer has probable cause to believe that the person within the preceding four hours has assaulted, threatened with a dangerous weapon, or placed in fear of immediate bodily harm his or her spouse, former spouse, or other person with whom he or she resides or has formerly resided, although. The arrest may be made even though the assault did not take place in the presence of the peace officer. Subd. 2. [IMMUNITY.]AnyA peace officer acting in good faith and exercising due care inthemakingofan arrest pursuant to subdivision 1shall have immunityis immune from civil liability thatotherwisemight resultby reason of hisfrom the officer's action. Subd. 3. [NOTICE OF RIGHTS.] The peace officer shalladvisetell the victimof the availability ofwhether a shelter or other services are available in the community and give the victim immediate notice of the legal rights and remedies available. The noticeshallmust include furnishing the victim a copy of the following statement: "IF YOU ARE THE VICTIM OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE, you can ask the city or county attorney to file a criminal complaint. You also have the right to go to court and file a petition requesting an order for protection from domestic abusewhich. The order could include the following:(a)(1) an order restraining the abuser from further acts of abuse;(b)(2) an order directing the abuser to leave your household;(c)(3) an order preventing the abuser from entering your residence, school, business, or place of employment;(d)(4) an order awarding you or the other parent custody of or visitation with your minor child or children; or(e)(5) an order directing the abuser to pay support to you and the minor children if the abuser has a legal obligation to do so." The noticeshallmust include the resource listing, including telephone number, for the area battered women's shelter, to be designated by the department of corrections. Subd. 4. [REPORT REQUIRED.] Whenever a peace officer investigates an allegation that an incident described in subdivision 1 has occurred, whether or not an arrest is made, the officer shall make a written police report of the alleged incident. The officermustshall submit the report to his or her supervisor or other person to whom the employer's rules or policies require reports of similar allegations of criminal activity to be made. Subd. 5. [TRAINING.] The board of peace officer standards and training shall provide a copy of this section to every law enforcement agency in this state on or before June 30, 1983. Upon request of the board of peace officer standards and training to the bureau of criminal apprehension,the subjectmatter ofat least one training course must include instructionin the subject matter ofabout domestic abuse.EveryA basic skills course requiredin order to obtainfor initial licensure as a peace officer must, after January 1, 1985, include at least three hours of training in handling domestic violence cases. 629.35 [WHEN ARREST AT NIGHT IS PERMISSIBLE.]SuchA peace officer mayat night, without a warrant,arrestanya personwhom heat night without a warrant if the officer has reasonable causefor believingtohavebelieve that person has committed a felony, and shall be justified in makingsuch arrest, though it shall afterwards appear that no felonyhas been committed; but when so arresting a person without awarrant, the officer shall inform him of his authority and thecause of the arrest, except when he shall be in the actualcommission of a public offense, or shall be pursued immediatelyafter an escape. An arrest under this section is lawful even if it appears after the arrest that no felony has been committed. When arresting a person at night without a warrant, a peace officer shall inform that person of the officer's authority and the cause of the arrest. This warning need not be given if the person is apprehended while committing a public offense or is pursued immediately after escape. 629.36 [ARREST BYPERMITTING BYSTANDER TO DELIVER ARRESTED PERSON TO PEACE OFFICER.]A peace officer may take before a judge a person who, beingengaged in a breach of the peace, is arrested by a bystander anddelivered to himWhen a bystander arrests a person for breach of the peace, the bystander may deliver that person to a peace officer. The peace officer shall take the arrested person to a judge for criminal processing. When a public offense is committed in the presence of a judge,hethe judge may, by written or verbal order, command any person to arrest the offender, and then proceed as if the offender had been brought beforehimthe court on a warrant of arrest. 629.361 [RESTORATION OF STOLEN PROPERTY; DUTY OFMAKING PEACE OFFICERS RESPONSIBLE FOR CUSTODY OF STOLEN PROPERTY.]TheA peace officer arrestinganya person chargedasprincipal or accessory in anywith committing or aiding in the committing of a robbery, aggravated robbery, or theft shall use reasonable diligence to secure the property alleged to have been stolen, and. After seizure of the property, the officer shall be answerablethereforfor it while it remains inhis hands, andthe officer's custody. The officer shall annex a schedulethereofof the property tohisthe return of the warrant.When the county attorney shall require such propertyfor use as evidence upon the examination or trial, such officer,upon his demand, shall deliver it to him and take his receipttherefor, after which such county attorney shall be responsiblefor the sameUpon request of the county attorney, the law enforcement agency that has custody of the property alleged to have been stolen shall deliver the property to the custody of the county attorney for use as evidence at an omnibus hearing or at trial. The county attorney shall make a receipt for the property and be responsible for the property while it is in her or his custody.Upon conviction ofWhen the offender is convicted, whoevershall hold suchhas custody of the property shall turn it over to the owner. 629.362 [ESCAPED PRISONER RECAPTUREDRECAPTURING AN ESCAPED INMATE; TERM OF IMPRISONMENT.]EveryA prisoner in custody under sentence of imprisonmentfor any crimewhoshall escapeescapes from custody may be recaptured and imprisoned for a term equal to the unexpired portion of the original term. 629.363 [RAILWAY CONDUCTOR; AUTHORITY TO ARREST.]EveryA conductor of a railway train, with or withoutwarrant,may arrestanya person committinganyan act upon the trainspecified inprohibited by sections 609.605 and 609.72 with or without a warrant,and take him before a judge or to thenext railway station,anddeliver himtake that person to the properofficerlaw enforcement authorities, or to the station agent, who shall take the person before the proper judge ordeliver him to the officerat the next railway station. The station agent shall take the arrested person to the law enforcement authorities.EveryA conductorandor station agentshall in such case possess allpossesses the powers of a sheriff with a warrant in making arrests under this chapter. 629.364 [AUTHORIZING ARRESTS FOR SWINDLING.]Every person may, and every conductor or other employee onany railway car or train, captain, clerk, or other employee onany boat, station agent at any depot, officer of any fair orfairground, proprietor or employee of any place of publicresort, with or without warrant, shall, arrest any person foundin the act of committing any of the offenses described insection 609.52, subdivision 2, clause (4), or any person who, hehas good reason to believe, has been guilty of the offense, andtake him before a court having jurisdiction, and make writtencomplaint under oath against him. Every(a) The following persons shall arrest, with or without a warrant, a person found committing an offense described in section 609.52, subdivision 2, clause (4): (1) a conductor or other employee on a railway car or train; (2) a captain, clerk, or other employee on a boat; (3) a station agent at a depot; (4) an officer of a fair or fairground; or (5) a proprietor or employee of a public resort. (b) A person not required to make an arrest under clause (a) may arrest, with or without a warrant, a person found committing an offense described in section 609.52, subdivision 2, clause (4). (c) A person making an arrest under clause (a) or (b) shall take the arrested person to the proper law enforcement authorities and have a written complaint issued against that person. A person making an arrestshall have the same power andunder clause (a) or (b) has the same authority in all respects asana peace officer with a warrant, including the power to summon assistance. The person shall also arrest the person injured by reason of the offense, and takehimthat person before a court, which shall requirehimthat person to give security for his or her appearance as a witness on trial of the case.The person shall receive for his services the samecompensation as is provided for sheriffs(d) A victim of an offense described in section 609.52 who testifies at trial against the person arrested for the offense shall receive the fee for travel and attendance provided in section 357.24. 629.365 [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [APPLICABILITY.]For the purposes ofIn sections 629.365 and 629.366 the terms defined in this section have the meaningsascribed togiven them. Subd. 2. [MERCHANT.] "Merchant" meansanya person who ownsor has in his possession or subject to his control, possesses, or controls personal property with authority to sellthe sameit in the regular course of business at retail or wholesale. Subd. 3. [PERSON.] "Person" includes an individual, a partnership, corporation, or association. 629.366 [THEFT IN BUSINESS ESTABLISHMENTS;DETENTION OFDETAINING SUSPECTS.] Subdivision 1. [CIRCUMSTANCES JUSTIFYING DETENTION.] A merchant or merchant's employeewho has reasonable cause forbelieving thatmay detain a person for the sole purpose of delivering him or her to a peace officer if the merchant or employee has reasonable cause to believe: (1) that the person has taken, or isin the act oftaking,anyan article of value without payingthereforfor it, from the possession of the merchant in his or her place of business or fromanya vehicle or premises underhisthe merchant's control, with the intent wrongfully to deprive themerchant of his property or the use and benefit thereof or toappropriate the same to the use of the taker or any otherperson, may detain such person for the sole purpose ofdelivering him to a peace officer without unnecessary delay andthen and there making a charge against such person to the peaceofficer; (2) that the taking is done with the intent to wrongfully deprive the merchant of the property or the use or benefit of it; or (3) that the taking is done with the intent to appropriate the use of the property to the taker or any other person. The merchant or employee shall deliver the detained person to a peace officer without unnecessary delay. The person detained shall be informed promptly of the purpose of the detention andshallmay not be subjected to unnecessary or unreasonable force, nor to interrogation against his or her will. Subd. 2. [ARREST.] Upon a charge being made by a merchant or merchant's employee, a peace officer may, without a warrant,arrestanya person without a warrant,whom heif the officer has reasonable cause for believing that the person has committed or attempted to commit the offense described in subdivision 1. Subd. 3. [IMMUNITY.] No merchant, merchant's employee, or peace officershall beis criminally or civilly liable for false arrest or false imprisonment or wrongful detention undersubdivisionssubdivision 1 or 2 ifhisthe arresting person's actionwasis based upon reasonable cause. 629.37 [ARREST BYWHEN A PRIVATE PERSON MAY MAKE AN ARREST.] A private person may arrest another: (1) for a public offense committed or attempted inhisthe arresting person's presence; (2) whensuchthe person arrested has committed a felony, although not inhisthe arresting person's presence; or (3) when a felony has in fact been committed, andhethe arresting person has reasonable cause for believing the person arrested to have committed it. 629.38 [DISCLOSURE OF CAUSE; MEANS USEDREQUIRING A PRIVATE PERSON TO DISCLOSE CAUSE OF ARREST.] Before making an arrestsucha private person shall inform the person to be arrested of the causethereofof the arrest and require him or her to submit, except when he is in the actualcommission of. The warning required by this section need not be given if the person is arrested while committing the offense or whenhe shall bethe person is arrested on pursuit immediately afterits commissioncommitting the offense. Ifsucha person has committed a felony,sucha private person, after notice ofhis intention to make the arrest, if he shall be refusedadmittance,may break open an outer or inner door or window of a dwelling housefor the purpose of makingto make thesamearrest if, before entering, the private person informs the person to be arrested of his or her intent to make the arrest and the private person is then refused admittance. 629.39 [REQUIRING PRIVATE PERSON MAKING ARREST, PROCEEDINGSTO DELIVER ARRESTEE TO JUDGE OR PEACE OFFICER.]EveryA private person who arrests another forthecommission ofa public offense shall, without unnecessary delay,takehimthe arrested person before a judge ordeliver himto a peace officer without unnecessary delay. If a person arrested escapes, the person from whose custody he or she has escaped may immediately pursue and retakehimthe escapee, at any time and in any place in the state. For that purpose,after notice ofhis intention and refusal of admittance, hethe pursuer may break open any door or window of a dwelling house if the pursuer informs the escapee of his or her intent to arrest the escapee and the pursuer is refused admittance. 629.40 [ALLOWING ARRESTS,ANYWHERE IN STATE.] Subdivision 1. [DEFINITION.] In this section "peace officer" has the meaning given it in section 626.84, subdivision 1, paragraph (c). Subd. 2. [OUT OF JURISDICTION ARRESTS.] In any casewherein any sheriff, deputy sheriff, police officer,marshal, constable, orin which a peace officer may by law, either with or without a warrant, arrestanya person fororuponacharge of anycriminal offense committed withinhisthe jurisdiction of the officer, and the person to be arrested escapes from or is out of the county, statutory or home rule charter city, or town, the officer may pursue and apprehend the person to be arrested anywhere in this state. Subd.23. [AUTHORITY FOR OUT OF JURISDICTION ARRESTS.] Whenany sheriff, deputy sheriff, police officer, marshal,constable, ora peace officershall, in obedience to the order of a court,or proper police authority,or in fresh pursuit as provided in subdivision 1,beis outside ofhisthe jurisdictionheof the officer, that officer is serving in his or her regular line of duty as fully as thoughhe waswithin his or her jurisdiction. 629.401 [DELAYING TO TAKE PRISONER BEFORE JUDGE.]Every public officer or other person having arrested anyperson upon a criminal charge, who shall willfully andwrongfully delay to take him before a judge having jurisdictionto take his examination, is guilty of a gross misdemeanorA peace officer or other person who willfully and wrongfully delays taking an arrested person before a judge having appropriate criminal jurisdiction is guilty of a gross misdemeanor. 629.402 [ARREST WITHOUT AUTHORITY.]EveryIt is a gross misdemeanor for a public officer, or person pretending to be a public officer,who shallknowingly,and under the pretense or color of any process, (1) to arrestanya person or detainhima person against his or her will,or shall(2) to seize or levy upon any property, or (3) to dispossess any one ofanylands or tenements, without a regular processtherefor, shall be guilty of a gross misdemeanorfor those actions. 629.403 [REFUSINGPROHIBITING REFUSAL TOMAKE ARREST OR TOAID OFFICER MAKE ARREST.]Every person who, after having been lawfully commanded byany judge to arrest another person, willfully neglects orrefuses to do so, and every person who, after having beenlawfully commanded to aid an officer in arresting any person, orin retaking any person who has escaped from lawful custody, orin executing any legal process, willfully neglects or refuses toaid the officer, is guilty of a misdemeanorA person who willfully neglects or refuses to arrest another person after having been lawfully directed to do so by a judge is guilty of a misdemeanor. A person who willfully neglects or refuses to aid a peace officer after being lawfully directed to aid the officer (1) in making an arrest, or (2) in retaking a person who has escaped from custody, or (3) in executing a legal process, is guilty of a misdemeanor. 629.404 [COUNTIES OR MUNICIPALITIES CAUSING ARREST; REQUIRING RETURN TRANSPORTATION.] Subdivision 1. [RETURN TRANSPORTATION.]EveryA county or municipality which causes to be issued a warrant for arrest for a personpursuant tounder section 629.41 and Rules 3.01 and 19.01 of the rules of criminal procedure, shall furnish return transportation, upon request to the personsoarrested.Suchtransportation shall be furnishedThe person must be transported to the municipality or township of his or her residence in Minnesota after a trial or final hearing on the matter. Subd. 2. [EXCEPTIONS.] This sectionshalldoes not apply: (1) to arrests made outside the state pursuant to sections 629.01 to 629.291; (2)whereif the person is convicted or pleads guilty to any offense; or (3)whereif the arrest is madepursuant tounder section 629.61. 629.41 [AUTHORIZING JUDGES TO ISSUE PROCESS, ISSUANCEFOR ARREST.] Judges, in vacation as well as in term time,are authorizedtomay issue process to carryinto effect the provisions ofout law for the apprehension of persons charged with offenses. 629.44 [ALLOWING RECOGNIZANCE BY OFFENDER, DUTY OF JUDGEIN CASES NOT PUNISHABLE BY IMPRISONMENT IN MINNESOTA CORRECTIONAL FACILITY-STILLWATER.]In every case where theA person arrested with a warrant for an offensecharged in the warrant isnot punishable by imprisonment in the Minnesota Correctional Facility-Stillwater,upon request of the person arrested,may ask to enter into a recognizance. If the person asks, the peace officer making the arrest shall takehimthe arrested person before a judge of the county in which the arrest is made, forthe purpose of entering intoa recognizance without trial orexaminationhearing. The judge may take fromhimthe arrested person a recognizance with sufficient sureties forhisthat person's appearance before the court having jurisdiction of the offense in the county, and he shall then be liberated. After the recognizance is taken, the judge shall release the arrested person. The judge taking bail shall certifythat factthe release of the arrested person on bail upon the warrant,and deliver it, with the recognizance, to the person making the arrest, who. The person making the arrest shall deliver it,without unnecessary delay,to the clerk of the court before which the accused was recognized to appear. On application of the complainant, the judge who issued the warrant,or the county attorney,shall summon any witnessesas he deemsthe judge or county attorney considers necessary. 629.45 [PROCEEDINGS IN THE CASE OF BAILREFUSED;PROCEEDINGSREFUSAL.] Ifthea judge in the county wherethean arrestwasis made refuses tobailrelease the person arrestedand broughtbefore himon bail, or ifnosufficient bail is not offered, theperson having himofficer in charge of that person shall take him or her before the judge who issued the warrant, or, in hisabsence,. If the judge who issued the warrant is absent, the officer in charge of the arrested person shall take him or her before some other judge of the county in which the warrant was issued, to be proceeded with as directed. 629.47 [HEARING OR TRIAL ADJOURNED; RECOGNIZANCE ALLOWED.] Subject to the right of the accused to a speedy trial as prescribed by the rules of criminal procedure,everya court may adjourn a hearing or trial from time to time, asoccasion shallrequirethe need arises and reconvenethe hearing or trialit at the same or a different place in the county.If the person ischarged with an offense not bailable, he shall be committed inthe meantime; otherwise the conditions for his release shall bethose specified byDuring the adjournment, the person being tried may be released in accordance with Rule 6.02 of the rules of criminal procedure. The maximum cash bail that may be required for a person charged with a misdemeanorshall beis double the highest cash fine which may be imposed for the offense. 629.48 [PROCEEDINGS ON FAILURE TO APPEAR ACCORDING TO BOND.] If a person released under appearance bond as provided by Rule 6.02 of the rules of criminal procedure does not appear according to the conditions of the bond, the court shall record the default and certify the bond, with the record of the default, to the district court, and like proceedings. The district court shallbe had thereon as upon violation of acondition of a release ashear the default in accordance with the procedures provided in Rule 6.03 of the rules of criminal procedure for hearing a violation of a condition of release. 629.49 [FAILUREWHEN A PERSON FAILS TO RECOGNIZE APPREHENSION REQUIRED.] When a person fails to recognize,he shallthat person must be apprehendedand. The court shall order further disposition ofhim shall be orderedthe apprehended person consistent with the provisions of Rule 6 of the rules of criminal procedure. 629.53 [PROVIDING RELEASE ON BAIL; COMMITMENT.]When at the close of an examination it appears that anoffense has been committed, and that there is probable cause tobelieve the prisoner to be guilty, if the offense be bailable bythe judge, and the prisoner offers sufficient bail or money inlieu thereof, it shall be taken, and he shall be discharged. Ifno sufficient bail is offered, or the offense is not bailable bythe judge, he shall be committed for trial. When cashA person charged with a criminal offense may be released with or without bail in accordance with Rule 6.02 of the rules of criminal procedure. Money bail isdeposited in lieu of other bail, thecash shall bethe property of the accused, whether deposited byhim personallythat person or byanya third personinon his or her behalf. Whencashmoney bail is accepted by a judge,hethat judge shall order it to be deposited with the clerkwhoof court. The clerk shall retain it until the final disposition of the case and thefurtherfinal order of the courtrelative toitdisposing of the case. Upon release, in whole or in part, the amount releasedshallmust be paid to the accused personally or uponhisthat person's written order. In case of conviction of the accused, the judge may order the money bail deposit to be applieduponto any fine imposed and, if the fine is less than the deposit, order the balanceshallto be paid to the defendant. If the fine exceeds the money bail deposit, the depositshallmust be applied toitthe fine and the defendant committed until the balance is paid. The commitmentshallmay not exceed one day's time for each dollar of the unpaid balance of the fine.CashMoney bail in the hands of the court or any officer of itshall beis exempt from garnishment or levy under attachment or execution. 629.54 [WITNESSESREQUIRING A WITNESS TO RECOGNIZE;COMMITMENT.] When aprisonerperson charged with a criminal offense is admitted to bail,or committed by the judge,hethe judge shall also bind by recognizance any witnesses against theprisoner ashe deemsaccused whom the judge considers material, to appear and testify atthe court to which the prisoner is held to answerany trial or hearing in which the accused is scheduled to appear. If the judge is satisfied that there is good reason to believe thatanya witness will not perform the conditions ofhisthe witness' recognizance unless other securityshall beis given,hethe judge may orderhimthe witness to enter into a recognizance for his or her appearance, with sureties ashedeemsthe judge considers necessary. Except in case of murder in the first degree, arson where human life is destroyed, and cruel abuse of children,he shallthe judge may not commit any witness who offers to recognize, without sureties, for his or her appearance. 629.55 [REFUSALREQUIRING COMMITTAL OF WITNESSES WHO REFUSE TO RECOGNIZE.] If a witness is required to recognize, with or without sureties,whoand refusessoto do so,shall be committed bythe judge shall commit that witness until the witness complies with the order, or is otherwise discharged according to law.Every person held as a witnessDuring confinementshalla person held as a witness must receive the compensation the court before whom the case is pending directs, not exceeding regular witness fees in criminal cases as provided in section 357.24. When a minor is a material witness, any other person may recognize for the appearance of the minor as a witness, or the judge may take recognizance of the minor as a witness in a sum of not more than $50, which shall be. The recognizance is valid and binding in law notwithstanding the disability of the minor. 629.58 [PROCEEDINGSON DEFAULTREQUIRED WHEN A PERSON UNDER BOND DEFAULTS; PAYING BOND TO COURT.] Whenanya person,inanya criminal prosecution,is under bondeither(1) to appear and answer, (2) to prosecute an appeal, or (3) to testify inanycourt, and fails to perform the conditions of the bond,histhe defaultshallmust be recorded, and. The court shall issue processissuedagainst some or all of the persons boundthereby, or such of themby the bond as the prosecuting officer directs. If a personso failing to appearand answer shall be apprehendedunder bond fails to perform the conditions of the bond, the law enforcement authorities shall apprehend that person in the manner provided in Rule 6.03 of the rules of criminal procedure.AnyAfter default on a bond, a surety may,by leavewith permission of the court, afterdefault, and either before or after process is issued againsthim, pay to the county treasurer or clerk of court the amount for which he or she was bound as surety, withsuchcosts as the courtshallmay direct, and be thereupon forever discharged. Payment may be made either before or after process is issued. When it is made, the surety is fully discharged of his or her obligation under the bond. 629.59 [RECOGNIZANCE; WHEN PENALTY REMITTEDALLOWING COURT TO FORGIVE BOND FORFEITURE PENALTY.] Whenanyan actionshall beis brought in the name of the state against a principal or surety inanya recognizance entered into by a party or witness inanya criminal prosecution, and the penaltythereof shall be adjudgedis judged forfeited, the court may, upon application of any partydefendant, remit the whole or any part of suchforgive or reduce the penalty, and may render judgment thereon for the state,according to the circumstances of the case and the situation of the party, and upon suchon any terms and conditionsasitmaydeemconsiders just and reasonable. 629.60 [PERMITTING ACTIONS TO RECOVER UNDER RECOGNIZANCE;WHEN ACTION NOT BARREDEVEN IF TECHNICAL NONCOMPLIANCE.]No action brought on any recognizance shall be barred ordefeated, nor judgment on it arrested, by reason of any neglector omission to note or record the default of any principal orsurety at the term when it occurs, or by reason of any defect inthe form of the recognizance, if it shall sufficiently appearfrom the tenor thereof at what court the party or witness wasbound to appear, and that the court before whom it was taken wasauthorized by law to require and take it. When upon actionbrought upon any recognizance to prosecute an appeal the penaltythereof is adjudged to be forfeited, or when by leave of courtthe penalty has been paid to the county treasurer or clerk ofcourt without suit or before judgment in a manner provided bylaw, if by law any forfeiture accrues to any person by reason ofthe offense of which appellant was convicted, the court mayaward him the sum he is entitled to out of the forfeitureIf a recognizance shows that the court before whom it was entered into had authority to take it, and at what court the party or witness was bound to appear, an action brought to recover a penalty under the recognizance may not be barred, nor may judgment on it be stopped because either: (1) the court failed to record the default of the principal or surety at the term of court when the default occurred; or (2) the recognizance is defective in form. In an action to recover a penalty under a recognizance entered into pending an appeal, the court may award part or all of the penalty amount to the person entitled to it under the recognizance if the court determines the amount is forfeited, or when by permission of the court the penalty has been paid to the county treasurer or clerk of court without suit or before judgment in a manner provided by law. 629.61 [ALLOWING ARREST OF DEFAULTER.] When a defendantin any indictmenthas been admitted to bail after verdict or trial, and neglects to appear atanythe time or place at which he is bound to appear and submit to the jurisdiction of the proper courtor officer, the courtorofficermaycause him to behave that defendant arrestedin themanneras provided in Rule 6.03, Subdivision 1, of the rules of criminal procedure. In accordance with Rules 6.02 and 6.03 of the rules of criminal procedure, the courtor officermay continue the release upon the same conditions or impose different or additional conditions for theprincipal'sdefendant's possible release. 629.62 [APPLICATION FOR BAIL, JUSTIFICATION.]When a party in custody desires to give bail, the offensebeing bailable, andIf a person charged with a criminal offense and in custody desires release on bail and if the district court is not in session in the county, hethe person may apply to a judge of district court,or a judge of the court of appeals,upon his. The person shall apply by affidavit showing the nature of the applicationand, the names of the persons to be offered as bail,withand a copy of themittimus orpapers upon which he is held in custody. The judge maythen, byorder,directthesheriff to bring up the party, at a time and placenamed, for the purpose of givingperson charged to appear at a hearing to determine bail. The court shall give notice of the applicationshall be givento the county attorney, if within the county, and. No mattersshallmay be inquired into except those matters which relate to the amount of bail and the sufficiency of the sureties.Sureties shall in all cases justify byaffidavit, or upon oral examination before the courtA surety shall prove either by affidavit or upon oral examination by the court that his or her assets are sufficient to pay the bond penalty amount to the court if the person bound under the bond fails a condition of the bond. 629.63 [SURRENDER OF PRINCIPAL; NOTICE TO SHERIFFCONDITIONS UNDER WHICH SURETY MAY ARREST DEFENDANT.]When a surety for any person held to answer, upon anycharge or otherwise, shall believe that his principal is aboutto abscond, or that he will not appear as required by hisrecognizance, or not otherwise perform the conditions thereof,he may arrest and take such principal, or cause him to bearrested and taken, before the officer who admitted him to bail,or the judge of the court before which such principal was by hisrecognizance required to appear, and surrender him up to suchofficer or judge; or any such surety may have such personarrested by the sheriff of the county by delivering to him acertified copy of the recognizance or instrument of bail underwhich he is held as surety, with a direction to such sheriff,endorsed thereon, requiring him to arrest such principal andbring him before such officer or judge to be so surrendered, andon the receipt thereof, and a tender or payment to him of hisfees therefor, such sheriff shall arrest such principal andbring him before such officer or judge, to be so surrendered.Before any surety shall personally surrender such person, thesheriff shall be notified, and he or one of his deputies bepresent to take him into custody if he shall fail to give newbail as herein providedIf a surety believes that a defendant for whom he or she is acting as bondsperson is (1) about to flee, (2) will not appear as required by the defendant's recognizance, or (3) will otherwise not perform the conditions of the recognizance, the surety may arrest or have another person or the sheriff arrest the defendant. If the surety or another person at the surety's direction arrests the defendant, the surety or the other person shall take the defendant before the judge before whom the defendant was required to appear and surrender the defendant to that judge. If the surety wants the sheriff to arrest the defendant, the surety shall deliver a certified copy of the recognizance under which the defendant is held to the sheriff, with a direction endorsed on the recognizance requiring the sheriff to arrest the defendant and bring him or her before the appropriate judge. Upon receiving a certified copy of the recognizance and payment of the sheriff's fees, the sheriff shall arrest the defendant and bring him or her before the judge. Before a surety who has arrested a defendant who has violated the conditions of his or her release may personally surrender the defendant to the appropriate judge, the surety shall notify the sheriff. If the defendant at the hearing before the judge is unable to post increased bail or meet alternative conditions of release in accordance with Rule 6.03 of the rules of criminal procedure, the sheriff or a deputy shall take the defendant into custody. 629.64 [SURRENDER OF PRINCIPAL; CONDITIONS OF RELEASEALLOWING JUDGE TO IMPOSE NEW CONDITIONS OF RELEASE ON DEFENDANT WHO VIOLATED RELEASE.] Whenany principala defendant who has violated conditions imposed on his or her release issosurrendered, the officerorto a judgeto whom he is surrenderedunder section 629.63, the judge shall, in accordance with Rules 6.02 and 6.03 of the rules of criminal procedure, continue the release upon the same conditions or impose different or additional conditions for theprincipal'sdefendant's possible release. 629.65 [FEES OF SHERIFF.] In a case involving a defendant who violated the conditions of his or her release, the sheriffshallmust be allowed the same fees and mileage for making an arrest or attending beforesuch officer ora judge as for arresting a person under a bench warrant, and. In all caseshisthe sheriff's fees shall be paid by the surety or sureties surrenderingany principal, asprovideda defendant who has violated conditions imposed on his or her release under section 629.63. 629.67 [SURETIES ON BOND, RECOGNIZANCE, OR UNDERTAKING; AFFIDAVITS REQUIRED.]EveryA personal surety upon any bond, recognizance, or undertaking given to secure the appearance of a defendant inanya criminal casein any court of recordshall make an affidavit, to be attached tosuchthe bond, recognizance, or undertaking, statinghis: (1) the surety's full name,; (2) the surety's residence and post office address,; (3) whether or nothethe affiant is surety upon any other bond, recognizance, or undertaking in any criminal case, and, if so, stating,the name of the principal, the amount of each obligation, and the court in which thesameobligation was given;also setting forthand (4) the legal description of all real property owned bysuchthe surety and specifying as to each parcelthereofof property its fair market value, what liens or encumbrances, if any, existthereonon it, and whether or not thesameproperty ishisthe surety's homestead or is otherwise exempt from execution.He may also be required byThe court may require the surety tomake a like statement of his personal property, or somuch thereof as the court shall deem necessarydisclose all or some of the surety's personal property by affidavit as required for real property. The court may, in its discretion, by written order endorsed on the bond, recognizance, or undertaking, dispense withsuchthe affidavit disclosing the surety's real or personal property, or any partthereofof it,as to any suretyif the court is satisfied that the surety is worth the amountin which hejustifiesnecessary to act as surety on the bond, recognizance or undertaking to secure the defendant in a criminal case and is not a professional or habitual bondsman in criminal cases. 629.68 [PROHIBITING SURETIES;TO MAKE FALSE STATEMENTS IN AFFIDAVITS;PUNISHMENTPENALTY.]EveryA person whoshall wilfullywillfully and knowinglymake anymakes a false statement inanyan affidavit madebyhim, as provided inunder sections 629.67 to 629.69,shall beis guilty of perjury, and shall be punished therefor as provided bylawunder section 609.48. 629.69 [SURETIES; REQUIRING RECORD TO BE KEPT.] The clerk ofeverycourtof recordshall keep a permanentbook ofrecord,in which he shall record the names,indexed or arranged alphabetically, of names of all the sureties, whether personal or corporate, upon bonds, recognizances, or undertakings, filed insuchthe court, stating as to each suretyhis or its. The record must state the surety's name and post office address, the name of the principal,andthe amount of the obligation, and where the original obligation is filed. 629.70 [AUTHORIZING CORPORATE BONDSAUTHORIZEDIN CRIMINAL CASES.]AnyA defendant required to give a bond, recognizance, or undertaking to secure his or her appearance inanya criminal casein any court of record,may, if he so elects,choose to give a surety bond, recognizance, or undertaking executed by a corporation authorized by law to executesuchbonds, recognizances, or undertakings; provided, that. However, the amount of the bond, recognizance, or undertaking as fixed by the court must be the same regardless of the kind of bond, recognizance, or undertaking given. 629.72 [BAIL IN CASES OF DOMESTIC ASSAULT.] Subdivision 1. [ALLOWING DETENTION IN LIEU OF CITATION; RELEASE.] Notwithstanding any other law or ruleto the contrary, an arresting officer may not issue a citation in lieu of arrest and detention to an individual charged with assaulting his or her spouse or other individual with whomhethe charged person resides. Notwithstanding any other law or ruleto the contrary, an individual who is arrested on a charge of assaulting his or her spouse or other person with whom he or she residesshallmust be brought to the police station or county jail. The officer in charge of the police station or the county sheriff in charge of the jail shall issue a citation in lieu of continued detention unless it reasonably appears to the officer or sheriff that detention is necessary to prevent bodily harm to the arrested person or another, or there is a substantial likelihood the arrested person will fail to respond to a citation. If the arrested person is not issued a citation by the officer in charge of the police station or the county sheriff,he shallthe arrested person must be brought before the nearest available judge of the county court or county municipal court in the county in which the alleged assault took place without unnecessary delay as providedinby court rule. Subd. 2. [JUDICIAL REVIEW; RELEASE; BAIL.] The judge before whom the arrested person is brought shall review the facts surrounding the arrest and detention. The arrested personshallmust be ordered released pending trial or hearing on his or her personal recognizance or on an order to appear or upon the execution of an unsecured bond in a specified amount unless the judge determines that release (1) will be inimical to public safety, (2) will create a threat of bodily harm to the arrested person or another, or (3) will not reasonably assure the appearance of the arrested person at subsequent proceedings. If the judgesodetermines release is not advisable,hethe judge may impose any conditions of releasewhichthat will reasonably assure the appearance of the person for subsequent proceedings, or may fix the amount of money bail without other conditions upon which the arrested person may obtain his release. Subd. 3. [RELEASE.] If the arrested person is not issued a citation by the officer in charge of the police station or the county sheriff pursuant to subdivision 1, and is not brought before a judge within the time limits prescribedinby court rule,he shallthe arrested person must be released by the arresting authorities, and a citationshallmust be issued in lieu of continued detention. Subd. 4. [SERVICE OF ORDER FOR PROTECTION.] If an order for protection is issuedpursuant tounder section 518B.01 while the arrested person is still in detention, the ordershallmust be served upon the arrested person during detention if possible. ARTICLE 11 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, chapter 631, is amended to read: 631.02 [CONTINUANCE; DEFENDANT COMMITTED, WHENALLOWING CONTINUANCES FOR SUFFICIENT CAUSE.]When an indictment shall be called for trial, or at anytime previous thereto, upon sufficient cause shown by eitherparty, the court may direct the trial to be postponed to anotherday in the same term, or to another term, and all affidavitsread upon the application shall be filed with the clerk at thesame timeA continuance may be granted by the court when a case is called for trial, or at any time during pretrial proceedings, upon motion of either the prosecution or defense. The moving party must show sufficient cause for the continuance. Affidavits in support of the motion for continuance must be filed with the clerk of court. When a defendant who has given bailshallappearappears for trial, the court may, in its discretion,at any time aftersuchthe appearance,orderhimthe defendant committed to the custody of the proper officer of the county,toabide thepending judgment or further order of the court. 631.04 [EXCLUDING MINORS FROM ATTENDANCE AT CRIMINAL TRIALS; DUTY OF OFFICER; PENALTY.]No personA minor under the age of 17years,who is not a party to, witness in, or directly interested in a criminal prosecution or trialbeing heardbeforeanya district, county, or municipal court,shall attend ormay not be present at the trial.EveryA police officer, constable, sheriff, or other officer in charge of a court and attending upon the trial ofanya criminal case in the court, shall excludeeverya minor under age of 17 from the room in which the trial is being held,except. This section does not apply when the minor is permitted to attend by order of the court before which the trial is being held.AnyA police officer, constable, sheriff, or deputy sheriff who knowingly neglects or refuses to carry out the provisions of this sectionshall beis guilty of a misdemeanor and shall be punished by a fine of not less than $10 nor more than $25. 631.045 [EXCLUSION OFEXCLUDING SPECTATORS FROM THE COURTROOM.] At the trial of a complaint or indictment for a violation of sections 609.341 to 609.3644, or 617.246, subdivision 2,wherewhen a minor under 18 years of age is the person upon, with, or against whom the crime is alleged to have been committed, the judge may exclude the public from the courtroom during the victim's testimonyof the victimor during all or part of the remainder of the trial upon a showing that closure is necessary to protect a witness or ensure fairness in the trial.Opportunity shall be provided forThe judge shall give the prosecutor, defendant and members of the public the opportunity to object to the closureprior to anybefore a closure order. The judge shall specify the reasons for closure inanyan order closing all or part of the trial. Upon closure the judge shall only admit persons who have a direct interest in the case. 631.05 [REQUIRING A JURORMAYTO TESTIFY,WHEN; VIEWHE OR SHE HAS PERSONAL KNOWLEDGE RESPECTING FACT IN CONTROVERSY; VIEW.] If a juror hasanypersonal knowledge respecting a fact in controversy in a cause,hethe juror shall declare it in open court during the trial;. If,during the retirement of a jury, a jurorshall declaredeclares a fact,which could be evidence in the cause, as of his own knowledge, the jury shall return into court; and. In either of these cases, the juror making the statement shall be sworn as a witness and examined in the presence of the parties. The court may order a view byanya jury impaneled to try a criminal case in accordance with Rule 26.03, Subdivision 10, of the rules of criminal procedure. 631.06 [QUESTIONS OF LAW AND FACT, HOW DECIDED; ALLOCATION OF DECISION MAKING TO COURT AND JURY.]On the trial of an indictment for any offense, questions oflaw shall be decided by the court, except in cases of criminaldefamation, saving the right of the defendant to except, andquestions of fact by the jury; and, although the jury may find ageneral verdict which shall include questions of law as well asof fact, it shall receive as law what shall be laid down by thecourt as suchIn criminal trials, the court shall decide questions of law, except in cases of criminal defamation, and the jury shall decide questions of fact. The defendant may object to a decision of the court on a matter of law. Although the jury may return a general verdict including questions of law as well as fact, it shall receive as law the court's instructions. 631.07 [ORDER OF FINAL ARGUMENT.] When the giving of evidenceshall beis concludedupon thetrial of any indictment,in a criminal trial unless thecauseshall becase is submitted on either or both sides without argument, the plaintiff shallcommencebegin and the defendant conclude the argument to the jury. 631.09 [JURY;HOW AND WHERE THE JURY MUST BE KEPT WHILE DELIBERATING; REQUIRING SEPARATE ACCOMMODATIONS FOR JURORS.]After hearing the charge the jury may either decide incourt, or retire for deliberation, if it shall not agree withoutretiring, one or more officers shall be sworn to take charge ofit, and it shall be kept together in some private and convenientplace, without food or drink except water, unless otherwiseordered by the court, and no person shall be permitted to speakto or communicate with it or any one of its number unless byorder of court, nor listen to the deliberations; and it shall bereturned into court when agreed, or when so ordered by the courtAt the close of the evidence and after the court has charged the jury, the jury may decide the case in court or retire for deliberation. If the jury cannot agree on a verdict without retiring, the court shall swear one or more officers to take charge of the jury. The jury must be kept together in some private and convenient place without food or drink except water unless ordered by the court. No person may be permitted to speak or communicate with any juror, unless by order of court, nor may a person listen to its deliberations. The jury must be returned to court upon agreeing on a verdict or when so ordered by the court. In case of mixed juries counties shall provide adequate, separate quarters for male and female jurors with proper accommodationsand, in the event. If the county fails to provide proper accommodations, the court shall order the jurorskeptto be housed in a suitable hotel for the night. This section applies onlyin cases whereif the jury has failed to agree. 631.12 [DISCHARGE OFCONDITIONS UNDER WHICH A JURY MAY BE DISCHARGED WITHOUT VERDICT.]If,After the retirement of the jury, the court may discharge it if: (1) one of the jurorsshall becomebecomes so sickas toprevent the continuance of his duty or ifthat he or she cannot continue to serve on the jury; (2) the juryshall beis unable to agree upon a verdict,; or (3) any other accident or causeshall occuroccurs to prevent the jury from being kept together for deliberation, itmay be discharged by the court. 631.13 [CONDITIONS UNDER WHICH A SECOND TRIAL IS PERMITTED.]In all cases whereIf a juryshall beis discharged or prevented from giving a verdictby reasonbecause of accident, disagreement, or other cause,except when the defendant shall bedischarged from the indictment during the progress of the trial,or after the cause shall be submitted to it,thecausecase may be again tried at the same or another term, unless the defendant is discharged during the trial or after the case has been submitted to the jury. 631.14 [ALLOWING VERDICT FOR LESSER INCLUDED OFFENSE.] Upon an indictment or complaint for an offense consisting of different degrees, the jury may find the defendant not guilty of the degree charged in the indictment or complaint, and guilty of any degree inferiorthereto;to that. Upon an indictment or complaint foranyan offense, the jury may find the defendant not guilty ofthe commission thereofcommitting it, and guilty of an attempt to committhe same;it. Upon an indictment or complaint for murder, if the juryshall findfinds the defendant not guiltythereof, it may, upon the same indictment or complaint, find the defendant guilty of manslaughter in any degree. In all other cases, the defendant may be found guilty of any offense, the commission of which isnecessarily included in that offense with whichhethe defendant is charged in the indictment or complaint. 631.15 [ALLOWING VERDICT AS TO SOME DEFENDANTS, AND DISAGREEMENT AS TO OTHERS.]On an indictment against several,If the jury cannot agree upon a verdictaswith respect to all defendants in a trial involving multiple defendants, it may render a verdict as to those defendants in regard to whom it does agree, on which a judgment shall be entered accordingly; and. Thecase as to therestdefendants not receiving a verdict may be tried by another jury. 631.17 [REQUIRING CLERK OF COURT TO READ VERDICT, RECEPTIONOFTO JURY.] When a verdict such as the court may receive is returned, the clerk shall immediately file it in open court and read it to the jury, andinquire ofask the jurors if it is their verdict. Ifanya jurorshall disagreedisagrees, that fact shall be entered upon the minutes, and the court shall send the juryagain sentout; but,to deliberate further. If no disagreement is expressed by the jury, the verdict is complete, and the court shall discharge the juryshall be dischargedfrom the case. The clerk shallforthwithimmediately recordsuchthe verdict in full in the court minutes. 631.20 [HEARING ON PUNISHMENT.] After a plea or verdict of guilty,in a case where aif the court has discretionis conferred upon the courtas to the extent of the punishment,the court, upon the suggestion ofand if either party suggests that there are aggravating or mitigating circumstances which may be properlytaken into view,either in aggravation or mitigation of the punishment, may, inits discretion,considered in imposing sentence, the court may hear thesameissue summarily, at a specified time, and uponsuchnotice to the adverse party as it may direct.SuchThe aggravating or mitigating circumstancesshallmust be presented by the testimony of witnesses examined in open court. 631.21 [ALLOWING DISMISSAL OF CAUSE; RECORD OF REASONSFORUPON COURT'S OR PROSECUTOR'S MOTION.] The court may, either of its own motion or upon theapplication of the prosecuting officer, and in furtherance ofjustice,orderanya criminal action, whether prosecuted upon indictment, information,or complaint, to be dismissed; but inthat case. The court may order dismissal of an action either on its own motion or upon motion of the prosecuting attorney and in furtherance of justice. If the court dismisses an action, the reasons for the dismissalshallmust be set forth in the order,and entered upon the minutes, and. The recommendations of the prosecuting officer in referencetheretoto dismissal, with his or her reasonsthereforfor dismissal,shallmust be stated in writing and filed as a public record with the official files of the case. 631.22 [CHALLENGES CLASSIFIED; REQUIRING SEVERAL DEFENDANTSMUSTTO JOIN IN CHALLENGE.] A challenge is an objection made to a trial jury, and is of two kinds: (1) to the panel; and (2) to an individual juror. When several defendants are tried together, they cannot sever the challenge, but shall jointhereinin making the challenge. 631.36 [EXAMINATION OF CHALLENGED JUROREXAMINED; EVIDENCEAT VOIR DIRE.]Upon the trial of a challenge to an individual juror, heAt a voir dire examination, a challenged juror may be examined as a witness to prove or disprove the challenge, and is bound to. The juror shall answer every question pertinent to the inquiryand,. When challenged on the ground that he or she is not a citizen of the United States,histhe juror's own testimonyshall beis competent evidence of the fact of naturalization, without other evidence; but his. The juror's testimony on the issue of citizenship may be disputed by the challenger. At a voir dire examination either party may examine other witnessesmay also be examinedon either side, and. The rules of evidence applicable to the trial of other issuesshallgovern the admission or exclusion of testimonyon the trial of thechallengeat a voir dire examination. 631.40 [JUDGMENT ON CONVICTION; JUDGMENT ROLL DEFINED.] When judgment upon a convictionshall beis rendered, the clerk of court shall enter thesamejudgment upon the minutes, stating briefly the offense for which the conviction was had,and. The clerk shall then immediatelyannexattach together and file thefollowingpapers, which constitutespecified in clauses (1) to (5). The judgment roll consists of the papers specified in clauses (1) to (5): (1) a copy of the minutes of challengeinterposedmade by the defendant to the panel of the grand jury, or to an individual grand juror, and the proceedings and decisionsthereonon the challenges; (2) the indictment or complaint and a copy of the minutes of the plea ordemurrermotion to dismiss or to grant appropriate relief; (3) a copy of the minutes ofanya challengeinterposedmade to the panel of the trial jury or to an individual juror, and the proceedings and decisionthereonon the challenge; (4) a copy of the minutes of the trial; and (5) a copy of the minutes of the judgment;(6) the bill of exceptions, if there be one. 631.41 [REQUIRING THE CLERK OF COURT TO DELIVER TRANSCRIPT OF MINUTES OF SENTENCE TO SHERIFF.] Whenanya person convicted of an offenseshall beis sentenced to pay a fine or costs, or to be imprisoned in the county jail or the Minnesota correctional facility-Stillwater, the clerk of the court shall, as soon asmay bepossible, make out and deliver to the sheriff orhisa deputy a transcript from the minutes of the court ofsuchthe conviction and sentence,. A duly certifiedby such clerk, which shall be atranscript is sufficient authority for the sheriff to executesuchthe sentence; and he. Upon receiving the transcript, the sheriff shall execute thesame accordinglysentence. 631.412 [TRANSFER OF FEMALE PRISONERS; FEMALE TOACCOMPANYREQUIRING A WOMAN CUSTODIAL ESCORT FOR WOMEN INMATES WHO ARE BEING TRANSFERRED.]Every sheriff and every other person having the legalcustody of any female person charged with crime or the detentionof any female person are hereby required, when such femaleperson is being conducted to or from one place to another over25 miles apart, to have a suitable female person accompany suchfemale person, and everyWhen a sheriff or other correctional officer has custody of a woman charged with or convicted of a crime and transfers that woman more than 25 miles, that sheriff or other correctional officer shall provide the transferee with a woman custodial escort. A sheriffin every county of thisstate is hereby authorized tomay employ, when the occasion exists, a suitablefemale personwoman to carry outtheprovisions ofthis section. The expenses ofsuchthe woman's employmentshallmust be paid out ofanycounty funds not otherwise appropriated. 631.425 [RELEASING OFFENDERS FOR EMPLOYMENTOF OFFENDERSAT THEIR CUSTOMARY WORK.] Subdivision 1. [DEFINITIONS.]For the purposes of(a) The definitions in this subdivision apply to this section. (b) "Court" meansanya court having criminal jurisdiction;. (c) "Sheriff" includes a chief of police and workhouse superintendent; and. (d) "Jail" includes a county jail, workhouse, and lockup. Subd. 2. [DISCRETION OF COURT.]AnyA convictedprisonerperson at the timehe is sentencedof sentencing to jail, or at any timeprior tobefore commitment, may in the discretion of the sentencing court be committed under this section.If so committed, the sentence shall so provideThe court shall cite this section in the sentence if a person is committed under this section. Subd. 3. [CONTINUATION OF EMPLOYMENT.] If the personsocommitted under this section has been regularly employed, the sheriff shall arrange for a continuation of the employment insofar as possible without interruption. If the person is not employedon any job, the sheriff or any suitable person or agency designated by the court shall make every effort to secure some suitable employment forhimthat person.Any prisoner soAn inmate employedshallunder this section must be paid a fair and reasonable wage forsuchwork performed andshallmust work at fair and reasonable hours per day and per week. Subd. 4. [CONFINEMENT WHEN NOT EMPLOYED.] Unless the court otherwise directs, eachprisoner shallinmate must be confined in jail duringsuchthe timeas hethe inmate is not employed, or, if the inmate is employed, between the times of employment. Subd. 5. [EARNINGS.] The earnings ofthe prisoneran inmate may be collected by the sheriff, probation department, welfare board or suitable person or agency designated by the court. From the earnings, the person or agency designated to collect them may pay: (1) the cost of theprisoner'sinmate's maintenance, both inside and outside the jail, but the charge for maintenance inside the jailshallmay not exceed the legal daily allowance for board allowed the sheriff for ordinaryprisoners, and,inmates; (2) to the extent directed by the court, pay the support ofhisdependents, if any,; (3) court costs and fines,; and (4) court-ordered restitution, if any. Any balanceshallmust be retained untilhisthe inmate's dischargewhen it shallbeand then paid tohimthe inmate. Subd. 6. [REDUCTION OF SENTENCE.] The term of theprisoner'sinmate's sentence may be reduced by one-fourth, if in the opinion of the courthisthe inmate's conduct, diligence, and general attitude meritsuchreduction. Subd. 7. [VIOLATION OF SENTENCE,; PROCEDURE.]In case ofthe violation of the conditions laid down for hisIf the inmate violates a condition of work release relating to conduct, custodyandor employment, theprisoner shallinmate must be returned to the court; and it may. The court then (1) may require that the balance ofhisthe inmate's sentence be spent in actual confinementand, (2) may cancel any earned reduction ofhisthe inmate's term, andhe may be found(3) may find the inmate in contempt of court. Subd. 8. [SHERIFF,; EXTRA COMPENSATION.] Thesheriff shallreceive such extra compensation and mileage as thecounty board or local governing boarddeterminesshall determine how much extra compensation and mileage the sheriff is entitled to under this section. Subd. 9. [EMPLOYMENT IN ANOTHER COUNTY.] The court may by order authorize the sheriff to whom theprisonerinmate is committed to arrange with another sheriff for the employment of theprisonerinmate in theother'sother sheriff's jurisdiction, and while so. When the inmate is employedto be in theother'sin the other jurisdiction, the inmate is in the custody of that jurisdiction's sheriff, but in other respectsto be andcontinueis subject to the commitment. Subd. 10. [COUNTY WELFARE BOARD,; DUTIES.]AnyA committing court or sheriff may request the county welfare board or any other welfare agency, public or private, to provide appropriate services toa prisoneran inmate orhisthe inmate's family. Subd. 11. [APPLICABLE IN CONTEMPT CASES.] The provisions of this sectionshall extendapply to a person committed to the county jail by a court of record upon an adjudication of contempt of court. Subd. 12. [REPORT BY COURT.] On December 31 of each year, each court that has committed a prisoner in accordance with this section shall file with the department of corrections, insucha formas may beprescribed by the department,(1) the number of persons committed, (2) the offenses for which they were committed, (3) the number who had previously been sentenced under this section, andsuch(4) other statistical informationas shall beprescribed by the department. 631.43 [SENTENCE WHEN PUNISHMENT NOT PRESCRIBED.] When no punishmentshall beis provided by statute, the court shallaward suchsentenceasthe convicted person to a term of imprisonment that, in view of the degree and aggravation of the offense,shallis notbecruel, unusual, or repugnant to the person's constitutional rightsof the party. 631.44 [RECOGNIZANCE TO KEEP PEACE.]Every court before whom anyWhen a personshall beis convictedupon an indictment for anyof an offense not punishable bydeath orimprisonment in the Minnesota correctional facility-Stillwater or county jail,in addition tothe punishment prescribed by law,the sentencing court may requiresuchthe person to recognize,with sufficient sureties,in a reasonable sum,to keep the peace and be of good behavior foranya term of not more than two years, and to standcommitted. The court may require the person to be detained in custody untilhe shall sothat person agrees to recognize. The recognizance is in addition to the punishment prescribed by law. It must be with sufficient sureties and in a reasonable sum. 631.45 [PROCEEDINGS REQUIRED IF BREACH OF RECOGNIZANCE TO KEEP PEACE; BREACH.] In case of the breach of the conditions ofany sucha recognizance entered into under section 631.44, the same proceedingsshallmust be had that are by law prescribedinrelation tofor recognizances to keep the peace. 631.46 [REQUIRING AN OFFENDER TO SERVE JAIL SENTENCE;IN ANOTHER COUNTY WHEN NO JAIL IS AVAILABLE IN COUNTY OF OFFENSE.]When it shall appear to the court at the time of passingsentence upon any convict to be punished by confinement in thecounty jail thatIf a sentence requires imprisonment at a local correctional facility and there is no suitablejailfacility in the county in which the offense was committed,itthe court may order the sentence to be executed in any other county where thereshall beis a suitablejail; andfacility. The county in which the offense was committed shall pay the expense of supportinghim shall be paid by the county in which the offensewas committedthe inmate. 631.461 [SENTENCESALLOWING SENTENCE OFCONVICTSOFFENDER TO A WORKHOUSE OR CORRECTIONAL OR WORK FARM.] When a sentencemay befor an offense includes imprisonment in a county jail, the court may sentence the offendermay besentencedtoand imprisonedimprisonment in a workhouse,orworkfarmcorrectional or work farm if therebeis one in the county wherehethe offender is tried or where the offense was committed, and if there be no workhouse or workfarm in thecounty where the offender is tried or where the offense wascommitted, then. If not, the court may sentence the offendermay be sentencedtoand imprisonedimprisonment in a workhouse orworkfarmcorrectional or work farm in any county in this state; provided, that. However, the county board of the county where the offender is tried shall have some agreement for the receipt, maintenance, and confinement ofthe prisonersinmates with thelattercounty where the offender has been sentenced to imprisonment. The place of imprisonmentshallmust be specified in the sentence.ConvictsInmates may be removed from one place of confinement to anotherwhen soas provided by statute. 631.471 [CONVICTS PROTECTEDPROTECTING INMATES; CERTAIN FORFEITURES ABOLISHED.]Every convictAn inmate sentenced to imprisonmentshall beis under the protection of the law, andanyan unauthorized injury to his person is punishablein the same mannerjust as ifhethe inmate were not convicted or sentenced. A conviction foranya crime does not work a forfeiture ofanyreal or personal property, real or personal,or of any right or interestthereinin property.AllForfeitures in the nature of deodands, or in a case of suicide, or where a person flees from justice, are abolished. 631.48 [PENALTY MAY INCLUDE COSTS OF PROSECUTION.] Inalla criminalactionsaction, upon conviction of the defendant,in addition to the punishment prescribed and as apart of the sentence,the court mayadjudgeorder as part of the sentence that defendant shall pay the whole or any part of the disbursements of the prosecution, and. The court may order this payment in addition to any other penalty authorized by law which it may impose. The paymentthereofof the disbursements of prosecution may be enforced in the same manner as the sentence, or by execution against property. When collected,suchthe disbursementsshallmust be paid into the treasury of the countywhereof convictionwas had, but thisshallpayment may not interfere with the payment of officers', witnesses', or jurors' fees. 631.50 [ALIENCONVICTSINMATES OR MENTALLY ILL PERSONS; REQUIRING NOTICE TO UNITED STATES IMMIGRATION OFFICERS.] Whenanya person convicted of a felony,or found to be mentally ill, shall beis committed to the Minnesota correctional facility-Stillwater, the Minnesota correctional facility-St. Cloud, the county jail, or any other state or county institution which is supported, wholly or in part, by public funds,it shall be the duty ofthe chief executive officer, sheriff, or other officer in charge ofsuchthe state or county institutiontoshall at once inquire into the nationality ofsuchthe person, and,. If itshallappearappears thatsuchthe person is an alien,tothe officer shall immediately notify the United States immigration officer in charge of the district in whichsuchthe correctional facility, jail, or other institution is located, of (1) the date of and the reasons forsuchthe alien commitment, (2) the length of time for which committed, (3) the country of whichhethe alien is a citizen, and (4) the date on which and the port at whichhethe alien last entered the United States. 631.51 [CERTIFIED COPIES OF INDICTMENT OR COMPLAINT FURNISHED TO IMMIGRATION OFFICERS.] Upon the official request ofthea United States immigration officerin charge of the territory or district inwhich is located anyto a court committing an alien, for theafter conviction of a felony,to any state or county institutionwhich is supported, wholly or in part, by public funds, it shallbe the duty ofthe clerk ofsuchthe committing courttoshall furnish the officer without charge a certified copy of the complaint, information,or indictmentand, the judgmentand, sentence, and any other record pertaining to the case of the convicted alien if: (1) the immigration officer is in charge of the district or territory in which the court is located; and (2) the state or county institution is supported, in whole or in part, by public funds. ARTICLE 12 Section 1. [EFFECT OF CHANGES.] The legislature intends the changes in the language of the laws amended by articles 1 to 12 of this act to be exclusively changes in style. No change is intended to alter or shall be construed by a court or other authority to alter the meaning of a law. If a section is amended by articles 1 to 12 of this act and also by another act adopted in 1985 and the amendments cannot be edited together in the next publication of Minnesota Statutes, the amendment by articles 1 to 12 of this act shall be without effect. ARTICLE 13 Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1984, section 14.47, subdivision 8, is amended to read: Subd. 8. [SALES AND DISTRIBUTION OF COMPILATION.] Any compilation, reissue, or supplement published by the revisor shall be sold by the revisor for a reasonable fee and its proceeds deposited in the general fund. An agency shall purchase from the revisor the number of copies of the compilation or supplement needed by the agency. The revisor shall provide without charge copies of each edition of any compilation, reissue, or supplement to the persons or bodies listed in this subdivision. Those copies must be marked with the words "State Copy" and kept for the use of the office. The revisor shall distribute: (a) 25 copies to the office of the attorney general; (b) 12 copies for the legislative commission for review of administrative rules; (c) 3 copies to the revisor of statutes for transmission to the Library of Congress for copyright and depository purposes; (d) 150 copies to the state law library; (e) 10 copies to the law school of the University of Minnesota; and (f) one copy of any compilation or supplement to each county library maintained pursuant to section 134.12 or 375.33 upon its request, except in counties containing cities of the first class. If a county has not established a county library pursuant to section 134.12 or 375.33, the copy will be provided to any public library in the county upon its request. Approved May 30, 1985
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes