Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1984 CHAPTER 572-H.F.No. 1315 An act relating to bicycles; allowing bicycle registrants to donate in excess of the registration fee to pay for costs of administering and publicizing the bicycle registration program and for developing bicycle education programs and recreational facilities and trails; increasing the bicycle registration fee; providing criteria for fund allocation to political subdivisions; providing for reports to the legislature; providing for appointment of deputy registrars of bicycles; continuing the bicycle study review commission as the advisory committee on bicycling; appropriating money; amending Minnesota Statutes 1982, sections 168C.04; 168C.11; Laws 1976, chapter 199, section 14, subdivision 1. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 168C.04, is amended to read: 168C.04 [REGISTRATION FEE.] Subdivision 1. The registration fee for bicycles shall be $3 until January 1, 1985, and shall be $5 thereafter. These fees shall be paid at the time of registration.AllThe feessocollected shall, and any donations in excess of the fees must be deposited in the general fund. Proof of purchaseshall beis required for registration. Bicycles lacking proof of purchaseshallmay be registered if there is no evidence thatsuchthe bicycle is stolen. However, the registration recordshallmust be marked to indicate that no proof of purchase was provided. The registrationof a bicycle shall beis valid fora term ofthree calendar years. A person registering a bicycle may add an additional amount to the registration fee, and all amounts so added must be deposited in the same manner as registration fees. A person registering a bicycle must at the time of registration be informed that he may add an additional amount to the fee and that all such additional amounts will be used for the purposes specified in subdivision 2. Subd. 2. Funds received from bicycle registration may be expended only by legislative appropriation for the following purposes: (a) for the costs incurred by the commissioner in administering the bicycle registration program; (b) beginning July 1, 1984, for a program to be conducted by the commissioner to publicize the bicycle registration program and encourage participation in it by bicycle owners and local units of government; (c) for the development of bicycle safety education programs and the development of bicycle transportation and recreational facilities including but not limited to bicycle lanes and ways on highway right of way, off-road bicycle trails and bicycle mapping. Subd. 3. An agency of the state expending funds from the bicycle program account must, in making expenditures for the purposes of subdivision 2, paragraph (c) give consideration to participation or nonparticipation by a political subdivision in the bicycle registration program as provided in section 168C.13 and the extent of local public participation in the program before approving a project or expenditure in that political subdivision. Subd. 4. Not later than March 1, 1985 the commissioner shall report to the legislature on his expenditures under subdivision 2, paragraph (b) and accomplishments in carrying out the purposes of that clause. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 168C.11, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [APPOINTMENT.] Subject to the provisions of subdivision 2, the commissioner shall appoint as deputy registrars of bicycles any bicycle dealer, or agent or employee thereof, or agent or employee of a nonprofit organization promoting bicycling or in whose activities bicycling plays an integral part, oranyan agent or employee designated by a municipality that sells bicycles at public auction who applies for appointment in a manner prescribed by the commissioner; provided that concurrently there may be no more than onesuchdeputy for each separate place of business of a bicycle dealer. Deputy registrars of bicycles shall act as agents of the commissioner and may accept registrations as provided in Laws 1976, Chapter 199, except that no deputy registrar of bicycles shall be required to register bicycles sold by other bicycle dealers. The commissioner, deputy registrars of motor vehicles, and deputy registrars of bicycles may charge and retain an additional $1 per registration granted for their services. In the case of a deputy registrar of motor vehicles, the $1 shall be deposited in the treasury of the place for which he is appointed, or if the deputy is not a public official he shall retain the filing fee.AllOther registration fees collected by the commissioner, deputy registrars of motor vehicles, and deputy registrars of bicycles shall be processed, accounted for, and transmitted to the state treasurer as required by the commissioner. Sec. 3. Laws 1976, chapter 199, section 14, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [SAFETY REGULATION STUDY.] The commissioner of transportation, with the cooperation of representatives of regional and local units of government and law enforcement agencies, the state trail council, the Governor's trail advisory committee, the commissioner ofhighwayspublic safety, highway user groups and associations, and cycling groups and associations shall review and analyze problems relating to the operation of bicycles on the public roads and ways. As part of this review and analysis the commissioner shall review the Minnesota motor vehicle code to identify provisions which give motorists and bicyclists inadequate guidelines where such traffic conflicts or which may be inconsistent or ambiguous when applied to traffic situations involving special bicycle facilities within or adjacent to public streets and highways. No later than January 15, 1977 the commissioner shall report the results of this review and analysis andhisrecommendations for any necessary action to the legislative committees having jurisdiction over the subject. Following the completion of the study the advisory committee on bicycling formed by the commissioner under this subdivision shall continue to function under that name in an advisory capacity to make recommendations to the commissioners of transportation and public safety and the legislature on bicycle safety and bicycle education and development programs. Sec. 4. [APPROPRIATIONS.] Subdivision 1. [BICYCLE COORDINATION AND ADVISORY COMMITTEE.] There is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of transportation the sum of $75,000 for the creation and support of a state bicycle coordinator's office in the program management division and for the expenses of the advisory committee on bicycling formed by the commissioner under section 3. This appropriation is available until June 30, 1985. Subd. 2. [COMMUNITY BICYCLE SAFETY PROGRAMS.] There is appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of public safety the sum of $99,500 for the support and coordination of community bicycle safety programs. This appropriation is available until June 30, 1985, provided that it may be expended by the commissioner only if insufficient federal funds are available to him for this purpose. Sec. 5. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] Sections 2 and 3 are effective the day following final enactment. Approved April 26, 1984
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes