Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1984 CHAPTER 548-S.F.No. 1511 An act relating to public finance; modifying the tax exemption for property held by political subdivisions; providing a tax exemption for certain real and personal property; authorizing the levy of special assessments or service charges for fire protection and pedestrian skyway systems; amending Minnesota Statutes 1982, sections 272.02, subdivision 5; 429.021, subdivision 1; 429.031, subdivision 3; 429.091, subdivision 2; and 429.101, subdivision 1; and Minnesota Statutes 1983 Supplement, sections 272.02, subdivision 1; and 297A.25, subdivision 1; and Laws 1979, chapter 189, section 2. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1983 Supplement, section 272.02, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. Except as provided in other subdivisions of this section or in section 272.025 or section 273.13, subdivisions 17, 17b, 17c or 17d, all property described in this section to the extent herein limited shall be exempt from taxation: (1) All public burying grounds; (2) All public schoolhouses; (3) All public hospitals; (4) All academies, colleges, and universities, and all seminaries of learning; (5) All churches, church property, and houses of worship; (6) Institutions of purely public charity except property assessed pursuant to section 273.13, subdivisions 17, 17b, 17c or 17d; (7) All public property exclusively used for any public purpose; (8) (a) Class 2 property of every household of the value of $100, maintained in the principal place of residence of the owner thereof. The county auditor shall deduct the exemption from the total valuation of the property as equalized by the commissioner of revenue assessed to the household, and extend the levy of taxes upon the remainder only. The term "household" as used in this section is defined to be a domestic establishment maintained either (1) by two or more persons living together within the same house or place of abode, subsisting in common and constituting a domestic or family relationship, or (2) by one person. (b) During the period of his active service and for six months after his discharge therefrom, no member of the armed forces of the United States shall lose status of a householder under paragraph (a) which he had immediately prior to becoming a member of the armed forces. In case there is an assessment against more than one member of a household the $100 exemption shall be divided among the members assessed in the proportion that the assessed value of the Class 2 property of each bears to the total assessed value of the Class 2 property of all the members assessed. The Class 2 property of each household claimed to be exempt shall be limited to property in one taxing district, except in cases where a single domestic establishment is maintained in two or more adjoining districts. Bonds, certificates of indebtedness, or other obligations issued by the state of Minnesota, or by any county or city of the state, or any town, or any common or independent school district of the state, or any governmental board of the state are exempt from ad valorem property taxation; provided, that this subdivision shall not exempt the obligations or their interest from any excise or other tax levied on income, gross earnings, estates, inheritance, bequests, gifts, transfers, sales, or other transactions, other than an ad valorem property tax. (9) Farm machinery manufactured prior to 1930, which is used only for display purposes as a collectors item; (10) The taxpayer shall be exempted with respect to all agricultural products, inventories, stocks of merchandise of all sorts, all materials, parts and supplies, furniture and equipment, manufacturers material, manufactured articles including the inventories of manufacturers, wholesalers, retailers and contractors; and the furnishings of a room or apartment in a hotel, rooming house, tourist court, motel or trailer camp, tools and machinery which by law are considered as personal property, and the property described in section 272.03, subdivision 1, clause (c), except personal property which is part of an electric generating, transmission, or distribution system or a pipeline system transporting or distributing water, gas, or petroleum products or mains and pipes used in the distribution of steam or hot or chilled water for heating or cooling buildings and structures. Railroad docks and wharves which are part of the operating property of a railroad company as defined in section 270.80 are not exempt. (11) Containers of a kind customarily in the possession of the consumer during the consumption of commodities, the sale of which are subject to tax under the provisions of the excise tax imposed by chapter 297A; (12) All livestock, poultry, all horses, mules and other animals used exclusively for agricultural purposes; (13) All agricultural tools, implements and machinery used by the owners in any agricultural pursuit. (14) Real and personal property used primarily for the abatement and control of air, water, or land pollution to the extent that it is so used, other than real property used primarily as a solid waste disposal site. Any taxpayer requesting exemption of all or a portion of any equipment or device, or part thereof, operated primarily for the control or abatement of air or water pollution shall file an application with the commissioner of revenue. The equipment or device shall meet standards, regulations or criteria prescribed by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency, and must be installed or operated in accordance with a permit or order issued by that agency. The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency shall upon request of the commissioner furnish information or advice to the commissioner. If the commissioner determines that property qualifies for exemption, he shall issue an order exempting the property from taxation. The equipment or device shall continue to be exempt from taxation as long as the permit issued by the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency remains in effect. (15) Wetlands. For purposes of this subdivision, "wetlands" means land which is mostly under water, produces little if any income, and has no use except for wildlife or water conservation purposes. "Wetlands" shall be land preserved in its natural condition, drainage of which would be legal, feasible, and economically practical for the production of livestock, dairy animals, poultry, fruit, vegetables, forage and grains, except wild rice. "Wetlands" shall include adjacent land which is not suitable for agricultural purposes due to the presence of the wetlands. "Wetlands" shall not include woody swamps containing shrubs or trees, wet meadows, meandered water, streams, rivers, and floodplains or river bottoms. Exemption of wetlands from taxation pursuant to this section shall not grant the public any additional or greater right of access to the wetlands or diminish any right of ownership to the wetlands. (16) Native prairie. The commissioner of the department of natural resources shall determine lands in the state which are native prairie and shall notify the county assessor of each county in which the lands are located. Pasture land used for livestock grazing purposes shall not be considered native prairie for the purposes of this clause and section 273.116. Upon receipt of an application for the exemption and credit provided in this clause and section 273.116 for lands for which the assessor has no determination from the commissioner of natural resources, the assessor shall refer the application to the commissioner of natural resources who shall determine within 30 days whether the land is native prairie and notify the county assessor of his decision. Exemption of native prairie pursuant to this clause shall not grant the public any additional or greater right of access to the native prairie or diminish any right of ownership to it. (17) Property used in a continuous program to provide emergency shelter for victims of domestic abuse, provided the organization that owns and sponsors the shelter is exempt from federal income taxation pursuant to section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954, as amended through December 31, 1982, notwithstanding the fact that the sponsoring organization receives funding under section 8 of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended. (18) If approved by the governing body of the municipality in which the property is located, property not exceeding one acre which is owned and operated by any senior citizen group or association of groups that in general limits membership to persons age 55 or older and is organized and operated exclusively for pleasure, recreation, and other nonprofit purposes, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholders; provided the property is used primarily as a clubhouse, meeting facility or recreational facility by the group or association and the property is not used for residential purposes on either a temporary or permanent basis. (19) To the extent provided by section 295.44, real and personal property used or to be used primarily for the production of hydroelectric or hydromechanical power on a site owned by the state or a local governmental unit which is developed and operated pursuant to the provisions of section 105.482, subdivisions 1, 8 and 9. (20) If approved by the governing body of the municipality in which the property is located, a direct satellite broadcasting facility or fixed satellite regional or national program service facility, construction of which is commenced after June 30, 1983, for a period not to exceed five years. When the facility no longer qualifies for exemption, it shall be placed on the assessment rolls as provided in subdivision 4. As used in this clause, a "direct satellite broadcasting facility" is a facility operated by a corporation licensed by the federal communications commission to provide direct satellite broadcasting services using direct broadcast satellites operating in the 12-ghz. band and a "fixed satellite regional or national program service facility" is a facility operated by a corporation licensed by the federal communications commission to provide fixed satellite-transmitted regularly scheduled broadcasting services using satellites operating in the 6-ghz. band. Before approving a tax exemption pursuant to this paragraph, the governing body of the municipality shall provide an opportunity to the members of the county board of commissioners of the county in which the facility is proposed to be located and the members of the school board of the school district in which the facility is proposed to be located to meet with the governing body. The governing body shall present to the members of those boards its estimate of the fiscal impact of the proposed property tax exemption. The tax exemption shall not be approved by the governing body until the county board of commissioners has presented its written comment on the proposal to the governing body, or 30 days has passed from the date of the transmittal by the governing body to the board of the information on the fiscal impact, whichever occurs first. (21) If approved by the governing body of the municipality in which the property is located, a facility construction of which is commercial after June 30, 1983, at which a licensed Minnesota manufacturer produces distilled spirituous liquors, liqueurs, cordials, or liquors designated as specialties regardless of alcoholic content, but not including ethyl alcohol, distilled with a majority of the ingredients grown or produced in Minnesota, for a period not to exceed five years. When the facility no longer qualifies for exemption, it shall be placed on the assessment rolls as provided in subdivision 4. Before approving a tax exemption pursuant to this paragraph, the governing body of the municipality shall provide an opportunity to the members of the county board of commissioners of the county in which the facility is proposed to be located and the members of the school board of the school district in which the facility is proposed to be located to meet with the governing body. The governing body shall present to the members of those boards its estimate of the fiscal impact of the proposed property tax exemption. The tax exemption shall not be approved by the governing body until the county board of commissioners has presented its written comment on the proposal to the governing body, or 30 days has passed from the date of the transmittal by the governing body to the board of the information on the fiscal impact, whichever occurs first. (22) Real and personal property owned and operated by a private, nonprofit corporation exempt from federal income taxation pursuant to United States Code, title 26, section 501(c)(3), primarily used in the generation and distribution of hot water for heating buildings and structures. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 272.02, subdivision 5, is amended to read: Subd. 5. The holding of property by a political subdivision of the state for later resale for economic development purposes shall be considered a public purpose in accordance with subdivision 1, clause (7) for a period not to exceedthreeeight years. The holding of property by a political subdivision of the state for later resale (1) which is purchased or held for housing purposes, or (2) which meets the conditions described in section 273.73, subdivision 10, shall be considered a public purpose in accordance with subdivision 1, clause (7). The governing body of the political subdivision which acquires property which is subject to this subdivision shall after the purchase of the property certify to the city or county assessor whether the property is held for economic development purposes or housing purposes, or whether it meets the conditions of section 273.73, subdivision 10. If the property is acquired for economic development purposes and buildings or other improvements are constructed after acquisition of the property, and if more than one-half of the floor space of the buildings or improvements which is available for lease to or use by a private individual, corporation, or other entity is leased to or otherwise used by a private individual, corporation, or other entity the provisions of this subdivision shall not apply to the property. This subdivision shall not operate to create an exemption from sections 272.01, subdivision 2; 272.68; 273.19; or 462.575, subdivision 3; or other provision of law providing for the taxation of or for payments in lieu of taxes for publicly held property which is leased, loaned, or otherwise made available and used by a private person.This section is effective for taxes levied in1979 and thereafter, and payable in 1980 and thereafter.Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1983 Supplement, section 297A.25, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. The following are specifically exempted from the taxes imposed by sections 297A.01 to 297A.44: (a) The gross receipts from the sale of food products including but not limited to cereal and cereal products, butter, cheese, milk and milk products, oleomargarine, meat and meat products, fish and fish products, eggs and egg products, vegetables and vegetable products, fruit and fruit products, spices and salt, sugar and sugar products, coffee and coffee substitutes, tea, cocoa and cocoa products, and food products which are not taxable pursuant to section 297A.01, subdivision 3, clause (c) and which are sold by a retailer, organized as a nonprofit corporation or association, within a place located on property owned by the state or an agency or instrumentality of the state, the entrance to which is subject to an admission charge. This exemption does not include the following: (i) candy and candy products; (ii) carbonated beverages, beverages commonly referred to as soft drinks containing less than 15 percent fruit juice, or bottled water other than noncarbonated and noneffervescent bottled water sold in individual containers of one-half gallon or more in size; (b) The gross receipts from the sale of prescribed drugs and medicine intended for use, internal or external, in the cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of illness or disease in human beings and products consumed by humans for the preservation of health, including prescription glasses, therapeutic and prosthetic devices, but not including cosmetics or toilet articles notwithstanding the presence of medicinal ingredients therein; (c) The gross receipts from the sale of and the storage, use or other consumption in Minnesota of tangible personal property, tickets, or admissions, electricity, gas, or local exchange telephone service, which under the Constitution or laws of the United States or under the Constitution of Minnesota, the state of Minnesota is prohibited from taxing; (d) The gross receipts from the sale of tangible personal property (i) which, without intermediate use, is shipped or transported outside Minnesota by the purchaser and thereafter used in a trade or business or is stored, processed, fabricated or manufactured into, attached to or incorporated into other tangible personal property transported or shipped outside Minnesota and thereafter used in a trade or business outside Minnesota, and which is not thereafter returned to a point within Minnesota, except in the course of interstate commerce (storage shall not constitute intermediate use); provided that the property is not subject to tax in that state or country to which it is transported for storage or use, or, if subject to tax in that other state, that state allows a similar exemption for property purchased therein and transported to Minnesota for use in this state; except that sales of tangible personal property that is shipped or transported for use outside Minnesota shall be taxed at the rate of the use tax imposed by the state to which the property is shipped or transported, unless that state has no use tax, in which case the sale shall be taxed at the rate generally imposed by this state; and provided further that sales of tangible personal property to be used in other states or countries as part of a maintenance contract shall be specifically exempt; or (ii) which the seller delivers to a common carrier for delivery outside Minnesota, places in the United States mail or parcel post directed to the purchaser outside Minnesota, or delivers to the purchaser outside Minnesota by means of the seller's own delivery vehicles, and which is not thereafter returned to a point within Minnesota, except in the course of interstate commerce; (e) The gross receipts from the sale of packing materials used to pack and ship household goods, the ultimate destination of which is outside the state of Minnesota and which are not thereafter returned to a point within Minnesota, except in the course of interstate commerce; (f) The gross receipts from the sale of and storage, use or consumption of petroleum products upon which a tax has been imposed under the provisions of chapter 296, whether or not any part of said tax may be subsequently refunded; (g) The gross receipts from the sale of clothing and wearing apparel except the following: (i) all articles commonly or commercially known as jewelry, whether real or imitation; pearls, precious and semi-precious stones, and imitations thereof; articles made of, or ornamented, mounted or fitted with precious metals or imitations thereof; watches; clocks; cases and movements for watches and clocks; gold, gold-plated, silver, or sterling flatware or hollow ware and silver-plated hollow ware; opera glasses; lorgnettes; marine glasses; field glasses and binoculars. (ii) articles made of fur on the hide or pelt, and articles of which such fur is the component material or chief value, but only if such value is more than three times the value of the next most valuable component material. (iii) perfume, essences, extracts, toilet waters, cosmetics, petroleum jellies, hair oils, pomades, hair dressings, hair restoratives, hair dyes, aromatic cachous and toilet powders. The tax imposed by this act shall not apply to lotion, oil, powder, or other article intended to be used or applied only in the case of babies. (iv) trunks, valises, traveling bags, suitcases, satchels, overnight bags, hat boxes for use by travelers, beach bags, bathing suit bags, brief cases made of leather or imitation leather, salesmen's sample and display cases, purses, handbags, pocketbooks, wallets, billfolds, card, pass, and key cases and toilet cases. (h) The gross receipts from the sale of and the storage, use, or consumption of all materials, including chemicals, fuels, petroleum products, lubricants, packaging materials, including returnable containers used in packaging food and beverage products, feeds, seeds, fertilizers, electricity, gas and steam, used or consumed in agricultural or industrial production of personal property intended to be sold ultimately at retail, whether or not the item so used becomes an ingredient or constituent part of the property produced. Such production shall include, but is not limited to, research, development, design or production of any tangible personal property, manufacturing, processing (other than by restaurants and consumers) of agricultural products whether vegetable or animal, commercial fishing, refining, smelting, reducing, brewing, distilling, printing, mining, quarrying, lumbering, generating electricity and the production of road building materials. Such production shall not include painting, cleaning, repairing or similar processing of property except as part of the original manufacturing process. Machinery, equipment, implements, tools, accessories, appliances, contrivances, furniture and fixtures, used in such production and fuel, electricity, gas or steam used for space heating or lighting, are not included within this exemption; however, accessory tools, equipment and other short lived items, which are separate detachable units used in producing a direct effect upon the product, where such items have an ordinary useful life of less than 12 months, are included within the exemption provided herein; (i) The gross receipts from the sale of and storage, use or other consumption in Minnesota of tangible personal property (except as provided in section 297A.14) which is used or consumed in producing any publication regularly issued at average intervals not exceeding three months, and any such publication. For purposes of this subsection, "publication" as used herein shall include, without limiting the foregoing, a legal newspaper as defined by Minnesota Statutes 1965, section 331.02, and any supplements or enclosures with or part of said newspaper; and the gross receipts of any advertising contained therein or therewith shall be exempt. For this purpose, advertising in any such publication shall be deemed to be a service and not tangible personal property, and persons or their agents who publish or sell such newspapers shall be deemed to be engaging in a service with respect to gross receipts realized from such newsgathering or publishing activities by them, including the sale of advertising. The term "publication" shall not include magazines and periodicals sold over the counter. Machinery, equipment, implements, tools, accessories, appliances, contrivances, furniture and fixtures used in such publication and fuel, electricity, gas or steam used for space heating or lighting, are not exempt; (j) The gross receipts from all sales, including sales in which title is retained by a seller or a vendor or is assigned to a third party under an installment sale or lease purchase agreement under section 465.71, of tangible personal property to, and all storage, use or consumption of such property by, the United States and its agencies and instrumentalities or a state and its agencies, instrumentalities and political subdivisions. Sales exempted by this clause include sales pursuant to section 297A.01, subdivision 3, clauses (d) and (f). This exemption shall not apply to building, construction or reconstruction materials purchased by a contractor or a subcontractor as a part of a lump-sum contract or similar type of contract with a guaranteed maximum price covering both labor and materials for use in the construction, alteration or repair of a building or facility. This exemption does not apply to construction materials purchased by tax exempt entities or their contractors to be used in constructing buildings or facilities which will not be used principally by the tax exempt entities; (k) The gross receipts from the isolated or occasional sale of tangible personal property in Minnesota not made in the normal course of business of selling that kind of property, and the storage, use, or consumption of property acquired as a result of such a sale. For purposes of this clause, sales by a nonprofit organization shall be deemed to be "isolated or occasional" if they occur at sale events that have a duration of three or fewer consecutive days. The granting of the privilege of admission to places of amusement and the privilege of use of amusement devices by a nonprofit organization at an isolated or occasional event conducted on property owned or leased for a continuous period of more than 30 days by the nonprofit organization are also exempt. The exemption provided for isolated sales of tangible personal property and of the granting of admissions or the privilege of use of amusement devices by nonprofit organizations pursuant to this clause shall be available only if the sum of the days on which the organization and any subsidiary nonprofit organization sponsored by it that does not have a separate sales tax exemption permit conduct sales of tangible personal property, plus the days with respect to which the organization charges for the use of amusement devices or admission to places of amusement, does not exceed eight days in a calendar year. For purposes of this clause, a "nonprofit organization" means any corporation, society, association, foundation, or institution organized and operated exclusively for charitable, religious, or educational purposes, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of a private individual; (l) The gross receipts from sales of rolling stock and the storage, use or other consumption of such property by railroads, freight line companies, sleeping car companies and express companies taxed on the gross earnings basis in lieu of ad valorem taxes. For purposes of this clause "rolling stock" is defined as the portable or moving apparatus and machinery of any such company which moves on the road, and includes, but is not limited to, engines, cars, tenders, coaches, sleeping cars and parts necessary for the repair and maintenance of such rolling stock. (m) The gross receipts from sales of airflight equipment and the storage, use or other consumption of such property by airline companies taxed under the provisions of sections 270.071 to 270.079. For purposes of this clause, "airflight equipment" includes airplanes and parts necessary for the repair and maintenance of such airflight equipment, and flight simulators. (n) The gross receipts from the sale of telephone central office telephone equipment used in furnishing intrastate and interstate telephone service to the public. (o) The gross receipts from the sale of and the storage, use or other consumption by persons taxed under the in lieu provisions of chapter 298, of mill liners, grinding rods and grinding balls which are substantially consumed in the production of taconite, the material of which primarily is added to and becomes a part of the material being processed. (p) The gross receipts from the sale of tangible personal property to, and the storage, use or other consumption of such property by, any corporation, society, association, foundation, or institution organized and operated exclusively for charitable, religious or educational purposes if the property purchased is to be used in the performance of charitable, religious or educational functions, or any senior citizen group or association of groups that in general limits membership to persons age 55 or older and is organized and operated exclusively for pleasure, recreation and other nonprofit purposes, no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholders. Sales exempted by this clause include sales pursuant to section 297A.01, subdivision 3, clauses (d) and (f). This exemption shall not apply to building, construction or reconstruction materials purchased by a contractor or a subcontractor as a part of a lump-sum contract or similar type of contract with a guaranteed maximum price covering both labor and materials for use in the construction, alteration or repair of a building or facility. This exemption does not apply to construction materials purchased by tax exempt entities or their contractors to be used in constructing buildings or facilities which will not be used principally by the tax exempt entities; (q) The gross receipts from the sale of caskets and burial vaults; (r) The gross receipts from the sale of an automobile or other conveyance if the purchaser is assisted by a grant from the United States in accordance with 38 United States Code, section 1901, as amended. (s) The gross receipts from the sale to the licensed aircraft dealer of an aircraft for which a commercial use permit has been issued pursuant to section 360.654, if the aircraft is resold while the permit is in effect. (t) The gross receipts from the sale of building materials to be used in the construction or remodeling of a residence when the construction or remodeling is financed in whole or in part by the United States in accordance with 38 United States Code, sections 801 to 805, as amended. This exemption shall not be effective at time of sale of the materials to contractors, subcontractors, builders or owners, but shall be applicable only upon a claim for refund to the commissioner of revenue filed by recipients of the benefits provided in title 38 United States Code, chapter 21, as amended. The commissioner shall provide by regulation for the refund of taxes paid on sales exempt in accordance with this paragraph. (u) The gross receipts from the sale of textbooks which are prescribed for use in conjunction with a course of study in a public or private school, college, university and business or trade school to students who are regularly enrolled at such institutions. For purposes of this clause a "public school" is defined as one that furnishes course of study, enrollment and staff that meets standards of the state board of education and a private school is one which under the standards of the state board of education, provides an education substantially equivalent to that furnished at a public school. Business and trade schools shall mean such schools licensed pursuant to section 141.25. (v) The gross receipts from the sale of and the storage of material designed to advertise and promote the sale of merchandise or services, which material is purchased and stored for the purpose of subsequently shipping or otherwise transferring outside the state by the purchaser for use thereafter solely outside the state of Minnesota. (w) The gross receipt from the sale of residential heating fuels in the following manner: (i) all fuel oil, coal, wood, steam, hot water, propane gas, and L.P. gas sold to residential customers for residential use; (ii) natural gas sold for residential use to customers who are metered and billed as residential users and who use natural gas for their primary source of residential heat, for the billing months of November, December, January, February, March and April; (iii) electricity sold for residential use to customers who are metered and billed as residential users and who use electricity for their primary source of residential heat, for the billing months of November, December, January, February, March and April. (x) The gross receipts from the sale or use of tickets or admissions to the premises of or events sponsored by an association, corporation or other group of persons which provides an opportunity for citizens of the state to participate in the creation, performance or appreciation of the arts and which qualifies as a tax-exempt organization within the meaning of Minnesota Statutes 1980, section 290.05, subdivision 1, clause (i). (y) The gross receipts from either the sales to or the storage, use or consumption of tangible personal property by an organization of military service veterans or an auxiliary unit of an organization of military service veterans, provided that: (i) the organization or auxiliary unit is organized within the state of Minnesota and is exempt from federal taxation pursuant to section 501(c), clause (19), of the Internal Revenue Code as amended through December 31, 1982; and (ii) the tangible personal property which is sold to or stored, used or consumed by the organization or auxiliary unit is for charitable, civic, educational, or nonprofit uses and not for social, recreational, pleasure or profit uses. (z) The gross receipts from the sale of sanitary napkins, tampons, or similar items used for feminine hygiene. Sec. 4. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 429.021, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [IMPROVEMENTS AUTHORIZED.] The council of a municipality shall have power to make the following improvements: (1) To acquire, open, and widen any street, and to improve the same by constructing, reconstructing, and maintaining sidewalks, pavement, gutters, curbs, and vehicle parking strips of any material, or by grading, graveling, oiling, or otherwise improving the same, including the beautification thereof and including storm sewers or other street drainage and connections from sewer, water or similar mains to curb lines. (2) To acquire, develop, construct, reconstruct, extend and maintain storm and sanitary sewers and systems, including outlets, holding areas and ponds, treatment plants, pumps, lift stations, service connections, and other appurtenances of a sewer system, within and without the corporate limits. (3) To construct, reconstruct, extend and maintain steam heating mains. (4) To install, replace, extend and maintain street lights and street lighting systems and special lighting systems. (5) To acquire, improve, construct, reconstruct, extend and maintain water works systems, including mains, valves, hydrants, service connections, wells, pumps, reservoirs, tanks, treatment plants, and other appurtenances of a water works system, within and without the corporate limits. (6) To acquire, improve and equip parks, open space areas, playgrounds and recreational facilities within or without the corporate limits. (7) To plant trees on streets and provide for their trimming, care and removal. (8) To abate nuisances and to drain swamps, marshes and ponds on public or private property and to fill the same. (9) To construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain dikes and other flood control works. (10) To construct, reconstruct, extend and maintain retaining walls and area walls. (11) To acquire, construct, reconstruct, improve, alter, extend, operate, maintain and promote a pedestrian skyway system. Such improvement may be made upon a petition pursuant to section 429.031, subdivision 3. (12) To acquire, construct, reconstruct, extend, operate, maintain and promote underground pedestrian concourses. (13) To acquire, construct, improve, alter, extend, operate, maintain and promote public malls, plazas or courtyards. (14) To construct, reconstruct, extend, and maintain district heating systems. (15) To construct, reconstruct, alter, extend, operate, maintain and promote fire protection systems in existing buildings, but only upon a petition pursuant to section 429.031, subdivision 3. Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 429.031, subdivision 3, is amended to read: Subd. 3. [PETITION BY ALL OWNERS.] Whenever all owners of real property abutting upon any street named as the location of any improvement shall petition the council to construct the improvement and to assess the entire cost against their property, the council may, without a public hearing, adopt a resolution determining such fact and ordering the improvement. The validity of the resolution shall not be questioned by any taxpayer or property owner or the municipality unless an action for that purpose is commenced within 30 days after adoption of the resolution as provided in section 429.036. Nothing herein prevents any property owner from questioning the amount or validity of the special assessment against his property pursuant to section 429.081. In the case of a petition for the installation of a fire protection or a pedestrian skyway system, the petition must contain or be accompanied by an undertaking satisfactory to the city by the petitioner that the petitioner will grant the municipality the necessary property interest in the building to permit the city to enter upon the property and the building to construct, maintain, and operate the fire protection or pedestrial skyway system. In the case of a petition for the installation of a fire protection or pedestrian skyway system which will be privately owned, the petition shall also contain the plans and specifications for the improvement, the estimated cost of the improvement and a statement indicating whether the city or the owner will contract for the construction of the improvement. If the owner is contracting for the construction of the improvement, the city shall not approve the petition until it has reviewed and approved the plans, specifications, and cost estimates contained in the petition. The construction cost financed under section 429.091 shall not exceed the amount of the cost estimate contained in the petition. In the case of a petition for the installation of a fire protection or a pedestrian skyway system, the petitioner may request abandonment of the improvement at any time after it has been ordered pursuant to subdivision 1 and before contracts have been awarded for the construction of the improvement under section 429.041, subdivision 2. If such a request is received, the city council shall abandon the proceedings but in such case the petitioner shall reimburse the city for any and all expenses incurred by the city in connection with the improvement. Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 429.091, subdivision 2, is amended to read: Subd. 2. [TYPES OF OBLIGATIONS PERMITTED.] The council may by resolution adopted prior to the sale of obligations pledge the full faith, credit, and taxing power of the municipality for the payment of the principal and interest. Such obligations shall be called improvement bonds and the council shall pay the principal and interest out of any fund of the municipality when the amount credited to the specified fund is insufficient for the purpose and shall each year levy a sufficient amount to take care of accumulated or anticipated deficiencies, which levy shall not be subject to any statutory or charter tax limitation. Obligations for the payment of which the full faith and credit of the municipality is not pledged shall be called improvement warrants or, in the case of bonds for fire protection or pedestrian skyway systems, revenue bonds and shall contain a promise to pay solely out of the proper special fund or funds pledged to their payment. It shall be the duty of the municipal treasurer to pay maturing principal and interest on warrants or revenue bonds out of funds on hand in the properspecial fundfunds and not otherwise. Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 429.101, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [ORDINANCES.] In addition to any other method authorized by law or charter, the governing body of any municipality may provide for the collection of unpaid special charges for all or any part of the cost of (a) snow, ice, or rubbish removal from sidewalks, (b) weed elimination from streets or private property, (c) removal or elimination of public health or safety hazards from private property, excluding any structure included under the provisions of sections 463.15 to 463.26, (d) installation or repair of water service lines, street sprinkling or other dust treatment of streets, (e) the trimming and care of trees and the removal of unsound trees from any street, (f) the treatment and removal of insect infested or diseased trees on private property, the repair of sidewalks and alleys,or(g) the operation of a street lighting system, or (h) the operation and maintenance of a fire protection or a pedestrian skyway system, as a special assessment against the property benefited. The council may by ordinance adopt regulations consistent with this section to make this authority effective, including, at the option of the council, provisions for placing primary responsibility upon the property owner or occupant to do the work himself (except in the case of street sprinkling or other dust treatment, alley repair, tree trimming, care, and removal or the operation of a street lighting system) upon notice before the work is undertaken, and for collection from the property owner or other person served of the charges when due before unpaid charges are made a special assessment. Sec. 8. Laws 1979, chapter 189, section 2, is amended to read: Sec. 2. For the purposes of this act, "residential customer" means a customer classified by the public utility as a residential heating or residential non-heating customer of the public utility within the city of St. Paul and "gross operating revenue" means all sums received by the public utility from the sale of gas, hot water heating or electricity, excluding any amounts received which result from a surcharge on the public utility's rate schedule for the purpose of collecting the franchise fee. Sec. 9. [EXEMPTION.] Notwithstanding the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, section 473.556, subdivision 6, or any other law, real property conveyed to the port authority of the city of Bloomington by the metropolitan sports facilities commission shall be exempt from taxation as provided in Minnesota Statutes, sections 473.556, subdivision 4; and 459.192, subdivision 2. Sec. 10. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] Section 1 is effective for taxes levied in 1983 and thereafter and payable in 1984 and thereafter. Section 2 is effective for taxes levied in 1979 and thereafter and for taxes payable in 1980 and thereafter. Section 9 is effective upon compliance by the governing body of the city of Bloomington with Minnesota Statutes, section 645.021, subdivision 3. Approved April 25, 1984
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes