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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Office of the Revisor of Statutes

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                         Laws of Minnesota 1983 

                        CHAPTER 344--H.F.No. 1310
           An act relating to capital improvements; authorizing 
          the acquisition and betterment of public land and 
          buildings and other public improvements of a capital 
          nature with certain conditions; requiring review of 
          the concept of a revolving land fund; providing for 
          art in state buildings; authorizing issuance of state 
          bonds; appropriating money; amending Minnesota 
          Statutes 1982, sections 85.015, by adding a 
          subdivision; 473.147, subdivision 1; and 473.436, 
          subdivision 5; proposing new law coded in Minnesota 
          Statutes, chapter 16. 
    The sums set forth in the column designed "APPROPRIATIONS" 
are appropriated from the state building fund, or any other fund 
designated, to the state agencies indicated, to be expended for 
the acquisition and betterment of public land and buildings and 
other public improvements of a capital nature, as more 
specifically described in the following sections of this act. 

ADMINISTRATION                                     $27,943,000 
NATURAL RESOURCES                                   20,326,800 
ENERGY, PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT                    17,325,000 
MILITARY AFFAIRS                                       360,000 
TRANSPORTATION                                       8,442,700 
EDUCATION                                              850,000 
STATE UNIVERSITIES                                   3,360,000 
COMMUNITY COLLEGES                                     470,000 
UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA                             21,456,300 
CORRECTIONS                                         17,000,000 
PUBLIC WELFARE                                       2,805,000 
MINNESOTA HISTORICAL SOCIETY                         2,280,000 
BOND SALE EXPENSES                                     111,900 
TOTAL                                             $122,730,700 
Trunk Highway Fund                                  10,285,700 
Building Fund                                      112,445,000 
To the commissioner of administration 
for the purposes specified in this 
section                                            $27,943,000 
(a) Replace PCB transformers-
statewide                                $300,000 
(b) Replace high-voltage oil 
switches in capitol complex loop          180,000 
(c) Emergency contingent account          335,000 
 This appropriation is available for 
expenditure with the approval of the 
governor after consultation with the 
legislative advisory commission 
pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 
(d) Renovate capitol                    1,255,000 
(e) Landscaping in the capitol complex    375,000 
(f) State History Center                  400,000 
 This amount includes funding for 
program and structural planning of the 
State History Center and provides for a 
project design competition in 
cooperation with the Capitol Area 
Architectural and Planning Board, in 
accordance with Minnesota Statutes, 
section 15.50, subdivision 2(e).  The 
project will utilize the existing 
Historical Society building in 
conjunction with the Mechanic Arts High 
School site.  It will include the 
connection of the State History Center 
to the proposed district heating 
system.  All design considerations will 
conform to the comprehensive plan for 
the Capitol Area, established under 
Minnesota Statutes, section 15.50, 
subdivision 2(a).  
(g) Judicial Building                     100,000 
 This amount includes funding for a 
study of program needs and site 
selection for the judicial branch 
within the Capitol area complex.  
(h) Acquire MEA Building                2,750,000 
 This appropriation, or so much thereof 
as is necessary, is for all costs of 
acquisition by direct purchase of the 
Minnesota Education Association 
building at 55 Sherburne Avenue, St. 
Paul, Minnesota.  
(i) MEA building renovations              385,000 
 This appropriation is for renovation of 
the MEA building and connection to the 
district heating system.  
(j)  Rehabilitate and make energy 
modifications to the state office 
building                               19,000,000 
 This appropriation may be used in part 
for temporary relocation of the 
occupants of the state office building 
during the renovation.  The windows of 
the renovated building must be capable 
of being opened.  
(k) Life safety projects in the 
capitol complex                         1,020,000 
(l) Transportation building             1,843,000 
(1) Life safety projects      765,000 
(2) Replace heating and 
cooling coils                  50,000 
(3) Improve elevators         728,000 
(4) Remove PCB transformers   300,000 
 The appropriations in items (1) to (4) 
are from the trunk highway fund. 
      Subdivision 1.  To the commissioner 
of administration or the commissioner 
of natural resources for the purposes 
more specifically described in the 
following subdivisions of this section              20,326,800 
     Subd. 2.  To the commissioner of 
administration to install sewer system 
connection at Lake City headquarters                    30,000 
     Subd. 3.  To the commissioner 
of natural resources for dam safety 
projects                                               626,800 
(a) Analysis, design, and repair
of publicly owned dams                    100,000 
(b) Lake Zumbro dam                       125,000 
(c) Lanesboro dam                         100,000 
(d) Granite Falls dam                     301,800 
     Subd. 4.  To the commissioner 
of natural resources 
to acquire and better public outdoor 
recreation lands and capital 
improvements as more specifically 
described in the following 
paragraphs of this subdivision                        19,670,000
(a) For acquisition of state parks and 
recreation areas, as listed and  
described in Minnesota Statutes, 
sections 85.012 and 85.013              2,500,000
(b) For betterment of state parks and 
recreation areas, as listed and 
described in Minnesota Statutes, 
sections 85.012 and 85.013              3,450,000
(c) For acquisition and betterment 
of state trails and trails within state 
parks and other units of the outdoor 
recreation system 
as defined in Minnesota Statutes, 
section 86A.05 and Laws 1980, chapter 
614, section 164                         3,725,000
 $2,000,000 is for the state trail in 
Ramsey and Washington counties 
authorized by this act. 
(d) For acquisition of state forests 
listed and described in Minnesota 
Statutes, section 89.021                  470,000
(e) For betterment of R. J. Dorer 
memorial forest described in Minnesota 
Statutes, section 89.021, subdivision 
33                                        230,000 
(f) For betterment of state forest 
recreation listed and described in 
Minnesota Statutes, section 89.021        380,000 
(g) For betterment of state forest 
roads and bridges                       1,150,000 
(h) For acquisition of fishing 
management lands including riparian 
rights and other interests therein 
needed for management of waters for 
primary wildlife use and benefit and 
for access to fishing waters pursuant 
to Minnesota Statutes, section 97.48, 
subdivisions 8, 11, and 15                240,000 
(i) For acquisition of wildlife 
management areas pursuant to Minnesota 
Statutes, sections 97.48, subdivision 
13, and 97.481, and wetlands under the 
water bank program pursuant to 
Minnesota Statutes, section 105.392     4,090,000 
(j) For betterment of wildlife 
management areas, acquired pursuant to 
Minnesota Statutes, sections 97.48, 
subdivision 13, and 97.481                575,000 
(k) For acquisition of scientific 
and natural areas designated pursuant 
to Minnesota Statutes, section 84.033     400,000 
(l) For betterment of natural and 
scientific areas designated pursuant to 
Minnesota Statutes, section 84.033         60,000 
(m) For acquisition of wild, scenic, 
and recreational rivers, designated 
pursuant to sections 104.25 to 104.40, 
and canoe and boating routes, 
portages, and camp sites, as listed and 
described in Minnesota Statutes, 
section 85.32                             250,000  
(n) For betterment of canoe and 
boating routes, portages, and camp 
sites as listed and described in 
Minnesota Statutes, section 85.32          50,000 
(o) For betterment of public 
accesses to public waters pursuant to 
Minnesota Statutes, section 97.48, 
subdivision 15                            920,000 
(p) For acquisition of public 
accesses to public waters pursuant to 
Minnesota Statutes, section 97.48, 
subdivision 15                          1,180,000 
 Lands in this subdivision shall be 
acquired by the commissioner of natural 
resources and in accordance with 
policies established in Minnesota 
Statutes, sections 86A.01 to 86A.09.  
Those acquired for each unit of the 
outdoor recreation system shall be 
suited for the purpose of that unit and 
suited for management in accordance 
with the principles applicable to it.  
The commissioner of natural resources 
shall submit semiannual work progress 
reports to the legislative commission 
on Minnesota resources, in the form 
requested by the commission, and shall 
submit a work program to the commission 
and request its recommendation thereon 
before expending any money appropriated 
by this subdivision for any purpose.  
The commission's recommendation shall 
be advisory only.  Failure to respond 
to a request within 60 days after 
receipt shall be deemed a negative 
recommendation.  Work programs 
involving land acquisition shall 
include a land acquisition plan.  No 
parcel may be acquired unless it is 
covered by an acquisition plan. 
 Within two years after the acquisition 
of fee title to any land purchased 
pursuant to this section, the 
commissioner shall offer for sale in 
the manner provided by law other lands 
of equal acreage. 
 The approved complement of the 
department of natural resources is 
increased by 26 unclassified 
positions.  These positions are a 
continuation of the positions 
authorized by Laws 1981, chapter 304, 
section 4 and shall be paid for from 
either or both of these appropriations. 
 None of the amounts authorized in 
subdivision 4 of this section, except 
for $500,000 in paragraph (g) and 
$1,000,000 in paragraph (i), shall be 
expended until the commissioner of 
natural resources has presented a 
prioritized list of projects to the 
1984 session of the legislature and to 
the chairmen of the senate finance 
committee and the house appropriations 
committee and the chairmen have given 
their approval.  No bonds authorized 
pursuant to the appropriations in 
subdivision 4 shall be sold before July 
1, 1984, except for:  (1)$500,000 in 
paragraph (g) and $1,000,000 in 
paragraph (i); or (2) bonds that the 
commissioner of finance determines are 
needed before that date. 
DEVELOPMENT                                          17,325,000 
 To the commissioner of energy, planning 
and development for payment to the 
metropolitan council established under 
Minnesota Statutes, section 473.123.  
The commissoner of energy, planning and 
development shall transfer this amount 
to the metropolitan council upon 
receipt of a certified copy of a 
council resolution requesting payment.  
The appropriation shall be used to pay 
the cost of the acquisition and 
betterment by the metropolitan council 
and local governmental units of 
regional recreation open space in 
accordance with the council's policy 
plan as provided in Minnesota Statutes, 
sections 473.301 to 473.341, including 
relocation costs and tax equivalents 
required to be paid by Minnesota 
Statutes, sections 473.315 and 473.341. 
(a) Of the amount appropriated by this 
section, the metropolitan council may 
expend no more than $400,000 for staff 
and independent professional services 
necessary to acquire and better open 
space and for the performance of duties 
of the metropolitan council under this 
(b) Laws 1981, chapter 304, section 2, 
is amended to allow the expenditure of 
up to $400,000 for staff and 
independent professional services 
during the biennium ending June 30, 
 (c) Of the amount appropriated by this 
section, the metropolitan council shall 
use $50,000 for site selection, 
planning, and working drawings for the 
metropolitan speed skating rink 
recommended pursuant to Laws 1981, 
chapter 304, section 3. 
 (d) The publicly owned land on Big 
Island in Lake Minnetonka shall be 
designated as a regional park by the 
metropolitan council.  
 (e) With respect to grants for 
acquisition in the central riverfront 
regional park, the council shall, to 
the maximum extent possible, require 
acquisition of non fee interest in the 
housing out parcel on Nicollet Island 
where consistent with continued housing 
use and the overall development of the 
 (f) The legislature recognizes the 
intent of the Minneapolis park and 
recreation board and the Hennepin 
county park reserve district to achieve 
a coordinated functioning of their 
respective systems, including the 
establishment of a policy and procedure 
for answering adequate operational 
funding and an equitable sharing of 
associated financial responsibility for 
both systems. 
 (g) None of the amounts authorized in 
this section shall be expended until 
the metropolitan council has presented 
a prioritized list of projects to the 
1984 session of the legislature and to 
the chairmen of the senate finance 
committee and the house appropriations 
committee and the chairmen have given 
their approval.  No bonds authorized 
pursuant to this section shall be sold 
before July 1, 1984, except for bonds 
that the commissioner of finance 
determines are needed before that date. 
To the adjutant general for the 
specified in this section                              360,000 
(a) Install heating plant at 
Worthington                               100,000 
(b) Replace roofs statewide               260,000 
To the commissioner of transportation 
for the purposes specified in this 
section                                              8,442,700 
Subdivision 1.  Central Shop            3,227,000 
Subd. 2.  Chemical Storage Sheds          313,000 
Subd. 3.  East Grand Forks truck station  244,000 
Subd. 4.  Henning truck station           229,000 
Subd. 5.  Mapleton equipment storage      325,000 
Subd. 6.  Grand Rapids equipment storage  670,000 
Subd. 7.  Rum River Rest Area             909,700 
Subd. 8.  Split Rock Rest Area            620,000 
Subd. 9.  Golden Valley office addition   980,000 
Subd. 10.  Morris Maintenance Headquarters 925,000 
Subd. 11.  If the commissioner of 
transportation does not have sufficient 
money to match all available federal 
aid for road and bridge construction 
during the biennium ending June 30, 
1985, the commissioner shall defer some 
or all of the buildings in this section 
until it is possible to match federal 
 The appropriations in this section are 
from the trunk highway fund. 
     Sec. 7.  EDUCATION 
To the state board of education for  
post-secondary vocational technical 
construction in the school districts 
listed in this section                                 850,000 
Independent School District No. 206, 
 Notwithstanding any law to the 
contrary, Independent School District 
No. 206, Alexandria, may construct an 
addition to its area vocational 
technical institute to replace a 
temporary building subject to the 
following conditions:  (1) approval of 
the school board; (2) availability, at 
the time of construction, of 
unencumbered funds in the district's 
area vocational technical institute 
building construction fund equal to or 
exceeding $600,000; (3) the cost of 
construction shall not exceed the total 
cost of $600,000; (4) the addition 
shall be used for the carpentry 
program; (5) the size of the addition 
shall meet the guidelines of the 
department of education; (6) the entire 
cost of construction shall be from the 
area vocational technical institute 
building construction fund of 
Independent School District No. 206, 
Independent School District No. 891, 
Canby                                      70,000 
 This appropriation is for roof repairs. 
The total cost of the construction 
shall not exceed $84,200, whether paid 
from state, local, or federal money. 
Independent School District No. 917, 
Dakota county                              63,000 
 The appropriation is for roof repairs. 
The total cost of the construction 
shall not exceed $75,000, whether paid 
from state, local, or federal money. 
Independent School District No. 22, 
Detroit Lakes                              68,000 
 This appropriation is for roof repairs. 
The total cost of the construction 
shall not exceed $80,000, whether paid 
from state, local, or federal money. 
Independent School District No. 697, 
Eveleth                                   105,000 
 This appropriation is for restroom 
facilities. The total cost of the 
construction shall not exceed $125,000, 
whether paid from state, local, or 
federal money. 
Independent School District No. 423, 
Hutchinson                                235,000 
 This appropriation is for roof repairs. 
The total cost of the construction 
shall not exceed $276,800 whether paid 
from state, local, or federal money. 
Independent School District No. 77, 
Mankato                                    59,000 
 This appropriation is for roof repairs. 
The total cost of the project shall not 
exceed $70,000, whether paid from 
state, local, or federal money. 
Independent School District No. 583, 
Pipestone                                  34,000 
 This appropriation is for floor repairs 
for the meat cutting program. 
 The total cost of the construction 
shall not exceed $40,000, whether paid 
from state, local, or federal money. 
Independent School District No. 625, 
St. Paul                                   85,000 
 This appropriation is for roof repairs. 
The total cost of the project shall not 
exceed $100,000, whether paid from 
state, local, or federal money. 
Independent School District No. 819, 
Wadena                                     90,000 
 This appropriation is for roof repairs. 
The total cost of the project shall not 
exceed $107,200, whether paid from 
state, local, or federal money. 
Independent School District No. 861, 
Winona                                     41,000 
 This appropriation is for roof repairs. 
The total cost of the construction 
shall not exceed $48,400, whether paid 
from state, local, or federal money. 
Joint Independent School District No. 287,   
Suburban Hennepin      
 Joint Independent School District No. 
287, Suburban Hennepin, may construct 
an addition and remodel the Xenium Lane 
office building to provide additional 
space for special education and 
secondary vocational education 
programs.  Funding for this project 
shall be provided from the local 
building construction fund in an amount 
not to exceed $1,900,000.  
     Subdivision 1.  To the commissioner 
of administration for the purposes 
more specifically described in the 
following subdivisions of this section               3,360,000 
     Subd. 2.  Bemidji Campus 
This appropriation is for the following 
projects:                                              670,000 
(a) Replace roofs at Bangsberg
hall and Hagg-Sauer hall                   220,000 
(b) Correct water infiltration 
and structural deficiencies at 
maintenance-receiving warehouse            100,000 
(c) Replace bleachers at Glas field 
house and Physical Education Gymnasium     350,000 
     Subd. 3.  Mankato Campus 
Correct water infiltration problems
at Trafton hall                                        850,000 
     Subd. 4.  Southwest Campus 
Replace theater stage lighting system                   80,000 
     Subd. 5.  St. Cloud Campus 
(a) Replace theater stage lighting system               80,000 
(b) It is the intent of the legislature 
that any assessment by the city of St. 
Cloud for construction associated with 
the replacement of the Tenth Street 
bridge shall be made only upon 
completion of construction and upon 
notice of assessment and shall not 
exceed $500,000.  The state departments 
of transportation and administration 
shall work with the city of St. Cloud 
and the project architects to assure 
the state university system that the 
structural integrity of the facilities 
on the St. Cloud State University 
campus is not damaged as a result of 
the construction and utilization of the 
Tenth Street bridge. 
     Subd. 6.  Winona Campus 
Restore Phelps hall foundation and 
building exterior                                      180,000 
     Subd. 7.  Systemwide 
Remove asbestos fireproofing material                1,500,000 
To the commissioner of administration 
to replace roofs systemwide                            470,000 
     Subdivision 1.  To the regents of 
the University of Minnesota for the 
purposes more specifically described 
in the following subdivisions of this 
section                                             21,456,300 
     Subd. 2.  Minneapolis Campus                   19,154,000 
(a) Supplement to the School of Management
and Hubert H. Humphrey Institute facility 
due to delay in project                 1,664,000 
(b) Construct music facility on 
the West Bank Campus                   15,990,000 
 None of this appropriation shall be 
used for the concert auditorium.  The 
university is encouraged to secure 
donations from nonstate sources for 
that facility. 
(c) Civil and mineral engineering 
equipment                               1,000,000 
 This appropriation is available upon 
submission of required documentation 
that the state money has been matched 
by an equal amount in contributions of 
money or equipment from nonstate 
sources.  The contributions must be 
made after July 1, 1983, in order to 
qualify to match the state funds. 
     Subd. 3.  Duluth Campus                         1,943,000 
(a) Supplement due to delay in 
construction of greenhouse                 30,000 
(b) Supplement due to delay in 
renovation of school of business space     50,000 
(c) Natural resources research 
institute                               1,200,000 
 No portion of this appropriation may be 
spent until the following two events 
have occurred:  (a) the receipt of 
title to the Sage building from the 
federal government, and (b) the receipt 
of a $1,800,000 grant for the 
construction from the federal 
government.  If the federal grant and 
the title to the building are not 
forthcoming, the university may request 
money for rental of space for the 
institute from the general contingent 
account pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, 
section 3.30. 
(d) Prepare working drawings for a
physical education and recreational
sports complex                                663,000 
     Subd. 4.  Morris Campus 
Supplement due to delay of remodeling 
Behmler hall                                            43,000 
     Subd. 5.  Northwest Experiment 
Station - Crookston 
Supplement due to delay of construction                  4,000 
     Subd. 6.  Southwest Experiment 
Station - Lamberton                                    165,300 
(a) Supplement due to delay of                          
construction                                            17,000 
 (b) This appropriation is for the 
state share of the purchase price of a 
270-acre parcel of land near the Southwest 
Experiment Station                                     148,300 
     Subd. 7.  Southern Experiment 
Station - Waseca 
Waseca city sewer relief                                95,000 
     Subd. 8.  Hormel Institute - Austin 
Supplement due to delay of construction                 52,000 
     Subd. 9.  Soudan 
Construct physics laboratory                           500,000 
 This appropriation is available upon 
submission of required documentation 
that each dollar of state money has 
been matched by money contributed from 
nonstate sources. 
     Sec. 11.  CORRECTIONS 
     Subdivision 1.  To the commissioner 
of administration for the purposes 
more specifically described in the 
following subdivisions of this section              17,000,000 
     Subd. 2.  Minnesota Correctional 
Facility - Stillwater                                  700,000
Repair of roofs,
gutters, rainleaders, 
and downspouts
     Subd. 3.  Minnesota Correctional 
Facility - Sauk Centre
(a) Reshingle and repair Evers cottage roof             22,000 
(b) Fire and life safety projects                      125,000 
     Subd. 4.  Minnesota Correctional 
Facility - St. Cloud
(a) Fire and life safety projects                      560,000 
(b) Replace roofs on food service, laundry,
and warehouse; upgrade insulation to code, reroof 
Reshape building and reroof Cell House C               260,000 
(c) Replace sewer serving administration 
building and cell house                                 65,000 
     Subd. 5.  Minnesota Correctional Facility -
Red Wing
Fire and life safety projects                          268,000 
     Subd. 6.  Minnesota Correctional 
Facility - Shakopee 
Construct a new prison for women                    15,000,000 
This appropriation is for the total 
cost of planning, designing, 
constructing, and equipping the 
facility.  $500,000 is available 
immediately and $14,500,000 is 
available after April 1, 1984. 
     Sec. 12.  PUBLIC WELFARE 
     Subdivision 1.  To the commissioner 
of administration for the purposes more 
specifically described in the following 
subdivisions of this section                          2,805,000 
     Subd. 2.  Anoka State Hospital                     490,000 
(a) Administration 
building and tunnel ramp repair           290,000 
(b) Air conditioning, boiler replacement,    
and pool repair in Miller building        200,000 
     Subd. 3.  Faribault State Hospital 
Install privacy screens for Elm, Hickory,  
and Seneca cottages                                     65,000 
     Subd. 4.  Fergus Falls State Hospital 
Replace emission control unit                          450,000 
     Subd. 5.  State Hospitals and Nursing
Systemwide roof repair and replacement                 800,000 
     Subd. 6.  State Hospitals and Nursing Homes
Systemwide fire and life safety projects             1,000,000 
 No money appropriated for fire and life 
safety projects shall be used for 
removal of fire escape slides at any 
state hospital or state nursing home. 
To the Minnesota historical society for 
the purposes specified in this section               2,280,000 
(a) To construct an
underground microfilm vault                   630,000 
(b) Install humidity
controls in historical society building        40,000 
(c) Renovate the Charles A.
Lindbergh house                               110,000 
(d) Agriculture Interpretive 
Center at Waseca                            1,500,000 
 The limitations provided by Minnesota 
Statutes, section 138.93, subdivision 
1, do not apply to construction 
financed under this subdivision.  The 
improvements shall be constructed on 
land owned by the state or pledged to 
be conveyed to the state. 
 Funds shall be provided only for the 
purpose of providing capital 
improvements.  Before issuing any bonds 
under this subdivision, the 
commissioner of finance shall obtain a 
written contract from the operator of 
the Agricultural Interpretive Center 
establishing the terms and conditions 
for the repayment of the sum of 
$1,500,000 plus interest.  The debt 
service payments paid by the center 
shall be identical to the debt costs of 
the state for the bonds sold to provide 
funds to finance capital improvements 
in this act including capitalization 
costs.  The principal and interest 
payments shall be for a period of 20 
years.  The first payment shall be made 
in the third year following the sale of 
the bonds and shall continue for 20 
years.  Funds not required for payments 
to the center shall be invested by the 
state board of investment and the 
interest shall be credited to the 
general fund.  Payments back to the 
state of Minnesota by the center shall 
be credited to the general fund. 
 Notwithstanding the provisions of 
Minnesota Statutes, section 272.02, the 
operator of the Agriculture 
Interpretive Center shall pay property 
tax on all tillable land included in 
the center. 
To the commissioner of finance for bond 
sale expenses pursuant to Minnesota 
Statutes, section 16A.64, subdivision 4                111,900 
    Sec. 15.  [BOND SALE; DEBT SERVICE.] 
    To provide the money appropriated in this act from the 
state building fund the commissioner of finance upon request of 
the governor shall sell and issue bonds of the state in an 
amount up to $112,445,000 in the manner, upon the terms, and 
with the effect prescribed by Minnesota Statutes, sections 
16A.63 to 16A.671, and by the Constitution, Article XI, Sections 
4 to 7.  
    No land shall be purchased and no buildings shall be 
purchased, constructed, or erected on lands of the University of 
Minnesota until the regents have first consulted with the 
chairman of the senate finance committee and the chairman of the 
house appropriations committee and obtained their 
recommendations, which are advisory only.  
    Sec. 17.  [REVIEW OF PLANS.] 
    The commissioner of administration, the commissioner of 
transportation, and the board of regents of the University of 
Minnesota shall not prepare final plans and specifications for 
any construction or major remodeling authorized by this act 
until the using agency or department has presented the program 
and schematic plans and cost estimates for all elements 
necessary to complete the project to the chairman of the house 
appropriations committee and the chairman of the senate finance 
committee and the chairmen have made their recommendations 
thereon.  The recommendations are advisory only.  Failure or 
refusal to make a recommendation promptly is deemed a negative 
    Upon the awarding of final contracts for the completion of 
a project for construction or other permanent improvement 
authorized by this act, the commissioners of administration and 
transportation and the board of regents of the University of 
Minnesota as to appropriations made to them may transfer any 
unencumbered balance in the project account to any other project 
enumerated in the same section of the appropriation act as the 
project about to be completed.  The money transferred pursuant 
to this section is appropriated for the purposes for which 
transferred.  The commissioners of administration and 
transportation and the board of regents of the University of 
Minnesota shall report to the chairman of the house 
appropriations committee and the chairman of the senate finance 
committee on any transfer made pursuant to this section.  
    The commissioner of administration, the commissioner of 
transportation, and the board of regents of the University of 
Minnesota shall apply for the maximum federal share for each 
capital improvement project for which money is appropriated by 
this act.  Encumbrance or expenditure of money in excess of the 
project authorization shall be made only after the commissioner 
of administration, the commissioner of transportation, and the 
board of regents, as appropriate, have consulted with the 
chairman of the house appropriations committee and the chairman 
of the senate finance committee and the chairmen have made their 
recommendations thereon.  The recommendations are advisory 
only.  Failure or refusal to make a recommendation promptly is 
deemed a negative recommendation.  
    Where money has been appropriated by this act to the 
commissioner of administration to acquire lands or sites for 
public buildings or real estate, acquisition may be by gift, 
purchase, or condemnation proceedings.  Condemnation proceedings 
shall be pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, chapter 117.  
    The commissioner of natural resources shall review the 
concept of a revolving land fund and report to the legislature 
by January 15, 1984 with his findings and recommendations. 
    Sec. 22.  [16.321] [ART IN STATE BUILDINGS.] 
appropriation for the construction or alteration of any state 
building that is enacted on or after the effective date of this 
act may contain an amount not to exceed one percent of the total 
appropriation for the building for the acquisition of works of 
art, excluding landscaping, which may be an integral part of the 
building or its grounds, attached to the building or grounds or 
capable of being displayed in other state buildings.  Money used 
for this purpose is available only for the acquisition of works 
of art to be exhibited in areas of a building or its grounds 
accessible, on a regular basis, to members of the public.  For 
the purposes of this section "state building" means a building 
the construction or alteration of which is paid for wholly or in 
part by the state.  
    Subd. 2.  [EXEMPT BULDINGS.] A building for which the 
appropriation is less than $500,000 for construction or 
alteration or a building for which the commissioner of 
administration has determined that this section is inappropriate 
is exempt from the requirements of this section.  
    Subd. 3.  [UNUSED FUNDS.] If an amount made available under 
subdivision 1 is not expended for works of art for the building, 
the unexpended portion is available to the Minnesota board of 
the arts for the commission or purchase of works of art for 
state buildings existing or for which an appropriation was made 
prior to the effective date of this act and is not available to 
pay construction costs of the building. 
    Sec. 23.  Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 85.015, is 
amended by adding a subdivision to read:  
(a) The trail shall originate at milepost 446.19 on the Soo Line 
Railroad right-of-way in the Southeast Quarter of Section 19, 
Township 29 North, Range 22 West, Ramsey County, and shall 
extend in an easterly and northeasterly direction along the Soo 
Line Railroad right-of-way to milepost 438.33 in the Southwest 
Quarter of Section 5, Township 29 North, Range 21 West, in 
Washington County, and there terminate.  
    (b) The trail shall be developed primarily for hiking and 
nonmotorized riding.  
    (c) In addition to the authority granted in Minnesota 
Statutes, section 85.015, subdivision 1, lands and interests in 
lands for the trail may be acquired by eminent domain.  
    (d) The commissioner of natural resources, after consulting 
with all local units of government affected by the trail, and 
with the commissioner of transportation and the metropolitan 
council, shall prepare a master plan for the trail.  After 
completion of the master plan, any land or interest in land not 
needed for the trail may be disposed of by the commissioner of 
natural resources as follows:  
    (1) by transfer to the department of transportation, the 
historical society, or another state agency;  
    (2) by sale at not less than the purchase price to a city, 
town, school district, park district, or other political 
subdivision whose boundaries include or are adjacent to the 
land, for public purposes only, after written notice to each of 
these political subdivisions; or 
    (3) if no offer to purchase is received from any political 
subdivision within one year after the completion of the master 
plan, then by public sale, at not less than the purchase price, 
upon notice published in the manner provided in section 92.14, 
and otherwise in the same manner as trust fund lands are sold, 
so far as applicable.  
    All proceeds derived from sales of unneeded land and 
interest in land shall be deposited in the state bond fund.  For 
the purposes of United States Code, title 23, section 138, and 
title 49, section 1653(f), any land or interest in land not 
needed for the trail and transferred to another state agency, or 
sold, does not constitute permanent park, recreation area, or 
wildlife or waterfowl refuge facility land.  
    Sec. 24.  Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 473.147, 
subdivision 1, is amended to read: 
    Subdivision 1.  The metropolitan council after consultation 
with the parks and open space commission, municipalities, park 
districts and counties in the metropolitan area, and after 
appropriate public hearings, shall prepare and adopt a 
long-range system policy plan for regional recreation open space 
as part of the council's metropolitan development guide.  The 
plan shall substantially conform to all policy statements, 
purposes, goals, standards, and maps in development guide 
sections and comprehensive plans as developed and adopted by the 
council pursuant to the chapters of the Minnesota Statutes 
directly relating to the council.  The policy plan shall 
identify generally the areas which should be acquired by a 
public agency to provide a system of regional recreation open 
space comprising park district, county and municipal facilities 
which, together with state facilities, reasonably will meet the 
outdoor recreation needs of the people of the metropolitan area 
and shall establish priorities for acquisition and development.  
In preparing or amending the policy plan the council shall 
consult with and make maximum use of the expertise of the 
commission.  The policy plan shall include a five year capital 
improvement program, which shall be revised periodically, and 
shall establish criteria and priorities for the allocation of 
funds for such acquisition and development.  The legislature in 
each bonding measure shall designate an anticipated level of 
funding for this acquisition and development for each of the two 
succeeding bienniums.  
    Sec. 25.  Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 473.436, 
subdivision 5, is amended to read:  
addition to obligations outstanding on January 1, 1980 1983, the 
commission may issue certificates of indebtedness, bonds or 
other obligations in an amount not exceeding $9,000,000 
$12,000,000 for the purposes of purchasing and rehabilitation of 
buses and related equipment, and constructing maintenance and 
other buildings, bus shelters and road related improvements. 
    Sec. 26.  [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 
    This act is effective the day following final enactment. 
    Approved June 14, 1983

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes