Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1983 CHAPTER 219--S.F.No. 160 An act relating to retirement; volunteer firefighters' relief associations; adding definitions; providing for distribution of assets upon dissolution; clarifying ambiguous language; amending Minnesota Statutes 1982, sections 69.772, subdivisions 1, 2, and 3; 424A.01; 424A.02; 424A.03, subdivision 1; 424A.04; 424A.05; and 424A.08; proposing new law coded in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 424A; repealing Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 424.26. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 69.772, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [APPLICATION.] This section shall apply to any firefighter's relief association specified in section 69.771, subdivision 1, which pays a lump sum service pension, but which does not pay a monthly service pension, to a retiring firefighter when at least the minimum requirements for entitlement to a service pension specified in section 424A.02, or any applicable special legislation and the articles of incorporation or bylaws of the relief association have been met. Each firefighter's relief association to which this section applies shall determine the accrued liability of the special fund of the relief association in accordance with theapplicableaccrued liability table set forth in subdivision 2 and the financial requirements of the relief association and the minimum obligation of the municipality in accordance with the procedure set forth in subdivision 3. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 69.772, subdivision 2, is amended to read: Subd. 2. [DETERMINATION OF ACCRUED LIABILITY.]Eachfirefighters' relief association which pays a service pensionwhen a retiring firefighter meets the minimum requirements forentitlement to a service pension specified in section 424A.02and which in its articles of incorporation or bylaws requiresservice credit for a period of service less than 20 years ofactive service for a totally nonforfeitable service pension asprovided in section 424A.09 shall determine the accruedliability of the special fund of the firefighters' reliefassociation relative to each active or deferred member of therelief association, calculated individually using the followingtable:CumulativeAccruedYearLiability............. ............1$35271311041505192623672838332938310437114941255313616146811575016 and thereafter50 additional peryearEach firefighters' relief association which pays a service pension when a retiring firefighter meets the minimum requirements for entitlement to a service pension specified in section 424A.02 and which in its articles of incorporation or bylaws requires service credit for a period of service of at least 20 years of active service for a totally nonforfeitable service pension shall determine the accrued liability of the special fund of the firefighters' relief association relative to each active or deferred member of the relief association, calculated individually using the following table: Cumulative Accrued Year Liability ............. ............. 1 $3060 262124 395190 4130260 5167334 6205410 7246492 8288576 9333666 10380760 11429858 12481962 135351070 145921184 156521304 167141428 177801560 188491698 199221844 2010002000 21 and thereafter50100 additional per yearThe accrued liability of the special fund for each activeor deferred member of the relief association shall be determinedas the multiple or portion of the accrued liability amountscorresponding to the cumulative years of active service with thefire department to which the relief association is affiliated tothe credit of the member as set forth in the applicable tablethat the lump sum service pension amount currently provided forin the articles of incorporation or the bylaws of the reliefassociation bears to a lump sum service pension of $50 per yearof serviceAs set forth in the table the accrued liability for each member or deferred member of the relief association corresponds to the cumulative years of active service to the credit of the member. The accrued liability of the special fund for each active or deferred member is determined by multiplying the accrued liability from the chart by the ratio of the lump sum service pension amount currently provided for in the bylaws of the relief association to a service pension of $100 per year of service. If a member has fractional service as of December 31, the figure for service credit to be used for the determination of accrued liability pursuant to this section shall be roundedupto the nearest full year of service credit. The total accrued liability of the special fundof the reliefassociationas of December 31 shall be the sum of the accrued liability attributable to each active or deferred member of the relief association. Sec. 3. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 69.772, subdivision 3, is amended to read: Subd. 3. [FINANCIAL REQUIREMENTS OF THE RELIEF ASSOCIATION; MINIMUM OBLIGATION OF THE MUNICIPALITY.] During the month of July, the officers of the relief association shall determine the overall funding balance of the special fundof therelief associationfor the current calendar year, the financial requirements of the special fundof the relief associationfor the following calendar year and the minimum obligation of the municipality with respect to the special fundof the reliefassociationfor the following calendar year in accordance with the requirements of this subdivision. (1) The overall funding balance of the special fundof therelief associationfor the current calendar year shall be determined in the following manner: (a) The total accrued liability of the special fundof therelief associationfor all active and deferred members of the relief association as of December 31 of the current year shall be calculated pursuant to subdivisions 2 and 2a, if applicable. (b) The total present assets of the special fundof therelief associationprojected to December 31 of the current year, including receipts by and disbursements from the special fund anticipated to occur on or before December 31 shall be calculated. (c) The amount of the total present assets of the special fundof the relief associationcalculated pursuant to clause (b) shall be subtracted from the amount of the total accrued liability of the special fundof the relief associationcalculated pursuant to clause (a). If the amount of total present assets exceeds the amount of the total accrued liability, then the special fund shall be considered to have a surplus over full funding. If the amount of the total present assets is less than the amount of the total accrued liability, then the special fund shall be considered to have a deficit from full funding. If the amount of total present assets is equal to the amount of the total accrued liability, then the special fund shall be considered to be fully funded. (2) The financial requirements of the special fundof therelief associationfor the following calendar year shall be determined in the following manner: (a) The total accrued liability of the special fundof therelief associationfor all active and deferred members of the relief association as of December 31 of the calendar year next following the current calendar year shall be calculated pursuant to subdivisions 2 and 2a, if applicable. (b) The increaseor decreasein the total accrued liability of the special fundof the relief associationfor the following calendar year over the total accrued liability of the special fundof the relief associationfor the current year shall be calculated. (c) If the special fundof the relief associationis fully funded, the financial requirement of the special fund for the following calendar year shall beeither the positive orthenegativefigure which represents the increaseor the decreasein the total accrued liability of the special fundrespectivelyas calculated pursuant to subclause (b). (d) If the special fundof the relief associationhas a deficit from full funding, the financial requirements of the special fund for the following calendar year shall be the financial requirements of the special fund calculated as though the special fund were fully funded pursuant to subclause (c) plus an amount equal to one-tenth of the amount of the deficit from full funding of the special fund as determined pursuant to this section for the calendar year 1971 until that deficit is fully retired, and plus an amount equal to one-tenth of the increase in the deficit from full funding of the special fund resulting from an increase in the amount of the service pension accruing subsequent to December 31, 1971 until each increase in the deficit is fully retired. (e) If the special fundof the relief associationhas a surplus over full funding, the financial requirements of the special fund for the following calendar year shall be the financial requirements of the special fund calculated as though the special fund were fully funded pursuant to subclause (c) reduced by an amount equal to one-tenth of the amount of the surplus over full funding of the special fund. (3) The minimum obligation of the municipality with respect to the special fundof the relief associationshall be the financial requirements of the special fundof the reliefassociationreduced by the amount of any fire state aid payable pursuant to sections 69.011 to 69.051 anticipated to be received by the municipality for transmittal to the special fundof therelief associationduring the following calendar year, an amount of interest on the assets of the special fund projected to theend of the currentbeginning of the following calendar year calculated at the rate of five percent per annum, and the amount of any anticipated contributions to the special fund by the members of the relief association during the following calendar year. Sec. 4. [424A.001] [DEFINITIONS.] Subdivision 1. [TERMS DEFINED.] As used in chapter 424A, the terms defined in this section have the meanings given. Subd. 2. [FIRE DEPARTMENT.] "Fire department" includes municipal fire department and independent nonprofit firefighting corporation. Subd. 3. [MUNICIPALITY.] "Municipality" means a municipality which has a fire department with which the relief association is directly associated, or the municipalities which contract with the independent nonprofit firefighting corporation of which the relief association is a subsidiary. Subd. 4. [RELIEF ASSOCIATION.] "Relief association" means (a) a volunteer firefighters' relief association or volunteer firefighters' division or account of a partially salaried and partially volunteer firefighters' relief association organized and incorporated under chapter 317 and any laws of the state, governed by chapters 69 and 424A, and directly associated with a fire department established by municipal ordinance; or (b) any separate incorporated volunteer firefighters' relief association subsidiary to and providing service pension and retirement benefit coverage for members of an independent nonprofit firefighting corporation organized under the provisions of chapter 317, governed by chapter 424A, and operating exclusively for firefighting purposes. Subd. 5. [SPECIAL FUND.] "Special fund" means special fund of a volunteer firefighters' relief association or the account for volunteer firefighters within the special fund of a partially salaried and partially volunteer firefighters' relief association. Subd. 6. [SURVIVING SPOUSE.] For purposes of this chapter, and the governing bylaws of any relief association to which this chapter applies, the term "surviving spouse" means any person who was the dependent spouse of a deceased active member or retired former member living with the member at the time of the death of the active member or retired former member for at least one year prior to the date on which the member terminated active service and membership. Sec. 5. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 424A.01, is amended to read: 424A.01 [MEMBERSHIP IN A VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS' RELIEF ASSOCIATION.] Subdivision 1. [MINORS.] It is unlawful for any municipality or independent nonprofit firefighting corporation to employ a minor as a volunteer firefighter or to permit a minor to serve in any capacity performing any firefighting duties with a volunteer fire department. Subd. 2. [STATUS OF SUBSTITUTE OR PROBATIONARY VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS.] No person who is serving as a substitute or a probationary volunteer firefighter shall be deemed to be a firefighter for purposes of chapter 69 or this chapter nor shall be authorized to be a member of any volunteer firefighters' relief association governed by chapter 69 or this chapter. Subd. 3. [STATUS OF NONMEMBER VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS.] No person who is serving as a firefighter in amunicipalfire departmentor an independent nonprofit firefighting corporationbut who is not a member of the applicable firefighters' relief association shall be entitled to any service pension, retirementor ancillary benefitsor pension or retirement benefit coveragefrom the relief association. Subd. 3a. [SERVICE CREDIT FOR CERTAIN PROBATIONARY VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS.] Unless the bylaws of thevolunteerfirefightersrelief association clearly provide to the contrary, any person: (a) who has served as a probationary volunteer firefighter with amunicipalfire departmenttowith which avolunteerfirefightersrelief associationgoverned by chapter 69 and thischapteris directly associatedor with an independent nonprofitfirefighting corporation to which a volunteer firefightersrelief association governed by chapter 69 and this chapter issubsidiary; and (b) who is a member of thatvolunteer firefightersrelief association;shall beis entitled to have the period of service as a probationary volunteer firefighter credited as a period of active service as an active member of themunicipalfire departmentor the independent nonprofit firefightingcorporation, whichever is applicable,for purposes of calculating a service pension orother retirementancillary benefits. Subd. 4. [EXCLUSION OF PERSONS CONSTITUTING AN UNWARRANTED HEALTH RISK.] The board of trustees of everyvolunteerfirefighters'relief associationgoverned by chapter 69 or thischapter shall have the right tomay exclude from membership in the relief association all applicants who, due to some medically determinable physical or mental impairment or condition, would constitutefor the relief associationa predictable and unwarranted risk ofthe commencement of a retirementimposing liability for an ancillary benefit at any age earlier than the minimum age specified for receipt of a service pension. Notwithstanding any provision of section 363.02, subdivision 5, it shall be a good and valid defense to a complaint or action brought under chapter 363 that the board of trustees of the relief association made a good faith determination that the applicant suffers from an impairment or condition constituting a predictable and unwarranted risk for the relief association if the determination was made following consideration of: (a) the person's medical history; and (b) the report of the physician completing a physical examination of the applicant completed at the expense of the relief associationand of the person'smedical history. Sec. 6. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 424A.02, is amended to read: 424A.02 [VOLUNTEER FIREFIGHTERS; SERVICE PENSIONS.] Subdivision 1. [AUTHORIZATION.] Anyvolunteerfirefighters'relief associationor volunteer firefighters'division or account of a partially salaried and partiallyvolunteer firefighters' relief association organized andincorporated under chapter 317 and any laws of the state anddirectly associated with a fire department established bymunicipal ordinance or any separate incorporated volunteerfirefighters' relief association subsidiary to and providingservice pension and retirement benefit coverage for members ofan independent nonprofit firefighting corporation organizedunder the provisions of chapter 317 and operating exclusivelyfor fire fighting purposes, whether or not the nonprofitfirefighting corporation qualifies for fire state aid pursuantto chapter 69, when its articles of incorporation or bylaws so provide, may pay out of the assets oftheits special fundofthe volunteer firefighters' relief association or volunteerfirefighters' account,a service pension to each of its members who: (1) separates from active service with the fire departmentor the independent nonprofit firefighting corporation, who; (2) reaches the age of 50 yearsand who; (3) completes at least ten years of active service as an active member of the municipal fire department to which the relief association is associatedorof the independent nonprofit firefighting corporation to whichthe relief association is subsidiary, and who; (4) completes at least ten years of active membership with thevolunteerfirefighters'relief associationor volunteer firefighters'accountprior to separation from active service; andwho(5) complies with any additional conditions as to age, service and membership which are prescribed by the bylaws of the relief association. The service pension may be paid whether or not the municipality or nonprofit firefighting corporation to which the relief association is associated qualifies for fire state aid under chapter 69. In the case of a member who has completed at least ten years of active service as an active member of themunicipalfire department to which the relief association is associatedor of the independent nonprofit firefightingcorporation to which the relief association is subsidiaryon the date that thevolunteer firefighters'relief association is established and incorporated, the requirement that the member complete at least ten years of active membership with thevolunteer firefighters'relief associationor volunteerfirefighters' accountprior to separation from active service may be waived by the board of trustees of the relief association if the member completes at least ten years of inactive membership with thevolunteer firefighters'relief associationor volunteer firefighters' accountprior to the payment of the service pension. During the period of inactive membership, the member shall not be entitled to receive any disability benefit coverage, shall not be entitled to receive any additional service credit towards computation of a service pension, and shall be deemed to have the status of a person entitled to a deferred service pension pursuant to subdivision 7. No municipality or nonprofit firefighting corporation is authorized to delegate the power to take final action in setting a service pension orretirementancillary benefit amount or level to the board of trustees of thevolunteer firefightersrelief association or to approve in advance a service pension orretirementancillary benefit amount or level equal to the maximum amount or level which this chapter would allow rather than a specific dollar amount or level. Novolunteer firefighters'relief associationor volunteerfirefighters' division or account of a partially salaried andpartially volunteer firefighters' relief association isauthorized toas defined in section 424A.001, subdivision 4, shall pay a service pension or disability benefit to any former member of the relief association if that person has not separated from active service with the fire department to which thevolunteer firefighters'relief association is directly associatedor with the independent nonprofit firefightingcorporation to which the volunteer firefighters' reliefassociation is subsidiary. Subd. 2. [NONFORFEITABLE PORTION OF SERVICE PENSION.]Anyvolunteer firefighters' relief association or volunteerfirefighters' account to which this section applies, when itsarticles of incorporation or bylaws so provide and when aretiring member meets the minimum age and service requirementsset forth in subdivision 1 but has not completed 20 years ofservice may pay a portion of the service pension amount earnedto date as specified in the bylaws, but not to exceed thepercentage applicable for each full year of service completed asfollows:Completed Years of Service Nonforfeitable Portion ofAnnual or Prorata ServicePension AmountIf the articles of incorporation or bylaws of a relief association so provide, a relief association may pay a reduced service pension to a retiring member who has completed fewer than 20 years of service. The reduced service pension may be paid when the retiring member meets the minimum age and service requirements of subdivision 1. The amount of the reduced service pension shall not exceed the amount calculated by multiplying the service pension appropriate for the completed years of service as specified in the bylaws times the applicable nonforfeitable percentage of pension. The applicable nonforfeitable percentage of pension amounts are as follows: Completed Years of Service Nonforfeitable Percentage of Pension Amount 10 60 percent 11 64 percent 12 68 percent 13 72 percent 14 76 percent 15 80 percent 16 84 percent 17 88 percent 18 92 percent 19 96 percent 20 and thereafter 100 percent Subd. 3. [FLEXIBLE SERVICE PENSION MAXIMUMS.] On or before August 1 of each year as part of the certification of the financial requirements and minimum municipal obligation made pursuant to section 69.772, subdivision 4, or 69.773, subdivision 5, the secretary or some other official of the relief association designated in the bylaws of eachvolunteerfirefighters'relief associationor volunteer firefighters'account, other than a relief association or account which in itsbylaws provides solely for the payment of a defined contributionservice pension as authorized pursuant to subdivision 4,shall calculate and certify to the governing body of the applicable qualified municipality the average amount of available financing per active covered firefighter for the most recent three-year period. The amount of available financing shall include any amounts of fire state aid received or receivable by the relief associationor account, any amounts of municipal contributions to the relief associationor accountraised from levies on real estate or from other available revenue sources exclusive of fire state aid, and one-tenth of the amount of assets in excess of the accrued liabilities of the relief associationor accountcalculated pursuant to sections 69.772, subdivision 2; 69.773, subdivisions 2 and 4; or 69.774, subdivision 2, if any. The maximum service pension which the relief association may provide for in its bylaws for payment to a member retiring after the calculation date when the minimum age and service requirements specified in subdivision 1 are met shall be determined using the applicable following table. For a relief associationor accountwhere the governing bylaws provide for a monthly service pension to a retiring member, if the average amount of available financing per active covered firefighter does not exceed the minimum average amount specified below, then the maximum monthly service pension amount per month for each year of service credited which may be provided for in the bylaws shall be the greater of: (1) the service pension amount provided for in the bylaws on the date of calculation; or (2) the maximum service pension figure corresponding to the average amount of available financing per active covered firefighter: Minimum Average Amount of Maximum Service Pension Available Financing per Amount Payable per Month Firefighter for Each Year of Service $... $ .25 37 .50 75 1.00 112 1.50 149 2.00 186 2.50 224 3.00 261 3.50 298 4.00 336 4.50 373 5.00 447 6.00 522 7.00 597 8.00 671 9.00 746 10.00 820 11.00 895 12.00 969 13.00 1044 14.00 1119 15.00 1193 16.00 1268 17.00 1342 18.00 1417 19.00 1491 20.00 1566 21.00 1640 22.00 1678 or more 22.50 For a relief associationor accountin which the governing bylaws provide for a lump sum service pension to a retiring member, if the average amount of available financing per active covered firefighter does not exceed the minimum average amount specified below, then the maximum lump sum service pension amount for each year of service credited which may be provided for in the bylaws shall be the greater of: (1) the service pension amount provided for in the bylaws on the date of the calculation; or (2) the maximum service pension figure corresponding to the average amount of available financing per active covered firefighter: Minimum Average Amount Maximum Lump Sum Service of Available Financing Pension Amount Payable per Firefighter for Each Year of Service $.. $10 10 20 14 30 20 40 24 50 28 60 38 80 48 100 58 120 68 140 76 160 86 180 96 200 116 240 134 280 154 320 172 360 192 400 212 440 230 480 250 520 268 560 288 600 308 640 326 680 346 720 364 760 384 800 432 900 480 1000 528 1100 576 1200 624 1300 672 1400 720 1500 768 1600 816 1700 864 1800 912 1900 960 2000 1008 2100 1056 2200 1104 2300 1152 2400 1200 2500 1248 2600 1296 2700 1344 2800 1392 2900 1440 or more 3000 For a relief associationor accountin which the governing bylaws provide for a monthly benefit service pension as an alternative form of service pension payment to a lump sum service pension at the option of the retiring member, the maximum service pension amount shall be determined using the applicable table contained in this subdivision. Subd. 4. [DEFINED CONTRIBUTION LUMP SUM SERVICE PENSIONS.] If the bylaws governing thevolunteer firefighters'relief associationor volunteer firefighters' account of afirefighters' relief associationso provide exclusively, the relief associationor accountmay pay a defined contribution lump sum service pension in lieu of any defined benefit service pension governed by subdivision 2. An individual account for each firefighter who is a member of the relief association shall be established. To each individual member account shall be credited a right to an equal share of: (a) any amounts of fire state aid received by the relief associationor account,; (b) any amounts of municipal contributions to the relief associationor accountraised from levies on real estate or from other available revenue sources exclusive of fire state aid,; and (c) any amounts equal to the share of the assets of the special fund to the credit of: (1) any former member who terminated active service with the fire departmentof the municipalityto which the relief association is associatedor the independentnonprofit firefighting corporation to which the reliefassociation is a subsidiaryprior to meeting the minimum service requirement provided for in subdivision 1 and has not returned to active service with the fire departmentor independentnonprofit firefighting corporationfor a period no shorter than five years; orto the credit of(2) any retired member who retired prior to obtaining a full nonforfeitable interest in the amounts credited to the individual member account pursuant to subdivision 2 and any applicable provision of the bylaws of the relief association. In addition, any interest or investment income earned on the assets of the special fund shall be credited in proportion to the share of the assets of the special fund to the credit of each individual member account. At the time of retirement pursuant to subdivision 1 and any applicable provision of the bylaws of the relief association, a retiring member shall be entitled to that portion of the assets of the special fund to the credit of the member in the individual member account which is nonforfeitable pursuant to subdivision 2 and any applicable provision of the bylaws of the relief association based on the number of years of service to the credit of the retiring member. Subd. 5. [SERVICE CREDIT MAXIMUM.] No relief associationor account to which this chapter applies and wherefor which the governing bylaws providefora monthly service pension to a retiring member shall credit any member with service in excess of 30 years; provided, however, that for any. For a member of a relief associationor accountwho, as of July 1, 1979, has received credit for service in excess of 30 years, the limitation on the crediting of further service credit provided for in this subdivisionshall applyapplies to any additional years of service occurring after July 1, 1979. Subd. 6. [PAYMENT OF SERVICE PENSIONS; NONASSIGNABILITY.] The method of calculating service pensions shall be applied uniformly, except as otherwise provided in this section. No service pension shall be paid to any person while the person remains an active member of the respectivemunicipalfire departmentor nonprofit firefighting corporation, and no person who is receiving a service pension shall be entitled to receive any other benefits from the special fund of the relief associationor account. No service pension orretirementancillary benefits paid or payable from the special fund of a relief associationor accountto any person receiving or entitled to receive a service pension orotherancillary benefits shall be subject to garnishment, judgment, execution or other legal processand. No person entitled to a service pension orother retirementancillary benefits from the special fund of a relief associationor account shall have the right tomay assign any service pension orretirementancillary benefit payments, nor shall the association have the authority to recognize any assignment or pay over any sum which has been assigned. Subd. 7. [DEFERRED SERVICE PENSIONS.] A member of a relief associationor accountto which this section applieswhois entitled to a deferred service pension if the member: (1) has completed the lesser of the minimum period of active service with themunicipalfire departmentor independentnonprofit firefighting corporationspecified in the bylaws or 20 years of active service with themunicipalfire departmenttowhich the relief association or account is directly associatedwith or the independent nonprofit firefighting corporation ofwhich the relief association is a subsidiary, who; (2) has completed at least ten years of active membership in the relief associationor account; andwho(3) separates from active service and membership prior to reaching the age of 50 years or the minimum age for retirement and commencement of a service pension specified in the bylaws governing the relief associationor accountif that age is greater than the age of 50 yearsshall be entitled to a deferredservice pension to. The deferred service pension shall commenceuponwhen the former memberreachingreaches the age of 50 years or the minimum age specified in the bylaws governing the relief associationor accountif that age is greater than the age of 50 years anduponwhen the former membermakingmakes a valid written application. Any relief associationor accountwhich provides a lump sum service pension may, when its governing bylaws so provide, pay interest on the deferred lump sum service pension during the period of deferral. If provided for, interest shall be paid at the rate actually earned by the relief associationor account, but not to exceed the interest rate specified in section 356.215, subdivision 4, clause (4), and shall be compounded annually based on calendar year balances. The deferred service pension shall be governed by and shall be calculated pursuant to any general statute, special law, relief association articles of incorporation or relief association bylaw provisions applicable as of the date on which the member separated from active service with the fire departmentor thenonprofit firefighting corporationand active membership in the relief associationor account. Subd. 8. [LUMP SUM SERVICE PENSIONS; INSTALLMENT PAYMENTS.] Any relief associationor account, if the governing bylaws so provide, may pay, at the option of the retiring member and in lieu of a single payment of a lump sum service pension,paya lump sum service pension in installments. The election of installment payments shall be irrevocable and shall be made by the retiring member in writing and filed with the secretary of the relief association no later than 30 days prior to the commencement of payment of the service pension. The amount of the installment payments shall be determined so that the present value of the aggregate installment payments computed at an interest rate of five percent, compounded annually, is equal to the amount of the single lump sum payment which would have been made had the installment payments option not been elected. The payment of each installment shall include interest at the rate of five percent, compounded annually on the reserve supporting the remaining installment payments as of the date on which the previous installment payment was paid and computed from the date on which the previous installment payment was paid to the date of payment for the current installment payment. To the extent that the commissioner of insurance deems it to be necessary or practical, the commissioner may specify and issue procedures, forms or mathematical tables for use in performing the calculations required pursuant to this subdivision. Subd. 9. [LIMITATION ONRETIREMENTANCILLARY BENEFITSOTHER THAN SERVICE PENSION.] Any relief associationor accountto which this section applies, if the governing bylaws soprovide, may provide retirement coverage for andmay payany oneor any combination death, disability, funeral and survivorshipancillary benefits which would constitute an authorized disbursement as specified in section 424A.05 subject to the following limitations:(1)(a) With respect to a relief associationor accountwhere thein which governing bylaws provide for a lump sum service pension to a retiring member, noretirementancillary benefit may be paid to any former member or paid to any person on behalf of any former membersubsequent toafter the former memberterminating(1) terminates active service with themunicipalfire departmentto which the relief association oraccount is directly associated or the independent nonprofitfirefighting corporation of which the relief association is asubsidiary, whichever is applicable,and active membership in the relief associationor account,; andcommencing(2) commences receipt of a service pension as authorized pursuant to this section; and(2)(b) With respect to any relief associationor account, noretirementancillary benefit paid or payable to any member, to any former member, or to any person on behalf of any member or former member, may exceed in amount the total earned service pension of the member or former member. The total earned service pension is calculated using the service pension amount specified in thegoverningbylaws of the relief association and the years of service credited to the member or former member. The years of service are determined as of (1) the date the member or former member became entitled to theretirementancillary benefit; or (2) the date the member or former member died entitling a survivor or the estate of the member or former member toa retirementan ancillary benefiton behalf of themember or former member,. The survivor benefit may be calculated (1) without regard to whether the member or former member had attained the minimum amount of service and membership credit specified in the governing bylawsor not; and (2) without regard to the percentage amounts specified in subdivision 2; except that the bylaws of any relief association may provide for the payment of a survivor benefitequivalent ofin an amount not to exceed five times the yearly service pension amount specified in the bylaws on behalf of any member who dies before having performed five years of active service in the fire department with which the relief association is affiliated. Subd. 9a. [POST RETIREMENT INCREASES.] Notwithstanding any provision of general or special law to the contrary, avolunteerfirefighters'relief association paying a monthly service pension may, from time to time, with municipal approval pursuantto subdivision 10 and section 69.772, subdivision 6, or section69.773, subdivision 6, whichever is applicable,provide a post retirement increase to retired members andother retirementancillary benefit recipients of the relief association if (1) the relief association adopts an appropriate bylaw amendment; and (2) the bylaw amendment is approved by the municipality pursuant to subdivision 10 and section 69.773, subdivision 6. The post retirement increasemay only be granted pursuant to anamendment to the bylaws of the relief association andshall be applicable only to retired members andother retirementancillary benefit recipients receiving a service pension orretirementancillary benefit as of the effective date of the bylaw amendment. The authority to provide a post retirement increase to retired members andother retirementancillary benefit recipients of a relief association contained in this subdivision shall supersede any prior special law authorization relating to the provision of post retirement increases. Subd. 10. [LOCAL APPROVAL OF BYLAW AMENDMENTS; FILING REQUIREMENTS.] Each relief associationor accountto which this section applies shall filea complete current copy of itsgoverning bylaws with the commissioner of insurance on or beforeJuly 1, 1980 and shall immediately filea revised copy of its governing bylaws with the commissioner of insurance upon the adoption of any amendment to its governing bylaws by the relief association or upon the approval of any amendment to its governing bylaws granted by the governing body oftheeach municipalityin whichserved by the fire department to which the relief associationor accountis directly associatedor by thegoverning bodies of all municipalities with which theindependent nonprofit firefighting corporation of which therelief association is a subsidiary has contracted whichever isapplicable. Failure of the relief association to file a copy of the bylaws or any bylaw amendments with the commissioner of insurance shall disqualify the municipality from the distribution of any future fire state aid until this filing requirement has been completed. If the special fund of the relief association does not have a surplus over full funding pursuant to section 69.772, subdivision 3, clause (2), subclause (e), or 69.773, subdivision 4, and if the municipality is required to provide financial support to the special fund of the relief association pursuant to section 69.772 or 69.773in the event that the firedepartment to which the relief association or account isdirectly associated is a municipal fire department, or if therelief association is a subsidiary of a nonprofit firefightingcorporation, no bylaw amendment which would affect the amount of, the manner of payment of, or the conditions for qualification for service pensions orother retirementancillary benefits or disbursements other than administrative expenses authorized pursuant to section 69.80 payable from the special fund of the relief associationor accountshall be effective until it has been ratified by the governing body or bodies of themunicipality in which the fire department to which therelief association or account is directly associated or by thegoverning bodies of allappropriate municipalitieswith whichthe independent nonprofit firefighting corporation of which therelief association is a subsidiary has contracted, whichever isapplicable. Ifthe fire department with which the reliefassociation is directly associated is a municipal firedepartment andthe municipality is not required to provide financial support to the special fundof the relief associationpursuant to this section, the relief association may adopt or amend without municipal ratification its articles of incorporation or bylaws which increase or otherwise affect theretirement coverage provided by or theservice pensions orretirementancillary benefits payable from the special fundofthe relief association shall be effective without municipalratificationso long asthis doesthe changes do not cause the amount of the resulting increase in the accrued liability of the special fundof the relief associationto exceed 90 percent of the amount of the prior surplus over full funding andthis doesthe changes do not result in the financial requirements of the special fundof the relief associationexceeding the expected amount of the future fire state aid to be received by the relief associationas. If the relief association pays only a lump sum pension, the financial requirements are to be determined by the board of trustees following the preparation of an estimate of the expected increase in the accrued liability and annual accruing liability of the relief association attributable to the change,if the relief association pays only a lump sum service pensionor. If the relief association pays a monthly benefit service pension, the financial requirements are to be determined by the board of trustees following either an updated actuarial valuation including the proposed change or an estimate of the expected actuarial impact of the proposed change prepared by the actuary of the relief associationif the relief association paysa monthly benefit service pension. If a relief association adopts or amends its articles of incorporation or bylaws without municipal ratification pursuant to this subdivision, and, subsequent to the amendment or adoption, the financial requirements of the special fundof the relief associationpursuant to this section are such so as to require financial support from the municipality, the provision which was implemented without municipal ratification shall no longer be effective without municipal ratification, and any service pensions orretirementancillary benefits payable after that date shall be paid only in accordance with the articles of incorporation or bylaws as amended or adopted with municipal ratification. Subd. 11. [DISTRIBUTION OF ASSETS UPON DISSOLUTION IN CERTAIN CASES.] If the fire department which is associated with a relief association is dissolved or eliminated by action of the governing body of the municipality in which the fire department is located, the relief association shall distribute its assets and be dissolved in the following manner: (1) Within six months after the dissolution of the fire department, the board of trustees of the relief association shall convert all of the assets of the relief association to cash or negotiable instruments. (2) The board shall then determine and pay all of the legal obligations of the association, including the costs related to dissolution of the corporate existence of the association, but excluding pension obligations to members. (3) After payment of the legal obligations of the association, the board shall determine the pro rata share of each member of the association. The pro rata share shall be that portion of the remaining assets of the association based on the proportion which the months of active service performed in the associated fire department bears to the total number of months of active service which have been performed in the associated fire department by all of the persons who are then members of the relief association. At the time of dissolution of the corporation, each member shall be paid the member's pro rata share. Sec. 7. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 424A.03, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [LIMITATION ON NONUNIFORMITY OF PENSIONS.]NoEvery partially salaried and partially volunteer firefighters' relief association shall provide service pensions to volunteer firefighter memberswhich differ in nature oramount if the difference is based on compensation paid forfirefighting services rendered by any firefighter member norbase the service pensions and retirement benefits it providesupon any rate or amount of compensation which is paid forfirefighting servicesbased on the years of service of the members not on the compensation paid to the members for firefighting services. Each relief association shall provide service pensions to salaried members as set forth in chapter 424 and applicable special laws. Sec. 8. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 424A.04, is amended to read: 424A.04 [VOLUNTEER RELIEF ASSOCIATIONS; BOARD OF TRUSTEES.] Subdivision 1. [MEMBERSHIP.] Everyvolunteer firefighters'relief association directly associated with a municipal fire department shall be managed by a board of trustees consisting of nine members. Six trustees shall be elected from the membership of the relief association and three trustees shall be drawn from the officials of themunicipality which has amunicipalities served by the fire department to which the relief association is directly associatedor the municipality which contracts or themunicipalities which contract with the independent nonprofitfirefighting corporation of which the relief association is asubsidiary. The bylaws of avolunteer firefighters'relief association may provide that one of the six trusteesrequired tobeelected fromthe membership ofthe relief association may be a retired memberof the relief associationreceiving a monthly pension who is elected by the membership of thefire departmentrelief association. The three ex officio trustees, if therelief association is directly associated with the firedepartment of a municipality,shall be the mayor, the clerk, clerk-treasurer or finance director, and the chief of the municipal fire department.The three ex officio trustees, iftheEvery relief association that is a subsidiary of an independent nonprofit firefightingreliefcorporation,shall be managed by a board of trustees consisting of ten members. Six trustees shall be elected from the membership of the relief association, three trustees shall be drawn from the officials of the municipalities served by the fire department to which the relief association is directly associated, and one trustee shall be the fire chief. The bylaws of a relief association may provide that one of the six trustees elected from the relief association may be a retired member receiving a monthly pension who is elected by the membership of the relief association. The three ex officio trustees who are the elected officials shall be selected as follows: (1) if only one municipality contracts with the independent nonprofit firefighting corporation, the ex officio trustees shall be three elected officials of the contracting municipality who are designated by the governing body of the municipalityifonly one municipality contracts with the independent nonprofitfirefighting corporation,; (2) if two municipalities contract with the independent nonprofit firefighting corporation, the ex officio trustees shall be two elected officials of the largest municipality in population and one elected official of the next largest municipality in population who are designated by the governing bodies of the applicable municipalitiesif two municipalitiescontract with the independent nonprofit firefightingcorporation,; or (3) if three or more municipalities contract with the independent nonprofit corporation, the ex officio trustees shall be one elected official of each of the three largest municipalities in population who are designated by the governing bodies of the applicable municipalitiesif three or moremunicipalities contract with the independent nonprofitfirefighting corporation. An ex officio trustee shall have allofthe rights and duties accorded to any other trustee except the right to be an officer of the board of trustees. A board shall have at least three officers, which shall be a president, a secretary and a treasurer. These officers shall be elected from among the elected trustees by either the full board of trustees or by the membership, as specified in the bylaws, and in no event shall any trustee hold more than one officer position at any one time. The terms of the elected trustees and of the officers of the board shall be specified in the bylaws of the relief association, but shall not exceed three years. If the term of the elected trustees exceeds one year, the election of the various trustees elected from the membership shall initially and shall thereafter continue to be staggered on as equal a basis as is practicable. Subd. 2. [FIDUCIARY DUTY.] It shall be the duty of the board of trustees to faithfully administer any provisions of statute or special law applicable to the relief association without prejudice and consistent with the expressed intent of the legislature. The members of the board shall act as trustees with a fiduciary obligation to the state of Minnesota which authorized the creation of the relief association, to the taxpayers who aid in its financing, and to the firefighters who are its beneficiaries. Sec. 9. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 424A.05, is amended to read: 424A.05 [RELIEF ASSOCIATION SPECIAL FUND.] Subdivision 1. [ESTABLISHMENT OF SPECIAL FUND.] Everyvolunteer firefighters'relief association shall establish and maintain a special fund within the relief association. Subd. 2. [SPECIAL FUND ASSETS AND REVENUES.] The special fund shall be credited with all fire state aid moneys received pursuant to sections 69.011 to 69.051, all taxes levied by or other revenues received from the municipality pursuant to sections 69.771 to 69.776 or any applicable special law requiring municipal support for the relief association, any moneys or property donated, given, granted or devised by any person which is specified for use for the support of the special fundof the relief associationand any interest earned upon the assets of the special fund. The treasurer of the relief association shall be the custodian of the assets of the special fund and shall be the recipient on behalf of the special fund of all revenues payable to the special fund. The treasurer shall maintain adequate records documenting any transaction involving the assets or the revenues of the special fund. These records and the bylaws of the relief association shall be public and shall be open for inspection by any member of the relief association, any officer or employee of the state or the municipality, or any member of the public, at reasonable times and places. Subd. 3. [AUTHORIZED DISBURSEMENTS FROM THE SPECIAL FUND.] Disbursements from the special fund shall not be made for any purpose other than one of the following: (1) For the payment of service pensions to retired members of the relief association if authorized and paid pursuant to law and the bylaws governing the relief association; (2) For the payment of temporary or permanent disabilityretirementbenefits to disabled members of the relief association if authorized and paid pursuant to law and specified in amount in the bylaws governing the relief association; (3) For the payment of survivorretirementbenefits to surviving spouses and surviving children of deceased members of the relief association if authorized by and paid pursuant to law and specified in amount in the bylaws governing the relief association; (4) For the payment of any funeral benefits to the surviving spouse, or if no surviving spouse, the estate, of the deceased member of the relief association if authorized by law and specified in amount in the bylaws governing the relief association; (5) For the payment of the fees, dues and assessments to the Minnesota state fire department association and to the state volunteer firefighters' benefit association in order to entitle relief association members to membership in and the benefits of these state associations; and (6) For the payment of administrative expenses of the relief association as authorized pursuant to section 69.80. Subd. 4. [INVESTMENTS OF ASSETS OF THE SPECIAL FUND.] The assets of the special fund shall be invested only in securities authorized by section 69.775.Subd. 5. [DEFINITION OF SURVIVING SPOUSE.] For purposes ofthis section, section 424A.02, and the governing bylaws of anyrelief association to which this chapter applies, the term"surviving spouse" means any person who was the dependent spouseof a deceased active member or retired former member living withthe member at the time of the death of the active member orretired former member for at least one year prior to the date onwhich the member terminated active service and membership.Sec. 10. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 424A.08, is amended to read: 424A.08 [MUNICIPALITY WITHOUT RELIEF ASSOCIATION; AUTHORIZED DISBURSEMENTS.] Any qualified municipality which is entitled to receive fire state aid but which has no volunteer firefighters' relief association directly associated with itsmunicipalfire departmentand does not contract with an independent nonprofitfirefighting corporation which has a subsidiary volunteerfirefighters' relief association,shall deposit the fire state aid in a special account in the municipal treasury. Disbursement from the special account shall not be made for any purpose except: (1) Payment of the fees, dues and assessments to the Minnesota state fire department association and to the state volunteer firefighters' benefit association in order to entitle its firefighters to membership in and the benefits of these state associations; (2) Payment of the cost of purchasing and maintaining needed equipment for the fire department; and (3) Payment of the cost for construction, acquisition, repair and maintenance of buildings or other premises to house the fire department. Sec. 11. [REPEALER.] Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 424.26, is repealed. Sec. 12. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] This act is effective the day following final enactment. Approved June 1, 1983
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes