Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language
Laws of Minnesota 1983 CHAPTER 63--H.F.No. 597 An act relating to retirement; adding a correctional employees plan member to the state retirement system board; consolidating and eliminating obsolete language; amending Minnesota Statutes 1982, sections 352.03, subdivision 1; and 352B.29. BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA: Section 1. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 352.03, subdivision 1, is amended to read: Subdivision 1. [MEMBERSHIP OF BOARD; ELECTION; TERM.] The policy making function of the system is hereby vested in a board ofnine11 members, who shall be known as the board of directors, hereinafter called the board. This board shall consist of three members appointed by the governor, one of whom shall be a constitutional officer or appointed state official and two of whom shall be public members knowledgeable in pension matters, four state employees who shall be elected by state employees covered by the system excluding employeesof thetransit operating division of the metropolitan transitcommission and employees on authorized leave of absence from thetransit operating division who are employed by the labororganization which is the exclusive bargaining agentrepresenting employees of the transit operating divisionin categories specifically authorized to designate or elect a member by this subdivision, one employee of the transit operating division of the metropolitan transit commissionwhoshall bedesignated by the executive committee of the labor organization which is the exclusive bargaining agent representing employees of the transit division, one member of the state patrol retirement fund elected by members of that fund at a time and in a manner fixed by the board, one employee covered by the correctional employees plan elected by employees covered by that plan, and one retired employeewho shall beelected by retired employees at a time and in a manner to be fixed by the board. Twoboardstate employee members, whose terms of office shall begin on the first Monday in March next succeeding their election, shall be elected biennially.Theterm of the two board members whose terms expire in 1968 shallterminate on the first Monday in March, 1968, and the terms ofthe two board members whose terms expire in 1970 shall terminateon the first Monday in March, 1970. The elected retired boardmember shall serve a term commencing January 1, 1978 andterminating on the first Monday in March, 1980. The transitoperating division board member shall serve a term commencingJanuary 1, 1979, and terminating on the first Monday in March,1980. Thereafter theElected membersof the board so electedand the appointed transit operating division memberso appointedshall hold office for a term of four years, except the retired member whose term shall be two years, and until their successors are elected or appointed, and have qualified. A state employee on leave of absence shall not be eligible for election or re-election to membership on the board of directors; and the term of any board member who is on leave for more than six months shall automatically terminate upon the expiration ofsuchthis period. Sec. 2. Minnesota Statutes 1982, section 352B.29, is amended to read: 352B.29 [HIGHWAY PATROLMEN'S RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION; TRANSFER OF FUNCTIONS.] Notwithstanding other provisions of chapters 352 and 352B as amended, effective July 1, 1973, all powers, duties, responsibilities, books, papers and records of the highway patrolmen's retirement association and of the officers of the highway patrolmen's retirement association are hereby transferred to the Minnesota state retirement system. The officers of the highway patrolmen's retirement association as constituted under this chapter as amended are hereby abolished.The members of the state patrol retirement association shallelect one of their membership to serve as a member of the boardof directors of the Minnesota state retirement system. Suchmember shall be in addition to the board of directors asconstituted under chapter 352 and shall serve for a term of fouryears. The election of such member shall be at a time and in amanner as prescribed by the board. The chief of the statepatrol shall serve as the board member until a member is dulyelected.Sec. 3. [EFFECTIVE DATE.] This act is effective July 1, 1983, except that the term of the correctional employee added to the board by section 1 shall commence March 5, 1984. Approved April 28, 1983
Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes