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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Key: (1) language to be deleted (2) new language


                         Laws of Minnesota 1983 

                        CHAPTER 266--H.F.No. 667
           An act relating to employment; providing leaves of 
          absence for adoptive parents; proposing new law coded 
          in Minnesota Statutes, chapter 181. 
    Section 1.  [181.92] [LEAVES FOR ADOPTIVE PARENTS.] 
    An employer who permits paternity or maternity time off to 
a biological father or mother shall, upon request, grant time 
off, with or without pay, to an adoptive father or mother.  The 
minimum period of this time off shall be four weeks, or, if the 
employer has an established policy of time off for a biological 
parent which sets a period of time off of less than four weeks, 
that period of time shall be the minimum period for an adoptive 
parent.  The period of time off shall, at the direction of the 
adoptive parent, begin before, or at the time of, the child's 
placement in the adoptive parent's home, and shall be for the 
purpose of arranging the child's placement or caring for the 
child after placement.  An employer shall not penalize an 
employee for requesting or obtaining time off according to this 
    Sec. 2.  [EFFECTIVE DATE.] 
    Section 1 is effective the day following final enactment.  
    Approved June 6, 1983

Official Publication of the State of Minnesota
Revisor of Statutes