2024 Minnesota Statutes Index (topics)
- Machine Guns
- Machines
- Magazines
- Magnet Schools
- Magnetic Tape
- Magnifying Glasses
- Magnolia (City)
- Mahnomen County
- Mahonia Bushes
- Mahtomedi (City)
- Maids
- Mail Order Sales
- Mailboxes
- Mailings (Crimes)
- Maintenance And Support
- Majority (Age)
- Makeup
- Malicious Punishment
- Malls
- Malpractice
- Malpractice Insurance
- Malt Beverages
- Malt Liquor
- Maltreatment
- Maltreatment Of Minors Act
- Management And Budget Department
- Management Information Systems (Mis)
- Manager Background Check Act
- Managing General Agents Act
- Mandamus
- Manipulated Manures
- Mankato (City)
- Manslaughter
- Mantorville (City)
- Manufactured Home Parks
- Manufactured Home Repossession Security Act
- Manufactured Homes
- Manufacturers
- Manure
- Manuscripts
- Maple Grove (City)
- Maple Syrup
- Maplewood (City)
- Maps
- Marathons
- Marble (City)
- Marijuana
- Marijuana Taxes
- Marinas
- Marine Insurance
- Marine-On-Saint Croix (City)
- Marine Workers
- Marital Status
- Maritime Employees
- Market Value
- Marketable Title Act
- Marketing
- Markets
- Marl
- Marriage
- Marriage And Family Therapists
- Marriage And Family Therapy Board
- Marriage Dissolution
- Married Women
- Marshall (City)
- Marshall County
- Marshals
- Marshals (U.S.)
- Martial Arts
- Martin County
- Martin Luther King's Birthday
- Masks
- Masonry
- Mass Transit
- Massachusetts Trusts
- Massage
- Masters Of Vessels
- Matches
- Matching Funds
- Materialmen's Liens
- Materials And Supplies
- Maternal And Child Health Advisory Task Force
- Maternal And Child Health Block Grants
- Maternal And Child Nutrition Act
- Maternal And Child Nutrition Grants
- Maternal Mental Health Awareness Month
- Mathematics
- Mausoleums
- Maximum Effort School Aid Law
- Mayo, William W.
- Mayors
- Mcleod County
- Meadowlands (Town)
- Meals (Refreshment)
- Meandered Waters
- Measles
- Measures
- Meat And Meat Products
- Meat And Poultry Inspection
- Meat And Poultry Inspection Act
- Meat Food Products
- Meat Substitutes
- Mechanics
- Mechanics And Material Suppliers Liens
- Medal Of Honor
- Medal Of Honor Day
- Media
- Media Generalists
- Mediation
- Mediation Services Bureau
- Medicaid
- Medical Assistance
- Medical Cannabis
- Medical Conditions
- Medical Doctors
- Medical Equipment And Supplies
- Medical Evidence
- Medical Examiners
- Medical Expenses
- Medical Gases
- Medical Malpractice Insurance
- Medical Neglect
- Medical Practice Board
- Medical Products
- Medical Records
- Medical Savings Accounts
- Medical School Hospitals
- Medical Schools
- Medical Service And Treatment
- Medical Services Review Board
- Medical Students
- Medical Technicians
- Medical Tests
- Medical Waste
- Medicare
- Medicare And Medicaid Services, Centers For
- Medicine
- Meeker County
- Meetings
- Meetings Of Governing Bodies
- Membership Camping
- Memorial Day
- Memorials And Resolutions
- Mendota Heights (City)
- Mental And Psychiatric Hospitals
- Mental Health Advisory Council
- Mental Health Association Of Minnesota
- Mental Health Centers
- Mental Health Parity And Substance Abuse Accountability Office
- Mental Health Practice Office
- Mental Health Services
- Mental Health Workers
- Mental Illness, Persons With
- Mental Illness Information Management System
- Mental Illness Or Deficiency Defense
- Mental Retardation
- Mentally Retarded Persons
- Merchant Marine
- Merchants
- Mercury
- Mercury Contamination Reduction Initiative Advisory Council
- Mercury Emissions Consumer Information Act
- Mercury Emissions Reduction Act
- Mercy Killing
- Mergers
- Merit Fellowships
- Messengers
- Met Center
- Metabolic Disorders
- Metal Knuckles
- Metallic Minerals
- Metals
- Meters
- Methamphetamine
- Methane
- Metro Mobility
- Metrodome
- Metropolitan Agencies
- Metropolitan Agricultural Preserves
- Metropolitan Agricultural Preserves Act
- Metropolitan Airport Planning Advisory Council
- Metropolitan Airports Commission
- Metropolitan Area Aircraft Noise Attenuation Act
- Metropolitan Area Water Supply Policy Advisory Committee
- Metropolitan Area Water Supply Technical Advisory Committee
- Metropolitan Council
- Metropolitan Land Use Advisory Committee
- Metropolitan Landfill Abatement Act
- Metropolitan Livable Communities Fund
- Metropolitan Livable Communities Law
- Metropolitan Mosquito Control Commission
- Metropolitan Mosquito Control District
- Metropolitan Parks And Open Spaces Commission
- Metropolitan Revenue Distribution Act
- Metropolitan Sports Facilities Commission
- Metropolitan Stadium
- Metropolitan Surface Water Management Act
- Metropolitan Surface Water Management Programs
- Metropolitan Waste Control Commission
- Mia's
- Mice
- Michigan
- Microfiche And Microfilm
- Microorganisms
- Middle Management Association
- Midtown Planning And Coordination Board
- Midwest Interstate Low-Level Radioactive Waste Compact
- Midwest Interstate Passenger Rail Compact
- Midwestern Higher Education Commission
- Midwestern Higher Education Compact
- Midwives
- Mighty Ducks Law
- Migrant Workers
- Migratory Waterfowl
- Mileage
- Milfoil
- Military Affairs Department
- Military Affairs Department Personnel Retirement Plan
- Military Code
- Military Forces
- Military Installations
- Military Justice, Minnesota Code Of
- Military Personnel
- Milk
- Milk Processing Plants
- Mille Lacs County
- Mille Lacs Reservation Business Committee
- Mills
- Mine Inspectors
- Mined Underground Space
- Mineral Coordinating Committee
- Mineral Lands
- Mineral Water
- Minerals
- Mini-Storage Units
- Minimum Wage
- Mining
- Ministers
- Minks
- Minneapolis (City)
- Minneapolis Community Development Agency
- Minneapolis Employees Retirement Fund (Merf)
- Minneapolis Firefighters Relief Association
- Minneapolis Park And Recreation Board
- Minneapolis Police Relief Association
- Minneapolis Port Authority
- Minneapolis/Saint Paul Housing Finance Board
- Minneapolis-Saint Paul International Airport
- Minneapolis Teachers Retirement Fund Association (Mtrfa)
- Minnesota
- Minnesota....
- Minnesota Academy Of Science
- Minnesota Aeronautics Commission
- Minnesota Area Industry Labor Management Councils
- Minnesota Association Of Professional Employees
- Minnesota Benefit Association
- Minnesota Braille And Talking Book Library Advisory Committee
- Minnesota Breast And Cervical Cancer Control Program
- Minnesota Business Finance, Inc.
- Minnesota Career Information System (Mcis)
- Minnesota College Savings Plan
- Minnesota Commission On National And Community Service
- Minnesota Competency Attainment Board
- Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association (Mcha)
- Minnesota Conservation Corps
- Minnesota Coordinate System
- Minnesota Counties Intergovernmental Trust
- Minnesota Department Of....
- Minnesota Discovery, Research, And Innovation Economy Funding Program
- Minnesota Education Now And Babies Later Program
- Minnesota Eligibility System Executive Steering Committee
- Minnesota Emerging Entrepreneur Board
- Minnesota Emerging Entrepreneur Program
- Minnesota Environment And Natural Resources Trust Fund
- Minnesota Expanding Opportunity Fund Program
- Minnesota Family Investment Program (Mfip)
- Minnesota Family Resiliency Partnership
- Minnesota Food Products Logo
- Minnesota Forest Resources Council
- Minnesota Forward Fund
- Minnesota Future Resources Commission
- Minnesota Future Resources Fund
- Minnesota Geological Survey
- Minnesota Gi Bill Program
- Minnesota Government Engineers Council
- Minnesota Health Care Commission
- Minnesota Health Data Institute
- Minnesota Historical Society
- Minnesota History And Government Learning Center
- Minnesota Hospital Association
- Minnesota Humane Society
- Minnesota Institute Of Community Policing
- Minnesota Insurance Guaranty Association
- Minnesota Insurance Marketplace
- Minnesota Inter-County Association
- Minnesota International Center
- Minnesota Life And Health Insurance Guaranty Association
- Minnesota Medical Association
- Minnesota Mental Health Association
- Minnesota Municipal Utilities Association
- Minnesota Nursery And Landscape Advisory Committee
- Minnesota Office Of....
- Minnesota One Health Antimicrobial Stewardship Collaborative
- Minnesota Project Innovation, Inc.
- Minnesota Responds Medical Reserve Corps
- Minnesota Risk Adjustment Association
- Minnesota River
- Minnesota Rules
- Minnesota Safety Council
- Minnesota Secure Choice Retirement Program
- Minnesota Security Hospital
- Minnesota Sex Offender Program
- Minnesota Sexual Psychopathic Personality Treatment Center
- Minnesota State Academies Board
- Minnesota State Colleges And Universities System (Mnscu)
- Minnesota State Retirement System (Msrs)
- Minnesota Statutes
- Minnesota Supplemental Aid
- Minnesota Technology, Inc.
- Minnesota Township Association
- Minnesota Trade Office
- Minnesota Twins
- Minnesota War Record Commission
- Minnesota-Wisconsin-Michigan Boundary Compact
- Minnesota Xl Permit Project
- Minnesota Zoo
- Minnesotacare
- Minnesotans Of African Heritage Council
- Minnetonka (City)
- Minnetonka Beach (City)
- Minnetrista (City)
- Minnows
- Minor Parents
- Minority Group Members
- Minority-Owned Businesses
- Minors
- Misbranding
- Miscarriage (Pregnancy)
- Misdemeanor Violations Bureaus
- Misdemeanors
- Mislabeling
- Missing Children And Endangered Persons Act
- Missing In Action Persons
- Missing Persons
- Mississippi Headwaters Board
- Mississippi River
- Mississippi River Parkway Commission
- Missouri
- Mistreatment
- Mitochondrial Disease
- Mitragynine
- Mixed Martial Arts
- Mixed Municipal Waste
- Mndrive Program
- Mnsure
- Mnvest
- Mobile Food Units
- Mobile Homes
- Mobs
- Model Energy Code
- Moderate-Income Persons
- Modular Homes
- Mold (Fungus)
- Molds
- Mollusks
- Molotov Cocktails
- Molybdenum
- Monarch Butterfly
- Monasteries
- Money
- Money Orders
- Money Transmitters
- Monopolies
- Montevideo (City)
- Montgomery (City)
- Monuments
- Moorhead (City)
- Mooring Areas
- Moose
- Moose Lake (City)
- Moose Lake Regional Treatment Center
- Morgues
- Morris (City)
- Morrison County
- Mortality Tables
- Mortgage Corporations
- Mortgage Guaranty Insurance
- Mortgage Registry Taxes
- Mortgages
- Morticians
- Mortuary Science
- Mosquitoes
- Motels
- Moths
- Motions
- Motor Carrier Fuel Tax
- Motor Carriers
- Motor Fuel Franchises
- Motor Fuel Taxes
- Motor Homes
- Motor Vehicle Franchises
- Motor Vehicle Fuel
- Motor Vehicle Fuel Franchises
- Motor Vehicle Insurance
- Motor Vehicle Registration
- Motor Vehicle Registration Taxes
- Motor Vehicle Retail Installment Sales Act
- Motor Vehicle Sales Finance Companies
- Motor Vehicle Sales Taxes
- Motor Vehicle Service Stations
- Motor Vehicles
- Motor Voter Law
- Motorboats
- Motorcycle Helmets
- Motorcycles
- Motors
- Mound (City)
- Mounds View (City)
- Mountain Iron (City)
- Mourning Doves
- Movie Theaters
- Movies
- Moving Companies
- Moving Walks
- Mower County
- Msrs Correctional Employees Retirement Fund
- Mud Lake
- Mulch
- Mules
- Multicounty, Multitype Library Systems
- Multicounty Housing And Redevelopment Authorities
- Multidisciplinary Child Protection Teams
- Multiparty Accounts
- Multiparty Accounts Act
- Multiple Dwellings
- Multiple Employer Welfare Arrangements (Mewas)
- Multistate Tax Commission
- Mumps
- Municipal Bonds
- Municipal Boundary Adjustments
- Municipal Civil Service
- Municipal Contracting Law
- Municipal Corporations
- Municipal Courts
- Municipal Debt Service Aid Law
- Municipal Elections
- Municipal Gas Agencies
- Municipal Incorporation
- Municipal Jails
- Municipal Liquor Stores
- Municipal Parks
- Municipal Power Agencies
- Municipal Redevelopment Agencies
- Municipal State-Aid Street Advisory Committee
- Municipal State-Aid Street Fund
- Municipal State-Aid Streets
- Municipal Waste
- Municipal Waste Combusters
- Municipalities
- Municipally Owned Utilities
- Murder
- Murray County
- Museums
- Mushrooms
- Music
- Music Therapists
- Musical Instruments
- Musical Performances
- Musicians
- Muskellunge
- Muskrats
- Muslim Religion
- Mussels
- Mutiny
- Mutual Companies
- Mutual Funds
- Mutual Insurance Companies
- Mutual Reinsurance Or Guaranty Associations
- Muzzleloaders