Addiction therapists, see ALCOHOL AND DRUG COUNSELORS
Alcohol and drug counselors, see ALCOHOL AND DRUG COUNSELORS
Certificates and certification, Minn. Statutes 2019 144.122
Chemical dependency counselors, see ALCOHOL AND DRUG COUNSELORS
Child abuse and maltreatment, reports, Minn. Statutes 2019 626.556
Disciplinary action, manual or mechanical therapy, violations, Minn. Statutes 2019 146.23
Drug abuse therapists, see ALCOHOL AND DRUG COUNSELORS
Education and training, manual or mechanical therapy, Minn. Statutes 2019 146.23
Health care taxes, Minn. Statutes 2019 295.50
Manual or mechanical therapy, rulemaking, Minn. Statutes 2019 146.23
Marriage and family therapists, see MARRIAGE AND FAMILY THERAPISTS
Occupational therapists, see under OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY
Psychotherapists, see PSYCHOTHERAPISTS
Representation, human services hearings, Minn. Statutes 2019 256.045
School therapists, retirement, see TEACHERS RETIREMENT ASSOCIATION (TRA)
Sexual exploitation by, Minn. Statutes 2019 604.20 to 604.205
Substance abuse therapists, see ALCOHOL AND DRUG COUNSELORS
Training, manual or mechanical therapy, Minn. Statutes 2019 146.23