Alcohol and drug counseling students
Licenses, exceptions, Minn. Statutes 2004 148C.11
Application of law
Definitions, Minn. Statutes 2004 121A.01
Industrial Hygienist and Safety Professional Title Protection Act, Minn. Statutes 2004 182A.04
Sexual, religious, and racial harassment or violence policies, Minn. Statutes 2004 121A.03
Athletic trainers, designation, Minn. Statutes 2004 148.7803
Available for employment, defined, Minn. Statutes 2004 268.085
Blind students
Special education, see Blind students under SPECIAL EDUCATION
State academy, see Students under STATE ACADEMY FOR THE BLIND
Chemically dependent students
Preassessment teams, Minn. Statutes 2004 121A.26 to 121A.29
College students, see Students under COLLEGES AND UNIVERSITIES
Community colleges, see Students under COMMUNITY COLLEGES
Disclosure and use, generally, Minn. Statutes 2004 13.32
Medical records, classification, Minn. Statutes 2004 144.29
School records, Minn. Statutes 2004 13.32, 13.46
Deaf, deaf-blind, and hearing impaired students
Commission Serving Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing People, duties, Minn. Statutes 2004 256C.28
Special education, see SPECIAL EDUCATION
State academy, see Students under STATE ACADEMY FOR THE DEAF
Alcohol and drug counselors, licensing, Minn. Statutes 2004 148C.01
Application of law, Minn. Statutes 2004 121A.01
Comprehensive Health Insurance Act, Minn. Statutes 2004 62E.02
General Assistance Act, Minn. Statutes 2004 256D.02
Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Statutes 2004 13.32
Health and accident insurance, Minn. Statutes 2004 62A.301
Minnesota family investment program (MFIP), Minn. Statutes 2004 256J.08
MinnesotaCare, Minn. Statutes 2004 256L.01
Mortuary science regulation, Minn. Statutes 2004 149A.02
Municipal rights, powers, and duties, Minn. Statutes 2004 471.61
Postsecondary schools, Minn. Statutes 2004 135A.14
Small Employer Health Benefit Act, Minn. Statutes 2004 62L.02
Student grants, state program, Minn. Statutes 2004 136A.101
Student loans, Minn. Statutes 2004 136A.15
Tuberculosis screening in schools, Minn. Statutes 2004 144.441
Work-study, state program, Minn. Statutes 2004 136A.233
Dependents, students defined as, Minn. Statutes 2004 62E.02
Disabled persons, postsecondary schools, policy, Minn. Statutes 2004 135A.16
Discipline and punishment, see under PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Drugs and medicine, see under PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Earned income, MinnesotaCare, disregards, Minn. Statutes 2004 256L.01
Elementary school students, see ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS
Express companies
Rates and charges, exemptions, Minn. Statutes 2004 218.021
Food stamp employment and training programs, Minn. Statutes 2004 256D.051
Force against, see Force used by under TEACHERS
Foreign students, see FOREIGN STUDENTS
Full-time students
Closed-panel health plans, change, procedures, Minn. Statutes 2004 62Q.43
General Assistance Act, Minn. Statutes 2004 256D.02
Health and accident insurance, Minn. Statutes 2004 62A.301
Minnesota family investment program (MFIP), Minn. Statutes 2004 256J.08
MinnesotaCare, Minn. Statutes 2004 256L.01
Small Employer Health Benefit Act, Minn. Statutes 2004 62L.02
Earned income, MinnesotaCare, disregards, Minn. Statutes 2004 256L.01
Enrollment, proof, MinnesotaCare requirements, Minn. Statutes 2004 256L.01
Graduate students
Income, MFIP, exclusions, Minn. Statutes 2004 256J.21
Grants to, see STUDENT GRANTS
Half-time students, defined, Minn. Statutes 2004 256J.08
Handbooks, public schools, Minn. Statutes 2004 121A.03, 121A.30, 121A.69
Hazing, Minn. Statutes 2004 120B.22, 121A.69, 128C.02, 135A.155
High schools, see HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS
Ignition devices, use in educational buildings, Minn. Statutes 2004 609.5633
Illness, disabled, see DISABLED CHILDREN
Minnesota family investment program (MFIP), exclusion, Minn. Statutes 2004 256J.21
Independent students
Definitions, Minn. Statutes 2004 136A.101, 136A.233
Notice of status, financial aid publications, Minn. Statutes 2004 136A.121
Insurance, see Blanket insurance under HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE
Interns, see INTERNS
Kindergarten through grade 12
Counts for education funding, see PUPILS
Generally, see PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Nonpublic schools, see NONPUBLIC SCHOOLS
Kindergartens, see Students under KINDERGARTENS
Law students, visitation by, convicts rights, Minn. Statutes 2004 243.48
Learning disabled, see LEARNING DISABLED PERSONS
Learning year programs, see under SCHOOL YEAR
Lockers, Minn. Statutes 2004 121A.72, 123B.37
Medical assistance, see MEDICAL ASSISTANCE
Medical records
Data, classification, Minn. Statutes 2004 144.29
Vaccination, Minn. Statutes 2004 121A.15
Medical students, see MEDICAL STUDENTS
Minnesota Center for Arts Education, Minn. Statutes 2004 129C.10
Minor parents, MFIP, income, exclusion, Minn. Statutes 2004 256J.21
Motor vehicle insurance, discounts, eligibility, Minn. Statutes 2004 65B.132
Nonpublic schools, see Students under NONPUBLIC SCHOOLS
Nonresidents, studded tires, use prohibited, Minn. Statutes 2004 169.72
Notice received
Student records, directory information designation, Minn. Statutes 2004 13.32
Nursing students, see NURSING SCHOOLS
Parents, see Public school students, parents of under PARENTS
Persons enrolled in a school, students defined as, Minn. Statutes 2004 144.441
Postsecondary schools, see Students under POSTSECONDARY SCHOOLS
Public schools, see Students under PUBLIC SCHOOLS
Pupils of limited English proficiency, see LIMITED ENGLISH PROFICIENT STUDENTS
Railroads, rates and charges, exemptions, Minn. Statutes 2004 218.021
Residence, MFIP eligibility, effect, Minn. Statutes 2004 256L.12
Resident students
Definitions, Minn. Statutes 2004 136A.101, 136A.15
Restrictions, determining enrollment, Minn. Statutes 2004 135A.031
School conferences or activities
Noncustodial parents, Minn. Statutes 2004 120A.22
Parents, leave for, Minn. Statutes 2004 181.9412, 181.942
School records
Access, classification, and disclosure, Minn. Statutes 2004 13.32
Advanced placement or international baccalaureate courses, Minn. Statutes 2004 120B.14
Matching data, eligibility for federal food supplements, Minn. Statutes 2004 13.46
Postsecondary enrollment option, course credits, Minn. Statutes 2004 124D.09
Secondary schools, see Students under SECONDARY SCHOOLS
State academy for blind, see Students under STATE ACADEMY FOR THE BLIND
State academy for deaf, see Students under STATE ACADEMY FOR THE DEAF
State universities, see Students under STATE UNIVERSITIES
Student workers
Child labor, see CHILD LABOR
Noncovered employment, defined, Minn. Statutes 2004 268.035
State employees, Minn. Statutes 2004 43A.08
Technical colleges, see Students under TECHNICAL COLLEGES
Transitions to employment
Education and employment transitions partnerships, see EDUCATION AND EMPLOYMENT TRANSITIONS PARTNERSHIPS
Application of law, Minn. Statutes 2004 221.025
Truants, see TRUANTS
Unemployment insurance, eligibility restrictions, Minn. Statutes 2004 268.085
University of Minnesota, see Students under UNIVERSITY OF MINNESOTA
Work-study grants, see WORK-STUDY GRANTS