Created, Minn. Statutes 2020 148E.025
Employees, hiring and classification, Minn. Statutes 2020 214.04
Examining and licensing board, Minn. Statutes 2020 214.01
Executive director, hiring, unclassified service, Minn. Statutes 2020 214.04
Executive secretary, Minn. Statutes 2020 214.04
Fiscal year, Minn. Statutes 2020 214.08
Generally, Minn. Statutes 2020 148E.025 to 148E.040
Health care workers information system, see under HEALTH DEPARTMENT
Interagency early childhood intervention, Minn. Statutes 2020 125A.29
Liability, immunity, Minn. Statutes 2020 148E.040
Licensees, see SOCIAL WORKERS
Reports given, generally, Minn. Statutes 2020 214.07
Rulemaking authority, Minn. Statutes 2020 148E.030, 214.12