Abatement orders
Contents, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.83, 617.84
County enforcement of, Minn. Statutes 2015 394.21
Motion to cancel lease, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.85
Plant pest control, Minn. Statutes 2015 18G.04
Posting, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.83
Service of process, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.83
Violations and penalties, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.86, 617.87
Abatement plans, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.82
Acts constituting public nuisance, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.81
Advertising, outdoors, scenic areas, Minn. Statutes 2015 173.09
Airport hazards, creation or establishment, Minn. Statutes 2015 360.062
Airports and landing fields, buildings and trees, adjoining property, abatement, Minn. Statutes 2015 360.032
Alcoholic beverages
Acts constituting public nuisance, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.81
State Fairgrounds, possession or sale, Minn. Statutes 2015 37.21
Businesses, violation of licensing regulations, ordinances, or laws prohibiting public nuisances, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.81
Carcasses, domestic animals, improper disposal, Minn. Statutes 2015 35.82
Carnivals, license violations, Minn. Statutes 2015 437.09
Circuses, license violations, Minn. Statutes 2015 437.09
Controlled substances, acts constituting public nuisance, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.81
Dangerous excavations, Minn. Statutes 2015 471.92
Dangerous weapons, acts constituting public nuisance, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.81
Abatement of nuisance, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.80
Nursery law, Minn. Statutes 2015 18H.02
Plant protection and export certification, Minn. Statutes 2015 18G.02
Diseased animals, running at large, Minn. Statutes 2015 35.82
Dogs, Minn. Statutes 2015 347.04 to 347.07
Eminent domain
Definitions, Minn. Statutes 2015 117.025
Hearings, Minn. Statutes 2015 117.0412
Enforcement of law
County authority to enforce, Minn. Statutes 2015 394.21
Zoning ordinances, use, Minn. Statutes 2015 462.357
Execution sales, procedure, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.84
Fairs, license violations, Minn. Statutes 2015 437.09
Fetal remains, disposition violations, Minn. Statutes 2015 145.1621
Firearms, acts constituting public nuisance, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.81
Floodplain management ordinances, violations, Minn. Statutes 2015 103F.145
Gambling, acts constituting public nuisance, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.81
Gang activity, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.91 to 617.97
Generally, Minn. Statutes 2015 609.745
Hazardous substances releases, Minn. Statutes 2015 115B.18
Nursing, unauthorized practice of, Minn. Statutes 2015 148.283
Permanent injunctions, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.83
Procedure for obtaining, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.81
Temporary injunctions, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.82
Violations and penalties, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.86, 617.87
Junk yards, unscreened areas, Minn. Statutes 2015 161.242
Landlords, permitting, Minn. Statutes 2015 609.745
Mailboxes, installation and support violations, Minn. Statutes 2015 169.072
Mosquito hatching or incubation areas, Minn. Statutes 2015 18G.14
Motor vehicles
County parking facilities, violations, Minn. Statutes 2015 373.26
Motor vehicles in state parking facilities, Minn. Statutes 2015 16B.58
Orders, see Abatement orders under this topic
Outdoor advertising, scenic areas, Minn. Statutes 2015 173.09
Bond, release of building, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.87
Motion to cancel tenant's lease, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.85
Petroleum tank releases, Minn. Statutes 2015 115C.03
Plant pests, Minn. Statutes 2015 18G.04
Prostitution, acts constituting public nuisance, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.81
Public health nuisances
Generally, see Public health nuisances under PUBLIC HEALTH
Open burning prohibitions, exceptions, Minn. Statutes 2015 88.171
Unsealed wells, Minn. Statutes 2015 103I.111
Recreational manufactured home parks, domestic animals or pets, Minn. Statutes 2015 327.20
Residential rental property, acts constituting public nuisance, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.81
Shows, license violations, Minn. Statutes 2015 437.09
Signs, traffic signs or signals, imitations, Minn. Statutes 2015 169.07
Tenants, motion to cancel tenant's lease, Minn. Statutes 2015 617.85
Tourist camps, domestic animals or pets, Minn. Statutes 2015 327.20
Town roads, town board duties, Minn. Statutes 2015 164.36
Wells, abatement of unsealed wells, Minn. Statutes 2015 103I.111