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Capital IconMinnesota Legislature

Office of the Revisor of Statutes

2004 Minnesota Statutes Index (topics)


Accredited clinical training, defined, Minn. Statutes 2004 62J.692

Authority to prescribe, dispense, and administer, Minn. Statutes 2004 148.235

Clinical medical education programs, defined, Minn. Statutes 2004 62J.692


Health professional education loan forgiveness program, Minn. Statutes 2004 144.1501

Medical education and research, Minn. Statutes 2004 62J.692

Nurse Practice Act, Minn. Statutes 2004 148.171

Psychotherapy, practice of, Minn. Statutes 2004 148.975

Registered nurses, Minn. Statutes 2004 148.171

Drugs and medicine

Authority to prescribe, dispense, and administer, Minn. Statutes 2004 148.235

Education and training, Minn. Statutes 2004 62J.692

Health and accident insurance

Services, policy provisions, Minn. Statutes 2004 62A.15

Health professional education loan forgiveness program, Minn. Statutes 2004 144.1501

Identity and identification

Designation, use of, Minn. Statutes 2004 148.233

Unique health provider identifiers, Minn. Statutes 2004 62J.54

Midlevel practitioners, nurse midwives defined as, Minn. Statutes 2004 144.1501

Representation, Nursing Board, Minn. Statutes 2004 148.181

Rural areas, practice in, health professional education loan forgiveness program, Minn. Statutes 2004 144.1501

Scope of practice

Abortion, health plan companies, compliance, Minn. Statutes 2004 62Q.145

Tests and testing, newborns, heritable and congenital disorders, duties, Minn. Statutes 2004 144.125

Therapeutic devices

Authority to prescribe, dispense, and administer, Minn. Statutes 2004 148.235

Trainees, definitions, medical education and research, Minn. Statutes 2004 62J.692