Excessive algae bloom, defined, Minn. Rules 6280.0100
Water quality standards, Minn. Rules 7050.0150
Alteration, excavation, Minn. Rules 6115.0280
Animal feedlots located near
Livestock access, restriction, Minn. Rules 7020.2015
Manure and process wastewater applications, Minn. Rules 7020.2225
Appeals, enforcement of rules, Minn. Rules 6115.0255
Applications, permits, review, Minn. Rules 6115.0150 to 6115.0260
Appropriation record processing fees, Minn. Rules 6115.0110
Barges, see BARGES
Bois De Sioux River, dikes across natural water ways and legal drains, Minn. Rules 6115.1360
Boundary waters, fishing
Generally, Minn. Rules 6266.0100
Minnesota-Canada boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6264.0300, 6264.0400, 6266.0700
Minnesota-Iowa boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0200
Minnesota-North Dakota boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0300
Minnesota-South Dakota boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0400
Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0500, 6266.0600
Buoys, see BUOYS
Channels, see CHANNELS
Class 2 surface water, defined, Minn. Rules 7151.1200
Coal slurry and coal liquid pipelines, location near alternative routes, proposed new facilities, description, Minn. Rules 7855.0440
Commercial fishing areas, Minn. Rules 6260.2400
Comprehensive water plans, see LOCAL WATER MANAGEMENT
Critical areas planning, Minn. Rules 4410.8100 to 4410.9910
Crossings of public waters, standards, Minn. Rules 6115.0230 to 6115.0232
Animal feedlots, Minn. Rules 7020.0300
Aquatic plant management, Minn. Rules 6280.0100
Diversion of waters
Excavation, permits, Minn. Rules 6115.0200 to 6115.0202
Review of permit applications, Minn. Rules 6115.0160
Drainage, restrictions, Minn. Rules 6115.0270 to 6115.0272
Dredges and dredging, see DREDGES
Ecoregions, maps, Minn. Rules 7050.0468
Enforcement of rules, Minn. Rules 6115.0255
Erosion control, restoration work, Minn. Rules 6115.0215, 6115.0216
Excavation, Minn. Rules 6115.0200 to 6115.0202
Experimental waters, Minn. Rules 6264.0250 to 6264.0280, 6264.0400
Field inspections, fees, see same under this topic
Monitoring, fees, see same under this topic
Permit applications, fees, see same under this topic
Private use, Minn. Rules 6135.0400
Field inspections, fees
Amount, Minn. Rules 6115.0080
Authority for rules, Minn. Rules 6115.0010
Dams, Minn. Rules 6115.0080
Definitions, Minn. Rules 6115.0030
Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 6115.0020
Fill material
Public policy, Minn. Rules 6115.0190 to 6115.0192
Standards, Minn. Rules 6115.0191, 6115.0192
Fish preserves, Minn. Rules 6264.0125
Floodproofing of buildings, Minn. Rules 1335.0200 to 1335.3100
Flowing waters, stabilization, fill, permits, Minn. Rules 6115.0190 to 6115.0192
Fuel conversion facilities, location near alternative sites, description, Minn. Rules 7855.0340
Gravel, application of law, Minn. Rules 6125.6900
Groundwater, see GROUNDWATER
Hydraulic gradient, definitions, public water supplies, Minn. Rules 4720.5100
Impaired waters, see WATER POLLUTION
Intake structures, permits, Minn. Rules 6115.0230
Irrigation, see IRRIGATION
Lagoons, zoning, Minn. Rules 6120.3300
Lake of the Woods, see LAKE OF THE WOODS
Lake Superior, see LAKE SUPERIOR
Lakes and ponds, see LAKES AND PONDS
Levels, controls, Minn. Rules 6115.0220 to 6115.0222
Maps, protected waters and wetlands, Minn. Rules 7020.0205
Mines and minerals, permits, applications, Minn. Rules 6130.4300
Monitoring, fees
Amount, Minn. Rules 6115.0090
Authority for rules, Minn. Rules 6115.0010
Definitions, Minn. Rules 6115.0030
Environmental assessment worksheets, Minn. Rules 6115.0090
Environmental impact statements, Minn. Rules 6115.0090
Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 6115.0020
Nuclear fuel processing, location near alternative sites, proposed new facilities, description, Minn. Rules 7855.0540
Nuclear waste storage and disposal, location near alternative sites, proposed new facilities, description, Minn. Rules 7855.0640
Off-shore waters, radioactive devices, installation in, Minn. Rules 4731.3220
Oil pipelines, environmental descriptions, certificate of need applications, Minn. Rules 7853.0610
Orders, enforcement of rules, Minn. Rules 6115.0255
Permit applications, fees
Amendments, Minn. Rules 6115.0065
Amounts, Minn. Rules 6115.0060
Authority for rules, Minn. Rules 6115.0010
Billing procedures, Minn. Rules 6115.0080
Dams, Minn. Rules 6115.0080
Definitions, Minn. Rules 6115.0030
Disputes, procedures, Minn. Rules 6115.0080
Irrigation, Minn. Rules 6115.0110
Method of payment, Minn. Rules 6115.0060
Parameter schedules, Minn. Rules 6115.0080
Public waters, Minn. Rules 6115.0240
Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 6115.0020
Shoreline protection, Minn. Rules 6115.0080
Transfers, Minn. Rules 6115.0065
Water appropriation permits, exemption, Minn. Rules 6115.0120
Applications, fees, see Permit applications, fees under this topic
Dikes across natural water ways and legal drains, Minn. Rules 6115.1360
Dredging, Minn. Rules 6115.0200 to 6115.0202
Fill in public waters, Minn. Rules 6115.0190 to 6115.0192
Inland excavation, Minn. Rules 6115.0200 to 6115.0202
Mining, Minn. Rules 6115.0280
Restoration, Minn. Rules 6115.0215
Review, Minn. Rules 6115.0250
Scope of authority, Minn. Rules 6115.0160
Structures, Minn. Rules 6115.0221
Pollution, see WATER POLLUTION
Private use, fees, Minn. Rules 6135.0400
Public utilities, crossings, Minn. Rules 6135.0100 to 6135.1800
Public waters, see PUBLIC WATERS
Purpose of authority, permits, review of applications, Minn. Rules 6115.0150
Quality of water, see WATER POLLUTION
Red River of the North, see RED RIVER OF THE NORTH
Application of law, Minn. Rules 6115.0215, 6115.0217
Conditions, prohibiting, Minn. Rules 6115.0215
Contaminated site restoration, Minn. Rules 6115.0216
Erosion protection, Minn. Rules 6115.0215, 6115.0216
Goals, Minn. Rules 6115.0215
Permits, Minn. Rules 6115.0215
Riprap, Minn. Rules 6115.0215, 6115.0216
Riparian rights, extension, excavation, Minn. Rules 6115.0200 to 6115.0202
Saint Croix River, see SAINT CROIX RIVERWAY
Sand, application of law, Minn. Rules 6125.6900
Scientific and natural areas, establishment, Minn. Rules 6136.0100
Scope of authority, permits, review of applications, Minn. Rules 6115.0160
Sediment, see SEDIMENT
Small tanks near surface water
Exclusion from rules, Minn. Rules 7151.1300, 7151.7100
Exemptions from standards, Minn. Rules 7151.5100, 7151.6100
Special management waters, Minn. Rules 6264.0250 to 6264.0280
Special protection areas, defined, Minn. Rules 7020.0300
Standards and criteria
Crossings, Minn. Rules 6115.0230 to 6115.0232
Drainage, Minn. Rules 6115.0271
Permits, review, Minn. Rules 6115.0160
Water level control structures, Minn. Rules 6115.0221
Statutory authority, permits, review of applications, Minn. Rules 6115.0150
Permits, Minn. Rules 6115.0210 to 6115.0212, 6115.0221
Water level control structures, standards, Minn. Rules 6115.0221
Taconite, excluded areas for mining, Minn. Rules 6130.1200
Underground storage of gas or liquid, permit fees, Minn. Rules 6115.0130
Underwater crossings, utilities, application fee, Minn. Rules 6135.0400
Use of waters
Classification for water quality, Minn. Rules 7050.0400 to 7050.0470
Water appropriation and impoundments, Minn. Rules 6115.0600 to 6115.0810
Utility crossings
Application of law, Minn. Rules 6135.1600
Construction methods, Minn. Rules 6135.1300
Definitions, Minn. Rules 6135.0200
Fee schedules, Minn. Rules 6135.0400
Licenses, Minn. Rules 6135.1700, 6135.1800
Policy, Minn. Rules 6135.0100
Protecting environment, Minn. Rules 6135.1000
Rate tables, Minn. Rules 6135.0520, 6135.0620, 6135.0720, 6135.0820
Right of way maintenance, Minn. Rules 6135.1500
Route design, Minn. Rules 6135.1100
Safety considerations, Minn. Rules 6135.1400
Severability, Minn. Rules 6135.0300
Structure design, Minn. Rules 6135.1200
Algae, excessive algae bloom, defined, Minn. Rules 6280.0100
Bog, defined, Minn. Rules 6280.0100
Dense growth of submerged vegetation, defined, Minn. Rules 6280.0100
Eurasian water milfoil, see EURASIAN WATER MILFOIL
Excavation, protection of vegetation, Minn. Rules 6115.0200 to 6115.0202
Fill to control vegetation, permits, Minn. Rules 6115.0190 to 6115.0192
Structures, Minn. Rules 6115.0210 to 6115.0212
Water appropriation and impoundments, Minn. Rules 6115.0600 to 6115.0810
Waters closed to fishing, lists, Minn. Rules 6262.0500
Waters of the state, see WATERS OF THE STATE
Websites, protected waters and wetlands maps, Minn. Rules 7020.0205
Wild animals, see WILD ANIMALS
Wild rice waters
Identification, Minn. Rules 7050.0460
Policy of state, Minn. Rules 7050.0224