Banking house and premises, Minn. Rules 2675.2110
Other real estate, Minn. Rules 2675.2170
Credit unions, other real estate, Minn. Rules 2675.6120
Definitions, assessor licensing, Minn. Rules 1950.1000
Demonstration narrative appraisal, defined, Minn. Rules 1950.1000
Electricity, see ELECTRICITY
Form appraisal, defined, Minn. Rules 1950.1000
Gas, see GAS
Public utilities, see Valuation of property under PUBLIC UTILITIES
Restructure II program, collateral, Minn. Rules 1653.0051
Savings associations, other real estate, Minn. Rules 2675.3120
Shorelands, zoning, municipalities, Minn. Rules 6120.3300
Water bank program, payment rates, Minn. Rules 6115.1240