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Office of the Revisor of Statutes

Minnesota Rules Index (topics)


Amount of requested funding, application contents, Minn. Rules 7035.5700

Appeal and review

Applications, Minn. Rules 7035.5600

Grant applications, Minn. Rules 7035.5800

Applicants, eligibility, Minn. Rules 7035.5300


Contents, Minn. Rules 7035.5700

Grants, Minn. Rules 7035.5100, 7035.5500

Procedures, Minn. Rules 7035.5600

Attorneys fees, contract drafting and execution, eligible costs, Minn. Rules 7035.5400

Availability of funds, precondition to awards, Minn. Rules 7035.5400

Awards, grants

Agency review, Minn. Rules 7035.5800

Overview of procedures, Minn. Rules 7035.5100

Breakdown of work tasks, application contents, Minn. Rules 7035.5700

Compensation and salaries, plan preparation personnel, eligible costs, Minn. Rules 7035.5400

Completion of grant application, determination of project eligibility, Minn. Rules 7035.5500

Contents, grant applications, Minn. Rules 7035.5700


Completion of work, condition of grant agreements, Minn. Rules 7035.5900

Drafting and execution, eligible costs, Minn. Rules 7035.5400

Curing inadequacies, applications, Minn. Rules 7035.5600

Deadlines for submission, applications, Minn. Rules 7035.5600

Definitions, Minn. Rules 7035.5200

Division of applications into groups, priority establishment, Minn. Rules 7035.5800


Applicants, Minn. Rules 7035.5300

Costs, Minn. Rules 7035.5400

Projects, Minn. Rules 7035.5500

Environmentally undesirable landfills, application priority establishment, Minn. Rules 7035.5800

Forfeiture, funds, projects not performed according to agreement, Minn. Rules 7035.5900

Grant agreements

Drafting, Minn. Rules 7035.5800

Generally, Minn. Rules 7035.5900


Application and award, overview of procedures, Minn. Rules 7035.5100

Joint planning, grant amount limitation, Minn. Rules 7035.5400

Grouping of applications, priority establishment, Minn. Rules 7035.5800

Incomplete applications, curing inadequacies, Minn. Rules 7035.5600

Incorporation of grant application, grant agreements, Minn. Rules 7035.5900

Invalid provisions, severability, Minn. Rules 7035.6000

Limitations, grant amounts, Minn. Rules 7035.5400

Lists, Minn. Rules 7035.5800

Meetings, costs associated with, eligible costs, Minn. Rules 7035.5400

Necessary supplies, eligible costs, Minn. Rules 7035.5400

Notice, application determination, Minn. Rules 7035.5600

Officers and employees, application contents, Minn. Rules 7035.5700

Overhead costs, eligibility, Minn. Rules 7035.5400

Overview, procedures, application for and receiving grant, Minn. Rules 7035.5100

Payment schedule, grants, Minn. Rules 7035.5900

Planning, grant amount limitation, Minn. Rules 7035.5400

Political subdivisions, eligible grant applicants, Minn. Rules 7035.5300

Population growth rate

Application priority establishment, Minn. Rules 7035.5800

Area considered in study, application contents, Minn. Rules 7035.5700

Printing costs, eligibility, Minn. Rules 7035.5400

Priority rankings, application review, Minn. Rules 7035.5800

Procedures, grant applications, Minn. Rules 7035.5600

Project manager, information concerning, application contents, Minn. Rules 7035.5700

Projects, eligibility, Minn. Rules 7035.5500

Purpose, Minn. Rules 7035.5000

Regional boundaries, application contents, Minn. Rules 7035.5700

Regional development commissions, resolutions, application contents, Minn. Rules 7035.5700

Reports, grant awards, Minn. Rules 7035.5900

Resolutions, political subdivisions, application content, Minn. Rules 7035.5700

Sanitary landfills, lists, application contents, Minn. Rules 7035.5700

Severability, invalid provisions, Minn. Rules 7035.6000

Special conditions, grant agreements, Minn. Rules 7035.5900

Terms of grant, Minn. Rules 7035.5900

Third-party beneficiaries, naming agency in contracts, special conditions to grant agreements, Minn. Rules 7035.5900

Time, application contents, completion of tasks, Minn. Rules 7035.5700

Travel expenses, eligible costs, Minn. Rules 7035.5400

Work hours, application contents, Minn. Rules 7035.5700

Work plan, application contents, Minn. Rules 7035.5700