Air cracks, Minnesota certified seed potato grades, Minn. Rules 1510.2355
Authority for rules, certificates and certification, Minn. Rules 1510.2300
Bacterial ring rot
Inspections and testing, certification, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Minnesota certified seed potato grades, Minn. Rules 1510.2355
Zero tolerance, Minn. Rules 1510.2310
Certificates and certification
Applications, Minn. Rules 1510.2320
Authority for rules, Minn. Rules 1510.2300
Bulk certificates, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Certificates of origin, Minn. Rules 1510.2315
Definitions, Minn. Rules 1510.2305
Experimental status, Minn. Rules 1510.2320
Fees, Minn. Rules 1510.2335
Generally, Minn. Rules 1510.2310
Inspections, Minn. Rules 1510.2315, 1510.2320, 1510.2325
Planting, Minn. Rules 1510.2320
Protected varieties, Minn. Rules 1510.2320
Testing, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Certified (C) class, Minn. Rules 1510.2330
Certified seed potatoes, Minn. Rules 1510.2310, 1510.2320
Defined, Minn. Rules 1510.2305
Experimental status, Minn. Rules 1510.2320
Planting, authorization and eligibility, Minn. Rules 1510.2320
Production requirements, Minn. Rules 1510.2330
Tests and testing, Minn. Rules 1510.2330
Tolerances, Minn. Rules 1510.2330
Defined, Minn. Rules 1510.2305
Tests and testing, Minn. Rules 1510.2330
Tolerances, Minn. Rules 1510.2330
Crops, defined, Minn. Rules 1510.2305
Damage, Minnesota certified seed potato grades, Minn. Rules 1510.2355
Defects, Minnesota certified seed potato grades, tolerances, Minn. Rules 1510.2355
Minnesota certified seed potato grades and tolerances, Minn. Rules 1510.2355
Seed potato certification, Minn. Rules 1510.2305
Dirt, Minnesota certified seed potato grades, Minn. Rules 1510.2355
Tests and testing, Minn. Rules 1510.2350
Tolerances, Minn. Rules 1510.2310, 1510.2325, 1510.2330
Dry rot, Minnesota certified seed potato grades, Minn. Rules 1510.2355
Experimental status, certification, Minn. Rules 1510.2320
Defined, Minn. Rules 1510.2305
Tests and testing, Minn. Rules 1510.2330
Farms, defined, Minn. Rules 1510.2305
Definitions, Minn. Rules 1510.2305
Inspections, Minn. Rules 1510.2315, 1510.2325
Rejected, Minn. Rules 1510.2305
Rejection, Minn. Rules 1510.2310, 1510.2325
Roguing, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Testing, generation 1 potatoes, Minn. Rules 1510.2330
Grades and grading
Certificated seed potato grades, Minn. Rules 1510.2310
Certified seed potatoes, Minn. Rules 1510.2310
Eligibility, Minn. Rules 1510.2355
Inspections, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Lots, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Minnesota certified seed potatoes, Minn. Rules 1510.2310, 1510.2355
Tags, Minn. Rules 1510.2310
Growers, Minn. Rules 1510.2325, 1510.2335
Handling, equipment, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Acreage requirements, Minn. Rules 1510.2315
Applications, Minn. Rules 1510.2315
Authorization, Minn. Rules 1510.2320
Certification requirements, Minn. Rules 1510.2310
Diseases, Minn. Rules 1510.2350
Eligibility, Minn. Rules 1510.2315
Field inspections, Minn. Rules 1510.2325, 1510.2340
Grades and grading, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Winter testing, Minn. Rules 1510.2345
Inspectors, defined, Minn. Rules 1510.2305
Interpretation of law, diseases, tolerances, Minn. Rules 1510.2310
Labels and labeling, lots, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Defined, Minn. Rules 1510.2305
Experimental status, Minn. Rules 1510.2320
Generally, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Rejected, Minn. Rules 1510.2305
Rejection, Minn. Rules 1510.2310, 1510.2330
Tolerances, Minn. Rules 1510.2355
Marks and marking, physical separation, Minn. Rules 1510.2305
Material in maintenance
Defined, Minn. Rules 1510.2305
Tests and testing, Minn. Rules 1510.2330
Physical separation, defined, Minn. Rules 1510.2305
Planting, Minn. Rules 1510.2320
Potato spindle tuber viroid, zero tolerance, Minn. Rules 1510.2310
Reconditioning, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Records and record keeping, lots, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Reports about, storage, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Sacks, certified lots, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Shape, Minnesota certified seed potato grades, Minn. Rules 1510.2355
Size, Minnesota certified seed potato grades, Minn. Rules 1510.2355
Soft rot or wet breakdown, Minnesota certified seed potato grades, Minn. Rules 1510.2355
Certification requirements, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Generation 1 class, Minn. Rules 1510.2330
Primary foundation classes, Minn. Rules 1510.2330
Reports about, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Blue tags, Minn. Rules 1510.2310, 1510.2325, 1510.2355
Certified seed potato grades, Minn. Rules 1510.2310
Experimental status, Minn. Rules 1510.2320
Storage reports, certification requirements, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
White tags, Minn. Rules 1510.2310, 1510.2325, 1510.2355
Yellow tags, Minn. Rules 1510.2310, 1510.2325, 1510.2355
Tests and testing
Certification requirements, Minn. Rules 1510.2310
Diseases, Minn. Rules 1510.2350
Fees, Minn. Rules 1510.2345, 1510.2350
Generally, Minn. Rules 1510.2330
Winter tests, Minn. Rules 1510.2310, 1510.2345
Application, Minn. Rules 1510.2355
Bacterial ring rot and potato spindle tuber viroid, zero tolerance, Minn. Rules 1510.2310
Defined, Minn. Rules 1510.2305
Diseases, Minn. Rules 1510.2310, 1510.2325, 1510.2330
Minnesota certified seed potato grades, Minn. Rules 1510.2310, 1510.2355
Prenuclear class, Minn. Rules 1510.2330
Tables, Minn. Rules 1510.2330
Varietal mixtures, Minn. Rules 1510.2330
Varietal purity, Minn. Rules 1510.2310
Bulk shipments, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Deterioration during, Minn. Rules 1510.2355
Tags, Minn. Rules 1510.2310
Tuber units
Defined, Minn. Rules 1510.2305
Tests and testing, Minn. Rules 1510.2330
Varietal purity
Field inspections, Minn. Rules 1510.2325
Tolerances, Minn. Rules 1510.2310
Varieties, Minn. Rules 1510.2320
Wireworm, Minnesota certified seed potato grades, Minn. Rules 1510.2355