See also STOCKS
Central Registration Depository, Minn. Rules 2876.4060
Money from sales, receipt of, Minn. Rules 2876.4110
Notice to Commerce Department, required by statute, Minn. Rules 2876.4020
Persons exempt from registration, permitted activities, Minn. Rules 2876.4020
Amendments requiring an order of the administrator, Minn. Rules 2876.4100
Applications for, Minn. Rules 2876.4062
Fees, delay or underpayment, prompt remedy, Minn. Rules 2876.4101
Service of process on, consent to, Minn. Rules 2876.6110
Banks, see BANKS
Broker-dealers, see under BROKERS (SECURITIES)
Credit unions, investment in, Minn. Rules 2675.6270
Dealers, see Broker-dealers under BROKERS (SECURITIES)
Federal covered securities, notice filings, Minn. Rules 2876.3020
Filings, federal covered securities, Minn. Rules 2876.3020
Form D, Minn. Rules 2876.3020
Form NF, Minn. Rules 2876.3020
Form U-7, Minn. Rules 2876.3021
Charitable trusts, exception, campaign practices, Minn. Rules 4501.0200
Defined, Minn. Rules 4501.0200
Incorporations by reference, effective dates, Minn. Rules 2876.1030
Insider trading, insurance companies, see Insider trading under INSURANCE COMPANIES
Insurance companies, see Securities under INSURANCE COMPANIES
Investment advisers, see under BROKERS (SECURITIES)
Investments in, life insurance companies, variable life insurance, separate accounts, Minn. Rules 2750.3300 to 2750.3600
Manuals, nationally recognized, Minn. Rules 2876.2020
MNvest, see MNVEST
Nationally recognized securities manuals, defined, Minn. Rules 2876.2020
Distribution to recipients of offer, Minn. Rules 2876.3042
Statement of nonapproval, on front page, Minn. Rules 2876.3041
Public utilities
Capital structure approval, Minn. Rules 7825.1200, 7825.1300
Proposals for purchase or underwriting, Minn. Rules 7825.1500
Records, broker-dealers, see Broker-dealers under this topic
Registration, insurance companies, depositing with Commerce Department, Minn. Rules 2700.0400
Registration statements
Contents, Minn. Rules 2876.3040
Small corporate offerings, Minn. Rules 2876.3021
Statement of nonapproval, on front page, Minn. Rules 2876.3041
Regulation D, defined, Minn. Rules 2876.1021
Sales, senior-specific certifications, prohibition, Minn. Rules 2876.5025
Salespersons, workers' compensation coverage, Minn. Rules 5224.0230
Single issues of, determinations, Minn. Rules 2876.2021
Small corporate offerings, registration statements, Minn. Rules 2876.3021
Valuation, defined, Minn. Rules 4501.0200
Warrants, insurance companies, see Warrants under INSURANCE COMPANIES
Workers' compensation self-insurance, Minn. Rules 2780.0100 to 2780.9920
Worthless securities, see INCOME AND FRANCHISE TAXES