Coaches, see COACHES
Community education directors, see Directors under COMMUNITY EDUCATION
Definitions, government data practices, Minn. Rules 1205.0200
Special education, see Paraprofessionals under SPECIAL EDUCATION
Voluntary credentials, Minn. Rules 8710.9000
Principals, Minn. Rules 3512.0100 to 3512.2600
Reading consultants, licenses, renewal, Minn. Rules 3512.5000
Records and record keeping, see under SCHOOL DISTRICTS
Responsible authorities in political subdivisions, see Responsible authorities under GOVERNMENT DATA
School administrators
Code of ethics, Minn. Rules 3512.5200
Definitions, special education, Minn. Rules 3525.0210
Licenses, ethics violations, effect on, Minn. Rules 3512.5200
Persons prepared in foreign states, Minn. Rules 3512.2600
Program approvals, Minn. Rules 3512.2500
Special education, Minn. Rules 3525.0210, 3525.2810, 3525.2900
Special education due process hearing requests, Minn. Rules 3525.3900
School counselors
Generally, Minn. Rules 8710.6400
Training programs, standards, Minn. Rules 8705.1010
School district clerks, see SCHOOL DISTRICT CLERKS
School nurses, see under TEACHERS
School psychologists, see SCHOOL PSYCHOLOGISTS
School social workers, see under TEACHERS
Secondary vocational administration, licenses, Minn. Rules 3517.0010 to 3517.4200
Special education directors, see Directors under SPECIAL EDUCATION
Speech-language pathologists, teaching licenses, see Speech-language pathologists under TEACHERS
Superintendents, Minn. Rules 3512.0100 to 3512.2600
Supervisory and support personnel, licenses, renewal, Minn. Rules 3512.5100
Supplemental educational services providers, Minn. Rules 3512.5400
Teachers, see TEACHERS
Vocational education teachers, secondary vocational licenses, see SECONDARY VOCATIONAL EDUCATION LICENSURE