Abandoned facilities
Defined, Minn. Rules 7819.0100
Notice and removal, Minn. Rules 7819.3300
Access to nontraveled portion of right-of-way, Minn. Rules 7819.5100
"As built" drawings, submission, Minn. Rules 7819.1300, 7819.4100
Claims, indemnification, remedies, subrogation, Minn. Rules 7819.1250
Completion certificates, Minn. Rules 7819.1300, 7819.4100
Conflicts of laws, Minn. Rules 7819.0050
Construction performance bonds
Amount, term, Minn. Rules 7819.3000
Authority to require, Minn. Rules 7819.3000
Defined, Minn. Rules 7819.0100
County state-aid highways, see Rights-of-way under COUNTY STATE-AID HIGHWAYS
Public utilities, Minn. Rules 7819.0100, 7819.5000
Railroads, Minn. Rules 8830.0100
Degradation fees
Defined, Minn. Rules 7819.0100
Payment in lieu of restoration, Minn. Rules 7819.1100
Easements, see EASEMENTS
Electric facilities, installation, Minn. Rules 7819.5100
Electricity, transmission facilities, certificate of need applications, Minn. Rules 7849.0330
Environmental review, exemptions, Minn. Rules 4410.4600
Delay penalties, Minn. Rules 7819.1000
Notice requirements, Minn. Rules 7819.1200
Permit fees, Minn. Rules 7819.1000
Abandoned facilities, Minn. Rules 7819.3300
Access to nontraveled portion of right-of-way, Minn. Rules 7819.5100
Defined, Minn. Rules 7819.0100
Electric facilities, installation, Minn. Rules 7819.5100
Existing facilities
Data on, provided by right-of-way users, Minn. Rules 7819.4100
Relocation, Minn. Rules 7819.0200, 7819.3100, 7819.3200
Gas facilities, installation, Minn. Rules 7819.5100
Telecommunications facilities, see same under this topic
Data conversion costs, Minn. Rules 7819.4100
Degradation fees, Minn. Rules 7819.0100, 7819.1100
Permit fees, schedule and allocation, Minn. Rules 7819.1000
Gas facilities, installation, Minn. Rules 7819.5100
High-density corridor
Defined, Minn. Rules 7819.0100
Installation procedures, ordinance requirements, Minn. Rules 7819.0200
Highways, Minn. Rules 8810.3300
Defined, Minn. Rules 7819.0100
Restoration, illustrations
Excavation, Minn. Rules 7819.9920, 7819.9925
Typical restoration, Minn. Rules 7819.9930, 7819.9935
Typical road plan, Minn. Rules 7819.9940
Typical road restoration, Minn. Rules 7819.9945
Typical road shoulder restoration, Minn. Rules 7819.9950
Utility holes, restoration, Minn. Rules 7819.9920 to 7819.9935
Utility trench restoration, Minn. Rules 7819.9900 to 7819.9915
Incorporation by reference
Electric facilities, installation requirements, Minn. Rules 7819.5100
Gas facilities, installation requirements, Minn. Rules 7819.5100
Telecommunications facilities, installation, Minn. Rules 7819.5000
Indemnification authority, Minn. Rules 7819.1250
Local government units
Authorization to proceed deemed permit, Minn. Rules 7819.1250
Completion certificates, Minn. Rules 7819.1300, 7819.4100
Construction performance bond, exception, Minn. Rules 7819.3000
Defined, Minn. Rules 7819.0100
Exemption from rules, Minn. Rules 7819.0050, 7819.1200
Indemnification authority, Minn. Rules 7819.1250
Mapping systems, Minn. Rules 7819.4000, 7819.4100
Notice received
Abandoned facilities, Minn. Rules 7819.3300
Initiation of excavation or obstruction, Minn. Rules 7819.1200
Permit fees, allocation, Minn. Rules 7819.1000
Resolutions by, delay penalties, Minn. Rules 7819.1000
Vacation of right-of-way, Minn. Rules 7819.3200
Waivers, notice of initiation of excavation or obstruction, Minn. Rules 7819.1200
Mapping systems
Authority to establish, Minn. Rules 7819.4000
Data conversion costs, Minn. Rules 7819.4100
Permit applications, Minn. Rules 7819.4100
Purpose, Minn. Rules 7819.4000
Required information, Minn. Rules 7819.4100
Municipal state-aid streets, see Rights-of-way under MUNICIPAL STATE-AID STREETS
Nontraveled portion, access to, Minn. Rules 7819.5100
Notice requirements
Abandoned facilities, Minn. Rules 7819.3300
Initiation of excavation or obstruction, Minn. Rules 7819.1200
Obstruction of
Delay penalties, Minn. Rules 7819.1000
Notice requirements, Minn. Rules 7819.1200
Permit fees, Minn. Rules 7819.1000
Ordinances, high-density corridor, installation procedures, Minn. Rules 7819.0200
Delay penalties, Minn. Rules 7819.1000
Patch, defined, Minn. Rules 7819.0100
Applications, mapping information to accompany, Minn. Rules 7819.4100
Data, manner of conveying, Minn. Rules 7819.4100
Fees, Minn. Rules 7819.1000, 7819.4100
Indemnification requirements, Minn. Rules 7819.1250
Local government unit's authorization to proceed deemed permit, Minn. Rules 7819.1250
"As built" drawings, submission, Minn. Rules 7819.1300, 7819.4100
Defined, Minn. Rules 7819.0100
Railroad property, right of first refusal, see RAILROADS
Railroads, see Rights-of-way under RAILROADS
Relocation of existing facilities
Costs, payment, Minn. Rules 7819.3200
Exception, Minn. Rules 7819.3100
Requirement, Minn. Rules 7819.3100
Telecommunications facilities, Minn. Rules 7819.0200
Vacation of right-of-way, Minn. Rules 7819.3200
Defined, Minn. Rules 7819.0100
Degradation fee, payment in lieu of, Minn. Rules 7819.1100
Delay penalties, Minn. Rules 7819.1000
Levels of, Minn. Rules 7819.1100
Road shoulders, illustration, Minn. Rules 7819.9950
Roads, illustration, Minn. Rules 7819.9945
Standards, Minn. Rules 7819.1100
Users' obligation to complete, Minn. Rules 7819.1300
Utility holes, illustrations, Minn. Rules 7819.9920 to 7819.9935
Utility trenches, illustrations, Minn. Rules 7819.9900 to 7819.9915
Right-of-way users
Abandoned facilities, notice and removal, Minn. Rules 7819.3300
Completion certificates, Minn. Rules 7819.1300, 7819.4100
Defined, Minn. Rules 7819.0100
Degradation fee, payment in lieu of restoration, Minn. Rules 7819.1100
Excavation or obstruction, notice, Minn. Rules 7819.1200
Obligation to complete restoration, Minn. Rules 7819.1300
Responsibility for work performed in public right-of-way, Minn. Rules 7819.1100
Road shoulders, restoration, illustration, Minn. Rules 7819.9950
Restoration, illustration, Minn. Rules 7819.9945
Typical plan, illustration, Minn. Rules 7819.9940
Shorelands, see SHORELANDS
Standards, restoration, Minn. Rules 7819.1100
Telecommunications facilities
Existing facilities, relocation, Minn. Rules 7819.0200
Generally, Minn. Rules 7819.5000
Installation, Minn. Rules 7819.5000, 7819.5100
Defined, Minn. Rules 7819.0100
Restoration, illustration
Five-year plan, Minn. Rules 7819.9910
Temporary surface, Minn. Rules 7819.9915
Variable street, road width, five plus years, Minn. Rules 7819.9905
Variable street, road width, five year pavement, Minn. Rules 7819.9900
Trunk highways, see Rights-of-way under TRUNK HIGHWAYS
Underground structures, one call excavation notice system, Minn. Rules 7560.0150
Vacation of right-of-way, Minn. Rules 7819.3200
Waivers, notice of initiation of excavation or obstruction, Minn. Rules 7819.1200