Applications for loans, Minn. Rules 4900.0510
Bedroom additions
Building permits, subsurface sewage treatment systems, compliance, Minn. Rules 7082.0500
Individual systems, Minn. Rules 7080.1850
Debris, characterization, testing, management, and disposal of materials, Minn. Rules 7035.0805
Eligibility for loans, Minn. Rules 4900.0510, 4900.0520
Eligible improvements, loans, Minn. Rules 4900.0670
Eligible properties, loans, Minn. Rules 4900.0660
Existing buildings, Minn. Rules 1311.0010 to 1311.1402
Food and beverage service establishments, see Remodeling under FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS
Grants, Minn. Rules 4900.0610
Homeowner labor agreements, Minn. Rules 4900.0690
Housing Finance Agency loans and grants, see HOUSING FINANCE AGENCY
Recycling facilities, space for, State Building Code, Minn. Rules 1303.1500
Renovation, asbestos abatement, see ASBESTOS
Repayment, Minn. Rules 4900.0680
Residential energy code requirements, Minn. Rules 1322.0100
Workplace accident and injury reduction, employers, duties, Minn. Rules 5208.1500