Clean water revolving fund
Generally, Minn. Rules 7380.0400 to 7380.0480
Septic system loans, tourism loans, Minn. Rules 4308.0020
Drinking water revolving fund
Generally, Minn. Rules 7380.0252 to 7380.0297
Projects, certifying to, Minn. Rules 4720.9060
Terminated or withheld funds, release, Minn. Rules 4720.9075
Executive director, defined, Minn. Rules 7380.0250
Official statements, defined, Minn. Rules 7380.0250
Transportation revolving loan fund, Minn. Rules 7380.0705 to 7380.0775
Wastewater treatment facilities, see WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES
Water pollution control, see WATER POLLUTION CONTROL GRANTS