See also SWINE
Handling and treatment
Inspectors, duties, Minn. Rules 1540.4300
Trichinae, destroying, Minn. Rules 1540.4290, 1540.4300
Identity and identification, standards, Minn. Rules 1545.0400
Labels and labeling
Geographically significant terms, use, Minn. Rules 1540.2880
Ham, Minn. Rules 1540.3000, 1540.3010
Hockless, use of term, Minn. Rules 1540.3010
Shankless, use of term, Minn. Rules 1540.3010
Meat, pork defined as, food code, Minn. Rules 4626.0020
Pork fat, rendered, Minn. Rules 1540.3070, 1540.3080
Primal, subprimal, or wholesale cuts
Labels, exclusions, Minn. Rules 1545.0840
Names, Minn. Rules 1545.0830
Raw, consumer self-service food operations, restrictions, Minn. Rules 4626.0330