Generally, see ADOPTION
Requirements, Minn. Rules 9560.0040
Alaska natives, definitions, state contracts, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Alcohol and drug counseling, generally, Minn. Rules 4747.0030 to 4747.1400
Children in need of protection or services, Minn. Rules 9560.0410 to 9560.0485
Definitions, state contracts, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Ethnic backgrounds, health services occupations, information collection, Minn. Rules 4695.0300
Foster care
Generally, see FOSTER CARE
Placement, consideration of heritage, Minn. Rules 9560.0542
Records and record keeping, Minn. Rules 9560.0545
Preferences, state contracts, Minn. Rules 1230.1400 to 1230.1910
Targeted group businesses, state contracts, Minn. Rules 1230.0150
Underserved populations, definitions
Economic development and housing challenge program, Minn. Rules 4900.3610
Housing trust fund program, Minn. Rules 4900.3705