Abandoned motor vehicles and scrap metal, reimbursement of disposal costs, percentage, Minn. Rules 7035.3500
Administration by, waste pesticides collection program, Minn. Rules 1509.0020, 1509.0040
Adoption by, soil loss limits, Minn. Rules 8400.4005
Agreements by
Pesticide control, local implementation, Minn. Rules 1505.4010
Streets and roads, state aid, agency agreements, Minn. Rules 8820.0200
Waivers, wetlands replacement plans, Minn. Rules 8420.0105
Waste pesticides collection program, Minn. Rules 1509.0020, 1509.0040
Alcoholic beverages, Minn. Rules 7515.0100 to 7515.1480
Appointments by
Election judge trainees, Minn. Rules 8240.1655
Supplementary review of waste facilities, temporary board members, Minn. Rules 9200.4300
Technical evaluation panel members, Minn. Rules 8420.0240
Approvals by
Conveyors, installation, removal, alteration, or relocation, Minn. Rules 1307.0035
Ethanol production facility loan projects, Minn. Rules 1654.0030
High voltage transmission lines, route permits, eligible projects, Minn. Rules 7850.5300
Horse racing, license applications, Minn. Rules 7870.0090, 7870.0260, 7870.0690
Large electric generating plants, site permits, eligible projects, Minn. Rules 7850.5300
Lifts and hoists, installation, removal, alteration, or relocation, Minn. Rules 1307.0035
Soil conservation, mediated settlements, Minn. Rules 8400.4040
Subdivided land sales, Minn. Rules 2810.2600
Assistance to, soil conservation, Minn. Rules 8400.4010, 8400.4015
Association of municipalities, definitions, driver improvement clinics, Minn. Rules 7411.5100
Authorization by, outdoor advertising, local zoning, Minn. Rules 8810.1400
Bicycle ways, duties, see BICYCLE WAYS
Boats and boating, watercraft owned by, license numbers, Minn. Rules 6110.0900
Capital improvements, defined, Minn. Rules 8410.0020
Certificates and certification, endless belt lifts, operation, Minn. Rules 1307.0030
Clean water revolving fund, Minn. Rules 7380.0400 to 7380.0480
Comprehensive water plans, see LOCAL WATER MANAGEMENT
Emergency 911 telephone systems, Minn. Rules 7580.0900
Social services agencies, data practices, application of law, Minn. Rules 1205.0100
Cooperation, bridges, transportation fund grants, Minn. Rules 8810.8200, 8810.8300
Cosponsors, local governments defined as, waste pesticide collection program, Minn. Rules 1509.0020
Counties, see COUNTIES
Critical areas planning
Generally, Minn. Rules 4410.8100 to 4410.9910
Mississippi River, Minn. Rules 6106.0010 to 6106.0180
Gifts, Minn. Rules 6115.0370
Reports to legislature, Minn. Rules 6115.0400
Data, Government Data Practices Act, see GOVERNMENT DATA
Emergency 911 telephone systems, Minn. Rules 7580.0100
Government data practices, Minn. Rules 1205.0200
Home care and hospice service, Minn. Rules 4664.0003
Metropolitan watershed management, Minn. Rules 8410.0020
Port development assistance program, Minn. Rules 8895.0100
Public water supplies, Minn. Rules 4720.5100
Soil conservation, Minn. Rules 8400.4002
Waste pesticides collection program, Minn. Rules 1509.0020
Delegation of duties to, pesticide control, local implementation, Minn. Rules 1505.4010
Determinations by, wetlands
Generally, Minn. Rules 8420.0240
Replacement plans, sequencing analysis, procedure, Minn. Rules 8420.0520
Drinking water, see DRINKING WATER
Eligible applicants, port development assistance program, Minn. Rules 8895.0100 to 8895.1100
Employees, comparable worth, Minn. Rules 3920.0100 to 3920.1300
Entities, local governments defined as, government data practices, Minn. Rules 1205.0200
Explosives and blasting agents, compliance with federal regulations, Minn. Rules 7500.0400
Economic development and housing challenge program, waiver deemed in-kind contribution, Minn. Rules 4900.3644
Endless belt lifts, certificates of operation, Minn. Rules 1307.0030
Wetlands determinations, Minn. Rules 8420.0200
Filing with, accident investigation reports, Minn. Rules 1307.0040
Fuel oil
Curtailment of delivery, emergency measure, Minn. Rules 7620.0530
Emergency measures, Minn. Rules 7620.0510, 7620.0530
Thermostat lowering, emergency measures, Minn. Rules 7620.0530
General purpose local governments, defined, Minn. Rules 4300.0100
Grants by, Minn. Rules 7380.0400 to 7380.0480
Insurance, self-insurance pools, Minn. Rules 2785.0100 to 2785.1600
Lawsuits, building officials, defense, Minn. Rules 1300.0110
Hospice services, Minn. Rules 4664.0008
Subdivided land sales, Minn. Rules 2810.2600
Clean water revolving fund, Minn. Rules 7380.0400 to 7380.0480
Rail user and rail carrier loan guarantee program, Minn. Rules 8830.6300 to 8830.6700
Local enforcement agencies, prefabricated buildings, see Local enforcement agencies under PREFABRICATED BUILDINGS
Local government units
Defined, Minn. Rules 8410.0020
Political subdivisions defined as, supplementary review of waste facilities, Minn. Rules 9200.3600
Local units of government, definitions, public water supplies, Minn. Rules 4720.5100
Mediation, soil loss determinations, Minn. Rules 8400.4040
Metropolitan governmental units, local or public officials, determination of status, campaign practices, Minn. Rules 4501.0400
Metropolitan watershed management plans, amendments, review, Minn. Rules 8410.0140
Motor vehicle fuel emergencies, conservation programs, Minn. Rules 7620.0610
Motor vehicle self-insurance, Minn. Rules 2770.6100 to 2770.7300
Notice given, pesticides, control, local implementation, proposal adoption, Minn. Rules 1505.4030
Notice received
Bridges (structures), funding, Minn. Rules 8810.8400
Conveyors, Minn. Rules 1307.0035, 1307.0040
Hazardous waste facilities, operator clearance, Minn. Rules 9205.0530, 9205.0550
High-voltage transmission line notice plans, Minn. Rules 7829.2550
Lifts and hoists, Minn. Rules 1307.0035, 1307.0040
Radioactive materials, Minn. Rules 4731.2100
Supplementary review of waste facilities
Acceptance of petition, Minn. Rules 9200.4300
Contested review hearings, Minn. Rules 9200.4800
Hearing after mediated agreement, Minn. Rules 9200.4700
Mediation, Minn. Rules 9200.4400
Wheelchair lifts, Minn. Rules 1307.0035, 1307.0040
Oil pipelines, government lands, environmental description, certificate of need applications, Minn. Rules 7853.0610
Conveyors, operation, discontinuance, Minn. Rules 1307.0040
Lifts and hoists, operation, discontinuance, Minn. Rules 1307.0040
Wheelchair lifts, operation, discontinuance, Minn. Rules 1307.0040
Ordinances, see ORDINANCES
Payments by
Emergency 911 telephone systems, costs, Minn. Rules 7580.0600
Waste pesticide collection assessments, Minn. Rules 1509.0030
Payments to
Municipally owned utilities, relocation, construction, or reconstruction of trunk highways, costs, Minn. Rules 8810.3300
Presidential nomination primaries, costs, Minn. Rules 8215.0700
Driveways, Minn. Rules 8810.4400
Gambling, premises permits, approvals, Minn. Rules 7861.0240
Soil conservation, development activities, Minn. Rules 8400.4037
Subdivided land sales, Minn. Rules 2810.2600
Pesticide control, local implementation, see Control law, local implementation under PESTICIDES
Public agencies, local governments defined as, emergency 911 telephone systems, Minn. Rules 7580.0100
Public improvements, disclosure, horse racing, license applications, Minn. Rules 7870.0050, 7870.0090, 7870.0220, 7870.0640
Public swimming pools, Minn. Rules 4717.0950 to 4717.3975
Public water supply, see WATER SUPPLY
Rail user and rail carrier loan guarantee program, Minn. Rules 8830.6300 to 8830.6700
Referrals by
High voltage transmission lines, route permits, eligible projects, Minn. Rules 7850.5300
Large electric generating plants, site permits, eligible projects, Minn. Rules 7850.5300
Reports received
Lifts and hoists, inspections, Minn. Rules 1307.0030
Soil loss determinations, Minn. Rules 8400.4040
Resolutions by
Agricultural and Economic Development Board financial assistance projects, approval, Minn. Rules 1587.1000
Bridges (structures), construction, reconstruction, and rehabilitation, Minn. Rules 8810.8400
Responsible authorities, see under GOVERNMENT DATA
Revenue recapture hearings, Minn. Rules 1400.8505 to 1400.8612
Review by
Metropolitan watershed management plans, Minn. Rules 8410.0140
Soil conservation, development activities, Minn. Rules 8400.4037
Wellhead protection plans, Minn. Rules 4720.5350
Sales and use taxes
Charitable, religious, and educational organizations, Minn. Rules 8130.6200
Construction contracts, exempt entities, Minn. Rules 8130.1200
Employees or agents, exempt entities, Minn. Rules 8130.5700
Exemptions, Minn. Rules 8130.5700, 8130.6200
Generally, Minn. Rules 8130.9300
Sales by governmental units, Minn. Rules 8130.9300
Self-insurance pools, Minn. Rules 2785.0100 to 2785.1600
Shorelands, see SHORELANDS
Solid waste
Beneficial uses, standards, Minn. Rules 7035.0400
Resource recovery facilities, grant-in-aid applications, review criteria, degree of local participation, Minn. Rules 7035.4500
Resource recovery project applications, grants-in-aid, Minn. Rules 7035.4400
Solid waste landfills, gas emissions, Minn. Rules 7011.3500 to 7011.3530
Solid waste management planning assistance program
Eligible applicants, Minn. Rules 7035.5300
Resolutions, application contents, Minn. Rules 7035.5700
State-aid streets, see MUNICIPAL STATE-AID STREETS
State Building Code, see STATE BUILDING CODE
Streets and roads, see STREETS AND ROADS
Subsurface sewage treatment systems, duties regarding
Administration of rules by, generally, Minn. Rules 7082.0010 to 7082.0700
Duties regarding, product development permits, Minn. Rules 7083.4110
Supplementary review of waste facilities, Environmental Quality Board, Minn. Rules 9200.3600 to 9200.5300
Swimming pools, Minn. Rules 4717.0950 to 4717.3975
Townships, general purpose local governments defined as, community block grants, Minn. Rules 4300.0100
Uniform Building Code amendments, see STATE BUILDING CODE
Units of government, local governments defined as, home care and hospice service, Minn. Rules 4664.0003
Variances, soil conservation, Minn. Rules 8400.4075
Waste pesticide collection program, see under PESTICIDES
Wastewater treatment, revolving fund, Minn. Rules 7380.0400 to 7380.0480
Wastewater treatment facilities, see PUBLICLY OWNED TREATMENT WORKS (POTWS)
Water appropriation and impoundments
Coordination of rules, Minn. Rules 6115.0640
Permits, Minn. Rules 6115.0760
Water supply, see WATER SUPPLY
Water surface use management
Ordinances, Minn. Rules 6110.3100
Assessment of conditions, duties, Minn. Rules 6110.3600
Existing ordinances, compliance, Minn. Rules 6110.3500
Generally, Minn. Rules 6110.3700
Notice requirements, Minn. Rules 6110.3800
Wetlands, see Local governments under WETLANDS
Wild, scenic, and recreational rivers, land use planning, Minn. Rules 6105.0080, 6105.0230, 6105.0240
Workplace accident and injury reduction, Minn. Rules 5208.1500
Zoning ordinances
Kettle River, Minn. Rules 6105.0650
Minnesota River, Minn. Rules 6105.1260
Mississippi River corridor critical area, Minn. Rules 6106.0070, 6106.0120
Rum River, Minn. Rules 6105.1470
Saint Croix riverway, Minn. Rules 6105.0352, 6105.0510