Agreements by, nonemergency telephone numbers, sharing, Minn. Rules 7580.0500
American Polygraph Association
Members, sex offender psychophysiological assessment examiners, Minn. Rules 2965.0090
Standards and principles of practice, incorporation by reference, sex offender residential treatment programs, Minn. Rules 2965.0160
Background investigations, peace officers, Minn. Rules 6700.0670
Complaints against peace officers
Documentation, Minn. Rules 6700.2500
Processing, procedure, Minn. Rules 6700.2600
Compressed work hours, motor vehicle fuel emergencies, exemption, Minn. Rules 7620.0610
Horse racing licensees and racetrack security officers, Minn. Rules 7878.0160
Nonemergency telephone numbers, sharing, Minn. Rules 7580.0500
Maltreatment of children, investigations, Minn. Rules 9560.0220, 9560.0222
Radioactive materials licensees, incident response, Minn. Rules 4731.8060, 4731.8090, 4731.8125
Copies to, pesticides, release response plants, Minn. Rules 1505.3100
Definitions, maltreatment of children, Minn. Rules 9560.0214
Detoxification centers, calling law enforcement, Minn. Rules 9530.6535
Filing with
Dry commercial fertilizer facilities, emergency plans, Minn. Rules 1510.0402
Liquid commercial fertilizer facilities, emergency plans, Minn. Rules 1510.0372
Inspections, firearms dealers, security, Minn. Rules 7504.0400, 7504.0500
Misconduct allegations and investigations, written procedures
Application of rules, Minn. Rules 6700.2100
Content, Minn. Rules 6700.2200
Copies, distributions, duties, Minn. Rules 6700.2400
Notice given
Compliance, misconduct, procedures, Minn. Rules 6700.2300
Part-time peace officers, Minn. Rules 6700.1125, 6700.1130
Notice received
Drivers' licenses, restricted licenses, issuance, Minn. Rules 7410.2900
Maltreatment of children, reports, Minn. Rules 9560.0216, 9560.0224
Peace officers, see PEACE OFFICERS
Police radio communications, Minn. Rules 7418.0200 to 7418.0400, 7418.9910
Policies, required, Minn. Rules 6700.1615
Public utilities, notice, entry without consent, Minn. Rules 7820.3100
Records and record keeping
Misconduct allegations and investigations, Minn. Rules 6700.2500
Peace officers
Background investigations, Minn. Rules 6700.0670
Minimum standards, Minn. Rules 6700.0700
Personnel files, Minn. Rules 6700.0670
Psychological screenings, Minn. Rules 6700.0675
Reports received, drivers' licenses, road tests, permit holders unaccompanied by licensed drivers, Minn. Rules 7410.5120
Representation, county 911 planning committees, Minn. Rules 7580.0300
Soft body armor reimbursement, Minn. Rules 7522.0100 to 7522.1000
Supervision by, part-time peace officers, duties, Minn. Rules 6700.1110
Telephone numbers
Emergency, Minn. Rules 7580.0100 to 7580.1100
Nonemergency numbers, Minn. Rules 7580.0500