Accidents, reports about, Minn. Rules 4664.0070, 4664.0500
Acknowledgments, hospice bill of rights, Minn. Rules 4664.0030
Administration, multiple units or satellites, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Compliance exemptions, Minn. Rules 4664.0002
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0070
Admissions, records and record keeping, Minn. Rules 4664.0530
Advertising, Minn. Rules 4664.0025
Agents, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Alarm systems and signals, Minn. Rules 4664.0500
Appliances, Minn. Rules 4664.0430
Assessments (patients and families)
Basis, plans of care, Minn. Rules 4664.0110
Compliance, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0020
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0100
Reassessments, Minn. Rules 4664.0120
Authority for rules, licenses, Minn. Rules 4664.0002
Automatic sprinkler systems, Minn. Rules 1305.0903
Background checks
Disqualification, Minn. Rules 4664.0010, 4664.0016
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Licenses, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Records and record keeping, Minn. Rules 4664.0300
Bathrooms, Minn. Rules 4664.0430
Bedrooms, Minn. Rules 4664.0430
Licenses, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Staffing requirements, Minn. Rules 4664.0390
Bill of rights, Minn. Rules 4664.0030
Accessibility, Minn. Rules 4664.0400, 4664.0430
Auxiliary space, Minn. Rules 4664.0430
Classification, Minn. Rules 4664.0370
Construction, Minn. Rules 4664.0360, 4664.0370, 4664.0380
Maintenance and repair, Minn. Rules 4664.0400
Plans and specifications, Minn. Rules 4664.0360
Residential hospice facilities, Minn. Rules 4664.0370, 4664.0400
Burden of proof, waivers or variances, denial, Minn. Rules 4664.0016
Call systems, Minn. Rules 4664.0430
Capitol area, use districts, Minn. Rules 2400.2205
Charges and rates, Minn. Rules 4664.0008, 4664.0030
Clergy, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0180
Climate control, Minn. Rules 4664.0440
Clinical nurse supervisors, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0085
Closets, Minn. Rules 4664.0430
Notice, Minn. Rules 4664.0030, 4664.0050
Orientation training, Minn. Rules 4664.0140
Procedures, Minn. Rules 4664.0050
Records and record keeping, Minn. Rules 4664.0050, 4664.0190
Reports about, Minn. Rules 4664.0140
Retaliation prohibited, Minn. Rules 4664.0050
Confidential or privileged information, patient information, Minn. Rules 4664.0190
Construction and reconstruction
Building Codes, compliance, Minn. Rules 4664.0370, 4664.0380
Definitions, Minn. Rules 4664.0370
Individual sewage treatment systems, Minn. Rules 4664.0380, 4664.0440
Review, Minn. Rules 4664.0360
Safety codes, compliance, Minn. Rules 4664.0370
Water supply, Minn. Rules 4664.0380
Wells and borings, Minn. Rules 4664.0380
Contagious or infectious diseases, Minn. Rules 4664.0470, 4664.0480
Contested cases
Grounds, Minn. Rules 4664.0018
Procedures, Minn. Rules 4664.0018
Waivers or variances, Minn. Rules 4664.0016
Clinical nurse supervisors, Minn. Rules 4664.0085
Compliance, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0008
Core services, Minn. Rules 4664.0210
Defined, Minn. Rules 4664.0003
Exclusions, Minn. Rules 4664.0008
Hospice providers, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0090
Laundry and laundry facilities, Minn. Rules 4664.0430
Medical directors, Minn. Rules 4664.0080, 4664.0210
Services, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0090
Cooling systems, Minn. Rules 4664.0440
Cooperation, background checks, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Counseling services
Bereavement, Minn. Rules 4664.0003, 4664.0110, 4664.0210, 4664.0240
Compliance, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0020
Definitions, Minn. Rules 4664.0003
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0240
Nutritional, Minn. Rules 4664.0003, 4664.0020
Counselors, Minn. Rules 4664.0170
Data collection, Minn. Rules 4664.0210
Deaths, Minn. Rules 4664.0530, 4664.0540
Construction and reconstruction, Minn. Rules 4664.0370
Fire code, Minn. Rules 7511.0202
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0003
Health information management, Minn. Rules 4664.0190
Home health aide services, Minn. Rules 4664.0260, 4664.0265
Hospital and surgical center reporting, Minn. Rules 4650.0102
Meal service, Minn. Rules 4664.0490
Medical assistance, Minn. Rules 9505.0297
Respite care, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 4664.0002
Waivers and variances, Minn. Rules 4664.0016
Discharge (patients), Minn. Rules 4664.0060, 4664.0530
Disclosure, patient information, Minn. Rules 4664.0190
Disinfection, Minn. Rules 4664.0290
Grounds, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Licenses, effect, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Waivers or variances, prohibited, Minn. Rules 4664.0016
Drugs and medicine
Definitions, Minn. Rules 4664.0265, 4664.0270
Home health aides, Minn. Rules 4664.0260, 4664.0265, 4664.0270, 4664.0390
Patients, self-administration, Minn. Rules 4664.0260, 4664.0265, 4664.0270, 4664.0425
Who may administer, Minn. Rules 4664.0270
Central storage, Minn. Rules 4664.0425
Compliance, Minn. Rules 4664.0002
Controlled substances, Minn. Rules 4664.0270, 4664.0425
Disposition, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0270, 4664.0425
Education and training, Minn. Rules 4664.0390
Legend drugs, Minn. Rules 4664.0425, 6800.6200
Medication reminders, Minn. Rules 4664.0260, 4664.0265
Medication samples, Minn. Rules 4664.0425
Nurses, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0260, 4664.0265, 4664.0425
Orders and authorization, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0270
Over-the-counter drugs, Minn. Rules 4664.0003, 4664.0425
Personnel, access, Minn. Rules 4664.0425
Pharmacists, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0425
Plans of care, Minn. Rules 4664.0110, 4664.0270
Polices and procedures, Minn. Rules 4664.0270, 4664.0425
Prescribers, Minn. Rules 4664.0270
Pro re nata medication, Minn. Rules 4664.0265
Providing, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Records and record keeping, Minn. Rules 4664.0190, 4664.0425
Reports about, Minn. Rules 4664.0265
Residential hospice facilities, Minn. Rules 4664.0425
Education and training
Emergencies, Minn. Rules 4664.0140, 4664.0260, 4664.0500
Food handling, Minn. Rules 4664.0490
Home health aides, Minn. Rules 4664.0260, 4664.0265, 4664.0390
In-service training, Minn. Rules 4664.0150, 4664.0290
Infection control, Minn. Rules 4664.0290
Inpatient services, Minn. Rules 4664.0090
Licensees, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0260
Orientation, Minn. Rules 4664.0140
Personnel generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0090
Records and record keeping, Minn. Rules 4664.0300
Volunteers, Minn. Rules 4664.0180
Electrical systems, Minn. Rules 4664.0450
Planning, Minn. Rules 4664.0500
Training, Minn. Rules 4664.0140, 4664.0260, 4664.0500
Equipment and supplies
Appliances, Minn. Rules 4664.0430
Food service, Minn. Rules 4664.0490
Infection control, Minn. Rules 4664.0290
Safety codes, compliance, Minn. Rules 4664.0380
Evidence, destruction prohibited, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
False statements, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Federal regulations
Compliance, Minn. Rules 4664.0190
Contagious or infectious diseases, Minn. Rules 4664.0290, 4664.0470
Incorporation by reference, Minn. Rules 4664.0380
Medicare-certified hospices, compliance, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0320
Financial statements
Requirements, Minn. Rules 4650.0102 to 4650.0174
Revenues, verification, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Administrators, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0070
Advertising violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0025
Assessments (patients and families), violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0100, 4664.0120
Background check violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Buildings, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0360, 4664.0370, 4664.0400
Clinical nurse supervisors, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0085
Complaints, Minn. Rules 4664.0050
Contagious or infectious diseases, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0470, 4664.0480
Contested cases, Minn. Rules 4664.0018
Contract violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0008, 4664.0090
Drugs and medicine, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0265, 4664.0270, 4664.0425
Electrical systems, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0450
Emergencies, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0500
Enforcement, obstruction, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Evidence, destruction, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
False statements, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0012, 4664.0060
Governing bodies, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0070
Home health aides, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0260, 4664.0265, 4664.0270, 4664.0390
Hospice bill of rights, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0014, 4664.0030
Housekeeping violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0400, 4664.0430
Illegal acts, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Infection control violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0290, 4664.0430
Inpatient care violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0090, 4664.0330
Inspections, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0012
Interdisciplinary teams, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0170
Keys, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0510
Licenses, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0010, 4664.0020
Lights and lighting, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0450
Meals (refreshment), violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0490
Mechanical systems, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0440
Medical directors, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0080
Orientation training, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0140
Patient care and accommodation areas, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0420, 4664.0430
Belongings, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0540
Deaths, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0530, 4664.0540
Financial matters. handling violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0040
In-service training, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0150
Performance reviews, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0150
Staffing, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0390
Personnel records, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0300
Pets, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0550
Physical therapy services, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0250
Planning violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Plans of care, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0110, 4664.0120, 4664.0170
Quality assurance violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0160
Records and record keeping violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0040, 4664.0190, 4664.0260, 4664.0300, 4664.0390
Reporting violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0480
Residential hospice facilities, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0390 to 4664.0550
Right of entry, interference, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Schedules, Minn. Rules 4664.0014, 4664.0020
Service violations
Core services, Minn. Rules 4664.0020, 4664.0060, 4664.0170
Counseling services, Minn. Rules 4664.0240
Home health aides, Minn. Rules 4664.0390
Medical social services, Minn. Rules 4664.0230
Nursing services, Minn. Rules 4664.0020, 4664.0220, 4664.0390
Nutritional counseling, Minn. Rules 4664.0003, 4664.0020
Occupational therapy services, Minn. Rules 4664.0250
Physician services, Minn. Rules 4664.0210
Speech-language pathology services, Minn. Rules 4664.0250
Volunteers, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0020, 4664.0180
Smoking, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0520
Statutory violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0012, 4664.0014
Surveys, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0320
Ventilation, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0520
Visitors, accommodations, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0420
Volunteers, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0180
Vulnerable adults act, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0014
Waivers or variances, violations, Minn. Rules 4664.0016, 4664.0018
Fire code requirements
Definitions, Minn. Rules 7511.0202
Fire alarm systems, Minn. Rules 7511.0907
Generally, Minn. Rules 7511.8100
Sprinkler systems, Minn. Rules 7511.0903
Fire prevention and protection, Minn. Rules 4664.0010, 4664.0370
Furniture, Minn. Rules 4664.0420, 4664.0430
Gifts, bequests, and donations, accepting, Minn. Rules 4664.0040
Governing bodies, Minn. Rules 4664.0070
Health information management, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0190
Heat and heating, Minn. Rules 4664.0440
Home health aide services
Compliance, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0020
Defined, Minn. Rules 4664.0003
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0260
Supervision, Minn. Rules 4664.0180, 4664.0260
Volunteers, Minn. Rules 4664.0180
Home health aides
Drugs and medicine, administering or assisting with self-administration, Minn. Rules 4664.0260, 4664.0265, 4664.0270, 4664.0390
Education and training, Minn. Rules 4664.0260, 4664.0265, 4664.0390
Policies and procedures, Minn. Rules 4664.0260
Qualifications, Minn. Rules 4664.0260
Reports given, pro re nata medication, administration, Minn. Rules 4664.0265
Residential hospice facilities, Minn. Rules 4664.0390
Supervision, Minn. Rules 4664.0180, 4664.0260
Volunteers, Minn. Rules 4664.0180, 4664.0210
Hospice bill of rights
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0030
Orientation training, Minn. Rules 4664.0140
Variances or waivers, prohibited, Minn. Rules 4664.0016, 4664.0030
Hospice providers
Contingency plans, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
False statements, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Governmental providers, Minn. Rules 4664.0008
Hospital and surgical center reporting, gifts and grants, Minn. Rules 4650.0102
Housekeeping, Minn. Rules 4664.0400, 4664.0430
Incorporation by reference
Building and safety codes, Minn. Rules 4664.0370, 4664.0380
Contagious or infectious diseases, federal regulations, Minn. Rules 4664.0470
Federal regulations, Minn. Rules 4650.0104
Infection control, Minn. Rules 4664.0260, 4664.0290, 4664.0430
Informal conferences, Minn. Rules 4664.0018
Inpatient care and services
Contracts, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0090
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0210, 4664.0330
Medical assistance, coverage, Minn. Rules 9505.0297
Medical records, Minn. Rules 4664.0090
Short-term, Minn. Rules 4664.0020, 4664.0330
Authority, Minn. Rules 4664.0012
Records and record keeping, Minn. Rules 4664.0530
Vulnerable adults, Minn. Rules 4664.0012
Interdisciplinary teams
Assessments (patients and families), duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0020, 4664.0100
Clinical nurse supervisors, Minn. Rules 4664.0085
Complaints, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0050
Compliance, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0020
In-service training, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0150
Medical directors, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0080
Members, Minn. Rules 4664.0170, 4664.0210
Orientation, Minn. Rules 4664.0210
Plans of care, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0110, 4664.0120, 4664.0210
Services, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0170
Investigations, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Keys, Minn. Rules 4664.0510
Kitchens, Minn. Rules 4664.0490
Laundry and laundry facilities, Minn. Rules 4664.0430
Clinical nurse supervisors, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0085
Defined, Minn. Rules 4664.0003
Guardians and conservators, Minn. Rules 4664.0040
Home health aides, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0260
Hospice bill of rights, notice, Minn. Rules 4664.0030
Medical directors, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0085
Orientation training, Minn. Rules 4664.0140
Patients' financial matters, handling, Minn. Rules 4664.0040
Power-of-attorney, Minn. Rules 4664.0040
Authority for rules, Minn. Rules 4664.0002
Building review, Minn. Rules 4664.0360
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Gifts, donations, and bequests, Minn. Rules 4664.0040
Governmental providers, Minn. Rules 4664.0008
Health care professionals, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Notice, Minn. Rules 4664.0010, 4664.0030
Revocation, suspension, denial, or refusal to renew, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0010
Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 4664.0002
Violations, effect on, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0100
Lights and lighting, Minn. Rules 4664.0450
Linens, Minn. Rules 4664.0430
Lists, providers, Minn. Rules 4664.0060
Living and lounge space, Minn. Rules 4664.0430
Maintenance and repair, Minn. Rules 4664.0400
Management, multiple units or satellites, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Managerial officials
Agents, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Defined, Minn. Rules 4664.0003
False statements, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Illegal acts, prohibited, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Meals (refreshment), Minn. Rules 4664.0490
Medical assistance
Certification, surveys, Minn. Rules 4664.0320
Coverage, Minn. Rules 9505.0297
Crisis and counseling services, Minn. Rules 9505.0297
Payment rates, Minn. Rules 9505.0446
Medical directors
Duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0110, 4664.0120, 4664.0210
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0080
Policies and procedures, Minn. Rules 4664.0210
Qualifications, Minn. Rules 4664.0210
Medical equipment and supplies, medical assistance, coverage, Minn. Rules 9505.0297
Medical social services
Compliance, Minn. Rules 4664.0002
Core services, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Defined, Minn. Rules 4664.0003
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0230
Medicare-certified hospices, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0210, 4664.0320
Multiple units or satellites, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Notice given
Agents, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Charges and rates, Minn. Rules 4664.0030
Complaints, procedures, Minn. Rules 4664.0050
Hospice bill of rights, Minn. Rules 4664.0030
License application information, change, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Medical assistance recipients, revocation of election, Minn. Rules 9505.0297
Patients, deaths, Minn. Rules 4664.0540
Providers, Minn. Rules 4664.0060
Services, cessation or termination, Minn. Rules 4664.0010, 4664.0060
Notice received, medical assistance recipients, election statements, Minn. Rules 9505.0297
Clinical nurse supervisors, Minn. Rules 4664.0085
Contracts, Minn. Rules 4664.0085
Drugs and medicine, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0260, 4664.0265, 4664.0425
Plans of care, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0170
Reports received, pro re nata medication, Minn. Rules 4664.0265
Supervision by
Home health aides, Minn. Rules 4664.0260, 4664.0265
Nursing personnel, Minn. Rules 4664.0085
Nursing services
Clinical nurse supervisors, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0085
Core services, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Delegated services, Minn. Rules 4664.0260, 4664.0265
Polices and procedures, Minn. Rules 4664.0085
Providing, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0020, 4664.0220
Residential hospice facilities, Minn. Rules 4664.0085, 4664.0390
Obstruction (physical), Health Department representatives, prohibited, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Occupational therapy
Compliance, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0020
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0250
Orders, correction orders, licenses, effect, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Interdisciplinary teams, Minn. Rules 4664.0210
Personnel generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0140
Volunteers, Minn. Rules 4664.0180, 4664.0210
Owners and ownership
Change, licenses, effect, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
False statements, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Illegal acts, prohibited, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Partnerships, dissolution or termination, effect, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Acceptance, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0060
Acknowledgments, Minn. Rules 4664.0030
Assessments (patients and families), see same under this topic
Care and accommodation areas, Minn. Rules 4664.0420, 4664.0430
Census data, Minn. Rules 4664.0530
Clothing, Minn. Rules 4664.0430
Confidentiality, Minn. Rules 4664.0190
Consent, surveyor visits, Minn. Rules 4664.0320
Contingency plans, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Death, Minn. Rules 4664.0530, 4664.0540
Discharge, Minn. Rules 4664.0060, 4664.0530
Families, Minn. Rules 4664.0003
Finances, handling, Minn. Rules 4664.0040
Guardians and conservators, Minn. Rules 4664.0040
Health care directives, Minn. Rules 4664.0190
Living and lounge areas, Minn. Rules 4664.0430
Notice given, medical assistance recipients, election statements, Minn. Rules 9505.0297
Notice received
Complaints, procedures, Minn. Rules 4664.0030, 4664.0050
Hospice bill of rights, Minn. Rules 4664.0030
Ombudsman for Older Minnesotans, Minn. Rules 4664.0030, 4664.0060
Services, termination, Minn. Rules 4664.0060
Personal effects and property, Minn. Rules 4664.0040, 4664.0430, 4664.0540
Plans of care, see same under this topic
Power-of-attorney for, Minn. Rules 4664.0040
Records and record keeping, see same under this topic
Respite care, Minn. Rules 4664.0020, 4664.0330
Responsible persons, see same under this topic
Transfers, Minn. Rules 4664.0060, 4664.0190, 4664.0530
Tuberculosis screening, prevention, treatment, Minn. Rules 4664.0190
Accommodations, Minn. Rules 4664.0420
Physical therapists, Minn. Rules 4664.0260
Surveyors, Minn. Rules 4664.0320
Contact persons, Minn. Rules 4664.0210
Direct service providers, Minn. Rules 4664.0008
Drugs and medicine, access, Minn. Rules 4664.0425
Emergencies, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0500
Hospice program directors, Minn. Rules 4664.0210
In-service training, Minn. Rules 4664.0150, 4664.0210, 4664.0290
Job descriptions, Minn. Rules 4664.0300
Licensure, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Notice, Minn. Rules 4664.0030
Orientation, Minn. Rules 4664.0140
Performance reviews, Minn. Rules 4664.0150
Qualifications, Minn. Rules 4664.0030, 4664.0150
Quality assurance, Minn. Rules 4664.0210
Residential hospice facilities, Minn. Rules 4664.0030, 4664.0390
Shifts, coverage, Minn. Rules 4664.0030
Pets, Minn. Rules 4664.0550
Pharmacists, drugs and medicine, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0425
Physical therapists
Patients, visiting, Minn. Rules 4664.0260
Supervision by, home health aides, Minn. Rules 4664.0260, 4664.0265
Physical therapy
Compliance, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0020
Delegated services, Minn. Rules 4664.0260, 4664.0265
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0250
Physician services, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0020, 4664.0210
Attending, Minn. Rules 4664.0210
Delegation of duties to, Minn. Rules 4664.0080
Interdisciplinary teams, Minn. Rules 4664.0170
Medical directors, acting as, Minn. Rules 4664.0080, 4664.0210
Patients, discharge, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0060
Plans of care, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0110, 4664.0120
Contingency plans, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Counseling services, Minn. Rules 4664.0240
Emergencies, Minn. Rules 4664.0500
Quality assurance, Minn. Rules 4664.0160, 4664.0210
Vulnerable adults, abuse prevention, Minn. Rules 4664.0014
Plans and specifications, building, Minn. Rules 4664.0360
Plans of care
Compliance, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0020
Coordination, Minn. Rules 4664.0170, 4664.0190
Drugs and medicine, administering, Minn. Rules 4664.0270
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0110
Home health aides, supervision, Minn. Rules 4664.0260
Interdisciplinary teams, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0110, 4664.0210
Palliative care, Minn. Rules 4664.0210
Physicians, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0110, 4664.0120, 4664.0210
Records and record keeping, Minn. Rules 4664.0190
Reviews and updates, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0120
Volunteer services, Minn. Rules 4664.0180
Plumbing, Minn. Rules 4664.0440
Policies and procedures
Clinical nurse supervisors,, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0085
Controlled substances, disposition, Minn. Rules 4664.0270
Drugs and medicine, Minn. Rules 4664.0270, 4664.0425
Emergencies, Minn. Rules 4664.0500
Emergency medical services, Minn. Rules 4664.0500
Home health aides, Minn. Rules 4664.0260
Medical directors, Minn. Rules 4664.0080, 4664.0210
Nursing services, Minn. Rules 4664.0085
Pets, Minn. Rules 4664.0550
Smoking, Minn. Rules 4664.0520
Posting (notices), licenses, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Quality assurance, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0070, 4664.0160
Receipts, patients' financial transactions, Minn. Rules 4664.0040
Records and record keeping
Admissions, Minn. Rules 4664.0530
Census data, Minn. Rules 4664.0530
Complaints, Minn. Rules 4664.0050, 4664.0190
Confidentiality, Minn. Rules 4664.0180, 4664.0190, 4664.0210
Destruction prohibited, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Drugs and medicine, Minn. Rules 4664.0190, 4664.0425
Education and training, Minn. Rules 4664.0140, 4664.0300
Health information management, Minn. Rules 4664.0190
Hospice bill of rights, acknowledgments, Minn. Rules 4664.0030
Inpatient services, Minn. Rules 4664.0090
Inspections, Minn. Rules 4664.0530
Deaths, Minn. Rules 4664.0530
Discharge, Minn. Rules 4664.0060, 4664.0530
Finances, Minn. Rules 4664.0040
Plans of care, Minn. Rules 4664.0190
Transfer, Minn. Rules 4664.0190
Personnel records
Compliance, Minn. Rules 4664.0390
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0300
Home health aides, Minn. Rules 4664.0260
Orientation, Minn. Rules 4664.0140
Residential hospice facilities, Minn. Rules 4664.0390
Volunteers, Minn. Rules 4664.0180, 4664.0210
Pets, Minn. Rules 4664.0550
Retention, Minn. Rules 4664.0190, 4664.0300, 4664.0390
Services, Minn. Rules 4664.0190
Tuberculosis screening, Minn. Rules 4664.0190
Referral services, Minn. Rules 4664.0310
Reports given
Accidents and incidents, Minn. Rules 4664.0070, 4664.0500
Administrators, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0070
Children, maltreatment, Minn. Rules 4664.0140
Complaints, Minn. Rules 4664.0140
Contagious or infectious diseases, Minn. Rules 4664.0480
Financial reports, Minn. Rules 4650.0102 to 4650.0174
Orientation training, Minn. Rules 4664.0140
Pro re nata medication, Minn. Rules 4664.0265
Vulnerable adults, maltreatment, Minn. Rules 4664.0014, 4664.0140
Residential hospice facilities
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0370, 4664.0390 to 4664.0550
Smoke detectors, Minn. Rules 1305.0907
Respite care
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0020, 4664.0330
Medical assistance, coverage, Minn. Rules 9505.0297
Responsible persons
Acknowledgments, Minn. Rules 4664.0030
Consent, surveyor visits, Minn. Rules 4664.0320
Contingency plans, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Defined, Minn. Rules 4664.0003
Notice received
Hospice bill of rights, Minn. Rules 4664.0030
Patients, discharge, Minn. Rules 4664.0060
Plans of care, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0110
Complaints, prohibited, Minn. Rules 4664.0050
Vulnerable adults, maltreatment reporting, Minn. Rules 4664.0014
Revenues, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Right of entry, Health Department, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0210
Service of process on, agents, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Administrators, duties, Minn. Rules 4664.0070
Cessation, discontinuance, or termination notice, Minn. Rules 4664.0010, 4664.0060, 4664.0090
Clergy, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0180
Compliance, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0020
Contracts, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0090
Coordination, Minn. Rules 4664.0170, 4664.0190
Core services, Minn. Rules 4664.0003, 4664.0008, 4664.0020, 4664.0210
Counseling services, see same under this topic
Direct services, Minn. Rules 4664.0008
Documentation, Minn. Rules 4664.0190
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Home health aide services, see same under this topic
Inpatient care and services, see same under this topic
Medical social services, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0003, 4664.0020, 4664.0230
Multiple units or satellites, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Nursing services, see same under this topic
Occupational therapy, Minn. Rules 4664.0250
Palliative care, Minn. Rules 4664.0110
Physical therapy, Minn. Rules 4664.0250
Physician services, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0020, 4664.0210
Plans of care, see same under this topic
Speech-language pathology, Minn. Rules 4664.0250
Therapy services, Minn. Rules 4664.0265
Volunteers, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0020, 4664.0180
Sewers, Minn. Rules 4664.0440
Smoking, Minn. Rules 4664.0520
Social workers, interdisciplinary teams, Minn. Rules 4664.0170
Speech-language pathology services, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0020, 4664.0250
State Building Code, classification, Minn. Rules 1305.0302
Drugs and medicine, Minn. Rules 4664.0425
Food, Minn. Rules 4664.0490
Generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0430
Infectious waste, Minn. Rules 4664.0430
Linen, Minn. Rules 4664.0430
Patient records, Minn. Rules 4664.0190
Supervision and supervisors
Counseling services, Minn. Rules 4664.0240
Home health aides, Minn. Rules 4664.0180
Volunteers, Minn. Rules 4664.0180
Surveys and surveyors, Minn. Rules 4664.0003, 4664.0010, 4664.0320
Variances, Minn. Rules 4664.0016, 4664.0018, 4664.0030
Ventilation, Minn. Rules 4664.0440, 4664.0490, 4664.0520
Verification by, revenues, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Violations and penalties
Administrators, Minn. Rules 4664.0070
Advertising, Minn. Rules 4664.0025
Assessments (patients and families), Minn. Rules 4664.0100, 4664.0120
Buildings, review, Minn. Rules 4664.0360, 4664.0370
Clinical nurse supervisors, Minn. Rules 4664.0085
Complaints, Minn. Rules 4664.0050
Contagious or infectious diseases, Minn. Rules 4664.0470, 4664.0480
Contracts, Minn. Rules 4664.0008, 4664.0090
Disqualification, Minn. Rules 4664.0010
Drugs and medicine, Minn. Rules 4664.0265, 4664.0270, 4664.0425
Electrical systems, Minn. Rules 4664.0450
Emergencies, Minn. Rules 4664.0500
Employees, Minn. Rules 4664.0150
False statements, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Governing bodies, Minn. Rules 4664.0070
Home health aide services, Minn. Rules 4664.0260
Home health aides, Minn. Rules 4664.0260, 4664.0265, 4664.0270
Hospice bill of rights, Minn. Rules 4664.0030
Illegal acts generally, Minn. Rules 4664.0020
Infection control, Minn. Rules 4664.0290
Inpatient care, Minn. Rules 4664.0330
Inspections, Minn. Rules 4664.0012
Interdisciplinary teams, Minn. Rules 4664.0170
Licenses, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0010, 4664.0020
Lights and lighting, Minn. Rules 4664.0450
Mechanical systems, Minn. Rules 4664.0440
Medical directors, Minn. Rules 4664.0080
Nursing services, Minn. Rules 4664.0220
Occupational therapy services, Minn. Rules 4664.0250
Orientation training, Minn. Rules 4664.0140
Patient care and accommodation areas, Minn. Rules 4664.0420, 4664.0430
Patients, Minn. Rules 4664.0040, 4664.0540
Pets, Minn. Rules 4664.0550
Physical therapy services, Minn. Rules 4664.0250
Physician services, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0020, 4664.0210
Plans of care, Minn. Rules 4664.0110, 4664.0120, 4664.0170
Quality assurance, Minn. Rules 4664.0160
Records and record keeping, Minn. Rules 4664.0020, 4664.0190, 4664.0300
Services, Minn. Rules 4664.0060, 4664.0170
Speech-language pathology services, Minn. Rules 4664.0250
Surveys, Minn. Rules 4664.0320
Visitors, accommodations, Minn. Rules 4664.0420
Volunteers, Minn. Rules 4664.0180
Waivers or variances, Minn. Rules 4664.0016
Visitors, Minn. Rules 4664.0420
Clergy, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0180
Clinical nurse supervisors, Minn. Rules 4664.0085
Coordinators, Minn. Rules 4664.0180
Licensure or registration, Minn. Rules 4664.0180
Medical directors, Minn. Rules 4664.0080
Notice, Minn. Rules 4664.0030
Orientation, Minn. Rules 4664.0210
Residential hospice facilities, Minn. Rules 4664.0030, 4664.0390
Services, Minn. Rules 4664.0002, 4664.0020, 4664.0180
Training, Minn. Rules 4664.0180, 4664.0210
Hospices, Minn. Rules 4664.0016, 4664.0018, 4664.0030
Medical assistance recipients, waiver of other benefits, Minn. Rules 9505.0297
Water supply, Minn. Rules 4664.0380, 4664.0440
Wells and borings, Minn. Rules 4664.0380, 4664.0440
Workers' compensation, coverage, Minn. Rules 4664.0010