Accessibility of services, Minn. Rules 4685.1010
Improper practices, Minn. Rules 4685.3400
Open enrollment, Minn. Rules 4685.3100
Agents, solicitors, and brokers, licensing, examinations, Minn. Rules 2730.0300, 2730.0400
Alcoholism treatment, limitations on outpatient treatment, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Ambulance services, transportation, limitation or exclusion of coverage, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Annual reports
Auditing, Minn. Rules 4685.1960
Contents, Minn. Rules 4685.2100
Deadline for reports, Minn. Rules 4685.2150
Definitions, Minn. Rules 4685.1930
Enrollment and utilization table, Minn. Rules 4685.1950
Filing date, Minn. Rules 4685.1930
Filing fee, Minn. Rules 4685.2800
Financial disclosure, Minn. Rules 4685.1970
Forms, Minn. Rules 4685.1920
Instructions, Minn. Rules 4685.1930
NAIC Blank, Minn. Rules 4685.1910, 4685.1920
Participating entities, list, Minn. Rules 4685.2100
Statement of revenue and expenses, Minn. Rules 4685.1940
Supplemental benefits, Minn. Rules 4685.1955
Uniform reporting, Minn. Rules 4685.1910
Appeals, termination of coverage, Minn. Rules 4685.2200
Application, certificates of authority, Minn. Rules 4685.0300
Arbitration, enrollee complaints, Minn. Rules 4685.1900
Artificial aids, limitation on minimum services, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Assumption of risk, insurance against, certificates of authority application, Minn. Rules 4685.0300
Audits, NAIC Blank reports, Minn. Rules 4685.1960
Authority for rules, Minn. Rules 2730.0200
Availability of services, Minn. Rules 4685.1010
Average aggregate charge, categories of similar services, Minn. Rules 4685.0801
Basic services, Minn. Rules 4685.1010
Bylaws, governing body, selection, Minn. Rules 4685.1400
Cancellation of coverage, Minn. Rules 4685.2200
Category of similar goods or services, copayment determinations, Minn. Rules 4685.0801
Certificates and certification, comprehensive health insurance qualified plans, Minn. Rules 2740.1500, 2740.9934
Certificates of authority
Amendment, filing fee, Minn. Rules 4685.2800
Application, Minn. Rules 4685.0300, 4685.2800
Renewal, fee, Minn. Rules 4685.2800
Requirements for issuance, Minn. Rules 4685.0400
Certificates of need, Minn. Rules 4685.2600
Chemical dependency, treatment coverage, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Children, termination at limiting age, Minn. Rules 4685.2200
Claims, Minn. Rules 4685.0815
Committees, governing body, meetings, open to enrollee opinions, Minn. Rules 4685.1500
Generally, Minn. Rules 4685.1900
Ongoing evaluation, Minn. Rules 4685.1110, 4685.1120
Opportunity to participate, Minn. Rules 4685.1600
Comprehensive health insurance plans, see under HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE
Comprehensive services, providing, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Conflicts of interest, disclosure, certificates of authority application, Minn. Rules 4685.0300
Consumer information, supplemental benefits, Minn. Rules 4685.1955
Consumer representatives on governing body
Election results, annual report, Minn. Rules 4685.2100
Nomination and selection by enrollees who are contractor holders, Minn. Rules 4685.1600
Selection, Minn. Rules 4685.1400
Contact lenses, limitations or exclusions of coverage, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Continuation and conversion privileges, comprehensive health insurance qualified plans, effect, Minn. Rules 2740.1600
Changes, time of implementation, Minn. Rules 4685.1300
Discrimination, prohibited, Minn. Rules 2735.0100 to 2735.0500
Filing requirements, Minn. Rules 4685.3300
Reinsurance pooling agreements, comprehensive health insurance, Minn. Rules 2740.5200
Supplemental benefits, Minn. Rules 4685.1955
Coordination of benefits
Application of rules, Minn. Rules 4685.0905
Definitions, Minn. Rules 4685.0910
Dependent children, Minn. Rules 4685.0915
Effective date, Minn. Rules 4685.0935
Generally, Minn. Rules 4685.0900
Model coordination of benefits provisions, Minn. Rules 4685.0940, 4685.0950
Noncomplying plans, coordinating with, Minn. Rules 4685.0930
Order of benefits, generally, Minn. Rules 4685.0915
Procedures, Minn. Rules 4685.0915
Purpose of rules, Minn. Rules 4685.0905
Secondary plan, procedures, Minn. Rules 4685.0925
Services, reasonable cash value, Minn. Rules 4685.0930
Coordination of care, Minn. Rules 4685.1010
Copayments, Minn. Rules 4685.0801
Corrective appliances, limitation or exclusion of coverage, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Cosmetic services, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Coverage, see Comprehensive health insurance plans under HEALTH AND ACCIDENT INSURANCE
Custodial care, limitation, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Annual reports, Minn. Rules 4685.1955, 4685.2800
Comprehensive health insurance, Minn. Rules 2740.2100
Coordination of benefits, Minn. Rules 4685.0910
Filing fees, Minn. Rules 4685.2800
Generally, Minn. Rules 4685.0100, 4685.0910, 4685.1105
Hospital and surgical center reporting, Minn. Rules 4650.0102
Medical assistance, Minn. Rules 9505.0015
State health care program participation, Minn. Rules 9505.5210
Supplemental benefits, Minn. Rules 4685.1955
Demographic characteristics
Enrollees, certificates of authority, application, Minn. Rules 4685.0300
Statistics, Minn. Rules 4685.1200
Denial of coverage, supplemental benefits, Minn. Rules 4685.1955
Dental services, limitation or exclusion of minimum services, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Dependent children, termination at limiting age, Minn. Rules 4685.2200
Directors, governing body, selection, Minn. Rules 4685.1400
Disabled children, termination at limiting age, Minn. Rules 4685.2200
Certificates of authority, application, Minn. Rules 4685.0300
Copayment charges, Minn. Rules 4685.0801
Supplemental benefits, Minn. Rules 4685.1955
Contracts, prohibited practices, Minn. Rules 2735.0100 to 2735.0500
Recipients of medical assistance or Medicare, Minn. Rules 4685.2500
Domiciliary care, limitation on minimum services, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Drugs, prescriptions, limitations, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Effective date of operating requirements, Minn. Rules 4685.1300
Emergencies, minimum services, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Emergency services
Out of plan, copayments, Minn. Rules 4685.0801
Payment for cost, insurance policy, Minn. Rules 4685.0500
Requirements, Minn. Rules 4685.1010
Endorsements, filing, Minn. Rules 4685.3300
Enrollee directors, governing body, selection, Minn. Rules 4685.1400
Enrollee surveys
Opinions, Minn. Rules 4685.1500
Opportunity to participate, Minn. Rules 4685.1600
Enrollment, see Open enrollment under this topic
Enrollment statistics, Minn. Rules 4685.0300, 4685.1200
Equipment and supplies, limitations of coverage, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Essential community providers, Minn. Rules 4688.0001 to 4688.0160
Evidence of coverage
Referral procedures, Minn. Rules 4685.1010
Required changes, time of implementation, Minn. Rules 4685.1300
Comprehensive services, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Copayments, Minn. Rules 4685.0801
Minimum services, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Supplemental benefits, Minn. Rules 4685.1955
Expenses, unreasonable expenses
Determination, Minn. Rules 2730.0500
Enforcement authority, Minn. Rules 2730.0600, 2730.0700
Experimental, investigative, or unproven procedures, limitation or exclusion, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Eye care, minimum services, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
False information, enrollment, termination of coverage, Minn. Rules 4685.2200
Family members, dependence, termination at limiting age, Minn. Rules 4685.2200
Fees, Minn. Rules 4685.2800
Date, annual report, Minn. Rules 4685.1930
Fees, Minn. Rules 4685.2800
Generally, Minn. Rules 4685.3300
Modified documents, Minn. Rules 4685.2250
Financial disclosure, principal officers, Minn. Rules 4685.1970
Financial responsibility, certificates of authority, application, Minn. Rules 4685.0300
Annual reports, 1985 NAIC Blank, Minn. Rules 4685.1910, 4685.1920
Certificates of authority, application, Minn. Rules 4685.0300
Supplemental benefits claims, NAIC blank, Minn. Rules 4685.1955
Governing body
Consumer representatives, Minn. Rules 4685.1400, 4685.1600, 4685.2100
Enrollee opinion surveys, Minn. Rules 4685.1500
Selection, Minn. Rules 4685.1400
Gross utilization aggregates
Certificates of authority, application, Minn. Rules 4685.0300
Statistics, Minn. Rules 4685.1200
Group contracts, replacement coverage, Minn. Rules 2755.0100 to 2755.0500
Group coverage
Cancellation of coverage, notice, Minn. Rules 4685.2200
Inpatient hospital care, limitations on number of days covered, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Group purchasers
Data, aggregate group purchaser data, reports
Amending, Minn. Rules 4652.0130
Contents, Minn. Rules 4652.0120
Definitions, Minn. Rules 4652.0100
Errors, Minn. Rules 4652.0130
Generally, Minn. Rules 4652.0110
Incomplete, Minn. Rules 4652.0130
Incorporation by reference, Minn. Rules 4652.0010
Review, Minn. Rules 4652.0130
Variances, Minn. Rules 4652.0140
Definitions, hospital and surgical center reporting, Minn. Rules 4650.0102
Hearing aids, fitting, limitation or exclusion of coverage, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Hearings, complaints, records, Minn. Rules 4685.1900
Home health care, limitations, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Hospital services, Minn. Rules 4685.1010
Improper practices, Minn. Rules 4685.3400
Income, use of funds, Minn. Rules 4685.2700
Information summaries, annual report, Minn. Rules 4685.2100
Inpatient hospital care, minimum services, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Inpatient physician care, minimum services, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Insurance policies
Certificates of authority, application, Minn. Rules 4685.0300
Cost of services beyond minimum services, Minn. Rules 4685.0500
Joint self-insurance plans, Minn. Rules 2765.0100 to 2765.1500
Limitations on minimum services, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Marketing, improper practices, Minn. Rules 4685.3400
Medical assistance, recipients, refusal to enroll, Minn. Rules 4685.2500
Medical care surcharge
Amount, Minn. Rules 9510.2020
Appeals, Minn. Rules 9510.2040
Civil penalties for nonpayment, Minn. Rules 9510.2050
Definitions, Minn. Rules 9510.2010
Effective date, Minn. Rules 9510.2020
Enforcement, Minn. Rules 9510.2050
Merger or cessation of operation, Minn. Rules 9510.2020
Notice of amount owed, Minn. Rules 9510.2030
Purpose of rules, Minn. Rules 9510.2000
Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 9510.2000
Medicare, refusal to enroll, Minn. Rules 4685.2500
Meetings, governing body, enrollee opinions, Minn. Rules 4685.1500
Mental illness, coverage, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Mentally ill children, termination at limiting age, Minn. Rules 4685.2200
Minimum services, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Minnesota Comprehensive Health Association, Minn. Rules 2740.2200 to 2740.2600, 2740.5400
Modification of documents, notice, filing, Minn. Rules 4685.2250
Mortality rates
Certificates of application, Minn. Rules 4685.0300
Statistics, Minn. Rules 4685.1200
Net earnings, Minn. Rules 4685.2700
Comprehensive health insurance qualified plans, cancellation or termination, Minn. Rules 2740.1600
Group enrollees, cancellation of coverage, Minn. Rules 4685.2200
Modification of documents, Minn. Rules 4685.2250
Open enrollment, Minn. Rules 4685.3100
Supplemental benefits, Minn. Rules 4685.1955
Termination of coverage, Minn. Rules 4685.2200
Open enrollment
Effective date, Minn. Rules 4685.2900
Improper practices, Minn. Rules 4685.3400
Notice, Minn. Rules 4685.3100
Periodic filings, Minn. Rules 4685.3300
Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 4685.3000
Underwriting restrictions, Minn. Rules 4685.3200
Waiver, Minn. Rules 4685.3200
Operating requirements, Minn. Rules 4685.0400
Operational statistics
Certificates of authority, application, Minn. Rules 4685.0300
Maintenance procedures, Minn. Rules 4685.1200
Organ transplants, limitation on minimum services, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Out-of-area services
Minimum services, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Payment of costs, insurance policy, Minn. Rules 4685.0500
Out-of-pocket expenses, supplemental benefits, Minn. Rules 4685.1955
Outpatient health services, minimum services, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Payments by, reinsurance pooling payments, comprehensive health insurance, Minn. Rules 2740.5300
Prepayment charges, schedule, annual report, Minn. Rules 4685.2100
Prescription drugs, limitations, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Preventive health care services
Copayments, prohibited, Minn. Rules 4685.0801
Minimum services, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Primary care physician services, Minn. Rules 4685.1010
Prior authorization, supplemental benefits, Minn. Rules 4685.1955
Private room accommodations, inpatient hospital care, limitations or exclusions, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Provider agreements, certificates of authority, application, Minn. Rules 4685.0300
Purpose for rules, Minn. Rules 2730.0200
Purpose of rules, Minn. Rules 4685.0200
Quality assurance
Annual work plan, Minn. Rules 4685.1130
Correcting problems, Minn. Rules 4685.1120
Definitions, Minn. Rules 4685.1105
Evaluations, Minn. Rules 4685.1110, 4685.1115
Focused studies, Minn. Rules 4685.1125
Generally, Minn. Rules 4685.1110
Identifying problems, Minn. Rules 4685.1120
Written plan, Minn. Rules 4685.1110, 4685.1130
Quarterly reports, Minn. Rules 4685.1980
Records and record keeping
Claims, Minn. Rules 4685.0815
Complaints, Minn. Rules 4685.1900
Coverage, uncovered expenditures, Minn. Rules 4685.0805
Referral centers, Minn. Rules 4685.1010
Referral procedures, Minn. Rules 4685.0100, 4685.1010
Refractions, eyes, limitations or exclusions, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Reinsurance, comprehensive health insurance, Minn. Rules 2740.5100 to 2740.5500
Renewal of coverage, termination, Minn. Rules 4685.2200
Replacement insurance, group contracts, Minn. Rules 2755.0100 to 2755.0500
Annual report, Minn. Rules 4685.2100
Filing fees, Minn. Rules 4685.2800
Quarterly reports, Minn. Rules 4685.1980
Statistics, Minn. Rules 4685.1200
Riders, filing, Minn. Rules 4685.3300
Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 4685.0200
Second opinions, supplemental benefits, Minn. Rules 4685.1955
Self-insurance, joint plans, Minn. Rules 2765.0100 to 2765.1500
Service area
Defined, Minn. Rules 4685.1010
Enrollment of persons outside of service area, improper practices, Minn. Rules 4685.3400
Expansion, filing request, Minn. Rules 4685.3300
Specialty physician services, Minn. Rules 4685.1010
State health care programs
Definitions, Minn. Rules 9505.5210
Participation requirements, Minn. Rules 9505.5200, 9505.5220, 9505.5240
Certificates of authority, application, Minn. Rules 4685.0300
Maintenance procedures, Minn. Rules 4685.1200
Subrogation, Minn. Rules 4685.0900
Supplemental benefits, Minn. Rules 4685.1955
Telephone service, inpatient care, limitations or exclusions of coverage, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Televisions, inpatient hospital care, limitations or exclusions, Minn. Rules 4685.0700
Termination of coverage, Minn. Rules 4685.2200
Terminology, insurance terminology, Minn. Rules 4685.2300
Open enrollment notice, Minn. Rules 4685.3100
Termination of coverage, notice, Minn. Rules 4685.2200
Timely access to health care services, Minn. Rules 4685.1010
Uncovered expenditures, Minn. Rules 4685.0805
Underwriting restrictions, open enrollment, Minn. Rules 4685.3200
Violations and penalties, comprehensive health insurance qualified plans, noncompliance, cease and desist orders, Minn. Rules 2740.1200
Waiver, open enrollment, Minn. Rules 4685.3200
Workers' compensation, subrogation and coordination of benefits, Minn. Rules 4685.0900