Coal slurry and coal liquids pipelines, location near alternative routes, proposed new facilities, description, Minn. Rules 7855.0440
Environmental assessment worksheets, mandatory categories, Minn. Rules 4410.4300
Environmental review, exemptions, Minn. Rules 4410.4600
Fuel conversion facilities, Minn. Rules 7855.0010 to 7855.0370
Mining operations, permits, applications, Minn. Rules 6130.4300
Nuclear fuel processing, location near alternative sites, proposed new facilities, description, Minn. Rules 7855.0540
Nuclear waste storage and disposal, location near alternative sites, proposed new facilities, description, Minn. Rules 7855.0640
Richard J. Dorer Memorial Hardwood State Forest, hunting restrictions, Minn. Rules 6230.1400
Silviculture, see SILVICULTURE
State recreational areas
Generally, Minn. Rules 6100.1355
Hours of operation, generally, Minn. Rules 6100.0600
Utility crossings, public lands and waters, standards for route design, Minn. Rules 6135.1100
Water appropriation and impoundment, field investigations, Minn. Rules 6115.0790
Wild, scenic, and recreational rivers, see WILD, SCENIC, AND RECREATIONAL RIVERS