Bakeries, Minn. Rules 1550.1360
Beer bottling facilities, Minn. Rules 1550.1690
Beverage manufacturing facilities
Generally, Minn. Rules 1550.1730
Packaging and filling areas, Minn. Rules 1550.1820
Syrup rooms, Minn. Rules 1550.1830
Boarding care homes, see BOARDING CARE HOMES
Carports, residential code, Minn. Rules 1309.0309
Clear spaces, Minn. Rules 1341.0606
Cold storage warehouses, Minn. Rules 1550.2210
Commercial canneries, toilets and toilet facilities, Minn. Rules 1550.2010, 1550.2020
Constructions sites, openings, labels, Minn. Rules 5207.0250
Correctional facilities
Construction standards for security areas, Minn. Rules 2900.0600
New construction, Minn. Rules 2900.0200
Cosmetology salons, Minn. Rules 2105.0360
Definitions, food code, Minn. Rules 4626.0020
Esthetician salons, Minn. Rules 2105.0360
Exterior doors, residential code, Minn. Rules 1309.0311
Fish processing establishments, Minn. Rules 1545.2950
Floor drains, plumbing
Drainage pipes, sizes, Minn. Rules 4714.0702
Generally, Minn. Rules 4714.0418
Walk-in coolers, Minn. Rules 4714.0801
Food and beverage service establishments, see Floors under FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS
Food salvage establishments, Minn. Rules 1550.2505, 1550.2540, 1550.2600
Garages, residential code, Minn. Rules 1309.0301, 1309.0309
Honey houses, Minn. Rules 1550.2350
Hospitals, see HOSPITALS
Inspections, under-floor inspections, Minn. Rules 1300.0210
Insulation, residential energy code, Minn. Rules 1322.0402
Joists, exposed, food establishments, Minn. Rules 4626.1370
Labels and labeling, floor openings, construction sites, Minn. Rules 5207.0250
Malt beverage bottling facilities, Minn. Rules 1550.1650
Nail salons, Minn. Rules 2105.0360
Nursing homes, see NURSING HOMES
Radon control, passive systems, Minn. Rules 1303.2402
Cold storage warehouses, Minn. Rules 1550.2210
Tom and Jerry mix, batter, or base manufacturing facilities, Minn. Rules 1550.3650
Smooth, defined, Minn. Rules 4626.0020
Tom and Jerry mix, batter, or base, manufacturing facilities, Minn. Rules 1550.3650
Under-floor inspections, Minn. Rules 1300.0210