Buildings and structures, sanitation, Minn. Rules 1545.2910
Ceilings, Minn. Rules 1545.2950
Cleaning materials and facilities, Minn. Rules 1545.2970, 1545.3050
Compartments and rooms
Construction, Minn. Rules 1545.2960
Defined, Minn. Rules 1545.2840
Objectionable conditions, Minn. Rules 1545.3040
Rejection tags, Minn. Rules 1545.2890
Sanitation, Minn. Rules 1545.2960, 1545.2970
Handling, methods and procedures, Minn. Rules 1545.3110
Processed products, Minn. Rules 1545.3030, 1545.3110
Contamination, prevention
Containers, handling, Minn. Rules 1545.3110
Employees, Minn. Rules 1545.3120
Mechanical adjustments, Minn. Rules 1545.3080
Pesticides, Minn. Rules 1545.2970
Processed products and ingredients, Minn. Rules 1545.3070
Water supply, Minn. Rules 1545.2980
Definitions, meat, fish, and poultry industry, Minn. Rules 1545.2840
Detergents, use, Minn. Rules 1545.3050
Construction, Minn. Rules 1545.2950
Toilet rooms, Minn. Rules 1545.3010
Drains and drainage
Floors, Minn. Rules 1545.2950
Hand-washing facilities, Minn. Rules 1545.3020
Traps and vents, Minn. Rules 1545.2940
Employees, health and hygiene, Minn. Rules 1545.3120
Equipment and utensils
Cleaning, Minn. Rules 1545.3060
Defined, Minn. Rules 1545.2840
Handling, methods and procedures, Minn. Rules 1545.3110
Material and construction, Minn. Rules 1545.3060
Mechanical adjustments, Minn. Rules 1545.3080
Minnesota rejected, Minn. Rules 1545.2840, 1545.2890
Sanitation, Minn. Rules 1545.3060
Fish processing, defined, Minn. Rules 1545.2840
Floors, Minn. Rules 1545.2950
Gutters, Minn. Rules 1545.2940
Hand-washing facilities, Minn. Rules 1545.3020
Hearings, permits, revocation, Minn. Rules 1545.2870
Hoses, Minn. Rules 1545.3050
Hot water
Hand-washing facilities, Minn. Rules 1545.3020
Sanitation, Minn. Rules 1545.2990
Handling, Minn. Rules 1545.3110
Human food, fitness, Minn. Rules 1545.3100
Methods and procedures, Minn. Rules 1545.3070, 1545.3110
Temperatures, Minn. Rules 1545.3070
Generally, Minn. Rules 1545.2880
Minnesota rejected, Minn. Rules 1545.2840
Permit requirements, Minn. Rules 1545.2850, 1545.2860
Defined, Minn. Rules 1545.2840
Rejection tags, duties, Minn. Rules 1545.2890
Lights and lighting, Minn. Rules 1545.2920
Maintenance and repair, equipment and utensils, Minn. Rules 1545.3060
Minnesota rejected
Defined, Minn. Rules 1545.2840
Tags and tagging, Minn. Rules 1545.2890
Notice received, permits, revocation, Minn. Rules 1545.2870
Odors, premises free from, Minn. Rules 1545.2900, 1545.2960
Correction orders, Minn. Rules 1545.2880
Permits, revocation, Minn. Rules 1545.2870
Packages and packaging, Minn. Rules 1545.3110
Parking facilities, objectionable conditions, Minn. Rules 1545.2900
Partitions, Minn. Rules 1545.2950
Generally, Minn. Rules 1545.2850
Reinstatement, Minn. Rules 1545.2870
Renewal, Minn. Rules 1545.2860
Revocation, Minn. Rules 1545.2870
Pesticides, use restrictions, Minn. Rules 1545.2970
Pests, exclusion, Minn. Rules 1545.2970
Plumbing, Minn. Rules 1545.2940
Dogs, cats, and pests, exclusion, Minn. Rules 1545.2970
Objectionable conditions, Minn. Rules 1545.2900
Processed products
Containers, Minn. Rules 1545.3030, 1545.3110
Products unfit for human food, removal and segregation, Minn. Rules 1545.3090
Products creating objectionable conditions, Minn. Rules 1545.3040
Right of entry, inspections, Minn. Rules 1545.2880
Rodenticides, use restrictions, Minn. Rules 1545.2970
Roofs, Minn. Rules 1545.2950
Buildings and structures, Minn. Rules 1545.2910
Compartments and rooms, Minn. Rules 1545.2960, 1545.2970
Correction orders, Minn. Rules 1545.2880
Equipment and utensils, Minn. Rules 1545.3060
Generally, Minn. Rules 1545.3000, 1545.3070
Hot water, Minn. Rules 1545.2990
Storage, Minn. Rules 1545.3070
Screens, insect prevention, Minn. Rules 1545.2970, 1545.3010
Service of process on
Correction orders, Minn. Rules 1545.2880
Permits, revocation, notice, Minn. Rules 1545.2870
Shellfish, see SHELLFISH
Smoking establishments, Minn. Rules 1545.3130 to 1545.3170
Soap, Minn. Rules 1545.3020, 1545.3050
Solid waste, objectionable conditions, Minn. Rules 1545.2900
Standards, water supply, Minn. Rules 1545.2980
Storage, sanitation, Minn. Rules 1545.3070
Streets and roads, objectionable conditions, Minn. Rules 1545.2900
Hot water, Minn. Rules 1545.2990
Processed products and ingredients, Minn. Rules 1545.3070
Toilets and toilet facilities, Minn. Rules 1545.3010
Towels, Minn. Rules 1545.3020
Ventilation, Minn. Rules 1545.2930, 1545.3010
Walls, Minn. Rules 1545.2950
Waste disposal, Minn. Rules 1545.2940
Water supply, Minn. Rules 1545.2980