Agricultural products, fish defined as, Minnesota food products logo, Minn. Rules 1550.2950
Aircraft, use, see Commercial operations under AIRCRAFT
Commercial fishing
Lake Superior, Minn. Rules 6260.1800
Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0600
Regulated invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0260
Amur sleeper, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Commercial fishing, angling licenses, Minn. Rules 6260.0200
Largemouth bass, experimental regulations, Minn. Rules 6264.0300
Tackle, Minn. Rules 6262.0100
Trout, Square Lake, Minn. Rules 6264.0400
Aquatic management areas, permitted activity, Minn. Rules 6270.0200
Boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0200 to 6266.0700
Rough fish, Minn. Rules 6262.0600, 6262.0700, 6262.0750
Bait, see BAIT
Bass, see BASS
Bighead carp, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Black carp, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Bluegills, Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0500
Boundary waters
Generally, Minn. Rules 6266.0100
Minnesota-Canada boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0700
Minnesota-Iowa boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0200
Minnesota-North Dakota boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0300
Minnesota-South Dakota boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0400
Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0500, 6266.0600
Walleye, length limits, Minn. Rules 6264.0300
Bowfin, boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0200 to 6266.0700
Bowfishing, see Archery under this topic
Bullheads, limits, Minn. Rules 6262.0600, 6262.0650
Canned tuna, see CANNED TUNA
Carcasses, see CARCASSES
Catching or harvesting, fish received by food and beverage service establishments, Minn. Rules 4626.0145
Charitable contributions of fish, fishing contests, Minn. Rules 6212.2600
Ciscoes, see CISCOES
Commercial fishing, see COMMERCIAL FISHING
Comminuted products, defined, Minn. Rules 4626.0020
Common carp, regulated invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0260
Consumption of fish, on docked watercraft or on the ice, Minn. Rules 6262.0100
Containers, denatured fish, Minn. Rules 1545.2060
Boat ramps, Minn. Rules 6212.2700
Boats, Minn. Rules 6212.2525, 6212.2700
Drawings or raffles, Minn. Rules 6212.2700
Equipment, Minn. Rules 6212.2525
Fish taken, charitable gifts of, Minn. Rules 6212.2600
Limits on fish possession, Minn. Rules 6212.2600
Parking restrictions, Minn. Rules 6212.2700
Permits, Minn. Rules 6212.2400, 6212.2525
Removal of debris, Minn. Rules 6212.2700
Reports about, Minn. Rules 6212.2800
Rules, Minn. Rules 6212.2400
Weigh-ins, restrictions, Minn. Rules 6212.2525
Crappies, seasons and limits
Boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0200 to 6266.0700
Conservation lakes, Minn. Rules 6262.0575
Experimental waters, restrictions, Minn. Rules 6264.0300
Inland waters, Minn. Rules 6262.0200
Restricted harvest lakes, Minn. Rules 6264.0400
Size limits, experimental waters, Minn. Rules 6264.0300
Special management waters, Minn. Rules 6264.0400
Bait, using crayfish for, Minn. Rules 6259.0200, 6259.0800
Disposal, dead crayfish, Minn. Rules 6259.0400
Harvesting, Eurasian water milfoil infested waters, restrictions, Minn. Rules 6216.0400
Importing, restrictions, Minn. Rules 6259.0600
Commercial use, Minn. Rules 6259.0900, 6259.1000
Importing, Minn. Rules 6259.0600
Importing, for aquarium sales, Minn. Rules 6259.0200, 6259.1000
Rusty crayfish, regulated invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0260
Sale, Minn. Rules 6259.0200, 6259.0800
Commercial use, Minn. Rules 6259.0900, 6259.1000
Generally, Minn. Rules 6259.0100
Licenses, personal use, Minn. Rules 6259.0800
Personal use, Minn. Rules 6259.0800
Transportation, prohibitions, Minn. Rules 6259.0500
Traps, tending, Minn. Rules 6259.0300
Violations and penalties, Minn. Rules 6259.0700
Crucian carp, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Culling, Minn. Rules 6262.0100
Dark houses, see DARK HOUSES
Fish processing establishments, Minn. Rules 1545.2840
Food code, Minn. Rules 4626.0020
Meat, fish, and poultry industry, Minn. Rules 1545.3130
Minnesota food products logo, Minn. Rules 1550.2950
"Minnesota grown" labeling statements, Minn. Rules 1556.0110
Denatured fish
Fish unfit for human food, Minn. Rules 1545.2050
Packing boxes and containers, Minn. Rules 1545.2060
Designated special management waters, restrictions, Minn. Rules 6264.0400
Designated waters, application of law, Minn. Rules 6264.0025
Diseases, viral hemorrhagic septicemia, susceptible areas, bait harvesting, Minn. Rules 6254.0600, 6262.0576, 6262.0577
Dressed fish
Defined, Minn. Rules 6262.3150
Patch of skin, retention, Minn. Rules 6262.3200
Dyeing, fish unfit for human food, Minn. Rules 1545.2050
Eastern mosquitofish, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Quarantine facilities, Minn. Rules 6287.0100 to 6287.0900
Spawn bags, Minn. Rules 6262.0100, 6262.0300
Endangered species, threatened species, and species of special concern, Minn. Rules 6134.0170, 6134.0200
Fishing contests, Minn. Rules 6212.2525
Harpooning equipment, Minn. Rules 6262.0600
South Dakota boundary waters, restrictions, Minn. Rules 6266.0400
Wisconsin boundary waters, commercial fishing, Minn. Rules 6266.0600
Eurasian minnow, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Eurasian water milfoil infested waters, restrictions, Minn. Rules 6216.0400
European perch, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Experimental waters
Possession of fish on, Minn. Rules 6262.0100
Seasons and limits, Minn. Rules 6264.0300
Federal injurious fish, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Defined, Minn. Rules 6262.3150
Number per fish, restrictions, Minn. Rules 6262.3200
Fish houses, see FISH HOUSES
Fish preserves, Minn. Rules 6264.0125
Fish processing establishments, Minn. Rules 1545.2840 to 1545.3120
Fish products, definitions
Fish processing establishments, Minn. Rules 1545.2840
Meat, fish, and poultry industry, Minn. Rules 1545.3130
Fish unfit for human food
Denatured fish, Minn. Rules 1545.2050
Minnesota condemned, defined, Minn. Rules 1545.2040
Food and beverage service establishments, see Fish under FOOD AND BEVERAGE SERVICE ESTABLISHMENTS
Foodborne disease prevention, food and beverage service establishments, Minn. Rules 4626.0030 to 4626.0050
Forest campgrounds, fish cleaning, Minn. Rules 6100.1500
Forest day use areas, fish cleaning, Minn. Rules 6100.1500
Gaffs, Minn. Rules 6266.0700
Game animals, exclusion, food code, Minn. Rules 4626.0020
Gefilte fish, defined as comminuted products, food code, Minn. Rules 4626.0020
Goldfish, regulated invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0260
Grass carp, prohibited as nonnative species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Guides, Lake Superior fishing guides
Licensing requirements, Minn. Rules 6262.3000
Record keeping requirements, Minn. Rules 6262.3050
Harpooning, rough fish, Minn. Rules 6262.0600, 6262.0700, 6262.0750
Hatcheries, aeration systems, see PUBLIC WATERS
Hooks, number, Minn. Rules 6262.0100
Hours, angling hours, generally, Minn. Rules 6262.0100
Identity and identification, fish unfit for human food, Minn. Rules 1545.2050
Importing, permit requirements, Minn. Rules 6262.0100
Inspections, Minn. Rules 1545.2840
Koi, regulated invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0260
Labels and labeling
Denatured fish, Minn. Rules 1545.2060
"Featuring" labeling statements, Minn. Rules 1556.0100 to 1556.0170
"Minnesota grown" labeling statements, see under FOOD
Lake improvement districts
Appropriateness of proposed purposes, Minn. Rules 6115.0960
Compliance with other laws, Minn. Rules 6115.0980
Preservation, purposes, Minn. Rules 6115.0950
Preventing degradation, Minn. Rules 6115.0940
Largescale silver carp, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Lawful possession from nonstate jurisdictions, documentation, Minn. Rules 6200.0200
Leech Lake Reservation, special restrictions, Minn. Rules 6262.0800
Licensed fish packers, packing and labeling, Minn. Rules 6262.3250
Restrictions on transportation and possession, Minn. Rules 6262.3200
Licensed fish packers, Minn. Rules 6262.3250
Lines, boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0200 to 6266.0700
Live well sorting, Minn. Rules 6262.0100
Madtoms, tadpole, Minn. Rules 6262.0575
Minnesota condemned, defined, fish processing establishments, Minn. Rules 1545.2840
Minnesota retained, defined, fish processing establishments, Minn. Rules 1545.2840
Mussels, see MUSSELS
Commercial fishing, Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0600
Dip nets, rough fish, Minn. Rules 6262.0600, 6262.0650
Gill nets
Boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0600
Marking, Minn. Rules 6262.3100
Whitefish and ciscoes, Minn. Rules 6262.0800, 6262.0850
Marking, Minn. Rules 6262.3100
Rough fish, Minn. Rules 6262.0600, 6262.0700
Commercial fishing, Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0600
Marking, Minn. Rules 6262.3100
Rough fish, Minn. Rules 6262.0600
Night bowfishing, see Archery under this topic
Nonnative species, regulated invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0260
Nonresidents, spearing from fish houses or dark houses, Minn. Rules 6262.0600
Northern snakehead fish, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Oriental weatherfish, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Packing of fish, boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0100
Permits, Minn. Rules 6262.0100
Possession of fish
Boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0100
Defined, Minn. Rules 6262.0500
Generally, Minn. Rules 6262.0100
Minnesota-South Dakota boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0400
Private fish hatcheries, regulation of operations, Minn. Rules 6250.0101
Processing establishments, Minn. Rules 1545.2840 to 1545.3120
Prussian carp, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Rainbow smelt, regulated invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0260
Limits, Minn. Rules 6262.0650
Seasons and limits
Boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0200 to 6266.0700
Inland waters, Minn. Rules 6262.0200
Regulated invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0260
Rehabilitation, wild animals, Minn. Rules 6244.0100 to 6244.2000
Restitution value, Minn. Rules 6133.0010 to 6133.0090
Restricted harvest lakes, Minn. Rules 6264.0400
Restricted waters, Minn. Rules 6262.0575
Roach, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Round goby, prohibited as nonnative species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Rudd, prohibited as nonnative species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Commercial fishing, Minnesota-Wisconsin boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0600
Prohibited as nonnative species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Sales, fish unfit for human food, sale for animal food, Minn. Rules 1545.2050
Sales and use taxes, exemptions, Minn. Rules 8130.4700
Scientific and natural areas, environmental protection, Minn. Rules 6136.0400
Sea lamprey, prohibited as nonnative species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Seasons and limits
Boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0200 to 6266.0700
Closed seasons, generally, Minn. Rules 6262.0100
Mille Lacs Lake, modification to accommodate harvest by Mille Lacs Band of Chippewa, Minn. Rules 6262.0575, 6264.0400
Restricted harvest lakes, Minn. Rules 6264.0400
Archery, boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0200 to 6266.0700
Seasons and limits, inland waters, Minn. Rules 6262.0200
Shellfish, see SHELLFISH
Shelters, boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0200 to 6266.0500, 6266.0700
Silver carp, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Smoked fish, defined, Minn. Rules 1545.3130
Smoking establishments, Minn. Rules 1545.3130 to 1545.3170
Spawning areas
Fill in public waters, permits, Minn. Rules 6115.0190 to 6115.0192
Structures, Minn. Rules 6115.0210 to 6115.0212
Spawning beds, Minn. Rules 6264.0125
Boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0200 to 6266.0700
Designated special management waters, restrictions, Minn. Rules 6264.0400
Minnesota-South Dakota boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0300, 6266.0400
Rough fish, Minn. Rules 6262.0600, 6262.0700, 6262.0750
Special fish management species
Tags, Minn. Rules 6262.1000
Transportation, Minn. Rules 6262.3200
Special management waters
Possession of fish on, Minn. Rules 6262.0100
Seasons and limits, Minn. Rules 6264.0400
State parks, restrictions, Minn. Rules 6100.1500
Stocking, live fish, permit requirements, Minn. Rules 6262.0100
Stone moroko, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Stonecats, Minn. Rules 6262.0575
Limits, Minn. Rules 6262.0650
Transportation, Minn. Rules 6262.0600
Tackle, Minn. Rules 6262.0100
Tadpole madtoms, Minn. Rules 6262.0575
Tags, special fish management species, Minn. Rules 6262.1000
Fish received by food and beverage service establishments, Minn. Rules 4626.0145
Restricted waters, Minn. Rules 6262.0575
Tench, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Tilapia, regulated invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0260
Toxicants, release, insurance, Minn. Rules 6212.2900, 6212.3000
Transportation of fish
Boundary waters, Minn. Rules 6266.0100
Bullheads, Minn. Rules 6262.0600
Definitions, Minn. Rules 6262.3150
Exemption from requirements, Minn. Rules 6262.3300
Labeling, Minn. Rules 6262.3250
Packing, Minn. Rules 6262.3200, 6262.3250
Permit requirements, Minn. Rules 6262.0100
Special fish management species, Minn. Rules 6262.3200
Statewide length limits, restrictions on transportation, Minn. Rules 6262.3200
Suckers, Minn. Rules 6262.0600
Wrapping, Minn. Rules 6262.3200
Traps, rough fish, Minn. Rules 6262.0600
Trout streams, see TROUT STREAMS
Tubenose goby, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Turtles, see TURTLES
Utility crossings, public waters
Construction methods, Minn. Rules 6135.1300
Right-of-way maintenance, Minn. Rules 6135.1500
Viral hemorrhagic septicemia, susceptible areas, bait harvesting, Minn. Rules 6254.0600, 6262.0576, 6262.0577
Walleye, see WALLEYE
Water appropriation and impoundments
Field investigations, Minn. Rules 6115.0790
Permits, review of data in applications, Minn. Rules 6115.0670
Water level controls, Minn. Rules 6115.0220, 6115.0222
Carcinogens in water, protection from, Minn. Rules 7050.0218, 7050.0219
Closed to fishing, lists, Minn. Rules 6262.0500
Crossing public waters, detriments, Minn. Rules 6115.0230 to 6115.0232
Ecology, excavation, Minn. Rules 6115.0200 to 6115.0202
Eutrophication, water quality standards, Minn. Rules 7050.0220
Fill, Minn. Rules 6115.0190 to 6115.0192
Structures, Minn. Rules 6115.0210 to 6115.0212
Water quality standards, Minn. Rules 7050.0140, 7050.0150, 7050.0218, 7050.0219, 7050.0222, 7050.0224
Wels catfish, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Western mosquitofish, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
White perch, prohibited as nonnative species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250
Wildlife management areas, generally, Minn. Rules 6230.0250
Winter kill, dredging, Minn. Rules 6115.0200 to 6115.0202
Zander, prohibited invasive species, Minn. Rules 6216.0250