Emergency telecommunications systems, Minn. Rules 7580.0100 to 7580.1100
Instructors, special transportation services, Minn. Rules 8840.6200
Jails, Minn. Rules 2911.1350, 2911.1500, 2911.6000
Municipal lockups, Minn. Rules 2945.5430
Special transportation services, drivers and attendants, education and training, Minn. Rules 8840.5910, 8840.6100, 8840.6250
Supervised living facilities, Minn. Rules 4665.4700
Swimming pools, first aid kits, Minn. Rules 4717.1450
Minnesota sexual psychopathic personality treatment center, staff training, Minn. Rules 9515.3070
Special transportation services attendants and drivers, Minn. Rules 8840.5910, 8840.6100, 8840.6250