Comparable worth, Minn. Rules 3920.0100 to 3920.1300
County feedlot pollution control officers
Defined, Minn. Rules 7020.0300
Duties, see County feedlot pollution control officers under ANIMAL FEEDLOTS
County highway engineers, see under COUNTY ENGINEERS
Animal feedlots, Minn. Rules 7020.0300
Government data practices, Minn. Rules 1205.0200
Driver's license agents, Minn. Rules 7404.0100 to 7404.0900
Human services merit system, Minn. Rules 9575.0010 to 9575.1580
Local forces, see under COUNTY STATE-AID HIGHWAYS
Local officials, gifts, lobbyists, Minn. Rules 4512.0010 to 4512.0600
Representation, state-aid highways and streets variance committee, Minn. Rules 8820.3400
Responsible authorities, see under GOVERNMENT DATA
Specific officers, see specific index headings