See specific index headings
Aboveground storage tanks, generally, Minn. Rules 7151.9200
Administrative law judges
Administrative notice, Minn. Rules 1400.8100
Assignment, Minn. Rules 1400.5400
Communications concerning case, Minn. Rules 1400.7700
Conduct of hearings, Minn. Rules 1400.7700, 1400.7800
Continuances, granting, Minn. Rules 1400.7500
Disqualification, Minn. Rules 1400.6400
Duties, generally, Minn. Rules 1400.5500
Ex parte communications, prohibited, Minn. Rules 1400.7700
Judicial notice, Minn. Rules 1400.7300
Motions, Minn. Rules 1400.5500
Prehearing conferences, Minn. Rules 1400.6500
Reports, Minn. Rules 1400.8100
Requests for, Minn. Rules 1400.5300
Withdrawal from participation, Minn. Rules 1400.6400
Adverse parties, Minn. Rules 1400.7300
Affidavits of prejudice, administrative law judge, disqualification, Minn. Rules 1400.6400
Affidavits of service, subpoenas, Minn. Rules 1400.7000
Attorney fees and expenses, Minn. Rules 1400.8401
Affirmations, administration, administrative law judge, duties, Minn. Rules 1400.5500
Agencies, participation, Minn. Rules 1400.7900
Amendment, notice and order for hearing, Minn. Rules 1400.5600
Failure to appear, default, Minn. Rules 1400.6000
Notice of appearance, Minn. Rules 1400.5600, 1400.5700
Application of law, relevant facts or opinions, requests, Minn. Rules 1400.6800
Attendance of witnesses, subpoenas, Minn. Rules 1400.7000
Attorney fees, itemization, Minn. Rules 1400.8401
Reports to, Minn. Rules 1400.5800
Right to, Minn. Rules 1400.5800
Right to counsel, Minn. Rules 1400.5600, 1400.7800
Burden of proof, Minn. Rules 1400.7300
Cameras, use during hearings, limitations, Minn. Rules 1400.8000
Code of judicial conduct, application of rules, Minn. Rules 1400.7700
Commencement, Minn. Rules 1400.5600
Commerce Department, see COMMERCE DEPARTMENT
Compromise and settlement
Attorney fees and expenses, Minn. Rules 1400.8401
Informal disposition of case, Minn. Rules 1400.5900
Prehearing conferences, Minn. Rules 1400.6500
Settlement conferences, Minn. Rules 1400.6550
Conferences, prehearing conferences, Minn. Rules 1400.6500
Consent orders, entry into record, Minn. Rules 1400.7800
Consolidation of cases, Minn. Rules 1400.6350
Failure to file notice of appearance, Minn. Rules 1400.5700
Following final argument, Minn. Rules 1400.7800
Granting or denying, Minn. Rules 1400.5500
Grounds, Minn. Rules 1400.7500
Default, Minn. Rules 1400.6000
Definitions, Minn. Rules 1400.5100
Digital signatures
Foreign licensed certification authorities, denial of presumptions, Minn. Rules 8275.0135
Licenses, suspension or revocation, Minn. Rules 8275.0080, 8275.0115
Depositions, Minn. Rules 1400.6900
Generally, Minn. Rules 1400.6700
Requests, Minn. Rules 1400.5500, 1400.6700
Subpoenas, Minn. Rules 1400.7000
Discrimination cases, sanctions, Minn. Rules 1400.7050
Dismissal of case, Minn. Rules 1400.5500
Disposition, informal disposition, Minn. Rules 1400.5900
Alternative documents, notice and order for hearing, Minn. Rules 1400.5600
Service and filing requirements, Minn. Rules 1400.5550
Electric utilities resource planning filings, Minn. Rules 7843.0300
Emergency procedures, Minn. Rules 1400.8400
Employment and Economic Development Department, blind persons rehabilitation services, Minn. Rules 3325.0478
Environmental protection, see ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION
Environmental Quality Board, see ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY BOARD
Cross-examination, Minn. Rules 1400.7800
Depositions, Minn. Rules 1400.6900
Documentary evidence, Minn. Rules 1400.7300
Hearing record, Minn. Rules 1400.7400
Mediation procedures, Minn. Rules 1400.5950
Nonparties, Minn. Rules 1400.7150
Participation by public, Minn. Rules 1400.6200
Prefiled testimony, permitting, Minn. Rules 1400.5500
Prehearing conferences, Minn. Rules 1400.6500
Requests for admissions (evidence), Minn. Rules 1400.6800
Rules of evidence, application, Minn. Rules 1400.7300
Subpoenas, Minn. Rules 1400.7000
Exhibits, participation by public, Minn. Rules 1400.6200
Extended employment programs, Minn. Rules 3300.6070
Failure to appear, default, Minn. Rules 1400.6000
Fees, subpoenas, Minn. Rules 1400.7000
Filing, notice of appearance
Intent to appear, Minn. Rules 1400.5700
Time, Minn. Rules 1400.5600
Final argument, Minn. Rules 1400.7800
Notice of appearance, Minn. Rules 1400.5700
Size, Minn. Rules 1400.5275
Gambling Control Board
Gambling manager license determinations, Minn. Rules 7861.0230
Licensing determinations, generally, Minn. Rules 7861.0220
Permit and license denials, Minn. Rules 7861.0210
Premises permits, Minn. Rules 7861.0240, 7865.0220
Unlawful expenditures, reimbursement, Minn. Rules 7865.0225
Hazardous waste facility permits, Minn. Rules 7001.0670
Health Department
Boarding care homes, waiver or variance, agency decisions, Minn. Rules 4655.1060
Nursing homes, Minn. Rules 4658.0025, 4658.0040
Commencement, Minn. Rules 1400.5600
Conduct, Minn. Rules 1400.7700, 1400.7800
Disruption, prohibited, Minn. Rules 1400.8000
Human Rights Department requests, Minn. Rules 1400.5600
Human Services Department, community action agencies, Minn. Rules 9571.0060, 9571.0090
Informal disposition
Consent orders, settlement, or stipulation, Minn. Rules 1400.5900
Discussion, names to contact, notice, Minn. Rules 1400.5600
Interlocutory orders, failure to comply, default, Minn. Rules 1400.6000
Intervenors, objections, Minn. Rules 1400.6200
Labor and Industry Department
Contested cases, Minn. Rules 5210.0595, 5210.0597
Workers' compensation managed care, Minn. Rules 5218.0100
Machine gun regulation, Minn. Rules 7500.5500
Mediation, Minn. Rules 1400.5950
Medical Practice Board, see MEDICAL PRACTICE BOARD
Metropolitan significance review, Minn. Rules 5800.0100, 5800.0110
Moot cases, Minn. Rules 1400.5500
Certification, Minn. Rules 1400.7600
Discovery motions, Minn. Rules 1400.6700
Reconsideration, Minn. Rules 1400.8300
Rehearing, Minn. Rules 1400.8300
Requirements, generally, Minn. Rules 1400.6600
Natural Resources Department
Aquatic plant management permits, Minn. Rules 6280.1100
Removal of swimming area marker buoys, Minn. Rules 6110.1600
Wild animal rehabilitation permits, review of decisions, Minn. Rules 6244.1500
Notice and order for hearing
Alternative documents, when permitted, Minn. Rules 1400.5600
Content, Minn. Rules 1400.5600
Intervention as party, time limits, Minn. Rules 1400.6200
Notice requirements, proposed hearing, Minn. Rules 1400.5300
Nursing Board, nursing education program approvals, Minn. Rules 6301.2360
Oaths, administration, administrative law judge, duties, Minn. Rules 1400.5500
Occupational safety and health, see Contested cases under OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH
Attorney fees and expenses, Minn. Rules 1400.8401
Cross-examination, Minn. Rules 1400.7300
Evidence, presentation, Minn. Rules 1400.7300
Nonparties, rights, generally, Minn. Rules 1400.7150
Right to attorney, Minn. Rules 1400.5600, 1400.5800
Rights, generally, Minn. Rules 1400.7100
State agencies, participation, Minn. Rules 1400.7900
Peace Officer Standards and Training Board, Minn. Rules 6700.0300, 6700.1000
Consolidation of cases, Minn. Rules 1400.6350
Intervention, Minn. Rules 1400.6200
Reconsideration, Minn. Rules 1400.8300
Rehearing, Minn. Rules 1400.8300
Severance of consolidated cases, Minn. Rules 1400.6350
Petroleum Tank Release Compensation Board, corrective action reimbursements, Minn. Rules 2890.4600
Pollution Control Agency
Confidential information, use, Minn. Rules 7000.1300
Consolidation, Minn. Rules 7000.1750
Criteria for holding, Minn. Rules 7000.1900
Generally, Minn. Rules 7000.2000
Parties, Minn. Rules 7000.1750
Permits, Minn. Rules 7001.0130
Generally, Minn. Rules 7000.1800
Granting, Minn. Rules 7000.1900
Stays, petition for, Minn. Rules 7000.2100
Procedures, generally, Minn. Rules 7000.1750
Remand to administrative law judge, Minn. Rules 7000.2200
Reopening, Minn. Rules 7000.2100, 7000.2200
Scope of hearing, Minn. Rules 7000.1900
Underground storage tank project certification, revocation or suspension, Minn. Rules 7105.0110
Preemption, limitations, emergency proceedings, Minn. Rules 1400.8400
Prehearing conferences, Minn. Rules 1400.6500
Private schools, funds, Minn. Rules 3540.0500
Public Safety Department
One call excavation notice system, response to notice, Minn. Rules 7560.0500
Public safety officers killed in the line of duty, claims disputes, Minn. Rules 7521.0200
Public Utilities Commission, practice and procedure, Minn. Rules 7829.0100 to 7829.3200
Radioactive waste disposal, exploratory borings, Minn. Rules 4410.7910
Rehearings, notice requirements, Minn. Rules 1400.8300
Review of decision, Medical Practice Board, Minn. Rules 5615.1300
Rules of Civil Procedure
Application, discovery procedure, Minn. Rules 1400.6700
Subpoenas, Minn. Rules 1400.7000
Sanitary districts, see Hearings under SANITARY DISTRICTS
School Administrators Board, licensure denials, Minn. Rules 3512.1600
Service of process
Final orders, Minn. Rules 1400.8200
General requirements, Minn. Rules 1400.5550
Notice and order for hearing, Minn. Rules 1400.5600
Notice of appearance, Minn. Rules 1400.5700
Order for consolidation of cases, Minn. Rules 1400.6350
Rehearings, Minn. Rules 1400.8300
Petitions, intervention as party, Minn. Rules 1400.6200
Subpoenas, Minn. Rules 1400.7000
Severance, Minn. Rules 1400.6350
Short-barreled shotguns regulation, decisions, Minn. Rules 7500.5500
Special operating permits
All-terrain vehicles, see ALL-TERRAIN VEHICLES
Off-highway motorcycles, see under MOTORCYCLES
Off-road vehicles, Minn. Rules 6102.0001 to 6102.0080
Statement of charges, demand for more definite statement, Minn. Rules 1400.5500
Informal disposition of case, Minn. Rules 1400.5900
Prehearing conferences, Minn. Rules 1400.6500
Subpoenas, requests for
Administrative law judges, duties, Minn. Rules 1400.5500
Requirements, generally, Minn. Rules 1400.7000
Summary disposition, generally, Minn. Rules 1400.5500
Tape recorders, use during hearings, limitations, Minn. Rules 1400.8000
Teaching Board, Minn. Rules 8710.0900, 8710.2100
Television cameras, use during hearings, limitations, Minn. Rules 1400.8000
Testimony, witnesses, prefiled testimony, Minn. Rules 1400.5500
Legal holidays, Minn. Rules 1400.6100
Mail and mailing, service, extra time, Minn. Rules 1400.6100
Mediation, procedures, Minn. Rules 1400.5950
Notice of appearance, Minn. Rules 1400.5700
Occupational safety and health, pleadings or documents, filing, Minn. Rules 5210.0554
Participation by public, Minn. Rules 1400.6200
Power plant siting and power line routing hearings, Minn. Rules 1405.0700
Production of documents, subpoenas, Minn. Rules 1400.7000
Proof of service, subpoenas, Minn. Rules 1400.7000
Publication, notice and order for hearing, Minn. Rules 1400.5600
Quash, motion, subpoenas, Minn. Rules 1400.7000
Representation by counsel, notice of right, Minn. Rules 1400.5600
Rulemaking procedure, generally, Minn. Rules 1400.2030
Saturdays, computation of time, Minn. Rules 1400.6100
Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 1400.5010
Severance after consolidation, Minn. Rules 1400.6350
Subdivided land, Minn. Rules 2810.0200
Subpoenas, Minn. Rules 1400.5500, 1400.7000
Sundays, computation of time, Minn. Rules 1400.6100
Workers' compensation litigation proceedings, Minn. Rules 1415.0700
Intervention in proceeding as party, Minn. Rules 1400.6200
Notice of appearance, filing, Minn. Rules 1400.5600
Petition for severance, consolidated cases, Minn. Rules 1400.6350
Proposed hearing, Minn. Rules 1400.5300
Service by mail, extra time, Minn. Rules 1400.6100
Sunset, definitions, aeronautics, Minn. Rules 8800.0100
Transcript of hearing record, Minn. Rules 1400.7400
Cross-examination, Minn. Rules 1400.7800
Administrative law judge, duties, Minn. Rules 1400.5500
Adverse parties, Minn. Rules 1400.7300
Nonparties, Minn. Rules 1400.7150
Participation by public, Minn. Rules 1400.6200
Generally, Minn. Rules 1400.7200
Impeachment, Minn. Rules 1400.7300
Lists, Minn. Rules 1400.6950
Prefiled testimony, Minn. Rules 1400.5500
Service of process on, subpoenas, Minn. Rules 1400.7000
Workers' compensation
Medical Services Review Board, Minn. Rules 5217.0800, 5217.1000
Rehabilitation Review Panel, Minn. Rules 5217.0800, 5217.1000