Consolidated conservation area lands, see under STATE LANDS
Electricity, see ELECTRICITY
Energy conservation, see ENERGY CONSERVATION
Energy supply emergencies, Minn. Rules 7620.0100 to 7620.0730
Gas, extended forecast assumption, documentation, Minn. Rules 7610.1010
Gas storage and pipelines, certificate of need applications, discussion, Minn. Rules 7851.0260
Improvement programs, see PUBLIC UTILITIES
Large oil facilities, certificate of need
Applications, Minn. Rules 7853.0260
Consideration of conservation programs, Minn. Rules 7853.0130
Local energy conservation boards, energy supply emergencies, counties and first class cities, Minn. Rules 7620.0230
Oil, see OIL
Resource recovery facilities, see RESOURCE RECOVERY FACILITIES
Sales and use taxes, nurseries, Minn. Rules 8130.8900
Scientific and natural areas, establishment, Minn. Rules 6136.0100
Soil and water conservation cost-sharing program, see Cost-sharing program under SOIL CONSERVATION
Soil loss control, see SOIL CONSERVATION
Solar energy, see SOLAR ENERGY
Wetland conservation, see WETLANDS