See also COKE
Air pollution, see AIR POLLUTION
Coal combustion and processing fly ash, solid waste, beneficial uses, Minn. Rules 7035.2860, 7035.2862
Coal combustion slag
Defined, Minn. Rules 7035.0300
Solid waste, beneficial uses, Minn. Rules 7035.2860
Coal preparation plants, performance standards, incorporation by reference, Minn. Rules 7011.1150
Direct heating equipment, Minn. Rules 7011.0600 to 7011.0620
Electricity, generating plants, quantity used and estimated quantity necessary, Minn. Rules 7610.0430
Environmental protection
Impact statements, mandatory categories, Minn. Rules 4410.4400
Review, exemptions, Minn. Rules 4410.4600
Fuel conversion facilities, Minn. Rules 7855.0010 to 7855.0370
Hoppers, sales and use taxes, exemption certificate, Minn. Rules 8130.3300
Pipelines, Minn. Rules 7855.0400 to 7855.0470
Water pollution handling agencies, dust suppressant agents, Minn. Rules 7011.1140
Wholesalers, workplace accident and injury reduction, Minn. Rules 5208.1500