Administration, International Building Code mandatory chapters, Minn. Rules 1305.0011
Agencies, cities defined as, trunk highway system, Minn. Rules 8810.8000
Agency agreements
Defined, Minn. Rules 8820.0200
Municipal state-aid streets, see Agreements under MUNICIPAL STATE-AID STREETS
Streets and roads, state aid, Minn. Rules 8820.0200
Agreements by
Agency agreements, Minn. Rules 8820.0200
Force account agreements, Minn. Rules 8820.0200
Municipal state-aid street fund, advances, Minn. Rules 8820.1500
Municipal state-aid streets, see Agreements under MUNICIPAL STATE-AID STREETS
Alcoholic beverages
Municipal liquor stores, see under ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGES
On-sale license applications, duties, Minn. Rules 7515.0430
Appointments by, election judge trainees, Minn. Rules 8240.1655
Assessors, generally, Minn. Rules 1950.1000 to 1950.1090
Clean water partnership program, Minn. Rules 7076.0100 to 7076.0290
Clean water revolving fund, Minn. Rules 7380.0400 to 7380.0480
Committees, see Screening committees under MUNICIPAL STATE-AID STREETS
Community action agencies, Minn. Rules 9571.0010 to 9571.0180
Comprehensive water plans, see LOCAL WATER MANAGEMENT
Consulting, transportation projects, Minn. Rules 8805.0400
Municipal state-aid streets, see Contracts under MUNICIPAL STATE-AID STREETS
State Building Code, enforcement and administration, Minn. Rules 1302.0850
Data, generally, see GOVERNMENT DATA
Ambulance services, Minn. Rules 4690.0100
Bottled water and water vending machines, Minn. Rules 1550.3200
Government data practices, Minn. Rules 1205.0200
Home care and hospice service, Minn. Rules 4664.0003
Limousine service, permits, Minn. Rules 8880.0100
Railroads, Minn. Rules 8830.0100
Rights-of-way, Minn. Rules 7819.0100
State-aid highways and streets, Minn. Rules 8820.0200
Transportation for elderly, disabled, Minn. Rules 8840.5100
Trunk highway system, Minn. Rules 8810.8000
Disaster boards, municipal state-aid streets, Minn. Rules 8820.0200, 8820.2100
Drinking water, see DRINKING WATER
Drinking water revolving fund, Minn. Rules 7380.0252 to 7380.0297
Driver's license agents, Minn. Rules 7404.0100 to 7404.0900
Election jurisdictions
Cities defined as, electronic voting systems, Minn. Rules 8220.0250
Electronic voting systems, see Election jurisdictions, duties under ELECTRONIC VOTING SYSTEMS
Energy conservation loans, see ENERGY CONSERVATION
First class cities
Ambulance services, Minn. Rules 4690.0100 to 4690.8300
Ambulance services, Minn. Rules 4690.0100
State-aid highways and streets, Minn. Rules 8820.0200
Local energy conservation boards, Minn. Rules 7620.0230
Force account agreements
Defined, Minn. Rules 8820.0200
Municipal state-aid streets, see Force account agreements under MUNICIPAL STATE-AID STREETS
Forms, railroads, crossing inventories, duties, Minn. Rules 8830.0300
Funds and accounts, advances from, municipal state-aid streets, funding, Minn. Rules 8820.1500, 8820.2900
Grants to
Environmental testing grants, Minn. Rules 9210.0200
Solid waste management facility capital assistance program, Minn. Rules 9210.0100 to 9210.0180
Home rule charter cities
Agricultural inspectors, Minn. Rules 1505.0751
State-aid highways and streets, Minn. Rules 8820.0200
Grain warehouses, Minn. Rules 1562.0100 to 1562.2200
Housing pool allocations, Minn. Rules 4900.3200 to 4900.3270
Housing programs
Economic development and housing challenge program, Minn. Rules 4900.3600 to 4900.3652
Housing trust fund program, Minn. Rules 4900.3700 to 4900.3769
Insurance, self-insurance pools, Minn. Rules 2785.0100 to 2785.1600
Inventories, see Inventories under RAILROAD CROSSINGS
Lawsuits, municipal state-aid streets, claims, Minn. Rules 8820.3300
Licenses, hospice services, Minn. Rules 4664.0008
Limousines, Minn. Rules 8880.1400
Loans by, rail user and rail carrier loan guarantee program, Minn. Rules 8830.6300 to 8830.6700
Local units of government
Cities defined as
Metropolitan watershed management, Minn. Rules 8410.0020
Tourism loans, Minn. Rules 4308.0020
Defined as, rights-of-way, Minn. Rules 7819.0100
Medical assistance, see MEDICAL ASSISTANCE
Metropolitan cities, defined, Minn. Rules 4300.0100
Metropolitan significance review, Minn. Rules 5800.0010 to 5800.0150
Model pipeline setback ordinance, Minn. Rules 7535.0500
Municipal state-aid street screening committees, see Screening committees under MUNICIPAL STATE-AID STREETS
Municipalities, cities defined as, agricultural inspectors, Minn. Rules 1505.0751
Railroad active warning devices, planning, Minn. Rules 8830.2125
Railroad crossings, establishment or relocation applications, Minn. Rules 8830.2700
Neighborhoods, established residential neighborhoods in a built up urban area, Minn. Rules 8800.2400
New housing mortgage revenue bonds, Minn. Rules 4900.3200 to 4900.3320
Notice given, municipal state-aid streets, bond funds, expenditures, Minn. Rules 8820.1500
Notice received
High voltage transmission lines, route permits, Minn. Rules 7850.2100, 7850.3300
Large electric power generating plants, site permits, Minn. Rules 7850.2100, 7850.3300
Large wind energy conversion systems, site permit applications, Minn. Rules 7854.0600
Municipal state-aid streets, Minn. Rules 8820.1200, 8820.3300
Natural preservation routes, designation, Minn. Rules 8820.4040
Petroleum contaminated soil treatment, Minn. Rules 7037.1200, 7037.1400, 7037.2600, 7037.2700
Railroad crossing maintenance, roadway closures, Minn. Rules 8830.2650
Trunk highway turnbacks, state-aid designation, Minn. Rules 8820.0800
Open burning, see OPEN BURNING
Automatic fire-safety sprinkler systems, Minn. Rules 1306.0070
Fire protection system permits, Minn. Rules 7512.2800
Outdoor recreation grants, Minn. Rules 4310.8105 to 4310.8160
Payments by
Mail balloting, costs, Minn. Rules 8210.3000
Municipal state-aid streets, Minn. Rules 8820.2100, 8820.3000
Railroad crossings, establishment or relocation costs, Minn. Rules 8830.2710
State Building Code, enforcement costs, Minn. Rules 1302.0950
Payments to, municipal state-aid streets, disaster account funds, Minn. Rules 8820.2100
Pesticide control, local implementation, see Control law, local implementation under PESTICIDES
Pipeline routing, see PIPES AND PIPELINES
Planning, see Plans and specifications under MUNICIPAL STATE-AID STREETS
Political subdivisions, cities defined as
Government data practices, Minn. Rules 1205.0200
Limousine service, permits, Minn. Rules 8880.0100
Posting (notices), voting precincts, boundary changes, Minn. Rules 8255.0030
Railroad crossings, see RAILROAD CROSSINGS
Records and record keeping, municipal state-aid streets, project identification, Minn. Rules 8820.2800
Regulatory authority, cities defined as, bottled water and water vending machines, Minn. Rules 1550.3200
Reports given, municipal state-aid streets
Disaster account funds, use, Minn. Rules 8820.2100
Expenditures, Minn. Rules 8820.1400
State-aid contracts, Minn. Rules 8820.1500
Reports received
Local weed inspectors, Minn. Rules 1505.0758
Municipal state-aid street funds, state-aid accounts, Minn. Rules 8820.1600
Responsible authorities, see under GOVERNMENT DATA
Review by, metropolitan watershed management, Minn. Rules 8410.0020
Rights-of-way, user standards, Minn. Rules 7819.0050 to 7819.9950
Road and bridge funds, deposits to
Excess properties, sale proceeds, Minn. Rules 8820.3100
Turnback funds, Minn. Rules 8820.2900
Screening committees, see under MUNICIPAL STATE-AID STREETS
Second class cities, ambulance services
Definitions, Minn. Rules 4690.0100
Primary service areas, Minn. Rules 4690.3400
Single-family mortgage revenue bond authority, Minn. Rules 4900.3200 to 4900.3270
Soil loss control, see SOIL CONSERVATION
State Building Code enforcement
Administration, Minn. Rules 1305.0011
Boards of appeals, Minn. Rules 1300.0230
Building safety departments, Minn. Rules 1300.0090
Fire sprinklers, ordinances, Minn. Rules 1306.0070
Statutory cities
Agricultural inspectors, Minn. Rules 1505.0751
State-aid highways and streets, Minn. Rules 8820.0200
Grain warehouses, Minn. Rules 1562.0100 to 1562.2200
Street and road departments
Administration by, municipal state-aid streets, Minn. Rules 8820.0400
Definitions, state-aid highways and streets, Minn. Rules 8820.0200
Establishment, Minn. Rules 8820.0400
Streets and roads
Definitions, state-aid highways and streets, Minn. Rules 8820.0200
Hardship conditions, Minn. Rules 8820.1800
Municipal state-aid streets, see MUNICIPAL STATE-AID STREETS
Non-state-aid streets and roads, state-aid funds, use procedures, Minn. Rules 8820.1800
State park access roads, funding, Minn. Rules 8820.2000
Street and road departments, Minn. Rules 8820.0200, 8820.0400
Subsurface sewage treatment systems, duties, ordinances, adoption, Minn. Rules 7082.0040
Units of government, cities defined as, home care and hospice service, Minn. Rules 4664.0003
Urban areas, definitions, railroads, Minn. Rules 8830.0100
Urban municipalities, definitions
State-aid highways and streets, Minn. Rules 8820.0200
Trunk highway system, Minn. Rules 8810.8000
Urban service area, defined, Minn. Rules 7819.5000
Wards (city government), redistricting, Minn. Rules 8255.0010 to 8255.0050
Wastewater treatment facilities, generally, see WASTEWATER TREATMENT FACILITIES
Wetlands, duties regarding, see Local governments under WETLANDS
Zoning authorities, animal feedlots, Minn. Rules 7020.0505, 7020.2000