Clean Indoor Air Act, see SMOKING
Definitions, clean indoor air, Minn. Rules 4620.0100
Deliveries, licensed warehouses, records, Minn. Rules 8120.1800
Licenses, Minn. Rules 8120.1500
Records and record keeping, Minn. Rules 8120.1900
Unstamped packages, shipping or transporting, Minn. Rules 8120.0300
Environmental tobacco smoke, defined, Minn. Rules 4620.0100
Forms, license applications, Minn. Rules 8120.1500
Inventories, accounting and bookkeeping, Minn. Rules 8120.1900
Licenses, applications, Minn. Rules 8120.1500
Purchases, invoices, Minn. Rules 8120.1900
Records and record keeping
Distributors' invoices and inventory, Minn. Rules 8120.1900
Licensed warehouses, Minn. Rules 8120.1800
Sales, invoices, Minn. Rules 8120.1900
Shipments, licensed warehouses, records, Minn. Rules 8120.1800
Smoking, see SMOKING
Subjobbers, licenses, Minn. Rules 8120.1500
Tax stamps, Minn. Rules 8120.0300 to 8120.1200, 8120.1900
Taxes, Minn. Rules 8120.0300 to 8120.5200