Accredited Minnesota assessor (AMA)
Continuing education, Minn. Rules 1950.1080
Generally, Minn. Rules 1950.1050
Unlicensed persons, use of designation, Minn. Rules 1950.1090
Certified Minnesota assessor (CMA)
Continuing education, Minn. Rules 1950.1080
Generally, Minn. Rules 1950.1030
Temporary license, Minn. Rules 1950.1035
Unlicensed persons, use of designation, Minn. Rules 1950.1090
City assessors
Defined, Minn. Rules 1950.1000
Licenses, see same under this topic
New hires, deadline for obtaining and upgrading, Minn. Rules 1950.1020
Unlicensed persons, employment prohibited, Minn. Rules 1950.1020
Conflicts of interest, outside activities, Minn. Rules 1950.1090
Contested cases, licenses, suspension, revocation, or denial, Minn. Rules 1950.1090
Continuing education
Definitions, Minn. Rules 1950.1000
Generally, Minn. Rules 1950.1080
County assessors, see COUNTY ASSESSORS
Definitions, licensing, Minn. Rules 1950.1000
Demonstration narrative appraisals, defined, Minn. Rules 1950.1000
Education and training
Continuing education, Minn. Rules 1950.1000, 1950.1080
Courses, listing, Minn. Rules 1950.1050
License reinstatement, Minn. Rules 1950.1020
Transcripts, Minn. Rules 1950.1080
Employees making exemption, classification, or valuation decisions, licenses, Minn. Rules 1950.1020
Fee appraisals, violations and penalties, Minn. Rules 1950.1090
Fees, license reinstatement, Minn. Rules 1950.1020
Form appraisals, defined, Minn. Rules 1950.1000
Incorporations by reference, license levels list, Minn. Rules 1950.1020
Investigations, licenses, suspension or revocation, Minn. Rules 1950.1090
Basic requirements, Minn. Rules 1950.1020
Criteria for licensing levels, Minn. Rules 1950.1020
Definitions, Minn. Rules 1950.1000
Fees, Minn. Rules 1950.1020 to 1950.1060
New hires, deadline for obtaining and upgrading, Minn. Rules 1950.1020
Reinstatement, Minn. Rules 1950.1020, 1950.1080, 1950.1090
Suspension, revocation, or denial, Minn. Rules 1950.1000, 1950.1090
Temporary licenses, Minn. Rules 1950.1035
Term, Minn. Rules 1950.1020
Unlicensed persons, employment prohibited, Minn. Rules 1950.1020
Local assessors
Defined, Minn. Rules 1950.1000
New hires, deadline for obtaining and upgrading, Minn. Rules 1950.1020
Requirements, generally, see Licenses under this topic
Unlicensed persons, employment prohibited, Minn. Rules 1950.1020
Notice given, floodproofing of buildings, nonconforming uses, discontinuance, Minn. Rules 1335.0300
Purpose of rules, Minn. Rules 1950.1010
Records and record keeping
Continuing education, Minn. Rules 1950.1080
License reinstatement, Minn. Rules 1950.1020
Senior accredited Minnesota assessor (SAMA)
Continuing education, Minn. Rules 1950.1080
Generally, Minn. Rules 1950.1060
Standards of practice, Minn. Rules 1950.1080
Unlicensed persons, use of designation, Minn. Rules 1950.1090
Specific assessing jurisdictions
Defined, Minn. Rules 1950.1000
Review of licensing levels, Minn. Rules 1950.1020
Violations and penalties, licenses, suspension, revocation, or denial, Minn. Rules 1950.1090