Abandonment, brand labels, Minn. Rules 7515.0840
Adoption of rules
Malt beverages, federal regulations, Minn. Rules 7515.1080
Wine, federal regulations, Minn. Rules 7515.1050
Adverse or pecuniary interest
Manufacturers or wholesale distributors, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Retail licenses, eligibility, Minn. Rules 7515.0410
Approval, Minn. Rules 7515.0770
Definitions, Minn. Rules 7515.0710
Generally, Minn. Rules 7515.0700 to 7515.0780
Mandatory statements, Minn. Rules 7515.0720, 7515.0730
Manufacturers, wholesalers, importers, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Prohibited statements, Minn. Rules 7515.0740 to 7515.0760
Scope of rules, Minn. Rules 7515.0700
Ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.1460, 7515.1470
Pharmacists purchases, Minn. Rules 7515.1310
Age, advertising, prohibited statements, Minn. Rules 7515.0750
Agents, identification cards, Minn. Rules 7515.0210
Alcoholic content, malt beverages, Minn. Rules 7515.1100
Amendments, wholesale price schedules, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Importers ascertainment of registration, Minn. Rules 7515.0850
Registration, Minn. Rules 7515.0820
Samples, Minn. Rules 7515.0960
Applications, permits, Minn. Rules 7515.1200
Advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0760
Brand labels, Minn. Rules 7515.0800, 7515.0830
Retail licenses, Minn. Rules 7515.0440
Transfer of permits, Minn. Rules 7515.1220
Armed forces, advertising, prohibited statements, Minn. Rules 7515.0740
Assignment of ownership, brand labels, Minn. Rules 7515.0810
Banks, advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0760
Barrels or kegs, malt beverages, alcoholic contents, labeling, Minn. Rules 7515.1110
Beer, see BEER
Biblical characters, advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0760
Bond, advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0750
Bonds (officers and fiduciaries)
Permit requirements, Minn. Rules 7515.0200
Retail on-sale applications, Minn. Rules 7515.0430
Bottle clubs, permits, Minn. Rules 7515.1200 to 7515.1230
Branch establishment, manufacturers and wholesaler distributors, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Brand advertisements, mandatory statements, Minn. Rules 7515.0720
Brand labels
Abandonment, Minn. Rules 7515.0840
Approval, Minn. Rules 7515.0800
Bulk containers, Minn. Rules 7515.0870
Change of ownership or contents, approval, Minn. Rules 7515.0830
Defined, Minn. Rules 7515.0100
Discrepancy, confiscation, Minn. Rules 7515.0960
Generally, Minn. Rules 7515.0800 to 7515.0870
Ownership, Minn. Rules 7515.0810
Registration, Minn. Rules 7515.0800 to 7515.0870
Breath test devices
Generally, Minn. Rules 7501.0100 to 7501.0900
Horse racing, Minn. Rules 7869.0100
Brewers, purchases from licensed brewers, Minn. Rules 7515.0520
Bulk containers, Minn. Rules 7515.0870
Business establishments, permits, Minn. Rules 7515.1220
Cancellation, permits, Minn. Rules 7515.1230
Labels, retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0540
License certificates, on-sale retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0430
Registration, municipal liquor stores, Minn. Rules 7515.0470
Change in distributorship, Minn. Rules 7515.0860
Change in location
Retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0450
Transfer of permits, Minn. Rules 7515.1220
Change in ownership or contents
Brand label, approval, Minn. Rules 7515.0830
Transfer of permits, Minn. Rules 7515.1220
Changing containers, on-sale retail dealers, Minn. Rules 7515.0560
Chemical analysis, registration, Minn. Rules 7515.0820
Child labor, Minn. Rules 5200.0910
Advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0760
Permits, regulation of establishments, Minn. Rules 7515.1220
Closing out brands, wholesale price schedules, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Club on-sale licenses, retailers, applications, Minn. Rules 7515.0440
Clubs, licenses, Minn. Rules 7515.0440
Colleges and universities, purchase alcohol permit, Minn. Rules 7515.0220
Common carriers
Miniature containers, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Permits, Minn. Rules 7515.0210, 7515.0940
Retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Brand labels, Minn. Rules 7515.0800, 7515.0960
Imports, Minn. Rules 7515.0950
Labeling violations, Minn. Rules 7515.0800, 7515.0960, 7515.1100, 7515.1110
Malt beverages, alcoholic contents, labeling, Minn. Rules 7515.1110
Pharmacists, Minn. Rules 7515.1300, 7515.1340
Retailers stock, certification labels, Minn. Rules 7515.0540
Unpaid taxes, Minn. Rules 7515.0950
Consignment, ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.1470
Consumption on premises, on-sale retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0560
Bulk containers, Minn. Rules 7515.0870
Defined, Minn. Rules 7515.0100
Federal regulations, Minn. Rules 7515.1010
Labels and labeling, see same under this topic
Limitations, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
On-sale retail dealers, Minn. Rules 7515.0560
Pharmacists, original containers, Minn. Rules 7515.1310
Sales to retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Wine, federal regulations, Minn. Rules 7515.1060
Controlled hunting zones, restrictions, Minn. Rules 6230.0500
Cooperative advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0740
Cordials and liqueurs, standards, Minn. Rules 7515.1030
Corporations, change, transfer of permits, Minn. Rules 7515.1220
Cosmetologists, services provided under the influence, Minn. Rules 2105.0510
Cosmetology schools, instructors or students, under the influence, Minn. Rules 2110.0430
Number of retail licenses, Minn. Rules 7515.0420
On-sale licenses, Minn. Rules 7515.0430, 7515.0440
Purchase alcohol permit, Minn. Rules 7515.0220
Coupons, advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0740
Deadline, filing of wholesale price schedules and amendments, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Disqualification for permits, Minn. Rules 7515.1210
Gifts, Minn. Rules 7515.0620
Retailers licenses, eligibility, Minn. Rules 7515.0410
Dealers, off-sale dealers, Minn. Rules 7515.0570
Advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0710
Generally, Minn. Rules 7515.0100
Delivery, limitations and prohibitions, Minn. Rules 7515.0300, 7515.0580
Dentists, purchasers of ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.1450
Dilution, containers, on-sale retail dealers, Minn. Rules 7515.0560
Diplomatic immunity, imports, Minn. Rules 7515.0910
Discontinuance of brand label, Minn. Rules 7515.0840
Discrimination against retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0300, 7515.0410
Discriminatory information to retailers, wholesale price schedules, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Advertising, prohibited statements, Minn. Rules 7515.0760
After hours, disqualification for permits, Minn. Rules 7515.1210
On-sale retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0560
Restrictions, Minn. Rules 7515.0760
Disposition of documents, retail license approval, Minn. Rules 7515.0440
Disqualification, permits, Minn. Rules 7515.1210
Distilled spirits, Minn. Rules 7515.0100 to 7515.1480
Distribution, wholesale price schedule, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Doctors alcohol permit, expiration date, Minn. Rules 7515.0220
Driving while intoxicated, see DRIVING WHILE IMPAIRED
Drugs and medicine, permits, Minn. Rules 7515.0200 to 7515.0220
Licensing retail sales, Minn. Rules 7515.0440
Municipal liquor stores, Minn. Rules 7515.0470
Eligibility requirements, retail liquor licenses, Minn. Rules 7515.0410
Estheticians, services provided under the influence, Minn. Rules 2105.0510
Ethyl alcohol
As beverage or medical supply, see ETHYL ALCOHOL
As fuel, see ETHANOL
Excise taxes
Diplomatic immunity, Minn. Rules 7515.0910
Ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.1400
Evasion, confiscation, Minn. Rules 7515.0950
Wholesale price schedules, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
False advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0740
Federal regulations
Containers, Minn. Rules 7515.1010
Malt beverages, Minn. Rules 7515.1080, 7515.1090
Wine, containers, Minn. Rules 7515.1060
Permit applications, Minn. Rules 7515.1200
Permits, Minn. Rules 7515.0200
Pharmacists permits, Minn. Rules 7515.1300
Registration, brand labels, Minn. Rules 7515.0820
Regulatory permits, Minn. Rules 7515.0210
Filing, wholesale price schedule and amendments, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Malt beverages, standards, Minn. Rules 7515.1120
Standards, Minn. Rules 7515.1040
Wine, standards, Minn. Rules 7515.1070
Financial responsibilities, retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0530
Fires, retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0640
Advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0740
Prohibited statements, Minn. Rules 7515.0760
Food manufacturers permit, expiration date, Minn. Rules 7515.0220
Forbidden deliveries, retail dealers, Minn. Rules 7515.0580
Foreign countries, diplomatic immunity, imports, Minn. Rules 7515.0910
Fraud, advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0740, 7515.0760
Gambling, advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0760
Advertising, prohibited statements, Minn. Rules 7515.0760
Discrimination against retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Prohibitions, Minn. Rules 7515.0620
Guarantees, advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0740, 7515.0760
Hospital permits, expiration date, Minn. Rules 7515.0220
Identification cards
Cancellation, Minn. Rules 7515.0460, 7515.0590
Generally, Minn. Rules 7515.0210
Liquidation of business, surrender, Minn. Rules 7515.0460
Pharmacists, purchase requirements, Minn. Rules 7515.1310
Retailers and municipal liquor stores
Cancellation, Minn. Rules 7515.0460, 7515.0590
Requirements, Minn. Rules 7515.0510
Malt beverages, federal regulations, Minn. Rules 7515.1080
Standards, Minn. Rules 7515.1000
Illustrations, advertising, children, Minn. Rules 7515.0760
Immunity, diplomatic immunity, imports, Minn. Rules 7515.0910
Importation, Minn. Rules 7515.1400, 7515.1410
Advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0300, 7515.0700 to 7515.0780
Analysis of product, Minn. Rules 7515.0960
Confiscation, Minn. Rules 7515.0950
Defined, Minn. Rules 7515.0100
Diplomatic immunity, Minn. Rules 7515.0910
Ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.1400, 7515.1410
Filing requirements, price lists, Minn. Rules 7515.0320
Licenses, Minn. Rules 7515.0900, 7515.0920
Sales to wholesalers and manufacturers, Minn. Rules 7515.0320
Transportation, restriction, Minn. Rules 7515.0940
Imports and exports
Ascertainment of registration, Minn. Rules 7515.0850
Brand labels, samples, Minn. Rules 7515.0800
Confiscation, Minn. Rules 7515.0950
Diplomatic immunity, Minn. Rules 7515.0910
Licenses, Minn. Rules 7515.0900, 7515.0920
Sacramental wine, Minn. Rules 7515.0900
Sales to wholesalers and manufacturers, Minn. Rules 7515.0320
Samples, Minn. Rules 7515.0800, 7515.0960
Transportation, Minn. Rules 7515.0940
Improved brands, wholesale price schedules, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Industrial, hazardous waste, Minn. Rules 7045.0125
Industrial purchasers, ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.1430
Inspections and inspectors, fires, retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0640
Liquidation of retail business, Minn. Rules 7515.0460
Transfer of dealers licenses or business, Minn. Rules 7515.0650
Pharmacists purchases, Minn. Rules 7515.1310
Sales to retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Irregularities in stocks, pharmacists, Minn. Rules 7515.1340
Kegs or barrels, alcoholic content, labeling, Minn. Rules 7515.1110
Labels and labeling
Analysis, imports, Minn. Rules 7515.0960
Brand label registration, Minn. Rules 7515.0800 to 7515.0870
Certification labels, retailers, duties, Minn. Rules 7515.0540
Malt beverages, Minn. Rules 7515.1080, 7515.1100
Standards, Minn. Rules 7515.1000
Laboratories, research, purchase alcohol permit, Minn. Rules 7515.0220
Leases, retail licenses, eligibility, Minn. Rules 7515.0410
License certificates, retail on-sale licensees, Minn. Rules 7515.0430
Licensees, defined, Minn. Rules 7515.0100
Application forms, Minn. Rules 7515.0200
Ethanol production facility loans, applications, Minn. Rules 1654.0030
Fees, Minn. Rules 7515.0200
Importers, Minn. Rules 7515.0900, 7515.0920
Imports and exports, Minn. Rules 7515.0900, 7515.0920
Manufacturers, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Municipal liquor stores, retail licenses, Minn. Rules 7515.0400
Permits, ethanol production facility loans, applications, Minn. Rules 1654.0030
Permits for business license, manufacturers, wholesaler distributors and brewers, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Retail licenses
Applications, Minn. Rules 7515.0430, 7515.0440
Certification, Minn. Rules 7515.0430, 7515.0440, 7515.0500
Eligibility, Minn. Rules 7515.0410
Generally, Minn. Rules 7515.0400, 7515.0500
Numbers granted, limitation, Minn. Rules 7515.0420
Off-sale licenses, Minn. Rules 7515.0400 to 7515.0420, 7515.0440
On-sale licenses, Minn. Rules 7515.0400 to 7515.0440
Transfers, Minn. Rules 7515.0650
Wholesalers, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Limits to importation, ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.1410
Line advertisements, mandatory statements, Minn. Rules 7515.0720
Liqueurs, Minn. Rules 7515.1030
Liquidating business
Pharmacists, Minn. Rules 7515.1360
Retailers, reports, Minn. Rules 7515.0460
Liquor taxes, see LIQUOR TAXES
Location change
Retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0450
Transfer of permits, Minn. Rules 7515.1220
Mail and mailing
Advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0780
Solicitation by retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0600
Malt beverages, see MALT BEVERAGES
Mandatory statements
Advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0720
Lettering and conspicuousness, Minn. Rules 7515.0730
Advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0300, 7515.0700 to 7515.0780
Branch establishments, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Ethyl alcohol, affidavit required for sale, Minn. Rules 7515.1460
Gifts to retailers, prohibited, Minn. Rules 7515.0620
Licenses, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Permit holders report, ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.1480
Permits, see Permits under this topic
Pharmacists purchases, licensed dealers, Minn. Rules 7515.1310
Prohibited transactions with retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Purchases from licensed manufacturers, Minn. Rules 7515.0520
Sales by, see Wholesale under this topic
Sales to importers, Minn. Rules 7515.0320
Sales to retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Transportation, Minn. Rules 7515.0940
Medical service and treatment, advertising, prohibited statements, Minn. Rules 7515.0740, 7515.0760
Military units, retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Minnesota Zoo, Minn. Rules 9900.2800
Mixed cases, wholesale price schedules, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Motorcycle road guards, alcohol use, Minn. Rules 7422.0600
Municipal liquor stores
Establishment, Minn. Rules 7515.0500
Federal wholesale liquor dealers tax stamp, Minn. Rules 7515.0600
Filing requirements, Minn. Rules 7515.0470
Generally, see Retailers under this topic
Inventory, Minn. Rules 7515.0470
Licenses, retail licenses, Minn. Rules 7515.0400
Retail licenses, Minn. Rules 7515.0400
Sales restrictions, Minn. Rules 7515.0590
Number of retail licenses, Minn. Rules 7515.0420
Purchase alcohol permit, Minn. Rules 7515.0220
Sale or delivery, prohibitions, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Nail technicians, services provided under the influence, Minn. Rules 2105.0510
Name of commodity, advertising, mandatory statements, Minn. Rules 7515.0720
Nonindustrial purchasers, ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.1440
Number, retail liquor licenses, Minn. Rules 7515.0420
Obscenity, advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0740, 7515.0760
Off-sale dealers
Delivery, Minn. Rules 7515.0580
Applications, Minn. Rules 7515.0440
Eligibility, Minn. Rules 7515.0410
Generally, Minn. Rules 7515.0400
Number granted, limitation, Minn. Rules 7515.0420
Renewal, Minn. Rules 7515.0440
Requirements, generally, Minn. Rules 7515.0570
Retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0570
Off-sale retailers, licenses, applications, Minn. Rules 7515.0440
Offers for sale, importers, Minn. Rules 7515.0320
On-sale dealers
Applications, Minn. Rules 7515.0430, 7515.0440
Certification, Minn. Rules 7515.0440
Eligibility, Minn. Rules 7515.0410
Generally, Minn. Rules 7515.0400
Number granted, limitation, Minn. Rules 7515.0420
Requirements, generally, Minn. Rules 7515.0560
Retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0560
Open stock deliveries, retail dealers, Minn. Rules 7515.0580
Original containers, pharmacists purchases, Minn. Rules 7515.1310
Brand labels, Minn. Rules 7515.0810
Change, transfer of permits, Minn. Rules 7515.1220
Peddling, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Percentage of neutral spirits, advertising, mandatory statements, Minn. Rules 7515.0720
Permit holders report, ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.1480
Application forms, Minn. Rules 7515.0200, 7515.1200
Applications, Minn. Rules 7515.1200
Cancellation, Minn. Rules 7515.1230
Consumption and display set up permits, Minn. Rules 7515.1200 to 7515.1230
Ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.0210, 7515.0220, 7515.1300 to 7515.1360
Expiration dates, Minn. Rules 7515.0220
Fees, Minn. Rules 7515.0200 to 7515.0210
Generally, Minn. Rules 7515.0210, 7515.1200 to 7515.1230
Generally, Minn. Rules 7515.1300
Purchase requirements, Minn. Rules 7515.1310
Revocation of permit, Minn. Rules 7515.1340
Regulation of establishments, Minn. Rules 7515.1220
Regulatory permits, fees, Minn. Rules 7515.0210
Requirements, Minn. Rules 7515.0210
Transfers, Minn. Rules 7515.0210
Vehicle permits, Minn. Rules 7515.0210
Violations, revocation of authority to engage in purchase, sale, or use, Minn. Rules 7515.0210
Identification cards, Minn. Rules 7515.0210
Irregularities in stocks, Minn. Rules 7515.1340
Liquidating businesses, Minn. Rules 7515.1360
Permits, Minn. Rules 7515.0220, 7515.1300
Purchase requirements, Minn. Rules 7515.1310
Records, Minn. Rules 7515.1330
Physicians, purchases of ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.1450
Place of business, defined, Minn. Rules 7515.0100
Advertising, malt beverages, Minn. Rules 7515.0760
Below cost, wholesaler schedules, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Importers, sales for wholesalers and manufacturers, Minn. Rules 7515.0320
Schedules, wholesale price schedules and amendments, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Wholesale price schedules, ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.1480
Privileges and immunities, diplomatic immunity, imports, Minn. Rules 7515.0910
Prizes, advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0740
Prohibited statements, advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0740 to 7515.0760
Proof, containers, on-sale retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0560
Public officers and employees, advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0760
Public water access sites, Minn. Rules 6218.0100
Advertising, approval, Minn. Rules 7515.0770
Wholesale price schedule, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Purchase alcohol permit, research, expiration dates, Minn. Rules 7515.0220
Quantities, containers, on-sale retail dealers, Minn. Rules 7515.0560
Quantity discounts, wholesale price schedule, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Raffle prizes, Minn. Rules 7861.0310
Rebates, advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0740
Records and record keeping
Pharmacists, Minn. Rules 7515.1330
Retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0550
Retention, retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0540
Refusal to deliver liquor, retail dealers, Minn. Rules 7515.0580
Registration, brand labels, Minn. Rules 7515.0800, 7515.0820
Renewal of licenses, retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0440
Reports about, Minn. Rules 7515.1480
Representatives, identification cards, Minn. Rules 7515.0210
Ethyl alcohol, imports, Minn. Rules 7515.1400
Prohibited, Minn. Rules 7515.0590
Retail dealers or municipal liquor stores, Minn. Rules 7515.0590
Responsible advertiser, mandatory statements, Minn. Rules 7515.0720
Generally, Minn. Rules 7515.0300, 7515.0700 to 7515.0780
Mandatory statements, Minn. Rules 7515.0720
Certification labels, duties, Minn. Rules 7515.0540
Change of location, Minn. Rules 7515.0450
Commissioners approval, Minn. Rules 7515.0440
Crimes, gifts, Minn. Rules 7515.0620
Delivery, Minn. Rules 7515.0580
Disasters, Minn. Rules 7515.0640
Discrimination, prohibited, Minn. Rules 7515.0410
Display, restrictions, Minn. Rules 7515.0760
Eligibility for license, Minn. Rules 7515.0410
Federal wholesale liquor dealers tax stamp, Minn. Rules 7515.0610
Financial responsibilities, Minn. Rules 7515.0530
Fires or other damage, Minn. Rules 7515.0640
Gifts, Minn. Rules 7515.0620
Identification cards
Liquidation of business, Minn. Rules 7515.0460
Permits and fees, Minn. Rules 7515.0210
Requirements, Minn. Rules 7515.0510
In-store promotions, restrictions, Minn. Rules 7515.0760
Inspections, Minn. Rules 7515.0640
Licenses, see same under this topic
Liquidation of business, Minn. Rules 7515.0460, 7515.0650
Location, change, Minn. Rules 7515.0450
Municipal liquor stores, Minn. Rules 7515.0400
Number of licenses, Minn. Rules 7515.0420
Off-sale dealers, Minn. Rules 7515.0570
On-sale applications, Minn. Rules 7515.0430
On-sale dealers, see same under this topic
Permits, see same under this topic
Prohibited transactions, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Purchases, see Wholesale under this topic
Records, retention requirements, Minn. Rules 7515.0550
Refusal to sell liquor, Minn. Rules 7515.0590
Sales, restrictions, Minn. Rules 7515.0590
Solicitation, Minn. Rules 7515.0600
Storage, Minn. Rules 7515.0620, 7515.0630
Transfer of license or business, Minn. Rules 7515.0650
Revocation of permits, pharmacists, Minn. Rules 7515.1340
Sacramental wine, importation, Minn. Rules 7515.0900
Driver's license agent office, location, ineligibility, Minn. Rules 7404.0400
Limitations, Minn. Rules 7515.1400 to 7515.1480
Retailers, see same under this topic
Wholesale, see same under this topic
WIC vendors, disqualification, Minn. Rules 4617.0084
Sales and use taxes
Exemptions, Minn. Rules 8130.5500
Food products, classification, Minn. Rules 8130.4700
Salesperson, identification cards, Minn. Rules 7515.0210
Analysis, Minn. Rules 7515.0960
Brand label registration, exemption, Minn. Rules 7515.0800
Imports, brand labels, Minn. Rules 7515.0800
Sanatorium permit, expiration date, Minn. Rules 7515.0220
Schedules of prices
Ethyl alcohol, wholesale price schedules, Minn. Rules 7515.1480
Wholesale price schedules, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Scientific and natural areas, Minn. Rules 6136.0550
Screening breath test devices, Minn. Rules 7501.0100 to 7501.0900
Advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0740
Prohibited statements, Minn. Rules 7515.0760
Grounds, Minn. Rules 7515.0560
Label discrepancy, Minn. Rules 7515.0960
Shipment, Minn. Rules 7515.1470
Shipments to retailers, wholesale price schedules, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Solicitation, retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0600
Standards, federal regulations, conformity, Minn. Rules 7515.1000 to 7515.1120
State agencies, purchase alcohol permit, Minn. Rules 7515.0220
Bottle clubs, Minn. Rules 7515.1220
Business establishment, permits, Minn. Rules 7515.1220
Ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.1470
Retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0630
Taverns and saloons, see TAVERNS AND SALOONS
Tax changes, wholesale price schedules, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Tax evasion, confiscation, Minn. Rules 7515.0950
Tax stamps, federal tax stamps
Disqualifications for permit, Minn. Rules 7515.1210
Pharmacists, Minn. Rules 7515.1300
Wholesale liquor dealers, Minn. Rules 7515.0610
Telephones and telegrams, solicitation by retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0600
Tickets, retail delivery, Minn. Rules 7515.0580
Transfer of business license
Manufacturers, wholesalers or brewers, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0650
Transfer of permits, Minn. Rules 7515.0210, 7515.1220
Transportation, Minn. Rules 7515.0940
U. S. internal revenue bonded warehouse, import license, exemption, Minn. Rules 7515.0920
Uniform code, advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0700
Vehicle permits, Minn. Rules 7515.0210
Veterinarians, purchases of ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.1450
Villages, number of retail licenses, Minn. Rules 7515.0420
Vintage, wine, advertising, Minn. Rules 7515.0750
Violations and penalties
Driver's license examinations, knowledge tests, Minn. Rules 7410.4500 to 7410.4780
Federal wholesale liquor dealer's stamp, possession, cancellation of identification card, Minn. Rules 7515.0590
Identification card violations, revocation of authority to engage in purchase, sale, or use, Minn. Rules 7515.0210
Permit violations, Minn. Rules 7515.0210, 7515.1230
Sales violations, sales to unlicensed retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Discrimination, prohibited, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Identification cards, Minn. Rules 7515.0210
Importers, Minn. Rules 7515.0320
Invoices, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Peddling, forbidden, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Pricing information, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Quantity discounts, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Restrictions, Minn. Rules 7515.0300, 7515.0520
Sales, Minn. Rules 7515.0320
Shipments, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Wholesale liquor dealers, Minn. Rules 7515.0100 to 7515.0780
Wholesale price schedules
Ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.1480
Filing, Minn. Rules 7515.0310
Ethyl alcohol, affidavit required for sale, Minn. Rules 7515.1460
Permit holders report, ethyl alcohol, Minn. Rules 7515.1480
Pharmacists purchases, licensed dealers, Minn. Rules 7515.1310
Purchases from licensed wholesalers, Minn. Rules 7515.0520
Sales to retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0300
Sales to wholesalers, Minn. Rules 7515.0320
Tax stamps, Minn. Rules 7515.0610
Transportation, Minn. Rules 7515.0940
Wildlife management areas, Minn. Rules 6230.0250
Wine, see WINE
Withdrawal from retailers, Minn. Rules 7515.0300